#Dont you dare twist this in us wishing you death
styxwanderer · 4 months
Fateful Encounter |
〖Twisted wonderland〗
[you are an exiled knight of king Hendrik, thrown away by your master as you had disagreed with his method of draining the mines out of magestones belonging to the fae]
TW: torture, implied sexual harrasment [by the human scums of course]
"OUCHHH that fucking hurts!"
you had no recollection of what had happened, but you suspect it was king Hendrik dirty play that had you beaten you unconciouss to wake up in a grass covered path surrounded by trees in the dead night. The Dawn knight had warned you about this. the last word you could hear was" if you are so adamant to defend those bandits then you should just go live with them." after years serving as the left hand for that ungrateful tyrannical king this is your payment?
" That jerk! Urgh...Where am i?"
you were in distress, a lady in distress, though that is broken as you decide that it is better if you had looked around and search for help than wailing in self-pity.
Not long you had seen a source of light from a distance. you decided to get closer, Afterall, it is better to die by the sword rather than starvation.
As you went closer and closer you begun to notice a hissing between the trees. You grown aware of your surroundings as you search around.
" HUMAN! state your purpose! How dare you try to sneak into our camp in the dead of the Night!! WAIT! IT"S YOU!! the left hand of that Bastard King! I shall have you dead!"
You raised both your arms up. " Bastard king, I kinda agree with that a tyrant too, well i don't mind, but first let me have some food first, won't you be so kind to give me a last meal?"
" hold on a second, Baur. Look at her clothes. and she is injured"
You had now became aware, you had been stripped out of your armour left with the thin materials used inside of the armour, it too had been ripped from the branches. The logo of king Hendrik kingdom too had been forcefully ripped out of your body cloth leaving a hole on your left arm. You body blotched with black and purple spots you dont doubt you lips were splited and a smear of blood is apparent below your nose. with a topping of a left black eye of course.
" Oh aren't you the general of the right?"
"ugh.. enough with the name, you are king Hendrik famous dog aren't you, state your business.. on second look... heh.. the owner had gotten tired of his dog? what happened did you bark at your master? or did you bite your master?" the general with red stripped hair taunt you.
" Haah.. I wished I had mauled him to the death, then at least he can stop his grabby hand to take whatever he wanted like a spoiled baby."
" hmm.. no that would be a real inconvenient. afterall, we fae had a fair share of grudge toward your stupid king, Human or should i say Dog."
" Okay deal.. so when can i have my meal?"
" a meal?!?"
" Aa.. well, I rather die with food rather than dying without a last meal, so before you kill me the previous left hand dog of king Hendrik would you be so kind to give me one last meal?"
"YOU!!! ---"
" hahahaha.. you are an intresting one. alright I will grant you, your wish, afterall, I have just finished making the food come come."
"But Lilia, they are a human..."
"don't worry, its their last meal afterall. khufufufu."
" I give thee my deepest gratitude for your never-ending kindness." you performed a half bow with your right hand towards your chest.
You are guided toward the camp as Baur the green-haired guy kept an eye on you, feeling very suspicious of your presence. Meanwhile, Lilia was leading the group.
once you are inside of his camp several soldiers are to rise and hiss at you only to be informed than you are Lilia's esteemed guest making them shocked as they continue to stare at you and your tattered uniform.
you are seated in a big log as Baur sat neck to you armed cross, frowning. You have to say that this guy is quite attractive even when he frowned. You look around the camp to find that the camp is previously owned by the silver fox.
Your attention is diverted as Lilia placed a strange green? brown? goop into a wooden plate and handed towards you.
"Here you go! eat up before I can slice you up!"
" ..... What is this?"
" it is filled with nutrition if you must asked. its a tradition for a fae." Lilia smirked
you took a sniff at your bowl reeking of whatever foul thing on the planet, you then take a bite deciding not to be rude to the host and also it is you whom had demanded for food, you need to eat it despite it's appearance, it might be good regarding of its look just like a few dish that you had tried before.
Your mind turned blank as you froze. Once the food had enter your mouth you could feel your gag reflex acting up. Not wanting to spit it out you hold your mouth shut. You could feel your skin turning into a shade of green. your check. you forced yourself to swallow like a good girl you are.
" What is in there?!"
" hmm.. well we have lizard tail and foot, a cow's liver.."
" BLerghhhhhhhh....urp.." you try not to let the spoonful of the goop rise up your throat.
You stare at this green haired guy dead in the eye, you had lost your fear for your live. " Is this seriously your traditional food? did you eat this everyday?"
" Quite human! this is very healthy! it is too very convenient!"
" That is true you know, I don't have time to do whatever gourme chef do, this is just enough to feed my troops."
" As beautifulas you faes are you are quite horrible with foods, ah how terrible, I feel so bad for your troops."
" If you rather die in hunger then be my guess." the general spoke.
" Haaa..." You placed the bowl on top of the log as you look around for wa mound judging by the state of the camp, the previous troop had rushed off in a hurry, there is bound to have unlooted item or burried goods around, afterall most of hendrik's troops are insufferably and idioticly selfish like their master.
"AH there it is.." You walked towards the mould as you started to dig.
" Baur Let them be.."
you pulled out a big chunk of pork meat from the ground.
" ....Lilia... i didn't know meat can grow from the ground like that.. Did you human invent whatever this is?!"
" I had no recollection in history of whatever this is. it must be a new invention?"
" HAH! i wished it is, some greasy soldier just decided that they want a whole meat for themselves and hid it here. nothing special at all."
General lilia just sighed. You walked to plants you found around as you picked few leaves and search for salt and pepper around the pouch, since there is bound to be. You started to prepare a skewered pork. Baur who was planning to interfere was stopped by Lilia as he let you do whatever you want.
" All done.." the smell of roasted meat filled the whole camp making the troop's mouth watered.
" Nutricious, convenient, and delicious! Won't you have a try." you picked a stick for yourself and one you handed in the direction of both Baur and Lilia.
" WHO WOULD WANT YOUR FOOD?! for all I know you might've put poison in it."
" Bruh.. I literally cooked right in front of you."
" Hmmm.. Then don't mind if I do.. if I found you to have put strange things into this meal I will have you chopped. we fae have sensitive tongue especially"
" geez you saw me eating this grilled meat too.. I didn't put anything alright! it would be a crime for the food itslef to have been used as a killing method. also do you really have?"
" huh?! what is that supposed to mean?"
" ah no it's just that you have been eating that good for the longest time, so i assumed your tastebuds are dead.... or something."
" Huh?! how brazen of you! it is not that bad." Lilia took the stick form your hand as he tried it.
His tongue instantly boomed with flavour, he stayed quit not wanting to admit that your food had exceeded his food and his expectation.
" not bad.."
" Is it really?"
" I had enough for your whole troops, I don't eat that much, so please have it. That greedy bastard had actually managed to hide that big chunk of meat.. i even have left over" you offered.
" Whoa.. how kind of you." Lilia said as he called on his troop who had been staring at the group for quite some time now, mouth watering.
" Baur you too have some, we will have quite a long journey after all."
" ABSOLUTELY NOT! I rather die than have a food made by humans. I am not hungry at all any way!" He huffed arms still crossing around his large chest.
Suddenly a loud roar boomed. A loud roar from the belly of the green haired soldier
Silence ensue as a hue of pink started to appear on his cheek.
" PFFFTTT... "
You cannot hold your laughter any longer as you laugh out loud. Lilia follows.
" you are hungry right?, have some come one."
" No way!"
You then have a good idea, " Fine! then i can have your portion!!! thank you for the extra food!"
" YOU.. YOU GREEDY LITTLE DOG! fine i will have it! MOVE!"
You laugh as you shoved the skewered pork to his mouth rendering him speechless and you laughing,
" Whose the dog now" you mischievously taunt.
The meat is ripped forcefully from his mouth as he chewed aggressively, " Just watch your back human! I will tear you to death!" he screamed still mouthful as you just chuckled.
" You are quite an interesting human, it's been so long since I had this much fun, rather than have you die, why don't you become our personal cook from no on? he chuckled.
" HUH me?"
" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Lilia!! but she is a human! What if she is sent as a spy for our troops?"
" Then I assign you to keep a close eye on her, simple."
" BUt --- eugh.. Yes, General Lilia."
and from then on your life from a left hand dog of the king had shift and roll and become the personal chef of General Lilia troop, the bane of King Hendrik troops. you had quite enjoyed your new role to be honest, the days are spent with teasing the stiff green haired guy. You had gotten quite close to him as he grew less weary of you overtime. even when he speak so harshly you had realized that Baur had actually cared for you and his troop. especially after that incident.
"OUCHH!" you had managed to trip yourself over a poking branch spraining your ankle.
" Y/N! What happened?!"
" ah it's just i didn't see that branch peeking out.."
" HUMAN! how pathetic a previous knight could go?! tripping over a measly branch?! "
" Hey its covered with leaves I cannot see them."
" HA.. What am I to do with you come!." He crouched down in front of you positioning himself. you are frozen shocked of course.
" o.. alright..." you are being carried by Baur in piggyback as he lead you back to camp earning a snicker from Lillia of course.
ever since then you had tried your best to show your gratitude towards him by giving him more meat or more food on his portion, when he commented that you are wasting the troops food on him you pushed through convincing him that he needed to have more food fae to reasons that is never disclose of course, a pride of a woman wont ever reveals her secrets Afterall.
You are unaware of the shade of pink that decorated the crocodile man's face. At the end of the day, He too got his own secrets to keep.
On a normal evening you had found Lilia struggling to apply the wound on his back from the previous clash with the iron clad. You decided to step in.
" Lilia I am coming in." you said as you enter the camp.
"H-hey, What is the meaning of this? i never agreed for you to enter. have you been stalking me?" his top is still on the side and he struggles with the bandage.
" Hahaha what if I am? anyway, please let me address those wounds."
" Haah? as if I need help from a ---"
"Hey I told you I don't need help!" the head strong stubborn fae huffed.
But of course, you hadn't listened taking the bandage out of his hand you grabbed an ointment, smearing it onto his back before wrapping the wound with the bandage.
"All down." he then turned towards you as he pushed you back towards the wooden cart, your escape route blocked. both hands placed on the both side of your face in a kabedon manner. is this how you die? well at least you died in an honorable way.
" How brazen of you? do you know what i can do to you? a man without his shirt to a defenseless little girl."
" huh.. beat me? either way you need to address that wound properly or it will get horribly infected Also i am not a defenseless little girl i got teeth to bite don't i?" you Feigh ignorance.
"Haa.. sometimes I wonder how you managed to reach this age, you got 0 survival skills."
" Hahaha luck I guess?" you shrugged.
Lilia chuckled as he let you go. He was a bat fae, he was always the babysitter, the one taking care of, so it surprised him so when you had taken care of him in return. He then turned around to leave you.
" From now on, I will come to you if I had any other wound, so you better be ready at all time, human." he looked back at you smirking before he left the camp. a tint of red are shading his tipped ears.
" Yes sireee."
You had become Lilia's personal medic, though to his annoyance sometimes you had also assisted other fae in his troop and Baur. making him all annoyed, " her hands should only touch my bare body." Unaware of his feelings.
The winter is coming, the lake had started to froze. Your tattered fabric uniform had little help to keep you from the cold, but of course, you do not dare to tell a single soul. what would be of you if you had complained you were too cold. All the soldier's clothes are too big on you anyway and you do not want to burden your companion with your unnecessary complains, they got pesky people to remove from harvesting the mountain dry afterall. So you push trough.
Until in the dead end of winter you had woken up shivering as your body shake and teeth clatter. The fire was flickering from the wind and do little to keep you warm, You decided to just take a run to warm yourself up. Before you can properly stand up a large hand had gripped your arm.
" Where do you think you are going y/n" his deep morning voice rang through, thankfully not as loud as his normal voice is.
" Oh me,,, I am going for a run.."
" Hoo... so you are running away?"
" NO.. I was just... warming myself up."
" Is that so.." Baur sit up and pull you back to the ground making you sit still, he pulled and extra uniform as he throws it at you.
" wear that before i changed my mind."
" OHH really?! Thank you so much!" you quickly wear the large piece of garments.
" then I will be going back to sleep." you got back to lay down.
" alright." he scoot over next to your horizontal body.
" uhm..."
" i figured a close body contact would make the hat to circulate around, it would make the both of us warmer, Dont think of futile stuff human! This is just a soldier conduct to take care of each other!."
" Yes and warm each other hohoho."
Unbeknowst to you two, Lilia who had slept in front of you both had been awakened by the shuffling as he saw the scene in front of him. Chucking to himself at the turn of event. Of course, he was going to stalk you if had went on that run and maybe force you down on the ground as he demanded your purpose on running away, but Baur had managed to caught you before he do. He felt upset but at the same time relief because you are now stuck between his fingers unable to leave him or his troop.
" ah to leave me out! such a sad guy I am. I too am very cold." he decided to break.
" Lilia you could join too.." you chuckled
"well don't mind if i do."
Baur huffed as he lay next to you, arm wrapped around your smaller body as you curled into his embrace, with Lilia on your other side spooning you, you are thanking God because not only could you sleep warmly at night you too got to be in the embrace of the hot crocodile man and the bat fae.
It was a normal day, as you enjoyed your taunts and conversation with your fellow troops, you had been accepted by the troops as their personal chefs, sometimes they even made a request of course not within the ears of Baur since he will give them an earful for being fussy and troubling you though he would never admit. You too had exchange your skill to Lilia and Baur, exchanging tactics with Lilia as you teach them the human way and them the Fae way.
The both of them had found out why you had been exiled to the wilderness, they felt enrage as to what they had done to their dog whomst had just choose to speak their opinion, even in Briar Valley, their princess is not as henious as to not let her subordinate speak their different opinion.
Both are enraged of the previous living conditions. You had been born by a prostitute and were taken to be raised as a soldier, you had managed to rise up to the king's left hand with your own strength and determination and hence your treatment is worse than that of a dog especially with the king himself treating you like his dog. You had told them that sometimes you were summoned to his chambers at night despite having a wife, though you had managed to escape or gain assistance with the kind golden haired man as he covered for you.
That story had enraged the faes, how dare those people had regarded you so lowly despite your achievements, it is simply digusting. How dare those people who are far than worthy of your presence with and a power far lesser than yours decide to grope you and mistreat you. You are a knight, always second to the Knight of dawn, Although you explained that the Knight and his father had been the only person to show kindness towards you no matter the origin of your birth. You had thought of leaving, but they had given you comfortable place to sleep and food, there is fate much worse you thought. The whole conversation had made you wonder of how the knight of dawn is doing with his duty, you hoped your brother well.
Both, Lilia and Baur, had shared a deepen felling towards you, a determined brave girl. You had managed to snuggle yourself comfortable in their hearts. So you have to worry no longer for mistreatment, The fae had deemed themselves your new owner and will treat you accordingly, such a good dog is meant to be showered in praise and gold, not thrown with a rock. Such a rare find you are, an interesting human girl, a gem. The king had let his most precious gem slipped out of his pocket and faes are quite attracted to shiny objects, the king wouldn't mind you them stealing this one will he? Afterall, he had stolen many of their magestones.
Baur surprised you with his patching skill as he sews the holes of your uniform and made them more presentable, he had done that once he found you removing the extra clothe the given you in the morning. When he enquired why you had told him that the clothe are too big and it would hinder your movement. He agreed with your point, but he would not let you dress in tattered uniform for the rest of the journey, so he had you hand over your uniform and changed into his oversized one while he patch your onesie uniformed up. He insisted you keep the cloth of course in case you had felt cold.
Lilia had sometimes assisted you with cooking as well, although it had ended with you pushing him away from the pot so as to not let him put any wierd ingredients into the pot. though you had enjoyed your time cooking as he told you tales of his adventure and his childhood. In return you told him of your past, and goals in life, you had list of stuff you wanted to try such as walking in a garden full of flowers and not those who are filled made from metal. You had shared your distaste with Lilia over their destructive inventions.
