#Donghun fanfiction
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starlit-serenade · 4 years ago
A.C.E reacting to Their S/O Listening to Their Music
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Summary: How would A.C.E react to walking in on their S/O singing or dancing to their music?
Word Count: 1,233 words
Pairing: Reader x Members / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Lee Donghun (Donghun); Kim Sehyoon (Wow); Park Junhee (Jun); Kim Byeongkwan; Kang Yuchan (Chan);
Rated: E / Warnings: None / Genre: GenderNeutral!Reader; Fluff;
《 A.C.E Masterlist 》
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Lee Donghun (Donghun)
He'd get shy when he realizes you're singing one of his songs, especially if it's his part of the song. But he loves it. He gets giggly and happy, and shyly compliments your singing.
Donghun is in bed. It's late, after a tiring day of work for both you and him, so you just want to head to bed. He’s typing something funny to one of his members when suddenly he recognizes your voice drifting out of the bathroom. He recognizes the song easily, especially since he helped write the lyrics, and you're singing his part.
He smiles softly, listening to you singing the soft  chorus of 5tar. The fact that you're singing his part makes him blush a bit. 
After a while, he slips out of bed and heads over to the bathroom. The door is open, and he leans against the door frame to watch you singing softly as you wash your face in the sink.
As you turn to wipe your face in the towel, you see Donghun out of the corner of your eyes and jump.
"Ah!" You clutch your chest. "My goodness. Donghunnie, you scared me. I didn't realize you were there."
"I'm sorry. I heard you singing and had to come and see."
"Oh, I was singing out loud?" you ask, embarrassed.
"Your voice is really pretty," he mumbles. "With our song."
"Thank you, Donghunnie."
Kim Sehyoon (Wow)
Sehyoon would find it so endearing and cute. You? Dancing or singing to one of his songs? He'd feel so proud and happy, and wouldn't be able to stop smiling. Especially if you were to be singing and dancing in a silly way, he'd be so happy to find you having fun with something he made.
You're supposed to go on a date later tonight with your boyfriend Sehyoon, after he gets home from the studio. Now that he's done with his work, he's so eager to see you after such a long day.
Sehyoon unlocks the door to your apartment. The moment the door opens, he can hear a very familiar song playing at top volume. He almost laughs, able to hear your voice over the song.
"Oh, baby take me higher!" He hears you sing loudly from across the apartment.
The music--with your voice--seems to be coming from your bedroom. Slowly and quietly, Sehyoon walks to the bedroom door and peers inside. He sees you dancing around the room to the music, hairbrush in your hand like a microphone as you sing the lyrics into it. You're trying to do the dance moves, but your inexperience is showing. Still, he finds you cute.
"Everyday, everywhere, everything about you and I!"
"My choice, my life," he mutters. You freeze and turn around, realizing that he's been watching you. He smiles at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling a bit. "Hi baby."
Park Junhee (Jun)
He'd be very happy about it. He wouldn't be shy, especially if it's a common thing to find you listening to his group's music, but he'd definitely be very proud to find that you enjoy his music enough to listen to it in your free time.
You wake up early in the morning to cook breakfast for yourself and Junhee. You don't always cook breakfast--you two actually usually make breakfast together--but he was up late last night performing, so you decided to cook alone instead of waking him up early.
You have your phone playing A.C.E's music on shuffle next to you as you make pancakes. You hum along to the song that's playing, dancing and spinning and humming a bit to Clover.
After a bit, you feel a pair of arms loop around your waist, and a chin resting on your shoulder. You hum, feeling Junhee press a kiss to your cheek and nuzzle into your neck.
"Morning," you hum. "Did you sleep well?"
"I did. I was wondering where you went, and then I heard my song playing," he says. "You like it?"
You nod. "Yeah. It's pretty."
"You started making breakfast without me," he says, pouting.
"I wanted you to get a good sleep."
He hums and kisses your jawline. "You should have stayed in bed with me. We could have listened to Clover together."
You giggle. "I'll keep that in mind for next time."
Kim Byeongkwan
Byeongkwan already thinks you're an angel on Earth. And to be reminded that this angel not only chose him to be with, but also listens to and appreciates him and his group's musical talent and skill . . . he's truly honored, and he feels all warm and soft in his heart and he has to shower you in affection.
You're working on some work while sitting on your bed, typing away at your computer while you have A.C.E blasting on your phone next to you. You currently have If You Heard playing, and you hum along, singing to your boyfriend's parts.
You're so caught up in your work and the music that you don't hear Byeongkwan opening the front door. He, however, can year you singing along to his parts, and he smiles softly.
He creeps over to the bedroom door and peers inside. At this point, you're paying more attention to the song than to your work, and you're singing your heart out.
As the song comes to an end, you sense a presence and look up to see Byeongkwan staring lovingly at you from the doorway. You feel your cheeks heat up.
"Byeongkwannie," you say, blinking up at him. He smiles and tackles you onto the bed with a hug, making sure not to hurt your computer as he kisses you on the cheeks several times.
"I love you, baby," he says, nuzzling your nose with his.
"I love you too, baby," you mumble.
Kang Yuchan (Chan)
Chan would get super shy--happy and proud, but still shy--and it would be easy to tell. But he'd still try to pretend it doesn't phase him. He'd get blushy and mumbly a bit, but that's because he's so happy that you like his group's music.
You're watching your boyfriend, Yuchan, practice the dance to Favorite Boys on his own in the mirror. They have a performance tomorrow, and he's extremely worried about doing well, which is why he's still practicing an hour after practice officially ended.
After he's finished, he turns to you and runs his hand through his hair the same song still playing in the background.
"Do you want to head home?" he asks.
"Sure." You push yourself to your feet, and as Yuchan gathers his stuff, you catch yourself in the mirror.
You find yourself imitating the dance as well as you can. You sing along as you follow Yuchan's choreography, focusing so hard in the dance that you don't notice Yuchan staring at you until the song comes to an end, and you notice his eyes on yours in the mirror. Once he notices that you've noticed, his cheeks get all blushy and he looks away.
"What?" you ask, smiling. He shakes his head.
"Nothing." There's a pause. "You know my dance?"
"I watch so many fancams and performances and practices that I kind of . . . accidentally learned some of it, I guess," you say.
"You watch my fancams?"
You walk over to him and cup his cheeks. "All the time, cutie pie." You press a kiss to the tip of his nose, and he giggles shyly.
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kpophours · 5 years ago
[4.20pm] Strolling across the entrance hall, you can’t help but smile at the familiar surroundings. You really love the aquarium and it will always hold a special place in your heart - because right here, a little over three years ago, you and Donghun had met up for your first date - the first of many more to come. You still remember everything about that fateful day: you had watched the countless of colorful, shimmering fishes swim inside the big water tanks surrounding you, marveled at the elegant manta rays floating through the waters and gushed at the cute seahorses swirling around one another. You also remember your big smile and how fast your heart had began to pound when Donghun had taken your hand into his while you looked at the penguins. You sigh dreamily, lost in memory, and look up and into one of the big water tanks above you. “What’s there to sigh about, my love?”, your boyfriend and fellow aquarium enthusiast asks you, fingers trailing a soft path down your arm, before he gently grabs your hand, warm fingers closing around your slightly colder ones. “Oh, just thinking about our first date.”, you answer, smiling up at him and he answers it just as softly. “God, I was so nervous.”, he admits and you chuckle. “Likewise. I almost blacked out when you asked me how I was doing.” Donghun laughs. “Yes, I still remember that very clearly. You simply stared at me and didn’t utter a single word. I was about to call Junhee and curse him for setting me up on this blind date, but then you finally gathered your wits and gave me an answer.” You groan at the embarrassing memory, quickly tugging at his hand to pull him with you. “Okay okay, let’s just forget that particular moment and go visit the penguins next.” He simply smirks at you, dark eyes twinkling in the fluorescent lights of the tanks. There’s a secret corner with an amazing view into the penguin compound and this time, you’re all alone in the small space. You break into a triumphant smile, when you spot a penguin standing directly behind the glass wall in front of you. “Look!”, you gush excitedly, crouching down to be at eye level with the small animal. Donghun behind you chuckles at your excitement. “They really look like mini-butlers.”, you murmur, smiling happily and ignoring your boyfriend’s amused snort. You stand up again and turn around to face him, but now it’s his turn to crouch down - no, wait. He… kneels down? Your brain needs a few seconds to comprehend what’s happening. Only when you see Donghun pull out a small, black box, are you certain you’re not hallucinating. His lips twitch when he sees your flabbergasted expression and when he takes your hand into his, softly kissing the back of it, your eyes immediately begin to fill with tears. “Y/N,”, he begins and you barely manage to stifle a sob, “A bit over three years ago in exactly this place, I met the love of my life. Since then, you have filled my life with endless love, warmth and laughter and I will forever remain grateful that we have found each another. So, I ask you here and now, where everything began - would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Now, you can’t stifle the sob anymore and simply nod, tears streaming down your cheeks. Donghun breaks into his breathtaking smile and slips the beautiful engagement ring on your finger, a relieved expression crossing his face. Then, he stands up and pulls you into a warm hug. “Can we have penguins as mini-butlers for our wedding?”, you finally manage to say, voice still wobbly, and your boyfriend - no, fiancé laughs and kisses your tear streaked cheeks and then - finally - your trembling lips. “Anything for you, my love.
