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littlerainart · 1 year ago
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Illustration for Dreadfang
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goldentigerfestival · 1 month ago
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no listen i am SO serious about this.
context plus additional information:
perhaps less important, but notable due to the similarities: both were in the hands of KLab.
Crestoria based:
the worst event we were ever given, a very stupid Katz event, dropped major lore that would return in the main story and was part of a plotline that was a huge deal.
this event is directly connected to the main story (something events don't usually do) via the Great Trees. we're informed "within the area protected by the Four Great Trees" is the "inner world". Flynn says to Tear that contact with "this side" is forbidden, indicating they're from the "outer world". Flynn was born in the "inner world", but he is now evidently living in the "outer world".
we learn in chapter ten that apparently the area outside the Trees' protection was uninhabitable and in ruin because of the Dreadfang. the event is there to tell us this isn't the case and that are still people living out there. that would be the "outer world".
Kasque is the one destroying the Trees... but Milla thinks she might be being manipulated. rewind to the event. Tear and Flynn mention a man who wants to threaten/bring ruin to the land. is said man the one manipulating her? is he at least in contact with her somehow? Tear makes whatever is at risk of happening sound absolutely horrific - the exact same thing Milla is saying about Kasque destroying the Trees. in fact, why would the event even bring the Trees up to begin with if Tear wasn't implying the dangerous situation was related to them? why all this talk about the "inner world" and the Trees if it's not relevant to her warning?
Flynn mentions a "friend" in this event. Crestoria is an AU, but it typically has certain characters retain their important home game relationships (Stahn and Leon, and Rutee and Mary, etc) or meet each other during the course of the game (Asbel and Sophie, and Senel and Norma, etc). safe to assume he's referring to Yuri.
said Yuri shows up in... the very next event. most likely, if he's the friend Flynn was talking about, he's also from the "outer world". why he's here then, we'll never know, but he is. he also seems to be somewhat quiet during the event, as if observing the people on this side...?
right now, Yuri is just Yuri. he's not a transgressor at this point... but there's plenty of time between his event and chapter ten.
so, who is the guy Tear is warning about? probably Van. why Van? because it lines up with his home game story, which is also his Asteria story... and this arc seems to have an eerie amount of similarities with Asteria arc 4. more on that later. Tear's story would naturally be most likely to be connected to Van, and the potential ruin follows his home game story. Van also had an in game model that was almost a finished model found in the beta files, meaning he was a planned in-battle character, which means he would've had to have had story leading up to a battle with him. The story up to where we'd gotten to hadn't used Van yet at all, and most of the beta files had been used by chapter ten. so... Van was on the way, and given Tear's event plotline and chapter ten's plotline being the exact same plotline, if we assume Tear was referring to Van... Van was probably planned for main story for that same plotline.
Kasque thinks Vision Orbs have ruined humans and wants to fix things somehow. she makes the claim she'll make the world into a beautiful place. Assid and Forte in chapter ten explain a situation quite similar to Van's reaction to the Score in his home game. in fact, the entire plotline of the Trees being destroyed, causing ruin, the Vision Orbs (like the Score) basically controlling people's lives. Assid and Forte play a similar role as the God Generals to Van, assisting him in this "better world" he wants to create in Abyss. worth noting, Crestoria reeeeally likes making nods to home games, so this is probably intentional... especially if Van is involved (or was supposed to be, if the story had continued).
now for the Asteria part!
Tear is running from the knights (her exact story in Crestoria, except it's only one knight, i.e. Flynn). she's in trouble for essentially breaking the law, but she can't allow herself to side with Van (what am I going to guess was also her story in Crestoria, because it at least half is right there already with the law breaking part).
in arc 4, Van is the Prime Minister. he's also aware that they're all living in a "fake dream world" of sorts, where basically everyone's memories were tampered with. they believe this is the real world, with only a handful of people having gotten their memories back and trying to save everyone else. Van was directly responsible for this world happening. he's manipulating the situation to be like this (Crestoria has Milla wonder if Kasque is being manipulated, who seems to closely shares Van's views in both Abyss and Asteria - that the world needs fixing and this just ain't it).
