#Dragons roost event
dragonerd8224 · 13 days
May I order screaming death and qubli please
song: you’d probably like Face Me by Cryoshell but I’m not super sure on this one
character: Quint Baker from Last Kids on Earth. He’s a somewhat insane scientist and my favorite character in the books too.
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Rannveig’s Fast
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RATING: 9/10
This is objectively one of the funniest dungeons you could possibly go through. The loot isn’t half-bad, either. I genuinely encourage you to go in this one blind because it’s so.. it’s really short and really stupid. You don’t even need to use a lockpick, if you’re observant enough. No, seriously. Go do Rannveig’s Fast. It’ll take you not even two minutes. There’s a word wall, so you’ll probably get it at first through a letter from a friend event, but if you haven’t then it’s a middling jog from Morthal and through a pass. Watch out for the dragon at the roost above it though!
And if you don’t want to do it blind, I’ll put a cut here so you can choose for yourself.
Rannveig’s Fast is a nice big open cave with a straight shot to a master chest and wordwall once you best a few ghosts. But in front of that master chest? A really, really obvious trapdoor. If you fall down, the drop won’t kill you. A random necromancer will monologue at you with the corpse of his assistant nearby. He then turns his back on you and goes to rummage in his stuff.
The door is an expert level lock. Or if you look to where his apprentice’s hand is pointing- there is a satchel you can reach with a key to the entire dungeon in it.
And that’s it. That’s the dungeon. One big scenic hall and an idiot necromancer with unique voiced lines. I seriously, seriously recommend you go experience it for yourself.
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Princess of the Smoke: Prologue
House of the Dragon Season 2
Aemond x TargaryenOC
Chapter Word Count: 1889
Aelinor Velaryon's world has collapsed. Her beloved Prince Aemond has murdered her brother, plunging their realm into war. Now Aelinor faces a choice. Can she sit on the sidelines, ignorant to the chaos that consumes her family, or can she muster the strength of the dragon and fight for her mother's right to the throne.
Aemond has destroyed his world. Now he must accept the consequences of his actions, waging a war for his brother even as his heart lies elsewhere. But how can there ever be peace when the woman he loves is now an enemy to his family? And worse, when she hates him?
This is a sequel to Lady of the Ashes! It follows the events of the show, but is canon-divergent.
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The skies were fair today.
All morning, Aelinor Velaryon had listened as the guards and servants whispered of the fair weather and glanced fearfully to the heavens. The storms of the past few days had faded as quickly as they had appeared, taking with them whatever meager protection they had provided.
Almost as soon as the dawn had broken, Dragonstone had come alight with activity. Guards rushed too and fro, preparing for gods know what. Her chambers were next to her half-sisters, and she heard them speaking in hushed tones as they moved through the corridors.
Aelinor had hardly slept since her arrival at Dragonstone, her body too beaten by grief to find anything resembling rest. She sat in her window, staring down the cliff face toward the sea. There was no screen in her window, and the breeze carried the cold sting of saltwater into her chambers. Waves smashed on the rocks, whipped into a frenzy by the lingering storm winds. But already they were calming. Soon there would be nothing to keep the Greens from moving against them, not smashing waves to keep their ships in harbor, no lighting splitting across the sky to keep their dragons in roost.
How cruel, that after such an act of brutality, the heavens themselves had decided to enforce a peace, that they had forced everyone to sit in their misery for days before any action could be taken. But it seemed even the heavens had grown tired of waiting, and now they cleared the way forward.
Lucerys was dead.
There was that same horrible truth, that same dagger in Aelinor’s heart that wracked her body with such agony that she could scarcely breathe. Never again would he tease her, never again would they play cards or share in a biscuit stolen from the kitchens. Her dear baby brother, gone off to be a man, and he had been killed for it. She clutched her robe closer to her body, as if it might keep some of the heartache away. 
Aemond had killed her brother.
The knife in her heart twisted, and Aelinor took in a shuddering breath. What a fool she had been. She had let herself be swayed by Aemond’s pretty words, by his kisses and declarations of love. He had never been loyal to her, and indeed, could never have truly loved her if he would do this. Lucerys was his own blood, more more importantly, he had been hers. For Aemond to do this…it was as though he had driven the dagger into her back himself.
How they all must have laughed at her. Silly little Aelinor, trying to play princess while everyone around her prepared for violence. She had been blind, she had been weak. She had failed Luc, and that was something for which she would never be able to atone.
A mournful screech echoed across the cliff side, but Aelinor barely glanced to the side as Darrax soared into view. No doubt her father had requested that the dragons be set free to fly, their mere presence hopefully enough to dissuade an attack.
Darrax’s obsidian scales glinted as he danced through the sea spray, moving back and forth until his flanks glistened like dark pearls. He let out another cry, one sorrowful enough that Aelinor felt a pang of guilt. No doubt that he could feel her pain, and she had neglected him the past few days, barely able to motivate herself to eat or drink, let alone walk all the way to where he roosted.
Her window faced King’s Landing. Somewhere out there, too far for her eyes to see, Aemond waited. She wondered if he had been reprimanded, if anyone had discovered that he had aided in her escape. She had thought him so gallant, so overcome with love that he had been willing to risk everything to save her. But it had not been gallantry, and it certainly had not been any genuine affection for her. No, it had been guilt. Guilt that guided him to bribe the dragonkeepers and help her flee, guilt that he had felt as he embraced her and let her declare her love for him.
Or perhaps he was laughing too. Perhaps he had returned to the Keep and announced to all how he had slaughtered her little brother, and perhaps he and Aegon had shared a cup as they celebrated.
Though she tried to resist, her hand trailed to her throat, feeling the small sapphire pendant that hung there. She was weak. If she was strong, she would have hurled the pendant into the sea, she would have been eager to be rid of anything that reminded her of Aemond.
But for that one, foolish moment, she had believed that everything would be alright. She had let herself believe in his promises, believe that their love for each other would be enough. 
She had been wrong. She could not love this Prince Aemond. This man who everyone had been right to call a monster. For what else could he be? Aemond Kinslayer. Aemond One-Eye. The monster that everyone thought he was, that she had always sworn he could not be. No, he had proved himself to be exactly as horrible as everyone had said.
Aelinor tightened her grip on the pendant, feeling the sharp edge of the gem cut into the burned flesh of her hand. She wanted her Aemond back. The Aemond who had stood by her side through everything, the Aemond who could never have hurt anyone.
