#Does PRP really work
edvinception · 1 year
long read, my apologies
maybe moving to agentfirman was not as solid as it looks? actors in sweden really promoted the hell out of all edvin’s projects and were constantly with him looking for new deals and the new agency has no social media presence- it’s 2023 they should be promoting client projects. he was a top client in actors in sweden and now agentfirman firman has bigger clients they seem to prioritise. i mean wilma has been with them for years but she’s not really getting acting gigs as she used to and a diff agency takes care of her fashion projects. idk i hope it turns out well for him coz he’s talented and deserves good management. the jimmy fallon news was through omar and even his manager did not know about it which is a bad look. if he wants to branch out internationally which he wants to, he shd sacrifice and get a promoting agent who can look for events for him and even interviews on who he is and his acting career in general. all the interviews have been about yr like i hope he takes that prp interview at least. i worry about him ngl 🫠 he needs to network outside of the swedish bubble. it really helps.
This again?
Agentfirman is the biggest agency in Sweden with much better connections than actors in sweden which is smaller and has a more family feel to it.
Why are you worried? He's wrapping season 3 of YR this week. He's currently working on his second netflix project. He has a movie premiering in September and he has at least one unannounced project in the near future. He likely has more things in the pipeline too.
Agentfirman has bigger names sure but they are also not known for doing social media promo so. I think what counts is how they manage his career behind the scenes and in my opinion there's no need to worry about it. He's doing fine. Great even.
Why the obession with events? Event's means nothing if you want to be an actor in good movies.
How many events does Bill Skarsgård go to? If we are comparing to a swedish actor signed with agentfirman and starting out building his name in Sweden?
What's your point? He's also signed with CAA? So he has the international connection you talk about. That being said, building your name takes time. He's doing very well with all his Swedish projects but if you don't think they count, then yes he's doing terrible.
And as much as I've enjoy prp and would love an interview with Edvin I don't think it would do anything to boost his career. It would be lovely but they are not a huge media outlet by any means.
Of course his interviews have been about YR. It's what he's worked on for the last few years and it's also the biggest thing.
He's also promoted Gåsmamman when it premiered and will promote and interview for other things when the time comes.
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dlsphjournalism · 4 months
THE BMJ -- Does platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment really work?
BY SANGEETHA NADARAJAH (FJHI '24) -- PRP is regularly endorsed by celebrities for a variety of conditions from impotence to dentistry. Sangeetha Nadarajah asks what the evidence is for the treatment. READ MORE.
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teamdematology · 8 months
hair transplant
hair loss
prp for hair loss
team dermatology
dermatology for hair loss
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bulkpostads · 9 months
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lightning-flight · 1 year
Last night we ended up ordering Nioxin, which is supposed to help with thinning hair. It's expensive af, so I really hope it does. It feels like our hair just keeps getting thinner, and it's causing us so much anxiety. We don't even dare to dye it anymore, out of fear that it'll make us go even balder. And we hate that, because dying our hair in different colors was like... Our Thing.
We've honestly toyed with the thought of taking out a loan to get a PRP treatment -- they inject your own blood plasma into your scalp to stimulate hair growth -- but... we have no guarantee it'll work and Mai's terrified of needles and blood to the point that it affects all of us.
Anyway if anyone has any tips on how to deal with female hair loss... hit me up?
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royalclinic54 · 1 year
Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapy Right For You? A Comprehensive Guide
Good day! Is it true that you are feeling disappointed with going bald or searching for ways of restoring your skin? Assuming this is the case, you should look at Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment! It's a characteristic method for utilizing your body's own mending ability to assist with recovering tissues and lessen the indications of maturing.
All in all, how does PRP treatment work?
It includes taking an example of your blood and utilizing a rotator to disengage the platelet-rich plasma. This plasma contains development factors and other recuperating properties that can assist with animating collagen and elastin creation in your skin or hair follicles, which can prompt superior surface and thickness.
Best PRP in Dubai is turning out to be progressively famous for hair rebuilding and skin restoration since a painless strategy utilizes your body's assets. It's likewise moderately fast and has negligible free time, so you can get back to your day to day daily practice in a matter of seconds.
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Along these lines, assuming you're burnt out on managing going bald or need to restore your skin, PRP treatment may worth consider!
In this article, we'll take you on an excursion to investigate all that you really want to be familiar with PRP treatment. We've covered you, from the advantages and dangers to the possible aftereffects and regularly sought clarification on some pressing issues. We want to give you a complete aide that will assist you with concluding whether PRP treatment is ideal for you.