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whattodowithace · 3 years ago
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Title: I'll Walk You Home
Paring: Donghun x Reader
Genre: Fluff; Spice
Count: 1,222 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop [Lio]
Summary: Donghun gets nervous when she tries to walk home alone in the middle of the night so he decides to take her home himself.
Normally we would celebrate in the early evening, before the sun went down and before the night sky painted itself with billions of stars. This time around, however, we were well into the night, pushing the celebration because Byeongkwan had one final make up test to complete before his semester was over. Donghun and I agreed to wait for him and set out on foot just as the sun was sinking down over the horizon.
We ate and drank to our heart's content, laughing and complaining about the semesters passed and how they compared to this most recent one. It was almost midnight when Byeongkwan called it quits, having overstuffed himself on appetizers, he was ready to get to his dorm to begin a heavy sleeping period. I was ready to leave by that point, wanting to get sufficient sleep so I could enjoy the break I had before having to go back to school.
"As much as I love drinking away the night with my two favorite boys, my bed is beckoning me to it." I state dramatically as I stand to collect my things, getting ready to leave.
"I'm sure you're not the only one it's beckoning." Byeongkwan smirks at Donghun, before groaning at the fullness of his stomach as he lays his head on the table.
"Really smooth there." I chuckle as I ruffle his hair, not phased by his teasing of Donghun coming home with me.
"Please make sure he gets home safe." I tell Donghun as I wrap my arms around his shoulders as I stand behind him, my head on his shoulder as I turn to look at him, his face close to mine.
"Wait, are you walking home alone?" Donghun asks as he grabs my arms, keeping me pressed against his back.
"Who else would I walk with?" I question with a small laugh. "I'll text you when I get there."
I make a move to detach from Donghun, however his hands keep me there.
"It's almost midnight I don't want you going alone." Donghun whispers, worry etched into his furrowed eyebrows.
"Donghun, someone has to get Byeongkwan home too." I remind him, us both looking at the miserable boy with his head still on the table.
Donghun looks around the restaurant, spotting some familiar face at the bar seating area. "Seyoon."
I follow his eyes, looking at the boy who was in our major, one who was quiet and kept to himself, however had quite the relationship with Byeongkwan and Donghun.
"Donghun, you don't have to go through the trouble, I'll be fine and I'll call you if I see anyone sketchy."
"It's not good enough." He grunts as he stands, my arms falling at his sides as he begins to approach Seyoon. "I'll walk you home."
That was how I ended side by side next to Lee Donghun who was taking me home on a cool autumn night. Normally we were talkative and loud, however, Donghun's shoulders were tense and his guard was up as we walked down the sidewalk. I tried to engage him in a conversation, get his attention anyway I could think of, but he would only keep his attention on me for a few moments before his eye would train forward again.
I sigh as I wrap my arms around one of his arms, letting our body heat mingle as it wards of the chill of the crisp air. Donghun looks at me, shock written on his face.
"Did I get the ever confident Donghun to stumble a bit?" I smirk at him, making him scoff as a smile appears on his face.
"You caught me off guard."
"If you werent so on guard for taking me home you would've been ready for it."
Donghun looks at me again, his steps slower but not fully stopped. "I only want you to get home safe."
I smile at him with fondness, reaching one hand to intertwine my fingers with his to squeeze it in reassurance.
"Thank you for worrying about me."
At that moment, a large clanging was heard, making Donghun swing the arm I was one behind him, shielding me behind his body. A white cat jumps from an alleyway, a trash can lid spinning out behind him.
I burst into laughter. "It was just a cat, Donghun."
"Well now I know it's a cat." He pouts, looking away from me.
I shake my head as I start to continue walking, however Donghun walks next to me before surpassing me, continuing to keep me shielded with his body. I smile at his protectiveness as I feel a sudden warmth in my chest, a warmth I had felt with Donghun before but elected to ignore, however this was one was as strong as it had ever been, making my face heat up as well.
It wasn't long before we reached my dorm, the bright street lights illuminating the entire vicinity of the building, making it hard for anyone to hide around the girls dorms. I enter the code to get into the building, seeing my room as I walk through.
"This is me." I whisper to Donghun, releasing his arm, but keeping his fingers intertwined with mine.
"I'm glad you're home safe."
"Now, how will you get home safe?" I ask him, stepping closer to him, my hand finding his other hand to intertwine.
"I can text you when I get home." He suggests, a large smile on his face as he pulls my body closer.
"Or..." I trail of, my arms releasing his hands to loop around his waist. "You could come inside and go home when it's safe in the morning."
"That sounds like an interesting proposition." Donghun whispers as he leans his head towards me.
I walk backwards into my door, pulling Donghun along with me. His hand finds the back of my neck, pulling my lips towards his in a heated kiss. His other hand rests on my door above my head as he presses his body against mine. I groan out against his mouth, trying to get my door open with one hand. I pull away from him, his lips following mine, forcing me to turn my head so I could look at the door knob. With my neck now exposed to him, Donghun attaches his lips to the side of my neck, nipping at the skin gently and leaving little kisses over them after. My back pushes off the door, further into his body before I twist the knob, both of us stumbling into my room. Donghun turns me around and pushes me against the inside of the door, effectively closing it and giving us the privacy we needed.
A.C.E Masterlist
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t3kandson · 3 years ago
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thefunkao3 · 3 years ago
I'm Always Hungry For You || 18+
Pairing: Lee Donghun/Kang Yuchan | Chan
Group: A.C.E
Rating: E (Explicit)
Word Count: 1.9K
Key Words: Vampire, Fluff and Smut, Clothed Sex
Date Originally Posted: January 3, 2021
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It was later than Yuchan would like to be out walking alone, but he had missed the last bus home and his phone was dead, so this was his only option. He shivered as a cold breeze blew and pulled his coat tighter around himself. All of his scarves had mysteriously disappeared, so he was Ieft with a frozen neck every time he went outside in the winter.
He hiked his backpack higher on his shoulders, looked both ways down the road, and crossed the street. As soon as he was safely on the sidewalk, a new chill crept up his spine. But this wasn't a shiver of cold, no. Someone was watching him. He could feel eyes on him. He walked a bit faster and heard footsteps behind him. He walked even faster and so did the footsteps. His breath caught in his throat and his pulse began to race.
Strong arms latched around his waist, “Baby, why are you running away from me?"
Yuchan spun around and slapped at a warm chest, "You asshole, you scared me!"
His boyfriend grinned, cheeky smile lighting up the dark night. Donghun pulled him in close and nosed along his cold neck, then kissed Yuchan's cheek.
"I'm sorry, baby. But you weren't home and wouldn't answer your phone," Donghun said.
"My phone died and Byeongkwan hyung and I worked really late on our project. I didn't realize how late it was, and by the time I did the last bus was already gone. Forgive me?" Yuchan asked.
He made sure to pout at Donghun and batted his eyelashes. Donghun sighed and kissed Yuchan. Yuchan sighed into the kiss, savoring the warmth of lips on his. Donghun nipped at his lips and Yuchan giggled at the sharp sting.
"Are you hungry, hyung?" Yuchan asked.
Donghun nodded, "But not if you're tired. I can wait till tomorrow. I can handle it."
Yuchan sighed and pecked Donghun on the lips, "Silly boy. If you're hungry you should eat. Come on, let's go home."
Yuchan slid his hand into Donghun's and began to lead him home. Donghun lifted their hands and kissed the back of Yuchan's. Yuchan smiled. Donghun was always so worried about Yuchan's health, and it was sweet, but not when it came at the expense of his own health. Yuchan needed his boyfriend in tip-top shape. He could handle being a little sleepy if it kept his boyfriend at 100%.
The walk to their house was cold and slow, but not unpleasant. It was like the long walks they would take in the spring under the shade of Donghun's favorite umbrella, except during winter. Yuchan pointed out a dog sitting in a window and Donghun stopped to coo at it, only stopping when Yuchan managed to drag him away.
Yuchan loved their home. It was a large, Victorian-style home on the outskirts of Seoul that had been in Donghun's family for thousands of years. When he and Donghun had gotten serious, Yuchan had moved in. Luckily, it coincided with when his lease ran out so he could move in, no strings attached. Jun hyung and Sehyoon hyung had been sad to lose his portion of the rent (and him too, probably they were friends after all), there was just something different about coming home to the love of your life.
He stepped into the house and immediately sighed at the warmth that washed over him. He dropped his backpack to the ground and put his coat on the rack, closing his eyes and stretching his limbs.
Donghun laughed, “Were you cold, baby?”
Yuchan frowned and turned to his boyfriend, “Yeah, I wonder why. It could have something to do with all of my scarves going missing. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“What, no, what would I do with your scarves?”
Yuchan gripped Donghun by the collar and pulled their bodies close together, “You didn’t take them and hide them somewhere so you could see my neck?”
Donghun chuckled and pressed a kiss to Yuchan’s neck, grinning as he shivered at the touch, “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.”
Yuchan allowed Donghun to mouth and kiss at his neck for a little while before he pulled away. Donghun pouted and Yuchan kissed his lips, pulling Donghun away from the doorway. Donghun followed him, arms wrapped around Yuchan’s waist.
“Come on now, hyung, didn’t you say you were hungry?” Yuchan asked.
“Are you sure?” Donghun asked.
“Yes hyung, I’m sure.”
Yuchan wished his boyfriend would be a little more assertive when he was hungry. He knew that it was because Donghun loved him and didn’t want him to get hurt, but it was dangerous for Donghun if he was hungry for too long. Yuchan wanted his boyfriend happy and healthy, and with him for a long time. He could handle a little light-headedness and lethargy for that to happen.
