#Dragon Age Origins Fanfic
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heniareth · 2 months ago
I love writing Origins bc I love Morrigan being snarky and tone-deaf and so so lonely and Alistair wallowing in grief and insecurity and also loneliness and Sten being simultaneously done with life and deeply depressed and Leliana trying to cheer everybody up and making them all out to be grand heroes of the realms so that maybe she can feel good about herself and Zevran deflecting with humor and flirting left and right while being corroded by guilt and grief and Wynne being so infuriatingly preachy but also genuinely very sweet, and Oghren drowning his sorrows in alcohol and becoming the most distasteful person known to man- elven- qunari- and dwarvenkind... And my Warden is standing in the middle, burdened with the mission to try and save Ferelden and possibly all of Thedas, having to reckon with the fact that their life as they knew it is over and that their time has been cut short, solving everybody's problems, experiencing the unique blend of social injustice proper to their heritage, AND. having to wrangle the above group of misfits. Honestly, nobody does it like the Warden. I too would read like I aged twenty years during that one year trip. What on earth
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thewardenisonthecase · 26 days ago
Wish You Were Here
Read on AO3
Alistair x F!Cousland
Summary: It's Anneliese and Alistair's wedding day. She should be happy...but why can she only feel sorrow?
word count: 1172
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The day of her wedding was something that a young Anneliese Cousland would often dream about. 
In between sword practice lessons, she’d fantasize about what dress she would wear, the flower arrangements. On the nights where sleep would evade her, she’d think about her groom. Who would he be? As a child, Anneliese had a fascination with dashing princes and knights in shining armor and often, they would fill the role of ‘groom to be’ in her dreams.
Unfortunately for her, she soon realized no man fit the ideal she had on her mind. They were either too old, or too juvenile, and didn’t seem to care about getting to know her. The only one she was interested in - Ser Gilmore - was a match that would never be allowed. And so, despite her dreams, Anneliese resigned to the fact that they might never come true. 
She never expected that a Blight, of all things, would change that. 
Still, one would imagine that on the day of her actual wedding, Anneliese would have been beyond excited, and yet, when the maid awoke her that morning, she couldn’t help but feel dread. 
It didn’t make sense, did it? She was marrying the man she loved, with a beautiful ceremony to follow, and yet, as she looked in the mirror, dressed in the finest of gowns, Anneliese felt a pain in her heart. 
Closing her eyes, she remembered a conversation with her father. She was fifteen, and a letter had arrived for her. The son of some minor noble had taken interest in her, and his father had made a proposition.
She had been quick to turn the boy down. 
“You know, pup, one day you’ll be expected to get married.” Her father said. 
“I know.” She looked down, fiddling with her fingers. “But…what if I don’t want to? Will you force me to?” 
He gave her a small smile. “Come here.” He beckoned her closer, and Anneliese sat on her father’s lap, just as she did when she was a child. “As you grow, there’s certain responsibilities that’ll be expected from you, some of which you won’t be able to hide from. However, I promise, I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want.”
She sighed in relief. “Thank you.” 
“Besides, you poor old father is not ready to think about you getting married.” 
Anneliese giggled. “You didn’t seem to have that many issues when Fergus got married.” 
“Ah, pup, but Fergus is Fergus and you are you.” He kissed her forehead. “I don’t know that I’ll ever be ready to see you all grown up and walk you down the aisle.” 
When Anneliese opened her eyes, she only saw herself staring at the mirror. She could hear Leliana and Wynne talking while her brother sipped on wine. Outside, crowds gathered, people from all over Ferelden had come to see the new royal couple.
But the ones who mattered the most would not be there. 
“Anneliese, are you alright?” Wynne asked, and when Anneliese turned around to look at her, for a moment, she saw her mother instead of the mage. 
She shook her head and shucked in a breath. “I’m fine. Just nervous.” 
“Who wouldn’t be.” Leliana smiled. “It’s not every day one marries a king.” 
Anneliese gave her a polite nod before moving past her and towards the window. Though she was marrying Alistair, she would only be crowned Queen of Ferelden later. Her duty as a Grey Warden was still not finished, and as to not cause a conflict, they decided to postpone the coronation until her work was done. 
