#Dr. Weil
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merchantziro · 28 days ago
Mega Man lore is absolutely fucking wild if you really parse through it realize just how much Dr. Wily is indirectly responsible for causing.
Wily is responsible for creating Zero and the Zero Virus that went on to transform Sigma indirectly. The same Zero and Virus that went on to shape the future for the worse, as they were major factors in both the Maverick Wars and Elf Wars.
Sigma became infected with the Zero Virus that evolved into the Sigma Virus and turned Sigma Maverick in the first place. Which would lead to 8+ Maverick Wars which includes him being responsible for attempting to drop the entirety of the Space Colony, Eurasia, onto the planet, which even in the Good Endings where it's blown up still causes long term environmental damage for years to come (until 100 years later where it's crash sight, Area Zero, had the nature around it began to regrow due to an environmental control system that survived the crash), just to try and awaken Zero's potential by factory resetting him and making him the villain Wily intended during the fifth Maverick War.
Dr. Weil meanwhile is the one who corrupted the Mother Elf made by analyzing Zero's body in order to find a cure to the Sigma Virus, and then used Zero's original body as the vessel for Omega which kicked off the Elf Wars, an event that resulted in over 90% of all life, human and Reploid alike to be extinguished and later attempts to destroy Area Zero with the orbital space laser, Ragnarok which even after his death at the end of the Zero series, Weil's soul and hatred haunts it's remnants as the Model W for the duration of the ZX series.
To put that into perspective. Sigma is responsible for the devastation of Earth and causing long term damage to nature for hundreds of years. Dr. Weil is responsible for the war that caused countless lives, both organic and mechanical alike, to be lost. Dr. Wily's final creations are indirectly the foundation for massive future events, his actions haunt the future by helping make the other two big bads become as dangerous as they did.
Hell it's even implied Wily still lived on and haunts the events of Mega Man X as Serges and Isoc are implied to be Reploid bodies for Wily, and X5 even has Sigma mention an old man who knows a lot about Zero and has built quite a few robots.
It's both really interesting and really terrifying to think about just how much overall importance Wily has to the Mega Man universe. If Zero and the Virus did not exist, the Mavericks would not have gotten as bad as they became in canon once the Maverick Virus became a thing, and there would be no Mother Elf created to combat a virus that didn't exist and later be corrupted. If you remove Zero and the Virus from the Mega Man Mythos... You can't have the story of Mega Man X onwards.
It's also hilarious to realize how much Sigma and Weil's greatest feats and failures from off the doctor's work through the Maverick Virus and Zero's body respectively only for Zero himself to be a major player in their defeats regardless. For ironically not only was it Wily's own designs that caused them both to not only rise to power, but it also those same designs that caused them to later fall as well.
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ask-the-fallen-sage · 1 month ago
hey, harpuia - how would you feel about being in command of neo arcadia like x once was?
✧ 【 Heavy winds strike the barren earth, picking up the sands of this no man's land he'd claimed as his own ; he was now left a king without his kingdom, stripped of his place amongst Neo Arcadia . . . Resentment boils, it lingers as venomous words are spat, 】
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✧ ❝ All the pieces will fall in due time . . . I just need to be patient. I will rule a perfect world. ❞
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beevean · 2 years ago
On the flipside I noticed that Dr.Weil, despite also being a megalomaniac,....actually doesn't flaunt his genius all that much when compared to Wily and especially Eggman.
In fact most of the stuff he uses in the games is stolen, the Dark Elf, the Baby Elves, Omega is just Wily's robot but modified to draw out all of his latent power. The only thing that's truly his is Ragnarok.
No Weil is less about how much of a genius he is and more about how much he fucking hates everyone on the planet
Yeah, true. Weil isn't about building stuff: he's all about destroying it out of sheer spite 💖
Wily and Eggman will never fuse with a colony to become an abomination just for the chance to take down their nemesis, would they?
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doamarierose-honoka · 1 year ago
Teppen is ready to start the year 2024 off with a bang. Following the addition of the Battle Network series in July, the first card pack slated to hit Teppen next year will be centered around Mega Man Zero.
The card pack is set to launch at the beginning of January, but players will have the chance to get an exclusive sneak peek on December 22nd at 19:00 (JST) during the final Teppen Headline program of the year.
Not much elseis known at the moment, except for the artwork above, which can be viewed in its entirety on the developer's Twitter account.
Teppen has always been a great source for Mega Man artwork, and if Dr. Weil is any indication of what's to come, we're in for a treat!
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gods-of-destruction · 2 years ago
gods of destruction rebirth 60
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aqueousablution · 5 months ago
(October 2023) Sometimes you just need to draw a bastard man with a shit-eating grin
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ultraericthered · 2 years ago
Regal's really not getting that far, huh? If the original version of him in the games is what people are thinking of when they see him on here, then I guess it's sadly understandable.
On the flip side, while I knew Wily and Weil would likely dominate, Tron Bonne getting as ahead as she is surprises me!
