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rastronomicals · 1 year ago
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3:34 AM EST December 2, 2023:
Milk Music - "Dogchild" From the album Cruise Your Illusion (April 2, 2013)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months ago
⚙: it took me almost two years to figure out how to reanimate the dead, how on earth did you do it in a single night?!
🐺: I really wanted my dog back.
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tsel-bas · 5 months ago
Angels And Their Disciples
Warning, Headmates May Not Turn Out Exactly As Described. Anything And Everything Can Be Changed To Fit Your System.
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Name: Sirius, Jason, Mavros, Eli
Age: 15
Pronouns: He|Him, It|Its, Fox|Foxes, Angel|Angels, Yip|Yips
Gender: Demiboy, Silverdecorangelic, Starguardangelic, Foxdeity, Foxfrilled
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Fox-Angel-Human Hybrid
Roles: Anchor
Likes/Interests: Flying, Dark Forests, 'Golden Hour' Lighting, Foxes
Dislikes: Mean Cats, Deforestation, Mornings, Mondays
Boundaries: Touch: Ask Friend Request: Ask Flirting (/p): Okay Flirting (/r): Only If I Initiate It Venting: Mostly No, But Ask Anyway Pet / Nicknames: Ask If Not A Friend Favorite Song: Cosmic Love -Florence + The Machine
Description: Say Hello To Sirius! A Guy Who Often Keeps Up With The Trends And Keeps The System Grounded During Stressful Moments. Flying Throughout The Headspace Is One Of It's Favorite Activities, Along With Walks Through Endless Miles Of Towering Trees. Fox Is Not A Morning Person, And Instead Enjoys Sunset Gatherings Featuring Close Friends. Angel Is Very Connected To The Nature And Skies Around Yip. So Much So, That The Destruction Of A Certain Area He Is Close To, Hurts Him, As If It Was Being Destroyed Foxself. Other Than That, Jason Is A Pretty Quiet Person, Mostly Keeping To Angelself. Yip Prefers A Good Book And Some Coffee In A Quiet Corner Rather Than A Party Or Other Gathering.
Faceclaims: (Imagine The Second One A Blue Closer To The First)
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Name: Mil/Millie, Val/Valerie, Ryleigh, Sage
Age: 16
Pronouns: They|Them, Shx|Hxr, It|Its, Bark|Barks, Paw|Paws
Gender: Genderfluid, Dogbodiment, Dogchild, Muttlexic, Starpawpupgender
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Basset Hound-Human Hybrid (Pretend The Ears Are Long/Flat)
Roles: Comforter
Likes/Interests: Sleeping/Napping, Running, Play-Hunting (They Pretend To Hunt Things And Instead Of Attacking Aggressively, Shx Pounces On Its Targets Playfully.)
Dislikes: Crises, Loud/Sudden Noises
Boundaries: Touch: Ask Friend Request: Okay Flirting (/p): Yes Flirting (/r): No Venting: Ask Pet / Nicknames: Yes!
Favorite Song: Ship In A Bottle -Fin
Description: Mil Is Quite The Energetic Being When They're Not Sleeping. Running Around Chasing Everything In Sight Like A True Hunting Dog. Watch Your Pets Everyone! Shx Might Eat Them! (/Silly /J) Other Than That, It Spends A Lot Of Barks Time Curled Up Napping In Some Random Spot. Val Is Usually A Pretty Heavy Sleeper, But Any Sudden And Loud Noise Will Immediately Pull Paw Out Of Their Slumber. Due To Hxr Excellent Hearing, Loud Noises Cause Pain Due To Their Volume.
Another Thing About This Silly Being? Is That It Never Hesitates To Comfort Someone In Need. Ryleigh Is A Very Kind, Caring, Selfless Individual And Does Everything In Barks Power To Make Others Feel Good.
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castielsprostate · 6 months ago
i kinda think if wade and logan had a dogchild it should be at least partially poodle. for funsies.
screaming. like if they got a second dog, though mary would always be number one, i think it'd be one of thee ugliest poodles they could pick. eye crusties, piercing eyes that could kill a victorian child, yknow?
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wehavecometoanend--maybe · 1 year ago
feeling like I'm coming down with a cold :(((((( was supposed to see my dogchild this weekend :(((((((((
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brothersonahotelbed · 1 year ago
so many books to read oughh... after i finish dogchild i need to read either wuthering heights or the brothers karamazov or metamorphosis
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lemonbalmgirl · 2 years ago
I'm on day 7 of 8 of this pet-sitting job and I've definitely that wall of being ready to be back in my own environment.