That meant yet another ceremony her parents wouldn’t see. 
For a moment, a voice on the back of her mind told her she could still run. Delay the wedding for another year and let her grieve. 
Surely, Alistair wouldn’t mind, right? 
Anneliese shook her head. No, she would not ruin this day. Besides, what would the people think? She can kill an Archdemon but can’t face a wedding? She needed to be strong. Her parents would have wanted for her to be strong. 
Soon enough, she found herself in front of the door to the chantry, holding on to her brother’s arm. She couldn’t bear to look at him - it was her father who should have been there, not him. Anneliese took a deep breath as the doors opened and she saw how crowded the room was. 
So many faces, some she recognized and others she didn’t, there to see her get married. 
But they aren’t here.
For a moment, she thanked the Maker for the veil that covered her face, so none could see the stray tear threatening to fall down her eye. 
‘Just don’t think about it’ she thought to herself. ‘It's your wedding, brides are supposed to be happy on their wedding day. If you cry, he’s going to think you don’t want to marry him.’ 
And so, she gulped the rest of her tears, and mustered the best smile that she could when they finally reached the end of the aisle and Alistair lifted the veil. 
He smiled at her, but for a moment, there was a small furrow in his brow, as he reached his hand towards her face and wiped the damn stray tear from her cheek. Anneliese only slightly shook her head, so as to not worry him. She would not ruin the day for him as well. 
The rest of the day had passed without a hitch, though the gloominess Anneliese felt never quite left. 
And Alistair had been quick to catch on that. 
As soon as they were alone in their room, he took a deep breath and asked “Are you having regrets about this?” 
She looked at him with shock. “Where is this coming from?” 
“It’s just…you’ve had this look on your face the whole day, the one you only do when there’s something upsetting you.” 
Anneliese put her palm on her face, sighed and then stared at the ground. “I am upset, but it has nothing to do with you.” 
A moment of silence passed, before Alistair held one of her hands in his and said. “Talk to me.” Gently, he kissed her hand and she turned her head towards him. “Please.”
She cradled the side of his face with her other hand before taking a deep breath. “I’m just coming to terms with the fact…” she paused and wIth a quivering lip, she continued “With the fact that my parents won’t be here to see the most important moments of my life.”
And with that, Anneliese finally cried. She let go of his face to cover her mouth with her hand, shutting her eyes tight. Soon, Alistair’s arms enveloped her and she held on tight to him. He pet her hair, as she cried into his chest, until her throat was raw and her face was red. 
Eventually, the tears stopped, silence reigning in the room, but they remained the rest of the night simply holding each other.
Thanks for reading! If you liked this fic, please consider reblogging it and leaving a comment, they're extremely appreciated!
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oceaneyesinla · 3 months ago
i just found some of my OLD dragon age writing that i finished but never posted on AO3 for some reason ????? so i'm putting it here because honestly i am in a dragon age mood atm
please be gentle, i wrote this in 2016 😭
my warden in origins was a Dalish elf, and i love her dearly
cw: mentions of parental death and death in general
Aurielle sat in front of the fire, staring into the flames. At night, sat on watch alone, she could almost pretend that she was back with her clan; her sister safely sleeping in an aravel nearby. There, she would have had company on watch and they would have joked among themselves, boasting about recent hunts and telling tales. It made her feel so lonely, thinking of her clan. She missed her sister the most; Aridhel was always her most treasured friend. But she left so much more behind; her uncle, her aunts, her cousins and her friends. Everything she held dear, ripped away. Honestly, she would have preferred to die with them than live alone.
Her mind kept wandering back to what Alistair had said before. The taint would kill her eventually, even though the Joining had technically saved her life. Had the Keeper known before she had sent her away? Did she know she was sending her to a death sentence regardless of whether the taint killed her now or later? Duncan had promised a cure, not this. She would likely never see her family again. Her little Aridhel, alone now. Creators, she would have given anything just to see her sister again.
“Aurielle?” She jumped as a voice behind her spoke, though she relaxed when Alistair sat next to her. He stayed silent for a moment, then continued, “Are you alright? You … took the news about the Calling pretty hard.”
She sighed, “I’m sorry. I reacted badly. It’s just … this isn’t how I saw my life turning out.”
