#Doc Z nation
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bugdrink · 2 years ago
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does anyone rmbr z nation
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biirdex · 2 months ago
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They make me so sad every time I think abt them…
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vampywaves · 2 years ago
Z Nation is one of those shows that's shitty if you take it too seriously. In order to enjoy Z Nation, you have to embrace the chaos.
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dumb-zombie-girl · 1 month ago
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I made two versions one with the s1 group
And one with the season 4 group.
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clownieboo · 10 months ago
it feels like nobody in the z nation fandom talks about doc x murphy and that’s really what is shattering my heart into a million itty bitty pieces
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imyourbratzdoll · 7 months ago
Anyone else have like a thing for Doc from Z nation? Or is it just me?
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harlstiel · 1 year ago
Random person in the apocalypse trying to rob Operation Bitemark: Hand it over! I've got a gun!
Murphy: Yeah, and I've got a death wish, so that's not gonna work.
Doc: Murphy-!
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topazy · 2 years ago
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, minor violence
Chapter: 4.11
“You look like a kid on Christmas morning,” Sarge states. She watches confused as you kiss him on the cheek, thanking him for what he just gave you. “Can someone explain what’s so special about a bow?”
Doc pats her on the back, chuckling, “A bow was Astra’s choice of weapon at the start of the apocalypse.”
“I can’t remember the last time I used one of these,” you line the arrow up with no intention of firing it. You roll your eyes when Murphy dramatically drops to the ground, acting as if you were going to shoot him.
“It’s sentimental,” Warren says teasingly.
Looking at the weapon in your hands as Sarge continues to argue that guns are the better weapon choice, you smile. She sounded just like Mack did.
The group continues to have random conversations as you approach abandoned cars outside Mount Weather, which was your intended location full of Z’s, including the president's husband. 10k, Sarge, and Warren make quick work of taking all the Z’s out within minutes. Warren tried to use the president's husband's ID, but it didn’t work.
“What’s wrong, chief?” Doc asks.
“There’s also a retina scanner,” she sighs. “He needs to look at it while swiping the card.”
You scrunch your nose up and say, “Thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Yep,” Doc replies. He pulls out a spinner from his pocket and goes inside the car to scoop the man’s eyeball out.
“That’s disgusting,” Murphy snorts.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures.”
Doc successfully retrieves the eye and uses it to unlock the door along with the keycard. When the doors open, you step inside, making sure to bring the ID with you in case you need it again. Being so close to the Oval Office was a surreal feeling; it felt like you’d stepped into a TV show or film set.
You search every room you come across for any sign of life but fail to find any. At the end of the hallway, you find a roomful of the undead. Former congressmen and women who appear to have turned at some point early on during the apocalypse When the Z’s start to growl and grab for you, your group swings into action and shows them mercy one by one. The building had a stale smell to it, and the hallways were full of what you assumed was once confident paperwork.
“Well, I think we just killed the last of the US government,” Murphy says while flicking zombie guts off of his jacket and onto the floor.
As Warren tries to come up with a plan, Sarge points behind her and says, “More Z’s coming from behind.”
All of this seemed like a lot of effort to just get a thumbprint. Sighing, you raise your arms and get ready to shoot, but lower your bow when you notice the way the Z’s are walking and say, “That’s not the dead.”
The men get closer and point their guns in your direction. “Freeze! Secret service.”
After a brief back and forth with the secret service and Murphy giving them sarcastic answers about shooting instead of voting, Warren steps in and introduces herself. “I’m Lieutenant Robert Warren, national guard. We’re on a special mission to save humanity. It is imperative that we see the president.”
One of the men lowers his gun and introduces himself, “I’m agent Johnson.” He lets out a deep sigh and looks at the man beside him. “And that’s agent Johnson.”
“Before you ask, no, we’re not related. And yes, it’s weird that we are both named Johnson.”
“Do you always have to say that?” The first agent Johnson asks. “It undermines our authority.”
Both agents let out dark laughs as they asked Warren what he said about saving humanity. It was clear that neither of these men had interacted with other people for a long time, if they were so easily amused.
Warren rolls her eyes and says, “Look, we have reason to believe someone intends to launch some kind of biological attack on all surviving humans and zombies in order to cleanse the world and repopulate it with their genetically modified offspring.”
The first agent looks confused at her, while the second keeps his gun aimed at her. “And you’ve got a problem with this?” He asks before laughing again.
“Can I just speak to the president?” Warren finally snaps.
“We can’t just let everybody who thinks they have an emergency speak to the president. She’s never gotten anything done.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she’s pretty backed up these days.” You shake your head while pulling the president's husband's ID from your back pocket. “Does she know her husband is dead?”
“Yes,” a woman says, walking up behind the agents while carrying a cardboard box in her arms. “I know he’s dead.” She places the box down, then brushes the agents aside to stand directly in front of Warren and ask, “What’s going on?”
“Intruders. It’s under control, ma’am.”
Warren takes the ID from you and hands it to the president. “I’m sorry, but we really need your help.”
“Agent Johnson, put your weapon down.” She steps back and addresses all of you. “Jane Carlson, 234th president of the United States We’re a little short of help here.”
“How many survivors are there?”
“You’re looking at them.”
In disbelief, you ask, “There are only three of you left alive in office.”
“There were four of us. Most of what was left of the government evacuated to NewMerica a few weeks ago. We were supposed to follow them, but we’ve run into a few obstacles.”
“Yeah, well, we just killed a few obstacles for you back there,” Murphy says in a matter-of-fact tone, resulting in you muttering for him to shut up before lightly nudging him in the back of the leg.
“And thank you for that,” she says, amused. “The last of Congress. Not much of a loss; they were dead a week before anybody realized.”
“Madam President, time is of the essence,” Warren says more softly than normal. “We are on a mission to find a secret government weapon, and we need your help to access it.”
“What can I do?”
“We’re going to need your thumbprint.”
The moment the words slip from Warren’s mouth, both agents aim their guns at her head. Raising your hands, you take a step back, unsure of why her words triggered such a reaction.
“My thumbprint?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy.”
The president removes her red leather gloves, showing that she had no thumbs; they had been removed. She urges you to follow her to her office while explaining that a man arrived a few days prior and drugged her, then removed her thumb prints. It turned out Dr. Teller had left a creepy cartoon video about Project Rainbow for Warren to find when she arrived at Mount Weather. It also turned out you needed to travel 25 levels down to find the zombified corpse of the man who was the last president before the world turned to shite.
“I don’t trust her,” you whisper.
10k stares at the agent’s suspicious expression, while Doc leans in to ask you both, “Why? She seems nice enough and is helping us.”
“She knew about the black rainbow and intended to do nothing, plus she wants us to call her Jane. It’s weird; it’s like she’s trying to lure us into a false sense of security.” There was a falseness in the sudden offer to help your group in their search that you couldn’t trust.
“Good point, anyone called Jane is crazy,” Doc winks at you before stepping into the elevator to join everyone else.
You share a concerned look with 10k as you are the last two to enter the lift before it starts to lower to the ground. You all remain silent until the elevator doors open up as a horde of Z’s attempt to barge their way in. Chaos quickly follows, and your group is separated among the herd of zombies. When you notice Warren is still standing in the elevator, you turn back, not wanting to leave her behind. She quickly hits the button, taking you two to a different floor.
“Now what?”
“We find another way back to our people.”
“Well, hello, Mr. President,” Warren says while opening a door to a small office. Confused, you follow her into it and see the former president duck-taped to a chair.
Sighing, you walk behind the chair and say, “I’ll push if you clear a path.”
She nods. You were grateful that it hadn’t taken you long to stumble upon him; I meant you could get out of the Oval Office a lot quicker. Nervously, you go back the way you came, but to your surprise, the hallway that was flooded with Z’s before is now empty.
“Where did they all go?”
You shrug and say, “Either the Z’s were all shown mercy or led somewhere else.”
“Hmm, keep alert just in case.”
You followed behind while struggling to push the chair forward; one of the wheels was broken and constantly spun as you walked. “For god's sake, do you hear that? It sounds like Murphy.”
You turn the chair around and go down a different corridor, which smells of rotten flesh. Just as you reached a door at the end of it, Doc swung it open and said, “Warren!” He says surprised as he looks past her and smiles, “Hey kid.”
“Astra!” 10k practically runs by them, not paying any mind to Warren or the Z, wrapping his arms around you. He breathes into your neck, “Don’t ever go off like that again. I thought—I thought I’d lost you.”
“You didn’t; I’m right here.”
Things quickly turn sour when you reach the top floor again. Your initial gut instinct was right; the president wasn’t to be trusted. When she realized Warren was serious about stopping Black Rainbow, Jane ordered the agents to take you all prisoner. The president was smart and knew how to get another person on her side by playing on Sarge’s emotions by pulling the ranking officer card.
“Don’t listen to her,” Warren orders.
Noticing the hesitation on Sarge's face, you stare her down and say, “Don’t do it. Don’t listen to her.”
