#Does anyone want an update before I go back to cleaning? Of course you do.
awesomeface · 2 years
Like not to get serious out of nowhere but our living situation is the farthest thing from safe right now. <- Warning in case things get worse (they probably will)
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nayziiz · 3 months
Witness | CL16
Summary: In the shadowy world of Monaco's elite, the Leclerc family reigns supreme. Charles Leclerc, the charming middle son, maintains their pristine public image—until one rainy night, during a fit of rage, Charles does the unthinkable. A young woman witnesses his actions, and her terrified eyes haunt him. Consumed by guilt and fear of exposure, Charles embarks on a desperate search to find her before she can destroy his family’s legacy. As he delves deeper into Monaco's underbelly, Charles must confront his own darkness and the lengths he will go to protect his family.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x OC (Marie)
Warnings: Violence, blood, angst
Author's Note: Sorry for the delayed updates - life has been running circles around me this week. Hoping to get back into a stable routine again next week.
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Charles desperately needed advice from Lorenzo on what to do, but he didn’t want to implicate his brother, with a baby on the way, nonetheless. It was his problem and he needed to clean up his mess. But more than that, he knew the person threatening him could do quite a bit of damage, because unlike Marie, this person had video footage. Worst of all, the video contained enough footage to clearly identify Marie, who would be seen as an accomplice to the murder since she didn’t report it.
Chapter 6
Just when Charles thought the damage control was done, he received word through one of his guards that someone else witnessed the murder. Not only did they see Charles kill a man in cold blood, but they saw Marie. They saw Marie run away and they saw that Charles did nothing to silence her permanently. They saw Charles take pity on her because he wanted to protect himself and his family.
Charles knew that he needed to protect her, whether she liked it or not. So, he sent his men out to keep an eye out for her, to steer any potential threats away from her. Of course she picked up on it after a day, but she tried her best to ignore it. She assumed he wanted to remind her of her promise to not tell anyone. Charles needed to speak with her too, to explain why he had his men following her again, that he wasn’t threatened by her, but that he wanted to make sure she stayed safe.
Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest idea to approach her late at night after her shift as she walked home. She could hear his footsteps behind her. She knew his men would never let someone follow her so closely in the dark without making their presence known. She could only assume it was Charles himself who was walking a few metres behind her. She came to an abrupt halt and spun around before stalking towards Charles who she could now make out under the misty moonlight.
“Is there a reason you’re following me in the fucking dark, Mr Leclerc?” She snapped at him once she was face-to-face with him.
“I realise this may look suspicious,” he began, but she interrupted him.
“Is this how it ends? Will you be bludgeoning me to death as well or have you found some other way to dispose of me?” Marie countered, but once she saw the colour drain from his face and his small smile fade, she knew she had overstepped. “I’m sorry. It’s been a long day and I’m tired. I didn’t think you’d be following me tonight.”
“You have every right to be mad at me, but please know that I will not be harming you at all, Ms Dupont. I assure you,” Charles insisted, his voice soft and tender as he spoke to her. “But, that doesn’t mean someone else won’t.”
“What do you mean?” Marie asked, confused.
“It has come to my attention that there was a third individual in the area that night who… witnessed the murder. They saw me. They saw you. And, now they are threatening me with video evidence if I don’t pay them quite a handsome amount of money. They are also painting you out to be an accomplice because there was no police report filed,” Charles explained.
“So, that’s why you have your men stationed around me?” Marie realised.
“It’s the least I can do after everything,” Charles replied. “You were an innocent witness, you shouldn’t have to be punished for something I did.”
Marie remained quiet for a moment as she contemplated his admission. She appreciated the fact that he was upfront about the blackmailer.
“How much do they want in exchange for their silence?” Marie wondered.
“5,000,000 Euros” Charles mumbled.
“Damn,” Marie muttered before scratching around in her purse. “I have 2 Euros to help you out, you know, since I’m an accomplice now. I’m sure you can handle the rest, no?”
It took Charles a few seconds to register her attempted joke before he chuckled at her making light of the situation.
“If I had my way, they wouldn’t get a cent, especially from you,” Charles informed her and attempted a half-hearted smile. Marie mirrored his weak smile and looked around, spotting several of Charles’s men nearby.
“Would you like to walk me home? We’re halfway there anyway,” she wondered.
“Of course,” Charles agreed before they started walking side-by-side in the direction of her apartment building.
She didn’t plan on drifting off to sleep, but there was something about the silence of the night and having someone in the apartment with her that made her mind relax for the first time in weeks. She may not have trusted Charles completely, but he had proven to her on several occasions that he was in fact not going to harm her.
He carried her to her bedroom and covered her with her blanket before retreating back into the living room area. He tried to tidy up a bit, but didn’t know where most of the things went, so he gave up and went to rinse out their coffee mugs. When he dried his hands, he turned around and surveyed the open plan apartment. The last time he was in such a humble home was when he was still a young boy before his parents made a name for themselves. He thought back to some fond memories of reading books with his mom and watching racing with his father in their first family home. He choked back his tears reminiscing of a life with no worry and pulled out his wallet. He left all the cash he had on him on the counter for Marie to find the following morning when she woke up. He also left a note with his phone number on it, just in case she needed to get hold of him for whatever reason.
He didn’t want to leave one of his men in her apartment, as much as he wanted to for her safety, but he respected her boundaries and privacy. Instead, he arranged with the building manager that one of his men disguise himself as a roaming security guard on her floor while a second guard remained stationed in the building lobby, observing the people coming and going and a third guard at the building’s back entrance for good measure. There was no way he was going to let her get hurt because of him.
Taglist: @headinthecloudssblog
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
knock knock who's there it's me 🥺🥺🥺 politely asking for an update on de-aged max?
WHO'S THERE, oh yes, more de-aged Max.
(this link shows the stuff I’ve already posted in chronological order if the tag isn't working. But anyway, this bit follows directly on from this part.)
The package with the new nightlights in arrives after lunch, and Max pads silently around Daniel's apartment after him, watching him set them up. The Jimmy or Sassy cats come too, of course, winding their troublesome selves around Daniel's feet and the trailing wires. They are an accident waiting to happen, so Daniel tries to make Max giggle by doing a silly dance to step around the cats, but Max is quiet today, like Daniel's little shadow, and just hooks his little fingers through Daniel's belt loop.
There's a cat shaped light for the hall outside their bedrooms, and Daniel has to position it on a little stool because there's not a useful surface near the plug. It has a selection of settings, from a changing wave of colours to single colours at various brightnesses. Max carefully touches the cat's head, in between its ears, to get it to change colours, before settling on a soft blue glow. The one for the bathroom is shaped like an otter, and Daniel has to move some of their shit out of the way to find space for it on the counter. There's a new package of Pokemon-themed face cloths and towels and a matching toothbrush that he hasn't sprung on Max yet because he's waiting for bath time, a routine Max still does not approve of and Daniel hasn't figured out how to make fun yet. Max could go back to being big at any moment, but until he wakes up his normal size again, Daniel is committed to ensuring that Max is clean and fed and safe and warm for the duration, even if Max seems to believe that baths are a very bad thing indeed, and bath time in general is exhausting for them both.
Even given that Max does not approve of bath time, and he keeps wetting the bed and Daniel hasn't slept through the night since that brave little knock on his door last week, getting to spend all of this time with Max like this is great. He wouldn't change it for anything. He's sort of dreading the moment it all comes to an end and Max wakes up normal-aged again, if he's honest.
It doesn't make it any better, however, when it all goes wrong when Daniel tries to set up the night light he'd got for Max's bedroom.
"No," Max says, little arms folded, bottom lip jutting out, cheeks red.
"No?" Daniel asks, after he's tried to put the animal themed night light on the drawers by the bed more than once, and Max has pushed it away.
"No," Max says again, stamping his foot.
"Don't you like it?"
"I'm not scared," Max says. "Take it away."
Daniel hadn't been entirely certain if Max was afraid of the dark before he'd ordered the nightlights. It was another weapon in the online parenting websites' arsenal of tools to combat bedwetting, something he thought he might try, but one look at Max's bright, scared eyes as he mutinously maintains he doesn't need it, and Daniel is convinced he's terrified.
Which is— well.
"Okay," Daniel says. "That's okay, Maxy-Max. Can I tell you a secret?"
Max still looks mutinous. He hasn't unfolded his arms, his little bottom lip sticking out. He's frowning. It would be cute if Daniel wasn't secretly so worried.
"I'm scared of the dark," Daniel says in a whisper. "But I didn't want anyone to know, so I never had a light. But if you don't need this one, then maybe I can have it in my room, so I won't be scared any more. Do you think that might be okay?"
Max's expression does something complicated. His eyes have gone very wide. He's looking up at Daniel like he's one of those monkeys with the huge eyes. "You are not scared of the dark, Daniel," he says, after a moment of staring, unblinking, up at Daniel like a very worried little alien.
"I am," Daniel says. He lets that settle for a bit. Max looks worried, but he's also thinking. Daniel's learned to recognise that thinking face.
"But you're a grown up," Max whispers. He twists his fingers into Daniel's t-shirt, just above the waist, like he can keep hold of Daniel if Daniel tried to leave him behind. Daniel's not leaving him anywhere.
"Grown ups can be scared of things," Daniel says, in as gentle a voice as he can manage. "Big Daniels are scared of lots of things." Max looks amazed, and more than a little bit worried, which Daniel does not like. "I told you I was scared of the dark," Daniel says. "I don't like it in the middle of the night when I wake up and it's all dark. I don't like it when you go swimming in the sea and there are fish and they swim up to you. Sharks are scary too." He does a pretend full body shiver, to make Max laugh, but Max isn't laughing. He sits down on Max's bed, and pats the mattress next to him. Max obediently clambers up next to him, tucking himself into Daniel's side. "And can I tell you another secret?"
Max nods uncertainly. His fingers are pulling on Daniel's t-shirt, holding on tight.
"Charmander scares me," Daniel tells him, "because his tail's on fire."
Max's eyes go even wider. He blinks up at Daniel, then buries his face in Daniel's t-shirt, mumbling something that Daniel can't make out.
"What did you say, Maxy-Max?"
"You'll get in trouble," Max whispers, without unhiding himself from Daniel's shirt.
Oh, Daniel thinks, and does not cry. Instead, he wraps an arm around Max's shoulders. "It's okay to be scared of things," he says, without much hope that Max is able to listen and understand. "Nobody gets in trouble here for being scared of things. Everyone is scared of something."
Max shakes his head, face still buried in Daniel's side.
"Do you think you can help me set up my new nightlight in my bedroom?" Daniel says. "That way, tonight I won't have to be scared any more. And I was thinking that we could put the light on in the bathroom, and the one in the hall, and I'll keep my bedroom door open too, and then it'll be light if I wake up in the middle of the night. Is that okay, Max?"
Max tucks his hand into Daniel's, but won't let go of him.
"Do you want to sit here for a bit? We could look at your flag book for a bit, if you'd like. Have a cuddle."
Max shifts a little, face tucked into Daniel's side. "I know about your flags," he says, because they've been reading about Australia, and about Italy.
"You do," Daniel agrees, reaching for the flag book on the drawers by Max's bed. "Do you want to pick a page?"
Max flicks through his book for a while, before coming back to Daniel with the book open to the chapter on South America. If there's ever a point where Daniel is racing again, and there's a geography Grill the Grid, he's going to smash it. Race Max to the winning place. But not yet. Not just yet. Daniel leans down and kisses the top of Max's head.
Max looks up at him with a worried little smile.
"Do you know who my favourite little boy is?" Daniel asks.
Max's brow furrows. He shakes his head.
Daniel leans in and blows a little raspberry into Max's ear so that he giggles and squeezes Daniel's hand. "You, Maxy-Max. You're my favourite."
Max is quiet today. That's okay. His hand's tucked into Daniel's. One of the Jimmy or Sassy cats comes and sits on the other side of him, and Max strokes their little fluffy head. Daniel reads him the flag facts about Brazil, about Argentina, about Uruguay. Later, he can set up the nightlight in his bedroom, on the drawers by the door so it'll light up the hallway. He'll leave all the doors open so that the light will bleed into Max's room, and hopefully it'll help. Hopefully he'll let Daniel buy him his own nightlight. Maybe one day soon he can say that he's scared and not worry about getting into trouble for it.
Until then: this. He's okay.
Thank you to @flawlessassholes for reading this over! And the other lovely people who listen to me go on and on about small Max.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 5 months
The thought of Alastor rushing to Vox once Angel Dust mentions the Vees are doing an Experiment is funny and lovely. Like he KNOWS his Vox. He knows Vox is the smartest of the 3, but he also knows Vox has no concern for himself when it comes to self-experimentation, and he probably tries to be there whenever the Vees do experiments just in case. Dude was probably HORRIFIED when he saw Vox when he came back after the 7 years he was gone, and saw all the upgrades. Yes, Vox improved himself but how much PAIN did it cause him? Does it still cause him pain? And of course Valentino is going to die. He stabbed Vox before Vox was ready--before he could take the drug Velvette had prepared for him, so yes the moth was going to die. The doll....she could perhaps live, maybe.
Just Alastor gently taking care of Vox, taking him directly to his room, and soothing his pain via shared frequencies, sending his Shadow to bring him another head for Vox--a newer, updated version that he knows Vox would like--as he gently begins to get Vox ready to switch heads.
Alastor is indescribably gentle--only Vox would/will ever get Alastor like this-- as he takes care of his unconscious soulmate, gently taking off his destroyed head, and putting the new one on, and then tucking Vox into bed as he begins to update and rest from what happened.
However, Vox is still out for quite some time--while the angelic knife didn't kill him, it did damage his systems and leave him unconscious for six weeks, and then Alastor wouldn't let the other overlord leave his sight.
I love this Fr so much. Like and while Vox is out for the count in his healing Alastor definitely watches over him like a hawk. Imagine someone coming to Alastor's room just for something like little only for the demon to immediately growl. He's protective over his past enemy and more so than he initially thought himself. I imagine too that later when Vox wakes up he's just so confused.
Confused and...yet grateful that he's not dead? Then he looks around the room and he thinks for a moment before immediately freaking out.
Where is he? What happened? You know?
He probably would start panting a little, chest rising and falling and rushing in his chest because he's in unfamiliar territory and then...Alastor walks in... As he's been doing for weeks now.
And Vox turns his head to look at him with wide eyes, hand clutching his chest as he tries to understand what's happening.
Alastor would probably be just as surprised.
He's been keeping an eye on the man for a while. Taking care of him, cleaning him, protecting him... All while he slept and so seeing Vox awake with that look on his face leaves Alastor stunned for a moment before he slowly approaches the bed. All while Vox is asking questions, lost and a bit nervous only to just shut up when Alastor suddenly hugs him tight and close, refusing to let go.
He probably wouldn't even say anything for a moment, too caught up in the fact that Vox is breathing against him. Honestly Alastor probably wouldn't immediately believe it himself at first either. That Vox was so close to death.
Alastor could have actually lost him...and he doesn't want to risk that. Not now not ever.
Honestly yandere Alastor for this anyone? As Vox heals and gets stronger Alastor is there the whole time, watching and helping closely. Others being around Vox, getting just a bit too close, seems to be a growing thing that's starting to get to Alastor.
He can't explain it, hardly understands it himself but what he does know is that he doesn't like it, doesn't like Vox getting along with the others after everything Alastor has done for him. He'd probably get deep in his head, bitter and irritated, frustrated and conflicted until he maybe breaks and decides to show Vox all these emotions.
Probably would take months to come down to such a conclusion but considering they hold history together who could Alastor relate to better than Vox himself.
He refuses to let him go.
Vox's upgrades would definitely send Alastor into the void. Like 'is this my Vox...?' he'll wonder and maybe after Vox is stuck with him and Alastor takes his time killing off Valentino, send radio signals of his screams of pain while being tortured to Velvet just to tell her to never come back. It's probably something that gets under his skin especially if Vox asks about them which he most likely will, wondering where they were just for Alastor to never directly answer.
Sorry sorry, rambling but ya dere Alastor x Vox definitely sounds good as fuck.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hidden Desire Chapter Four
Summary: With Jamil and Grim kidnapped, you, Epel, and Rook begin your journey to save them
Chapters Prologue One Two Three Five Six
After a day or so of arguing with Crewel to let you out of the hospital wing, on the agreement that you would stay out of trouble, and stay in Epel's room while they assessed the damages on Ramshackle, you were now freed.
Which of course meant that, as soon as you'd found Rook's plans to find Vil, you and Epel would join him with zero hesitation.
You'd flown a couple hours together, but needed to take a rest to stretch your legs, eat, and, as Epel so kindly put it, take a quick piss.
Now fed, warmed, and rested, Epel had left you and Rook alone, so he could take his "quick piss" in the woods surrounding you.
Rook seemed on edge. More accurately he always seemed on edge, but now as he studied the world around him, it had a more manic edge to it.
"Do you miss him?"
"Hmm?" He hummed, his attention settling on you as he smiled.
"Vil. Do you miss him?"
"Yes, I miss him more than the sun when it sets, and the stars when they fade."
You gave him a soft smile. "You both seem so close, it's hard to think of you apart from one another. How long have you been together?"
"No, no, I'm in love with Rois du poison, but he does not return my love."
"Oh, I'm sorry," you said.
"There is nothing to be sorry for! There is nothing more beautiful than the heart wrenching agony of one sided love, is there not?"
"I wouldn't know," you said, not fully believing his words.
He studied your face for a moment, before leaning his head back against a tree and staring into the distance.
"Perhaps not," he muttered under his breath. 
After another pause, he sat back up and began, "Mon Trickster …"
"Kay, I peed, let's go," Epel said, returning to the both of you.
"One sec, Epel," you turned back to Rook. "Was there something you wanted to say?"
"Nothing, I just hope you and Jamil don't waste what you have, Y/N," he said, before getting back on his broom.
