#Drarry oneshot
basiatlu · 11 months
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by @mono-chromia & @basiatlu
‘He’s not kissing me, but I can taste him. He’s not kissing me, but his tongue touches mine because I meet him halfway. He’s not kissing me, but I am kissing him.’
It’s one thing to let yourself want the things you want, and another to let yourself have them. Draco does neither, but a lot can change in a single night.
A story about being queer and being shameless, about feeling out of place and falling into place. About finding your people and letting them see you, no matter how uncomfortable.
word count: 10.5k
✨Read on Ao3✨
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mono-chromia · 1 year
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Team Sport
A Drarry microfic//oneshot by mono-chromia
Cover illustration by my beloved @basiatlu (alternate versions can be viewed here)
Word count: 1.015
Read under the cut, or on AO3
Draco hadn't understood, but as he comes to find out, Hermione's words had made perfect sense. Harry Potter makes a sport out of sleeping; commiting to a nap the same way he does to a game of Quidditch.
'Mione had once called Harry a "hard sleeper", whatever that may be.
"A heavy sleeper?" Draco had asked, unsure if he was missing some muggle turn of phrase. It comes up when they are trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements in the shared hotel rooms for Luna and Neville's destination wedding.
"Oh, no," she says. "Well, that too, I suppose, so he won't mind if you get back late, but he sleeps hard. I can't quite explain it." Draco doesn't mention the undiscussed assumption that he and Harry are apparently to bunk up together. "You know how he always tries to carry all the plates and cutlery to the table in a single go? Even if there's sixteen people dining?" Draco nods. "It's kind of like that."
Draco hadn't understood, but as he comes to find out, Hermione's words had made perfect sense. Harry Potter makes a sport out of sleeping; commiting to a nap the same way he does to a game of Quidditch.
Their portkey takes them from 5 A.M. in London to 11 A.M. somewhere in the Mekong Delta region, so when they arrive in their room, Harry immediately crawls into the pristinely made hotel bed, nesting the crisp duvets and the pillows into an iceberg-like structure and sleeps. Hard. Sprawled on his belly with his clothes still on (he's wearing sweat shorts at least, not jeans, thank Merlin) but with his feet sticking out for temperature regulation. He looks like he knows what he's doing. Draco watches him fuss and clumsily toe off his socks (because what lunatic wears socks to bed? Ridiculous) and then doze off immediately, squeezing in a highly efficient, half hour kip before they are expected for their lunch arrangements.
Harry seems more affected by the jetlag than the rest of the company, so Draco finds him, not unlike a cat, sleeping in strange places and at odd moments during the entirety of their stay in Vietnam.
For instance, on a couch in the hotel lobby one early morning, while Ron and Hermione argue with the clerk over the tour reservation that Ron definitely made correctly, with his head in Luna's lap, hoodie pulled low over his eyes, and his arms hugged around his chest.
Or, on the lawn chairs by the pool in the middle of the day. Which, Draco supposes, isn't that strange a place to sleep, but Harry's commitment to the activity is once again proven when Hermione ambles over to rub sunscreen on his back and place a sunhat over his head, all without as much as a twitch.
It's really quite fascinating to watch (though no one else seems to think so) and Draco finds himself somewhat jealous, because even when he diligently works through his own list of requirements for a good sleep (freshly showered, moisturized, teeth brushed, clean sheets, glass of water on the side table, window open for airflow, access to his own pillow) he still doesn't often manage to make eight uninterrupted hours, let alone any misguided attempts at a restful nap. When Draco naps it means the situation is dire, that he is unwell, that he feels like something has crawled up his ass and died there, and it usually only exacerbates his condition instead of having the much desired effect it seems to have on Harry. That effect being that he wakes up content, mellow and sleep-soft (objectively) and exists like that for five minutes or so, before moving onto stage two of his post-nap euphoria, which includes but is not limited to; a general lust for life, toothy grins, silly jokes (objectively), and a propensity for affection towards whoever is nearest to him at any given moment.
Which means that Draco finds himself subjected to the feeling of gently excited hands on his wrists and back as they ooh-and-ahh at the view on their hike, and a chin hooked over his shoulder as Harry feigns mild interest in the book Draco is reading, before asking him to come swim.