“I’m pretty sure everyone can say that.”
She rolled her eyes, his humor making her smile, “Yes, probably, but … I was happy with my clan.”
“How did you end up here then? Duncan never said.”
Aurielle laughed, though there was an edge to it, “I’m sure he didn’t. You really want the full story?”
“Hey, I told you my tragic backstory. This will make us even.”
This time her laugh held more joy. He had a way of making her see the bright side of things, “You asked for it. I was a hunter with my clan; one of our best, may I add. Even better than my uncle, and he’s good. Anyway, I was out hunting with a friend of mine, Tamlen, and we were attacked by a few darkspawn who were ahead of the main horde. We tried to fight them, but there were too many.” She shivered at the memory and Alistair shifted toward her so that his arm was pressed against hers.She shot him a smile of thanks before carrying on.
“The next thing I knew, I woke up in camp. My sister was in tears next to me; she’d been there for two days, waiting for me to wake up. Duncan had carried me back to camp before heading off to kill a few darkspawn that were still around.” Aurielle shook her head, “We should have been more careful; the Keeper told us not to go too far south, because of the darkspawn. I should have been more careful.”
“Anyway, Duncan came back into the camp and told us to call off our search for Tamlen; that there was no chance he survived. Then he asked to speak to the Keeper. He said there was a cure for the taint, but I had to join the Grey Wardens.” Aurielle smiled sadly, “My clan was sending me away so that I would live, but I refused. The clan was my whole world before this, and I’m all my sister has. Duncan conscripted me, and said he would drag me kicking and screaming to Ostagar if he had to. I barely stayed long enough for Tamlen’s funeral.”
“Aridhel, my sister, she sobbed when I told her I was leaving. I told her I would come back to her and you know what she said to me? ‘That’s what Mamae said, and Papa, and Tamlen and they never came back’. She’s only twelve; too young to have seen so much sadness. That’s why I was so angry; I promised her that I would be cured and I would fight but then I would come home again. But it wasn’t a cure. I’ll die anyway and she’ll lose me all over again.”
“I … I’m so sorry, Aurielle. I understand now why you were upset. Duncan should have told you it wasn’t exactly a cure.”
She sighed, pulling her knees up under her chin, “He said what he needed to, to get a new recruit. I understand that. But I worry what this will do to Ari. She was already wary of humans, after what happened to our parents.”
“Can I ask what happened?”
“They went to negotiate trade with a nearby village, as they usually did when we moved into a new area. It was so ordinary, I barely noticed them leave. Two of the shems decided they didn’t want to trade with 'knife-ears' so they attacked. My parents were killed, and the other hunter that went with them only lasted long enough to warn us of what had happened. I was fourteen and Ari was only seven.”
“How do you listen to me complain without hitting me? All I’ve done since Ostagar is moan about one thing or another.”
Aurielle smiled, “Who said I didn’t consider it?” At his laugh, she carried on, “You’re grieving, Alistair. I know what that’s like. Complain as long as you need. I’ve got your back.”
“Thanks Aurielle. I’ve got your back too, you know?”
They sat in comfortable silence until the sun came up, arms still pressed together. In the morning, they carried on like nothing had changed but Aurielle felt lighter than she had in weeks and if anyone noticed the new happiness in her smile, they didn’t mention it.
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dellamortethelesser · 2 years ago
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I mean @demandthedoodles I’ll talk about it even more [twirling my hair]
For anyone curious, we’re referencing this post!
Mahanon’s intensity is probably the driving force of his own narrative! From the second his wedding is ruined, he doesn’t do anything in half-measures. The Grey Wardens, to Mahanon, are the chance to live the life he’s always wanted. The Blight is the one thing that stands in the way of what he wants, so he’ll do what he has to do to stop it—with only one caveat. He won’t give up his own life for it. Or else, what have all his efforts been for?
To quote K.A. Applegate, Mahanon becomes ruthless; all he can see is that bright clear line from beginning to end, and he doesn’t care about anything but the solution. He makes tough calls that the rest of the group REFUSE to make. He kills Connor, he kills the werewolves, he defiles the Ashes. Everything he does is him making a decision that he deems necessary.