You don't think he's ever used your name before…
Jamil groaned as he woke up.
"Y/N," he muttered under his breath.
"Wrong guess," he heard Leona say snarkily.
Jamil sat upright with a jolt, looking at the other people he could only assume had been kidnapped with him. 
"It's just so sweet, how you think of them even when you're apart. Truly admirable," Azul said with a knowing smirk.
"Shut up," he muttered. 
Riddle and Vil seemed to be disinterested in their chatter, both of them focused on Idia, who seemed to have confidence for the only time in his life. 
"I am the boss. Got it?"
Jamil knew exactly what a power trip looked like. And this was it. 
"Basically, what you've missed is that we're in deep shit," Leona whispered.
"Thanks for the update," Jamil groaned.
"The Styx bots usually clean up overblots and aren't affiliated to any government. So, as Leona, so kindly put it, 'deep shit'," Azul whispered with a snicker.
"Great," Jamil whispered through gritted teeth.
"The only good news is I know you can't finish whatever scheme you had against Y/N," Azul said so quietly it would be misheard by anyone else.
Jamil turned to snap at him, but the Styx bots quickly surrounded them to take them to who knows where.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @leonia0 @mizucika @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @kurenix @starshiningsirius @pikeru565 @da-disappointment @dearhyacinths @carpediem1219
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Quick thoughts. Chozen and Daniel scheming to fake befriend Terry is something Terry did in TKK3 to Daniel. Not on the same level at all but, there was a slight amount of revenge/karma there.
It's what 18-19 hours between LA and where Miguel went. That means Johnny's got both Robby and Miguel in the car back for 18-19 hours. And they didn't dare even give us a glimpse of that?
Chozen scammed Anoush and Louie at golf. Some how before I never caught that. Which means Chozen got some revenge for TKK2 and losing all his money to Daniel. (Chozen's walking ahead of them, grinning and counting cash, Daniel laughs and tells him good job, Louie tells Anoush he told him there were golf courses in Okinawa, Anoush says "He said he never played before")
Chozen said it was beginners luck, Louie says he's been hustled, Anoush calms him down when Chozen asks if they've insulted his honor, by telling Louie he's not at a blackjack table in Atlanta city, you can't trash talk a karate assassin.
So....Chozen's not an assassin. But that's what Amanda called him and now that's what Anoush has called him.
Terry's at the golf club. "How'd you hit 'em?" "They let anyone join these days." (I mean Terry's older and richer, he might've already been a member and you might never have known. "Or did you slither in through the garbage chute. By the way how's your sensei search going?"
Daniel why are you poking the bear? Why are you rubbing this in Terry's face?
Terry views it as possible casus belli, act of war or to provoke war.
Terry tells Daniel that he has more friends then Daniel does...which sadly, probably true.
Terry says if Daniel backs down, Terry won't retaliate. No repercussions, just stay out of his way.
This is my backyard, Daniel....in a way we don't know, but Terry might've been here longer. You've been here what 30 years? Terry's supposed to be older than you and as far as we know, has lived here his whole life. Like in TKK1 you didn't even want to be here. That doesn't mean it's not your backyard and you don't have a say in what happens there, but making it seem like Terry doesn't belong in his own city either...
This was a choice
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Who does this? Sabrina the teenage witch? But like 90s version. The wave your finger in a circle to do a spell.
I can't tell whether he's having fun or if he's laughing and pissed off.
I also like that Daniel isn't alone for this conversation/threat. Chozen's right there. "You're playing with fire Danny-boy."
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I don't fully get what that means. I love it. But a fire with gasoline that explodes might not hurt just Silver, but also both Chozen and Daniel and the whole valley...
Which might be why Silver, no longer charmed by Sensei Joe, scoffs and asks for their drinks to be put on his tab.
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lol anoush
Nothing. Just wanted to buy us a round of drinks.
DANIEL LARUSSO!!!! You literally just poked a bear and you're not going to warn them????? Tell them! Warn them that if that guy comes near them to run. Like Daniel you know how dangerous he is and you're like nice dude buying us drinks. You gotta update people on this stuff for their own safety.
Somewhere there's a universe where Louie and Anoush thank Terry Silver for buying them drinks and try to befriend him because wow what a nice guy and it goes VERY BADLY
Like literally Anoush is like heck yeah pina colada time for all my men here.
Anoush: Act like you've been here before, I want the most expensive tequilla you gota
Which is both wild responses to random stranger is buying them a drink.
I do enjoy Anoush and Louie's old married couple bickering. "Pina Coladas, we're not at a Sandals resort." "What's wrong with Sandals? Everything's included"
Johnny learning he did something illegal...4/5 seasons later. 🤣
He cleaned off his van.
Miggy made breakfast, Johnny's there too.
It looks like maybe Miguel can't cook. Burnt toast and yaya's kinda picking at it.
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Are you telling me for 18 hours Robby and Miguel didn't say a word? The most awkward 18 hours on the planet?
Yaya is happy Miguel is home but needs him to leave asap and go bother sam so she can throw out the breakfast he made her without offending him. The Diaz's have Simply brand Orange Juice.
"I think I need to make an apology meal for Sam too"
Followed immediately by Carmen having taken a bite and unable to hide how bad it is.
Although I think this was also supposed to be the first hint that Carmen was pregnant.
Sam is eating uncrustables and drinking Starbucks.
Apparently both Sam and Anthony view the grape uncrustables as comfort food. Sam ate the last two
ANTHONY EXPLAINS THE MILK LOCKER. They put milk in a bag in Kennys locker.
I feel like that leaves more questions than answers. How did they do that without making a big mess just setting it up and without anyone seeing/finding out?
Now that Anthony puts it that way...he is right.
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Both Miguel and Robby have now run away. Just Robby was wanted by the police.
Without karate Sam's hanging out with Moon and Yasmine again.
Okay so there's a couch in the guest bedroom and it's not good. Chozen's having a rough time sleeping on it. Daniel says there used to be a bed in there but it got destroyed when Cobra Kai broke in, but I didn't see any kids go into any bedrooms. They stayed in the weird like square with a line through it. Halls between the living room to the kitchen and the dojo. The dojo is not the guest bedroom.
Chozen is the one who recommends they beat silver to the punch by calling on one of his old friends before Silver can call upon them. Aka Mike Barnes.
What's weird is generally the flash backs might be things the person having the flashback would know or remember. I mean there's a scene of Ali smiling that Johnny remembers but couldn't have. Or at least it wasn't directed at him. But this one's weird because it's literally Mike Barnes telling Silver whose in a bathtub that he bought himself a champion. Daniel was not in Silver's house then.
Johnny offers to teach Miguel how to cook.
Carmen telling Johnny she might be pregnant, a reminder that condoms aren't 100%. And not all forms of protection are 100% either.
Johnny rushes to help Carmen up as if he's already thinking she's much further along then she is. She said she's a few days late.
Johnny's so surprised he says he'll pull the van around then he drops his keys and spins in a circle and Carmen gently pats his shoulder and says with a near laugh "Maybe I should drive. "
Aurora changes Hawks reaper tattoo. Rico is out. It's a lotus for a new beginning and a flower was pretty much his only choice to cover the reaper. Demetri went with him and once again held his shirt. (Miguel also came but is mostly frustrated from trying to contact Sam from the waiting section) Everyone's back with their OG friend groups this summer.
Like I get Demetri is trying to warn him, but Demetri you giving relationship advice is wild. You've had one girlfriend and it's Yasmine and you're still dating. You don't know what's code for breaking up.
Hawk balancing it with "Moon is really big into communication, maybe Sam just really actually wants to talk"
Essentially Yasmine is texting Demetri. 🤣
I feel like Miguel and Sam should just communicate as Miguel and Sam not having Hawk and Demetri and Yasmine and Moon advising.
Daniel and Chozen stalking Barnes.
The way Daniel realizes the way he talks to Chozen has to be more careful because what he says about Barnes applies to Chozen too.
Daniel your car literally says LaRusso Auto Group, please never use that car to try to sneakily tail someone. It's like Johnny trying to tail using the cobra charger or the eagle fang van. Neither of you are sneaky.
What is that a handsaw? (Johnny would probably know) Good for cutting pipe.
Chozen. I can't.
That one good for cutting bone.
Why on earth didn't Daniel research Mike Barnes? Like surely a quick search would've show he was a furniture king. Or hell even pulling up a map app would've shown him that he's behind a furniture store and everything they've got, the tools, the men, are all there working as staff for the furniture store.
This is one of those moments where I think the trauma is making him not think straight. He frequently jumps to conclusions and people like Amanda sort of reign him in. Johnny sometimes corrects him but Daniel doesn't listen to him. Chozen I think just is gasoline to the fire and makes it worse. Part of it I think is that Chozen's know Daniel as an adult for maybe less than a week, and he heard this guy who did all this stuff one summer needs his help, perfect, a great way to regain some honor and make his uncle and the Miyagi's proud. But he doesn't know that if he himself jumps to the worst possible conclusion: that's good for cutting bone, Daniel is not going to be like or it's a table saw and they're cutting wood. No Daniel's going to follow whatever logic Chozen's running on half the time and be like oh no, our Okinawan assassin says that's good for cutting bone, this is a nest of evil and murderers.
And it's not.
Like you kinda have to shock Daniel out of it.
and with what a trickster Chozen is half the time I don't even know if he's being serious about the cut through bone, I think he's joking, but I don't think Daniel can tell when he's joking, like I don't think he could always tell when Mr. Miyagi was joking unless it was more obvious or he was laughing. But Chozen doesn't do that.
So it either comes off as two dumbasses with no brain cell between them because they left it at home, or Chozen making lots of jokes and Daniel not always catching on, or thinking Chozen is serious (Here to murder Silver, I don't think he actually truly is, at least not right now)
But I also feel like part of it is that I doubt Daniel fully prepped Chozen on the situation. And Chozen is just like operating on high alert that everything is a danger.
Like half of Chozen's words and his delivery is such...Dad trickster/jokester vibes. Which I feel like just fits with his whole thing. His very serious face until he bursts out laughing delighted by his jokes. He did that after a whole day of messing with Daniel in Okinawa, he did it with Anoush and Louie.
But I don't think Daniel gets that, so he takes everything at face value. So I think the "I can take all of them, that's good for cutting bone." was Chozen making jokes not realizing that it just sort of upped Daniel's nervousness and guard. Like yes Chozen is here and ready to protect and fight but he never got the Daniel-san manual from Mr. Miyagi which is why I think this is a very earnest thing:
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Because yes Daniel can't go in alone in the off-chance that it's a true fight, and he also can't go in alone if he's hoped up and upset. He needs back up, especially if there's any danger. (I know Chozen comes flying in there ready to fight)
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So I googled these and got nothing for either the company or the brand type except the cursed knowledge that Tiger King/Joe Exotic came out with his own brand of condoms. So I think they made this up for the show.
And also like Carmen said, condoms aren't 100%
"There's no way these were purchased a real pharmacy" Makes me wonder where Johnny buys stuff.
I do actually like that for both of them this is new, that their previous kids were surprises that neither were fully prepared for. Like they're starting this journey together.
Though Johnny is so nervous he feels like he's going to be sick.
And I get that Carmen is upset that Johnny's so nervous especially around another baby and that Johnny needs to figure out how not to be that guy again. Which is fair, but being a Dad again when he just is finally has both Miguel and Robby talking to him. When his other father duties are starting to work out and not being this soul crushing failure I think seeing another guy too frazzled and realizing how much of a new responsibility that is freaked him out.
Tie dye robes are cute at he spa Moon takes them to.
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I am happy that they've all grown as people and become friends again. i just do wish that like Yasmine apologized for being mean to Aisha and also for believing what Kyler said about Sam and joining in on that abuse.
Sam: I already have nightmares about drowning in shallow bodies of water. (I.e. her nightmare of Tory holding her head down under the surface of the Mr. Miyagi koi pond, which wild because I don't think Tory's ever been there???? And also you'd think that'd make her too scared to go near it again)
Demetri got Yasmine a charm bracelet and a charm for every fight they have. And he seems proud when he says she can barely lift her arm now. Dude how much money are you spending?
I think Demetri and Eli forget that while they're nerds, they're rich nerds. Miguel is not and all his money was stolen.
I love the delivery of 'that's a new one' from the sales girl.
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The necklace Miguel thinks of getting Sam. Reduced to $182.
I love that eli is like if there's less tentacles it'll be cheaper. 🤣
Daniel I think to an extent that's trespassing if not 'breaking and entering' without the breaking. But great hustle!
Daniel, just because everything he's saying sounds like it's related to you and your entire life does not mean it has anything to do with you.
Barnes out here just living his life until Daniel literally comes rushing in to derail it.
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Also...Daniel omg. You and Demetri man.
He also steals his phone to yell at 'silver'
Daniel can never just lose the boy who cried wolf rap, it's based on true lived experience but he keeps leaping without looking.
Poor Michelle, she's like what happened to my furniture guy?
Mike Barnes/Michael Barnes having been karate's bad boy and banned for life from karate can't shake the sounds like a villain in every day life but clearly his customers are here for it.
This is Phil.
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Barnes out here like, it's fine, this guy I tortured and terrorized for money just popped up and ruined a sale but I'll live.
Japanese cedar chairs will be done by the time the school opens and they'll pick up the florentine table. Daniel made him lose part of his commission. It's down to 40%
This is why if you had googled the place or even tried to go in the front door you'd have seen that it was a furniture store. But we leapt before we looked.
Johnny following youtube mom vloggers to prep for the baby. I know it's supposed to be funny or whatever that he's swaddling beer. But I also think it's nice that he's actually trying to catch up on all this stuff that he doesn't know. I mean he found out that there's a baby possibly on the way, not even confirmed, this morning. And he's like well I'm so nervous I feel sick, the best way to handle that is to tackle it head on so let me practice. I don't have a baby, but I have beers and towels, and beers are breakable so...
Like he truly does always try and teach himself things if it's important.
We have orange sodas now, some hostess cupcakes, red bull, peanut butter, some chips.
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And of course one of his coors escapes and breaks which I think does not help his feeling of I'm going to screw this up, again.
I mean he essentially heard Carmen and was like I'm going to study.
Healthy organic diet= Johnny cleans his fridge.
The space needs to be baby friendly = no poster of girls, Johnny swaps it out for a light house.
Look in every nook and cranny for mold pests and other hazards. Cue cockroach.
Also want to point out that Carmen and him haven't even talked about living together (probably not enough space) But he's still prepping his space.
Johnny you dumbass, you shouldn't have consumed that beer, even if you were holding your breath or whatever safety reason you thought, it was still sitting out when you sprayed. And then he just lays on top of the carpet he just sprayed.
He really should know better from having worked as a maintenance man. But I think he just doesn't give a shit when it's his own safety beyond the bare minimum. That or we can blame netflix for this one.
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Mikes soon to be gone furniture store.
"If there's one guy in this world who doesn't owe me an apology it's you."
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I mean I feel like that is one of the thesis's of the show.
Furniture co-king (the co-king is his wife, and it's his father in-law's place)
Daniel: You're LaRusso 2.0
Moon and Yasmine are in the Laker's Halloween costumes: You're one of the girls
Robby in his Cobra Kai tournament gi: You're the girl who broke my heart.
Eli in his white gi holding his trophy: You're the girl who lost.
Miguel in his Eagle fang gi: You're my girlfriend, Sam. Why can't you just be supportive.
(Both Eli and Miguel look at her really sadly)
Tory: I know exactly who you are princess.
Sam and Miguel are really on the same journey. They're both trying to figure out who they are which for teenagers about to go off to college in a year or two, is very fitting. They just also have all this karate soap opera making figuring it out harder. And Miguel pointed out last season how hard that all is with everything the LaRusso's expect from Sam. Places he might not be able to go due to finances.
Dark Sam, voiced/introduced by Tory:
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Sam has spent most of her life probably hearing about what a great man Mr. Miyagi is, how their karate that they learned from him is better. How they're the good guys. Which putting her in that situation of the world is black and white meant she couldn't allow for gray, she wasn't allowed to be a teenager who made mistakes, which is probably why she didn't tell her parents whenever she wanted to throw a party or got into trouble because good guys don't get in trouble. She's not allowed to make mistakes and I think that is just too much pressure in just general life. Add karate and fighting to the mix and it just explodes.
Now she's questioning whether she is good or not, which is unfair to her. Because people are people, they make mistakes they're not all good or all evil. Life isn't like that and to hold herself to that impossible standard as well as all the other teenagers and people in her life means they're either evil or they've been put on a pedestal where if they make a mistake they will fall and shatter.
I feel like for dark Sam they did her make up like Tory's which is a fun little choice. They also gave her sai's, while the light version has a bo staff.
Essentially she's gotta find balance but the dark side kicks her ass and disarms her and terrifies the white version when Moon opens the tank.
Sam: Having a terrifying metaphorical fight with herself trying to figure out who she is while balancing all these identities of how other people see her and trying to discern who she is and how to balance this feeling of good and evil within herself when she's not been allowed gray.
Moon: I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight.
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Daniel I don't think Mike Barnes counts as Cobra Kai. I guess well, you might think you yourself were cobra kai, so that means Barnes is also cobra kai. But like the actual students of Cobra Kai, the ones that were in it longer than a few weeks/months don't want to fight you most of the time. Bobby, Jimmy, I highly doubt want to fight you. Johnny really just wants to do a fight for fun. Like sparring.
And I mean heck, Barnes is in the same boat as Johnny. Essentially all these dudes want to fight you for fun and the only one who got to (and who wasn't Cobra Kai) was Chozen because he pretended to take it very seriously and had information you wanted.
Ah, thee fact Barnes pretends to fight is what got Chozen. I was trying to remember why Chozen comes flying in to fight Mike Barnes, but then he mistook the play fighting for real fighting and came in to defend. As promised.