Yuchan pulled away from the hug and grabbed Donghun by the hand. Yuchan pulled him up the stairs, holding tight so that Donghun wouldn’t try to pull away. Yuchan knew that his boyfriend was much stronger than him and would have been able to pick Chan up and throw him down the stairs if he wanted, but Chan knew that would never happen. Donghun was always so careful with him, so gentle as if he was made of porcelain, something to be cherished and protected.
“Did you eat? Are you hungry?” Donghun asked.
“Byeongkwannie hyung fed me tteokbokki, you have nothing to worry about,“ Yuchan answered.
Yuchan stopped climbing the stairs and turned to lean his face close to Donghun’s. He rested his arms on Donghun’s shoulders and leaned close to whisper in his ear, “You know, the sooner you eat the sooner we can have dessert, right?”
Donghun gathered Yuchan in his arms and carried him up the stairs, moving at a quick pace. Chan laughed at the familiar feeling of weightlessness and held on tight to Donghun’s shoulders. Donghun thundered up the stairs as Yuchan giggled, strong arms holding tight under his thighs. Yuchan kissed wherever his lips would reach, cold skin delicious under his tongue. Donghun growled, fingers digging harshly into the meat of Yuchan’s thighs.
“Hurry hyung,” Yuchan said.
Donghun reached the top of the stairs, raced down the hallway, throwing open their bedroom door when he reached it, Yuchan giggling all the while. Donghun threw Yuchan onto the bed, and he bounced when he landed. Donghun crawled onto the bed and fell beside Chan onto the pillows. Yuchan climbed onto Donghun’s lap and smiled as Donghun’s strong hands gripped his waist. Donghun’s eyes were dilated as he looked up at Chan and Chan licked his lips at the hungry look in his eyes. Yuchan pulled his shirt over his head, goosebumps erupting all over his skin as Donghun dragged his hands along his sides.
Yuchan shook his body and leaned down to whisper in Donghun’s ear, “Eat up hyung.”
Donghun grinned and with a sharp noise, large fangs grew from his mouth. Yuchan shivered as the sharp bone glinted in the light. Yuchan let his head fall back and Donghun kissed along his neck, slowly. And then, those sharp fangs sunk into Yuchan’s neck. Yuchan gasped at the sharp sting.
“I’m good hyung, keep going, I’m okay,” Yuchan whispered.
Donghun hummed in response and began to suck the blood from Yuchan’s neck. Soon, Donghun’s cold skin began to warm under Yuchan’s skin, the result of finally feeding after so long without. He placed a hand on Donghun’s head and pet his hair, letting out a groan at a particularly hard suck.
“There you go hyung, you were so hungry weren’t you? But you’re doing so good for me, eating so well,” Yuchan murmured.
With each suck, Yuchan became a little more light-headed, a haze clouding his mind. Donghun pulled him tighter onto his lap, and Yuchan felt his pants begin to tighten. Yuchan whined and rolled his hips against Donghun’s and hissed at the delicious friction.
Donghun grabbed his hips and grinded up against him harder. Yuchan whined again and Donghun finally pulled away from Yuchan’s neck. His lips were covered in blood and Yuchan could feel the red liquid dripping down the side of his neck. Donghun leaned back in and licked along the puncture wounds, helping to heal them quicker.
When Donghun was finally done, Yuchan pulled Donghun by the neck of his shirt and kissed him. His mouth tasted like iron but Yuchan didn’t care, too used to the taste of his own blood for it to bother him anymore. He pressed their hips together, grinding against Donghun with abandon. His pants were unbearably tight and his skin was on fire, and nothing felt so good as Donghun rutting up against him.
“Hyung please, more please, please,” Yuchan whined.
Donghun gripped his hips tight and controlled Yuchan’s wild thrusting, “There you go baby, hyung’s got you. I’m so close, are you close baby?”
Yuchan could only nod, his ability to form words having finally left his mind. Donghun reached his hand up and gripped Yuchan’s hair, yanking on the strands and punching a whine out of Yuchan. He came hard with a whine, whimpering as Donghun groaned under him.
Yuchan collapsed onto Donghun’s chest who stroked a comforting hand down his flushed and sweaty back, “There you go sweet boy. You were such a good boy for hyung, so delicious.”
Yuchan blushed at his words and rolled over onto his back. He pouted up at Donghun, “Dirty.”
Donghun smiled and leaned down to peck him on the lips, “I know baby, I’ll get you all cleaned up.”
Donghun turned to get tissues and Yuchan began to unbutton his jeans. HIs fingers were nearly jelly but he managed to unbutton them, though he couldn’t get them down his legs. Donghun laughed as he saw him.
“Need help, honey?” Donghun asked.
Yuchan tried to pull his jeans off again before he let his arms flop down to his sides and nodded. Donghun smiled and pulled the jeans from his legs, only struggling momentarily at the ankles. After he had successfully helped Yuchan, he undressed himself. Yuchan had to force himself to look away, too tired to do anything else. Donghun began to clean them up, and despite Yuchan’s plans, his cock twitched when Donghun ran the tissue over his sensitive head.
Donghun laughed, “Are you ready again?”
Yuchan flopped his head to the side to look at Donghun, glaring at his boyfriend’s cheeky smile, “No. Too sleepy.”
Donghun threw the tissues away, “I know baby, I’m just messing with you.”
He grabbed two pairs of boxers from their dresser and dressed himself, before manhandling a pair onto Yuchan. Donghun crawled onto the covers and pulled Yuchan under with him, wrapping Yuchan in his arms. Yuchan snuggled close into Donghun’s warm skin, sighing at the kiss Donghun pressed to the side of his head.
“How do you feel sweetheart, you okay? Do you need anything? Hungry? Thirsty?” Donghun asked.
Yuchan shook his head, “Just tired. Feel good.”
Donghun nuzzled along Chan’s neck, “Thank you, baby, I love you.”
Yuchan smiled, “I love you too hyung.”
Yuchan shut his eyes and tucked his face into Donghun’s chest, allowing himself to breathe in the scent of his cologne. Donghun’s arms were wrapped around his waist, strong and sure,  and he knew that the safest place for Yuchan in the world was here, in this bed, with this man. And so, he fell asleep.
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years ago
First Make Out (A.C.E)
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Title: First Make Out
Paring: A.C.E x Reader
Genre: Fluff with some spice
Word Count: 1.8K
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
"Chan, you don't have to walk me to the door. I can manage." I giggle. Taking the keys from my purse to unlock my door after our date night. This was one of the many date nights i had had with Chan since we started dating a year ago. But i loved every single one.
"I really don't mind, love." Chan tells me sweetly. "I just want to see you get in safely."
I giggle lightly as i put the key in the lock and gently turn it, a subtle click coming from the lock.
"There, I'm in." I tell him as i turn to face him, making him smile widely. "Goodnight, Chan."
"Night, love." He says softly as he leans in and places a gentle kiss on my lips. His lips on mine makes my head feel light and dizzy as i enjoy the sensation.
Chan starts to pull away, his eyes glazed over as he looks down at me. My heart beats rapidly in my chest from his close proximity. I realize i really didn't want to see him leave yet. As if reading my mind, Chan leans in and kisses me again.
This time our lips lock together as he gently pushes me against the door, my arms going around his shoulders as he kisses me slowly. His tongue slides against mine, making me suck in a breath and pull him even closer to me, which only makes him let out a soft moan against my mouth.
“Love,” he whispers, making me meet his eyes. “If you don’t want to do this we don’t have to. I won’t force you.”
I smile at his sweetness, taking his face in my hands. “I want this with you, Chan. And no one but you.”
Chan smiles sweetly at me and kisses my mouth. I smile as I pull away from him, “Do you want to come inside for a little bit?”
Chan nods as I push the door open and lead us inside. Chan shutting the door behind us.
Donghun and I sat on the couch watching our favorite K-Drama, a bowl of popcorn steadily being munched on as we cuddled under the blanket and talked between scenes. The steady rain outside making us too lazy to go anywhere. Making us happily settle for a day in watching movies together.
From the corner of my eye i see Donghun smirk slightly as he leans in and kisses my cheek gently, making me smile softly. I'm surprised, however, when he doesn't pull away. His lips trail down to my mouth, my head tilting back to make the kiss less awkward.
The kiss was slow and eager as his lips stayed connected to mine for longer than usual. Donghun's hand trails up to my ribs making me let out a small sigh as he lays me down on the couch, our lips never leaving each others.
My arms wrap around his neck as the kiss becomes more greedy. His thumb presses into my rip cage before sliding his hand down to the hem of my shirt to slide his hand underneath. His hand hot against my skin. After several moments, he pulls away from me slightly, our lips still brushing each others as he talks.
"If you don't tell me to stop now i won't be able to." He whispers, his voice deep, making a chill go up my spine.
We had been dating for eight months now. Only holding hands or occasionally pecking the others lips shyly. This kind of intimacy was new to the both of us. But it wasn't unwanted.
I run my fingers through his hair, letting the soft locks go through my fingers.
"I don't want you to stop." I tell him, kissing his jawline gently, making him suck in a breath.
"Princess, I will  get carried away." He warns breathlessly, tilting his head so i could kiss down his neck.
"Please, get carried away, Donghun." I beg him, my breath heavy as it causes goosebumps to rise on his skin.
Donghun lets out a small growl before meeting my lips again, his touch rough and desperate as we get lost in each other.