You had gone through your chores and food prep before you heard a shrill of high-pitched hiss. A fae soldier had shouted warning the camp over an incoming siege. you hurriedly abandoned your station picking up a spear given to you to defend yourself. you looked around to see Lilia and Baur now already on their mask as they ordered the troops around as they fought Hendrik's man. In a distance you could see one of the ironclads sneaking up on the crocodile masked guy, preparing to take a blow straight toward the unsuspecting crocodile.
" BAUR! LOOK OUT!" you had shoved Baur's body with yours, pushing him out of the path of danger. only for the danger to be directed to you.
"URGH!" you hurl as you your torso had taken a strong blow, knocking you down as you writhe on the ground.
"Y/N! HOW DARE YOU!" he quickly went after the perpetrator as they ran away, having failed their mission.
"Y/N!" Lilia wanted to check on you but he was preoccupied with his own fights.
More and more iron clads keeps coming by. they are throwing nets to unsuspecting fae or injured ones, You could hear Lilia telling the troop to retreat, Baur trying to get to you but unabled to as you feel a net had wrapped around you as well dragging you closer to the iron clad.
" Y/N!!!" both are trying to get to you defeating the ironclads in his way, but it is for naught as you were pulled towards the troop, they were outnumbered. They watch in desperation as they saw your injured and immobilized body being dragged, helpless to your own fate. and unable to help you, even when you had helped them.
"Hey isn't this the previous left hand knight?! The dog knight?"
" i had thought they died when she ran away from the castle?!"
'Run away? whatt ??' you thought unable to speak.
" she must've sold her body to those fae that must be why she is still alive."
" What a true bitch... must be nice to be able to use her body Hahahaha. We should take this traitorous bitch back of course, we might get a huge sum."
' no...' your consciousness fades as you no matter how you tried to wake up.
The room was dark and cold, you could feel your hand chained to your back. both your feet and been chained down at the ankle, both with a medium lenght chain connecting to the ground, enabling you to do just a few motion but on the ground nonetheless. You had been put in the castle's dungeon.
" click" the door had opened as you saw both the king and knight of dawn entered. Seeing your frail battered body the knight could only clenched as the king sneered in amusement.
" HO.. so the unfaithful dog had come back to it's owner." He sneered.
Both you and the knight had known that his words are full of bull, you are the one that had been exiled. though you are unable to speak, to tired to even lift a finger.
"ANSWER WHEN YOU ARE SPOKEN TOO!" the king throw a fit as he begun to kick you, stomping on you over and over again, pressing the purple wound on your body.
"Sire.. please, you do need to waste an energy for this one" the knight's eye widened as he tried to find a way to save you from your faith. Ah he is stil as you remembered him to be kind. how kind of you.. brother.
" I would have had away with your body, but unfortunately ofr you, those fae might have left some disease on you, such a shame. Your fair skin are no more, How is it being a toy for those bandits?" he went to grab you by the jaw forcing you to look at him, you are wincing as his grip is crushing your bone.
" But thanks to that, she might have a few information of the fae and their strategy, we should take it out from their mouth, you stil have some use afterall, GUARDS! if i am unable to use your body, then i might as well see it flogged, HAhahahha."
you had been set to be flogged until you had given them any information about the fae. But one thing the king is mistaken about; is that you are a true loyal dog. You would've rather die than to give any information to the king. Their kind had shown you the most kindness and respect towards you than your own. You could see the knight tried to reason with the king to no avail, the stubborn fool is too full of himself afterall.
It was shameful, to have your uniform thorn at the hands of the knight of dawn in command of the inspecting king. Your scarred back, a memories to your past, were shown to both of them as they begun to carve one after the other,
' Just like old times, you tried to remind yourself. You had been an orphan and a homeless, flogged daily to feed those who share the same fate as you and for yourself. Your skill had been recognized by the father of the knight of dawn, whom had trained you along with his son, Your bond is thicker than those of aristocrat siblings, having been adopted by his father you are technically his sister and he your brother. He was always concerned about you and disapproved the discrimination against you for your origins. He tried his best to dispel these acts but what can one person do? He cannot change other people mind as long as the king himself had treated you as if you are a prostitute, He was furious on his own incompetent, what kind of brother is he, unable to save you from such fate.
He was heartbroken when the new of your disappearance spread, leading to him found out about what the king had done. It sickens him that he had to serve a dirty king such as he, but it hurts his heart more to see you trying to hold in your wailings as you slowly break.
Your eyes had grown to those of a lifeless corpse as you bite your tongue bloody as to not give the satisfaction to the Idiot king.
"Hurry and tell me what they are planning their strategies!" The king who had grown impatient stomp over to your side pulling you by your hair.
You spit a mix of your blood and saliva on to his face, eyebrows furrowed. You would rather die than to sell out your friends like that.
" You bitch ! have it your way! guard bring in the iron rod!"
Your torture was far from over, the night is going to be long for you and your brother who are forced to watch as he watches your face contorted, screeching in pain from the hot iron burning your flesh.
" please my dear y/n, please drink this, it is a healing remedies."
You had lost consciousness as the third iron pressed against your skin burrning your flesh away. you felt a liquid vial being pressed towards your mouth. You frail awake as you tried to get away from the perpetrator like a scared dog.
" Shhh.. Shhh.. it's me.. your brother... please.. i will never harm you."
He went to hug your bruised body, careful with your injuries. Your body laxed as you limped into his hug. you could feel his body trembling as drips of tear fall unto your bare shoulder.
" I am sorry... I am so sorry, dear sister..." he cried. you wished you could pat him on his back but your hands are chained and you are too tired.
" brother.. Please,.... it is not your fault..." you tried to croak out words after word, as to deliver your message.
" I am unable to protect you, it is a duty as your brother, and i have failed... i am sorry.."
He had brought you warm food and the vial of healing potion and had placed your head into his lap as he smeared an ointment to your bruised. Patting your head in reassurance. The two of you conversed just like old time, catching up, afterall it had been months since you last seen your brother. it was nice
" it is time for me to go, dear sister, i was requested to accompany Lady rose this afternoon." he gently lift your head and placed them down on the ground.
With one last look , his heart clenched once more seeing your worn out and battered body. " I will see you tommorow same time. please stay strong sister."
and you are once more alone in the cell.
Days turns to week, and week turned to two, as everything had been a blur to you since you had fade in and out of your consciousness, King Hendrik is relentless, no matter how much your brother had begged, he would come to see you with your brother of the torture he had command his guards to do to you. but no matter how many time he flogged you, how many minutes you are under the water, no matter the beatings that came after and how many hot metal rod being pressed onto your flesh, you had refused to relay any information to the Spoiled king.
Your brother had begged you at, some points,to just let him know whatever he wants to know, but you ignored him, much to his concern and headaches.
You had grown to wish for your death as you refused the vial your brother gives you, begging for him to just let you be, he would have none of your nonsensical blabber of course forcing the vial down your throat. But over time he too had started to think if what he is doing is for himself or yours, beating himself for not being able to help you at all.
"My king!"
In the dead evening during one of your torture time, a soldier came barging in and whispered something to the king.
" WHAT?!! Knight you come with me! And you continue to pry information out of her, if she still had refused by dawn, cut of her tongue and present her severed head to me, a dog's head might work as a decoration." much to your brother's distressed as he stares as you with concern filling his eyes as to communicate with you before leaving, begrudgingly to follow the king.
You tried to listen to your surrounding to figured out what is happening, but all for naught as all is drowned by your screaming voice. The guards had continued to mercilessly torture your body with the metal iron, sometimes deciding to beat your body with the hot piping iron instead of just pressing it onto your exposed skin.
Is this how you will die? you haven't finished your goal yet, you haven't told Lilia how you love his kindness and that you are grateful of the day he had allowed you to join his camp, You haven't told Baur on how much you loved his passion for justice and reciprocate his kindness towards you, As bad as it sounds both of the fae had found a place in your heart as well, but it is bound to never make its way to the light of day as you were about to die. The thought had riddled your thought throughout your torture, tear stinging your eyes both from the pain and your thoughts. You could see the dusk revel into dawn, as the sun slowly raised up from its hiding place.
you had surrendered yourself to death and had chosen to die in an honorable way. If they are going to kill me then i would rather go down with my pride rather than begged for my life.
"Heh, would you look at the time, such as sad time for you, it's time to get that fiesty tongue of yours chopped of hahaha." he taunts as he grabbed a tonsil to pry your tongue from the cave of your mouth, it hurts.
he raised his knife up high as to chop your tongue.
You brace for the impact as you clenched your eyes shut..
But it never came..
you saw a flash of green as you felt the knife dropped as the head of the guards too roll on the ground letting you tongue go from the tonsil. Confussing you, eyes wideded, you tried to move your head but you are unable to as you are too tired so you fall immobilized to the ground.
You felt a hand reach under your head gently lifting you up and turning you around to face him. His normally stern eyes grew teary as he cradles you in him arm placing his head to your shoulder.
" They will pay for what they did. I will make sure of it. They will pay a hundredth times over!" His hand now cupped your face gently, snapped his watery eyes turn deadly as he furrowed his eyebrows. his expression riddled with anger as he turned to slashed the chains bounding your hands and feet using his magearm before he princess carry your bruised and weak body in his arms, resting your had to his shoulder. The smell of a burning fleash assulting his nostrils
" STOP RIGHT THER--" the poor guards were chopped into pieces by the merciless fae and his last bit of patience towards humanity has left his own soul.
The fate was shared to many other soldier standing on his way until you had felt the breeze of the dawn, finally out of your confinement after many days. You took a deep breath.
Baur upon seeing the two of you rushed towards Lilia and upon closer inspection he saw the extent of your injuries. the boisterous man had left speechless and in shock as he too become riddled with rage.
"How.. dare them.. HOw dare theyyy!!! this kingdom is out to be blown to dust! this is Unforgivable!"
He gently went over you as to inspect, Lilia handing you towards Baur. grunting as your tattered back is moved around.
" It's time for us to go home now." Lilia who had caress your cheek once more turned to grab his large magearm and readied himself to plunge to bawttle once more, making way for hima dn his troop to go as he had claimed back his prize, his gem.
The king having heard of the news forced more guards to secure around the castle to prevent you from escaping. Your brother wished you a safe journey as he thanked the fae silently in hid breathe, feeling tears of relief starting to water his eyes behind this mask.
Baur tried as gently as he could not to cause further harm as he cradled you, tears were threatening to spill from his teary eyes. But he shall do that later once you are safe and secured, now he needs to focus on bringing you to a safe place and maintainning you alive.
The blood lost had made you drowsy as you surrender yourself to the Crocodile fae's embrace.
" c'mon y/n Hold on a bit longer, we are near.."
" Pleasee.. don't sleep now. DONT YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP HUMAN!!"
His tears are flowing freely as he fastened his pace towards the camp before your weak body had grown still. He is now filled with rage and concern so does lilia as they make haste towards the camp to give you emergency medic care, They had given you emergency first aid, but they could only work as much as they could.
Your eyes are growing heavy and heavier.
" Lilia! we must make haste!!" he raced through the forest faster than he had ever ran, The Other fae had also catch up.
" y/n.."
The birds are chirping loudly as the drip of the waterfall is loud and clear.
A ray of light assaulting your eyes as you pried them open. On your right you had seen the tired bat fae sleeping soundfully beside you, and to your right the green-haired crocodile man fusing and sorting out ingredients, You had seen the blood-soaked towel in the watter filled bowl beside you. You saw your body had been covered by bandages as you are wearing an unfamiliar clothes. you shuffled around.
The green-haired man was alerted as he rushed to your side abandoning his previous job.
"Y/N!!! Lilia!! Y/n had woken up!!."
"y/n.. Y/N!." Lilia was startled awake.
you tried to sit down but their hands had swiftly prop you back down. Baur handing a glass of water to Lilia as he feed you gently.
feeling no longer parched you spoke.
"How long have i been asleep?"
" around a week."
" A week?! no wonder i was so thirsty you licked your lips."
Lilia sigh " Do you know how worried i am? must you come tattered everytime i meet you? and whats with your nonchalant attitude?"
" DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH LILIA AND I ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOU! WE LOOK AFTER YOU DAY AND NIGHT AND YET... and yet you wouldn't wake up..." The green haired guy seems to abandoned his strict personality as his eyes watered, Cradling you into his embrace once more.
" We thought we had lost you..." he cried.
" im sorry." you placed your hands as you rubbed his back, Lilia too joined the hug, He might seem calm and uncaring but with how much grip he had on you, you thought otherwise.
" Geez how troublesome this pet is, i should get you a collar so you don't jump into danger on the first sight of it."
"ahahaha.. i'm sorry." you to had felt tears falling from your eyes as you clung to them. Of course you do not know how serious Lilia is with his previous comment. You had missed this. You thank whatever diety is there that had allow your fate to rekindle with your friend, Enabing you to experience this once more.
" I am home."
" welcome home"
"Welcome home.."
[6885 words]
<< The End >>
[ i made this because bruv the hotness and handsomeness of Sebek's grandpapa and lilia younger days are freaking blinding me and playing with my heaed!! EVEN TO MY FUCKING DREAMSS HAA?! also this is also for those who had the same resentment towards their shitty boss or those who had mistreated you, Let General lilia and Baur zigvolt nurse you back and be the cure towards that rage and depression. hope you enjoy this one, darlings!]
( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:𓆩♡𓆪:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
[ Here a bandage just for you]
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sushi-flavored · 10 months
Made a silly lil poem from so long ago
I miss the days i hated you,
because things were much simpler.
when i looked at you and didnt care,
if the light in your eyes were dimmer.
when i saw you and wanted to kill you,
instead of noticing you were thinner.
i missed the days i hated you,
because things were so much simpler.
but those days are long gone.
because everytime you pass i dont think
"oh come on!"
instead my mind is plagued with:
how youve been and how are you.
oh no, im falling.. what do i do?
because we're in a place,
where feelings and care are considered weaknesses.
where we'll never experience the:
"through health and sickness", the:
"through death do us part".
so its bad that i feel this.
i should learn to stop feeling like this.
but between me and you,
youve always been the brains.
so yeah, ill keep playing this twisted little game.
and ill play until i bleed,
because i think youre worth bleeding for.
but then you left.
you left me.
and it says the messages were delivered,
but not that youve seen.
and i keep pacing around,
wondering where you have been.
i run around the whole city,
looking for even a glimpse of your mischevous gleam.
but i came back empty handed,
and im informed that your gone.
i came back home to a car,
with a bomb.
and i miss the days where i hated you,
because if i did i wouldnt have cried for this long.
because if i did my days wouldnt feel like an empty song.
and yes i do hate you for this,
i hate that its you who tore my heart,
but its still you who i miss.
and yes i do hate you for this,
for the bomb you put under my car,
as a goodbye gift.
and yes i do hate you for this,
for leaving cause of a dead friend's wish,
but ill never hate you enough.
ill never hate you enough to leave you to die.
and i hate myself for it.
i hate myself for wanting you by my side.
for wanting to see your smile.
for wanting you to not hide.
for wanting to be someone you confide.
for wanting to be in your life.
for wanting you.
i hate myself for wanting you,
because i know how youll respond.
because i know what youd say.
because i know youd say:
"everything worth wanting is lost the moment i obtain it."
so telling you will cause nothing but conflict.
not like it matters now though.
cause youve left.
and i miss the days i didnt love you,
because then i wouldnt be depressed.
so how dare you.
how dare you return,
shining so brightly i thought it would burn.
how dare you come back,
with the same smirk and the same laugh.
like the 4 years you were gone,
didnt almost cause me a heart attack.
and i hate myself now more than ever.
