#Drought Resistance
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multisnapshott · 7 days ago
How Cactus Plants Survive with Little to No Water
Here’s an image of a cactus in a desert, illustrating its water-storing stem, spines, and waxy cuticle. Cacti are some of the most remarkable plants on Earth, thriving in extreme desert environments where water is scarce. Their ability to survive with little to no water is due to a combination of unique adaptations that have evolved over time. Let’s explore the key strategies cacti use to…
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farmerstrend · 2 months ago
Insights from 20 Years of Grassland Research by Jena Experiment: How Biodiversity Transforms Soil and Agriculture
“Discover how the Jena Experiment proves that plant diversity boosts soil health, increases carbon sequestration, and enhances drought resistance in farming systems.” “Explore how complex plant communities outperform monocultures by creating resilient, sustainable ecosystems that improve carbon storage, pest control, and drought tolerance.” Two decades ago, researchers started an experiment that…
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the-force-awakens · 1 year ago
I think something that no one talks about is how Poe leans more towards being an anti-hero than just plain hero. He's willing to do the "wrong" things for the right reasons, ex: willing the kill bad people to save the innocent, basically willing to do the dirty work that no one wants to talk or think about. and I think it should be talked about more. Your post was just *chefs kiss*, the way you understood Poe is so refreshing compared to what I see him reduced to in canon
Poe definitely is willing to make the tough calls, including being willing to kill bad people to save innocent people (or destroy a planet to save countless others), but I wouldn't necessarily sort him into the antihero trope myself, more the "good is not nice" trope.
Because for as much as Poe is willing to shoot the bad guys, or blow up a planet if it means saving the galaxy, he's usually the first person to lower his blaster or offer someone a second chance. The biggest source of conflict between himself and Zorii in Free Fall is the fact that Poe can't fit into this life of shades of grey, and that's a trait that does follow him to the Resistance. He can lie (badly) for them, he can steal ships, be labeled a criminal if it's done for the right reasons/for the Resistance but at the same time, he also......really can't wrap his head around and seems uncomfortable at times with Suralinda's way of manipulating or recontextualizing the truth for propaganda purposes (which i wish had...been better explored in the comics it's Fine, but like I wanna know more about Poe "can't lie" Dameron and Suralinda "i'm here to tell a good story" Javos. I WANT TO KNOW MORE LUCASFILM), even if Suralinda is doing those things for the Resistance, so they can gain more support.
There's also this quote of Rian Johnson's, that I really love, and that I feel like sums up Poe the best for me:
“Oscar is like a reincarnation of my favorite old movie stars; he has that old school magnetism paired with insane acting chops. Poe is a straight-up, good-guy hero, and although he gets put through the wringer in this film, because of Oscar you never lose faith that he’s going to come out the other end all the better for it.” [from this post]
I'm having trouble wording/it's kind of hard for me to explain, but like. I view Poe as someone who is, like Rian describes him, as a good-guy hero, who usually cannot quite stop the instinct to do the heroic thing, and how that can make him quite reckless (I do believe Oscar actually described Poe during the TFA Press Tour as "recklessly heroic" sir I'm sorry i ever doubted you about Poe being reckless, I thoroughly learned my lesson #13 Poe issues and a knife to Poe's hand later) - but I think also that doesn't mean that Poe needs to look like the hero, and I think TLJ proves that? He does what he believes is the best for the Resistance, and seizes control of the Raddus. It's a last resort, of course, and I don't think he necessarily cares about what people might think of him for it* - he's a commander, he makes the hard calls all the time, and regardless of his own desire to be a hero, I don't think Poe necessarily wants to be praised as one. He's just gonna do the right, most heroic thing at any given moment, and doesn't care what people say. I mean...we kind of get the impression he's used to being seen a certain way, y'know? Poe doesn't seem surprised in the least when Holdo berates him, he just has this look of "oh this banthashit again I thought I'd heard the last of it", y'know?
*y'know except for leia. because he definitely makes a face when she says that thing about holdo in the transport. anyway moving on because this got completely. the train jumped the track here. adhd moment.
As much as he is willing to do some hard things for the Resistance, I feel like Poe would. not last a day in the Rebellion - the Rebellion is just gray. You have to be, fighting something like the Empire, they're quick and dirty and. manipulative and liars and assassins, and Poe...wouldn't have the heart for that, I think. So I do believe there would be a line, in what Poe would even be willing to do for the Resistance.
That said, I do wish canon/fanon would be more willing to explore....any of his. nuance. that everyone seems very allergic to acknowledging, and I'd especially be interested in seeing more of Poe's - I'm a dw nerd sorry I'm just gonna call it this every time - "oncoming storm" side because it's so much fun. There's some other facets of his character I'd love to see explored in more detail, but that one especially. It would honestly be a dream, I think, if Alex Segura got to write for him again, but perhaps this time in the Resistance era, because I think that man would have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with writing a good spy adventure.
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minniiaa · 1 year ago
“i just fucked your bitch in some gucci flip flops”
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rottackk · 1 year ago
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Mother of Thousands Starter Sprouts on Sale Now!
