#Doggone Cats
ducktracy · 9 months
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fullmoonfireball · 1 year
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turns out i cannot leave things as just a "maybe" even when my body has decided to turn against me
apologies for the untranslated phrase in Dog Gone (Continued) but my lack of skill with japanese combined with the fact i keep randomly feeling like i'm going to faint has made me decide to stop banging my head against the wall and just. give you what i can instead.
EDIT (01/09/2024): HI HELLO THESE ARE SUPER OUTDATED! the first two have been officially translated now, and I gave the third another shot since they skipped over it! this time I was actually able to figure out what Olimar was saying!
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betasuppe · 10 months
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The dragon boy with his lil fluff nonexistent wings making his dark & anguished bf smile like sunshine♡
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drearyday · 1 year
Dog’s gone
Me: “Well cats, the dog’s gone with that weird guy” Cat # 1: “Thank all goodness” Cat # 2: “Can I watch the Dragon Prince?” Me: *starts reading Immortal Merlin* Both Cats: “Well that’s a lost cause”
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lizzie2dyefor · 2 years
Lizzie Ruler of Chromia!
Part of @/cuuno E!Smp swap!
Anons are welcome! Please do lmk if you’re addressing me or Lizzie!
SQ has her own blog now! @lady-sq Run by the same mod. Tagged as a separate character like anyone else.
The other blogs, index link and tag list found below the cut!
Main blog is @ronaldreaganoffical I use they/he and Cy/cyber/cyr/cyrs/cyberself pronouns!
E!Swap Lizzie is: A former adventurer (Read: Thief) turned emperor after a unfortunate encounter with a fey. Ren is here, he’s a dog (See: encounter with fey)
Swap layout found Here All the other blogs found Here
Inventory: Link
Index of completed threads Here (You should also be able to read them thru the [Roll Credits] tag but not in narrative order)
Tag list:
Ooc tag: Presidential address
End thread tag: [Roll Credits]
Fic tag: Interludes
gen tag: E!Swap
Joey tag: [Magic Man]
Joel tag: [Save a horse]
Pixl tag: [High Tech]
Scott tag: [Cats the musical]
Shelby tag: [posthaste]
Sausage tag: [King under the mountain]
Gem tag: [Gemini of the tay variety]
Katherine tag: [Paragon of pacifism]
Shadow Queen tag: [Double deal]
Ren tag: [Doggone Mad]
Fwhip tag: [Guardian of Sanctuary]
Anon tag: [Hello Stranger]
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catsofcalifornia · 2 months
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Cinnamon and Lady Catherine from Feral Cat Foundation in Alamo, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Feral Cat Foundation's main website.
Cinnamon and Lady Catherine are a bonded pair of fluffy 7-year-old cats. (Might be siblings; we are not sure.) Theirs is a bit of a hard-luck story, and they have some special needs. They’re looking for that special home to help them blossom, so if you think that might be yours, read on!
Six years ago, the two fluffballs were trapped in a retail parking lot as part of a feral cat fixing program. Both seemed pretty feral at first, but with one needing extra medical care and both being so doggone cute, their rescuer just couldn't bear to return them to the parking lot. She kept them at her home and worked with them, seeing substantial progress over time.
Cinnamon is a cute-as-can-be orange male cat. When he first came to us, his tail was dragging on the ground. It was found to have permanent nerve damage and had to be amputated. He didn’t seem to miss it, and has just a cute little nub on his backside now. Cinnamon has developed a sweet, demure and laid-back personality. He has such a lovable begging face when he wants pets, purrs very loudly and looks so serene when he receives them!
After some time in foster care, Cinnamon was noticed straining to urinate and was found to have bladder stones. He had surgery to remove them, and thereafter was placed on a prescription diet formulated to keep the bladder crystals from recurring and forming into stones. Right now he’s primarily eating Hills S/O dry food. (Increasing the amount of wet food would probably be even better if you can.) At any rate, he’s been maintaining on the diet for several years now, and the bladder issue has not recurred. To check up on him, we had an ultrasound done very recently, and the vet found no signs of additional stones forming. So, it’s a good indication that the diet is working as planned and keeping him healthy. The food is easy to obtain, and while it is a little more expensive than regular cat food, it’s not outrageous.