the main knights in arc 4 are Claw, Roar and Fang - brainwashed Yuri, Milla and Lloyd, who all genuinely believe in their roles and current life and have fully embraced their identities as the White Lions' generals (the... exact people who just so happen to have all showed up in Crestoria chapter ten. Lloyd's side story also relates to these same trees, so him being at one when the Pasca tree was destroyed makes sense. and... they put Lloyd right where Yuri was? sus).
less important but worth noting is that Velvet is heavily connected to Milla in Crestoria, and the relationship is not a good one. similarly, they're enemies as Velvet and Roar in Asteria arc 4. also in arc 4, we have Colette as Lloyd's main connection as Fang... who is with his group in Crestoria and is present in chapter ten. the only one missing is Raven, who could have perhaps been replaced by Flynn for this plot (which is likely, if we assume Flynn's mentioned friend is Yuri).
so, if we assume all this, we can go back to Crestoria's trees and their names. they're all named after Radiant Mythology's Kanonno trio. only one doesn't have a name, or at least not that Milla knows of. in both Asteria and Rays, the fourth RM representative is... Lazaris. so, in my conclusion, the fourth tree was going to be named Lazaris.
so we have all the major Asteria arc 4 characters with relevance: Milla, Tear, Yuri and Lloyd. if we go by the theme naming of the trees and assume Lazaris is the fourth, who are we missing from the Asteria arc 4 group? only Van, the Prime Minister in his dream world. the whole set is complete in Crestoria if you consider that he's proooobably the man Tear is talking about...
do we know what Yuri's exact role was in Crestoria chapter ten? nup. nuh. neh. we never will unless Bamco decides to take pity on us (or at least me). we just know that some time between his event and chapter ten, he became a transgressor, which meant he was believed to have committed a crime and was judged by the masses for it as being guilty (which would fit in with Yuri's home game storyline).
I have theories on Yuri's specific role, but that's for another time.
for image reading purposes and for addiiiitional information!!!
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here, Tear says she "imagines not", that Flynn would have known he was in the "inner world" while living there. this is reflected in Yuna's question and Aegis' answer to her later.
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this could be a callback to Tear saying she imagines not, that Flynn would've known he was in the "inner world" while he was. he knows now, because he's living in the "outer world". also, contact with people in the "inner world" is forbidden, so that's even more reason they wouldn't know that's what people call their area of land, or that there are even people outside of it.
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sounds like, uh, Van stuff... right down to the sinkholes...
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I've seen some people suggest maybe the transgressor at the end of chapter ten wasn't Yuri, but frankly, let's be honest, that's Yuri's eyes and hair. also, the style of his clothing is very Japanese, and Yuri has a fair amount of Japanese style clothing across media that uses him. his original design for his home game was also given the sash he wears to give him a bit of Japanese to his appearance (this is something mentioned in Yuri's actual character design notes).
appearance aside, it fits his home game storyline to be a transgressor in this universe very perfectly. again, Crestoria likes to stick really close to legacy characters' home game storylines, and often relationships (usually one of, if not the primarily focused on in a specific game, relationship of a specific character). it simply fits them in with Crestoria's specific universe and alters them as necessary, but keeps them as close as possible (as an example, Luke's storyline is nearly identical to his Abyss storyline. Asbel meets Sophie for the first time in Crestoria, but that could easily be seen as reminiscent of Graces itself - especially since Cheria is his childhood friend in Crestoria, which is also true in Graces).
also worth mentioning is that Repede had MA sound files added into the game's files around the time of the upgraded Blood Sin releases of Kanata, Misella and Vicious (Repede was an SR character, and SRs didn't have an MA, only SSRs did). this to me would imply Repede was planned to have an SSR release, or else there wouldn't be much use for MA sound files.
the Blood Sin upgrades were in chapter eight, and the following chapter was Orwin's chapter. chapter ten got back into the main plot unrelated to a new character joining the main group. so, Repede's files were added in before Orwin's chapter, and there would be no need for him to appear as a character in the main story here, or to have an SSR release. chapter ten ended with the Lloyd and Yuri scene. so, a Yuri looking character shows up, and Repede specifically got MA sound files ahead of the appearance of the Yuri looking person.
maybe Repede was with him? but either way... unless Bamco is gonna come out and say otherwise, I'm going with the assumption that that is Yuri.