What does this have to do with how he feels about Alistair (or any of the others)? Put simply, Mahanon feels, to an extent, that he’s owed their loyalty. They weren’t the ones to make the calls, they shunted the decisions onto him. If they didn’t like what he did, they should’ve done something about it themselves.
Despite his resentments, he does CARE about the people he travels with (in my canon the Blight takes about a year to a year and a half to settle in full). He wouldn’t have stuck with them so long if he didn’t care about them. He falls in love with Morrigan, and in each other they find mutual healing from their pasts. He grows close to Zevran and Shale and Wynne; Leliana is almost an annoying little sister, and Alistair is like the brother he never had.
Mahanon and Alistair were (to quote Lingua Ignota) “brothers in arms / brothers in each others’ arms”. Alistair was one of very few men that Mahanon could trust and even grew to love (platonically, but there was a little homoeroticism in there). But when the Landsmeet came, when all that time had passed, when Mahanon’s ruthlessness had alienated some (such as when he took the Reaver blood, such as his double crossing spirits at Soldier’s Peak and drinking more blood, such as his cutthroat way of handling their foes the closer they get to the end of their quest) Mahanon could ONLY focus on that bright, blinding solution.
He couldn’t see anything else. Sparing Loghain and recruiting him into the Wardens would force a powerful general onto their side! This is a brilliant political move! And Alistair can have his vengeance, Loghain will be their sacrifice to the Archdemon! Everything works out!
Mahanon can only see the solution.
Alistair can only see Mahanon’s betrayal; after everything, after being willing to even kill Morrigan’s mother for her, Mahanon would refuse to do this one simple thing? How could he?!
Mahanon can now only see Alistair’s betrayal of the cause. He’d leave because he can’t get his pound of flesh?! He’s a traitor, too! I could have him executed!
Mahanon still loves him. He rejects Morrigan’s offer (he has to) and refuses to let her bring it up to Alistair or Loghain. Morrigan leaves, and Mahanon is left with only the solution. He finds another. It won’t be him and Alistair at the End of All Things, but it WILL be him. Loghain, in some ways, knows this. The ruthlessness of a brave young man not yet ready to die.
Alistair’s arrival at the last second—his sacrifice, the attempt at reclaiming the responsibilities he abdicated, undermining what Mahanon had to do once he was gone and what he had to prepare himself to do—it’s a final betrayal. It’s selfish. It’s sacrifice. Mahanon rages for weeks. He can’t even yell at his god because Alistair has been wholly consumed; there is nowhere within the Fade that his rage can reach that Alistair would be able to know it.
Mahanon’s final betrayal, his final selfishness, is by abandoning the Wardens immediately once Vigil’s Keep has been arranged for him. He goes to find Morrigan, and leaves Loghain to clean up the mess. Loghain is sent to Orlais; Elyon is brought from Orlais. They cross paths with each other at the border—both older men, both whose families have been lost to ruin, both who have been exiled from their homelands, and both who know their hearts best to the death-march.
May the Dread Wolf take me.
May Andraste light your path.
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ghost-bard · 7 months ago
I wrote a dao fic! From Zevrans pov, about my surana character!
Surana has a nightmare and Zevran helps them through it is the basic summary
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kaija-rayne-author · 25 days ago
I've finished my Dragon Age elvish/elven/elvhen/el'vhen dictionary. And 99% of it is posted. I just need to clean up the primer and post that.
I have a linguistics minor and broke el'vhen down into its component parts. It started as just a list for me, but took on a life of its own.
Anyway. Hopefully, this will give us more words and tools to work with.
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ayamikasai · 5 months ago
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Queening The Pawn
Commission for @westlywheatly 🫶✨
❤️ Discord (junyami) for commissions
❤️ Buy me a coffee!
❤️ Buy my prints!
❤️ Timelapses!
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padawanduck · 5 months ago
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circlemagemal · 29 days ago
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[ - Magisters Sidereals - ]
And each was promised Power and glory beyond all reckoning If they would only come to the feet of the gods and ask. And so they joined in secret, telling none Who were not of the temples of their designs. And in Minrathous, in the heart of the Archon a sliver of fear grew, Stabbing like a wound. Though he knew not why. —Silence 1:1-1:17, Dissonant Verse
They'll be featured in some Fade/flashback scenes later on in my fanfic 'Nothing but ambition where hearts once beat' so I decided to come up with some fun designs for these 7 bastards ♡
I was definitely going for that "you're playing with the big boys now" vibe from Prince of Egypt, lmao.