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wifiwuxians · 3 years
I feel like xue yang is a character who would be hesitant to reveal the things he likes to someone or even the things he wants because of course, knowing what someone wants is equal to having leverage over them and is sort of like handing someone a weapon and showing them where to cut to make the most damage. I think that then, considering that, the fact that xue yang disclosed to xxc about the candy and what happened to him as a child (and a qing too, but I think as a child herself, a qing would be indignant about what happened in a way that children are when perceiving injustices, whereas xxc would understand the effect an event like that would have on a child and respond kindly rather than with anger), he's sort of baring his neck to xxc - it's not just candy, it's a euphemism for naivety, for innocence, for a sweetness that xue yang couldn't have - and then xxc's response, giving xue yang the candy, is almost his own tentative form of offering himself to xue yang as a source of kindness, a relief from the pain.
Which is why I think xue yang was so obsessed with bringing xxc back. I dont think it was love at all, rather I think xue yang was almost addicted to xxc and the relief he gave him, much like an addict is addicted to drugs. That relationship was self destructive and more of a facade than anything else, and even while knowing this, xue yang still dared to find solace in something he couldnt have - in this way he mimicked his past self, the child on the road with a hand on the ground and a cart driving towards it with no intentions of stopping.
Ah, this is probably just me rambling, but it's a hot take I guess :)
I don't think it should be a hot take, I think you're onto something! The way I've always seen it has been that, despite how much he says he isn't stuck in the past, he has a desire to live out what he never had but somehow stumbled upon by accident. Does he deserve it? Absolutely not. Will he admit to even wanting it? Absolutely not. And yet it's plain as day.
I'm not sure I'd call it an addiction outright (since I don't wanna give people ANY AMMO LMAO) but it is very, very close. It's the fulfilment of a childhood wish! It's security and hope and a relief from pain. He has someone who cares about him and the life he deserves (or that he thinks he deserves shh) and everything is sunshine and rainbows. His little kid self, buried deep inside and locked away under layers of being a total dick, must be jumping for joy.
And then he blows it all up.
He can't even admit to himself that of course he'd like for things to go back to the way they were, because to do so would be to admit weakness, right? He has to cling to the image of someone who has no care for another and no interest in people outside of what he can use them for.
Omg okay my friend @aoxue and I literally talked about this the other day, how it genuinely could have been anyone. It just happened to be xxc. But like, anyone who showed xy kindness and lenience and patience, who cared for him as a parent or elder sibling would, would've received this twisted loyalty. I mean, jgy supposedly beats him to death and he still calls him a friend, right? It's just part of his character!
But there comes the interesting aspect of the undeniable hatred he has/had for xxc. How does he combat those two things, hating him and everyone like him yet wanting to be cared for? He mellows out for a good while but still doesn't hesitate to douse the coffin home on fire with everyone inside. He's just such a wretched person that he can't even just say, idk, "Hey I'm looking to restore his soul as a personal favor", no, he's still trying to cling to that hatred because let's be real, it hurts a lot less than to have to admit that you killed the only person who kind of cared about you.
"You" being "the person you pretended to be for years" and not "Xue Yang" bc we all know xxc doesn't care about him at all ekfjskcmsg
STILL... Oh no now I'm the one who is rambling. Anyways thank you for the ask! It's refreshing to see a point of view that doesn't rely on romantic love for once and I think you're very correct, and I also think xxc just has such a nurturing presence that it would've been impossible for xy not to end up conflicted about him in some regard
Closing thoughts I guess are that xy as a character within canon is frustrating because you see him have all these chances to just pack it up and be decent and he just throws it all in the trash. He can't even recognize affection within himself. He throws himself and everyone he refuses to admit he cares for under the wheels of that same ox cart from all those years ago, and it sucks.
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laddieseddiemunster · 4 years
make some dwayne and laddie headcannons, luv 💞
I shall. Hope you enjoy!
I made this long because why not :)
part 2 ->
Dwayne & Laddie Headcanons
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Dwayne considers himself to be more of an older brother figure than a father figure to Laddie. He always buys the kid stuff, and plays with him. Laddie looks up to Dwayne, and wants to be like him. Laddie loves the other boys too, but with Dwayne it’s different. They connect more, and Dwayne always makes sure Laddie is in one piece. That’s the main reason why Laddie rides with Dwayne. The other guys are so reckless, while Dwayne is the only one that will drive somewhat safely.
Dwayne has always been pretty protective over Laddie. It’s mainly because he’s young, and other kids tend to pick on him for that. Dwayne wont stand for it though. He always defends Laddie and usually the bully’s will back off once they see Dwayne backing him up. Sometimes Laddie still get upset over it. He wishes he was a bit older, so he could defend himself. Dwayne cant exactly help him with that, so he tries to comfort Laddie the best he can.
Speaking of comforting, Dwayne is the only one out of the boys that Laddie can comfortably vent to. Paul and Marko probably wouldn’t understand, and David would probably just tell him to get over it. Dwayne on the other hand will listen to Laddie, and give him some advice. Poor Laddie sometimes gets homesick, and misses his parents. They weren’t the best parents in the world, but that doesn’t stop him from missing them. Dwayne feels sorry for the kid since there isn’t much he could do to make him feel better. He usually just pats him on the head while messing with his hair and tells him that his parents still miss and love him.
Dwayne sometimes vents to Laddie, but it isn’t very often. Dwayne doesn’t want to worry the kid, so he usually just keeps it to himself. The only times that Dwayne will vent to Laddie is if the boy had just vented to him, so he’ll vent to him back. Laddie usually doesn’t understand what exactly Dwayne is talking about when he vents, but he still sits and listens. Dwayne actually prefers that Laddie doesn’t always understand. He usually goes, “Do you understand me, kiddo?” and Laddie will respond with, “Nope.”
Laddie is a little trouble maker, and he learned a lot of bad habits from the boys. For example, the boys tend to cuss a lot, so naturally, Laddie started to cuss too. Dwayne tried to teach Laddie not to cuss because it’s a bad habit, but it’s a little difficult when the other boys including himself cuss in almost every sentence that comes out of their mouths.
Going back to Laddie being homesick, sometimes the kid just gets a little depressed. He misses his family, and he doesn’t really have anyone to talk to. In his new life he can basically do whatever he wants, but he does miss his real family. Laddie pretty much always seeks to Dwayne for comfort. He’ll usually sit on Dwayne’s lap or just stick by him more, so he has someone near him. Just knowing that Dwayne is there when he needs him is enough comfort to make Laddie feel a little bit better.
Laddie is pretty aware of what exactly he is, and sometimes he gets nightmares. The first one that he had Dwayne was there to wake him up. Dwayne had been the only one awake when he heard Laddie whimpering from his bed. Dwayne had came over and realized that Laddie was having a nightmare, so he woke the kid up. Dwayne noticed that the boy was trembling so he asked him what happened, but he was responded with a sob and tears. Dwayne took Laddie into his arms, and tried his best to calm him down. Dwayne decided not to ask too many questions about it, and instead he put Laddie to bed again and stayed with him until he knew that Laddie was sound asleep.
Laddie is pretty much always with Dwayne on the boardwalk. And, that’s because the other guys aren’t very good at keeping a good watch on Laddie. The last time Dwayne left Laddie with Paul, Laddie had gotten lost because Paul was talking to some girls. Dwayne wanted to throttle Paul, but he was relieved that Laddie was not hurt. For now on, Paul isn’t allowed to watch Laddie unless someone else is with them. Dwayne doesn’t wanna risk Laddie getting lost again.
Dwayne always makes sure that Laddie has a great time whenever they’re on the boardwalk. He’ll make sure to take the kid on his favorite rides even if he’s not tall enough for them. Dwayne will just use some mind tricks to make the worker think Laddie is tall enough. He always makes sure to take Laddie to the arcade, and if he wins the game, Dwayne will get some ice cream for him. He also pretty much always gets Laddie a toy. Dwayne wants Laddie to be a kid as long as he can, so he let’s him act like a kid.
Dwayne pretty much always makes sure that Laddie stays out of trouble, but they do have moments of mischief. Occasionally, they’ll pull pranks on the other guys or Star. Dwayne usually lets Laddie pull the pranks because he knows that the guys won’t get too mad at the kid. If it’s Dwayne on the other hand then they might start wrestling. They pull pretty harmless pranks like using whoopee cushions on Paul, stealing Marko’s keys, or taking Star’s jewelry. They dont pull pranks on David because well it’s David.
Dwayne and Laddie also have a lot of games that they play together. A common one that they play a lot is hide and seek. Laddie prefers to be the hider, so that’s usually how they play it. Dwayne is actually very good at finding Laddie, but sometimes he lets the kid win just to make him happy. Also, Dwayne is so good at hiding that sometimes Laddie will just give up. That’s another reason why Dwayne doesn’t usually hide. Since he’s a vampire he moves really quick, and that pretty much doesn’t give Laddie a chance. Normally, Dwayne will hide in an easy spot, so Laddie can win.
Another game they do that happens almost every day is play fighting. It’s one of Laddie’s favorites because he gets to wrestle. Dwayne will always go easy on Laddie because the last thing he’d want to do is hurt the kid. It usually happens in one of the bedrooms on the bed, so Laddie has somewhat of a chance by standing on the bed. Dwayne pretty much always lets Laddie win by pretending to be pinned to the bed. Dwayne will go “Ohh you win,” with his arms ‘pinned’ above his head by Laddie. But if Laddie says something like “Yeah! You’re weak!” then it’s curtains for Laddie. Dwayne will flip him over so now he’s on top, and then the play fight turns into a tickle fight. Dwayne will tickle the hell out of Laddie until the kid is screaming with laughter. Then he’ll go “I win,” with a smile.
One game that happens a couple times a day is tag, or like the cat and mouse chase. It usually starts if Laddie says something cheeky to Dwayne, and then Dwayne will say something like “Now you’re gonna get it!” but in a playful way of course, and then Laddie starts to run away. Dwayne let’s Laddie win pretty much every game they play, except for this one. Dwayne has an advantage because he’s bigger than Laddie, and he uses that advantage. He will run after Laddie, and he will catch him. When he does catch the kid the game turns into them play fighting. Dwayne isn’t upset at all over whatever Laddie said, he’s just playing around. While Laddie is trying to protect himself from being tickled to death.
This one isn’t exactly a game, but more of bonding time between the two. Dwayne is the only one out of the boys to like skateboarding, and that caught Laddie’s interest. Dwayne has no problem with Ladde wanting to learn how to skateboard, and he’s happy to help the kid learn. It’d be harder for Laddie to learn since Dwayne’s skateboard is almost half his size, but Dwayne still helps him learn the basics. He’ll help the kid with balance by holding his hands until Laddie can balance on his own. Eventually, Laddie will learn to ride on his own, and then Dwayne would buy him his own smaller skateboard.
A game that sometimes the other guys will play is cards, but there is a twist to it. The loser has to do a dare that the winner says. Dwayne taught Laddie how to play games like blackjack, 21, and fish, he also played a little bad sometimes just to let Laddie win. Eventually, Dwayne didn’t need to do that, because Laddie started to get really good at playing cards. It got to the point where Laddie was getting so good at it that Dwayne would still loose even if he was trying hard to win. Since Dwayne looses most of the time, he has to do a dare that Laddie chooses. Normally, Laddie chooses a pretty easy dare, like Dwayne has to buy him a toy, but sometimes Laddie does do some pretty extreme dares, like he’ll make Dwayne ask out some old lady on the Boardwalk. Of course, if Laddie does one of those dares, Dwayne will end up getting Laddie back for it by playing the cat and mouse game.
This isn’t a game, but it’s something that Dwayne and Laddie do for fun. When the boys are at the boardwalk, Dwayne will occasionally take Laddie to the pet shop. Laddie has a lot of fun petting all the animals since they can have any pets in the cave. Laddie has always wanted a pet, but David has always said no. So, when Laddie is at the pet shop he makes sure to play with all the pets, but he doesn’t have much time too cause by the time they get there the pet shop has to close soon. Dwayne will sometimes pet the animals along with Laddie, but animals don’t really like vampires, so they just kind of growl at him. For some reason they like Laddie though.
Another game they play every now and then is a game that is similar to the cat and mouse and hide and seek. But, it’s a little bit different. It starts off by Laddie making a fort out of all the blankets and pillows from the cave, and Dwayne will play the roll of a bear or the big bad wolf and he’ll try to destroy the fort. Laddie will win the game most of the time by keeping his fort together in one piece, unless Dwayne is really in the mood to win. If he is, then this big bad wolf turns into the tickle monster, and he’ll break into the fort to start his attack. Laddie has no chance of escaping if that happens, Dwayne is far too strong for him. The tickle monster wins again. (Creds to marked4mated on wattpad for this idea).
The boys never really serve Laddie anything but junk food. Fortunately for Laddie, Dwayne knows how to cook, and he can cook well. They only problem is they don’t have a kitchen, so they either have to use Max’s kitchen, or they have to go to a friends house. Dwayne usually cooks something simple for Laddie, but what’s he’s really good at is baking. Dwayne usually bakes cookies since they’re easy to make and Laddie loves them. If they’re using Max’s kitchen then Dwayne will mess it all up on purpose. Like he’ll start a food fight with Laddie and totally dirty up the whole kitchen, and he won’t clean it.
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖊 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖊
A Lilia Vanrouge x Reader Oneshot
Note: Jk guys this is just a drabble I made while I drank a bitter gross black coffee just for kicks :'( Also this is my first time making a fanfic so yes, it's kinda OoF and is probably bad but why not? Emirite???? This is the last braincells I have and I hope y'all enjoy it :'))))))
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Mistakes were made under the cut!^~^
It was a peaceful afternoon with the beautiful sunset hues that illuminated your room. Ah..... how nice, the room feels alive again a smile graced your lips, as a silent creak of the door alerted you that someone has come to your room. You knew well who that person is. Just by thinking about him makes your heart flutter. "Lilia, love!" You cheerfully exclaimed at the small fae that stood before you."I'm back, little lamb." he smiled.
A moment of silence passed by, with you and Lilia looking at each other's eyes. Just by the view of the beautiful fae illuminated with rose tinted hues was enough to give you butterflies. Ah..... as expected from my lover! you thought. The two of you basked in the soft light that illuminated your room, how peaceful this moment is...
But that peace was soon broken when the fae said "I'm sorry my love..... I still haven't found the potion yet..... But worry not. I have taken care of the bastard that dares to mock-"
"shhhhhhh" you silenced the fae. "Everything's alright.... but can we talk about more happy things? If I were to die at any moment, I'd like to experience the most happiest moments in life in each passing second!" You jokingly said.
You sigh in dissapointment as you recall of the events that have unfolded a month ago. It was just a normal and happy day for you. You were so excited to visit the Diasomnia Dorm and most importantly, your lover, Lilia Vanrouge. This expedition of you was a normal occurence, rather, a routine that started when you started to like Lilia. But something feels weird, the Diasomnia dorm is awfully quiet today.....Your mind went blank, as a bright light blinded your eyes, you felt a sharp painful sensation in your chest, that caused you to faint.
Now why were you targeted? That is an obvious question to be answered "Because you are closeley affiliated with malleus and I. I didnt know there are still morons in this world that are stupid enough to mess with us, moreover, they harmed you...." Lilia said with anger and pain present in his eyes and a dark expression covering his face.
You woke up in a unfamiliar room, and to your demise, Malleus said the bright light that hit you was a curse resulting eventual death upon the victim. Thankfully, Malleus was there to stop the curse..... But not entireley. Magic can only do so much for a strong ancient curse.
Soon, day went by, weeks went by, with Lilia trying to find the potion to cure his lover, only to be left empty handed each time he comes home. It's an ancient curse that requires a certain potion in order to break it, naturally with ancient curses, the cure is very hard to find. That's why in the few remaining days of your life, you wished to make the most of it.