I walk into the dance studio to see my boyfriend of six months practicing his dance routine for the hundredth time this week.
I watched him for several minutes, a smile on my face as I watched his perfect movements and his body on beat with the rhythm.
He notices me and smiles, quickly going to pause the song busting through the speakers.
“Hi baby.” Byeongkwan grins, walking over to me.
“Hey.” I beam, smiling back.
Byeongkwan walks over and wraps his arms around my waist, his hair falling into his eyes and sticks to his forehead from the slight sweat accumulated there.
I brush it away as I say, “You did so good with your dance.” I tell him. Feeling proud.
“It’s not done yet. But I think it’s coming together.” He tells me, a sparkle in his eyes.
His eyes roam over me, his eyes slowly wondering down me as his hands go down my back. He leans his head down to my neck, rubbing his nose against the skin there. I grip his shirt as I tilt my head back, giving him full access to my neck.
He gently places kisses on my neck, his lips dragging against my skin. Soon his kisses turn into deep kisses and harsh bites on my neck, the added adrenaline only making it more heated.
I let out a moan as he lifts me up to wrap my arms around his waist. I take his face in my hands and I kiss his mouth before biting his bottom lips gently.
Byeongkwan pulls away breathlessly, “Baby.” He groans, “I could easily get carried away with you.”
I smirk as I place kisses up his slightly damp skin on his neck.
“Byeongkwan, please do it.” I beg him.
Byeongkwan smirks and quickly kisses my lips, “I will, baby. But not here.” He says as he sets me down and takes my hand, taking us back to his place.
Jun and I stood in an isle with our favorite selection of books surrounding us. We would pull out a book and occasionally look through it and giggle about something before moving on to the next aisle or next selection of books. Every Saturday since we started dating a year ago we would visit this massive library downtown. Today was just another one of those days.
I stand with my back toward a shelf thumbing threw a book that caught my eye when Jun rests his head on my shoulder. I giggle and kiss his forehead gently.
“Are you bored?” I ask him, continuing to scan the books pages.
Jun let’s out a hum as he buries his head in my neck, making me close my eyes to his touch.
“Just a little.” He mumbles. His hand resting on my waist.
I smirk as I place the book I was holding on a nearby shelf. Scanning to make sure no one was around, I take Jun’s face in my hands and press my lips to his.
He tenses at first before I feel him smile and relax into me. I run my tongue along his bottom lip gently, making him Yelp and pull away from me. His eyes wide.
“What’s wrong?” I ask innocently, pouting my bottom lip.
“N-nothing.” Jun stutters. His face going beat red. “It’s just- we’ve never.... I mean... you haven’t...”
“We haven’t done something like that before?” I ask, finishing his sentence.
He gulps nervously, nodding his head. “I mean...I want to. But I don’t want to rush you.”
I step closer to him and take his hands in mine, our eyes meeting as I smile up at him.
“I trust you, Junhee.” I whisper, running my thumb along his hand. Knowing there was no one I wanted to be closer to than him.
Jun gulps nervously again. I lean my head just a little closer to his lips, prompting him to do the same.
He stares at my eyes, and then at my lips, his eyes unable to focus. Then he closes the gap between us and encases his lips with mine. I suck in a breath as he wraps his arms around my waist. His hands running up my back roughly as he takes a step forward to push me against the bookshelf gently.
His teeth pull at my lips before moving down my face to my jawline, making me have to cover my mouth with my hand so we didn’t draw attention to ourselves. Jun pulls away after one final nip against the skin on my neck. His dark eyes glossed over as he stares down at me.
I stare up at him, breathless. “Well that was... good.” I say with a giggle.
Jun laughs before his face goes more serious, “Are you really sure you’re okay, sweetheart?”
I laugh and wrap my arms around his waist, holding him close to me. “I’m really okay.” I tell him. Making him smile cheekily.
Seyoon pulls into the driveway slowly, making my heart sink at the realization our night together was over.
"Here we are." Seyoon announces as puts the car in park. I sigh and lean my head against the headrest as i look at him.
"Thank you, for today." I tell him, making a nervous smile flutter across his lips.
"Of course. I always enjoy spending time with you."
I smile at him, a blush crossing my face. Our relationship was still fairly new. Both of us only having seen each other for four month now. We still felt a little shy around each other and blushed easily. 
Me and Seyoon stare at each other for some time before Seyoon leans over the consul and takes my face in his hands and pressing his lips to mine. I let out a gasp at his forcefulness, his lips moving harshly against mine. Our only kisses only being short and gentle.
He pulls away suddenly, his eyes wide as a blush encases his cheeks and ears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to rus-"
I silence his words quickly, my mouth meeting his again as my fingers slide through his hair. Seyoon tenses with my touch but soon relaxes and rests his hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently as he bites my lower lips gently. 
He pulls away again, his breath heavy as we stare at each other. "I don't want to rush you." He whispers, "Do you really want this?"
I smile at him as i place a kiss on his cheek, "I really do." I tell him truthfully.
"Because if we start i don't think i will be able to control myself." He admits, his eyes shifting over my body.
I smirk at him, "That just means i don't have to control myself either." I whisper, pulling his head down to meet my lips again.
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unknownarchiviste · 4 years ago
✼Let It Snow: Day 03
✼ Lee Donghun // 150 words
✼ let it snow // other stories
»»————- ✼ ————-««
The sound of the bus doors closing woke you up. You yawned and glaced at the window and was surprised to see that you were a few minutes away from your stop. Shopping for gifts must’ve really tired you out.
“You’re finally awake?” Donghun murmured, his head resting on your shoulder.
A smile immediately formed on your lips. His eyes were closed and his face peaceful. Both of his arms are around your waist, holding you in a tight but comforting embrace. His long coat was draped over the two of you.
You heard a chuckle and saw an elder woman staring fondly at you two. Heat rushed to your face as your hand flew to Donghun’s arms. You tried to remove them but he wouldn’t budge.
“Someone’s staring,” you whispered.
He sighed. Without another word, he leaned toward you and whispered, “Should I cover you up with kisses, then?”
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mashedpotittiess · 4 years ago
↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙↘ ↙
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
Nothing Yet!
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monstaless · 5 years ago
A.C.E Masterlist
All Members
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First Kisses
Park Junhee (Jun)
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Nothing yet.
Lee Donghun
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Nothing yet.
Kim Sehyoon (Wow)
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Nothing yet
Kim Byeongkwan
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Timestamps: 8:47
Kang Yuchan (Chan)
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Timestamps: 8:56
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kpophours · 5 years ago
Courage, Dear Heart
➵ A.C.E: (Slytherin) Donghun x fem. (Gryffindor) reader / one shot, Hogwarts AU, enemies to lovers / fluff
➵ warnings: slight cursing
➵ word count: 1.8k
➵ series: Donghun, Sehyoon, Yuchan
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„I hate him.“, you huff, angrily skewering another potato onto your fork and stuffing it into your mouth. Your best friend follows your gaze, sighing when she sees you looking at non other than Lee Donghun, Slytherin prefect and your sworn enemy ever since you first laid eyes on one another (or well, you on him).
„I really don’t understand your hate for him.“, Sana murmurs under her breath, „He’s actually quite nice for a Slytherin.“
You huff again, clutching your knife even more tightly into your left hand. Your best friend eyes it with slight worry in her gaze, gently patting your head. „Don’t murder me, please.“
You finally grin at that. „I would never murder you. Him though? No. Questions. Asked.“
„Please tell me she’s not talking about murdering Donghun again.“ With that, your other best friend, Youngbin, plops down on your other side. 
You only glare at him with narrowed eyes. „Shut up or be prepared to catch these hands.“, you answer darkly, poking him with your fork. 
He yelps and swats your hand away. „Don’t take your anger out on me! Just because Donghun managed to get a better grade in Potions again-“ 
Youngbin and Sana both laugh at you - they really love teasing you about this.
You glumly continue to eat your dinner, imagining every potato you skewer onto your fork to be Donghun. Losing to him hit you really hard this time because you’ve actually been preparing for this test for weeks. And he just strolled into that classroom and snatched the title as best Potion brewer from you. 
You can’t wait to wipe that smug smile from his handsome face.
His handsome face?!
You shake your head, quickly taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
The red tie around your neck suddenly feels way too tight and you clear your throat. 
„Y/N? Are you okay? Why are you blushing?“, Youngbin beside you asks, voice filled with worry. 
You shift a bit, simply deciding to shrug it off. „The potatoes must be... spicier than I thought.“, you quickly lie, gaze sliding towards Donghun. He sits with Byeongkwan and Hyuk, two other Slytherins. He often does, even though they’re younger and therefore not in the same year as you both. You look around for the fourth one of their little group of mischief makers - where Byeongkwan is, Sehyoon can’t be far. But the quiet Ravenclaw doesn’t seem to be in the Great Hall yet. The three Slytherins are currently goofing around, completely ignoring the annoyed looks Head Boy Hakyeon shoots them from the Ravenclaw table, Donghun’s loud laugh booming through the Great Hall. His silver eyebrow piercing catches the light of the thousand candles above you and you suddenly feel a strange emotion spreading through your whole body.
You shake your head again, trying to get those thoughts out of your head. 
Maybe some fresh air would do you some good?
Yes, that sounds like a plan.
