#Dravanian AU
herohikara-wol · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 8
Shed - Dravanian AU, direct sequel to Barbarous
“There’s really no need-” Haurchefant’s tail lifted from Hero’s hands as the Dravanian protested. “I wouldn’t make you deal with my scales, it must seem unsightly to you.”
The viera rolled his eyes softly, “Haurchefant I was adopted by Dravanians. I grew up here in Ishgard. I have like a dozen siblings who are of all different ages and have all gone through molting before- I’ve helped some of them with it even.” He snorted, “honestly, acting like I’ve never touched dead scales before.”
“Well it’s a sensitive topic to some. I didn’t want to turn you off, I wanted tonight to be special. You’ve been gone for so long, my dulcet. Tonight was supposed to be supper and spoiling you and taking you back to my nest to try to have a clutch of my own with you.”
“Well you can still do all those things, I’m here until Aymeric’s guard finishes assessing if Gridania wants war or if the Primal attack was an accident.” It could have just been an accident, it’s not like Nophica herself had shown up to try to turn him into a bloody tree or some shite. Whatever he’d fought didn’t feel like a proper primal either, it was too- dead? No, it was alive, but it felt empty. Like all the energy animating it was somehow inert.
Papalymo mentioned something about pre-Gridanian history, the war of the magi, and was currently researching the Gelmorran and Amdapori ruins for answers. Apparently the primal-not-primal had looked similar to depictions of the stone guardians from the war, but if Gridania was worried about offending the Elementals, that should be the last thing they resorted to. Right? The Flood had traumatized the forest spirits so badly that they refused to allow all but a select few to use white magic in the first place.
So whoever animated that statue was risking retribution from the Elementals. Which would explain why they were agitated and panicked when Hero showed up in the grove in the first place. Right now the only answer he could come up with was someone had a Paragon guiding them, puppeting their moves from the shadows, and Kan-E-Senna thought it was the dragons threatening her people and not the Ascians.
Hero’s mind was working so quickly to try to piece together the puzzle that he barely noticed his hands moving at all. Haurchefant had long melted under the fingers gently massaging lotions and oils into his tail and back to loosen and soften the dead scales to make them easier to remove. He was practically purring his adoration for the massage, and Hero wasn’t hearing a single word of praise.
It wasn’t until Haurchefant flipped over to grab him by the wrist that Hero even realized he’d already finished the job. “Dearheart, are you alright? You’ve been silent this whole time.”
“Sorry, luv.” Hero smiled weakly at him to hide the worry bubbling in his breast. “I was just thinking about work.”
“Thinking about the looming specter of war more like.” The taller man huffed a bit, “You started using the brush over an area you’d already gotten. I will admit, it is impressive what you’re capable of without thinking about it though. My back feels better than it has in ages.” He glanced at the small pile of dead scales and skin beside Hero with a grimace. “I still wish you hadn’t had to deal with it on my behalf.”
Hero shook his head and smiled at the other, “I grew up here, if you think my stomach is so weak I can’t help you with some basic grooming you’re out of your mind. Remember, a dozen siblings? Why do you think I learned how to be so gentle with it? I’d help my fathers with the younger ones, papa taught me how to do it so they wouldn’t cry about how much it hurt. Father’s a little more on the side of speed over comfort but you know how he can be.”
“Ser Charibert isn't exactly the man I would think of when I was considering comforts beyond tea and a warm fire. No offense but your parents are bloody terrifying on a good day, it’s a wonder you’re so sweet and gentle.” He was flinching as he spoke, only to smile a bit when Hero found himself laughing.
“You’re their future son in-law, of course they’re terrifying to you. They’re trying to make sure you’ll treat me right, I am their most fragile child after all.” Not that either of his parents would call him that to his face. His cousin Grinnaux had though.
Hero still had one of Grinn’s teeth on a necklace to remind his cousin why he wasn’t as fragile or soft as he looked. Like any Dzemael, Grinn seemed to respect Hero more for having the balls to lay him flat on his arse instead of chickening out or backing down. “Alright, help me clean this mess up and we can get dinner. Maybe one of those hand-pies they sell in the market?”
“I was thinking something a little more sit-down and classy. Hopefully they’ll let us in the door, usually only proper house members dine there and-” Hero put a hand to Haurchefant’s chest and smiled at him.
“If they don’t, I will be just as happy to eat a hand-pie and lean against you while you wrap your wing around me. I don’t care about the expense, I care about spending time with you.”
“Of course.” Haurchefant leaned down to take the hand from his chest, still covered in lotion and oils, and kissed the top of it regardless. “Of course, my dulcet. As you wish.”
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morsecodex · 2 years
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paintedscales · 3 days
FFXIV Write 2024 :: Day Eighteen
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Prompt: Hackneyed Characters: Nomin tal Kheeriin, Ruyah Tchuvu, Francel de Haillenarte Word Count: 697 Notes: Neo-Ishgard / Steampunk AU; also not exactly the happiest with this one, but hey. It's done.
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“This hair clip has a linkpearl?” Nomin asked, picking up the decorative opal clip, its shape that of a crescent moon. Appropriate for that of the Keepers of the Moon.
“Indeed. With it, I’ll be able to hear everything that you are party to, and I shall be able to guide you in discussion with the others with things I would say while remaining perfectly safe here,” Ruyah replied, sitting back in the chair. Her tail curled as a smile spread over her lips. “Lucia put it together, you see. She has quite the way with little things like these.”
Indeed she did…
Nomin sighed, though took the hair clip. She would have to figure out how to put it on after her glamour took hold.
Ruyah -- or rather, Nomin glamoured as Ruyah -- was dressed for the event, sporting an emerald green dress with fetching white adornments to accent her ensemble. In her hair was an opal hairpin, a veritable treasure there upon her head to make her look all the more striking for the evening. She had a fan in one of her hands. It was unfolded and hid the lower half of her face as she walked about the area.