Waking up was difficult due to the fact that you knew you could die any momet, it was a happy and scary feeling..... You were thankful you woke up from slumber, but at the same time, you were afraid that you might dissapear from the world in any moment..... It sure was a mind baffling experience.
But now, you feel like you've reached your limit. It feels like your nightmare is finally taking form. Your eyelids are growing heavy from strain, your body is starting to feel numb minute after minute, and eternal slumber threatens to devour you in any moment. But there you are, staring straight at Lilia, the most precious person in your life. You feel alive again.
"(Y/n) I love you" Lilia said as your lips curl up to form a weak smile "I know..... But i love you more! hehe" Your knees started to feel weak and you fell unto the ground. Your hands started to feel numb as you cough up blood.
As odd as it sounds, this occurence is normal now, due to the fact that you are walking in the border between life an death.
The crimson blood that laced your fingers made you chuckle, it reminded you of Lilia's beautiful eyes that sparkled like rubies. Soon enough, those eyes are now looking at you with worry and demise clearly present in the fae's eyes. "Hehe, Lilia I think I'm starting to feel a bit drowsy now. But I dont want to sleep yet, can we dance?" You left out a weak laugh trying your hardest to look happy and strong in front of lilia's eyes. To your surprise, you see Lilia with a pained expression you've never seen before. "Dear, what have you done to me? You're just a weak little human that piqued my interest before. But look where we are now, I just averted my eyes for a brief second, and now they did this to you because of me.....I-....... Promise me that in your next lifetime, don't flock yourself with dangerous people like me alright?" A whine escaped you lips as your vision started to get blurry from the tears that are welling up in your eyes... "Hey Lilia darling, I just asked you for a dance right? I won't look cool if you turn me down like this..."
Frustration, worry, anger, and guilt welled up in Lilia's heart as his dear (y/n) stared at him sitting on the ground in front of him. He truly felt guilty that he was the reason why his lover ended up like that. (Y/n) deserves better than this. he thought. But now, he is so frustrated to see his darling helplessly smiling at him, pretending that everything is alright. It pained him to see his love slowly succumbing to the hands of death. A danse macabre indeed..
The look of strain and fatigue plastered all over (y/n)'s face made his heart drop. Lilia then stood up on his feet and asked "(y/n) darling, May I have this dance?"
Lilia then picked you up with your hands and the both of you waltz across the large bedroom illuminated by the bright hues of the sky, with lilia humming a familiar tune, you felt very relaxed in his grasp, you thought to yourself it would be nice if time were to stop at this moment, how romantic..... You giggled at your silly thoughts of a pipedream. "What is it little lamb? Falling for me harder now huh?" You started giggling like a little girl with Lilia's comment.
That is until a sharp pain in you chest started devouring you, making your legs feel numb and weak as the two of you fell onto the soft sheets of your bed. The look of pain plastered all over your face, with each second that passed, it feels like hell is devoring your soul,but when you look up, you see lilia with his worried and pained expression, his eyes glossy due to tears forming in his eyes. his biggest fear has finally begun to unfold right before his eyes. On the other hand, you felt your body started to grow numb with each second.
Pinning you from the bed, Lilia grabs your hand and squeeze it tightly, you felt like your fingers could break any second, but oddly enough, it felt pleasant and reasuring this pain is the feeling of being alive huh? Thank God I'm still alive you thought to yourself. "Dont go (y/n)! you're not allowed to leave me." Salty tears fell on your cheeks, as you felt your heart dropped feeling weak in death's grasp. The fae trailed kisses after kisses in your neck, tears began to fall, as his voice cracked and said "(y/n) , in all the years I've lived, you are the best thing that happend to me, you made me feel alive again, you're the most precious person I love, and I will keep you in my heart forever, I love you so much....... please don't forget that" hearing this is one of the best feelings in the world, you truly felt that it would be nice to die like this........ But maybe... just maybe... you can stay just for a bit longer.
"Lilia, if I ever get to have the power to go back in time where I first got here in twisted wonderland, do you know what I'd do? I would change nothing! Hehe! I would gladly meet you again and love you again! That would be like a treat for me! I get to relive all the best moments of my life all over again. I won't ever regret loving you, my darling....." A weak smile formed in your lips as you continued "if I were to get reincarnated, I wish that I will meet you and love you all over again! So you've gotta wait for me! And...... I love you too lilia Vanrouge senpai..." A dull pain in your chest started to hurt you again but soon enough, Lilia pressed his lips unto yours, tasting the salty tears mixed with the distinct flavor of licorice, you chuckled to yourself. The two of you embraced watching the sun finally set.
As the sky turned dark with the stars twinkling in the sky. "Lilia, you know, I feel very sleepy now, I'm really tired now..." You felt Lilia embrace you tighter as your vision gets blurry, and you feel every part of you has now grown numb.
"I hope you dream lots about me my sweet little (y/n)....." Your senses are now starting to shut down as you feel eternal slumber could devour you any moment "I love you lilia..." You finally felt you've crossed the border between life and death
"I love you too..." A weak smile graced your face as the cold night finally settled in.....
-The End-
So yes guys, this is me chilling here trying to delay and procrastinate on the rotting fanarts I'm making. If i look at my drawings, they would look at me judging my dumb decisions but oh well......
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starlithan · 4 years
I Promise
word count:1481 words
Siren Jisung/ Reader (ft. San ATEEZ)
Warnings: slight abuse 
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Y/n POV;
“Here you go the keys if you need anything I'll be downstairs okay” the landlord said 
I just moved into my new place at jeju it's not that big but its comfortable plus its near to the sea and let me say very very very cheap, I take the keys and head in my house  “darong-ah I told you those are just drawings of fish not actual fish” i tell my cat who's trying to catch the fish that I drew on the canvas. 
I'd say I'm not much of an art person to begin with. I just like to draw things related to the sea, which is one of the reasons why I moved here. “Okay that's it it's time for us to go to bed, come on” I pick her up and head to my room.
My room was a little big it had a study in the corner a bookshelf in the right corner and bed in the middle I put Darong on the bed “I'll get freshened up okay and don't you dare go back for the fish there just drawings okay” she just dismisses me and looks away “whelp I guess that’s my cue”.
“Darong you asleep?” i say in a low voice cats aren't deep sleepers, i take the towel off of my head and- Ring Ring~ 
My phone starts ringing “where the heck is it” i go outside to find it on the kitchen counter 
“Hmm what's up Hyunjin”
“Hey what sup you settled yet?” he asks he sounded a bit tired from the other side
“Yes I did what's wrong? You sound a little tired?” 
“Yeah me and Chan just got back to find the house ruined by Kkami… so I'm just cleaning up I guess” I laugh at that I mean Kkami always ruins the house when Hyunjin’s not there but Darong ..noooo she ruins the house infront of me it's like  I hear her saying I don't like this throw it away.
“Give me the phone” Chan says to Hyunjin from the other line
“Y/n what do you think should I beat Felix or not?” the twist in the conversation
What did Felix do now!!?
“Why are you asking me that what did he do now?” I ask getting a little curious at what he did
“What.. did Seungmin not tell you yet?...” okay I think now I'm getting a little worried 
“No…. what's wrong” I ask a little hesitant
“The guys in the hospital”
“What WHY… is he okay”
“You should expect it by now … food poisoning he ate too much brownies” blank I think my mind went blank 
“I'm gonna kill him” that’s all I said, and I hung up on Chan and quickly dialed Felix’s number 
I mean I should have expected it. Felix's love for brownies is beyond this roof and it's not like this is the first time he had to visit the hospital for food poisoning. 
~beep beep~
“Where are you?” i go straight to the point 
“I- I'm home” he says a bit hesitant
“I swear to God Felix if your at the hospital I'm gonna kill you”
“It was just a little brownie. What's wrong with that and you know how much i love it and…”
Buzzing my head starts buzzing i could hear Felix calling out my name and asking if im alright, but the pain i can't see anything clearly 
Deep Breaths, Deep Breaths 
I tell myself I take in deep breaths the buzzing slowly goes away and my sight slowly comes back. I slowly get up from the ground and sit on the nearest sofa, my hands were shaking violently i've been getting these Migraines from about 4 years now, and when i say it's severe its severe my phone rings again
“Felix i'm fine”
“Y/n it's me Felix told me you had a migraine again are you okay?” the voice of my older brother says from the other side of the phone. I stop.
“Minho Im fine its okay it was just a small one im fine you don't need to worry” i tried to sound as okay as i could 
He sighs in relief “Okay good good… you almost gave me a heart attack” he says 
“Im fine im sorry you dont need to worry” i tell him
“It's okay but just call Felix before you go to sleep okay he was really freaked out …. And don't stress okay”
“Okay i'll call him good night” i hung up before he could say anything i just did not wanted him to be worried, i dialed Felix again 
“Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? Im sooooo sorry ill never eat brownies again just don't stress out okay i'm sorry” he says trying to control his tears from the other line 
“I'm okay Felix i'm sorry i got you worried” i say trying to control my laugh he so cute 
“Okay okay you take rest okay” he says sniffing 
“Okay you take your medicines kay” i say 
“Okay promise go to bed and rest okay bye”
“I told you to wash the stairs why didn't you” my step mother yelled at me 
“I had to go to school. I told you, i'll do it after i'm done with my assignments” i told her, her face got so red.
“Don't get smart with me i'll lock you in the basement again” she said her face close to mine her anger radiated this heat off of her, i hate her so much, i do everything and then she takes the credit for all of it, i can't even tell dad, she just makes him so happy i can't take that away from him and Minho he was so hurt after Mom's death that i don't wanna burden him with all my problems.
“I told you, but i think you didn't hear me i have to go study and when im done ill do it” with that i started to head to my room when something hit my head, i started to get dizzy i look behind me, then down on the floor to see the vase broken, after that i pretty much don't remember what happened, everything just blacked out
“She's going to be alright” a voice said, “just please don't give her a lot of stress she has a sewer case of migraines that vase hit her at a very sensitive area its better to avoid things that hurt her”
I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad, and the doctor, Minho was in the corner his eyes puffed up as if he cried “Please come with me Mr. Lee i want to  prescribe her some medicines” the doctor said my father squeezed my hand, smiled at me and followed him outside, when he left the room Minho came close to my bed “Hi” he said with a small smile i wanted to say i'm okay but i couldn't “its okay dont say anything you need rest, i'm just disappointed in myself you used to tell me everything when we were kids and…… why didn't you tell me she was treating you like that?” he asked i just stared at him “Dad found out and its okay shes gone Dad divorced her” he said but he had that sad look on him, i know he was sad that i didn't tell him anything, i wanted to say a lot of things but we just sat there, silently communicating.
I came out to the beach, the night sky was beautiful, the calm cold air, and the sand beneath my feet, it was such a beautiful moment, i took a look at the sea, sometimes the sea looked so lonely, so lonely that i wanted to go in it and forget everything, i wished that rather than having a migraine  i could have lost my memories, i walked along the sea, with the soothing silence.
I could hear someone singing in the distance, my feet started to follow the voice as I got closer the singing became louder, i wouldn't lie the song was beautiful almost hypnotizing, it felt like it was calling me i got near a rock, the sound was definitely coming from here, but what i saw was unbelievable it almost took my breath away, a man half naked with ….. A tail.. A merman, I was looking at a Freaking  Merman, he had black stunning hair with rainbow streaks, a beautiful face, and a red or maybe a maroon tail. It was beautiful, when he noticed me, he got scared and quickly went into the sea.
“Wait!” i said but he was far off gone, this can't be real “i think i took too many sleeping pills” i told myself trying to deny the fact that i just saw a merman, or something.
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gingus-doon · 4 years
Mishima for the character ask!
thank u for asking about one of my faves 😭😭💕
what i like about him
- THERE'S SO MUCH TO LIKE! first of all, he's very caring and that's just so endearing!! stg he would adopt like at least half of the cast unofficially had they not been in a death game / simulation– and his eccentricity makes him so much more interesting, as well! he's such a down to earth guy who's very sociable and nice but he's also pretty weird sjdbsn. the way he stands, his appearance, the way he throws (apparently) to his weird laugh. then there's also that scene where keiji told him he made the air smell like oil paint (WHICH SOUNDED LIKE SOME KIND OF JOKEY INSULT NGL) and mishima is like SO PLEASED about it??? AND IN REKO'S FONDNESS EVENT (1st i think) WHERE SHE JUST BERATES HIM BUT THEN MISHIMA'S LIKE "ACTUALLY THIS MAKES ME WANT TO BEFRIEND YOU MORE" SKFKSDN
i also just love his humility!! it's so funny sometimes, like when nao gives him that godawful bathing suit aND HE JUST AGREES TO WEAR IT FOR THE SAKE OF HER FEELINGS?? his willingness to work with people, as well, like how he didn't suggest gin take his cape off and how he literally took the time to draw on some shoes just for the sake of alice's safety. and then in that same fondness event, HE PROCEEDS TO BE ASSERTIVE IN THE KINDEST POSSIBLE MANNER LMAO. not to mention the selflessness in his sacrifice for nao?? like he's just too good and considerate and odd, we have to stan
what i don't like about him
- OOF there's not much for me to say for this part tbh KDKSDN. ignoring no-smoking signs is pretty bad akdjsj. i could say hypocrisy, as mishima also judged alice by his appearance, but i find that a very human flaw so it makes me like him more actually haha.
perhaps one thing that i actually was Spooked by was the existence in tragedy ending of ytts. it's really jarring and a little disturbing to see mishima so caught up in this own survival that his allies drop from his mind entirely (even nao!) but i can't really fault him for that since it is, again, a very human trait and it gives him depth. it's just spooky to see the juxtaposition of him caring so much to not even having them in mind, esp if you get one of the other endings first.
favourite scene
- there are sooo many good ones, it's hard to choose, but one of the ones i always think of is that leaf fondness event with gin!! i love mishima's consideration for gin's feelings (as mentioned before) and really, it's just so stupid and wholesome. like you'd think he'd would be smarter than to go back and forth like that but nope, gin's the one who comes in with the common sense akhsjdnns.
favourite line
- off the top of my head (as all these answers have been ekfhs) I LOVE HOW HE RESPONDS TO KANNA'S INQUIRY WITH "I'm eternally young, so I wouldn't know." LIKE THAT'S LITERALLY THE SMOOTHEST QUESTION DODGE EVER. WHAT A G LMFAO
favourite outfit
- ik he doesn't change outfits in the game but what if his default outfit was a dress shirt and a suit sjfhsjdn. i can't imagine him in casual clothes help 😭 i also considered turtlenecks but actually i think that would be kai's thing
- of course keishima 😔😔 i could just go on about how perfect they are for each other for hours lmao. keiji is also the only person i ship with mishima?? like kaishima is ok i guess but it just doesn't hit the serotonin like keishima 👊 shunshima is alright too but i think i'd prefer it platonically
- my bias towards the characters is absolutely being exposed because it's not nao, but instead shin and hinako– reko too!!
though it's less of a brotp and more of me thinking that mishima would be a father figure to them AKDHSDJFJ. for an actual brotp in terms of friendship rather than mentorship, i think kai and q-taro would be really good friends with mishima and would b more like peers than pupils to him sjfhdj
- i just think it'd be neat if mishima was one of those kinds of teachers who had an array of colourful and playful ties with a wide variety of dress shirt colours :> also maybe fun socks
unpopular opinion
- i'm really not exactly sure! the popular opinion on mishima seems to be that he's awesome, which i agree with lolol. and i haven't seen any content for him which i disagree with in particular (i think) so i don't really have any opinions to go against lol.
if i had to say something, though, i guess it'd be that he's not perfect ? as evidenced by the smoking thing (kazumi mishima is now a morally grey character because he ignores no smoking signs lmao) and the existence in tragedy ending, and any other subtle lapses in a flawless image. though, i don't think mishima is trying to keep up a flawless image so much as a moral one around children! he seems okay to discuss or touch on his deeper feelings in conversation in order to connect with people, and i think that's very neat
and i don't blame people for perceiving him as flawless, i often also struggle to grasp at whatever his more serious character flaws would be! especially since i usually write him with keiji, and keiji is... The Most Flawed so mishima comes off as an even better person in comparison.
a wish
- i don't think i have any wishes for mishima's character in the main game? like i don't expect him to come back to life or anything ajdhksn. SO, my wish is that nankidai will double up on the fondness events so that we'll see mishima from other people's perspective!! LIKE I AM SERIOUSLY HOPING FOR THIS SO HARD I NEED TO SEE KEIJI AND MISHIMA INTERACT MORE (and other ppl as well SKRHJSNS)
an oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
- i know this would like, definitely not happen because there's absolutely no good reason at ALL for this to happen, but it'd break my heart if there was a twist pulled like woaahhh mishima's actually a bad guy wjdhd. that goes against the whole message of "don't judge a book by its cover" that his character conveys 😭😭 honestly i probably wouldn't even think about evil mishima if it wasn't for that ai thing in chap 2. THAT WAS SO FUCKED UP, WHEN I REPLAYED YTTD AFTER PLAYING YTTS I WAS JUST LIKE "HOW DARE YOU DESECRATE THE MEMORY OF KAZUMI MISHIMA LIKE THAT YOU BASTARDS"
5 words to describe him
- funky uncle with misleading appearance !
my nickname for him
- i don't really have one haha. i just call him mishima– though sometimes i do like to use full names for the characters so i will just be out here typing "kazumi mishima" in its entirety sjdbns.
i have hc nicknames for what other people would call him though! other people being keiji JSFHS. "kazu" or "mishi"
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qweeby · 4 years
Nine Lives To Short Part 5: The Good
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Paring: Shinsou x Reader!