„I’m not hungry anymore. I’m gonna get some air, I’ll meet you later at the common room. Sana, do you still know the new password?“, you ask your blond haired friend, who nods happily. „It’s Cactus!“
Youngbin snorts. „I have the feeling the passwords used to be way more difficult when we were younger.“, he mumbles wistfully, looking off into the distance. 
Sana rolls her eyes. „I’m glad they changed the level of difficulty. I could never remember any of them.“
„Oh, believe me. We know.“, Youngbin retorts teasingly and you grin at them.
Yes, you remember that very well - how many times has Sana waited for either of you in front of the Fat Lady to tell her the password? You lost count after the second week during your first year at Hogwarts. 
„See you later!“ With that, you get up, wave at your friends and turn to leave the Great Hall. Before rounding the corner to get outside, you almost run into someone. „Oof.“, you and the other person both make; warm, familiar hands immediately reaching out to steady you. 
„Oh, Chan!“, you smile at the younger Gryffindor in front of you, who’s sporting a shy smile and red cheeks, „Sorry, I didn’t see you there.“ 
„Yeah, me neither, sorry.“
You notice his slightly distressed look, knitting your eyebrows together in worry. „Are you okay?“ You’ve always had a soft spot for the younger Gryffindor and can’t help but have some kind of motherly feelings towards him.
„I… don’t know. I failed Potions today and that really sucked.“, he explains, crossing his arms in front of his chest and casting his eyes downwards. If he begins to pout, you’ll just have to hug him. 
„Oh no, that’s really upsetting! I can recommend you a great potions tutor from Ravenclaw to help you...? She helped me a lot these past weeks. And if it weren’t for that damned Donghun, I would have been best in class today. So, what do you think?“ You smile at him and his eyes brighten immediately.
„That would be great, thank you! But… well, I actually don’t have any friends from other houses yet.“, he admits a bit shyly. 
You grin. „Well, don’t worry about it. She’s really nice and won’t have a problem with helping you. I’ll talk to her! Don’t worry about it.“ 
Chan smiles at you, eyes crinkling. „Thank you, Y/N! I’ll see you later in the common room?“ You just nod and finally make your way out of the castle and towards the Hogwarts’ grounds. 
You stroll towards the lake, enjoying the soft sounds of the waves and gentle wind. You close your eyes and try to let go of every thought in your head.
Especially those about Donghun.
You don’t know why he irks you so much - objectively, you obviously know that he’s pretty... okay for a Slytherin. He’s nice to most people around him, even though he often sports a savage humor. He’s never unfair though. And he’s definitely highly intelligent, he probably could have been sorted into Ravenclaw as well. And-
„Thinking about me?“
You turn around, a smart reply already on your lips, but when you see Donghun in front of you, dark hair pushed back from his forehead, the eyebrow with the silver piercing cockily raised, his black robes billowing in the wind behind him, you seem unable to retort anything at all. He tilts his head to one side, taking in your slightly ruffled state. „Are you okay?“, his voice is soft now, nothing of his usual cockiness left in his tone. 
„Uh yeah. I was… just getting some fresh air.“, you say roughly, crossing both arms in front of your chest and scowling slightly. 
„Still mad at me for beating you at Potions again?“ 
There it is again, that cockiness. 
How much you hate it.
„No. Why would I? I will definitely beat you next time.“, you reply, furiously kicking a stone from the ground in front of you and hitting Donghun’s shin with it. His face contorts in pain and he doubles over. 
„Oh no, I’m so sorry, I did not mean to do that, I swear!“, you cry out and take a few steps towards him, bending over to see if he’s really hurt.
„Merlin’s beard! That was totally uncalled for.“, he whines, rubbing the sore spot and glaring at you, „Please take your aggressions elsewhere. I don’t know what I ever did to you anyway.“ The last part is muttered so quietly that you’re not sure you heard correctly. 
„Come again?“, you ask a bit dumbfounded.
Donghun straightens and huffs, gaze still dark. „I said I don’t know what I’ve ever done to you. Except for being better at Potions than you, which I simply can’t help and I sure as hell won’t play dumb and get a lower grade just so your stupid Gryffindor pride won’t be hurt. Other than that, I haven’t done anything wrong. I was actually always nice to you.“
You simply blink at him, taken aback by his sudden outburst. 
You know he’s right, of course you know. He really has been nice to you - because Donghun actually is nice. Most of the times. He seems to have some kind of hate-love-friendship with a Hufflepuff called Junhee, but you never understood their weird, almost comical behavior towards each other (sometimes being best bros, sometimes yelling from the top of their lungs at each other). Other than that, you never heard anyone talk bad about him. And he’s a prefect, so the teachers seem to like him, too.
And, well… If you’re totally honest… You might like him, too.
Maybe that’s what irks you so much about him: liking a Slytherin. Even though there’s no deep hatred between any of the houses anymore - not since the Dark War all those years ago - there’s still a big rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. 
Some things never change, you guess. 
But maybe it’s finally time for you to be a true Gryffindor and bravely face your real feelings. 
„I’m sorry.“, you finally blurt out, cheeks flaming red when you see his surprised expression.
„You… what? Sorry, could you repeat that?“, he answers, one eyebrow raised (you are really weak for that stupid piercing, you notice).
You clear your throat. „I’m sorry. For being a total asshead towards you.“
He snorts at that. „Apology accepted, asshead.“
You shuffle from one foot to the other, hands buried in the pockets of your dark robes. 
„Why do I get the feeling you want to say more than just that?“ 
Aaaaand his cockiness is back again.
You immediately change your mind and shake your head. „Nope, you’re completely wrong about that.“ With that, you quickly stroll past him, but he lightly grabs your arm and whirls you around to face him again. 
„Do not lie to me.“, his low voice makes shivers run down your spine and your breath hitches. When his gaze drops from your eyes to your lips and back again, you finally gather all your stupid Gryffindor bravery and courage, shush the pride and press your lips against his. 
His response is immediate, he moans and slides both arms around you, pulling you even closer against his lean body, actually smiling into the kiss.
„Freaking finally.“, he murmurs when you break apart, both of you breathing heavily, and smirks.
„Oh hush.“, you just retort, pulling him against you again, determined to kiss that stupid, cocky grin from his lips.
Even though you might actually like it.
… Only a teeny tiny bit, though.
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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whattodowithace · 4 years ago
When you're upset (A.C.E)
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Title: When you're upset
Pairing: A.C.E x Reader
Genre: Slight angst; Fluff
Word count: 1204
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
Warnings: On Donghun's story the reader goes through a panic attack
Summary: A.C.E reacting to different situations in which you are upset. Seeing you hurt also makes their heart hurt for you and driving them to make you feel better.
“Just leave me alone.” I groan angrily as I go to my boyfriends and I’s bedroom and fall onto the bed. Tears threatening to fall down my cheeks.
“Not until we sort this out.” He whines, referring to my bad day and lack of communication with him unless it was to snap at him. He flops onto the bed beside me and starts rubbing slow circles on my back.
“I don’t want to talk.” I tell him as I bury my head further in the bed sheets.
Chan stops rubbing my back and moves his hands to wrap around my waist, holding me close to him while his head rests between my shoulder blades.
“Then don’t. But let me hold you until you feel better, love.” He whispers.
Somehow, that simple phrase breaks my icy exterior, causing me to break down into sobs. Chan holds me while I cry, never saying anything, just offering comfort through his presence.
“Did I upset you?” Seyoon asks on our drive home from a dinner party.
I don’t answer, I keep my eyes on my phone in my lap. I knew if I said something it would only make things worse because I was upset.
“Why are you not talking to me?” He asks as he tries to take my hand but gets it pulled away.
Seyoon gives out an irritated sigh and keeps driving. Silence stretching between us the whole way home. When Seyoon parks in our driveway, I get out and go into our house without saying a word.
Seyoon closes the door behind me as he tries again, “Was it because of what I said earlier?” Referring to a snarky remark he made at me in front of everyone. Embarrassing me.
To be fair, I knew he was tired. And I knew he didn’t want to go to the dinner party and I forced him to go. It was partly my fault that he was in a sour mood, but I was too stubborn to admit that.
I take my shoes off at the front door and start walking to our bedroom to change when Seyoon’s arms wrap around me, holding me in a tight hug.
“I’m really sorry.” He whispers, his voice cracking. Making me falter.
I let out a sigh and take his hands in mine that were around my waist as I lean into his chest.
“I’m sorry too.” I whisper. Making him kiss my temple and hold me tighter.
I lay on the couch snuffling quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself. I had an old scrapbook out in front of me, seeing photos of my parents who lived half way across the world from me made me get more emotional than I thought.
I hear Byeongkwan come into the living room, making me quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. Hoping he wouldn’t notice. It doesn’t work.
“Are you crying?” He asks me, coming closer to where I sat.
“No.” I say quickly, my voice far too shaky to be believable. I meet his eyes and see worry in them, making me somehow lose it again.
Byeongkwan quickly moves the scrapbook from beside me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. I cry into his shoulder as he plays with my hair.
“Do you miss home?” He asks me softly.
I nod my head, too upset to even voice my answer. Byeongkwan holds me closer to him.
“You’re okay, baby.” Byeongkwan whispers into my ear as the sobs subside and I slowly start opening up to him.
I wince as I try to move around, hoping it would help the pain. I had had a migraine all day. The worst I had ever experienced. The pain never lessening enough for me to get relief. By now my head felt like it was about to explode.
Jun comes into our bedroom to see me standing by the dresser shaking with tears in my eyes.
“Why are you up?” He asks gently as he rushes over to me and takes my arm.