Thus, get some espresso and prepare to jump into the intriguing universe of PRP treatment!
What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment? Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is an operation utilizing the patient's blood to advance recuperating and tissue recovery. The interaction includes drawing a limited quantity of the patient's blood, which is then handled to isolate the platelets and plasma from the other blood parts. The concentrated platelets and plasma, which are wealthy in development factors, are then infused once again into the patient's body at the site of injury or harm.
PRP treatment has acquired fame as of late, particularly in sports medication and muscular health. This is on the grounds that the technique has been demonstrated to be successful in treating different outer muscle wounds, for example, tendonitis, muscle strains, and tendon injuries. PRP treatment has additionally been utilized in dermatology to treat balding and in dentistry to advance mending after dental inserts.
What are the advantages of PRP treatment? PRP treatment is a protected and successful method for advancing mending and tissue recovery. The advantages of PRP treatment incorporate the accompanying:
Diminish Constant Torment with Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Might it be said that you are living with persistent agony conditions like joint inflammation? Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment may be the most ideal answer for you. PRP's development elements can assist with decreasing irritation and advance recuperating, prompting less torment and distress.
Accelerate Recuperating with Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment PRP treatment can accelerate your recuperating interaction in the event that you have experienced a physical issue, for example, a muscle tear or tendonitis. The development factors in PRP invigorate the creation of new cells and tissues, prompting quicker recuperating and a faster re-visitation of your everyday exercises.
Further develop Tissue Capability with Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment On the off chance that you have harmed or harmed tissues, like ligaments, tendons, or muscles, PRP treatment can assist with working on their capability. With further developed capability comes a superior scope of movement and generally capability, permitting you to get back to your day to day exercises without any problem.
Express Farewell to Medical procedure with Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment Medical procedure isn't the main answer for wounds or conditions like joint inflammation. PRP treatment is a non-surgery that doesn't need cuts or general sedation. This makes it a more secure and less obtrusive choice contrasted with a medical procedure.
Okay of Antagonistic Responses with Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment One of the greatest advantages of PRP treatment is that it is gotten from the patient's own blood, significance there is an exceptionally okay of unfriendly responses or dismissal. This makes it a protected and successful choice for some patients.
The Advantages of PRP Treatment for Going bald: In the event that you're battling with going bald, PRP treatment might be a distinct advantage for you. Studies have demonstrated the way that PRP treatment can essentially further develop hair development and thickness, making it a protected and powerful option in contrast to more obtrusive hair relocate medical procedures.
As a matter of fact, a concentrate by The Public Community for Biotechnology Data found that patients who went through PRP treatment for balding encountered a 30% increment in hair development after only three months. Furthermore, PRP treatment has an okay of unfavorable responses or dismissal, since the plasma utilized is gotten from the patient's own blood. So on the off chance that you're searching for a characteristic and successful method for combatting balding, PRP treatment might be worth considering.
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davidthompson7109 · 2 years
Hair Restoration: What Does It Mean And How Does It Work?