“I hear Lord Francel close by. Approach him.”
Nomin looked around before she spotted the bright green of Francel, and she slowly walked over, fanning herself all the while. She did her best to mimic what Ruyah showed her.
The linkpearl whispered into her ear again, and so the act of being a puppet began. Nomin had been thankful that she had plenty of practice listening and speaking at the same time so that she could regurgitate the words as quickly as they were given to her. A spoken script.
“A fine eve to you, Lord Francel,” Nomin greeted, picking up part of her dress before offering a brief curtsey. Another practiced form.
“Lady Ruyah!” Francel greeted, bowing in kind. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“I’ve been informed your brother, Lord Stephanivien, would not be in attendance tonight. An unfortunate circumstance to be sure,” Nomin recited, a sigh escaping her lips in her act of disappointment. “I was hoping that I could bend his ear and ask some questions about his inventions with the Skysteel Manufactory.”
“Ah, yes…” Francel gave a brief nod, a sheepish look crossing his face. “I understand that some of these drones he’s been creating with some Garlean influence must seem like a threat to those who neighbor so close to us in the Black Shroud. My Lady Ruyah, please allow me to assuage any concerns: my brother does not seek to allow these works to threaten the rest of Eorzea, merely work in repelling any Dravanian threat.”
Nomin snapped the fan shut, a frown creasing on her lips with the severity of the words that were given to her.
“You must ask your brother to reconsider his inventions if they are meant for violence,” Nomin said. “Be they for good intentions or no, I must stress that espousing the hackneyed rhetoric that is proliferated throughout the whole of Ishgard is simply that. I want the Council of Menphina to be on good terms with House Haillenarte, but I simply cannot agree with such inventions. For if they are as powerful as we have seen samples of, it worries me and my people that it may one day be used against us.”
Francel looked shocked, and then a sheepish expression fell upon his face.
“I…I can see your concerns, Lady Ruyah…” Francel sputtered. He was not terribly fond of being confronted, it seemed. “I…can pass along your sentiment to my brother. He desires what’s best for Ishgard and her people. But I greatly doubt he would want to jeopardize the relations between our people.”
Nomin relaxed, unfolding her fan once more and covering the bottom of her face. Her eyes crinkled with a smile. “Very good. And if at all possible, I would very much enjoy a meeting with him so that I might talk to him in person one of these days.”
“I can see what I can arrange, but I can’t promise you anything.”
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arty-ffxiv · 3 months
Count(Down) to Dawntrail: Day II - Heavensward
Continuing on the Kupa WoL AU I wrote for day 1- this time just screenshots & shorter drabbles ☆゚
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It had been a shock to learn of the existence of Dravanian Moogles.
Kupa's clan had seldom spoken of their distant kin, and when they had they treated the subject with the same reverence as fairy tales. The experience of connection and sharing cultures was a joy that carried her through the difficult days ahead, as the Dragonsong War was brought to a close.
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fisherrprince · 1 year
thinking abt wayfinder dragoons now bc can you imagine. they’re from a rather prestigious minor house but all of Eraqus’ heirs are adopted. the man was (WAS) a dragoon and he retired. all of his kids are insane dragoons as well. they hardly do politics with everyone else and they don’t come to banquets they are simply weird and in a mountain and doing….. whatever it is they’re doing. Can you believe. I heard ser aqua carried both ser ventus and terra down the mountain from an ambush while dragging a dravanian’s corpse behind her. I heard that one time ser ventus survived a lance through the chest. word is he doesn’t have a heart in there. well that can’t be true, I saw him laugh once. Terra being au ra doesn’t help— I heard he was once possessed by a great wyrm and attacked his comrades, but I also heard he was literally too mad to stay possessed and broke free by the power of sheer rage. i saw them passing around the same cup of thousand year old wine and daring each other to drink it one time. I heard ser aqua has a six pack. I heard she’s shredded
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ainyan · 7 months
Snippet - The Calling (AU: Woven Souls)
This takes place long before ARR or even 1.0, when Thancred is only thirteen and Kal'istae only ten.
“I still don’t see why I had to come along.” Thancred kicked a pebble along the street as he and Louisoix strode from the Aethryte towards the manor where Fourchenault and Ameliance had made their home, one of many the Leveilleur family owned. The Dravanian Colony had been established centuries before, and Louisoix’s eldest son and his wife were only the latest members of the family living there since they'd graduated from the Studium and elected to join the research team studying the Aetherial Sea.
Louisoix never lost his smile as he strolled along, his hands folded at his back and his gaze roaming about the colony, studying the changes made since last he’d been there. “I wanted you along. That should be reason enough. But if you need more, it was either you come with me, or your mother was going to skin you before the new session begins.”
The young hyuran boy grimaced, shoulders hunching against an imagined blow. “I was only trying to help,” he said plaintively. “How was I supposed to know she would have Lady Varineaux over for tea?”
Reaching out, Louisoix placed his hand on Thancred’s head and the boy fell into a sulky silence. “She appreciated the thought, but neither the timing nor the lack of permission.  You’re a bright boy, Thancred. Over-bright, sometimes. You need something to stimulate you at every turn. I’ve been considering enrolling you early in some classes at the Studium.”
Thancred stuttered to a stop. “Really?” he asked, staring up at Louisoix. “You said I couldn’t start at the Studium until I was fourteen.”
Turning, the older man smiled down at his young ward. “Only a few classes, mind you. One or two, just enough to keep you out of your mother’s hair when your private school is not in session. Master Casiliat has been asking after you in particular.”
“The Bardic instructor?” he asked after a few moment’s thought as he trotted to catch up to his father. “What does he want with me?”
