#Dr. Baruch Blumberg
townpostin · 2 months
World Hepatitis Day 2024: Raising Awareness and Promoting Action on Hepatitis
Annual Observation on July 28 Aims to Highlight the Dangers of Hepatitis and Encourage Testing, Treatment, and Vaccination Dr. Amiya Ranjan Specialist, Department of Gastroenterology, Tata Main Hospital World Hepatitis Day, held on July 28, seeks to increase awareness of viral hepatitis and its associated health risks. This date marks the birthday of Dr. Baruch Blumberg, the Nobel laureate who…
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drsrivatsangurumurthy · 2 months
Hepatitis Awareness: Types, Prevention, and Treatment Strategies
Did you know you can prevent hepatitis? or Are you looking for hepatitis treatment in Chennai? Then you are in the right place. See Dr. Srivatsan Gurumurthy at GEM Hospital, Chennai! World Hepatitis Day is observed on the 28th of July every year to commemorate the birthday of Nobel Laureate Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus. 
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unvindiaannouncements · 2 months
The National UN Volunteers-India
WORLD HEPATITIS DAY: Significance, Theme, Celebration
World Hepatitis Day is observed every year on July 28th. It is a day set aside to increase public awareness of viral hepatitis and its catastrophic effects on world health.
Sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and its collaborators, this day provides a forum for promoting improved hepatitis prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
Despite the fact that this illness continues to kill without warning, World Hepatitis Day aims to draw attention to this frequently disregarded global health problem and inspire individuals, organisations, and governments to collaborate in the fight against it. Let’s learn more about this day.
🔰History of World Hepatitis Day
The World Hepatitis Day was established in 2007.
28 July was specifically chosen as the official day to celebrate World Hepatitis Day as it coincides with the birthday of Nobel-prize-winning scientist Dr Baruch Blumberg.
He was the inventor of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a test and vaccine for it.
🔰Theme of World Hepatitis Day in 2024
The official theme of World Hepatitis Day in 2024 is, “It’s Time for Action”. This theme is a reminder to be more aware of this disease, its symptoms, and causes, and take the necessary action through possible treatments. Here are the themes of the last few years.
🔰Significance of World Hepatitis Day
▪️Raising Awareness: The first step in prevention and control is education. By educating people on the many varieties of hepatitis, transmission methods, and protective measures, we enable them to safeguard both themselves and other people.
▪️Encourage Testing and Diagnosis: A lot of people with hepatitis don’t know they have it. On World Hepatitis Day, people are urged to get tested because an early diagnosis can result in prompt treatment and stop the spread of the disease.
▪️Promoting vaccination: This is important since it protects against hepatitis A and B. We can lower the occurrence of new illnesses by increasing vaccination programs, especially in high-risk groups.
▪️Reducing Stigma: Hepatitis carries a heavy social stigma that makes it difficult to receive care and assistance and causes discrimination. The stigma surrounding the illness is lessened thanks to this day, making it easier for those who are afflicted to get care without worrying about being judged.
▪️Promoting Healthcare Access: World Hepatitis Day draws attention to the importance of providing everyone, regardless of socioeconomic position, with access to affordable and reliable healthcare services.
Governments, NGOs, and communities are urged to collaborate in order to develop policies and initiatives that put a strong emphasis on hepatitis prevention, testing, and treatment.
🔰How to Celebrate World Hepatitis Day?
▪️By commemorating World Hepatitis Day, one has the chance to support the global campaign to increase knowledge of viral hepatitis and its prevention. Here are a few ideas for how to observe this significant day:
▪️Spend some time learning more about the various varieties of viral hepatitis, the ways in which it is transmitted, and the precautions you may take. To raise awareness, send this information to your loved ones, close friends, and coworkers.
▪️Plan or take part in events like lectures, workshops, or webinars to inform your neighbourhood about hepatitis. To reach a larger audience, work together with neighbourhood health organizations, schools, or community centres.
▪️Make use of social media sites to disseminate educational articles, images, and videos on World Hepatitis Day. To reach a larger audience, use relevant hashtags.
▪️Encourage members of your community to get their hepatitis C virus levels checked.
▪️Collaborate with medical professionals to plan screening events that are either free or inexpensive on or around World Hepatitis Day.
▪️Hepatitis A and B vaccination drives should be supported or taken part in if you are in a position to do so. Focus on at-risk populations like nurses, persons who have had several sexual partners, and intravenous drug users.
▪️Jade green is the designated hue for hepatitis awareness. As a sign of support for those affected with hepatitis, wear a green ribbon or utilize green accessories.
▪️Arrange fundraising activities to aid groups supporting hepatitis prevention, research, and patient assistance. Donations can help persons with hepatitis gain better access to healthcare treatments.
▪️Write letters or emails pleading with your elected officials to give priority to hepatitis prevention and treatment initiatives to your local legislators. Promote improved healthcare regulations and more financing for hepatitis-related projects.
