#Doorway to where
rosalie-starfall · 9 months
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Jane Krakowski as Bobbie Flanagan
Schmigadoon! (Schmicago) - Doorway to Where?
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broadwaybohemians · 1 year
Enjoy the songs from Schmigadoon 2x02!
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cap-tveit-ed · 1 month
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A Sweet Macaroon
Topher x Reader
Trigger warning: Abuse reference
You haven’t been happy since your high school sweetheart, Chris, came home after his sophomore year of college and announced he was dropping out to travel coast to coast and find himself. You loved him deeply, and he broke your heart. Devastated, you married the first guy who asked. Now, it’s 10 years on, and you’re stuck in a childless and loveless marriage. Your husband hit you before, but he’s always controlled himself enough not to smack your face. That changed last night, and you leaned into the bathroom mirror applying makeup to conceal the damage.
“You can’t go to the restaurant like that. People will think I’m a monster,” Earl said.
“I’m putting on coverup. It will be fine. Besides, we need the money,” you countered with the one argument you knew would work.
“Okay, but I’m taking you to see how people react. You can stay if no one says anything,” he said.
This was not what you wanted. You wanted to pack a big backpack, but if Earl was driving, you could only pack a small tote. There was enough money stashed in your locker to buy a bus ticket. Whatever tips you could earn during this shift would be your spending money until you found a new job.
“What’s that bag for?” Earl asked.
You lied, “I always bring an extra outfit in case I spill something on myself.”
He said he never noticed before but was more focused on reminding you it was his bowling night, and he couldn’t pick you up. You were grateful. You took inventory: two t-shirts, a denim skirt, a nightgown, 2 pairs of panties, flip flops, and a few toiletries. You had rolled everything tightly to fit in your tote. You prayed you didn’t forget anything essential.
Fortunately, customers were generous with their tips. You went straight to the bus station after work. The bus drove through the night, but you were too anxious to sleep. You only had one relative who lived outside your town, your cousin Alex in Schmicago. You would see if she could help you get a fresh start.
It was sunny when you arrived in the city. You brushed your teeth and splashed icy water on your face in the bus terminal restroom. It washed off the last of your makeup, but oversized sunglasses were the fashion, and you slipped on yours. It took an hour to find where Alex lived. You double checked the address because it was a junkyard. There was an odd little man in the center, kneading dough on a table. He had a sweet face and long dark hair. He wore a newsboy cap.
“Hello, friend! I’m Michael. Welcome to the tribe.”
You introduced yourself, deciding it would be safer to use your middle name. You explained you were looking for your cousin. Michael told you that you were in the right place, but Alex was off doing odd jobs. He offered you food and took you to her tent. He kindly suggested you take a nap. You slept for three hours.
After spending the afternoon with Alex, she took you to meet her tribal leader. As you entered the large tent, you were shocked to see a ménage-a-trois on the bed. You’d never even seen a dirty movie, and here it was live before your eyes. Alex didn’t even react as the two women were taking turns sucking the man. Another man sat on a cushion checking things off on a clipboard, as if he didn’t see what was happening two feet away from him.
Your eyes should’ve been glued to the action, but instead, you stared at this man. From the angle you were standing, you couldn’t quite see his face, but he had a glorious head of curly hair, and the vest he wore emphasized the definition in his arms. As he wrote, you thought his forearms may be the sexiest thing you’d ever seen, even though there were people having sex right in front of you. He turned to greet the two of you.
You scanned this super-hot guy from his bell bottoms to his face, and your heart jumped into your throat, as you said just under your breath, “Chris-.”
“Topher, this is my cousin y/m/n,” Alex told him.
“Nice to meet you, y/m/n. I’m Topher,” he said, reaching out with one hand while placing his other over his heart. “I’m getting a vibe we know each other.”
You shrugged. Your hair color was different than when you last saw him. Your curves had developed a bit more. You hope the sunglasses hid your face enough to function as a disguise. You’ve dreamt of seeing Christopher again but not like this.
But he reached to remove your glasses and said with surprise, “Y/N?!”
He motioned for the two of you to exit the tent, and he followed. It was evening but still light enough he could see your black eye and the large bruise on your upper arm. He slipped his finger under your chin and turned your head to examine the damage.
“Y/n, who did this to you?” Topher demanded.
Alex replied, “Her no-good husband, Earl. That’s who.”
“Hunterson,” you added.
“You married Earl Hunterson,” he said incredulously.
Afraid you would cry if you answered, you merely nodded, but his hand stayed holding your chin.