what would've happened after? that's a whole other concept, just like Yuri's story (and I believe the side stories covered the characters shown in the opening movie, which could mean they were gonna start venturing into side stories of other characters. I'd say it's not unlikely we might have had a Yuri or Flynn side story on the way. I'd say Tear as a possibility too, though since we had Luke for Abyss, I'm not sure if they'd wanna branch out more and go for another game's characters. most likely though, Flynn or Tear getting one would've had the other in it anyway. Yuri might've gotten one to cover his transgressor story, and Flynn and Tear might've shown up in the main story instead), but this is just for the connections of where the story was going.
anyway, this is my chapter ten story theory that has been brewing endlessly in my brain since the game ended and is tormenting me constantly. until Bamco gives me actual answers, this is what I'm going with, cemented in my brain. since Bamco is not likely to give me actual answers, this is my canon now so I can have some form of closure LOL.
as far as Van's relevance in regard to the Asch-got-kidnapped-and-was-never-found-in-Crestoria storyline, we have nothing on that to indicate Van was involved for Crestoria's version, but it's another plot thread to consider... lol... especially given that if it was were the case, Asch would probably get grouped into this storyline too... but yeah... lots of plot threads to consider...
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bajablast666 · 2 months ago
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Have a cropped wip of young dreadfang Kelrath
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me n a friend were discussing astarion/solas ship names (as one does) n I came up with bloodwolf or dreadfang. pretty obvious. then she comes up with fckin eggtooth. EGGTOOTH
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tearsofeilistraee · 5 months ago
Nobody asked for them but some headcanons about durge band au:
Kelrath used to be part of a goth band called DreadFang (if you know, you know) but left on bad terms (he killed them)
Some slasher/horror film vibes as the story begins with Kaethan, whose father runs a motel the band is stopping and staying at for the weekend while on tour. The night they rolled in, a body washed up from the lake. Several more follow
Canon Kelrath has a lot more discipline over himself and the urge as a paladin (at least in the beginning), band au Kelrath does not and is a lot more unhinged
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boinkuswoinkus · 1 year ago
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the big three, plus height comparison.
by order:
dreadfang , the predacon dragon
sicarius, The deception sharpshooter
Viperray, the deception assassin/spy.
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sigurdjarlson · 10 months ago
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New OC alert
Ylvva Dreadfang
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chinesegal · 1 year ago
Vampire teens
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A group of vampire kids for a personal project.
Some info: I envision it as an episodic cartoon-series that occasionally might handle more serious topics. The main protagonist is a young vampire boy named Artur Dreadfang who lives with his father in a castle somewhere in central Europe. He befriends a human, a black girl named Dawn Stoker whose parents are zany and bumbling vampire-hunters whose schemes to slay vampires always fail.
In the story's universe, vampires can't reproduce normally due to being undead, but they can have children through alchemy, making vampire children very rare.
The lore is very, very loosely inspired by Vtm in that there are vampire clans with different abilites. Now guess which vampire child is inspired by which clan.
And yes, I got my inspiration from School For Little vampires.
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edgeofsilverpineforest · 8 months ago
Cont. from Below (Post #8)
Pain crawled up his calf, almost seizing the muscle. Chill followed after, helping with some of the sting. The master assassin pushed it all out of his mind to focus on the task at hand, which was severing the front of the death knight’s neck as fast as possible.
“Ah hah. I’ve got you now… elf.” 
Theo could feel two hands gripping his legs. The fucker was going to try and launch him. Before the undead Worgen’s fingers could find their grasp, he released his legs and slid, still holding onto the dagger’s hilt embedded into the death knight’s neck, and swung forward. Pressing soles onto the beast’s torso, Theo had to act quickly now in the danger zone. He let go with a hand and reached for his belt. As the Worgen’s arms lifted, his hand shoved something into the pocket Theo had just created in the death knight’s neck. Kicking off, the Sparrow leader hoped he’d clear the bastard in time, shadow-stepping behind a tree just in case. The Shadow Sparrow felt the ghostly fingertips of the death knight around one of his ankles. But, he was free, standing securely behind a pine. “You talk too much. Two… one.” “I’ll haunt y-”
The grenade Theo had shoved into the death knight’s neck went off. The head instantly exploded with the helm flying off, interrupting the end of that sentence, much to Theo’s delight. Still, the chill left by the undead Worgen lingered. He attempted to shake it off as he moved to stealth and communicate with the rest of his Sparrows.