This is why you don't leave Chozen in the car by himself. He got worried.
Chozen stomped on I think that was Barne's knee, ow.
Mike Barnes punches Daniel in a face and he lands into a chair.
No one ever successfully really stops a fight in this show and everyone who does usually get's hit/hurt. I think the best result was prom night where they all ended up in the pool and Stingray turned it into a pool party.
Great question:
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But also you shouldn't leave Chozen in the car for long in this heat. Not cool Daniel, you didn't even crack a window. He might be from Okinawa and you might not actually film in LA but, still summer in LA Chozen would be miserable in that car.
Johnny for 4 seasons, as well as pretty much everyone for 4 seasons:
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"If this is misunderstanding you better call ambulance." and the way Barnes looks at his guys all knocked out and bloodied on the back dock and then at Chozen who meets his gaze, and then like goes whoops, sorry and looks away, all my bad. Kudos to Yuji on those expressions that was great.
Welcome to the karate soap opera Barnes. Please make sure to include karate on all your insurance policies.
I don't know what Johnny is making, but it's kinda nice he's got his door open, so Miguel can just come in. Though he probably shouldn't because it's probably open due to the insecticide. Johnny doesn't care about himself being in that but he does care about Miggy.
Miggy's look around, sniff and then looking at Johnny horrified with a "What is that smell" 😂
Paint thinner or pesticide? Johnny you should not be in there.
Johnny thinks about telling Miguel he might have a baby sibling before realizing he doesn't actually know for sure and that he and Carmen should talk before saying it so immediately changes to "Don't worry about it, just making a few changes" Which seems to be building a lot of new random sharp edged furniture. Dude what are you even doing?
Johnny went grocery shopping and just filled his fridge full of milk. Pretty sure that's supposed to be a joke that he's bought milk to live in his fridge for 9 months. But I don't know how he could've been alive this long and not known that babies don't drink cow milk. But who knows. Maybe he got it for when the kids are over. Or even for himself.
Johnny got a new chair. It's now white and leather/faux leather looking. It used to be yellow and cloth. He also got a new couch. Black leather. I think well they couldn't have been kept quite the same after the pesticide.
There is something funny about Daniel and Chozen getting into a fight at a furniture store and Johnny also being at a furniture on the same day, not getting in a fight and just getting new furniture/running errands.
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Johnny....what does this even mean???? Omg.
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Johnny giving actual good advice here. "I've been there, how about the truth, we all get shit wrong sometimes. Some of us get it wrong a lot. If you own up to your mistakes you always have a shot at making things right. You don't have to have it all figured out. Just be honest with her. See where it goes from there"
Miguel here agreeing with me that that's some actual really good advice.
Johnny seems surprised and agrees.
Well they got Daniel an ice pack for his face. They all have ice packs.
Barnes tells Daniel about the shady attorney Silver had off the books. Barnes made them put TKK3 in writing, he was promised 50% of Cobra Kai.
Chozen relaxing into the tufted blue suede couch. Barnes goes into sales mode.
Chozen: How much?
Barnes: 1,200, but for you? 2,000
Those poor guys having to move Chozen's new couch. (Lol at realizing Johnny and Chozen bought couches on the same day, Chozen what are you going to do? Take it back to Okinawa with you later?) "Careful, don't get blood on couch" while both pillows are tucked under his arms.
Daniel leaving a voice mail to the attorney, just seems so unsafe after Terry's threat that morning.
Sam and Miguel meet to talk at Miyagi-do.
They've left the whole romeo and juliet/ west side story for like teen movie drama about breaking up before going to college and because you're trying to find yourself and it's hard to meet each others needs at the same time.
Miguel apologizes for leaving like that and everything back through to prom where he wasn't thinking of her or them as a couple.
Sam says she respects him taking the time to find himself and go on that journey and apologizes for being so wrapped up in the tournament.
Miggy's little happy smile until she says but.
I mean this is a fair ask, and I think this is very mature of her to be like hey, I need time to figure out who I am too.
Like this whole conversation is maybe heartbreaking but is very emotionally mature of both of them. They're talking, they're listening.
Sam says she needs a break and in tears that 'she's not okay right now'
Miguel holding it together because Sam already is struggling enough as is, crying as he walks away and dropping the $182 necklace onto the ground. The one that probably cost everything he had.
Oh wow, Johnny truly swapped out all his furniture. Even the eagle painting is now a sunset and he bought a plant. Dude did some interior decorating and it's...modern looking.
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Does he have more than one tool box, or did he lose his beaten up old metal red one?
He has 2 plants!
Lol, he said he baby-proofed the whole apartment today too, and try to stick your finger in a socket? Lost cause.
Aww he adjusted his headphones to fit around her stomach of his old Walkman, however it's so big that it pretty much goes 100% all the way around her to her back because she's maybe like I dunno a week pregnant?
Baby playlisit: Sabbath, Metallica, Dokken
Carmen votes Metallica
See, he really just had to get used to the idea here. His freak out was like 1 hour after learning about the possibility. He needed to do something physical, actionable, and think all day and he did.
Also the amount he got done in a single day after breakfast is impressive.
Encino Oaks Country club, new morning. Daniel likes to spend his mornings in there "Nothing like a good steam to start the day off right" His little yawn and stretch and Morning to whoever came in is kinda sweet.
Also Daniel fully wearing a robe in a steam room just seems like a fainting hazard.
I do like Silver coming in through the darkness and the smoke. Very villain move.
He's also more dressed for a steam room...aka not dressed.
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This is such a choice. It's literally Terry Silver sneaking up on Daniel somewhere he feels safe and confronting him somewhere where he's alone and no one else is around, essentially saying this was a bad move, I found out, I know how you found out about this person and then threatening Daniel.
Is the golf club the same as the country club, because if so that should've been a note that Silver had joined his country club. But they didn't show the name of the place beforehand. Like they usually do when they show Encino Oaks
"I told you not to play with fire" and then to make a point literally burns down Barnes's furniture store. That's truly hitting the nail on the head there. And Barnes's has been aware of everything for like five seconds, gave one tiny bit off information out and then lost his whole business. Good thing Chozen got his couch when he did.
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anxiouslowercase · 2 years
operation conceal, ch 2
fandom: dc comics / supersons / shazam warning: none   summary:   Billy Batson would very much like to remind everyone that the wisdom of Solomon does not really hit when he's not in Champion form. Which means that of course he wasn't really thinking when, in order not to expose the secret mission they had been working on, he tells Batman and Superman that he's going out with their children. As in dating. Both of them.     notes: as i rewrote ch 5 to finally update, i realized i didn’t keep on crossposting here? so. leaving this here now:  chapter one is here, and you can find it in a03 as well.
Jon paces around his room, still wearing most of his school uniform save from his blazer and tie, items he had discarded as soon as he'd got home and right before he'd started his nervous walking, about an hour ago. He picks up his phone from his desk for the third time in the last thirty minutes and, once again, he opens his texts.
>> DAMI: I'll be expecting you at 6 sharp. >> DAMI: I have already drafted a possible story but we need to be sure on the details >> DAMI: Plus rehearse. >> DAMI: DO NOT. Be late.
>> BILLY: Is this a new extracurricular or??
>> DAMI: Need I remind you this it your fault, Batson?
>> BILLY: 6 sharp. Got it.
He had only sent a thumbs up emoji, not really trusting himself to add anything else. What had Damian decided, and how much of it was he gonna hate? Also, and most importantly, what did he mean by rehearse? They were pretending to have gone on dates, so did that mean they were going to have to...
Heat rushes quickly from his toes to the tip of his ears, and he immediately slams his phone down back onto the desk. Maybe a bit too hard. (He should probably check the screen.)
No. He is surely just getting ahead of himself due to the stress. Damian is barely okay with, like, a fist bump in a good day, there's absolutely no way he'd suggest for them to--
No. No, there's surely a well-thought plan that'll get them out of this weird situation in record time without making it weirder because it's Damian, and Damian always solves things! So this is just bound to be yet another one of those things - they'll go, follow the plan, undo this weird scenario, go ahead with their former plan and actual reason why they got together in the first place without anyone knowing, and as an added bonus, Jon can go about his life without confronting the fact he's got a crush on his two best friends.
Not one, no, because that'd have been too normal, too easy - on two. And, ulitmately, that is the real reason why he's been pacing his room so much he could've easily made a hole on the floor: sure, he doesn't really want Billy and Damian to know his heart does a flip when they so much look at him; but at the same time, his heart does do a flip when they so much look at him, so what is he supposed to do? Should he take advantage of this whole (fake) dating atmosphere and, as Kon says it, shoot his shot? Or should he wait until after this forced upon romantic environment is terminated to maybe try and do something about it? Should he go wearing his Superboy suit, or should he try and... make an effort? Try to look nice?
That is his main concern, as stupid as it sounds. That's why he's been alternating his gaze between all the nice (clean) clothes he'd found in his closet and that are now in display on his bed, and the supersuit drapped over the chair next to his desk every three or four rounds of pacing. Technically, Damian made it sound like it was just another layer added to their mission, which obviously points at his uniform. However, he also clearly said they're going to discuss (and rehearse!!!) the whole dating thing, so...
He goes back to look at his phone. 5:43.
>> BILLY: Omw >> BILLY: Need me to pick anything up?
>> uhhuh i could do noodles ??
>> DAMI: Jonathan, this is not a picnic.
>> BILLY: I'll get you some if I can fin d them!
He almost sends a heart emoji, out of poor reflex, but thankfully stops himself just in time. Would that be too much? Would they see right through him? Just to be safe, he opts for a smiley face, right when another text comes through.
>> DAMI: Would you both just hurry? There's work to be done.
Jon can almost hear his best friend's scoffing, and that finally steers him to move and pick up his uniform. He takes a deep breath - business it is. Maybe that's for the best; maybe wearing his suit would put him in the right mindset and keep him from doing or saying something embarrassing that would just. Expose him to his two crushes. That'd be pretty cool, if he could achieve that.
Rao, if you're hearing, he thinks to himself as he jumps out the window. Please don't let me ruin it.
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Has anyone talked to you about The Latest Crazy Thing Hawks Just Did? Remember when we learned he was visiting his mom's house "two days after" the war, and thought "ok, way too early, but we'll take it" but then Hawks told us he was actually discharged yesterday? Meaning he might've only spent a single night in the hospital? Well recently we learned that Hawks went back and disposed of Twice's body. So now everybody is like "WTF HAWKS WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE CORPSE?!?!?" And yeah those are the real questions. Did he incinerate it, bag it and bury it, cryogenic chamber??? I can't believe Hori gave us the means to make "Hawks is eerily good at making bodies disappear" jokes alongside the "he's the only Pro down for murder" ones.
So you think the real reason Jeanist thought Hawks died in his car was because the night before he witnessed this wingless, voiceless, should be drop-dead exhausted and unable to lift a finger, heavily scarred (show us his back Hori) moron wake up in a morphine-induced haze, crawl himself out of bed, incite mass panic with the doctors over his frantic mumblings about "what happened in the war, what happened to everyone, Twice-" before arming himself with bleach bottles and sponges and going ham on the blood-stained floor, which also happened to be falling apart, it dropped into empty air at one end from how damaged and unstable it was.
Jeanist watching him on his hands and knees, cleaning like a zombie in a trance, scrubbing furiously, staring at the floor to the point of blurry eyesight because that was also damaged from the fire, he couldn't fully open one eye but he can't risk missing a trace of blood, calculating the next course of action even with the concussion and insane fatigue, and if Jeanist had a crumb of Dadzawa instinct in him instead of being just as crazy as Hawks, he'd be regretting his choices seeing Hawks put his whole back into those scrubs despite the fresh burns, smoke inhalation, etc. Like my guy should be on a ventilator, the story does not shy away from telling us Hawks really did almost die and was hovering between this world and the next, but instead of taking it easy, he takes on more responsibility. I so want to know how this half-dead moron manhandled Jeanist into being his personal taxi driver all the way back to Gunga and smooth talked the cops and other heroes to let him go past the yellow tape into an unstable crime scene and then yell at them for letting Hawks get away with this shit.
Yeah no wonder he passed out in your car! If this is what he was doing! I didn't think he was serious when he said he was running around gathering intel, but he probably really was "running" quite literally, all over a war-ravaged country a night after the fact and covered every single ground in two days. Now what'll really take the cake is if this took place in the morning with him begging the docs to let him be discharged against medical advice and politely requesting a portable breathing device like a semi-respectable if incredibly unwise lad, or if he woke up delirious like a man possessed during the night, coughing and wheezing struggling to speak after ripping the normal med mask off to get a status update, making wild arm gestures before someone got him a phone and shoved the mask back on. Perks of the cover of night is that there's no witnesses and therefore, nobody at Gunga to tell him no or other heroes to judge him over cleaning up the crime scene, he can make his own choices about body disposals. And it ties into Tomie running away, because while VIZ doesn't include it, Jeanist actually asks if she fled under the cover of night, and "like mother, like son." Also the angst if Hawks hadn't spent that night cleaning up after Twice, he could've met his mother in time.
Well, Hawks is a certified mad lad, nothing we didn't know already but the manga keeps on confirming it for us.
Damn Hawks, take a break T-T He wouldn't even let almost dying stop him, already taking precautions of the next step they need to do just so the villains couldn't get a drop on them. He makes me want to scream in frustration because BOY PLEASE.
Hawks is just... wow.
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exlwandering · 22 days
Celica and Lemal part 4
I'm just trying to get as much of my story out in one go as I can because I think it was like a month or two of just no updates even though I had a bunch written. So here, take it!!
I wake up to Relua picking me up out of bed. I didn’t sleep well last night so I’m exhausted. She drops me to the floor as soon as we’re out of Lemals room, I land on my face and bend my arm in a very painful way. But I grit my teeth, get up and follow her. 
I’m thrown in the cold water and scrubbed quickly and harshly yet I almost fall asleep. More water fills my lungs. 
I’m dried softly and I fall asleep in my only friend's arms for who knows how long. 
When I wake up I’m being shoved in another corset. Then  another horrible dress. Much older than yesterdays. 
I’m pushed into my seat at the breakfast table and I fall asleep again, only my head on the table. 
A chair is pulled out and someone, probably Lemal, sits down. Food is put on the table. Lemal puts his hand on my head and I shoot up like a shot. He pulls his hand back, probably from shock.
 I eat all of the food in my bowl, once again putting the meat into Lemals bowl. 
When we finish eating Lemal looks over to Relua, she’s behind me apparently.
She picks me up and when we leave the room she puts me down, more gentle than before. Then she drops a note to me. 
“Are you going to follow me? Or are you going to run back to that hole again?”
I glare up at her. She looks indifferent.  
“The hole.”
Dig, dig, dig some more until I’m in such a trance from all of the turns that I’m making. The goal of all of this is to make one giant maze. If I can do that, even if anyone other than a Compatu manages to get down here they won't be able to get to me or anyone else. Not before I can dig my way out and run away. And anyone else in the future to get stuck here.
I march myself out of the entrance tunnel pulling up mounds of dirt as well. I take a look at my state and, remembering how Lemal looked at me yesterday, realize I need to clean up at least a little.
There is a small neglected pond just beyond the tree line. I get out of my tunnel and run up to it. Earlier I had ditched the dress in that circle section of the maze -technically the entrance of it- and I had slipped the corset off… somehow. (it was one hell of a fight actually, I felt like I couldn’t breath. Thinking about it they probably put it on me so that it’s harder to move, and it sure as hell accomplishes its goal is that;s the case. Maybe I can start ditching them eventually, or maybe hide them until they don’t have anymore to put on me? I’ll think of something.)
I run to the pond and submerge myself into the water, get out again, scrub my fur to get the rocks out and return to my tunnel to get dressed again. When I do, I begin to push the dirt into even more of a garden shape. The plan with the garden is to expand it with all of the dirt that I get from the maze and then plant a whole garden to not only hide the hole to the maze but also to block it off, it'll be difficult for anyone bigger than the bushes to get through them. Which, here, means pretty much anyone trying to find me. 
Sitting down for dinner we once again eat meat. Of course. 
I might not ever have a meal free of meat again. We eat it in more or less silence. But every now and then he looks up at me, he might be talking to me but he should know that I can’t hear him. Maybe it’s a test? Or maybe he’s not talking and he’s just looking at me. I mean, he looked pretty shook yesterday, what with me being in the dirt, which I later saw that it covered every part of me. Usually I can position myself and make the tunnel wide enough to not cover myself but I want the tunnel very snug so that it looks smaller than it is, so it's never even noticed. But since then he doesn't quite look at me the same. Or maybe he does? It’s so difficult to read a face when the entire lower half is a beak and the eyes are so encompassed in dark that you can’t even be sure there are whites to them! Maybe I can’t see enough color for it? Papa used to tell me that Shatoo can apparently see more color than us and as such not only do you have to worry about scent when hiding from them but also completely hiding your body. Nothing can be visible at all. It’s a mess. 
I lean back in my seat, losing a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling. (Or trying to, instead I look Lemal right in the eye. He just stares at me. I know he’s not talking to me at this moment. His mouth is closed and he just looks right at me. Predators only look forward. I can see completely behind me but that doesn't do me much good when he can see completely in front of him.)  I look back down. He’s putting his hand to my side of the table. My poster stiffens and I pull my hand back. He soon pulls his hand away.
At night I’m apparently not allowed to undress myself at all. Lemal waved at me as I was being carried over to the dressing room. And I’m quickly undressed and then shoved into  more lingerie. It’s so much more revealing this time. Completely clear, my only grace being that they’re black. But still nearly translucent. They also put me in a black night dress that ties around my waste. (that is also, say it with me, fucking translucent!!!) They carry me to Lemal’s room where I’m plopped onto the bed. 
When Lemal himself sees me, his posture changes and he walks over to me. He puts his hand to my check and I pull away. After a moment he goes to lay down in the bed and so do I. 
