#Donquixote Doflamingo fanfic
rxinrxinxx · 7 months
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prisoner!Donquixote Doflamingo x fem!MarineOC
One Piece has come into my life to stay and invade every corner of my mind and that’s why here I am, writing fanfiction for the first time in so many years. Can't belive I have the second chapter but it's here. Hope to arrive in time with the third.
what to expect from this fic: a lot of angst, a lot of manipulation, a lot of opposite feelings. I assure you that this first part is very calm, but things are going to get twisted.
the original character: I wanted to describe Rain as little as possible so that everyone can imagine her as they want, but there are certain things about her that are pre-established (some by self insert —sorry not sorry— and others by requirements of the plot) fem!Marine, has the position of Commander within the organization, adult woman, relatively tall (180 cm, 5'11’‘—and yet she’s nothing next to Doffy—), she smokes. The only other physical characteristic besides than height that I"ll include is that she has long hair, and in the future a description of an old scar will also be included. Rain is an user of a devil fruit that can turn her body into crystal, among other crystal-related abilities.
warnings: Dark content, Spoilers of Dressrosa arc. Talks in Impel Down. Doflamingo teasing OC. Doffy having bloody thoughts. OC talks about her dark past—abuse & murder—. There will be NSFW content in future chapters. Only for +18, if you are minor, don’t continue reading.
words: 3321
English isn’t my first language so I’m really sorry for grammatical errors or inconsistencies.
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴡᴏ
Rain walks calmly to the cell, getting all the way to the door when arrives, quite a bit closer than was the day before. One of her hands circles one of the bars while the other holds a rolled up newspaper. “This is for you.” Announces without much joy, observing the prisoner, who stands up upon hearing her words. Doflamingo approaches with the same calmness with which Rain walked to the door. What he's looking at, as always, is a mystery thanks to his glasses, but his head seems to be pointing at Rain's hand around the bar. For her part, she limits herself to putting the rolled newspaper between two of the bars, letting part of her hand pass between them. At first was planning to launch it but when she saw the man approaching her, decided to wait.
Just as he reaches the edge of the door, Doflamingo looks at Rain's body for a few seconds. It would be so easy for him, even chained as he is, to stick one of his hands through the bars, grab her neck and slam her against them to see up close her gaze go out as he leaves her breathless, that he surprises himself by realizing that he’s more overwhelmed by the intrigue of find out why those eyes shine, and what happens to the enormous shadow that shine casts right behind them. Perhaps he considers every human being that inhabits the planet trash, but he’s always boasted of knowing how to read people, and with it, intrigue wins over his desire for destruction…for now. “How thoughtful.” Finally extends his hand, with the chains surrounding his wrist, getting dangerously close to its length limit, and wraps it around the newspaper, taking the opportunity to brush Rain's fingers in the process. She stands completely motionless waiting for Doflamingo to take the newspaper completely, which causes him to slow his movement even more, looking for any tremor in her hand, a hint of weakness, of fear, clearly testing her.
She doesn't stop looking at Doflamingo's face as the seconds continue to pass and he leaves that subtle caress on her fingers.  All her internal alarms are on, but wouldn't it be worse to react? She hadn’t felt so studied even in her toughest training with the Marines. But without realizing it, she’s holding her breath.
Finally the contact’s broken and Rain drops her hand away from the cell space. She takes a breath and looks away from Doflamingo. “You’re welcome.” Adds with an ironic tone. “That way at least you'll leave me alone for a while.”
“Do you wanna argue now, Rain? The day’s just beginning.” The man laughs openly.  “Look at us, we seem like a boring couple already.”
“Oh, go fuck yourself.” Before she can even process the information and make a decision on what to answer, her words have automatically left her lips. This only causes greater amusement for the prisoner, who laughs with more energy. She faces him again with a raised eyebrow. «And it's only the second damn day. Breathe, Rain».
“You look tired, have you had sleeping issues?” He asks, completely ignoring her bad reaction, after a few long seconds laughing. Takes advantage of his own question to unfold the newspaper and smooth it out a little. The chains rattle aggressively with the movement of his arms and takes a couple of short steps back to loosen them, still not moving too far from her. Looks down at the front page of the newspaper as he waits for a response from the woman.
“Said the prisoner that looks like a prisoner and smells like a…well, you know.” Rain sounds clearly upset. Irritated by how easily he's gotten on her nerves in a matter of seconds, and irritated about the fact that he's right, her night hasn't exactly been peaceful.
“I hate the smell too, Commander Leela, could you wash me? As you can see, it’s difficult for me.” He looks up from the newspaper for a moment to move the chains, this time to make them rattle on purpose while he grins again, watching Rain's face, who can't help but grimace while her brain imagines his request too precisely. 
“They were good days so far, thanks Doflamingo.” Rain rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“Don't believe you, even looking like a prisoner and smelling like one, today I look better than you.” He tries to provoke her with a mocking tone, but picks up the newspaper again to start reading due to the lack of response from the marine. Rain snorts and puts a cigarette to her lips, turning around to sit in the chair that rests a few meters from the cell door, the same one from the day before, ready to continue with her book.
And although Rain is anything but innocent, she genuinely thought that at least would have a moment of calm, peace in the silence of the down floor of Impel Down.
But by the time Rain realizes it, she’s been listening to Doflamingo's impressions about the news of the world for about an hour, page by page, without leaving even the slightest detail. At first she tried to ignore him, but it was impossible to concentrate on her own reading when he kept throwing comments into the air clearly directed at her. Now she stands with her cheek resting on the palm of her hand and her elbow resting on her bent knee on the chair, watching the man gesticulate and laugh sinisterly. He’s sitting on the ground, still standing near the fence. The way he enjoys all the commotion has her, somehow, cajoled. That enthusiasm that remains in him regardless of the circumstances terrifies and intrigues her in equal measure. There are few times in which she intervenes in the conversation, it seems more like a monologue to which she responds with gestures or the occasional ‘hmm’, collecting one by one the prisoner's lurid thoughts in her mind.
When there are no more pages and news to comment on, Doflamingo subtly moves the conversation towards the islands they have visited over the years, becoming interested in knowing where she has been thanks to the assigned missions, taking advantage of the moments when she seems reluctant to answer, to add a moment he experienced somewhere near the last island that she’d mentioned, showing his extensive knowledge about the geography of the world in which they live, and of course all the trips he has taken around it. She has lost count of the cigarettes smoked during the entire conversation. Meanwhile, the talk continues to lengthen without Rain realizing how natural it’s for her to talk to Doflamingo, until that moment.
“…I think it’s the only island where I liked white wine more than red. But only ‘cause red wine was pure shit.” Rain's smile fades and Doflamingo raises an eyebrow instantly, noticing the sudden change in her expression. “What's the matter, you look like a chimney in hell but it bothers you when people drink?” Asks in disbelief.
“Not at all. I also drink. Sometimes.”  She remarks, implying that smokes more than she drinks. “Why do you usually like red more than white?” Rain asks, trying to return to the state she was in before, realizing what state it is: coiled in conversation with a person like she hasn't had in a long time, getting to know someone in the mundane details that inadvertently define part of what what are we, despite the circumstances.  She hears a snide laugh leave Doflamingo's throat.
“You kidding? More strength, more personality, more body… better aroma… wins in all aspects.” Replies without hesitation. “Unfortunately that was the only good memory I have of that island.” Doflamingo maintains that mocking tone, without losing his smirk.  “And what about you? White or red?”
 Rain shrugs and her smile widens. “Sake.”
“To forget the bad times that your job puts you through?” Doflamingo teases her.
“Oh yeah, like now for example, I could use a couple of bottles.” She answers, raising an eyebrow and crossing her legs, while letting her back rest on the back of the chair for the first time in a while.
“Ah, you're so boring, you don't tell me the interesting things about your missions.  You know, the difficult moment between blindly following an order or searching for a solution, the unnecessary bloodshed…” Doflamingo cuts off suddenly, and she sighs.
“You want that scary story you asked me for yesterday, right?” Sighs again, thinking for a few seconds. “Why should I grant you the honor of knowing any potentially traumatic moment in my life?” Doflamingo takes his time to chuckle widely and loudly.
“You call them potentially traumatic moments, I call them… opportunities.”  It seems like he thinks for a moment. “How curious, I just found a difference between us.”
“There are many differences between us.”  She says flatly, emphasizing the word ‘many.’  He cackles again.
“Yeah well I’m more handsome, more tall and more powerful, but despite that the last hours of conversation don’t say the same. Anyway, you can continue denying me the reality for now. It's funny.” He teases her.
“I can tell you the last scary story I’ve experienced, although I think you already know that one, I was on a beautiful island with an enviable climate and suddenly all it looked like a fucking gigantic bird cage. Can you guess where I was?” Rain seems to enjoy each of her words before Doflamingo's impassive expression.
“So you saw it.” He replies calmly, not at all affected by that revelation.
“Your fall? Of course. I couldn't miss it for anything in the world.” Rain's smile widens and leans forward in her chair, resting her chin against the palm of her hand.
“Keep it up Rain, I treasure every word you say to me.” His voice sounds too calm for her.
“Are you threatening me?”
“Just warning you.” Doflamingo gets up from the ground and returns to the darkness of the cell to lean against the wall.
“How thoughtful.” Rain answers ironically. She’s surprised by the man's lack of immediate response, but doesn’t break the silence again either. She thought her watch hours were going to be much calmer, so she welcomes any kind of break. Unfortunately for her, this one doesn't last long.
“So if it wasn't for the luck of the traitor brat and his new rubber friend, you'd probably be dead.” His pause fills the entire place with silence. “It would’ve been a complete waste.” Attacks again, with that air of superiority and having everything under control while he smiles grisly.
Rowan sighs and puts her hand back to the cigarette packet, realizing that it’s empty. “I'll be right back, don't go anywhere.” She mocks again.
“I’d wait for a complete sentence for you.” Rain can’t determine the tone of his voice. “And when you come back you can tell me why you didn’t sleep well. Was it because of me?” She hears this time Doflamingo's teasing tone returning it to her before disappearing from his field of view. Takes advantage of the walk to stock up on tobacco to calm her nerves as much as possible. «Come on, you're smarter than this. You know he lies more than talks, don't get carried away» she repeats herself over and over again before returning. 
The first big lie that she could almost believe.
«But damn he’s right.»
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
“I already told you no.” How much is necessary to make a soul, a character, succumb? Does the predisposition of that soul or character to succumb have anything to do with determining time? Or is it all the work of the fingers that pull the strings so that at the end everything ends up going as planned? How much does it take for an expert manipulator to recognize the patterns of an internal barrier and begin to undo them? How much does it take for a soul to realize that its barriers are not everyone-proof? “I'm not gonna sing the Marine’s anthem to you.”
Two and a half days would be considered an embarrassment to break the temper of a Marine commander. But that's not what's happening, is it? No. She's just trying to make it as bearable as possible. ‘Cause in that small amount of time Doflamingo’s already shown how unbearable he can be when she doesn't fulfill his whim of having a conversation. She tried it the day before, after returning for tobacco, but the law of silence ended after an hour of comments that she’d have preferred not to hear from that mouth. That dirty mouth. But humoring him and having conversations with the prisoner is only one act of kindness she can afford to grant. It isn’t more than that. «It’s not more than that. It's no more…»
“How many bottles of sake will I need to convince you?” He asks playfully, she answers first with a smile, removing the cigarette from her lips.
“A few, although good luck making trades with…no one.” Scoffs again before taking a drag on her cigarette and blowing out the smoke slowly.
“This is the fourth time today that you remind me how alone and closed up I am, it's starting to bore me a little.”
“And for the fifth time I remind you that I’m not here to entertain you.”
“Oh come on, as if it weren't also boring for you to be there in that clearly uncomfortable and ugly chair trying to read in the darkness of this place.” «He's got a point» she finds herself thinking to her own surprise.
“I admit that it's more fun to see how you complain about everything as if you were a poor innocent.”
“I don't remember having done anything directly to you to make you treat me like that. Less when you’re having such a good time with me.” He refutes immediately, feigning sadness.
His words leave her thinking, lengthening the silence longer than she would like. Lost for a moment in a small impulse that tries to come out of her but that she manages to repress just in time. As if the fact that she’s an agent of law and justice and he’s a selfish genocide determined to fulfill her sadistic desires wasn't enough. That she must ensure the well-being of the people whose lives he plays with just for fun, just out of boredom. As if the fact that…
Doflamingo studies her expression in silence, one of the few moments he doesn't bother her but it helps him understand a little better how to touch the necessary keys to make her react the way he wants. Knowing deep inside him, with all the confidence that the world could give, that it’s only a matter of time. As always it is for him.
“Alright.” She says suddenly. “I'm not gonna sing, but I can tell you about one of my ‘potentially traumatic’ moments.” She concedes, thinking about the conversation she left halfway the day before. «At least if I'm the one speaking I won't have to put up with the arrogant tone of his voice».
“My dear Rain, we’re finally beginning to understand each other.” Doflamingo crosses his fingers in front of his smile. He’s sitting in the middle of the cell. Along with his glasses, practically his entire face is covered at the moment. “I'm all ears to you.”
Rain sighs. Her eyes shift slightly to the left as she opens the mental folder of unpleasant memories. She would like it to be a little less extensive, and she wonders if, in some way, this is also her own penance. Her thoughts amuse her and can't help but smile. The prisoner catches every detail in the change in her expression. In the time Rain spends thinking, her cigarette burns out between her fingers, leaving only the unlit butt, which this time she throws into a tin can that she made sure to look for the night before so as not to continue filling the floor with trash. She stands up with her hands in her pockets and approaches the cell door again. Doflamingo is surprised by this unexpected movement, but it’s something that no one can notice on the other side of his glasses. Without moving from his position, he carefully gazes at her approaching and sitting on the floor in front of the bars, crossing her legs, with her thoughtful expression.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Rain's voice is low now, as if she was afraid that someone other than them could hear her words. There are video cameras everywhere but there’s no sound connecting to that floor. No more guards want to spend every waking hour in a place where there’s only one prisoner, and the world government also doesn't allow Doflamingo much company, a direct order that Rain had overheard shortly after arriving in Impel Down. However she seems to want to take extra precaution. “There’s one thing I’ve regretted my entire life and that’s not killing my father when I had the chance.”
Doflamingo raises an eyebrow at the same time his body moves forward as he hears her. A half-hearted smile appears on his face. “Well, now you really have my full attention.” His tone is calm but reflects a certain curiosity, a new note that Rain discovers at that moment. “Why do you want to kill him? No happy family?”
“I had a happy mother when he wasn’t there. He would show up every few months to steal my mother's money, argue with her, and disappear again.” Rain pauses briefly to take out another cigarette and light it. “But as the years went by, the discussions escalated to something more serious.” She continues speaking in a low voice, and without realizing it, making the moment something a little more intimate, leaving in the air the euphemism that hid every blow that her father gave her mother while she was present. “Until one day he ended up drowning her with his own hands in front of me.” At this point in her life, telling this seems easy, but it's only because that was the beginning of her hell. Furthermore, as the years go by, that memory plays in her mind like a bad movie and not like her own experience.
“What happened then?” Doflamingo has also lowered his tone of voice like her, his hands still hiding his mouth.
“You're grotesque, huh?” Rain smokes before answering. “Well, he tried to go after me, but I’d already taken his gun. And I tried to aim for his chest but hit him in the leg. And I ran out, went to the port and stowed away on the first ship I could.” 
Doflamingo doesn't respond right away, he thinks for a few seconds. “How old were you?”
“Twelve.” She feels strange with the sudden softness that the prisoner's tone of voice has taken. She looks away from him, immersed in the memory, each year more blurred in her mind.
“And you survived on your own at sea like a lost little girl?”
“That's another horror story that I'm not gonna tell you. And you owe me at least two days of calm after this. I'm not able to advance my damn book because of you.” Rain speaks again with the same normality as always, and the taciturnity that had taken over her in a matter of minutes gradually disappears from her face. Tobacco smoke helps.
“One day, and be thankful that I grant it to you. Just because it touched me to think of you like a poor little rainy bird lost out there.” Doflamingo relaxes his posture and stretches his arms and legs, making the chains rattle.
“It rained a lot after that.” She replies, aiming to make fun of her own name.
The second big lie that she could almost believe.
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Yeah Rain baby telling Doffy about your daddy issues it wasn't exactly brilliant. But you gooo girrrl. —She was never good making decisions though.
𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙩.
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4 notes · View notes
dad-galaxy · 1 year
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766 notes · View notes
moonbaby26 · 21 days
Title: Before the Storm
(Chapter 17 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader
Chapter Warnings: language, binge drinking, vaginal sex, toxic relationship, dubious consent, depression
Chapter Synopsis: The very night of your official engagement to Doflamingo, you are also made to sign your life away to Dressrosa’s king.
You spiral, punishing yourself as he plans to change your past even further. While others still move as distant pieces in the even larger game. 
Author’s Notes: For those that do follow this story and read as soon as it updates, I’m so sorry you had to wait 5,000 years this time! I wish there was more here as a reward for that patience. I’m sure there are still typos too. Please proceed with caution! It just needed to be out of my drafts. I’ll proofread after I sleep again. Maybe. 😅
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5, 6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
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Something was going wrong with the submarine again. Nothing catastrophic, but it could always progress to that if they didn’t take the time to investigate and repair as they went. Pieces became worn and overtaxed easily. Noises that weren’t even there yesterday would suddenly manifest, anxiety inducing, so many fathoms deep in the darkness.
Law was sure there was a metaphor for their lives in there somewhere too. Just like he and his crew. How much this craft could really endure, until one day it just wouldn’t anymore.
He’d still felt that mental weight on himself as well. Fresh and nagging ever since Doflamingo’s name had been put back to the forefront of his mind with those first reports from Scylla just days ago.
Ghosts of his past had churned up enough that Law was almost glad when that bearing in the engine room had started making a newer, awful whining sound.
It was excuse enough to breach the surface and focus on anything else as they’d headed for another island to both look for parts and avoid the heavier than normal marine patrols in this region of the North Blue.
There’d been a pirate attack on a nearby island called Orlinde. At least that’s what Law had heard. Some shithole port town there, with no real wealth or industry of its own had been burned to the ground. And it hadn’t made much sense as to why. Seemingly foolish to risk the ire of the navy when there’d be no treasure or significant beri to even be had in a place like that.
But whatever the reasoning for those other pirates, their actions there had the marines now swarming. To the point that it funneled anyone actively trying to avoid arrest or other harassment further east.
To an unaffiliated island chain that Law had ordered his crew to then disembark at. All save for Bepo anyway, as strolling through the center of town with an overly nervous ball of white fluff wouldn’t have helped much in their bid to keep a low profile.
They had intended to be here just long enough to find what they needed and to make repairs. But every other outlaw in the area had much the same idea. Crew after crew camping out here as an easy stopover while waiting for the larger marine presence to die down nearby.
And this many egos all right on top of each other became a perfect powder keg for disaster really.
Shachi and Penguin were now on either side of their captain, trying to look as unbothered as he seemed while all three boys stuck tightly together.
They walked past the crowded stores and food stalls. With drunken cursing, and all other sounds of debauchery already going on this soon after sunset.
An old man at the harbor had said there was a store in this direction that sold supplies for ship building. It was worth a try to start there first.
But that unsettled feeling was still in Law’s mind. He was too inexperienced to fully understand it yet. The unnamed intuition which had more to do with what would be happening rather than just what could.
“Hey, Spots!”
And there, a male voice had called out loudly. The first inkling of trouble just this soon.
Law’s eyes had flitted up to an open doorway of one of the bars farther up the street. But the teen kept walking, silent to show his crew he expected much the same from them.