Teary-eyed, she slowly turns, her gun now facing the direction of your group. At first, you hoped it was some kind of trick, but it wasn’t. “Actually, I do; I’m sorry. I took an oath. I’m a Marine; she’s my commander in chief.”
You felt as if you'd been stabbed in the heart; even Murphy looked taken aback by the sudden betrayal. Is this what real betrayal looks like? In the form of someone you thought of as a friend?
Smugly, the present says, “Why don’t we all go back to my office?”
Reluctantly, you all begin to follow, biting your tongue until you notice Sarge pointing her gun at 10k’s back. You see red. Not thinking of the consequences, you point your own gun at the back of her head. Sensing movement behind him. 10k looks back and freezes upon seeing what you're doing; his mouth is slightly agape until he notices the gun still pointing at his own body. A look of deep hurt crosses his features.
“Sarge!” Her name is like venom dripping from your tongue. “Unless you want to die right now, drop the gun before something really fucking bad happens.”
Your words catch the attention of everyone else, who is now staring back. “Astra, don’t do it,” Doc says, stepping forward. “I know you're mad, but if you shoot her, they shoot all of us.”
Memories of everyone you’d lost during the different missions flash before your eyes. Sure, you’d made plenty of mistakes, some worse than others, but you’d never deliberately put any one of them in danger for the sake of pride. You shake your head. “We treated you like family.”
Sarge’s voice breaks when she says, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Astra, lower your weapon,” Warren says sternly.
Even Murphy tried to talk you into lowering the gun, but you refused, saying, “Not until she lowers hers first.”
“Do you really think I’d shoot 10k?”
You scoff at her words, fighting to hold back your own tears of anger. “With you? Who knows. I never thought you’d turn on us, but here we are.”
Sarge looks to the president for permission before dropping her arms to her sides. You lower your weapon while staring Sarge down. How could she betray you after everything you had been through?
“Astra,” 10k says softly, “you need to give them to me.”
Without explicitly explaining what he meant, you handed him all of your weapons. Once you had done so, the president allowed your group to continue the walk back to her office.
“I’m not apologizing to her.”
“I’m not asking you too.” 10k rests his chin on your shoulder. “But that wasn’t just about Sarge, was it?”
When the president revealed her plan to go to Zona while the rest of the world died, Sarge decided to switch sides again and shot both agents and the president, giving you all the chance to escape. Still, the way she turned on you so quickly hurt.
“I don’t know…” you lie, not wanting to admit the betrayal of a friend made you think of Cassandra. It reminded you of what you did to her and how the guilt of it still weighed heavily on you. “We should probably head back to the rest of the group before they send out a search party.”
As you start to walk away from the tree line and towards the main road, 10k calls after you, “I know your gun was empty; you were never going to hurt her.”
Thinking back on your actions, you do feel ashamed that you acted so harshly, but at that moment, you weren’t sure if Sarge would shoot him or not. Without looking back, you say, “Tommy, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” 10k says, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as a single tear falls from your cheek. “I would have done the exact same thing.”
Hearing him say that made you feel a little better, although you still dreaded the days to come. The sooner this mission was over, the better.
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terrifyingblog · 2 years ago
Puppies and kittens Part 1[Z nation OC and Reader insert]
By far this crew was as annoying as your family, A guy named Murphy is apparently the savior of humanity??? The guy can't even save himself for being such a fucking coward, so this is absolute bullshit for the lack of a better word.
Charles garnett, too kind, WAY TOO kind, the infant he took in turned into a damn zombie, was that fun? No not really, a soldier in the group died trying to mercy the child, it's like this kid is a rabid dog, Not cool at all, then you guys met this locked up chick named Cassandra.
She kind of looks like a hoe in your opinion, doc was about to get bitten, if it weren't for a mere you don't know what it is, but the zombie's head got a hole in it, when you guys turned to the source of that 'bullet' you guys saw a person, you're not sure if it's a guy or girl though.
Doc tried to yell a thank you to the person but in a blink that person is gone.. tch. Weirdo much..
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dumb-zombie666 · 5 months ago
Z nation oneshots, images and headcanons
If there's anyone who still watches the show, please go check out my book on ao3 ( it's mostly 10k, so if he's your favorite, then)
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10ksbae · 1 year ago
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biirdex · 9 months ago
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THE siblings of all time
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haxzie · 2 years ago
lets pretend like i didnt promise josh futterman while i dump some writings i did over the past year 🦦
which does include:
- now you see me
- the quarry
- overwatch
- z-nation
- maybe ferris bueller’s day off
they’re all my sillies
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dumb-zombie666 · 5 months ago
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Z Nation + The Onion Headlines 8/?
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sorceressofthesky · 20 days ago
Piltover and Zaun Lore Deep Dive
I've been doing extensive research into the history of P&Z for a Silco and Vander origin story fic, and I figured it could be helpful to share my findings here too!
My main goal was to try and integrate known Arcane lore with League lore and iron out some of the creases, to nail down exactly what the world of P&Z looked like in Arcane. I've done a lot of extrapolating and theorising to make sense of it all, but if you're just interested in the raw data from canon, I've compiled all my notes on a Google Doc. All sources are listed throughout.
The contents of this post are as follows:
Part 1: Chronology (the timeline)
Part 1.1: Chronology in League of Legends
Part 1.2: Chronology in Arcane
Part 1.3: Integrating the timelines
Part 2: Geography (the layout of P&Z)
Part 2.1: Existing maps of Piltover and Zaun
Part 2.2: Geography in League of Legends
Part 2.3: Geography in Arcane
Part 2.4: Integrating the layouts
Part 3: Modern Zaun (ft. Silco and Vander)
Part 3.0: Preamble
Part 3.1: The timeline of Zaun’s creation
Part 3.2: Vander and Silco’s early life
Part 3.3: Golden age of Vander and Silco
Part 3.4: After the betrayal
Part 4: Wrap-Up
Summary of the timeline
Part 1.1: Chronology (League of Legends)
Information derived from the LoL Fandom Wiki and official LoL website, with most details corroborated by various Reddit threads and similar forums. BN means Before Noxus, and AN means After Noxus.
6000-5000 BN: Westward Migration. Humans began to migrate from the eastern hemisphere to the western hemisphere, towards the Shuriman Continent. Settlers founded many new nations and cities. Among these was a sea port called Oshra Va’Zaun (also referred to in some places as Osha Va’Zaun or Kha’Zhun, but I went with what was most consistently used on the Wiki). Oshra Va’Zaun connected the Shuriman Continent to Valoran via an isthmus, or artificial land bridge, that allowed for free trade between the continents and also comprised docks from which sailors could travel in and out. The people of Oshra Va’Zaun worshipped Janna (then known as Jan’ahrem), the wind spirit. As a spirit god, she relies on prayers to keep her strong. Sailors and merchants would pray for calm seas, and she would deliver.
2000-3 BN: Various Wars. The fall of the Shuriman Empire (2000 BN), the Darkin War (550 BN) and the Rune Wars (25-3 BN) all took place during this time. Janna protected Oshra Va’Zaun from every conflict, preventing it from becoming rubble.
772 AN: The Collapse. The people of Oshra Va’Zaun planned to destroy a portion of the isthmus connecting Valoran and the Southern Continent, allowing for safe sea passage between eastern and western Valoran. The plan was to use thousands of Chemtech bombs to crack open an area of the land so that a cavern could be created. Instead, the bombs triggered a series of earthquakes that completely destroyed the isthmus and sank large districts of Zaun. Thousands of citizens were killed, and poisonous gases leaked into the city’s surviving areas. Allegedly, Janna saved many of the citizens by holding back the seas to prevent floods.
790 AN: Piltover is Established. Over the last 18 years, the ruins of Oshra Va’Zaun underwent extensive reconstruction. The Sun Gates were established to regulate travel through the oceanic passage that had opened up where the isthmus used to be. This essentially forced all ocean transport through these waters, which brought wealth to the city and spurred the development of Piltover - named after its construction over the Pilt River. Merchant clans dominated the trade route and built up towards the sky, while those still living in the ruins built down into the fissures.
Part 1.2: Chronology (Arcane)
The only traces I could find of a timeline were on the League of Legends Universe Wiki, where birth years are given for several of the main characters. Most were given a range, as follows:
676 AN: Heimerdinger is born
959-963 AN: Jayce is born
961-968 AN: Viktor is born
966-970 AN: Caitlyn is born
967-971 AN: Vi is born
972-976 AN: Jinx is born
In Season 1 Act 1, Heimerdinger specifically states that he is 307, and Jayce states that he is 24. The writers also stated that 7 years had passed between Acts 1 and 2. This gives us a good base to work from, especially since Heimerdinger's birth year is the only one that is dated precisely. 676 + 307 = 983; thus, Act 1 takes place in 983 AN, and Act 2 onwards takes place in 990 AN. Working backwards, we can determine that Jayce was born in 959 AN, and everything works itself out from there.
676 AN: Heimerdinger is born. He is 307 (Act 1) / 314 (Act 2 and beyond).
959 AN: Jayce is born. He is 24 / 31.
961 AN: Viktor is born. He is 22 / 29.
966 AN: Caitlyn is born. She is 17 / 24 (honestly 17 seems too old to me based on what we see of her in Act 1, but 966 is the earliest year listed on her wiki page, so this is what I’m running with).
