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manifestationsoflight · 1 year ago
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dopescissorscashwagon · 2 years ago
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Doughton Park in July with the Wildflowers and the Sweeping Mountain Vistas is a North Carolina Treasure! - 7.22.2023 by Thomas Mabry
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ruhrkanalnews · 1 year ago
(Filmbeitrag online) Rugby League in Hattingen
Hattingen- Man nehme ein großes Stück grünen Rasen, zeichne jede Menge weiße Linien darauf ein und stelle an beiden Enden einige hohe Stangen auf. Schon hat man ein passendes Rugby-Field für das Topspiel in Welper am kommenden Wochenende. Dort trifft die Deutsche Nationalmannschaft in der Rugby League auf den Gegner Holland. Auch wenn es hierbei “nur” um Amateursport geht, ein…
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npookie0 · 3 months ago
Save The Angel's Queen. - Thernin.
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Summary: Ther x Ronin Fake Dating AU! Ther needs to escape their fate of marrying Craig, they ask Ave and Casia for help. Why the hell would they recommend Ave's brother who is Ther's biggest enemy? Who knows. But they are desperate enough to take that chance. And Ronin? Oh. Ronin just wants to cure his boredom.
Trigger Warnings: Craig fucking Doughton, slight spoilers for gluttony gods, murder (blood and slight gore), swearing.
No Ther died in making of this fic <3
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Ther was sitting in their room, face hid in their hands after what they just heard.
"You will marry Craig sweetie, he's such a nice young man." Their mother's words still rang in their mind, loud and painful.
Why? Why them? Why now? Why did no one see how Craig truly was? How he used girls, abused them, sometimes drugged them. Why did no one see that?
They felt disgusted, disgusted and afraid. It was one of the rare times when Ther Estridge, the ice cold queen, was actually afraid. They felt hopeless, they couldn't use anything as a way to escape Craig, nothing would change their parents' opinion, well unless Ther showed up with a boyfriend, but choosing one that wasn't a blind fool following the jock was a taught challenge.
They picked up their phone and entered a group chat with their two friends; Ave Beaufort and Casia Auclair.
the angels™ (Ther, Ave, Casia)
angelqueenreigning: fuck This Shit my parents want to Set Me Up with doughton. . .
dumbfuckdeviant: WHAT oh hell no not with that motherfucker
sunshinefencing: oh this is bad pls ther help ave is so pissed rn
dumbfuckdeviant: for fucks sake okay OKAY i have an idea!
sunshinefencing: a really stupid idea at that . . .
dumbfuckdeviant: STFU we need to save the angel queen i didn't spend weeks on these stupid voting banners for them to end up with that asshole
angelqueenreigning: so what's That Geniusly-Bad idea?
dumbfuckdeviant: date that asshole
sunshinefencing: ^ she means ronin
angelqueenreigning: ronin As In your own brother ava? the same beaufort That Hates my guts?
dumbfuckdeviant: yeah unless you have better ideas ethy
sunshinefencing: i think that you should try it out having a boyfriend will make the marriage impossible your parents wouldn't like to look bad by breaking your heart
angelqueenreigning: it will ruin my Prom Queen Campaign but sure i'll Talk To Him
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Now, Ther is sitting on a swing not too far from their house. Even in a lazy outfit, with no make up and seated on a swing, Ther still looked like a true stone cold queen, true queen of Angelwood.
They didn't have to wait long, a creak coming from the other swing announced Ronin joining them.
"So, a little birdie told me the ice queen is in need of a boyfriend." There was clear mock in his voice. What else did they expect anyway?
Ronin wasn't their biggest fan, he wasn't foaming over them like the rest of Angelwood did, he glared at them more than he looked at them with admiration. Ava said that Ther should just ignore him, so they did, at least until now.
"Unfortunately. Ave said that you'd be good and willing for that." They replied, crossing their arms over their chest with a stern expression.
Don't show your weakness, don't show how desperate you actually are.
They had to remind themselves. They couldn't just break the character they were building up their whole life in front of one guy who could potentially save them.
