#Dogpile Search Engines
chambersevidence · 2 months
Search Engines:
Search engines are independent computer systems that read or crawl webpages, documents, information sources, and links of all types accessible on the global network of computers on the planet Earth, the internet. Search engines at their most basic level read every word in every document they know of, and record which documents each word is in so that by searching for a words or set of words you can locate the addresses that relate to documents containing those words. More advanced search engines used more advanced algorithms to sort pages or documents returned as search results in order of likely applicability to the terms searched for, in order. More advanced search engines develop into large language models, or machine learning or artificial intelligence. Machine learning or artificial intelligence or large language models (LLMs) can be run in a virtual machine or shell on a computer and allowed to access all or part of accessible data, as needs dictate.
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dotcom-bubble · 2 years
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some assorted incarnations of Dogpile (1, 2, 3)
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st-louis · 2 years
always a bit tickled by shocked asks about my job and/or kid. like do you think people stop enjoying things or shitposting on the internet just because they have adult lives also?
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candycornstudios · 4 months
If you are sick of Google giving you blatantly wrong or even dangerous AI answers to your search query, here are some search engines that don’t use AI at all:
Startpage (highly recommend this one)
I was about to put Yahoo on this list since their search doesn’t use AI, but it turns out their email service has AI integrated into it :(
DuckDuckGo uses AI by default. Even though you can just toggle it off, I still lost trust in DuckDuckGo
Definitely DO NOT USE BRAVE. Not only does it have built into AI integration, but also has cringe ass crypto and NFT crap built in because the company is ran by cryptobros. The founder of Brave is also a transphobe
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i-love-your-light · 10 months
too many thoughts on the new hbomberguy video not to put them anywhere so:
with every app trying to turn into the clock app these days by feeding you endless short form content, *how many* pieces of misinformation does the average person consume day to day?? thinking a lot about how tons of people on social media go largely unquestioned about the information they provide just because they speak confidently into the camera. if you're scrolling through hundreds of pieces of content a day, how many are you realistically going to have the time and will to check? i think there's an unfortunate subconscious bias in liberal and leftist spaces that misinformation is something that is done only by the right, but it's a bipartisan issue babey. everybody's got their own agendas, even if they're on "your side". *insert you are not immune to propaganda garfield meme*
and speaking of fact checking, can't help but think about how much the current state of search engines Sucks So Bad right now. not that this excuses ANY of the misinformation at all, but i think it provides further context as to why these things become so prevalent in creators who become quick-turnaround-content-farms and cut corners when it comes to researching. when i was in high school and learning how to research and cite sources, google was a whole different landscape that was relatively easy to navigate. nowadays a search might give you an ad, a fake news article, somebody's random blog, a quora question, and another ad before actually giving you a relevant verifiable source. i was googling a question about 1920s technology the other day (for a fanfiction im writing lmao) and the VERY FIRST RESULT google gave me was some random fifth grader's school assignment on the topic???? like?????? WHAT????? it just makes it even harder for people to fact-check misinformation too.
going off the point of cutting corners when it comes to creating content, i can't help but think about capitalism's looming influence over all of this too. again, not as an excuse at all but just as further environmental context (because i really believe the takeaway shouldn't be "wow look how bad this one individual guy is" but rather "wow this is one specific example of a much larger systemic issue that is more pervasive than we realize"). a natural consequence of the inhumanity of capitalism is that people feel as if they have to step on or over eachother to get to 'the top'. if everybody is on this individualistic american dream race to success, everyone else around you just looks like collateral. of course then you're going to take shortcuts, and you're going to swindle labor and intellectual property from others, because your primary motivation is accruing capital (financial or social) over ethics or actual labor.
i've been thinking about this in relation to AI as well, and the notion that some people want to Be Artists without Doing Art. they want to Have Done Art but not labor through the process. to present something shiny to the world and benefit off of it. they don't want to go through the actual process of creating, they just want a product. Easy money. Winning the game of capitalism.
i can't even fully fault this mentality- as someone who has been struggling making barely minimum wage from art in one of the most expensive cities in america for the past two years, i can't say that i haven't been tempted on really difficult occasions to act in ways that would be morally bad but would give me a reprieve from the constant stress cycle of "how am i going to pay for my own survival for another month". the difference is i don't give in to those impulses.
tl;dr i hope that people realize that instead of this just being a time to dogpile on one guy (or a few people), that it's actually about a larger systemic problem, and the perfect breeding grounds society has created for this kind of behavior to largely go unchecked!!!