A few minutes go by. I’m almost asleep (if only for my very activity-heavy day) but I feel something wrap around my waist and pull me down a little. I’m about to scream but Lemal puts his head over mine and pulls me very, very close to his chest. His hands are completely wrapped around my chest. He’s cold but his hold on me isn’t uncomfortable. At least it dosen;t seem to be to keep me from going anywhere, more so just… A cuddle, like how a child would hold his stuffed toy. Despite myself I eventually fall asleep.
When I wake up Celica is nowhere to be found. That Relua must have decided that she needed a bath so early in the morning. I need to have a talk with her to not do that again. Maybe when I get back to work but not when I’m on a supposed honeymoon. Not that it’s going well so far. We’ve barely talked at all. I couldn’t tell you anything about her other than she writes and… Digs. 
Sitting up I realize the only thing to do this early is to get myself a bath as well, which is exactly what I do. 
Getting out of the bath I hear Celica at the table, her seat pulled out for her, her climbing in it and then it being pushed in. I practically chase after the sound and scent of her. In reality I can barely smell her here. Yesterday might have been a scare, what with the dirt, but I finally learned where her smell comes from. Dirt. And not shallow dirt, I know that for a fact. When I was younger I would tear up the lawn of this palace and none of that dirt looked or smelled anything like that. My dirt smelled dry and like grass but her dirt smelled like rain, or river rocks, hell even just like a memory. It’s shocking to me just how good she smells to me and all it was was her being dosed in dirt! It makes me feel… I don’t know how it makes me feel.  Just confused I suppose. 
I pull out my seat at the table and quickly plop myself into it, she looks right at me, I think. Those eyes on the side of her head make it hard to tell. I can’t see how she’s expressing her face unless her head is pointed away from me. I don't even know if she can see straight on now that I’m thinking about it. 
I put my hand on her head and whisper, “Good morning my little wife.” She, once-a-fucking-gain does not respond. I try to get her to talk by talking about myself. Bringing up what I like. I barely get through just a couple of sentences before I go quiet again. 
We just sit there eating in silence, and right when I think she’s finally gonna eat her meat, she throws it into my bowl. I eat it almost in spite. The woman is more picky than an infant. Can’t eat meat my ass. 
Despite myself I slither into my office room, getting a good eye of what might await me when my honeymoon is over. Or maybe of what awaits me just tomorrow. 
I sit down starting to work, answering correspondence from family, friends, and with the Decome King of the west. Everyone is congratulating me on my marriage. Other than one at least. This Madam Lady. No fur, feathers, or scales. Said she was from another world. I throw the letter aside. 
“What a nut.”
 I lean back into my seat, closing my eyes once I’ve finished the last one. Then I hear a squeak. 
“Lemal, what the hell are you doing here?!” 
Shooting up to look at my mother I exclaim, “Nothing!” Like a child with his hands caught in the boow bowl
“Well…” She looks over my papers and pens out, “It doesn't look like nothing. I swear you children just want to be old and dry. Get up!”
Standing up quickly I say, “is it really so bad if I decide I wanna get some things done early?”
“Oh please, even your father- as much as he wanted to stay away from me after consummating- he didn’t get near his work. He enjoyed his damned break and now you’re going to do the same. Now stop trying to escape your marriage and-”
“Mother, that is the last thing I’m doing! I am not so bad a husband as Father and you know it!” 
“Well you've yet to show it now haven’t you?”
That one stings. What’s worse is that I know she can see it on my face. 
“Oh,” crossing her arms she says, “just don’t work right now… You’ll only bog yourself down. Besides, there’s nothing to do.” Walking up to me she attempted to console me with, “just relax. If it doesn't work It doesn't work. All she’s good for is the honeymoon and then nothing. Enjoy this. Find her and take her if you must to enjoy her but just enjoy her.” She turns and as she walks away whispers, “it’s your right, remember?” She looks at me at the door pointing outwards. “Now get out and do something else.”
Leaving my office I decided to find Celica. I check all the places she wasn’t yesterday, sure enough she’s decided that she won’t be getting her fitting done today. Maybe she’s just modest, although I doubt it. Instead I check her little… garden. I don’t go outside though. Instead I grab a knife, some Belly Bulb fruit and I open the window closest to her. 
It’s odd watching her. She seems so precise. As well as she disappears in a hole for several minutes at a time. Then pulling dirt out of said hole. Over and over and over. No wonder she’s got such visible muscles, even with all of my strength I couldn't do that. I don’t understand why she won't just get dirt from the surface. Maybe it’s more fertile the deeper you go? I don’t know. I just sit, eating my Belly Bulbs while watching her. This goes on for hours. 
It is a treat watching her run to some pond to rinse off, if a little improper. She’s wild. Willing to do anything just for her own entertainment. She just decided, not a day into living here that she wanted a garden. And that is exactly what she’s doing. Not even asking for it, just taking it and doing a better job than others might be able to. It’s a little inspiring. I erase any thought of forced love from my mind at the sight of this. I want her to want me like this. It would be wonderful to be watched and cared for so much. True desire. It feels more like a need thinking about it. 
At dinner she once again puts the meat in my bowl. I admire that too. How she’s so determined. I watch her and talk random nonsense. Books I like, shows I’ve seen, my favorite music, anything that might catch her interest. 
At some point she looks over to me. Or more so up. I keep forgetting how much taller I am than her. 
I look back at her. I take a quick risk and reach for her hand. It's so small, and unfortunately fast as she pulls it back. 
I pull my hand back as well. 
“Y'know… I believe I’m starting to admire you. And just like on our wedding night I’ll say that we move at your pace. I’m happy to wait, so long as I can wait with you.”
I just walk out of the toilet room when Celica is plopped on our bed, looking a little peeved at Relua for carrying her, I’ll admit, it’s probably a little strange to going to a people that probably can’t pick her up a little to being carried but it is a necessary evil. However I don’t think about that for long. Her dress. That’s what I’m looking at. 
Black, and thin, and tight. 
“Was… Was this your idea or?” Heading over to I say again, “because if this was only them- Relua- then they need to stop. I can’t handle this.” I put my hand to her cheek but she pulls away again. 
“I- I’m sorry, it’s too much too soon. I’ll leave you be.”
I slip into the bed and so does she, silently. She must be embarrassed from yesterday and in a moment of slight desperation, I reach out to her and pull her close to me, tucking her head under my chin, and holding her tight to my chest. “Yesterday was fine, I still love you not to worry. Sleep now.”
And lucky me, she does.
Part One ^
Part two ^
Part three ^
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mostlymalena · 3 months
June 14th 2024 6:12pm
Hello friends and fans and family and foe.
This will be an update about Ava so big ole post. I'll try my best to tell this in an entertaining way. I'll write it like I expereinced it.
I met Ava back in 2021 because her roommate and best friend at the time, Becca, had just begun dating Josh. Yes, Josh as in best friends and roommates AND bandmate of Hugh who was my boyfriend at the time. When I find out Hugh cheated on me I get told that him and Ava are snapchatting a lot and Ava tells me that Hugh wants her and wants to hookup but she rejected him bc she is on my side. Anyways when I was going through the court stuff with Hugh because I posted about what he put me through and he said "hey not fair!", she took their side (this comes back around later I promise) and posted about me on her social media calling me a liar and saying I was never abused blah blah. Good for her for being loyal.
Fast forward to 2023, she see's me at blue post bc of course you would and comes up to me and profusely apologizes for taking their side and that she believed me this whole time and I tell her its chill no big deal and she then post me on her story which ruffles some feathers but I don't really care bc when do I ever.
Anyways, she is dating this girl Paige at the time (still 2023) and Paige's father get's really really sick. When he is close to passing away Ava's father very suddenly dies and it's very very shocking for her and her family. So of course Ava is destroyed and a lot of her friends rally to support her. Now I'm not sure when but close to when her dad died Paige cheats on Ava so we all once again rally for Ava and it's fuck Paige. Paige's father dies during this as well. Lot's of emotions.
During this time me and Ava are getting closer - I bond with her over losing a parent as I have lost my mother. Also to note I never fully attach to Ava bc she is well, she was just always in some kind of tizzy with someone and it seems to never be her fault. I mean something was ALWAYS happening to her.
Near thanksgiving time she tells me and everyone that her mother has committed suicide. Now this is when her and I really bond because I lost Emma 6 months prior to just that and I also lost my mother. So! Her and I grow closer and start hanging out outside of just seeing each other at the bars. No one had any reason to not believe her bc who tf would lie about that!! She also reached out for support several times over her father passing. During thanksgiving she even went home and posted pics of her mom's house and captioned it with stuff like "it looks the exact same since she left". She also got support about the struggle of having to clean her parents house out and how she is avoiding it bc its too hard.
Fast forward to when Grace and I start talking again. Grace and Ava had already been friends before G and I reconnected and Ava had made it clear in more than one way that she was interested in more than friends with Grace. Obvi this was brought up when G and I reconnected but Ava had made SURE to make it clear with me that she knows me and G are together and she would never pursue. Grace also sent Ava a very brute and CLEAR text which I READ MYSELF that she ONLY sees ava as a friend and there will never be anything more than friendship between them. Ava was asking Grace to hang out so much that Grace got a weird feeling and didnt wanna lead ava one or make things unclear. Ava also says that Paige is always hitting her up and showing up to her house and it's just played off as ex girlfriend drama. Wait I have a screenshot I know it
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Around this time Ava is also served with a FUCKING RESTRAINING ORDER from Paige. And makes a complete joke about it. Won't show anyone the papers. Now IVE BEEN THROUGH THIS!!! So I fucking tell her what to do, like go to court and provide evidence that you are not stalking her. She does not go to court. So if you don't show up to defend yourself.. the restraining order is automatically granted. Ava "not knowing this" texts Paige on the year anniversary of her father's death and Paige calls the cops on Ava for breaking the restraining order. Ava is ARRESTED and goes to JAIL. She calls Reese (her best friend) to bail her out and Reese gets a bondsman and pays for Ava to get out. We feel bad bc Ava is like "I don't have parents to bail me out"," I don't have parents to teach me how to be an adult". so like duh she is right.
Now court is set for a couple weeks later because Ava has to see if she is going to go to actual jail for a couple months for breaking the restringing order. She hires a lawyer and me, Reese, grace, and a couple other friends go to the court room with her to support her. This happens the DAY AFTER I GET HOME FROM A TEN DAY TRIP IN ITALY. Reminder Grace and I broke up for a solid 5 days before a couple days into my Italy trip. Well Ava helped her fucking self to try and get with Grace while I was in Italy (grace rejected her) but was texting me she missed me while I was gone and was hoping I had a good trip yada yada. So already my hackles were fucking raised. I mean all the while I had a sense that Ava wanted to fuck Grace which I have expressed to Grace before lmao.
Back to all of us sitting in court:
Paige signs a paper from Ava's lawyer dismissing the call and whatever so Ava does not have to go to jail. We all celebrate and Grace post something about Ava on her story. Some girl who is Paige's friend slides up and says "If you knew the whole story you would not be supporting Ava. Ask her about her dead mom".
Now Grace and I don't know what to do with that info but we kinda decide to keep Ava at arm's length for now. She also was just always chaotic and being crazy and what not. She gets fired for picking fights with some girl at her work two days after the court win and I tell her maybe me her and Reese should sit down and make a plan for her life to get her back on track. All she does is smoke weed and get fucked up on the weekends. May 26th 2024 I realize I have not heard from her since the night before. I check her local and it's off and call and text her. No answer. I start freaking out. THEN. I get this TEXT. From a number I dont know and it's green.
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So I freak the fuck out. I call Reese and we decide to go to her apartment. The door is unlocked and she isnt home but her cat is. We call the local hospitals admission offices and check if she has been admitted. Nothing.
Ava finally calls Reese and tells us she had bad thoughts and checked herself into the hospital the night before. We are all relieved but also upset she didnt text anyone at all. We tell her about the random number and she loses it and gets so upset. Telling me she is so sorry. Here are some text from that convo:
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This random number starts texting Gracie and Ava's other friends terrible things like I wish she had died and shit like that. So we are all reeling from that and worried and shit. Ava and Jo graduate college so we go downtown and celebrate. Ava wears her cap and gown and seems happy.
Fast forward to June 2nd 2024. I get a call from Reese 1 hour before I'm set to pick up Ava for a Pride event at Hi-Wire.
Reese tells me a couple days prior they went to Brunch (her and Ava) to a spot where Ava wanted to go bc she knew a waitress there. Well they eat and another waitress recognizes Ava bc they know or are friends with Paige and tells Ava's waitress that Ava lied about her mom killing herself. From what I remember this waitress straight up asked Ava why people are saying she lied about it and Ava blames it on Paige trying to cause drama and shit.
Well Reese being the smartest bitch on the planet looks into it. Cannot find an obituary for Ava's mom OR dad. What does she find: HER MOTHERS INSTAGRAM. Which has a RECENT POST. AS IN 3 DAYS RECENT. Her mother is very much alive and well and paints and sells antiques. Reese and I lose it. Ethan is with me when I get all this info and me and Ethan look into it bc Reese and now I don't believe her father is dead either. Time is up, so I pick up Ava and pretend all is well and we go to Pride. Ava tells me Reese is mad at her and she thinks it's bc of some drama at her old job blah blah. I keep quiet bc I know lmao.
That night I tell the jester's chat (all my friends) and Adam being a sleuth. FINDS AVA'S DAD. Ava's dad who is also alive and well is using his retirement to be the CEO of a non-profit that builds homes for unhoused people and gets them back on their feet. So I tell Reese all this and Reese and I decide that I'm going to call and confront Ava about it all. So I do. Ava does not answer and her local is off and she wont answer texts for a long time. I get nervous she offed herself again so I do a wellness check on her. She texts me after the cops leave her house and I told her we need to talk ASAP. She calls me. And I record the convo. You can listen below just wait about 20 seconds after you click play and you will hear me say hello.
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Anyways. She admits her mother is alive but insist her father is dead. bc of this I decide to post publicly and here is why:
I know Ava very well and she manipulates situations and so I wanted to get ahead of this before she tried to tell people I was a liar and crazy
Ava lied to SO MANY PEOPLE SO MANY. I feel like lies to this degree that led to people giving her money, opening up about their trauma, giving her breaks, need to be exposed.
I have no idea how she would react to this so really I just wanted to make sure Reese and I's story was accurately portrayed which is why this blog post is needed for my sanity.
I posted it on my story and got a slew of DM's of course. I answered everyone's questions and sent my evidence to those who asked.
Reese and I don't want Ava to kill herself bc she goes ghost so I call Ava's mother whose phone number is attached to her insta and record that convo as well. I just tell her mother what has happened and that Ava will need a lot of support right now. She tells me her father is alive and they are still happily married. Ava's mother told me that Claire and Paige called her the day before and that it was not a good convo but thats all the details I got from that bc it was not my place to ask.
After posting I got a call from a girl, who legit 3 years ago copied my heart sleeve as a half sleeve and I told her that wasnt chill and that was legit it. I have not thought of her since then and never spoke about her lmao. Well she has been wanting to reach out to me and apologize for how she handled the situation and ava told her not to reach out to me.
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I called her back and she told me more details and also told me about how she told her that she is just my friend bc of my "social status" in wilmy whatever the fuck that means and that she never believed me about the Freedrink/Hugh stuff. AND GET THIS LMAO. Also told me that Ava is OBSESSED WITH MY GIRLFRIEND and was constantly telling her that Grace always asks to hangout and that grace is obsseseedd with her and that Ava is just waiting for us to break up so Ava gets her chance and would constantly talk about me and Paige whenever they hung out. Me and this girl are super chill now.
I called and told Reese this and Reese confirmed that Ava also told her she never believed my Freedrinks stuff and that Ava was constantly talking about Grace and wanting her. Claiming all these people including my fucking girlfriend are obsessed with her (her as in Ava)
I got a bout 104723502358 dms about all the same stuff. Paige figured out Ava was lying and thats why she got a restraining order and so I do want to publicly apologize for being on the wrong side of the court room. That was fucked up and I was wrong. 
Ava's mother also told me that AVA DID NOT GRADUATE COLLEGE LMAO. That she has to take summer classes and maybe some more next semester. SO SHE FAKED GRADUATING COLLEGE.
Ava reactivated her insta recently, blocked me instantly, didnt block MY GIRLFRIEND and posted on her close friends that she added Grace to and said "wilmy is full of lying bitches". So now here it is all laid out. 
The End. 