Apparently, it also means that, when Draco is keyed up with homesickness on the third of their eight-night stay, Harry invites him into bed.
"You okay?"
Draco looks back from where he has his head stuck out the window, spooked and feeling slightly caught. He stares at Harry in his bed, making up the shape of his body under the sheets from his feet (sticking out from under the cover) to his rumpled head that's more under the pillow than on top of it. Harry's voice is thick with sleep and so, so soft.
"Oh," says Draco. "Yeah. Um. Just— a bout of insomnia."
Harry just hums, low and noncommittal, and for a moment Draco thinks that he might be sleep talking. But then Harry shifts and lifts up the duvet, wordlessly and casually extending an invite towards Draco, and waits for him to get in.
Draco would object, but maybe Harry's bed is just that much more comfortable, maybe that's why he sleeps so well, and well— truly it looks much too inviting to resist. So Draco doesn't object, and quietly pads across their room to slip into bed with Harry. The blanket is bunched up and skewed, there are more than enough pillows, yet none of them in the right spot to actually fulfill their intended purpose, but Harry isn't fussed in the least, and wastes no time snaking an arm across Draco's middle and slotting his head under Draco's chin. Harry seems to fall back asleep pretty much immediately, and Draco is suddenly surrounded by an aura of sleep-warmed sheets, skin-on-skin contact and a bouquet of powdery scented curls, clean skin and sweet spearmint breath. It would have been overwhelming if it wasn't so blissfully sedative.
A robust dose of Dreamless Sleep has nothing on the deep rise and fall of Harry's chest, the dozy twitch of his toes against Draco's leg, the blooming warmth in all the spots where their bodies are touching. Draco dreamily wishes he could bottle it. Who knew that sleeping was a team sport.
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ssseashell · 7 months
My current favorite Drarry coded songs
I just love listening to these while reading some Drarry angst
I Bet on Losing Dogs - Mitski
Your Best American Girl - Mitski
Once More to See You - Mitski
A Pearl - Mitski
I Want You - Mitski
I Know You - Faye Webster
Johanna - Suki Waterhouse
To Love - Suki Waterhouse
Somethin’ Stupid - Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra
Rolling in the Deep - Adele
Skyfall - Adele
(You’ll notice there is a lot of Mitski)
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accio-sriracha · 26 days
Wish Me Good Luck
By: Accio_Sriracha
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley
Word Count: 3k :)
Additional Tags: Quidditch, Harry Potter is Obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Good Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter Needs Therapy, Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Making Up, Fix-It of Sorts, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Post-War, Harry Potter is Bad at Feelings, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Everyone Is Gay
It was the first quidditch match of the year. The first since the war…
Harry Potter had a hard enough time focusing as it was, his thoughts always drifting to memories he'd much rather forget, even without Draco Malfoy there to talk his ear into oblivion and ask WAY too many personal questions.
By the time the game ends the pair had made their amends, and then some. Harry couldn't help noticing the playful look in Malfoy's eyes, the same one he always wore when they were kids.
Maybe having Malfoy around wouldn't be so bad after all.
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wolfpants · 2 years
august (a drarry fic)
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August | Rated M | 3.8k words
He sends the messages away with Elpis before he changes his mind. He watches her in flight as she swoops across the Wiltshire countryside, the navy blanket of night drawing down slowly in her wake, urging him to bed.
“You wrote to me,” Potter says the next day.
He’s shown up to the Manor, as thin as he was the last time Draco saw him, laid out on the school courtyard like the broken starlings Aunt Bellatrix would leave on his pillow every night.
“Y-yes,” Draco says, struck, standing in the threshold of his home, his fingers still grasped around the zip of his quilted walking jacket.
The letters were intended to be a one and done sort of deal. Sending them was supposed to be an impetus for rapid atonement. For wiping the unsavoury clutter from his slate.  Everyone was supposed to move on with their lives, and, hopefully, he’d never have to see Potter ever again.
He’s heard rumours—namely, gossip, from Pansy’s Owls—that Potter and his friends were supposed to be moving to Australia. That they’d spent their summer there—“partying and drinking and all sorts, they’re so common!”—and possibly wrapping up their studies come the start of the academic year.
But here Potter is. In August. Standing on Draco’s doorstep.
