#Dream Machine tour
inniave · 1 month
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🩸 At least you'll sanctify me when I'm dead 🩸
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Florence and the Machine - "Blinding " Ferdinand Hodler - " The Dream "
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justinesmic · 2 years
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my outfit for florence’s “dance fever” concert the other night
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mw-draws · 2 years
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was meant to see florence and the machine last night, but it got postponed, so i drew this instead
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violetflamedarcher · 1 month
last year is probably listed as the best year of my life bc i literally went to a florence + the machine concert and the eras tour
it's insane to think that this happened
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radioflavia · 1 year
Jake and Josh KILLING IT.
Killing ME actually.
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livinglori · 1 year
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February 8th 2023.
‘Did mommy make you sad?’
3Arena, Dublin, Ireland.
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mortimer · 1 year
Bro just straight up pouring molten bronze like it's not the coolest thing in the world wtf
Right now I work in a wood & metals fabrication shop and As a man of many hats if I see a piece of machinery I make it my life goal to get my dirty little hands on operating it at least once (when i was on the pour team i did most jobs but pouring from the big crucible of metal was my favorite and i was pretty good at it. never did the crane bc i have a bad sense of direction and you have to be pretty quick when pouring molten metal)
My next target is this thing:
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blessings at the barricade 🥀
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Am I your dream girl?
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lt0y4 · 2 years
I overheard someone behind me say it was their first time seeing Florence and The Machine. When Florence came down to sing “Dream Girl Evil.” I quickly turned around and signaled her to switch places so she could be closer. I hope she enjoyed the show. 🤗💖This video is from Ball Arena in Denver, CO. 10/1/22
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rilaapp · 1 year
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Personalized home matches that fit your unique vibe - only on the Rila app. 🤝
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justinesmic · 2 years
happy halloween, and a blessed samhain 🩸🔮🕯️ the veil between realms grows thin, and the spirits have called upon me to sing a cover of "dream girl evil" by florence and the machine in honor of today. 
reblogs are appreciated
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 12 part 1 | part 11 | ao3
ha haaaa, i lied about waiting until monday. cw: angst, gory imagery, implied prescription drug abuse
In his dream it’s raining pills.
Steve is crying in his car as rainbow pellets rain from the sky, and then he’s pounding on the Munson’s door while the pills burst into fine powder against his hair, his skin, his clothes. Eddie doesn’t come to the door but suddenly he’s there, teleported outside of it, apologizing right away when Steve demands to know what’s wrong.
“I don’t understand what happened.”
A flash of eyes, of lips; his face doesn’t fully form, but he sweeps one of those perusing looks all over Steve, sees his frayed edges and invites him in to stitch them up.
They talk and laugh for hours — dream logic where the seconds are minutes are years — letting their knees knock together, letting their pinky fingers brush. All the while little pills plink plink against the siding, pharmaceutical hail storm, and suddenly it's morning; Steve has drifted off; Steve has never slept so well. There’s a throw blanket made of cat fur and the smell of coffee and scrambled eggs, Wayne humming sleepily to himself at the stove, waving a spatula in greeting when he spots Steve getting up.
“Mornin'!” he grins. “Ed’s still sleepin’, but feel free to stick around.”
Outside the rain comes harder, heavy knocks against the roof, and when Steve peers into the pan he sees that Wayne’s frying up dead birds. "Just about ready."
He spears a fork into a wing. The feathers start to smoke. “You take your coffee black?”
“Ma, you gotta get a job.”
She’s watching I Love Lucy.
Steve's head is in his hands.
His elbows are going numb where they’re propped on the breakfast table, and his temples throb, a steady band of pressure like a giant's palm around the sides and back of his skull, pulsing down his aching neck. He’s been staring at next month’s budget for so long it looks like hyro…hiero—?
Whatever. Egyptian shit.
He can’t tell if he’s shit at math or if the math just doesn’t work, but either way it’s not working, and neither is his fucking mom, and he finds himself thinking about this one time in middle school when they took a field trip to a factory with a big hydraulic press. Got to tour the control room; got to pick which fruits to crush.
He remembers the watermelon most vividly of all: the way the rind groaned under the machine’s steady weight, splintering slivers snaked over striped flesh; slowly, slowly, then suddenly, boom!!
Watermelon guts on the concrete floor.
(That was also the first time he got to touch a girl's butt; all the girl's squealed and jumped back from the explosion, and one of them backed herself right into his hand. It was Liz Collins, and it was one hundred percent an accident, because, like, gross, Liz Collins, but still.
Memorable day for two reasons.
God, he needs a nap.)
“A job, ma,” he sighs, a little louder this time. “I can... I don’t know, I can maybe ask around, see if anybody’s hiring? Or- talk to Claudia. Or Karen,” he snaps his fingers by his ear, “or Joyce! She might— yeah. Yeah, she might be able to call and put in a good word at Melvalds...”
She might also be busy being far the fuck away from here. He taps his pencil against his cheek as envy crashes over him. He should be in California. Should spend his time hitting on beach babes and surfing sunny waves instead of drowning in debt and wondering why he’s on a first-name basis with so many random moms.
His mom still hasn’t acknowledged a single word he's said. "Hello? Ma? What d'you think?"
She turns to look at him finally. Gives him a dreamy, lovely smile.
She always was so pretty. “…I’m sorry; what were you saying?”