Ronin didn't say anything for a second, he just looked deeply into their eyes. It was one of the stares that'd make people uncomfortable with how it felt like he was plainly reading them.
"Hah, fuck yeah, I can indulge you. Anything to see that bastard Craig shut his mouth." His response surprised them, they never mentioned Craig then how did he know? "Oh right, he talks about your little engagement, how you'd be his or some other big powerful men bullshit."
That disgusted Ther. So Craig already made Ther a reward, something he claimed. They wanted to throw up at the thought, but they kept it together, somehow.
"So, do you even know what a boyfriend should act like?" Ther asked to change the topic.
They didn't trust Beaufort and his abilities to be anything but trouble. Their worries weren't baseless, Beaufort really did his best when it came to be a troublemaker, getting in fights, sitting in detention, he almost got suspended once. Yet, these things also made him the perfect fake boyfriend for them, Craig wouldn't try to fight with him, no one even thought about fighting Beaufort if they valued their life.
"Oh don't worry your little head with that darling, I can be a picture perfect boyfriend, just wait and see." His response caused Ther to scoff.
"I hope you're not just full of yourself. Oh wait, you're only able to be oh so confident." Ther said with a sarcastically sweet smile. Oh that relationship would be full of bickering behind closed doors, that's for sure.
Ronin clicked his tongue. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say your highness. What's your plan?" He finally asked the most important question.
"Well." Ther started, now looking at him with a completely serious face. "We should behave like a couple would, go out on dates, spend time together, shit like that. We need the whole town to believe our lie."
"So, hugs, kisses and all that sappy bullshit? That's boring, but seeing your displeased face whenever you'd have to deal with me is worth it." He chuckled and stood up from the swing.
Ther rolled their eyes, their gaze never leaving Ronin, they watched his movements very carefully.
"I have to introduce you to my parents, as my boyfriend you have to meet them at least once." That caused Ronin to stop in his tracks.
"Hah, so I will meet the Estridges officially now? Well, that'll be interesting."
"Yeah... And wear something different, you look like a rat." Ther's eyes stopped at Ronin's hair, it really looked like a mop, or a birds nest at best.
"Oh? And here I thought you would love your dear boyfriend no matter what." Beaufort laughed mockingly. "I'll see what I can do doll." He said and looked directly into their eyes. "So, see ya tomorrow Estridge, my love."
His farewell, followed by mocking laughter, Ronin walked away, leaving Ther alone with their thoughts.
They weren't even sure if it was a good idea, but anyone would be better than Craig, even someone like Beaufort.
They could only pray that Ave and Casia were right about their parents leaving dropping the marriage...
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The Lovers (Ther and Ronin)
IceQueen: beaufort where The Fuck are you??? my Parents are Waiting for you
Ther typed the messages out angrily. Nerves, frustration and stress turning them into a wreck. Ronin was late, maybe it were just three minutes, but Mr. and Mrs. Estridge were getting more annoyed by every second the sudden guest Ther invited over wasn't showing up.
Suddenly a loud knock came form the front door, Ther rushed over and opened them. On the other side stood Ronin, his appearance neater than they ever seen before, black shirt instead of the regular rock bands t-shirts, hair actually brushed, without a beanie keeping them hidden, the only things that didn't really change were his pants and shoes, but Ther could live with that.
He even brought flowers, ones obviously bought a few seconds ago, and very cheap, but it's the effort that matters, right?
"Hey there, pretty princess." Ronin said, a cocky grin glued to his face.
Ther huffed in annoyance. "Just shut up and come in, I want to get this over with." They whispered to him and took his hand so he would have to follow them.
The two of them entered the living room, Ther's parents looked at them, their eyes narrowing when they recognised who was the guy holding their precious child's hand. Ther could practically hear their thoughts; what is this hooligan doing here?
Luckily, they left their thoughts to themselves.
"Mom, dad." Ther started, smiling at their parents, smiling through gritted teeth. "This is Ronin Beaufort, my boyfriend." They let go of his hand.
Ronin didn't give Ther's parents time to react, he immediately walked up to their mother and took her hand in his, placing a small kiss on the back of her hand, it was a mocking gesture if anyone looked closely at Ronin's body language and eyes.