It was then he smelled his blood still dripping down his calf, and he cursed under his breath. That had to be attended to first. They could leave no trace, and he’d spattered an entire area with his little leap. ‘Fucking fel.’
To save time, Theo pulled out a small pouch of incendiary powder and began sprinkling it around the area while drinking a potion of his creation. As his wound healed and his armor soaked up the blood, he cleared the perimeter and tossed a match. With so much of the forest burning, what was one more section? It was best to burn the death knight, too. It could have gone far worse than him experiencing severe pain in a calf.
Theo walked away from the lit area, shaking his head at his own folly, focusing on the next task and looking for the next target.
“Headcount,” came from Theo’s comm.
“Boss!” “About time you showed up to the party.” “Less than half remain.” “The ferals are handling the leader.”
“Feather Six rounding the rear for deserters, but you should know. Reinforcements are not far off.”
“Let’s finish this quickly, then.” “Boss, can you take care of the warlock?” “What fucking warlock?” Theo’s curt voice can be heard. “The one that keeps staring down my barrel.” Her round had not reached the target after all.
An audible sigh flows through all the Sparrow’s ears before, “Fuck me. Yeah, Two and Three, on me. Give us a location.” “Got it, boss.” “Two relocating.” “Three relocating.”
The Shadow Sparrows maneuvered the chaotic field, utilizing any advantage found. 
“It doesn’t appear they are communicating well.” “The fire is starting to get out of hand, Boss.” “Then, let’s use our time wisely.”
They knew what that meant. Each Sparrow took inventory and stock of the situation. They had a maximum of about seven minutes to finish their assault, which included the Worgen reinforcements. That wasn’t enough time for Dreadfang to fully take hold. It had only been about that many minutes since they stood on the cliff behind them.
“We still using-” “Yep,” came Theo’s crisp reply, cutting off any possible information transmitted over their comms. That was a Sparrow he’d be talking to after if they survived.
<<to be continued>>
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xaracosmia · 1 year ago
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name / alias: Sam/Sammi age: 27 pronouns: commonly they/she but any are fine ooc contact: @ sorunort on twitter other characters in xc: Elizabeth Afton, Vanessa A.
name: Kasque age: Physically 24 | 880 pronouns: She/They series: Tales of Crestoria canon point: Chapter 10 part 2 (before the game EOS’d haha <-PAINED) app triggers: [scratches head] just a brief mention of humanity's extinction.
personality: Kasque is a self described “half-assed God.” Even before her ascension, Kasque was lazy and didn’t put much effort into things, despite being smart and having the capabilities required of her. However her love makes up for her lazy attitude. Kasque became a God in the first place to spare the one she loved from taking on that fate. All in all she’s very laid back and easygoing, preferring to do things the easy way and groaning if she has to put in any more work than she has to. She also has a bit of a flirtatious side, and enjoys telling men and women if they’re cute or hot or nice to look at. Good for her!
something your muse struggles with: Her lazy ways. 80 years prior to the main story, Kasque suddenly decided to retire from Godhood and let humanity decide who was a sinner and needed to be punished for their transgressions so she wouldn’t have to do anything anymore (however before the game EOS’d, it’s implied that she was being manipulated and something was prompting her to act this way). When she descended to personally take care of a few transgressors, Kasque forgot how to summon her powers for a good while and kept tanking hits until she remembered. If she doesn’t have to do a thing, she won’t.
your muse’s greatest strength: Her love. As stated before, Kasque became a God in order to prevent Milla, someone she cared for deeply, from becoming God. to Kasque, there was nothing worse than imagining her beloved toiling away for eternity and never knowing a moment's peace and inevitably losing herself to loneliness. It hurt Kasque so deeply that she took on God’s power, knowing she may never see Milla again. But that was fine with her if it meant Milla could live happily in this world she wanted to protect.
history / background: Prior to the main story of Tales of Crestoria, humanity was being ravaged by a bestial race of ruinous monsters known as Dreadfangs. Humanity was on the brink of extinction, so their last resort was to create a God to fight off this enemy and save the world. In the end, there were two options: Kasque, and Milla. While they were evenly matched, Milla was the best candidate, and she was fully prepared for the role. However Kasque couldn’t bear the thought of Milla trying to live with the crushing loneliness of Godhood, so she took on the role instead, convinced and dead set on being a “half-assed God.” With her newfound power, she defeated the Dreadfangs and created a barrier to protect the last vestiges of humanity from the barren, toxic parts of the world she couldn’t save.