Genre: Angst
Taglist: @foxypuppy @bakuhoetoedoroki
Plot: You only have 9 days to tell him how you feel but maybe 9 days just isn't enough
After basically spending the entire day at your house interrogating your parents Aizawa finally steps out of your house with his phone to his ear.
" Hey Mic you can finally come pick me now I'm still at the Y/n house hold" after saying that he holds his phone away from his face waiting for Mic to yell like always "YEAHHHHHHH YOU GOT IT SHO! I'LL BE THERE FASTER THAN ALLMIGHT CAN SAY IM AM HERE".
"Just stop yelling, and hurry up" Aizawa hangs up the phone and looks across the street to sees Shinsou standing on the sidewalk looking down.
(" What did you stupid kids do now...")The teacher thinks to himself.
Instead of doing literally anything else to get Hitoshi's attention like calling out his name or you know crossing the street to talk to him.
Aizawa being Aizawa throws his cloth across the street and miraculously wraps around Shinsou pulling him to the ground.
"OW! What the-! I-isnt this Sensei's binding..CLOTH!?"
Aizawa pulls on his scarf slowly pulling Hitoshi to his side of the street pretty much reeling him in like a fish.
"Oh hey looks like I got your attention"
" I saw you where moping and I didn't wanna ruin your teenager sad mood"
A car starts to drive up the street really really fast TO FAST "AIZAWA IF YOU DON'T REEL ME IN FASTER IM GONNA DIE!".
Aizawa yanks on his cloth pulling Hitoshi out of the street before the car can hit, but he gets send straight into a tree.
" Oops... I must've miscalculated how hard to pull you"
Hitoshi rubbing his head quietly remarks "Nooooo you think"
Then in quick succession Aizawa ties Shinsou up to the tree he crashed into.
"Hitoshi I don't wanna hear you whine tell me what's wrong and what happened"
"I-....I left y/n on our date"
Aizawa leans in Shinsou face "A DATE?!"
"Yeah it was a date and we brought Bakugou along"
Aizawa overreacts and yells "BAKUGOU!?! Don't tell you left because he was taking your spotlight! I SWEAR YOU RECKLESS KIDS AND YOUR TEEN DRAMA!".
"No it wasn't nothing like that! I left because I just couldn't handle anymore secrets".
" Secrets?.....ah so she told you huh"
Hitoshi looks up at his teacher his eyes are dead like how the once beautiful night sky turned into a cloudy disaster of pouring rain.
"She said....I'll be the reason for her death... is that true?"
" HEYYYYYYY SHOOOO!!!!" Present Mic pulls up in his car rapidly honking the horn. Aizawa turns around and snaps at the ridiculously LOUD pro hero "HIZASHI SHUT UP!"
He gets out the and tip toes slowly towards Aizawa and whispers " Sorry Eraser I'll be quiet form now on I promise....WHY IS SHINSOU ALL TIED UP!"
" He was just telling me something important before you interrupted".
Shinsou starts to laugh at himself " It's HaHa! So funny! To think I could be a hero HA! with a quirk like this I'm better off being just a twisted monster....just another murder in society".
Mic places his hand on Shinsou's shoulder " Hey come on cheer up don't think like that". Eraser Head steps on Shinsou's face," So you're giving up just like that you look pathetic".
" Sho! Get your foot out of his face!"
"Giving up isn't ever a answer! Why are acting like she's dead now right now you should be with her at her side cause every second with her matters every second is a gift".
He moves his foot from Shinsou's face.
"You understand right"
Shinsou stands up, as Present Mic unties him "Yes I understand but what are we gonna do?"
He picks up the cloth giving it to his superior "Tomorrow after school you and Y/n are to come to the teachers lounge I have a crazy idea.
-The next day-
You wake up in your bed and your body feels, as sore than ever before "Ughhh Come on it's nothing but a little sting just get up"
"Maybe your body won't let you"
" Oh yes it will you little fur ball watch this!"
You jump out of your bed stretching "Ha! See my body only listen to me so suck it Yokai!.
You look down at your legs to see that same mist from the hospital room sworn around them then suddenly they begin to shake.
"What did you do"
" Oh nothing just making your legs give up on you it's only a matter of time before they give up on you completely"
You throw a pillow at Yokai put it phases right through him "Have fun walking to school you fool".
You try your best to go through out you day ignoring the pain in your legs. For the whole day you do Hitoshi until after school.
Shinsou walks up to your desk knocking on it .
" Hey Cat"
"Hm? HITOSHI?! Where have you bee all day?"
"Teachers lounge with Present Mic we were watching Eri you wanna come with?"
You stand up pushing your chair in "Yeah I can finally meet Eri I know Izuku been talking about her a lot".
You and Hitoshi walk to the teachers lounge the both of you trying not make things awkward after what happened last night.
" So how was the date with Katsuki?"
"It was actually pretty fun but...I really wish you were there....HITOSHI IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT EVERYTHING I SAID!"
Hitoshi puts his hands in his pockets "You're not the only one who should be apologizing... I didn't mean to leave like that or snap at you like that! I promise it will never happen again!".
The both of you finally reach the teachers lounge but before you go in Shinsou puts his arms around you "So....are we cool?"
You kiss Hitoshi on his big forehead "Yeah we're cool".
The door flies open " See Mic I told Hitoshi was at the door....oh" Eri looks up at the both of you " Hitoshi I thought you said you were getting a friend not your girlfriend".
" But Lemillion said that about Deku when he brought his girlfriend the balloon girl "
You cover your face hiding your embarrassment wanting to die "Ughhhhh......".
Aizawa walks into the room shoving you and and Shinsou into the room .
"Out of the way we have work to do".
" We have work to do?"
Aizawa crouches down rubbing Eri's head "Yes we do but it's mostly for you Y/n We wanna use Eri's quirk on you"
" What..."
"Eri's quirk let's her rewind a person's body back to a previous state so what if we rewind your body to the point where your quirk didn't manifest"
Aizawa hits on the head "Listen kid...alot of things can happen moving forward"
"One Eri rewimds your body and everything is fine for a while"
"Two Eri rewinds your body and you turn into nothing but dust"
"Or three you declined the offer completely".
Why were there even three options when it was already clear what your decision would be. "I'll take the risk".
You walk towards Eri reaching your hand out to touch her horn
"You already do Yokai"
With your days rewind and your life no longer in jeopardy maybe things can finally go your way. But as the the good ends eventually comes the bad.
As Eri's powers shocks your body causing you intense pain Yokai's body slowly faded "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM!?! I AM WHAT WILL SEND YOU TO YOUR GRAVE! THE GRIM REAPER! NO ONE CAN ESCAPE THEIR DEATHS!"
You see Yokai's hands consume your body " H-HITOSHI!" you scream until there's nothing but black.
Aizawa uses his quirk on Eri stopping her from killing you, "Y/N!?! Hey are you ok!"
Hitoshi holds you up, as started to lean on him.
You stand up straight looking at everyone in the room smiling, as you say.
"Never better Hitoshi...."
Next Chapter...The Bad....
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sith-renegade · 4 years
So after the anon I got, which it was a fair point given, I felt like I needed to do a bit more...analyzing of a Maul x Ahsoka platonic ship.
So bare with me, this is long and yes I know that some of you will disagree or hate me, but just hear me out
Firstly when they meet, Ahsoka is 17 when she first meets Maul.
Ahsoka is determined to help Bo-katan more so then doing good for the Jedi. But she also wants people to believe in the Jedi, to do good and maybe even give someone like Obi a different view on how to help and not be so political. She sees Maul as a corrupt and evil being who needs to be brought to justice despite knowing how corrupt the justice is personally from her own experience of being blamed falsely. 
On top of that Maul has never met Ahsoka but he is absolutely fuming with rage towards her because he sees a lot of Obi-wan in her and of course he hates Obi to death. Like literally if thoughts could kill poor Obi would be dead 1000x over again.
Now with this there is no way Maul or Ahsoka would see either attractive of have love interest towards one another. 
Maul more so wishes to find a companion to help over throw his former master, sidious. 
Ahsoka sees right through maul and sees how corrupt he has become and that even if she did help him, there is no saving him because he was trained to be like this and its the only way he knows of living. While he feels like he’s on top of the world, there is no point in trying to reason with Maul. Not to mention Maul would see Love as a big distraction, something Sidious would have made sure of to ensure his own rise to power didn’t come at any cost of stupid emotions. Only hatred being the only emotion Sidious permitted Maul to have.
Now dare I go into the fact that Maul literally left Ahsoka for dead. He was pissed that she was happy to toss him aside and let him die while she, in his eyes, selfishly tries to find a way off the ship. Which therefore drives Maul all the more to that insane state of his but also gave him determination to kick ass and cause some chaos.
There is just so much there to say that these two hate one another. Maul would never see things from Ahsoka’s point of view but he is willing to try and bend and twist her words and the jedi code to get what he wants.
Where as Ahsoka tries to see the good but quickly realizes what Maul is up to and knows that her hand to hand combat is on par with his and doesn’t hesitate to try and end things quickly then let it escalate and Maul escape.
So where does that leave us with a ship between the two?
Firstly no where. Canon wise these two hate one another's guts. Maul becomes a crimelord and seems to prize Crimson Dawn over the other syndicates and when he meets Ahsoka again she already knows what game he is up to. There is no way that these two would even come to acknowledge one another as the same. Maybe Ahsoka to some point but she would still see the evil corruption Maul has in him and that he can never redeem himself.
In Rebels Ahsoka is 31. Maul is roughly 51 in the start of Rebels so that puts a good 20 years between the two. Which means that during his fight with Kenobi in Phantom Menace, Ahsoka was probably just born, or the year after as Maul was roughly 22. 
Now despite age they also have a way of living. Both are similar, the sith see certain things like romance and such to be a distraction, you have Revan to partly blame for that. Where as the Jedi do not form any attachments to others.
Either way there is literally no way Ahsoka would come to love Maul and Maul would never come to love Ahsoka. Mauls reason would be pure fear of letting his guard down and then being cast aside and more so because its a distraction. Ahsoka on the other hand would not form an attachment to Maul simply because she knows he will try to bend it to his own will. 
However if in a situation Maul was taken down multiple pegs to the point he is a shattered man, you might see some form of companionship between them. It would have to end up as a ship that is platonic, but still I don’t think Ahsoka would truly allow herself to drop her guard around Maul. And vise versa.
Given what we see in Rebels with Ezra and Maul, Maul obviously is desperate for companionship but also someone to be his apprentice, to do the hard work like what Sidious did to him when he was younger.
So for a platonic ship between Ahsoka and Maul it would have to be a mix bag of good and bad but I dont like the idea of toxic. I think they would spar but neither try to kill one another. Unless Maul felt Ahsoka would kill him. [Ben solo vibes ya’ll]
Now how I would go about it all is a little simple in a way.
Firstly Maul would have to have lost his connection and power to the crime lords and gangs, which in canon he does but still has a hold on Crimson Dawn. He would have to feel helpless and maybe even lost on a desolate planet of some sort. Ahsoka would be willing to help him but only because she wants to do some form of good and try to show Maul there is a better way to living.
Now they aren’t going to look at each other and suddenly eyes turn to heart shapes. No. It would more so be like Ahsoka being the Master and showing how to find balance and teaching that to Maul and Maul at least attempting to do the same by showing her his ways. It would turn into more of a Gray Jedi situation. Except it would be Ahsoka learning and Maul trying to gain a new apprentice. 
If I was to try and make it fit into the canon verse it would have to be a simple companionship, maybe more so platonic like Hordak and Entrapa kinda. One helps the other but the other refuses the help but over a long period of time they come to terms with one another and just acknowledge each others existence more then ‘uwu I love you’ at first sight bs.
It would more be based on adventure, overcoming the rising risk of the empire and to suit the whole star wars canon it would have to be a short companionship that ends with Ahsoka having to run away hence Mauls statement in rebels “ running away again lady Tano?” and also having to tie ends up, lead with Maul ending up losing control of the other crime syndicates but Crimson Dawn to which he prizes and begins to plot and scheme away like an evil crime lord. To put it simple I want it to be a normal struggle of life for them, both living on the run and trying to come to terms with each other but still struggling to give up hate and revenge while Ahsoka learns a few things but doesn’t give in to the dark side. While one learns wisdom the other learns to work in the shadows.
To me that would be the only ship between the two. Not Ahsoka suddenly turning 18 and Maul giving her googly eyes. No that's just wrong. It wouldn’t work given all the heartache between both sides. It would only work if Maul was taken down a peg many years after their last encounter, left to die and Ahsoka just rocks up like “So this is where chaos gets you? “ 
That is my plan for an Ahsoka and Maul fanfic. Maybe its not exactly a ship, but in a way it kinda is. But the truth is they would never fall in love like Raven and Bastila love romance stuff. And there is no way any smut would happen. Not sayings its impossible but simply put with both their personalities, it just wouldn’t happen. But there you have it. A long winded version of my thoughts for a ship between such characters. Not to justify myself but simply to plot and let people know that not every ship has to revolve around smut. 
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spicyfloaty · 4 years
Give & Take | Chapter 5
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pairing: kacchako
genre: slowburn/fluff
words: 2.7k
summary: Ochako's grades are slipping. Bakugo is dangerously nearing suspension, or worse, expulsion. A certain twist of fate pairs them together for tutoring sessions. He teaches her math. She keeps him from getting suspended. A simple exchange, but what if this only brings them closer than necessary?
header credits: @alexbenedetto
Chapter Four
Chapter Five: Happy?
It was weird seeing Bakugo in class the following week when he didn’t bother showing up to their second session last Friday.
The next day after their first session, Ochako had made a mental note to arrive 15 minutes earlier than the agreed upon time on their schedule, something about the image of Bakugo waiting for her, leaning against the doorway made her feel queasy. She made sure to bring two pens this time, the lingering thought of their fingers brushing past each other somehow made her feel more like she was going to hurl the whirlpool in her stomach into a glittery mess on the floor.