"Good evening mrs. Estridge, I can see where is Ethy's beauty coming from." He said, like a good guy would to please his partner's mother. He straightened himself and gave her the flower bouquet. He saw how the woman forced a smile to her lips when she accepted the flowers.
Then he approached the father, he shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you mr. Estridge, I promise to take a good care of your daughter." What a confident bastard Ronin Beaufort was.
Ther watched the scene in front of them unfold in awe, they never seen anyone so relaxed in their parents' presence.
Soon Ronin stood next to them again, taking their hand in his. He really played the role quite nicely.
Finally their parents somehow broke their shock, looking at each other and then back at the teenagers in front of them, their thoughts clear in their gazes. They were confused, and angry, but refused to show it.
"Oh Ronin Beaufort? You seem like a really nice boy, I suppose the rumours about you were wrong then?" Ther's mother said. She tried to bring Ronin down by calling out his negative reputation, but she didn't know that she was talking with the master of manipulation and deception.
"Oh, unfortunately, it's all true, but my Ethy makes me a better man, I want to stop using violence thanks to her." Lie. And what a lie it was!
It was obvious that Beaufort would never change, not for the better at least. But somehow Ther's mother was either that stupid, or extremely hopeful, because she didn't ask any more question.
Ther's father was much quieter than Ther had expected, but they were sure that they would have a whole argument going on after Ronin leaves their house.
For now, they could only take him to their room with them and try to ignore the tension in their house.
"So, how was my performance?" Ronin asked, sitting down on Ther's bed like he's the ruler of their bedroom.
Ther sighed heavily, sitting next to him, leaving some space in between. "You did better than I thought, we'll see how good you'll do with more people around."
"Oh? So you already want to show me off around school huh?" Ronin and his never leaving shit eating grin were getting on Ther's nerves, but they had to keep themselves at bay.
"Yes. I need Craig to see that he has no way to get his hands on me." Anger and disgust was taking them over whenever the jock was on their mind, they just wanted to... no Ther, that's a crazy thought, you shouldn't think like that.
"Awh don't worry, I'll make sure that bastard never looks at you again." There was something sinister in Ronin's eyes, something dangerous. Ther didn't give it much thought, it was probably just some edgy guy shit that he shown everyone.
"Yeah, no shit." They mumbled in answer, a little too scared of the conversation with their parents.
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This was the day.
The day where the whole school would see that Estridge and Beaufort are in fact together. Ther was standing in front of their locker, fixing their lipstick to keep their attention on something else than the thoughts of how tarnished their reputation would become.
"Hey there, darling."
A whisper reached their ear. Someone threw a leather jacket over their shoulders and leaned on the lockers next to theirs.
With a smile as sweet as ever they turned to look at Ronin.
"Oh hi Ro, thank you for the jacket, I was cold." They said, putting the jacket on properly.
They felt everyone's eyes on them, whispers from shocked students filling the hallways. Ther had to grit their teeth so they would ignore every little sound reaching their ears.
Ronin scoffed, putting his arm around Ther's shoulder. "Ready to make the fools covet under your feet, prom queen?" He whispered into their ear.
His words boosted Ther's confidence somehow, reaching some part of their mind that told them that they are the true ruler of the school, that they deserve the throne.
They smirked, looking directly into the devil's eyes. "Yes, yes I am, love."
Lunch break was the moment they were confronted by Craig, he looked upset to say the least, he was ready to attack Ther, the only thing stopping him was probably Ronin's presence.
"So. You're dating the freak show huh?" Craig scoffed, spitting at the ground and crossing his arms over his chest. "I always knew you were a whore Estridge." His words were followed by his friends' laughter.
They clenched their hands into fists. Luckily, before they said something that could make their chances for being prom queen even smaller, Ronin stepped in.
"Whore huh? Never knew Ethy here was a mirror Craig. After all, you have such a big body count. Almost like a brothel, don't cha think?" He titled his head to the side, a mocking smirk pressed to his lips.