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dionysianmystery · 2 years ago
Accidentally turned the Aloe Vera plant I saved from my college into a Super Aloe Vera
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bigmeatpete69420 · 2 years ago
Hi tumbley tumblrs
On a walk and this person just has the absolute most beautiful front garden I have ever seen
Not my plants I wish they were may ask them if I fan propagate a few
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It's is simply magnificent and I am in awe everytime I pass by
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cjjulian · 1 year ago
I peek into my garden
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nnnnobodyy · 1 year ago
Actually opposite of the sterile seeds concern, there are issues with GM crops crosspollinating nearby fields (like with promiscuous crops like corn that blow their pollen everywhere), and now a nearby farmer who was using whatever normal or heirloom corn seeds ends up growing a crop thats cross pollinated with a GM strain. To make matters worse they now cant re-seed using seeds from their own crops because their seeds now contain Evil Company's patentented corn gene. This is an issue of both the capitalistic abuse of genetic modification but also a matter of scientific concern regarding the potential ramifications of GM genes flowing into wild plant populations. Its hard to foresee what problems this could cause, but just because we cant easily foresee any, doesnt mean we shouldnt proceed cautiously with GM crops. Do not come at me about how we have been "modifying crops for generations" via selective breeding either; putting a gene that a bacteria uses to produce a toxin into a plant's DNA is NOT the same thing as interbreeding your two best-producing apple trees. I hate the "actually GM crops arent bad" reaction to the "GM crops are scary and bad" reactionaries; the people who have questions about the ecological implications of GM crops are *not all* stupid crazies. Just because there are some wackos who have concerns about GM crops causing autism or whatever dumb shit, doesnt mean *everyone* who has concerns about GM crops is a wacko.
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Funny how that works
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reportsofagrandfuture · 20 days ago
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farmerstrend · 11 days ago
Genome Editing in Agriculture: How Scientists Are Creating Disease-Resistant Rice in East Africa
The “Healthy Crops” consortium, an international team of researchers, which includes Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), has – in collaboration with the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) – developed an innovative strategy to combat the disease Bacterial Blight (for short: BB) in rice using genome editing technology. If approved for use by farmers in Kenya, the…
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umangharyana · 3 months ago
मौसम को मात देने वाली किस्में: उन्नत बीजों से किसानों की उपज बढ़ाने की योजना
Ministry of agriculture: जलवायु परिवर्तन के असर के चलते मौसम में आए बदल��व ने कृषि क्षेत्र को खासा प्रभावित किया है। बारिश के अनियमित पैटर्न, अत्यधिक गर्मी और ठंड, तथा सूखा और बाढ़ जैसी घटनाओं ने किसानों के लिए बहुत सी चुनौतियाँ उत्पन्न की हैं। इन परिस्थितियों से निपटने के लिए सरकार ने एक बड़ी पहल शुरू की है, जिसमें गेहूं और अन्य फसलों की उन्नत किस्मों पर विशेष ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। प्रधानमंत्री…
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beezelbubbles · 2 years ago
H'okay so, Americans who want to get rid of grass but want to listen to Elodie but don't really know where to start, here's what you do. Hit the search engine of your choice. Search up "Your County Name Agriculture Extension" or "Your County Name Master Gardeners." (This might work for other countries. I know a Canadian who had success with Ag Extension.) You'll get something like this site: https://harris.agrilife.org/. It offers up info about what plants work for what locally, lets you know about classes they're doing (often free or low cost), and generally you can ask all your questions about what to plant, how, and when.
Local garden centers can also be good resources. But! It has to be local as in locally owned, not just your closest Home Depot.
Also local, check with your public library. Seed banks are starting to gain traction with libraries, so they may have seeds for you. (And if not, you can let them know you're interested and they may add it at some point.) What they will definitely have is books on local horticulture. Tell the librarian what you're trying to accomplish and they'll help you find the books and info you need.
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flowersnames · 3 months ago
Transform Your Backyard with Stunning Summer Garden Plants
Summer is the perfect season to turn your backyard into a vibrant outdoor oasis. With the right selection of summer garden plants, you can create a colorful retreat that thrives in the heat while supporting pollinators like bees and butterflies. Popular options include sun-loving perennials like daylilies and black-eyed Susans, tropical beauties such as hibiscus and canna lilies, and quick-growing annuals like petunias and marigolds.
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To make your garden unique, explore creative flower names like snapdragons, cosmos, and bleeding hearts to add charm and personality to your space. Vertical gardening with climbing vines like morning glory or trumpet vine is also a great way to maximize space. For areas with limited water, drought-resistant champions such as lavender and Russian sage are excellent choices.
For a thriving garden, water wisely, feed your plants regularly, and prune to encourage more blooms. Consider themed gardens, like pollinator-friendly designs or fragrant gardens featuring jasmine and gardenia, to make your space truly memorable.
Start creating your dream summer garden today! Visit Flowers Name for expert tips and inspiration to make your backyard a lush, colorful paradise.
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exopelagic · 11 months ago
I am in an OBSCENELY good mood considering everything
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omarkeller · 1 year ago
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Southwestern Landscape - Gravel Ideas for a sizable, fully-sunned, drought-tolerant gravel landscaping in the southwest.
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