30 minutes pass and Bakugo is nowhere to be seen. That’s fine, it’s not really like him to show up on time, maybe he’s just running late. The 30 minutes that came after was when Ochako started to have second thoughts. Maybe it slipped his mind? It’s okay, we still have an hour to spare. The last hour goes by and Ochako is already out the door, her imagination had made the ground look like Bakugo with that smug look on his face and her angry footsteps were hellbent on stomping it off him. 
Did her little stunt with the eraser manage to piss him off that much somehow? No, this is Bakugo we’re talking about here. If she actually wanted to piss him off, it would take more than a piece of rubber for her to do that. Her thinking led her to the possibility of Bakugo requesting Aizawa for another student to tutor, she was surprised by the slight squeeze in her chest that accompanied the thought. Would he?  
Ochako slams her head onto her desk before her thoughts could go farther. Why should she care if he did? It just so happened that she needed a tutor and he needed a get out of jail free card at the same time, but it wasn’t exactly necessary for them to be what the other needed. He can do whatever he wants. 
It was only after the voices around her come to a standstill when she realized that suddenly ramming her head on her desk wasn’t the best thing to do when her friends were standing a few feet away from her, “Are you okay, Ochako?” Tsuyu asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine! My hand just um...slipped.” Ochako should really stop zoning out into thoughts about Bakugo around her friends. If anything, she should stop thinking about Bakugo in general.
“Are you sure?” Iida checks, “Your head hit the table quite harshly, you might have a concussion!”
Ochako quickly shakes her head and waves her hands in front of her, “No! I’m okay, don’t worry.” She was about to add to Tsuyu’s topic prior to the sudden interruption her head had made, when Todoroki decided to shift the conversational spotlight onto her, “How was your tutoring session with Bakugo?”
“Good!” She replies almost instinctively, her voice pitching a bit too high for someone who was trying to convince everyone that she was telling the truth. She was though, telling the truth. Their first session had already shown significant results, though it technically only lasted an hour thanks to a certain someone’s silent treatment and the bickering that followed it. The only thing that could turn her remark into a lie was the fact that he didn’t show up the second time around.
Ochako notices the confused looks on her friends’ faces, probably because she answered in such lightning speed, “We, um, it went well.” She adds. Way to go describing it in perfect detail, Ochako.
Everyone seemed to be satisfied with her detailed explanation except for Tsuyu, “Bakugo?”
Ochako almost face-palms herself, but Iida didn’t need more reasons to have Recovery Girl assess her for possible concussions. She had completely forgotten that Tsuyu didn’t know about her situation with Bakugo yet, she hadn't exactly asked about it, let alone brought it up whenever they were hanging out in her room, so she never had the chance to tell her.
“Yeah,” she confirms, “he’s been tutoring me.”
“Since when?”
“Last week,” She doesn't know what came over her, but she decides to paint a better picture for them, “We had a hard time...cooperating at first, but after um--hashing it out, we eventually started to get things done and I feel like it’s helped me improve so far.” She intentionally leaves out the part about her outburst and the singular desk they shared during the whole ordeal, they don’t need to know about that.
Deku was in the middle of asking a question when they hear Bakugo’s booming voice from the other end of the classroom, “Fucking drop it already, dunce face.”
Instead of doing as he says, Kaminari slings an arm around Bakugo, “I don’t know Bakugo, you were in such a rush to bail on us last week, you didn’t even tell us where you were going!” He says tauntingly.
Two questions spring inside Ochako’s head, the first one being: If he were in such a hurry to go to the first one why not bother showing up the next day? And the second one being: So his friends never asked about his meeting with Aizawa? Or did he just not tell them about her?
“All of you can fuck right off.” Bakugo spits, forcefully shrugging off Kaminari’s arm, only for it to be replaced by Kirishima’s.
“Come on, man, why were you in such a hurry to leave us so soon?” He pouts, bringing his free hand to his chest to make it seem like it was wounded by Bakugo’s actions. Kirishima also hits Bakugo’s vicious glare with the full force of his puppy dog eyes.
Sero joins the party, placing his hands on top of Bakugo’s head for his chin to rest on, Ochako couldn’t help but be amazed by the sheer bravery these three had,“You hiding something from us?” He teases, grinning at Bakugo from above.
Bakugo looked like he was three seconds away from exploding, “Another word and I beat all three of you to the fucking ground.” He growls behind gritted teeth.
Just when she thought those three were fearless, Mina approaches the lot with a devilish smile twisted on her lips, “I heard Bakugo was with a certain lady.” She points out in a sing-song voice, elongating the last syllable of her sentence.
A chorus of gasps and howls, the latter mostly coming from Kirishima, fill the room and Ochako doesn’t know if her face grew two shades pinker or just got completely devoid of all color at the implication Mina was trying to push. Sure, he was with her, a lady, during that time, but it wasn’t anything like what she was making it out to be. Bakugo and her? Please.
“I don’t have time for this shit.” Bakugo lifts himself from his seat but the three thorns on his side were quick enough to block his way. Kirishima stands in the forefront of the three-man barrier and even hardens himself in the event that Bakugo does stay true to his word, which was to, and she quotes, beat all three of them to the ground.
“No way we’re letting you go when you’ve been out here bailing on us to fool around with this lady you’ve never mentioned before,” Kirishima says as a matter-of-factly.
“You three fuckwipes have a deathwish or something?” Bakugo snarls. Ochako couldn’t agree more, these three were just asking for it.
“Nah,” Kirishima smirks, “Sero, tie him up.”
“You fucking assho--!” Sero gives Bakugo a little push back to his seat before trapping him in his chair with several layers of tape, “Tell us who she is or we ask Mina instead.” Kirishima threatens.
It’s almost a miracle that Bakugo’s chair doesn’t tip over from him trying to escape in order to accomplish the sentence he roars next, “I’ll fucking kill all of you!”  
“Not talking, eh?” Kaminari’s arms rest on his hips as he turns to Kirishima, “What now, boss?”
“Mina who’s th--Woah!” Sero starts to ask, but it takes all the effort for him to successfully maintain his tapes’ hold on Bakugo from breaking, “Mina, who’s the girl?” Kirishima finishes for him as he turns to Mina, the dirty look on her face only growing more sinister by the second.
“Dont you fucking dare, raccoon eye s.” Bakugo hisses, still trying to pry himself off of Sero’s grasp.
“I don’t wanna expose anyone here so let’s just call her by the name of…” Mina pretends to think about it for a moment, only for a sickening smile to sneak its way onto her face, “OCHAKO URARAKA!”
Everyone's eyes were instantly on her except for Bakugo’s and she begins to wish for that concussion Iida was talking about not too long ago. She’d much rather be in the care of the school’s sweetheart of a nurse than to be in the presence of her classmates’ inquisitive stares and suggestive smiles. She’d follow Bakugo’s example of getting out of here as quick as possible, but it was too late for that. Instead, she hides behind the palms of her hands, hoping for either death or unconsciousness.
Bakugo’s aversion doesn’t go unnoticed by his friends, “So it is true!” Kaminari declares.
“Why don’t you come over here and find out, dunce face?” Bakugo breathes out, seething with malice, “Raccoon eyes already told you didn’t she? So there’s no need for me to be tied up now is there, flat face?” he turns to Sero, a menacing smile filled with homicidal intent twists in his lips.
Sero audibly gulps, “Uh, I don’t know about that, man, you look like you’re just about ready to tear us apart limb from limb.”
“FUCKING RIGHT I WI--” Another piece of tape slaps itself on Bakugo’s mouth.
“Wait! There’s more!” Mina hurriedly adds while jumping excitedly at the extra piece of gossip she’s been holding out on, “I heard from Hagakure, who heard from Jirou, who heard from Momo, who heard from Todoroki that he was also tutoring her! How adorable is that?”
Ochako instantly whips her head towards Todoroki’s direction at the mention of his name, she was already puzzled by the fact that this information had spread like wildfire in such a short period of time, but she never expected the root cause of it to be Todoroki.
Todoroki looked as shocked as Ochako was, it seemed that he was also hearing this for the first time, “She did?” He asks cluelessly.
Momo turns to him, “We were going over last week’s homework and you mentioned that Bakugo and Uraraka were probably doing the same thing during that time.” she explains as if she was teaching a toddler how to spell.
Todoroki stares at his desk for a moment before the memory of that conversation clicks in his head, “Oh.” He turns to face Ochako, “My apologies.”
Before anyone could react or say anything else, Mr. Aizawa enters the classroom. Everyone returns to their seats just in the nick of time. His attention immediately focuses on Bakugo, still very much tied to his chair, muffled profanities coming from the piece of tape still plastered on his mouth.
Mr. Aizawa sighs, “I’m not even going to ask.”
Ochako caught up with her friends in the hallway after class, her head still spinning from all the new lectures along with the entire gossip-fueled-dumpster-fire of an ordeal just a few hours ago. Her thoughts drift back to the two questions that had sprung inside her head a while ago, Why didn’t he tell them that this thing between them was mandatory? It’s not like he was the one who offered to tutor her, contrary to popular belief.
Judging by his behavior and overall reactions under the prying questions of his friends, she assumes that maybe Bakugo just wasn’t the kind of person who would open up to anybody so easily, even to his friends. He would have to tell them about his situation with his conduct and how close he was to getting suspended or even expelled if he were to say that their sessions were only pre-arranged and not voluntary. She didn’t think that Bakugo would like to be the center of everyone’s worry, or worse, pity.
Somehow, she understood where Bakugo was coming from. She was practically doing the same thing by hiding her father’s injury and part-time job from her friends for nearly the same reasons. With this understanding, she taps Todoroki on the shoulder, “Todoroki? Is it okay if you try to be careful next time and not mention the meeting with Aizawa to anyone else?”
She turns to Iida and Deku, “The same goes for both of you too.”
“I would like to apologize for my mistake once more,” Todoroki starts, “it was not my place to disclose that to Yaoyorozu.” he says with utmost sincerity.
“Of course, Midoriya and I will also keep that mind.” Iida adds.
“Why though? If you don’t mind me asking,” Deku interjects, “Is everything alright with Kacchan?”
“Yes, it’s just that,” Ochako tries her best to answer him without looking at him directly, “it’s not my place to say, but I think it’s important to just keep it to ourselves for now, okay?”
“Okay.” Deku says reassuringly. Her eyes meet his for a brief moment when she spots a familiar mop of blonde hair behind him, she turns to Iida, “Go ahead without me, I’ll catch up and meet you guys at the cafeteria.”
She swiftly walks past Deku, making her way towards Bakugo, “Bakugo!”
His head snaps back, piercing, red eyes locking her in place again, “What?” He barks. Guess she wasn’t the only one with that ordeal still on the back of their head. She stops right in front of him, suddenly forgetting what she was about to say, so she just blurts out the first thought from the top of her head, “Sorry about what happened a while ago.”
His eyebrows furrow, gaze still boring holes into her skull, “And what the hell are you apologizing for?”
“Well,” Her eyes avoid his gaze, “I should’ve said something back there.” She could have ended any sort of implication that the two of them were a thing had she only spoken up about it before it got out of hand.
He lifts an eyebrow, “Like what?”
“Well for starters, the fact that we aren't dating.” She points out.
“Tch, that’s pretty obvious.” Bakugou rolls his eyes, folding his arms over his chest.
“That’s not what they thought a while ago.” She retorts, folding her arms on her chest this time. She wasn’t about to let Bakugo intimidate her, two can play this game.
“Who cares what they think?” Bakugo spits, “If you want to tell them, then go right ahead, but if you’re just gonna waste my time bitching about something you can do yourself, I suggest you fucking beat it, round face.” His glare sends shivers down her spine, How is he so good at that?
Ochako sighs, “Nevermind,” then finally remembering the reason why she approached him in the first place, “I came here to talk about last Friday.”
“What about it?” He snaps.
She narrows her eyes at him, “You know what.”
“I just missed one day, round face, missed me already?” That smug look that she hated so much makes its way into his face again, the corner of his mouth twisting into a punchable grin.
She couldn’t roll her eyes far enough in response to that, “I sat there for two hours waiting for you.” She places both hands on her hips before she gives into the growing urge to punch him, “Where were you?”
“I don’t remember it being your business to know where I am and how I spend my time.” He retorts.
She throws her hands up in frustration, “It is my business since you’re the one who stood me up!” She instantly feels the eyes of the students passing by land on her. Ochako’s face flushes at how she phrased her words. She won’t be able to blame them if they thought that what they just saw was a couple in the middle of a heated argument and to make matters more suggestive, she adds, “It’s like you’re not even serious about this!”
Bakugo looks at her dead in the eyes when he says, “I am serious.”
An exasperated sigh escapes his lips as he raked his fingers through the blonde knotts of his hair, “If I tell you, will you leave me alone?”
“Try me.”
Bakugo’s eyes darted away as he spoke, “My mom was sick,” he began, his hand reaching for the back of his neck, “I went home to cook for the old hag.”
Ochako just stands there, feeling stupider with every passing second. A surge of guilt floods her as she imagined Bakugo taking care of his mother while she was at school, pretending that the floor was his face and before she could apologize, Bakugo interupts her, “And before your dumbass apologizes, she’s okay now.” He looks away once more, eyes focused on the ground as he turns away, “You got your answer, now scram.”
“Wait!” She catches his sleeve before he could get any farther.
Red eyes, blazing with burning inferno meet hers, “What now?!”
“Can I get your number?” She hastily asks.
The creases on his forehead disappear and the flickers of flame inside his eyes dim to a look of complete and utter confusion, “Two minutes ago, you said we weren’t dating.”
She immediately lets go of his sleeve, quickly shaking both hands in front of her, “No! Not like that ! It’s so we’d have some sort of way to let each other know when something like that comes up again!”
Bakugo studies her for a while, “What if I said no?”
Ochako’s face gawks at him, “You wouldn’t.” She regretted it the moment she said it when she saw the glint of competitiveness in his eyes. She should’ve known better than to tell Bakugo Katsuki what he could and couldn’t do.
He grins, “Watch me.”
Ochako missed the opportunity to grab onto his sleeve again as he disappeared into the sea of students beginning to flood the hallway. A knot forms in the pit of her stomach. An unpleasant, annoying, borderline infuriating knot with Bakugo’s name written all over it.
It’s not until she receives a text from an unknown number hours later, during her shift at work that this knot comes undone, sending a wave of relief flurry inside her veins and maybe just a few butterflies in her gut.
Unknown Number: Happy?
Another text follows immediately after.
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Pariston X Reader
Okay okay, I read one of ramwrites stories about Pariston and his secretary and I liked the scenario and I’ve been writing a full fic based around that kind of scenario, but I thought I could share the ending as a pariston/reader fic since I’ll probably never finish the story? Open to critique.   uh, nsfw, nonconcent? I dont know how to tag these
When I was called up to the main office to temp as the vice-chairman’s secretary while his took a short leave, I was mildly excited. For the time I’d get compensated as well as their own staff, and it was a chance to show the higher ups that I was capable of such a task in the chance that a position opened up. I should have listened to the warnings I got. I was wrong to be happy about the opportunity.
I stared blankly at the heating kettle in the lounge, wishing for this week to finally end, trying to not break. Pariston was evil. He was already making my life hell, and the day was only beginning. His voice wouldn’t leave my head. ‘oh, I’m so sorry Miss Kelley. I really only prefer white teas in the late afternoon. Could you please fetch me an earl grey?’ He twisted his face to fein something apologetic, but a smirk twitched at the corner of his lips. He was winning and he knew it.
The door to the lounge opened and clicked shut. I didn’t bother the look. I felt too empty to engage with anyone, even the people I’d met and liked.
“By the way, Miss y/n,” Pariston’s voice taunted low and playfully. He moved to stand directly behind me, too close for comfort, making me choke on my own breath, “as per our last conversation on the matter,” his body pressed itself to mine from behind, placing both of his hands to the counter on either side of me, “skirts this length are not appropriate office attire. We try our best to look professional here. Things like this can give the wrong impression” He touched his lips to the nape of my neck so his even warm breaths touched my skin. “You don’t want to attract the wrong attention.”