▪️Reach out to your neighbourhood newspapers, radio stations, or TV stations to inform them about World Hepatitis Day and to share your information about hepatitis. To get more media attention, offer to write articles or conduct interviews.
▪️In the event that physical gatherings are prohibited or restricted due to unanticipated events, take part in virtual events that are being held by international health organizations to commemorate World Hepatitis Day.
World Hepatitis Day serves as a sombre reminder of the effect that viral hepatitis has on people all over the world and the urgent need for cooperation. We can make considerable progress toward eradicating this silent killer by increasing awareness, promoting testing, promoting vaccination, and reducing stigma.
(Contact us at 9944313953 - The National UN Volunteers-India team for further details)
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vaishaliiiii · 1 year
28th July in the medical history!!!
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I. Introduction
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A. Brief introduction to Dr. Baruch Blumberg
American physician, geneticist, and virologist Dr. Baruch Blumberg (July 28, 1925 — April 5, 2011) made important advances in medical science. His revolutionary research into the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and efforts to provide a test and vaccine for the infection are what made him most famous. In addition to advancing our knowledge of viral hepatitis, Dr. Blumberg’s research produced life-saving treatments that have contributed to the global prevention and management of HBV infections. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1976 in recognition of his outstanding accomplishments. Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s legacy continues to inspire advancements in virology and public health initiatives globally.
B. what is the significance of his birthday on July 28th ??
Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s birthday, which falls on July 28, is significant because of the great influence he had on the medical and public health fields through his ground-breaking research on the hepatitis B virus (HBV). On the occasion of his birthday, we remember and honor this Nobel Prize–winning scientist’s life and accomplishments.
On this day, the scientific community and proponents of public health honor Dr. Blumberg for his accomplishments, which included the identification of HBV, the design of a diagnostic procedure, and a vaccination to prevent the virus. His efforts have prevented and reduced HBV infections all across the world, saving countless lives.
We celebrate his birthday in order to pay tribute to him and the important contributions he made to the fields of virology, research on infectious diseases, and medical interventions.
II. the main Discovery of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
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A. A description of hepatitis B and its effects on health worldwide
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the virus that causes hepatitis B, a viral liver infection. Given that it affects an estimated 257 million people worldwide, it is a serious global health issue. The main way that HBV is spread is via coming into touch with infected blood or body fluids. A chronic infection increases the risk of developing cirrhosis, liver cancer, and severe liver damage, which accounts for about 880,000 annual fatalities. Sub-Saharan Africa and some portions of Asia are areas with a high prevalence. Global health initiatives aim to lessen the burden of liver-related disorders worldwide by focusing on HBV vaccine, early diagnosis through screening, and improving access to treatment and care.
C. Dr. Blumberg’s groundbreaking research in identifying HBV
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) was found thanks to Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s ground-breaking research in the 1960s. Through his research, he discovered an antigen in an Australian aboriginal’s blood that turned out to be a crucial HBV marker. This discovery created new opportunities for investigating and diagnosing the virus. His groundbreaking work in virology helped us understand viral hepatitis much better and set the way for the creation of diagnostic tools and HBV vaccinations to help people all over the world.
C. Importance of his discovery in understanding viral hepatitis
We have learned a lot about viral hepatitis thanks to Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s discovery of the hepatitis B virus and its accompanying antigen. It gave doctors a crucial tool for identifying HBV infections, allowing for early detection and treatment. His work served as the starting point for later study on viral hepatitis, which resulted in the creation of efficient treatments and preventative measures.
II. Diagnostic Test for HBV
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) diagnostic test was created as a result of Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s studies on the virus. In the blood of an Australian aborigine, he discovered an antigen known as the “Australia antigen” (now called the hepatitis B surface antigen, or HBsAg). This antigen evolved into a critical indicator of HBV infection, enabling early recognition and diagnosis of the virus. Since then, the HBV diagnostic test has been routinely utilized in medical settings to screen patients for infection and to track the development and effectiveness of treatment. It has been crucial in enhancing patient outcomes and halting the global spread of hepatitis B.
The QMe Hospital Management System Software ’s comprehensive patient history and electronic health records ensure seamless access to critical medical information, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and provide personalized care.
IV. Vaccine for Hepatitis B
A. finally, the Development of the hepatitis B vaccine
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The hepatitis B vaccine was created as a result of Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s discovery of the hepatitis B virus and identification of the Australia antigen. Dr. Blumberg worked with other researchers to develop the first recombinant hepatitis B vaccine in 1981 using his understanding of the virus. The HBV surface antigen (HBsAg), which triggers the body’s immune system to make antibodies against the virus, is included in this vaccine, which was created utilizing genetic engineering techniques. In order to lessen the burden of hepatitis B and its repercussions, the hepatitis B vaccine has proven to be an extremely efficient means of avoiding HBV infection.