Hair restoration is a growing industry that has been changing people’s lives for years. It’s a procedure that can help you regain your confidence after a surgical procedure or restore lost hair after chemotherapy. In this article, we will explore what hair restoration actually is and how it works. We will also give you tips on choosing the right surgeon and hair restoration approach for you. What is Hair Restoration? Hair restoration is a procedure that is used to restore natural hair to people who have lost or damage their hair. The goal ofhair restoration is to restore the natural appearance, texture, and volume of hair. There are many different methods ofhair restoration, but all of them involve transplanting healthy hair follicles from another area of the body onto the bald or thinning scalp. Hair restoration can be done in a number of ways, including surgical procedures like scalp reduction surgery and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) surgery as well as non-surgical treatments like use of minoxidil (Rogaine). There are a number of different types ofhair restoration procedures available, but the most common ones are surgeries. Surgery involves removing some or all of the Bald Scalp and then transplanting healthy hair follicles from elsewhere on the body onto the bald scalp. This can be done in several ways, including using local anesthetics to numbnge and reduce pain during surgery, as well as using FUE techniques which allow for more accurate placement of grafts. After surgery, patients will typically require a period of healing before they can begin wearing their new hairpieces. Non-surgical treatments are also available and these include Minoxidil (Rogaine) which is a topical medication that help stimulates new growth in damaged hair follicles. Minoxidil is usually used in conjunction with other forms ofhair restoration such as FUE procedures or scalp Types of Hair Restoration Procedures There are many types of hair restoration procedures available, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Some of the most popular hair restoration methods include: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), SMP (Single Needle Mohs Surgery), LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), and PRP (Plasma Rich Plasma). FUE is the most traditional hair restoration method and relies on a surgeon cutting out individual follicles from the scalp. This method is considered to be the least invasive option, but it can be more expensive than other methods. SMP uses a single needle to remove hairs from the area to be treated, which is seen as less invasive than FUE but can also result in more pain and scarring. LASIK is the most common form of laser surgery and uses a fractional laser to cut out hairs close to the skin surface. PRP uses plasma rich plasma injections to stimulate hair growth, although there is still some debate about whether or not this method really works. Whatever hair restoration procedure you choose, make sure you discuss your options with a qualified doctor. There are a variety of different options available, so it's important to find one that will work best for you. How Hair Restoration Works The process of hair restoration begins with a consultation with a hair restoration physician. During this consultation, the physician will review your medical history and assess your suitability for surgery. Next, the physician will discuss the various hair restoration procedures that are available to you and tailor a plan specifically for you. The first phase of hair restoration is removal of the unwanted hair. This can be done by laser or electrolysis. Laser hair removal uses heat to destroy the roots of the hair follicle. Electrolysis uses an electric current to weaken and destroy the root cells in the hair follicles.
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nosetrimmerreview · 2 years
Hair Restoration: What Does It Mean And How Does It Work?
Hair restoration is a growing industry that has been changing people’s lives for years. It’s a procedure that can help you regain your confidence after a surgical procedure or restore lost hair after chemotherapy. In this article, we will explore what hair restoration actually is and how it works. We will also give you tips on choosing the right surgeon and hair restoration approach for you. What is Hair Restoration? Hair restoration is a procedure that is used to restore natural hair to people who have lost or damage their hair. The goal ofhair restoration is to restore the natural appearance, texture, and volume of hair. There are many different methods ofhair restoration, but all of them involve transplanting healthy hair follicles from another area of the body onto the bald or thinning scalp. Hair restoration can be done in a number of ways, including surgical procedures like scalp reduction surgery and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) surgery as well as non-surgical treatments like use of minoxidil (Rogaine). There are a number of different types ofhair restoration procedures available, but the most common ones are surgeries. Surgery involves removing some or all of the Bald Scalp and then transplanting healthy hair follicles from elsewhere on the body onto the bald scalp. This can be done in several ways, including using local anesthetics to numbnge and reduce pain during surgery, as well as using FUE techniques which allow for more accurate placement of grafts. After surgery, patients will typically require a period of healing before they can begin wearing their new hairpieces. Non-surgical treatments are also available and these include Minoxidil (Rogaine) which is a topical medication that help stimulates new growth in damaged hair follicles. Minoxidil is usually used in conjunction with other forms ofhair restoration such as FUE procedures or scalp Types of Hair Restoration Procedures There are many types of hair restoration procedures available, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Some of the most popular hair restoration methods include: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), SMP (Single Needle Mohs Surgery), LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), and PRP (Plasma Rich Plasma). FUE is the most traditional hair restoration method and relies on a surgeon cutting out individual follicles from the scalp. This method is considered to be the least invasive option, but it can be more expensive than other methods. SMP uses a single needle to remove hairs from the area to be treated, which is seen as less invasive than FUE but can also result in more pain and scarring. LASIK is the most common form of laser surgery and uses a fractional laser to cut out hairs close to the skin surface. PRP uses plasma rich plasma injections to stimulate hair growth, although there is still some debate about whether or not this method really