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mini-kirin · 2 years
jamelri: domestic content (part 1) | twisted wonderland
just some small fluff about jamelri and how they navigate/live life whilst beings a polyship! please note that i am not poly myself, so if i got anything factually wrong or offending about poly relationships please let me know!
they navigate their relationship pretty well actually! if anyone struggles the most, it’s riddle as i firmly believe he has not much personal knowledge on romantic relationships in general (they were deemed as “unnecessary” by riddle’s mother, and it’s not like his own parents were the pinnacle of agape)
jamil’s the second person with the least amount of knowledge on love. sure he’s read countless stories to kalim and his young siblings, but jamil became quite hesitant when it came to real romance. the way kalim’s parents showered each other in riches and splendour while jamil’s parents made sacrifices for each other (and for the sake of the asim family) caused him to have a very unsure position on love though
else, though she’s also hardly ever shown much interest in romance, probably has the most knowledge on love. she’s seen examples of healthy relationships through her parents, and heartbreak from watching zhen’s relationships come and go. though she has little experience, she’s quite knowledgeable
else is the one who initiated the relationship; while jamil and riddle have grown feelings between each other, it was because of else that they realized they didn’t mind having multiple partners (else poly awakening real)
though all of them work hard to bring money home, they each have different domestic “roles” within the relationship.
for example, jamil’s the one who’s most knowledgeable on cooking, remedies for illnesses, and making sure his partners are fed well. he makes sure else and riddle are healthy and have their basic needs met. he also does the grocery shopping
riddle keeps tabs on the finances and taxes (once they move in together, of course), as well as maintenance and updates of their living arrangements. he has all the receipts organized and ready
else’s both the emotional support puppy gf (lol), the one who arranges dates and activities for the trio, and who’s also the main cleaner. deep cleaning and reorganizing stuff de-stresses her from her busy life as a lawyer
while the three can interchange tasks (or are learning how to), jamelri quickly learned which “roles” were suited best for them in their relationship
they’re all very awkward about the relationship at first because of their inexperience. all three of them have a hard time showing affection so openly, so it’s really hard to even tell they’re in love with each other unless you look at the small acts they do solely for each other
jamil fusses over his lovers a lot more, but the way he does so is very different with how he fusses over kalim. it’s out of love rather than mere obligation. he’s softer, less stressed, offering warm words rather than panicked shouts
riddle, on the other hand, fusses less. though it’s still quite hard for him, he’s learning to de-condition himself from being stuck to his rules. he’s also a lot more shy and easily flustered if shown any form of PDA. you’d think he’d be more uptight and stressed than ever, but no; after his overblot episode he knows that he needs to change. he doesn’t want to scare his lovers away
else becomes more demanding for affection. though the trauma of losing her parents before (and then her siblings when they went to Twisted Wonderland before her) caused her to be very cold like ice, she’s truly very much touch-starved and isn’t afraid to ask for affection publicly (of course while maintaining a certain degree of professionalism)
their go-to sleeping position is else in the middle, her head tucked under riddle’s arm; riddle is flat on his back on one side of else, and jamil lays on the other side of her with his arm stretched over both else and riddle (if that makes any sense)
jamil and else teach riddle a ton of things he missed out on because of his youth. they’re riddle’s biggest defenders and are always ready to fight back against the roseheart’s, especially else who has no ties to royalty and can say what she wants unfiltered (though jamil isn’t royalty, he still has close ties as a servant to the asim family)
personally, i feel like jamil would refuse to legally marry either else or riddle, at least until he can sever his ties from the asim family. he doesn’t want to drag them into the political (for the lack of a better word) mess between the viper and asim families, so he begs for them to wait until he can be freed
another jamil-focused hc: it takes many years, but when kalim finally gains enough power among his house, else and riddle plead with their old classmate to let jamil be freed. kalim, after much debate with his parents, complies; having grown up, he sees all the sacrifices jamil was forced to make by both their parents, and he wants to see him free
it’s also because the request was made by both of his old friends/classmates
jamelri have two daughters: amanda (else and riddle’s biological child) and zahira (else and jamil’s biological child). they call riddle “dad” or “father” and they call jamil “baba”. else is their “mama”
amanda is the older child by the way. jamil did not want to have a child while he was serving the asim, because he did not want them to also be forced to serve the asim family. as such, the three decided to put off having a child with jamil, and amanda was born first
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triptuckers · 3 years
Fix her - Kaz Brekker
Request: nope Pairing:  kaz brekker x reader Summary:  kaz sent you out to gather information, and you always return on time with the intel he needs. well, maybe not always. Warnings: angst, language, mentions of BLOOD, BRUISES, INJURIES, typical soc stuff, slight six of crows and crooked kingdom spoilers Word count:  2.2K A/N: hello my darlings it is I and I have read almost every book leigh bardugo has written in the past month. I am now hopelessly in love with jesper, kaz and nikolai. I'll be updating my character list soon! I still have a few wips but I don’t have any motivation / inspiration for those. so have my first kaz brekker x reader instead! enjoy reading :)
It was a rather easy job, really. Kaz had received word that the Dime Lions had an important meeting coming up. Because he always wanted to know what exactly was going on in the Barrel and with its gangs, he wanted someone to listen in on said meeting.
Normally, he would send Inej. She was the obvious choice when it came to gathering information. But she was still recovering from a rather nasty cut in her side, and so you had offered to go.
Inej insisted she could go. But all it took was you raising your eyebrows when she moved to sit up, only to wince and flop back down onto the bed. Though he didn’t quite like it, Kaz had assigned you to the job. 
No one said it out loud, but everyone knew there was something between you and Kaz. Neither of you had spoken about it. There were just a lot of lingering glances, smiles from you and what you think was almost a smile from Kaz, and you even had stolen his coat once when you had lost your own. He didn’t seem to mind though.
When you had left that evening to listen to the Dime Lions meeting from the shadows, Kaz had sent you a look that you knew all too well. He reserved it only for you. It was him telling you to be safe. You’d respond with a wink that basically meant always am.
The rest of the crows started a card game to pass the time as they waited for you to come back. They didn’t worry, you were always careful and are considered one of the most dangerous criminals in Ketterdam. They knew whatever happened, you could handle yourself.
But after Jesper had lost four rounds of card games, the tension began to rise between them. Most meetings typically didn’t last this long. Still, no one said anything as they started their fifth game. You would show up eventually, probably bringing valuable insight with you.
After two more games, there was still no sign of you. Nina was the first one to speak up.
‘She should have been back by now.’ she says, absently looking out the window into the dark street. 
‘Have a little faith, Zenik.’ says Kaz, though on the inside he was filled with worry. He shook it off and focused on the game again.
More than once he’d scolded himself for allowing you to get this close to him. For putting so much trust in you, especially after what happened the last time he’d really trusted someone. But he couldn’t help it. It was like he was drawn to you like Jespers trigger finger was to his revolvers. He couldn’t help it.
Still, he knew your skills. He knew you were smart, and a fighter. Whatever was going on with you out there, he had no doubt you’d show up at the door in a few moments, cheerfully announcing what good intel you’d gathered and wondering how many card games you’d missed.
But you still didn’t show. And one by one, they all lost their interest in the card game. They fell silent and looked out the window or fiddled with their empty glasses. The tension in the room grew. Until Kaz suddenly stood.
‘Finish the game.’ he says. ‘I’ll go and look for her.’
‘I’ll come with you.’ says Jesper, getting up as well.
‘No.’ says Kaz, earning a frown from Jesper. ‘Just me.’ he says. And with that, he pulled on his coat, grabbed his cane and was out the door.
‘Right.’ says Jesper, sitting back down. ‘Anyone fancy another game? I have a feeling I’m gonna win this one.’
They played three more games. They were tired, and it was well past midnight. Still, none of them went upstairs to their rooms. Too anxious to play any more cards or to even have a normal conversation, they settled for silence and more drinks. 
Jesper was fiddling with his rings and bouncing his leg. Nina had her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. Matthias was trying to not look at Nina. And Wylan was attempting to build a house out of the cards. 
Finally, they heard the sound of the door opening. All of their heads shot up and turned to look who it was. 
Kaz stumbles awkwardly through the door, carrying you in his arms. Nina gasps softly and Jesper murmurs ‘Saints’ as their eyes land on your body. 
It’s bruised and bloody, and your eyes are shut. Was Kaz too late?
‘Clear the table!’ says Kaz loudly, limping toward it with you in his arms. 
Instantly, Matthias and Jesper seize the glasses and cards off the table as Wylan pulls some of the chairs back to make room. Kaz lays your beaten up body on the table and turns to Nina.
‘Help her.’ says Kaz.
But Nina is looking at you body, bruised and bloodied, nothing like the cheerful girl that buys her waffles and laughs as she teases Matthias. It’s almost impossible to find a spot on your body that doesn’t have a wound on it. There’s slashes from knives everywhere, bruising around your neck and the side of your face, and to top it off, blood is slowly leaking out of a bullet wound in your leg.
An expression of horror is written across Nina’s face, her hands pressed against her mouth. 
‘Nina.’ Kaz presses on. ‘I said help her.’
‘Kaz, I don’t think-’ stammers Nina. ‘Come on, fix her!’ says Kaz loudly, surprised of how much anxiety can be heard in his voice. Fix her, he thinks, because I need her to fix me.
‘I can try but-’ ‘Do it.’ says Kaz and then he turns away, he can’t bear to look at you any longer. Memories of Jordie flood over him, mingled with memories of you. Your laugh, how he fights his own smile every time you wink at him or send a flirty comment his way, the way you smell. How you look at him when he catches your eyes. 
Kaz shuts his eyes, attempting to drown the memories out. Taking deep breaths, he tries to focus on the voices behind him.
‘Jesper get the bullet out of her leg.’ says Nina. 
‘Just pull it out?’ questions Jesper.
‘Saints, you’re Grisha, Jesper, pull the fucking bullet out!’ says Nina in a loud voice laced with fear.
After a while of listening to Nina’s murmuring and instructions to others, Kaz finally turns back around to look at you. A wave of nausea hits him unexpectedly and he swallows hard. 
Nina had treated most of the wounds, with Jesper’s help. But your entire body is still covered in bruises, and now bandages as well. Nina’s cleaned the dried blood off of your face, but your arms and legs are still covered with it. 
They’re all nervously looking at Kaz.
‘I don’t know if she’s going to-’
‘Don’t.’ says Kaz, interrupting her. He needed to think straight. He needed someone to help him focus. Normally, you’d be the one to do so. But you’re in no condition to softly talk to him to reassure him everything is going to be alright. He needed to be his own soothing voice tonight.
‘Matthias.’ he says. ‘Bring her up to my room. Nina, go with him, see if there’s anything else you can do for her. Jesper, get Inej up to speed. Wylan, clean this mess up before someone notices.’
Without waiting for their reactions, Kaz walks up the stairs to his floor. Several moments later, followed by Matthias, who is carrying you, and Nina and Jesper. Jesper disappears into Inej’ room, while Matthias and Nina continue to walk the stairs to get to Kaz’ floor. 
When they arrive, Matthias carefully places you on Kaz’ bed as he was instructed. For a while, the three of them look at you. Until Matthias and Nina go to their rooms as well, leaving Kaz alone with you.
None of them had questioned why he insisted Matthias brought you to his room and not your own. Of course, they were dying to find out exactly what was going on between you and Kaz, but they all knew tonight was not the night to push him.
As he looks at you, Kaz feels the strong urge to touch you. Lay his hand on your cheek, to see if it’s still warm. But he can’t. Instead, he merely pulls out a chair and sits down next to the bed. He lets his eyes travel over your body, wondering how much pain you’re in, and who the hell was responsible for it. 
He needed you to wake up. He needed you to tell him who did this so he could send his biggest most muscular members of the Dregs to them. Kaz wanted them to hurt the way they had hurt you. 
His mind is running at an alarming speed. But eventually, even Kaz can’t fight his tired body anymore, and he falls asleep in an uncomfortable position in his chair.
From that night on, he instructed that you shouldn’t be left alone. He doesn’t want you to wake up and realise you’re on your own. The next day, it’s business as usual. The members of the Dregs are coming and going like they always do. The familiar flow of people helps to take everyone’s mind off things, but as soon as they’re by your side, they remember. 
Nina had tried her best to heal you, but it still took you almost a week to wake up.
When you wake up, your first thought is that your entire body feels way heavier than it’s supposed to. You try to open your eyes but it’s like your eyelids are made of lead. After a couple more tries, you finally open them.
You take in the room, and realise it’s not your own. Kaz. 
Why would you be in Kaz’ room? Why aren’t you in your own room? And why does your body feel so damn heavy?
And then all of the memories flood back. Like a tsunami, they catch your breath in your throat, making it hard to breathe. You try to inhale deeply, but it’s like your throat is sealed shut. You start to panic when you notice you can’t breathe. 
Then a pair of hands land on your shoulders and gently push you back onto the bed. Whoever it is, is talking softly to you. You close your eyes and try to steady your breathing. 
Then the voice yells out, but from much farther away, like they’re standing in the doorway, and not next to the bed.
‘Kaz! Nina! Get up here!’
It’s Jesper. 
You try to ask him what’s going on, but it’s still hard to breath normally. You try to focus on something else. Jesper’s voice trying to calm you down, his eyes looking into yours, but nothing’s helping. 
Then you hear a sound you know all too well. A familiar stumbling, of someone walking up the stairs with a cane. 
Seconds later, Kaz rushes into the room and roughly shoves Jesper away, taking his place next to the bed.
‘Who did this to you?’ he says. 
His voice is that familiar rasp, and normally you love it. But now it just makes your head hurt. You shut your eyes and softly shake your head, trying to drown the sound out. 
‘Y/N, who did this to you?’ says Kaz, more firmly this time.
‘Kaz.’ says Nina’s voice. ‘Let her rest. You can talk later.’ Nina’s voice is softer, more gentle than Kaz’. You try to focus on it as you open your eyes again.
Kaz is close. He looks down at you and you’re surprised by the look in his eyes. Was that a hint of worry you detected? You open your mouth to say something, but Kaz is faster.
‘Y/N, tell me who did this to you.’ says Kaz.
‘Couldn’t see their faces.’ you manage to say in a hoarse voice. Your throat feels dry and you start to cough. Immediately, Nina moves to get you a glass of water and helps you to drink it. 
‘Did you notice the way they moved? How they walked? Were they Dime Lions? Could you see any tattoos? What about scars? Clothing? Voices?’
Kaz keeps on firing questions at you, but you can’t focus on his words. Your head feels heavy and you feel your eyelids slowly closing again. 
‘Kaz.’ you say softly. ‘Tomorrow.’ 
You expect him to press on, to find out who did this to you. But instead, he looks at you and holds your gaze. He doesn’t say anything, he merely nods at you. You know what it means. Despite his harsh voice and the million questions, he’s glad you’re safe. And the ones who did this to you will pay for it. He’ll make sure of it.
You offer a weak smile before closing your eyes, already drifting off. You hear two pairs of footsteps leave the room, and assume Nina stayed behind to check on you.
The chair next to you gets moved back and you hear how someone sits down in it. When you feel something brush against your fingers, you assume it’s Nina checking your pulse.
But then you feel a gloved thumb on the back of your hand. It slowly rubs over your skin. To most people it wouldn’t mean anything. But to you, it meant the world. A tiny smile reaches the corners of your mouth, as you fall asleep. 
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
may i request, Mikan Tsumiki, Kazuichi Souda, Gundham Tanaka, Korekiyo Shinguuji and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu findin' their wendigo S/O severly ingerd in the woods? Im sorry, im a sucker for wendigos!!!
Mikan Tsumiki, Kazuichi Souda, Gundham Tanaka, Korekiyo Shinguuji, and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu finding their wendigo S/O injured in the woods
psa and for anyone new: i am native and this is my culture. if you're going to say something 'informative' in the inbox just know: i know what you're going to say and I ! do not ! care !. Talk to the wall.
anyway why is this website so fucking annoying to write on now jesus christ have ya'll noticed this or is it literally just mine - update I think it's literally just mine because my sideblog doesn't do the thing this blog does.
mod souda life update idk: me and my friends went to disney and I met loki and then I cried W.
currently watching: shrek forever after
-Mod Souda
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Mikan Tsumiki
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✫ She worries about you very little. You're an entity, and therefore you are something greater than her. She has hardly even seen you in pain, the times in which she thought you were in pain ended up being a false alarm. Those times were triggered by the buckets of blood covering your body. Not your blood, of course, but she didn't realize that fast enough. Beyond using her nurse-experience to clean you up (you notice her slow movement when it comes to wiping you down as well as her soft tone) she really doesn't know much about how to treat you. You were once human, yes of course, but does your body still function like one?
It's a truly horrific sight: you curled up in the shade of a tree that seemed to have died many months ago. When Mikan came across it, she immediately held onto the straps of her tote as she raced over, her mouth releasing gasps of worry, sounds she didn't even hear. You unwound yourself, holding yourself up on your hands and feet and watching her approach.
"Oh no," she keeps repeating. "Oh no, oh no, oh no."
You want to wave it off, shaking your body hand at her, but she is crouching and assessing the wounds before you can even try to.
She asks if it hurts, her dull, purple eyes staring up at you with the brightness of an amethyst. You have never seen her this focused before. The steadiness of her hands and the furrowing of her brows is something new. You can hardly keep your eyes off of her.
It's a cut from a branch on your thigh, that's all it is. But it stings and hinders your movement. You don't like being in pain.
She bandages you up as if you were a child, kissing the gauze and looking up at you for approval. You ruffle her hair with your clawed hands.
✫ She trips all the time in that land of yours. She scrapes herself, gets leaves caught in her hair, and falls into spits of mud.
✫ ^ You have given up trying to catch her. You just watch her fall.
✫ She doesn't see you as something dangerous, and you found that out rather quickly. She always blushes when you look at her too deeply, and she stumbles whenever she refers to the things she feels about you. It's odd to be treated with such a care.
✫ You hardly get hurt so she hardly has to treat you, but still, she carries all of her instruments in her bag. She likes the thought of being the stronger person, especially considering you're the most dangerous one.
✫ You're an entity yet she gets to take care of you.
✫ It's like her dream come true.
Kazuichi Souda
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✫ He is incredibly nervous when it comes to having to be to your assistance. He considers you something above him, so when he sees you sprawled out on the dirt, breathing slowly and eyes closed, his mind starts to race. What is there to do? He can't pick you up and drag you back into his home - he can't even do it if he tried. He thinks about running home and finding something. It reminds him of when he was just beginning to work on his self-driving motorcycle, and after awhile of fucking with the mechanics, to test if it would work he would grab the handles and run down the road, giving it energy before letting it go. He would be running too fast to stop immediately, and he'd be running alongside the bike, his lungs burning and his mouth open. Can he run like that again?
"H-Hey." His shaky hands travel your form, trying to find the source of the bleeding. He is too scared to touch you. He hovers like a ghost. "I'm here."
You can hear him but you can't find it within yourself to respond, instead you just wave a hand, putting in minimal effort to move. You can feel his eyes on you, the blanket he pulled from the house brushes against your cold flesh. Just get it over with, you think. Another part of you is curious - what is he going to do? How does he expect to treat a monster like yourself?