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thomasbeyond · 1 month
Thomas: Beyond! Lost Test Archive (2022)
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So, I might as well share this. Back in 2022, I wrote a script for a hypothetical first issue of Thomas Beyond, and illustrated a couple of pages to get a feel for the art style I wanted. Sketches were done in Toon Boon Harmony and Inked/colored in Photoshop. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very satisfied with what I had made, and decided to rework the script and delete the pages I had already done. Looking back I really regret doing that, but I have a couple of archived screenshots (albeit VERY cropped) that I sent to some friends for their advice.
The Issue was titled “Mystery of the Mail”.
One night, Percy is tasked with his usual run with the mail train, retrieving Sodor’s outward-going mail for an express post train bound for the mainland. However, after dropping his mail vans off in their designated siding at the big station, he is shocked to find out they had vanished in the middle of the night, and the train had to depart the Island of Sodor without collecting them. While most initially assume it was yet another instance of Percy’s clumsiness, tensions grow even higher after Sir Topham Hatt reveals one of the mail vans contained a special delivery of stock meant for a bank. With the police beginning to thoroughly investigate the North Western Railway, and all of staff questioned, it becomes evident to all that the NWR fell victim to a train robbery. Percy is shunned by most of the other engines for being so careless, with some even suspecting he and his crew were somehow involved in the heist despite pleading their innocence. Percy is utterly distraught, and becomes a disgrace. Not one for wanting to see his best friend’s reputation sink further down, Thomas (with the help of his driver, Bob) vows to solve the mystery of the mail and clear Percy’s name.
Thomas and Bob’s mishaps and hijinks in detective work end up distracting them from their usual jobs on Thomas’ branch line. Sir Topham Hatt reprimands Thomas for his immaturity, and Bob for knowing better than to give into Thomas’ shenanigans. The next day, the two are tasked with assisting the Sodor Ironworks in dumping their molten slag (this is where the conversation in the first image occurs). During their stay there, Thomas and Bob discover that the Ironworks orchestrated the heist, having sent Iron Bert out to retrieve the cars. Bert’s crew stuck off the main line as much as possible to avoid drawing any attention from the signal boxes. Upon retrieving the vans, Bert flew the express headlamps to disguise himself as the post train in the dark. Edward comes forward and swears he heard 2 trains pass by his yard at night, adding an extra layer of truth to the story. The police grow suspicious and obtain a warrant to search the Ironworks’ premises. Sure enough, tucked away in a shed, the vans are recovered, with several crowbars pathetically still pried upon the completely-locked doors.
Percy’s name is finally cleared-up, and he is welcomed back by everyone. As for the Ironworks? Well, the manager was VERY conveniently not present the day the mail vans were found… or the day after… and the next one after that. Many suspect that he ether successfully fled the country, or those whom he had “connections” with caught-on that his mission had failed, and were the ones to “hold him accountable” rather than the law. Just one more layer to this mystery that may NEVER be solved.
I have issues with this plot. Everyone is so quick to dogpile on Percy, including Sir Topham Hatt. Also, while I do remember that Bob does butt-heads with Thomas a lot of the time in small dialogue bits, I feel like he DOES give into Thomas’ whole detective bit wayyy too easily. I characterize him as being a lot more level-headed and dry in order to bounce off of Thomas’ impulsivity and eccentricity. Also, bleh. Of COURSE the Ironworks are the bad guys! Who could’ve guessed that it WASN'T them after the moment they became apart of this? Also, I pulled the whole “The Ironworks may or may not have ties to the criminal underworld” way too early. I like that idea, it’s funny and provides a genuinely good force for our heroes to combat against, but idk. It came and went wayyy too quickly. I’m much prouder of the narrative I have going on now for Sudric Storm, I feel it’s a better introduction to the Thomas series in the form of a comic, and provides a much more enriching story for these characters to play around in.
Welp, that was a blast from the past. Hope you enjoyed! (Also, 14 hours? Thomas… that’s… literally nothing. That’s a pretty average amount of time for being awake on a given day, what??? Amateur.)