Yet the stranger’s second try to get their attention was even louder than the first, as the owner of that voice stepped into the muddy street in front of them. “Hey, I’m talking to you, you prick!”
And Law did stop reluctantly then, not in fear, but in annoyance. He knew an immediate waste of his time when he saw one.
The man that’d been yelling was about his own age though. Young and snide with a grinning girl under one arm. The man’s other hand held a large blade that now pointed towards Law and his crew.
“Are you hard of hearing? I mean that’s what’s on your hat, right? Black spots? You all look damn stupid I think. But my girl likes your hat. So how much do you want for it, kid?”
The stranger sounded a bit drunk actually. And the girl ribbed him in her reaction. “Fur is in fashion, Sarquiss! So don’t be so stingy. Make them an offer! You know Joker’s gonna pay us good this time regardless.“
Sarquiss? Joker? Those were just two more names that Law had never heard before. They meant nothing to him as the idiots continued to talk.
“This kid’s pretty skinny though. What if he freezes, baby? It’s awful cold out here.” The man smirked down at her, flirting abruptly in return as if he hadn’t just been the one that’d started this whole confrontation.
What kind of fool ever looked away while in the middle of threatening someone though? 
These dolts would have been eaten alive in the ways Law had originally been taught. Because seeing the first opening only meant that the first move was his.
It would have been the first kill too if Law had still been that literal to those old teachings. But he left his own sword sheathed against his shoulder.
As it was now, he had no interest in making a scene. Law had planned to initiate a room and simply swap the blade that man held for some of the fresh horse shit he’d already noticed piled up along the street’s edge.
The resulting shock and disgust would have caused plenty of distraction for him, Shachi, and Penguin to quickly be on their way.
But that heavy feeling within Law had somehow remained, even as his hand and lips had begun to move with that whisper of a room.
A dread in him that was not explained until the moment that stranger’s coat had opened further with his playful movements against the girl.
And Law’s eyes had widened as he finally saw the distinct tattoo across that man’s chest. That feeling clicking in him as he knew the absolute mistake he was about to make even before it happened.
He could not stop himself.
He didn’t want to.
Shachi and Penguin’s surprised gasps were drowned out as the girl’s resulting scream met Law’s ears. 
Her boyfriend’s body had been ripped away from her without warning. And flung like a ragdoll, straight through the bar’s long window and all those wooden slats which supported it.��
It was a terribly loud crash, so many eyes then looking to Law and his friends from both sides of the street.
The Heart Pirates didn’t hesitate either.
“Go!” Law yelled. 
And all three of them had doubled back, beginning to sprint for the harbor.
Sarquiss had landed hard, stunned and sprawled on that barroom floor to the brief silence of so many other pirates inside. His own crew was chief among them.
The circular tattoo on his chest now smiled to the ceiling. Its left eye struck through, and its wide grin becoming accented with fresh red as blood began to seep from so many cuts dealt from that broken window.
“I don’t…I don’t know what happened.” Sarquiss stammered, bewildered and in pain as another pirate’s boots came to stand near his head. 
“Somebody got a cheap shot in while you were buzzed on this shit liquor. That’s all.” The owner of those boots scoffed indignantly. “They’re trying to ruin our party.” But Bellamy still grinned in a practiced copy of that now scratched up jolly roger on his first mate’s chest.
He motioned for his other crew to help Sarquiss up off of the floor while he strode for the door. “It’s fine. I was getting bored of this place anyway. Gladius said we only had to lay low for a day or so after Orlinde before we could put our flags back up.”
Bellamy stood in the doorway then, just seeing the backs of those other young pirates disappearing behind a building further down the street as they ran.
“So meet me back at the ship.” His legs were already coiling as he readied to jump and start clearing right over those buildings to catch up with them. “I’ll get us some fresh meat, and we’ll have a little fun while we wait on Joker’s next instructions.”
The return to the palace had come soon enough. And you were drinking whiskey straight by that point, no ice, no mixer. Right out of a fancy cabinet of top shelf bottles that likely weren’t meant for anyone but the king himself. 
You were still in uniform, but long off duty in your own mind. With one of your legs crossed over the other, and an arm over the back of Doflamingo’s couch in his office. 
Whatever anger remained in you for your lack of choice in all of this, was enough to keep even the three executives away. That danger must have been exuding in your body language still. Though you felt their eyes on you intermittently regardless.
They were here to witness your defeat, and to congratulate their master on his success in spinning this into exactly what he wanted it to be. 
But you were staring at nothing while they talked. Your gaze on an empty corner currently, and miles from this well appointed room as you drank yourself away just as you’d wanted to do on that dark beach earlier this evening.
You were quietly furious for this treatment. But you also believed you were every bit as responsible for how quickly this relationship had escalated.
No one had picked up or dialed your phone for you the night you’d first called Doflamingo and asked him to meet you in Scylla.
No one had actually put a gun to your head and drug you into that beautiful church to wait for him alone.
No one had told you to fall for him.
Regardless of any blackmail he’d used to this point, you could have been less willing to let it work. You could have told the truth from the beginning and hid behind your betters. Tsuru, Aokiji, or likely even so many others who would have at least tried to help you.
The truth would set you free.
Wasn’t that the old saying? What an optimistic mismatch of words.
More like the truth would cut your heart out and feed it to you with a smile.
“(Y/N).” And his voice did easily rise through that other chatter.
He was the only one here that still would make you pay attention as you looked back to Doflamingo’s desk. Where he now sat, binding you to him for life with each additional swipe of his pen.
“Answer the magistrate’s final questions. It’s required.” The warlord ordered you then, yet with a veil of patience not yet fully undone.
Besides yourself and Doflamingo, the only others in this room were the executives and the government official that had arrived with all those stacks of paperwork and questions.
Questions for you too that you’d mostly ignored, especially once you’d been several glasses into the whiskey.
While peasants may just do a quick hop over to the local justice of the peace and call it a night, anyone becoming property and consort to a world government endorsed king seemingly had far more to worry about.
And when your gaze did go back to that thin little government busybody, he reminded you only of a small rat. Fussing with his hands in such a nervous way as the papers shuffled through them. Like wringing little paws, frightened and stuck between all the monsters now in this room.
“Why can’t you answer everything for me?” You exhaled back to Doflamingo though, the accumulating burn of the whiskey making your body feel so warm at least as you finally responded to the pirate.
“Because that’s not how this works.” Doflamingo replied, still tolerating you even then somehow. 
Your eyebrows raised. “Yeah? Since when? Because that’s all I’ve ever seen here.” You answered. He always spoke for you. He chose for you. He was the perfectionist. He was the control freak.
And you were the idiot.
A depressed woman who’d attempted to bury all her problems with a devil, just to be as surprised as anyone when she’d inevitably woken up in hell for her efforts.
“What’s the next question?” Doflamingo just asked the official directly then, all while looking back down to the papers he was still signing.
That warlord didn’t explode, he didn’t even raise his voice that time.
And you didn’t dwell on it as you went back to drinking, having gotten what you wanted if even for a moment in being left alone.
It was only the executives that seemed to take notice, subtly surprised as Doflamingo allowed that little pushback.
“Ah, well…” The official still stammered. “Sire, the next section was about the verification of her birth status. She was born on the island of Orlinde, correct? Within the North Blue?”
“Yes. That’s already in her marine record.” Doflamingo’s tone was notably shorter with the official too, further confirming the clear difference in treatment you had just received.
“Well, there’s a slight discrepancy…a clerical error I’m sure.” That small man produced the weakest chuckle you’d ever heard. “I just needed her to say it was indeed an error.”
And Doflamingo did look back up at that, those facial muscles of his tightening in a way which never meant anything good. “What error?”
“The more discerning background check required for unions of this, um, level. It…it noted her name on the registry for Orlinde as being born to a…well, to a slave woman, sire.”
You felt the room change.
The official became even shakier too, horrified really as an inhuman growl came from that desk before the magistrate could say anything more.
“She was never born of a slave. So your first assumption of that being bad data was the correct one. Is that understood?”
And you were just watching. Observing these further lies as Doflamingo told them.
His lips were pulled back from his teeth in an expression you fully recognized too.
Note anything different and I’ll gut you where you goddamn stand. 
That’s what that energy so clearly said. 
“Of course, your highness! I’m fixing it now! I’ll correct it all immediately!”
You knew how fucked up it was for you just to be an observer to such bullying of the weak. You were supposed to protect others, even when they sniveled and whined like this man now was.
But you didn’t feel that guilty either as you uncrossed your legs and shifted on the couch.
And Doflamingo’s head turned the moment you had moved even that much again. 
You knew he had to do that, to properly see you at this angle. But something about that instant attention made you look at him even longer in return.
Because what did he think you were going to do?
What did he want you to do?
“King Doflamingo and Ms. (Y/N), that only leaves the oath itself…” The official’s fully uneasy voice interrupted those additional odd thoughts.
“Then go ahead.” The warlord commanded him just as quickly. “Read it to her.”
The official nodded, with a pen clutched in one of his sweating hands. And the final pages of all of that paperwork in the other as he looked down to read it.
“Ms. (Y/N)…do you hereby agree to loyalty until your death to King Donquixote Doflamingo of Dressrosa? Do you also understand the legal bindings of this union? And the consequences of non compliance, up to and including charges of treason against this aforementioned monarch and our World Government via his status as a sanctioned vessel beholden to our Holy Land of Mariejois?”
You really were too far gone for this shit.
So what? If you got into another fight and decked him when he deserved it, that’d now be the same as rebellion against the Red Line itself? Just because he was a government backed dictator?
Was arguing with him treason too? What about ever leaving this island? Was that desertion and dereliction of your soon to be wifely duties? 
Even signing your marine recruitment papers hadn’t felt this restrictive. And that’d been you literally agreeing to march to your own death if your commanding officers simply said to.
“Yeah…what else am I supposed to say?” You knew you weren’t going to be let out of this room otherwise. And you did want out as you stretched your legs away from you, still seated on that couch. 
Things were starting to feel too much for you again, like everything was closing in once more. “Fuck it…yes. I guess I do.” You forced another couple of breaths as you brought the whiskey glass to your lips again.
Or at least you’d tried to.
The strings that then looped around your wrist had jerked your hand hard enough to splash that liquid down the front of your shirt instead. Right before you were being pulled up and onto your feet.
“I already said yes, you-” You started to bitch at him immediately. It was hard enough to catch your balance when this inebriated without Doflamingo also pulling you so roughly to his desk.
“And I accept your agreement.” He laughed abruptly, cutting both you and the official off before any other response could be given.
It hurt you as your hips hit his desk. And with him already seated, he didn’t have to lean as far down to reach your mouth across that desk either.
Doflamingo got to taste the full brunt of that alcohol you were now hiding behind as he kissed you.
While you got to taste his still enduring desperation for any piece of you that was left for the taking.
It was going to be a very long night.
The paperwork was done and sent. Clothes were scattered across the floor, and Doflamingo was already back over the top of you in his massive bed.
A large glass of his best cava was in his hand as his hips pumped against you slowly while he drank. He was savoring the drawn out pressure of you around him, mixed into that chilled feeling of the sparkling wine now flooding down his throat.
He swallowed again, then moaning as his mouth came back off of the glass.
“You fucking lush…you’re such a bad influence.” He laughed a little after, running his thumb firmly over your parted mouth while his cock continued to move in and out between your legs at that languid pace.
He could nearly get off on just the sound of his own voice by now though. He was so stimulated. Everything felt good. Everything felt right.
Because he’d done it.
You were his in every legal way that mattered. 
And you were still somewhat conscious this time. The alcohol metabolizing enough by now to mostly take your voice. But you were watching him as he fucked you. His every action slow and deliberate as he fully enjoyed himself and this renewed lack of your resistance.
You even gave a few little moans and gasps as he rewarded you again by angling himself just right.
“Good girl…such a good girl for me. It feels amazing, doesn’t it?” He panted a bit anyway, his lust driving up his body temperature regardless of the careful pace. He reached briefly to set his now empty glass back onto the nightstand.
“I want this all the time…all the damn time. You know that right? I can’t stop…not when it’s you.” He just kept on, using that steady, long lasting rhythm.
He did try to keep his full weight off of your wounded thigh at least. Mindful of where he moved your leg as he took you. But this was still a celebration after all. He also wanted to feel you under him in all the right ways.
“Doffy…” You did grimace a little as the tip of him kissed against your cervix again.
He smiled at the plea of his name from your lips though. You were so pretty like this. And all of it was for him.
Maybe tomorrow your brain would be back to functioning well enough for him to explain your other wedding gifts as well.
Ever since the two of you had first sailed from Scylla together, he’d gotten busy with moving his chess pieces all over the board for you.
The nearest loyal mongrels Gladius could assign for him to your home island of Orlinde, had already razed that brothel you’d been born in to ash in a much needed cleansing of your pedigree.
While another official on Doflamingo’s payroll had just as recently planted forged documents of your revised parentage for Big News Morgans to find instead. 
Doflamingo had already teased you with the idea of gifting that Scyllian villa to you. The villa that became the first nest the two of you had ever slept side by side in, would of course now be important to him as well. It was not leaving your and his new family no matter what now.
But that was still not enough.
With the machinations he had going, your bloodline was going to be from Scylla.
Any children you could give him would then have both Dressrosa and Scylla to their credit.
Which, that was now another thing he needed to follow up on starting tomorrow. Caesar had had well enough time to deliver.
Doflamingo smiled again though as you shuddered quietly beneath him. 
“Still with me?” He hummed, seeing your eyes close then as he rubbed his hand down your side and you stilled again. “Or have you forgotten your own name, dear, while that poor liver of yours cries out from abuse?”
The moonlight highlighted his entertained expression as his lips pulled back from his teeth again. His hand had moved up to your throat as he gripped it in his continued pleasure.
He watched as your breasts rose and fell a little harder with those deeper breaths your body was then forced to take as he gradually restricted your airway.
It made his cock twitch so well inside of you.
“Forget your name anyway.” Doflamingo growled as he felt himself nearing that edge of climax when you finally coughed beneath his ever tightening hand. He was beginning to choke you, and it only made him want more of that feeling. “Because you’re a Donquixote now.”
Or at least the property of one as he felt your own hand then move to close on his larger wrist weakly.
Your body was too drunk to stop him, but that reflex of self preservation still flickered up in you all the same.
Doflamingo moaned loudly too as he saw your eyes reopen, half lidded to look at him in that new, pitiful way.
That helpless look is what did send him over the edge. As you tried and failed to breathe in his grip, he only bucked his hips that much harder as he spilled himself out into you yet again.
This is what it meant to truly own you.
“She hasn’t called?” Aokiji asked as he’d entered the other admiral’s office without warning.
But Kizaru looked unbothered as usual even at the surprise visit, just glancing up from a mission report that Sentomaru had submitted for sign off.
“Well…hello to you too. You’ve been off base quite a while.” He did comment though, watching Aokiji through those amber tinted glasses. “We were starting to think you may have gone rogue actually.”
It was said so calmly, but with just that hint of a smirk. “Sengoku wouldn’t have liked that.”
“I went patrolling on my own for a few days. That’s nothing new.” Aokiji frowned, and not taking a seat as he continued to stand. “But did Captain (Y/N) call today? Akainu’s got the Fleet Admiral in a meeting, and no one else seems to know.”
Kizaru shrugged. “I haven’t talked to her.” He looked back to his paperwork, but with noticeable disinterest in it now. “Why don’t you just call her yourself if it’s really become that distracting to you?”
But the resulting silence did make Kizaru finally look up again. That slight amusement was clearer on his face now. “Oh? Are you afraid to call her?”
Aokiji’s arms were crossed, his whole demeanor looking incredibly stern. “This isn’t about me. So get that stupid look off of your face.”
Wasn’t this his normal face? Kizaru thought to himself. Regardless, he didn’t seem insulted. “Hmm. Think you might say something unprofessional if you did call?” He mused to only add to this instead. “I guess that could be embarrassing for someone of our rank.”
And a cold palm did slam down onto the desk then. Aokiji could hold back much longer usually. But that cool composure was seemingly less and less lately. Especially when it came to the subject of you.
“Enough. I’ve told you so many times…” The ice admiral still warned.
Yet Kizaru barely reacted to that flare of temper, just glancing to the now frost covered hand and then back up into the frustrated eyes of its owner.
“Yeah? …You think you’ll just endanger her if you make any obvious fuss, don’t you? Doflamingo is quite an unstable man. But how many years have we known each other now? I’d say you’ve already made your move if I was to bet.” Kizaru nearly smirked again. “Where have you really been these past few days?”
“You’re no help at all. As usual.” Aokiji grumbled, just stepping back from the desk at the accusation.
He didn’t deny this either.
But Kizaru simply watched him, rather expressionless once more. “Did you ask for my help? I don’t recall that happening.”
Aokiji’s eyes narrowed as he looked back at him. “You’d be in Akainu’s ear in a heartbeat if I did.”
“And so what? We’re all comrades in arms…aren’t we?” Finally there was that minuscule trace of a frown on Kizaru’s lips. 
They were supposed to work together.
But that look of disappointment was just for a moment before he set his pen down and grabbed the receiver from off of the large transponder snail on his desk.
Aokiji’s eyes widened slightly at this movement, surprised and untrusting as Kizaru leaned back in his chair while the operator connected.
“Yes, admiral?” HQ’s switchboard girl answered kindly while Kizaru put the phone on speaker.
“Hello, Miss,” He said with a new, slight smile. “I need you to ring someone for me.”
“Of course, admiral. Who do you want me to connect you to?”
“Pull the warlord numbers if you please. I want Donquixote Doflamingo’s most direct line.”
There was just the briefest pause there too. Her voice changing a little. “The Fleet Admiral has put a restriction on that line, sir. No non-emergency calls. Is this considered an emergency?”
“Sure.” Kizaru was patient as anything, almost relaxing in his chair. “Let’s say it’s an emergency.”
“Yes, sir. Then I’m connecting you now.” Her nervousness gave way to dutiful obedience quickly enough as there was a click followed by momentary silence.
“The hell are you doing!?” Aokiji snapped at him in that brief delay before the line began to trill in new ringing. 
Kizaru looked back up at him, unfazed.
The phone continued to ring.
“It’d be pretty late in Dressrosa right now wouldn’t it?” Kizaru just thought out loud instead of giving a proper answer, glancing at the multiple clocks across his wall which denoted the different times across  the seas.
But Aokiji was not amused at all, starting to reach to hang up that transponder snail himself before a loud click had both admirals pause.
“This better be good.” Came the noticeably sleep hazed voice. A sharpness to it already though, with that transponder snail scowling up at them now.
“Oh…did I interrupt your beauty rest, pirate?” Kizaru responded, watching that snail as Aokiji went fully silent.
“Huh…” There was that moment of thought and maybe even a bit of surprise on the other end of the line. But the real recognition didn’t take long. Because there weren’t many men that would have been so casual as this. And those that would, didn’t sound like that.
“Admiral Kizaru is it?” Doflamingo recovered quickly, dark voice sounding more interested now.
“Yes, I’m calling from HQ.” Kizaru drawled. “Seems our captain that you appointed to your island recently hasn’t reported in to us today. And you wouldn’t have had anything to do with that little lapse in her communication, now would you?” 
The implied threat didn’t even have to be overt. It was well enough for any of the three navy admirals to take a personal interest in anything like this of course.
And this would now be the second admiral to do so in your name if the rumors of Aokiji’s previous visit to Doflamingo’s house in Sabaody were to be believed.
And Kizaru did believe it.
What he was surprised by was that it hadn’t been enough. 
A pirate that didn’t have the sense to back down for even an admiral.
It was a problem.