I both love & hate gigs like this: they're easy in terms of work - I'm just hanging out with pets 24/7 and making sure their needs are met, but I'm also such a homebody that the novelty of being in a different space wears off after a couple days and I miss my own routines & environment. (AND MY CAT.)
I always want/try to get projects done when pet-sitting, since theoretically I'm away from a bunch of distractions, but I forget how much messing with my routine or sleep inhibits by ability to have focus/energy/fucks.
Superfluous pet info under the cut.
Luck Boy is some sort of Chihuahua mix (maybe with Pomeranian?) and is a sweet boy. Sometimes be gets grumpy and growls at Jynx, but that seems to really be the only issue? (I was warned that they sometimes get into spats, but that hasn't happened yet.) He reminds me of both my late dogchild, Ziggy, and my late proxy doggo, Ginger. I basically want to scoop him up and snuggle him, but the dogs aren't allowed on furniture. :(
Jynx is...more of a handful. He's an Australian shepherd & he's deaf. He also needs to be helped up and down the stairs to the backyard. When I arrived at the house last Thursday, the dogs were hanging out in the yard, which was fine. Until I realized that Jynx was afraid of me and wouldn't let me get close to him (or help him back into the house). Eventually, after giving him a bunch of treats and leaving the house for a bit, it was time for dinner and he powered up the stairs himself in search of food.
My client had purchased a sling to help me get Jynx up and down the stairs, but it quickly became apparent that he had no clue what it was for. So, I ended up carrying him up & down the steps, same as his mom does, which luckily he was absolutely fine with after I gave him dinner that first night and gained his trust. (He also gets allergy pills daily, but easily takes them with peanut butter.)
Both dogs are older & rescues. And...pee. A lot. Some of this is also marking when they get excited about stuff outside (there are certain window shades I have to close before leaving the house, or the rate of marking would be much higher). So, when I get home from somewhere or get up in the morning, I have to go around looking for wet spots on the wooden floor. (I don't think I find all of them, though.) 
Boomer is the aging tuxedo cat who keeps dropping weight. He's a sweetie and tolerates me picking him up. He gets two medications daily via an oral syringe, but it mostly goes easily (today was the first day I didn't get all of a med into him). He gets fed separately from the other cat so that he has a chance to eat as much as he wants, in hopes that he'll keep weight on. He stares at you when he's hungry and has a big meow (hence his name). He curls up on the living room chairs at night and I've gotten him to purr several times.
Mexico is the other cat - she's much younger and is a slightly chonky, long-haired beast. My client called her an emotional eater, and she's readjusting to living here after living with the client's son for a while. She's very food-motivated and likes attention.
Basically, it's a lot of critters in a house that's way fancier (and cleaner) than mine. I perpetually feel like I'm probably doing something wrong because I haven't really seen how my client lives day-to-day or what her basic house procedures are.
There's a house-cleaner than comes on Thursday mornings, so I'll need to remember to move all of my stuff down to the basement (where the guest room is) before they arrive. And I'll probably hide down there until they're gone. 
Also, random, but I get confused when houses don't have screen doors? Is that something you just don't bother with when you can afford to run A/C all the time?
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sister-lucifer · 2 months ago
@cryptidcircusco tell the dogchild you don’t hate him
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can i snuggle
ur husband is cool but aslo scary o.o
yes you can snuggle ofc
he’s not nearly as scary as you think he is, i promise. he is in fact very cool though
@cryptidcircusco you’re scaring my children. again
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khrushchov · 2 years ago
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racheld93 · 4 years ago
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Shadow Moonbeary
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rastronomicals · 2 years ago
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4:25 AM EDT June 1, 2023:
Milk Music - "Dogchild" From the album Cruise Your Illusion (April 2, 2013)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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stochastique-blog · 10 months ago
I can do Better
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Still not used to Baxter’s short haircut, but I think he feels faster! _ _ _ [#Havanese #RescueDog #SanDiego #PostGrooming #SanDiegoPup #SDHavanese #DoggyHaircut #RescuePup #DogDad #DoggyDaddy #SanDiegoDog #DogGroomer #LoveMyDog #DogLife #youateawholewheelofcheese #SD #HavaneseOfInstagram #FeelingFast #DogGroomers #Baxter #MyHavanese #BestDog #BestFriend #MyBuddy #dogsofinstagram #DogChild #RescuePuppy #PuppyLove #dog #DapperDog] (at San Diego, California)
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semper-legens · 4 years ago
52. Dogchild, by Kevin Brooks
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Owned: No, library Page count: 471 My summary: Jeet is one of a small group of people - the last survivors of a dead world. He is a dogchild, raised for his first few years by wild dogs, and still has a trace of wildness in his heart. He wants to survive. He wants to fight. But as his people get ready for their last battle, he makes some strange discoveries. How far will he go, in order to survive? My rating: 3/5 My commentary:
Another one from the library grab bag, and a pretty decent little YA dystopia. I’m not sure if it’s one I would have picked up on my own, but I’m not sad I read it. While I did have a few issues with its language and style, I still really enjoyed it as a whole, and I’m not sorry that I read it.