Or perhaps he had always been capable of this, and she was the only one foolish enough to be blind to it.
Gods, sometimes the rage cut so deeply, so suddenly that she felt her heart stutter in response. Aelinor could not recall ever being truly angry, but she now found that, in the moments where her grief and apathy faded, where she was no longer indifferent to the chaos around her or the devastation tearing her heart to shreds, that she was truly, deeply furious. Bitter. Betrayed.
And who did she have to turn to? Her mother, torn to pieces by her grief, who had to wage a war and lead a kingdom as she grieved her child? No, Aelinor could not burden her further. Her sisters, Rhaena who now mourned her betrothed, and Baela who tried to comfort her sister. No, they did not need her burdens either.
For perhaps the first time in her life, Aelinor found herself longing for Jacaerys’ company. They might fight, they might disagree more often than not, but he was her elder brother. She longed for the familiarity of his company. But he was gone too, off to the North to spread the word of his mother’s rule. Doing his part, while Aelinor rotted away in grief.
A knock sounded at her door, but Aelinor did not rise to answer it. A servant would not have knocked, and she hoped that whoever it was would be dissuaded.
But the door creaked open anyway, heavy footsteps entering the quiet of her chamber.
“Daughter.” Prince Daemon’s voice was surprisingly hesitant.
Aelinor tilted her chin toward him slightly, as much acknowledgement as she was prepared to offer.
She had not spoken to her father, not since he had told her of Aemond’s involvement in her brother’s murder. She knew that he prepared their war, that he was perhaps all that held their war effort together.
Did he grieve, she wondered. He had known Luc since they were very young, and while she found her father callous and cruel at times, she did not think that he was without humanity. Perhaps he managed his grief by preparing for an attack, by maintaining his indifference even as everyone else fell to pieces. It was admirable, she supposed, in a sort of cold, removed sort of way. Often she saw him and Caraxes patrolling the coast, a blood red wyrm weaving through the skies.
“I am going to ask you something, Daughter,” He began.
Aelinor turned slowly toward him, her hand still tightly clasping her pendant. She saw her father glance toward it, something undecipherable in his eyes.
“But first,” He stepped forward until he stood by the foot of her bed, only a few feet away from her seat in the window. “I need you to know that when you give your answer, you must mean it.”
Her mouth quirked into a wry smile, the movement hurting her face. “I am not prone to lying, Prince Daemon.”
“Not Prince Daemon,” Both of his hands rested on the hilt of his sword. He stared at the ground, and she saw his jaw clench as he spoke. “I am your father. I have always been your father, even when I have not been here for you to know it.”
Aelinor’s lips parted.
“And your mother…” He took a deep breath. “Your mother needs our strength. She needs us to be for her what she cannot be, in the moment of grief. She needs you to be her daughter, and she needs you to be my daughter.”
“Whatever do you mean?” She asked, even as understanding settled into her bones.
He looked up then, his violet eyes settling on hers, and she felt herself flinch with the familiarity of it. There was pain there, genuine suffering shining behind his eyes, even as he steeled his face into a mask of indifference. Was that so different from what she was doing? Or were they more similar than she would have liked to admit?
The answer to that question was already alarmingly clear.
Aelinor took a deep breath, her ribs creaking at the movement. “Ask your question, Father.”
A very long moment passed, so long that she wondered if he had thought better of it, if he was going to leave without ever asking what was on his mind.
But instead he held out a hand. It was a surprisingly tender gesture, an image that she found to be greatly at odds with who she knew her father to be. He stood before her, his hand outstretched, his palm up, waiting for her. 
“I need my daughter.” Daemon said. “And I need her to be a dragon.”
Aelinor felt the familiar stoke of rage in her heart. How dare he ask this of her? How dare he ask her to withdraw from her grief? It was cruel, it was unkind. She was not him, she was not…
Or was she?
Already she felt the veil of grief slipping away, some scorching and unfamiliar falling into its place. Her family needed her. Her father needed her. Her mother…she needed to do whatever it took to protect her mother.
Aelinor’s hand tightened on the pendant, yanking the chain from her neck in one brutal movement. With the flick of her wrist she tossed it to the ground, watching it skitter under her bed and out of sight.
She reached forward, taking her father’s hand in her own. He did not flinch from the ruined skin of her palm, instead tightening his fingers into hers with a tenderness that nearly disarmed her.
But she would not be disarmed anymore. She was Aelinor Velaryon, daughter of the rightful queen, and she would not be weak anymore.
“What do you need?” She asked.
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bioswear · 1 year
Some things I really like in ToTK as someone who considers Zelda games loadbearing:
the reuse of the Dragon Roost Island theme strikes an extremely specific feeling in my heart and it makes me want to cry from an emotion that isn’t quite nostalgia (it’s like the equivalent of seeing an old friend)
The reuse of parts of the tune of Faron Woods from Skyward Sword in the Korok Forest
That drop-down into the Great Deku Tree threw me straight back to the first time I dropped down the Deku Tree in Ocarina
Seeing Gohma back was like “oh fuck yeah this bitch!” And knowing exactly how to fight her 👌
The reintroduction of Sages but I wish they had kept 7 as the number of Sages as a True Callback to Ocarina of Time
The Stable Trotters really bring a Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass kind of vibe and it’s probably bc of the tiny little chocolate chip of a Hylian Man that’s the conductor - his design is just so DS zelda and it tickles me
That Ganon is an Active Threat again and that the world feels more reactionary to the events and ongoing caused by his return. It feels like Classic Zelda problems
The way Hyrule Castle is suspended above Hyrule is really reminiscent of its sectioned off fate in Twilight Princess
The phantom soldiers that hold weapons down in the Depths feels like the spirit soldiers from TP
Love that the Depths mirrors the Overworld like an homage to ALTP
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blackautmedia · 11 months
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Quill, and Rito Allyship - the Power of Knowledge
I wanna talk about one of the best guys to come out of Wind Waker: Quill. More people need to give this man his respect so he's getting a long post nobody asked for but we're getting anyway.
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I appreciate how the game portrays his range of knowledge and his ability to keep a pulse on several different isolated communities as a powerful tool at his disposal. The Rito are some of your biggest allies.
This is a particularly useful skill when you consider the information gap that would cause word to travel slowly if not for the Rito's mail delivery and them directly hearing things themselves.