And the snail had quieted for a moment, its serious expression seeming to consider the weight of this new questioning from the admiral.
But Kizaru was exactly correct. Doflamingo understood the threat.
Doflamingo chose not to heed it.
Because the snail smiled then, wide and cruel as the warlord’s decision was made.
“Well…it is late. But if you insist, then why don’t you ask her yourself, admiral? It really has nothing to do with me.” Doflamingo replied with an all new goading.
And there was a sound of a bed creaking. 
The warlord’s voice became slightly quieter as he’d moved away from the receiver.
“Captain…hey.” It almost sounded gentle. But that snail was still grinning, Doflamingo’s dark voice still close enough for his real expression to be picked up. That smug pride radiating even as the intentional softness continued. “No…you need to wake up. You’ve got a colleague on the line…come here.”
The two admirals stared at that snail.
“…what?” A confused female voice finally protested.
“The phone, darling. It’s your work. Already not respecting your off duty hours at all it seems…”
The temperature now plummeted in Kizaru’s office at that vulnerable sound of you, as well as the full implications of what this truly meant.
But Kizaru cut in before Aokiji could. Even as both admirals’ breaths were then coming in trails of vapor within the room.
“Captain.” Kizaru said louder and firmer than he ever normally would to you.
And you heard it. Also recognizing his voice that you’d heard far more times than any warlord ever would.
There was more noise of the snail moving then. Like you were now picking it up from off of the bed. “…Admiral?” You asked in delayed surprise.
But there was more to it than that. You didn’t sound right, even in just these couple of words.
“Yes. Checking in, Captain. You didn’t give your status to anyone today.” Kizaru answered.
“I…” You tried. “There was…” Yes, they could fully tell now. You were trying so hard, but slurring every brief word none the less.
You were fully drunk. 
And you finally gave up, starting to actually plead in that humiliation of being ambushed in this way. “I…I’m fine. But I can’t…debrief right now. Sir…I’m…I’m sorry…”
The snail trembled, its eyes heartbreakingly defeated.
It was worse than any of them had ever thought then.
This was not the woman they knew.
Aokiji was about to snap. And Kizaru considered transmitting himself towards Sengoku’s office here and now.
But their shared enemy still most running this show wasn’t ceding his spotlight yet either.
“Admiral.” Doflamingo’s voice came back, shamelessly calm in contrast to your now evident emotions. “The Captain can speak with you later. I’m sure you’d agree that there’s nothing wrong with a little over indulgence when off the clock…we’ve all been there.” 
And he even made a noise as if he was comforting you beside him. Hushing you with a mimicry of affection before he spoke again. “…I’ll have her touch base with you tomorrow. Once she’s sobered up of course.”
Yet that snail also showed its teeth again before it was done. The harsher expression forming which didn’t match that measured tone at all.
“But tomorrow we’ll be very busy as well. Some news will be coming out, and her work for Dressrosa will be taking priority. The mission always comes first, correct? And she is one of your most dedicated.”
The snail’s tongue moved across those teeth. One final jab then added like a garnish on the heap of bullshit already being presented.
“This king is certainly glad to have her services at least.”
And Kizaru was forced to make a choice. 
He disappeared in a flash of yellow light, taking the snail with him as Aokiji had reached for it to speak.
No one could match Kizaru’s speed. And Aokiji had then turned, the purest rage within those dark eyes as Kizaru now stood all the way out in the hallway, holding that snail.
It was already back asleep as Kizaru had disconnected the call even before he’d moved.
“I’ll kill him.” Aokiji breathed, ice having already overtaken half of his face.
Kizaru was initially silent. His eyes had narrowed as well behind his glasses.
But then he spoke to his peer, blunt and sure. “They’d order me and Sakazuki to erase you for treason, brother. And that wouldn’t help anybody. Now would it?”
Aokiji gave him a look of disgust. Words seemed pointless by now. They both knew how wrong this was.
Yet Kizaru did begin walking back to him. A show of continued trust really. Because they were not enemies.
“Whatever you already did…” Kizaru started. “Is that going to help her?”
Aokiji’s shoulders sank ever so slightly, but his ice did not recede.
“Temporarily…but I came back here to do the rest of it. I am going to get her off of Dressrosa. No matter what that takes.”
Borsalino had actually hung up on him. The least passionate of all three admirals, and Doflamingo was certain he’d still gotten under that man’s skin.
Were you really that important to all of them then? Doflamingo’s own ego was happy to believe that you were.
Because it made you feel even more hard won if so. His marine treasure, stolen straight from the top and now further slipping through the hands of even the world’s greatest soldiers.
And how interesting that they didn’t seem to know about your public betrothal yet. Kizaru was a hard one to judge though. He hadn’t mentioned it at least.
Hopefully this really did mean that there were no marine spies left on Dressrosa to call and tattle to HQ. None outside of the toys working in his underground port anyway.
And he’d taken your own phone away immediately after the incident with Crocodile. You’d only been allowed to make calls right in front of him now.
Morgans’ reporters were likely playing things close to the vest too, to not share anything until those newspapers went to press. They wanted the first and only scoop for tomorrow’s worldwide release.
But there was nothing Sengoku could possibly do to reverse this either once he would find out. You were still a marine, just as Doflamingo had promised he’d let you remain. But you were also now his wife, with all of the added immunity that provided for you.
You couldn’t be fired, or even demoted. Not unless Doflamingo wanted you to be.
The five old men on the Red Line had reluctantly agreed to this in his stipulations. No doubt just humoring the traitorous brat that they still thought he was.
If they believed he was distracted, it made their lives easier. Less trouble he could cause for them.
Perhaps you’d actually thank him some day though. He was a generous master after all. Pulling his strings all the way from heaven to hell in this whirlwind of a love affair with you.
But tonight you were still too upset. Still too close to it all to realize how lucky you actually were to have his attention this deeply.
Your head was on his chest once more as he rubbed your back idly in the dark.
He could feel that dampness against his bare skin. Your silent tears as you surely thought your career was now dead and gone.
You were crying yourself back to sleep like the pitiful, broken thing you still were.
But he didn’t mind. 
Doflamingo kissed the top of your head as that new whim overcame him.
You were his responsibility now.
His prize and his companion to defend. 
Dawn would come again tomorrow, and with it the world’s reactions to what he’d done to you. But he welcomed that challenge and whatever new enemies it would bring him.
Because he’d bury them all like the good mate he was. He would protect you. This was his nest and his woman. 
He nuzzled his face back down against your hair. Hiding his scarred eye as the other eye watched the room for a bit longer before also drifting closed.
Your arms were tight around him. It felt right. But even in all his intense possessiveness that this inspired, there was something else so wholly new as well.
He felt safe.
He felt needed.
Until death do you part indeed. As that would be the only possible way for anyone to ever carve you from him now.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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grandpuppylight · 6 months
Check out this amazing AU from ReynaAtTheEnd
This not my story but the person who owns it doesn't have tumblr. So I decided that the one piece tumblr fandom needs this in their life. The synopsis is that king finds out the seraphim exit 7 days before marineford. Three hours before the execution is to acure Sengoku gets a call from Egghead. Chaos insues. Chapters 1-20 up now the author does not have an upload schedule. Now for just one interesting insight to the story, the author is making Moria a bigger threat than he already was.
Ch. 1-17 arc 1
Ch. 18-24 arc 2
Ch. 25-33 arc 3
Ch. 34-ongoing
The author has decided to call it the "Age of Emperors AU"
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175 notes · View notes
lizardboiii · 6 months
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
┃Last Updated: 5/26
┃Total Works: 3
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Cross Guild
Dracule Mihawk
┃Tongue Tied pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Donquixote Pirates
Donquixote Doflamingo
Donquixote Rosinante
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Heart Pirates
Trafalgar D. Water Law
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Kid Pirates
Eustass Kid
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Straw Hat Pirates
Monkey D. Luffy
┃Breaking Up pt 1
Roronoa Zoro
┃Breaking Up pt 1
Vinsmoke Sanji
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Charlotte Katakuri
Portgas D. Ace
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
⤷Refer to MASTERLIST for introduction and rules.
184 notes · View notes
somanyratsinthewalls · 6 months
A Queen for a King (+18)
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Pairing: DonQuijote Doflamingo x Female Reader
WC: 1800
Summary: You were promoted to manage the only brothel in town, but Doflamingo has other plans for you... and who are you to deny a king?
TW: KINDA DUBIOUS CONSENT HERE! Doflamingo is a huge jerk, p in v sex, oral sex f receiving, doggy style, breeding kink, cream pies, unprotected sex, dirty talk, TELL LAW I AM SORRY BUT I HAD TO WRITE THIS TO GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD!
— — 
You pushed through the double wooden doors to the palace without paying any mind to the guards trying to stop you.
“If you care about your life, you’ll leave me be.” You casually remark as you quickly climb the spiral staircase to the young master’s quarters. 
“This asshole…” You mutter to yourself as you approach the top of the stairs you were ascending. You knock and sigh. 
The large door at the top of the tower creaks open. 
You brush past the door and into the throne room in annoyance. 
“Young Master you promised that my girls would receive equitable treatment.” You remark as your long red velvet robe flutters behind you. 
“The girls you’ve sent don’t know what they’re doing.” You hear a low, sinister voice respond. 
“You’ve promoted me to the overseer of The Nest and I’ve sent you my best girls, I don’t know why you’re sending these poor women back to me with unfathomable injuries and insults.” You say as you flop yourself down on the pink loveseat in the throne room and light a cigarette. 
“I know what I’ve done… but I still want you to service me. Is that so difficult for you to understand?” You take a drag of your cigarette as Doflamingo rose from this throne to look at you. 
“You’ve sent 7 of my girls home in tears and 2 of them in body bags… How am I supposed to trust you with them now?” You lean back on the sofa. 
“I don’t want your girls.” Doflamingo approaches his bar cart and pours two heavy glasses of liquor. “I want you.” 
“I am no longer for sale since my promotion. You said it yourself.” You receive the cocktail from the much larger, pink coat clad man and sat back in your chair. 
“I said you no longer have to service clients… I am not a client, I am your king.” Doflamingo smirked as he took a sip of his drink. “You are mine, and I will accept nothing less.” The man strides away from you and takes a seat on his throne.
“I control The Nest now. I can provide you with any women or any desire that floats your interest. All you have to do is-“
“No. I will not have the other girls. I will have you.” Doflamingo smiles wickedly. 
You sigh. 
You glide across the room towards the Young Master.
“You may be the king of Dressrosa and the king of getting whatever you want, but I was assigned to oversee The Nest and I have done my job, Young Master. You cannot malign me for doing my duty.” You say as you square your shoulders. You tried too hard not to let your fear seep through, this man could end your life in a second but you were here in his throne room trying to make him squirm. 
“You’ve done your job, y/n… but unfortunately for you I’ve taken a liking to you and you will belong to me… mind, body and soul…”
You take a drag of your cigarette and sigh. 
“So I’m suck here?” You ask 
“Stuck? Love, it’s so much nicer than that. You don’t miss taking me?” Doflamingo says as he brushes off his coat and shirt. He swoops down to his knees and meets you at your level, lounging on the pink loveseat. You chuckle as he reaches your face level. 
“I can find someone to appease you, Young Master.” You put your hand on his massive wrist. 
You look up and look into your captor’s sunglasses covered eyes. 
“No one will ever touch you again. Only me. Or they’ll die. Not instantly, but in the worst way anyone could ever imagine.” Doflamingo grabs your cheek and forces you to face him. 
“I must insist that my girls-“
“NO!” He bellows. 
You tremble in fear. 
“Doffy….” You try to calm him and stroke his bicep. 
“No one touches you again… you’re mine…” Doflamingo pulls you against him and grinds your body onto his pelvis. 
“Doffy I can’t do this anymore…” You huff out quietly as you try not to enjoy the feeling of his massive hard on grinding against your sensitive sex. 
“You can…. You can, my love….. just let me show you…” Doffy picks you up and throws you against his chair and unties your robe, then pushes your panties down past your ankles. 
“Doffyyy…” You cry out and buck your hips up into the air as he pulls back. “If I agree to this arrangement… you have to leave my girls alone…” You choke out.
“Agree? Haha oh sweetheart you have no choice. I am your king and you’ll do as I say. I don’t want anything to do with those whores anyway. They don’t deserve to even be in my presence.” Doffy pulls your thighs apart forcefully, exposing your naked sex to him. 
“Those girls are nothing compared to you…” He continues. “Their filthy holes could never satisfy me the way yours do.” He strokes his huge hands up and down your thighs as he gets to his knees between your legs. He notices your pussy involuntarily clench at his words. “Now, I’m going to have my fill of this wet little cunt and you’re going to take it like a good slut. My good slut.”
“Yes, Young Master…” You give in. 
Doflamingo immediately dives in and bullies that damned long tongue deep into your waiting hole. You cry out and throw you head back. 
Lewd slurping noises echo off the stone walls of the throne room while you grip your king’s blonde hair for dear life. He pulls his tongue out of you to flick it harshly across your clit, making you whine. 
“Such a perfect pussy, so sweet… always so sweet for me…” He lowers his head again and continues bringing you closer and closer to the precipice of pleasure. You hated how good he was at this, being such an evil man, but your body was betraying you. With each deep probe of his tongue inside your walls and nudge of his nose on your clit, the coil in your lower tummy threatened to snap. 
“Shit, Doffy! I’m gonna cum, fuck!” You cry out. 
He pulls away. 
“Ask properly, you know how.” He demands. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, please let me cum I’m so close! Please!” You plead as you look down at him between your messy thighs, his lips were shiny with your copious amounts of slick. He smirks. 
“Cum then, my love.” He takes your clit between his lips and sucks harshly. 
“Ah!” You scream and release all over your sadistic lover’s face. He was being kind so far, clearly thrilled that you’ve agreed to his new terms. 
Doflamingo rises to his feet and grips your jaw in his massive palm and forces you to look up at him. 
“What do you say?” He says as he looms over you. 
“Thank you…” You breath out, still coming down from your high. 
“Good pet. Now get up, and bend that tight little ass over the arm here for me.” Doflamingo lets go of your jaw and waits for you to rise to your feet, undoing his pants in the process. You shakily stand and do as you're told, shedding your robe off your arms and taking your place bent over the arm of his throne, presenting yourself to him. 
You gasp as you feel the huge head of his cock tease your soaked opening. 
“Ready, darling?” You could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“Yes- AH!” You yelp loudly as he pushes into you forcefully and quickly. His cock was bigger than anything else you’ve ever had by far, but he’s taken you so many times now that you knew how to bear the stretch. 
“Shit!” Your eyes roll in the back of your head. 
“See this is why you’re my favorite…” Doffy begins to thrust into you harshly, not giving you any time to adjust. “Didn’t even need to open you up… this pussy was made for me… taking me so well…” His hands were so big they almost wrapped completely around your waist as he pulled you back and forth onto his cock. 
“Do! Ffy! S-slow! Down!” You try to plead with him. You were being bounced forward with each powerful slam of his hips hitting your ass and thighs. 
“No I don’t think I will!” Your king cackles from behind you as he delivers a hard spank to your right cheek. You scream in both pain and pleasure. He slaps your ass a few more times and continues his brutal assault on your sex. Your head was swimming and you could barely even hear the filthy, disgusting things that Doflamingo was spewing from behind you. 
“Oh, Doffy!” You cry out his name as he angles your hips to further access your G-spot with every stroke. His name felt like poison on your tongue but you were so lost in pleasure that it didn’t matter to you anymore. The world melted around you and the only thing you could feel was his hot breath on your back and the battering of his giant cock inside you. 
Suddenly you’re pulled up by your hair and your back was against Doflamingo’s huge exposed chest. 
“Going to cum again, little slut? Beg for it. Beg your king to make you cum.” He growls into your ear while gripping your scalp tightly. You whine. 
“Please! Please Doffy! Wanna cum so bad! Please!” Sweat drips from your neck down the valley of your breasts as you pant and beg to finish. 
“Cum. Do it now.” He reaches down and pinches your clit without faltering in his thrusts. 
You unravel immediately and squirt all over the throne beneath you. Your cunt spasms and you moan out with each wave of your orgasm wracking your body. Doflamingo releases your hair and you fall forward. 
“So fucking messy, just the way I like it!” Doffy laughs and grips your hips tightly, approaching his own climax. “I’m going to breed this cunt and keep you here with me forever, my sweet love.” 
“Doffy, wait! Shit!” You try to protest but it was no use. He was already groaning loudly and shooting rope after rope of thick cum into your womb, spilling out around his cock stretching your hole. With a final smack to your ass, Doflamingo pulls out of you and picks you up. He sits on his throne and pulls you onto his lap, still leaking his cum onto his thigh. 
“I-I have to get back to work, Young Master…” You try to wiggle out of his grip. 
“No, I don’t think you do. Not anymore.” He tightens his hold on you and smirks. 
“But… the arrangement… you said…” You look up at him. 
“Fuck what I said. You’ll be my queen.” 
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short-honey-badger · 7 months
Feeling Forgotten
Pairings! Doflamingo x Reader
Warnings! It's Doffy. Gaslighting and Manipulation
Summary! Doflamingo gets jelly while you're getting ready for a date.
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The young king of Dressrosa abhorred seeing you with the young lords and ladies of his kingdom. Doflamingo had happened upon you one late evening on the way back to his palace, cowering and hungry in a place where someone as lovely as you should never be subject to. He had swooped in like the bird he's named after and scooped you up, holding you close to his chest even as you thrashed about in panic.
Doflamingo had given you to his servants to be bathed and fed, and after that, Doffy had them escort you to his office where he assured you that nothing would ever harm you again if you stayed with him and his family. Overwhelmed and terrified, you had easily agreed with the king.
From then on, you had wanted for nothing. Doflamingo treated you like a princess, doting on you hand and foot and showering you with gifts at his inclination. He loved it when you looked at him with gratitude shining within the depth of your eyes.
So it pissed him off that you continued to chase after the young men who would never be good enough for you. He hated to see you get ready with the gifts he had given you to show off to those boys who lived in his kingdom. It was understandable that the devil fruit user would come to a breaking point one unremarkable evening.
Doflamingo sits in your room, lounging back on the bed big enough to fit even his massive frame. One of his very first offerings to you. The young master watches you get ready, unable to keep the unhappy sneer adorning his face. You dither here and there, delicately painting your lips at your vanity, and turning to Doflamingo with a cute smile, asking him.
“How do I look, Doffy? Do you think he'll like it?”
You don't expect the blonde's expression to fall further, veins popping in his brow for half a second before Doflamingo sucks in a sharp breath and lets it out slowly. He wouldn't take his ire out on you.
“Who cares what that boy will think. Only my opinion should matter, shouldn't it, princess? Or do you just not care what dear ol’ Doffy thinks anymore?”
It's a cruel satisfaction he feels when Doflamingo sees your pretty face go pale and you scramble to your feet, almost tripping over yourself in your haste to get to his side.
“No! Why would you think that?”
The desperation in your voice is mouthwatering, and Doflamingo sighs dramatically, propping himself up by his hand and pouting at you.
“You've been so busy going out on these dates,” he spits the word, jealousy and disdain dripping from his tone.
“That I've been feeling… forgotten lately, Sweetheart.”
You crawl on top of the bed with him, legs tucked under you and hands gripping your knees. You look at him with big doe eyes, and Doflamingo could purr at the delectable sight that you make.
“I'm sorry, Doffy. How about I stay in tonight instead? You're more important to me than some…some boy, right?” You say, tone turning questioning as if wanting your young master's assurance.
Doflamingo grins, a mean smile full of teeth that makes you shiver in terrified delight. He flicks a finger, and you come crashing forward, hands landing on his chest and legs spreading nicely. He leans in close, kissing your cheek and wrapping his other arm around your waist.