Nodding to a lalafellan woman as she rushed by, Louisoix smiled a secret smile. “Your brains, your hands, and the potential of your voice. You’re a very clever young man, and you’ve got quick fingers and a quicker tongue. He thinks you’ve the makings of a first-class bard - and, perhaps, a first-class spy.”
Once more, Thancred skidded to a halt. “A spy?” he whispered. “Me?”
“Perhaps. At the very least, the training will help you in other aspects of your life,” came Louisoix’s calm response. “The younger you begin training, the quicker you will learn, and that is true in both music and espionage. You’ve the mind and the skills for it. Have you the desire?” At the boy’s rapid head-nod, he smiled. “Then I will speak with Gadriel when we return home.”
With a whoop, Thancred leapt into the air, pumping his fist, then darted ahead of the older man, his reluctance forgotten in the promise of an early start at the Studium. Louisoix continued at his slow, steady pace, his face bright with pride as he gazed after his younger son.
They’d said he was crazy for adopting the stray wharf-rat who had tried to pick his pocket on the docks of Limsa Lominsa. Bad blood, they’d said. Pirate-spawn, destined for the headman’s noose. Rough, dirty, coarse, they swore he would never amount to anything.
Louisoix watched Thancred laugh as he darted towards the stately manor lying just off of the street, pale silver hair shining in the sun, long bones strong and wrapped in young muscle and golden skin. It had taken only weeks and several dozen baths - and the application of some tough love - before even his most ardent detractors had to admit that the boy had not only fast hands, but equally quick wits, running mental races around their own well-favored offspring. His charming words and ready grin had kept him from making too many enemies, and within his first year, few in Sharlayan remembered his less than illustrious beginnings.
Of course, he mused, watching as Fourchenault came out of his house and frowned at the boy pelting towards him, not everyone had forgotten. Thancred skidded to a halt in front of his older brother, resting his hands on his knees and panting furiously as he fought to catch his breath. Louisoix could hear Fourchenault’s scathing tone as he neared, but only managed to catch a few of the words. “... dignity… Sharlayan… Leveilleur…”
Sighing, he reached out and caught the back of Thancred’s hood as the boy straightened abruptly, fire in his eye. “Good afternoon, Fourchenault,” he said to his oldest son.
“Good afternoon, Father,” the younger Elezen replied only a little stiffly. “I see you chose to bring the boy with you.”
Thancred made a face. “What gave it away?” he asked pertly, then winced as the older man’s hand tightened on his collar. “Father thought I could help you and Lady Ameliance unpack from your recent trip,” he added sullenly.
“That would be lovely, Thancred.” Right on cue, Fourchenault’s young, lovely wife swept out of the house and strode up to Louisoix and Thancred, kissing first her father-in-law, then her brother-in-law on their cheeks. Louisoix smiled at her, while Thancred turned red and mumbled a hello. “I’m sure you’re both starving. Come in, lunch is just about ready. I’ve readied the Blue Suite for the two of you; it overlooks the gardens and I’m certain you’ll find it quite restful.” Sliding her arm through Louisoix’s, she guided him through the entryway into the foyer. “Come in. Welcome to our home.”
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silent-dragon · 4 months
Final Fantasy XIV WOLs & OCs
Main 5 ocs I play in xiv currently
Feel free to send me asks about any of them.
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Hinata Koji ☆ Rava Viera ☆ Golmorian ☆ 26yrs old ☆ 248cm/8'ft2"in ☆ Transmasc ☆ He/They ☆ Dark Knight & Viper
Ex-Knight of House Fortemps. Very tall brooding bunny who made a oath that if no one wants to make the tough decisions then he will. Served under Artoirel until the Ishgardian court stripped him of his knighthood. Becomes leader of a free company that takes on high rank tasks. Flops from physical touch affections.
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J'phel Tia ☆ Seeker/Keeper Miqo’te Mix ☆ Ala Mhigan ☆ 20yrs old ☆ 172cm/5'ft8"in ☆ Demiboy ☆ He/They ☆ Dancer & White Mage
Ala Mhigan Miqo’te who escaped the garlean oppression. Can't hide he sensitive and cries when things go bad. Feels more confident when dancing or creating something that brings a smile to others. Thinks he a terrible wol and has given up consistently but scions/friends help him keep going. Dreams of a life where he can feel safe but is starting to see that will never happen.
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Pankraz Grimshaw ☆ Hyur(Based) ☆ Trueblood Garlean ☆ 22yrs old ☆193cm/6ft'4in ☆ Male ☆ He/Him ☆ Dragoon & Reaper
Garlean man with no memory of his life as one. He was raised in Dravanian by a dragon partly then hunting group and joined the Ishgardian dragoons later on. Was made to drink dragon blood but lack of aether abilities prevented much damage. Struggles with others accepting him due to his birthright but makes a great/feral impression that usually shifts their thoughts. Wasn't gifted the echo rather was implanted with a fake one by garlean scientists unwillingly while imprisoned in a castrum.
Non-WOLs OCs(The two below do not have the echo but assist the ones above)
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Kayn Grimshadow ☆ Veena Viera ☆ Dravanian ☆ 23yrs old ☆ 187cm/6ft'2in ☆ Male/Dragonkin ☆ He/Him ☆ Dragoon & Reaper
Grew up in same hunting group as Pankraz. They both joined the Ishgardian dragoons together as best friends. Was convinced by Iceheart to join her cause and betray his fellow friends which ended in him being wounded by Estinien. Was forced to consume dragon blood but painfully stopped the transformation,however still suffered effects like horns and a insatiable draconian behavior. His now wanders around as muscle for hire seeking to keep gil flowing to feed his growing hunger.