It's his persuasive skills and knowledge that keep your adventure from grinding to a halt several times throughout the game.
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The Rito aren't just out delivering letters, they're constantly keeping up with what's going on around the different islands, listening to people's issues and Quill's abilities are at the center of what makes not just Link but the Rito so successful in their goals.
From the start of the game, he's the one who clues you in that the kidnappings aren't isolated events and several other areas have been targeted as well. He also is the one to persuade the pirates into helping you out where otherwise your journey would have just ended. He's also the one to tell you that the girls are being taken to the Forsaken Fortress.
But the other thing is that throughout the game Quill doesn't just exist to help you. At this point, it's nothing particularly special and he's the kind of "guide" character who exists in video games to tell the player where to go and what to do.
But his portrayal takes an interesting direction the more you see him.
When you get to Dragon Roost, one of the first things he asks about is you and your sister, but he then introduces you to his Chieftain to see if they can help you out. However, he also recognizes the ways that you can help him and he branches out less as that video game guide and more showcasing one of his best skills.
Chieftain, what do you think of consulting Link with regards to your son, Prince Komali? As you can see, Link is a gallant young lad! I feel certain that Prince Komali would open his heart to him and speak freely of his fears and worries. - Quill
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Quill sees Link as someone who has a lot of common ground with Komali, who is currently mourning the death of his grandmother. I don't think it's a coincidence the game intentionally makes Komali even look like a Rito version of Link and draws the obvious comparison with their grandmothers, something Link can pretty strongly identify with in how he had to leave his own grandmother behind.
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Quill wasn't just there to push your journey along, he also saw a young boy with the right traits to potentially solve a problem in his own community.
He already saw Link and his family and noticed his relationship with his grandmother.
The other Rito haven't had success in reaching out to Komali, but he's found someone around his age with a similar relationship who Komali may be able to better identify with in his grief.
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But that's Quill's big strength--he's very knowledgeable, logical, persuasive and a negotiator, he has a pulse on everything going on in several communities, and has a very community oriented way of looking at things that gives him the ability to keep things in the back of his mind and identify people who may be a good match to solve other problems.
What say you? Will you share some of your courage with my son? Will you meet my son?
I thank you! We shall do our best to solve our problem as quickly as possible, so that we may better help you with yours. - Chieftain
He makes the connection that the Chieftain doesn't immediately think of because he has a prior encounter with Link and can apply that knowledge to give aid his Chieftain's son. He also sees a child in need and currently is out looking for his sister and happily shares information and resources with you.
Wind Waker really goes out of its way to showcase the strengths of connecting with others and keeping knowledge at the forefront, something that's especially relevant and easy to overlook in a world where everyone is separated with few means of communication in a vast ocean. The closest thing to phones or internet is the gossip stone, but this isn't available to everyone.
None of the Rito even expect you to deal with Valoo. Quill in particular tells you to leave that to them while you help Komali out. Medli even asks for your help but isn't counting on you to deal with Valoo, asking you to take care of Komali in her place if she doesn't survive.
When you complete the first temple, we see Medli speaking with the other Rito, likely informing them she's figured out what's going on with Valoo so they can devise a solution, but they weren't expecting Link to go deal with it.
Zelda games I think are capable of effective storytelling when it recognizes Link as...an actual person and in this case a child. Wind Waker and Majora's Mask were both excellent at using the child aspect.
A father and a lot of the older Rito and even Medli still have a bit of a relationship gap with Komali either due to age or the dynamic of their roles in their community, but Link has quite a few similarities to him, something Quill picks out.
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When you go to find Jabun, even the King of Red Lions has no leads on what to do. It's Quill who gives you more guidance per Valoo's instruction.
Obviously this is the game's way of guiding the player but I think something that's interesting is how the game portrays knowledge and community as an extremely powerful tool Quill wields not just to help you, but those of his community.
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There's a surprising amount of thought not just into him as a character but how the story recognizes the way that gathering information and keeping a pulse on communities would be so valuable with the inherent separation the game also includes.
He and Komali also then rescue you when you're in over your heads trying to fight Ganon and failing. They also took the time to confirm that Link's sister escaped safely and can focus on the task at hand.
Considering that Quill is the one who knew what you were planning, he likely thought to consult Valoo for help knowing you were close to confronting Ganon and has been keeping track of what you've been doing. He enlisted Valoo's help by using his biggest strenght--using knowledge and resources to identify the right people to bring in to solve the many problems he hears in passing.
It's not lost on me that the Rito are Native coded, which I feel also is a strong factor in how it factors how the game portrays them as a community, but I'll leave that discussion to Native folks.
The game still is at the end of the day a power fantasy and the series as a whole is built on white saviorism. I'd love to see some people with connection to that heritage give their thoughts on how the Rito are portrayed.
I wish Wind Waker had been given a proper development cycle because it clearly feels rushed in its second half with its first half going so strong!
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tnc-n3cl · 3 months
The Tale of the Realm Walker
Behold, the first (chronologically speaking) arc of my LoZ fanfic saga, The Realm Walker! The Tale of the Realm Walker is set 20 years after the events of Wind Waker, and is a crossover of sorts with Twilight Princess. It's been brought up before in my other fics, "The Ballad of Kass", and "Shifting Tides of Fate" mostly. But know I'm letting you finally see the madness in my head! Here's a summary!
Kass stands in the clearing at the center of Korok Forest, the dappled sunlight shining off his nearly sky-blue plumage as he unfastens the strap holding his accordion to his back.  He unfolds his cherished instrument and moves to stand in front of the sleeping Great Deku Tree.  He plays a few notes to warm up before speaking… “The Rito have kept this story to ourselves since we lived on a lonely island upon a Great Sea; however, given recent events, I believe now is the time to share it with you, as it is my firm belief that this story is the missing piece of the puzzle that is Hyrule’s long and complicated history.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Now, before I begin, I have but one request.  I humbly ask all of you to save all questions and comments until after I have finished this tale as it is quite long and I’d rather not be away from my wife and daughters for longer than I need to be.”   His crest collapses in anguish as he looks down for but a moment before looking back at his audience, “I’ve… been away from them for too long already…” After a moment, Kass begins playing his accordion.  It’s a more upbeat and faster paced variation of the music he plays with his daughters back home.  An ancient version of the song, played by the Rito in days long since passed…
Okay maybe that doesn't tell you much... Basically Kass is telling everybody this some time after the Divine Beasts are free. Yes, he's playing appropriate music for each section of the story (staring with the Dragon Roost Island theme). Lets see... Rated M for Mature (for safety in case I get carried away with the violence), Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (I will post specific warnings in each chapter.) Post canon, AU, Blood and Violence, Profanity, may have Suggestive Themes.
