#Dont Care for an Old Mans Underwear
easterndelights · 2 days
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“Why are you like that? Making comments about girls' bodies, asking about people's preferences. Some girls may not even want to be your type. The girls who get told they aren't your type feel hurt. Type is a word for glancing at someone from a distance, judging only what you saw. When you get to know them, you should be able to find more good things about them. You ignore all those good qualities, judging people only by what you see. I hate it.”
おっさんのパンツがなんだっていいじゃないか! Don't Care For An Old Man's Underwear! (2024) | EP 9
subs by isaksbestpillow
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avorbl · 4 months
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Don’t Care for an Old Man’s Underwear!/Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! (2024) Episode 3 - Subs by isaksbestpillow
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dearlyjun · 9 months
5% tint ☆ c. yeonjun
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☆ PAIRING: sugardaddy!yeonjun x collegestudent!reader (f)
☆ GENRE: smut (18+ readers only! dont make me block you)
☆ SUMMARY: you didn't think that doing well on an exam would mean that you would be fucked in the front seat of a porsche; good thing your sugar daddy has 5% tint.
☆ WARNINGS: gendered terms are used (girl), semi public sex, unprotected sex, daddy kink, lots of praise from yeonjun, yeonjun drives a porsche (I think its a valid warning), yeonjun is wearing rings, making out, creampie kink perhaps?, dirty talk, obviously car sex!! lmk if i forgot anything its almost 1am and im an old lady.
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: so heres part of the concept that I literally could not stop yapping about if I tried. combining my interests here: a hot man taking care of me and a porsche of my dreams. I am actually considering making this a series, with a backstory and everythingg so lmk your thots :)
a big thank you to @silvergyus @nightlyawnzz @hearts4huening for being my beta readers for this, and I may use your services in the future.
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walking to the front of your lecture hall, you collected the results from your latest exam. After finding your name in the pile of papers, you could barely contain your excitement when you saw the boldly printed 100% on the front.
Yeonjun would be so happy.
You quickly walked back to collect your things, before pulling out your phone to text him since he was picking you up from class.
you: going to be walking out in a few. I have good results!!
yeonjun: ahh my smart girl. I'm waiting for you out front.
Soon after you walked out through the double doors of the building that you were in, spotting Yeonjun’s gray Porsche parked up front.
Yeonjun had a pretty dark window tint, so you couldn’t see inside that well. You opened the door, and slid into the passenger seat; Yeonjun beaming.
“There’s my girl.” He had the biggest smile on his face. “Look at you, dressed all cute.” He was referencing your plaid skirt and big crewneck sweatshirt that was actually his.
“Did you just come from the office or something?” You asked him, leaning in to kiss him. “You look so nice.” You smoothed your hand over his button down dress shirt, making him smirk.
“Now let me see this test, huh?”
“Okay.” You quickly dug the scantron out of your folder that you had. Handing it over to Yeonjun, leaning over his center console as he examined it.
He was smirking.
“Yeah, one hundred percent.” You spoke with a huge smile on your face.
“Ah, see I knew you’d do well.” Yeonjun put his hand onto your jaw to kiss you.
You hummed against his mouth, pulling him closer by his shirt. “I missed you last night, daddy.” You kissed him again.
Yeonjun smirked against your lips before pulling away slightly. “Yeah? You know I want you to focus on your school too.”
“I know, but sometimes it’s easier to study when I’m sitting on your lap. You know?” You reached down to feel Yeonjun’s cock, which to your surprise was half erect.
“With my cock inside of you? Princess, you know you can’t focus.”
You remembered the time you swore that you would sit still and study on Yeonjun’s lap while he worked. You didn’t last five minutes before you were fucking yourself on his cock.
You pouted as Yeonjun moved to kiss you towards your neck. “But I’m such a good girl for you, Daddy.”
Yeonjun practically choked back a moan; if his cock wasn’t hard before, it definitely was now. “And I always reward you, don’t I?”
He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, then went to unbuckle his belt to lower his pants. You let out an audible noise when he finally lowered his underwear, leaky, pretty cock out on full display.
“Go ahead and sit on it, pretty girl.” Yeonjun spoke, shuddering slightly when he swiped the tip with his thumb.
You felt a sudden tinge of shyness when you took off your shoes. Yeonjun could practically read your mind.
“The tints are too dark; no one can see you.”
“Okay, help me.” You answered, slightly laughing at the fact that you were going to climb over the console of a car that cost as much as your parents' house.
“I got you.” Yeonjun held onto you. Before you sat down on him, he pulled the fabric of your underwear out of the way.
“Oh my- fuck, you’re so wet.” Yeonjun gasped. “I’ll slip right fucking in.”
You lowered yourself onto him, and it was painfully slow; making you feel every inch of his cock.
Yeonjun was seconds away from ruining his leather with his fingernails with the way that he was gripping onto the passenger seat.
“Daddy…your cock. Fuck.” You sighed, dropping your head into his neck; taking a breath of his sweet cologne. He was fully inside of you, nuzzled up into that spot that makes your toes curl.
“Yeah, baby I know.” His hands were roaming your thighs and ass. Your underwear was cutting into you, but you couldn’t care less.
You slowly started to grind onto him, trying to find a rhythm in the limited space that you had. Yeonjun looked ahead, subtly watching if anyone walked by his car.
“You look so pretty, you know.” He spoke into your ear. “My dick inside of you in the front seat of my Porsche.” He suddenly gripped onto your hips, fucking you onto his cock.
“You’re my good girl, you know that?”
You couldn’t even answer, just let out a whimper of a moan.
“Repeat it back to me, baby.” His grip was so tight you thought his rings were going to make marks in your skin.
“I’m your…good girl.” You nearly choked on your words. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Yeonjun could already tell by the way that you were clenching around him, and he probably wasn’t going to last much longer himself.
Yeonjun turned your face to look at him in one quick movement. “Yeah? I’m so fucking deep in you aren’t I?” His voice was low; you knew what he was doing.
The sounds of your cunt were obscene; Yeonjun loved every second of it. He studied your face as he angled your hips differently, cockhead hitting so deep that your jaw fell slack.
You’ve never looked so pretty to him. Honors student studying biology. Probably going to end up being a doctor. He knew you’d be decorated in cords at your graduation. But now, he was hitting so deep you couldn’t form a coherent sentence if you tried.
Letting out a rather loud whine when your orgasm finally hit you, Yeonjun kissed you, shushing you. After all, his car only had a tint; not soundproofing.
“Cum in me. Please, daddy.” You were nearly delirious, whimpering expletives. Yeonjun knew you were actually being serious, because you always begged him to. “That’s my reward, right?”
And how could he say no? Not when you were whining, begging as you pulled on his necklace to kiss him.
“You can take it all?” He asked. Stupid question. You always could, even if he had to fuck it back into you.
You eagerly nodded, lips jutting out to a pout before you kissed him again.
“God you drive me fucking insane.” Yeonjun’s last words before letting go of his orgasm that he was trying to hang onto. “You feel so fucking good.”
The fact that he was probably making a mess out of his seat was sent to the back of his mind. He’d deal with that later, because the moan that you let out made it all worth it.
“Fuck.” He was panting. “You have to be quiet.” Grinding his hips with yours; his cock was still inside of you making you slightly wince at how messy everything felt.
“Shit.” You muttered, looking down at where the two of your bodies connected.
“Yeah, I made a fuckin mess.” Yeonjun jokes, his hands roaming your thighs. “We should probably go back to my place….” His voice trailed off like it was a question.
“Hmm?” You were confused. “I thought you texted me earlier that you wanted to go to the Prada store, no?”
“Yes…” Yeonjun bit down on his bottom lip, smirking. “But I don’t think I'm finished with you yet.”
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☆ TAGS: @mhasimp666 @yunsbby @sikkkko
(strike through indicates I am unable to tag, please make sure your tagging feature is turned on!)
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neptunes-curse · 2 years
How They All Found Out || ER
You and Eddie were doing a good job of sneaking around with your realationship. But slowly, as you two start to fall more and more in love, it gets harder to hide your feelings from the band.
pairings: Eddie Roundtree x Fem!reader
warnings: me messing with the timeline for the fic’s sake, cussing, talks of kids in the future, allusions to sex
authors note: Djats is my new favorite thing. Let me know if you guys have any other requests, i’d be happy to write them.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You and Eddie starting seeing eachother on the break of the SevenEightNine tour. It was perfect timing, you didn’t have to hide, since it was always just the two of you. You got along so well, It felt like you were the only people in the world. Nothing else mattered. The two of you would lie in bed all day, no worries but eachother. It was all perfect. That was, until, Billy got out of Rehab and the band got together again. Then everything got hard.
Eddie Roundtree (Rhythm Guitarist): That first month or two, man, those were the days. Just me and my girl, nothing else to worry about. It was all so easy. And don’t get me wrong, when we [the band] got back together, I was thrilled. It just meant things would get harder for Y/n and me.