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hexagr · 1 year
Google really fell off as a search engine. I can remember when Google deeply cared about reliability and validity. But nowadays, half the time I use Google Search, it returns results that aren't even related to what I'm searching for, along with malware links and spam. More and more, I find myself using Dogpile, DuckDuckGo, and Qwant for internet searches. Dogpile. Can you believe that? I remember using that search engine in like 6th grade. And throughout high school. Apparently they operate as a small company, running on only a few million dollars, and their search results are very good. Meanwhile, Google is operating on billions of dollars and somehow doing much worse. Maybe the lesson here is that money doesn't always translate to merit. You can have vast amounts of resources and yet still produce a subpar product. Or let a product that was once very good, wither away. To be fair though, I do appreciate many of Google's other products. This is not a condemnation of Google as a whole. I use both Gmail and Blogspot. Those are great. This is more so a criticism of their search engine as a tech product. I think it could be improved.
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kisoran · 5 months
Do people know that AI has been around for a long time and is everywhere. It’s in your car’s safety features. It’s in literally any video game with a character that follows you around. It’s the autocomplete on your phone, in spreadsheets, in search engine auto fills. It’s used in text to speech. Automatic closed captioning. Every filter on Instagram and Snapchat since 2016. Calculating the shortest route between bus stops. google maps. Auto tune. Noise cancelling. People understand that right. People are educated on what AI is and aren’t just dogpiling the new buzzword right. When people say they’re ‘refusing to use AI’ they know what that means right
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falselyprofound · 11 months
odd question but whats your record for how many pages deep you got into a google/duckduckgo search? and bonus for including what you were searching
The search engines I use don't keep stats on me, so I can't say for sure. But I generally don't go more than two or three pages deep without revising my search, unless I'm checking to see if anyone's reuploaded my games onto a sketchy website. Again.
If I go over six pages, I'm fucking desperate and probably switching to Dogpile right after. Anyway the last time I did that it was in a desperate bid to remember which Dungeons & Dragons book used an autocorrect function to change all mentions of "mage" to "wizard"... resulting in damage rolls becoming dawizard rolls. That shit took me an hour.
(The answer is AD&D Encyclopedia Magica Volume 1, btw.)
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iamzainrefat · 2 years
The world's top ten search engines are
Google search
Duck duck go
Yahoo! Search
Search engine market share World wide
google 92.2%
Bing 3.2%
Yahoo! 1.23%
Yandex 0.97 %
Baidu 0.78%
Duck duck go 0.6%
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scumsucking · 3 months
dogpile dotcom. Was it a better search engine? No. Did it have a dog shitting as it's logo? YES
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websitebloggers · 4 months
Is Dogpile a Search Engine and How Can You Get Your Site Indexed? Unlock the power of Dogpile and maximize your site's visibility with these essential tips. Learn more about what makes Dogpile unique as a metasearch engine and how you can optimize your site to get indexed. Discover the history of Dogpile as a search engine and the benefits of having your site show up in its search results. Find out if you can submit your website to Dogpile for indexing and the specific process for getting your site noticed. Don't overlook this underrated search engine - it could be just the boost your site needs to stand out in the crowded online world. Embrace the opportunity to shine brighter with Dogpile by your side. So go ahead, seize the moment and unlock your site's full potential today! To read the rest of this article, please click on the link below: https://websitebloggers.com/is-dogpile-a-search-engine-and-how-can-you-get-your-site-indexed/?feed_id=8727&_unique_id=665ef4bf81fb4
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scarletanpan · 4 months
I've been using firefox w startpage to avoid google or any other sites and browsers that are known to be awful w data handling and privacy but for some reason my school work breaks on firefox?? And edge is horrible, in the settings they recommended And default to allowing site permissions for motion/light sensors, installing payment handlers, allowing sites to know when you're actively using your device, file editing, tracking camera position, creating a 3d map of your surroundings, and other random and concerning permissions
Anyways after more looking I found a browser called ghostery which is based off firefox's open source code that has its own search engine too which is great bc startpage wasnt perfect and ubo couldn't block its ads for some reason. But the ui is so blank and clean I love it. It also has a little ghost in the corner at all times telling u how many background activities have been tracked, and u can actually look through it to get details on which other sites are running processes on the current site which is really cool like I feel like I'm seeing information I'm not supposed to. Only thing is the search engine cant do video or images yet but I can just bookmark dogpile about it like this is great
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saltyenthusiastpizza · 7 months
Why Engage A Good Seo Company?
