#arty gpose
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arty-ffxiv · 4 months ago
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If there's no end And we are infinite Still, I hope you live
I hope you live
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arty-ffxiv · 1 month ago
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I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling, friend, and I hope you are able to rest and relax soon- sending birds, boba and hugs your way ♥
While she's not exactly an Elezen, I created my PF2e character, Delphia, and her crow companion Nox in FFXIV recently.
Delphi is an Aelomic elf- a homebrewed offshoot of elves who grew up in a magically infused city that suffered a great calamity, leaving the city in ruins and it's people scraping out a meager existence on the outskirts of said ruins.
She's a Seeker of the Aelomic Order, tasked to travel Golarion seeking Aelomic artifacts stolen from the haunted ruins, and destroying them so they cannot be used to repeat the destruction wrought onto her homeland elsewhere.
elezen or birds
嗨! Lunar New Year is fast approaching, but I'm not feeling especially celebratory. While I am managing my struggles, my mind is in great turmoil.
As such, I'd like to humbly request a reblog with your elezen OCs, my friends and mutuals. No elezen? Provide a bird pic instead. I happen to love both very much.
All that aside, I hope you are staying hydrated, fed, rested, and at your optimal temperature.
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thanatosaria · 4 months ago
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and at last i see the light ✨
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redwayfarers · 5 months ago
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My thriller scandal, take a bite, you know my favorite part
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thefinalwitness · 11 months ago
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i've been meaning to do this for SO LONG but l'aiha FINALLY has an updated ref sheet 😭
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crystalmarred · 8 months ago
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When he arrived in the Crystarium, guided by the aetherial connection that allowed them to teleport directly to one another, X'kijin found D'tykha there, sat on the stone ground in the rain, drenched to the bone...
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thefreelanceangel · 12 days ago
It's that time of year again! Here are just a FEW of the amazing blogs available to follow in the FFXIV community here on Tumblr! (A lot of them can also be found on Bluesky--two for one shot!) If you're not following them, YOU SHOULD BE!
@lynxden -- gorgeous shots, amazing information on lion dancing and the history of it, even some goddamn STOP MOTION ANIMATION with FFXIV screenshots, that is astounding.
@coldshrugs -- a gorgeous WoL and some absolutely amazing screenshots, I am just... *sigh*
@darcar -- a Viera as pretty as Anna (and I rarely say that...)
@cerbaros -- the GPose just gets better and better and BETTER...!
@zylphiacrowley -- ever wanted to go through the MSQ in graphic novel format? Zyl's got you covered.
@mist-touchedxiv -- come get you some Viera lore theorizing and some really interesting backstory!
@abyssalmermaiden -- legit I wonder what people drink to come up with such absolutely fucking cool character ideas...
@iron-sparrow -- why are you not following them? Why are you not following them? YOU'RE MISSING YEIN!
@ink-dreams-ffxiv -- the fishercatte is so CUTE!
@oneiroy -- not only do they put up some hella good mods, they take AMAZING shots.
@verysmallcyborg -- and if you follow Ryss, you have to follow Fornax so you can get the complete "butches in love" package!
@nolanel-corbeaux -- you will meet the skink and you will thank me for directing you to this one.
@ser-corviknight -- Avery has such FUN characters and one of the most unique WoLs I've ever seen.
@ahollowgrave -- I will always and forever push more people to follow Odette.
@feralkwe -- watching Feral get into GPose crimes is almost as delightful as reading their fanfic.
@arty-ffxiv -- when you meet Kupa, you'll wonder why it took so long to follow.
@drownedlight - this is really just a gateway to their AO3 page, but I know the fanfic will lure in just... OH so many...
@sezja -- a violet Hrothgal is the first beauty to greet you, isn't that a delight???
(Like you @luck-and-larceny I see you posting more Malika lately...!)
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eorzean-wayfinder · 13 hours ago
So as a costumer and general creator of fiber arty stuffs, I have to give it to the team that worked on the new Little Lady's Day outfit because damn. The CAPE LOOKS LIKE ACTUAL VELVET in its un dyed form. Like look at this. You don't get that kind of highlights and lowlights from many fabrics except for a really good (probably silk) velvet. Satin can sometimes, but it rarely has this depth.
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Also going into Gpose and getting some really close up shots the TEXTURES like hot damn. You can tell from the textures what each piece is made of.