You and Eddie were lying in bed together one morning, the sun shining through the windows of your now shared bedroom. Your head was lying on his chest while his hand rested on your lower back. The only thing you were wearing was (his) a tshirt and your underwear. It was a perfect, peaceful scene. But, inside your head, everything was the opposite. Billy had just gotten out of Rehab. Which would normally be good, but all it did was make things more complicated. The band would start practicing again. And you didn’t want what you had with Eddie to just stop. You hadn’t talked about what you were, but you were sure he would want to stay together. He acted like your boyfriend. And that was all the mattered, right?
“Eddie, what do you think will happen when we start practicing again?” You asked, tentatively. You had been thinking about asking this question for a while. If Eddie was going to end it, you wanted it over with. Rip the band-aid off, right? He turned his head toward you and smiled slightly. “Well, what do you want to do?” He started, “I mean, I dont want to stop this. I like you, a whole lot.” You felt your face heat up. You felt like a 13-year-old girl with her first crush, but you didn’t care. Eddie had that effect on you. You replied, “Me too. It’s just- Would you mind if we don’t tell the others? Just for a while.”
Y/N L/N (Bassist): When you’re a woman in a band, people say a lot of shitty things to you. They’ll question your ability to play, say others are better than you. Back then, what other people thought meant a lot to me. I didn’t want to be “Eddie Roundtree’s Girlfriend.” I wanted to be known as me.
You could see his smile falter. You didn’t want this, but it was for the best. The best for you, atleast. You’d still have lots of time together, right? Everything would be the same. That’s what you kept telling yourself.
“Yeah, sure. As long as I get to keep kissing you.” Eddie said. You were glad he was taking it well. He puts a smirk on leans over to kiss you. You laugh and put both your hands on the side of his face to pull him in. He adjusts himself to be on top of you.
Maybe this would work out better than you thought.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Practice with the band has been going great. It was four months after Billy had gotten back. He was doing a lot better, and you were proud of him. You guys were playing more than ever, just trying to make up for lost time. That meant waking up early and staying in the studio til the late hours of the night.
The downside of this was that you and Eddie got less and less time together. You could see his longing glances across the studio, when the rest of the band was there. He just wanted to be together, which you could understand. You would take every opportunity possible to sneak into his room, most times just to talk. You wanted to be near him, to hear his voice and feel his touch. It was getting increasingly harder to not do so in front of others.
One night, after a long practice, you were struggling to sleep. It had been happening for nights and nights in a row. You weren’t sure why, most likely due to all the stress of the rehearsals. You had tried everything from counting sheep, flipping yor pillow, you even smoked a cigarette or two. But nothing helped. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, you decided you would head into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
You slowly rolled out of your bed, your feet touching the cold floor beneath you as you walked to your door. You quietly opened the door, slipping out of your bedroom. The last thing you wanted was to wake the whole house up at this hour. Quickly, you scurried into the kitchen. You stuck your hands out to feel around for the cabinet holding the cups. But, instead of your hands finding a knob, you felt a mop of soft, blonde hair.
“What the hell,” Eddie quickly turned around to face you, loudly shutting the cabinet holding the glassware. “Eddie!” You scolded him for being so loud. You placed a hand over his mouth, symbolizing for him to be quiet. He tried to stifle a laugh as he grabbed the hand in front of his mouth, encasing it in his much larger hand. “Funny seeing you here, baby.” Eddie smirked as he placed one hand firmly on your hip, still holding one of your hands. You laughed quietly, a smile reserved only for him starting to appear on your face. He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “I’ve missed you.” Eddie said. You laughed quietly, quickly responding, “I saw you five hours ago, remember?” He rolls his eyes at you. “Not like that. I miss being alone with you.” He says suggestively. He slowly starts tracing patterns on your hand with his thumb.
“Well, we have alone time right now… why not make good use of it?” You smirk. Eddie leaned down to kiss your jaw, moving down until he reached your neck. Your wrapped your hands around his neck, slightly turning your head to give him better access. You were fully wrapped up in the kisses before you realized where you were. He was kissing you in the middle of the kitchen! Anyone could walk in! “Eddie,” you started, but he ignored your call. “Eddie!” you said it much louder this time, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. He stopped his trail of kisses, leaning his forehead against yours. He was so close to your lips, if he leaned in any further they would touch.
“We shouldn’t be doing this right now. Atleast not here.” You said. You bit your lip immediately after, pulling back your words. You knew it wasn’t right, but you missed him so much you couldn’t help it. “I know you don’t mean that.” Eddie said, tauntingly. He pulled a hand up to your lip, untucking it from under your teeth. “You bite your lip when you lie, sweetheart. You’re not very good at it.” He whispers to you. What happens next, you couldn’t control. You crashed your lips into his, hungrily looking for more.
Eddie places his hands under your thighs, and you jump up, wrapping your legs around him. His hands trace circles on your bare skin, making your heart jump. While your lips are still on his, he carries you to the counter, placing you down in front of him. His body is between your legs. Eddie is kissing down your neck, leaving light hickeys wherever he wants too. Those will be a problem for tomorrow. But right now, you’re fully in the moment. His hands are now under your shirt, and you can feel your heartbeat rising.
You’d been waiting for this forever. At this point, you’d forgotten you were in the middle of the kitchen. You needed him, and he needed you. The last time you were able to be together like this was weeks ago. All the pent-up tension between the two of you was being released with each kiss. Eddie grabs the end of your shirt, signalling for you to take it off. You do, and he kisses your shoulders and chest. But all the sudden, he stops. You look down at him, confused.
“Eddie? Eddie what happen-“
“Woah.” Warren says, startling you.
You turn your head, your face displaying total shock. Of course, someone would walk in! Just your luck. You quickly pull your shirt over your head and hop off the counter. This would take some explaining.
“You guys? You guys are hooking up?” Warren continues. His mouth is wide open. He’s laughing, rather loudly too. “I would’ve never guessed, man!”
The three of you stand there, all in total shock, for about a minute.
Warren Rojas (Drummer): It was crazy. I mean, we all knew they [Y/n and Eddie] had something. But I would’ve never known they’d been fucking. I always wondered why they didn’t tell anyone.
“So,” Eddie said. He looked at you for guidance.
“Please don’t tell anybody, Warren. Please.” You were practically begging him. You looked at him with your best puppy dog eyes and pleading smile. You could feel Eddie brushing his fingers against yours, almost for comfort.
“You guys don’t have to worry about me. I‘ll keep your secret.” He said. “I better be best man at the wedding, though.” Warren laughed.
“It’s not-“ Eddie said.
“Yeah, yeah. Can I atleast get some food though?” He said motioning to where you guys were standing, blocking the fridge.
You both nodded and scooted over very akwardly. You looked up at Eddie and all you could do was laugh, leaning into him. You placed your head on his chest, and he reached his hand up to cradle the back of your head. You were both laughing quietly. The situation was really ridiculous. You had been so careful, you never thought you would get caught. But it’s only one person who knows, right? And Warren wouldn’t dare tell anybody.
When Warren finished with whatever he was getting from the fridge, he started to walk away. When he was almost to his door, he turned to face you and Eddie. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. He settled with an akward wave. With that, Warren was gone.
“So, where were we…” Eddie said, slowly starting to kiss yor jaw. You put your hands out, putting space between the two of you.
“I’d rather not have the entire band walk in on us, Eds.” You say. Your decision still stands, about not wanting the whole world to know of you and Eddie’s realationship. If you could even call it that, really. “But, maybe if we went to one of our bedrooms…” You trail off. Eddie doesn’t have to hear anymore. He is dragging you off to his room.
Eddie Roundtree: That was a good night for me. For us. I think it really made me realize what I wanted for us. Y/n still didn’t want to come out in the open with our realationship, which I understood. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t have something just between us. So I asked her to be my girlfriend that night. And she said yes. *smiles*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
About two months or so after the Warren incident, the band was back in the studio recording. You were working with Teddy Price again. It was a miracle he let you back, considering how terribly the last tour ended. He suggested you bring in a new voice, someone who could bring more traction to the band. He suggested Daisy Jones. So, the band got to work on your new song Aurora, with the help of the wonderful Daisy.
One late night, the whole band was out with Daisy at Chateau Marmont. It was one of her many parties, which were always marvelous. You were wearing a short black skirt, matched with a white halter top with red floral detailing. You put together this outfit especially for a lipstick you wanted to wear, that was gifted to you by Karen, for your birthday. It was a gorgeous deep red color that complimented your skin perfectly.
You arrived at the Chateau a little later than everyone else, and you quickly found who you were looking for. Eddie. You made your way across the room to him. His face lit up with an all too familiar boyish smile. Eddie was standing alone next to the drinks, nursing a beer. He reached down to the cooler and grabbed you one, popping it open for you.
“Here you go, Y/n.” Eddie said while holding out his hand with the open beer. You took it with a smile.
“I’ve been looking for you all night, baby. Where have you been?” said Eddie. He takes a quick sip of his beer, admiring you. You can see his eyes flick up and down, from your legs up to your face. You could tell they lingered on your chest, which was exactly what you wanted. “I like this shirt.” He says, winking. You scan the room, making sure nobody is watching. You slowly take his hand and place a sloppy kiss on his lips. You start to lead him into a close bathroom.
“Are you sure Y/n? I mean we just got here, and you said you still wanted to keep us a secret.” Eddie says, looking at you concerningly. But you can tell, by how Eddie is looking at you and how he’s standing, with one hand holding yours and the other tight on your ass, that he really wants to sneak into the bathroom aswell. He was looking out for you, which was always something you admired about him. He was always considerate.