Steve flushes his mom’s pills.
part 13
tagging whoever commented recently if your settings will let me @acedorerryn @ahsokatanoss @annabanannabeth @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awolfstudio @bananahoneycomb @bronwenmarie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cuips-not-cute @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @evillittleguy @fandomfix8 @grtwdsmwhr @hellion-child @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @lololol-1234 @messrs-weasley @nburkhardt @noodle-shenaniganery @ppunkpuppyy @rani-mayida @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @space-invading-pigeon @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @vacantwatchers @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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iced-nct · 8 months
Greedy NJM
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Pairing: CFO Na Jaemin x F Reader Word Count: 4.5k Warnings: Suggestive, occasional swear, jealous Jaemin Synopsis: Jaemin knew the second you walked into his office to interview for a sales role that he needed to hire you. Incredibly well spoken and driven, you reminded him a lot of himself in some ways. Except he didn’t want you for a sales position. Oh no. He wanted you as his personal assistant. Promptly after meeting with you, he let go of his current assistant to hire you for it instead. If Jaemin is going to be stuck at his desk for ten hours a day, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t have a pretty thing to stare at just outside his door. Maybe you’ll be able to tame the infamous office playboy. 
a/n: just casually dipping in to drop a 4.5k Jaemin Apply Within fic that I have been working on for like years lmfao. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy! I promise I'm going to be more active with my fics again!!!
Jaemin’s secretary blinked slowly at him, as if to process what she had just heard. “You are… firing me? Did I do something?” 
“No, I just needed a change of scenery! And I’m not firing you, I am just relocating you to a different department” He chirped in response, his voice cheerful though his eyes were dark and expression firm.
Jaemin turned his back to her to head into his corner office, “oh. One more thing.” He turned, one palm pressed firmly against the door frame as he leaned back. “I need all your things moved by tonight. My new secretary starts tomorrow morning” He winked before slamming his door closed.
Today could not have been off to a worse start. First there was the hole in your favorite pair of stockings, then your coffee machine decided to have a meltdown, and finally you had missed the bus that would allow you extra time to grab coffee on the way to the office. As far as first day’s go, this was not your best. Having to settle for a pair of plain sheer black tights to wear under your skirt and ordering a taxi, knowing full well the extra money was well worth having time to grab a cup of coffee. You hurried out the door, laptop bag and purse in hand, just hoping as you hustled into the back of the cab that the day wouldn’t get any worse.
The line at the coffee shop was surprisingly not horrendous, it only took about 10 minutes before you were holding your iced coffee and making your way through the entrance to Neo Dream. Jaemin’s office was on the 20th floor, you remembered this from your interview. As you moved to get off on your floor a solid chest made contact with your cup, spilling coffee all down the front of yourself and the stark white dress shirt in front of you. 
“I am so sorry! I was in such a rush, I should have paid better attention” You rambled, hoping that this stranger wouldn’t chew you out for such an accident.
“Miss Y/n?” You looked up to see Jaemin smiling down at you. “First day jitters?” He asked, a playful tone in his voice.
Your cheeks flushed with heat, “I am very sorry Mr. Na. I will clean this up right away” 
“Don’t bother, I will call the janitorial staff to clean up. We should get started with your tour, after we get changed” He tilted his head, indicating for you to follow.
The view from Jaemin’s office was stunning to say the least, the sun was almost up now but you could imagine the sunrises and sunsets that could be viewed from these windows.
“Yes, the view is lovely isn’t it?” You turned to find Jaemin, a sliver of his chest just barely exposed to you as he buttoned up a black dress shirt. “I apologize, I seem to have run out of women’s blouses, but I do have a knit sweater that may work” he jested while handing you a gray wool sweater. 
It was clearly men’s, but this would have to make do for today. Just as you were about to slip the sweater on over your stained blouse a hand stopped you. 
“If we don’t send these off to the drycleaners, the stain will set and ruin your shirt. I can’t have that, and I don’t want you to either. Just wear the sweater and I’ll send your shirt off with mine” His smile was charming, almost knee weakening. 
“Oh okay… but is there somewhere else for me to change?” Your head tilted in question.
Jaemin’s eyes widened with realization “Yes, oh gosh I’m sorry, I will turn around. You let me know when you’re decent”
You turned your back to him and began unbuttoning the shirt. Unbeknownst to you, Jaemin could make out the reflection of your chest in the window beside him. Not much could be seen, but the way the black lace of your bra held you had him wishing you allowed him to watch. Just as Jaemin’s dress pants started to get a little too tight for his liking, you cleared your throat, snapping him back from his thoughts.
“Thank you for the sweater! What should I get started with today?” You asked, whilst handing over your stained shirt. 
“You can get started on unpacking your desk and setting yourself up. I have some afternoon meetings that I will be in today, so I doubt we will see eachother very much. Just answer the phone if it rings and book in meetings for this week” You nodded at the instructions and headed out, closing the door behind you.
You paused to lean on it, breathing slowly as the picture of that small sliver of Jaemin’s defined chest floated around in your head. In the office behind you, your boss sat down at his desk, taking all the effort in the world to not call you back in to help him deal with the situation beneath his desk right now.
Days had turned into weeks, and though nothing of note had happened after that first eventful morning. You had settled in wonderfully, making friends with people on the finance floor, accompanying Jaemin to the occasional meeting to take notes for him when he didn’t feel like it, and canceling meetings he had with Mark just because it was funny to watch them squabble. There was lots of extra chatter throughout the office as everyone buzzed with excitement for the first annual company gala. A newer finance colleague had asked you to the gala a few days ago, and you had gladly accepted, assuming that it was a friendly gesture from one newbie to another. Excitement filled your chest as you thought about how much fun it would be to attend this company gala. The excitement was cut short however, when the door to Jaemin’s office swung open. Your boss stood there staring daggers at you, dread rushed in as you mentally went through every file you placed on his desk today, every meeting you had booked. What could you have possibly done wrong?