He presses his lips to the base of your skull. "You'll be okay."
Those are lines he's heard in movies, comforting things he knows he is supposed to say. You're not something that watches movies, and you're not something that even vaguely consumes media, so these are the words of an angel to you.
I'm going to be okay, you think. I'm going to be okay.
✫ He honestly has no idea what to use, he just knows that you're supposed to press something to the bleeding or whatever. He is too panicked to even think to look it up - he doesn't have time for that!
✫ His main goal is to try and use his words to make you feel better.
✫ He never realized how useless he can be in situations like this - of course he had a clue, but actually being there is so...
✫ He is neither good with his words nor steady enough to be good at his hands beyond repairing and upgrading machinery, and you are not a machine, far from it, which makes this ten times worse.
✫ The way he goes about it is just supporting you as you heal in a natural way.
Gundham Tanaka
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✫ Even though he would never think of you like this directly, he cannot deny the fact that you are more animal than human. This has its benefits as well as its flaws. Truthfully, it helps him understand you better, yet at the same time it puts errors in the two of you's levels of communication. Some of the things you do radiant beast - the way your head cocks when you hear a sound, or the way you press your head closer to him when you want affection. He doesn't hang around humans, not too much, so he is personally unsure as to if this is something humans usually do. He heals you as if you were an animal.
He's calm as he does it as well. His hands do not waver, his eyes do not wander. You cannot determine if he thinks of you as his patient. Under the heavy bleeding and the lax muscles, he presses his shirt against the wound. His jacket is tossed, resting beside him, as he sits shirtless in the nights air.
It's the sound of your breaths, that's all that is there.
He tries to sit you up, but it all depends on your compliance. He's strong enough to rest your upper half on his body if he stands up tall enough.
He doesn't say a word. His lips are tight and his neck is stiff. His mind is too busy. You're going to live, he knows that much. You are the strongest creature he's ever encountered, both emotionally and physically. You're going to live.
✫ Imma be real I don't think he even knew you could bleed.
✫ He is definitely taking mental note in his head about how long it takes you to heal and such.
✫ He holds your hand: your big, bloodied hand. The wet blood seeps into the folds of his palm. He doesn't mind, he doesn't even wipe it away.
Shinguuji Korekiyo
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✫ Your homely seclusion in the forest is a 43 minutes drive away from his ward. He has no problem traveling all that way, especially when it's to see you, but he does have a problem with the idea of driving all the way back just to get you somewhere safe. He didn't bring anything helpful with him, why would he? To him, you are this supernatural entity that can have no harm inflicted on it. Why, then, why are you laying in the dirt in a puddle of your own blood. There's a hospital just 14 minutes away. Maybe he can get some help, but what a stupid idea that is, as there is nobody except him that can help you.
He tries to communicate with you. "Where is it coming from?" He asks. You have to form words, you know it's the only way he can come up with a solution. He will not assume what is wrong nor assume the way you want him to fix it.
You have no issue with talking to him anyway. You love it when he acknowledges you.
He checks you gums, checks what color they are. "You're okay," he says in a bit of an off-put tone (does he truly believe what he is saying?).
What he does is try to clean you up. He grabs something and tries to wipe the blood away, will this make you more comfortable?
His bare hand runs up and down your chest, the bandages around his hands long discarded, as he tries to soothe you. "You're going to heal from this in a very quick manner, I can sense it already. The energy you contain goes beyond any pain you may be feeling."
You just hum, placing your head upon some leaves, basking in the feeling of his flesh.
✫ It's the trick of the light, it must be. You do heal rather fast, he knew it, he knew it would be true.
✫ You pass his expectations seemingly every time he sees you.
✫ He stays with you that entire night, by the way. He stays with you and makes sure you're fine.
✫ Even when the moon raises and he can't even see his own hands, he stays there with you. Whatever animal is out there, they must fear your presence, weak or otherwise.
✫ He hums songs to you as he waits for your strength to return.
✫ You truly have never felt more at peace then there with him.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
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✫ There are forests all around city, and at this point, he can navigate them all. He recognizes the claw marks that you leave around when you walk, he recognizes your footsteps and your stench. What he doesn't recognize is the blood trail. A wild animal you killed? No, you never drag it away, you eat it where it lay. When he discovers your body, warm and still, he feels the most powerful wave of emotions come over him.
His hands start to tremble and his body starts to shake. He speaks out loud, whispering small no's to himself, his hands too scared to even touch you. Will trying to help just make it worse? What if he's the thing that ends up killing you? His breaths are fast and bothered.
"H-Hey now," he tries to speak. "Please talk to me."
It takes a second before your eyes even open. He doesn't notice, he is facing your back, and you wait before you even announce your conscious state. You like hearing him beg.
He notices the twitch of your finger, and immediately he sniffs and wipes his nose on his sleeve.
You turn your head. "You're crying."
The blood still pours from your body - it doesn't stop but you stop feeling it.
"Because I was so... fucking scared," his face is extremely red.
You put your claw to his cheek, touching the wetness, acting surprised as you lean closer to him. Every movement hurts but you deal with it just for him security.
✫ He worries so much about you. You live in a more dangerous lifestyle than he does. One day he can go into the woods to find you and you'll be gone forever - and he'll never know what happened.
✫ It's something he fears.
✫ So when he walked into the depths to find you alone in your own blood, he thought his life was over, he thought this would be it.
✫ He can't stand the thought of being away from you.
✫ He wants to protect you more than anything, though he recognizes that you will always be the one protecting him, even if you're bloodied and weak.
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nsheetee · 4 years
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Pairing: chenle x reader Genre: friends to lovers AU, fluff, mature content Length: 6.4k Summary: When Chenle invites you on a last minute trip to his family’s home in China, you’re excited at the prospect of a small vacation and about spending time with your crush. Surprisingly, Chenle’s extended family is there as well, and a series of events quickly awaken something new in both of you. Warnings/Details: female reader, explicit sex (breeding kink, unprotected sex [please stay safe], creampie) disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. the characters and events are not a reflection of reality or meant to offend in anyway.
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“What do you mean you can’t come? We were talking about this literally last night, and not even 12 hours later, you can’t come?!” Chenle practically screams into his phone as he stuffs random pants and shirts into his open suitcase. “Explain yourself, Park.”
“My mom suddenly wants me to come home.” Jisung sounds apologetic and slightly timid, “She said she’s cooking dinner tonight for our family and if I’m not at the table she’ll cut my tongue off. I know she won’t actually do it, but... I don’t want to test it.”
Chenle sighs, sounding bothered by this predicament, but Jisung knows his best friend isn’t going to be that sad about his absence. It’s not like Jisung has never been to Chenle’s house in China, and although he loves the place, he knows this won’t be the last opportunity for him to fly there. When Chenle sighs once more, this time just to be annoying and show how irritated he is, Jisung speaks again.
“Don’t be like that. You love visiting your family, just think of it as an opportunity to spend more time with them.” Jisung hears Chenle fall onto his bed on the other side of the line.
“I do love to visit, but my whole family is either younger than nine or older than thirty-five. I just want someone that’s my age to be with me if I feel lonely.” Jisung pouts at that. Chenle is an outgoing person and loves to be around the people he’s comfortable with, so hearing that he gets lonely without his best friend makes Jisung’s heart hurt a bit. However, an idea suddenly pops into his head.
“Hey, you actually do have another friend our age, and I bet she would love to go to China with you.” At the mention of a ‘she,’ the only ‘she’ both Chenle and Jisung know at the moment who would want to hang out, Chenle sits up straighter on his bed and his heart rate speeds up.
“Oh, ___?” He tries to sound nonchalant, “I’m not sure. She would be meeting my family, won’t she think that’s weird? And what if she feels uncomfortable? It’s not like she can just go home—”
“There are lots of what if’s, Chenle. All I know is that she finished her finals and is on break, and probably deserves a small vacation for her hard work.” Jisung pushes, suddenly excited that he can’t come on the trip if it means Chenle can get closer to you. “Just ask her. I promise it won’t hurt.”
“If she says no, it will hurt my pride. So, that��s a lie.”
“Chenle.” Jisung replies flatly.
“Fine, fine, I’ll ask.” Chenle plays with the hem of his shirt, thinking about how nervous he got over this trip just by adding you into the equation. With some last goodbyes and a promise that Chenle will update Jisung about everything that happens this weekend, the call ends. Chenle fidgets through his phone, procrastinating calling you, but when every single app is checked and there is only the phone icon staring back at him, Chenle sighs and finds your contact, pressing the call button.
After meeting you through Jisung, you and Chenle quickly became close friends. You’re both easy-going, prefer staying up late at night, and okay with being lazy at home, so hanging out together is easy to do. It also doesn’t hurt that you’ll eat literally anything Chenle cooks, boosting his pride tenfold when you praise him endlessly for his cooking. Actually, one night at his house after he made dinner and you shared a bottle of wine on the rooftop of his house while looking at the night sky, wishing the light pollution didn’t erase all the stars, that’s when he figured it out.
You’re important to Chenle. So, so important.
He knows he has feelings for you, and that he cares about you deeply. He is aware of your presence whenever you’re in the same room and gets that longing feeling in his stomach when your attention is taken away from him. There is no doubt that Chenle is in the middle of falling head over heels for you, but he always feels the need to keep a few steps back.
He walks on a tightrope, on one end is friendship and on the other is love, and he’s stuck in the middle. You’ve given him hints of attraction and subtle nuances in your words that could possibly mean you have feelings for him as well, but nothing concrete enough that gives Chenle the confidence to walk further along the tightrope.
Maybe, just maybe, this trip can bring you two closer to the end of this balance beam.
“A trip?” Chenle hears excitement in your voice after he explains what happened with Jisung, and he feels hopeful, “That sounds like fun!”
“Great. I’ll pick you up in three hours.” Chenle feels giddy and nervous at the same time, his leg bouncing up and down to portray all of his feelings.
“Oka— Wait. Three hours?”
“Bye!” Chenle abruptly ends the call before you can ask anything else or change your mind, throwing his phone to the other side of the bed. He takes a few deep breaths and then stands up, continuing to pack his things. This time with more skip in his step that’s fueled by the promise of your presence with him for the whole weekend.
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It’s already nearing 6pm when you arrive in Shanghai. You follow Chenle closely as he leads you through the airport, looking really confident about every turn he makes as he weaves through the busy and tired looking people. However, you’re both thrown off your path when a large window on your right catches your eye, the night view of the city of Shanghai making you stop in your tracks and swerve to take a closer look.
Your hands smudge the clean windows as you lean in and stare at the enormous city, the sparkling lights and tall buildings look like you just took a flight to the future, not just a few hours south.
“It’s pretty…” You trail off, not really talking to anyone in particular. Chenle, who followed you to the window and also stares at the view from beside you, smiles at the comment.
“You like it?”
“It’s amazing…” You sound like you’re in a daze, which makes Chenle smile wider.
“I should show you the view from the balcony in my room. It’s ridiculous.” Chenle nods and gives the view one more glance over. His words bring you back to reality, making you shiver.
In Chenle’s bedroom… where so many things other than watching the night sky can happen.
You heat up in embarrassment at the dirty thoughts, yelling at yourself in your head for thinking like that when Chenle probably meant it in the most innocent way.
“We should probably get going..” Chenle seems completely oblivious to your predicament, yawning as he turns around and continues walking through the airport. You follow him, lightly biting the inside of your cheek as your previous thoughts fly through your mind again.
The Shanghai airport is crowded, almost over-crowded. After traveling further through the airport, it gets hard to follow Chenle’s leather bucket hat that bobs through the sea of people and you have to grip onto his backpack so that you don’t lose him. He feels the sudden weight on his bag, turning around to see you struggling.
His hand finds yours, making you release the grip on his zippers and instead intertwine with his fingers, turning to look forward and once again leading you to baggage claim. Your hands start to sweat and you feel embarrassed, but Chenle doesn’t seem to mind as he squeezes your fingers softly and glances back at you to make sure you’re okay. He doesn’t let go of your hand until your luggage arrives, and when he does release your hold, you feel very cold and empty from the lack of Chenle’s touch.
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“Mom, I’m home!” Chenle yells into his house, dragging his suitcase behind him and taking off his shoes, “I brought a friend.” You both leave your things at the door and Chenle hands you some slippers, then you follow him through the house in search of his mother. You find her in the kitchen, stove on and several pots and pans cooking food at once.
“Chenle!” She exclaims after seeing her son, and then her eyes fall on you.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” You politely greet her, slightly unsure of what her reaction to you will be.
“You didn’t tell me you’d be bringing your girlfriend here.” She laughs gleefully and leaves the stove to come closer, almost jumping on the tile floors over to you.
“Oh, we’re n-” You begin, but Chenle cuts you off.
“Jisung couldn’t come, so I brought ___ here instead. I hope that’s okay.”
“Oh, it’s perfectly fine,” She smiles, which makes you relax a bit, “You’ve never brought anyone here other than Jisung, I was beginning to think you don’t know anyone other than him.”
It’s your turn to laugh, covering your mouth as you glance at Chenle to see him roll his eyes with a sour look on his face. Before he can retaliate, his mom cuts him off.
“Well, since you’re here, could you set the table? I’m running late on dinner and I need extra hands. Get out eleven plates and those high chairs we keep in the closet.” She quickly makes her way back to the stove after warmly rubbing your arm, moving faster than your eyes can follow as she adjusts spices and stirs.
“Why so many?” Chenle asks.
“Your aunts and uncles are coming over today.” At that information, you turn to face Chenle with an unsure look painted on your face.
“Is it okay that I’m here?” You step closer to him and whisper, “If you’re having a family dinner, I don’t want to intrude.”
“Of course it’s okay. Don’t even worry about it.” Chenle gently grabs your shoulders and turns you around, forcing you to walk out of the kitchen and back into the foyer. You  collect your luggage and head upstairs.
Chenle’s house has an impressive three stories with several bedrooms, an office, and a lounge room in the top two floors and the rest of the important rooms on the first floor. You didn’t see much of the backyard, but you caught sight of several trees that surround the house, making the area more private. Considering this place is close to the city, you’re amazed at how all of this belongs to Chenle and his family.
His room is on the third floor, and you take a look inside when he sets down his things on his bed. The balcony he mentioned earlier is covered with long white curtains and his bed is wide, taking up a good chunk of space. On the other side of the room, a TV hangs on the wall and there are several gaming consoles hooked up. Overall, a normal guy’s room.
“You’re next door…” He mumbles and leads you to the room next to his. The layout is a mirrored version of his room, only the balcony is replaced with large windows and the room is more generic looking rather than lived-in like Chenle’s. You set your things down and glance out of the window; you’re met with the canopy of trees that grow in his backyard.
“And your bathroom is right here,” Chenle’s voice brings you back to the room, showing you inside the bathroom, “And if you need anything, my room is right through here.” He opens a door in the bathroom to reveal his room on the other side. You nod and walk over to the bed, plopping down on the soft covers.
“Your house is amazing. I feel like I’m staying at a fancy AirBnB… but I don’t have to pay for it and there’s a family staying here too.” You both laugh at that, but your comment has you questioning your stay here some more.
“You’re sure it’s okay for me to be here? I don’t want to take your time away from family.” You bite your lip and look up at Chenle, looking for his honest answer. You’d hate for Chenle to not spend all the time he can with his family while he’s here, considering he can’t visit often.
“I am 100% sure that you’re okay to stay here. I think everyone will l-love you.” Chenle clears his throat after his stutter, hoping you wouldn’t question his sudden nerves surrounding the topic of love.
“Okay.” You nod and rub your hands over your thighs to rid yourself of anxiety. You only keep asking because you hate to be an intrusion. But if Chenle is sure that your presence here is okay, then you’re going to enjoy this vacation to the best of your abilities.
“You get settled, I’ll go help my mom. I’ll get you when dinner is ready.” Chenle turns around to leave the room, but you stop him.
“Oh, I can help. It’s the least I can do, and it seems like there’s a lot to get ready.”
“But you’re a guest—”
“I don’t mind.” You smile and leave the room first, looking over your shoulder as if to beckon him to try and stop you. Chenle doesn’t, partially because he wants to spend any second he can with you, even if it’s just setting the dinner table. But he also doesn’t stop you because that would mean grabbing onto your hand and pulling you back, and Chenle almost had a heart attack at the airport the first time he did that. Thinking back on it, the action felt natural but it still startled him, and he can’t get the feeling of how your soft hands feel in his own out of his head.
“Hey, wait up! You’ll get lost.” Chenle calls out and quickly follows you out of the room.
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Chenle’s family loves you. In fact, Chenle thinks they love you just a little too much.
From his mom cooing at you as you help Chenle properly set the table to his aunts and uncles endlessly talking about your hobbies and school, it seems like you’re the life of the party tonight. However, that’s not what catches Chenle’s eye.
As he’s carrying some drinks to his dad and uncles who decided to sit outside after eating, Chenle passes by the living room to see you and his nieces and nephews playing. You’re reading a book to one of the younger kids while the others are coloring next to you and constantly showing you their art, seeking your approval or ideas on what they should draw next. Chenle’s two older nephews are playing tag around the table, and overall it’s just a whole ruckus. Chenle only has a chance to glance into the room for a second before continuing his trip outside to deliver the drinks.
As he’s coming back in, he’s startled by his older nephews who took their game of tag out into the hallway, almost running into Chenle.
“Woah, woah, woah. You shouldn’t be running in the hallway, get back in the living room.” Chenle ushers the boys back and once all of them are in the living room, he shuts the doors completely to keep anyone from going back out. His eyes land on you, you’re in the same position as you were before, but now you look up at Chenle and give him a warm smile while patting the spot next to you.
Chenle sits with his legs crossed while facing the same direction as you, looking over his niece's artwork and complimenting their scribbling, and then leaning back against the couch to mirror your position.