The kettle started to whistle, and as I reached for it my hands shook nearly too much to grab the handle. I could try to throw it at him, drench him in boiling water, but it’d be no use. He was faster than I was, and always a few steps ahead. How had he brought me to this in a mere 4 days?
Still standing behind me, he took the kettle from my hand as soon as I lifted it and set it to the side.
“Please don’t,” my voice came out small and weak; exactly how I felt.
“Don’t what, Miss y/n” Pariston cooed, taking my hands and placing them on the counter, “Should I not correct you when your behavior is inappropriate?”
With the last word he pressed his hips against me. The irony of this action wasn’t lost on me. I didn’t dare to move.
“Well? Should I not?”
Of course he wanted a verbal answer. He needed total humiliation, so I nodded, voice shaking, “you should.”
He gently applied pressure to my hands, an indication to not move them from where he put them, and brought his to my run along my hips. He traced his fingers delicately down to my skirt’s hemline, and I as much as I fought to hold back tears my lip couldn’t help but quiver. Would this finally be it? His touch got more and more bold every passing day.
As if to answer my thought, cheek pressed to mine, he quickly and roughly pulled my skirt upwards, exposing me. He slid his fingers under the band of my black lace pantie, sliding them down off my hips and letting them drop to the floor. When I bought them it was because of the confidence they gave me, but now they filled me with nothing but shame.
“Someone could come in,” my voice quivered.
“Perhaps you should have thought of that,” he whispered, “before showing so much of yourself off. Is this that different from how you’ve been walking around the office today? Hmm?”
A tear slid out, “no.”
“Don’t worry, darling,” he kissed my cheek where the tear had rolled down, “the door is locked. We’re all alone. No one will interrupt your correction and embarrass you.”
My heart sank; struck with more fear than comfort. A part of me desperately wanted someone to see what he was doing to me and intervene. He was getting what he wanted. Fear.
He ground his hips against me again, but this time he was hard. “Pick your panties up,” he commanded, stepping back.
I stepped out of them, my whole body shaking while I tried to pick them up, fumbling and dropping them before bunching them in my fist and standing back up.
“Turn around,” his voice came out sweet.
I did, keeping my eyes to the floor. 
“That’s not good,” he said, tilting my face up. His smile, and the glimmer in his eyes, were so real. This was his truest self. “You should thank me for correcting you.”
He raised his eyebrows, waiting. Another tear slid down. I just wanted this to end.
“Th-,” I took a deep breath and composed myself the best I could. “Thank you.”
His smiled widened and he leaned in to kiss my forehead, then pressing his to mine. Gently, he traced his fingers in circles on my bare hips.
“What on earth would you do without me to guide you?” His slipped his fingers to the hem of my skirt and gently pulled it back in place. He reached to my panties that were still clenched in my fist, taking them, folding them nicely, and slipping them into the inner pocket of his suit. “I’ll return these to you at the end of the day when I feel like you’ve properly learned your lesson, Miss y/n. Does this seem suitable to you.”
My breath shook, but it was over. “Yes.”
“Excellent,” he said, giving me his best ‘winning’ smile. “Now, I’ll take my tea in my office. Have it prepared before my meeting.”
I stood there, unmoving, while he walked to the exit. ‘It’s my last day,’ I told myself. ‘I’ll go back to my old position and never have to see him again, and I’ll be able to move on with my life.’
“By the way, Miss y/n” Pariston called, one hand on the doorknob and his smile shadowed with deviousness, “I’ve been having such a lovely time mentoring you, so I’ve asked for the paperwork to keep you as a personal assistant once my secretary returns. At the end of the day I’ll have the papers for you to sign. Perhaps over dinner?” His hand touched the outside of his suit coat where my panties were being kept.
I nodded, holding in the desperate scream that begged to leave my chest as the world fell from around me.
“Wonderful. I look forward to more time together.”
The door shut behind him and I came undone; dropping to the floor in uncontrollable sobs. I couldn’t take more of this. He wouldn’t be satisfied until I begged for death, and then he’d be sure to keep me alive longer just to make sure I knew how much lower he could push me. Broken wasn’t enough, he wanted to destroy me.
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eagesoldartblog · 5 years
Have you ever been so not proud of something like what happened here
Day four of Whumptober!!! Aw yeaHHH!!
Human Shield 
Above all else, there’s a tense silence. Neither person spoke, focused only on the other. Taking in their facial features and body language, gauging each other based on the small actions and twitches of their hand. 
How exactly did Death expect either to respond. One a towering spectator with a thirst for blood and a coward dressed in yellow. 
The walls exudes a sinister scent. Nearly frigid. 
The specter- Lewis glares at Arthur, doing nothing to conceal the fury burning in them. Infact- their fists smoked and burned, their plates of bone glowing pink. Resisting every temptation to subject Arthur to the peril they planned. 
The only reason Arthur wasn’t burnt to a crisp right there-
Was because Death forbade it.
Death, Arthur swallows tightly, blinking back a shudder as he thinks back to the numbing void outside of the walls, an all powerful being who- for some reason- patiently waits for all the souls to return to them. The one who brought both him and the dead spectator into its walls. 
*Why... is it because this spectator wants to kill him?* 
Arthur didn’t know how much of that glare he could handle. 
“S-So...” Arthur swallows, remembering how Death *promised* that no harm shall come to Arthur within their home, but this is a risk sigh the probability of a bomb exploding, but he needed to know, “Why are you after us...?” 
The spectator blinks, pink rings flaming. The fire within them growing by the pinkish glow now coming into their sockets. Muscles tightening, it speaks, “You have a lot of nerve to ask such a thing, Arthur.”
Voice gravely, echoing and sharp, the familiarity punches Arthur in the gut. It was so close to Lewis... Please don’t do this to me And yet, the only thing Arthur can ask himself is Why does it know his name?
“Is it?” Arthur challenges shakily, “you’ve been following us for a while. Are you - you’re after me at least, right?” 
”Who else?” It snaps.
Don’t flinch, Arthur. Don’t flinch. Stay strong.
“The girl.”
”Vivi,” Fuck it knows HER name too? ”I must say, I’m horribly disappointed in you. Disrespecting her that way.” The ghost scowls- seems to, and Arthur can’t help his flinch. 
“If you know anything about the world of supernaturals, then you know the importance of a name.” 
Eyes widen, the spectator tenses, now anxious and ... embarrassed? Holy shit did I actually manage to one up them??
They also notice Arthur’s victory, ”Fine. Whatever.” hissing, the flame of his hair ignites, growing tall and gaseous, ”You’re correct, I have business with you first and foremost.”
“O-kay!” His spine strains from tension, “Well. Uh- who are you?”
”You know who I am.”
Arthur bites his lip, swallowing back, “Mmm... no, no I don’t. Unless it’s from a case that I forgot! Then maybe?” He shrugs, really really hoping that the spectator doesn’t break its one restriction. 
”Excuse me?”
Should he say this? Should he really- oh well! “We- we lost our memories a while ago! A lot of past cases are completely gone for me, and - Vi doesn’t even remember one of our members or-“
”Which.” They take a step closer to him, far too close than Arthur would have liked.
They’re practically chest to chest, and Arthur needs to strain his neck to look past their tie. 
He didn’t know what compelled him to say it, share this crucial information with someone so dangerous.
“Our best friend. He went missing the same night we lost our memorie- AH!” 
When they snatched his wrist, Lightning bolts shoot through his arm. Amplified by the metal joints twisting under the iron grip of the spectator. His wrist now arms length away forcing Arthur impossibly close.
”Why should I? Your best friend is missing? You coward! Parading around like you’re innocent! And you feigning ignorance won’t get you anywhere, you knew who I was in the cave, so what’s different?”
The shooting ripples of pain rocket through Arthur’s arm, electrifying his fingers and frying the nerves of his shoulder, but it was far easier to deal with in comparison to the heart pounding anxiety coursing through the rest of him. 
The chase, the drive. Each horrible second of running down that horrifically warm cavern, met only to the blood stained, magenta burnt stalagmites that seared themselves to his memory. Overlapped with the horrible night where Lewis’s screams echoed through every wall. Where the only thing he felt was a cold numbness and endless agony.
What was different? What WAS different?
Voice strained and shrieking, Arthur squints through the tears, “Stop it! Death will-“ 
”I’m already DEAD, Arthur! I fell to your hand, why do you keep running from the truth-?!” Lewis’s burning scalp burst into flame, melting away to reveal the same face Arthur winced at many times before- from photographs, to missing photos, to voicemails, to the cave.
His grip didn’t falter. 
“Lewis, have you already forgotten our deal?”
Lewis’s grip on his arm releases, allowing Arthur to tumble back- landing on his ass and pinning his metallic arm to his side, praying he could make the electrical sparks hurt any less. So much so that he completely missed the parental tone whispering in his ear. Soothing him with comforting words and encouraging him to- 
Not thinking straight, Arthur lets his metal arm fall numb- ignoring its jittery sparks- and reaches to his prosthetic shoulder. Disengaging the locks far quicker than he should have been able to. 
None of those thoughts came to mind, not until the arm clatters to the floor, and Arthur is left weak and gasping and sobbing from the electrifying burns encapsulating his bones and heart.
“Didn’t I make my conditions clear, Lewis Pepper? Bring you two here, to allow you both peace. And yet, you’ve broken my only rule. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Arthur does his best to not fall over, the horrible pain barely subsiding and offering any leeway for him. 
In fact, if he didn’t hold his breath, he wouldn’t have heard Death’s voice surrounding him. 
Something grazes his fried shoulder, what felt like a hand. Anywhere it’s palm rubs, a soothed feeling simply... took the pain. Relaxed his heart. Brought the overwhelming thoughts to a soft hum and not a powerful shriek. 
Allowed him the strength to turn back and see what scene had taken shape around them. 
No longer was their wall paper and stained glass murals on the wall, instead, everything took on a much more... angelic appearance. Each wall covered in faintly drawn eyes, all blinking and focusing on them all. 
”I must say, I am disappointed in you.”
”And?” Lewis dared, and it became noticeably more twisted, long, draping wings of all kinds lining the walls like curtains. 
And for once, Arthur wasn’t fearful. 
But Lewis sure was.
Crouched over on himself, Arthur blearily glances around the new interior of the room. Everything was reflective, and thus shone a brilliant purple and pink as Lewis's flame lit up their surroundings. 
Lewis was... closer to him. Arthur didn't even realize it at first until he realized he was trapped in the immense shadow towering over him, but Lewis's back was turned to him. 
The golden heart, at Arthur's side. 
Breathlessly, Arthur switches from the golden- *brilliantly* beating heart, and Lewis's furious stance- his shoulders tense and feet planted apart, both fists clenched and enveloped in fire and burning flames. 
"Who are you? Why do you stop me?" Lewis demands, his voice and anchor crack in equal measure. 
Arthur grabs it, confused and compelled, the fear radiating from it drew him closer. Maybe this can give us an advantage..? Maybe-
The wings bristle, puffing up, and Arthur shudders. A warm wind washing over them. An even calmer chuckle tickling his ears. 
Oh Lewis, you misunderstand. You too perished far too early, and that is why I wish to do everything I can for you to get the justice you deserve. But Arthur, is innocent. In terms that he did not commit the act of judgment, but one of my own. 
The stained glass dyes red. And all at once, the walls, glass, and floor, shatter.
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simplystefanie-rae · 5 years
got series finale
Anyway random thoughts i had last night that I can remember:
I remember wanting to block out the first half hour because this ‘dany is a 2 dimensional villain used only to cause jon man pain’ was just torture to get through
tryion walked WAY too fucking long. are long tracking shots where people walk the only thing they can direct, do they think its artsy. you can only do so many of them before you get bored
greyworm im so sorry they had you end up this way
why is this show acting like the devastation the smallfolk suffered actually matters when they never gave a shit before
if jaime and cersei took like 5 steps back they would have been fine and not artily crushed to death
(tyrion to jon: ‘you heard her speech, did it sound like she was finished?’
me: but she wasnt speaking english)
i snorted at that scene where drogons wings were used as a backdrop on dany. Like yeah it looked really fucking cool but at the same time it was so stupidly on the nose evil lol
emilia clarke as just been carrying the entire season with her face acting alone and i cant believe im saying that now when i thought she couldnt act, i guess it really was just shit directing, surprise surprise 
they made jon such a fucking idiot, all because they wanted him to be tortured by this decision in killing dany
tyrions entire talk about how all her righteous killing is a slippery slope is such fucking bullshit, they framed EVERY one of those scenes as a triumph we should root for. And with the exception of her burning the Khals religious place, why WOULDN’T we cheer for her executing slavers. like why is that being questioned. oh wait i know why they must have read some anti dany meta online and decided to ignore their own story for the sake of this bs dany is a crazy bitch plot
why didnt drogon also kill jon, like literally the entire time i was like ‘oh shit jons gonna be burned alive holding dany, well that makes sense, BECAUSE I SURE DONT KNOW HOW HE’D GET OUT ALIVE OTHERWISE CONSIDERING HE JUST KILLED THEIR QUEEN’
little did i know
why wasnt jon killed on sight because you know this bitch just went right up to greyworm and was like ‘i killed her’
whatever. anyway sure glad drogon can understand basic ASOIAF themes even if the writers couldnt. not that burning the iron throne mattered in the slightest
and again how dare they act like the smallfolk and what dany did to them matter NOW when they just go right back to ignoring their existence, nay, downright LAUGHING at the thought of them getting a say in how theyre governed 
fuck this is long. okay well the entire outdoor council scene was really dumb. greyworm was all like ‘we control this city and demand JUSTICE’ but allows their prisoner tyrion the Most Moral Man to choose an opposing king. why. what??
have fun when bran dies and this council cant decide on a new king/queen
also poor fucking edmure, why was he even there. see this is how you know D&D dont understand these characters, like yeah im sure sansa would totally disrespect the last tully, her MOMS BROTHER. but lolol its comedy i guess
robert arryn + breast milk= jokes on us for making fun of him all those years i guess lol
seriously i dont understand why tyrion has this much clout with anyone
so is the underlying thing here that bran just NEEDED jon to know that he was rheagars son just so he, BRAN, could be king. that he knew what dany would do and that it would force jon to kill her making way for him, bran. to be king. 
can bronn even read
what math does he know
why isnt brienne sansa’s queensguard
bran: ill find drogon 
okay like what then tho. god i kind of wish there WAS a little ending scene where drogon took dany to asshai and she was resurrected 
jon losing his man bun = coming full circle in D&D’s eyes
sansa’s dress already had major points in my book for not being black and bdsm-ish looking. it was so gorgeous, i need better stills of it
that said as much as i liked her being crowned queen it felt hollow, not just because her family wasn’t there for it, but because there was not ONE face we knew there that I could see, and there was hardly anyone there at all in the first place.  
glad arya found her family just to leave her family. again. 
if this were a better show, i could like the starks not being able to truly be together again, at least in body. So much has changed all of them, they’re all on different paths, and as long as they all know that they’re okay then the distance shouldn’t matter. But this show didnt earn that type of nuanced ending
and i guess thats it. i feel like i should say something about jaime and brienne but i think everyone said what im thinking last episode. brienne writing in the book just felt like a knife twisted in the gut since once again they’re doing this thing where they’re pretending this significant thing matters after they got their disrespect juice all over it
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the-three-evils · 6 years
Marvin skidded into the kitchen, gasping for breath. The others looked up from their discussion quickly, staring at the shaking and obviously scared ego.
“What has happened?” Henrik asked, standing slightly. Marvin’s breath was coming in short bursts, his eyes wide. He dropped his hands onto his knees, shutting his eyes and breathing for a long moment.
Jackie frowned, looking behind him, waiting for JJ to rush in after him. They had gone out together - where was the youngest ego?