“That's exactly what I wanted to hear, Princess. No more dates unless they're with me, yeah? I'm the only one you should worry that pretty little head over.”
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lovelywritinglady · 2 months
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Crocodile Tears pt.2
Sir Crocodile x fem!reader, Doflamingo x fem!reader(siblings)
In which your life has gotten a little more complicated as your freakishly tall older brother comes back into your life.
Angst, reader is traumatized, fluff, curse words, violence. Slighy spoilers for Marine ford. Maybe out of character Crocodile and Doflamingo. May be some canon as well as non canon things.
The ocean shone brilliantly as the salty sea air whipped your h/c hair back softly. You stood on the front of the boat holding the railing that surrounded it, feeling the cool metal against your palms. You took a deep breath letting the salty air fill your lungs as your eyes still felt raw from all of the crying you had done the night prior. Your heart was still aching from recent events. You had once been the wife of a very powerful man and now you were just you and you knew that at some point, you needed to come to terms with that.
The reason you chose Dressrosa was because despite the history there, you needed to be in the comfort of your family. You desired to see your older brother even though he was a horrible person and a hardened criminal. You were an adopted by his parents as they desired to have a ‘normal’ child. You chuckled at that thought squeezing the cool railing a little bit harder as you felt fresh tears pricking your eyes once again. You started to hate yourself for wanting to see him, as he was the reason your parents weren’t here anymore. But you knew that he would welcome you with open arms, he did promise that after all. You just wish that you knew where your other brother was as he was more of the ideal person to be with. He was kind, smart, and someone you knew you could rely on. But your older brother would have to do for now, he was still family.
“We will be arriving at our destination in 1 hour.” someone on the loud speaker announced
“Well damn, that voyage was a lot quicker than I thought it be. Guess I should call Doffy.”You spoke to yourself as you admired the sea.
You reluctantly let go of the railings and began waking back to your room that was located in the middle of the ship. Once there, you sat on your bed that was hard and uncomfortable. You then took one look at your transponder snail giving it a small smile before grabbing it gently Reluctantly, you dialed your brothers number waiting for him to pick up as the sound of the transponder snail filled your tiny room. And soon enough, the transponder snail stopped with a click sound.
“Who’s this?” A gruff voice spoke
“It’s me, Doffy. It’s y/n.” You responded cringing at yourself for being so timid.
“Well, well. Hello there I was wondering when I’d get a call from you. ” He laughed out. “I told you that Crocodile was not good for you did I not.” Doflamingo spoke once more bit in a more serious tone fully knowing why you’d call him.
“I know.” You whispered feeling embarrassed
“I’m glad you know, sweet sister. Now tell me where you are so I can come and get you.” He said in a more gentle voice thing to coax you to him.
“Funny enough, in a boat right now on my way to Dressrosa. I’m about an hour away.” You replied with a nervous expression.
“Fufufu, good I’ll see you soon then. Are you just visiting or do you want to stay?” He asked slyly
“I’m not sure yet Doffy. All I know is that I need my family.” You admitted feeling too emotionally tired to hide your true feelings.
“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.” Doflamingo stated as that sentence reminded you of the big fight the two of you had when you first started dating crocodile. You then sighed trying to push down the thoughts of your husband down. “See you soon, y/n.” Your brother added before hanging up.
“Shit. What the hell did I just get myself into.” You admitted to yourself before you began packing your things getting ready to see your big brother again.
One hour later
You had finally arrived to Dressrosa. Taking your first steps off of the boat felt like you were waking home. The familiar warmth and sight of toys filled you with joy. However, the sheer number of them shocked you as you defiantly don’t remember there being this many. Shaking your head, you decided to put it in the back of your mind as you were dedicated to one thing and one thing only; your brother.
You began looking around for him thinking that he might be here to get you. However, knowing Doffy, he was not the kind of man to do that. You shook your head that this realizing that it had been some time since you had officially seen him and you seemed to have forgotten some of his manurisums.
“Well shit, I guess I’ve gotta walk there.” You spoke to yourself.
And so you went in the direction of the castle that sat upon the plateau called the “Sunflower hill.” As you began your journey, suitcase in hand, you had walked out five minutes before you were surrounded by three men that seemed to be dressed as guards.
“Miss Donquixote, we are here to escort you to the palace by order of the king!” The guard in the middle declared handing me an official document with my brothers signature proving the legitimacy to this man’s words.
“I see. Thank you! Mind carrying my bags then?” I responded handing one of the other guards my suitcase before they could answer. I then walked past them desperate to get to my final destination.
“C-certainly!” The guard squeaked surprised at my boldness.
“Wait, miss Donquixote! We are suppose to escort you!” The last guard yelled
“Well escort me then I’m not interested in waiting any longer than I already have.” You snapped back not having any patience to deal with your brothers goonies at that moment. You then continued your fast pace not caring if they were actually escorting you or not.
“Yes ma’am!” All three of them responded as you heard them quicken their footsteps behind you. And soon enough they were in front of you “escorting” you to the palace.
After about an hour of walking, you had finally made it to your brothers palace. You smiled to yourself feeling surprisingly happy that you were going to see him after so many years. The palace hadn’t changed much since the last time you were here. With the exception of a few more shitty portraits of your brother.
“Miss Donquixote, please follow us to the throne room.” The guard holding your bag told you.
“Thank you!” You responded feeling slightly relieved that you were finally here.
The guard then lead you through a long hallway with red velvet carpet adorned with gold accents. The doors ahead that opened to the throne room was solid gold and stood wall length. The other two guards then stood on both sides of the doors. As the two massive opened you were greeted with the strange and malicious smile of your older brother; Donquixote Doflamingo.
“Too you long enough my sweet sister.” Doflamingo smiled crossing his legs as he sat upon his massive golden throne wearing his signature pink feathered coat.
“My bad, your guards got in my way.” You joked walking up to him with a small smile on your face.
“Fufufu I’ll deal with them later.” He spoke looking down at you with his smile never fading from his face.
“It’s good to see you brother.” You admitted not interested in starting any small talk with him knowing full well it would go absolutely no where.
“You as well dear one. It’s been so long. Why don’t we catch up in private?” He asked although knowing him, it definitely wasn’t a question. “Why don’t we talk in my office?” He added as he got up from his massive throne and began walking.
“Sure thing.” You responded as you followed.
Soon the two of you arrived to his office. Once there, the two of you sat across from each other in big office chairs. His looked perfect for him while your looked like it was about to swallow you whole. His office was huge and like the rest of the decor of the castle, it was adored with good trimmings and beautiful paintings. One of the paintings in particular caught your eye. It was a painting of you and both of your brothers. With them standing side by side with you in the middle. The sight of that painting made your heart ache. You hadn’t seem your other brother in an ever longer time than you had seen Doflamingo.
“He’s still missing y/n.” Doflamingo chimed in once he took notice you weren’t paying any attention to him.
“I know, it’s been far too long. I barely remember him.” You spoke seldomly
“What do you remember?” He asked as he leaned in closer to you.
“That he was kind, quiet, and extremely clumsy.” You replied reminiscing in your head about the time he somehow slipped sitting down. You chuckled at that thought which, not to your awareness, made Doflamingo jealous.
“Yes he was, but onto business.” He said doing his best to hide his annoyed tone and trying to give you a sweet and loving smile instead.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. What would you like to know?” You asked him leaning back into your massive chair.
“Everything, start from the beginning. I need to know how much that mother fucker hurt you and if I need to kill him or not.” He sneered smiling in anticipation.
“I’ll tell you everything as long as you agree not to kill him.” You responded quickly trying not to get your ex husband kill despite your hatred for him. You were so glad in that moment that you took on more of the personality of your other brother.
“Deal, just tell me everything.” He replied in an annoyed tone.
“Fine, so it all started about a little over a week ago…” You started.
The news of Arabasta’s war conflict coming to an end and Crocodiles reign over was sweeping the nation and the world by storm. The news that “white chase” Smoker of the marines had defeated the infamous pirate became one of speculation and pride to the Marines. The king was respected once more and the lost princess Vivi went back to her kingdom once more. It was a joyous occasion as the chains that held Arabasta captive were finally broken. However, there was one in particular that was not gladdened with the news; Sir Crocodile.
There he sat in a large Marine ship with sea prism stone cuffs on both his hands and feet. Blood still on his face from his recent battle with the rookie “Straw Hat” Luffy. Crocodile was defeated through and through. Both mind and body spent as not only did his plans fail, but the one thing he held dear to him was now gone too, due to his own personal failure. The area of the ship he was in was dark and smelled of rats and moldy sea water.
“Damn marines, don’t even know how to clean properly.” He spoke to himself with a raspy voice.
His head leaned forward as he tried to make himself comfortable in these shitty conditions. However, he had no luck as he was so use to his luxurious ways. His constant cigar was gone so he couldn’t even find a slight comfort in that. Crocodile then sighed feeling tired from the sea prism stone cuffs that he was bound in. As his power felt like it was gone completely. He hated this feeling, he hated being weak, but most importantly he hates knowing that he lost. He hates himself for the words that he spoke to you when he should’ve been kind to you. You were(are) his wife and he loves you more than anything.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He spoke softly to himself as though he was speaking to you.
Where were you now? Were you safe? Did you still love him? These questions kept repeating in his tired mind as he sat and sat for what felt like an eternity. He knew where he was going, but in that moment all his mind wanted to think of was you. Your smile, your eyes, your body, your kindness, your love. You were the only comfort he had in that moment and he knew that you’d be the only comfort he would have in Impel Down.
“What the hell is she going to think?” He questioned remembering that he had never told you the full extent of his plan and the full truth as to why you were in Arabasta in the first place. All he told you was that it was the best place for the two of you to make money and you accepted. “Shit!” He yelled out slamming his hand and hook down on the floor.
“Hey! Keep it down in there!” One of the marine guards called out to him. To which Crocodile glared at him making the marine guard shiver. “S-sorry!” He stuttered out.
“Whatever.” Crocodile spoke leaning back against the wall and sighing.
He knew he fucked up badly. He knew the chance of you taking him back as your husband was slim, but he didn’t care. He loved you in his twisted but genuine way. You were his and he was yours and he needed you back in his arms. You were his salvation is this fucked up world. Crocodile then in that moment, no matter what, decided he would find a way to be by your side once more and he simply didn’t care how.
“Prepare the prisoner for transfer to Impel down!” Another guard shouted to Crocodiles.
“Yes sir!” The marine saluted. “You heard him p-prisoner. Stand up!” The guard stuttered.
“Sure.” Crocodile smiled sending another wave of nerves down the guard’s spine.
Now that crocodile was standing he fully now realized just how tired he was. However, that didn’t matter now. Now, he would have to endure literal hell for god knows how long. But, he knew no matter how long no matter how much they would put him through in that place, it would be more than worth it just to see you once again.
“Y/n, I’ll find you my darling.” He whispered is mind returning to nothing but sweet thought of you and he began walking straight into hell.
Back To You…
“And that’s what happened and why I’m here now.” You spoke finishing your story.
“I know you told me I shouldn’t kill him, but the events that you just told me make me think he deserves it.” Doflamingo spoke through gritted teeth as his fists were tightly squeezed together.
“His death really wouldn’t make me feel any better you know.” You bit back annoyed that he even thought to bring this up again.
“It would make me feel better.” He muttered as you rolled your eyes at his comment.
“I know it would.” You sighed. “I just don’t wish to see him. I can’t, especially after leaving the way I did.” You admitted as you started to feel slightly sad once more.
“Good, you won’t and I’ll make damn sure of it. You left because you knew you needed better and so you came to me. I’ll make sure you find someone worthy of a woman of your caliber, that’s a promise.” Doflamingo declared feeling righteous.
“I’m not looking to move on yet Doffy…” you said looking down at you hands as your eyes began to blur. “I just can’t.” You added as your heart ached with the memory of your husband.
“Fine, but you will one day, promise me.” Doflamingo spoke seriously
“I promise.” You replied. Although not fully meaning it as your heart still belonged to your husband despite how shitty he was.
“Good girl. Now you should go see the rest of the family I know they’re excited-”Doflamingo began
“Young master! Young master!” A guard burst in holding a newspaper exclaimed.
“Dammit what?!” Your brother barked back with visible anger.
“S-sorry, young master, b-but you need to r-read the news!” He stuttered handing Doflamingo the newspaper.
Your brother scanned it, reading it carefully not fully believing the article. You noticed a mix of confusion and excitement on his face as his familiar smile grew in size. It seemed like forever until he finally finished reading. Once he did, he gave you a smug grin as he handed you the paper that caused his amusement. He knew full well that this would fully shock you. So much so that you would most likely stay with him forever.
You took the paper from him and began reading. However, by the headline, you were already confused and horrified. A gasp left your lips as you continued reading. The true horrors that your husband committed came to light. Mixed emotions were flooding you as you finished reading and shakily placed the news paper down. Angry tears flowed down your cheeks as you looked at your brother who gave you a sympathetic smile, one he knew would make you believe that he had no clue about Crocodiles plan.
“I can’t believe he would be this horrible.” Yoi cried out as you cradled your face and began to sob.
“He is a pirate y/n.” Doflamingo said coming closer to you.
“I know he is, but taking over a country and planning to destroy it. That’s so fucked!” You exclaimed as you felt large arms around your body.
“I know it is. Shhh. Everything will be okay.” Doffy reassured pulling you closer to him with a satisfied grin. “I did tell you he was trouble.” He added.
“I-I know. I just thought he told me everything. He promised that he had.” You spoke through choked tears.
Your brother didn’t respond as he simply didn’t know what to say. On one had he was satisfied that you were with him once again. And that he finally had all of his family in once place. As well as the face that he was almost certain you’d let him kill Crocodile now. However, he also felt a unfamiliar feeling bubbling up in his chest. He did love you and seeing you so upset made him feel slightly sympathetic and worry for you. He hated this feeling but chose to ignore his confused emotions as this is what you needed.
“What am I gonna do Doffy?” You whispered as your voice was beginning to hurt from all of the crying you had done.
“You’re going to say here with me, sweet y/n.” Doffy responded pulling away to look at you.
“How long?” You questioned.
“As long as you’d like to but if it were up to me you’d stay forever. We’re family and it’s high time we reminder that.” He told you grabbing your now puffy face and wiping your tears.
“You’re right! You’ve been right about everything!” You cried out “I’m sorry Doffy.” You whispered hugging him once again.
“That’s all in the past now.” He comforted “Why don’t we go see the rest of our family soon?” Doffy suggested
“I’d like that, thank you brother.” You spoke excitedly
“Good.” Doflamingo smiled smugly
Two Months Later…
Your life at this point was much improved. You were now apart of the family and even had some authority. It was great and you even opened a little flower shop near the castle that you ran, which Doflamingo agreed. You had also gone to therapy and opened up a lot about your marriage and about your own personal problems. You were much happier knowing that your husband was serving time for his heinous crimes.
However, during these past two months you realized that Crocodile’s absence would always leave a hole in your heart. Despite how awful he was to you, you did love him. You thought a lot about him and even began to miss him and the times that he was sweet and loving to you. Truthfully he was that way for the majority of your marriage.
Every day was hard, but Doffy and the family had made your days easier. You and baby 5 had gotten along well and you even helped her with her attachment issues and have tried to convince her to go to therapy. The rest of the family was hard to really get close with again, but you had tried your best. After all, they were people that you had been close with once upon a time.
Today, was quite hot in the beautiful kingdom of Dressrosa. You were tending to your flower shop, making sure that all of the displays were absolutely perfect. While you were focused on the task at hand, the bell to your shop went off alerting you of a customer. As you turned around you were greeted with the familiar face of Doflamingo.
“Hello there, what might you need today brother?” You smiled to him
“I assure you I’m not here for your beautiful flowers sweet sister, but I am here to let you know that’ll I’ll be gone for at least a week.” Doffy informed you as he crouched in your shop due to his enormous size.
“Where to?” You questioned
“There’s gonna be an execution. One for the pirate Portgus D. Ace, commander of the White Beard Pirates.” He said proudly.
“But that’s result in an all out war!” You told him perplexed by this information.
“Exactly. I’m ordered to go but really I wanna see how this will turn out! It’ll be a spectacle!” Doflamingo laughed making you cringe slightly
“I guess I’ll see you in a week then.” You responded trying to change the subject as you turned back to your flowers.
“Yes, you could come with me you know.” He suggested
“I’ve got work to do here. And besides who’s going to keep your family in shape while you’re gone.” You joked hanging your brother a blood red rose. He took it with a smile before placing it in his pocket.
“I suppose you could watch the broadcast.” He suggested
“Not really sure I wanna see all of that” you admitted feeling slightly sick at the thought of watching that boy die.
“Fair enough, but I do hope you will change your mind.” Doflamingo laughed slightly. “Take care of our family y/n. I’ll be back soon.” He spoke one last time before he left leaving you to your work.
“See you soon, brother.” You whispered as a strange feeling erupted in your chest. “This won’t end well.” You spoke to yourself as you continued w continued with your work.
A Few Days Later…
Doflamingo had arrived in MarineFord Mmmm a few days ago and already the war had begun. The theatrics were already amusing him as he watched the carnage. Pirate versus marine, the strongest versus the strongest. This war was right up his alley. Doflamingo only wished that you could be here to witness this, but hoped that you’d watching the transponder snail feed.
“Ah yes! Who is just the marines or the pairates! It doesn’t really matter this war will change the tides forever! Fufufufufu!” Doflamingo exclaimed happily.
“Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Sudden voices yelled out from up above interrupting Doflamingo celebration.
“What the” Doflamingo spoke out looking up with a frown and then surprise at a massive marine ship somehow falling from the sky.
“Dammit, Ivankov!” A familiar gruff voice yell out in annoyance.
“Iva!” A child-like voice called out.
“We’re all gonna die!” Two male voices caked out in terror.
And just as fast as he heard those voices, they were sent plummeting down into the hole in the ice below that was made not too long ago. This spectacle was enough to catch the attention of everyone on the battlefield. Faces agape at the sight making the fighting stop.
“Dammit straw hat!” The same familiar gruff voice called only this time the person was much clearer.
“Well I’ll be dammed!” Doflamingo called out to none other than Sir Crocodile.
“Shit.” Crocodile whispered to himself
Doflamingo quickly made his way to Crocodile, killing random people on the way there. As he was approaching, he took notice of Crocodile’s sad attempt at attacking Whitebeard only to be stopped by both straw hat and one of Whitebeards commanders. Crocodile was sent flying backwards as blood dripped down his nose.
“Well hey there gatorboy!” Doflamingo greeted looking down at Crocodile.
“Doflamingo stay out of my business or else!” Crocodile but back wiping the blood from his nose.
“Your business! Your business! Your businesses is now thriving with me after you left her broken!” Doflamingo laughed
“What the hell are you yapping about!”Crocodile responded
“Your dear wife came crying to me after she left you!” Doflamingo
“She in Dressrosa?” Crocodile questioned already starting to make a plan to go to you.
“Yes! Where she belongs.” Doflamingo spoke
“She’s my wife!” Crocodile barked
“And she’s my sister and I can assure you, you’ll never see her again!” Doflamingo laughed.
“Dammit Doflamingo! She’s mine!” Crocodile replied grabbing him by the shirt
“You know she might be watching gator boy! Wouldn’t want to let her see you assault her brother, would you now? Fufufu!” Doflamingo teased
Crocodile then promptly let him go feeling nervous that you might be watching. Anxiety then crept and he decided then that he’d better act right hoping that maybe you’d see that he was a better man than the last time you had seen him.