SEO is you may also every business owner with an online presence needs include things like into their strategic plan. Fortunately, you don't have a lot more about SEO yourself, because there are many companies give organic search optimization, but that doesn't mean you should just hire the first firm you appear. It's also important to know what you're looking for in an Seo company so you will surely choose the correct. What should you be checking for in a good search engine optimization firm? Let's follow through.
Sometimes, the SEO/SEM everlasting sales pitch you receive from folks like the spring water salesmen will omit important details (like the indisputable fact that water boils at the lowest temperature at higher altitudes, and absolutely no boiling faster at higher elevations, the temperature nicely insufficient to meet the customer's needs.) Without all among the relevant SEO/SEM information being explained to you, the company owner, in meaningful detail rather than technical jargon, you can't make a sound business ruling.
Design is just about the important element that is suggested for optimizing your site in motors like google. It is inadequate to have site using a good design that is incredible to view. Make certain all the links are in working order at year 'round. There is nothing more frustrating a visitor than to find how the links from a site are broken rather not working accurately.
So with Keyword Research and proper Placement within your site end up being the broad strokes of On-Page search engine optimization expert Engine Optimization. However, "How" total the right and profitable Keyword Research for your niche and "How" to position them properly in all the elements of your sites exactly where you earn your lines.
search engine optimization is a sort of pull marketing that uses keywords increase your search engine rank. What's pull marketing? Exactly what you might call passive, or viral marketing, where instead of aggressively searching for your customer, you position yourself someplace where they can find you. One of the most likely place where there's a chance you're found may be the first place they'll Look at this website look: the search engines like bing. You know: Google, Yahoo, Dogpile. those guys! Precisely how do you jockey to find the best placement? Stay with me for some helpful principles.
Why can you use search engine marketing (SEM)? Search marketing is one among the right forms of digital marketing choices. SEM can deliver a huge quantity targeted site your website in a short time of a moment. The cost to advertise is really and you no longer to have a deep pocket to give it a try.
Beware of single products and services. Hire a consultant and/or lender. If you want results that might be measure, don't go with single features. Not everything is SEO. I realize is sounds great an individual want it for your website, well-built more traffic, more sales or qualified leads. Also beware with the so-called SEO software programs. It might sound great expend $99.99 most likely get higher rankings. But in reality this isn't true.
SEO important if in order to to pulled ahead of your online competition. You must the motors to be aware to site and should don't obtain the time to find out everything yourself and implement it, then hiring an SEO firm is often a good method go. An organic and natural search engine optimization company will have the option to help you find the best keywords towards your business and implement everything into goal.
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neetubansal27 · 10 months
Importance of Search Engine 
Search engines play the main role in indexing, and organizing the lots of information that are available on the internet, allowing users to easily and quickly find all the applicable facts. Importance of search engines is increasing day by day. Search engines use algorithms to rank results based on relevance, providing users with a curated list of links, images, videos, or other content in response to their queries. Overall, search engines play a crucial role in connecting users with the information they seek and are fundamental to the functioning of the internet. 
The remarkable factors and importance of search engines are they provide accurate, reliable and useful information for common people. 
There are many types of search engines, serving different purposes. Some are
 General Search Engines- Examples include Google, chrome, Bing, and Yahoo. These search engines cover a wide range of subject matter and provide best results from all different types of material. 
Specialized Search Engines- Focused on specific types of content, like educational information (Google Scholar), images (Google Images) and videos (YouTube).
Meta Search Engines-These mass results from multiple search engines have a great importance. For example Dogpile and Metacrawler are examples.
Vertical Search Engines- These search engines Concentrate on a specific industry or niche market. For example, make my trip for travel or follow up boss for real estate.
Enterprise Search Engines- Used within organizations only to search private databases, documents, and intranet content for business purposes also.
Social Media Search Engines-Many Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have their search policies fit to find content within their specific networks.
Every type of search engine serves different user needs and their preferences.
Some Importance of Search engines that serve countless purposes like
1. Information Retrieval- Users can rapidly find information on a vast range of content by entering relevant keywords or phrases.
2. Research- Researchers and students have the importance of search engines in gathering informational databases, finding scholarly articles, and exploring educational resources.
3. Navigation- Search engines helpful in identifying the wide areas of the internet by providing online and offline links to websites and helping users in discovering new information. 
4. E-commerce-  Information Analytics finds the importance of search engines to discover products, read reviews, and compare products and services across multiple categories and prices before making online purchases.