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Hana Musa ☆ Xaela Au Ra(Albino) ☆ Othardian ☆ 32yrs old ☆ 216cm/7ft'1"in ☆ Male ☆ He/Him ☆ Dark Knight & Monk
Unfortunate rare non-hue man who as a child was taken from his homeland and sold off to a place in Limsa like cargo. Adapted to his surroundings becoming a sea pirate and really good cook aboard the ships he was on. Is the most un-Dark Knight you will ever meet as too kind even his darkness is confused but amused that he thinks he can save everyone. Joined the Redbills Sky Pirates by chance and they are like the family he never got to have. Loves making a big meal and sitting with friends enjoying times together. The sun is his enemy but often found fainted due to being under it too long.
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dainesanddaffodils · 2 days
Heavensward AU where everything is the same but there’s a ball scene before shit hits the fan | HW | Rated G | 750 words
(I’m very self-indulgent today; this is also not actually canon for my girl as you can see from the summary of the fic lmao)
The High Houses are nothing if not vain, always eager for the first excuse to show off and show up one another. So House Fortemps hosting a ball in order to celebrate their ward’s defeat of Nidhogg and halting of the imminent Dravanian siege does not appear like anything other than that vanity on display. No reason to look deeper. Or notice when Ser Aymeric leaves early.
It’s a bit convoluted when it comes to ensuring Ishgard’s nobility - and their guards - are looking elsewhere when the Lord Commander goes to confront his father; it’s hardly as though the Heavens’ Ward won’t still be guarding the Archbishop. Still, Aymeric had insisted, adding that, if nothing else, should things go as bad as they undoubtedly would, House Fortemps could appear unaware of the plot.
Estinien is aware of all the reasoning his stubborn and idealistic friend has given, and believes… well at least believes that Aymeric believes his own words. But as he stands in a corner of the ballroom, still fully armored with his arms crossed, he does wonder if he’d had a more selfish motivation.
The Warrior of Light looks especially diminutive, twirled under the Lord Commander’s arm in the center of the room. Estinien almost hadn’t recognized her at first. She was dressed like any other highborn lady, including an elaborate headdress that covered her short cropped hair and obscured her horns. Only her height and her tail initially gave her away, as he expects had been the case for most present who only knew the Warrior of Light by name and gossip. Aymeric had waited, seemingly until everyone became aware of her presence, before he had approached her for a dance.
Now they are not the only ones dancing but it’s clear they are commanding everyone’s attention in a way someone of his standing and her reputation together would. That’s the idea; the image everyone will remember of the night. No one will notice him duck out the door as soon as the song is over.
“Quite the sight, aren’t they?” An affable voice says beside him. Estinien stiffens, startled less by the voice than by the realization that he had been staring just as every other person present was.
The voice belongs to Lord Haurchefant. Like Estinien he is there to keep an eye on events and ensure they transpire apace. Unlike Estinien, Haurchefant hadn’t needed to convince the others to let that be his role - rather than take center stage alongside the Warrior of Light.
(“You bested Nidhogg together, it would make sense that this event is celebrating you both,” Aymeric had pointed out.
“The fact that I will be there at all will seem out of character and you know it. The point is not to appear suspicious.”)
Meanwhile, pretense or no, it was clear Haurchefant would always be viewed as a knight of House Fortemps rather than a son.
Estinien gives a nod, more as a greeting than response, and looks back at his friend - or friends, as surely that is what Cimorene is now. The dance calls for a lift and he watches Aymeric stoop to grab her waist and pick her up for a beat, then down again.
He had done that, a moon ago. Well, he had thrown her, in order to assist her with learning dragoon dives. But the movement had been the same. It feels strange to watch someone else do it.
“You ought to take the next dance.”
The words again shake Estinien from his thoughts. Then they fully sink in and he frowns. It hits him that he is possibly the only other person in the room that knows Cimorene is Haurchefant’s fiancée.
The knight smiles, seemingly unbothered by thought his love in the arms of another man - for the second time. “It would certainly keep everyone’s attention, and allow Aymeric to leave unimpeded.”
It’s a logical argument but Estinien shakes his head. “I cannot,” he says flatly. “Anymore than you can.”
He means that they are both serving the same purpose at this ball, that they’re both armored and observers and outsiders to the opulence surrounding them. That’s all.
Still, a brief look of surprise crosses Haurchefant’s face - gone before Estinien can possibly guess what it is in reaction to. Then the smile is back and he turns his eyes back to the ballroom at large.
“Of course,” is all he says.
Silence falls over the two men as they watch the dance play out.
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iamthespineofmybook · 5 months
Inspired by some posts I saw on @anneapocalypse's blog (I hope you don't mind my tagging you):
Myriam Sangvitrail
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Name: Myriam Sanvitrail
Nicknames: Myr, Captain
Age: 22 (Doesn’t know the exact number, though, only knowing that she was found with amnesia in her late teens in the aftermath of the Calamity)
Nameday: Third day of the third Umbral Moon (day she was adopted).
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Demigirl, she/they
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Aside from Adventurer, she honestly loves cooking and alchemy, and could easily see herself opening a shop or restaurant somewhere once her wanderlust settles down.
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Hair: Auburn with slight red highlights at the end, kept in a ponytail.
Eyes: Bright yellow with black around the irises.
Skin: Extremely pale and covered in dark blue scales
Tattoos/scars: Her main scar is one that rests under her hair, and is surmised to be from the source of her amnesia.
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Parents: Adopted by Osene and Draceone Sangvitrail, birth parents unknown
Siblings: none
Grandparents: never met
In-laws and Other: none
Pets: Used to care for a street cat until it didn’t come back.