“Y/n. Come in here please.” Jaemin’s voice was deadly cold as he strode back towards his desk.
You slinked in, he gestured for you to close the door. “Did I do something wrong?” You asked, hesitating to turn around to face him.
“Have a seat, we’ll talk about it” He nodded to the chair in front of his desk for you to sit.
Despite sitting, the load on your shoulders felt ten times heavier under Jaemin’s stare. He slid a small pink envelope across the desk to you, your name scrawled in ink on the front. 
“What is this?” He tapped the envelope with his middle finger.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t seen that before” You answered, and truthfully you hadn’t seen it before.
“It was in the files you brought me this morning, just tucked between some reports. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and found out my trusted secretary is having an office romance with one of my junior finance employees” the smile that hung on Jaemin’s lips did not reach his eyes. 
Your eyes widened “office romance? No no you’ve misunderstood. He just asked me to the gala last week, that's all. I have no idea what the letter is and I- wait. You opened it?” 
The smile faded as he processed your words. Oh Jaemin would not have his secretary on the arm of anyone other than him, and he would make sure of that. Despite the other women around the office, who Jaemin had been making his way through, you managed to get under his skin in all the right ways.
“Sorry, I thought you knew” He started, propping his head up on his hands “secretaries are required to escort their managers to the gala. Mark’s rules” Jaemin grinned lazily.
“Oh! So I’ll still be working, right?” you thought about all the extra things you would need to prepare in this case, starting with a much bigger clutch to keep all Jaemin’s business cards in.
Jaemin smirked, “That’s correct Y/n. You have to be by my side all night. Make sure you let me know the color of your dress so I can plan my tie accordingly”
You nodded, your boss’ phone began to ring echoing throughout his large office. “I’ll bring you a swatch tomorrow morning” You spoke softly as you stood to leave the room.
Jaemin only nodded in response before picking up the phone “Mark!! How goes it over in-” His sentence cut off as the door shut behind you.
“What an odd day” you pondered while sifting through the hundreds of emails in your inbox. Mark had taken the liberty to have Haechan set up all Jaemin’s emails to duplicate so you had copies of important things as well. Unfortunately this also meant you got to see all the emails that lovestruck employees sent him without knowing you could see the confessions as well. After deleting what must have been the 20th email love note, you came across a thread that caught your eye. The email was from another female employee, detailing things she and Jaemin had done the previous night. From the sounds of it, you weren’t the only one engaging in an alleged “office romance”. There were quite a few more like that email, all talking about how they loved it when Jaemin did that “thing”. You weren’t sure what the “thing” was, but from the way he had these ladies begging for him via email correspondence you couldn’t help but be curious. It didn’t help that some had described certain acts in such detail, it was only natural that your head drifted away from work causing you to think about Jaemin’s head between your-
The thought was cut short by a loud thud from the elevator. Upon inspection you could see the finance junior who asked you to the gala had dropped a box of their belongings on the floor. The security guard who was with them helped gather their belongings back into the supply box before giving them a reassuring pat on the shoulder. You thought about going over to ask what happened, but a ping from your inbox beat you to it. ‘I WAS WRONGLY FIRED BY NA JAEMIN” was the subject line, there was no body to the email. Just that one subject line that left chills down your spine. You glanced to your boss’ door then back to your computer screen, the email was sent to everyone on the finance floor. It wasn’t long before chatter began amongst your colleagues on the floor. Everyone was curious to know about their former colleague scorned, making incredibly obvious passes by the now barren desk that once housed the junior finance employee. Jaemin seemed unbothered by the office bustle, opting to send you a teams chat asking for you to accompany him out of the office for his suit fitting for the gala. 
The interior of the store was full of mannequins decked out in name brand clothing that had your bank account near tears. Though you were only here to keep an eye on Jaemin’s emails and schedule for the day, he kept asking for your input on the suits he chose. The swatch you had at home would have to wait for another day, though he assured you it would be no hassle to have a tie ordered into the office in the correct color. 
“Well? Does this make me seem intimidating enough?” He turned his head over his shoulder to ask you. 
There was simply no denying the fact that Jaemin WORE the clothes, they did not wear him. He looked stunning in everything, so much so that you kept catching your mind slipping off to imagine the things he could do in the dressing room. Your eyes must’ve lingered for too long without speaking, as Jaemin chuffed a laugh. 
“I’m so sorry, yes it looks great!” you smile warmly at him, just as another ping comes through on his work phone. An email from Mark asking about the firing of the finance colleague and why he is now receiving multiple emails from the distressed former employee.
Jaemin cocks his head, one brow raised in question “Something the matter?”
You lock the phone quickly and look up at where he stands on the pedestal for his fitting. “Just Mark asking about an employee who was fired earlier, apparently he is now receiving emails stating that he was wrongfully terminated.” You stare, waiting for a reaction from him that never comes. 
“Ah yes, he was fraternizing with other employees. Can’t have my department become a cesspool now, can I?” His answer is cold as ice, his face revealing no indication of what he is thinking.
You can’t help but laugh at his reference, as if he hadn’t been sleeping with multiple employees from different departments. “What seems to be so funny, Y/n?” 
“Oh, nothing. Just your cesspool reference was funny” You roll your eyes, not expecting him to continue prodding. But he does just that.
“And why, pray tell, is it funny? Is my finance department a joke to you?” His eyes narrow, the shop steward who was pinning the suit even stops momentarily to give you a glance.
You need a moment to collect your thoughts. To try and decide just where you should begin with this. “You know Haechan set up my email so that I get duplicates of all the emails sent to you, right?” 
Jaemin nods thoughtfully, before his eyes widen in realization. “You get all my emails?” 
