#Drumpf’s puppet
MAGA Mke Johnson is a threat to democracy.
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republikkkanorcs · 12 days
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inthereownwerds · 2 months
putin’s puppet
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takashi0 · 4 years
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suddenrundown · 3 years
i want to finish this fic and get a job and not necessarily in that order
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malenipshadows · 4 years
+ The House of Representatives voted 412-12 on Wednesday (3-17-2021) to award the Congressional Gold Medal to U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department officers who protected lawmakers when a mob breached the U.S. Capitol Building more than two months ago. + A dozen Republicans voted not to award the medal to law enforcement officers who protected the Capitol from the rioters. That's two more votes than the 10 GOP members who voted to impeach Tr*mp for urging supporters to "stop the steal" of the 2020 president election and disrupt a joint session of Congress to certify President Joe Biden's victory. ... + The 12 votes against the resolution were Louie Gohmert, Michael Cloud and Lance Gooden of Texas; Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde of Georgia; Matt Gaetz and Greg Steube of Florida; Andy Biggs of Arizona; Thomas Massie of Kentucky; Andy Harris of Maryland; Bob Good of Virginia; and John Rose of Tennessee. + The vote demonstrates how the framing of the attack on the Capitol is still a political flashpoint for lawmakers, despite the risks law enforcement took that day to protect Congress.  Three police officers died following the attack.
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gmotd · 5 years
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House of Memes (gmotd.tumblr.com) 2020-03-09
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  I’m no expert in body language, but it sure looks like ManChildTrump is coming back from a visit to the woodshed.
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reaperlight · 7 years
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lostbetweenthepages · 7 years
At its core there are no beliefs, only a series of empty gestures at a false decency without a hint of grace
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sheownzonemod-blog · 4 years
Pelosi DEMOLISHES Trump with devastating nickname.
Damn, I wish I could deliver an insult with the same devastating cleverness Pelosi did when she called Putin’s Puppet “Mr. Make Matters Worse” for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Got to be real, up until I heard this, I thought there might be something deeply wrong with our country’s complete inability to act, but leave it to a real queen to point out how this is all Drumpf’s fault. Systemic inequality is solved, bby.  (Source link: https://thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/509073-pelosi-calls-trump-mr-make-matters-worse)
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inthereownwerds · 12 days
Here’s the whole debate. Chester spiraled and yelled the rest of the night after she brought up crowd size. He always came back to the same 3-4 tired manufactured lies. And he projected his own wrong doings all night long. Sad for the old orange guy.
And note he couldn’t say he wants Ukraine to win, and he kept ball washing his puppet master.
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roastmoon · 8 years
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the world is a vampire
I don’t really do “political” work but properly went for it in this. But it was fun 
(watercolours & pens as usual)
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(Filed under “dealing with things kinda flippantly so you don’t cry/scream,” tbh)
“Yeah, I know, we should’ve let you rule us when we had the chance.”
“I said nothing.”
“You’re good at saying nothing REALLY loudly.”
“You must admit, I am vastly more qualified than this band of incompetents–not to mention considerably more dignified. And at least I recognize that you humans are destroying your own planet.”
“There is definitely that, yeah.”
“…you have a worse sad-puppy face than Thor. Do not despair, Captain; no regime can last forever.”
See the whole series at http://archiveofourown.org/works/3204995)
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malenipshadows · 3 years
+ Miller will tell the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday (5-12-23021) that he was concerned before the insurrection that sending troops to the building could fan fears of a military coup and cause a repeat of the deadly Kent State shootings, according to a copy of prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press. + His testimony, in the latest in a series of congressional hearings centered on the riot, is aimed at rebutting broad criticism that military forces were too slow to arrive, even as pro-Tr*mp rioters violently breached the building and stormed inside. + Miller will be joined by former acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who is also testifying for the first time about the Justice Department's role in the run-up to the riot.Miller will say he was determined that the military have only limited involvement, a perspective he says was shaped by criticism of the aggressive
response to the civil unrest that roiled American cities months earlier, as well as decades-old episodes that ended in violence. + The Defense Department has “an extremely poor record in supporting domestic law enforcement," including during civil rights and Vietnam War protests in the 1960s and 1970s and the fatal shooting 51 years ago of four students at Kent State University by Ohio National Guard members, Miller says in his prepared remarks. “I was committed to avoiding repeating these scenarios," he says. + Miller also denies that former pres-ident Donald Tr*mp, criticized for failing to forcefully condemn the rioters, had any involvement in the Defense Department's response. + Miller will be the most senior Pentagon official to participate in hearings on the riots. The sessions so far have featured finger-pointing about missed intelligence, poor preparations and an inadequate law enforcement response.  The Capitol Police have faced criticism for being badly overmatched, the FBI for failing to share with sufficient urgency intelligence suggesting a possible “war” at the Capitol, and the Defense Department for an hourslong delay in getting support to the complex despite the violent, deadly chaos unfolding on TV.
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