works. Whatever hair restoration procedure you choose, make sure you discuss your options with a qualified doctor. There are a variety of different options available, so it's important to find one that will work best for you. How Hair Restoration Works The process of hair restoration begins with a consultation with a hair restoration physician. During this consultation, the physician will review your medical history and assess your suitability for surgery. Next, the physician will discuss the various hair restoration procedures that are available to you and tailor a plan specifically for you. The first phase of hair restoration is removal of the unwanted hair. This can be done by laser or electrolysis. Laser hair removal uses heat to destroy the roots of the hair follicle. Electrolysis uses an electric current to weaken and destroy the root cells in the hair follicles. Once the unwanted hair is removed, a new growth cycle must be stimulated in order for new healthy hair to grow in its place. This is done through topical minoxidil products or injectables such as DHT blockers or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). These treatments help promote faster regrowth by increasing blood flow and encouraging new cells to originate from dormant follicles. Hair Restoration: What Does It Mean And How Does It Work? Results of Hair Restoration Hair restoration is a surgical technique that has been around for centuries. Hair transplant, in particular, is one of the oldest forms of hair restoration. Over the years, hair restoration technologies have improved significantly. Today’s procedures are much more precise and less invasive than in the past. There are two main types of hair restoration: follicular unit transplant (FUT) and strip surgery. FUT involves transplanting individual follicles from elsewhere on the head to restore lost hair density. Strip surgery uses a thin sheet of skin to create a patchwork of new hairs on top of the original scalp. The two most common techniques used for hair restoration are FUT and strip surgery. Both have their own benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a closer look at each: Costs of Hair Restoration Hair restoration is a relatively new cosmetic treatment that uses surgical methods to restore hair to its former appearance. In general, hair restoration can be broken down into three main categories: follicular unit transplantation (FUT), miniaturized FUT, and laser hair removal. The primary difference between these three methods is the size of the individual “follicles” that are harvested. With FUT, doctors take large clusters of hair from an area that is bald or thinning and transplants them onto the scalp. This method is often more expensive than miniaturized FUT and laser hair removal because it requires more surgery and results in a larger number of transplanted hairs. Miniaturized FUT techniques use smaller incisions to remove single hairs from the scalp,resulting in less pain, scarring, and morbidity but also costing less. Laser hair removal typically uses heat energy to destroy the root of the hair follicle, leaving the follicle either completely bald or with a small amount of residual hair. Although each technique has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, all three methods have been shown to be effective at restoringhair density and length. Additionally, all three techniques can be used on both men and women,though laser hair removal may be more affordable for women due to its lower equipment costs. Conclusion Hair restoration is a relatively new medical technology that has become increasingly popular in recent years. What hair restoration means and how it works is still being extensively studied, but what we do know is that this type of procedure can help restore the appearance of hair that has been lost or damaged. There are several different types of hair restoration procedures available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. If you are considering hair restoration as a possible treatment for your baldness or thinning scalp, be sure to talk to an experts about the best options for you.
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hairgrowthcentre · 2 years
Can you Slow Down the Balding Process?
Did you know up to 80 of men and 50 of women witness hair loss or balding? This common condition may not hang your physical health, but it does affect all areas of your life, from your tone- confidence to internal health.
 At Honest Hair Restoration in Bradenton and Tampa, Florida, our platoon uses substantiated hair restoration treatments to help restore your hair. One of the most constantly asked questions posed to our board- certified croaker
 Hair Transplant Clinic Manchester is whether anything can be done to decelerate hair loss or balding.
 numerous products and treatments claim to help you keep or regrow your hair. Not all these products, still, deliver on their claims. That’s why seeking treatment for a medical professional, like Best Hair Transplant London, who approaches hair restoration from a clinical, patient- centered perspective, is so important.
 Keep reading to learn what can be done to decelerate the balding process and how we help you find the right hair restoration treatment for you.
How we help restore your hair
 At Hair Growth Centre the platoon epitomizes your hair restoration treatment to give effective results. We start with a comprehensive hair loss discussion, which includes
Reviewing your medical history
Physically examining your crown
Agitating your family history of hair loss
 We may also order any blood tests and labs demanded to uncover any health conditions that may contribute to your hair loss. Hair Transplant Clinic Birmingham and our platoon hear to your enterprises and talk to you about your particular pretensions for hair restoration, making sure you understand the treatments and what they can really give.
 We work with you to design a medically sound treatment plan to give you more hair. Your hair restoration treatments may include options similar as
 Changing life factors to boost results (e.g., nutrition; stress operation)
Non-invasive, low- position ray cap remedy
tradition- strength, custom- blended specifics
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) remedy
Hair transplantation with follicular unit extraction (FUE)
 Learn Further about decelerating hair loss and seeing further hair than skin on your crown by cataloguing a discussion online or over the phone with the hair loss experts at Honest Hair Restoration.
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marmmhair · 2 years
Does PRP Work For Hair Loss?
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You would not like to have hair loss since hair is related to your looks and beauty. Hair loss does not cause pain in the scalp but hair loss takes place to make your scalp totally bald. 