The main character is Jeet, a teenager who was raised by dogs and who starts to see the rot at the top of his society. He’s a decent person - initially loyal to his people, but starting to drift when he sees that the sheriff’s definitely in league with their enemies and responsible for some really bad shit. He makes for a good narrator, and his unique POV carries the story even when it strayed into being a bit obvious. Yes, the wise old mentor gets offed midway through the book. Hands up who didn’t see that coming. Jeet, however, is in this liminal space between humanity and the animals, and his dual nature of both dog and person feeds into his narration and perspective.
Chola Se is the secondary character, a girl who is kidnapped early on and given to the enemy group. She escapes thanks to Jeet, and they engage in a weird relationship - their feelings are hard for both of them to work out, as both are dogchildren, but they get each other on a level that the other human-raised humans don’t seem to understand. She’s deeply traumatised, and her journey is of understanding and dealing with her trauma, both through revenge on the perpetrator and through compartmentalising her identity, splitting the Chola Se that the trauma happened to from the Chola Se she is now. Her story is interesting, and provides a good contrast for the comparatively less violent Jeet.
There is one thing I couldn’t get over in this one, which is the weirdness with the style. See, Jeet’s one of a few literate people in this world, and his spelling and punctuation is choppy, reflecting the lack of reading and writing in this dystopian world. And yet Jeet has an amazingly large vocabulary for a semi-literate dogchild. It feels like Brooks wanted to have his narrative cake and eat it too - he wanted to have his narrator be this barely literate post-apocalyptic teen, but also have pretty descriptions of things. He should have stuck to one or the other, because these two things don’t mesh well for me.
Other than that, though, I really enjoyed the world and the worldbuilding here. It’s made clear early on that Jeet only really knows the lore around his world as it relates to what’s relevant to him, and that a lot of knowledge from the world that was has been lost. Jeet describes the key things to us, but it really amounts to his people and the folks they’re fighting, plus the wasteland where the feral dogs run. There’s a lot of gaps being left, and I like that! Jeet has no reason to know anything more than that, and it’s not relevant to the story, so we don’t get to know it either.
That’s all here, folks - next up, some 70s dystopia, and a strange house...
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voiceforthemassive · 5 years ago
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One year separates these two pictures, and I cannot believe how much he has grown. When we rescued him, the vet predicted he'd he 33lbs at best. He's now a 70lb horse that loves nothing more than laying directly on me, sitting on people's feet, and being the neighborhood watch. He is my son, and the one true king. (Stay tuned to next month, when Brienne turns one!) #dogsofinstagram #dogchild #TyrionLannister https://www.instagram.com/p/B99nWGKjwHS/?igshid=1n3nw32451m9q
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brothersonahotelbed · 1 year ago
finally finished dogchild by kevin brooks & my review was maybe i just don't like dystopian ya novels anymore 😭 i thought the idea was interesting: a dogchild= a child who's been undertaken from infancy and raised by dogs & therefore acts/thinks like a dog, who's then "rescued" and rehumanized into society. but it was a fucking war book and i HATE WAR BOOKS MAN !!!!!! there were only a few moments in the book that got me positively hooked, and the rest was just humans carrying guns trying to kill other humans to gain control of the dwindling food/water supply. the story was boring unfortunately which sucks because i was hoping we'd get to see more of what jeet (the main character's) time with the dogs was like instead of just brief flashes from his past. sad! on to wuthering heights
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cfmbge-blog · 5 years ago
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Tini y thor ♥️
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