#Drumpf sycophants
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republikkkanorcs · 12 days
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Apparently, NBC has hired Ronna McDaniel as a political consultant and her “colleagues” feel some kind of way about it. For those of you who don’t know, Ronna McDaniel was the RNC chair during Trump’s run in the Oval Office, and reigned over it as he tried to basically bamboozle the country into a dictatorship which failed, spectacularly, violently, on January 6th, 2020. This woman was right there, encouraging the fake electorate plot but offering logistics, political cover, and legal aid. There are depositions about this this sh*t. She’s called the people she is not working for and with, the enemy. Fake News. Radical Left Communists. Perverts. Part of the Swamp. Everything Trump has said about the left in the time she was in charge of the RNC and he was in political office, McDaniel signed off on. His words were her words. She was such a sycophant for Drumpf, ma changed her name because her he hated her uncle. For the record, Ronna McDaniel’s given name is Ronna Romney McDaniel. For years, she worked in the political field as Romney. She abandoned her maiden name, the one with all of the political cache tied to it, in order to suck at the teat of a would-be authoritarian, and the president of NBC thought it was a good idea to platform this slime ball in the “fairness” of political discourse. Bro, am I living in bizarre world right now?
I read a piece about some executive say NBC saying that you can’t get a fair view of the issues in an echo, insinuating that having so many of their news people leaning left has skewed the way they present news. Adding McDaniel to the mix was supposed to fix that but really? You already have Conservatives on your payroll, Joe Scarborough immediately comes to mind. He was a f*cking Republican House Representative FOR FLORIDA, back in the late Nineties and Early Aughts. You can’t get much more Conservative than that. The problem here is that the Right has moved away from tempered, reasonable, educated, people they send to office, people like Scarbourough. Don’t misunderstand me, Joe and I will probably disagree on a lot of fundamental political issues, he’s still technically a Conservative and I genuinely believe that sh*t holds out growth as a society back, but at least there’s room for discourse. We can debate each other. We can exchange ideas and come to some sort of agreement. Joe, and his ilk, would listen. Ronna and her band of despotic ass wipes, won’t. I mean, you see that in their own Party as we speak. The Republicans have pass no legislation, other than to oust Speaker after Speaker. They’re f*cking eating each other live on TV and no one on the right seems to care and NBC thought it would be wise to bring in ca principal architect, a direct enabler of such chaos in out government, in order to represent “The Right.” Bro, no. Never
You can’t both sides this sh*t. You can’t give what is effectively the propaganda and bankroll arm of a would-be fascist state, air time. There are no reasonable Republicans anymore. The RNC is just another extension of the Trump Regime and their gearing up to take another shot at Democracy. Ronna McDaniel had a direct hand in guiding those sights. Literally, up until she was officially ousted from her role as the RNC chair, she espoused that the 2020 election was stolen, which is a lie. That claim failed in every court it was brought in to. Fox News was sued, and settled for hundreds of millions of dollars, because there was enough evidence to prove their claim of voter machine tampering was a lie. Ronna perpetuated these falsehoods, in her capacity as arguably the second or third most powerful Republican on the planet, up until the very day she wasn’t, and then after securing that NBC bag, got on television to tell everyone she didn’t believe anything she said for the past six years or whatever. That she as just towing the line, following the Republican current. If that’s the case, then you can be bought. Your integrity has a price. You’re not to be trusted as journalist, but as a media mercenary but one without your main weapon because you’re not the RNC chair anymore. Your Strong Man got you fired so he could install his daughter-in-law. You changed your name for this man and he returned your loyalty by taking your career away from you.
Ronna was painted as the failure of every election a Trump candidate lost, since 2020. It as her poor leadership which lead to seats being lost at every level of Government, at every Special Election across the country. It has nothing to do with the Republican cause basically shifting toward one of straight up White Nationalism. It had nothing to do with every Republican rallying behind Trump, was pushing this xenophobic, misogynistic, message to any voter that would listen. It had nothing to do with all of these ridiculous f*ckers touting their support of Roe getting repealed and the perceived necessity for a nationwide abortion ban. No, these GOP candidates lost, over and over again, because Ronna was bad at her job. According to Trump. And she was sacrificed so that her once beloved orange demagogue would save face, instead of being held accountability with which he infects the entire party. Cast aside and left to the wolves, Ronna did what was best for her, and appealed to the enemy she’d been attacking for half a decade. And they responded in kind, bad faith be damned.