B. Importance of vaccination in preventing HBV
The most crucial step in avoiding HBV infection is receiving a hepatitis B vaccine. Long-lasting protection is provided by the vaccination, which prompts the body’s immune system to develop antibodies against the virus. We can drastically lower the prevalence of hepatitis B, avoid its serious sequelae, and strive toward the disease’s global eradication by immunizing people, particularly at-risk populations. The . QMe Hospital Management System Software’s comprehensive patient history and electronic health records ensure seamless access to critical medical information, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and provide personalized care. QMe Hospital Management System Software provides a comprehensive vaccination plan and reminder system to ensure individuals stay up-to-date with their immunizations. The platform allows users to create personalized vaccination schedules based on age, medical history, and recommended vaccines. QMe Hospital Management System Software sends timely reminders via email or mobile notifications to schedule and complete vaccinations, ensuring individuals never miss a crucial immunization.
V. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
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VI. Legacy and Impact
The legacy and scope of Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s contributions to medical science are immense. His ground-breaking studies of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the construction of a diagnostic test, and the development of the hepatitis B vaccination have averted serious liver illnesses and saved countless lives around the world. His work has significantly aided in the prevention of viral hepatitis, the control of HBV infections, and the motivation of upcoming generations of scientists to work in the fields of medicine and public health. Dr. Blumberg’s achievements have had a long-lasting effect on world health and continue to affect the discipline of virology.
VII. Conclusion
The advancements made in medical science by Dr. Baruch Blumberg have fundamentally changed the state of global health. His ground-breaking work in the identification of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), as well as the creation of an HBV diagnostic test and vaccination, has been crucial in the prevention and management of HBV infections around the world. His work has lowered the burden of liver-related disorders, saved countless lives, and motivated further developments in virology and public health. The medical profession continues to be motivated and guided by Dr. Blumberg’s legacy as they fight infectious diseases and advance human health. His outstanding accomplishments will always be remembered and honored as a symbol of development and commitment to the welfare of humanity.
World Hepatitis Day
Healthcare Management
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stassgh · 4 years
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World Hepatitis Day, 28 July The date of 28 July was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel-prize winning scientist Dr Baruch Blumberg, who discovered hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for the virus.  This day is commemorated to enhance awareness of viral hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes a range of health problems, including liver cancer. 
 There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus – A, B, C, D and E.  Together, hepatitis B and C are the most common cause of deaths, with 1.3 million lives lost each year. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, viral hepatitis continues to claim thousands of lives every day.
 This year’s theme is “Hepatitis-free future,” with a strong focus on preventing hepatitis B among mothers and newborns. #WorldHepatitisDay #WorldHepatitisDay2020 #HepatitisB Ref: #UnitedNations _______________________________________________________ #STaSS Provides Support For People Infected/Affected With #HIV #Hepatitis & #MentalIllness and Creates #Awareness With Focus On #ReducingSTiGMA _______________________________________________________ #HIVAdvocate #MentalHealthAdvocate #HIVAwareness #MentalHealthAwareness #HIVStigma #HepatitisStigma #MentalHealthStigma #HIVEducation #HepatitisEducation #MentalHealthEducation #WorldAidsDay #WorldHepatitisDay #WorldMentalHealthDay #SocialGood #CommunityOutreach #ThinkMahoganyCSR #St4ss #STaSSGhana https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNFJPPJXVs/?igshid=1dd8sl11m4fpo
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drugcarts · 2 years
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World Hepatitis Day is observed each year on 28 July to raise awareness of viral hepatitis. The date of 28 July was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel-prize-winning scientist Dr. Baruch Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for the virus. . . . #drugcarts #worldhepatitisday #hepatitis #awareness #hepatitisawareness #hepatitisb #hepatitisday #hepatitisc #healthcare #liver #hepatitisa #hepatitisawarenessmonth #liverhealth #healthylifestyle #obatliver #hepatitisa #livertransplant #liverinfection https://www.instagram.com/p/CgjlXeHJuVG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mediaban · 2 years
Kadinkes Banten, Ati Pramuji Hastuti mengatakan, peringatan Hari Hepatitis Sedunia merupakan tangangan bagi lembaganya meningkatkan kesehatan
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nvsrworld · 2 years
28th July, 2022:World Hepatitis Day
28th July, 2022:World Hepatitis Day
World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is recognized annually on July 28th, the birthday of Dr. Baruch Blumberg (1925–2011). Dr. Blumberg discovered the hepatitis B virus in 1967, and 2 years later he developed the first hepatitis B vaccine. These achievements culminated in Dr. Blumberg winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1976. Organizations around the world, including the World Health…