Alex asked, “You guys know each other?”
Topher answered yes but provided no other information.
So, you added, “We went to high school together.” (Instead of “We went together in high school.”)
Alex explained to Topher that you needed a place to stay until you worked out your next steps, but unfortunately, she was already sharing her small tent with Marissa and asked for his help in pairing you up with someone else.
“Not a problem. Y/n can bunk with me,” he said.
You and Alex both exclaimed, “What?!!!”
“It’s perfect. She’ll be safe with me. I’m the only one sleeping here,” he said, and pulling the tent flap open, he yelled in, “You guys wrap it up.”
Alex laughed so hard she snorted, and it reminded you of when you were kids.
“I think they might think you mean something else,” she giggled.
Getting the condom reference, you and Topher started laughing, too. The three of you were still snickering when the other three exited. Alex skated off, and you went into the tent with Topher.
“Well, well, well,” he said, but after looking into your eyes with his gorgeous baby blues, he went a different direction with the conversation. “Are you hungry, Y/n?”
“No, thank you. Alex and I ate at the Kander Cafe. I applied for a waitressing job there.”
“Ah, the Absinthe Café, huh? Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder,” he said. “Ooh, I should write that down.”
“Since I can sleep here, I’m assuming you don’t have a wife or girlfriend,” you said.
“My manifesto is to foster love wherever it grows. As such, I no longer believe in the confines of a traditional relationship,” Topher said removing his vest and tank top.
Then, turning his back to you he removed his jeans. As he bent over, he revealed a perfect juicy peach ass, and you just wanted to take a bite.
“I guess you no longer believe in the confines of underwear either,” you giggled.
“Oh, sorry,” he chuckled. “I thought you might not be as comfortable with nudity as we are. So, I was slipping on these gym shorts. I didn’t think about being nude while changing.”   
“You should be comfortable in your own abode.”
“Sit,” he said motioning to the bed. “It’s time for you to unburden yourself.”
“Pardon,” you asked.
“Let it out. Verbally let go of the weight you’re carrying,” he said and crawled on to the mattress behind you.
You were startled and asked, "What are you doing?”
“I’m going to physically help ease the tension while you emote,” he said.
As his fingers kneaded your neck, you let out the breath you had been holding for the last 48 hours. You knew he wanted you to talk, but you only purred.
You managed a breathy, “Yes.”
“Take off your top so I can get to these knots in your upper back."
In a trance, you did as he said.
“I haven’t seen one of these in a while,” he said.
“A knot,” you questioned.
“No, a bra,” he answered.
As his fingers worked their magic, you moaned in gratification.
“Y/n, your sounds are making things…um…hard on me.”
“I can’t help it. I'm so turned on right now,” you answered.
“Then let’s get naked,” he whispered in your ear.
You nodded in agreement, and he smoothly unhooked your bra and slid it forward, cupping your breasts with both his hands, causing your nipples to pebble and heat to pool between your legs. Topher turned your face toward him and kissed you deeply. You ran your tongue over his pointed canine teeth that you always adored whenever he smiled.
He got off the bed and stood in front of you. You removed his shorts. He was so hard that every vein in his cock was defined. You dropped onto your knees and licked the glistening precum off his tip.
“Don’t tease, Y/n,” he said.
You stared up at him, and desperately wanting to please him, you begged, “Teach me!”
He contemplated and replied, “Just make love to my dick.”
His direction seemed vague, but you knew each other well enough that it was clear to you. You hoped your enthusiasm would make up for your lack of skill. You started by kissing up and down his shaft, while massaging his balls. He groaned. You took him as far into your throat as you could. He held your hair back and wiped your tears with his thumb until he threw his head back in ecstasy. Just as he was on the borderline, he pulled out of your mouth. You whined.
“It’ll be worth the wait,” he said.
He had you stand. He unbuckled your sandals and removed your skirt. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and slowly pulled them down, trailing kisses on the outside of your legs as he went. After you stepped out of them, he gently pushed you back onto the bed and kissed his way back up on the inside of your legs, pausing to tickle you behind the knees.
“And there it is,” he smiled, remembering that was a particularly sensitive spot for you.
When his tongue ran along your slit, a pleased sound escaped his lips.
He picked up his head and said, “Baby, you are so wet for me. I love it.”
He dove back between your legs and pushed up your hood with his fingers while he sucked on your clit. You cried out. He slipped two fingers inside of you and curved them forward. You writhed on the bed, but just as you were about to climax, he stopped licking. You whimpered.