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The cape, def low pile velvet texture. How do I know? I have a whole bin of it up in my sewing room that I just organized. The jacket, nice high quality leather.
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Every texture here is on point from the twill weave of the shirt, to the twist braid on the epaulets (shoulder bits for those who aren't familiar), hell even the crystal broach has some insane textures going on. Like apart from the specific metal bits I probably have everything to make this top up in my sewing room right now. So yes, as a costumer who likes to delve into shit like this.
Thank you SE.
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atiredsnowcat · 4 months ago
*wakes up* HOLY FUCK IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN I DRESS UP ARTIE. roevember starts soon, might as well get ahead and prepare some gposes
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 2 years ago
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Some few years ago, there was some prompt month or another I did about half of. One of the prompts was 'primal' or something along those lines, and I knew what I had to do for the three main boys.
See, I do leveling roulette pretty often with my friends, especially when they're still sprouts, and they're often leveling something a bit on the baby side when they ask if I want to tag along. I've long since made peace with what this inevitably means, because I have been doing leveling roulette for four plus years now and I know what leveling roulette loves giving me more than anything else. It loves. LOVES. Giving me the baby Ifrit trial.
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I wanted him to look cool, because no one loves FFXIV Ifrit. I mean, I do, but even that is ironic love, and barely counts. So I guess it was pity that made me want to make Ifrit look cool. This was my first attempt, and I wasn't thrilled. He's so far away! He's not the focus. That's a shame!
So I decided to actually start a fight with him, and see what hiding the UI did. I do that EVERY TIME I do the Ifrit trial, because I like posting pictures to prove I'm in the Bowl of Embers for the millionth billionth time. But those aren't meant to be arty, just more of a 'lol got this again' record. Could I make something cool?
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Still kind of rough. Centered on Dusk's butt. But at least Ifrit (this is X-TREME Ifrit) looks pretty neat? ONE MORE TRY, then. You can go into gpose during a fight. Can't freeze Ifrit, but I can freeze ME. Maybe that'll turn into something!
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This is busy as fuck, I can barely tell what Errol is doing, but I think this finally achieved what I wanted! Ifrit's all lit up and looking fighty, there's an Errol for scale, you can still see the eclipse in the back. I'm not sure I could do better. I might try one day, though.
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supercorgibuns · 2 years ago
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arty-ffxiv · 5 months ago
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Starting out small with Anamnesis ☆゚
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primalvessel · 2 years ago
I’m going to be kind of unoriginal and show off my WoL a little bit because I love him so much.
I’ll do it under a readmore though so as not to bother the dash too much.
So here’s Griever’s Vessel, or ‘Maru’ to those he’s close to.
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And I love him because at the time of his making, the idea behind him being possessed of a Primal’s aether with potential to partially become said Primal was completely original (so far as I was aware back in ARR and before things came to light about Shiva) so he felt interesting to me and had a unique perspective on things even before he became the WoL. 
He’s got such a kind heart too. He helps without expecting anything in return and he loves even if he might not be loved back, or if he cannot act on that love.
Not only that but his personality is completely different to my own and while my anxieties make it hard to reach out to people to interact, his outgoing personality and easy-going nature have made it easier to meet people. Through him I’ve been able to meet and befriend some amazing people over the years and I haven’t been able to do that with other characters I’ve taken on.
Aaaand to close, I also love him because he’s cute and fluffy. :3c
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Henlo Tumblr! Somehow I've managed to accrue just over 100 followers here in a short space of time, at least a few of which I'm pretty sure aren't bots ;)
In celebration I'm going to do a giveaway! I'm putting the prizes below and all the rules and info for the giveaway under the read more!
The short version is this: follow me @flame-blade and reblog this post with a picture, any picture, of your FFXIV WoL/favourite FFXIV NPC/favourite FFXIV OC or even your favourite minion or mount, and tell me why you love it/them!
Doesn't have to be stellar in quality or fancy at all, it's not a contest like that, it's just a fun way for me to get my post spread around and an excuse to hear my followers infodump about their favourite things.
CLOSING DATE/TIME: 7th November 2022 at 11:59pm UK time
PLEASE NOTE: I will make alts to enable cross data center gifts if you'd like, but I am NOT sure if gifting works from alts or how the changes are working right now. Please be patient while I figure it out :)
Have fun, and tell your friends! (And sorry for the amount of info under the cut... Most of it is obvious common sense but take a look anyway please!)