Summer, 1998. Harry Potter arrives at the Manor to return Draco's wand. The problem is, he keeps coming back.
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt Thunder.
Thank you so much to @basicallyahedgehog for the speedy beta on this one! You're the best!
Read August on ao3
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My first ever ficlet, an unbetaed oneshot. This was inspired mostly by “Danger Granger” from the inimitable Vukovich’s Fearful Trill. @vukovich thanks for writing that, Danger Granger lives in my queer little head rent free.
The Golden Trio — not so golden anymore. Still always together, though. They walk like shadows of each other, nearly in step, rarely apart. Weasley slouches to the height of the other two. Looks at the floor like a criminal. Granger walks like she’s tiptoeing, and flinches at loud laughter. Potter’s eyes are the only thing about him that look alive, and they don’t look sane, wildly casing every room for an exit, a threat, anything but another pair of human eyes.
This is my first impression of them, two years out from the war. It’s grim.
It’s also my second, third, and four impression of them, the first weeks of my apprenticeship.
That is, until Antonin Dolohov wipes the slate clean.
When it happens, I’m in the ministry canteen. Sipping a tea, and watching them, as always. They huddle at a table in a corner near an emergency exit. Weasley looks like he’s talking the other into eating — not that it’s going well. Granger takes a bite of an apple looking for all the world like she’s being forced to eat a kitten at wand point. Potter doesn’t appear to hear the entreaties, concerned as he is with something in the middle distance: a fly? Those eyes track like a starving predator’s. Then they meet mine.
I have no time to process the jolt of adrenaline that rushes through me. There’s a bang and a scream. Black robes. A flash of red light. I freeze, still staring at the Ruined Trio.
They rise in unison. The mask clears from Weasley’s face, revealing in its wake a bloodthirsty sort of glee. Granger may well have disapparated, except the witch who puts her back against Weasley’s and grabs Potter’s hand, already firing curses — was that green light? — looks just like Granger did when I saw her at the Battle of Hogwarts. Incensed and vicious, single minded, and absolutely loving this.
Potter, though. I chance one more glance before my muscles obey my mind’s screaming command to hide under the table. His shoulders have relaxed down, his chin is tilted up. He’s bloody smiling, holding a shield over himself and his friends with — with what? His wand is spitting spell after spell, and his left hand is held loosely in Granger’s. He looks taller and broader. A wayward curl falls over his forehead. He licks his lips.
It’s a dance they’ve clearly danced many times, each of them stepping and spinning in time. I realize most of their spells are nonverbal when I watch Weasley say something and the other two laugh quickly, not missing a beat in their choreographed battle.
Dolohov and company are dispatched ten seconds after they entered the room. Four neat Incarcerouses and several bloodied faces. No one else in the room has time to pull a wand.
Granger leads the trio languidly forward. She gestures at Dolohov. I think of the smell of vodka and piss that used to saturate the dungeon at Malfoy Manor. Weasley waves a disguise detector spell over Dolohov. Granger is already speaking the words before it flashes blue — no polyjuice, no glamour.
“Avada Kedavra.”
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The Last Coffee
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"All packed and ready to go?" Harry asked as he knocked on Draco's bedroom door.
Draco turned around, taking a break from applying tape on one of the last cardboard boxes. He nodded his head with a soft smile, "All done. The driver will pick up these boxes by tomorrow morning, that's alright right?"
" Yeah, as long as that person doesn't disturb my sleep." Harry shrugged in a joke.
Draco shook his head with a chuckle, "Typical Harry of you."
Harry for that brief didn't know what else to say because he knew Draco was going to be thousand of miles apart in a matter of few hours when for the last 10 years of his life they have lived in the same place, whether it was school or this apartment.
"Last coffee before I leave?" Draco finally asked and Harry nodded.
They collected their coats and walked hand in hand to the coffee shop by the corner of the street for what was the last time.
"So, this is the last time we're going to hold hands?" Harry finally said.
Draco sighed.
"Come on, someone had to say it and I know there's a lot on your mind so just say whatever it is or you know you'll regret it." Harry said.
Draco looked at Harry for a brief moment knowing he was right.
Right after ordering their last cup of coffee's together Draco finally opened up,
"Are you sure you don't want to give long distance a try? We could make it work if we try."