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ᏦᎬᏞႮᎪᎡᏀᎪ ᏴᎬՏᎪᎡ ᏢᎬᎷᎬᎡᏆΝͲᎪᎻ ᎠᎬՏᎪ ᏢႮᎡᏔϴՏᎪᎡᏆ ᎷᎬΝᏀႮᏟᎪᏢᏦᎪΝ ՏᎬᏞᎪᎷᎪͲ ᎻᎪᎡᏆ ᎻᎬᏢᎪͲᏆͲᏆՏ ՏᎬᎠႮΝᏆᎪ ͲᎪᎻႮΝ 2021 🫀Tanggal 28 Juli 2021diperingati Hari Hepatitis Sedunia dengan Tema "Hepatitis Can't Wait" atau "Hepatitis Tidak Bisa Menunggu". 🫀Tujuan diperingati Hari Hepatitis Sedunia adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan virus Hepatitis, peradangan hati yang menyebabkan penyakit hati dan kanker Hepatoseluler. 🫀Berdasarkan info dari WHO, Satu Orang meninggal setiap 30 Detik akibat penyakit terkait hepatitis, bahkan dalam Pandemi Covid19 ini semakin meningkat. 🫀Sejarah Hari Hepatitis Sedunia 2021 Hari Hepatitis Sedunia (World Hepatitis Day/WHD) diperingati setiap tahun pada tanggal 28 Juli, hari ulang tahun Dr. Baruch Blumberg (1925–2011). Dr. Blumberg menemukan virus hepatitis B pada tahun 1967, dan 2 tahun kemudian ia mengembangkan vaksin hepatitis B yang pertama. Prestasi ini memuncak ketika Dr. Blumberg memenangkan Hadiah Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Kedokteran pada tahun 1976. (di Purwosari) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4-PIuoXqM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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womenhopes · 3 years
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World Hepatitis Day is commemorated every year on 28 July to raise awareness of the dangerous life causing virus - Hepatitis. This day also marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Baruch Blumberg who deciphered the illness and then worked for the solution. On this World Hepatitis Day let's pledge to create awareness about the cause working together to find a valid solution encouraging its treatment. #womenhopescare #worldhepatitisday #hepatitis #worldhepatitisday2021 #healthylifestyle #wellbeing #health #awareness #healthylifestyletips https://www.instagram.com/p/CR3TEMSp2uC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hbkultursanat · 7 years
Pakistanlı araştırmacı yazar Dr.Faruk Saleem'in kaleme aldığı “Müslümanlar Yahudilerden neden geri kaldı?” başlıklı yazısı...
Dünyada nüfus bakımından azınlıkta olan Yahudiler Dünyayı yönetiyor. Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi / Musevi var. (Kuzey ve Güney Amerika’da 7 milyon, Asya’da 5 milyon, Avrupa’da 2 milyon ve Afrika’da 100 bin Musevi yaşıyor.)Peki, kaç Müslüman var: 1,4 milyar Müslüman. (1 milyar Asya’da, 400 milyon Afrika’da, 44 milyon Avrupa’da, 6 milyon Amerika kıtasında.)Yani dünyada 1 Musevi’ye karşın 100 Müslüman var…
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha zengin ve daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve bilimsel yollarla tespit edilmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün…
Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert Einstein bir Yahudiydi.
Psikanalizin babası Sigmund Freud bir Yahudiydi.
Karl Marks Yahudiydi.
Tüm insanlığa zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım:
Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim (kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim) alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
Andrew Schally endokrinoloji (metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid) tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi (akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini) geliştirdi.
Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
Stanley Cohen embriyoloji (embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları) dalında Nobel aldı.
Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
Stanley Mezor ilk mikro-işlem çipini icat etti.
Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
Peki, ama; son 100 yıl içinde Yahudiler sadece bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel ödülü kazanırken, 1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı.
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler?
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara/işadamlarına ve markalarına bakalım:
Ralph Lauren (Polo),
Levi Strauss (Levi’s Jeans),
Howard Schultz (Starbuck’s),
Sergei Brin (Google),
Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
Larry Ellison (Oracle),
Donna Karan (DKNY),
Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Dougnuts),
Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi’nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
Michael Douglas,
Dustin Hoffman,
Harrison Ford,
Woody Allen,
Tony Curtis,
Charles Bronson,
Sandra Bullock,
Billy Crystal,
Paul Newman,
Peter Sellers,
George Burns,
Goldie Hawn,
Cary Grant,
William Shatner,
Jerry Lewis,
Peter Falk…
Yönetmenler ve yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
Steven Spielberg,
Mel Brooks,
Oliver Stone,
Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Amadeus),
Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
Kohen Kardeşler,
William Wyler.
William James Sidis,
Sorun kendinize:
250’lik IQ derecesiyle dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dine mensuptur?
Sorun kendinize:
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Cevabı şudur: Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler…
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir)
Neden Müslümanlar bu kadar güçsüzdür?
Yanlış eğitim verdikleri ve gelişime yararı olmayan birer eğitim sistemi uyguladıkları için (Büyük oranda Din Eksenli, Sorgusuz, Araştırmasız, Ezberci ve Dayatmacı eğitim…).
Oysa Gezegenimizde yaklaşık 1.476.233.470 Müslüman yaşamaktadır.
Yani, toplam dünya nüfusu içinde her 5 kişiden biri Müslümandır.
Her bir Hindu’ya 2 Müslüman düşmektedir, her bir Budist’e karşılık 2 Müslüman vardır ve her bir Yahudi’ye karşılık 100 Müslüman bulunmaktadır.