800 years passed. Out of nowhere Kasque suddenly decided to retire as a God and she created a new system of justice for the world: Vision Orbs. Everyone would be granted one from birth and with it someone could record a crime then broadcast it to Vision Centrals placed in towns and cities alike. If enough people voted to condemn the accused, then they would be labeled a transgressor and Enforcers (white cloaked constructs) would take shape and essentially erase the transgressor from existence. After she set everything in place, Kasque ascended to the heavens and wasn’t heard or seen from again.
(Meanwhile that same loneliness she needed to save Milla from was eating away at her, and Kasque began trying to contact Milla through dreams and reach out to her.)
…Until 80 years later we come to the main story of Crestoria, where Kasque has seen the plot unfold and she decides things are getting too messy. The main party wants to tear down her justice system and if they do that she has to come out of retirement. Lame! However after an altercation with the party, Kasque see’s that the system is flawed and she needs to do something about it and make the world a beautiful place again. And the best option for that is… killing humanity? Oh, no.
powers / abilities: 
It’s easier to describe Kasque’s powers as “what can’t she do?” given how she erased a world ending monster species and then saved the last of humanity with magic barriers and magic trees. However, to restrict it to her fighting style only…
Enforcer Construction: Kasque can create Enforcers, white cloaked monsters, at will. Look out, transgressors!
Light elemental mana: Projectiles, missiles, blasts, beams, you name it, she’s got it. 
Final Order: Kasque’s special, her mystic arte. Kasque flies upward and summons a giant glyph. After waving her free hand three times, she strikes the glyph with her rod, sending a barrage of lasers that slowly merge together, creating an explosion.
inherent abilities: 
Mana manipulation. Think of this as simple magic tricks a wizard could do, but elemental based. Start a fire, make some flowers grow, and so on.
Levitation / Flying. She’s a God.
items / weapons: A giant silver rod with a large Vision Orb eye at the top.
starting ability: Light elemental mana
starting item: Her silver rod.
It’s very much highly implied that there is some external force manipulating Kasque into killing humanity, however we don’t find out what, so I’m choosing to play Kasque as being freed from this force when she arrives in Xara and not knowing why she thought that was a good idea
She put the bi in nonBInary WOOHOO!!!!
I think she invented the word himbo in crestoria universe.
She’s only 5’3’’, please point and laugh at her for being the smallest artificial God.
discord id: final_order (this is vicious’s old account, i dont know if that will mess anything up?)
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destiny-game-flavortexts · 7 years ago
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Dreadfang Kingly brother, I thank you for the gift of your failure. The sword logic demands a pinnacle. Rarity: Legendary Perk: Extra damage againt Taken enemies Obtainment: Quest; Awarded by Variks the Loyal Other notes: The flavor text is perchance a message from one of Oryx's sisters. They are all built around the philosophy of The Sword Logic and the law of The Deep. The only gifts are earned either from failure ot success. No giving. Oryx's defeat "sharpens" our (guardians) Sword Logic. A more proper fight for Savathun/Xivu-Arath. (Clues from D2 suggest Savathun to be the most likely case.)
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mysdrymmumbles · 3 years ago
You can still play WoW without a sub if the character is lvl 20 or down, right?
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bloodsinned · 3 years ago
Monster experiments
Human-monster fusions
Artificial celestial beings & automatons
Order of Totalia
Artificial gods
World trees
Elven racism , half-elf racism
There’s so many freaking things happening in crestoria
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cutelittleexo · 4 years ago
"How would you feel?"