You bob your head “every single one of them. Mark insisted it was set up that way so you can never say you just missed a meeting invite in your swaths of emails.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, eyes closed in frustration. “Y/n, what have you been seeing?” his foot tapping against the stained wood of the pedestal.
“Just the usual. Multiple emails from Mark about meetings, Renjun sending gala updates, Haechan providing timelines for software updates, Jeno sending memes that he has made instead of marketing campaigns, Jisung sending you meeting schedules with investors for the week, Chenle sending selfies mostly.” You shrug, pleased with your answer. 
“That’s it? Nothing else?” His tone is tense and his eyes are fixed on you, gluing you to the spot on the bench.
“Finance employees sending you updated reports too. Oh! And just the casual love confession, or excruciatingly detailed emails from your lovers” You smirk at him.
“I see.” Jaemin steps down, shooing the shop steward away as he strides towards you, “and tell me, Y/n. Do you read all of those excruciatingly detailed emails?” He leans down slightly, your faces mere inches apart.
You wet your lips, noticing Jaemin’s eyes flick down to your mouth before coming back up to meet your gaze. “Yes.”
He straightens back to his full height, now towering over where you sat. “Interesting indeed” he mutters before turning back to the shop employee to continue with his fitting.
The next morning you had a large iced americano sitting on the edge of your desk for your boss, along with the fabric swatch. It was odd, seldom did you beat Jaemin to the office. But today you felt extra jittery, especially after how hot his eyes had felt on you yesterday during his fitting. In fact, it was a shock that you managed to get a few hours of sleep. You had tossed and turned all night, thoughts of Jaemin taking you in the dressing room after your conversation had taken your mind hostage. A few times throughout the night you had awoken in a cold sweat, finally deciding to just get up at 5am instead of trying to get a few more hours of rest. That was how you ended up at your desk at 6:30, a large cup of tea clutched in your hands as you sifted through more meeting invites and emails. 
“Good morning Y/n. You’re awfully early.” Jaemin smiled warmly, a glint of something else shone in his eyes.
You gestured lazily to the cup of coffee on the edge of your desk “That’s for you, the swatch too”
His smile dropped as he stared at the coffee and the swatch “your dress is red?”
“Yes” you nodded before adding “I hope that’s alright”
“That will be just fine, I just so happen to have a tie that I think is the same color.” Jaemin fixed a tight smile before heading into his office and closing the door.
A few hours later a gorgeous intern from accounting came by, stopping at your desk “I have an appointment with Mr. Na” She smiled.
“Sure, just a moment” you returned her smile while getting up to knock on your boss’ door. 
“Send her in.” Jaemin said through the thick oak door before you could even let him know his one o’clock was here. 
She left an hour later, hair messier than it was when she arrived and her stockings had noticeable runs down both legs. All you could do was cock a brow as she breezed past with her blush stained cheeks. ‘I’m sure I’ll get an email about that later’ you thought, mentally rolling your eyes. Moments later your boss appeared at his door, fixing his tie nonchalantly. 
“Y/n, take the rest of the day off before the gala tonight. I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight, alright?” His voice was cold and detached, much like it had been at the store.
“Sure, thank you. I will see you then” It was no use putting up a fight. And it was certainly no use to ask him what had been on the tip of your tongue since yesterday. All you wanted was to know why that employee had been fired, and if their claim had any merit.
True to his word, Jaemin arrived at 7 on the dot. A swanky black car pulled up outside, the driver meeting you by the door for you to get in. After the door was shut you noticed Jaemin’s eyes fixated on you, suddenly the tight red dress you opted for felt all too revealing. 
He licked his lips slowly before speaking “I get the feeling there’s something you want to ask me, Y/n?”
“Why did you fire that employee that asked me out and gave me that letter?” You asked, Jaemin just stared at you in shock, clearly not expecting that to be the question.
“I- well. He had falsified a few reports so I was going to let him go anyway, but…” He trailed off, turning to look out the window instead of at you. “I thought you were going to ask about the escort from earlier” 
You nearly choked on your own breath “Escort? I thought she was from accounting!”
Jaemin hung his head in defeat “I know, I know. I’m sorry. I was never good at processing things. Instead of thinking though the issue I jumped straight to numbness, and I apologize” 
You simply could not believe your ears, you had figured that’s what was going on. But somehow it still took you by surprise. “Wait, why are you telling me all this?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“When I interviewed you for that sales role, I had such bad thoughts. I decided to tell you I needed an assistant instead. But I had one already. I fired her to give you the role. I just wanted that pretty little ass outside my office. I wanted to rub it in everyone’s faces that I had the hottest secretary. But then you got that letter, and I noticed you starting to get a little too much attention than I liked. And I didn’t expect to like you this much and-” He rambled on before stopping abruptly to look at you. 
Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to fall “two people lost their jobs because of me?” Your voice felt raw.
“Technically only one, the other guy was getting fired for fraud anyway. It was just a coincidence. And I didn’t fire my former secretary, I relocated her to another department. That was poor phrasing on my end” Jaemin reached for your hands, you foolishly let him hold on.
This was an enormous pill to swallow. “So let me get this straight.” You squeezed Jaemin’s hands. “You removed your secretary, hired me because you think I’m hot, got jealous when I was getting attention, forced me to be your date for this gala, and then hired an escort to take out your frustrations instead of just coming clean and talking to me?”
“That’s about it, yeah” Jaemin nodded enthusiastically.
“I quit.” You pulled your hands back to your lap.
Jaemin’s smile fell, his eyes showing the panic he was feeling. “No, no you can’t quit. Who’s going to read my emails to me and copy down all the meeting notes that I don’t feel like doing?”