“I can’t get comfortable.” I tell him, my voice shaky and my vision blurring.
Jun wraps his arms around me as he scoops me up and places me back on the bed, covering me with a blanket.
“You need to rest.” He whispers to me, wiping away strands of hair that had fallen into my eyes.
I let out a sob and press my hands to my temples, “It hurts to bad, Juhnee.” My voice barely above a whisper.
Jun’s eyes fill with tears as he crawls into bed beside me and let’s me bury my head in his chest as he holds me tightly.
“I promise you’ll feel better soon.” He whispers as he continues to hold me tightly. Somehow, I manage to fall asleep with my head still buried in his chest.
We were at a party, it was way bigger than I expected it to be. My nerves already shot from the long day I had had at work. I hadn’t said anything though when Donghun mentioned wanting to come to this party. I just agreed and got dressed. Even though I could feel myself coming apart at the seams.
The music booms loudly, too loudly, people talk and yell over the music. Overwhelming me, making the drink that was in my hands shake with my ever shaking hands. My skin feels hot and the walls feel like they’re going to collapse on me, making me run my fingers through my hair nervously and roam through the room trying to find a ‘safe place’
Donghun finds me in the crowd and walks over, his smile wide. “Are you having fun?” He asks.
I look up at him and his smile quickly turns to a frown as he sees the panicked tears in my eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, quickly taking my drink from my hands to hold them in his.
“I need to leave.” I tell him, my voice shaking.
Donghun watches me for a moment before taking my hand and leading me through the crowds of people, down the houses hallway until he finds an unused room and pulls me inside.
The room is a closet to be exact. A small closet. It’s hanged up clothing hitting me in the face as soon as we step inside, making the space even smaller.
“No...no...no no no.” I whimper, “It’s too small in here, I don’t want to be in here. I want to go home, Donghun.” I cry, my voice getting higher and my chest tighter.
Donghun quickly wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest. I fight him slightly because of the confined area.
“Hey.” He whispers in my ear, catching my attention.
“You’re okay, Princess.” He soothes, running a hand through my hair. “Just take it easy.”
I eventually calm down, mimicking the deep breaths Donghun was taking as my head rested on his chest, his grip around me keeping me close to him.
When he sees I’ve calmed down enough he places a kiss on my forehead. “Let’s go get ice cream before we go home.” He suggests, making me smile.
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t3kandson · 3 years ago
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Mint twirl Series
Chapter one
Summer Heat;
Words count; 751 (later chapters will be longer)
Reader x Lee donghun
Warnings ; Angst, Fluffy (smut in later chapters)
Note; Thanks @multistans-world for all the support with this mini series 💙
Other chapters to this Series is found here
The heat was making the sweat run down both your faces as you found yourselves walking through the scorching heat of Seoul.
It was a hot summer that had brought little comfort from the heatwave that you had found yourselves in.
Your flatmate and close friend Lei, had prewarned you mere minutes before you decided you needed to break from the suffocating heat of your apartment. You had half dragged her out in an attempt to find some fresh air in need of relief. Instead, you had found yourselves nothing but more sweaty versions, alongside the hot and suffocating unbearable humanity.
It was then you noticed an ice cream parlour.
You took Lei’s hand to drag her towards the shop as if you were walking towards the water in a desert. Lei instantly resisted as she looked at you frustrated yet confused. “Risa,” she groaned forcing her hand from your grip. “Please can we just go home where it’s cooler,” she moaned. “Look theirs ice cream being sold, it’s just what we need,” you pleaded. With a small resistance roll of her eyes, she then started to walk past you towards your ideal location, you following suit.
The ice-cool air from the AC hit you as you entered, inwardly moaning from the refreshing feel. Throwing yourself on to a chair on a small table you began to relax. Lei who had waited in the queue called your name and you soon found your way to join her. She was currently choosing her favourite chocolate fudge, while you was salivating for all the delicious flavours on offer. However, you decided to go with the mint chocolate. As you both enjoyed the contentment of your cold treats, you suddenly was left intrigued by the laughter behind you.
It was a sound you recognised, causing yourself to swirl around in the chair to find the face of the laughter. However, the queue had found its way around the chairs behind you and you couldn’t find a recognisable source to the sound. “What’s up?” lei asked snapping your attention back. However, you found yourself giggling when you noticed she had smudged some of the ice cream on her cheek. Grinning you tried to hold on to your laughter to save her embarrassment. Instead throwing the handkerchief her way. “You have ice cream on your face,” you explained as she raised a confused expression. She scowled but gave a sideway glance as she flicked the splodge of ice cream on the table splattering the dark sticky chocolate into your hair. “Oh Lei really,” you groaned as she found herself in a fit of hysterics. “Well, it's only fair, you made me look a hot sweaty mess, you should at least look a little worse for wear yourself,” she teased as you attempted to use the remaining paper handkerchief to wipe the ice cream off. However, instead making the mess even worse. As Lei giggled at your frustration and continued eating, you gave up and decided this needed a restroom job. You wasn’t even sure the small shop had a restroom to sort your predicament out. But you didn’t care, you had to at least attempt to fix the sticky mess. With this heat the stickiness would be unbearable on the way home. As you made your way to the counter to join the queue. lei sat there giggling earning a scowl. “Your an ass,” you mouthed. “Your welcome,” she replied, still digging into what seemed like a bottomless pit of ice cream.
The server had been sweet enough to let you use the staff restroom, where you was able to at least attempt to make the sticky hair a lot less disastrous.
As you made your way out and passed through the counter, thinking of a way to get your friend back on the way home. You suddenly found yourself hitting something hard. Freezing immediately, you recognised the scowl of the very man you had heard laughing earlier. Body shuddering in a mix of excitement and confusion when you instantly realised how you recognised it. It was Lee Donghun from a boy band that you stanned, called A.C.E. Falling in to despair when you understood his frustrating scowl, feeling the temperature between you both. You had knocked his ice cream staining a sticky green milky mess on his white shirt! It was at this point you wanted the floor to swallow you whole.
Next chapter
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A.C.E.'s Masterlist
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gallifer · 6 years ago
A.C.E as rare/weird words I like with definitions
Junhee- Kenshō: The zen experience or enlightenment, when one's own nature is seen for what it truly is.
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Donghun- Zenosyne: The sense that time keeps going faster.
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Sehyoon- Aubade: A song greeting the dawn.
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Byeongkwan- Frisson: A shiver of pleasure.
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Yuchan- Appetence: An eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or natural bond.
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years ago
Rain Drops (Donghun)
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Title: Rain Drops
Paring: Donghun x Reader
Genre: Pure Fluff🥞🥞🥞
Word count: 830
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
A/N @silent5tar requested this one. ;) Enjoy!!!
I enter the apartment with a shiver. Huge drops of water hitting the floor beneath me as I shrug my coat off. Not that it did much good, I was soaked down to the bone.
My boyfriend pops his head out of the kitchen, a warm smile on his lips.
“Hey baby.” He said, taking in my drenched state. “Is it raining out?” He asks sarcastically, a smirk tugging at his mouth.
I give him a dry laugh and run my fingers through my wet hair, “Very funny, Donghun.”
I stop running my hands through my hair when I feel warm hands on my cheeks, pulling my eyes upward. Donghun stands in front of me, his large doe eyes staring down at me lovingly.
Donghun gently rests his lips on mine, the warm sensation causing a shiver to run up my spine. He pulls away slowly, his breath warming my face.
“You should get out of these wet clothes before you get sick.” He whispers, leaving a trail of kisses up my nose to my forehead.
I let out a sigh and nod my head. Ready to take a hot shower and be dry. Donghun steps away from me to let me by. I quickly make my way to our room to grab fresh clothes for my hot shower.
Ten minutes later I come back to the living room. My body warm and my hair blown dry. Donghun lifts his head from the couch and smiles at me.
“Do you want to watch something with me?” He asks, as he scoots over on the couch and pats the empty spot beside him.
I smile at him, “I would love to.” I say as I crawl over him into the space he had made.
Donghun had just placed a warm blanket around us both when I let out a sneeze. My head throbbing from the action.
“Getting wet in the rain didn’t make you sick did it, princess?” Donghun asks, resting his hand on my forehead.
I smile up at him, dismissing the thought. “I’m fine. Probably just allergies.”
Donghun gives me a lingering look before turning his attention back to the TV. I curl into him and start to doze off while he plays with my hair. Never waking up  even when he carries me to our bedroom later that night and puts me to bed.
The next day brought more rain, the clouds puffy and gray. Along with the rain my physical state matched it. I rolled over in bed and every single cell inside of me burned. My throat feeling like it had been lit on fire.
I groan into my pillow, my head aching and my nose stuffy. Donghun was right, the rain had made me sick last night.
Donghun comes into our room and smiles at me, seeing me awake. He hovers over me in bed as he kisses my cheek, “Good morning.” He whispers in my ear.
“Hey.” I answer back weakly, my voice horse. My throat too hurt to even answer him.
He looks at me this time, his eyes reflecting his worry. “Are you sick?”
I nod, making him rest his hand on my forehead again and frown.
“You’re burning up.” He whispers, pressing his fingers against my cheek. His hands cool and refreshing, making me lean into him slightly.
Donghun stands quickly and leaves the room. I hear him clattering around in the medicine cabinet and then go to the kitchen, where he stays for some time before coming back and sitting on the bed with me.