Luna-4. A Past, Present, and Future. Ch. 1 - Hope For the Future
Luna-4 got snapped out of her daydream by her stained glass ghost, Shard, seems she didn't realize her guardian was in a daze. "I'm sorry Shard. I was thinking. Could you repeat that please?" Luna asked, hands cupping her still hot tea as she continues to walk along the riverside of the last city, just under the shadow of the ruined tower. "You've been doing that a lot lately. But okay, I'll say it again." Shard rolled her eye a bit before speaking "I asked. How would you feel If you were offered to go back to your life before you were a guardian?" Shard spoke softly and clearly, knowing Luna-4 often loses focus If someone speaks to quick, Luna shot her ghost a unamused look "This question again? I've already told you the answer, I don't know. My dreams are different than other Exo, sure I still dream of the black tower and the fight to get there, but not as much as the others." She sips her tea, still piping hot. Shard darted around her purple Daito cloak and sat in the little crevice where her hood stacked up in a small layer "Do you think It has to do with gui-" "Drop It shard, I came out here to unwind, not to have another existential crisis." Luna-4 spoke in a unusually stern stone, Shard sighed and shimmied out of her hood "Okay. I'll stop...how's the tea today?" Shard asked as If Luna hasn't even scolded her, Luna took a mouth full this time and took in the flavour before gulping it down "Bitter, but a sweet aftertaste. Devrim's fourth favourite tea." She smiled, remembering the time when she asked for sniping lessons from him, only to end up doing his work in that trostland plaza for the day, he got to drink tea and chat up Marc and Hawthorne for once, needless to say she did learn a lot using his custom No Land Beyond. "It's growing on me a bit and I should thank him, think he's still at the fa-...what are you looking at Shard?" Luna-4 asked with a tilted head, seeing her ghost float up a bit "Did the Traveler always glow like that?" Luna-4 turned to see what she was talking about.
Then suddenly feeling a burst of Light.
Comms suddenly went off as civilians and Guardians began to chime in on different channels. The Vanguard channel got some Hunter's on as well much to her surprise. The white noise that was people talking and doing every day responsibilities went quiet before piping up again, different and more rapid this time. Another feeling of Light, like when she was resurrected. It didn't take long before Guardians and Civilians ran past her, some even leaving their spicy ramen sadly behind. A Golden Age song played out in the distance.
"Some hope for the future
Some wait for the call
To say that the days ahead
Will be the best of all."
Luna-4 quickly gulped down all her tea that was meant to be enjoyed slow and tossed it in a nearby trash bin before beginning to walk up the street, her ghost following behind.
"We will build bridges
Up to the sky
Heavenly lights surrounding
You and I."
"Hey, what's the rush?" Luna bumped into one of her fire team members coming out of a underground walkway, a warlock she tells herself she'll befriend, his name being Alexi "Traveler, glowing." She says quickly before running ahead after regaining her footing, leaving him in the dust.
"From out of the darkness
Our future will come
If we leave the past behind
We'll fly beyond the sun."
Luna-4 kept her pace up, running past civilians that stared in awe and up some stairs and continuing on, jumping across ramps and going through the nearby damn.
"We'll be together
Sharing the load
Watching in wonder as our lives unfold."
Now running up stairs and giving a hard left turn before seeing the Traveler again, glowing, much closer now, she passed through a small crowd and made another jump across a gap. Another burst of Light, the area around her seemed a bit foggy. She spotted some of her friends, her lover, and a few acquaintances, sitting around and looking up at the Traveler, some climbing the nearby Vanguard neon sign and radio tower, some over on top of the green house and balconies nearby it. She saw a big ole titan with rusted battleworn armor, Tank, at the greenhouse. A Human Hive-Afflicted Warlock leaning on a aluminum vent, XV, often seen using Dreadfang in crucible. Another Warlock near him, sitting on the ground and leaning on his Monte Carlo, Callum, Gambit wildcard. Another Titan which was on top of the vanguard billboard to get a better view, Reynault. An Exo hunter sat along the edge of the building they were on, Mori, a skillful bladedancer. Luna-4 passed another close friend, an Awoken Titan named Ivara, they've been on strike ops with each other a lot. Sowl, a Guardian she helped get reacquainted in the city a long while ago, been a while since they talked to each other, usually draws a grey teddy bear who likes cookies. A warlock on one of the balconies near the green house, Hawk, usually head bangs. She spotted her ex, a New Monarchy devotee Titan, Felra, who kept her name from her previous life among the Awoken of the Reef. Luna-4 walked up beside her lover and casually held his hand which he responded with a tight squeeze, a Warlock named Volcan, he helped Luna-4 a lot during The Red War, falling in love with each other during said war. They've stuck together since.