Characters: Lots of OC's! Twili OC's! Rito OC's! Midna, Medli, Komali, even Valoo!
Check out this spear I did for the main character!
I've retconed the Rito for this story. BotW style full birb, except they can change their wings into arms like in WW (scaly birb arms, no feathers after the elbow, claws on fingers), and WW style clothes.
You want a more descriptive summary? Okay! 20 Years after Wind Waker, the Great Sea lies mostly abandoned. Most of the human population has left for a new land. The Rito stayed behind because Valoo could not or would not leave Dragon Roost Island, the Koroks didn't want to leave the Great Deku Tree alone. Now, a mysterious stranger from another realm arrives on Dragon Roost Island....
(That's it, that's all your getting. Wanna know more, read the fic!)
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
Welcome to the Shadow of the Eclipse
October 4-31, 2023
Some introductory notes
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a time period lasting from 10 days before the first eclipse, to three days after the final eclipse. It is recommended not to start anything new, or schedule anything important, during these days - as usual I refer everyone to the 1981 wedding of Lady Diana Spencer to the Prince of Wales, as an example.
Of course we live in a place/time which scoffs at letting astrology help with the timing of events - therefore don’t lose hope if something falls unavoidably within the eclipse shadow. Just be prepared.
I wanted to take a more thorough approach to delineation, this time. I hope it’s helpful.
South Node Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse happens when the New Moon lies close (in the Zodiac) to either the North Lunar Node, or to the South one. It occurred to me to do a little research on whether which Node is involved, makes any difference - and yes, it does.
Astrologers call the South Node “the dragon’s tail” - Steven Forrest calls the South Node, “the dragon’s butt” - because here we are “pooping out” what we don’t need and can’t use. (One person’s poop, however, is another person’s fertilizer.)
Eclipses conjunct the South Lunar Node, like the October 14 one, have an outflowing (outpooping?) of energy. They tend to feature external events which we have to “rise up to.”
If you’d like to note how these have affected you in the past (always a good idea to check “what happened last time”), here is a list of the previous South Node solar eclipses in this century:
December 14, 2001, 22°56’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2002, 11°58’ Sagittarius
November 23, 2003, 1°14’ Sagittarius
October 14, 2004, 21°06’ Libra
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
September 22, 2006, 29°20’ Virgo
September 11, 2007, 18°25’ Virgo
August 1, 2008, 9°32’ Leo
July 22, 2009, 29°27’ Cancer
July 11, 2010, 19°24’ Cancer
June 1, 2011, 11°02’ Gemini
July 1, 2011, 9°12’ Cancer
May 20, 2012, 0°21’ Gemini
May 10, 2013, 19°31’ Taurus
April 29, 2014, 8°52’ Taurus
March 20, 2015, 29°27’ Pisces
March 9, 2016, 18°56’ Pisces
February 26, 2017, 8°12’ Pisces
February 15, 2018, 27°08’ Aquarius
January 6, 2019, 15°25’ Capricorn
December 26, 2019, 4°07’ Capricorn
December 14, 2020, 23°08’ Sagittarius
December 4, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius
October 25, 2022, 2°00’ Scorpio
October 14, 2023, 21°08’ Libra
Going down that list was a very uncomfortable trip down memory lane for me. When those South Node eclipses affected me, it was generally a harbinger of some difficult “external event” which I had little to no control over - which is not the same thing as saying “it wasn’t my fault.” I brought some of it on myself due to bad decisions. Some karma chickens coming home to roost, in other words. Not all of them were dire, though. One in particular gave me something of a respite from what had been happening in my life - it was conjunct my natal 12th House cusp.
Saros Series “7 South”
This eclipse is part of Saros Series “7 South.” Bernadette Brady writes,
The individual experiencing this series will find that huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through his or her life very rapidly. Either way the individual will feel that everything is moving at great speed. (The Eagle and the Lark)
Previous Saros “7 South” eclipses in Ms M’s lifetime:
September 11, 1969, 18°53’ Virgo
September 23, 1987, 29°34’ Virgo
October 3, 2005, 10°19’ Libra
Not quite as depressing for me personally.
Whatever Shall We Do?
1) Determine which of your natal houses this eclipse falls in.
2) Determine whether the eclipse makes an aspect to anything in your chart. Use a 1° orb. In my case, the conjunctions, squares, sesquiquads (135°), inconjuncts, and oppositions made the most obvious impacts.
3) If there is a close aspect to a planet, check to see which house(s) that planet rules. One South Node eclipse was conjunct the ruler of my natal 4th House, and I moved three months later.
4) Avoid strenuously negative thoughts. If you put a lot of energy into anticipating that something is going to be horrible and painful and disastrous, well, guess what - that’s exactly what’s going to happen. If you catch yourself falling into a panic, try to refocus the energy into “the best possible outcome.”
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eeveegirl9 · 10 days
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This is Vil's team in my TWST x Pokémon crossover. Tsareena is his main partner. He, like the rest of Pomefiore uses Premier Balls.
Tsareena's Moves: Aromatic Mist, Teeter Dance, Trop Stomp, Triple Axel and Dazzling Gleam. Her Ability is Queenly Majesty. Vil came across Tsareena as a Bounsweet in the Pomefiore Dorm. She evolved during winter break and then again during his Overblot.
Lopunny's Moves: Charm, Flatter, Bounce, Hyper Voice and Drain Punch. Her Ability is Cute Charm. Vil was given Lopunny as an Egg by Mikan. She evolved during his Overblot.
Quaquaval's Moves: Aqua Step, Air Slash, Counter, Swords Dance and Ice Spinner. His Ability is Moxie. Vil was given Quaquaval as an Egg by Nagisa. He evolved during the events of Book 3 and again during the events of Book 5.
Espathra's Moves: Feather Dance, Agility, Dazzling Gleam, Lumina Crash and Aerial Ace. Her Ability is Opportunist. Vil found Espathra as a Flittle wandering around Ramshackle.