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smokeybrand · 6 months
Apparently, NBC has hired Ronna McDaniel as a political consultant and her “colleagues” feel some kind of way about it. For those of you who don’t know, Ronna McDaniel was the RNC chair during Trump’s run in the Oval Office, and reigned over it as he tried to basically bamboozle the country into a dictatorship which failed, spectacularly, violently, on January 6th, 2020. This woman was right there, encouraging the fake electorate plot but offering logistics, political cover, and legal aid. There are depositions about this this sh*t. She’s called the people she is not working for and with, the enemy. Fake News. Radical Left Communists. Perverts. Part of the Swamp. Everything Trump has said about the left in the time she was in charge of the RNC and he was in political office, McDaniel signed off on. His words were her words. She was such a sycophant for Drumpf, ma changed her name because her he hated her uncle. For the record, Ronna McDaniel’s given name is Ronna Romney McDaniel. For years, she worked in the political field as Romney. She abandoned her maiden name, the one with all of the political cache tied to it, in order to suck at the teat of a would-be authoritarian, and the president of NBC thought it was a good idea to platform this slime ball in the “fairness” of political discourse. Bro, am I living in bizarre world right now?
I read a piece about some executive say NBC saying that you can’t get a fair view of the issues in an echo, insinuating that having so many of their news people leaning left has skewed the way they present news. Adding McDaniel to the mix was supposed to fix that but really? You already have Conservatives on your payroll, Joe Scarborough immediately comes to mind. He was a f*cking Republican House Representative FOR FLORIDA, back in the late Nineties and Early Aughts. You can’t get much more Conservative than that. The problem here is that the Right has moved away from tempered, reasonable, educated, people they send to office, people like Scarbourough. Don’t misunderstand me, Joe and I will probably disagree on a lot of fundamental political issues, he’s still technically a Conservative and I genuinely believe that sh*t holds out growth as a society back, but at least there’s room for discourse. We can debate each other. We can exchange ideas and come to some sort of agreement. Joe, and his ilk, would listen. Ronna and her band of despotic ass wipes, won’t. I mean, you see that in their own Party as we speak. The Republicans have pass no legislation, other than to oust Speaker after Speaker. They’re f*cking eating each other live on TV and no one on the right seems to care and NBC thought it would be wise to bring in ca principal architect, a direct enabler of such chaos in out government, in order to represent “The Right.” Bro, no. Never
You can’t both sides this sh*t. You can’t give what is effectively the propaganda and bankroll arm of a would-be fascist state, air time. There are no reasonable Republicans anymore. The RNC is just another extension of the Trump Regime and their gearing up to take another shot at Democracy. Ronna McDaniel had a direct hand in guiding those sights. Literally, up until she was officially ousted from her role as the RNC chair, she espoused that the 2020 election was stolen, which is a lie. That claim failed in every court it was brought in to. Fox News was sued, and settled for hundreds of millions of dollars, because there was enough evidence to prove their claim of voter machine tampering was a lie. Ronna perpetuated these falsehoods, in her capacity as arguably the second or third most powerful Republican on the planet, up until the very day she wasn’t, and then after securing that NBC bag, got on television to tell everyone she didn’t believe anything she said for the past six years or whatever. That she as just towing the line, following the Republican current. If that’s the case, then you can be bought. Your integrity has a price. You’re not to be trusted as journalist, but as a media mercenary but one without your main weapon because you’re not the RNC chair anymore. Your Strong Man got you fired so he could install his daughter-in-law. You changed your name for this man and he returned your loyalty by taking your career away from you.