967 AN: Vi is born. She is 16 / 23.
972 AN: Jinx is born. She is 11 / 18.
983 AN: Events of Act 1. Key events here are the raid on the Kiramman warehouse and the subsequent invention of Hextech.
990 AN: Events of Act 2. At the start of Act 2, Heimerdinger says that Piltover is turning 200, so this works out perfectly with the League of Legends timeline.
Part 1.3: Chronology (Integrated)
So, how exactly do Arcane and League lore fit together? The answer essentially boils down to: there isn't one. Everyone in every thread has a different solution, and the timeline is so messy that there is even a dedicated Wiki page to all the various contradictions. I'm going to spend this final section developing my own theories and solutions based on what I know; feel free to take or leave any of this.
Pre-772 AN: From everything I’ve read, it seems like there are hardly any indications of Zaun and Piltover’s history before the events of the main timeline. There is no mention of Janna at all in Arcane, but subtle imagery of her is sprinkled throughout the art, which suggests that she could still be a figure present in the history and protection of Zaun. Thus, I think we can reasonably assume that everything was much the same up to the collapse. There don't seem to be any lore inconsistencies prior to 772 AN that would make the timeline impossible (other than Heimerdinger having supposedly lived through the Rune Wars, but Yordle lore is a whole different ball game that I'm not even going to touch lmao).
Post-772 AN: From the collapse onwards, there are two main issues I ran into in getting the lore to match up. One of these issues is the absence of the Sun Gates in Arcane. Instead, the Hexgates play the role of facilitating trade, which is treated like a new and revolutionary invention. This raises questions regarding how exactly Piltover came to prosper for ~2 centuries before Hextech. It’s possible that the Sun Gates did exist at a point in time, but were destroyed for one reason or another before we get to the main timeline. Otherwise, it could just be that they flourished through maritime trade for a while without the Sun Gates, given that they are still positioned at the intersection between continents (the Hexgates facilitate air travel, not sea travel, so that would have still been a pivotal change). The council is made up of wealthy merchant clans, which suggests that Piltover was still a place of high traffic for traders. We also know that Piltover and Zaun are realms of innovation, and with Heimerdinger at the forefront of Piltover’s establishment, it seems viable that they had a lot to offer that made Piltover attractive to other regions. This also raises the question of what exactly Piltover was inventing before Hextech, but I'm going to shelve that question, as it integrates slightly better with the next section.
The other issue that came up is with regards to Chemtech. In League lore, Chemtech is consistently listed as “Zaun’s answer to Hextech”. The Wiki also mentions that it has existed in Zaun “since the early 900s AN”, but wasn’t widely used until “the later half of the 900s AN”. There are two issues with this. Firstly, the lore specifically mentions that Chemtech bombs were used to explode the land in 772 AN, which means that it did exist before the 900s. The second issue is that Hextech was not invented until 983 AN, which contradicts the notion that Chemtech was “Zaun’s answer” to it. We see green lights all over the Lanes in Arcane Episode 1, so it was definitely in use before Hextech existed. So the questions that arise are 1) What was the timeline of Chemtech usage in Zaun?, 2) Why wasn’t it ever used in Piltover?, and 3) Why was Piltover the city that prospered through trade and innovation, if Zaun was the one who had Chemtech?
I think the most sensible answer to question 2 is simply that it's toxic. People in Piltover are terrified of change, judging by the council’s reaction to magic the first time Jayce brings it up. If a Chemtech bomb was what caused the destruction of Oshra Va’Zaun in the first place, it makes sense that Piltover would have avoided using it. This could also help with the answer to question 1. If we believe that Chemtech wasn't widely used in Zaun until the 900s, it could just be that they were afraid to touch it again for a very long time after the collapse. That just leaves question 3, and I think to answer this, we need to return to that earlier question of what exactly Piltover invented/traded that cemented their position of affluence. The official League webpage for Piltover talks extensively about Hextech, and also includes images of Piltover's inventions under the umbrella of "Hextech". However, there are three images in that category that stand out to me as different:
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In the bottom series of pictures, three of the images are in black and white, and look more like sketches than the fully-rendered designs of the other inventions. The first of these images is just a string of merchant clan sigils, which don't give us all that much information. What I'm most interested in are the second image, which is a dome-shaped streetlight:
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And the third image, which is a "Pneuma-Tube Conduit":
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The black-and-white design of these makes them look older, as opposed to the modern designs of objects like the gauntlets, which we know are newer. That indicates that these inventions existed before Hextech. The light source looks like it has a wire running through it and a switch of sorts, which suggests that they had some form of electricity. Another possibility is that it functions using solar power, given that the Zaunites, despite being inventors in their own rights, seem to rely mostly on Chemtech for light and haven't been able to built light sources that can pierce darkness/the Grey. It would make sense if they simply don't get the sunlight down there to operate them properly.
The pneuma tube is the most notable to me, given that it seems to match the tube Grayson gives Vander in Episode 1 as a method of contacting her ("this will reach me, and only me") - again, before Hextech existed. What's interesting about that tube is that, when I went back to the scene where Vi decides to turn herself in, the tube arrives with a puff of gas and a small lime-coloured light that turns on. There's also a green-tinted lamp in the police station where they appear to be located. It looks very Chemtech-like, which I'm intrigued by; it makes me wonder if Piltover actually does use Chemtech to some extent, but in much smaller doses with extensive safety measures to keep the gases from escaping.
I also found a Weebly website, which looks very unofficial (i.e. I cannot verify any of the information on there) but has a ton of lore for various regions, including the only mention I could find of a Piltovian energy source that wasn't Hextech. The site mentions that Piltover uses liquids and gases from a nearby marsh to power the city. This seems like a viable option to me, especially given the detail of the gases coming off the tube, and the images of factories with smoke coming from the underground. So I guess, rather than being Zaun's "answer" to Hextech, Chemtech is more like the toxic and volatile version of the various controlled gases and liquids that Piltover uses as an energy source.
On the topic of other things Piltover invented, here are some additional notes from my research:
Weaponry - There are guns everywhere in Piltover, particularly for the Enforcers. Presumably one of the wealthy clans had to manufacture these.
Tools - We know that the Talis family gained wealth and notoriety for their invention of various tools, including mostly hammers and the "collapsible pocket wrench".
Lock System - Amanda Overton stated that the Kirammans became wealthy for building "the very important lock system in the channel that first allowed trade between regions". I suppose this must have been instead of the Sun Gates, if we're assuming they don't exist?
Other Systems - The Kirammans also appeared to be the ones who built the underground ventilation system for Zaun. The tube conduit is also an example of a miscellaneous system invented by someone in Piltover, as well as presumably whatever wiring system allows the streetlights to function.
Machinery/Machine Parts - It's mentioned in League lore that the Medarda clan became wealthy for their invention of the piston, which is part of an engine. It's unclear whether this is still the case in Arcane, though.
Prosthetics - In the story The Lady of Clockwork, it's said that Corin Reveck was renowned for his design of prosthetics. Arcane canon calls him a "revered academy alchemist", so it seems like his creations there had more to do with chemistry and magic, but prosthetics could have been the specialty of someone else in Piltover.
Clockwork - I've also seen Corin Reveck described as a clockwork inventor, so revolutionary clocks and time-based inventions could have also come out of Piltover.
Cameras - Caitlyn has a camera in Act 1 when she's investigating the crime scene after the Firelights raided Silco's shipment. The flash has a blue tint, so this could have been a Hextech invention, but I was interested to see that it had a green pipe running along the side; perhaps it was a Zaunite camera that she asked Jayce to modify for her.
Food/Drink - In S1E4, it's mentioned that Councillor Hoskel ships wine to Noxus. Perhaps some clans in Piltover accumulated wealth from unique food/drink products that other regions could not cultivate.
Various Gadgets - Mel's very first scene shows her choosing a gift for Hoskel from an assortment of mechanical gadgets. These could have been a smaller byproduct of Piltover's invention boom. This category also covers the items in Jayce's lab, many of which seem to be assorted gadgets like the nose hair trimmer, the spinning mobile on the ceiling and the "real Valdiani".
So, to recap, here's a summary of the integrated timeline for P&Z in Arcane:
Pre-772 AN: Westward migration led to the establishment of the sea port of Oshra Va'Zaun. Wars ravaged the Shuriman Continent, but Oshra Va'Zaun was protected through all of it, until their own innovation caused the collapse of the isthmus via Chemtech bomb.
Post-772 AN: Piltover was gradually built over the ruins, and formally established in 790 AN. Meanwhile, those still living underground were forced into labour, working in the mines and factories to provide for Piltover's inventions. Piltover became richer and richer as trade increased, while the people of Zaun had nothing themselves.
959-972 AN: Births of the leading cast members. Jayce is the oldest, and Jinx is the youngest.
983 AN: Events of Act 1. Vi, Powder, Mylo and Claggor raid the Kiramman warehouse. Hextech is invented. Vander turns himself in for the raid, Silco intercepts the arrest, and Vander, Mylo and Claggor end up dead.