Milotic's Moves: Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Alluring Voice, Coil and Dragon Pulse. Her Ability is Marvel Scale. Vil found Milotic as a Feebas swimming around near Ramshackle. Nagisa convinces Vil to catch Feebas, stating that she would become a beautiful Pokémon. She evolved during the escape from S.T.Y.X.
Fezandipiti's Moves: Moonblast, Beat Up, Poison Gas, Roost and Dark Pulse. His Ability is Toxic Chain. It's unknown when or where Vil met and caught Fezandipiti.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Do you think Aegon VI is Rhaegar-critical? Joncon must be a biased source of information, and there's no way he hasn't been at least attempting to poison his mind against Lyanna and his mother.
Hi there! (And sorry for the delay.)
JonCon may personally have been horribly biased against the legally wedded wife of his life-long crush.
Jon Connington remembered Prince Rhaegar's wedding all too well. Elia was never worthy of him. She was frail and sickly from the first, and childbirth only left her weaker. After the birth of Princess Rhaenys, her mother had been bedridden for half a year, and Prince Aegon's birth had almost been the death of her. She would bear no more children, the maesters told Prince Rhaegar afterward. (ADWD, The Griffin Reborn)
But neither has he been raising Aegon by himself, unencumbered by anyone else's input (which is especially relevant if you consider that Lemore may well be her former lady-in-waiting Ashara Dayne). He is also not so stupid as to discount the value that Elia's name adds to Aegon's cause.
 My lords, I give you Aegon Targaryen, firstborn son of Rhaegar, Prince of Dragonstone, by Princess Elia of Dorne … soon, with your help, to be Aegon, the Sixth of His Name, King of Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." (...)
Griff had heard enough of the captain-general’s cowardice. “We will not be alone. Dorne will join us, must join us. Prince Aegon is Elia’s son as well as Rhaegar’s.” “That’s so,” the boy said, “and who is there left in Westeros to oppose us? A woman.” (ADWD, The Lost Lord)
And he is quick to make use of it, personal feelings aside.
To Prince Doran of House Martell, You will remember me, I pray. I knew your sister well, and was a leal servant of your good-brother. I grieve for them as you do. I did not die, no more than did your sister's son. To save his life we kept him hidden, but the time for hiding is done. A dragon has returned to Westeros to claim his birthright and seek vengeance for his father, and for the princess Elia, his mother. In her name I turn to Dorne. Do not forsake us. Jon Connington Lord of Griffin's Roost Hand of the True King (TWOW, Arianne I)
I sincerely doubt that JonCon would have felt it in his interest to try and turn Aegon against his own mother. Even if he had, we know that Aegon is very well capable of forming his own opinions and making his own decisions.
We have no information about what Aegon thinks of his father, let alone Lyanna. But I find this passage particularly telling:
"You look a proper prince," he told the boy. "Your father would be proud if he could see you." Young Griff ran his fingers through his hair. "I am sick of this blue dye. We should have washed it out." (ADWD, The Lost Lord)
JonCon gives him a very heart-felt compliment that could mean the world to a son trying to live up to the legacy stolen from his family, to his revered late father. But Aegon doesn't react at all. He voices a dismissive opinion, changes the subject to something else, instead. There is no warmth at all in response to these words.
He's interested in his "true father", he reacts to Tyrion's prompt about him, but I doubt that he feels the kind of connection to Rhaegar that would be resistant to questioning his actions.
We already know he is prickly about the events of the Rebellion.
"Elsewise Prince Rhaegar’s friend might have been on hand when my father sacked King’s Landing, to save Prince Rhaegar’s precious little son from getting his royal brains dashed out against a wall.” The lad flushed. “That was not me. I told you. That was some tanner’s son from Pisswater Bend whose mother died birthing him. His father sold him to Lord Varys for a jug of Arbor gold. He had other sons but had never tasted Arbor gold. Varys gave the Pisswater boy to my lady mother and carried me away.” (ADWD, Tyrion VI)
Why the anger, unless the story is one that doesn't sit right with him? He's overtly dismissive of the child that died in his place, emphasizes the depravity of the father. (The inclusion of the mother's death in childbirth is more than likely an invocation of Lyanna's fate by GRRM.) The worthless tanner abandoned his child for a taste of something new. Sound like anyone we may have heard of before?
I'd say GRRM is preparing a confrontation with his "true father" for Aegon, in terms of examining how he and his mother and sister were equally abandoned. This is a mental place where his immersion in his Dornish family and his probable confrontation with Jon Snow, whose own mother was also a victim of Rhaegar, can all connect and lead to an examination of what Targaryen kingship is all about. (Hint: it's dragon-based oppression.)
From that place, Aegon can become Dany's antagonist in a role beyond mere rivalry over the metal chair but in terms of a larger conflict: fighting Dany becomes about preventing her from taking absolute and unaccountable power in the name of House Targaryen once more. Instead of fighting for his father's side, he would be fighting for everything informed by his mother's side: Westeros, Dorne, the Rhoynar. People, not dragons.
I'd say everything points to GRRM setting up events to go that way.
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skyloftsword · 10 months
The Beauty of Tears of the Kingdom's Music
Soundtracks are always the one aspect of a game I most look forward to with a new game release. Tears of the Kingdom was no exception and it really exceeded my expectations, especially with how perfectly it was utilized. Yes, some songs were reused from Breath of the Wild, but most of the soundtrack is new. The new songs were utilized perfectly within the main story of the game and helped make it, in my opinion, the best story in the franchise. SPOILERS DOWN BELOW. But basically, I think this game definitely deserved its nomination for Best Score/Music in the Game Awards because it helps make the game hit harder.
Okay, so starting with the Temple themes. These themes really help set the overall feel of the Temple they're in. They also build up as you're going through the dungeon, providing a sense of progression. The later phases even include the Champion themes and Divine Beast fight themes of the area you're in. The Construct Factory theme gives off a feeling of mystery, building up to a version of Mineru's theme. Also, while technically not a dungeon, the Gloom's Approach theme is THE perfect endgame area theme. It progressively gets more ominous the deeper you go into the Zonai Castle Ruins. It gets really intense once you reach the area you started the game in: Beneath Hyrule Castle, or rather the Forgotten Foundation.
The town themes before doing the Temples also really help create a sense of urgency that I haven't felt with any other Zelda game before. They scream "Please, save us from the horrible events happening right now... We're not going to last much longer without your help."