“Where’s JJ?” Chase asked, echoing the worries in Jackie’s mind. Marvin looked up in a slight panic, then looked behind him.
“He - he was... he was right behind - behind me,” he gasped out. “I swear. He was right - right there.”
“Marvin?” Jackie asked, standing. What had happened? What had sacred Marvin so much? Where was JJ?
“I -” Marvin began, but suddenly Jackie couldn’t wait. He hurried to the door, pushing past Marvin and pounding down the hall.
He burst outside into the cold evening air and began hurrying down the path, nervousness and fear curling in his stomach. What had happened? Where was JJ?
“J!” he called, straining his ears for any sound of his baby brother. “Jamie!” Where are yo-”
His calls cut off as he took in a small lump on the grass, near the park. His breath caught in his throat, fear twisting even deeper into his heart.
“J? Is that you? You alright?” he asked softly as he rushed to the limp form’s side. To his horror, he saw he was right - it was JJ, limp, still, silent. Jackie muttered a curse, forcing himself to focus. He knew what to do - it wasn’t the first time he had found someone close to death.
First time he had found a brother like this though.
He dropped to his knees, feeling for a pulse on JJ’s neck only to recoil in horror - sticky wet blood coated his brother’s throat, invisible in the darkness of the night.
“Don’t you dare,” Jackie growled, gently slipping an arm under JJ’s neck. He slowly picked his brother up, JJ’s arm hanging limp as he stood.
“Jackie!” Chase was hurrying towards him. He skidded to a stop near Jackie, a curse escaping his lips. “Oh no. No, no, no. Marvin said Anti had… Oh no, Jem, please.”
“Get back to the house and tell Henrik to get a bed ready,” Jackie said sharply, sensing that Chase was about to lose it at the sight of his younger brother like this. “Go!” he snapped when Chase hesitated, and he nodded slowly, shaky breaths escaping him before he turned and sprinted away.
Jackie moved more slowly - as quickly as he could without putting JJ in danger but still far too slow. He didn’t even know if JJ was still alive.
Marvin was waiting at the door, his eyes wide and filled with guilt. He hurried alongside Jackie as the superhero carried the limp form of their younger brother towards Henrik.
“I - I thought he was behind me,” Marvin said, his eyes fixed on the red still seeping from JJ’s neck. “I’m sorry. I… this was my fault.”
“Don’t worry about that now,” Jackie growled as he arrived at the door Chase was holding open, his face ashen and worried.
Henrik was busy, hurrying around his clinic, gathering items, preparing tools, getting ready. He waved sharply in the direction of the operating table in the centre of the room and Jackie gently lowered JJ onto it.
“Now get out. I need to work and I cannot with you… ah… drängen den platz. Gehen. Raus!” He waved his hands frantically, leaning over JJ. Jackie let out a long breath, loath to leave while JJ’s fate was unsure. Henrik turned to glare at him, repeated Raus! again, and Jackie reluctantly left the room, ushering Marvin and Chase out the door as well.
“Give him space,” he said as he closed the door. “If anyone can save JJ, it’s Henrik.”
They didn’t go far. Chase slumped down the wall, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, one knee lifted. Marvin leaned against the wall beside the door, his arms crossed. Jackie began pacing, stepping up and down the hall.
They sat in silence for a long time, waiting. The scene kept repeating in Jackie’s head, JJ lying limp, the blood on his neck. He didn’t stop pacing, more thoughts beginning to invade.
You should have been better.
You should have protected him.
You let him down.
This is your fault.
Some hero you are.
“This is my fault,” Marvin muttered, breaking the horrible silence. Jackie stopped, turning to face him and shook his head.
“Please don’t blame yourself,” he said quietly. Chase didn’t move, pulling his hat further down over his eyes. Marvin shrugged, turning to Jackie.
“Don’t deny it, Jackieboy,” he said shortly. “I left him behind when Anti was chasing us. This is my fault. I should have made sure he was ahead of me. I should have stayed with him. I should have done something.”
He grabbed the ears of his mask in his hands and sank down the wall, burying his head in his knees, long hair falling over his face.
“M’sorry,” he muttered. “If he dies - it’s my fault.”
“He’s not going to die,” Chase said firmly from where he sat, not moving. “Henrik’ll save him.”
Jackie didn’t answer, hoping that what Chase said would come true. He cast a long look at the door, wishing he knew what was happening, wishing he could do something more than this endless waiting.
He was sitting against the wall, staring at the door a few hours later. Chase had dozed off, snoring softly beside him and Marvin hadn’t moved in an hour or so, giving Jackie reason to believe he had fallen asleep as well.
The door finally opened, and Jackie’s head snapped up. Chase shifted beside him, rubbing his eyes and looking up as well.
Henrik stood in the doorway, one hand resting on the frame. His face was haggard and tired, blood splattered on his clothes and hands. But there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes, half hidden by the exhaustion.
He stepped forward and swayed slightly, so Jackie quickly pushed himself to his feet and rushed to his side, catching him before he had a chance to fall. Henrik leaned heavily on him, a small smile dancing on his face.
“JJ’s okay,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I - He’ll live.”
Chase let out a long breath, resting his head against the wall. Jackie felt like a weight had been lifted from him and he smiled slightly as Henrik laid his head on Jackie’s shoulder, exhaustion seeping from him
“You should clean up and get some sleep,” Jackie said. Henrik nodded, blinking.
“Ja,” he muttered. “Ja, I should.”
“Thank you, Henrik,” Chase said quietly. “Can - can I see him?”
Henrik nodded, and Chase vanished into the room. Jackie helped Henrik to the bathroom before ducking into his bedroom to grab some pyjamas.
Once Henrik was in the shower, Jackie headed back down the hall, intending to see how JJ was doing. But as he reached the door, he frowned, eyes landing on the stop where Marvin had been seated.
The magician was gone, nowhere to be seen. Jackie paused, hesitating. Should he go after his brother?
But the need to make sure JJ was alright was too much. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and pushed open the door.
Chase was asleep, one hand clutching JJ’s limp one, his head resting on the bed beside his younger brother. Jackie paused in the door before moving to JJ’s side. The youngest ego’s chest was slowly rising and falling, his breath scratchy as it scrapped past the bandages on his throat.
Jackie dropped into the seat opposite Chase, letting out a long sigh.
“I’m sorry, J,” he said quietly. “I - I shouldn’t have…” His words caught in his throat and he lowered his head, tears pricking his eyes. “This is all my fault.”
Everything was his fault. He was supposed to be the hero, the protector, the strong one. But he hadn’t been able to protect Jack, and now JJ was lying, limp like Jack was before Anti had stolen his body.
”I should have been stronger. I should have been better,” Jackie muttered. “I am so sorry.”
He wasn’t sure how long it was until Henrik returned, pulling him awake. Chase was still sleeping, but Jackie was used to sleeping lightly and the soft sound of the door opening caused him to look up, blinking sleep out of his eyes.
Henrik looked a little better after a shower and short sleep, but he still looked worn and tired. Worry was etched on his face and he motioned Jackie forward.
Jackie stood quietly, moving to his side.
“What’s happened?” he asked softly.
“I cannot find Marvin,” Henrik muttered. “He - he has gone.”
A sinking pit opened in Jackie’s stomach. Marvin had blamed himself - Marvin would be angry. Marvin may have gone after Anti.
“I’ll find him,” Jackie said. A flight would be good - he needed some air.
It was surprisingly light outside - for some reason Jackie had been expecting it still to be night. He took to the air, flying through the early afternoon in search of his brother.
He found Marvin, sitting in the park only a few minutes away from the house. Gently landing beside him, Jackie approached, settling onto the bench beside him. They sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the quiet sounds of the park.
“I shouldn’t have left him,” Marvin said quietly, staring at his hands. “I…” He didn’t say any more, clearly holding back tears.
Jackie didn’t move, thinking long about what to say. Finally, he let out a long breath.
“He’s going to be alright,” he said quietly.
“Yeah. I heard. But is he? I mean… who knows what damage was done. Who…” he paused for a long moment. “Who knows if it’s going to be him who wakes up.”
Jackie shuddered at the suggestion, remembering that horrible moment when Jack’s eyes had snapped open, when he had finally woken up - only to crack his face with that terrible smile, to latch his hand around Jackie’s neck. Remembering that horrible moment when Jackie knew it wasn’t Jack in charge of that body but someone - something - else.
“It’ll be him,” he said quietly. “Marv, you couldn’t have done anything.”
“But I could have!” he cried. “I - I shouldn’t have left him behind. And… And I’m going to find Anti. I’m going to find him and I’m going to make him pay.”
“Marv… don’t - don’t do anything stupid, please,” Jackie said quietly.
“No promises,” Marvin muttered. He stood, his cloak swinging behind him. “I’m going to get some breakfast,” he muttered, stalking back in the direction of home. Jackie watch him go, his heart breaking for his brothers.
His heart broke all the more when JJ woke up. They crowded around his bed, Henrik growling at them to go him space, helping him to a sitting position.
“How’re you feeling, Jem?” Chase asked. JJ smiled weakly and opened his mouth to answer.
No sound came out.
No matter how much he tried, JJ couldn’t speak, tears filling his eyes as he realised he was unable to speak. Jackie didn’t say anything either, clenching his fists and fighting down his anger.
His heart split more when he found JJ, elbows bleeding, silently crying late one night and he could do nothing but hold his baby brother, could do nothing to take away the pain he was feeling.
His heart cracked further a week later when Chase came rushing into the house, screaming for Henrik. Marvin, draped over his shoulder, hanging limp, blood trickling slowly out of each ear.
His heart shattered into a million pieces when he visited Marvin after his brother woke up, staring at him blankly as Jackie spoke to his brother.
His heart shattered into a million pieces and was replaced with a burning ball of rage when he saw what Anti had done to his brothers.
His heart shattered and he vowed revenge, no matter the cost to himself.
After all - this was his fault.
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bloody-delicious · 5 years
Hello! Can I ask for a matchup pls? I’m a female, a Pisces. And I love drawing/designing, traveling, and music. I have short black hair with green highlights. I tend to hide my sadness/anxious feelings, I love my family and pets, and I’m a slow-to-warm-up person. I’m also super quiet towards ppl I don’t like/know, but once you get to know me, I will give you my full trust and love. But if u betrayed me, I will pretend you don’t even exist. I also have anxiety. And I’m also kinda curvy/busty.
i match you with bubba sawyer!
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•traveling is a beautiful form of escapism. it gifts to us that wonderful breath of freedom, that thrill that races through our veins and beats with our hearts, that richness of the mind that expands our understandings and broadens our horizons. god gave man legs and wheels and wings to explore and embrace the lush earth from which he was created. but there are parts of this world that reject the beauty of the life that surrounds it. there are lands that fester, that spoil, decay, and cannibalize themselves, supporating and thriving in their own wickedness. the hell that we were told of lie not beneath us, but right alongside us. the hell recounted by many is not loud, it is not bold; it sinks into the soil and grows like a deadly fungus, like an intruding weed. it is not death, no, it lives with us, it breathes and matures with us. hell is anywhere one finds it to be. for the inhabitants of La Frontera, hell is the sawyer house. inside, creeps the devil, a crooked smile with crooked teeth and crooked words, his body and his mind as sickly as his business. and the devil is followed by his two bastard sons, hounds of hell that crawl out of the purple shadows of the texan heat and slink into the coolness of the night with bloody fingers and quiet, mad eyes. the house beats with their sin and walks with their red feet and hums with the beat of the leatherface's saw. yes, hell can be found in that old farmhouse on the hill. children dont wander near, they watch from the weeds and scamper off when the sound of the butcher can be heard. no man dares pass by, they take the long way around, they steal a glance at the road to death as they pass by. no birds sing in the trees, no flowers grow. mother nature would not have her children so close to such a lifeless land. but the shepherds lambs will always stray eventually. and the house must eat.
• maybe you ran when the others were too slow. maybe you betrayed another for yourself. maybe you hid under a warm, bloody body. maybe you rose when they fell. maybe you simply found yourself in gods favor. it doesnt matter. those you loved are dead, and you are alive. those you loved are served in front of you, steaming, bubbling, tender, pink, rich. and you must eat the fruit if you wish to live. you are reborn into a godless world, and you will suffer and feel and breathe and survive as sinners do. you will feel the weight of the chains on your body, your skin will shiver and sweat in the palpable darkness and burning heat of the basement, your eyes will see shadows and glints of light and crude sketches of reality. you will hear those who were not as lucky as you. you will hear them plead for your aid, as if you were an angel, sent to relieve them of this pain. you will hear the squelch of flesh as it is hung, the screams that erupt, uncurling from their throats in a display of the horror their bodies have been subjected to. you will feel their tears drop onto your sleeping body when the night comes. you will hear their last breath. you will know that a mortal man cannot claw his way out of the depths of hell.
• persephone lived for the rest of her days in a limbo of love and despair. you saw your loved ones in dreams. you wanted to go with. you wanted to know what it felt like to be happy again. you woke every night and morning with tears so heavy they cut into the flesh. you are beloved by the devil, by the mocking mask of twisted skin, the blood on his hands when he reaches out to just touch, just touch that skin of yours, by his wide eyes peering from the shadows. perhaps love cannot grow in hell, but it can be imitated. it can soothe eternal damnnation, it can hide from sight the wounds of a trauma that can never heal. a curious game you play with him, a tragic play you take part in. to pass the endless time. to distract the mind. to bring hope to the soul. does it matter? he sits beside you in the lowest circle of hell, and it is nice to have company when your very being is ripped so violently apart into nothingness. both of your hands are rough and bloody and bruised. they sometimes hold onto eachother when the night is long, when the flames burn higher, when the pain cuts deeper. he shows to you his life. you have nothing left to show. he brings you gifts of severed flesh and rotting animals. he doesnt know how to comfort you. he instead sits with you in silence. he doesnt know if it is enough. it is all he can do. the dead cannot give to the living anything of beauty, for it can only be found in the old world. but for the two of you, the old world no longer exists, neither of you can reach it with your hands, painted red, stretching towards the sky so desperately. both of you have stopped trying. you cling to what little life is left in each other, you feed on eachothers flesh to stay alive one more day, you scream inside your heads and no longer bother to wipe away the tears that fall down your faces. it is a cruel existence, but it is not without hope. it is not without that urge within you to live, to survive, to rise from the ash. you cannot converse fluently with him, but there is no need. you are now the same disease, the same creatures that rose from satans seed.
• things can get better if you wish. if you learn to love him, he will stay until you both return to the same sadistic earth you came from. both of your lives will never be without pain, but they have a chance to also be with warmth. maybe there is a future to be born in the dimness of that basement. maybe it will seep through the cracks in the walls and throb and beat throughout the house to the rhythm of a decaying heart. maybe it will one day wake in the light of day and feel the sweltering heat and hear the soft breaths beside you and once again reach for that hand that you held onto in the darkness and blood. maybe heaven will cast its light down to the pits of hell one day, even if for just a mere moment. the devils will continue to dance and slaughter and feast, but there is a happiness to be found in this depravity. you may be loved by a man who knows not of warmth and kindness, but of blood and cold, cold metal, but his heart still beats for you. many lives have been lost at his hands, his skin is forever dyed red. but they are gentle with your skin, with your hand when he grasps it, with your hair as you feel yourself being lulled softly into the hazey lavender summer night.
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toxitalks · 6 years
“i come here to conquer this planet in the name of the Tamaraneans.”
“i can’t let you do that, your highness. the earth bears life to countless humans; i’m sure there’s other planets in the galaxy for you to invade that DONT involve a mass genocide.”
“this planet has been PROMISED to my people.”
“and i pledged to protect the people of this planet.”
“you dare deny me my right?”
“with all due respect, princess koriand’r... this is NOT your planet. and as long as i live, it will NEVER be.”
“...you twist my hand. i did not want to have to bring upon us this conquest in violence, but if i must...”
“then bring it.”
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