Ronna was painted as the failure of every election a Trump candidate lost, since 2020. It as her poor leadership which lead to seats being lost at every level of Government, at every Special Election across the country. It has nothing to do with the Republican cause basically shifting toward one of straight up White Nationalism. It had nothing to do with every Republican rallying behind Trump, was pushing this xenophobic, misogynistic, message to any voter that would listen. It had nothing to do with all of these ridiculous f*ckers touting their support of Roe getting repealed and the perceived necessity for a nationwide abortion ban. No, these GOP candidates lost, over and over again, because Ronna was bad at her job. According to Trump. And she was sacrificed so that her once beloved orange demagogue would save face, instead of being held accountability with which he infects the entire party. Cast aside and left to the wolves, Ronna did what was best for her, and appealed to the enemy she’d been attacking for half a decade. And they responded in kind, bad faith be damned.
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malenipshadows · 4 years
+ The House of Representatives voted 412-12 on Wednesday (3-17-2021) to award the Congressional Gold Medal to U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department officers who protected lawmakers when a mob breached the U.S. Capitol Building more than two months ago. + A dozen Republicans voted not to award the medal to law enforcement officers who protected the Capitol from the rioters. That's two more votes than the 10 GOP members who voted to impeach Tr*mp for urging supporters to "stop the steal" of the 2020 president election and disrupt a joint session of Congress to certify President Joe Biden's victory. ... + The 12 votes against the resolution were Louie Gohmert, Michael Cloud and Lance Gooden of Texas; Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde of Georgia; Matt Gaetz and Greg Steube of Florida; Andy Biggs of Arizona; Thomas Massie of Kentucky; Andy Harris of Maryland; Bob Good of Virginia; and John Rose of Tennessee. + The vote demonstrates how the framing of the attack on the Capitol is still a political flashpoint for lawmakers, despite the risks law enforcement took that day to protect Congress.  Three police officers died following the attack.
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inthereownwerds · 3 years
Remember his circle jerk cabinet meetings? So gross. And his infrastructure weeks? Lol. Maybe within a year after he lost the election.
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imrananwar · 4 years
Where The Heck Is Hope Hicks? - IMRAN™
  Where The Heck Is Hope Hicks? - IMRAN™ Unless Trump somehow got Hope Hicks pregnant and has sent her into hiding, am I somehow missing any mention of her in the news? It was almost a month ago that she tested positive for... something. And since then, no news of her recovering, working from quarantine, being in a coma, or pregnant with orange demon sperm. Wishing all the traitor-enabling sycophants ill does not mean wishing them dead. But it would be interesting to see if someone that close to Dr. Death Drumpf croaked from the 'hoax' virus that was going from 15 cases to zero as he claimed in February. Now the MilkMan Pence is going to take the fall as the head of the coronavirus task force has 5 people in his circle test positive with the disease. What pre-existing condition would Trump accuse Hope Hicks of having... treasonitis? Sycophancilitis? Syphillis?
© 2020 IMRAN™
#Trump #MAGA2020 #TraitorTrump #HopeHicks #COVID19 #commentary #IMHO
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
Buying Republican Compliance Is Harder Than It Used To Be
all kinds of cool jewelry and no shipping or getting mobbed t the mall
It’s very easy to become myopic and lose yourself in the moment while existing in the digital pressure cooker. With the constant atmosphere of toxicity on social media, there are always controversies and fallouts that will suck you in. There is a new protest conflict, or some witch hunt, or some movement drama, or another thing that will get you enraged and cause you to waste your precious time on a daily basis. It is easy in this atmosphere to become exhausted and allow your enemies to gaslight you into feeling dejected when you should really be feeling optimistic.
While the alt-right has experienced turmoil resulting in a strategic shift and less of a public presence in 2017-18, its influence still can be felt throughout the country. The successes of 2016 continue to cascade throughout the political zeitgeist. ANTIFA is now attacking conservative Christians and hapless Proud Boys at events without any alt-right foes to kick around, which is sending many normies down the slippery slope from libertarian conservatism to race-conscious identitarianism. An enjoyable whitepill comes from the comments section of Reason Magazine where the big money can no longer grease over growing tensions.