You shrugged “I’m not sure, Jaemin. I just know it won’t be me.” 
The timing was lovely as the car had pulled up to the venue, the driver was already opening the door to help you out. Jaemin clutched your hand desperately. “Please, Y/n. Please just give me the night to make things right.”
You brushed him off “I will accompany you tonight, but tomorrow morning I will be packing my things. I’m sorry”
Jaemin led the way into the gala, his shoulders slumped in defeat. To anyone else, you were sure he looked angry, but you knew the truth. The first hour of the gala was spent greeting fellow colleagues and investors. You stopped to chat with Renjun, praising him for how incredible the party turned out, to which he agreed with a small smile and flushed cheeks. 
“He’s into the party planner he hired” Jaemin leaned down to whisper in your ear.
The sudden closeness took you by surprise, but you couldn’t help but slightly lean back into his chest. The countless champagne flutes did not help the situation, no matter how much you wanted to not be around Jaemin right now, your other desires had taken over. Jaemin’s hand was placed firmly on your hip, holding you in place. 
“I think it’s time we get you home sweetheart” He spoke softly, looking around to find the nearest exit.
You could only nod, agreeing that it was in fact time to head home. Jaemin kept his grip on your hip as he escorted you through the crowds of people, stopping only once to whisper something to Mark before continuing to the exit. Just as it had been when you arrived, Jaemin’s car and driver were stationed out front. The car door was already open for you two to get in, he helped you into the car and you slumped against him.
Sun had streamed in through the large windows of your bedroom bright and early. You cursed yourself for not remembering to shut the curtains before getting into bed last night. Wait, you didn’t have curtains, or the luxurious silk bedding, or a king sized bed. Realization hit you, Jaemin must’ve taken you home. But when you looked over to the other side of the bed you found it still untouched. You were thankfully still in your dress from last night.
After gathering up some courage and taking the Advil that was conveniently left on the nightstand you took off down the hallway of the apartment. On the couch you found your boss, drinking a cup of coffee while leisurely flipping through reports.
“Good morning sleepy girl” He cooed at you.
You squinted back at him “lest you not forget, I quit last night. And you upset me.”
“I recall. I also recall you chirping at me in the car that you wanted me to bring you here and ‘do the things from the emails’ to you” He chuckled, blush crept across your cheeks. 
“I am very sorry. I will head out now.” You started towards the door.
“Y/n. Wait.” Jaemin rose from his place on the sofa, his long strides reaching you quickly. “Now that it’s not a conflict of interest, I was wondering if you would allow me to take you on a date?”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. “A date? Jaemin, you only hired me because you thought I was hot! I’m so pissed off at you! I thought I had merit, I thought I was good at my job!” You were stopped short by Jaemin’s lips on yours.
The kiss seemed to have surprised you both. Both of you stood in shock, just staring at each other. 
“You are” His voice was soft.
“I am what?” Your brows furrowed.
“Good at your job. Mark requested we send you off to another department that needs a manager. I said no, because I need you to keep me organized. I have never made it to so many meetings!” He grinned at you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Could I move to a different department to be a manager?” Your head tilted in question.
Jaemin breathed a sigh of relief “Yes, you absolutely can. I can always bring back my old secretary in your place”
“Then I will.” You beamed happily.
“You will what? Move departments?” Jaemin’s hands squeezed your shoulders in anticipation.
“Well yes obviously.” you rolled your eyes. “But also, I’ll let you take me out.”
Jaemin pulled you into another kiss, this one much less abrupt than the last. His lips were soft against yours, and his hands worked their way down your body. Your fingers combed through his hair, stopping occasionally to tug slightly. 
“Oh we have to stop. I still think about your first day when you had to change in my office.” He confessed.
You smirked at him, “That’s alright. I think about it too.”
“I’ll have the driver take you home and I’ll pick you up tonight. Wear something red again. It looks stunning on you.” He kissed you one last time before sending you off.
The next week was a do over of your first day, but this time as a manager for partner relations. But instead of taking an Uber, you arrived with the CFO in his personal car. 
“I’ll see you after work sweetheart. Let me know if I need to fire anyone for you” Jaemin winked before placing a kiss on your lips before exiting the elevator onto the finance floor. 
“Ugh, you are so lucky” another employee in the office wined before exiting at the next stop.
The doors closed, leaving you alone in the elevator. The biggest grin plastered across your face as you thought aloud “Yeah, I am pretty lucky, aren’t I?”
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kotoku · 24 days
ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
synopsis - Splitting off from your friends, you are left wandering in the dreamscape of Golden Hour. Expensive designer stores to extravagant restaurants and bars lined the streets with excited dreamchasers flocking towards their merchandise. Yet here you were, looking to indulge yourself in a couple of drinks at a small bar after gambling your Aideen tokens away. However, a familiar, punchable face is back and here to stay.
pairings - aventurine x nameless! reader part ii
content - enemies to lovers but we are slowly reaching the lovers part, character shenanigans, aventurine playing tour guide, lots of fluff/light moments, slight pining towards the end lol
warnings - none
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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Your stay in Penacony thus far has been an..interesting one.
After entering the dreamscape, you were transported to a place known as Golden Hour, a bustling city district where shops and food vendors flourish with countless dreamchasers flocking to see their merchandise. Surprisingly, you had stumbled into the Trailblazer while walking down the street, making small conversation before the two of you parted ways. They seemed to be muttering something about ‘origami birds’ when they scurried off..how strange… 
Nonetheless, you continued weaving through crowds of dreamchasers, eyeing the different stores with their bright and..lively advertisements. You found the little creatures strange but intriguing, chuckling at the way they would hop around and follow you. But to your horror, as you crossed the street so did the little billboard, getting run over in the process. You went to help it back up but by the time you got to it, it had already picked itself up and left. 