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dragonagebigbang · 20 days ago
Apologies for the slight delay, everyone, but we're pleased to announce that author sign-ups for the 2025 Dragon Age Big Bang are now live! As a reminder, sign-ups will be open from now until February 24, 2025 at 11:59PM (UTC -5), at which point writing can begin Can't wait to get this event started!
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heniareth · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
We got a second one this year!!!! HUZZAH!!!!
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Tagging @siriskulksnerding @bumblerhizal @yukichouji @icy-warden @oxygenforthewicked @dungeons-and-dragon-age @shivunin @greypetrel without any pressure ^^ Enjoy this snippet of people being so so mean to each other 😌😌😌😌
“Maybe we’ll find a barn, like last time,” Astala said. Morrigan wrinkled her nose. “One evening surrounded by the stench of those beasts was far more than enough, I assure you.” “Ah.” Astala gave a non-comittal nod that she hoped was affirming enough that it wouldn’t prompt more snide remarks. “So, trees it is, then? They should keep the worst of the rain away.” “Certainly, if the wind ceased to exist and the raindrops flew back up into the sky before falling down the branches,” Morrigan said. Snidely. Astala sighed internally and scanned both sides of the road. “Maybe we could ask Alistair? He seemed to know the area.” “Pah,” Morrigan made, and for a moment she was the splitting image of her mother. “I would rather ask the mules pulling this cart.” She stepped to the side of the road. In a stomach-turning display of twisting bones and feathers breaking through skin, she transformed into a large raven and took to the skies. From Leliana at the front of their little group came a surprised shout. “I didn’t know mages could do this!” “Most can’t,” Alistair sighed. “She’s just a special kind of horrible.”
(Alistair definitely heard Morrigan U_U)
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awardenandacrow · 3 months ago
[dinner after commitment scene. The team shares dinner, then Lucanis brings out dessert and coffee. It’s a merry occassion, with lots of fun tales and laughter. Lucanis can be caught repeatedly looking at Rook, who is laughing over her coffee cup, and smiling. Notes are made. As the evening winds down, Naimeryn offers to stay and clean dishes, standing and beginning to gather plates.]
THANKS TO @/cahwrites ON THREADS - who gave me the idea of a first kiss while washing dishes :3
“Do you want an extra pair of hands?” Harding offered.
“Oh, sure -“
“Actually, Harding, there was something I wanted to discuss with you, if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me?” Emmrich said quickly. Naimeryn met his eye, and he gave her a quick wink. She frowned slightly, confused, watching as everyone but Lucanis cleared out, almost all of them with smirks on their faces. Oh. Were they… giving them time alone?
But then… but once they were gone, she felt immediately on edge. What now? She slowly set another plate on the stack in her arms.
Lucanis started to stand, and she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “You cooked!” She said with a smile she hoped didn’t betray her nerves. “I’ve got this. Just relax a minute.”
She went to the sink and started the faucet, depositing the pile of plates and silverware into the basin. She’d always liked doing dishes, even when she’d had no choice. Hot, soapy water up to her elbows, steam to warm up her shivering bones… no one bothering you. It was peaceful, and had often been her only solace amid chaotic days. She let out a slow breath and willed herself to relax. After all, what was there even to be stressed about?
“There’s no reason I can’t at least help you clear the table,” Lucanis said after a moment, and she heard his chair scrape back.
“Oh, all right,” she said with faux exhasperation. She started washing the dishes she had while he gathered the rest. She took another deep, steadying breath. It was just a little extra time together. No big deal, right?
His hand brushed the small of her back, his chest pressing into her shoulder as he leaned around her to deposit the pile he was carrying into the sink. She told herself to be calm, but being this close to him had her heart beating at a dizzying pace. She turned her head to thank him, a lighthearted smile parting her lips.