Harry smiled, "We could try, we could even try if you lived on the opposite ends of the planet but we know how it's going to end. Our time zone's are not even going to be the same, let alone we won't have a proper communication about anything. It won't be the same."
Draco teared up a little because he was hoping with his whole heart that Harry might turn his thought around if even at the last moment but he was losing any kind of hope here.
Harry noticing his emotions took his hands in his own and caressed them softly.
"I know you think this is easy for me but it's killing me inside. I have loved you for years, we've lived in the same apartment for 4 years, we've been together almost all the time, how can it possibly be easy for me to not be around you anymore? I've loved you all this time and I can't tell you how much I really want to make it work but Draco I know the differences we'll have, you'll have a whole lot of different people there, you'll be required there so many more times. You will need so much time to adjust into a new environment and I'll start wondering how much efforts you're putting in and then I will get used to it and by the time you'll be done adjusting, I'll have a life of my own, we won't be able to make time for each other, we'll have more fights than conversation- "
"Harry, just stop," Draco cut him off taking his hands away from Harry's hold, "you have this whole thing planned out as if you're going to do it. How are you so sure that this is what's going to happen? What if it's the opposite?"
Harry gave him a soft smile, "I don't know half shit of how it's going to work or what may happen or what may not. To be very honest, I think i'm wrong but- there is a 5% chance in what i'm saying is true and that is why before I lose you to distance, I want to be prepared for losing you. At least, I know I am ending it and not you because of distance," he takes a pause and sighs, "I just don't want to be hurt and hurt you more than I have. I don't want to fight and give up on you-"
"and so you don't even want to try?"
Harry shook his head, "I want to. I want to be proven wrong but I know I won't be because one day I don't want to be on the end where you say I don't think this is working and have my heart shattered but knowing that it was happening all the time. You know how you always called me a saviour?"
Draco nods.
"This time the saviour wants to save himself. Sometimes that saviour has to make sacrifices and compromises so this time i'm choosing to protect myself because I don't think I'll ever be okay if this ends after trying. How can you get hurt when you never even tried?"
"By knowing you never even tried. You are giving up, Harry, you've never given up before." A tear dropped down from the corner of his eyes and Harry wiped it away.
"I'm not giving up. I love you, I have and I always will but I'm not the same person I used to be. I have been a lot hurt in my life Draco and you know it so well, this one time, just once I want to not be hurt later."
"So, you're hurting me instead?" Draco sobbed.
"I'm hurting both of us really but I know I am hurting you. I know and I wish I wasn't but this is for the better and you'll know with time. I am so sorry for all the pain but we are meant to be hurt, now or later. Impending doom."
"So, its a losing argument with you? You are not going to change your mind?" Draco asked.
Harry teared up and shook his head, "We're both losing. I am losing you, I am hurting you but I know it's for the better of both of us. I want to change my mind but I know I shouldn't. I want to protect both of us."
"I don't think you're protecting anyone." But Harry didn't know what else to say because he knew he wasn't going to change his mind, he wanted to but he knew he shouldn't.
Draco shook his head and after wiping away his tears gave a smile, "I suppose it was good while it lasted."
"The best I'll ever have. Only one i'll ever have."
"I love you."
"I love you."
They shared their one last cup of coffee after which Draco left for unknown amount of time. Harry didn't know if he made the best decision or not, he always hoped he did but he never wanted Draco to live with any regret of ending things between them. Maybe they were doomed, maybe they were not. Distance breaks many hearts and they knew they'd be one of them but Harry would rather lose Draco to himself than to distance.
One last cup of coffee, that was all that mattered at the end.
I should've been studying but this was meant to be written..
the last?
Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3
@phoebe-delia @chinike @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @loves-to-read-fanfic
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onlydrarry · 7 days
The Study of Change (drarry fic rec)
Author: p1013
Read here
Author Summary: Harry's going to hell. He's going to hell immediately. Even with all of the good he's done in his life, he's never going to overcome the impure thoughts racing through his head at the sight of Draco Malfoy looking like an academic wet dream in a room full of barely legal adults.