“All of this feels like a weird fever dream instead of a dream… People should really be cautious when driving here even if we can’t get hurt.” You muttered, shaking your head before walking up a flight of stairs. 
The place you were now at was called Aideen Park. Casino machines were lined in circles with a bigger one as a building, a small bar and lounge area, and a band playing in the middle of it all. You stared at the scenery in awe, taking a small stroll around the park and using the few Aideen coins you had to test your luck with the slot machines. Despite your dull luck, you still had a fun experience with the huge slot machine that towered above you. 
“Better luck next time, I guess...” You sighed, sulking over to the mini bar area they had for dreamchasers. Taking a seat at one of the stools, the bartender had come over to you to take your order. 
“I’ll take–” 
“Personally, the Classic Soul Glad isn’t that bad of a drink. You should try some, friend.” A voice interjected, coming from the seat beside you. 
Turning to your left, you were met by the same blond bastard who stirred some trouble up at the reception desk. 
“We meet again, _____,” Aventurine smirked, his glasses tipped forward while swirling the contents of his glass. 
Before you could politely decline and order the drink you were going to order, the bartender had already walked off to start making it. With a sigh, you turned your gaze to the right to eye the suddenly enticing exit. 
“Come now, don’t treat me like a stranger. We’re friends after all!” He gave you a shit-eating grin, leaning forward to wrap his arm around your stiff shoulders. “If I recall, friends don’t just ignore each other.”
“Neither do friends stalk one another on their way to their hotel room, but here we are.” You grunted, shrugging off his arm. Aventurine held up his hand to his chest, a big frown on his face. 
“You wound me, _____.” He dramatically cried, slumping against the counter.
“Don’t be such a drama queen Aventurine.” You rolled your eyes, bringing up the glass of Soul Glad the bartender slid over to you.
“I’d rather be a drama queen than a boring one.” You heard him mumble, taking a sip of his own drink. Rolling your eyes, you chose to look at whatever the TV was displaying. Not to your surprise, it played a bizarre advertisement for the Charmony Festival, bright colors and patterns fluttering across the screen. Looking at its dizzying display started making your head hurt, so you turned your attention to something else. Anything but the man that was sitting next to you.
“How are you liking the festivities so far? Anything caught your interest?” His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, reluctantly turning to face him so you could respond. 
“Mm, I’ve been looking at some of the stores… Other than that, nothing else really. I saw a billboard get run over today.” You hummed, leaning against the counter. You held your drink with one hand, watching the ice clink to one side as you rolled your wrist to stir it. You had to admit, the drink did loosen you up a bit, making you feel a little warm inside. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but the drink had reminded you of another from a distant planet… 
When Aventurine heard the last part of what you had said, he almost choked on his drink in surprise at the bluntness. “I’m sorry– what?” He coughed, covering his mouth with the back of his fist.
“...Nevermind.” He waved it off. “Anyways, those were the only things you saw today? Nothing else caught your eye?”
“No? I was going to continue looking around later, why do you ask?” You eyed him suspiciously, watching as his grin grew a little wider. With his fingers drumming against the counter, he spoke. 
“Why don’t I show you around? It would be quite a waste to not explore.”
Aventurine playing tour guide? Now this couldn’t be good.
“I think I’ll pass.” Standing up from your seat, you fish out some cash for the bartender. “I’ll be taking my leave now, thanks for the drink.”
“W-wait–!” Aventurine sprung from his seat, chasing after you after he paid for his drink. You were quite the fast walker, he noted, finally managing to match his pace with yours.
Making an attempt at losing him was futile, proven by the fact that no matter what you did to get him off your tail, he was always right behind you. Through large crowds of dreamchasers, confusing paths, and many stairs, he was able to navigate through it all to keep up with you. 
Eventually, you gave up trying to explore in peace, opting to listen to the gambler speak about some of his favorite spots in the dreamscape. From the casino he frequently visits, to expensive designer clothing stores, and even fancy restaurants or bars that have a refined taste for food and beverages. It was no surprise that Aventurine had an expensive palate.
As of now, the both of you were checking out a clothing store that had multiple floors. From silk pajamas to leather coats, the store was huge and contained all articles of clothing that caught both you and Aventurine’s eyes. 
“What do you think about this one?” Aventurine asked, striking a small pose as he flaunted a magenta button-up with gold trimmings. He had a pair of slacks to match accompanied with his usual belt. You had to admit, it brought out the colors of his eyes perfectly.
“It..suits you.” You finally replied after eyeing the outfit. Aventurine grinned at you. Pausing, you spoke up before you could think. 
“It really brings out your eyes.”
Aventurine’s grin faltered, taken aback by your blunt compliment. He knew that the tone of your voice and expression held genuine, yet it was odd seeing you expressing your true thoughts other than shrugging him off. His grin came back, yet this time, it seemed a little bigger.
“I appreciate the compliment, friend.” 
Aventurine went back in to change into his regular clothes while you wandered around, checking out clothes that piqued your interest. It wasn’t long before Aventurine popped up right next to you, startling you.
“Sorry for scaring you,” he laughed, “Did you find something you liked?” 
You put back what it was that you were holding, not really wanting him to see what style you were into. “..No, there’s not much that matches my style.” You lied. He stared at you for a moment but shook his head. 
“If you say so.”
As you two started walking away, Aventurine made a mental note to come back at a later time, glancing at the hanger you were just holding. 