All of these Guardians and their Ghosts, they had all gathered to see what the Traveler was doing. An offical message came onto the Vanguard comm channel, ordering evacuation, along with sirens off in the distance, but civilians and guardians still looked on, ignoring the potential danger. "What do you think is happening? I feel so...warm." Shard spoke "Like when I was born. And when I found you..." She looked Luna-4, who was now holding Volcan's arm in worry. Shard didn't talk again, and instead rested on Luna-4's shoulder and watched with the two of them. Another burst of light, making thing's seem blurry. Everyone continued to watch, seeing the Traveler put itself back together. It hasn't done something in 3 years. The comms are active with chatter, Eris Morn speaks, The Guardians Ghost, Commander Zavala. Everyone braces for something.
There was a heavy burst of Light once more. Before the Traveler lit up the entire city and gave a heavy flash of white Light.
"Hope for the future
It's coming soon enough
How much can we achieve?
Hope for the future
It will belong to us
If we believe
If we believe."
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isoulmer · 4 years ago
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i am so lazy today but here is a wip of my destiny oc, khadija moreau
she’s an awoken, blind in her left eye (congenital cataracts), has mediocre-at-best aim, dreadfang > guns, lowkey hates the traveler, heavy french accent, collects knives, glimmer mercenary, ghost is dead, avid tinkerer, legally allowed to say fuck, resting bitch face
also she hunts the prince for sport and gets a kick out of hacking and reprogramming his crows
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out-of-this-dimension · 4 years ago
For the writing meme- 2, 14, 20?
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I am really excited to jump back into Star-Crossed specifically for 2 things -- the Captain Dreadfang reveal and the Mr. B reveal.  These are both characters that I think will surprise the readers... hopefully in a good way?  There’s also another antagonistic figure (shown in the prologue-- the mysterious, supernatural figure) that I’ve yet to introduce that I’ve quickly become to adore in my headcanons.  He’s based off of a scrapped character from SF2 and I’ve taken some liberties with some of the worldbuilding I’ve been doing in my works to pad out his character.  That’s all I’mma say about him. 
The focus of Star-Crossed is the dynamic between Star Wolf and Star Fox, of course, but I wanted the bad guys to not necessarily be too random.  So I worked pretty hard on developing them and I hope people like them when they are (eventually) revealed.
No one will ever top Archie though.  I miss that guy.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
It depends!  Sometimes I come up with the title after I’ve started writing.  Sometimes I come up with a title immediately. Burning Stars was titled almost at once but it started off being titled “Lost Among the Stars”.  Star-Crossed was titled almost at once, too.  Legacies Never Die was just called “Legacy” but that felt too generic so I changed it.  I did entertain calling it “Memento” or “Inheritance” but eh, I stuck with Legacies Never Die.  I really should get to wrapping up the next chapter of that because it’s been sitting mostly-done on my PC for like 3 months now lol.
My shorter pieces tend to have fluctuating titles as I write them.  Reservations started off being titled “Welcome to the Family”.  Rush started off as being named “Fortunan Sunsets”.  Expectations vs Reality was called “Knives” for the longest time.  Liminal Spaces was “Sargasso Nights” until towards the end of writing it.  
I tend to immediately come up with a good name or I just sub in a name until I think of something better, tbh.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
HNGHHHHH.  Let’s talk about hidden references and callbacks.
Star-Crossed is full of references to Burning Stars already.  Every time someone sends me feedback, they point out something different that’s a call to BS and I know they’re all just 1 gander at each other’s comments from realizing certain things.  I want to list them all out but I feel like it’ll spoil something later.  Just... the last chapter I posted has so many hints.  So many.  There’s overt ones like Savanna coming back from BS’s ending and mentions of Richard de Lyonne.  But there’s... more subtle ones too.  There’s also a huge foreshadowing moment in the upcoming chapter and it’s something Fox says.
I kick myself when I look back at my BS post-ending author’s note because I forgot to add that Klaus and Wolf were supposed to be implied to have been a couple.  I feel like it was implied but I hate myself for not stating it overtly at the end.  Same with Kevin Mouser being Mouser from the Hot Rodder’s brother-- the reason he broke into Archie’s manor was because he was hired by Richard to steal back a prototype weapon.  Richard bailing those people out at the end is supposed to be him bailing the Hot Rodders out.  Which was going to be my excuse as to why Katt wasn’t with them in SF64-- they were in jail for causing general shenanigans.  I didn’t get to go into that as much as I would have liked but I left the reference in for any keen observers.  
Could probably go on for ages but I’ll cut myself off there before I spoil something. :x 
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