Libertarians, as usual, are at each other’s throats, but it’s a little different this time. A clear majority of the readers have identified Trump as delivering on many key areas including sovereignty, taxes, regulation, immigration, and foreign policy. They are willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on other issues, not missing the forest for the trees. Other libertarian voices (ie. the bugmen who only want the state to legitimize their dope habit or their kid-fuck habit) have been forced to show their true leftist colors in opposing Drumpf and all he stands for. To do otherwise, after all, is the equivalent of being a real-life Nazi sympathizer or collaborator. The alt-right has drawn a line in the sand forcing libertarians to make a choice outside of the bounds of their dogmatic beliefs. It certainly drives libertarians insane that the alt-right is driving every conversation within what’s left of their listless movement.
Look and laugh as the feminist editors of Reason Magazine get BTFO’d by ordinary readers, who outnumber the sycophants roughly 10-to-1. It’s impossible to even keep together a functioning libertard echo chamber these days.
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Even basic right-wingers see Trump achieving results, and lip service from leather jacket-clad wannabes and measly ivory tower whiners no longer suffice. The reader consternation begs the following questions though: How come Reason is able to make these posts that are clearly offending the majority of its readership? How can it stay afloat with a business model of angering its own demographic? It is because Reason Magazine, which claims to uphold the so-called ‘free market,’ is not a market-based entity at all. It is bankrolled by oligarchs pushing the usual agenda of globalism, crony trade deals, open borders and corporatism.
The infamous Koch Brothers, who have been put on blast for supporting Democratic politicians by President Trump, bankroll Reason and much of the pro-‘free market’ right-wing. The Kochs had a bigger problem with Ron Paul than they did the neoconservatives. Their idea of a libertarian standard bearer is cosmopolitan pro-buttsex former Massachusetts Governor William Weld. If it seems like Reason is trending sharply to the left, it is not just you. This is a deliberate leftward shift of all Koch-affiliated organs. Because Trump colonized the political right by giving the people the leader they have yearned for, the Kochs can no longer wave the GOP flag with pride. The supposed libertarian Koch Brothers were happy to be partisan right for the last three decades, but that is no longer acceptable with Trump in charge. What does that tell you about their priorities?
Although the Kochs were very successful in co-opting the tea party – a movement that was not as explicitly pro-America as Trumpism – into espousing doctrinaire establishment views on economics, they aren’t able to do so with the Trumpists because Trump doesn’t care about the think-tank consensus. He doesn’t rely on CATO or Heritage to do his thinking for him like Paul Ryan tends to do. Trump wants what is best for Americans. He is a pragmatist, and a slavish devotion to the “free market” and a bunch of goofy esoteric principles doesn’t prevent him from winning. Whereas most GOP hacks undergo a soul-draining myriad of grassroots trainings from the Leadership Institute and similarly worthless organizations to indoctrinate them into the program, Trump was busy rocking boardrooms and grabbing pussies during the days of his youth. By his early 30s, he was already a tycoon and a burgeoning national star – not the soy-pumped, paper-pushing dweeb that the Kochs love as an underling.
Besides, Trump’s knowledge of the markets is far superior to what the swamp gives to us. This is not because he is some kind of an economic genius, but it is because he shoots from the hip and isn’t controlled by masters. The “free market” thinktanks of Washington D.C. conveniently omit information about massive tariffs that are applied to goods coming out of America. They understand these facts, but are not allowed to share them because to do so would not comply with their orders. These propaganda writers do not care about how American manufacturers are punished by globalist trade deals because the men who sign their paychecks are cronies who benefit from the status quo in trade. Some shabbily-made trinkets from a third-world shithole crafted by exploited child slaves along with a handful of some mind-numbing pills are meant to replace the fulfillment of hard-work, a family, a job, a functioning community, a wholesome culture, and everything else that has been raped from us through globalism. That’s Koch-brand libertarianism in a nutshell.