Lady Catherine is a drop-dead gorgeous calico female and Cinnamon’s best buddy. She is shyer than Cinnamon, and would require a good dose of patience as she settles into a new location. Once she gets to know someone, she can be quite friendly, rubbing coquettishly on the cat tree and hoping for a visit. She does blow a bit hot and cold and sometimes just isn’t in the mood at all. We are sure that with more personalized attention, she would continue to blossom further and really get the chance to live her best life.
For convenience since they are roommates, Lady Catherine has been eating the same food as Cinnamon (it doesn’t hurt for her to eat it, even though she doesn’t require it).
What is so much fun about these two, is watching them interact together. They spend most of their time sitting and cuddling together, or sort of weaving around each other with purrs and nuzzles. It is really sweet to see how much they love each other!
A couple years ago, this pair actually did get adopted. Their new dad adored them but tragically, he passed away unexpectedly, and the family called the rescue to come repossess the cats. They had been blissfully happy in the home, and they do not understand why they had to come back to foster care. From this experience, we know Cinnamon and Catherine would need a quiet home with patient person(s) willing to take it slow. It would probably go best to keep them in one room of the house for a month or possibly a couple months until they acclimate. They would not be a good fit for a home with kids or dogs; they have gotten very accustomed to quiet adults. They do get along great with other cats, but of course there is the food requirement so if there are other cats eating other food in the home, you’d need a method to separate Cinnamon for feeding (which certainly is not impossible and we can talk about strategies for this, if that’s your situation).
Both kitties are about 7 years old at this time. I know most people will think this is too old for a new cat… keep in mind however that with proper care, indoor kitties typically live 15-20 years. Cinnamon and Lady Catherine have a whole “ACT TWO” ahead of them! They are special kitties, and so very deserving of that second chance to live their best life. They have been fixed, brought up to date on vaccinations, and tested FIV/FELV negative. They have always done a great job of using the litterbox! There is an adoption donation to the Feral Cat Foundation (an all-volunteer organization, which helped get them out of a bad situation and provided all of their medical care) to help us continue our work with homeless cats. If you would like to meet this fluffy pair or have any questions, please reach out by phone or email!
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nichenarratives · 1 year
A Doggone Shame: Part 1
An Obscure Oneshot
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Inspiration art by Tracy J Butler
It's a rarity Mordecai finds himself home before sunrise, so it is with great delight he's enjoying some time to himself that fine autumn evening in 1926. He'd made dinner - a warming and nostalgic Matzo ball soup, with enough for tomorrow - had a shower, made a hot cup of tea and had just settled into his favourite armchair to continue reading Soldier's Pay by William Faulkner when there's a hurried, desperate knock on his apartment door.
The monochrome tom glances up, stilled in place with book in hand and cup halfway to his lips. He's not expecting to be bothered. The Lackadaisy would still be in full swing, which would keep most everyone Mordecai knows occupied until gone three tomorrow morning. It's possible Atlas has sent someone to fetch him at the last minute, but Viktor would not knock so gently, nor not announce himself.
Another knock, this one faster, more urgent. Mordecai sets his teacup down on its saucer and closes the book without saving the page, placing it on the chair. Slippered steps are silent as he crosses the room, habitually drawing a pistol from within his dressing gown on the way. He's tense as he presses his body to the wall beside the door - not the wood, as it's too flimsy - and cranes his neck to peer through the peephole, expecting at least an enemy.
Familiar large, yellow eyes framed by a deep brown bob cut stare back. The black feline sighs, though he's unsure if it is out of relief or vexation, and slips his pistol away. Taking a breath, he composes himself once more before answering the door. "Miss Pepp-Urgh!"
There had been more to his greeting, some formalities and an honest query for her visit, but Mordecai can't help but recoil when he sees what Ivy holds; a mangy animal, beady black eyes and nose standing in sharp contrast to scruffy, white fur. The creature is small enough to fit in an austere lady's handbag, sharp, unkempt claws loosely grasping Ivy's sleeve as its ratty tail swings uselessly between its legs. 
A dog, he realises with disdain, scrunching his nose at the scent of slobber and damp fur. He takes a step back into his apartment and half-closes the door between them, as if the partial physical barrier might make it less revolting. Sadly, it does little. "Miss Pepper," he tries again, forgoing formality for precision. "Why is that… thing, outside my apartment?"
The girl puffs out her cheeks. "He's not a thing, he's a dog!"