Müslümanlar bu kadar kalabalıklar ama neden güçsüzler?
Nedeni eğitim(sizlik)dir!!!
İslam Konferansı Örgütü’nün (OIC) 57 üyesi vardır ve ülkelerin tümünde sadece 500 adet üniversite bulunmaktadır. Yani üniversite başına 3 milyon Müslüman düşmektedir. Başka bir deyişle 3 milyon kişi için bir üniversite yapılmıştır (Bunların kalitesi de başka bir sorundur!).
Fakat sadece ABD’de 5 bin 758 adet üniversite vardır.
Shanghai Jiao Tong Üniversitesi tarafından 2004 yılında hazırlanan “Dünya Üniversitelerinin Akademik Deger Listesi”ne Müslüman çoğunluğa sahip ülkelerin hiç birinden ilk 500’e giren tek bir üniversite yoktu.
Neden?.. Yanıt: Kalitesiz ve ezberci eğitim…
UNDP tarafından toplanan verilere göre Hıristiyan dünyasında okuma-yazma bilenlerin oranı % 89’dur. Bunların %98’i ise en az ilkokul mezundur ve 100 kişiden 40’ı üniversite mezunudur. 15 Hıristiyan çoğunluğa sahip ülkedeki okuma-yazma oran ise %100’dür, yani bu 15 ülkede okuma-yazması olmayan tek kişiye rastlamak olası değildir!.
Müslüman ülkelerde durum bunun zıddıdır: 100 kişiden sadece 40’ı okuma-yazma bilir ve herkesin okuryazar olduğu bir tek Müslüman ülke bulunmamaktadır! Bunların %50’si ilkokul mezundur ve sadece %2’si üniversiteyi bitirmiştir.
ABD’de toplam bilim insanı sayısı 4.000, Japonya’da 5.000’dir. 57 Müslüman çoğunluğa sahip ülkelerdeki toplam bilim adamı sayısı ise sadece 230 kişidir. (Akademisyenlerin hepsi bilim insanı değildir. Bilim insanı demek, pozitif bilimlerle aktif olarak uğraşan kişi demektir.) Ve her 1 milyon Müslüman kişiye sadece 1 bilim insanı düşmektedir.
Teknisyenler bakımından Müslüman çoğunluklu Arap ülkelerdeki durum daha da kötüdür: Her 1 milyon Müslüman Arap nüfus içinde 50 teknisyen bulunmaktadır. Hıristiyan dünyasında ise her bir milyon kişi içinde 1000 teknisyen bulunmaktadır.
Kalitesiz-ezberci eğitim ve ARGE’ye (araştırma geliştirmeye) yeterli kaynak ayrılmaması…
Çünkü Müslümanlar gayri safi milli gelirin yalnızca % 0,2’sini araştırma-geliştirme bütçesi olarak ayırıyor.
Buna karşın Hıristiyan dünyası araştırma-geliştirmeye % 5 oranında, yani 25 kat daha fazla fon ayırmaktadır.
İslam dünyası yeni bilgi üretebilecek kapasiteden yoksundur.
Ayrıca dünyanın ürettiği bilgiyi kendi halklarına öğretmekte de başarısızdır.
Bunun kanıtı ise ileri teknoloji ihracat rakamlarında saklıdır:
Pakistan’ın ileri teknoloji ihracatının toplam ihracatın içindeki oran %1’dir. Suudi Arabistan, Kuveyt, Fas ve Cezayir’in ise % 0,3’tür.
Hristiyan Singapur’da bu oran % 58′dir.
Gelecek Bilgi temelli toplumların olacaktır
Ilginçtir, Müslüman 57 ülkenin gayri safi milli hâsılalarının toplamı 2 trilyon doların altındadır. Buna karşın 310 milyonluk ABD tek başına 12 trilyon dolar değerinde mal ve hizmet üretmekte; Çin 8 trilyon dolar,
Japonya 3,8 trilyon dolar ve Almanya 2,4 trilyon dolarlık üretim yapmaktadır. (Satın alma gücü eşitlenerek hesaplama yapılmıştır.)
Mal ve hizmet üretimi
İspanya’da 1 trilyon doların üzerindedir. Katolik Polonya 489 milyar dolarlık mal ve hizmet üretimi gerçekleşmektedir. Budist Tayland 545 milyar dolar değerinde mal ve hizmet üretimi yapmaktadır.
İşin daha acıklı tarafı ise şudur: İslam Dünyasının gayri safi milli hâsılasının tüm dünya gayri safi milli hâsılası içindeki oranı hızla azalmaktadır.
O halde Müslümanlar neden bu kadar güçsüzdür?
Eğitim Yoksunluğu. Tam anlamıyla söylersek; kaliteli ve çağdaş eğitim yoksunluğu.