Reason Magazine is even failing to uphold their basic free market economic talking points because they are so desperate to oppose Trump. The Americans for Prosperity, an organization that sucked up tea party resources throughout that era with little to show for it, now refuse to support Republican legislators who can actually win against Democrats. Top Reason editors dox little boys who make silly social media jokes while CATO affiliates organize leftist mobs to harass anarcho-capitalist authors so they can’t put food on their family’s plate. We truly owe Trump a great debt of gratitude. It is because of his rise that these frauds were forced to show their own colors which in turn dumped rocket fuel on the white nationalist movement. So many poor souls would be still caught in their web who have now been liberated to the truth about race and culture, rather than cherry-picked economic facts mixed with corporate propaganda.
The Koch brothers and all who receive their blood money are co-conspirators in the planned takedown of America underway right now. All of this disgusting behavior – #MeToo, the Big Brother crackdown on social media, demonizing anyone to the right of John McCain as a Nazi, the lionization of ANTIFA communists, the normalization of terrorism against white men, the neo-McCarthyist hysteria regarding Russia, turning three-year-old children into transgender faggots, and so on – was going to happen regardless of who won in 2016. If Hillary Clinton was elected, the misery would be inflicted upon us by a transpartisan consensus with numerous public-private partnerships backing it. Because we made history, Trumpism has forced the system to expose itself as artificial, unpopular and rotten to its core. It has also shown there isn’t a dollar’s worth of difference between a degenerate Soros-funded communist lowlife of the Left and a dope-pushing Kochsucking pedo-creep of the Right. Both will likely be well-represented at the day of the rope.
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poetryriot · 8 years
Aequalitas (A Poem by Reza Ghahremanzadeh)
America, America,
We must protect your dream,
It could soon become a nightmare
With Donald’s ghastly team.
His ego whispered in his ear,
Let’s go obtain more power,
It’s easy to deceive the folks
That live outside your tower.
Months and months of heartless tweets,
Endless rants and raves,
Poor Dr. King and Susan B,
They’re turning in their graves!
His sycophants defended him,
We love that he’s direct!
No matter what he says or does,
We’ll give him our respect!
Despite his clear incompetence,
Despite his heinous quotes,
He got the title that he craved,
He got more EC votes.
Sexist men, a Clinton loss,
I think I see a link,
Lady Liberty gets their vote,
She doesn’t talk or think.
When journalists take Drumpf to task,
He quickly calls it “fake”,
What happened on November 8th
Was such a big mistake!
The outcome of this weird election
Has led to sleepless nights,
But now is not the time to quit,
We must defend our rights!
Don’t let his overflowing swamp
Drain your mind and soul,
Fight for goodness, fight for hope,
Let that be your goal.
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hrexach · 7 years
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No Conscience In This Cabinet! It's gone beyond conscience!! These people are a corrupt as Drumpf is ... there's no ethics, no dignity, no values, no morals ... they are puppets, robots, sycophants! A sad day in America! 😪
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MAGA Mke Johnson is a threat to democracy.
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bloghrexach · 7 years
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No Conscience In This Cabinet! It's gone beyond conscience!! These people are a corrupt as Drumpf is ... there's no ethics, no dignity, no values, no morals ... they are puppets, robots, sycophants! A sad day in America! 😪
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malenipshadows · 3 years
+ “Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar,” Ms. Cheney said. “I will not participate in that. I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former pres-ident’s crusade to undermine our democracy.” + Her defiant exit — and unmistakable jab at the House Republican leaders working to oust her — illustrates Ms. Cheney’s determination to continue her blunt condemnation of Mr. Tr*mp and her party’s role in spreading the false election claims that inspired the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. + On the precipice of the vote to remove her on Wednesday (5-12-2021), she has embraced her downfall rather than fight it, offering herself as a cautionary
tale in what she is portraying as a battle for the soul of the Republican Party. + Emphasizing that framing, Ms. Cheney wore a replica pin of George Washington’s battle flag on Tuesday night as she spoke on the House floor.  “I think Liz understands it’s not worth selling your soul for No. 3 in the minority,” said Barbara Comstock, a former Republican congresswoman from Virginia and a friend of Ms. Cheney’s. “She’s just not going to do that.” + Ms. Cheney’s remorseless last stand — and the chilly reception it received from House Republicans, who cleared from the chamber as she began her remarks — also highlighted how Republican leaders, even in their eagerness to rebuild their party after the riot and Mr. Tr*mp’s stormy departure from the White House, have tethered themselves to his election lies as a matter of survival.