“Here, drink this. It’ll make you feel better.” He tells me gently, handing me a hand full of vitamins to take with some water, patiently waiting for me to down them before handing me a hot cup of tea.
The hot liquid burns my throat and then soothes it, making me let out a relieved sigh. I slowly drink it while Donghun sits on the bed and runs his fingers through my hair. The actions making me sleepy.
After I put the cup on the nightstand Donghun climbs into bed beside me, pulling back the covers for him to slide into.
He holds his arms out to me as he says, “Come here.”
“You’ll be sick.” I whine, talking only sending me into a coughing fit.
“I’ll be fine, princess.” Donghun soothes. “Come here.”
I sigh and stop arguing as I curl into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. His warmth soothing my aching body. Donghun pulls the blankets around us tightly before rubbing my back. He starts humming a tune softly, making his chest vibrate. His voice and the closeness making my eyes heavy.
Donghun spends the rest of that day cuddling me and taking care of me. Something I was grateful for. I rarely got sick, but when I did I always secretly liked it. Just because he would take care of me in the most loving way he knew how.
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kpoprunsmylifenow · 5 years ago
2 with a.c.e hun
2.  “Don’t think I didn’t notice you staring at me.”
A/N: Cerina I want you to know that I hate/love you bc I just double biased him. 
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When you first started in your new dance classes, you didn’t expect to see the most beautiful man to be in there as well. You tried to keep your focus on perfecting the moves that your teacher showed, but your eyes would always stray to the man on the left side of the room.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you staring at me.” You heard behind you as you looked up. You met his eyes, shocked that he noticed. You blushed and apologized quickly, trying to pack your things up in a hurry. “But I didn’t mind it.” He smiled as you stilled. “You’re pretty cute.” 
And with a wink and a smirk, he walked away.
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years ago
Loss and Secrets
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moodboard made by the lovely and wonderful @lovesfaith​ thank you so much !!
You neared the small residence you shared with your best friend and familiar, unsure how this particular day was going to go. You’d been out  gathering the clients you’d need for that evening, hedging into the astral world with specific answers in mind. You stared up at the sky through the canopy of trees, a familiar shape coming into view before swooping down to land on your shoulder with utmost gentleness. Any regular animal would have torn the flesh off your shoulder with its sharp talons, but this Hawk was special, to you, in many ways.
Not only had he now been your familiar for several circulations, but he was also the closest thing you’d ever had to someone understanding you. 
Sometimes you could be a bit.. Emotional, feelings weighed on you somewhat heavier than other practices would. You were fairly good at keeping that to yourself to most, but unfortunately there wasn’t a familiar that existed that didn’t have extensive insight into their witch.
The hawk turned to you, watching you in a way that probably should be unsettling. You appreciated his company, tried not to push his comfort, considering his past. Donghun had bonded before… a mistake on the universe’s account, if you could be so bold.
His previous witch had been unstable, twisted, turning his affections freely given into a mockery of what it should have been. Loyal, reliable Donghun had stayed until he saw her be truly and utterly unrepentant after hurting someone. You didn’t know her name, and he refused to talk much about her. 
Sometimes he got this look on his face, staring out the window that made your entire soul ache in response. You knew he was thinking about her, about the first bond. That hurt worse. Something akin to jealousy would boil inside you, because you knew some part of him missed who she was before her fall. 
Being exiled, he had gone through a rite of separation, and was under the impression he would be alone after that, but when you did the ceremony, and he was called, things still went through.
He accepted, albeit with some hesitation, and even now he often didn’t seem outwardly affectionate. Some familiars cuddled up to their witches often. You envied it, as you craved closeness. Especially after a particularly difficult hedging. 
It’s not that he lacked the ability to be affectionate. A while back you’d seen him with his friends, and he treated that Red Panda like his own child, coddling and fussing over him but also constantly petting his head and offering praise.
Often, you got a very different side of him. Like when you forgot an item you needed he would roll his eyes and chuckle about how hopeless you’d be without him, as he produced the exact thing you needed. Often thoughtful, always prepared, teasing and fun... but sometimes he just looked so sad. Sad in ways that made your heart break silently along with him.
Among other things, you had grown attached, desired only his happiness and worried that he wouldn’t achieve it, since you weren’t his first bond. 
“Stop.” He muttered from your shoulder, more of a mind voice than a physical one, considering his beak. 
“What?” You asked, startled by his intrusion into your musing.
“You’re worrying again. You’ll interfere with your ability to hedge if you keep it up.” His voice was that same, irritated snip but you knew it was out of concern not irritation. For all his bristle he genuinely cared how you felt, and did his best to alleviate your stress. 
“Hm?” His head cocked to the side when you looked at him. You broke eye contact, continuing your journey to the village, and the home you shared. Breaking the treeline, you stepped over some fallen branches and hiked your bag up a little on the opposite shoulder. 
“When we get back, do you mind helping me set up?” You asked it hesitantly for some reason things lately had been… more strained. It was uncomfortable and you wanted to understand the reason for his distance. 
“I always do it, don’t I?”  His voice was softer now, in your head, almost a caress.  You just nodded, anxiety soothed for now. 
Days had passed, and now you sat in The Unclaimed’s kitchen, wringing your hands and glancing around. “Are you sure?” You asked, hating the twist in your gut. 
She nodded. “We are. Her vision and mine make it clear. We both recognized Matthew and Somin. The other two look familiar, probably from the past but we don’t know them personally. We need your help.” She had a strain in her voice, and kept glancing out the window towards the water below. It reminded you of the way you’d look for Donghun while he was flying. That watchful, curious excitement. Strange, considering she is The Unclaimed.  You shook off the thought when you noticed the shape of a very particular bird above the ocean.
 You already knew Donghun had followed, even though he had said he’d stay behind. He’d worry, like always. He never really left your side for long, you assumed a layover from his time with Somin and her rapid fall which he denied until she was beyond recognizing. 
It hurt you that he didn’t trust you but you knew it wasn’t his fault. Others in the coven had insisted he was once lighthearted and affectionate, instead of stony and withdrawn.
Still, you felt his care for you in the way he behaved. How he would remind you to rest after hedging and always seemed to know when something was about to be too hard on you. The way he often pursed his lips when you would put on a brave face, and insist that you needn’t carry the burden of empathy on your own. He scolded you in the gentlest way, and it made your foolish heart skip. 
These were mostly his duties, but more than that, he always knew when you needed him near. He never let you down. 
It was going to tear him in two to find out Somin was involved in more nasty business. It was going to slice open his scars and pour salt in them. Had she not yet done enough to the coven and more importantly, her ex familiar?  The business was messy and unfair. You just wanted peace for him. 
You watched him soar above the building before swooping down to the crashing waves below, beautiful, graceful, powerful. 
“It’s going to hurt him.” You mumble finally, unsure what else to say. You set down the cup in your hands and lock eyes with her, her face somber. 
“Life hurts, better you be honest.”  She gently placed a small sachet in your hand, closing both her hands around yours to fold your fingers in. Her smile was sad and she looked regretful. “We all have people we love, and sometimes we have to hurt them, even if we desperately don’t want to.”
She glanced over her shoulder as the sound of the back window creaking, before standing to rush you out. “You have to. I have another visitor.” The wet slaps of feet against her tile met your ears but you nodded, knowing she had many visitors for many reasons, not all the most savory types. A witch had to make a living, though. “Go ahead, dear. He’s waiting for you. Don’t wait too long to tell him.”
You nodded and thanked her on your way out. You’d have to figure out how to talk to him about it eventually.
The walk back was quiet, and Donghun was watching you, walking by your side now. It was a bit unusual for him to do so, you knew that meant he was intuiting your emotions. He felt your turmoil and wanted to offer comfort. 
You reached a fallen log, which he jumped over quickly and put his hand out to help you over. You locked eyes, slid your hand into his and watched the tiniest twitch upward at the corner of his mouth. 
When your hand was enveloped in his, warm, strong, safe, he tugged you up onto the log and before you could climb on your own, he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you down. There, pressed to his warm chest time stopped for a moment. You stared into his eyes, dark but soft, flecks of mahogany hidden in their depths. You swallowed, mouth suddenly gone dry. You wet your lips with your tongue and he followed the motion with his eyes, letting out a slow, deep exhale as he did. His throat bobbed, head tilting towards yours ever so slightly.
“It’s okay to let me help you.” His words were quiet, with a hint of rasp that made your head spin. This behavior… But when his nose brushed the tip of yours and he paused, gaze darting between your mouth and eyes, you suddenly were struck with the image of Somin, and the impending situation. It was messy, unfair.  The first time he showed you this side of himself and you were haunted by the looming prospect of telling him the truth. 
Knowing you couldn’t allow him to go further until you had had that discussion, you cleared your throat and pushed off of his chest firmly. He caught your hands, trapped them against himself for a moment, before bringing them clasped together up to his mouth. He pressed a soft kiss against the palm of each hand. When he released them, he was smiling. He nodded his head in the direction you were going to have to go, and you pressed onward for a few steps, partially in a daze.
“Do you… Have you ever missed your life before?”  You were scared, but forced yourself to look over at his face as he fell into step beside you. He kept a neutral expression but he looked over at you as though trying to gage your feelings on the matter.
“I don’t think so, no. I suppose there are things I miss about myself. However, we are taught to trust the universe. Some things happen based on the decisions of others, and we get burned. I trust the universe had something better planned to balance the scales for me.”  