The boss themes are also really, really well done. Mucktorok's theme is crazy which fits the boss, Queen Gibdo and Marbled Gohma's themes really fit their overall segments of the game, Colgera's theme is incredible and part of why is due to how it utilizes Dragon Roost Island's theme. My favorite of the Temple boss themes has to be Seized Construct's theme. The way it utilizes Mineru's theme because its still a Construct she made, but its corrupted because its possessed by Gloom is incredible. Kohga's theme is a more intense version of the theme from Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity and it really shows how he's more pissed off than before because Link sent him to the Depths in Breath of the Wild. Right before you reach Ganondorf, a very intense version of the battle theme plays as you fight waves of enemies trying to prevent you from proceeding. The Sages help Link fight back though if you defeat the Temples. Once you're done with that, you proceed to Ganondorf and his battle themes are INCREDIBLE for a final battle. Phase 1's theme is a really intense build up, then Phase 2 kicks in and parts of BotW's main theme pop in at the beginning then the trailer 3 theme shows up, and then for the final part of the fight a more intense version of the Calamity Ganon theme plays. Once Ganondorf is defeated, he turns himself into a dragon because he is willing to do whatever it takes to conceal the world in darkness. The Demon Dragon Appears is a genuinely incredible transition theme. It starts with a more intense version of the opening of trailer 3's theme, then goes into Ganondorf's theme, then becomes more hopeful as soon as the Light Dragon appears, it ends with an Erhu version of the memory theme from BotW. Then the Demon Dragon theme plays, and its mostly Erhu and god this song is just immaculate in general. The end of the fight has a key change as you descend to deal the final blow.
The songs used in the cutscenes are PERFECTLY used and give the scenes more emotion. Remember This Name is so good, especially when it plays the series main theme when Rauru tells Ganondorf to remember the name Link. The music of the cutscene where Zelda becomes the Light Dragon also helps make this scene hit extremely hard (to the point where I have shed a tear to it all four playthroughs). The use of the Erhu version of Zelda's Lullaby also makes this moment really hit hard, Zelda sacrificed herself thinking she would never turn back all to save her home and people, which Rauru told her is what a good leader would do before the Imprisoning War happened. Oh also the Final Catch theme that plays while you control Link to catch Zelda at the end of the game really helps make this ending a masterpiece. The True Ending theme also brings me to tears and makes watching Mineru move on hurt me even harder than it already did.
The ambient music in this game is INCREDIBLE. Everything from Dragonhead to Spirit Temple really helps make the entire segment feel mysterious yet calming. The Depths theme is really mysterious and eerie feeling, which is fitting considering the atmosphere. The Sky theme on the other hand (pun not intended), is peaceful and heavenly. The theme that plays as you dive down to the surface really makes diving down to the surface more satisfying. Diving down into the Depths also feels satisfying, but evokes a more ominous feeling.
Thank you for reading this dumb essay I wrote because I was bored and wanted to put my thoughts on the soundtrack out there.
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dragonerd8224 · 13 days
You’re a lot like Luz from the Owl House.
very fun and energetic, definitely needs a hug
Here you go: 🫂🫂🫂
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mermaidfantasy05 · 4 months
Ninjago #1: Ninjago's Potrayal In Webseries
I've actually deliberated over this for a while. Since in the webseries, instead of people sized Lego people, all the characters would be portrayed as human (both because that's always how I've seen them in my head and maybe hopefully Lego Team would consider the change different enough where they won't try and DMCA me) and I was putting Ninjago in the real world instead of its own realm as its portrayed in canon (again, to hopefully dissuade Lego Team from wanting to sue the brakes off my ass and also just because I think it'd be interesting), I thought of just portraying Ninjago City. But well, I've always been a sucker for fantasy, especially urban fantasy. This also gives me a great excuse to learn more about Asia's mythology and how all the different regions and the countries in those regions interpret it! So yay, silver linings!
So, in the webseries, Ninjago would be its own country. I recently got into Ace Attorney (I have the Phoenix Wright trilogy on my Switch and i'm on Bridge to Turnabout) and while looking over the TVTropes page (I do that for all the media i'm into) and watching YouTube videos about Ace Attorney, learned all about the localizations and Japanifornia. So, that's what i'm basing Ninjago off of, which makes sense since, in canon, Ninjago also has western inspiration in addition to the Japanese inspiration. Which brings me to the first fun fact I learned while researching Japan (since Ninjago has a lot of japanese inspiration), I learned that Japan has free healthcare! Well, mostly free, they have to pay 30% of their medical bills themselves, but hey, considering that I live in a capitalist hell state, I'll take it! Also, according to the websites I've looked at for more information, the insurance is provided by the state.
(I now lowkey wonder what kind of insurance the ninja have. It can't be SHI because that's for everyone that's employed full-time by a large or medium company. And last time I checked, none of the ninja work for a medium or large company. Unless Cyrus Borg has them on his payroll and just lies to the government every year that he employs the ninja).
I really loved the realm merge in Dragons Rising and the fact that there were all these different.... races? Species? now in Ninjago because of it and how they had a whole place where all these different cultures could gather and hang out and sell wares and food and clothes and stuff from their home realms and they have contests and events and I just.... I really loved it. Like LOVED it. I just love when they have blended societies in media. Which brings me right back to my love of urban fantasy. I love love LOVE Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the whole mystical yokai city under New York they had in the show and how there were hidden hangout places for the yokai up in New York. So, taking elements from ROTTNMT and Dragons Rising, instead of a realm merge, Yokai have been part of Ninjago's history from the start and by modern day have completely integrated into regular society. So, there's shops run by yokai that sell all kinds of mystic stuff as well as restaurants that sell yokai cuisine. Also, dragons have also been part of Ninjago's history since the start and yes, it's pretty much like how Berk from the How To Train Your Dragon Franchise would have been if it was set in the modern day instead of viking times.
There's so much more I want to talk about: how machines and AI like Zane and P.I.X.A.L are viewed, Yokai shops and cuisine, what daily life is like in Ninjago City (Ninjago in general) with dragons flying around, passing through or even just setting up roost there, the Yokai that live in Ninjago and Ninjago City, the gangs that have sprung up over the years (since the webseries would focus on the Ninja's children), how the Serpentine are doing, ect, but this post is already quite long so I'll have to talk about these things in separate posts.