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malenipshadows · 4 years
+ Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), for example, is overseeing the proceedings, while also serving as a "juror."  He's also, incidentally, a witness to the crime. In fact, in this case, each of the jurors are witnesses, which in a normal trial would never be permissible. + And because the usual rules and procedures of an American trial do not apply to the Senate's impeachment proceedings, it stands to reason that there will be dramatic differences in how senators approach their responsibilities. But by any sensible measure, it's tough to defend tactics like these. + [Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz] were seen going into a meeting with Tr*mp's lawyers after the trial wrapped for the day.
"We were discussing their strategy for tomorrow and we were sharing our thoughts in terms of where the argument was and where it should go," Cruz, who's said he'll vote to acquit the former president, told reporters afterward. + [Defense attorney David] Schoen said they discussed "procedure."  Clearly, procedural considerations were not the sole focus. Not only did Cruz concede that the GOP senators offered ideas about what the defense attorneys should say, but members of Team Trump publicly thanked the Republicans for their recommendations. + Or put another way, using the loose terms applied to the impeachment process, this is a trial in which three jurors huddled in private with defense attorneys, offering guidance on how best to persuade other jurors. + There's no reason to believe anyone involved will face any sanctions as a result of this, but don't be too quick to dismiss the private chat as unimportant. For one thing, David Schoen seems a little too eager to have it both ways. He's repeatedly suggested, for example, that an impeachment trial should be seen as an actual trial -- with due process in the House, literal criminal charges, etc. -- only to turn around and have private, in-person communications with a trio of jurors. + For another, it's no small matter that Graham, Lee, and Cruz apparently thought such a meeting was necessary. If Donald Tr*mp's acquittal were inevitable, and the House impeachment managers' presentation changed nothing, why bother directing the former president's defense attorneys?
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malenipshadows · 4 years
+ New York federal prosecutors investigating Rudy Giuliani's activities in Ukraine raised the prospect of seeking a search warrant late last year for the lawyer's communications but were met with resistance from Justice Department officials in Washington over the strength of their evidence, people familiar with the discussions said. + Justice Department officials in Washington said a search warrant would be an extraordinary step to take against a lawyer -- who is also a key adviser to a president -- in an investigation into the possible violation of foreign lobbying laws. + The matter remains open, and any decision rests with the Biden administration.
+ The issue got the attention of officials as high as Jeffrey Rosen, deputy attorney general, who along with other officials at Justice headquarters and the US attorney's office in Manhattan decided not to make a final decision, these people say, in part because there would soon be a change in the administration.  But the issue was sensitive enough that Rosen issued a December 30 memorandum adding new hurdles for prosecutors to consult with the Justice Department's criminal division in Washington and with the deputy attorney general before seeking a warrant to search the offices of a lawyer. +  The decision of how and whether to proceed with the investigation into Giuliani, who is Tr*mp's personal attorney, will be an early test for the Biden Justice Department.  Judge Merrick Garland, the nominee for attorney general, is awaiting a Senate hearing, and it's unclear whether the interim leaders of the department would want to approve an extraordinary step in a high-profile investigation before he takes the reins.
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malenipshadows · 4 years
+ Rudy Giuliani on Monday acknowledged Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president.  The statement came hours after Dominion Voting Systems sued Giuliani for $1.3 billion. + Giuliani spent months peddling conspiracy theories about the company's role in the 2020 election. + Dominion's lawsuit is the latest legal minefield for Giuliani, who is also under federal criminal investigation by the Manhattan US attorney's office over whether he violated foreign-lobbying laws. + Earlier this month, a New York state senator referred Giuliani for disbarment over his unsubstantiated and far-fetched claims of election malfeasance. + Among other things, the former mayor, who is also Tr*mp's personal defense attorney, suggested after the November election that Dominion and another voting-tech company, Smartmatic, supposedly colluded to switch votes from Tr*mp to Biden in battleground states.
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