“It’ll be quick.” You smirk. You both make it into the restroom. You turn and lock the door behind you.
Around 30 minutes later, Eddie emerges from the bathroom. You both decided he would go first, just in case someone you two knew was by the door. This way nobody would become suspicious. He walks out back into the party, which has gained guests and volume while the two of you were away. He navigates through the crowd to find another beer. While searching for that, he finds two people from the band. Karen and Daisy were standing in the corner together. They wave Eddie over and he walks towards them.
“Hey Eddie, where have you been?” Says Karen. Daisy and Karen both smile at him, whilst exchanging looks. Eddie doesn’t catch it at first. He starts a conversation with them. But soon, after a while, Karen and Daisy burst out into a fit of laughter.
“What, what is it?” Eddie says, irriatated. Are they laughing at him? He hasn’t done anything embarrassing. Karen and Daisy don’t answer his question, they just continue to giggle.
“What’s funny?” Eddie restates himself. Now, he is just as much confused as he is annoyed. Did Billy tell them something? At this point, he was ready to leave and find somebody else to talk to. He was just about to walk away when Daisy grabs his hand.
“No, Eddie, wait,” She says between laughs, “We’ll tell you what’s funny.”
So, he turns backs around and crosses his arms. He could be doing much better things than being laughed at by two band mates. He looks around the room, impatiently waiting for their answer.
“Did you realize you have lipstick on your face, Eddie? Red lipstick?” Daisy says.
That’s what they were laughing at.
“And it looks an awful lot like the one I got Y/n for her birthday.” Karen adds.
Karen Sirko (keyboardist): Oh my God! It was hilarious! Eddie comes out, and he has lipstick everywhere. His lips, his neck. And at first I was like, “Oh, good for him.” but then I realized that it was Y/n’s lipstick! The one i got her for her birthday, even. God, that was the highlight of my week.
Eddie reaches a hand up to his lips, and sure enough, deep, red lipstick residue is on his hands. The trail goes down his neck, too. He keeps trying to rub it off to the best of his ability. He laughs akwardly, looking down. Daisy senses the akwardness and tries to comfort him.
“Hey, i’m really happy for you guys. You two will be a great match, i’m sure.” She smiles, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Eddie looks up, smiling back at her. “Would it be okay if you guys didn’t tell anybody for now? We aren’t ready to tell everyone yet.” He says.
Daisy Jones (vocals): Eddie and Y/n? They were adorable. You could just tell that he was in love with her. When he would play, the only person his eyes went to was Y/n. As for Y/n, she was the same. When he walked into the room, you could see her smile. If I wanted my future to be like anyone’s, It would probably be their’s.
Karen and Daisy both nod. Eddie felt really bad about them finding out. Y/n had asked him to keep it a secret and he was dumb and messed it up. But, hey, Warren already knows. So two more people shouldn’t be so bad? And Eddie trusts Karen. He wasn’t sure about Daisy yet, but Y/n seemed to love her. He’d have to tell Y/n soon.
Y/n L/n: I wasn’t mad at all. It was really my fault for not noticing the lipstick. I helped him wipe it off after that, and I have to admit, he looked really silly. I can’t believe he left the bathroom looking like that.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It was Julia’s first birthday. Camila had put together a celebration with balloons, banners, and an adorable little pink cake. It was all out together in their new house’s backyard. They had a housewarming party a while ago. It was one of the best parties you’d ever been too. Being surrounded by friends who loved you always made you feel better.
At Julia’s party, you and Eddie were playing with her. She had brought a couple Barbies outside and was acting out a scene with them. You and Eddie were doing it with her, going along with whatever she says. “We go swim!” Julia moves her Barbie over to a nearby puddle, grabbing both your hands and making you move yours over too. “Weeeeee!” Julia makes the Barbies jump up and down in the puddle. While they were jumping, she moves them around wildly in your direction and they splash your sundress.
“Woah! Julia!” You say, holding her hand to settle her down. “You got me all wet!” You joke, fake scolding. She giggles, apologizing, “I’m sorry Aunt Y/n!” You smile at her. How could you be mad at such a cute face? You grab Julia’s hand while standing up, and point in her dad’s direction. “It’s okay, Jules. Why don’t you go find your dad while I go clean up?” She follows your directions and runs over to her father, Billy.
You stand up, swiftly brushing the dirt and grime off your hands and dress.
“You’re really good with Julia, Y/n” Eddie says.
You smile widely at him, laughing happily. “You think so? I always imagined myself with kids when I was younger.”
“It just got me thinking. We could do that one day.” Eddie says, looking down at you fondly.
“Have kids?” You ask. It was true, you always thought you’d have a family. Two, even three kids. Maybe a dog, too. But that was all back in Pittsburgh. You weren’t sure if that life would fit into your life style now.
“Yeah. Big house, white picket fence. Some kids running around. Wouldn’t you like that, Y/n?” He says. You two were dangerously close, in the middle of Billy and Camila’s yard. Everyone you knew was there. But at the moment, it only felt you and Eddie were present. It was like the world closed in on you, and it was just him and you left. You liked the close, intimate feel. Even though you had been dating for around a year, you had never talked about your future outside of being in the band.
“Yeah, I think I would like that.” You say happily. You liked this side of Eddie. The warm, inviting side. You really were beginning to see a future with the blonde. The two of you stood, in the middle of the yard, just looking into each other’s eyes. Words didn’t need to be spoken. It was a silent “I love you”.
Eddie Roundtree: Yeah, I remember that day. She just looked so beautiful, playing with Jules. She was so kind, always was. You couldn’t help but love her. *smiles*
You are quickly snapped out of the moment by Camila calling to you.
“Hey, Y/n!” Camila says. She walks up to you and frowns. “I heard about your dress. I’m so sorry, i’ll talk to Jules after the party.” She apologizes.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just wash it when I get home.” You respond. You look down at your blue sundress, taking a look at all the muddy spots. “I think i’ll go inside and try to find a washcloth. I’ll try to get some of the mud out.” You say. Camila nods.
“I’ll come with you!” She exclaims. You flash Eddie a sweet smile goodbye, and he winks in return. Eddie turns to go talk to Graham as you go inside with Camila. As soon as you shut the door, Camila starts to smile suspiciously.
“You and Eddie, hm?” She questions. You freeze, simply in shock. You were going to have to dig yourself out of a big hole. Plus, you were never good at lying, especially to Camila. It was like she could see through people. You always envied it about her.
“What do you mean, Cami?” You ask. You begin to make you way to the sink, avoiding her eyes.
“Don’t try to fool me. I see the way he looks at you, Y/n. It’s like you hung the stars and put the moon in the sky. He loves you.” Camila smiles. She digs through the drawers of her kitchen before handing you a white washcloth.
“I don’t,” You start. The question had totally caught you off guard. Was it love? Had you fallen in love with Eddie Roundtree? “I don’t know how he feels.” You stutter. Guess there is no hiding it now.
You begin to wet the washcloth, but your mind is anywhere besides this room. Is Camila right? You always knew you had something special with Eddie. But you’d never thought about it this much to be honest. With the baby conversation today and Camila’s conversation with you right now, you are seriously considering it. Things between you and the blonde wasn’t just hooking up anymore and it hasn’t been for a long time. It felt as if things were suddenly gettin for serious, and you were not going to say no to it.
“Well I think I know how you feel.” The girl says, poking you in the side. You laugh with her, moving your hip out of her reach. You shake your head in response, but the radiant smile on your face tells otherwise.
When you recover from the laughter fit, you begin to blot the muddy fabric of your dress with the cloth. Cami settles down as well. She peeks out the window and smiles, “Looks like everyone is about to sing happy birthday. I better go get the candles. Come out in a second, yeah?” She says. You nod, waving her goodbye.
Just before she is about to walk out the door, she turns around and teases, “Oh, and Eddie will be out there, too. You might want to hurry.” She winks at you mischievously before shutting the door and hurrying over to where Julia and Billy were.
Camila Dunne: Oh, Gosh, they were an amazing couple. I would’ve never known, but once I did, it just felt so obvious. They were perfect together, and I mean it. You could just tell by the way they looked at eachother. As soon as his eyes fell on Y/n, they turned into hearts. And vice versa.
Normally, you would be freaking out. You just gave away the secret of your realationship to yet another person. But right now you were on cloud 9. Eddie Roundtree might love you. And you might love him back.
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When Aurora was finally finished, the entire band was thrilled. Everyone had working together, and it turned out perfectly. You could feel it was about to be a big hit. The single, Look At Us Now, was already topping the charts. You had Daisy’s and Billy’s perfect vocal chemistry to thank for that.
Everybody was getting ready for the album cover shoot. It had been scheduled for weeks. After much bickering from Daisy and Billy, they decided on a desert shoot. The whole band was wearing tan, blue, and brown costumes, some more extravagant than others.
You and Eddie, though, had different plans. You snuck into his room late the night before. Everyone was staying in a hotel, as the photo shoot location was about 3 hours out of town and nobody wanted to drive that far so early. So, while everyone was getting ready, you and Eddie were lying in bed together, enjoying the solitude of the morning.