Exiting the store and back onto the busy streets of Golden Hour, you were about to speak before Aventurine interrupted you. It seems he always beats you to it…
“There’s..a place that I want to show you. I’m certain that you’ll enjoy it.” Aventurine tugged you along by the arm, navigating through dreamchasers and vehicles. You had no other choice but to go along with him, but you didn’t mind as you were curious as to what he was going to show you. 
After slipping past some Bloodhound guards and Dreamjolt Troupe members, the two of you finally made it to a small lookout overseeing some construction going on in Golden Hour. Although you wanted to question Aventurine’s methods of getting here, you couldn’t deny the scenery the place had to offer.
The view was breathtaking. The Penacony Grand Theater was in the far distance, stars streaming through the sky before ultimately fading out. The soft glow of the sun permeated the dark sky, mimicking the sunsets you’d often see in the waking world. There was a light breeze, expected as the two of you were quite high up, pedestrians and vehicles just specks beneath your feet. Walking towards the railing, you rested your elbows and gazed out at the horizon. 
“This..place… How did you find it?” You turned your head to Aventurine who took his place next to you, his arms crossed over the railing. Somehow, he looked more ethereal than before. Blond locks swept past his face in tune with the breeze, the lighting from the sun dancing across his skin which almost made it seem like he was glowing. You would never in a million amber eras want to admit it but… Aventurine was truly captivating.
Unbeknownst to you, he had thought the same.
“I stumbled across this place when I was scoping out the different dreamscapes.” He answered, eyes sweeping over your face. “The scenery here was.. beautiful so I figured that I’d show you this hidden gem.” Aventurine didn’t know whether he was talking about the place or you, but he shook his head to rid those thoughts.
“…Thank you, Aventurine.” 
“My pleasure, _____.”
Both of you lingered there for a moment longer, engaging in conversation with small pauses when either one of you was lost in thought. His presence was comforting, allowing you to bask in the moment and reveal smaller details about you. Naturally, he did the same, but still maintained his own distance as did you.
You forgot how much time passed as you were lost in conversation, exchanging small banter with Aventurine which would end up in laughter. When you pulled out your phone to check for any missed messages, you noticed that there were a few urgent matters that you needed to attend to. It seems this small “tour” session would have to come to a close… You felt a pang of disappointment hit you. 
“My crewmates are worried about me, I should get going…” You sighed, turning so your back was against the railing. “Thank you for playing tour guide.” Aventurine snickered. 
“No problem, I had fun.” He paused. “If..you’d like, would you like to meet up again for dinner sometime?” You noticed him adjusting his gloves and clothes, eyes meeting yours with a nervous glint. With a smile, you pushed yourself off the railing and started walking off in the direction of the exit.
“Sure. I’ll see you soon, Aventurine.”
“See you, _____.” 
Aventurine stood where he was, watching your figure slowly disappear. With a satisfied hum, he figured that he should get going as well before his colleagues got on his case. As he started walking, however, he noticed a small slip of paper hanging halfway out of his pocket. Unfolding it, there was a string of numbers with your name on it. 
‘Your contact info? How lucky of him.’ He patted himself on the back. 
With a delighted smile on his face, he walked back to the main streets of Golden Hour. 
Aventurine could not wait to see you again.
⋘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ! ⋙
note - i'm back with another nameless! reader fic for aventurine. :) after a long longgg while i finally got some motivation to continue it and i had lots of fun writing it. i hope you all enjoyed!
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hazelsmirrorball · 8 months
Rockstar! Hazel Callahan x  Host! Reader Summary: Hazel Callahan is a special guest on The Bottoms podcast after Y/n said in a lie detector machine that she was her crush.  Warnings: Not proof read. Sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my main language.  a/n: Wrote this in my costume design class, something happy after that angsty Rockstar girlfriend chapter. I've been binge watching frenemies so that's how I got this idea. Hope you guys like it! I really love reading ur comments, they really make my day <3
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Y/n always had a lot of things to say. All her life people would make fun of her because she never knew when to shut up. Maybe it was the fact that she knew a lot about several things  or the fact that she just enjoyed talking shit. But the girl could talk hours on end about things not knowing when to stop. Thankfully, Y/n had friends that liked to talk as much shit as her. Josie, PJ and Y/n could drag people like they were drinking water. So when they were offered to do a podcast the three of the girls agreed without hesitation. Getting paid to talk shit on the internet for an hour? That was an amazing deal. 
And by the looks of it, everyone around them agreed that talking shit was good since they were having a godly amount of streams daily. The girls had decided to name the podcast “Bottoms” and it took place in a small studio in downtown. The girls wanted the studio to look as cozy as possible. So instead of a serious looking podcast they decided to decorate the room with vibrant colors and random knick knacks, the three girls had a say in how the studio looked so at the end of customizing it they had an unintentional division of their areas. Different colors and decorations that made their area theirs but the only thing the girls had agreed on was having bean bags as chairs, that was the best part. 
Their podcast “Bottoms” was popping off, so the girls had come up with several ideas to not make the podcast repetitive or boring. Costumes, themes, breakdowns and most importantly, special guests. Due to the fact that people actually like them, there were a lot of celebrities that surprisingly wanted to be on the show. So in the last episode when Y/n was attached to a lie detector machine and was asked if famous rock star, Hazel Callahan, was attractive. She had rambled about her crush not thinking that Hazel was going to hear the podcast let alone be the next guest on it. 