Çok kesin biçimde söylersek; akılcı olmayan, ezberci, teslimiyetçi, din eksenli ve çağdışı eğitim…
Dr. Faruk Saleem – İslamabat, Pakistan
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
A researcher reflects on progress fighting hepatitis C – and a path forward
The hepatitis C virus was found in 1989 – analysis that's now earned a Nobel Prize. BSIP/Common Pictures Group through Getty Pictures
Once I started my medical profession in Hong Kong within the early 1980s, I selected to deal with hepatitis B, partly as a result of it was quite common and since the hepatitis C virus had not but been found. I witnessed the devastation that this virus induced – cirrhosis, liver failure and liver most cancers – and the shortage of remedies we may supply to sufferers.
Again then, scientists knew there was one other kind of hepatitis, however nobody may determine it, so we referred to as it non-A, non-B hepatitis. I’d by no means have imagined that in the course of the course of my profession I’d witness the invention of what got here to be referred to as hep C and the event of a treatment for practically all sufferers with continual hepatitis C in 2014.
Announcement that the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Drugs will go to 3 researchers who recognized the hepatitis C virus. Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP through Getty Pictures
Underscoring the significance of those discoveries for world human well being, this 12 months’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Drugs was awarded collectively to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice for the invention of the hepatitis C virus.
The event of remedies over the previous 30 years displays the superb progress the sector has made in tackling hepatitis C in a comparatively brief time frame. Initially, within the late 1980s, earlier than a diagnostic take a look at turned accessible, some physicians began treating well-characterized instances of non-A, non-B hepatitis (hep C) with interferon, a pure protein that the physique makes to combat viruses, and ribavirin, an antiviral drug. These medicines weren’t particularly developed for hepatitis C, needed to be given as injections for 6-12 months, had many negative effects and resulted in a treatment in solely half of the sufferers who obtained therapy. It took greater than 20 years for the primary direct-acting antiviral medication to be authorised by the FDA.
I bear in mind the joy after I and my colleagues examined one of many new drug combos in sufferers and noticed the virus rely drop from greater than 1 million to lower than 20 inside two weeks. We revealed the outcomes of our pilot research within the New England Journal of Drugs in 2012. Though the research concerned solely 21 sufferers, it was thought of a watershed second as a result of it was the primary research to show {that a} mixture of oral capsules with out interferon can treatment hepatitis C.
Efficient therapy for hepatitis C has grow to be much more related right now in gentle of the current surge in new instances of hepatitis C on account of rising opioid use.
A dear drug and new generics
The primary combo tablet with two medication that inhibits completely different steps in hepatitis C replication was authorised by the FDA in 2014. This tablet is taken as soon as a day for 8-12 weeks, has little to no negative effects and improved the treatment price to 90-95%. It was hailed as a magical treatment, nevertheless it got here with a price ticket of US$94,500 for a 12-week course of therapy. That led many insurers in america and nationwide well being departments in different international locations to restrict entry to therapy.
Since then, a number of different combo capsules with comparable treatment charges which might be equally well-tolerated have grow to be accessible, and the price has markedly decreased. As well as, low-cost generics and particular pricing preparations can be found in lots of resource-limited international locations.
Whereas the present value of hepatitis C virus medication continues to be very excessive, one must keep in mind that for 95 p.c of sufferers, this can be a treatment. It’s not like medicines for a lot of diseases that should be taken for a very long time, generally for the remainder of the sufferers’ lives. Certainly, a treatment for hepatitis C virus has allowed some sufferers who have been on the liver transplant ready listing to reverse their liver failure, making transplantation pointless. That is excellent news not just for these sufferers but in addition for others on the ready listing.
The exceptional success of hepatitis C therapy has reenergized efforts to discover a treatment for hepatitis B. Present remedies can suppress hepatitis B virus replication however don’t get rid of it. Most sufferers should be on long-term therapy to forestall flare-ups of hepatitis when the virus reemerges after therapy is stopped.
Deaths from hepatitis B and C infections rising worldwide
Studying from the hepatitis C expertise and with higher understanding of the biology of hepatitis B virus and improved animal fashions, pharmaceutical firms are creating medication that focus on completely different steps of the hepatitis B virus life cycle. Whereas a treatment for hepatitis B shall be tougher as a result of it might probably combine into the affected person’s DNA, enabling it to evade the affected person’s immune response, I’m optimistic that we are going to witness the supply of latest combos of medicine that can transfer us nearer the purpose of a hepatitis B treatment.
Members of Delhi Community of Constructive Individuals, a assist group for HIV-positive folks, in 2014 urged the Indian authorities to permit manufacturing of generic variations of direct-acting antivirals that might assist 1000’s get inexpensive oral doses of drugs to regulate hepatitis C. An infection progresses extra quickly to wreck the liver in HIV-positive sufferers. Saurabh Das/AP Picture
However the information is just not all optimistic. Whereas we’ve seen mortality charges from HIV, tuberculosis and malaria decline lately, deaths from hepatitis B and C have risen. Globally, an estimated 257 million folks have continual hepatitis B virus an infection, and 71 million have continual hepatitis C virus. Collectively hepatitis B and C induced greater than 1.34 million deaths in 2015. This led the World Well being Group to problem international locations world wide to develop nationwide plans to get rid of these two viruses by 2030.
Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus are often unfold by means of contact with blood or physique secretions resembling semen from contaminated individuals by sharing needles or sexual publicity. However they may also be unfold by means of contaminated needles used for medical therapy, which continues to occur in lots of elements of the world. As well as, hepatitis B virus might be unfold from contaminated moms to new child infants except vaccination is given instantly after beginning.
For folks with hepatitis C virus, roughly two-third undergo continual an infection. For hepatitis B virus, the prospect of continual liver an infection decreases the later the affected person encounters the virus: the chances are 90% if contaminated throughout infancy; 20-30% if contaminated throughout childhood; and 2-5% if contaminated in grownup life. Some folks contaminated with hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus can recuperate on their very own, however many develop continual infections lasting greater than six months and infrequently years or lifelong. These with continual an infection are susceptible to cirrhosis (extreme liver harm), liver failure and liver most cancers.
In 2017, a San Diego household was amongst a number of hundred folks residing in a campground for the homeless, set as much as curb the worst hepatitis A outbreak in america in many years. Gregory Bull/AP Picture
Opioid epidemic, homeless result in rise in hepatitis B and C infections
In america, the variety of new hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections has been reducing for a few years, however this pattern has been reversed throughout current years because of the opioid epidemic as extra folks use injection medication, share needles or different paraphernalia and follow high-risk sexual conduct. That is notably true for hepatitis C, the place the variety of new instances up to now 10 years has greater than doubled, highlighting the necessity for a preventive vaccine, which is a crucial device to get rid of hepatitis C. The rise in variety of new instances of hepatitis B is smaller and primarily seen in adults of their 30s as a result of most youthful individuals have benefited from hepatitis B virus vaccination.
After we discuss viral hepatitis, the main focus is on hepatitis B and C as a result of they’ll trigger continual an infection, whereas hepatitis A causes solely acute an infection and won’t result in cirrhosis or liver most cancers. Nevertheless, since 2016, many states within the U.S. have witnessed outbreaks of hepatitis A. The Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention obtained greater than 2,500 experiences of hepatitis A between January 2017 and April 2018 related to person-to-person transmission, with danger components in two-thirds of those instances being drug use or homelessness or each. In Michigan, the place I reside, 859 instances of hepatitis A, together with 27 deaths, have been reported between July 2016 and June 2018. We are able to forestall hepatitis A by means of vaccination and improved hygienic situations.
World Hepatitis Day is well known on July 28, the birthday of Dr. Baruch S. Blumberg, a Philadelphia researcher who shared the 1976 Nobel Prize in physiology or drugs for his discovery of the hepatitis B virus. Eddie Adams/AP Picture
World Hepatitis Day happens yearly on July 28, a day chosen in honor of the late Baruch Blumberg, who obtained a Nobel Prize for locating the hepatitis B virus. Immediately is one other trigger for celebration as a second Nobel is awarded for hepatitis analysis, this time for the invention of hepatitis C virus. I marvel at how a lot progress we now have made within the final three many years and am delighted to be not simply an observer but in addition a contributor to the progress. Our work is just not completed. Rather more must be achieved to utterly get rid of new instances of viral hepatitis and deaths from continual hepatitis B and C.
That is an up to date model of an article initially revealed in July 2018. It has been up to date to incorporate information of the 2020 Nobel Prize.