You were brushing stray hairs out of his face, to make sure you could see his beautiful eyes. Atleast you always thought they were beautiful. He was looking right back at you, with a dopey grin on his face. “I love you, Y/n.” He whispered. And you whispered it back.
After ten more minutes of this lovesick haze, you sat up, grabbing your watch that layed onnthe bedside table. Your face froze with shock.
“Shit, Shit, Shit! Eddie, it’s already 9:30. We were supposed to be down five minuetes ago!” With those words, the two of you flew out of bed, hurrily throwing on coats and blouses and brushing knotted hair from last night’s activities.
Meanwhile, downstairs, everyone was waiting on you two. Daisy, Karen, Warren, Camila, Billy, even Julia, all sat downstairs around a couple tables. They had finished breakfast a while ago, as it was now 9:45.
“Okay, where the fuck are they?” Billy said, tapping his foot. Karen and Daisy shared a look, Warren snickered, and Camila avoided his gaze. But Graham was clueless.
“I’ll go get them. I’m done eating anyway.” The younger Dunne brother said, hopping out of his seat next to Karen. He walks up to the elavator and steps inside, pressing the button of the band’s floor.
Meanwhile, you and Eddie were still frantically trying to get ready. You were applying a nude lipstick while Eddie buttoned up his shirt. You were no where near ready and you figured time was running out.
Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. You both freeze, making eye contact in the mirror.
“Probably just maintenance.” You reason.
“Yeah, just maintenance.” He agrees.
But you both quickly found out you were wrong when Graham’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. “Eddie, man, get up! You’re already thirty minutes late for photos.”
Oh, so it wasn’t maintenance. It was Graham. And Graham didn’t know. You and Eddie had started to consider telling everyone for good, but it had been so easy how it already was. You had settled into a routine of secrecy. It would just be so much harder to stop.
Graham knocks again, sounding impatient. You quickly pull out a curling iron to atleast get half your hair done while Eddie rushes to the door.
“Hey, just give me five more minutes.” He says before shutting the door in his face. Your boyfriend quickly rushes over to you in the bedroom, as you had given up on the hair curling idea after the front two pieces.
“What are we going to do, Ed?” you ask. He places a reassuring hand on your cheek, brushing a piece of hair away from your face.
“I’ll go out first. I’ll talk to Graham for a little before moving on downstairs. Then, he’ll go to your room next door and knock. You’ll slip out of here and try to walk a little ways down the hall so he doesn’t notice you came out of my room. Just pretend you were getting ice or something.” He says. You nod, trying hard to listen to exactly what he says.
When Eddie finishes speaking, you place a gentle kiss on his cheek. “For good luck.” you say. He smiles and embraces you quickly before heading for the door, motioning for you to hide on the other side of the room.
“Sorry about that Graham. Woke up late.” You can hear Eddie say from the other side of the wall. You press your ear up against the wallpaper trying to listen to more.
“I get it. I’m going to knock on Y/n’s door too. She must’ve overslept as well.” He pats Eddie on the shoulder before moving on to your door down the hall. You hear the steps of boots which you assume means he’s far enough away. You make your way to the door and open it very slowly. You manage to squeeze out of the half opened door. Now, you shut the door quietly before walking a little ways down the hall, like Eddie said.
“Hey, Y/n!” Graham calls out, and you stop in your tracks. “Where’d you come from?” He asks.
“I was just getting ice. Down the hall. At the ice machine.” You manages to sputter out. You’d never describe yourself as a nervous person, but right now, the nerves where like butterflies floating in your stomach, in your brain, and throughout your whole body. Graham furrows his brows at you, not very convinced by your efforts.
“I’m going to go ahead and get some breakfast.” You say quickly, speedwalking down the hallway. You thought you handled that pretty well.
Graham Dunne (Lead Guitar): She had come out of Eddie’s room. It was very obvious. Y/n was also always a terrible liar. I knew they were hooking up way before that ever even happened.
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Karen Sirko: I think everyone knew they were in a realationship by that point. Daisy and I had a bet on when they would tell us.
Daisy Jones: It eventually came out when we were on tour, so Karen won technically. But they were just so shit at keeping secrets we all figured out a long time ago.
Warren Rojas: I was actually best man at Eddie’s and Y/n’s wedding. It was probably the best wedding i’ve ever been to. But don’t tell Lisa that. *winks*
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Kremy doesn’t like being wet
Like yes, he’s an alligator and all m but I don’t think he really enjoys water or swimming. I think he still likes damper environments but, being the man that he is and caring more about his suit and appearance than the rest, I don’t think he likes being wet.
It’s probably not a good sensory experience for him, especially with more than underwear/shorts on (and a swim shirt maybe).
He’s likely a naturally good swimmer, and arguably the best of the Krew aside from maybe Frost (because he would have been properly taught in his life) but since he doesn’t practice or swim often, he’s not nearly as good as he could be
I actually do agree with this with the condition I think he does like taking fancy shmancy baths. Completely controllable environment; temperature how you want, lighting how you want, no flora or fauna touching you unexpectedly, and you can use fun ye olde bath bombs.
I agree most definitely with the sensory thing, as per one of my other hcs, I think he is very sensory avoidant with physical touch specifically, and lakes and marshes and what have you are all about the "was that a plant or was that a lake monster who knows".
It's also, on top of feeling terrible to wear wet clothes, probably not good for the suit. These materials are expensive and sensitive!! I DONT WANNA PAY FOR DRY CLEANING RIGHT NOW!
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satoruhour · 1 year
a/n: 0.9k words of me making fun of toji. a terrible crack fic i dont even know whether this is funny or not but ofc this is gifted to @kazushawty after making fun of her for changing her themes sm. briefly based off this fking ask from anon, i added that same charity box LMFAO / badly written p -> v sex, no foreplay, man idek whether you guys want warnings 😭😭
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“baby, did you manage to get the—” karma turns at the creak of the door, but stops abruptly upon seeing toji enter through the door, which wasn’t exactly a proper door, more made of cardboard because he had punched through it once. the writer would’ve replaced it, but toji was always out killing sorcerers, and that made it difficult to go shopping for a door where they could be seen and identified everywhere. plus, karma was susceptible to complaints by toji at times for picking a door too expensive.
“why do you look like that…” toji’s hair was all over the place, shirt crumpled and chest heaving from probably running over.
“got us some change.” he grinned, showing karma the charity box he forcibly yanked from the counter. it was hilarious in retrospect, seeing such a big burly man attempt to order some mcdonald’s for him and his girl, but got distracted by the spare change in the charity box that’s installed to the counter. it was no problem for him, since he had already scared everyone with that big ass worm on his shoulders, and with one clean sweep of his sword he was able to dislodge it. his stupid face was sure to get plastered in posters all over the store now.
“are you serious, toji?” karma crossed her arms, clearly displeased, and yet the dishevelled state toji was in reminded her of the many nights he had her under him, panting and out of breath as both him and the worm stared down at her—
“what? a little theft doesn’t hurt anyone, doll.”
“that’s charity money, baby!” she says one thing and yet something else is tugging at her, the tight shirt on her boyfriend to the clench of his muscles and the thighs through the occasional shorts that toji wore; everything about toji was attractive that it send her pussy fluttering, prompting her to walk up to her. the other almost thinks he’s going to get another lecture but all he can feel is her hand throwing the box to the side, a hand tangled in his sweaty hair and she yanks him down to plant a sloppy kiss on her man’s lips.
it wasn’t difficult, then, for toji to take over, one hand on her waist, walking her backwards into their bedroom. the mattress was nearing its end, peeling at the sides while the springs start to show, but karma didn’t care, letting the other take over easily as he removes her shirt along with her underwear, the desires getting too much. the bedframe below them creaked just a little, sending panic through her, but toji waves it off with a hand.
“i’ll fuck you until this shitty bed breaks.” he laughs, spreading karma’s legs easily, with her already wet, it’s easy to slip in. 
“YOU were the one who chose this, you broke bitch!” karma licks her lips despite her outburst, at the way toji fishes out his member, and while crude names were the norm, toji knew they held no malice.
“yeah, this broke bitch—” the other strokes his dick, already prepared to slam into karma, but there’s a faint echo of police sirens in the background, “is forever and ever, karma’s.”
“yeah, but not for long if you get arrested! hurry and fuck me already—”
“bet.” as with the many times they’ve fucked, she hardly needs any prep, feeling toji’s large horse cock enter her and soon toji sets a pace, getting his girl moaning while he rocks into her with the pace of an old man. all that running has got his hip feeling a little wonky.
“oh yeah!! right there tojiiiiii!”
“yeah, take it like the bitch you are—”
“hello? how dare you call a woman a bitch?” karma gives him the finger, but knows it’s a slip of his tongue, either way she knows toji tries his best. she flips the both of them over and taking the lead cause he was just too goddamn slow, like a fucking snail, he is.
“heh, apologies, baby. old habits die hard, just like stealing.”
karma speaks in between moans, “yeah, after this i’m returning that charity box.” she reaches her high fast, toji’s shaft reaching deep easily before she climaxes, hips still rocking atop him but she stills when she hears that the sirens are closer with each breath she takes and doesn’t let toji cum, pulling him by his dick to pester him to change quickly.