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Ladies, gentlemen, they/thems, and Megaman fans. Color me curious, but…
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13-wonder-writer · 5 months ago
Steht es eigentlich in den Tatort Gesetzen geschrieben, dass wenn ein Tatort Kommissar/Charakter eine Dreiecksbeziehung/Poly Beziehung in seiner Jugend hatte, er auch der ist, der als erstes aus diesem Verhältnis ausgeschlossen wird? Man könnte es meinen
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lightdusk96 · 8 months ago
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So... I have had the supreme honor and pleasure to commission the immaculate @carbonatedjem for this masterpiece, right here! Featuring my two favourite villains fighting against each other, Kefka from Final Fantasy VI and Dr. Weil from Megaman Zero! These two monsters are the pinnacle of villainy, caring for little else other than themselves and the destruction they wish to cause on others, just because death and misery is what they enjoy the most. Kefka is a straw nihillist who views life as meaningless before the passages of time, with destruction and death as the only constants and therefore the only things that actually matter, all to justify his sadism. Weil is a cruel despot, who wishes to oppress and torture as many people as possible, planning to doom all into eternal subservience in a wasteland world, a living death, where no hope can escape, all because he chose to indulge his prejudices and couldn't get a hold of his petty pride. Please, follow https://carbonatedjem.tumblr.com/ here on Tumblr, as well as on DA and Twitter! As well as her Patreon! You'll find more quality art like this there!
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elyos03 · 20 days ago
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Oh look, yet another crosspost from the ZX server
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bruggle · 3 months ago
A blurb
"Alright, Omega," Dr. Weil calls from his safe position behind the glass. "Begin. Try to take control of Test Subject 001." The reploid in front of him stiffens. "Wait, what?" he panics. "Hey, I never agreed to anything like that, Doc! What gives?!" Omega ignores him, seeking for the program that the Baby Elf had created. Upon finding it, he activates it; feeling a surge go through him. Had he been human, it would likely be similar to one losing their breath. Not that... he knows. Looking to the test subject, he stiffens.
The reploid's eyes are blank. Listless. He stands as motionless as a statue. It makes Omega's systems crawl with how... unnatural it is. "Excellent," Dr. Weil's voice causes the crimson clad reploid to jump slightly. "See if you can get Subject 001 to walk over to that pedestal and pick up the object on top." Omega nods and swallows his unease. Now was not the time for that. This is his purpose. The blonde reploid turns back to the reploid and concentrates on what he wants it to do.
Walk to the pedestal, and pick up the block.
Walk to the pedestal, and pick up the block...
After a minute of struggling with the program, the reploid finally takes one step. Then another. And another. Omega gets him to walk all the way to the target without speaking or moving himself. But honestly, it is exhausting. The Baby Elf is quickly running out of energy, leaving Omega to have to supplement it with his own.
But now, to get the reploid to pick up the block. That was another thing entirely. And as he struggles to force the reploid to lift his arm-
The Baby Elf dissipates.
And Omega's control immediately ends. The reploid blinks, and life comes back into his eyes. And he shudders as he wrenches himself away from the pedestal. "W-What the rust was that?!" he stammers. "I didn't agree to anything like that, Doc! Let me go! /Now!/" Omega can hear Dr. Weil sigh as he writes something down. "Hmm, not enough power then," the scientist mutters to himself. "We'll need the Dark Elf for sure. Very well." He looks up and meets Omega's eyes. "Omega, take care of our... guest, will you?"
And the crimson clad reploid feels a grin grow on his face. "With pleasure, Master Weil," he says. This one was annoying with his simpering, anyway. The test subject's eyes widen as Omega activates his saber. "Wait, wait, wait!" he begs. "I won't tell anyone about this! Just- just let me go! Please!"
Omega ignores him as he steps closer.
And closer.
"Sorry," he tells the cowering figure in front of him. "But Master Weil can't take any chances."
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dragon-dress-128 · 1 year ago
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I don’t know much about DMC, the series not the game, but this was a thought I wanted to visualize. Dante having Dr. Weil’s head as a lava lamp
I like to think Weil tries to talk Dante into doing bad things, and he’s just like “Bro, stfu.” Lol
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ask-the-fallen-sage · 1 month ago
Harpuia, why didn't you tried to convince more humans to leave Neo Arcadia when Weil appeared? Don't the Guardians have a great influence in the city?
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✧ ❝ Propaganda is a powerful tool — the guardians are meant to know their place below X, and the people even lower. Nobody would dare step out of line, lest they have a death wish. ❞
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beevean · 2 years ago
I’ve just noticed that, right when Weil ends his rant about what he wants to do to humanity, Zero sounds….uncharacteristically disturbed, or at least I hear a hesitation in his voice when he asks if thise truly are Weil’s ideals.
Zero has faced some truly evil people but he has always kept his cool and called them out on their bullshit accordingly, especially Copy X and Weil himself in Zero 3.
Here however, as he faces a truly unhinged Weil who’s pretty much dropping any pretence of dignity he may have ever held, even he’s starting to feel disturbed at this abominable, twisted, sorry excuse of a human being
Reply: oh, oh this is great <3 when even Zero is like “what in the everloving fuck is wrong with you”, you know you’re peak villain <3
Ciel’s yell breaks me every time :(
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megafan1993 · 1 year ago
Okay, I just found out about the fact that when making the Zero series, they had design ideas for teenage Dr Weil and would have made him a young immortal villain whitch would have been pretty cool. .
But I am thinking they could always reuse those desgins and even introduce young Weil into a future X game as either an NPC or a possible minior villain.
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gods-of-destruction · 2 years ago
gods of distruction rebirth 59
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