Since I think I've covered all the basics of how I would portray Ninjago in my hypothetical webseries, i'm going to end this post here and share future thoughts I have on Ninjago's portrayal in said hypothetical webseries in future posts. I hope you all enjoyed this post!
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tarnishedinquirer · 6 months
Location: Agheel Lake and the Dragon-Burnt Ruins
I've been here a while so it's probably time to check out the single biggest feature in Limgrave: Agheel Lake. Now, with my previous revelation about the nature of this land, I can't help but wonder how long this lake has even been here. Sure, it's on the map, but a magic map probably updates itself. If that's the case, then does it just assign a name to a new terrain feature? How does it decide?
That sounds like a question without an answer, so I'll just focus in on the first part.
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Even a casual observation of the lake makes it pretty clear that things haven't always been this way. The lake is covered in trees, dead and dying. So at some point, this was dry land, probably with a river running through, if that bridge is any indication. The ground level must've been a lot higher too, and the sinking earth caused the river to form a lake.
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Just to the south, Godrick soldiers were fighting Demi-Humans. So who's attacking who, and why? Rule of thumb: The guys with better gear probably started it, even if the other guys threw the first punch. I waited until they'd won the fight, then cleaned up the stragglers. Wouldn't be a good plan to leave enemies at my back.
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An old man named Yura, hiding under an enormous ruin arch, told me a little bit about the lake. Said that a dragon roosts here. Could that be the "Agheel?" I thanked him for the tip and moved on. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
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There it is. The first sign of a dragon. The map called this the "Dragon-Burnt Ruins," and it was right. The buildings are still smouldering! Dragon can't be far away.
Locals didn't seem too friendly. Sneaked up close so I could hear what they were chanting. They were praying to the dragon like it was a god.
"Agheel, oh Agheel. Feral flame of Agheel, burn true!"
Death cult, dragon flavor. The fact that all of Agheel's adherents were Nobles fits with the general pattern I've noticed. They all seem to be seeking the death that's been denied them. But did they originally live in this town, or just adopt it? Given the long-necks I've seen fleeing from this place, I bet they took it from them after the dragon drove them off. The way the trees grow up through the town suggests it was abandoned well before it became a lake.
This place was probably farmland, worked by the long-neck servant class. The dragon attacked and drove them off, then the town went to ruin. The nobles moved in, started worshiping the dragon, and the rising waters/sinking ground made the farmland a lake.
Could probably move those events around a little bit without changing much.
After dispatching the nobles (at least for now), I poked around and found a few interesting things. One of them had tiny stone sword with raised bumps, looking like a perfect fit for an imp statue. Just need one more now.
I also found a ruined house, now just four low walls, with a tree blocking what used to be the door. Jumping Torrent over the wall, I discovered a basement with a treasure chest. And inside the chest was a double-bladed sword.
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the voice didn't have much to say about it, which was passing strange. Seems like an awkward weapon, but I couldn't help noticing that the two blades were of completely different material. One was a silvery metal that turned blue as it tapered, the other was a more golden metal that turned red at its base. Seems symbolic of something, but I can't say what.
The nobles themselves were guarding a different basement, this one filled with rats. Suggested they don't go down here very much. Past the rats, was another chest, this one
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ - Hyrule Sports
Central Hyrule = Horseback riding/racing (like, equestrian), competitive fishing, swordfighting, & archery.
Kakariko = Kunai throwing & kenjutsu tournaments.
Lurelin = Windsailing, competitive fishing, & spear fishing.
Hateno = Rodeo, curling, & shinty.
Mabe = Rodeo, baking competitions.
Ordon = Rodeo, baking competitions, sumo wrestling, step dance, caber toss, hurling, & boxing.
Goponga = Competitive fishing.
Deya = Competitive fishing.
Tabantha Village = Hatchet throwing, long-distance running.
Koholina Archipelago (Koholint Domain; Eventide Island, Windfall Island, Outset Island, Gale Island, Greatfish Island, Dragon Roost Island, ect) = Surfing, windsailing, competitive fishing, spear fishing, canoeing, Ulu Maika (gamestone bowling), & Haka (war dance/chant). This along with both Zora & Rito sports as well, both of which are listed below.
Ordon & Mabe have an annual baking competition & the role of host alternates each year. It's mainly between them, but anyone from anywhere can join.
Hyrule Castle Town also hosts an annual week-long food festival in the summer.
Mabe hosts the Hyrule Fair in Windvane Meadow every year where the typical county fair competitions take place.
Hateno also hosts a Rodeo at the end of summer in Olvi Plain, south of Nirvata Lake. Ranchers from Hateno, Mabe, Ordon, & even Ealiyah enter, but anyone is free to come & watch. The events include horseback riding/racing, saddle bronc, bareback, bull riding, steer wrestling, tie-down roping, team roping, barrel racing, breakaway roping, goat tying, & more.
Zora = Competitive high diving, swim racing, & underwater polo.
Gorons = Sumo wrestling, roller racing, rock throw, & gut check (sort of like king of the mountain).
Rito = Archery competitions, flight racing, tvpishuk towa (basketball), ishtaboli (stickball), lou towa (corkball), & mahli towa (air ball; think AtLA).
Gerudo = Sandseal surfing, dancing, & horseback archery. (Though, that last sport has been lost since the flood, along with the knowledge of breeding & training Gerudàn Horses.)
- Highlands = Snowboarding, javelin throwing, & rodeo.
Zonai = Skydiving, wing racing, & Pak-a-tok (the Mayan ball game that's a mix of basketball & soccer).
A lot of Rito & Faron residents tend to naturally gravitate towards games & sports that revolve around cooperation, consensus, compromise & teamwork, which are all pillars of these communities.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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ace-malarky · 7 months
Mist Worlds Overview
anyhow I guess I might just? do a mist worlds ramble? girlie got big and I don't think I've ever actually explained what it all is exactly, so
The Mist Worlds are a series of interconnected worlds - there were 22 of them originally, three get destroyed via Some Shenanigans.