Mordecai scowls at the creature, which seems to find joy in his discomfort; the thing wags its tail more intensely and in a fit of excitement, begins to squeak and struggle in Ivy's arms until unable to get free, begins frantically licking her chin. Ivy giggles and tries to block the slobbering tongue lashes with a hand, with very limited success. "Isn't he cute? I found him running about on campus, no collar or anything. He might be a stray!"
The very prospect of being slathered with dog germs makes Mordecai feel nauseous. He has no idea why anyone would willingly cohabit with such a beast, let alone allow it to share its microbiome so recklessly. Ivy has also pointedly avoided his questions. "If it's a stray," he asks carefully, choosing his words to evoke an accurate response. "Why bring it here? Why not transport the infernal thing straight to the pound-"
Ivy gasps and foregoes protecting her face from more licks to pointlessly cover the animal's ears with her free arm and hand. "Mordecai," she admonishes through grit teeth, yellow eyes wide and judgemental. "You can't be serious? They put strays down in the pound." She uncovers the dog's ears and snuggles him close, trapping its head under her chin. "I'm going to keep him! I just have to convince someone he'll be a great addition to the cafe!"
"Wonderful," the tuxedo tom cat answers flatly, ears laying flat and eyes narrowed with resignation. He doesn't want to run into this animal again, certainly not at his place of work. Unfortunately, given their unique brand of relationship, explaining as such would only encourage Miss May to keep the thing. He'll just have to pretend not to care. Starting now. "If that's all you wished to discuss, my tea is going cold. Good evening."
"Actually," the student interjects, even pressing a boot into the space between the door and frame before it can close, bringing the dog even closer while doing so. It's difficult for Mordecai not to hiss in discomfort at the renewed proximity. "I was hoping to ask a favour."
Green eyes fixed on the mongrel within inches of his pristine home, the statement snaps his gaze to wide, hopeful yellows. Ivy looks almost as pitiful as the animal she carries, gazing up at the man her Godfather would take everywhere like his personal shadow, batting her eyelashes and offering the soft smile that always works on Viktor.
He doesn't need to hear her question. "No."
"Come on, please?" The university student begs. Apparently still oblivious to his aversion, she holds it at arm's length towards Mordecai, forcing them within an inch of each other. Its tongue lolls absently, eyes devoid of intelligent thought, and its breath is faintly tainted with an unidentifiable stench. Mordecai grimaces. "It's just one night, and Atlas is so small! He won't get in the way or anything!"
Gingerly pushing her arms - and by extension, the dog - back into the hall, Mordecai snorts humourlessly. "Naming it after my employer does not garner additional sympathy for its wretched existence," the sharpshooter responds flatly. He feels like he needs another shower just being in the same building as the creature. "What on Earth led you to believe I would willingly shelter this creature at all?"
Her mouth twisting and brows knitting together, Ivy looks away. "Actually, I… you're kinda my last choice," she admits, holding Atlas tightly as he begins to whine and squirm anew. A few gentle pets calm him down, but her eyes water when their gazes lock once more."We're not allowed to keep pets in the dorms, so I asked Viktor and Freckle and even Miss May already if he could stay, but they were all yoo busy to talk tonight. I just need time to convince someone to keep him for a night or two while I convince Atlas to keep him. Please?"
Factoring in his own sacrifices and discomforts, Mordecai can see two possible outcomes to this request. First, he can refuse to assist and force her to take the dog to the pound. While this option would make his evening more pleasant, it could also incur negative affiliations with his character, of which he already has plenty. While unbothered by their perceptions, Atlas would likely find fault, something Mordecai does care to incur.
Alternatively, he could agree to house the glorified rat for a night or two, bolster his social standing with the few people he cares for the opinions of - namely, Atlas and Viktor, who are both fond of Miss Pepper - and garner appreciation from Ivy. Factoring in time to feed and clean up after the dog, it's a substantial and exhaustive alternative, but the potential benefits could outweigh the short-term detriments.
Despite the logical analysis, Mordecai feels like he's making a mistake when he sighs and opens his door wider again. "It can stay in the bathroom tonight," he concedes, but raises a stilling palm when Ivy begins to vibrate with excitement on the threshold. "A single night, Miss Pepper. I don't have the time nor patience to coddle the mongrel beyond that."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The young feline speaks as she steps inside, bouncing on her heels as she heads for the bathroom backwards, so she can continue talking to her newest benefactor as she goes. "I'll bring him some food in the morning and go straight to Miss May to talk about Atlas after! I promise, you won't even know he's here! We just have to set him up with some old blankets for a bed."
Dark ears fold back, already regretting his decision. He'd not considered the messier components of a dog staying in his apartment, having assumed it would sleep on the tiles. "I do not own any old blankets; they are of the finest-"
"That's okay, he won't mind!" Ivy deposits the small bundle of problems onto the tiled bathroom floor and pivots straight to the airing cupboard, opening it up and extracting a slew of pristine, carefully folded sheets. To the tuxedo's horror - and before he can object - said sheets are dumped onto the likely bacteria-ridden tiled floor next to the toilet. "There! It's perfect! Now, some newspapers."
Mordecai has yet to recover from his dirtied sheets, hackles raised and tail fluffed when he dares to ask as Ivy retreats into the living area: "Newspapers?"
"Of course!" She yells from the next room, a sifting of paper as she rifles through his magazine rack. Mordecai stares at the little dog sniffing around his bathroom and the bundle of sheets with great interest. Its nose creates an obnoxious, displeasing snort with every breath, like a wheezing vacuum cleaner in dire need of a filter change. "In case he needs to go potty!"
Ivy reappears with an arm full of old broadsheets just as this new information clicks into place. The tom turns on her with a sharpness that could dislocate a lesser man's neck, his disgust evident on his usually carefully modulated muzzle. "Potty-? No, he is not… relieving himself in my bathroom. He will have to refrain until morning."
The black feline glances back to see Atlas is making himself at home in his borrowed sheets, climbing all over them while his nose works overtime. Mordecai shudders, deciding that once this ordeal is over with, he'll burn them, just to be sure whatever contaminants the beast left behind are dealt with. Ivy seems less concerned as she kneels down and sets out a number of sheets of paper. "He's a dog, not a person. He can't just hold it until you take him out."
Sitting back on her haunches, the university student studies her handiwork with a look of satisfaction. "There!" She says, leaning over to scratch behind a flopping ear. Atlas tilts his head slightly into the attention and begins jerkily twitching a back leg, his tongue lolling stupidly from his drooling maw. Ivy giggles. "You're all set, little guy! Now, be good for Uncle Mordecai, okay. Of course you will! Yes, you will!"
Mordecai watches the pair exchange idiocies with a sense of dread. He feels foolish, for being so shortsighted with his expectations. What had seemed to be a simple favour has already evolved into discomfort in his own home. The oddly overly-affectionate farewell Ivy offers the dog only intensifies those feelings, though he can't pinpoint a distinct emotion to associate it with as she kisses it's revolting head and stands back up.
"Thank you so much!" She reiterates as she turns back to the older feline lingering in the bathroom doorway. To both his surprise and relief, Ivy seems to step toward him for a hug, only to reconsider and falter at the last moment. An awkward second of silence passes before she clears her throat and edges around him, towards the front door. "I really mean it. Thank you! You saved that dog's life, Mr Heller. I'll make sure Atlas knows what a good man you are! See you tomorrow!"
She lets herself out, and Mordecai finds himself alone with a panting mongrel, the warm scents of saliva and dog seeping into the air as they stare each other down. The tuxedo tom cat wrinkles his nose, takes a step back into the living room and closes the bathroom door with care, eliminating the new problem from his peaceful evening. One night, he reassures himself as settled back into his chair, book in hand and a sip of lukewarm tea, trying to relax. How difficult can a dog be?
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While I'm at it here's some propaganda for TRAJEDA!
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Trajeda is the five-year-old daughter of Tannufia, a woman of Silen Fah, and Ryan, a cowboy from the 1800's. She's small, bubbly, and full of wonder and love of life. She loves nothing more than to run outside and play! Especially if her adopted sister Madeline, or her cat, plays too!
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Madeline and Trajeda
Alas, while Trajeda is all sunshine and snuggles, her life... has a dark cloud over it. Humans, when they come to Silen Fah, develop various superpowers, and while she is a native to this world, she is half-human and has suffered the consequences. Most people get good abilities, but Trajeda got stuck with dreams that can see into the future. Or at least, potential futures. Her country is at war, so you can imagine the visions she's been stuck with.
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But she doesn't let those bad dreams keep her down! Life will be good and she will make it so, doggone it! Now everybody please stop fighting and come and play with her!
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Cosplaying as Fi from Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
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Halloween isn't a thing in her world either she's just really fun to draw okay?
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As a baby, with her dad <3
A vote for Trajeda is a hug for her and she will love you!
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aiweirdness · 2 years
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I used GPT-3 to come up with some novelty sock concepts.
GPT-3 Ada (2020):
“Cruxx” Slurpees with a fish in an orange “Fängche” with french fries on top of a pocket-full of ice cream A shirt made out of a jello stick – it looks like a hamburger, but it’s not. “A halved grapefruit!” with lollipops Some kind of replica of The Lord of the Rings party balloon, with rainbow balls, pink hoses, and blood in tributes to the Great Hair String of Friendship Over a million memory sticks made from stars “Shocking in the head!” more brightly colored balloons
In my original prompt format I used quotes for text that was actually written on the sock, which means that Ada's lollipops sock has the words "a halved grapefruit" written on it. And the jello stick hamburger item is not a shirt, but a sock with a picture of the shirt on it. Unless Ada has completely lost the plot and is not even generating socks anymore, which frankly is likely.
Babbage is the next-largest GPT-3 model from 2020, and it is doing better at being socks, although many of its socks seem very tricky to illustrate.
GPT-3 Babbage (2020):
Robots posing with some butter “Ink!” cats with pink blotches Violins and Prawns “Santa it is” with polar bears and elves in a sleigh “Dreamy ghosts” ghosts with binoculars “Rainbow Rap!” hot air balloons and boing! boing! A twin-headed dragon jumps through a trap door A potato upside down with superpowers A day going on but no moon just like a horror movie Slightly more coherent are the socks from the next-largest GPT-3 model, Curie.
GPT-3 Curie (2020)
The Statue of Liberty with a 3-sided pancake. Orca whale jumping through a ring of socks. Octopus holding lemons “Turtle is Delighted” turtle with a backpack A stampede with bulls and zebras Pumpkin patch with cutouts of squirrels having a picnic “Make a toast to the kachunkers” with a bear holding a glass of tomato juice Grinning neutrinos with dirty fingers “As above, so below” with cats on the moon A lion eating a Space Shuttle Hamsters skating down a rainbow
GPT-3 DaVinci (2020):
Massive group of goats wearing party hats Unicorn riding a rainbow Flying hedgehog Robotic bulldog Ninjas and kittens “Lmao!” a flatulent dog with a mustache Googly eyed donuts wrapped in bacon A set of eyes wearing suspenders and monocle “Come on in! The water’s liquid!” – grumpy cat in red bathing suit “I can Haz!” a sitting Trojan Horse “Bark like doggone it!” dancing dogs on black background
Note that as the models get bigger, GPT-3's socks start becoming more conventionally "trendy", like a lolrandom site from 10 years ago. Technically that's what it's going for - it's trained to reproduce the websites from its training data.
More at AI Weirdness
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elliott-the-creature · 3 months
Ask game :3
🌲= I would say my main theriotypes are dog (specifically Duck tolling retriever and Cavalier king charles spaniel) and cat (specifically Norwegian forest cat and munchkin/american curl mix). I seem to flip flop between which ones are the most prominent, so I chose both of these.
🌻= I don’t have too many songs with lyrics that reminds me of my theriotypes, but I have a few without lyrics. For dog, they would be Doggone Dogfight (cuphead dlc), Dog Nightmare (jack stauber), Dog (C418), Home (undertale), clan settlement (pokemon legends arceus), and jubilife village outdoors (pokemon legends arceus (version 2)). Honourable mention goes to the 101 dalmatian and Lady and the Tramp soundtracks. For cat, they would be fazathecat, cats (the living tombstone), cat (C418), death (C418), and the heartwood (pokemon legends arceus). For dragon, they would be stand tall (lena raine), wending (lena raine), echo in the wind (aaron cherof), the real world (owl city), wrong path (rolling sky 2), vinicunca mountain (rolling sky 2), obsidian fieldlands (pokemon legends arceus (version 2)), lake theme (pokemon legends arceus), ho-oh battle theme (oras), area zero (pokemon scarlet and violet), and castle in the mist (ico). And for water, they would be dragon fish (C418), axolotl (C418), bubblaine (super mario odyssey), explorers (sky sailing), in all my dreams I drown (jessica lowndes), stranded lullaby (miracle musical), and I cover the waterfront (the ink spots).
⭐️= having multiple theriotypes is great! Each type represents me perfectly, and I would feel pretty empty if I didn’t have all my types. They all seem to mesh pretty well with each other, so I haven’t had many identity issues so far.
(Link to the sheet to see what the questions were and more questions to ask me)
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spyborg-au-official · 3 months
Hehehe get those cat hairs all over Spyborg. Protect him through allergy triggers!
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calebwittebane · 4 months
gaia update!
her next appointment is later today, still monitoring the new tumor before we decide on the next step... sure hope this time chemo ends up being enough, i really dont want her to have to go thru yet another surgery. its a risk every time for an older cat like her. plus its in a difficult spot this time, close to ligaments and stuff. also, and i know its a strange thing to say, in this case her loving me so much actually constitutes something a problem... she fully wakes up the second she hears my voice or smells my presence, when it wouldve been better for her to sleep off the nausea and grogginess for a little longer 😭 but at the same time i dont wanna wait longer to pick her up because i know she'd be very very upset to wake up while i wasn't there. babyyyy
right now shes feeling and looking okay though. she got some anti-inflammatory shots on monday to help with her teefies, cuz her gums had been hurting (probably its cuz her immune system aint doing so hot rn), and it really helped. she ate a LOT yesterday and seemed really content about it. full tummy gaia :) the problem with her and her teeth is that it's kind of a recurring issue, once again probably stemming from her immune system getting kinda overwhelmed, and it makes it hard for her to eat her kibble (even if the bikkies are small, and soaking them isn't an option because she will NOT touch soggy bikkies even if she's very hungry). while id love to just switch her to wet food full time, that makes her poops very soft (very bad news for her and her funny furry pantaloons) and i... dont have the budget for it... i wouldnt give her and amity anything with a vague ingredients list and without stellar reviews, and high quality wet food in the "full meals every day" quantity is just not something i can afford. so she gets a nice spoonful of her favorite wet food (or canned tuna! she loooooves tuna) after taking her meds and thats it. i love that since its a reward for swallowing her pills, and amity gets the wet food too, amity always stands close and bonks gaia beforehand, like she's encouraging her and saying good luck... amity has been very nice to gaia in general lately. i mean she's still a bit of a nuisance to her, just because their personalities clash a little, but shes been trying hard to be very gentle. i loooooove amity's new habit of kissing gaia's paws. it's so sweet and adorable... thats right amity, your big sister is very fancy and chic, with dainty pawsies that need to be kissed!
she's also been very playful, which is good. she's got energy! and a new favorite toy, once again its part of a larger toy amity customized for herself (ripped parts off of) and it's this soft fuzzy orb thing. she's also been a little whiny, but i'm pretty sure that's just her complaining about the heat, it's not uncommon for her in summertime. she feels better when the fan is pointing at her. oh and she hates the lawnmowers outside... i dont wake up from the noises i wake up from her yelling at the noises ajdhfbxkdj. shes so annoyed.
wish it were easier to get a pet groomer appointment in this doggone town. a lion cut would definitely help her cope with the temperatures. plus knowing how funny she looks when her fur is wet id love to see her BALD she would look soooo funny. all the places with good reviews are always fully booked though it seems. swear to god this is all such a scam, Back In My Day if your cat was in surgery you could ask the vet to go ahead and give them a lion cut while they were still under anesthesia lmao. my own clippers just don't work with her fur either, it's too fine and soft. the cons of being a fluffy cloud... a toasted meringue angel... a lovely tiramisu girl... a silly baby s'more... a caramel frappucino princess...
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ducktracy · 1 year
HIII recently I've been inspired by you to look into other Golden-Era LT art directors because I've been really curiois about what I like the most about specifically Sylvester designs... It's been really fun too, because I've just ended up in this really insane rabbit-hole about early Sylvester incarnations... It's really funny how they nailed his personality in Life With Feathers only to end up experimenting for the next 5 or so shorts.. It's also really interesting how specifically Art Davis did these really unexpected takes on him, specifically in Doggone Cats and Catch as a Cat Can .. long story short, not only do I wanna see more of Sylvester in a trickster role, but I've also found that I just REALLY like Art Davis's take on Sylvester design-wise, I just really like the rounder shapes and the increased expressiveness and elasticity.. It makes him feel more catlike, in a way..
ALSO THIS ISNT RLLY A QUESTION OR ANYTHING i just really wanted to spill my thoughts out of my head because they keep bouncing around. I think I'm gonna specifically specialize in Sylvester history for no reason..
HELLO!!!! OH MY GOODNESS WHAT A SWEET ASK!!! i’m so happy to hear i could inspire you! 🥹🥹🥹 it’s definitely very fulfilling getting to connect names to cartoons and to drawing styles, so i’m glad you’re taking the deep dive! AND WITH ART DAVIS ESPECIALLY!! he truly is so underrated. a great director and an even more amazing animator!
YEAH i totally see what you mean by Davis’ Sylvester! his take on the character isn’t one i think of often, but it’s just because i haven’t seen those shorts as many times as his other ones. i agree, and i love that he had the ballsiness to just do this completely different take on the character that nobody has attempted since LOL. there’s probably a reason for that… but, at the same time, it’s uniquely funny. for those who have not seen an Art Davis Sylvester cartoon:
my favorite take on Sylvester is probably Bob McKimson’s ‘40s take for similar reasons you listed—i love how frumpy and haggard and just… kinda nasty he is LOL with the tiny eyes and the giant, round nose and muzzle. ideally, Bob Clampett’s is my favorite (black nose and yellow eyes and all!) but with only one cartoon—save for some storyboards for another, RIP Fat Rat and the Stupid Cat—that’s not really much to go off of.
if you like Davis’ Sylvester, then definitely look to Friz Freleng’s shorts as well! i know it’s not quite the same given he’s under the art direction of Friz and Hawley Pratt, but Davis was easily his best animator and he animated some incredibly memorable moments in those cartoons. Tweety’s Circus in particular is a masterclass of his animation and almost makes watching a Tweety cartoon worthwhile
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cartoonkitten · 4 months
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doggone cat
(inspired by @/shoptunnelvision)
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disneytva · 1 year
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Disney Networks - June 2023 HIGHLIGHTS
Hailey’s On It!
The Beginning of the Friend SERIES PREMIERE 6/8
Beta'd and Hooked ; The Wild, Wild Mess 6/8
The Last Sand ; The Show Must Go Wrong 6/17
Catching Felines ; It's All Gonna Be OK-Pop 6/17
Cubix Dudes ; Cos-played 6/24
Road Trippin' ; Escape Doom 6/24 
Built To Build ; Pup DE-struction SERIES PREMIERE 6/14
Hush Puppies ; Beach Day Build-Off" 6/14
Bailey's Birthday Coaster ; Doggone Tired 6/15
Fast And Furriest ; Luna Digs Deep 6/16
Fresh Outta Grandmas ; Maybe-sitting 6/17
Everyday I'm Riddlin' Riddlin' ; Life On The Inside 6/24 
Hamster And Gretel
Let's Sea What You've Got ; Churro's Day Out 6/24 
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Squadron ; Forest Defender 6/2
The Jedi and the Thief ; The Missing Kibbin 6/9
Cat Tree Caper ; Showstopper 6/2
Sparks vs. Sparks ; Poochy Playdate 6/9
Voice With No Choice ; Brother Battle 6/23
The Super Safety Show ; Job-O-Rama Day 6/30
Alice’s Wonderland Bakery
Fiesta Of The Red & White Roses ; Peanut Butter Change-Up SEASON PREMIERE 28/6
Party Like Kiki!; The Puff Pastry Palace 28/6
Hattie Wishes Upon A Star; Season's Eatings 28/6
Freeze; The A-Team 28/30
Mickey Mouse Funhouse
HALT, Tiger! ; You Gotta Be Kitten Me! 6/9
Spidey And His Amazing Friends
Super Scooter ; The Lost Web Shooter 6/9
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dailylooneys · 1 year
Happy 118th Birthday Arthur Davis (1905 - 2000)
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One of the most underrated cartoon directors at Warner Bros. own Termite Terrace.
Davis first started at WB as one of Frank Tashlin’s animators up until Tashlin left to pursue his direction in live-action films, then became Bob Clampett’s animator.
He is perhaps best known by fans today as, what I call, the “Second Bob Clampett” of Warner Bros. post-Clampett. Inheriting Clampett’s old unit, sharing many artistic similarities to Clampett’s famously rubbery and elastic directional style, however, Davis’s animation was significantly slightly watered-down, it was still rubbery, but bouncy and emphasized quite heavily on drybrush effects. 
Naturally, it was Davis who completed a few of Clampett’s cartoons after leaving the studio, such as “Bacall to Arms” (his directorial debut), “The Goofy Gophers” (Mac & Tosh’s first appearance) and “The Big Snooze” (written by Clampett himself). 
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Interestingly, in an interview with Milton Gray, Davis himself admitted to not understanding Clampett’s humor. Davis was also insecure of the strength of the writing in his cartoons as he put more focus on the animation and gags if he feared the writing was mediocre (but that was NOT AT ALL the case).
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Davis is noted for directing only ONE Bugs Bunny short, Bowery Bugs, as there was a rule that new directors were unable to touch the cartoon studios' biggest star until they have proven themselves worthy of directed a Bugs cartoon, which also explains why Frank Tashlin, also well, directed only TWO Bugs Bunny shorts (The Unruly Hare and Hare Remover), and why Davis did more one-shots than shorts with major characters (however, this rule didn’t seem to apply to McKimson whose first cartoon star WB’s second most popular star, Daffy Duck in Daffy Doodles).
Davis’s characteristics in his cartoons, when doing either one-shots or any of the established characters, was, again similar to Clampett, as well as Robert McKimson. Davis’s take on Bugs and Daffy were close to Clampett and early-to-mid 40s’ Jones, both being wacky screwballs at their best, while Davis’s Sylvester was drastically different from the more familiar Freleng Sylvester. Davis’s Sylvester was depicted as a dimwit with a simpleton voice in “Catch as Cats Can” and once portrayed Sylvester as silent and having a unnamed brother in “Doggone Cats”. 
Later on, because of budget cuts, Davis reluctantly produced his short in Cinecolor instead of Technicolor, which was already standard for theatrical Hollywood cartoons.
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Sadly, after a total of 23 shorts (ending with “Bye, Bye, Bluebeared” and his film “A Ham in a Role” being done by Robert McKimson), Davis was no longer in the directors’ chair when WB decided to do, again, budget cuts at their cartoon studio. Friz Freleng offered Davis the opportunity to be his animator without the use of his distinctly energetic animation we’ve come to associate his and Clampett’s cartoons with as the budgets got tighter and tighter. As later into the early 1960s, Davis directed “Quackodile Tears“, which was only the slow beginning of WB cartoons dark ages, and the end of an era for Hollywood animation.
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Afterwards, Davis was an animator at Walter Lantz Productions (famous for Woody Woodpecker, Andy Panda and Chilly Willy), continued his directional work at DePatie-Freleng Enterprise (famous for creating the Pink Panther), then at Hanna-Barbera (coincidentally was one of the directors for the first season of A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, which I’m sure he got a kick out of), continued to animate on later Looney Tunes-related projects like The Yolks on You and Daffy Flies North (1980). He retired afterwards in 1988 and died on May 9th, 2000.
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Courtesy of Cartoon Research https://cartoonresearch.com/index.php/an-art-davis-scrapbook/
A drawing Davis did when he was getting a heart bypass surgery. Here, is a caricature of a nurse who the WB character fawn over in 1980.
Davis-directed shorts:
 Bacall to Arms (1946)
The Big Snooze (1946) 
 Mouse Menace (1946) 
The Goofy Gophers (1947) 
The Foxy Duckling (1947) 
Doggone Cats (1947) 
Mexican Joyride (1947) 
Catch as Cats Can (1947) 
Two Gophers from Texas (1948) 
What Makes Daffy Duck (1948) 
A Hick a Slick and a Chick (1948) 
Nothing but the Tooth (1948) 
Bone Sweet Bone (1948) 
The Rattled Rooster (1948)
Dough Ray Me-ow (1948)
The Pest That Came to Dinner (1948)
Odor of the Day (1948)
The Stupor Salesman (1948) 
Riff Raffy Daffy (1948) 
Holiday for Drumsticks (1949) 
Porky Chops (1949) 
Bowery Bugs (1949) 
Bye, Bye Bluebeard (1949) 
Quackodile Tears (1962)
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