"You little-" Craig wanted to throw a punch, but his friends stopped him, whispering something about Beaufort being a crazy motherfucker. "Fuck it, take Estridge if you want, her body is the only thing good about her anyway." And with the last drop of spit reaching the ground, the jocks walked away.
"Damn, and I hoped I could break that bastard's neck." Ronin sighed in disappointment. "So, where to now love? Are ya hungry for some disgusting cafeteria food?" He turned to look ad Ther again.
"Have a better place for lunch in mind?" They asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Actually? Yeah. C'mon your highness, I'll take ya to heaven in hell, or how us mortals would call it, a cafe." Taking Ther's hand in his, Ronin went towards the school's exist.
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the angels™ + devil loser (Ther, Ave, Casia, Ronin)
dumbfuckdeviant: ethy babe where the fuck are you two?
queenheadasshigh: your Brother Took me to a cafe a cafe i Never Heard Of Before
shoulderdevil: y'all don't know what's bearable in this town this cafe is the only reason i still didn't hang
dumbfuckdeviant: a cafe is the only reason i still don't have your room? fuck that place i hope it closes soon
shoulderdevil: wow sis you're so sweet yeah anyway idk where i'll bring y'all's ice queen back maybe never
sunshinefencing: please don't steal ethy
shoulderdevil: sure sure golden retriever kid i'll see
- - -
"So, how do ya like the coffee Ethy?" Ronin asked, putting his phone down and taking a piece of his apple pie on his fork.
"Not bad, doesn't taste cheap which makes the trip worth it, I suppose." They replied, finding it amusing how the edgy guy is s happy while he eats apple pie.
"Mhm, you probably expected a shabby place right?"
"More like a dark alley full of gore and limps splattered all over, although it would be too romantic for you." They said with a sarcastic smile.
In a way, Ronin's company gave Ther comfort, maybe it was how weird and unfiltered he was? How he wasn't scared to be who he was. He and his devil-may-care attitude were always making him so different amongst other student. Now, when Ther was supposed to spend more time with him, maybe they could feed off of his confidence, maybe it could make them feel better about their own dark secrets?
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Time flew by. Days turned into week, weeks into months.
Ther and Ronin were together for four months now, the whole school feeding into their lie perfectly. This relationship actually worked wonders for Ther, at least when it came to their popularity. People loved them, they were in awe with how they "tamed" the bad boyish delinquent Beaufort.
Yet, something changed for Ther. They didn't want this relationship to be fake anymore, and they knew that Ronin wanted something more out of it too. It's just, none of them was able to speak about it. Maybe they're too stubborn for this, or maybe they thought that they didn't need to announce it being real. Hard to say, but none of them worried about this.
Ther had bigger worries, or a certain worry right in front of them.
"Estridge, we need to have a lil' chat." Craig said, he was alone, so was Ther.
"No Craig, I won't talk to you." They said, their eyes narrowed as they looked at him cautiously.
"Then I'll take your friend Casia for a chat, do ya think he would handle it? Your precious little lapdog."
"Leave Casia out of this." They said through gritted teeth.
"Great, you understand it. C'mon then Ethy, before your 'boyfriend' comes around." Craig pulled Ther towards the swings close to their house, the same swings Ther and Ronin plotted their relationship.
Were they afraid? Yeah. They were unarmed, alone with Craig who could do god knows what to them now.
The jock practically pushed Ther towards a tree, their back hitting it hard, they winced in pain.
"Finally Ethereality, you will be where you are meant to be, under me you little slut." Craig was truly disgusting. He licked his lower lip, pinned Ther to the tree, and he leaned in, his face barely inches from theirs.
And when Ther thought that it was the end for them...
"A-argh." Craig made a pained sound, something was sticking out of his opened chest, a crowbar. The weapon quickly pulled out, a wet sound as it slid out, blood dropped to the ground. "What... what the fuck." He practically breathed out, fear painted all over his face.
Craig fell to his knees, revealing who was behind him. Ronin.
Ronin fucking Beaufort. Bathed in the moon light, bloody crowbar in his hands and a sick, twisted smile on his face.