“I guess it’s more fun to play with the kids than with the adults?” Chenle asks, making your attention move from the TV screen where a kid’s movie is playing to meet Chenle’s eyes.
“Don’t you find it fun to play with kids? I think there’s never a dull moment with these guys.” You laugh and motion around the room as if to make your point.
“So, you like kids?” Chenle asks.
“Yes, a lot.” You nod, watching him look away and nod at your words. “What about you?”
“My nieces and nephews are… a bit too wild for me.” He admits, “But I like kids. I would like to have my own kids in the future.” Chenle speaks without really thinking about his words, just talking to you about anything is nice. When he realizes what he said at the end, his eyes glance over at you to gage your reaction.
“Same here. There’s some special sort of happiness that comes with having kids. I see it all the time on mothers’ faces, and I always wonder what it feels like. I bet you can’t really find that kind of feeling anywhere else in the world.” You muse, and Chenle quickly agrees with your sentiment, involuntarily gulping as the thoughts in his head rampage.
Could you get anymore perfect for him?
You look down at your thigh, for some reason not being able to look at Chenle in the eye. “I think… You’ll be a really good father, Chenle.”
Just from your simple words, Chenle’s heart begins to pound in his ears and warmth spreads through his chest. He watches you shyly look up at him, not being able to do anything but stare at you for fear of his body moving without his control.
“Can you please read again.” His youngest niece breaks the staring contest between you two with her question, pulling your gaze away from him. When your attention is on his niece, he quietly slips out of the room and stumbles up the stairs to his bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.
He paces around his bed, his hands running through his hair as he tries to figure out
what just happened. You said you like kids. You said you would like kids in the future. You also said you think Chenle would make a good father. Are you purely giving him compliments or… could you be hinting at something else?
Why does Chenle feel like his heart might explode any second if he keeps thinking about you. On second thought, he looks down, his pants might be the thing that explodes. Chenle sighs, slightly embarrassed that he got hard by just thinking about you.
You looked so cute playing with his nieces and nephews, so kind and genuinely warm hearted to them that it melted Chenle’s heart. He wants to see it again. He wants to see you reading a book to them and changing your voice for every character, listening intently as they tell you story after story, rubbing their backs gently as they color.
Chenle wants to see you like that with his kids.
His own thought scares him a bit, and he sits down on his bed while trying to calm his breathing. He’s even more surprised at the shot of pleasure that runs through him at his own idea. He feels his stomach turn pleasantly at the thought of a little you and him running around, you showing your love to both Chenle and your child.
Warmth grows in Chenle's heart; he wants it so bad.
He can imagine the picture so clearly in his head that it hurts him to think about it, since he knows he’s far from that point in his life. That doesn’t stop him from getting turned on, though. He digs the heel of his palms into his eyes and breathes deeply, trying to think of something —anything— else. Why is it that whenever you’re around, he can’t think of anything, but whenever you’re not around, he can only think of you?
‘It’s useless’ he sighs, scooting up on his bed and moving his bedsheets away.
Sitting against his head board, Chenle grips his sheets in one hand and his other slides down his stomach, tickling him slightly, and over his crotch. Swallowing thickly, he closes his eyes and focuses on his warm hand stimulating his member. He can’t help but let out a soft sigh at his own teasing, but soon has had enough and quickly pushes down his pants and boxers to let his dick spring out. Using some precum that glistens as it runs down the side of his dick, he starts pumping his shaft, eventually getting fully hardened.
His wrist turns every time he reaches the end of a pump and he slides down the headboard as his eyes flutter from the pleasure. Chenle is good at staying quiet thanks to the years of practice in his full house, but he can’t help the whines he emits every so often when his fingers move over his tip.
But soon, Chenle turns frustrated. He’s doing all the things he knows his body likes, but his orgasm is just too far away still. He becomes impatient, starting to shift his hips around and rub his length faster as sweat builds on his forehead, but it only hurts his wrist and makes him itch for his orgasm more.
Every time Chenle thinks of you while getting off, he feels a bit guilty.
He hopes you don’t mind it, but you hold a place in his heart and Chenle is very attracted to you, it’s impossible to think of anyone else when he’s in this position. So, Chenle takes a breather, and when he continues his stroking, he thinks about your tiny hand replacing his instead. His eyes immediately roll to the back of his head and he finds it hard to keep himself sitting up.
Chenle’s head is tilted back, his jaw dropping open bit by bit as he moves on to thinking about your warmth mouth around his cock, the way your face would look as you glance up at him and kiss up his thighs before sliding his member through your lips again.
Chenle has to shove the duvet he has been gripping into his mouth to stop the moan that almost leaves his throat, his eyes screwing shut as he imagines how good your wet pussy would feel around his dick, sliding in and out as you chase your own release. He loses composure when he imagines what your pants and moans would sound like in that situation, what your nails would feel like gripping onto his shoulder for dear life, and what the flesh of your hips and waist would feel like under Chenle’s hands as he drives you harder onto his cock.
Chenle eventually starts thrusting his hips up into his hand, desperately chasing his high to the very highest peak. Chenle has thought about you many times while jerking himself off, but this time around, the thing that makes him tip over the edge is the thought of his cum shooting into you. He lets himself fall into the pleasure, seeing stars at the thought of his seed filling you up. He milks himself as strings of cum land on his thighs and pants, going to the very last stroke until it almost feels painful.
He limply falls over on his bed, breathing heavy and ears slightly ringing from the intensity he brought upon himself. When the feeling goes away he opens his eyes and listens to the sounds of the commotion downstairs, his mom and aunties playing with the kids, and the cars that drive by outside his balcony. When he looks over at the bathroom door, his heart drops all the way to his stomach and his head turns fuzzy from panic.
You’re right there.
Maybe you think he doesn’t see you, half hidden by his bathroom door, but he sees your hand resting on the handle and he hears your heavy breaths all the way from across the room. A part of him wants to dig himself into the covers and never come back out, but he pushes that embarrassment away so he can think clearly. You’re just standing there, no doubt just saw him come, why aren’t you leaving?
“___,” Chenle calls out, his voice lower than you expected and making you flinch behind the door. “Come here.” He says it softly, but in a demanding tone, so you open the door all the way and look at him. A mess of sheets surrounds him and his hair sticks to his forehead from sweat, all of this is illuminated by the dim moonlight coming from the balcony. Taking small steps to him, you don’t know what to do with your hands or where to look, but Chenle makes it easy when he pulls you down on the bed next to him.
“Did you like what you saw?” His question startles you, “Tell me the truth.” He adds on. You nod, a question of your own coming to mind.
“Why did you say my name when you were doing… that?” Chenle’s eyes widen, not aware of your name slipping through his lips. “Tell me the truth.” You say back at him.
Something in Chenle tells him that things won’t be the same way between you two after tonight no matter how he tries to amend this situation, so he thinks he might as well take it as far as you’ll let him.
He leans into you slowly, lips sliding past your cheek and teasing the skin there, stopping to whisper into the shell of your ear. “Because I was thinking of you, why else?” He likes how you shiver, he likes seeing the goosebumps on your shoulder from his words. Scraping up as much courage as he can, he leans all the way in and places a hot kiss below your earlobe. He waits for you to push him away, but you only grab onto the front of his shirt for leverage, so Chenle continues. He presses slow and open-mouthed kisses down your neck, almost too slow, until he reaches your shoulder where he bites down gently, raising a sharp gasp out of you.
You push him away and look at his eyes. Chenle is afraid that you’ll tell him to stop because this surely means he screwed up, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the next words that come out of your mouth.
“Tell me what you were thinking about. I’ll make your dreams into reality.”
Chenle’s jaw drops slowly at that, looking over your face for any signs of a joke. But fire burns in your eyes and the hand that’s holding onto his shirt pulls him in, lips crashing together in your very first kiss.
It’s hot, the room and the kiss and the way your hand falls down to chest and stomach to reach his dick, once again twitching from just the slight sting your nails give him as they travel across his body, not to mention the way your tongue slides into his mouth, exploring every corner. The kiss is wet and messy, but neither of you care right now.
“Was it like this? Hm?” You pull away while tilting your head, somehow looking innocent as you start to pump his dick, the same way he did not too long ago. Chenle shakes his head, pushing on your shoulder to get you to sit on the floor. As you slide onto your knees Chenle grips the back of his shirt and pulls it over his head, wiping his hands on it, and throwing it behind him, not caring about how dirty it will be after.
When he looks down at you between his legs, your little hands moving his pants and boxers all the way down his legs, he thinks he must be dreaming. It has to be fake, you look too good with his spit covering your lips and your hands spread out on his thighs, looking up at him curiously as if to ask for what he wants next. This has to be a dream, but when he feels your soft hair bunching up in his hand and the first touch of your puffy lips on his sensitive tip, he knows this is anything but a dream.
He’s all too excited when his hips push up into your mouth and his hand tightens in your hair. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he can’t help how good you’re making him feel. His toes curl, his mouth releases little whimpers and pleas filled with your name, probably the most vocal he has been in his entire life.
You don’t mind the roughness from him, you like it actually, the wetness building in your core proof of that. The sight above you, Chenle’s head tilted back and the outline of his abs flexing every time your tongue swirls around his dick is more than enough to get you heated, desperate for some friction between your legs. Just when you think Chenle is going to cum, he pulls you away from him, surprising you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, suddenly afraid you did something wrong. He groans, his eyes squeezing shut hard enough that the dimples under his eyes come out. He lets you stand up, but grabs the back of your thigh to pull you closer to him.
“I should be good to you, I can’t let you sit on the floor and suck my dick all night, as much as I would like that.” That makes you chuckle a bit. Chenle smiles, moving your shirt up and peppering kisses over your stomach, right above your waistband. You remove your shirt, feeling Chenle’s hands play with the buttons and zipper of your pants.
“What’s next?” You ask after he slowly slides your pants off of your legs and throws them behind you. He looks at you, his eyes conveying how nervous he feels by your question. He’s not sure how you would feel about the next part of his fantasy.
“Can I come in you?” He asks so fast that you almost don’t register his words, but when you do your eyebrows quirk up. When you don’t say anything, Chenle continues, “I know this is kind of wild for our first time together, but I promise I’m clean and—”
“Sure.” Chenle shuts up at that, his eyes wide as he tries to read your face through the lack of good lighting. “I trust you. Do you trust me?” When Chenle nods, you climb onto his lap, your lips meeting again in a softer kiss than before. You grip the strands of his hair in the back of his head as you gently sit down on his thighs. Chenle immediately grabs your hips and pulls you flush against him, chest to chest and hips against hips so that you can feel his dick pressing against your center, raising a strangled gasp out of you.
Chenle takes that moment to slide his tongue in your mouth, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you against him while his other hand moves your hips against his own. His dick rubs against your center, the slickness that has seeped through your underwear making Chenle shake with pleasure. He kisses down your neck and chest to leave hickies on the top of your breasts while continuing to grind up into you, starting to feel obsessed with how you sound every time his dick rubs against your clit.
You’re in the middle of taking off your bra when his hand that was moving your hips moves to your front as he runs two fingers over your covered slit. It surprises you and you let out a moan, forgetting about your bra and covering your mouth to stop yourself from getting any louder. He moves your panties to the side and slides one finger in to test the waters, you clench around him instantly and sigh in relief at how he curls his finger in you.
“Relax,” He mutters and removes your bra all the way for you, his hand once again finding a palace at your waist to steady you on top of him, “I got you. You’re safe with me.” He mumbles against your shoulder between kisses as you get adjusted on top of him. Your nails that were gripping into his shoulders relax a bit, and he adds a second finger to stretch you out some more. Your shaky breath tickles Chenle’s ears when he does so, but eventually you start grinding down on his fingers.
Chenle takes a moment to watch you grind onto his hand, your eyes shut as you’re completely lost in your own pleasure. You even look pretty like this, how is that fair? Chenle can’t help but express his feelings in the form of kisses over any part of your skin he can reach. You’re pretty sure he has kissed everywhere by the time he pulls his fingers away, making you turn your attention on him.
“Are you sure this is okay?” He gives you one last chance to back out, but you nod your head in agreement, your head cloudy from pleasure and your whole body begging for him to fuck you already. He nods too, guiding his dick into your hole and letting you slide down him inch by inch. Every move downward sends his mind blank and his stomach tightening, watching how he disappears into you and twitching from how tight you are. You keep clenching around him and it’s driving him completely insane. He leans back on his hands, breathing deeply to keep himself under control.
When you’re sat all the way down, Chenle takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers together to place your hand against his cheek. You’re not sure if he even realizes he does this since his eyes are still shut in pleasure, but the gesture makes you smile a bit.
When Chenle thrusts up into you, your smile drops. Fuck, that feels good.
Chenle releases your hand and instead takes a hold of your hips keeping you steady as he thrusts up into you in a steady rhythm, drawing out unstoppable groans and moans from both of you, not caring about who’s hearing you two. His hips slap against yours with every move, sending you closer and closer to your high as you hold onto each other. When he stops for a moment, no doubt tired from all of the work, you continue to roll your hips against his.
“Ah—” He groans at your movements, “Oh my god, ___, don’t stop.” He moans. If you thought Chenle’s singing voice sounded heavenly, then you think the voice he used to moan your name might be out of this world, filled with so much feeling and lust that you don’t think he can even register what he’s saying anymore.
You feel your orgasm approaching all too fast, and when Chenle’s hips start to move again, you think he might be close too. That’s when you lean into his ear, the same way he did to you when he started all of this just a while ago.
“Come in me, Chenle.” You beg him, and his hips move faster, the grip he has on your hips so tight you’re sure there’s going to be bruises. You can’t think about it right now, though, as his cock moves in and out of you mercilessly and your name tumbles out of his lips once again.
Your orgasm breaks open throughout you, spreading like a wildfire through your nerves. You’re sure you can feel Chenle all over you and all around you as you come, pleasure filling you up from your head to your toes. As your muscles flutter around him, Chenle lets go too, white and hot springs of his sperm shoot into you. He continues to fuck it into you, slowing down when he feels both of you almost topple over from fatigue.
He slowly lays down in his bed, careful when he rolls you to the side. Sliding his dick out, he watches his white seed flow out of your pussy and down your thigh, his lips opening in awe and surprise at how much he likes the sight.
“Are you okay?” He asks, suddenly realizing the redness around your hips and waist from his own hands.
“Oh, I’m great. I’m wonderful, actually.” You sigh out, your eyes closed as you are still trying to get over the orgasm Chenle gave you. Your words make him chuckle, a bit of cockiness peaking through.
“Huh, I guess I’m that good, yeah?” Chenle makes sure to send you a closed lip smile, and you peak an eye open to hit him gently against the arm before retracting and falling limp again, both of you not able to control your bubbling laughter.
Chenle always imagined what the other side of the balance beam would look like— how it would feel like. Now, as he looks at your messy hair, your shining skin under the moonlight, and your quiet mumbles about random things as you cuddle under the blanket, he thinks it may feel just like this.
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Later, after you and Chenle cleaned up a bit and got situated under the covers with you laying your head on his shoulder and him tracing stars, hearts, and the Chinese characters of his name on your back, Chenle gets a phone call.
“Hey, how are you? How’s it going with ___?” Jisung asks on the other side. Once you hear his voice, you perk up and tilt your head to look at Chenle with a raised eyebrow.
“Everything’s good, really good, actually. How’s your family?” Chenle asks back, stopping his tracing for a second to flick your forehead gently, making you slightly scowl at him.
“Good, my mom didn’t cut my tongue off, as you can probably tell.” Chenle lets some air out of his nose in the form of laughter at Jisung’s joke.
“So, why did you call?” Chenle hums into the phone, burying himself closer to you under the covers.
“Don’t you remember? You said you would update me on anything that happens while you’re over there. Did something happen?” Jisung asks and Chenle can’t contain his smile as he answers.
“Park Jisung, I’m so glad you couldn’t come this weekend.”
“What? What does that mean—”
“I’m hanging up now.” Chenle ends the call, throwing his phone somewhere on the bed and wrapping his arm around you, cuddling closer to you and finally falling asleep.
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secretlyamess · 2 years
I wrote this fic after being inspired by this piece by @braisedhoney (I hope you don’t mind!)
It’s gender neutral reader/Captain and I do apologize if I messed anything up there cause I don’t normally write reader inserts 😅
No trigger warnings apply but it does have spoilers for part 2 of space.
The Captain was a little disoriented from their most recent change in scenery. You’d think after doing this enough times, they’d be used to going through the wormhole and ending up in unfamiliar places sometimes with familiar faces or at least vaguely familiar places.
They throw their hands out to steady themselves as they find themselves nearly slamming face first into a graffitied wall. There’s a window or something right below the phrase “In case of emergency break glass!” in Sharpie or some other permanent marker. On the wall closest to where they had stopped themselves from face-planting into the wall was a familiar name, also in the same marker as the message above the window. Quickly, they turn towards the glass.
Relief rushes through them as they see the man on the other side of the glass. It was definitely reassuring to see a familiar face after the hell they had been through.
They point their gloved hand at the man as the man processes who was on the other side of the glass. It was visitation day, and they had shown up.
Various emotions flash briefly through Yancy’s face. The first one being a hint of confusion followed by pure shock and joy that his friend had returned. His voice is muffled by the glass while he rambles on and on about how he knew they’d be back.
The Captain looks to their left and sees a phone on their end. They pick it up and show it to the prisoner on the other side of the glass. When he doesn’t seem to get the hint, they tap it on the glass before he gets it.
The excited rambling continues about how he knew they’d be back before realizing he’s got to come up with a lie about how he knows them. Admitting that he’d help them break out probably wasn’t a good call so he tells the guard the best lie he could come up with in that moment: “This is, uh, my cousin from uh… cousin school!”
The Captain waves politely at the guard leaning to see who Yancy was talking about. A slightly amused and mayhaps nervous lock flashes across the Captain's features. There was no way the guard would buy that lie. Cousin School? Really, Yancy?