990 AN: Events of Act 2. The main Arcane timeline starts here.
Part 2.1: Geography (Maps)
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Figure 1: Piltover and Zaun in the wider landscape of Runeterra (source)
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Figure 2: Piltover trade routes per the Medarda Heirloom (source)
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Figure 3: Piltover and Zaun map in Arcane (source)
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Figure 4: Map of Piltover and Zaun from Jinx Fixes Everything (source)
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Figure 5: Map of Piltover and Zaun from World Anvil (source)*
*I'm not sure of the exact source for this map; the page I found this from is a fanmade D&D campaign but the creator has a disclaimer that they sourced the artwork externally and do not own it.
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Figures 6 and 7: Maps of P&Z from Arcane and the Medarda Heirloom respectively. The Arcane map has been rotated to align the structure of the land masses in the Medarda Heirloom.
Part 2.2: Geography (League of Legends)
In League, Zaun is built quite literally underneath Piltover; there are some absolutely beautiful official artworks depicting this. In the League version of Zaun, there are three levels, as per the Wiki page:
Promenade Level: The top level of Zaun. Described as an "entertainment and commercial zone", this is where Zaun's wealthy reside, and where the line between Piltover and Zaun blurs. Some of its features include a thriving marketplace on the boundary (several regions are named specifically; the Boundary Markets and the Skylight Commercia), a pump station to move clean air from Piltover into Zaun, and the College of Techmaturgy.
Entresol Level: The level just below Promenade, this is considered the main hub of activity for Zaunites. It's one of the most populated districts between the two cities, and is also where the Zaun Grey lingers most. Some of its features include augmentation parlours for prosthetics and other bodily augmentations, a breather station where Zaunites can find reprieve from the Grey, the Chemtech Seam in the cliffs where compounds for Chemtech are sourced, markets and greenhouses, and laboratories for science and invention.
Sump Level: Zaun's deepest level where the light doesn't reach. It's chaotic and grim, with disorderly piping everywhere and discarded waste from Piltover. This is the origin of the Grey, from polluted waterways and grilles. Some of its features include a pump station for removing sewage, a prison mine where convicts are forced to mine Chemtech compounds, factories and warehouses, a surviving clock tower from Oshra Va'Zaun, densely-populated slums, the Black Lanes where merchants and thieves do business, sewers, an orphanage and an asylum.
Other Features: There's a large cliff in Zaun that makes up part of the Promenade Level, and is home to shipping docks and the Sun Gates. There are also Hexdraulic Conveyors in various locations throughout Zaun, which allow Piltovans to descend into Zaun - some available to the public, and some for private use, especially for the Chem-Barons and wealthy Piltovans.
As for Piltover, per the Wiki page, there are only two main regions - North Piltover and South Piltover:
North Piltover: Most of the clans have their mansions and "heavily guarded workshop compounds" here, in a region called Bluewind Court. The north also contains a menagerie, theatres and workshops, a promenade of cafes and bistros, and a region dedicated to banks and secure vaults for the wealthy.
South Piltover: Not much is mentioned of South Piltover, but it seems like it involves several shopping districts, more workshops and lavish residences, and the fissures where Zaun is located.
I recognised a lot of the location names on the Wiki from the map in Figure 5, so presumably the north just means everything north of the canal and the south is the region on the other side; then Zaun exists directly underneath southern Piltover, carved out of the land underneath the fissures.
Part 2.3: Geography (Arcane)
The geography in Arcane was a little confusing to make sense of. These are the changes noted on the Wiki:
The Sun Gates do not exist
The fissures are narrower
Zaun does not have three levels, instead being divided into the Lanes which each represent one of the fissures
The tallest tower in Zaun is now the Chem-Baron tower, which replaces the College of Techmaturgy
There are no Hexdraulic Descenders, instead replaced by smaller elevators
The Lanes in Zaun are home to Babette's brothel and The Last Drop
The Firelight Hideout is built in a large, abandoned sewer
The north and south parts of Piltover are connected by The Bridge of Progress
In mid-Piltover is the University of Piltover, located near the Hexgates, where most council meetings take place
Stillwater Hold is located on an island just outside the eastern part of the city
I've read a lot of other forum threads, and it seems like there's no real consensus on where exactly Zaun is located in relation to Piltover. Some people say it's still directly underneath southern Piltover, while others think the entire region across the bridge (see Figure 3) is now entirely Zaun. I get the impression that a lot of the confusion comes from Arcane visuals that make it look like Zaun is just everything on the other side of the bridge. Vander also describes the Undercity as "our side", making it seem like Zaun is that entire side of the region rather than just a part of it built underground.
Personally, I'm inclined to think Zaun is still predominantly underneath Piltover, judging by the maps in Figures 3 & 4 from Arcane canon. It seems like the Alcove District, Low Piltover and South Side Harbour are still part of south Piltover, while everything around the Fissures are part of Zaun. The scene in Season 1 Episode 1 where Vi and the kids are running away from the Enforcers also seems to support this. They run through a corridor, then slide down a sewer grate, into the underground where we can see all of Piltover's metal scraps and parts discarded as per the lore. I presumed, from this, that the first place they entered across the bridge was still part of Piltover, and then they went down the pipe to get to Zaun. Deckard confronts them before they take the elevator even further down, and we know that this confrontation happened on their "side", per Vi's conversation with Vander, so this was likely an upper part of Zaun.
Additionally, we see this wide shot as they run across the bridge:
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Figure 8: Wide shot of the Bridge of Progress from Season 1 Episode 1, timestamp 13:01
Figure 8 shows Zaun/South Piltover on the left side of the bridge, and North Piltover on the right side. The architecture immediately across the bridge still looks very Piltovian, while towards the back of the image, we can see large green towers and smoke, more akin to Zaunite infrastructure. This makes me think there's still something like the Promenade level at the same altitude as south Piltover, where the lines between cities are blurred, but most of the activity takes place underneath. The maps from Arcane are also specifically labelled "Piltover", which further supports the idea that the entire region is Piltover, with most of Zaun lying underneath.
Part 2.4: Geography (Integrated)
I don't think Zaun was just made up of the Lanes, as the Wiki page seems to imply. There's a line from Silco in S1E3 in which he says "not just for the Lanes, but the whole of the underground united as one". It seems like the Lanes were the region Silco and Vander had control over ("you had my respect, the Lanes' respect" - Vander, S1E3), but there were other parts to the underground too.
There's a really useful Twitter post here that proposes one theory as to how Arcane and League geography can be integrated. As previously mentioned, I like the idea that the levels still exist to some extent. The Promenade level bleeds into South Piltover, and looks to be where many of the factories and warehouses are located judging by the smoke - as well as, of course, the Chem-Baron tower where Silco gasses them all in S1E7. This is also where the fight with Deckard happened. Every theory I've seen that incorporates the levels places The Last Drop on Entresol, so I'm inclined to say that's where the Lanes are located, with The Last Drop a central feature, and quite close to the Sump. And the Sump is where the mines are, all the way down in the lowest inhabitable (using that term very loosely) part of Zaun. There are also ruins of Oshra Va'Zaun underneath this where it's completely deserted.
Part 3.0: The Creation of Modern Zaun (Preamble)
So all of this brings me back to the question at the heart of it all: where do Silco and Vander fit in? There are three big questions I am aiming to answer in this section.
Question 1: What is the timeline of Silco and Vander's past?
Question 2: What did Zaun look like before Silco and Vander took control of it?
Question 3: What was their vision for Zaun and how far did they get with it?
Before I can get into answering those questions, I want to compile everything that we already know about Silco and Vander. From Arcane canon, here is what we're given:
Vander and Silco started as miners who "had nothing" (Silco's words, S1E9), and had a shared vision for what Zaun could have been. Silco talks very distastefully about his experience in the mines, describing "air so thick it clogged your throat, stuck in your eyes".
They are said to have "built the underground", according to Sevika (or, at the very least, she says that Vander built the underground).
Zaun was governed by Piltover and their council; Silco and Vander wanted Zaun to become an independent nation in its own right.
Silco’s description in S1E3: “We shared a vision, Vander. A dream of freedom. Not just for the Lanes, but the whole of the underground united as one. The Nation of Zaun.” In S1E9, he also says "everything we ever wanted" when he's talking to the Vander statue about Jayce's offer of peace, so all signs point to them having both been set on independence for Zaun.
Sevika says that "Silco spent his whole life trying to rally the Undercity together" in S2E4.
At some point, Felicia joined their fight, and the three of them were seen at The Last Drop together around the time of its founding. Sevika and Connol also knew them in their youth. I don't believe it's ever explicitly stated whether Benzo knew them back then, but Vander mentions him by name to Silco, which suggests a mutual connection.
Felicia speaks about the vision for Zaun as theirs, not hers, so it seems like her role was not quite as prominent as theirs in the actual conception and construction of Zaun.
Felicia encourages Silco and Vander to "figure this Zaun thing out", even if they have to "carve it out of the bedrock, covered in blisters". Much like Sevika using the word "built", this seems to imply a very literal kind of construction.