“let’s get out of here, toji, c’mon.”
“thought you said you were gonna return it?” toji grins, slapping karma on the ass before getting changed. he almost falls over trying to get the other foot into his underwear. “also i didn’t even cum yet!”
“shut up, i’ll suck you off in the car. but either way, whatever my boyfriend does i’ll support him,” karma reaches forward to plant a kiss on him, but not before they both hear the wood cave in behind them, the once bedframe left in a heap on the floor as dust flew everywhere.
toji and karma simply exchanged laughs, running out to their cardboard toji built by hand to evade the police easily, although they had to create a new one because toji had came too much and also his worm vomited all over the cardboard and melted through it unfortunately. ah, well.
(they both forgot to take the charity box of change)
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sillygirlactivities · 6 months
Let Me Be Your Girl
Summary: You decided you weren't a little girl anymore. Pairing: DBF Leon Kennedy x Younger Fem Reader (y/n) Tags: older Leon (mid 30s), reader is 20, IM SORRY I DIDN'T WANNA USE Y/N IT JUST HAPPENED, f masturbation, p in v
A/N: first (official) fic! Feedback is appreciated !! Please enjoy! ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ (he has a slight accent DONT CARE IF ITS NOT CANON IDFC)
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I loved wearing short skirts, tight tops, little bows in my hair.
I loved parading myself around knowing I had everyones eyes on me.
But boys my age would never be what I wanted, I always wanted something older. More bitter. Like how I always would take whiskey over cheap beer. Sweet wine over a shot. Just like how I wanted him from the start. Leon has always been close to my dad. Whenever my dad was on missions, Leon was there to watch me. Held me over my first breakup, gave me my first glass of whiskey. I mean what about him was there not to love? "You'll find older is always better hunny." He told me after pouring me a glass. Leon always wanted me to be safe. Drinking with him than at some stupid party with drunk boys. "Teenage boys don't know how to treat someone like you yet baby." He said to me that night. That's when it started, my little teenage crush on Leon. Whenever he came over my shorts got shorter, my tops tighter. I always did my hair up for him, my makeup a little nicer than usual. I started to wear the bows in my hair for him when he said drunkly to me, "You should wear these more often. Make you look pretty." he said stumbling all over his words, mindlessly moving my hair out of my face. I tried making my crush on him obvious, brushing my hand along his, bending over to pick stuff up, listening to him talk about his hard day at work. Batting my lashes at him, practically giving him fuck me eyes. Never did he ever do anything back. Moved away from my advances even. Now I'm 20, still having him babysit me like some stupid teenager. I'm not some stupid kid anymore who can't take care of herself. I pull my tits into my lacy cami top, braiding my hair putting little bows at the end, just like he said he liked. My pj shorts rested low on my hips, barely doing anything to cover up the pink lacy underwear underneath.
Tonight I was going to prove to Leon I wasn't some dumb kid he needed to protect and watch over, but rather a girl who could love. A girl he could fuck. No more restless nights in my bed, fucking into my own hand thinking of him, I needed him. Just once. To ruin every other man for me, just like he said. "Older always better."
I hear the door open downstair, "Hey baby, your daddy said I had to watch you tonight." I hear him yell from downstairs. I skip down the stairs checking myself in the mirror before going into the kitchen. I smile big before jumping into his arms. "Leon!!" I can hear him chuckle as he holds me back. His hands resting on my lower back, never any lower. I lean my head back to look up at him, "Don't you think I'm a little old for a babysitter?" Leon tilts his head at me, "No but I also rather not lose my job because I told your dad off." I roll my eyes at him, "Daddy likes you to much, he'd never do that." Leon walks around the kitchen, in what I'm assuming is making us dinner. So I perch myself up on the counter, trying to position myself in a way that would draw his attention to me. I hear him sigh, "Yeah, I guess I am a favorite of his ain't I?" He puts the pan on the stove next to me, and he leans over me. I lean into him more, "Yeah, and I think he knows I'd be mad if I didn't see you around again." I say smiling, bringing my face closer to his. Leon immediately backs up. I pout a bit, going to get off the counter before, "You need to stop that." He says gruffly from his spot on the other side of the kitchen. I tilt my head, walking towards him. "Stop doing what Leon?" He turns and stops me in my tracks, my face almost colliding with his chest. "Parading yourself around for me, I'm not stupid y/n." I look up at him, giving him the best fuck me eyes I can give. "Than give me what I want Leon." I put my hand out onto his chest, "I've only been asking for years now. Just one time is all I'm asking for." He grabs my wrist and leans into my face, "Baby, one time would ruin you. Would risk me my entire job. What if your daddy found out huh? I think he'd kill me." I tilt my head, pouting out my lip a bit, "He doesn't have to find out, you're a government agent, I know you can keep a secret."
The grip he had on my wrist got a little tighter, and he gave me a harsh look, like he was trying to figure out what he was going to do to me. That look, the grip he had on me, made me wet. I step closer into him, "Leon, please?" He dropped my wrist, "Go to your room." He turned away from me, going back to cooking. "Your sending me to my room?" I stop my foot on the tile. "I am not a fucking child Leon!" He swiftly turns, "Your sure actin like it!" I sniffle and climb up the stairs back to my room. I slam my door before letting out another little sob. I was not a little kid anymore. I lay in my bed, cuddling my pillow. I sniffle again drying whatever tears were last till I had another idea. Why be sad when I can make myself feel better? I reach into my bedside table grabbing my pink vibrator, before removing my pj pants.
I sit up on my knees, before turning it on and placing it on my clit. I moan, loudly at the feeling. If I wasn't going to get the attention from him, I'll give it to myself. I spread myself out onto my bed, ass up, starting to grind into it. "Y/N! Dinner is ready!" I moan, turning it on to the higher setting, ignoring Leon. I hear him start to climb up the steps before swinging my door open. I don't stop. I open my legs wider, exposing my wet cunt to him. I keep chasing my high before I feel a pair of hands grab me and flip me over. He grabs the vibartor out of my hands, and throws it across the room. "What the fuck do you think you're doing." I tilt my head, "Pleasing myself cus you wouldn't man up and do it for me."
Leon grabs my hips harder, digging his hands into my hips. "You're real stupid to think this would work on me." I get my foot in-between us, pushing on his lower stomach. "Well something down there is say something else, hun." Leon grabs me again, pushing my leg out of the way, putting me flush onto his hard on. He leans down, putting his face right in mine, "Well, Hun, me ever fucking you, is not an option. I could lose my job, your dad's friendship. It doesn't matter how badly I want you or your tight ass cunt." His grip on my hips feels bruising now, causing me to lock my legs around him.
"Leon nobody has to know, please. I can't explain to you how much I need you. " I plead to him. "I know, you think I can't hear you up here? Walls are pretty thin here baby, and do you know how hard it is to not come up here and treat you the way you're begging?" He seethes out of his mouth. "Trust me I've had blue balls for months Y/n."
I let out a shakey breath, "Nobody, Leon, has to know." I bring my hand up to cup his cheek, "I can keep a secret and my dad would never know any better. Please." I beg. Guess my pleading worked because next thing I know his mouth was on mine. Hot, feverish, sloppy, kisses. In a mess on tongue and teeth clashing, panting into each others mouth. He moves down to my neck, leaving hickeys on my collarbone, "Gotta stop wearing those stupid tiny little camis, drive me fucking wild baby. I know every other boy is staring at your pretty little tits too, but they'll never see em' will they baby?" He continues his assault on my chest, "No, nuh-uh." I drunkly mumble out.
I can hear him chuckle as he moves his hands under my shirt, "We haven't got to the good part and you're already drunk on me, ain't that cute." I whine at his words, "Leon~". I tilt my head back, trying to grind myself into him, (very unsuccessfully). He finally pulls my shirt off of me, before running his hands back down to my thighs. "Just because I think you've been left so high and dry for so long, I'll give into you but next time you're gonna have to work for it, k baby?" I frantically nod my head, desperate for him to touch me, "Yes Sir." I watch him smirk above me as he starts to play with my clit. "I like that." He says to me, before he slips in one of his large sized fingers, causing my to moan. "Fuck aren't you wet, I really get you going huh hun." I can sense the shit eating grin he has on his face, but my eyes are rolled so far into the back of my head I could give a fuck less. He continues to finger me open, before I start to come undo around his fingers. "We aren't done yet baby, still haven't had my turn." He flips me over and pulls me to the edge of the bed, lifting my ass up to meet his hips. He puts the tip to my entrance, circling and tapping on it just to get a reaction out of me. It worked, I was squirming and moaning beneath him. "Leon, fuck, please just fuck me already." I cry into my sheets. I feel him push into me, causing me to gasp at how wide I was being spread open. "You said you wanted it." He says from behind me. And he took advantage of it. The grip he had on my hips would leave bruises in the morning as he pounded his cock into me. Leaving me a drooling, moaning mess, gripping onto my sheets. He moves one hand under my chin, bringing me up to him, "You can't even say how good you feel I'm fucking you so good, huh baby?" He chuckles as nothing but a broken moan escapes me as I paw at the hand on my chin. He spits into my mouth before pushing me back into my sheets. Keeping one hand on my head, pushing me down and the other still bruisingly gripping my hip. He starts to pound into me faster, "Come on baby, I'm close, I know you close. Can feel your little pussy squeezing me." I can hear his low groans as he pounds into me faster. I let out a loud, broken moan as I feel myself cum around his cock. He pulls out just in time, coming all over my ass as I twitch and squirm underneath him. He moves a piece of my bangs out of my face, leaning over me. "You alright baby?" I nod, contently (after having the best fuck of my life) before he smiles, "Well let's get you cleaned up then and we can have dinner. I made your favorite." And he did, he showered you, helped you change your clothes, he even let you pick out the movies you guys watched as y'all ate. You cuddled up into his chest after, him running his fingers through your hair, both contently holding each other, falling asleep on the couch.