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Abilities: After gaining skill with a lance and then becoming a Dragoon, Myriam found that she could mold the light in her self to form a weapon, which would let them throw as many lances as they wanted. After some losses that weighed heavily upon them, they also found a skill at molding the darkness as well, learning to hone it under the tutelage of the one calling themself Frey. Wielding light and dark in equal measure, Myriam is a skilled frontline fighter, and would best be described as a “dodge tank” if such a thing were actually a thing in FFXIV.
Hobbies: In addition to learning every form of gathering and crafting so that they can make and maintain all her own gear, Myriam honestly loves dancing and music, and will take any opportunity to do a quick step dance or one of the Manderville dances she learned from Hildibrand. She takes particular pride in making food and potions for people, thanks to their memories of hunger as the Calamity-induced winter caused problems for their adopted hometown’s farms.
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Most Positive Trait: Generally friendly with everyone, willing to learn all sorts of new things, generous with her time, and does not stand for injustice
Most Negative Trait: Angers easily, even if she tries to hide it. Also tends to get attached to pretty girls quickly, which always results in at least a little heartbreak. She’s also a ridiculous romantic, seeing romances in places they probably don’t exist, such as secretly hoping that General Raubhan and Nanamo are together.
Colors: Loves dark colours, especially deep reds.
Smells: A well cooked meal will always cheer her up, but her favourite scent is actually that of the Dravanian Lily.
Textures: Even though they acknowledge that their bed while she still lived with her adopted parents wasn’t the best, they have fond memories of the slightly scratchy covers, especially when their scales would itch and fingernails couldn’t do the job.
Drinks: They never liked the taste of alcohol, but found a drink made in honour of their friend (and crush) Ysayle, the “Drink of Shiva,” particularly amazing. (Actual drink from a FFXIV-themed restaurant in Akihabara, [Passion Fruit Collagen + Chardonnay Concentrate + Water + Blue Curacao (float)])
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Non-alcohol only, if they can help it
Drugs: Only medicinal, and generally only what she’s made herself
Mount Issuance: As she greatly admires Midgardsormr, she likes to fly around on the back of his medium-sized simulacrum, but when flight isn’t an option, they default to their chocobo Chobi or the fascinating vehicle Cid made based on an extra-planar wanderer’s main mode of transport.
Been Arrested: Aside from the debacle of the Bloody Banquet, she did nearly get arrested back when she lived with her adopted family, thanks to their draconic features as an Au Ra causing some friction.
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
About Sharlayan AU (updated 4-30-24)
Welcome to my first AU for Severia and Nero!
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The idea behind this AU is that Severia and Nero are both from Sharlayan and meet each other through their respective studies, fall in love, and go on to be a cute archeologist couple digging in Allagan ruins. 
It is partly inspired by one of my favorite book series of all time: the Amelia Peabody series of historical mystery novels about an archeologist couple digging and solving mysteries in late 19th and early 20th century Egypt. The main couple, Amelia and Emerson, are serious couple goals. They may be my favorite couple in all of literature. 
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In 1535 Sharlayan researcher Zolen Zetsuen found a young Auri child wandering lost and alone among the Dravanian Hinterlands. Failing to find the child's family, Zolen ultimately adopts the child and names her Severia. She grows up in the Sharlayan colony, educated along with the children of many prominent scholars, until Zolen eventually retires at an advanced age and returns to Old Sharlayan in the year 1545. Severia spends the next several years setting aside her education to care for her adopted father. When Zolen knows that his time is near he makes Severia promise that when he's gone she will enter the Studium and resume her education and carefully makes provision in his will to ensure it happens.
When Zolen has passed away, Severia finds that she has been bequeathed an annual allowance on the condition that she attend the Studium with the promise of Zolen's full estate being bestowed upon her at her graduation. Dutifully, she enrolls in the Studium at age 19. The following year, when she has finished her introductory courses and advanced to the next level, she has a random encounter in the Noumenon with a man named Nero Scaeva.
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Nero Scaeva is the son of Garlean researchers who fled from Solus' regime in order to prevent their work being used for militant ends. Nero is only two years old when they take refuge in Sharlayan. His parents end up living and working in Labyrinthos where their skills are put to use maintaining the complex environmental systems. Though they set aside their magitek research to learn the science of Sharlayan, a precocious Nero at age 8 finds where their old research materials are stored and becomes captivated. As he grows, his interest in magitek combines with his interest in stories of Allag, which he devours obsessively.
Nero becomes the youngest Sharlayan scholar to have an invention patented and distributed for use among the population. Faced with the decision to either pursue a career as an engineer or a career as an archeologist, Nero chooses both and begins producing a new line of inventions specifically for making archeological excavation more safe and precise. When he meets Severia at the age of 30 he is working on his 3rd Archon thesis (His mark is on his back left shoulder.) while he teaches to support himself and continues to seek funding for his archeological endeavors.
Severia and Nero soon begin meeting frequently as Nero helps her with her studies. It does not take the two long to fall in love and begin to contemplate a life together after Severia has graduated. But both of them more than anything want to pursue an archeological career, which costs a lot of money. Fortunately, after her graduation, Severia receives the rest of her legacy from Zolken Zetsuen, and discovers that her father had far more wealth than she ever imagined.
Severia becomes a well-to-do woman and knows exactly what to do with her new riches. That year they are married in the Spring and a month later have packed their bags for the mainland and their first archeological expedition together.