“It will be worth the wait,” he promised. “Get on your knees.”
He was so hard when he entered you. His cock hit your g-spot. His hands grabbed your breasts, and he held on as he plunged into you. He hummed and rocked his hips to the same rhythm. His hands slid down your body. He used one to balance himself, while the other pressed on your love button.
“Now,” he ordered. “Come all over my cock, Y/n.”
Topher’s touch and dirty words made you explode like never before. You lost your balance. Your head dropped forward onto a pillow. He held your hips tight while he ejaculated into you. Your walls clenched around him, milking every drop. He held still for a moment before pulling out and flopping on to the bed next to you. You stretched out on your belly and turned your face toward him. He ran his finger along your jaw and leaned in for a kiss.
“That was incredible. You are so beautiful. Even more than you are in my memories or my fantasies," he confessed, pushing your hair off of your face.
Topher laid on his back, stretching out both arms, making room for you to snuggle into him. You draped one leg over both of his thighs and ran your fingers through his curly chest hair. He kissed the top of your head. You were sad and blissful at the same time. You knew you couldn't stay at the commune because you would never be able to share this gorgeous man. You also knew it would take at least a week to figure out your next move, and after a decade of misery, you deserved seven more nights of pleasure.
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 months
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nothing to add, just new Paul photos from Spearhead Live yesterday. imagine looking this sharp at sixty-four
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 76
Tim has no idea whether to laugh or cry. Bruce sends him away from Gotham to stay safe from Red Hood, yet who is standing there, in the Titan Tower, but the man himself. And if he was attacking or something then fine, he could deal with it. But no, the man is standing there, in the kitchen, cooking like it’s an everyday thing. Like sure he’s cooking angrily and Tim swears he can see some sort of eye glow in the helmet, but it’s not like he’s actually threatening any of them?? The literal crime lord has been hissing about them not having any food and being out of medical supplies and who decided to leave a bunch of teens alone to take care of themselves. Which. Rude, he’s been taking care of himself for years, and both Raven and Beast Boy have too! What type of scheme is this?!
Jason was going to go through with his attack on the Tower, he really was. But seriously, they didn’t even have any medical supplies, their cupboards were practically empty of food, and they didn’t even have any cleaning supplies. For fuck’s sake he’d gotten in so easily and it was a giant tower shaped like a T- everyone knew where it was! Honestly it’s not his fault the pit rage went from being pissed to the literal child- which uh, huh he’ll have to freak out about that later- to raging about how he took better care of the alley kids than the heroes were taking care of their kids so guess whose going to have to fucking step up! 
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mistergreatbones · 2 months
damian: jon and i are not going to hang out, we are simply allowing titus and krypto the oppertunity to have a playdate
bruce who said the same thing but with clark and ace: tell krypto i say hi
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unsat-and-strange · 4 months
relistening to hnoc and goddamn ashes as mordred kills it every time
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housecow · 2 months
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the difference between these two 🥺 both??
funny story though. my roommate is still taking food but my memory is so bad when it comes to things i don’t eat myself (adhd)
when i talk to friends and family about the situation the first thing they ask is, “are you sure you’re not sleep eating?” which is adorable. they wanna believe, even if for a second, that maybe i’m not truly at fault for making myself into such a cow 🥺 i get it bc im getting very fat even with the thievery but at the same time. im literally being gaslit
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chirpsythismorning · 6 months
Wait, did Mike sleep in Will’s room in Lenora?
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orlaite · 9 months
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LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962) | dir. David Lean
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squuote · 1 year
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was looking through my oldest sketches of my narrator design and remembered i had originally given him a trench coat. so here's an alt outfit design for him ig tehe
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in this house we stand for the national anthem (alex's stand tall solo) 🩷
luke | reggie | julie | the whole gang | stickers! | prints! | keychains!
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rhymaes · 7 months
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The Untamed, Ep. 11 // The Untamed, Ep. 48
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 5 months
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Sokka: This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them
Kiyi is the only addition from the comics that I'm willing to acknowledge, however, I will happily ignore everything else abt her story. Instead she is Ozai's daughter and protecting her was what kept Ursa in hiding, at least until a year after the war when Zuko and Katara show up for The Southern Raiders pt 2: Electric Boogaloo.
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khaotunq · 10 months
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Things I spend way too much time on: figuring out floor plans of fictional character's living spaces.
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remadra · 8 months
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Watched OTGW again. Hopping on the bandwagon.
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