Yancy quickly reassures the Captain that the guards will buy it cause they’re not the brightest.
The Captain shakes their head in amusement before listening to their friend- or maybe something more, who knows; the multiverse was full of infinite possibilities at this point- catching them up on prison life.
After implying that there was pretty much no pressure for them to show up to visitation, since they had broken out of prison and Yancy figured they would’ve been laying low just in case, the first of the main points that Yancy was excited to update them on was that he had been cleaning up his act, like they had suggested the last time they talked. Like, he’s talking seriously cleaned up his act. Apparently the prisoner was fond of keeping things clean. Which was an oddly endearing thing to hear come from him. The next main update was that he had stopped stabbing people, and that was the hardest part. But he was all too happy and proud to report that he hadn’t stabbed anyone since the Captain got out-er, went away to “Space Camp.”
And now it was time to share one of the biggest things Yancy wanted to tell them, seeing as they were the reason he wanted to go through with it anyways.
“And, uh, one more thing… I uh, I applied for parole…” He shrugs, clearly trying to play it cool but he can’t fight the smile that tugs at his lips.
A proud grin forms on the Captain’s lips as they raise their hand to the glass for a high five. The gesture, much like the phone one, confuses Yancy briefly before he catches on and gently touches his hand to his side of the glass.
Of course, no visit would be complete without a song from Yancy. Just like when they had first met him, he had a musical number prepared. But this one was different. It was prepared just in case they had shown up. Not for just in case someone had mentioned wanting to break out or leave this place. But in case they had shown up to visit.
Before the Captain can say anything about the logistics of needing the phone to hear it, Yancy’s already rallying his prison friends for this show.
The Captain has a front row seat to the beautiful choreography put on by the prisoners and the occasional flip from the same guard Yancy had just lied to about who they were. They settle in to watch the show, faintly able to hear the song above all of the prison ambience and through the glass muffling everything.
That’s when the warp crystal started to glow, signaling it was time to go. The Captain looks at it with disappointment. They wanted to stay to see all of Yancy’s performance; they knew he’d want them to see it all too. In that moment, they make the split second decision to yank the crystal free from the fancy bracelet keeping it on them at this point in time.
“Don’t.” They sternly tell the crystal as if it could listen to them. Slowly the blue glow fades away.
They sigh and settle back in to watch the rest of Yancy’s performance. Sure, they couldn’t hear it very well, but that wasn’t going to stop them from appreciating the hard work Yancy and friends had put into making the song and choreography. They could let him know that they couldn’t hear it later. Maybe he could share it with them somehow once he got out. The warp crystal had brought them here afterall, so surely they’d be able to get back to him somehow, right? There’s bound to be a reason to cross paths with someone twice, right?
Only time would tell but for right now all that mattered was this moment in the present where they got to be there for a friend.
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pinkteapotwriting · 4 years
Not so Innocent desires
Wolfstar x fem!reader
Warning : This is so filthy dear lord, explicit sexual content, Sub!fem reader, spanking, oral, innocence kink and I think that’s it
Just good ol fashioned smut
Summary : Turns out you Remus and Sirius want to treat you a certain way, it takes some special kind of convincing from your end though.
Word count : 3164
The lovely @fionanovasleftnut had a wonderful idea that I couldn’t resist writing about. I’m not sure with how this one turned out but I hope I did the idea justice. xXx
Being a family friend of the Weasleys had its perks. You always had someone to stick up for you, always had someone who could make you laugh, and you always had a home with them, wherever that may be. You had moved out on your own as soon as you graduated from Hogwarts, but it seemed that wasn’t the way to start your life as a young adult. The wizarding world was at war and Molly Weasley was insistent that one of her adopted daughters should not be defenseless living alone. 
You had tried to reassure her that you would be fine, you even approached your most likely allies.
“Fred, George please tell her I’ll be fine. You understand right?” They only chuckled at your cute pout and brushed your concerns aside.
So no. No one was willing to risk the parting of their lovely Y/N.
You were too kindhearted, too sweet, too pure. A ray of sunshine in these dark times, too precious to leave unprotected. 
You had been so angry at first, but your anger was soon turned into bashfulness as you were met by two very attractive men. Of course you knew Professor Lupin, he was your teacher and even now words from his mouth directed your way made heat rise to your face.
 Then there was Sirius Black. His long black hair framed his face perfectly. His stormy grey eyes made you completely weak at the knees. 
Everything about these two men left you flustered, Remus’s quick wit, Sirius’s hearty laugh, the knowing glances they’d share, Remus’s scars you just wanted to spend hours tracing, and Sirius’s ring clad fingers that tapped impatiently against the table. For being in Azkaban for 12 years his hands sure looked strong and capable. 
It was a blessing and a curse really. You got to admire two very attractive men, yet you couldn’t manage much more than bashful nods at times. That didn’t stop them from approaching you however. They were so kind and welcoming, so much so that you took up Sirius’s offer to stay there rather than at the Weasleys. He knew you valued your alone time and got anxious in large groups so he thought you’d appreciate your own room rather than crowding in with the Weasleys. It was all good and well.
Except for how often you found yourself rubbing your thighs together at night to ease some sort of tension. Nothing could stop the wetness that pooled in your underwear at the memory of Sirius clenching his jaw in anger as Snape talked, or the way Remus calmed him down by rubbing his hand up and down his thigh. So once again that night you found yourself with that familiar ache you just didn’t know how to satisfy on your own. Your fingers just weren’t good enough. You got up in a huff to get some water at an attempt to calm down. You slipped down the hallway silently, but the sound of a low moan coming from Sirius’s room stopped you in your tracks. The door was slightly ajar and although you knew you shouldn’t peek in, the dull throbbing of your clit convinced you to stay. You had to stifle your own moan at the sight in front of you. 
Sirius was sitting on the edge of his four poster king sized bed while Remus was on his knees between his legs jacking him off.
“Fuck Pads, how was it already this hard I’ve hardly touched you.”
“It’s not my fault! Blame Y/N with those stupid lips she bites. And her big doe eyes and and- fuck Moony that feels so good.” 
Remus grinned at the chance to tease Sirius.
“Not as good as Y/N would feel though right? Bet you’d love to have her little hands wrapped around your cock huh. Imagine if you got to stretch out her perfect little pussy. She’s so fucking innocent, so pure”
“I wanna ruin her god she’s pretty, but at the same time she’s so precious I don’t wanna taint her. She deserves something more gentle and sweet.”
“You’re certainly smitten aren’t you?”
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna fuck her to the brink of tears. Have you heard that cute little giggle? Imagine what her whines sound like. I just wanna watch as you wrap your big hands round her thro-”
“S’that what you want? You wanna make innocent little Y/N our cockslut. Wanna make her our needy puppy. Wonder how many times we could make her come with just our fingers.”
“Fuck Remus I’m gonna cum.”
“Yeah that’s right love, cum to the picture of fucking her mercilessly, her nails scratching down your back cause you’re fucking her so hard.”
You watched Sirius shudder while Remus’s face lit up in victory. You decided it was best to leave before they were no longer distracted. 
Well, that certainly didn’t make you any less riled up. Looks like they wanted you as much as you wanted them. You knew you’d have to put your shyness aside, but how on earth do you talk to someone about that. Yes, hello I find you two super hot and I’d just love it if you’d degrade me and throw me around thank you so much. Frankly you never knew you wanted that yourself until you heard the words fall from their lips with ease. You put your plan in motion as you traveled back to your room, praying it would work.
You were giddy when you woke up, anxious for the day that awaited you. You decided to wear a shirt that Remus had once complimented, suddenly much more aware of how it complimented your chest. You paired it with your shortest skirt and thigh high socks. You turned around and shoulder checked to appreciate yourself, knowing if you bent over too much anyone could see the white lace thong you had underneath.
You knew the order meeting was starting earlier than usual so you pranced down the stairs and were met with a dumbstruck Ron and Ginny.
“Blimey Y/N, who are you trying to shag?” He was instantly met with a slap by Ginny.
“Shut it Ron, don’t talk about Y/N like that you git. You look adorable.” She reassured.
You smiled sweetly at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks Gin, I’m gonna go get breakfast now.”
You swear you saw Remus and Sirius give a double take when you entered the kitchen. Pleased your plan was going well you continued into the next phase and sat between Fred and George casually as if your heart wasn’t racing a million miles an hour. Any laugh that the twins could pull from your lips were met with a hard stare from Sirius and Remus. Normally Remus could keep a calm disposition but you could notice the look of contempt in his eyes as his hand clenched the edge of the table. 
 You pushed your chair back and made your way to the sink. 
“Here Molly, let me help you clean up.”
“Thank you dear, you can just grab the dishes from the table love.” 
You made your way round the table and once you reached where your two admirers were you squeezed between them and bent over to grab the last plate, feeling your skirt ride up high enough to gain a sharp intake of breath from Sirius. 
“Sorry, it was just easier to get it this way.” 
You smiled to yourself as you helped Molly finish cleaning. Everything cycled out and everyone rearranged where they sat as they tidied up before the meeting began. You were thrilled at the chance to sit between Remus and Sirius now that everyone had moved. You leaned forward so you could rest your chin on your hand as Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke of the newest updates happening within the ministry. Fred and George would sometimes try to throw you off by making funny faces, but they were met by a hard glare by Remus which instantly simmered them down, while Sirius placed his arm around the back of your chair in a possessive manner. Welp, now was as good a time as ever to test the waters. You leaned back into your chair and crossed one leg over the other so your foot would brush against Sirius’s calf. He passed a glance, and you took a deep breath and moved it up and down his leg. You smirked at how you saw his hands clench and that spurred you on to lightly place your hand on Remus’s thigh.
“Y/N love, what are you doing exactly” Remus’s voice was shaky, like he was holding back.
Time to ice the cake.
“Nothing Remmy, I’m just being innocent little Y/N.”
Sirius’s head swerved at that one and you couldn’t help but notice the growing tent in his trousers.
It took forever for everyone to leave after the meeting. It took even longer to convince Molly that you were fine to stay here rather than go back to the burrow.
“Alright Y/N if you’re sure, but you know how to reach me if you need anything at all right?”
“Of course Molly.”
If she knew what you wanted these two men to do to you she would be dragging you by the ear out the door. But finally, finally she left.
Leaving you alone with two straight faced men whose expressions were unreadable. Remus was the first to break the silence. 
“Y/N, did you over hear our conversation last night”
You nodded, but Sirius wasn’t having it.
“Nuh uh, you’re gonna answer out loud for us pretty girl. You don’t get to tease us the way you do then act all shy now.”
“Yes, I heard.”
Remus returned to questioning you. “Yeah, and did you like what you heard?”
“I- I did.”
“Didn’t know you were such a naughty girl” Sirius chortled, “wish I would have known sooner.”
“I’m not naughty!”
“Oh yeah what makes you say that?”
“Cause I wanna be your good girl, please make me your good girl.”
Remus was hypnotised by the puppy dog eyes and pouty lips looking up at him.
“Shhh we’ve got you puppy, we just thought you’d want something more gentle.”
“No Remmy, I want you.”
“You can have me darling, let's go upstairs.”
He offered his hand to you and you took it eagerly, and began your journey upstairs, earning a chuckle from Sirius as you snatched his hand too on the way. As soon as you entered they had their hands on you, Sirius had you pressed against Remus as he was kissing your neck. 
“You sure you want this love?”
“Please Siri.”
“Alright pup, safe word is red okay? Any point you feel uncomfortable you tell us and we’ll stop immediately. Can you say it for me?” 
“Good girl,” Remus praised “Here, let's take all this off since it’s not covering much anyway.”
You nodded and lifted your arms for Remus while Sirius got on his knees to take off your skirt. He debated leaving the socks on, but he wanted you to feel every single thing so he took them off. Now last, but certainly not least. 
“As cute as these panties are, they're only in my way, can I take these off precious?”
“M Hmm.”
Remus was quite content to take off your bra and massage your breasts and nibble across your shoulders while Sirius continued his attempts to draw dirty words from your clean mouth.
“Baby, your pussy is so wet right now. Can I touch it, love?”
You spread your legs further for him as an invitation.
“Not here, our precious girl deserves to be comfy on the bed.” 
Remus sat against the headboard and motioned for you to follow suit between his thighs.
You practically skipped there, so excited for what was about to happen. You sat down with a quick plop and wiggled your hips to get more comfy, eyes wide as Sirius crawled up from the end of the bed to push your legs apart and gently trace your inner thighs with his forefinger.
“Tell me pup, have you ever touched yourself?”
You nodded bashfully, which Remus did not enjoy apparently as he lightly slapped your thigh with one hand while the other grabbed hold of your jaw to force your eyes onto Sirius fully.
“What did we say about speaking out loud pup, be a good girl.”
“Sorry Remmy, I got embarrassed, I do touch myself Siri”
Sirius grinned, “What makes you touch yourself sweet girl.”
“You, you and Moony do.” He relished in the whine that escaped your lips as he finally made contact with your aching clit, clearly he liked that answer.
“What do you imagine us doing to you pup.”
You moaned as his pace quickened. “Anything, anything you want.”
That’s when his tongue made contact on your clit instead. You jolted at the sudden change, but Remus was quick to hold you down.
“That feel good, sweetheart? I love Siri’s tongue too.” 
You could only throw your head back and mewl as Sirius’s tongue flicked faster and he added a finger to the mix, completely enthralled with how your entrance clenched around it desperately.
“Pads I think our pretty girl is gonna cum keep going. Has anyone ever made you feel this good puppy? Fred or George couldn’t make you feel like this could they?”
“No- no Remmy.”
“Wait till I get my turn love, go on and cum so I can make my pretty girl feel good too.”
Even Sirius’s tight grip on your thigh couldn’t keep you tethered as you released on his face. Bliss like you had never known overtook and it’s like you were hyper aware of every touch, every breath of theirs that fanned across your body, and every kiss that Remus awarded you with for being your lovely self.
And you couldn’t get enough of it.
Neither could Sirius as he leaned back to take in the view of the masterpiece he created. He loved how you had squirmed under his touch as he continued to thrust his fingers eagerly. 
He was feeling benevolent though and pulled out. Instead he took a firm grasp on your hair and pulled you on your hands and knees so you were eyelevel with his throbbing cock. 
Remus placed a couple of smacks on your ass now that it was exposed for him.
“What do you say to Pads for making you feel so good?”
Sirius wondered if you were aware how cute you looked with your owlish eyes oggling his long member.
“Thank you, Siri.”
“That’s right Puppy, now how about you return the favor.”
You just nodded obediently and stuck out your tongue, which only made Sirius growl even louder as he shoved his cock in your mouth. You tried your best to relax your throat but found yourself gagging at the surprise feeling of Remus’s head rubbing up and down your slick folds.
You arched your back and whimpered around Sirius’s cock and Remus got the message loud and clear. Slowly he inched his way inside groaning when your wet heat enveloped him completely. Once you were used to the feeling you wiggled your hips as a signal so he could move. The slow powerful thrusts of Remus made Sirius thrust through your perfect lips even faster at how the vibrations you emitted felt around his cock. His grip on your hair got even tighter.
“Fuck you feel so good puppy, such a good girl taking such good care of us. I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face, want me to cum all over your face, sweet girl?”
At the sound of your desperate whining he gave your face a few rough pats and yanked your head back. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you stuck your tongue out waiting patiently while he stroked his dick furiously. Finally he released on your face, but before you got the chance to think he was licking it up with wide stripes across your face before moving to kiss Remus. You glanced over your shoulder at the two most beautiful men you’d ever been blessed to see, and moaned as their teeth clashed in a hungry and needy kiss. They stopped in a pant and had their foreheads pressed together, grinning at your demands.
“Moony I think our good little puppy wants more attention.”
“Aw, is that so my needy angel. I can fix that for you.”
Quicker than you could count he had you flipped on your back and started fucking into you ruthlessly. His movements were filled with so much determination that every thrust was pushing you to the end of the bed until your back was hanging off the edge. He grabbed hold of your legs and swung them both over your shoulders so he could reach even newer sensitive spots inside you, completely captivated by how freely your tits bounced in this position.
“Rem- Remus I’m gonna cum.”
“No you’re not, you be our good girl and hold on a little longer.”
“Please I can’t take it.”
“If you wanna cum you beg for it then, since you can’t wait.”
“Please please, let me be your good girl, please let me cum you make me feel so good please.”
“Hear that Pads? Imagine if someone heard pure little Y/N acting as our desperate puppy. Okay darling you go ahead and make a mess on my cock baby.”
A wave of euphoria rushed over you as you hung there and took every slam that came your way. The bliss however quickly became too much as your legs wriggled to find your escape from his strong grasp. He just grunted and let you slide into a heap on the floor. He swept to the side of the bed and around to where you were and hoisted you back on the bed so you were on your stomach and your legs hung off the edge. He pressed his hand to your back to firmly hold you in place.
“Angel you begged for this, now you’re gonna take it, yeah?”
He returned to his prior animalistic pace that summoned tears to roll down your cheeks. 
Sirius started petting your head lovingly “It’s okay love, you’re being such a good girl for Moony and I. You look so gorgeous with those tears all fucked out.”
He continued to comfort you and press kisses to your hairline until finally Remus reached satisfaction with his brutal attack on your tight hole.
“Fuck, Y/N I’m gonna cum”
He pulled out swiftly and his hips found their way to Sirius’s hungry lips. It was such a beautiful sight, but your voice made and audible whine before you could control yourself.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, thought you wanted me to stop.”
“Wanted your cum, wanted you to cum in me Remmy.”
“We’ve got plenty of time to make that happen precious girl.”
Hmmm yeah I’m not sure how I feel about this one, but I hope y’all enjoy my lovelies <3
@thotbutpurple @quindolyn @sunny-bunnny
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