"Well, well, Doughton. Who would have thought you would try to steal my date." He crackled, crouching, the crowbar used as a cane now. "Sorry man, they're not your to toy with, nor is any other girl or afab person who you'd want to lay your disgusting hands on. And-" He paused, leaning in closer to Craig's face.
"Since you decided to lay your hands on my lover, you will pay for your sins, right here, right now." Ronin stood up, raising the crowbar. "Ther babe, move aside, or you'd dirty your dress."
Ther, a little in shock, and awe, moved aside.
"Wait! Ro...Ronin, we're buddies right- Stop! You fucking fa- ack.... stop, you disgusting psycho." Craig tried to scream, but the wound in his body made it hard.
Ronin rolled his eyes.
"Oh shut the fuck up already." And with one quick swing of his weapon, Craig's body was pushed onto the ground, his ribs breaking under the pressure of the hit. Ronin wanted to keep the jock's head perfect, it would be used as a statement piece.
Ther watched the scene unfold. They watched as the jock's body was smashed, crashed with the weapon. They felt so... in love. Ronin was making all this mess, and it was just for them. He even cared enough to tell them that he would make a mess. Their chest felt warm, their face was hot. And their mouth, oh the smile on them as twisted as the one their boyfriend was wearing.
This death.
This was like an offering, offering from Ronin to prove his forever undying love toward Ther.
Ronin, he was the devil ready to do anything to make his 'fake' lover's life easier.
And Ther.
Ther accepted this devotion and worship like the highest praise they could ever receive.
Their love truly was God.
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Hiiiiiiiiiiiii time to advert!!!
Please please please
commission me to write something >o<
everything is pinned in masterlist and kofi is pinned i bio >w<
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theroyalsandi · 2 years ago
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Prince William of Wales rides his pony Smokey on Highgrove Estate in Doughton, Gloucestershire, England | July 18, 1986
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middleland · 4 months ago
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Stephen Doughton House — Lisbon, Ohio by Christopher Riley
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rastronomicals · 4 months ago
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7:13 AM EST November 11, 2024:
The Breeders - "Safari" From the EP Safari (April 6, 1992)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Love Britt Walford's drumming here I mean Shannon Doughton's.
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toilou-norvetaxique2023 · 2 years ago
Jour 23 - entre West Jefferson et Boone le long de la Blue Ridge Parkway
Très motivés, nous avons mis notre réveil suffisamment tôt pour aller faire une longue rando dans la Blue Ridge Parkway, sur un chemin que nous avait vivement recommandé la Ranger d'hier.
En partant du motel, première désillusion : il pleut.
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Comme ça se calme par intermittence, on tente quand même d'aller voir à Doughton Park... deuxième désillusion 🌧️
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Il pleut vraiment beaucoup, le brouillard est très épais et l'objectif n'est pas de se retrouver trempés pour la journée ! Nous faisons donc demi-tour. En nous arrêtant prendre de l'essence, qui soit dit en passant n'est pas très chère ici, nous repérons sur Google un petit café qui a l'air très sympa ☕️
Petit arrêt aussi au supermarché, dans mon rayon préféré 🥤
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Nous allons passer 2h dans le Bohemia Coffee, en attendant que la pluie cesse. Café pour Antoine, thé pour moi. Les canapés sont confortables, on ne va pas se priver !
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Ce café est situé à West Jefferson qui s'avère être une petite ville rurale typiquement américaine, la pluie lui donnant encore plus de charme !