Sometimes, a patient thinks that the condition is under control. Such patients try hair products and other home remedies to treat hair loss. in fact, hair loss is a disease and it needs proper hair loss treatment in Indore. 
There are a lot of hair loss treatments that hair doctors use to treat hair thinning and hair loss. These treatments are different in terms of procedure, aftercare, recovery time, and results. 
Among these treatments, some treatments are based on scientific studies and pieces of evidence. 
In this blog, we will consider PRP hair loss treatment which is an effective solution for both temporary and permanent hair loss. This treatment uses the natural healing power of the body. 
In fact, PRP means Platelet Rich plasma that is a part of human blood. Therefore, PRP is extracted from your blood to make PRP injections. 
Procedure of PRP 
During the PRP hair loss treatment in Indore, the expert will draw blood from your arm and spin it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge machine will spin the blood quickly to separate the component of blood. 
After some time, the experts will observe three layers in the test tube. These layers are called platelet rich plasma, platelet poor plasma, and red blood cells. 
Your expert will collect Platelet rich plasma in a separate test tube and use it to make injections. As you can assume easily, the expert will use these injections to inject into the affected area of your scalp. 
Does PRP really work for hair loss problems?
PRP or platelet rich plasma has growth factors that promote healing and hair growth in the affected area. From the first session, the shine of hair is improved. In some cases, patients need multiple sessions of PRP to witness full results. 
Candidacy matters to have the treatment 
If you want proper results after the treatment, you need to prove your candidacy. 
Your expert will examine your scalp visually to be sure about the condition of your scalp. After that, the expert may perform some tests and checkups as well. 
You have to be a non-smoker and a non-drinker to have the treatment successfully. Moreover, your platelet count should be at the optimum level to ensure that you have good results after the treatment. 
Considerable benefits
PRP is a simple and safe procedure. It uses the natural healing power of the body. The blood sample is extracted from your own body. Therefore, there is no chance of rejection by the body after the treatment. 
PRP is a separate procedure to treat hair loss. Moreover, it is used as a sub-procedure with hair transplant surgery as well. Visit the Marmm Klinik if you want to undergo PRP treatment in Indore with the help of a skilled and experienced expert.
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abbsee · 3 years
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sexatoxbridge · 3 years
U think that Louis uses Botox?
Yes, I do think that Louis uses Botox. Think being the key word because I cannot say 100% for sure, but I 99.9% think he does.
Let me preface this by saying that I used to work for a dermatology clinic that did, amongst many things, fillers and injectables like Botox so I’ve seen a lot of this kind of work. They also offered staff free Botox so I was like, “Sure. Why not?” I think actually having it done also gives you a lot more perspective on what it actually looks like. I feel like everyone associates Botox with a kind of frozen face syndrome and not being able to make any expressions, but after Botox you are still fully capable of all facial movement, the difference is that when you relax your face the wrinkles smooth out instead of staying.
For example…everyone knows Louis has a very crinkly smile and you can see that here next to his eyes
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Then when his face is relaxed there are no wrinkles
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The forehead does make it more obvious as there tends to be less movement after Botox…like here his eyebrows are raised but his forehead is relatively smooth.
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Plus this is without television appearance amounts of makeup. Even though no amount of makeup can make your forehead this wrinkle free. It just isn’t possible.
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And here you can see his forehead moves, yes, but once he relaxes there are absolutely no lines
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Nowadays he largely has a fringe, but you can kind of see what I’m talking about here as well
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Could I be wrong? Absolutely. Am I wrong? Probably not. For people whose job is extremely public facing and where they are constantly being filmed or photographed, it is industry standard. Almost every single celebrity you see has Botox and fillers. And as someone who has work done to essentially keep my face looking the same way it did when I was in my late twenties I can honestly tell you that it is very easy to do incremental amounts of work so that it just makes it look like you’re really well-rested. Some people do radically change their face, but a huge amount of people just do it as like youth maintenance.
Also this isn’t me being like, “Everyone should get it!” I think it’s been wildly and inappropriately advertised to people who are way too young to be doing it. Getting Botox and fillers in my 30s is equivalent to starting to wear sunscreen every day when I was 15. It’s largely preventative and it makes me feel better, so that’s my prerogative. I don’t judge anyone for doing it, I don’t judge anyone for not doing it, but every time I see someone like “Drop the skincare routine!” to celebrities I’m like, “It’s Botox and fillers.” Fillers aren’t only in your lips and are used all over the face to smooth out wrinkles so when you see a 30 something celebrity who seems to be Benjamin Buttoning, I can guarantee you it is almost always because of fillers and injectables.