“Damn, didn’t realize my sweet sister had such a tight leash on you gator boy.” Doflamingo joked
“Maybe I just want to my wife to see the giants she deseves.” Crocodile whispered sadly
“Let’s just hope she’s looking then.” Doflamingo responded seriously confused at Crocodiles change in demeanor.
Meanwhile, back to you a few moments earlier…
You had completed your work for the day. As you closed your flower shop and made your way back to the castle you thought of your brother mentioning the broadcast at marineford and how anyone could view it if they had a video transponder snail, to which the castle did.
“Fuck it.” You whispered realizing that you were very much in fact interested in what would happen.
And thus, as you walked into the castle you set your sights on the room you knew had what you needed. As you made your way there you wondered what was going on now and what did you miss. You felt as though something happened that you had to see. Something that could change everything for you and you had no idea why yet. So, as you arrived at the room you immediately started to turn on the video transponder snail in hopes that the broadcast would work. After a little trial and error you got the massive snail working and connected to the one at Marine ford. The feed started playing and immediately you saw the massive battle that had happened and was now continuing. Pirate versus marine, the best verses the best. This was, in your mind, the war that would determine the change the world forever.
“The fucking brutality.” You spoke out eyes glued to the screen.
You noticed your brother in the corner of the screen laughing and saying some big speech that you agreed with and then;seemingly out of nowhere, a missive ship crash landed in a almost too perfect opening in the ice below. You gasped at the sight not realizing what had just happened. It was bizarre to be sure but was most bizarre was the reaction your brother had to it. He was quick to leave his post and go to the action.
“What the hell is he doing?” You wondered knowing something like this was not likely to make your brother leave the comfort of his stand. He is a king after all.
You watched your brother closely as he landed right before a giant man seemingly made of diamonds and someone who had just gotten punched by him. The video was hard to see due to all of the fight king and debris in the air. But with further focus you finally realized the reason for Doflmingos haste and why he would even be remotely interested in leaving from his viewing spot. It was a person; a person still so dear to you and who you still loved deeply much to your own disappointment. As it was none other than your husband.
“Crocodile?” You whispered to yourself feeling like the world itself had stopped.
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Thank you so much for reading!💜 Gonna make 1-2 more part(s) for this story! Stay Tuned! Please let me know what you thought of this part!!
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•I do NOT own any characters except y/n•
Part 1 Part 2
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sanaserena · 4 months
Doffy stretched out a wrist.  “Why don’t you try it?”
You stared at him.  “Are you serious?”  He was suggesting you test seastone on him; he who had devil fruit powers.
The grin on his mouth never once wavered.  “Do I have any reason not to be?”  With that smile, Doffy was always almost serious.
You wound the loose cuff around your finger. “You will be at my mercy.”
“Is that right?”  The corner of his mouth tilted up a fraction higher.  “And what will you do, hmm?”
The bracelet slipped around your hand, heavy against your wrist.  Heavier than your last pair of cuffs.  Your hand wrapped around his, and the cuff slid onto his wrist.
The effect was immediate.  The moment it touched Doffy’s skin, his hand tensed in yours.  Disgust touched his grin as he lost connection with his devil fruit. 
You pushed the cuff to his forearm where you felt the band stretch.
“It has a locking mechanism, or so I’m told,” he said.  “Twist the top half and it will snap the cuff into place. General rule is to do it quickly.”
It took you a few fumbles before you realised what it meant to twist the top half.  The moment you did, the cuff clicked several times and became rigid under your hand, constricting and tightening around Doffy’s forearm. 
Doffy grunted.  “Tight.”
It might be only one cuff.  But the sight of Doffy with even just one arm wrapped in a gilded seastone cuff with a bleeding heart insignia in the centre was appealing.
You slid your hand along his arm, far too aware of the veins that were popping with Doffy’s arm tensed the way it was.
“How does it feel?” you asked, resting your other hand between his legs. 
He flexed his hand.  “Interesting.”  You were sure it was.  It wasn’t often—perhaps never—that someone managed to cuff Doffy in seastone.
“Interesting.”  You leaned in close, the movement catching his attention. 
Suddenly he was no longer focussed on the cuff around his forearm, but on you.  And the way your lips brushed his.  His mouth parted to capture yours in a deeper kiss.
“I take it you like the gift,” he said when you pulled back. 
“I do.” You braced your hands on either side of him and tilted your chin up to look at him.  “I’d like to thank you.  Any preference for your entertainment, Your Majesty?”
Doffy hummed, cupping your face with his hands, and pressing a hard kiss to your lips.  “What do you have in mind?”
You smiled and slipped your head out of his hands.  Catching a hand, you guided him off the table and onto the chair.  He dropped down with his legs spread and you pressed a hand to his stomach. 
“Relax,” you told him, though Doffy was never someone who had to be told twice. 
He leaned back, resting his hands on his thighs.  His face was calm, expecting. 
Your hand slid down his abdomen. “I would strip, but the bandage on my back isn’t very sexy.”
“That’s a shame.”
You kissed him again.  A brief kiss that filled the room.  Your hands smoothed down his chest as you captured his lips in another slow kiss.  Doffy didn’t move his hands.  But his tongue met yours as your next kiss went deeper.
You tugged on the buckle of his pants; it snapped undone.  Doffy was accommodating, lifting his up slightly to allow you to drag them down. 
Breaking away from the kiss, you breathed, “I really, really, really hate your pants.”
‘Doffy and reader have a chat’ scene of my ongoing canon (intended) compliant fic, Doffy’s Whore, over on AO3 (Doflamingo X reader and Rosinante X reader pairing; Aokiji X reader endgame - the relationships are a little complicated, see AO3 notes, mind the warnings.)
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mandiemegatron · 8 months
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ᴰᵒᶠˡᵃᵐⁱⁿᵍᵒ ˣ ᶜᶦˢ!ᶠᵉᵐ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ; ᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ, ᵗʰʳᵉᵃᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵉʰᵉᵃᵈⁱⁿᵍ, ʰᵉᵃᵛʸ ˢᵉˣᵘᵃˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ. ¹⁸⁺ ᵒⁿˡʸ, ᵐⁱⁿᵒʳˢ ᴰᴺᴵ, ʸᵒᵘ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵇˡᵒᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ ˢⁱᵍʰᵗ.
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Glancing up from your book, you shot your lover a confused look, head tilted slightly as you asked,
"Yes, my love?"
Doflamingo sat at his desk, one cheek smooshed into his palm while his other hand lazily twirled red wine in his glass. Even through his pink shades, you could feel his stare on you, heavy and tired.
"... Come."
You gently placed your book aside on the couch before hopping up and nearly floating over to him, sliding up next to him with a worried expression. You ran a hand over his short hair before cupping his free cheek as best you could, thumb just brushing under his shades as you murmur lovingly,
"What's on your mind, Doffy?"
He said nothing for a moment, simply placing his wine glass down and scooping you into his lap, giving only a curt hum as you curled into his chest. One hand pressed gently to his chest, feeling his heartbeat under your cheek as the other dug into his feathered coat, clinging to him tightly.
"I love you," You murmured softly only to receive another grunt in response. You frowned and tugged on his coat, tilting your head up to brush your nose under his jawline.
"I said, I love you," You tried again, your tone a little harsher than you meant for it to be. Doflamingo tightened his grip around you, almost crushing you to his body, but still he did not respond. Anxiety washed over you as you sat up a bit in his lap, pulling yourself from his tight grip to reach up and hold his face in your hand, tilting his head so he was looking down at you properly.
You frowned deeply at the empty expression on your lovers face.
"... Doflamingo-"
"If something happens to me, would you run?"
You froze at his question, confusion and worry seeping into your expression as you somehow got out,
His grip tightened on you again, his tone dark as he repeated,
"If something happens to me... would you run?"
He didn't let you respond, instead grasping the lower part of your face in an almost too tight grip as he crashed his lips into yours.
He only pulled away to rasp out,
"You will never be touched by another man, you understand? You are mine, forever, no matter the cost,"
You nodded feverishly, tears welling in your eyes as you clung to him like a lifeline.
"I love you, Doflamingo," you murmured, trying to blink back the rushing tears. His grip tightened slightly on your chin, his expression unreadable to you, even as he took your mouth one again. There was desperation in his kiss, his touch possessive and anxious, which was strange.
Never had he been like this, not in the few years you'd been by his side.
For him to be acting like this, something was wrong, very wrong.
When you both pulled away to breathe, you looked up at him with wide, watery eyes as you gently asked,
"What's going on?"
He said nothing for a moment, simply clinging to you as he rose from his chair, taking the few long steps to leave his office and stride into his bedroom next door. He kicked the door shut and locked it before marching to his huge bed and hopping into it, his body curled over top of yours as he gently lowered you to the bed.
You simply stared up at him as he shed his clothes, watching with worried eyes as his naked form overtook yours once again. Your hands held his face as he came over you, towering over your frame like a castle, protecting you from the vicious, outside world.
He hated this feeling that crept over his skin like a parasite, sucking and biting at him and making him feel like he couldn't protect you.
Him, of all people.
His hands worked fast to strip you bare, warm palms brushing over your skin as if you were a priceless piece of art, a one of a kind artifact that couldn't ever be replaced. He didn't even register how his breathing shook, his hands wavering as his mind raced, thinking thoughts that could come to pass if he were to fail.
Seeing an image of you in his mind, breathless and needy under another man, Doflamingo suddenly felt a rush of rage and possessiveness and he flipped you over, smooshing your face into his soft pillows as he wrenched your hips up. He gave you no prep, your cunt soaked and eager for him as he began to press into you, ignoring the muffled wails of you begging him to stop. After a few presses, he pulled you flush to him, his head falling back with a groan as your ass met his pelvis, his thick cock filling you to the brim.
He could feel how you shook under his massive hands, his ego inflating at knowing he'd be the only man to fill you like this, to love you like this, to own you like this. He almost cackled as he finally began fucking you, one of his hands leaving your hips to tightly grip your hair and yank your head up.
No longer muffled, your sobs echoed in his room as you whined his name over and over, begging him to stop until it turned into begging him to keep going. His strings tied around your hair, keeping your head where he wanted as his hand moved to cradle your lower stomach, a wicked grin on his lips as he felt himself penetrate you over and over.
"Precious little pet," he spat out, feeling himself already close to the edge as he fucked into you like you were his personal pocket pussy. His eyes screwed shut behind his shades as you moaned for him, because of him, and only him.
"That's right darling, my lovely pet..."
He stills as your hand moved from the bed to cover over his on your stomach, your fingers intertwining with his. Even as you quietly sobbed, you still clung to him so lovingly and it infuriated him.
Rage overtook him and he ruthlessly pounded into you, both his hands back on your hips, clutching to the point that he could see bruising beginning to mar your beautiful skin. With a final harsh thrust, he fell over the edge, painting your cunt in his Heavenly colours, reveling in the way your pussy clenched and throbbed around him, sucking him in deeper and deeper.
After a few moments, he pulled himself from you, practically discarding you on his bed as he moved to his on suite washroom, cleaning himself up before bringing over a warm cloth, holding it in his hands as he looked down at you.
The way you shook, the tears staining your face, and yet you still stared up at him like he was the most beautiful man you'd ever laid your eyes on. Something tugged on his mangled and ruined heart, and he sighed heavily.
"... you're so foolish," he bit out, crawling onto the bed beside you as he slowly rubbed the wet cloth over your skin. You only grinned in response, your breathing shaky and uneven to the point you couldn't speak quite yet. He rolled his eyes, though a small smirk covered his lips.
"To love me is to die. Are you willing to die, Y/N?"
Your hand shot out and gripped around his wrist, the strength from you surprising him slightly. Your eyes were dark, watching him with genuine intention as you bit back,
"Why do you always ask me that? Why do you assume my answer will change?"
The Heavenly Demon faltered for a moment, his skin feeling prickly under your gaze. He frowned in response before ripping his wrist from your grasp and returning to cleaning you.
He blinks and suddenly he's on his back, your body on top of his with your palms pressed into the bed on either side of his head. Your nearly nose to nose with him, an almost angry look on your face as you reach up and rip his shades from his face.
You do nothing but stare into his eyes, unafraid and unwavering. Irritation and slight shock rest in his eyes as he stares back, waiting for you to say something before he decides your punishment.
"I won't die for you."
Doflamingo freezes at your words. He snarls, his hands tightly gripping around your thighs as he goes to respond but is cut off by you covering his mouth with a quick palm.
"But I will live for you."
Doflamingo only blinks in response.
"Anyone can die for you, Doflamingo. Any goddamn person off the fucking street can die for you, but me? I'm the only one who would walk across a fire for you. I'm the only one who would bring down entire countries for you. I'm the ONLY ONE who would lay myself bare for you, over and over, ripping open my rib cage for you to live inside."
Rage washed over you as you finally bit out,
"Stop asking if I would die for you. Ask if I would live for you, no matter the cost."
You pulled your hand from his mouth, still face to face with him as you wait for his response. One of his strings tugs around your throat, pressing into your flesh and cutting into it, though you make no sound.
"... I could kill you and no one would miss you," he replied thickly, biting back the urge to rip your head from your body then and there. Your response only angered him further.
"You would miss me. Don't even try to lie."
You bent down and pressed your lips to his, ignoring the pain of his string digging into your throat, feeling your blood drip down onto him. Surprisingly, he kissed you back, one of his hands holding the back of your head as his fingers tangled into your hair. When you both pulled back, he stared up with a wicked grin on his face,
"Prove it then, that you would live for me."
Your expression mirrored his as you moved backwards down his body until your leaking cunt was resting on his erect tip, a breathless chuckle leaving you as you purred out,
"Anything for you, my love."
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rxinrxinxx · 8 months
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prisoner!Donquixote Doflamingo x fem!MarineOC
One Piece has come into my life to stay and invade every corner of my mind and that's why here I am, writing fanfiction for the first time in so many years.
what to expect from this fic: a lot of angst, a lot of manipulation, a lot of opposite feelings. It starts off soft but things get quite a bit off track.
the original character: I wanted to describe Rain as little as possible so that everyone can imagine her as they want, but there are certain things about her that are pre-established (some by self insert —sorry not sorry— and others by requirements of the plot) fem!Marine, has the position of Commander within the organization, adult woman, relatively tall (180 cm, 5'11''—and yet she's nothing next to Doffy—), she smokes. The only other physical characteristic besides than height that I"ll include is that she has long hair, and in the future a description of an old scar will also be included. Rain is an user of a devil fruit that can turn her body into crystal, among other crystal-related abilities.
warnings: future dark content, Spoilers of Dressrosa arc. Use of she/her pronouns. Talks in Impel Down. Doflamingo teasing OC. There are no further special warnings in this first, but there will be NSFW content in future chapters. Only for +18, if you are minor, don't continue reading.
words: 3109
English isn't my first language so I'm really sorry for grammatical errors or inconsistencies.
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ᴅᴀʏ ᴏɴᴇ
“Has old Tsuru already tired of watching me?” The distinctive grin of the man chained in the cell fills the entire place. Rain sighs, without taking her eyes off her book, which completely covers her face from the prisoner's gaze. The silence had been pleasant until that moment, when he decided to break it. She was having a very quiet first watch, too quiet to be real. “Come on, don't tell me that my new toy’s mute, that’d be a misfortune” his deep voice sends a shiver through her, a shiver she struggles to hide. Her lips curve into a smile that hides everything but joy. «The irony’s deeper than you know» thinks bitterly. She knew it wouldn’t be an easy task and yet there she is, determined to do her job. The silence bothers the chained man, who laughs again before speaking, taking his time to let his voice fill everything, as if his presence were, in fact, everywhere, and not in the darkness of the cell. “You shouldn't treat me like that, I may be locked up but I'm still Donquixote Doflamingo, you should show a little respect, Commander Leela” says smirking, the chains shake and ring with that characteristic metallic jingle. But his words achieve the desired effect for the first time. “Or do you prefer that I call you Rain? Is it appropriate if I call you by your name?” His chuckles flood everything again.
Rain lowers the book to inspect in the darkness of the cell the enormous silhouette of the blonde man, whose eyes are covered by opaque glasses, which prevent any attempt to study his gaze. That gives him a clear advantage from the start. Thick chains wrap his arms, his legs and his abdomen, giving her a feeling of control, which with each passing second she feels becoming thinner, and senses that, at some point, it’ll threaten to disappear. But Rain already knew it wouldn't be easy. “I know perfectly who you are, Donquixote Doflamingo, but I don't remember telling you my name at all” Rain answers in her calmest tone, giving the man the attention he was waiting for.
“If you know who I am, you should know that as a former warlord I liked to be informed of my allies” the man tilts his head. “That includes knowing at least who all the Marine officers are. Especially those who’ve participated in a meeting in the past”.
Rain sighs. So Doflamingo did his homework all that time. Well, so did she. Rain half smiles still looking at him. “How attentive you are” answers with sarcasm in her voice, covering her face with the book again. «Does he just remember my name or does he also remember me, from those warlord meetings he just mentioned?» It doesn't take her long to hear the man's grin again, which seems to have an annoying edge at the end. She looks attentively at the page but hasn't read it for a while —since he started talking— and is sitting in a chair that’s not comfortable, but her posture is relaxed.
“Oh, no, no, no. Now that we know our names, the game begins” Doflamingo's voice sounds calm, like he's really having fun with every word. Rain wonders if he really finds it funny, or if it's just another one of his tactics, aimed at never letting you know what's really happening in his thoughts. She knows she can’t trust anything in the presence of that man.
«But the game started a long, long time ago, didn't it, Doflamingo?» “You must be very bored there, right?” Rain talks back in a calm voice, noticing a certain tension in the prisoner's chuckling.
“You can see for yourself that there isn't much fun around here. They’ve emptied all the adjoining cells, and left me lonely” Rain watches from the side of the book as Doflamingo curls his lips downwards. «Is he really trying to sound sad?» thinks pressing the pads of her fingers against the leather of the lid. “Lucky for me, now I have a beauty to talk to”.
«What in the hell was that?» Rain moves the book away from her face again and looks at Doflamingo with a frown. She didn't expect the man to go down those paths but it's just a confirmation of how bored he is. And he's only been in there for a couple of weeks. “I'm not a beauty, as you well know I'm a Marine commander, and one of my bosses must really hate me for assigning me this job” reproaches in a calm voice.
Doflamingo seems to be amused by her sarcasm for the way he's laughing now. “Believe it or not, you have a captivating charm” Rain doesn't say anything, just looks at the chained man's glasses, who decides to speak again due to the lack of response. “You should feel grateful, it doesn't happen often that someone like me notices someone like you”.
Rain's frown turns into a smile. Now she’s the one who tilts her head. Slowly leaves the book in a huge covered wooden box next to the chair she’s sitting on. “That would’ve some value if there were more people around here, don't you think?” says without much encouragement.
“No, you're wrong about that” a dramatic pause fills the cold place with silence. “This way I can focus all my attention on you” the prisoner chuckles again, entering the Marine's ears.
Rain smiles at Doflamingo for a few seconds, as if she was truly flattered by his words. «Cheap trash». Reaches one of her hands into the pocket of her trench coat and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, from which it takes one, leaving the pack on the wooden box as well. “Oh, but I don't need your attention” now it's her turn to make a dramatic pause to take a lighter from another of her pockets and light her cigarette. She takes a deep drag which Doflamingo watches in silence. As if he was remembering something. “I need you to be a good boy and stay quiet in there. Ok?” Rain's smirk widens. What are the chances that she —or any other stupid person in this world— could say that to Doflamingo, without him slitting her throat before even finishing the sentence? —If he were out of the cell, definitely—.