When Vi, Powder and co raid the Kirammans' warehouse, Vi mentions that it's exactly the kind of job Vander would've done when he was their age. We know that Vi was 16 at the time, and Mylo and Claggor were also both older than Powder, so presumably she means 15-16.
In S1E2, Vander tells Vi that when he was younger, he "was angry" about the treatment of Zaun by Piltover, and led the bridge riot that killed Felicia and Connol.
Using this post and the Arcane artbook as a guide, I also pulled information out of comments from the creators, which I'm regarding as canon-adjacent:
The Lanes is the black market area of the Undercity, created through Vander and Silco's smuggling operation that gave them the chance to make money outside of working as miners for topsiders.
Silco "grew up working in the mines", which is where Vander, Silco and Felicia met. It's also mentioned that this is why he was the only one who could tolerate the gas in S1E7, but he specifically says that the Chem-Barons used to work in the mines as well (“The mines they had us in” / “I pulled you all up from the depths”), so that seems inconsistent. I'm inclined to believe that it's a combination of him growing up in the mines and continuing to live on the Entresol level (in The Last Drop), while the others lived on the Promenade level.
Silco and Vander led a movement towards independence. Both were unhappy with the "oppressive feeling" of being "under the thumb of Piltover".
In the artbook, it's said that Silco hated the way he was treated by Piltover and wanted to prove that he was more than what the world had made him out to be. He and Vander "tried to build this world together", with the main goal of independence and pride for Zaun. Ultimately, there were limits to what Vander was willing to lose, while Silco always wanted to keep fighting no matter the cost.
There's an image of young Benzo with Silco, Vander and Felicia in the artbook, confirming the implication that he knew them at that time.
The bridge riot was incited after Benzo got arrested, and Silco was the one really pushing for the uprising; hence he was the one who threw the first Molotov cocktail. This was when Vander decided that violence was not the way to achieve peace.
Amanda Overton frequently refers to that riot as the "Day of Ash". I could only find one source on this, a Fandom Wiki page with no additional references cited. According to this page, the Day of Ash took place on December 1st 979 AN, and involved a protest march on the Bridge of Progress in which over 100 unarmed Zaunites were shot and 84 died on the spot. This seems inconsistent with what we see in canon (the "unarmed" part specifically; Silco throwing the Molotov, Vander beating up Enforcers with his mining gloves), but I'm listing it here anyway for full disclosure.
The drowning incident happened after the riot, apparently after Vander had already taken the kids (so I guess he came back for Silco??? Or it happened a few days after?).
Something else worth noting is that in the Season 2 flashback, Felicia says that "tonight", their dream of turning the underground into a community became a reality. This obviously marks a very significant date for them, and they toast to the occasion. My assumption was that this was meant to show us the opening of The Last Drop, and that's what I ran with for much of my analysis throughout this section; however, I don't think it's ever actually specified which milestone they're celebrating, so this detail is ultimately up to interpretation.
Part 3.1: The Creation of Modern Zaun (Timeline)
All of the wiki pages I've looked at place Silco at 37-39 in Act 1, and 43-46 in Act 2; and for Vander, 43 in Act 1 and 50 in Act 2 (in the AU/as Warwick). As far as birth years go, this would translate to 944-946 AN for Silco, and 940 AN for Vander.
At the time of The Last Drop's opening, Felicia is pregnant with Vi. That would place this scene in either 966 or 967 AN. I struggled to find an official reference for Arcane character birthdays, but Vi's birthday is very consistently celebrated on December 19th across the fandom, which puts us in early 967. That makes Silco and Vander 21-23 and 27 respectively. Based on what we see of Silco in that scene, I'm inclined to place him at the upper end of that range, or even a year or two older. So more like 39-41 in Act 1 and 46-48 in Act 2.
The Day of Ash is an interesting conundrum. 979 AN, as per the wiki article I found, would make Vi and Powder 12 and 7 respectively. I'm not sure how reliable the source is, and my personal estimate would have been 977-978 AN, factoring in the kids' ages and the time it would take for Silco to rebuild his life from scratch.
Combining all of this information, we get the following timeline:
940 AN: Vander is born
942-944 AN: Silco is born
966-967 AN: The Last Drop is opened
977-979 AN: The Day of Ash
For the next few sections, I'd like to have precise years to focus on, so I'm going to run with these dates:
940 AN: Vander is born. He is 43 / 50.
943 AN: Silco is born. He is 40 / 47.
967 AN: The Last Drop is opened. This marks the birth of modern Zaun.
978 AN: The Day of Ash. Silco is betrayed, and Vander swears off violence.
Part 3.2: The Creation of Modern Zaun (Early Life of S&V)
Content warning for discussions of slavery/slave labour in this section; I'll mark the paragraph that includes this with ~!!~ at the start just in case anyone wants to skip it.
It's pretty solid canon that Vander and Silco started as miners, and built up their world of Zaun from there. The mining tunnels run all along the fissures, as per this map from the Jinx Fixes Everything minigame:
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Figure 9: Map of mining tunnels from Jinx Fixes Everything
I get the impression, based on the prevalence of the tunnels & Silco's dialogue to the Chem-Barons ("We had nothing" / "Have you forgotten where we came from? The mines they had us in?") that the underground, at the time, was mostly just mines.
~!!~ I'm particularly interested in how this fits in with the original League geography of the Sump, given that's where the mines are located. In League, the Sump included a prison mine for "Chemtech compounds", factories, warehouses, and slums where the workers lived. There's one particular factory mentioned which involved "slave labour camps" and "tightly controlled torture chambers". This is a very dark but plausible look into one possibility for the Undercity's past. Since Silco and Vander were said to have grown up in the mines, I assume it's most likely that they were the children of prisoners, rather than prisoners themselves - although it isn't outside the realm of possibility, since Powder's visibly young age did not stop the Enforcers from going after her at the beginning of the show. Alternatively (if we want to assume the slave labour aspect did not exist/was very far in the past) we could just assume Vander and Silco were children of people who worked in the mines, and were essentially born into it.
Regardless, I don't think they had many other options outside of mining, so we can assume that this was much the same for most people living in the Undercity. Something I'm curious about is, with the interpretation that there was still some semblance of a level system in modern Zaun, when and how Entresol and Promenade came about.
My personal assumption for Promenade is that the level existed as a sort of gateway between south Piltover and the underground. The elevator from S1E1 is on this level, and it looks to be in an abandoned house, judging by the stairs, furniture and paintings on the walls. The decor is quite fancy and the people in the paintings are dressed similarly to the Kirammans in their family portraits, which makes me think this was the repurposed home of a wealthy topsider. One possibility is that Promenade held the residences of Piltovan elites who worked close to Zaun (e.g. owned factories, oversaw mining operations). I think it's unlikely that Promenade had anything to do with Silco and Vander's operations, since it's much closer to the surface than where they reside, but their revolution could have been the force that drove many of the topsiders out.
Entresol is where the Lanes and The Last Drop are located, so I'm inclined to assume this was the part that Silco and Vander built. This is also corroborated by the various references to the Lanes in S1E3, which I elaborated on in Part 2.4, that makes it sound like this was the part that they had the most involvement with. This was where both of them ended up living, and Vander says that Silco "had the Lanes' respect", suggesting that this was where they started out, too.
The way Sevika and Felicia both talk about Silco and Vander's work makes it sound like they built the Lanes in a very literal sense. This leaves us with two main questions; 1) What was there before?, and 2) How much of it was built by them?. Unfortunately for us, I don't think there's actually enough in canon to answer either of those questions with any real certainty. The best I can do is suggest possibilities. We do know that there were other parts to the underground outside of the Lanes, so one possibility is that there was already a community inhabiting Entresol that they took over as their own - perhaps a small rebel group, or colonies of Zaunite labourers who lived on that level. These are all the other options I came up with:
There were semi-intact ruins still lying around Entresol that they built out of.
There was a large, empty space in the place that would later become the Lanes. They built on top of this and filled out the entire region.
They literally built the Entresol level themselves. The mining tunnels had been dug out of nothing, and all that was lying on top of them was rock; they quite literally "carve[d] it out of the bedrock", as Felicia's phrasing would imply.
So in summary, I'm imagining that the Sump was the main region of the Undercity at the time, comprising a network of mines where the Grey originated, sewers for wastage from up above, and potentially factories or warehouses as well. Another question is what exactly was being mined here, and again, we can turn to League lore for possible ideas. The prison mines mentioned on the Zaun wiki page were for "Chemtech compounds". Amanda Overton described Silco and Vander as "miners working for topsiders", which makes me wonder - if they were mining for Chemtech compounds - what exactly the topsiders in question wanted to do with those compounds. This brings me back to my long-winded Chemtech musings from Part 1.3. I can think of three primary explanations for this:
The compounds in question could be used for a variety of inventions, not just Chemtech. Perhaps there were elements involved that had to be chemically separated; one of which was safer and used to power Piltover's inventions, while the other was highly toxic and was originally discarded as waste, but later became the basis for Chemtech.