Not to mention One Direction’s target audience was teenagers, and there is just no way that their schedule, social lives, smoking (in the case of some of them) was not causing ageing. There is no way their team wouldn’t take every measure possible to keep them looking youthful and not as hungover as they probably felt a lot of the time. Like I said, there is only so much makeup can do. So…
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✅ Botox
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✅ (possibly the most) Botox
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✅ Botox (and probably a minor nose job at some point…just go look at any photo from 2010 and compare it to now)
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✅ Botox (plus nose and PRP treatment on his hairline)
And probably more stuff or maybe no stuff (jk these hoes have definitely had work done).
Like I said, this isn’t in any way judgmental, I just think it’s important that people know that there could not be a faker saying than, “celebrities! They’re just like us!” No they are not. They are paid to look good and pay a lot of money to look good, and to look young for as long as possible. There is simply no amount of moisturising or contouring that can achieve the kind of changes you see most celebrities going through, and to not point out that people are using very expensive treatments to achieve their ethereal and otherworldly good looks creates unrealistic expectations for younger and impressionable people. Or not even younger…like I said, I was 30 before I realised how prevalent it is in the entertainment industry, but once you see it you can’t stop noticing it.
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thanatos-drive · 2 years
Dusk of the final day.
Less than 24 hours remian.
Copied from facebook.
Okay, I don't think sleeping will be happening.
I'll be driving to Penn to get my first Prolotherapy injections, in order for this to work I'll be needing to have them done over and over for the next couple of months, and that's just for A body part, so all together it's going to be a lot of shots, and a lot of pain inflammation.
Since I decided to go through with this a couple of weeks back, I've been trying to hunt down people with EDS who have had it and it's been a mixed bag of results. Those on whom it did work advise towards keep doing it even if it takes a couple of tries and upgrade to PRP (the really expensive one) as that seems to be more effective.
I'll be driving myself back after taking the shots, I was told against it but from what other people with EDS claim, it is possible, it's just going to hurt a lot, but that hurt is pretty much what we live in everyday (everyone told me the covid shots/booster would hurt and when I actually got it's not even a fraction of the pain I'm on a daily basis) so its possibly negligible. I don't think there's that much of a risk involved. If they were injecting my neck it would probably be an issue.
I want to say thank you to all the people who helped me with my gofundme, regardless of what happens next, the first round was covered thanks to your help.
Overall the analogy I'm giving myself is this is like chemo, or this is like insulin. It's something that could or could not work and it's something that I may have to keep doing to myself for the rest of my life.
There are so many stories I know about people with EDS who can't take care of themselves, I've been pretty vain and proud about it but I'm there already, I've been there for a while. I think it's probably a lot to think I could live by myself. But as stated in previous posts, I just need to survive a year. I could either move or find someone that's willing to room with me, but in the mean time I have to stay in Akron and finish my last year of school.
I wish I'd done this earlier and not as summer is about to end, a couple of bad things happened that mad me face facts. I am deluding myself into thinking I can manage without help, and without some sort of intervention (surgery, assisted devices, assisted living, prolo) I wished I'd decided towards this when I could still raise my arms or before I'd fallen down the stairs.
I thank to anyone who has kept up with my posts. I pretty much disappeared these last 4 years as this disease kept taking more and more away from me. I've become very low energy, easily fatigued, I'm not exaggerating when I say the lack of mental challenge in my life is making me dumb (look at my grammar), I've recently become familiar with the concept of brainfog and while I feel that's partially happening, I also think I'm legit getting dumber. I really am trying to make up for it, I've been afraid my lifespan has been affected along with so many other things, I've been treating this summer like a bucket list of things I wanted to do. I hope that if something does happen that I can leave more good memories than bad ones. And that what I've done to reconnect and talk more with some of you was good for you.
I have not been religious in a while, but I often think that even if you change your mind, smalls aspects of how you were raised still prevail. In saying this what I'm asking if that if you could throw some good wishes my way and hope that luck if on my side and I'm one of the people this works on, that would be appreciated.
I will need all the luck in the world to survive this year.
Thanks for putting up with my meme shitposting or my super emo messages.
