#Dr. Osbern
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hhg2a · 2 years ago
Guide Entry: The Dragonflights (Organizations; Dragons)
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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with 100 Year Soy Sauce. - Unknown
Attempting to fully explain and detail the immense history of dragons in Azeroth (and beyond) could likely consume many mortal lifetimes. Which is of course far longer than I or Quark shall be around. (Editor's Note: Though in retrospect, I'm not so sure about Quark.) However, given the current state of affairs in the world and recent events within the flights themselves, the Guide will here offer a comparatively brief but informative analysis of the five primary currently in existence and/or will/have/do exist at the present moment of time. (Editor's Note: For explanation of the odd grammar in the previous paragraph, see the Guide entry on the book by Historian Llore titled "Temporal Magic, Time Travel, and Tenses: A Grammatical Adventure") Of the dragons of Azeroth, there are five major flights with each being led by a powerful dragon known as an 'Aspect.' Each of these aspects and their flights were given dominion over particular facet of the powers inherent in Azeroth and reality.
Though the individuals holding these posts have changed over the millennia since the Titan's imbued the aspects and their brood with great power, at this time all five flights are led by an Aspect. The following is a succinct list of the flights, the leaders, and their areas of power: The Red Dragonflight Leader: Alexstrasza, The Life Binder & Queen of Dragons Dominion: Life & Protection of Life The Green Dragonflight Leader: Merithra of the Dream Dominion: The Emerald Dream
The Bronze Dragonflight Leader: Nozdormu the Timeless One Dominion: Mastery of Time & Safeguarding the Timeways
The Blue Dragonflight Leader: Kalecgos the Spell-Weaver Dominion: Guardians of Magic and the Arcane
The Black Dragonflight Leader: [REDACTED] Dominion: Warding of the earth and the deep places within Azeroth Aside from the primary flights, there are also a number of flights derived from these five. This includes: - The Infinite Dragonflight (An inversion of the Bronze flight) - Chromatic Dragons (A product of Deathwing and others' plots) - The Netherwing (Drakes transformed in Outland similar to above) A final note is that like the dracthyr (who inherited this ability from the flights), most dragons can assume a different form, with them often being representative of the various mortal races. If you wish for more information, further reading upon the various dragonflights and other draconic species can be found in the following works: - Draconic Compendium, Vol. I-VI - Dreaming with Dragons: The True History of the Aspects of Azeroth - Encyclopedia Azsunica (A-J) ------ With luck, this has given you some ideas of the draconic folks you might encounter while traversing the Dragon Isles and beyond. Just take a moment to memorize or at least write down the quote provided at the article's opening. It's good advice. - Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz & Quark
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hhg2a · 6 years ago
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Postcards from Azeroth
Many of these I’ve found in my travels!
Take a gander, and see whatcha think!
- Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz
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hhg2a · 2 years ago
Guide Entry: Regions of the Dragon Isles - The Waking Shores (Location, Region)
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Stepping off the boat onto the Waking Shores, it is immediately apparently that the elements thrive here in their most primal state. Lava, water, wind... it's all here and very much alive! (This is quite literal in some cases, do watch out for the lava elementals that are near the Wingrest Embassy or you'll be needing a healer or a bin for ashes.) The land is alive in more than just the elements too, as the plant life and creatures are also very active, especially the numerous dragons that inhabit the Shores!
Though there is much of the architecture that lie in ruins, the majesty of these places and the stunning vistas are a sight to behold. These sights are truly magnificent when seen from the air while seated upon a dragon. With the return of both the dragonflights and mortals, many curious dragons have decided to travel with a mortal rider so that they might see the Isles. When I began my travels, I found a constant companion in a red scaled proto-drake known as Embershear. (He's quite the fiesty fellow, but I'm quite fond of him... Quark still apparently has his reservations regardless of whether he's in the air or on the ground...)
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The primal energy which abounds in the Waking Shores should come as no surprise once you learn that this area of the Isles is the ancestral home of both the red and black dragonflights! For Queen Alexstraza's flight, they congregate around the Ruby Life Pools located on the eastern plateaus of the region. It is here where the red dragonflight oversees the eggs and young of the various flights as they are cared for by tenders from all flights.
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In the western reaches of the region, the terrain becomes much more difficult and harsh. In this stark landscape lies Neltharus, the Obsidian Citadel. Surrounded by lava-scoured plains and molten geysers, the imposing fortress was once the seat from which the Earth-Warder defended the Isles. In these days however, the elemental half-giants known as the Djaradin (an ancient enemy of dragonkind) have claimed the abandoned bastion as their own. As I write this, there is a battle between these forces and those of Wrathion, the Black Prince for control over what the Prince claims as his ancestral birthright.
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Photo by Kovacs, a Nightborne sellsword
If you continue further south, the land becomes more lush and wild among the stone pillars and running waters the dot the area.
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It is here that you'll find the base camp of the Dragonscale Expedition. A leading force behind the mortal races' arrival to the Isles, the Expedition is a collaborative venture spearheaded by the Alliance's Explorer's League and the Horde's Reliquary. Having run into a number of their members, I must say that the genuine enthisasm and comradarie among folk of both the Alliance and Horde is quite heartening!
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I should be adding more entries to the Guide as I travel and explore! Do keep an eye out for them! - Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz
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hhg2a · 2 years ago
Guide Entry: Dracthyr (Sentient Species, Azeroth)
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An ancient race of humanoid dragonkin, the dracthyr are gifted with the power to wield the magics of the five primary dragonflights as evokers. Like their true dragon brethren, they also can take on a humanoid visage in lieu of their draconic form.