They both know that the chances are none. And so he chuckles again, even though he's clearly upset, because Rain’s also enjoying that little moment. “There’s a small problem with your request, Rain” she observes how the man moves his arms, and the chains rattle again. “I’ve never been good at following other’s orders” «That-freakin’-laugh-again». Rain closes her eyes for a second, has to start getting used to that sound if she wants to do her job correctly. She must avoid at all costs that he gives her those chills, and much more, avoid that he notices it at some point. Must maintain her composure at any cost.
“And I guess that's why you're here” Rain's tone is innocent, as if she hadn’t read that man's file more than one hundred and fifty times. Cigarette smoke drifts up around her head.
“Actually that’s a point” He replies with a calm voice. “And as you’ll understand, I’m having a hard time here being good…even if I have patience.” Adds, trying to sound nostalgic. “But things can always get interesting, right?”
“It depends on what you consider interesting. For example, I find this book very interesting.” Rain points to the object, although she continues to stare at the prisoner moving only her hand.
“That's because you're not giving me the chance to show you how interesting I am, Commander Leela” Doflamingo sighs, feigning tension, a tension that disappears in a matter of seconds. «How many facial expressions can the bastard make per minute?» “Maybe you’d end up surprising yourself by enjoying my company”.
“Oh, yeah? Do you have more stories than a book?” She knows the answer to that question, and yet her voice sounds curious, naive.
“Many more than you can think” He answers pleased.
“And they’re all terrifying, I imagine” Rain returns without thinking twice. He denies as she laughs.
“Oh no, Rain, not all of them. I’ve had a great time throughout my life, not only filling my hands with the blood of those who dared to challenge me” he doesn't stop smirking, but she detects a threat miles away. And that feels like one. “I can tell you some good stories if you want” Rain smokes again and Doflamingo's smirk grows wider. “But first…I’d like to hear a story from a Marine Commander, I'm sure you also have interesting adventures.”
«The game is still on, right?» “They’re not as interesting as those of a pirate and king. Surely you already know very well the tasks of a Marine Commander”.
Doflamingo's chuckling is loud again. “A pirate and king… I like the way that sounds on your lips, say it again for me” Rain rolls her eyes at his demand. For the first time since she’s been there decides to get up from the chair she occupies and takes a couple of steps forward, carefully observing the prisoner from top to bottom, taking her time to answer.
“You’re more out of reality than I expected” she remarks after a few seconds of silence.
“Are you sure I am?” Doflamingo chuckles darkly this time. “Will you not please the simple request of a poor chained prisoner? You’re a cruel woman, Rain” shakes his head, abusing the drama once again.
“I must be really bad if you’re the one who says it” she answers with sarcasm, a sarcasm that hides all the truth that exists in her thoughts about him. He smirks back at her, watching every step she takes towards his cell.
“Since you seem to know me so well, I must tell you that evil usually recognizes itself, Commander Leela” Rain crosses her arms as she listens to those words, with the cigarette hanging on her lips, a little surprised. Her face remains impassive, trying her best not to show any reaction, but her eyes betray her showing that internal surprise.
“What makes you think that?” Asks with all the innocence she can feign. Doflamingo sighs heavily and settles against the wall. The chains echo in the silence.
“There’s something in your gaze that tells me” his words sound calm, and clicks his tongue before continuing to speak. “Or are you going to say that you’re one of those who buy into the idea that the Marines are fair and everything they do is moral?” Lets out a chuckle. “Sorry, are you going to lock me up for saying this?” He mocks clearly, raising both hands. Rain can't help but laugh too. A really sincere laugh that Doflamingo listens to attentively without her realizing it.
“You, on the other side, believe that we’re all puppets at the service of power. Don’t you? You know a lot about puppets, I suppose. More than the Marines I’d say” she replies back without losing her smile.
“I think that at least we both agree that there can be no middle ground” the prisoner seems amused by that conclusion. “The question is, which extreme are you on, commander?” 
Rain takes another few steps closer to the cell. She appreciates that he waits for that question in silence, a silence that she enjoys for a few seconds before answering. Takes a deep, final drag before removing the cigarette from her mouth, which is about to end. “I have my own vision of justice. When I was young, I thought it didn't exist, then somebody taught me that it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. That people can do justice where there seems to be none.” A devastating memory overwhelms her mind but she tries hard to keep her face from reflecting it.
“I see. Who taught you that?” Rain can't tell if it's true curiosity, what that tone of voice conveys to him. «It's just your imagination». Not to confuse things for her at this moment is decisive. But the worst thing is that she has doubts. She smiles, puts the dying cigarette one last time to her lips, burning it slightly her bottom lip with the last drag, and throws the butt with too much force to the ground, a movement that doesn’t go unnoticed by Doflamingo's attentive gaze, still hidden behind his sunglasses.
“Does that matter?” Rain tries to deflect the question.
“It must be someone very important if it made you change your mind so drastically” he assumes, completely ignoring her question. “Hasn't the time you've been a Marine made you change your mind again? I'm sure you've seen a lot of things.”
“Oh yes, I’ve seen many things, and that has strengthened it. Justice is only stained paper if people don’t ensure that it exists”. «What the hell are you doing talking to him as if he were an old friend?» She reproaches herself. “But I'm not here to talk about moral issues”.
“I can't talk about the weather being locked up here” Rain sighs at the man's marked sarcasm. “I need to entertain myself with something”.
“Good luck with that, I think I'm going to continue reading my book” she turns to come back to her chair and hears a heavy sigh behind her. That reaction almost made her smile. Almost.
“Wait”. Rain stops walking and turns around in her own footsteps, once again facing the prisoner's attentive gaze. “I propose something to you. I’ll tell you a beautiful story of those that I mentioned before, and you’ll tell me a horror story from your years as a Marine” his chuckle fills the entire space again. “I'm sure you have more than one, and so in the end, by the time I leave here, we’ll see that we’re not as different as you may believe”.
Rain can feel another shiver run down her spine. There are too many sensations that thought she could control, some that she expected and others that still cannot identify, but there’s something running inside her that doesn't allow her to maintain all the calm that her position requires. In other circumstances she’d be different, very different. She’d like to say that his words are only to scare her, to tease and mock her. But the calmness with which he talks about himself and his future makes her extremely nervous. As if he already had one foot out of the cell, as if he was taking a vacation from destroying everything around him. She's not sure how much time it takes to respond, but in that time Doflamingo calmly studies every slightest movement of her face.
“I’ve to admit that your optimism surprises me. But you're not getting out of here”. Her voice sounds calm as she says those words, at least she’s putting all her effort into making it so. But still doesn't know which of the two she’s trying to convince.
“I'm going to take that as a compliment, Rain, and you don't know how much I like it” He teases her once again. “But I’m going to get out of here. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow” Doflamingo's back leaves the wall to lean forward, his huge legs bent in front of him. Rests his arms on his knees, his glasses pointed directly at Rain's face, and laughs deeply and slowly. “But one day I will, and who knows, maybe that day I’ll take you with me”.
Rain doesn't know if it's a warning, a threat, or if he's just making fun of her. She doesn't like any of the options. “I’ve nothing to do with you, much less outside these walls”. Responds dryly and seriously. The mere thought sends her a searing pain to the bottom of her head. Calmness is not an option anymore.
“You're entertaining, you like to tell me things that you know you couldn't tell me if I weren't chained” he shrugs his shoulders, his words sound prideful. “I think I liked it, for once in my life. You seem so confident...I wonder if you’d be the same if circumstances were different. I’d really like to see that” he finishes his words with another deep chuckle. “And I also think there are many things we can do”.
“What a shame, ‘cause the only thing that interests me is keeping you in there” she smiles widely, enjoying every word, noticing the man's annoyance at cutting off that poor attempt at flirting from his part. “Besides, I'm sure you can do much better” Rain catches herself reproaching. «The plan wasn’t to enter straight to his domain, you genius».
“So now you wanna play” he smirks darkly, ignoring the previous annoyance. “Better for me” Doflamingo leans his back against the wall again, with nothing else to do but study the new fly in his net. Rain sighs in denial.  She raises her left arm to look at the watch on her wrist, and a smile forms on her lips. «Saved by the bell» thinks for her own gloating.
“As much as I’d like to stay and try one of your twisted games…” Tries to feign pity, although she's not as good at it as he is. “It's time for me to go. It’s already late out there”.
Doflamingo stops smiling. He doesn't seem too happy with Rain's sudden turn of events. “Yeah, it's a real shame, now that we’re starting to have fun” Rain shakes her head and turns again to begin her walk towards the employee area. Her steps are calm, posture relaxed, picks up the book and the pack of cigarettes from the wooden box as she passes by without saying a single word. “I guess we’ll continue tomorrow”. Insists Doflamingo.
“I guess you're not giving me a choice”. Rain answers amused. “Rest, Doflamingo”. Says without turning to look at him as she walks away from the cell. «’Cause education talks about yourself and not about the person in front of you» says to herself somewhat annoyed.
“Good night, Rain”. She hears the mocking tone of the man behind her, which makes her take out another cigarette and put it between her lips. «Not so bad for the first day» tries to comfort herself when arrives at the prison employee area, ready to try to sleep as much as possible. This is just the beginning, something tells her that she still doesn't really know how annoying the man can be when he has nothing else to entertain himself with.
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Sorry this man drives me absolutely crazy and this is just the beggining of the fall for Rain. Lets pray for her.
𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙩.
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onei-ro-piss · 8 months
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My redesigns of the Donquixote family, as based on my ao3 fic String Theory. My god! These bitches gay! Good for them
For reference, Law is around 18-19ish in this design, in case you were wondering where the goatee was at.
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zombie-eats-world · 8 months
To all One Piece AO3 writers!! There is a Wattpad account with DOZENS of stolen stories. I've already reported them for stealing mine (Loving Luffy and Secondary Emotions). I've reached out to the authors of stories I recognized but there were a lot I didn't recognize! If you are a writer on AO3 that does MiShanks, Dofuwani, Rouge centric, Luffy centric, or Dadodile you should look for your fic in here and report it as well!!
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moonbaby26 · 2 months
Title: New Day
(Chapter 15 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader
Chapter Warnings: language, non con, dubious consent, fingering, vaginal sex, anal sex, angst, references to past chapters’ physical abuse, toxic relationship
Chapter Synopsis: The day after your near fatal incident instigated by Sir Crocodile, the rumor mill is churning both within and outside the palace walls as everyone now tries to understand what you really are to Doflamingo. Everyone including the demon at the center of it all himself.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12, 13, 14, 15, 16
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It was a brand new morning. A beautiful day with the sun shining as the dark haired woman strode through the outdoor market. Even this early, music was already drifting from nearby, guitar strings were strumming as vendors finished setting up for their day.
Despite the rising tempo of that musician’s fingers over those strings, no one Viola saw was yet in a hurry. No one seemed nervous. She could hear laughter as people greeted one another, passing in the street. She could see their smiles.
This was her island and her people, briefly feeling to her as they always should have. 
The Donquixote soldiers that were meant to be acting as her guards, she’d ordered to stay as far back from her as possible.
They would not be ruining this rare taste of freedom for her as she did come upon an older man seated on a stool with a guitar. The origin of the sound she’d been hearing for several minutes on her morning walk as she nodded down to him.
“Good morning, Señor. That song you were playing, it’s a favorite of mine. I was hoping to meet you.” She complimented him.
“Ah, you’re too young to know it.” He paused, a little surprised at her attention. But smiling gently at her all the same. “My wife taught it to me years ago. She sang and I played back then.”
And the way he said this, with that brief look in his eyes as he did, she knew what he really meant. 
A wife that was no longer here. Someone that had been taken from him. But Viola still smiled softly. Because that sadness wasn’t an emotion she would want to truly lose. It was the shadow that love left behind. It was all they had left.
“My sister and I would attempt to sing that song.” She shared with him in return. “But she was the far better singer than me. She passed two years ago.”
This was the polite way people in Dressrosa referenced that tumultuous time, when hell had first opened its gates within their country.
And that devil’s sycophants were now the ones lingering, growing further impatient a few food stalls away.
But Doflamingo’s guards could wait. They could wait forever for all she cared.
“I suppose I haven’t tried much since then…to sing I mean. So would you play that song one more time please, Señor? It’s been so long. But today seems a bit special I think. I’d like to try to sing it again.” She told him.
And he laughed. “You young people and your romantic hearts! I’m sure you’ll be at the colosseum with all of the others today then? It seems quite fast doesn’t it? But I suppose no man wants to be alone forever. Even a king!” Yet he didn’t leave her time to agree or disagree, amused at her as he began strumming those opening chords once more.
A surprise announcement had come from the palace last night. Spreading quickly across the island all before midnight curfew.
This afternoon all were invited, or rather expected at the Corrida Colosseum. And the king himself would be in attendance. Unusual as of late, as he’d been devoting so much time to his growing underworld alone.
Those secret dealings seemingly his only focus all until that trip he’d taken to Mariejois, to the kingdom some called heaven. Something about a war on a distant island that he didn’t want the marines interceding in. Long enough ago now that Viola had gotten to bear witness to the accumulating changes in him every day since.
“In the heavens I would have power…” Viola’s voice began carefully, not fully out of tune. But certainly out of practice as she began the first verse in time with the man’s guitar.
And you, the marine woman that the officers’ whispers and minds had said Doflamingo had actually coveted for years, the one he’d first consummated with there at the home of the gods, would also be his official guest at the colosseum this evening.
Speculation was running wild through the citizens now of what this could all mean.
In the beginning Viola had not cared, except to pity you. She knew that all Doflamingo was was the thin skin of a man pulled tightly over the bones of a demon.
Yet an incident had occurred at the palace yesterday, enough to shake even her cynical heart.
“This night like the darkness within a well. With a knife made of moonlight I would cut the bars of your jail...” Her words kept on.
Doflamingo had kept her hidden away ever since your arrival. Yet more evidence that something may really be different here.
He didn’t want her to know his real plans for you. He didn’t want the two of you to meet.
Not yet.
“If I were the queen of the daylight, of the wind, and the sea, I would tie my own slave ropes in exchange for your freedom…”
The man who had never once hesitated to punish her by showing her the most grotesque and violent thoughts of what he’d like to do to new prey had suddenly been keeping everything to himself.
Why should it matter for her to know exactly how he wanted to break you? Rape you and defile you. Grind your will to dust, and then discard you once bored as he had to so many other men and women that had briefly caught his eye.
“Ay sorrow, little sorrow, sorrow of my heart…”
Doflamingo was a passionate man, even a romantic one in truth. But just at that most carnal level she had thought.
“I don’t wan’t flowers, money, or adulation.”
Violence, seduction, and jealousy were the only notes he excelled at within that complicated dance.
But yesterday there had been a culmination of tensions. Viola had been astonished to hear that panic going through the castle, to see it in so many anxious minds.
You had fought Trebol. You had fought Doflamingo himself.
And suicide is what that choice was, no matter the circumstances. Because it had never mattered to Doflamingo before whether or not someone was innocent. To go against the executives in any way, even in self defense, was absolute suicide. It was an attack on Doflamingo himself.
But maybe you weren’t the coward that she felt she was to hide amongst them. Maybe you had already refused her fate and chosen your own exit instead.
She would not have blamed you. 
Yet all evening she had stressed. Wondering how Doflamingo would cover up your death. But every moment that she still even remembered who you were had been equally confusing. 
Why hadn’t he at least brought you to Sugar?
But finally, late that night, something in her had insisted she show a bit of her own remnants of a spine. She had dared to use her sight to scan the palace for the king or yourself and learn the truth. She’d expected the worst. Your body torn apart, and new horrific tortures she’d never be able to unsee.
Yet that was not what she had found.
“I want you to let me cry for your sorrows, and to be at your side my dear, drinking the tears of your loneliness…”
Doflamingo was with you, yes. But not in one of the dungeons. Not with you screaming or begging for him to stop and to release you with death at last.
The Heavenly Demon had been curled around you in his own bed, clinging to you with a seeming level of anxiety she’d never witnessed in that creature before.
He had been watching you as you slept, a stricken look on his face.
“My eyes hurt because I look without seeing you…”
And this was the real reason Viola now spun, unable to stop from finally dancing a bit as well in the continued rhythm of that man’s guitar.
“Sorrow of my heart that flows within my veins, with the strength of a hurricane…”
Doflamingo was afraid.
“Sorrow, the same as a cloud of darkness and flint. A runaway colt that knows not where it goes…” 
Doflamingo had a weakness at last.
“It’s a desert of sand, sorrow, it’s my glory in a jail. Ay, jail! Ay sorrow! Little sorrow…”
And it was a woman.
Viola had decided that she would do everything in her power to further your influence now.
She would force herself to live long enough to see if this little crack in him could spread.
A new opening in his blackened heart that may one day be big enough to force her dagger through.
Last night Doflamingo had remained strange. Mostly silent as his focus stayed split between his real body and what you assumed was the string clone still working for him somewhere else in the castle.
After making you eat, there had been that brief feel of tenderness though as you’d both undressed and he’d brought you into his shower.
The same powder of glass that’d still been in your hair from the fight, he’d then helped you to wash clean. 
That and Trebol’s remaining mucus too. The warlord had kept you from losing your balance on your still weak legs, standing in the water’s spray with you as you’d scrubbed off the last of that residue.
You’d felt his cock against you too, half hard again without either of you even speaking to one another. But he hadn’t fucked you. 
After drying back off, drinking, and eating more of the food his servants brought, you’d then fallen asleep nude in his bed even before the sun had set.
At times last night you’d felt his movements beside you. But he still didn’t talk. He didn’t make you open your eyes and interact with him.
And you were fine with that.
He’d already hurt you enough for one day. You’d had nothing else you wanted to give him as you’d kept up the imitation of sleep while he’d held you tightly.
The same as he still was now as you finally did look to the ceiling again. Just the faintest bit of new sunlight was escaping the edges of his closed curtains.
It remained dim here within his bedroom, cave like really as you felt his steady breathing against your skin. His face buried against your neck, his arms wrapped around your torso, and his legs curled up to trap your own.
But your body still ached. Now with those newest additions of a severely bruised sternum and ribs to match from you taking his hits nearly full on yesterday without armament.
He’d never given any further apology either. And the more you’d thought of even that briefest one, you’d realized it was only a-
Sorry I misread that situation.
Sorry their mistakes made me do that. 
Not actual self-accountability. Not even a hint that he wouldn’t do it all again if fed bad information once more.
And you were stuck still reliving it. Hearing the door rip apart, and the glass break as he came for you, The pain when he threw you down and the pressure when you couldn’t breathe.
But that would fade as the bruises did. You knew in time you’d move on from that. Just like anytime you’d been hurt in the field, anytime you’d been knocked down before.
The thing you couldn’t shake as cleanly was how much it hurt inside as well this time. Because it wasn’t just physical pain any longer.
It’d hurt to look up at the man you still wanted as they’d started to crush your chest in.
That was a torture that should never happen to anyone.
But something touched your face and you startled from your spiraling thoughts.
Your head turned and you saw a crimson eye narrowed at you. The milky white one beside it still mostly closed against your shoulder as the pad of his finger wiped your newly wet cheek.
“Are you ever going to stop crying?” Doflamingo’s voice asked so abruptly then. Deep, but quiet in its continued proximity to you.
“I didn’t know that I was.” You answered honestly, caught off guard and letting the heel of your hand wipe the rest of that dampness away as you looked back to the ceiling.
He made a noise in response. Dismissive, but you could still feel his gaze on you.
“What’s done is done. It’s over.” He said next, making the easy assumption of what still had you rattled. And that bit of irritation was resuming in him already because of it.
But he didn’t know the real extent. You were sure that he didn’t.
“Sorry.” You were the one to say that useless word then. But you were just trying to end the subject. Trying to make him stop.
“You’re not.” He contended. 
And your eyes did look back to him then. Fresh concern in your expression no doubt.