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voidsentprinces · 8 months
Random SAOA quotes but FFXIV
WoL: How could I NOT KILLED THEM!? They think "lmao" is how french people laugh! Charibet: Hahahaha thats of le mao~ - Emet-Selch: So it wasn't Hermes? WoL: Of COURSE IT WASN'T HERMES! How could HE be behind this entire plot!? A frickin LANDMINE deals with pressure better than him and based on both Final Days, has killed fewer people! - Fandaniel: My word! What a luxurious audience that has come to greet me! Alisaie: FUCK YOU! Fandaniel: WHOA! Getting a LOT of hostility here...and I don't appreciate it! - Thancred: I need to be strong...for Minfilia! Passerby: Did you hear they're keeping the Oracle of Light in Eulmore? Bystander: Yeah, I know. Who just locks up Minfilia like that. Thancred: ... Blue Jester: WELCOME TO EUL-- Thancred: I WOULD LIKE TO BUY ONE CHILD PLEASE! Red Jester: What the FU-!? - Asahi: I...can't...die...like this...I must...be...great in...Lord...Zenon's eyes. WoL: Chin up, buddy. You were an adequate meat shield and NOBODY can ever take that away from you. - Fandaniel: WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! YOU ARE RELICS! MISBEGOTTEN SHADES OF THE PAST! BUT! I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! YOU DONT HAVE TO WONDER WHERE YOUR GOD IS! WoL: ... Zodiark: BECAUSE HE'S RIGHT HERE!...and he's fresh out of mercy. - Alisaie: So...the Final Days are here and our friend has gone off to see if they can get to the true root of it all from the shade of Elidibus...what should we do in the meantime? Alphinaud: I GOT IT! We can like...GROUP! UP! Estinien: AND HIT IT UNTIL IT DIES! Y'shtola: Its a miracle those two survived the Coerthan and Dravanian Wilderness for as long as they did. - Godbert: Winners do not use drugs, Hildibrand. Unless its Salamander Oil, in which case...use LOTS OF DRUGS! - Urianger: Illuminate it for us then, Ascian. As one whom was there. Emet-Selch: If I had to put the Final Days into description...wellll let me put it this way. Imagine the most horrific, awful thing imaginiable...and then multiply that by cancer. - Dark Mage: WHO THE FUCK IS THIS ADVENTURER!? Where did you even come from!? NEVER HAS A GOLEM BEEN SO SORELY TESTED! WoL: I am known by many names...Demon Slayer, Desert Lion, the Moogle Axe...but you may call me...Silent Protagonist. Dark Mage: B-b-but...you j-just TALKED! WoL: It's a Hellsguard name. Dark Mage: But...you're an Au Ra. WoL: Pfft..*uncorks a Fantasia* ...THIS time.
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herohikara-wol · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 9
Fair - More Dravanian AU (takes place some time after Shed)
Hero’s siblings hadn’t all hatched at the same time.
This was normal for Dragons and Dravanians alike, when they had several eggs at once the children often hatched over time. It could take as little as a few moons or as many as a few years before the child in the egg had absorbed enough ambient aether to grow into a healthy child. Dravanians tended to have children who were born mostly man and manifested wings and scales as they grew. Dragons tended to have other dragons.
Hero had been found abandoned and adopted so young he didn’t recall anything about his birth parents, but of the seven eggs that Charibert’s mate had given him, only two hadn’t hatched by the time they found Hero. All beautiful children with a rainbow of hair colors. Some bright crimson, some pale white, some soft brown- but all eventually developed beautiful pearl white, teal and golden scales. All except for their little adopted Viera, with his dark black and blue hair and his crystal blue eyes. The only thing that made him look remotely like his sibling was his dark skin. Even then, he had freckles none of the others did.
This often meant, even though he had two younger siblings, Hero was treated as the baby of the entire family. Even the younger two were still taller than Hero, and had grown faster than him. More importantly, all seven of them had genders long before Hero knew what his body wanted to be. Three daughters, four sons, and until the summer prior- one question mark.
Which is why Hero was putting off returning to his family’s small manor as much as possible, none of his siblings have seen him since his gendering and all of them treated him like a fragile child instead of a grown adult. Despite him technically being older than most of them. He paced outside the door for the third time this bell, walking up to the knob and hesitating before leaving again and walking back out the gate and onto the street once more. “This doesn’t have to be so difficult. Not like you caused the bloody war. Ascians caused the bloody war and now half your siblings are enlisting because the whole bloody family is made of monsters with powers that feel more like direct descendants of Midgardsomr than some full blooded dragons.”
“Right? Especially your favorite brother, with flames so hot his grandfather used him to make glass panes after you broke a window learning dragonsong.” Hero flinched as he turned and let his eyes follow the sound, wondering how the fuck someone twice his size with wings longer than he was tall could possibly sneak up on him. Much less perch on top of the stone fence like a bloody gargoyle.
“I’m not in the mood for your bullshit right now, Dacien.” He hadn’t even made it in the front door and he was already getting shit from one of his siblings. “Don’t you have drills to do or a lance to take up?” That wasn’t entirely fair, technically there wasn’t a war yet. Aymeric had gone with a small honor guard to try to see what the Alliance made of Gridania’s actions. With luck, things would be resolved peacefully, it was all a misunderstanding, and there would be no problems.
“If you’d been home any time in the last year you’d know I use an axe for close quarters combat. Uncle Grinn’s been teaching me in his spare time.” The older man snorted flames and shifted his posture so he could lay lazily across the stonework instead, dozens of small crimson braids spilling down over his shoulders. Well, older was a stretch. Close as they could figure, Hero was around twenty-five summers old. Dacien was twenty five and a half.
“So Estinien shot you down then. Figures. Nidhogg’s son has all the recruits in the world to choose from. Why pick a snot-nosed ass like you?” His brother’s gold eyes flashed the way Charibert’s did when he was deciding what level of retribution to dole out, and Hero took his cue to run towards the front door just to lock his brother out.
He made it fifteen feet before being tackled to the ground.
The pair wrestled for a good while, Hero knew the rules. No wings, no hair pulling, no eye-poking, no biting, and no groin shots. Hero was smaller and lighter, this made him harder to keep pinned. Dacien controlled where they went, but Hero was slippery. Every time he thought he’d gotten his little brother into a headlock to grind a fist into the sensitive spot between his ears, Hero managed to slip out- elbowing his brother’s stomach in the process.