His hand pressed into your lower back to guide you around a root sticking up. “Besides. Where would you even be without me. You almost just broke your neck.”  He chuckled to himself. “Why do you even ask, is that why you’ve looked so sour today? Are you jealous?”
Your face felt hot, how could he tease you so effortlessly?? Where was all of this coming from?
“There’s more I just…” You trailed off, unsure how to word it.
“You’ll tell me when you’re ready, that’s okay.”  He let his hand drop and gave you a reassuring smile and a wink as you continued home.
 This was the part you feared. It made your palms clammy and your neck tense. The idea that you had to talk to him about this entire thing was… overwhelming.
“Donghun?” You called, peeking into the library from your bedroom. “I was wondering if you’d seen the-” You pause, seeing him sitting with one leg up in the window seat.  He has that far away look again, lips pursed in that way that makes your gut wrench a little. 
His eyes drift slowly from outside to your face, taking in your disheveled appearance. Worry furrows his brow as he slides off the seat and to your side. His fingers gently pass over your face, cupping your cheek as he peers into your soul as though he has laid your very nature bare.
“Do you need more help setting up? Did something happen?” He keeps his voice low, like he’s scared you’ll run away if he speaks too loudly.  You start to shake your head, but your heart hurts.
You worry so much about the life he lives with you, and you feel like you’ve failed him.
“I’m about to hedge. Did you. Do you ..” You stop, looking down and swallowing the words that don’t want to come out. 
He seems to know, however, as always, and he tilts your head up to look at his face. He forces the tiniest smile, the hopeful one he uses when he wants you to smile back. Your heart breaks more, but you try, for him. “Do you want me to go stay with you while you do?”
You nod, unable to speak it, and follow him into your room. He leads you, fingers entwined, thumb brushing the side of your hand. He helps you lay down, sitting at the stool beside the bed. You’ve started burning the herbs, and have half a cup of tea left on the table.  He nudges your and with the cup. You accept it, and bite the corner of your mouth in thought. This is an important job, requested by another witch. One he might actually know, considering his closeness with her familiar.
“Donghun. You know Chan?” 
Donghun smiles instantly, brightly, full of love. “Yes, of course.”
“His partner. She asked for me to do this. Something about a vision she and The Unclaimed have been having. They want me to reach out to someone. In the astral plane.” 
He nods, waiting for you to continue. You don’t want to say it, it hurts just to think, you know how much it’s going to hurt him to even bring it up, but he deserves to know.
“They think. They think Somin may be involved in this… very scary coming event. They see the end of familiars. Maybe the end of the universe… her spearheading it. With three others. Fallen also.”  
A chill settles in the room and his mouth forms a tight line. His eyes don’t leave yours, and his jaw ticks as he thinks. “I’m sorry.” Is all he says, so, so softly that you want to crawl into a hole for even telling him. Your chest is so hollow, and tears spring at the corners of your eyes. You close them and look away, taking deep breaths to calm yourself when you realize the level of distress in the bond is coming in slow, dull waves instead of the intensity you expected. 
You had always suspected he was in love with her, the way he’d look when her name came up. Others had even hinted at it… but this wasn’t the pain of fresh heartbreak.  Something leaked it’s way in behind the soreness that he felt, concern, worry, affection.  
When you looked at him, his face was stony, concerned and certainly upset, but not the sobbing and anger you expected. Instead he looked more concerned about you. His hands moved at a snails pace, before they began to wipe the tears from under your eyes.
“It makes me sad to know she is still in pain, still hurting people. I feel guilty. I feel like I could have stopped her before she fell. But Y/N. I’m not in love with her. I wasn’t then, and I’m certainly not now.”   Your eyes widened and you looked into his, he had the smallest pained smile. “Yes, I knew that you thought that. You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize. I know I haven’t been the easiest to be around.”  
“I never thought you were hard to be around.” You whispered. “Okay. Sometimes a little… difficult to get close to. You know how you’re so close to Chan? Sometimes I wish we had that.” 
He chuckled, scoffing before his voice dropped a bit, pulling his lower lip into his mouth. “Because I let him lay all over me? If you want that, I can do that with you too...”  He slid into the bed beside you, tugging your arm until your body fit against his. He tucked your head under his chin and pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head. 
“Well one thing is sure.” He mumbled while stroking your arm absently, bringing his face to the side of yours as his breath bounced off your ear. “I don’t feel the same way doing it with you as I do with Chan.”  
You gasped and started to  pull back but he laughed and trapped you against him. 
“I mean that in a good way. Chan is like. My little brother. I love him and he needs affection. With you it’s… well it’s not familial.”
It made you blush, but you weren’t ready to explore it. 
“Donghun... are you going to lay here while I hedge?” You had to change the subject, your face and body were on fire from the implications. 
He hummed and adjusted the positions until you were resting with your head on his chest. The smoke filled the room from the herbs, and your eyes drowsily followed the patterns. “Rest. Hedge. I’ll catch you when you fall back into your body. I’ll always catch you.” 
Cold, reliably that. That lightness like bobbing on the top of a pond.. You tried to relax and let it take you, but the drift was slower than usual, your soul sticking unevenly to your body. You half wondered if it was because you didn’t want to leave his side. Shaking it off, with work to do, you focused on the lightness of your body, lifting, propelling into an almost dreamlike state, focusing on what you needed to learn from the universe. 
Tingles crept through you as you were tossed into a cave, it was cold, damp, you could perceive it, but not really “feel” It outside your body. Four figures huddled into the corner all fully asleep, but you couldn’t make out faces. As you moved deeper into the cave, following the voices, the atmosphere itself burned you, unlike the celestial floating feeling you were used to, it felt like your soul, now detached from your body, was being seared by the experience. Grimacing through it, you continued, quietly forcing yourself onward against the pain. 
As you neared the mouth of the next chamber, you heard mumbling, hushed words 
“The spell will take what we need from them. It doesn't matter what’s in that dumb book.” Somin’s voice was recognizable and it sent shivers down your spine in spite of the heat and pressure increasing on your skin.  She sounded so… Detached. Unfeeling. 
“The writings say-” A male voice rang out, in some level of worry.
“I don’t care. Drain the familiars or we will never get our revenge.” She interrupted and you felt sick, the closer you got the more ill you felt. The heat was unbearable. Just as you peeked into the room Somin’s head snapped in your direction, eyes narrowed. “YOU. You shouldn’t have made it this far. Jisoo did you do your job?”
The blonde next to Somin, raised her hands and closed her eyes. She was mumbling, the heat grew more fierce and before you knew it, you were being forced out of the cave and through the air. The heat was unbearable, the pressure all consuming, you closed your eyes and tried to find your body. It felt too far. You were scared, your chest felt tight and you felt tears spring to your eyes. “Donghun.” was all you could say. 
Everything went black. 
The first thing  you felt were drops of water. Plop.  Plop plop. On top of your cheeks.
“Please.” It was Donghun, so thick with emotion his voice was quaking. “Please come home. This was too dangerous, I shouldn’t have let you go. I can’t lose you. I can’t let you go too.”
Your body was warm, enveloped in his arms, he gripped you so tightly. His lips ghosted over your cheeks and eyelids. He was praying, it sounded like, now. “She means everything. She was my destiny. You chose wrong the first time and I won’t let her go. I won’t let Somin take anything else from me. Never again.” It was almost bitter. He started to sob, a sound so heart wrenching you gasped as your soul slammed back into your body, the bed bouncing with impact. 
He gasped, grasping your face as your eyes cracked open, seeing him above you face full of anguish. It transformed in a moment, from sadness to surprise to relief. 
His smile was so bright as he said your name in near breathless wonder.  “You came back to me.”  He closed his eyes and breathed out, pressing his forehead to yours. “ I wasn’t sure you would. Your body was shaking. You felt so far away. I didn’t... I didn’t think you were coming back. I couldn’t see your tether anymore.”   
“It’s okay. I was scared but I’m back now. It’s okay. “ You tried to calm him but you were still shaking, still afraid. Still confused. 
“You can’t go back there. They can’t make you. I won’t let them. I’ll peck their eyes out if they try.” He was mumbling nonsense into your neck, breathing heavy and still you felt the wetness of his tears. “I love you. I can say it now. I only love you okay? So don’t put yourself in danger.” 
Elation mixed in with confusion until his lips began to trace a path up your neck from your shoulder. Each kiss more slow, and heated. “Dongh-” You began, but his mouth had reached your own by then. It stole not only your words, but your thoughts and breath. 
Slowly, deeply, the caress of his lips were so full of emotion. You reciprocated, kissing him back with as much fervor as your heart felt. All this time questioning, and he was always a little bit yours. 
He pulled back just enough to whisper, “Love you.” Again before diving back in, his tongue sweeping under your upper lip as he shifted you up into his lap. His fingers clutched your low back and behind your skull, cradling you gently in his grasp. Winding your arms around his neck you sighed into his kiss, the fear you had leaving your body each moment you two connected.
After a few moments of kissing, he released you and smiled, tears still frozen in his eyelashes. 
“Whatever happens, you can’t leave me too, okay?’’
You nodded, unsure what else to do with the moment. “I’ll need to go back to the unclaimed soon. She needs to know what I saw.” 
“Fine. But no more risks. I can’t protect you from whatever that was. Normally I can follow your tether but this… this was beyond my ability.” His hand cupped your cheek, thumb brushing back and forth under your eye, before pressing gently into your lower lip, tugging it down a tiny bit before replacing it once more with his kiss. 
He held you close, and you knew that come what may, you wouldn’t let him lose anyone else.
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