There she was, academy award winning rockstar, Hazel Callahan, sitting across from her. Her hair was messily styled as she threw her head back laughing at something PJ had said, her pearly whites showing through. She slammed her ring covered hands as she attempted to stop her laughing fit.  For the first time in Y/n’s life she was speechless. Hazel was beautiful, Y/n knew that. But having her so close by made Y/n malfunction with her beauty. Hazel was sculpted by god and being near her made Y/n feel things she couldn’t say on air. Y/n wasn’t going to survive an hour of talking, she glanced at the timer that was behind the cameras noticing the 00:10  on the screen. Ten minutes and she hadn’t said a single word. Ten minutes of her staring at Hazel while she talked about the tour and her life.  The only thing viewers could possibly see was her staring lovingly at Hazel and if she had to see a compilation on youtube  of her staring at Hazel she was going to lose it. 
“Damn, Y/n. Cat got your tongue? See people…Y/n likes talking shit about how much game she has. But as of right now she barely said hello to Hazel. May I remind you guys that in the   last episode she said that Hazel was her dream girl and that she could take h…” PJ started pulling the microphone towards her as everyone focused her eyes on Y/n, including those damn blue eyes. Y/n could feel her body tense up but she quickly analyzed where PJ was going, so she slammed her hands on the table interrupting, PJ. 
“Miss Callahan, Do you have a girlfriend? The people want to know” Y/n managed to get out. But after hearing herself in her headphones  say those words she felt herself cringe instantly regretting asking that. Miss Callahan? Who the hell did she think she was speaking to? Y/n moved on her bean bag chair noticing how it sucked her up. Y/n closed her eyes not wanting to face even more embarrassment while she heard Josie and PJ attempting to hold in their laughs. 
“I’m single, actually. So I hope that’s good for the people.” Hazel said, pulling her mic towards her with her ring covered hand. Hazel quickly shifted on the bean bag crossing her leg on top of the other one resting her hands. 
“Oh, but there’s a rumor that rock stars get puss. You don’t have groupies all over you after shows. I’ve heard your name countless times, supposedly you're a pussy pleaser in the community. Opinions on that.” PJ added trying to stir up the pot for the episode. Y/n stared at PJ agape not believing the words that were slipping out of her mouth. Hazel let out a loud laugh, surprising the three of them. 
“The question was if I was single, not how much I got laid. But I’m glad you’ve done your research. Not a lot of people mention my supposed pussy pleaser ways in interviews, which makes this one intriguing. So thank you for putting that out there” Hazel said sarcastically while attempting to hold in her laugh. 
“Supposedly?” Y/n let out looking at Hazel slightly. She quickly gripped on her head regretting letting that slip noticing the cocky look on Y/n’s face. 
“Well, I can’t confirm the rumors myself but if you want, we can test that theory.” Hazel replied, sending a wink towards Y/n direction. PJ gasped loudly hitting the table once again. 
“You're good. Like a god, never have I seen Y/n this quiet. What is going on?”  PJ said in between laughs while looking all around the set. 
“I don’t want to be cocky but if we get past this pod, I’ll promise you she’ll be really vocal and loud. But that’s not important right now…How about you? Are you single Miss L/n? I want to know” Y/n looked up, her face completely flushed as Hazel grinned towards knowing the effect her words had on Y/n. 
“What are you  supposed to be?” Y/n said quickly trying to change the subject off her once again. Hazel looks down at her outfit trying to hide her smile while Josie instantly notices her discomfort so she takes the lead clearing her throat. 
“What Y/n is trying to ask is,  what is your costume? For all of you guys that don’t know we are in halloween. We have been doing different themes for each episode to dress up and all that.  By  the looks of it you’ve always dressed up. But if you do not dress up then I like your new style. It makes your eyes pop” So why don’t we go around the room and say what we are dressed up as. The theme this week is crush. It can be a fictional crush, celebrity crush, real crush, whatever crush you want. So I decided on dressing up as my lovely girlfriend, Isabel. My biggest crush in the whole world. Shout out to you, babe.  She did my makeup and styled me this morning. Who’s next? ” Josie said as she pulled her flower dress down as PJ applauded obnoxiously loud making Y/n cringe one again. Hazel reached towards the water in front of her arms slowly grazing Y/n’s leg making her tense up once again. 
“Y/n, why don’t you go? Who are you supposed to be, Anakin Skywalker?” PJ asked in a joking tone while turning towards her. 
“First off all, Fuck you. Second of all I was told that our costume was going to be fictional characters not crushes.” Y/n started while fixing her robes. Josie chuckled, pulling out her phone to check  the email while Pj shook her head. 
“Don’t worry, Y/n. For you it’s the same person that’s why we didn’t tell you anything. We didn’t want you to be a more blushing mess than you already are. So don’t be such a puss and tell the camera who are you dressed up as” PJ continued pointing at the camera while Y/n rolled her eyes.  
“I’m dressed up as Kit Tanthalos from Disney’s Willow” She muttered into the mic while glaring at PJ ignoring Hazel’s eyes. 
“Wait isn’t that, Hazel's character in that show she’s in,” Josie started making Y/n groan throwing her head back clearly embarrassed. 
“You know what I want to know, what the hell is PJ dressed up as. Who’s your crush” Y/n said quickly, making PJ look down at her shirt. 
“I’m dressed as a Milf, obviously. I know Hazel being here has taken your common sense but we need you to be attentive. Now, Hazel. Who’s your celebrity crush?” PJ asked, turning to Hazel. Hazel smiled widely, turning to Y/n, not unlocking their eyes. 
“Well, I decided to dress up as my favorite podcaster. I thought my outfit was pretty obvious.” Hazel said standing up, giving an awkward turn. Y/n could feel her face turn completely red noticing that her outfit mimicked one that was recently posted on her instagram story. 
“You see guys, this is how we make love in this podcast. In the next episode we will probably talk about all the puss Y/n got.” PJ almost screamed into the mic. 
Thank You Guys For Reading!
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