Word count: 4,318
I love this fic, it's so cute and funny. The premise of the fic is that Harry accidentally poisons a fellow auror because he's horrible at potions lol So he's mandated to attend a potions seminar meant for trainees, taught by the Ministry's Head Potioneer (Draco Malfoy of course!)
I always love fics that poke fun at Harry being horrible at potions haha I also love the dynamic between Harry and Ron in this fic too. I only wish it was longer so I could get to see Harry's first date with Draco!
Fave quote:
"Are you…" Malfoy's brow furrows. "Are you telling me you deliberately poisoned a fellow Auror so that you could ask me out for coffee?"
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For Wolfstar or Drarry preferably but also send me your favs of any ship too.
Please and thank you
I need to read Christmas fluff on Christmas day. Duh.
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knock knock
hey drarry friends!! so i did something experimental and im quite scared bcs i dont always publish anything unless im 100% sure about it. but this time, i thought to put out this oneshot fic i did. its one of those spur-of-the-moment-"word fart"s i did. i was just very inspired after watching killing eve so i wanted to try writing a target/assassin drarry fic and this was the result!
i do have a few blooming/starting plans for this story, i just don't know if anyone wants to read more of it bcs this oneshot is alrdy good as is i think. i just need to know if anyone wants an expansion to the story so i posted it ahead :D
if youre interested, i wud greatly appreciate ur time for reading it and wud love to hear if u liked it and want more of it<33
Title: Reasons To Attack
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Tags: Head Auror Harry Potter, Assassin Draco Malfoy, Soulmate AU w Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Enemies to Lovers (is what i wud hopefully go for), POV Third Person Limited (Harry Potter), No Voldemort AU, Everyone Live/Nobody Dies AU, Magically Powerful Harry Potter
Summary: He was a walking target, a huge glaring red X-mark, ever since he became the youngest Head Auror. So, one can’t be too careless these days.
or: Harry encounters a white-blond intruder in his flat late at night. So, he … offers him tea?
P.S.: please completely disregard canon while reading this its quite different lol
Link on AO3: Reasons To Attack - littlelass - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
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delusional-donut · 1 year
Hold Onto Me
Delusional Donut
As they navigate a delicate love, Draco notices peculiarities—subtle fragments of Harry's soul scarred by his past.
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This is the first drarry fanfiction that I have written! It's just a little one shot, but I was so excited to finally post it :D I hope the ones reading will enjoy it too <3 Would love feedbacks uwu
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dontthrowsticksatme · 11 months
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A Hug for Harry
Pairing: Drarry
Rating: T
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: It's Harry's eighth year, and his class mates worry about him.
Author's note: My spoopy Halloween gift for you!
When Harry Potter was admitted to the Mental Maladies Wing of St Mungo’s, all of us eight year students volunteered to clean up his room for a nice surprise upon his return. Either out of respectful affection and gratitude for our hero in need, or out of curiosity to see his bedroom, which none of us had been allowed into for at least six months. Sometimes, on rare occasions when Harry was out, we thought we heard strange noises coming from inside. A hum, Neville called it.
Read on AO3
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accio-sriracha · 3 days
The Healer and The Damned
By: Accio_Sriracha
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 6k :)
Additional Tags: Healer Draco Malfoy, Head Auror Harry Potter, Auror Ron Weasley, Enemies to Lovers, But Make It REALLY FAST, Ron Is So Done, The Quill and Parchment Are Paid Actors, Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Angst With A Not Happy Ending, Literally a Sad Ending, I'm So Sorry, Major Character Death, Please Reread That Last Tag, Nothing Is What You Think It Is, Be Warned, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Harry takes Ron to St. Mungos after he gets injured during a mission gone wrong. If things looked grim before, they only get more complicated when they find out their healer is none other than Draco Malfoy.
In a completely unforeseen turn of events, Harry turns to Malfoy for comfort and they find themselves falling for one another.
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bouquetbucket · 2 years
ChatGPT-Drarry oneshot
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter stood facing each other in the Great Hall, their wands drawn and ready for battle. They had been enemies for as long as they could remember, but now, in the midst of the final battle against Voldemort, they were forced to fight side by side.
"We need to work together, Potter," Draco snarled, his wand hand shaking slightly.
"Fine," Harry replied, his green eyes narrowing. "But don't think this means we're friends."