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pathologising · 3 years
I just saw that you answered my codon-129 ask!!! I missed it at first but today I was like "damn is angel just really busy or did I miss it" and searched and it was such a good read omg thank you for answering! That's really cool! You mentioned codon-127 too, do you know very much about that one? Does it work the same way as far as you can tell, or are there any differences?
And I'd love to read your paper!!! That sounds so cool, I also searched your blog to see what you had to say about kuru and now I'm more interested in prion diseases in general. Do you know if other animals can get them too?
I love u <3 codon 127 is just another codon set encoded by the PRNP gene! They think it might have some implications on prion susceptibility but the main focus is on codon 129!
There are several animal prion diseases! The most famous being bovine spongeiform encephalopathy or Mad Cow Disease ! There's also CWD (chronic wasting disease) in deer, and I think mink can also get some sort of encephalopathy? There's also the first ever prion disease discovered, scrapie! Fun fact the "sc" in PrP^sc stands for scrapie :)
From the CDC's index page on prions. If ur interested this is a cool place to start because its easily digestable!
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carrickbender · 4 years
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My world (a Sunday seven)
- The picture sums up my life these days. I had my PRP injection(platelet rich plasma) 2 weeks ago, and im still wearing this boot. It hurts less, but I won't know how well it worked for 8 weeks. I was told to take it easy, but I don't know how to do that, so im doing everything I normally do just with the boot on and a shoe on the other foot. Why? Because if I don't do it, nobody else will. It just is what it is these days, and im kinda over it. But Henry and his tractors? They're pretty coo.
- I've really loved this time off, but I can't wait till the clock starts on starting up the mill again. Even from the word to start the clock, its still 46 days till we fire off. Our COO and management want us to start and keep running, so they will pull the trigger when its good for the business. I just need to get back in the routine and to put my nose down and work. It will take my mind off of the world.
- I bought another guitar, but im regretting my decision. The guitar is great, I've always wanted one, but its not like the rest of my instruments aren't gathering dust as it is these days. It just seems like I have all these commitments to everything else, stupid and good things like health issues, getting a second job, trying to be a good parent and s.o. that it just gets pushed by the wayside. I told H the other day I wish I had a quiet hobby, but all I hear from her and everybody else is, "oh it will get better, it will get better". 3 years, and still not better. I think I mourn this loss the hardest...
- I'm battling to keep insurance because my COBRA payment has been $830 per month, just for me. Henry is covered under H's policy for now, but I simply cannot afford to either pay my premium on a shite policy(which won't cover a procedure that will save them money in the long run) or drop my coverage because my meds are so expensive. I mean, my problems are miniscule and I shouldn't complain, but im kinda reaching the end of my rope.
- So far so good on being a notary, but the Surface that I bought to use for digital signings already gave up the ghost. Microsoft already has it back, and are sending me a new one(Way to be Microsoft!!!). I had my first loan refinance signing the other day, and it was cool. Weird, but cool, because I go to them. We all practice social distancing, mask up, disinfect the hell out of everything... its just a trip to do this stuff during the time of covid. That being said, if I can do a couple of these per week, its an extra 1k in my pocket after taxes per month, which will be helpful once I finish all my training and get certified. Gotta respect the hussle, right?
- I cant even wrap my head around having 2 hurricanes in the gulf at once. Im sure lord Dampnut will say something like, "who would have thought something like this could happen?", meaning covid and a hurricane. Because, of course he will. Of fucking course. I hope with every ounce of my soul that neither of these storms are incredibly destructive. Not just for those in their path, but I truly believe that the social darwinists in the senate have zero intention of really doing good for the American people or helping people at this point. Its all about their agenda of promoting big business and the wealthy few. Its good for them if poor people suffer; its good for them to twist the only pillar that these folks cling to, religion, into a whip that stings them into voting against their best interests; And its certainly good for them to keep to keep the fear of minorities, persons of colour, and anybody else who can be termed an enemy of the state stoked like a poison stew as fear drives votes like no other. So as a great leader once said, "pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living".
- Good grief! If you've made it this far, you are seriously brave and must have good boots. All I've done is complain when I should be happy I have the things I do have. My family is healthy, I have a few dollars in the bank, my job will be starting again soon and I have a profitable sideline starting. And I want you all to know that I read your posts, sometimes over heart stuff, and hear your voices, and I just want to thank all of you for being here and sharing you. It really does help me get over me. Much love!
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