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scottsbifh · 4 months ago
Doughton Manor is a country house in Doughton, in the Cotswold district of Gloucestershire, England. It's adjacent to Highgrove House, the family residence of King Charles III & Queen Camilla. wikipedia
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dealthorpakp · 6 months ago
18 juillet 1986 Diana dans un hélicoptère de l’escadrille royale dans le parc de Highgrove House, sa maison à Doughton, Gloucestershire pour un photocall
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rockmusicassoc · 10 months ago
In The Rock 5/29/1990: ‘Pod’, the debut LP from The Breeders is released in the UK. Kim Deal, Tanya Donnelly, Josephine Wiggs and drummer Shannon Doughton, aka Mike Hunt, aka Britt Walford, recorded this alt rock masterpiece in Edinburgh, Scotland with Steve Albini behind the boards. Highly anticipated, it peaks at #22 on the charts in England. #TheBreeders #RockHonorRoll
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anniekoh · 1 year ago
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Cascadia shaking forecast: https://static.temblor.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Cascadia-hazard-temblor.jpg
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PNW plate movement from Geological Society of Oregon County: https://www.gsoc.org/news/2018/7/2/rotating-crustal-blocks-form-a-simplified-picture-of-pacific-nw-plate-motion
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Map of GPS stations in the PNW monitoring ground movement. From Full Rip 9.0 Sandi Doughton
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years ago
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5 July 2012 | Prince Charles, Prince of Wales poses with an Ecuadorian stream tree frog, an endangered species discovered in the rainforests of Ecuador named 'Hyloscirtus princecharlesi' in honour of the Prince's support to conservation and environmental campaigns, during a WWF-UK Green Ambassadors Summit attended by school children at Highgrove House in Doughton near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England. In his role as President of WWF-UK (World Wide Fund for Nature), Prince Charles, Prince of Wales showed his support for the WWF-UK and BT Green Ambassadors scheme, which aims to encourage a new generation of sustainability champions. School children took part in a Green Ambassadors Summit; participating in a series of workshops with an environmental theme, and toured the Highgrove gardens to see the sustainability features of the estate. (c) Arthur Edwards - WPA Pool/Getty Images
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npookie0 · 4 months ago
Save The Last Dance For Me. - Thernin
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Trigger Warnings!!!
light s/a mention
Ther x Ronin Gluttony Gods
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Ronin was back in Angelwood, he returned to the city a little later than he expected. The damned bus really took its time to drive him there. He couldn't get Ther to greet him, if he was earlier they would be next to him now, venting their feelings and cursing the Angels. But now, Ronin can only go to the old high school, mix in with the other students and seek Ther in the crowd. Annoy them, maybe dance with them and make sure that they escape with him, find the courage to seek freedom, to reach out for it. He smiled to himself, that plan he was building in his head was really devilish, he just needed to find the prom queen to make them its main star, after all a play can't start without the lead.
He entered the school gym, it looked almost like a real ballroom, colorful lights everywhere, loud music playing, teenagers trying to hide the alcohol they smuggled in. Ronin didn't fit in with the overly elegant students, he looked like a black sheep and he was proud of it. He wore his devilish aesthetic like a badge of honour. He pushed himself through the crowd, looking for this one person who couldn't leave his mind.
But before he could find them, the lights turned white and focused on the stage, the school's headmaster stood there, a microphone in hand. He looked like he just wanted to have a drink and let this school burn for all he cared about, but he had to play his little role, like everyone in Angelwood did. Like the little fucking puppets they all were.
"Good evening our dear students, it's the moment you've been waiting for! We will announce the prom queen and king."
In response there was a round of applause, names being chanted by the teenagers, the loudest one was "Ethereality", seems like all the assholes had their pick decided already. It wasn't a surprise when Ther's last name was called out. A round of applause and happy chants were heard immediately. After all it was their perfect girl, the perfect saint of all Angelwood. Ronin clapped for them too, although his applause was more mocking, and he knew that they knew it too. After all Ronin was the only person who knew who Ther truly was, even they didn't understand their needs and feelings as well as Beaufort did. They were in denial, living in this false femininity, pretending that the dress they were wearing was actually to their liking. Acting like Craig Doughton was someone they actually loved, like their heart wasn't aching for the comfort Ronin gave them.
But Ronin saw through all of that, he saw how uncomfortable and shaken Ther was when Craig, that motherfucker, leaned in to kiss them. He saw the absolute hate in their eyes when they smiled at the crowd. Oh, how painfully amusing it was. Ronin could play the hero, he could be the big saviour, and then Ther would kill that lovely "boyfriend" of theirs, as the ending act of course.
Ethereality was supposed to die that night, Ther was about to reborn, like a phoenix coming back from the ashes. This idea made his heart burn in passion, his eyes glint in wicked amusement. This night was meant to be beautiful.