“What were you two thinking? Honestly! Daci. Hero gets home for the first time in moons and you decide to try to bury him in the mud in the front yard?”
“But Florie-”
“Shush.” Hero smirked as his sister raked their brother over the coals, only to turn on him almost immediately after, “and you! You spent four whole bells walking to the door and back again like some shady stalker and didn’t even have the balls to come inside on your own! You had to antagonize your bloody twin into making a fuss so someone would come save you instead of just opening a door!” Florie’s rich golden eyes and white made her look more fearsome when she was upset, even when she was feigning being gentle and passive. Florine looked the most like their dad and it showed in her eyes when she sneered. She spread her fan out and began waving it as if it would cool her temper.
“Is that a new fan, Florie?” Hero smiled innocently, trying to change the subject instead of sparking her fury even more. “It matches your scales, I like the mother of pearl with gold inlay you used for the guard, and the jade heart in the middle looks so perfect, it’s very beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?” She snapped the folding fan shut and clapped her hands, “It’s my most recent piece, I’m starting to take to Goldsmithing I think. I was worried it wouldn’t be my style, but detail work is so satisfying and I love-” A drop of mud fell from Hero’s ear to the floor and it seemed to snap her out of the spell. “Oh no you don’t! I’m still mad at you Rey.”
“Hero.” He fidgeted a bit, the first thing he’d done when joining the Adventurer’s guild was to change his name. It never felt right to be named after one of the saints of Ishgard, nevermind the one the bloody church was named after. “I changed my name from Reymanaud to Hero last year when I gendered. It was a placeholder name while I figured out a real one that sounded more Vieran? Well it kinda accidentally stuck when I joined the scions so I’m Hero now.”
“You literally named yourself Hero.” He nodded quietly as she unfolded her fan again, “you- the now Warrior of Light- Scion of the Seventh Dawn- Chosen of Hydaelyn-” fuck he didn’t even know his family knew that last one, “- literally named yourself Hero before you joined an adventuring guild.”
Dacien snorted a bit and looked away when Hero shot him a dirty look. He turned back to his sister with his most charming smile in place, “well when you put it like that, it sounds a little egocentric, don’t you think? It wasn’t supposed to become my title-”
Wrong thing to say.
His sister snapped her fan shut again and whapped him with it. “What.” Smack. “Were.” Smack. “You.” Smack. “Thinking?!” Smack-smack! She stopped only to shake the mud off her fan and frown at her brother. “You. Bath. Now. We’re not done talking about you and your poor life choices!”
“Yes Florine.” He hurried away before hearing whatever punishment Dacien had to endure. Home hadn’t changed a bit, and frankly? It was nice to be back. Even if he was in trouble.
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queenofnohr · 7 months
Odeline Backstory
CW for sexual abuse towards a minor
Odeline's parents were of the Qerel tribe, exiled for becoming "Taken," and wandered the land for a place they could continue their nomadic tradition, while also avoiding the Garlean Empire. They thus found themselves on the plains of Coerthas, alongside others such as Sidurgu's family...... They were, of course, slaughtered by Ishgardians believing them to be Dravanian, though Ser Ompagne saved Sid and Odeline. Sidurgu, then 11, decided to become Ompagne's disciple. Odeline, only 8, declined the knight's invitation, fearful of what walking the path of a Dark Knight might mean (also. she was 8. what the fuck.)
Ompagne found an orphanage on the outskirts of Coerthas that would take her in despite being Au Ra, though little did he know that her hell started then. Humiliated daily, forced to do hard manual labor, and neglected, this was Odeline's life at the orphanage. Many a time did she seek to run away, only to find herself unsuited to surviving the elements by her lonesome, only to return and be punished horrifically for her actions.
This changed one day when Odeline was 14, when a well off Ishgardian priest sought to adopt her. She was transported from a life of hardship and humiliation to a cushy life in Foundation. He veils her to protect her from unwanted eyes in Ishgard. Upon his recommendation, she begins to study at Saint Endalim's Scholasticate. Unbeknownst to her, in reality, her "savior" is a pervert with a hardon for "correcting" a "dravanian" to be moral and pure and then taking that "dravanian" to bed with him. As she, unfortunately, soon finds out.
She lives like this for 5 long years, taught that being good and obedient will save her from the pain she suffered in her past, all while praying every night for the Fury to punish her "father" for his transgressions........ and every day he is not punished, starting to believe that this is what she deserves as it is the Fury's apparent will. Until, one day, her "father" is persecuted for being a heretic. He and his wife (yes, that bitch was married - he sent her for schooling also as plausible deniability about his intentions for her) are executed as heretics by First Inquisitor Charibert........ though Odeline does not know this at the time. This accusation seemingly coming out of the blue make her believe that Halone really does have a plan. Her trial - not being blood related to the heretic in question - 1. outs her as an Au Ra to the society at large and 2. is a major ordeal for Ishgardian law because it's kind has never been seen before. It's like. A Whole Thing. It cumulates in a trial by combat with Odeline winning with her prodigious magics (also Hydaelyn's favorite child, warrior of light, etcetc)
However, her schooling at the Scholasticate is put into question as her recommendation was written by a heretic....... and besides, she has no money to continue her schooling. Haumeric, a friend of her "father's" as he knew him as a fellow clergyman, and believing his designation as heretic as well as his execution to be an unjustified act of violence by the malevolent Charibert, takes pity on his "daughter," Odeline, and offers to complete her schooling on his recommendation and his coin. She takes his offer and graduates to become an acolyte.
She showed significant potential as an astrologian in her schooling, and so puts up with Jannequard and practices "heretical" astrology alongside traditional Ishgardian astrology in order to "get in good" with one of House Durendaire, constantly fearing for her own persecution should she be anything less than the perfect church Sister.