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A/N: AAAAAA I hope yall enjoyed!! much love if you read this far !! <33 :3
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goreador · 3 months
care to speak more about your ex sabbat vampy fellow........ i like the premise of that character!!
yes!!!!! oh boy will i !!!!!!!!!!! this got long so dante lore under the cut
tldr: mommy issues made this man a vampire classist. and blond.
his art tag:
his funny posts that remind me of him tag:
he was a character for a friends new orleans camarilla game that didnt quite make it off the ground due to (shudders) scheduling but we had a session beforehand. it was a game consisting of ancillae so we were all 11th-10th gen
ariodante lionetti is a 10th generation lasombra hailing from venice, embraced in the mid 1800s by a french noblewoman by the name of cristabel de le vigne. initially, she was scouting his brother for the embrace (i forgot to name him otl) as he was the more successful of the two lionetti sons; he was a well-educated merchant whereas ariodante was a petty criminal with an uncontrollable temper. however, when the brothers life fell apart and his family fell to ruin, the only one continuing to perservere through it was ariodante, and her attentions shifted to him instead. he was embraced into the aristocracy of the sabbat where he had manners and also classism drilled into him, making something presentable of the former criminal
this is not to say he did not have a mean streak. because he did. he refused to associate with 1. mortals and 2. low clans as well as anyone his sire did not like. he was unpopular in venice with a reputation of an arrogant lick, and this did not change when he and his sire relocated to france, either. this led to him having a relatively small social circle, where he befriended (?) a tzimisce going by the name eden, who was the childe of cristabels rival
while most childer eventually would leave the nest, ariodante was glued to cristabels side. he idolized her and carried out her every whim. when the firedance began in 1999, he came with her to the united states. he served as her templar as she began a bishop on the east coast.
things would change when she met her final death at the hands of the anarchs.
ariodante became the new bishop and launched a vengeful crusade against the anarch movement. more notably was the change of his appearance: his head was fleshwarped (via eden, his old associate) to become a perfect mirror of cristabels. his haven, notably, was also decorated with cristabels old portraits. no remnants of ariodantes face remained. he was to become her mausoleum
in the year 2015, when some of clan lasombra began to defect to the camarilla, ariodante followed suit. his diocese was a mess, and he had "become soft." he found himself wandering into the (relative, in the eyes of kindred) backwater city of new orleans, where the prince took pity on him and appointed him as his scourge.
here are some doodles i never posted of him
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build wise hes still a very broad and hairy man. he just has his sires face. hes the type of guy to use 3 in 1 body wash/shampoo/conditioner and i dont think he wears underwear tbh
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feral-teeth · 8 months
Hey youre not being watched, youre not being surveyed always, there is nothing watching you. I say that from the bottom of my heart, and i hipe this helps even just a little bit. No one cares, in the nicest of ways, that you flapped your heand when you got too excited about soemthing, people love to see you happy and in joh, no one cared when you posted that fic and there was a spelling error, people loved it and read it in their bus or on the train or on the bus to work and it made their day, they got lost in your words amd they fell in kove with the stories you make. They love your writing, and they csnt wait for you to post more when you can. And if you cant, they will enjoy what you have already blasted off into the universe, into their hands for them to hold and care for and cherish. Your art and your writing and your music is cherished, even if it has fallen on deaf ears or someone criticized it. Its just between you and god, you and the man who is always watching but with love. And jesus is there too i guess hi buddy lol
But you need to remember to keep creating, and resting too goddammit whenever you can because a burnt out artist feels like the end of the world i would kmow because i wrote all of this in a tangent while sitting on my toilet on my mini ipad for you to read, it may just be for me but i hipe upi touched someine today, eben if it was hust me, i love uou.
Let me say it again, if no one loves uou, i love you. Even the hyperthettical me that you see in uour dreams, that you imagine sitting beside you as you read this, but im here with you. ALways. If no one is in your heart than i am, i am the kind words that enter your mind when you think an animal is cute or you think you look hot or sexy in your new outfit or naked or just in your underwear, i love it, i think uou look hot and sexy and beautiful no matter how old you are, because i will always love you. Even on your worst days when youre mean and your zoned out and you hate your sistser or your brother or your paretns or your dad or mom or uncle died and you dont know what to do with all of the grief, i will be sitting beside you holding your hand through it.
I made myself cry with my own words, because this is what i always needed to hear. I needed to hear this. I am the kind voice in my own head and heart and i miss her so much it hurts so much and im sorry.
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easterndelights · 2 days
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"I don't know whether it's admiration or romantic attraction. I don't know what to call it. I don't know what to call myself either. But this is me."
おっさんのパンツがなんだっていいじゃないか! Don't Care For An Old Man's Underwear! (2024) | EP 9
subs by isaksbestpillow
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avorbl · 4 months
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Don’t Care for an Old Man’s Underwear!/Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! (2024) Episode 9 - Subs by isaksbestpillow
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bnnuy-wabbit · 1 year
Complaints under readmore. I need to get a fucking job.
I feel like a really really really need to get a job. my mom is the one that gets me all my clothes and stuff and it's?? HORRIBLE. To have to depend on other people to get you the things you need. I need new things. Its not even like a Vanity thing at this rate because I've been wearing the same clothes since i was 15 and I'm 21 now and 1. Some of these are worn to hell and back 2. I don't want to look forever like im 15 man!!! I've mentioned it to my mom but as much as she says "oh if you want/need something you can just tell me :)" she just wont get the stuff i need unless it caters to her tastes or i just absolutely cannot live without Thing. she laughed at me when i said i needed a bra. Cuz see. I dont have a bra. I literally do not HAVE one. I've been wearing the same toppers since i was 17! And we bought some sports tops a couple years back but they DON'T FIT ME ANYMORE. But i just can't get new ones because it's expensive and hey you already have those i got you a couple years ago (4 years ago!!! The elastic is falling apart!!!!). Like!!! A lot of my Stay at Home clothes are hand me downs from HER or from my GRANDMA. I have exactly TWO sleeveless shirts we got from clearance 3 years ago. When its hot i just have to cope with wearing sleeves or just having a sports bra on because fuck if i care for having options right?? My underwear is also falling apart (she got them for extremely cheap 3 years ago) but they're still usable so I can't have new ones. Most of my clothes have been GIFTS FROM PEOPLE WHO DONT KNOW ME OR WHAT I LIKE. Nothing i have matches ME. Also im just TIRED of looking like im 15 forever. If you look at any pictures of me from the past 6 years im literally wearing the same shit in all of them. I'm thankful for what i have and all that but dude. I don't want to dress like a 15 year old boy. I've grown up and I'm not even a boy anymore.
Im desperate. I need my own fucking money. I want to be able to buy the shit i want without having to make a powerpoint presentation of the pros and cons about Getting this New Item i Need. The moment i get my first paycheck im burning all of it in new clothes because FOR FUCKS SAKE MAN. I want a bra and underwear and a dress and sleeveless shirts and comfortable shorts that arent 6 sizes too big because theyre hand me downs from grandma and a jeans jacket thats MINE and that wont get me yelled because im borrowing it Again
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macy-chii · 1 year
It's tough man.
Worst part is that I can still remember it.
Heavy vent ahead, mentions of grooming, dni if it triggers you.
So when I was like 12 this person we're gonna call Nicky was a close friend who I used to talk to in G+, we became close bffs, but Nicky started asking for me to draw things between our characters, in rp's things would turn nsfw, things I didn't know. Nicky would ask for me to draw one of my ocs in underwear and in sexual situations. I was forced, but i gave in since I was 12, I didn't know better.
Things escalated, we were a couple for a few months, and Nicky would send pictures of themselves n4k3d, to me, because this person at this point had made me think it was normal, and they wanted me to also send those type of pictures. I didn't.
I recall a conversation going horribly bad, they talked about how they wanted to f4ck me with a yknow what attached to their pelvis. I didn't answer yes, I was unsure, I was scared, but i never said anything.
Things kept going on like that for several months, but we broke up, both going different ways. I was informed by their part that they were on psychiatric therapy and lookout, that they wouldn't return anymore.
At 12, I was "brainwashed" to think that nsfw at my age was ok, but that wasn't the nail in the coffin, I saw things I wish I could forget, I saw things my dad did that to this day still disgust me. Why did I see that? It's no surprise that from a young age I've stayed awake pretty late, since I can remember starting my teen years. And at midnight I usually needed to go to the bathroom, but what I saw was far worst, something my eyes just couldn't believe.