Anna Suk-Fong Lok has served on advisory panels of Roche, Viravaxx, and Spring Financial institution. She receives analysis funding from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, the Nationwide Institutes of Well being, and the Affected person Middle for Final result Analysis Institute offered to the College of Michigan.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/a-researcher-reflects-on-progress-fighting-hepatitis-c-and-a-path-forward/ via https://growthnews.in
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mikeo56 · 4 years
Dear Vice President Pence: During a national public health emergency, it is vital that we lead with science and with the best data available. Our continued response to and successful recovery from the COVID-19 crisis depends on adherence to sound scientific and public health guidance from the experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who have made the health and safety of the public the top priority. As organizations representing thousands of researchers, public health professionals, health care providers and others serving in scientific and health care professional fields, we object to any attempt to cast doubt on science and sow mistrust for public health expertise, and to spread misinformation during this challenging time for all Americans.   Such efforts not only put the health of our population in greater peril, but also undermine the work underway to move our country beyond the pandemic and return to normalcy. SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus and COVID-19 is a new condition with which we have no prior experience. As is the case with any new pathogen or disease, we are learning in real time. Public health and medicine are inherently dynamic fields that adapt as the science evolves. We have embarked on an unprecedented global effort to develop medical countermeasures and refine public health guidance, and as this work uncovers new knowledge, recommendations can and will change. By heeding the recommendations of those who are on the front lines of progress to combat this virus, we have the best chance at a successful outcome. Sincerely, American Society for Microbiology Association of Public Health Laboratories Infectious Diseases Society of America AcademyHealth African American Health Alliance American Academy of HIV Medicine American Association for Anatomy American Association for Dental Research American Association for Respiratory Care American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy American Association of Immunologists American Association of Physics Teachers American Institute of Biological Sciences American Physiological Society American Public Health Association American Society for Cell Biology American Society for Clinical Pathology American Society for Investigative Pathology American Society for Reproductive Medicine American Society for Virology American Society of Hematology American Society of Pediatric Nephrology American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene American Sociological Association American Thoracic Society Association for Psychological Science Association of American Cancer Institutes Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health AVAC Baruch S. Blumberg Institute Big Cities Health Coalition Biophysical Society Black AIDS Institute Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation Coalition for the Life Sciences Consortium of Universities for Global Health Council of Scientific Society Presidents Cure HHT Endocrine Society Genetics Society of America Hepatitis B Foundation HIV Medicine Association Institute for Systems Biology Institute of Food Technologists International Society for Stem Cell Research Jeffrey Modell Foundation LUNGevity Foundation NASTAD National Association of County and City Health Officials Natural Science Collections Alliance NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice Prevention Institute Safe States Alliance Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society Society of General Internal Medicine Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Society of Toxicology STChealth LLC The Histochemical Society Treatment Action Group Trust for America's Health Vaccinate Your Family Washington State Department of Health AIDS Foundation Chicago American Statistical Association North Carolina AIDS Action Network IRMA - International Rectal Microbicide Advocates HealthHIV Positive Women's Network-USA National Coalition for LGBT Health The Well Project Cascade AIDS Project Latinos Salud Entomological Society of America AIDS Alabama San Francisco AIDS Foundation American Crystallographic Association North American Vascular Biology Organization American College of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM) AIDS United AIDS Action Baltimore International Association of Providers of AIDS Care WVU Health Sciences Center American Society for Gravitational and Space Research International Association of Providers of AIDS Care Institute of Mathematical Statistics American Urological Association The AIDS Institute IAVI Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology American Medical Technologists Federation of American Scientists Pan American Society for Clinical Virology Association of American Medical Colleges North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition National Association of School Nurses AIDS Alliance for Women, Infants, Children, Youth & Families International Mammalian Genome Society International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) American Society for Nutrition
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pcasabona · 4 years
¿Qué es la hepatitis y cómo prevenirla?
¿Qué es la hepatitis y cómo prevenirla?
El 28 de Julio se celebra el Día Mundial contra la Hepatitis por ser el día del nacimiento del Dr. Baruch Blumberg, quien descubrió el virus de la hepatitis B e inventó una prueba diagnóstica y la vacuna.
    El Día Mundial de Hepatitis se celebra para generar conciencia sobre esta enfermedad y hacer hincapié en la necesidad de una mayor respuesta mundial, ya que se trata de un problema de salud…
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zerohungerghana · 4 years
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World Hepatitis Day, 28 July The date of 28 July was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel-prize winning scientist Dr Baruch Blumberg, who discovered hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a diagnostic test and vaccine for the virus.  This day is commemorated to enhance awareness of viral hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes a range of health problems, including liver cancer. 
 There are five main strains of the hepatitis virus – A, B, C, D and E.  Together, hepatitis B and C are the most common cause of deaths, with 1.3 million lives lost each year. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, viral hepatitis continues to claim thousands of lives every day.
 This year’s theme is “Hepatitis-free future,” with a strong focus on preventing hepatitis B among mothers and newborns. #WorldHepatitisDay #WorldHepatitisDay2020 #HepatitisB Ref: #UnitedNations ________________________________________________ Zero Hunger Ghana (#ZHG) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of the #Vulnerable (mobilised beneficiaries) in society (#Ghana, West #Africa) by: * Giving them access to safe, healthy and nutritious food; reducing hunger using a proven human centered model. * Donation of water and other essential relief items * Sensitizing them on important and current issues * Empowering them to drive their own developmental agenda (Grooming community development leaders) * #Empowering other individuals to be part of impactful CommunityDevelopment * Driving projects to tackle #FoodInsecurity, promote Sustainable #FoodProvision and to empower SelfDependence * Livelihood #Empowerment - training for youths in the Community * #FoodWaste management, #FoodHygiene and Food Nutrition training * Training in small-scale Agriculture _______________________________________________________ A #CharisJadlen #SocialImpact Project and a #ThinkMahoganyCSR  #ZeroHunger #EndHunger #EndPoverty #ZeroHungerGhana https://www.instagram.com/p/CDNE9b7pwSi/?igshid=179hcfmtkticr
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pen2print · 4 years
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World Hepatitis Day, observed on July 28 every year, aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis — a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E — and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The date of 28 July was chosen because it is the birthday of Nobel-prize winning scientist Dr Baruch Blumberg, who discovered hepatitis B virus (HBV) and developed a diagnostic…
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