Finally Ther got down from the stage, joining the crowd of drunk and high teenagers, the teachers really did a shitty job or they just didn't care. Ronin tried to find them, whispers his sweet corruption-filled words into their ear, kiss them, dance with them before they will share a truly devilish dance amongst the dead, amongst all the sinners who tried to play holy fools.
He saw them, they were looking at him. Ther looked even worse than when they were on the stage. It bothered Ronin, something didn't feel right. And the worst part? He could only stare at them. Look at them as they stared back, the people between them blocking their way.
Music was rumbling in his ears, making him feel like he was about to go deaf. The lights were making Ther's face change colour from red to blue, then to pink and purple. Their eyes looked empty, not even a small light of happiness in them, nothing. The gaze similar to all of these he killed, empty, soulless. Their lower lip trembling, they tried to hide it when they felt Ronin's gaze on their lips. Ther was clutching their hands on their dress, pushing whatever feelings they felt into their strong hold.
It all bothered Ronin, he saw them in terrible times, but nothing compared to this. He couldn't shake off that weird feeling that this was the last time he would ever see them. And it made it all so much worse, he had to reach them, he had to go with plan, he had to...
They were gone. When he reached the spot where they were standing there was nothing, just a prom queen crown laying on the floor like a worthless piece of trash. Which it was, just a piece of cheap metal that Ronin could break by just stepping on it.
He picked it up.
If he was about to find the missing "queen" he could as well crown them himself, as the ruler of filth and chaos, the perfect god to his perfect rot. The idea sent a shiver running down his spine, oh the pleasure it gave him. He just wanted to get Ther out of the misery that was taking over them, make them in the perfect image that they were meant to be, give them the closure they desired. And to make it all come true, Ronin has to find them first.
Looking through the whole school would be a long struggle, they never had a favourite spot inside that place, at least not when he was still in the town. Ronin decided on talking to people, not his favourite activity, but he had no other choice.
"Hey, did you see where Estridge went?"
He chose a small group of girls, they were the ones who talked to Ther ever since they stepped from the stage. They turned to look at him, curiosity mixed in with disgust. All these years and nothing change, they all still looked at him the same way. What a warm welcome, truly.
"You mean Ethereality? No. We don't know where she went."
He nodded, barely stopping himself from glaring at them for that "she". He approached some more people, the answer always the same.
"I didn't see her."
She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She. She.
Why couldn't those blind fucking ignorant fools tell who Ther was? Why were they so amused by making Ther carrying that cross on their back? Oh how much he wanted to get rid of them, break their bones, stone them alive, hang their bodies. Watch the blood and guts spill, forming a beautiful massacre dedicated to Ther, maybe he would even take the sinners' hearts to offer them to his love, as a sign that no one can take this new form from them?
The feeling of uneasiness, of losing control, it was becoming more real, Ronin was being drowned in it. It was freaking him out, he couldn't lose control, he couldn't let whatever was coming to happen. He had to stop it at all coast, even if it means that he will have to kidnap Ther from that fucking town without having their sweet revenge yet. Revenge is a dish best served cold so it could as well wait, now he had a different priority.
"Um, you are looking for Estridge, right?"
A girl much shorter than Ronin asked, he didn't know her, but it didn't matter. She could have answers about Ther whereabouts, and if she'll lie, he knows who to get first.
"Yeah, d'ya knows where i can find them?"
He stopped fucking with the she and her bullshit, he didn't have it in him to remember that he should watch the way he refers to Ther, he couldn't give less of a fuck in that moment anyway.
"I think that she went to the gardens, she sat there a lot.."
Of course. Why didn't he think of that? It was Ther, if they would sit anywhere, it would be the gardens. He gave the girl a quick "thanks" and left the gym. The music getting more muffled with every step he took. The air getting heavier around him, he had a hard time breathing. The image of Ther's empty eyes was filling him with uncertainty. He didn't realise it, but he was running to the gardens. If he was about to see his world crash, he could be there faster.
And it did crash.
There, in the middle of a flower bed, Ther was laying, their arms weakly reaching out to the sky, as if they wanted to touch the moon.