Chemtech was mined and used in smaller doses/quantities in Piltovian inventions, while the people of the Undercity began to use it in larger quantities, harnessing the toxic properties that released the Grey as a byproduct.
Chemtech compounds were one of many things mined, and were used for inventions that were limited to the underground, like mechanical mining and factory tools (drills, bombs, transport, etc.)
Alternatively, if we ignore the mention of Chemtech, we could assume that the underground was rich in natural minerals and resources that Piltovans needed for their inventions. We could also assume they were mining for the other gases and/or liquids that Piltovans used as an energy source (it's mentioned that these came from a "nearby marsh", but I couldn't find an actual canon source for that, so I think it's fine to take some liberties with it). I suspect that there are many other possible explanations, with the foundational principle being that they were mining for materials which the topsiders would then use to boost their own wealth, one way or another.
Part 3.3: The Creation of Modern Zaun (Golden Age of S&V)
In S1E5, we see an old hideout of Silco and Vander's, with plans for the Nation of Zaun strewn all over the desk and plastered on the walls. I've compiled a list of everything we see in that hideout and where it's all located:
Low wooden beams
Lantern box hanging from the ceiling
Mining gloves
Something coiled and hanging on the left wall - perhaps a rope? Or a hose?
Small wooden table
Vanity next to the coat rack
Another shovel
Time-worn plans covering the right wall (maps, tables, lots of illegible writing)
Left corner, storage unit/bookshelf (books, boxes, small lopsided paper bag, cylindrical flask or thick drink bottle?)
Left of centre, jackets and hats
Centre, flag with green, red and gold detailing, NoZ logo in gold
Right corner, coat rack and a ledge with hangers and a kettle
Desk (more books, flask, glass, tobacco pipe, letter)
Another crate
Knocked-over stool
Tall chair (for the vanity?)
Walls are all boarded up with wooden planks and metal reinforcements
Vander’s number: 135 714 (from the canon scene)
Silco’s number: 132 219 (loosely interpreted from the very grainy image in the artbook)
I think it's safe to say that they started devising their vision of Zaun in the mines, with comprehensive plans for the nation that include maps and diagrams, a flag with a logo, and many long pages of writing. I'm guessing they were living here for a while, judging by the flask, the kettle, the paper bag that looks like the kind used to carry food, and the clothes hung up on the wall. The furniture is an interesting detail; I'm struggling to imagine that they got away with dragging all of that furniture down to the mines, which makes me wonder if it was there before. Perhaps it used to be someone's office down there? Or some kind of bunker/storm shelter? I have no clear answer for this so I guess it's entirely up to the imagination.
Then at some point, they got out of the mines and began a smuggling operation to make money. I assume this is the era Vi was talking about when she said the break-in was "the kind of job Vander would've pulled when he was [their] age". I'm not sure exactly how reliable this statement is, or whether it even really tells us anything; Vander could've snuck away from the mines to steal from topside when he was a teenager, before he had even developed the goal of an independent nation, or Vi could've heard rumours about Vander's past that weren't entirely accurate. Still, it's the best we have to go on, and if we assume this references Vander and Silco's smuggling operation, it would imply that they started relatively young. In my opinion, 16-year-old Vi saying "our age" could imply anywhere from about 15-18 realistically, and that gives us a maximum of about a decade between the start of their smuggling ventures and The Last Drop opening. We also have to factor in Silco being 2-3 years younger, which means I'm more inclined to assume Vander was an older teen, if not already in his 20s (unless we're meant to assume they were just extremely young when they started all this, but I think that's unlikely, given they already look like adults while still working in the mines). For the sake of the timeline, we'll say they started their smuggling operation somewhere between the late 950s and early 960s AN.
We also don't know for sure when the Lanes were actually built; whether they started with The Last Drop and built everything around it, or built the Lanes and opened The Last Drop as a finishing touch of sorts. Felicia's lines in the flashback - "You two are going to figure this Zaun thing out. I don't care if you have to carve it out of the bedrock covered in blisters." - definitely make it sound like The Last Drop was built first, and everything else followed. Amanda Overton also specified that the smuggling operation helped Vander and Silco make money, so it seems like they were selling their stolen goods (to topsiders?) and running a back-alley black market operation until they had enough to actually start building.
There were about 10-11 years between the opening of The Last Drop and the estrangement of Silco from his allies, which they spent building the Lanes. I was initially thinking this sounded insane, but from this Reddit thread, I gathered that it's actually a fairly reasonable timeline - especially if we assume that they had others helping them with the physical construction, which I'm certain they would've. One of the commenters in the thread brought up the city of Brasilia, which was a planned city built over the span of about 3.5 years. It has a total federal district area of 5,802km^2 built by about 60,000 people (not sure exactly how much of that area was actually built up; the Demographia World Urban Areas Report 2023 counts a total urban area of 963km^2, similar to the size of Buffalo NY).
There's another post I found by a Redditor who calculated the area and population of Piltover and Zaun using the height of streetlamps as a reference. These totals came out to 5.30km^2 (~100,000 population) and 4.12km^2 (~400,000 population) for Zaun. This was calculated under the assumption that Zaun and Piltover each covered one region on either side of the bridge, so the sizes might differ under the model with Zaun being mostly underneath. However, in this case, the Entresol level alone would be even smaller than 4.12km^2, so the task sounds overall very manageable. Worth noting that I think it's unlikely that Zaun was a precisely planned city like Brasilia was, and more likely that they built up the city around themselves, in response to the growing population and demands for facilities. Although we do see very thorough-looking diagrams on the walls of Vander and Silco's hideout, so I suppose you could reasonably assume any degree of planning.
In canon, we do see some glimpses into the post-Last Drop era through the sequence of Warwick/Vander's memories in S1E6. Here are all the memories we see, in order:
Vander and Silco in the mines
Silco sitting at a bar with a book open in his hands
The flashback from S2E5 with Felicia, Silco and Vander toasting in the bar
Young Vander and Benzo leaning over a counter; both look to be around the same age as they were in Act 1, maybe slightly younger
Felicia pregnant with Powder, and a man (presumably Connol) holding child Vi
Powder, Vi, Mylo and Claggor all standing in a group with their backs turned
Vi sparring with Vander, starting around the age she was in Act 1 and then morphing into her younger child self
Felicia and Connol come home with their mining hats and gloves, and Vi and Powder get excited to see them
Vi tries on the mining glove Felicia gives her
Felicia and Powder cook together
Felicia cuts Vi's hair
Felicia, Powder and Vi chase each other around a post
Felicia measures Vi's height
These being Vander's memories, it seems like the kids had a much more resonant impact on him at the time than Silco or the fight for independence did. This explains a lot with regards to the difference in ideologies that eventually divided Vander and Silco. We also see that Felicia and Connol were still working in the mines when the kids were young, implying that Silco and Vander did not shut down mining operations (perhaps they cleaned it up so the work was less dangerous?). The logo for the Nation of Zaun that we see on the flag & on Silco's notebook doesn't come up ever again, and seems to be absent from the modern timeline.
I'm guessing the focus during this period was on the physical construction of the Lanes, and accumulating more and more capital to distribute among the people of the underground. It definitely seems like they were intending to go to war for their independence, judging by Vander's assumption in S1E3 that Silco wanted to use Shimmer to start a war - as well as Vander telling Vi that he "was angry" when he was younger and wanted to fight for change (S1E2). The flag/logo in their hideout was presumably something they planned to fly once they had achieved an independent Nation of Zaun.
They never did end up engaging in a full-on war though, based on various context clues and dialogue exchanges implying that a) Vander and Silco's revolution was never successful, and b) war between Piltover and Zaun is only hypothetical, rather than something that has happened once before. Vander also indicates that the Day of Ash was a one-off incident ("we crossed that bridge once before" in S1E2), which is consistent with how peaceful his early memories are. I presume they wanted to focus on establishing Zaun as a thriving community first before escalating the issue with Piltover; they couldn't exactly fight for independence if there was no nation to fight for in the first place. They most likely didn't have the numbers to form an actual army either, especially not with the Lanes alone.
Eventually, Vander and Silco incited the bridge riot as what was meant to be the start of a bigger revolution, "thinking things could change". The riot was a massive failure for Zaun, and most of the fighters ended up dead. Vander decided that he had too much to lose and attempted to drown Silco to end the cycle of violence. I tend to assume this happened before Vander picked up the kids, but if you want to stay as loyal as possible to the creators' comments, I think this is a very plausible theory that explains the weird timeline and visual continuity errors.
Part 3.4: The Creation of Modern Zaun (Aftermath of S&V)
Bonus section to discuss my thoughts on what exactly happened to Silco after the Day of Ash; most of this is conjecture rather than fact.
It's pretty obvious what Vander got up to after the drowning attempt. He made a deal with Grayson to keep Zaunites off of Piltover's streets in return for peace. Much of the infrastructure in The Lanes was built during Vander and Silco's era, but I imagine construction continued into this era as well. However, any progress towards independence stagnated under Vander's leadership.