FIRST PRIZE: £15 of Mogstation items, (via friends list,) and a photoshoot with up to three WoLs and/or NPCs of your choosing! You will get three lightly edited shots and a bevvy of other unedited, raw screenshots!
SECOND PRIZE: £10 of Mogstation items, (via friends list,) and a photoshoot with up to two WoLs and/or NPCs of your choosing! You will get three lightly edited shots and a bevvy of other unedited, raw screenshots!
THIRD PRIZE: £5 of Mogstation items, (via friends list,) and a photoshoot with one WoL/NPC of your choosing! You will get three lightly edited shots and a bevvy of other unedited, raw screenshots!
Don't reblog to giveaway blogs or tag as a giveaway.
You must be following this blog, flame-blade. I will check before I contact you.
The giveaway closes on the Seventh of November at 11:59pm UK time. Entries after this point won't be counted.
I will contact you if you are a winner on or before the 10th of November.
The photoshoot prize turnaround is variable, please bear in mind that I am chronically physically ill, ND and mentally ill - some days I just Can't Do The Thing. Turnaround time may be a lil slow but I will get it done for you! The prizes will be sent out as soon as we can organise me temporarily friending your character(s) to get your items sent over. I do not wish to use Paypal or other avenues for prizes with a monetary value, apologies. I am willing to make new alts on other DCs and worlds providing that'll actually let me send gifts straight after creating them, if that makes sense? I'm not sure it would work that way but I'm happy to try!
You must reblog this post to enter. Only one reblog counts, and likes don't count as an entry!
Similarly, you must add an image of some kind, screenshot or drawn, of your WoL/fave FFXIV NPC/fave FFXIV OC/etc. to be entered on your reblog.
This is not a contest of skill. Winners will be entirely randomly drawn.
You should be okay with meeting me in game if you want your photoshoot to include your WoL or OC, or alternatively you can send me an Anam dat file if you're familiar with how to do that, or you can even give me your character's data through screenshots of the character creator! Meeting up or giving me a dat file is much easier than gathering data from screenies of the CC honestly but I'll work with you on this. I have character slots free and can make an alt on any DC, any server, to meet up with you.
You do not need to be 'present' for your photoshoot! I will do these in my own time, so I won't be wasting your day by moving your character inches and stopping over and over!
I WILL do NSFW or SFW, shippy or not shippy, bloody and gory and horrific and violent imagery. I will NOT do Lalafell NSFW, or anything with underage characters that even implies anything but a platonic friendship. This rule includes very firmly the Leveilleur twins, Ryne & Gaia, underage OCs even if they appear of age in game, and any character with the 'child' model type, though do note that this list is not exhaustive. I also will not do anything hateful, bigoted, or anything I just plain don't feel comfortable doing. I am open to discussion about kink related things - if between adults that consent I'm generally cool with most stuff!
I will download and enable mods for you if you wish me to use them! I use mods myself liberally so there's no issue there. If you'd rather not use them and prefer vanilla, I will only enable the base mods I have for your shoot - the Defined series which upscales things like faces & hair & NPCs, and basic SFW body models which replace the 'underwear'/smallclothes models.
At MINIMUM you will get two different poses for each actor involved in your shoot, per prize tier. If you want a shippy NSFW shoot, I will do two couples poses for example. For the third prize? Two solo poses of your fave. Does that makes sense? I hope so...
I am offering three lightly edited screenies for you! These edits can be just fixing up lighting and levels, to editing clipping, to little fun things like memes, book covers, magazine covers, faux drawings and paintings, etc. I am WILLING to attempt video and gif edits/fancy pants stuff, but I am very rusty in that regard and haven't used anything but PS since I got sick.
Finally, while I am offering you up to three lightly edited shots, ANY raw, full res, unedited screenshots I take will be put on my Google Drive for you to download at your leisure. With credit, you can do anything with them. I take a lot of screenies, most of which are duds, but you'll even get those too!
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arty-ffxiv · 23 days ago
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Among the fae folk
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arty-ffxiv · 3 months ago
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Bathed in the sun's glow ☀️
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arty-ffxiv · 3 months ago
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Arty's Gpose Wrapped; 2024 Edition
I began using Anamnesis in October this year, and it's been a joy to learn new tools and skills to better show the personalities of my characters!
Since then, I've also incorporated Kitsis and some mods and have been really happy with the results.
Here's to more expression and exploration in 2025 ♥
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