I saw bad things, him doing the yucky on the living room without doing it on private, 12/13 year old me just hated that. I just wanted to use the bathroom, that was all i wanted to do.
And now, the present.
Things have been talked out, and some have been fixed. But the memories are still there, and they ain't leaving no matter how hard I try to get rid of them.
I don't wish on no one to go through grooming, it's horrible, and it's something that can affect you.
But I know that from the things I've seen, I would never do what Nicky did to me.
Maybe I'm the person who I am now because of the things I've seen throughout the years, I really dont care about nsfw, at this point it's unfortunately normal, I don't bat an eye anymore, that and to other areas of nsfw.
Maybe that would be the only thing I'd change about my past. Just that.
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blxetsi · 3 years
Jinx x fem!reader sickfic this has been on my mind for forever
Just jinx being worried for her gf because she’s super out of it and feverish and stuff lol
lit rally so excited to get back into writing luv
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jinx taking care of reader while they're sick headcanons
jinx x gn!reader
warnings: nothing except for medicine taking ??? idk mentions of being nakey like a wee baby
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- okok so im kind of torn on this bc i dont know if jinx would notice immediately of your condition or not
- like shes smart asf but if shes working and preoccupied with something shes not gonna notice your sniffles and groans 
- i think you guys would be in her little workshop, you lying on a couch she has in the corner while jinx works at her desk tinkering with different wires and bolts, testing out new bombs by throwing them off the side of the platform, hearing them explode before turning back to write notes 
- you’d be in and out of consciousness, the explosions waking you up before the fatigue got to you again and you’d be out like a light. 
- jinx would notice your silence when she’s trying to ask you something but you’re not responding, she would look over and see you sleeping
- just thinking you’re taking a nap, jinx would coo at you before minding her noise, trying to quiet things down for you. 
- the only way she would really know you’re sick is if silco comes down, telling jinx she has to accompany sevika on a new shipment
“and please, tell that child to leave.” 
“they’re not a child, they’re my friend.” jinx mutters. 
“a friend you kiss ?” silco asks, “nonetheless, i need them gone while you’re out. i can’t be responsible for someone who likes to explore, especially in places they know they’re not allowed.” 
jinx rolled her eyes. “y/n is just curious, is that so harmful ?” the blue haired beauty walks over to where you lie on the tattered old couch, your back towards the father and daughter.
“curiosity killed the cat my dear, and that’s where your ‘friend’ may be headed if they keep up these shenanigans.” 
jinx starts shaking you, and then tries tickling you, where she feels the warmth of your underarms accompanied by sweat. after a quick ‘ew !’ being shouted, to cause silco to walk over. your sweet girlfriend rolls you over, only to find you unconscious and sweaty. 
“what’s wrong with them ?” jinx starts shaking you, before silco raises a hand to halt her. he silently places his hand on your forehead, before pulling away. “they’re sick, a fever.”
“well if y/n’s sick i can’t just go off with sevika now can i ?” she asks, turning her body towards silco. 
“jinx, it’s business, there’s nothing i can do.”
“it’s always business ! i need to take care of them, at least let me bring them to my room, and then i can go with sevika. please ?” jinx holds her hands together like shes praying and juts out her lip, making a puppy dog face at the taller man. 
silco glances back at your body before sighing. “i think yennefer is free right now, i’ll send her out with sevika instead.” 
- jinx would be so happy she was able to take care of you, immediately picking you up and taking you to her room. she’d whistle and have a little pep in her step while holding your sick, smelly body 
- immediately she would set you into her bed, a big queen sized with the finest silks and cotton bedding from piltover. she would undress you, leaving you only in your underwear, and get to work
- jinx has had violet silco take care of her when she was sick, especially when she was younger, so the gunslinger would know exactly what to do to help her special little lover
- first she would get out some medicine, a thick liquid that tastes like death but works wonders on the body, and spoon feed a bit to you. the taste would wake you up immediately, while jinx tries to shush you and tells you to swallow. 
- then she gets out a washcloth and fills a bowl with hot water, and just drags the cloth up and down your body, wiping away the sweat and grime while soothing you.
- then, she would take off her boots and crawl into bed with you, watching you breathe to make sure nothing happens
- occasionally she would poke you, and whisper to see if you’d wake up, before just resting her head on your shoulder, stroking your body softly with her nails, watching as goosebumps arose on your body
- and when you’d wake, jinx would be there to give you more medicine and kiss your pain away
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im rusty at writing fr so i hope u like it 😭😭😭 send in requests babes ‼️
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kiyoors · 3 years
for tonight 
Kuroo Tetsuro x reader 
wc: somewhere under 1k :)
kuroo’s not exactly passed out. not really, because he’s looking up at you, blinking, aware.
not to say that he’s doing great, though, because he is half-sitting, half-laying in your bathtub.
you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. about fifteen minutes ago, you’d pushed him into your bathroom, throwing in with him a spare change of clothes, and told him to get dressed. this was all, of course, after he’d called you, drunk, to pick him up from a night out with his old high school teammates.
really, this is your fault for agreeing to be roommates with the man.
he opens his mouth, struggling to form the words.
“y/n, i need you to help me change,” he whispers (you don’t know if he bangs the back of his head on the bathroom tile on purpose or not), “… can’t- can’t stand up on my own.”
kuroo tetsuro will definitely not be nominated for the roommate of the year award— you’ll make sure of that.
still, the way his usually sly eyes are now round and honest, moves you to help him.
first, the shirt. that’s probably easiest, you think.
taking it off is easy enough, and once you’re left with a shirtless kuroo in your tub, you think you might be able to do this, never mind the rapid beating of your heart.
“stop ogling,” he slurs.
your heart trips over a beat or two. you scowl. “i was not ogling,” you tell him, “in fact, you can take care of the rest."
you’re about to leave the bathroom, but he take a hold of the hem of your shirt, slurring some more.
“nhg- mmno! don’t go,” and he tugs you back, almost tripping you in the process. who knew drunk people could be so strong?
“the tile’s so cold,” he complains and you sigh again.
“whatever. need you to sit up.”
kuroo hums, doing as he’s told.
you get the sweatshirt over his head, but it takes you a good five minutes to fight his arms in through the sleeves.
“this smells like you,” he says, not really complaining, just stating a fact.
“i was wearing it earlier,” you dismiss him, trying to figure out how the fuck you’re gonna get him out of his slacks and into the sweatpants you brought for him.
he hums, “it looks like mine”
you dont respond because it is.
“i need you to stand up.” you tell him.
he helplessly looks up at you, “(y/n), i can’t.”
you want to scream into a pillow and choke the life out of him. why are you helping him?
you step into the tub with him, crouching down so you’re straddling his hips, and hook your arms under his arm pits.
“i’ll hold you steady,” you tell him; wide eyed, he holds your stare and nods, “but i need you to stand up.”
“‘m gonna fall.”
you’d never known his voice to be this... soft, vulnerable.
“you won’t, kuroo; i promise.”
even though he does stand, you do, like, two-thirds of the work, and it takes you both more than one try. he wasn’t lying when he said he couldn’t stand, and you have to secure him in your hold, most of his weight being held up against your frame as he leans further into you.
you huff, hoping this nightmare ends soon.
you reach under his sweatshirt, fingers grazing the skin of his tummy in order to find the buckle of his belt. you hear his breath hitch. you squeeze your eyes shut and clench your jaw tight.
quickly, you undo his belt, and the button of his slacks, and the zipper too, all while trying very hard to ignore the bulge underneath the material of his underwear.
kuroo sighs, nuzzling a little deeper into the junction of your neck and shoulder. “y’know,” he mumbles, “it’d be a lot harder if i hadn’t drunk so much.”
it takes you a second to process the meaning behind his words. you choke on nothing but your spit.
that’s it. you are going to kill him. you’ll drop him, and hope he cracks his skull open on the tile and-
kuroo plants a soft kiss on your shoulder. “thanks for helpin’ me,” he says softly.
the duality of man.
really, it’s incredible how one’s plans for murder can be foiled by a single brush of the lips.
“we’re not done yet,” you mutter back as he kicks off his pants.
a thought occurs to you: how the fuck are you going to put on his sweats if A.) they’re across the bathroom, on the sink counter, and B.) you’re carrying 73% of his weight.
“kuroo,” you say, and he’s already dozing off on your shoulder. you gently pat his cheek and brush back the mess he calls hair away from his face in the hopes of waking him. “‘m gonna lean you against the wall,” you tell him, already shifting his weight, “you need to stay standing up, ‘kay?”
“don’t go,” he fights you weakly, but he’s already leaning against the bathroom corner as you shuffle out of the tub.
it’s not until kuroo cracks one of his eyes open and sees you, kneeling in front of him, that he groans (both at the pounding of his head and at how pretty you look like this).
rolling your eyes and muttering a quiet ‘pig’ under your breath, you have him step into his pants, pulling them up as you move to stand. you tell yourself that the way your fingers linger on the skin of his hips as you settle the waistband of his sweats there is purely accidental.
kuroo sighs again, leaning into you so you can carry his full weight again.