They all have theoretically different tech/magic levels, along with different native species and geographic makeup but also there are two Earth-like ones because the EtF world was a late addition to this and by that time I already had another Earth-equivalent, so like. Convergent evolution or whatever
Each world has a funky little Elder God in the core of it that is the source of its magic/Vibes
In The Beginning (before the gates are stabilised), portals between worlds had a habit of disappearing and reappearing on a whim, meaning travel was Tricky and also not always by choice. The only creatures that could safely travel the Mist were the Fair, dragons, unicorns, Erinty, and potentially other mythic creatures
Then Ye Local Arch Mages from Astranys decide that maybe, they also deserve safe travel that won't dump them wherever and whenever because frankly, too many people are lost that way, so they set to and lock almost all the dragons across the worlds into the Mist and let it feed off them so that the gates are stabilised and those Mere Mortals can travel as they will and return home safely
This causes problems.
problem #1 is Shekonys, a world which is split into two when the Elder God at its centre is the one drained for this spellwork. It's locked away from the rest of the Mist, with gates between the parallel worlds few and far between (and mostly in the sky). Gradually, they forget that there were ever other worlds. One half forgets that there was ever magic and a whole race that could summon themselves wings.
problem #2 is that Leritheyar's dragons say "hey fuck you" and lock Leritheyar away in an effort to save themselves, which. to be fair, it works! Leritheyar just also starts disintegrating at the same time, which isn't great. Their local mages go "wow what the fuck" and set about trying to stabilise that by uhhhh pulling some Load Bearing People into the world in hopes that they will fix that. Those people being Leiri, S'ray, and Melisande. This is WereCreature Chronicles!
But apart from them, everything is peachy and honestly it's not like people knew how many worlds were out there, so like. really? no one knows they've lost anything
The next Big Event is that the Bran Rhi, local story telling prophecy guru, creates the wyverns of Kukipia as story repositories for the rest of the worlds and also seals Kukipia from the Mist. No one's quite sure why but she seems to know what she's doing. This eventually leads to Wyvern Queen and thence to Wyvern Call.
Literally the year after that Osseorye, home of the Charm Witches, is destroyed. There's enough warning (or there's been enough travel by now) that some of its people survive amongst the rest of the worlds, largely settling on Idriarea in various enclaves. Unbeknownst to everyone, this also creates the first Erinty from the remains of the Elder God, and they are... well, they're a mixed bunch. They're the immortal remnants of a world's core, shattered 21 ways (one for each of the remaining worlds). If they find each other again, who knows what the fuck might happen.
Another world is destroyed as the harpy with no name finishes the quest she started years before. She gets the harpies their wings 24/7 with no need to shift back and forth between two not-quite forms, but loses any chance at a stable home. The Eternal Queen takes her harpies from Kedditara and looks for a new roost.
Everything is peachy for a while! Travel between worlds becomes more widespread. Cities and gates and beaurocracy build up around the main ones in each world. some places might be invaded and kickstart their own problems. Erinty are making mischief on the outskirts, finding each other, growing stronger, you know how it goes
The last world to be destroyed is Aesserial, home to the Visualisation Mages. Razar Ori would like it on record that he saw this coming and tried to stop it, but the most he could do was drive the people responsible over the edge and then help the refugees out into the Mists.
Some of the groups I talk about are formed - the Guardians, dedicated to stopping another world being destroyed, whether by mortal or Erinty or what-have-you. The Magic Thieves, driven by their need for fun/revenge/a way home/money. Four Erinty form a pop group and become wildly popular and figure that this is better than hunting down their siblings for sport and power.
Then the Magic Thieves break into where the dragons are held captive and free them. The gates hold! Everything is fine! Except now there are dragons and that takes some adjusting.
One by one, the remaining worlds rejoin the Mist. First Shekonys, its parallel worlds situation sorted and the Phoenix created from its ashes. Then Leritheyar, where Kaithr has managed to stabilise its magic after a long life of uhhhhh well, eating its magic and trying to fix themself. And finally Kukipia, where they've heard all these stories about the other worlds via their wyverns, but never believed they were real.
And of course, in and around all of this frankly ridiculous amount of time, people are fulfilling prophecies, becoming superheroes, fucking around in time, vanquishing vampires (being resurrected without their memories), being nosy little shits, and just generally making stories of themselves while trying very hard not to lose everything in the making of it.
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satoshi-mochida · 9 months
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth details substories, personality stats, and bond level
Gematsu Source
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Publisher SEGA and developer Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio have released new information and screenshots for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth introducing the game’s substories, personality stats, and bond level.
Get the details below.
■ Substories
Here’s a small glimpse into some of the substories you can experience with the people of Hawaii!
Close Encounters of the Bird Kind?
Kasuga encounters a girl who swears up and down that her beloved pet chicken has been taken away by a UFO. Everyone she’s told, including the police, has brushed it off as her eyes playing tricks on her, but Kasuga sees her desperation and agrees to assist her in a UFO search. As he explores a certain park rumored to be a hotspot for UFO sightings, he witnesses a cow floating up towards a mysterious light…
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Home to Roost
Kasuga takes a nap on a Hawaiian beach. But when he wakes, his head feels heavy. He hurries over to a shop window to examine himself, only to find that a baby bird has taken up residence atop his head. With the baby bird refusing to budge, Kasuga must embark on a frantic journey across Hawaii to reunite it with its mama.
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■ Personality
Boost your personality stats and enjoy Hawaii to your heart’s content! Personality is a status consisting of six character traits: Passion, Confidence, Charisma, Kindness, Intellect, and Style. These can be boosted through substories, minigames, and more. Enhance Kasuga’s personality traits to improve his stats and abilities, gain new jobs, interact with more people, and unlock new events. Enjoy the streets of Hawaii as you build up your personality!
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■ Bond Level
Deepen your bonds with friends and tackle battles together! A friend’s bond level represents how close they are with Kasuga or Kiryu. Unlock more jobs and abilities by reaching certain bond levels!
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What’s more, your friend will use chain and combo attacks in battle, giving you an extra edge against foes. Nurture your bonds by spending time together chatting at restaurants in Table Talk, sharing laughter as you walk the streets in Party Chat, or playing minigames like darts and karaoke. There are also lots of other ways to deepen your bonds, like giving friends gifts when you see them in town, so try everything you can to grow closer!
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Bond Content
During Walk & Talk events, you can chat with one of your friends and learn anything from their favorite foods to their unexpected hobbies. Your Bond Bingo will keep a record of everything you learn from Walk & Talks. Complete any vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row to strengthen your bond considerably. The deeper your bond, the more you’ll see a new side to your friends and hear all about their woes in a special story called a Drink Link.
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store on January 26, 2024 worldwide.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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