"Ther, fucking hell.."
His voice was pained when he fell to his knees right in front of them, breath heavy, eyes widened.
Ther was slipping away. Dying.
"Ther, do not.. do not fucking close your fucking eyes!"
He shouted in desperation, holding them now, close to his body, his hold was tight, like he was hoping that he can stop this. He was cursing everything he could blame for this. His mind was in chaos, he couldn't even look at them.
"Ro... Ro, I..."
Ther's voice was weaker than ever, their gaze was a little less empty now that they could see Ronin, be with him alone. But it didn't make him feel better, it made him want to tear his heart out of his chest, give it to Ther as a way to keep them alive.
"Ro... the Angels. It was all too much, a-and, and Craig, he..."
Tears fell from their eyes.
Oh. Craig Doughton. Of course it was that fucker's fault. Ronin didn't even need to hear the story. He could already see his disgusting hands roam all over Ther's body, taking her tears as cries of pleasure, after all he only cared about his own satisfaction. And the fact that his "girlfriend" was begging and fighting? That was just a play for him, there was no reason for Ethereality to not enjoy the "fun".
Oh Ronin saw red, he saw his skull open, his body damaged so much that no one will recognise him, he will enjoy his screams and begs, he will avenge Ther, make him feel their pain.
Ther's weakening body was what tore Ronin out of his mind. Right. The person he wants to avenge is dying, taking their lasts breaths in his arms.
"When...when did you-"
He didn't even need to finish, Ther answered him in the middle of his question.
"When you... weren't arriving... I just couldn't take it anymore, not when that... he told me what he wants to do with me."
Their voice broke again, shaking weakly. Ronin felt the anger mix with sorrow. If only he had arrived earlier.
"Ther, I will burn this town, kill every motherfucked who dared to hurt you. Please, don't close your eyes."
He was begging, begging them to stay alive, even if he knew how death works. He wanted them to stay, he needed them. His desperation was so strong, it was overwhelming.
Ther, instead of answering, used all their strength to make Ronin lean forward, so they could share this last kiss together. The kiss felt weak, fleeting. It was Ther's last goodbye, the first and last time they would ever be able to bid Ronin farewell.
"I love you... Ro..."
They are gone.
Ronin was holding his dead lovers, despair feeling his mind. He wanted to tear himself apart, join Ther in death. He can't accept it. Of all people, why Ther?
Why Ther? Why his lover? Why before they could be free?
These questions made his blood boil, his mind fill with all the people in the gym.
It was all their fault. Now, they need to pay the price. They all will grovel under his feet, live the same pain that Ther had to suffer through. He will make sure of it, he will watch them rot.
Ronin wiped the one lonely tear from his cheek, swallowing his feelings, letting the sorrow turn into a fuel for his strength. He took one of Ther's bracelets, he needed something to hold on into, to keep as a memorial, as a trace of Ther.
If he had to make Angelwood a forgotten town, then he could as well keep one piece of it all to himself.
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blogynews · 2 years ago
"Mysterious Twist Revealed: Driver's Baffling Actions Unveiled in Tragic Vaughan Crash Involving Motorcyclist - Toronto"
ROAD CLOSURE: The intersection of Highway 7 W and Jane St in Vaughan is currently closed due to an ongoing accident investigation, according to a tweet by York Regional Police. The closure includes eastbound Highway 7 from Millway, westbound from Maplecrete, northbound Jane from Doughton, and southbound Jane from AppleMill Rd. Motorists are advised to avoid the area and seek alternate routes. The…
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blogynewz · 2 years ago
"Mysterious Twist Revealed: Driver's Baffling Actions Unveiled in Tragic Vaughan Crash Involving Motorcyclist - Toronto"
ROAD CLOSURE: The intersection of Highway 7 W and Jane St in Vaughan is currently closed due to an ongoing accident investigation, according to a tweet by York Regional Police. The closure includes eastbound Highway 7 from Millway, westbound from Maplecrete, northbound Jane from Doughton, and southbound Jane from AppleMill Rd. Motorists are advised to avoid the area and seek alternate routes. The…
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