They fought their way through the castle, using every spell they knew to defeat the Death Eaters and protect their fellow students. As they battled, they gradually began to respect each other's skills and courage.
Eventually, they found themselves alone in a deserted corridor, their breath coming in short gasps. "You're not half bad, Potter," Draco said grudgingly.
"And you're not as much of a git as I thought, Malfoy," Harry replied, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
Before either of them could say anything else, they were interrupted by a loud bang and the sound of someone running towards them. They turned to see Ron Weasley charging towards them, his wand held high.
"I've got them, Harry!" Ron shouted. "I've got the remaining Death Eaters!"
But as Ron approached, a jet of green light shot out of nowhere and hit him square in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Harry and Draco stared in shock as Ron lay on the floor, unconscious.
"No!" Harry yelled, rushing to his friend's side. He looked up at Draco, who was standing frozen in place, his face pale. "We need to get him to the hospital wing. Now."
Draco nodded, and together they lifted Ron and carried him to the hospital wing. As they walked, Harry felt a strange warmth in his chest, and he realized that, for the first time, he and Draco were on the same side.
After they had delivered Ron to the healers, Harry and Draco stood awkwardly in the corridor, unsure of what to say to each other. "Well," Draco said finally, "I suppose this is goodbye."
"Yeah," Harry replied, his heart heavy. "I suppose it is."
But before Draco could turn and walk away, Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. "Take care of yourself, Malfoy," he said, his voice choked with emotion.
"You too, Potter," Draco replied, hugging him back.
They pulled away from each other, and Harry watched as Draco walked away, disappearing around the corner. He knew that they would never be friends, but in that moment, he realized that they had a grudging respect for each other that would never go away
***not gonna lie i could see this a start to a good drarry fic****
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas Additional Tags: Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Crack Treated Seriously, Awkward Romance, Oblivious Harry Potter, Like, REALLY oblivious Harry Potter, so oblivious you’ll wanna shake him a lil bit Summary:
Harry Potter isn’t gay. He just likes to shag Draco Malfoy now and again.
OR: Five times Harry obliviously denies the feelings blooming between himself and Draco, and the one time he admits it.
“I’m not gay,” Harry says exasperatedly for what has to be the tenth time in minutes. “I just shag Malfoy now and again—for the sake of catharsis, ridding ourselves of our demons and all that, fucking away the animosity.”
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its-rach-writes · 13 days
A Panicked Dinner Party - Sirius Black
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You and Sirius go to the Potter's for backup when Harry brings one of his friends around for dinner.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, panicked James, everyone lives au
A/n: I have a love/hate relationship with canon, can you tell? Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think! xxx
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You were spritzing yourself with your favourite perfume before putting in the earrings that Sirius had got you for your birthday. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a toned chest. You giggled as he kissed your cheek, his stubble scratching against your skin.
“You look beautiful.”
You smiled at him in the reflection of the mirror as you leaned against him, “thank you,” you turned in his arms, fingers locking at the back of his neck as you pulled him into a proper kiss.
Sirius held your jaw gently as he kissed you back, “Mm,” he pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your shoulder as he let out a sigh, “do we have to go to this dinner?”
“Yes,” you laughed as he groaned, “we promised James and Lily.”
“If that little toe rag steps out of line,” he trailed off with a growl.
“Baby,” you cupped his cheeks, staring into his gorgeous grey eyes, “I don’t think Harry would be inviting him to dinner if he was going to be horrible.” Sirius nodded, letting out a slow breath, you pressed a lingering kiss against his lips, “let me get my shoes on, then we’ll go.”
Once your shoes were on, you both apparated to Godric’s Hollow. You laced your fingers through your husband’s – so he wouldn’t run – as you walked up the Potter’s path. Before you could knock, the door was pulled open. The relief that spread across Lily’s face was almost laughable as she let you in.
“Thank Merlin you’re here! And you brought the wine, good,” she gasped as you handed her the bottle of wine. Before you could ask what was wrong, she spoke up again, “James is driving me fucking nuts.”
Almost on cue, James came into the hallway, a hand in his hair, “don’t panic,” he mumbled to himself, that’s when he saw you and raced up to you, his hands on your shoulders, shaking you slightly, “don’t fucking panic!”