As for Silco, it seems most likely that he met up with Singed pretty soon after the betrayal. There seems to be a distinct lack of trust between them - Singed hasn't told Silco what his true motivations are, per him vaguely telling Silco "I, too, once had a daughter" (S1E8), and Silco tells Jinx that "you're the only one I can trust with this" when she suggests that he give the Hex crystal to Singed instead (S1E5). Thus, I'm inclined to believe it's a purely practical partnership, unlike Silco's relationship with Vander which was much more personal.
Silco's intention with Shimmer, as he tells Vander, was to mass-produce it at such a scale that it would scare Piltover out of entering the Lanes (many of the wiki pages say he wanted to start a war with Shimmer-enhanced soldiers, but he outright tells Vander that this is not the case). It could be that he wanted a bargaining chip too, given that "discontinue the production of Shimmer" was one of Jayce's conditions for independence in S1E9. So, Silco and Singed joined forces at some point to mass-produce Shimmer, Silco used a variant in the meantime to keep his eye infection at bay, and that brings us to the canon timeline.
I want to look a little bit into Singed and his past, as I'm very curious to know where Silco's vision fits in with Singed's motivations. We don't know exactly how much of Dr. Reveck/Orianna's story translates into Arcane, but we do know the following:
Singed was Dr. Reveck, a "revered academy alchemist" in Piltover. His work was "unparalleled", but he was dismissed from the academy with "no mention of his crime" (from Caitlyn; S2E5).
Everything he's done since his dismissal was to cure his daughter. This included the creation of Shimmer, which he did using Rio (the giant purple creature in the cave) as a vessel through which to sustain the regenerative mutation he wanted to harness. When questioned by Ambessa, he says that he's trying to cure "death".
He runs his operations out of the cave in Zaun where Rio is kept. Viktor worked with him briefly as a child, but became horrified by the sight of Rio connected to a series of wires and clearly in pain, so he left. Later, he is seen working out of several locations that all look slightly different (the place where Warwick is created, and Silco's first office under the river), so either the cave is massive with many rooms, or he has several different HQs for his experiments.
Singed uses Chemtech and Shimmer for all his experiments, often a combination of the two. It seems like Chemtech has the potential to sustain life, and Shimmer has the potential to enhance it.
In comparison, these are the main details of Orianna's origin story in League of Legends:
Corin Reveck was famous for making artificial limbs with intricate brass designs.
His daughter, Orianna, was his apprentice. She was adventurous and inquisitive, and wanted to explore the world outside of Piltover, but Dr. Reveck told her it was too dangerous.
An explosion in Zaun ruptured a chemical line and released clouds of poisonous gas. Orianna wanted to help the victims, but Dr. Reveck wouldn’t let her.
Orianna snuck away at night and helped fix the damage, repairing respirators and installing esophilters (described on the wiki as “a Chemtech augmentation that allows people to breathe noxious fumes safely”). She offered her own mask to a child who was struggling to breathe.
After returning to Piltover, Orianna became terminally ill, lungs ravaged by the toxic fumes. Dr. Reveck built her a new set of lungs, and as the poison spread throughout her body, he continued to build new implants and prosthetics for her until most of her body was mechanical.
The process cost Dr. Reveck his entire fortune, which forced them to relocate to Zaun.
Eventually Dr. Reveck fell ill, and she gave up her last remaining human organ for him - her heart.
There are obvious changes that would have to be made to this story to fit with Arcane lore. For example, Singed was already living in Zaun by the time he met up with Viktor, well before Orianna was revived. It also doesn't seem like he built her "piece by piece" as stated in the original story, instead keeping her alive and unconscious until he was certain he could save her. However, I think a lot of these details can be integrated with Arcane lore, and I have some ideas about exactly where it fits in.
As with all things, I want to figure out a timeline first before anything else. This is what we know so far:
Late 950s-960s AN: Silco and Vander start their smuggling operation with the goal of establishing the Lanes
961 AN: Viktor is born
967 AN: The Last Drop is opened
978 AN: Silco is betrayed by Vander
983 AN: Silco and Singed are working together by this point
I found no information on how old Viktor was when he met Singed, so I'm going to estimate around 12-13 judging by his appearance and voice. This would mean they met around 973-974 AN, which matches up with the timeline, given that Zaun looks quite built-up where we see other children playing (although I'm pretty sure this takes place on the Promenade level? Since it seems to be in direct sunlight). It seems like Singed is a fair way into his venture when Viktor runs into him; he's managed to cultivate the mutation he is looking for, and he has a laboratory of sorts that he operates inside the cave, with a vast array of potions, many different vats and test tubes with mutilated animals inside, and a network of pipes and wires that power his equipment. From this, I presume he's been at it for at least a few years.
With this timeline, Orianna would have fallen ill somewhere in the late 960s, right at the height of Vander and Silco's golden age when they were still building the Lanes. An explosion that ruptured a chemical line is an extremely plausible event to happen during this era, for any number of reasons; a riot in the underground, Enforcers trying to halt the construction of Zaun, explosions used to clear rocks so they had a clear path to build, etc etc. It could've been any number of things. Orianna went down there, against her father's orders, and her lungs were ravaged by the gas. Singed started to focus his research on keeping Orianna's condition stable and devising a cure by testing on animals. His unethical activities were discovered, and he was kicked out of the academy in the early 970s for his experiments. He permanently relocated to Zaun.
Sometime after Silco was betrayed, he and Singed met. I am quite confident that Silco was the one to approach Singed, and my primary justification for this comes from Singed's conversation with Viktor in S1E7. Viktor tries to pretend that he wants to use Shimmer on plants, and Singed expresses that he knows what Viktor is really there for, by saying "I know the look of a doomed man". I am convinced that he is talking about Silco here. From what we see of Singed's past before meeting Silco, he had only experimented on animals, and the only human involved before Viktor was his daughter. None of that would justify him "know[ing] the look of a doomed man". I don't think he's talking about himself either, since his injuries don't appear to be fatal and we never see him using himself as a test subject.
So I think Silco somehow found out about his operations and came to him seeking help after the betrayal. Silco had no power without Vander - all their friends/allies that we know of were either dead (Felicia and Connol) or took Vander's side (Benzo and Sevika) - and after being exposed to the toxins in the Pilt, he definitely would have been at risk for a much worse infection if left untreated. He was already taking his injections when we first see him in canon, and it actually looks like Singed might have even performed surgery of some kind on Silco, given that he has both eyelids in the actual drowning scene but one of them is missing later on.
This also helps explain what Singed was getting out of the deal, since Silco couldn't offer him anything tangible at the time; he essentially acted as Singed's first human test subject for a cure. We don't know if Silco's early injections involved Shimmer though, or if he was using some other temporary cure (Chemtech?) that Singed came up with for him before Shimmer had been perfected. Singed mentions to Viktor that he has several different variants of Shimmer, and he was already working on it for at least a little while before Silco came to him, so I'm assuming it was probably one of these variants. If that's the case, I'd guess that Silco is using a stronger dosage after the timeskip, since he responds to it differently (in S1E1 he injects it very calmly with no visible reaction at all, while later on in the series, his body seizes up and he looks to be in pain).
I'm interested in what comes after that, too. I could absolutely understand Singed agreeing to help Silco out after the betrayal, since Silco is in a similar position to Viktor at that point, and a very valuable tool in Singed's research. What I'm curious about is why Singed then agrees to mass-produce Shimmer and "flood the lanes" with it, as it's often described. These are the two explanations I came up with:
Singed wanted to explore the effects of Shimmer on the "average person", so to speak. Flooding the Lanes with Shimmer means putting it in the hands of anyone and everyone, which means ample test subjects for Singed to observe and learn from. The main issue I can think of with this theory is that Singed does all of his research from inside his lab, and one of the key things he notes about himself is that he's a loner, so it doesn't seem like he was going out there and doing field research. There could have been ways for him to learn from afar, though.
Silco offered to make Singed rich. Silco knew Shimmer could turn the tides back in his favour, and he could have tempted Singed to join him with the promise of everything they could eventually have. Early in Season 1, they share an office space underwater, and they have many giant factories with regular shipments in and out of Piltover after the timeskip. We can only assume that both of them became wealthy from this, with Singed making enough money to continue his research, and Silco making enough to build the version of the underground that he always envisioned.
And finally, I want to jump back to the aforementioned discussions about Chemtech, because something is still bugging me about it. If Chemtech existed before Hextech, and it's supposed to be this brilliant but toxic formula at the heart of Zaun's inventions, why didn't they ever weaponise it against Piltover? We know that Jinx uses Chemtech for her bombs, and Renni is seen using a chainsaw powered by Chemtech - and we also know that Silco and Vander both wanted to fight Piltover. So if Chemtech is a power source exclusive to Zaun, why didn't they mass-produce Chemtech weapons or release toxic gases into the streets of Piltover as part of their fight for independence? And after the timeskip, when Silco is working on his own, why did he focus on the production of Shimmer when Chemtech already existed?