5. Entertainment-  Users can find out and approach a variety of multimedia content that includes videos, images, and music through search engine outputs.
6. Local Services-  Search engines help users to find local businesses, restaurants, and services nearby, often providing reviews and contact information.
7. Problem Solving- users find solutions to problems by using search engines to find tutorials, guides, or community forums discussing similar  and common issues.
In short , the importance of search engines is not only part of our daily life but increasing awareness and dependency on it also. Search engines are versatile tools that serve a wide area of user needs, making information easily accessible and making connectivity in the digital world.
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viral-web · 2 years
[ad_1] Search engines are what drives the Internet. Their job is to provide searchers with a way to find information that meets their needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Types Of Search Engines In The Internet World The last type of search engine is the metasearch engine, which pulls results from multiple sources.  There are seven types of search engines: general, vertical, hybrid, metasearch, web search, image search, and video search engines. 1. General Search Engines: A general-purpose search engine is a search engine that indexes and ranks web pages based on their content for a wide range of topics. The most popular general-purpose search engines are Google, Yahoo, and Bing. 2. Vertical Search Engine: A vertical search engine is a search engine that specializes in a particular type of content. Vertical search engines are often used to find specific types of information, such as images, videos, news, or product reviews. Some popular vertical search engines include Google Images, YouTube, and Amazon. 3. Hybrid Search Engine: A hybrid search engine is a search engine that uses more than one search algorithm to find results. This means that the search engine can use different techniques to find the best results for a query. The advantage of using a hybrid search engine is that it can find results that other search engines may miss. For example, if one search engine only looks at websites and the other only looks at images, a hybrid search engine can look at both to find the best results.  Hybrid search engines usually have two parts: a crawler and an indexer. The crawler finds new content, while the indexer keeps track of all the content that has been found. Together, these two parts ensure that the hybrid search engine has the most up-to-date information possible. 4. Meta Search Engine: A meta search engine is a search engine that aggregates results from multiple other search engines and presents them to the user in a single list. Metasearch engines are often used to compare results from different general-purpose or vertical search engines. Some popular metasearch engines include Dogpile and MetaCrawler.  5. Web Search Engines: Web search engines are the most common type of search engine. They allow users to search for websites by keyword or phrase. The results of a web search are typically a list of websites that match the user’s query. 6. Image Search Engines: Image search engines allow users to search for images by keyword or phrase. The results of an image search are typically a list of images that match the user’s query. 7. Video Search Engines: Video search engines allow users to search for videos by keyword or phrase. The results of a video search are typically a list of videos that match the user’s query. However, it’s essential to remember that not all metasearch engines are created equal, and some may only include results from sources that pay to be included.  Which One Should You Use? The answer to this question depends on what you’re looking for. A general search engine like Google is your best bet to find some available information. However, a vertical search engine may be better if you have a specific industry or niche in mind. Finally, a metasearch engine can be a good choice if you want various perspectives on a topic. Just be sure to research any metasearch engine before using it to ensure it’s reputable and includes results from reliable sources. Most Popular Search Engines Search engines are the backbone of the Internet, providing users with a way to find the information they need. There are many popular search engines, each with unique algorithms and features. The most popular search engines are Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Google is the largest and most popular search engine, handling over 3 billion daily searches. The company uses a complex algorithm called PageRank to determine which websites should rank for each query.
Google offers other features beyond traditional web searches, such as Google Maps and Gmail. Bing is Microsoft’s search engine, handling around 2.5 billion daily searches. Bing uses a similar algorithm to Google but includes features such as social media integration and video results. Yahoo is the third largest search engine, handling around 1 billion daily searches. The company has been working hard to improve its algorithms and catch up to Google and Bing. In addition to web search, Yahoo offers various other services such as news, weather, and sports.  Many other search engines are available, but these three make up the vast majority of the market. What Are The Different Uses For Search Engines? A few different types of search engines can be used in online business. The most popular ones are Google, Yahoo, and Bing. However, there are also many other options, such as Dogpile and DuckDuckGo. Each search engine has its unique features and benefits. For example, Google is the most widely used search engine and has the most significant website database. Yahoo is known for its user-friendly interface, while Bing is known for its accurate search results. Conclusion This article helped clear up some of the confusion surrounding search engines in the Internet world. As you can see, there are various search engines, each with its benefits and drawbacks.  The best way to figure out which type of search engine is right for your needs is to experiment with each one and see which produces the best results for your business. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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