But you felt him just stretching his legs back out. His cock was soft, but it grazed you as he adjusted his hips. He was laying on his side with his body pressed to you so firmly still.
“What more do you want from me?” He spoke against your ear now. As if you were the one still being unreasonable. “I didn’t even maim you. What do you think I would have done to any other person on this island that took matters into their own hands as you did? Regardless of why.” He said next. His hand was sliding across your stomach now.
But his fingers just kept moving lower before you could answer. The longest finger, his middle one, parted your slit in one smooth movement to begin rubbing your clit.
And just like that it was all about what your body could give him again. 
Whether you were ready for this or not.
And apparently you were not. Not as you heard your own voice so suddenly, firing back at him. “Well…did you fuck me yesterday morning too? Because that didn’t help! I woke up with strangers in the room, and then had that running down my leg. It could have been anyone!” 
You’d taken that disgust out on Trebol too you were sure. Everything was connected in this continued trauma. 
The movement of Doflamingo’s finger paused at your outburst. 
That red eye stared at you, sharp and narrowed as he lifted his head again.
“Watch your tone with me, woman.”
Two of his fingers pushed right into your entrance then with that warning. He hooked those fingers actually, the pressure making your expression change.
“Doffy,” You grunted because it hurt.
It was meant to hurt.
“Of course I fucked you. And I don’t care if you could feel it or not. If you could remember it or not. I need you, you stupid bitch.” He answered though, with that tone of hatefulness reemerging all over again. 
But you were watching his face. 
You saw when he swallowed. When the contempt began to change to a more general upset the more aroused he became. “I can’t stop. Not when you’re the only thing that feels right.”
And there was the additional cruelty of his own inconsistent feelings. 
He’d berate you. He’d hurt you, and in the very next breath he’d practically infer that he couldn’t exist without you.
His lips were on your jaw then too. You felt his tongue ghost against your skin.
His teeth nipped that same skin. “So quit acting like you don’t understand. Like you don’t want me too…you need this. You need me.”
The two fingers inside of you were now beginning to slide in and out. They pumped into you as his tongue stretched out further this time, leaving a long wet streak across the side of your face.
“But if you really are so offended…then do something about it. Punish me. Make me feel it. Fuck me back.” He taunted next.
“What?” You breathed, at a frustrating loss for his exact meaning while his fingers continued mercilessly. The way he’d said this gave away that it was now something different he was asking for.
“I’ll let you. I’d do that for you.” He grunted, his hips shifting suddenly as you now felt the tip of that awakened cock rubbing against you.
“I don’t…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And the words were already getting harder to say. 
Harder to think of as you felt yourself getting wetter for him regardless. His fingers moving in and out so much easier now.
“Your cunt wants a break doesn’t it?” His crudeness continued. “Your ass too after what I did to you, right? I fucked you so hard when I was in there the other night, didn’t I?”
And you were feeling more heat inside of you with every insulting word. 
But he was starting to smile again. He looked so hungry actually. “Then do it to me. I’ll show you how.”
His thumb was back over your clit, working it in tandem to his fingers now quickening their already rough pace inside.
“Cum for me, and then I’ll let you fuck me. We’re both going to feel good today after the shit we got put through. We deserve this.”
Oh, so now you were a team all of the sudden? As if the power imbalance here wasn’t still so extreme.
But it didn’t matter.
Not when Doflamingo’s tongue was now forcing its way past your teeth.
You heard and felt him moan into your mouth. It was so dirty. So unrestrained really as your thighs opened up even more for him.
You were both disgustingly pathetic. 
And the wet sound of his fingers in and out of you only made everything that much worse as you started clenching around his fingers.
That tension was building in your belly.
“Cum for me…let go. You’re so close already aren’t you, love?” He broke the kiss enough to say this against your mouth. Right before he nipped your bottom lip.
The sharp little pain was almost simultaneous to that whip like feel. Like a tightening rope finally snapping inside as you felt your body tremble and hot fluid wash over his fingers.
Doflamingo inhaled sharply, looking down at the unexpected mess that had made.
The humiliation you felt was instant, but the remnants of the full body orgasm he’d just given you weren’t easily dismissed either.
You were panting.
And you heard him laugh. He laughed before his face was then nuzzling back into yours.
“I guess I should have let you take a piss before we started, huh?”
It wasn’t excessive. But it was well enough for you both to know that couldn’t all be female ejaculate. Enough to make a wet spot you could now feel beneath you on the bed.
“Asshole.” You muttered, even with his face still warmly against yours.
“It means I fucking rocked that sweet spot, didn’t I, marine?” He sounded all too smug in response. And even more flirty too as he kissed the side of your face. “Don’t be embarrassed, lover…even though you’re goddamn cute when you are. We’re not done yet anyway. Now it’s my turn.”
His grin widened too then as his fingers finally slid back out of you. He just wiped that hand on the dryer portion of the bedsheets before he flung the blankets fully away to better expose himself to you.
Doflamingo let go of you to move onto his back, propping himself into the pillows and looking so comfortable then before he motioned to the nightstand.
“Be a good, wet girl for me then, and crawl over there to get the biggest one so we can play some more. It’s all or nothing for me.” And he sounded like he was goddamn bragging. Bragging and commanding you all at once as your mind had yet to fully accept what was now happening here.
You were still trying to process the orgasm that had made your legs feel like jelly all over again.
What in the fuck was your actual life in this moment as you did crawl across the mattress eventually, then on your knees at its edge before you could reach the drawer of his nightstand and pull it open.
Which was a sight that really should not have been meant for your naive eyes. There were toys in there that you didn’t even know the use of. Intimidating things you were afraid to even goddamn touch as you peered down into that private stash. 
Packs of condoms were there too, different kinds of lubes, and more…pills? They weren’t the same shape or color as the ones you’d taken before. They were in a clear bag, beside another bag with some kind of white powder inside of it.
The fuck was that?
You did not want to reach your hand in.
“Just grab a dildo, woman. This doesn’t have to be complicated.” Doflamingo chided. A little louder then, getting more impatient.
And you did have to force yourself. Pushing the unknown things out of the way to sort through some of the more familiar looking style of toys.
You pulled one out that seemed to be the largest like he’d requested, and it looked entirely painful by your personal standards. Bigger than any of those he’d used on you the other night. But honestly, very close to his own physical size once you glanced back at him with the toy in your hand.
“That’ll do.” He smirked. “I couldn’t remember how many I still had in there.” 
And he settled back even further into the pillows, putting his arms briefly behind his head as he began spreading his legs.
“Don’t worry about lube, beautiful…let me see you use that mouth of yours instead.”
“What?” You stared. 
His always impressive cock was flushed with blood by this point, hard for this long already without any relief. Rising up from that fine blond pubic hair and pointing firmly towards the ceiling as he held his thighs open shamelessly to show you it all. 
One of his hands did move back down, lifting his own sack off of the mattress as he began to palm it.
“Suck the toy, marine. Deep throat that if you can. I want it good and wet before I show you how to really take it.”
But you didn’t want to. Your hesitation clearly said as much.
And his reactions were becoming that much sharper in response.
“Oh goddamn it, don’t be so high maintenance. Anything in that drawer was already washed. It’s clean.”
Your eyebrows still lowered. Yes, even you knew how arbitrary it seemed on the things you would finally resist him on. 
But the way he was leering at you, the way his legs were spread eagle and waiting like you owed him this. This wasn’t even an experience you had had before.
And something about it made you feel more like a whore than ever.
“What is wrong with you?” Came his exasperated tone next when you still hadn’t put that dildo in your mouth.
And your shoulders sank. He was on that edge of getting angry all over again. 
“If you fucking cry one more time…” He still fussed as your posture had changed however. That blood vessel starting to show in his forehead. “I already said I was sorry, (Y/N)!”
That damn word again. But it sounded so petulant this time.
So desperate.
“Just give me that, you idiot.” And a string had jerked the dildo from your hand. Pulling it away from you and into his grip instead as his tongue angrily ran out to run the length of it.
He put the whole thing in his own mouth soon after even as he glared at you.
Spit edged from his lips as he began to suck it. 
You were of course stunned once more. Discomfort still there for you too as you watched this inexplicable scene while Doflamingo’s cheeks hollowed out with that purposeful sucking. And he didn’t choke at all, nearly the full length of the toy then within his mouth as he pumped it in and out briefly while watching you spitefully.
When he did pull it all the way out again, spit was fully down his chin and soaked across that toy.
He did not care.
“That’s how it’s fucking done.” He growled, but still not looking away from your face. “Get over here. Now.”
And you did comply again then. But with that unwillingness still in your expression as you crawled back to him on the bed.
As soon as you were close enough though, his hand that was not holding the toy shot up to catch you by your throat.
You made a defensive sound and he smirked as he felt the resistance of your armament already beneath his squeezing hand.
“Why does everything have to be this difficult lately? I thought we were having fun.” He lamented, actually unable to make you choke that easily in how strongly your armament was then shielding you. You weren’t as weak as you’d been yesterday.
And he sighed when you still wouldn’t submit to this even rougher play. But he smiled again as he let you go just as abruptly. He finally used the back of his hand to wipe his chin then.
“I just want you to fuck me, lover…I don’t take rejection well you know. You’re hesitating too much. You’re hurting my feelings.”
The last words were said mockingly. But he was still goddamn insane, as usual. Just jumping from one emotion to the next. Had either of you even been awake long enough yet to already be going through all of this?
You took a deep breath. “I’m not rejecting you, Doffy. I’m just-“ Overwhelmed? Depressed? Traumatized?
“I just want things not to hurt. I don’t want anything else to hurt right now.” You managed, but still feeling at a complete loss of how to make someone like him understand any of this if even for a moment. 
And the responding coldness in his eyes was far from comforting as he grabbed your wrist this time, bringing you onto his lap to straddle him.
“But life is pain. So why ask me for the impossible?” His tone was still short, but his volume did quiet as he held you there. 
With you there between his legs, he brought that still wet dildo down between you both. He inhaled, letting your wrist go as he reached to grab himself again. He was then holding his own balls up and out of the way as he moved that toy beneath them.
He still spoke to you as he did, his eyes on yours as he angled it against his own opening that you could not see. “The important thing is that we can now hurt together. You have me. And I’m showing you my pain too, aren’t I? I’m letting you in.”
And he groaned a little, you getting to see that true discomfort move across his face as the tip first entered him.
You were silent as Doflamingo breathed deeper, him pausing as if to adjust to even that much of it inside of him.
“Damn. It really has been a while...” He said, like he was a bit taken aback himself at the new feeling.
But with it now started, his large hand moved back over your wrist.
His grip was warm, and far more gentle this time as he guided your hand to the base of that toy.
“I want it to be you.” He breathed again. There was no mask of a smile any longer. Just this man looking up at you needfully, anxiously even as he made your hand close around the toy. “Push it in, love. Fast or slow…whatever feels right to you. I trust your judgement…please.”
And even if you were sure that every new word of his was fully intended to make you have the exact reaction that you now were, this still wasn’t something you could control.
You felt the new heat in your chest as his tone had changed. You were embarrassed again. It felt like you’d never even had sex before all of the sudden.
And of course you hadn’t like this. Not with the roles reversed this way.
You knew what it felt like for you though, to have that pressure just edging your entrance. The longer you made him wait, the less kind that would be, wouldn’t it?
Oh, you were so in over your head though. Yourself flustered and him still never looking away from you as you finally did start to push it in him.
Doflamingo gasped quietly, his lips parting in a way that immediately had you feeling some kind of way between your own legs again.
Your body was fully confused in this moment actually. 
But his wasn’t. You saw his abdominal muscles tense and even his cock twitch as you still slid that thick toy gradually deeper inside of this man.
The resistance was weird, but you could tell he was relaxing as much as he could. You were being so mindful of his expressions too. Even pausing to let him adjust again whenever you’d see that brief flit of pain reenter his eyes.
And something about that level of care from you did bring a rare softer look across his attractive face. “I knew it…” He chuckled despite himself. “If you had a dick, you’d be so gentle with it at first. Wouldn’t you, my love? So responsible with your weapons.”
He was smiling again then, a fully pleasured one before he let out a small moan when you did continue pressing in again.
“Almost flush…come on.” He said next. His eyes were going half lidded too. A near look of adoration in them now for you. “It feels so good, woman…don’t stop.”
It was hard to look away from those rare emotions either, you not wanting to miss out on any of what he was now offering you in return.
But you also found yourself uneasy to finally realize that all of that toy but the bit you were still holding onto had now disappeared.
It was all the way in. He’d really taken it so well.
And he was still laying on his back beneath you, thighs spread wantonly with his head and shoulders just barely propped up in the pillows as a new urge overcame you.
You left the toy fully in him as you moved back up that long torso of his just enough to kiss him again.
And this surprised him. Likely so much of his focus already just on that sensation of being filled, waiting for you to start thrusting before your mouth was abruptly over his.
But he certainly didn’t stop you. Far from it as his mouth opened in return, wanting to taste you again immediately as you felt his hips roll. His hand grabbed into your hair to hold you to him long enough to deepen that kiss as well.
“Oh, fuck,” Doflamingo breathed against your lips in between kisses, nipping them briefly again when he didn’t want to let go of you. “You don’t know what you do to me…no one…they didn’t do it like this.”
And he wasn’t even making sense now. 
But he was trying to.
So you did pull back a little, your hand then stroking down his chest as you listened to him.
And even that additional soft touch set him off too. His hips rolled hard again as he looked at you desperately. “Why…why are you like this? Why are you so good to me?” He managed, finally articulating what he really meant with the last words. “Why are you so kind to me?”
Of course that question stunned you all over again. But not just for hearing it from his mouth. Because you weren’t sure how he’d even come to that conclusion, and right now of all times.
“I…what did I do?” You asked genuinely, letting him begin kissing your jawline again when you hadn’t yet moved back fully away yet.
“This. Goddamnit all of this.” His frustration was palpable. But he didn’t want to stop. “You…you don’t just fuck me. You kiss me…you hold me. You pet me…it drives me fucking crazy.”
Really? Just because of those simple things?
Your own surprise was surely evident. In all the bodies he must have partaken of through the years, you were somehow a standout?
And for what?
Just for being intimate with him? For giving instead of just taking or cowering?
“Doffy…don’t you get it?” You asked him suddenly then. Your hand was still warm over his chest. You had paused your palm there as you could feel his heartbeat beneath his muscles. That beat was growing faster. “I give you what I would want. I mean…why wouldn’t I do that?”
And his hand moved over yours against his chest. He squeezed your hand, very tightly but not quite painful.
He smirked darkly. “You…are either the best or the worst thing that has ever happened to me in this hellhole.” But his hips moved again as that laugh of his emanated out. “So fuck me like you love me. Finish me properly.“
Almost gently he pushed you back then, back down to sit near his open legs again as he put your hand back on the end of that toy.
It was clear what he wanted most now, rolling his hips again as he watched you needfully. 
And so you did it. No more stalling as you gave your monster what he wanted. Thrusting that toy at whatever speed he would take.
First slow, and then faster as you got to watch the king of Dressrosa begin to fully unravel for you. 
But you felt no guilt. Nor did he want you to. Doflamingo’s approval was clear in the way he threw his head back and even arched against the mattress the more you pressed.
“Fuck…yes, it’s been too long…yes, just like that…” He moaned as those claws of his began fisting into the bedsheet. 
And before long it was your own name repeatedly leaving his panting chest.
You would have been lying to say it wasn’t making new slick between your own legs to hear his normally prideful voice start to break for you that way too.
But you were still more focused on what you were doing to him. Not what it was causing in you as his eyes met yours again.
“Harder…I know you can. Please, (Y/N).” He was already speaking in gasps now. But you still obliged, feeling like you were holding a damn dagger by this point.
Being told to stab it into him over and over, working your wrist and your arm to do so.
His poor cock looked to be painful by now as well as it bobbed in the air with the continued movement of his hips, nothing to thrust into as it leaked precum all over the head.
And in all of his panting and the increasing volume of your name across his lips like some kind of prayer, the thought did finally cross your mind to do something with that neglected cock.
He didn’t deserve it of course. Not after all he’d already done to you. You’d just told him how messed up it’d been that he’d still fucked you when you were blacked out too. You’d told him you wanted a break from hurting. 
But his moans kept on. This shameless motherfucker who could abuse you so thoroughly, and then turn around the very next day and gladly put on a vulnerable display like this.
Your own renewed slick was now thick enough to actually begin edging out. Gravity bringing a hint of it onto your thigh in the way you were currently positioned as your hand still moved to keep fucking Doflamingo.
You didn’t want to get pounded by him yet. You really didn’t as your body was still very unhappy in all the damage it had accumulated recently.
But just being filled yourself for a moment? You could tolerate that couldn’t you? He wasn’t going to be lasting much longer anyway. The changing rhythm of his panting always gave him away when he was already this near climax.
What would his face be if you did this though? Would that expression be worth any additional price you were about to pay?
His eyes were closed now, he was living for those sensations you were rocking through his body as his hips moved in time with your non stop thrusting of that toy. 
Which made it trickier. Keeping your hand and arm movement going, thankfully with some marine stamina to help you out there as you raised up onto your spread knees.
Just open enough to fit him between your thighs of course.
And the mattress movement as you shifted wasn’t enough to warn him. Even if it was, he likely thought you were only trying to find a more comfortable way to sit.
He couldn’t know anything was actually different until he’d felt the first touch of something against the tip of his weeping cock.
But by the time his eyes had opened, your slick had made that initial push all too easy. Just that brief spike of pressure to clear the head, and that small gasp of pain from you before you had slid down onto as much of his length as you could take.
Your channel squeezed around him immediately as his girth stretched you painfully as always, tight to the point of almost being too much to withstand.
And the absolutely awestruck look on Doflamingo’s face as he fully realized what you’d just done, without even being asked to, was an expression you doubted you’d ever see from him again. He nearly came right then and there with that surprise you were sure.
Only you stopping your thrusting of the toy briefly then as you’d tried to adjust to him inside of you had allowed him that extra time to process this.
You were still having to hold yourself up a little as well, not wanting to put too much pressure against your cervix as you watched the man beneath you try to remember his own voice. 
You had rendered the Heavenly Demon speechless. Though his hands wasted no time finding your hips, helping you steady yourself on his length.
Reflexively you tightened on him again and you felt his cock twitch inside of you in response.
He took another shaky breath, still staring at you like you weren’t even human any longer. Like you had materialized straight from the heavens to anoint him with this dual pleasure.
“Let go of the toy,” his voice was practically a rasp when it finally did reemerge. “I’ll move it. You just sit there and stay tight on me…god, gods I can’t…I…fuck I love you. I love you so fucking much.”
And he sounded like he was pleading, or dying. Like you were actually killing part of this man.
But you saw his fingers move. You were getting better at seeing his strings too. The tiny glimmers they made even here in the shadows of those still closed curtains.
His strings were now hooked to the toy. He was going to fuck himself while you took care of his cock in the way only you could.
And once that did restart, with the toy moving in and out with his strings and you rocking your hips and squeezing around his attention starved shaft simultaneously, Doflamingo let out a euphoric moan louder than any before it. One they had to have heard all the way downstairs.
And it was your name he was calling out to the world. 
Like a curse and a salvation for him all at once. It was a fucking scream as he finally came.
He was shuddering, thrusting up into you as you felt his cock pulse again and again. Each pump a shot full of his seed, hot and purposeful.
“Yes…goddamn yes,” he was still panting, still trembling as he pulled you down onto his body. His cock continuing to empty itself inside of you as he held you to him.
And you let him do it. You breathed with him, the heat of that fire between you both so apparent again.