You tried to hold in your laughter but it was near impossible, “James, you’re the only one who’s panicking right now,” Remus laughed as he popped his head round the corner, waving at you and Sirius.
Remus’ voice seemed to bring James out of the trance he was in. He muttered a ‘sorry’ as he let you and Sirius come through.
“So, why are you panicking anyway?” you asked as you shrugged out of your jacket and Lily poured you a glass of wine.
Sirius scoffed, “I’m sure you would panic too if the world’s biggest prat was coming round to our house for dinner,” Sirius quickly shut up as you and Lily glared at him.
Lily sighed as she took a swallow wine, “James thinks Draco and Harry are dating.”
You and Sirius were too shocked to speak, it seemed amazing that Harry had befriended someone that he’d hated, in his final year of school. So, the notion of them dating seemed unlikely.
“What makes you think they’re dating?” Remus asked in a calm voice.
James bit at his thumbnail, “he’s never once talked about girls, he’s only ever talked about boys. First, it was Oliver Wood, then Cedric Diggory and now, Draco Malfoy,” a look of horror washed over his face as he sank against the counter, “Merlin, my son is gay and thinks he can’t tell me. I’ve failed as a parent.”
Lily kissed his cheek, “sweetheart, he knows he can tell you if he’s gay, all teenagers are secretive.”
“I’m not ready to meet Harry’s boyfriend,” he mumbled.
“James, it’ll be fine, that’s why you’ve got us,” you gestured to Remus and Sirius, “but it’s not going to be fine if the veggies burn,” you went over to turn the heat off. He let out a watery chuckle and stood up to help you.
You had all managed to calm James down – with the help of some Firewhiskey – but when he heard a key turn in the lock he looked panicked again. In walked Harry, along with Ron, Hermione and Draco.
“We’re here guys!” he called out and walked into the living room, “Draco, this is well, everyone,” he laughed, looking slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people.
“Hi everyone,” Malfoy nodded. He shook James’ hand and returned Lily’s warm hug. You and Remus greeted him, while Sirius nodded his head but said nothing.
“Sirius, he’s your cousin,” you hissed.
“Second cousin,” he corrected you.
Ron picked up a parcel that he’d dropped off earlier in the week and handed it to Draco, “mum made this for you,” the tips of his ears turned red as Draco removed the tissue paper.
Molly had knitted him a green jumper that had the letter ‘D’ emblazoned on the front, with a snake curled up at its base. Draco smiled at Ron, “thanks Wea-,” he cut himself off, “Ron,” he corrected himself.
You figured that would take some getting used to. When Malfoy pulled the jumper over his head, Harry grinned and adjusted the collar. Draco let him, it looked very natural, like this had all happened before. James who had been getting increasingly antsy looked as though he’d reached his limit and pulled Ron and Hermione into the kitchen. Draco and Harry didn’t notice as they’d engaged Remus in conversation. You and Lily hovered around the door to listen in.
“Guys, are Harry and Malfoy,” he trailed off, not knowing what to say.
Ron and Hermione spoke at the same time, “either,” James stuttered, looking more panicked at their words.
Ron and Hermione glanced at each other before turning to look back at James, “we don’t know,” Hermione said.
James looked slightly relieved that even Harry’s best friends didn’t know what was going on between Harry and Draco.
As dinner progressed, it was clear that Draco had matured a lot in the past year, you were glad he wasn’t a carbon copy of his father. He’d seemed to win everyone over, even Sirius, well Sirius was finally speaking to him in full sentences and looked him in the eye as he did so.
“Can you pass the salt please?” Draco nudged Harry who passed the salt over, “cheers, Potter,” it wasn’t said in a mocking way, his voice was full of affection as he said it.
James looked between Draco and his son, the panic on his face had slowly dissipated over the course of the dinner. You had to admit that they looked good together. While James was getting dessert together, you all pretended not to notice as Harry followed his father into the kitchen.
You perched on the edge of Sirius’ knee and kissed his cheek, laughing as he pulled you into his chest. James and Harry were in the kitchen for a little while, talking in hushed tones and you wished there was a way to block them out completely so they could have their privacy. You did catch them share a tight hug. Harry soon walked out of the kitchen with a grin on his face. James followed shortly carrying the treacle tart, his eyes were suspiciously wet but full of pride.
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