Even though the time has long since passed for Ishgardians to slaughter Au Ra indiscriminately, her heritage means that Ishgard kiiiiiiiiiiinda wants her dead, frequently ordering her into dangerous places to "chart the stars" hoping she will not come back.
Charibert also wants to persecute her soooooooooooooooooooo badly. She's "the one that got away." His white whale so to speak.
Anyway basically the tl;dr is:
birth-8 traveling with her parents to find a place where they won't be killed
8-14 living in hell orphanage
14-19 hell existence living a "cushy" life but sexually and emotionally (and sometimes physically, if she acted out) abused by her "father"
19-23 finally able to live a "free" life though she's shackled by the trauma of her past and hellbent on 1. being the goodest good church girl she can be bc surely that will ensure her continued survival and 2. if 1. does not work, getting in the good graces of whatever clergy/noble she can will surely save her in that event
arr start
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paintedscales · 15 days
digimon au idea / headcanon rambles
nothing really too set in stone, just loose stuff to maybe make more coherent later
teiamon is a rookie level digimon based on meteion, and her overall evolution chart would be:
digiegg -> lifomon (baby) -> kotorimon (in-training) -> teiamon (rookie) -> starbirmon (champion) -> meteiamon (ultimate) -> starfall metiamon (mega) / endsingermon (dark digivolution; would definitely be one of those movie special antagonists)
gonetomon is a rookie level digimon based on dravanians in general leaning toward nidhogg, and his overall evolution chart would be:
digiegg -> korumon (baby) -> ornmon (in-training) -> gonetomon (rookie) -> wivremon (champion) -> nidhogumon (ultimate) -> dragonfire nidhogumon (mega)
names are...being workshopped, tbh. anyway...
deciding that 'Eye of Nidhogg' is actually just some nu metal band that estinien listens to and wears some merch of -- yes, i'm totally justifying the eye of nidhogg shirt i drew for him on a whim. idk, i just put nidhogg imagery on him in my aus like i put ketchup on my hot dog.
most of estinien's digidestined friends are largely in france and there's ysayle (crest of light), haurchefant (crest of friendship), aymeric (crest of reliability), lucia (crest of knowledge), and francel (crest of sincerity). estinien is their holder of the crest of courage.
nomin's are in london with her (for the most part). nomin holds the crest of light. there's arik (crest of friendship), lorha (crest of knowledge), minfilia (crest of love), and tataru (crest of kindness).
nomin wears wigs...at least until her hair grows back in. so she has a small collection of both natural color hair and unnatural color hair that she swaps between on occasion when going out. she's actually really shy about being seen without a wig or a cap while she's no longer receiving chemo.
just because it would have been a pain in the ass for me, digimon are only okay, by law, if they're with their partner humans. so as long as teiamon is with nomin, teiamon gets to stay in the hospital with her. and though it is an unusual occurrence, teiamon doesn't get in trouble when she has traveled along with estinien when picking up stuff for nomin as opposed to when she traveled alone.
japan's not the only one that has outlawed digimon, though, tbh... there are plenty of other places. i want to believe that the americas and the uk are probably the most lax about it so long as they're with their people and clearly not causing issues.
more to come eventually, but for now, i gotta draw.
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arcann · 6 months
I'm thinking clans of au ras in Dravania that have always been there. Because they come from dragons. As it should be. And they have close bonds with their counterparts in eastern Othard because some dragons decided to explore far beyond the home of their progenitors and took their children/believers with them. The elder wyverns serve as their methods of communication and sometimes, in migrations or emergencies, transportation. Garlemald puts a stop to all of that though, and forced them to use any other method of travel because the empire has control of the skies all over ilsabard and the dragonsong war is at his highest point so they wouldn't risk the precious lives of their community to stay in touch like that or force them to use unknown and possibly dangerous routes. By the time Taigat reaches the Dravanian forelands they have been isolated from each other for years.
I still haven't decided what Nidhogg's opinion would be but Hraesvelgr wouldn't mind at all.
I imagine in this case Sidurgu's family was running away after all the dragons in his clan were hunted down by the empire and they were recieved by Ishgard with violence because this time around the au ra are firmly on the Dravanian side :))))
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thescions · 9 months
begonia! for a muse of your choosing!!
Botanical Headcanons | Accepting
begonia : how cautious is your muse ? are they prone to noticing red flags , or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ? why or why not ?
On this blog, we support an Ysayle-didn't-die AU. Instead, Ysayle's broken faith means she is unable to summon Shiva again, but ultimately was saved by Hraesvelgr and didn't burst into shards upon helping the Scions reach Azys Lla. She then was nursed back to health and looked after by Vidofnir and maintained a 'consultant' position between Ishgard and the Dravanians...for a time.
Post-Heavensward Ysayle would be far more cautious when it came to trusting others. Despite her reputation as Lady Iceheart, Ysayle always had a bit of a soft spot for those seemingly in need. She wanted to desperately be the Person that her younger self had needed, and therefore welcomed nearly anyone spurned by Ishgard into their ranks.
But upon learning the truth of her visions and of Shiva, Ysayle could not go back to who she was. Already relatively guarded as the leader of the heretics, there are few whom she would easily confide in out of paranoia of ulterior motives. This would get to the point where Ysayle would have to leave Coerthas as a whole.
Perhaps she could be persuaded to one day join the Scions (post-Endwalker perhaps?), but it is more likely she would join those who sought to make peace with the beastman tribes. She'd likely end up in Gridania, entreating first with the Moogles of the Twelveswood at the behest of their Moghome kin. For awhile, she would only ever seem fully comfortable around those of similar tribes...and the Warrior of Light, of course.
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