“bed.” you both say at the same time, with different intentions.
drunk as he is, kuroo snickers in your arms. “if you insist, sweetheart.”
“i’ll drop you.” you promise, wrapping you arms tighter around him as you help him go over the edge of the tub.
the trek down the hall all the way to his room seems too great at 3:42 am and with an extra 180 pounds, so you resort to walking him to your room instead.
you have a bigger bed, anyway.
he sighs as you finally tuck him in under your sheets. you’re both exhausted.
he catches your wrist before you can go too far away. “stay with me until morning,” he says, voice small, eyes unsure. 
you purse your lips, knowing he's long won this battle. you sigh. 
“you better not puke.” you warn, sliding in next to him.
he turns so that he can snuggle up to your side, nose pressed to your neck. “i won’t”
his soft breathing at your side lulls you to sleep— whatever this is, you tell yourself, you’ll figure it out in the morning, but, for tonight, you’ll let yourself pretend he’s yours.
find part 2 here!
TAGS: @haikyutiehoe <3
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toiletwipes · 3 years
simpbur's college roommate
tw: obsession, possessiveness? not really tbh, simpbur is caught, overstim, vibrator, afab body, vaginal penetration, pretty boy is thrown around and so is good boy, praise, maybe a tiny bit degrading, im just a little bit scared to look through this to check for anything else. its not bad but im just scared i'll delete this if i dont post it now.
1.7k words, so not that long but I promised you guys content so here it is!
it was the smaller things, really.
you wouldn’t notice them, if you weren’t looking for them, type of deal. a shirt that fits you just a little bit too snug so it sits in the back of your closet, or did. an old polaroid with an older friend, faces smiling into the flash of light, it had sat in the bottom of your old memory box, said box gone untouched by you for months. an oversized, raggedy hoodie that you had ditched for a newer, softer coat.
you didn’t want to believe it but at the moment you had bigger fish to fry with schoolwork.
the coat from before sat in your lap at the moment, you parked yourself in the library as you studied with a close friend for some government essay, and you were just nearly finished with the second to last page, when your friend spoke up.
she taps on your arm, pulling out your earbud, “hey, your roommate is will, er, wilbur, right?” you stopped in the middle of a word, lifting your head to meet her eyesight.
“yeah, why? he being creepy or something?” you ask, hoping for a no, he wasn’t bad, but you knew that if anybody else had been his roommate, he would've found himself in trouble during the first week alone.
“no, actually, it’s just- it’s just that, um, are you guys dating?” you snorted, really? you and him? dating?
“he’s cute, but no, why d’ya ask?” you laugh to yourself as you look into your notes as you start typing again.
“well, he’s just been wearing your hoodie, like a lot.” you still, eyebrows furrowing. your hoodie?
“how do you know it's my hoodie?” you look her in her eyes, folding your arms together as you lean back.
“i know for sure its your hoodie because it has that one bleach stain on the front and on the shoulder from when you said you could wear a hoodie and bleach your hair, and the time that you spilt bleach directly onto your hoodie and panicked for five minutes before doing something about it. i know it's yours so why is he wearing it?” your mind is blank as you stuff your things back into your backpack, her sputtering with questions and your lack of answers leaving much to be desired.
but as you exit the building, you shrug your coat as it starts to pour and the dark sky flashes for a moment. you rush in your walking to get to the dorms as soon as possible. just your luck that your dorm is on the other side of the campus. its still about five minutes before you bang on your dorm room. the music blasting on the other side silences as your roommate opens the door, his mouth drops into a round circle and you stare at his chest as you push past him.
“where the hell have you been? it’s barely been pouring!” he sounds off like a rattled hen but you head straight to your room, dumping your backpack and coat on your bed. without an answer, he follows you but any questions he has dries in his mouth as he watches you dig in your closet. pulling a ratty tee shirt and shorts you shrug your soaked shirt over your head.
will has to force himself out of the room but it's not a second later when you come out, hair wet and skin damp when you grab onto his head of hair and pull as you drag him to his room.
throwing him onto the bed, you barely glanced at his face, seeing it already being covered in tears, hands grasping for yours as it leaves him.
you glance around his room before you see the one clean area, his nightstand and dig through that. you found not only items you knew were missing but more, underwear you thought you'd thrown away, a vibrator that you'd thought had gotten stolen by a petty friend, not an obsessive roommate.
and then throwing his closet open, you saw it balled up and thrown in the corner, your hoodie.
taking it out, you push it into will's chest. "dude, literally, what the fuck?" you go to shout at him more but he moves onto his knees, tears dripping and pouring down his cheeks, begging for you to not leave.
"i know i'm a creep, a disgusting one at that, but please don't- please don't leave me, no one's been this nice and stayed with me for this long," he begs and continues to beg as you stand at the foot of his bed, watching as he took a hold of your forearms, rubbing circles into them.
you clasp a hand over his mouth as you coo, shushing him and smoothing over his hair with your other hand.
"my dirty, little stalker doesn't want me to go, but who said i was going to let you leave?" you then pull back on his hair, relishing in the guttural moan that is ripped from his throat, attaching your lips to his neck and climbing into lap, grinding down into the growing bulge in his sweats.
he moans out your name, hands finding purchase wherever he can, gripping your hip and your shoulder, trying to thrust up and meet your hips but you move your hands to hold his hips down.
"no, no, no, good boys take what they're given, that much you've proven, will," you murmur in his ear, slowing the rolls in your hips and watching him writhe beneath you.
"be a good boy for me, huh? are you my pretty boy?" he sobs out a yes as you grind down hard on his cock, the praise going straight to his dick as you mouth bruises into his neck. sucking particularly hard his hands come and circle around your waist, his head hanging onto your shoulder.
"please, please let me-"
"oh no, baby, tonight, it's all about you," you pause, standing up and hearing that beautiful whine pulled from his throat, "your punishment for being a dirty, little whore who wanted all my things for yourself, all of me without me." he shook his head, eyes barely opening as he reaches for you, but you've gone to his nightstand and pulled out the vibrator, turning it on and off and finding it surprisingly still working. well, not that surprising.
"now, you're gonna be a good boy and let me take care of you, or you can be alone," he reaches for you, begging you not to leave him and you can't say you weren't that affected.
something about this tall, greasy simp of a man, who stole your things and wears your old hoodie, begging for you not to go, it just settled nicely in the bottom of your stomach.
you weren't denying you were absolutely soaked by now, shoving your shorts off.
"please, i'll- your good boy, be so good for you-" he cuts himself off as you climb back to straddle his lap, this time rolling your hips once before you turn your vibrator on.
"good, so good for me," you hum as you place the vibrator between your panty-clad folds and his sweatpants-covered-cock. the vibrations sent you to a different plane as you grind into him, listening to the way he cried and the way his legs trembled.
you could tell the next moment, he was about to cum and well, you can't have that, not so soon. "ah, ah, ah," you breathe out, taking the vibe away as you lean back and away from his dick.
he lurched forward and his legs shake again as he's denied an orgasm, he cries out and into your neck.
"is my baby ready for ten more of these?" you ask him and his eyes snap wide open, meeting yours and when a moment passes and you press the vibe back against his dick, he whines.
you weren't kidding about before, it's been about an hour, you think, and he's buried his face in a pillow, crying from the over-stimulation and from not cumming.
you, yourself, have occupied your time with stretching yourself out, three fingers buried deep into your pussy and the sounds coming from it has will peeking out from the pillow, eyes sparkling with that crying glow.
taking your fingers out, and sticking them into his mouth, you move yourself over his lap, taking his cock in your hand as you rub it in between your folds. moaning, you move away as his hips jerk upwards, him biting and crying into his fist.
"my pretty baby, doing so well for me, gonna let me make you feel good? you gonna let me make you cum?" will nods his head and lets out the loudest moan you heard that day when you sink down on his cock.
buried to the hilt, he twitches inside you, and he's begging to cum, "'m gonna, 'm gonna cum, please, plea- need to, i need to cum in you," he begs and who are you to deny your pretty boy that?
"cum for me baby," you say, out of breath as you bounce on his cock, reveling in the slick sounds coming from between y'all. he does cum, hips thrusting upwards to bury himself in you, and you let him. but when you know he's all spent, you start to bounce on his cock, him crying from the over-sensitivity.
"just- just let me cum," you breathe out, balancing yourself with his shoulder and one hand rubbing circles into your clit, moans coming from your mouth as sobs leaves will's.
"oh- oh fuck, fuck, fuck!" you cry out, squeezing around will and falling on top of his chest.
breathing together, you let yourself have this moment before you get up and moves towards the bathroom. you hear him calling out for you as you grab a damp towel, some water, and a dry towel.
"did you think i was going to leave you, baby?" you ask, mostly not expecting an answer but turning to him as you run the damp cloth over his face and neck, he bit his lip.
"a little bit, yeah."
"well, don't think about that again, because as much as you're weird and steal my shit, you're still important to me," you tell me, "you're my pretty boy and you're going to stay that way."
when you finished cleaning him up and then cleaned yourself, you take the spot next to him and pull the covers over you two.
he leans into your side, pulling you into him, trying to get closer than close.
"you promise?"
you smile to yourself, thinking about having him all to yourself, "i promise."
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