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As their origins are still being fully explained and understood by experts and regular folks alike, the Dracthyr have traveled to the lands of the Alliance and Horde to learn of the world in this age.
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While they have much to learn from us, I fervently believe we have quite a lot to learn from them as well!
- Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz Stormwind Harbor, five days until expedition launch.
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hhg2a · 2 years ago
Guide Entry: The Dragon Isles (Location, Major Landmass, Azeroth)
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The Dragon Isles, also known historically as the Broodlands, are a series of islands located north-northeast from Quel'Thalas in the Eastern Kingdoms and to the east of the shores of Northrend. Few in the world today even know of them, and far, far fewer have ever stepped on the isle's shores.
Said to be a lush, primal land teeming with elemental magics and Azeroth's life energies, the isles are the ancestral homelands of dragonkind and served as their seat of power when the world was young
Hidden from the world by the a powerful object of the Titans after the Great Sundering, most dragons departed the isles and left it in the care of the titanic watchers.
The Black Prince, Wrathion has long been in search of the dragons' ancestral home but was unable to discern much about them as the other dragonflights were averse to sharing any information.
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With the reemergence of the fabled Isles, there have been a noticeable change in the elements of the world and a number of places have seen incursions by large elemental forces of all kinds.
With these events occuring and the opening of the way, it has been decided that a joint venture be undertaken by the Alliance's Explorer's League and the Horde's Reliquary. Seeing this as an exploratory mission, this union of the two illustrious groups has been dubbed the Dragonscale Expedition.
With the expedition set to launch within just a few days, it's no question that more will be learned… and Quark and myself will be right there with them! - Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz & Quark Stormwind Harbor, City of Stormwind
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hhg2a · 6 years ago
Guide Entry: Great Literary Works of Azeroth
An amended, but still abbreviated list compiled by Archmage Brom Kershner, Master Librarian, and Dr. Gelwyn von Doomshmirtz of the Kirin Tor for the readers of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Azeroth.
The following list is divided into nonfiction, fiction, and dramatic works:
Well, That About Wraps It Up For The Titans by High Explorer M. Magellas
Is It a Rock? How to Correctly Identify Ancient Relics by Elise Starseeker, with foreword by Sir Finley Mrrgglton
You Call THIS Archaeology? A Tale of Exploits in Uldum by Dr. Harrison Jones
The Second War, A Six Volume History by Cyrus Crestfall
The Great Gallywix by F. Scott Fitzwrench
The Telaari Grapes of Wrath by John Shelby, Gryphon Master
A Tale of Two Undercities by Deathstalker Aleric Hawkins
Of Mogu and Men by Lorewalker Stonestep
Our Man in Freehold by Flynn Fairwind
The Count of Tol Barad by Averold Duran
The Old Gnome and the Sea by Ernie Hummingwire
The Strange Case of Dr. Tobias & Mr. Stalvan by J. Derrington
The Moon Also Rises by Jarod Shadowsong
The Metamorphosis by Kayn S. of the Illidari
All Quiet on the Warfront by Captain Tobias Zaren
The Brothers Krastinov by L. Polkelt
The Island of Doctor Weavil by G.M. Weldwell
The Murders in the Upton Borough by Lady Victoria Snyder
Around Azeroth in 42.6 Days by Rizzo Daggervolt
King Llane by Bill Spearshaker
Waiting for Grommash, A Play in Two Acts by Malkorok -------- Editor’s Note: If you find yourself liking these works, I shall endeavor to include some of their covers as well in the pages of The Guide. - Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz
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hhg2a · 6 years ago
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Guide Entry, Addendum: Great Works of Literature & Film in Azeroth
Editor’s Note:  Apologies for the delay and lack of postings!  I may or may not have gotten Quark and myself trapped in Mechagon for a few weeks. Of course, however, we survived!  - Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz
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hhg2a · 6 years ago
Guide Entry: The Darkmoon Faire (Part 1)
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Dr. Osbern & Quark near the Darkmoon Faire entrance
Ahead of You,
Down the Path A Majestic,Magical Faire!
Ignore the Darkened, Eerie Woods
Ignore the Eyes That Blink and Stare
Fun & Games & Wondrous Sights!
Music & Fireworks to Light Up the Night!
Do Not Stop! 
You're Nearly There!
Behold, My Friend: THE DARKMOON FAIRE!
- Messages of the signs on the path down the Faire entrance
The Darkmoon Faire is owned and operated by the gnome entrepreneur Silas Darkmoon; located on the southern end of mysterious Darkmoon Island, the whimsical (as well as admittedly eerie) carnival that opens it’s magical portals every few weeks to the denizens of Azeroth is quite the sight to see and experience!
Silas Darkmoon has obviously spared no expense in his creating this impressive wonder with such attractions as a very large roller-coaster, various carnival games, Wanderluster mount racing, and much more. Vendors sell many things from curious food to eccentric souvenirs, most of which are purchased with tickets gained from partaking in the many games scattered about the grounds.
The next part of this entry on the Darkmoon Faire details many of the games, attractions, and vendors that the patrons of the Faire will see and experience...
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hhg2a · 6 years ago
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Welcome to the ongoing work that is...The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Azeroth!
Described as, “The best source of advice for those who want to see all of Azeroth and beyond for less than thirty silver a day and manage to not die in the process!”
Herein, you’ll find handy tips, information, advice and guidance on the myriad of places, people and things you’ll see while trekking about. Enjoy and safe travels!
- Dr. Osbern von Doomshmirtz, Guide Author
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