By the time we catch up with everyone in canon in S1E1, Chemtech is very widespread. It looks like the Undercity is essentially built on it, with green lights everywhere and massive structures powered entirely by chemicals. I think it's reasonable to assume that Vander and Silco were the ones who facilitated the widespread use of Chemtech. This would fill in a lot of the gaps with regards to the precise timeline of Chemtech usage; it could have been something they once used sparingly, for things like mining equipment and light sources, but when Silco and Vander built the Undercity, it became a staple of Zaunite infrastructure. Since there was a long period over which they were smuggling goods out of Piltover and preparing to start building their nation, they could have also used that time to start developing Chemtech. I'm guessing they would've recruited someone to do this for them, since neither Vander nor Silco seem to have a knack for invention.
This leaves me with three theories with regards to the potential for Chemtech to become a weapon:
Theory 1 - They did try to use it against Piltover, but their attempts were always unsuccessful (e.g. the Day of Ash riot).
This one is pretty self-explanatory. They tried to use Chemtech weapons against Piltover, but the Enforcers were just too powerful. There are two main issues with this theory; the first being that we don't know how exactly the Enforcers would have overpowered them without Hextech, and the second being that, when we see Silco and Vander on the bridge during that riot, there's no sign of Chemtech's trademark green. Silco has a very standard-looking Molotov cocktail that produces orange flames, and Vander uses his mining gloves to beat up the Enforcers using brute force. I suppose the Molotov could have been filled with chemicals, so it's still an option.
Theory 2 - Chemtech isn't powerful enough on its own.
I believe this is the most plausible theory of the three. Chemtech is an energy source, good for powering things like light sources and machinery, but in itself, we don't actually see any evidence to suggest that it's useful on a larger scale. Powder's bombs don't work when she's younger, despite being powered by Chemtech - and even then, Chemtech is never the main feature anyway, with her bombs either being smoke-powered or filled with nails. In S1E4, Councilor Hoskel describes Zaun's "ingenuity over the years", with specific mentions of "Shimmer" and "body replacements"; I would assume, if Zaun really was capable of making deadly weapons with Chemtech, he would have mentioned that as well. Chemtech does appear to be the sole power source behind Renni's chainsaw, but mass-producing chainsaws as a war weapon is not the most practical nor smart strategy. Chemtech just isn't effective enough to make weapons that can be used to fight Piltover with, or on a large enough scale to put them in the hands of average Zaunites.
A major point in favour of this theory is the fact that no one in the Undercity seems to have guns except Jinx, which I find really interesting. During the bridge riot, all of the Enforcers are armed with guns, while Vander fights with his fists, and Silco fights with the aforementioned Molotov cocktail. Later, we see that Sevika and Vi also fight with their fists, and the Firelights use hoverboards and spears. Vander has a dagger which Silco later uses as his own melee weapon of choice. So why does no one in Zaun have guns? Surely Jinx can't be the only person who's ever thought to make her own? The answer has to be that they don't have access to them; either the money to buy them or the materials to make them. The Enforcers are always armed with them, and families like the Kirammans are known to hunt recreationally, which seems to demonstrate that guns are a mark of wealth and status. Jinx is only able to make hers once she's living with Silco, who could easily source the supplies for her.
Theory 3 - They did manage to successfully weaponise Chemtech against Piltover, but Piltover was able to harness the chemicals for themselves before Zaun could take advantage of it.
We know in canon that Silco's goal was to use Shimmer as something powerful enough to scare Piltover off their streets. I think it could be interesting if this was initially the plan for Chemtech, but the council caught wind of this dangerous invention, and commissioned the academy to work on a solution - just like Silco does with Jinx when Hextech becomes an issue. Piltover created Chemtech weapons of their own, so that Zaun would no longer have a technological advantage.
This is where Singed comes in. I think it could be interesting if Singed was the alchemist recruited to work on Chemtech; perhaps even Heimerdinger too, given that Singed mentions them having worked together. Singed managed to extract the chemicals used for Chemtech and create defensive measures against it for Piltover, thus explaining why he had such a good handle on it when he transferred his operations to Zaun. Either he managed to safely extract it, and it was subsequently used for smaller inventions in Piltover (thus explaining the green lamp and the pneuma tube gas in Grayson's office), or he made weapons that were just as toxic and dangerous as those in Zaun, which had to be locked away in case of absolute emergency (this would make sense if we assume Heimerdinger had a part in it; there's no way he would let them use it freely). This theory also explains why Singed would be especially cautious about letting Orianna visit the underground, if he was working with Chemtech himself at the time and knew how dangerous it could be.
Here's my proposal for a rough timeline, using this theory:
Late 950s-960s AN: Silco and Vander start their smuggling operation with the goal of establishing the Lanes.
Early 960s AN: Chemical compounds are smuggled out of the mines, and a group of rebels start using it to develop new inventions, per Silco and Vander's plan.
967 AN: The Last Drop is opened; Vander and Silco start actually building the Lanes. Piltover catches wind of the construction and tries to send Enforcers down there to stop them, but they use newly-forged Chemtech weapons to keep them out. Enforcers are ordered by the council to stay out of the underground due to the danger. Singed (and possibly Heimerdinger) starts working with the compounds mined for Chemtech to develop stronger defensive measures.
Late 960s AN: During construction of the Lanes, something goes wrong that results in the release of toxic gases from Chemtech (a "ruptured chemical line", according to Orianna's League lore story). Singed is the first in Piltover to learn about it, and Orianna overhears. He warns her not to go down there; she does not listen. She goes to help the victims, and falls gravely ill. Singed continues his Chemtech research as authorised, but starts a side project using the chemicals to develop a cure, with a giant vat of liquid to keep her alive in the meantime.
Early 970s AN: Singed's unethical experiments are discovered, and he is booted out of the academy and stripped of his status. He permanently relocates to Zaun.
978 AN: The Day of Ash; Vander and Silco lead an army across the bridge, Enforcers fight back, disaster strikes. It's the first fight for which Piltover brings out the locked-away Chemtech weapons, which is what makes it so explosive (we see Enforcers' guns explode on impact in S1E1, which they don't seem to do any other time).
978 AN (cont'd): Silco finds out about Singed's research somehow and they meet up. Silco knows that Chemtech is no longer an advantage for the Undercity, so he seeks a new solution. Meanwhile, Vander makes his deal with Grayson, and Chemtech weapons on both sides are destroyed.
983 AN: Singed tests his newest Shimmer variant on a rat. He determines that it's now adequate for a human to drink.
This theory does have a few minor holes - Hoskel's line in S1E4 again being one of them, as well as the fact that Silco doesn't consider the possibility of weaponising Hextech until after Jinx steals the crystal - but I find it to be the most intriguing, and could be a compelling way of tying all these stories together.
Part 4: Wrap-Up
PHEW. We've finally reached the Sump. If you read this entire post, congrats on making it all the way down here! This was over 12k words total so certainly a behemoth to get through; thank you so much for sticking with me <3
I wanted to include one final summary of the timeline, colour-coded to indicate where all this information comes from. I’ve used blue to indicate origins in League of Legends lore, green to indicate Arcane lore (according to the wiki), and red to indicate that I extrapolated the dates myself. In case anyone has trouble distinguishing red and green, I’ve also included an asterisk (*) next to all the reds.
6000-5000 BN: Westward Migration. Humans began to migrate towards the Shuriman Continent. One of the new cities founded was a sea port called Oshra Va’Zaun.
2000-3 BN: Various Wars. Several wars happened during this time; Janna protected Oshra Va’Zaun from every conflict.
676 AN: Heimerdinger is born. He is 307 (Act 1) / 314 (Act 2).
772 AN: The Collapse. The people of Oshra Va’Zaun attempted to crack open an area of the land using Chemtech bombs. The bombs triggered a series of earthquakes that destroyed the isthmus.
790 AN: Piltover is Established. The ruins of Oshra Va’Zaun underwent extensive reconstruction, and the new city of Piltover was built over the Pilt River.
940 AN: Vander is born. He is 43 / 50.
*943 AN: Silco is born. He is 40 / 47.
*Late 950s-Early 960s AN: Smuggling begins. Vander and Silco start their smuggling operation.
959 AN: Jayce is born. He is 24 / 31.
961 AN: Viktor is born. He is 22 / 29.
966 AN: Caitlyn is born. She is 17 / 24.
966-67 AN: Felicia-Vander-Silco scene. A milestone of Zaun's development is celebrated in The Last Drop.
967 AN: Vi is born. She is 16 / 23.
972 AN: Jinx is born. She is 11 / 18.
*978 AN: Silco is betrayed. Beginning of Vander's solo reign and an armistice between Piltover and Zaun.
983 AN: Events of Season 1 Act 1. The Kiramman warehouse is raided, Hextech is invented, and Powder accidentally kills most of her family.
990 AN: Events of Season 1 Act 2. The main Arcane timeline starts here.
I cannot emphasise enough that I put this all together on my own with zero knowledge of League lore going into it, so there are bound to be gaps and inaccuracies somewhere along the way. This is by no means intended as the be-all and end-all of Arcane lore guides, but hopefully there are things in here that someone else will find helpful!
Good luck with your fanworks ventures :-)
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disturbingstar · 5 months ago
Z nation trivia
• Several of the actors/crew lived together while filming the first season in Spokane, