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kai-the-creature · 9 months ago
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Made some kin affirming moodboards for myself based on 3 of my kintypes/hearttypes! It was actually pretty enjoyable to make :3
I don’t take requests for moodboards, I did these solely for myself. Please don’t ask for moodboards; I may do them someday, but not today. /lh /nm
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autumn-b0nes · 8 months ago
Ok so I’ve been researching and analyzing myself, I still don’t know if it’s a specific kind of water (rain, lake, ocean) but I think it might be a hearttype.
I have one other hearttype, a mourning dove, and this feels similar to that.
Back into the research pile I go 👋💧
Looking into elementkin stuff bc as i learn more about it im questioning waterkin 🥲
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aeon-of-trailblaze · 6 months ago
Although im not waterkin/waterhearted, as a fellow elementkin i have a recommendation of a webnovel to yall!
It's called "Elqueeness" and it's a 2004 korean web novel about a teenage boy who dies in a car accident and finds out that he is actually the Water Spirit King, Elqueeness, and that he was mistakenly born as a human. Then, the story follows his adventures as a Spirit King with human memories in a fantasy world.
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Tw: The story contains transphobia, misogyny, sexism, strong beauty standards and talks a lot about death since the protagonist is immortal.
Although I'm not waterkin, this story made me awaken as an elementkin and it's very special to me. It is THE wish fulfillment fantasy for me lols
In terms of quality i give it a solid 3/5. I love this story very much but the sexism really took me out many times and, towards the end there were many plotlines either left hanging or straight up rushed and not finished properly. It managed make me cry a lot tho, so props for that.
I recommend not going in expecting high levels of literature, but i still think its worth reading. The protagonist and the cast are very likeable, the worldbuilding is interesting especially in the later half and the novel is just a very fun read. It's a type of unforgettable story that marks your forever, and, even with it's failings, you will still love and appreciate it in the end.
And, if you're otherkin but specifically elementkin/conceptkin/ spiritkin like me, it's a heaven for self insert fantasies!
So please, read it! Its worthy it!
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a-skrub · 8 months ago
Ard attacks from yesterday
to WaterHearted and Artuko
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Fart (nerevarine)
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moon-the-therian12 · 25 days ago
TW: VENT | well uhh basically I feel uncomfortable around my "friends"
Okay so idrk how to start this. Its definetly gonna be long. Ignore any typos that I make
So for contex (you can skip this its just me generally venting ill color the main part so u can find it easily) I'm in my first freshman year (yes first, I will have multiple cuz the school system in my country is weird asf and you can leave for high school multiple times, i left trom my 2nd school mainly cuz of my toxic friends (and because it was just a shitty place overall (also some of my ex friends are in the same school but in the science class but im in the ict-english one)) so yes.) and i just dont know how to fit in with the girls.
I have this skin condition that doesnt let me be in water a lot (my hygene is kinda bad partially bc of this) and so i dont swim but i dont think my friends take it seriously. They prolly think its just an excuse to not swim, which is not true, i would really love to swim, I actually have a tinyy bit of dysphoria cuz i cant swim, since im waterhearted and a seawing fictionkin.
Now I already felt sorta uncomfy around them. I just cant fit in with neurotypical people in general, even tho I am one, or atleast I'm not doagnosed with anything altough I'm 90% sure that I have ASD a maybe some identity disorder or amt disossative (?) and definetly social anxiety and maybe chronophobia (i asked my parents they regised to zake me to get a proper diagnosis for asd, i didnt tell them the rest yet). So I already gind it hard to fit in, also I'm kind of a nerd, not THAT type of nerd i just like being in school and i like to do research on stuff i like, mainly biology or science overall, and also some other stuff like i chose to do pushups and other excersoses instead of my thumb going backwards, having 2 blue spots in my arm and being anxious for 45 minu- MY BAD I MEAN PLAYING VOLLEYBALL on pe, because thats aparantley weird that i stick with the safer harder option than the more dangerous easier one. Also I tend to get dizzy during pe so i didnt wanna risk it. Oh also i got weird stares when i asked for C6H12O6 (forgot the name in englishs o im using this chemistry thingy sry) after pe cuz i felt dizzy (luckily i had other candy with me).
NOW TO THE ACTUAL PART so today we had this psychologist come in on one of the classes so she can teach us abt stress and how to get rid of it, i didnt think anything would go wrong until she told us to form groups. We had to draw a gingerbrrad figure and put dots where we can feel stress and them she announced that someone will have to read ir from the group in front of everyome. My class is 35+ ppl btw. So the entire group was like "X *puts hand on our chest forming an x*" and now, 1 girl did it first, then 4 of us, then another girl. But it all happened so fast that no one saw who was last exactly (even im not sure i may be wrong) so they argued then some very smart ass person sais "how about *my name*? Cuz she doesnt have to swim" Yeah uh if its possible to have a panic attack without breathing issues I had one RIGHT THERE AFTER I PROCESSED WHAT HAPPENED. GIRL KNOWS THAT I DONT SWIM CUZ I PHYSICALLY CANT, IT DOESNT RELATE, THERE WERE OTHERS WHO DID LESS IN THE GROUP ACTIVITY THAN ME, AND SOMEHOW THE ENIRE GROUP FOUND IT A GOOD IDEA. Like thats the last straw for me. So the teacher calls on us and they all say my name and im like "im not reading it" (i told them before when they suggested that that logic doesnt make sense and that i wont), one of the girls (ily bestie, actually the one qho i get along w oretty well) just gravbed the paper and read it. I feel kinda guilty ngl but like no not reading the absolute crap they wrote down there because I WILL BE THE ONE EMBARASSED. And so after that we got ANOTHER task, "how to deal with stress". I gave them multiple ideas that they tirned down, later orher groups said the exact same things and it was correct 🙄.
Im tired of not having a good friend group. I JUST WANT TO SOCIALIZE DAMN IT. I dont know whats the problem, im trying but it doesnt work. I get good grades and try to be nice, i always send the kids that didnt come to schopl my notes, etc but i just simpym dont know who to hang out with. My current friends (except one) , well i just feel like it isnt working out. I am DEFINETLY NOT hamging out with the popular type girls. And rbh I would hang out with thr boys but im closeted (im agender + demiromantic + ace + omnisexual w the prefernce of girls but i just really cant see myself datong anyone) so it would be weird and i would be called a pick me 100% which is not what i need from my mental health rn. I could get friends from other classes, i already have some but we cant see eachother every vreak cuz my school is way to big and i do not want to walk across it and walk up 4 stairs for like what? 3 minutes? There isnt more time than that.
Also its late im gonna go to sleep afzer i pack my bag but i acidentally left my pe bag at school and since i had swimming today i brought crocs and not my normal shoes and idk how ill get my normal shoes into school. My parents said in a bag but like huh? Am i gonna be beinging it in a zransparent bag? Am i gonna walk into school with a random bag? Wtf thats insane idk what to do im scared of getting weird looks and i already feel like everyone is staring at me when im uncomfortable.
Also i dont wanna switch schools cuz this is amahing, the teachers are nice, and its well equipped i just cant fit in.
Thanks for reading ♡
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its-wabby-stuff · 2 months ago
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Lula Waterheart.
She’s got magical water hair! 😍
I designed my brothers book character from middle school lol. At my indiscretion, submit your cringy book characters- their personality and description and some of their backstory- and maybe I’ll draw up some sketches, like below vvv
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trashbongo · 10 months ago
os core put me on
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kylersharp · 7 days ago
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ON SALE NOW! This Chris Cornell poster is finally available at my website >> https://kylersharp.com/product/chris-cornell-waterheart-limited-edition-screen-printed-poster/ <<
The poster is big! 24x36. It’s a 3-color screen print. Limited edition of 118 pieces.
Beautifully printed by Lady Lazarus Fine Printing. Thanks for looking!
#chriscornell #soundgarden #templeofthedog #audioslave #noonesingslikeyouanymore #screenprintedposter
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seven-seas1 · 12 days ago
Waterhearted is a label under the otherhearted umbrella in the alterhuman community, to put it simply it is feeling incredibly close to/having a close connection to water (it can be described in different ways, it might help to look at the definition of otherhearted)
The waterhearted flag i made a while ago:
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fourbirdsinahoodie · 7 months ago
So. I realized recently that my identity is connected to water or nature?? Idk. Do we have a microlabel for this yet? If we don't, I think naturehearted, waterhearted, or oceanhearted work for me. Also possibly cryptids, which is the same idea. Cryptidhearted. All of these feel wild and ancient, and each resonates with me.
Being otherhearted means your identity is connected to, but not being, (blank). I believe.
That's all, thanks for your time!
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kai-the-creature · 9 months ago
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Pt. 2 of my hearttypes as moodboards! I tried out stimboards for the first time, and after making this one, I don’t think I’ll make another one… it was too tricky trying to find the right gifs, and the formatting was kinda annoying. I still enjoy this one though
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frostgen-x-paradise4net · 2 years ago
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aeon-of-trailblaze · 8 months ago
I recently awakened myself as elementkin, and im 100% sure im windkin, but also i identify a LOT with water.
Idk if it's another kintype like. Im wind + water at the same time, or if I'm waterhearted
I think it will take me some time ti figure it out
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cyberbenb · 2 years ago
Victoria Amelina, a Ukrainian writer, and our dearest colleague, passed away
Daniel Mordzinski
With our greatest pain, we inform you that Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina passed away on July 1st in Mechnikov Hospital in Dnipro. Her death was caused by injuries incompatible with life, which she suffered from during the Russian missile shelling of a restaurant in Kramatorsk on June 27th, 2023. We are announcing this news now when all Victoria's family members have learned about it and with their consent.
On June 27th, Victoria Amelina, Ukrainian writer and member of PEN Ukraine, who has been documenting Russian war crimes with the human rights initiative Truth Hounds, was in Kramatorsk with a delegation of Colombian writers and journalists. As they were having dinner at the Ria Lounge restaurant downtown, Russians launched a missile attack on this restaurant. Victoria was severely injured. Doctors and paramedics in Kramatorsk and Dnipro did everything they could to save her life, but the injuries were fatal and incompatible with life. In the last days of Victoria’s life, her closest people and friends were with her.
Based upon interviews with witnesses, PEN Ukraine and Truth Hounds said earlier that the Russian shelling of a civilian object in a Ukrainian city was another war crime of the Russian army in Ukraine. The analysis of destruction and evidence from witnesses show that Russians use a high-precision Iskander missile. They clearly knew that they were shelling a place with many civilians inside. We know of 13 dead and about 60 wounded.
Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Victoria Amelina has expanded her work far beyond literature. In 2022 she joined the human rights organization Truth Hounds. She has been documenting Russian war crimes on de-occupied territories in the Eastern, Southern and Northern parts of Ukraine, in particular in Kapytolivka near Izyum where she found a diary of Volodymyr Vakulenko, a Ukrainian writer killed by the Russians.
During this time Victoria also started working on her first non-fiction book in English. In War and Justice Diary: Looking at Women Looking at War, which should soon be published abroad, Victoria tells stories of Ukrainian women who are documenting Russian war crimes, and their lives during the war. She also did advocacy work in other countries, calling on the governments of those countries to enhance Ukrainian defense against Russian aggression by supplying weapons to Ukraine, and demanding justice and the international tribunal for all those who organized and committed Russian war crimes in Ukraine. She also raised the issue of commonalities in the anti-colonial fight of Ukrainians and other nations of the world.
Victoria Amelina was born on January 1st, 1986, in Lviv. While still in school, she moved to Canada with her father, but soon decided to come back to Ukraine. In 2007 she received her master’s in computer technology cum laude from Lviv Polytechnic University. In 2005-2015 she worked in international IT companies.
In 2014 she published her first novel, The November Syndrom, or Homo Compatiens. The book was listed in the top 10 of the best prose books, according to the annual rating of LitAktsent, a Ukrainian literature website. It was republished the next year and entered the shortlist of Valeriy Shevchuk Prize.
In 2015, Victoria Amelina suspended her work in IT and dedicated herself fully to her writing. In 2016 she published her first children’s book, Somebody, or Waterheart. Her next book, Storie-e-es of Eka the Excavator was published in 2021. Her second novel, Dom’s Dream Kingdom (Dim dlya Doma), was published in 2017 with Old Lion Publishers in Lviv. The book was shortlisted for both national and international awards: LitAktsent 2017 Prize UNESCO City of Literature Prize, and the European Union Prize for Literature. Knyzhkova Toloka, a book festival in Zaporizhzhia, named Dom’s Dream Kingdom the best prose book of the year.
Victoria Amelina’s texts have been published in translation into Polish, Czech, German, Dutch, and English. Dom’s Dream Kingdom has been recently translated into Spanish.
In 2021 Victoria received the Joseph Conrad-Korzeniowski literature prize. The same year, she founded the New York Literature Festival in the town of New York in the Bakhmut rayon of the Donetsk oblast, Eastern part of Ukraine.
We share the tremendous pain and express the sincerest compassion to the family members, friends, and colleagues of our dearest Victoria.
Very soon her family members will inform you about the time and place of the farewell gathering and funeral of Victoria in Kyiv and Lviv.
For us, Victoria’s friends and colleagues, it is very important the cultural initiatives set up by her, could last. Very soon we will share with you information about the ways you can support her life’s work.
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safedryoutcom · 4 years ago
Tankless Water Heater
As the name suggests, a tankless water heater helps to heat the water directly without the tank’s usage. This type of heater is quite famous these days as it takes less space than the traditional water heaters. There is a constant supply of hot water through the help of a tankless water heater. When turned on for hot water, the cold water runs through a pipe in the tankless water heater and is further heated with the help of gas, burner or an electric element. A tankless water heater can be an excellent option for big families, as they might need a lot of hot water, and installing more than one water heater may be common for them. Having a tankless water heater ensures that you will always have hot water available for showers, dishes, and laundry. A tankless water heater provides you with an ample amount of hot water whenever needed, and it also helps save a lot on your utility bills.
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Whenever there is a need for water, and the tap for the hot water turns on, the cold water flows through the tankless water heater from the inlet pipe.
When the water reaches the bottom of the water heater, the flames ignite and charge two of the heat exchangers.
While the water passes through a stainless steel heat exchanger, the water gets preheated.
The water finally exits through the hot water outlet and is continuously heated throughout the process.
As soon as the hot water tap switches off, the flow of cold water into the tankless water heater stops.
Types Of Tankless Water Heaters
Electric Heaters
Electric tankless water heaters can be the best choice for you if you have a house that already has a wired electric water heater. An electric tankless water heater is considered to be one of the most energy-efficient water heaters today. Getting an electric tankless water heater when your house has the apt electricity supply will save you a lot on utility bills. Going for gas or any other option would cost you more. Electric tankless water heaters can boost up the energy efficiency up to 99%.
Gas Heaters
Gas tankless heaters can be the best option for big families and commercial usage. The reason for the same is because the tankless gas heaters are more efficient and powerful than the electric ones. Gas heaters can be the best option for you if your house wiring does not support water heating. Choosing an electric one in such a case will increase your utility bills. Since they are more efficient than electric ones, they are more expensive. This type of water heater comes with an additional accessory known as a condensing unit. A condensing unit uses the heat from the exhaust fumes to heat water, and thus works more efficiently than the regular tankless water heaters.
Commercial Heaters
A heater for a commercial purpose should have a high BTU and flow rate. For industrial use, the water requirement is heavy, so the hot water system should be quick. Mostly the commercial heaters are gas-powered.
Whole-House Water Heaters
Often people install multiple tankless water heaters so that there is a hot water supply in the entire house. But if you are someone who does not want to go for multiple heaters, you can choose whole-house water heaters. It is a single tankless water heater that delivers hot water supply in the entire house. In such water heaters, you should always pay attention to the number of water outlets it has.
Portable and RV Heaters
As the name suggests, these are the tankless heaters and are portable. This type of heater does the same work as the others.
Hybrid Water Systems
This type of water heater is comparatively more expensive than the others. Hybrid water systems are a mixture of both the traditional and the latest tankless water heaters. This type of heater moves heat from one area to another rather than generating heat.
How To Select A Tankless Water Heater
If you are going to buy a tankless water heater for the first time, then you should consider the below points mentioned below.
Fuel type and availability
Energy efficiency
Benefits Of Tankless Water Heaters
Low utility bills: Since the tankless water heaters do not have to store water and can give hot water as soon as the tap for hot water turns on, it saves a lot of energy and results in low utility bills.
Continuous supply of hot water: You often receive a splash of cold water while taking a shower, which happens with the tank-based water heaters when the stored water finishes. With tankless water heaters, you can forget this issue as it can supply 7-15.2 litres of hot water.
Better longevity: In the long run, tankless water heaters are the best; they require less maintenance and have a good life span.
Operates on natural gas or propane: Without using too much energy, the tankless water heaters use natural gas or propane for the process of water heating.
Compact size: The size of tankless water heaters is quite compact, and you can easily mount them on a wall.
Less energy wasted: Since the tankless water heaters are gas-based, they take up less energy. Also, the tankless heaters do not store water as the tanked-based ones do.
Less maintenance: Though the initial installation price of the tankless water heaters is high, they do not need regular maintenance and have a long life span.
Getting a splash of cold water in the middle of your shower is something that you would want to avoid. Hot water is required for your laundry and dishes, and no one wants to deal with cold water in the middle of winters. For any services related to tankless water heaters like repair, replacement, or maintenance, you can contact our team. Safe Dry Out promises you to provide the best services in Arizona.
Source: Tankless Water Heater
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fabiofatals · 7 years ago
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Poteva farlo giallo, o viola, o rosso. invece l’ha fatto blu, il mare. come un cielo sulla terra Cuore Liquido. #TOROVERDE #slowtattoo #heart #water #waterheart #deepblue #mare #acqua #sea #oceanheart #ocean #maredentro #watercolor #painting #painttattoo (presso TOROVERDE)
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