It had become make up sex with a king. Reconciliation with your warlord as one of his hands moved back into your hair and the other went protectively across your back.
He was caging you to him as his chest rose and fell. And you closed your eyes in that warmth, silent again just to hear him breathing. 
You did love this part of it. You really did.
If only it was enough to ever outweigh every other fault in you both.
He’d let the servants open the curtains at last while they’d delivered breakfast at his command. This new sunlight filling the dining area not being something he’d normally ask for. He usually liked it cooler, darker in here within his chambers. A less stimulating environment when he needed that to withdraw to.
But he wanted to see you better this morning. He wanted to appreciate what was still fully novel to him as you sat near him. Just the two of you sharing a quiet breakfast at the long table in his suite.
He’d only pulled on a pair of pants. Shirtless and barefoot, blond hair not even combed yet as he ate while watching you.
Sex always made him hungry. And he knew you were still working from a caloric deficit anyway. He’d figured out already that you ate less and less the more stressed you were.
Like bringing home an exotic pet, he had to learn your environmental quirks. He had to force you to stay healthy enough to survive after all of his personal investment already in you.
And he’d known there’d be an adjustment period. Some violence surely if you were pushed too far, too fast.
But Crocodile had thrown fuel on that fire. And it’d nearly worked. Just like everything that reptile did. The plan was almost good enough, but fell short in the final leg. A stumble right at the finish line.
He hadn’t even called Crocodile yet either. Though Doflamingo’s mind had churned with so many thoughts of revenge and how close he’d really come to losing you. Painfully angry even long into last night as he’d lain awake holding you while thinking of how to fix this.
That sandy fucker had no right to toy with him now. And just like in Scylla, when Doflamingo had had to abruptly pivot, deciding to bring you home then and there after Crocodile’s attack, he’d felt his hand being forced yet again now.
He had to let his enemies know there was no indecisiveness in him. You weren’t just a new distraction they may be able to harm and thereby simply annoy him or force him to negotiate for. 
This wasn’t him just taking a new mistress for fun. This was him setting up the future that he wanted. You were his family now.
And he was going to let the world know. Then if anyone still dared to come for you, they’d have to do so in full knowledge of the scorched earth that would bring them.
No one harmed his family.
“After we eat, I do have some more things to take care of this morning. But I need you dressed in your best marine garb for this afternoon. I’m taking you to the colosseum then. And I’m expecting practically every seat to be filled there. Diamante is quite the promoter for special events like this.”
The piece of potato omelette still on your fork held there for a moment as you glanced over to him. You so casual yourself in some faded marine training shirt, the material thinned enough that he had been enjoying you clearly being braless beneath it.
“To fight?” You asked surprisingly serious.
Enough so that he scoffed, rolling his uncovered eyes at you. You were still an idiot at times. Still a human after all. “To spectate, darling.” Not that the idea of you fully healed, running around the arena breaking jaws with your kicks and slitting throats with that rope dart of yours wasn’t a very strong turn on in its own right.
There weren’t many female gladiators. The public would eat that shit up if you could be flashy enough about it. You were a bit serious when you fought right now.
Maybe after the child came. You’d probably be itching by then for some postpartum violence and a return to form.
You were a warrior after all.
“We’ve fallen off of the front page again in the papers if you hadn’t noticed. I think it’s time for another public appearance.”
“Why would I want to be in the newspaper? Fuck that.” And you did start eating your omelette again then.
It was obvious the drugs were back out of your system at least. Those pills had dulled you so much yesterday. Your attitude was back in full force today.
But he was in a good mood now. Getting to penetrate you while you penetrated him was an itch he had not expected to be so thoroughly scratched this morning. That had been fucking paradise actually. “Because you want to help our dear mother, don’t you?” Doflamingo taunted, smirking in full knowledge of how much this was going to push your buttons.
And you stilled again, giving him a colder look immediately there. “Tsuru?” You still had to ask.
“Obviously.” He confirmed. “I mean, you’re not fully stupid I know.” He was just being a dick for the sake of it now. He was enjoying every additional interaction with you actually. “Haven’t you wondered why she’s been stationed on the same pitiful island chain for weeks upon weeks now? A strategist like her should have had that rebellion extinguished in days.”
“Have you had your hand in it?” You accused abruptly then.
And he was honestly a little surprised at that. But you were still learning him too. He could forgive it for now. He had obviously benefited by her being away there for so long too. Those circumstances alone had practically dropped you into his lap.
“I don’t interfere with Tsuru-san. Not as Joker, not as me. No, I cut all ties with Lyra as soon as she got assigned there. I’m not the one delaying her.” He said honestly, even through the remaining skepticism in your eyes.
“It’s the world government that decided to bury that place, long and slow with blockades she’s been ordered to maintain. And Big News Morgans has started snooping around about it. So many have died. He’ll drag Tsuru’s name through the mud too if he doesn’t have a better story to sell papers with soon. So you and I can be that story and save her the defamation.”
“How many have died?” You were starting to look more bothered. You were realizing you may actually believe him.
As you should, because he was telling the goddamn truth for once. “Probably a good thirty percent of the total population. But nearer fifty, even sixty percent in certain towns. Because the government is also using that rebellion as the perfect testing ground for some new lab grown diseases of theirs. With Tsuru maintaining their blockade, there’s no medical assistance in or out either. No one to tell on them of how unnatural that contagion really is.”
“Then how would you know?” You were still trying to hope he could be wrong.
And there he did grin again, smugly as his legs spread a little once more beneath the table.
“Lover, have you already forgotten what exactly it is I do for a living? I’m not just your personal cock toy…though I am enjoying the benefits of that new role.”
“Then is Tsuru okay…is my crew okay?”
Oh how sad. Like a puppy missing its littermates. “Of course she’s fine. The government didn’t allow the marines to enter any of the diseased towns either. They’ve got Cipher Pol quarantining those. Your little troop has been spending all their time stopping blockade runners and sniping the surviving rebels in the mountains.”
But he saw the way you still didn’t look satisfied. “Why didn’t she tell me…she never said it was that bad.”
“You know how she is. She probably thought you had enough on your plate. Namely…me.” He smiled again.
“I should be with them.” And it was like you were talking to yourself then. The new guilt in your expression was obvious.
But finally here, he did feel that bit of irritation trying to start in him again. Yes, he knew how attached you must still be to your crew. Tsuru had saved you. No different than him pulling Baby 5, Monet, and Sugar from poverty and what would have only been a life of sexual abuse mixed with the constant threat of starvation for those girls otherwise.
And had never touched them. He would never dream of it in that context. They were family.
He could do these things to you though, because he’d seen you as a potential mate even from first sight.
They were like little sisters to him. But you were not. Even if he may tease you as such, with Tsuru as the common maternal thread between you.
“They’re fine without you.” He said carefully. Actually trying not to let his jealousy fully burst out. He didn’t want this good mood ended already. “I need you here.”
And it was intentional, the way he moved with his long arm easily reaching out for his hand to close over yours on top of the table.
“Like I said, we can help Tsuru-san here by being a good distraction. So she doesn’t have to deal with public accusations of mass murder that she has zero control over. I know she’s still been letting some medicine and food get through in secret anyway. She’s doing the best she can while still playing by the government’s rules on the surface. That woman is incorruptible. As always.”
And you still looked sad. Annoying to him really when he was right here in front of you, giving you his full attention this way. He wanted your mind on this feeling between the two of you instead, thinking of him alone. 
“(Y/N).” He said, relaxing his eyes as best he could. Emoting as best he could to regain your focus. “I need you.” He reiterated, even more intentional this time. Even more heartfelt he supposed it would be called. A skill that could be practiced and honed like any other tool in his manipulations of course. “This is your home now. With me.”
Your hands were in the pockets of your marine coat, intentionally so he could not hold either of them as your boot heels clicked on the stone streets.
What were you supposed to do? Doflamingo would have pulled you out here on his strings anyway if you hadn’t come willingly.
He wouldn’t have allowed their group to be humiliated by a no show when Diamante had already promised the public an appearance from you both this afternoon.
But you still didn’t buy any of his shit about this being a performance for Tsuru’s sake. Though you were now worrying for her and your crew still as you did your best to keep a neutral expression.
The Donquixote foot soldiers were keeping the curious onlookers at bay as you walked with Doflamingo towards the Corrida Colosseum.
Reporters had remained on the island, hoping for this very thing as cameras now flashed again and questions were yelled out to you both here and there.
For now the warlord was ignoring them though. Those red sunglasses rarely looked away from you.
“You know it’s a bit insulting for you to still be wearing that weapon when we’re out together.” Doflamingo said then, but that amusement so clear in his tone. “I’m all the weapon you need you know…”
Unless the civilians were excellent lip readers, they wouldn’t know what kind of small talk was really occurring here in the other noise of the crowd. And you were still so cognizant of everything you did with your own body language as you kept your eyes on the street ahead and where you were walking.
“If I’d had my weapon on in Scylla I wouldn’t have to still be dealing with this failed amputation.” You replied dryly. That swordsman never would have been so lucky if you just could have disarmed him with a haki infused rope and strangled him until he confessed who he was really working for.
“You left my side that night, darling. That was your own fault.” Doflamingo still chided though. Followed with a taunting, “But you’re barely limping today. Perhaps they won’t even notice with your legs covered this way. Does it still ache?”
You had chosen to wear leggings beneath your skirt this time. Covering the wound and all those bruises. “It hurts like fuck, you ass.” You said lowly.
And he almost cackled at the abruptness of that. 
So much so that you finally did look up at him in mild surprise.
“Didn’t Tsuru ever try to wash out that filthy mouth?” He practically cooed afterward.
Only then as you saw some young women giggling and blushing in your peripheral vision did you realize that to everyone else’s eyes this must look like real flirting, like familiarity already.
His attention was so clearly on you, the tall man walking fully at your side to better interact. Not even in front of you this time to lead. And him then laughing and smiling as if you’d said something endearing. 
Prince charming is who they somehow still thought he was, a fairytale come to life right before their eyes. They had no understanding of what lay behind it at all.
But you couldn’t judge their ignorance. Not when you knew so much more and were still right here beside him.
This very same man that had shown you the edge of death yesterday. And the same man you’d willingly climbed on top of this morning to briefly ride the cock of as he screamed out your name.
What a cursed pair the two of you were.
And he actually looked happy about it, proud even.
This bastard was out here living his best life while you were trying not to have another breakdown. 
Yes, what a complete shitshow this really was.
There had been lines all the way down the street just for admittance today. And it was even more of a madhouse once they’d gotten inside. This former gladiator knew the corridors well here however, holding the young girl’s hand firmly as he hopped at her side.
“Please stay close. Keep your face covered.” He reminded her yet again as he saw her getting distracted in all the spectacle.
“It’s hot, and I don’t like this on my face.” She still complained though, looking back down at him with her small voice almost lost in all the boisterous conversations around them.
“We’re only staying long enough to see what all this fuss is about. Then we’ll be going home.” Home being only the latest abandoned hovel that no one would search for her in. He hadn’t been able to convince Rebecca to stay there today while he made this rarer trip to the city.
But, it also hadn’t taken much of her arguing with him either really. The little tin soldier was still afraid to leave his young daughter alone out there in the countryside for long.
The girl who didn’t even know she had a father any longer while he kept tightly with her on their way to the public seating.
The sheer number of people here made her being recognized rather unlikely. But it was always a risk. So he’d made her tie a scarf around her face. Just below her wide and anxious eyes as inconsiderate adults bumped her this way and that in the crowd.
Kyros had to restrain himself not to say anything on her behalf. Knowing a normal toy would never make such a spectacle against humans.
He needed to remain focused as well. All the top members of the Donquixote family were now in attendance. 
His contact from the Tontattas had confirmed this. Even as the dwarves had been equally excitable with the fact that they had indeed still seen you alive this morning.
Details of yesterday had been rather spotty with the dwarves intense fear of Doflamingo making them rather unwilling to visit the palace for long. And certainly never letting themselves become trapped in the same room with him.
But Kyros understood there had been some sort of fight yesterday. That you had stood up to Trebol to break his nose even. A wound that executive still had bandaged today in fact.
It was truly unheard of.
So of course the dwarves and their optimistic hearts were already whispering of miracles.
They said Doflamingo had spared you out of affection.
Everything was always face value to them until brutally proven otherwise.
But Kyros had been in the throne room that first night of the invasion. He’d seen the truly pleasured smile on that animal’s face as King Riku had kneeled broken before him. While the former king had begged before that monster for mercy that Dressrosa would never see.
The little tin soldier could not fathom any love ever existing within such a wicked man.
Doflamingo was but a conqueror thirsting for more every moment, every second. More power, more control, more blood, and more suffering.
He was a beast that must be slayed for any of them to ever know freedom again.
So Kyros had come to witness this new lie with his own metal eyes. Because the Tontattas were surely misconstruing it somehow.
They thought you must have some special power over even Doflamingo’s missing heart. They wanted to believe in you so badly.
They hoped that a kind queen may soon rise to free them.
But Kyros had begged them to wait, to not make contact with you yet. 
Even if you had wished to help them, it didn’t mean that you could. It could be only another elaborate trap, you but another puppet on that demon’s strings. 
And the Tontattas weren’t alone in their immediate emotional investment in you either. That was clear in the excitement of the crowd as the tin soldier and Rebecca finally found an empty space they could cram into between other spectators. 
Like every other toy now in this stadium though, the war for this country had never ended for Kyros. His anguish and hatred were still the only real feelings he could muster as the humans beside him cheered when their king did finally appear. A blond devil grinning wide within the royal viewing box.
The very root of all that was wrong with their home. Their captor and tormentor, now with you at his side.
Diamante had truly outdone himself today. It was perfect really. Only even furthering Doflamingo’s excellent mood as he heard the crowd now cheering his name.
He reached out, his fingers catching briefly over your hip as he guided you to sit beside him in the open air box.
You tensed at even that small of a touch though. You were still wishing to remain so proper in public. 
That time was about to be ending though. And he already was broadcasting that to anyone paying attention. Which was everyone of course as he extended his long arm over the stone seat back just behind you once you had sat at his side.
Gatz’s voice was already loud over the stadium’s speakers, welcoming the crowd to this afternoon of special exhibition matches put on by request of his majesty who was now gracing them with his rare presence.
Because it really had been a while since he’d been to the colosseum in person. He’d been too busy with his responsibilities as Joker, too busy with chasing you.
But now you were here and so was he. And you’d just noticed the large projection screen. Normally meant to showcase the highlights of the battles below to the crowd. But those visual transponder snails were focused on the royal booth in this moment to the people’s further delight as you quickly looked away.
“Don’t be so cold.” Doflamingo spoke to you with that continued amusement. “You’re still representing your precious marines here too you know. Don’t you care about this island’s citizens? They’re dying to get a chance to catch your eye…”
Quite literally perhaps.
On Doflamingo’s orders, Diamante had already let his prisoner gladiators know of today’s special rules. 
With you as his official guest, whichever fighter was judged as performing the best in the matches to come would earn the unheard of right of a full pardon. Not that unattainable thousand match bullshit that Diamante normally tortured them with.
But that pardon would come from none other than you. Just for today, Doflamingo would be granting you that authority, though you didn’t know it yet.
He wanted them to love you. He couldn’t show much mercy, even when used as a tactic with ulterior motives. Because he had to maintain full control here. But you could. You could be the facade of the softer hand when he needed one.
Doflamingo could have you secure the trust of even the ones that already knew enough to fear him. And you could help him weed out more of the traitors then when they’d inevitably come to you for help.
He was smiling, you making his life better in every way in this moment as he got comfortable. Legs spread again, his knee against yours as one of the servants brought the first tray of drinks by.
And he knew there was a diamond ring in his pocket as well. The one he’d picked out from the jeweler’s tray Monet and Sugar had presented him with earlier today when he’d told you he had a few things to take care of before getting ready to come here.
By this time tomorrow every piece of trash that had ever tried to cross him would be seeing a picture of that ring on your hand in the newspaper.
It was a fucking beautiful day to be king. A beautiful day to have everything back under his control, including you.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
Author’s note: The song that Viola sings in the beginning is just my own English bastardization/loose translation for story purposes of the Spanish song “¡Ay Pena, Penita, Pena!”. Please go listen to the real thing.
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holyfandango · 9 months
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today was a good day to finish my fanart to the "a smile in my veins" on ao3 with paranormal investigator luffy and vampire law ❤️
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leakyweep · 1 year
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Okay so yeah I'm doing both :D They both would have such different approaches... I'm living!!!! @stephisokay also that cake was amazing and exactly what I needed to do this ask!
Warnings: Afab reader, degradation, mention of brat taming, piv sex, doffy is so mean i am so sorry i want him to call me a slut, corazon is a sub and we love him for it, not proofread, MINORS DNI
Song to enhance the vibe: "Wallflower" by Tim Atlas
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- Doffy
So, we all know he has quite a big personality already. So for a person to stand before him, unflinching, unafraid... It entices him. Not only to test your limits, but to see if this is just a facade or not. He finds himself in competition with you, two giant temperaments fighting for dominance, inside and outside of the bedroom.
He'd begin by trying to scare the shit out of you, but when you just give him an attitude, he realizes you really have no idea how much power and influence he has. He assures you that he could have you killed just by speaking back to him, but he wants to play with you.
When he gets you to bed, he doesn't expect you to try and dom him. He should've expected it, seeing how you hold yourself to such a high standard, making sure to keep yourself well-groomed and managed. However, he shut that shit down quick, resulting in a bit of brat taming on his side. You refused to go down without a fight, but he was quickly overpowering you with that absolute fucking shlong he has between his hairy ass dad legs.
"That's right, you fucking overzealous slut. Think you can take me over in the bedroom?" he paused the merciless pounding of his cock deep in your weeping cunt to pull your hair towards him, meeting your tear-stained face. You were babbling absolute nonsense about how you wanted it harder, even though you were basically sobbing between broken syllables.
He laughed, pushing your face into the plush comforter and pistoning his hips to fuck you with thick length as deep as he could, his giant palms holding your ass and guiding it back and forth on his cock in time with his unapologetically rough thrusting.
"I'll teach you not to have such a bad attitude, slut. I'll fuck it right out of you."
And that he did, until you were squirting around his cock, begging him for release after release, until he was planting his seed deep inside your cunt over and over, making a mess of his pink satin sheets.
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- Corazon
Now, I want you to imagine a man who would shrink in your presence, even though he stands at a whopping height. One who would devote himself to you, constantly surprising you with flowers and candy and all of your favorite things.
He wouldn't be intimidated by you, per say, but he recognizes how confident you are, and how you realize you don't even need a measly man such as he to live. He knows you're comfortable enough to be completely alone, to leave him whenever, to find any other man, so he makes sure to treat you like the only person in the world.
In the bedroom, he makes sure to be obedient, kissing your feet if you asked him to. He always made sure to take care of your orgasm first; his favorite way to see you cum is around his fingers as you pull his hair and guide his hand thats using the vibrator on your clit. The way you moan his name through clenched teeth, praising him for doing so well, making sure to show him exactly how thankful you are for him...
"Aw, baby, you love that, right? The way I take care of you for being so good to me..." Your voice is as sweet as any chocolate he's bought you, lulling him into climax after climax with your praises. The way he whimpered your name when he came, bucking his hips into your hand, your cunt, whatever was enveloping him... it didn't matter to Corazon.
He would take whatever he could from you, and he would thank you over and over again for it as he spurted cum into your mouth, onto your back, wherever he could get it. He loved seeing you a mess with his ejaculation; it was an image he would have permanently etched into his mind.
Aftercare with this man is unbelievable; he showers you with massages, showers, baths, meals... whatever you ask him for, he will deliver. He loves you so much, and he wants to show you.
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