They met his, just an accidental brush of flesh where he’d been leaning in to peck her cheek. She gasped, pulled back slightly, remembering their almost-kiss, afraid he would flee again.
“I’m sorr-“ she began, her tone panicked.
“No,” he cut her off, meeting her eyes with his. They burned into her even as he pressed his lips back to hers.
The dishes forgotten, Naimeryn leaned into him, both of their eyes fluttering closed of their own accord. His mouth was warm. His mustache and beard tickled her face, first gently, then more aggressively as she turned and deepened their kiss. His arm snaked around her waist, holding her tighter against him, and despite her hands being wet, he did not flinch away as she tentatively placed one on his chest and the other on his bicep. A contented sigh escaped her.
Honey and lavender cream, indeed. Sweet. Warm. Soothing.
He pulled back enough to press his forehead gently to hers.
“Are we done thinking this is a bad idea, then?” Naimeryn asked breathlessly, losing the teasing edge she’d meant for the question to carry.
“Maybe we’ve just decided bad ideas are better,” he smirked, then planted a kiss on her nose. “But you should know… Spite has informed me the others are watching from the door.”
Naimeryn groaned. “Of course they are.”
“Spite, you’re no fun!” Taash yelled, then there was a chorus of laughter and the door slammed shut.
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treviso-nights · 2 months ago
✨ alistair theirin core ✨
calloused palms. a single rose in full bloom. an amulet shattering against the wall. the subsequent repairing of that amulet. the warrior's tears when he slips it around his neck. a warm chest during cold nights. worried glances while you sleep. playful splashes during bath time. freckled cheekbones. a sunburnt nose. golden whiskers. snorting laughter. giving you his share of rations. star-gazing when it all becomes too hard. a shy tongue. chapped lips in the wintertime. half-hearted prayers, and only to keep you safe. laugh lines appearing a little too early. simple stews full of roots and veggies. frost on armor.
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dellamortethelesser · 2 years ago
'He looked down at the chalice in his hands; blood, tainted. He looked up at the statue of Andraste that peered down upon them all. He thought of her when she died a martyr. He thought of his mother, lifesblood, the breath she gave for him at birth. He thought of himself, a child, blood-red and slick from between his thighs. He parted his lips and drank deeply.'
A mostly canon-compliant take on the events of Dragon Age: Origins that follows the path of my Tabris warden; how he deals with the weight of responsibility while trying to figure out his own identity in the midst of a crisis. Picks up post-City Elf Origin!
Self promo!
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hyperions-light · 1 month ago
Bio(ware)feedback 1/25/25
Hello! It is Saturday, January 25th, 2025, and it is Bio(ware)feedback day!
How it works:
Reblog this post and add a link to your fanfiction from the Mass Effect or Dragon Age fandoms (other BW properties are also fine, but I don’t know them as well)
I will reblog your addition for reach, read your fic (for multi-chapters, I only read the first one), and leave kudos + a comment (my pseuds are hyperions_light and flyiing_giraffe)
This process usually takes a few days. Thanks for your patience!
All ratings, all pairings are fine, but please warn me if you are sending explicit stuff, especially if your fic is somewhere other than AO3.
I will reblog fic/fic posts here on Tumblr, but please link them in your reblog for convenience.
This is intended primarily to bring exposure to works that might have been overlooked. If your fic has over 700 kudos or comments, I am going to respectfully ask that you send a different fic or sit this event out.
I am scheduling this post for 12 p.m. MST, and submissions will be accepted until 12 a.m. MST. Check the time here!
If you include more than one fic and have a preference for which one I read/comment on, please indicate it.
If you want to submit a fic you’ve already submitted, that’s completely fine! I think you should promote your work! However, I will prioritize fics I haven’t read before for comments. (I’ll read/comment on another chapter, though!)
I know there are a lot of fantastic writers in the BW fandom whose stuff gets overlooked because of the sheer volume of content/the relative popularity of pairings, so I just want to give people a place to promote their work. You don’t need to follow me or agree with me or anything to participate in this— just please be polite! Thanks so much for sharing your work!
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alvivaarts · 11 months ago
POV you're an Orlesian wandering around Skyhold and you walk into their meeting.
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Alternate POV, you're Solas and you definitely weren't invited to the Elf Party
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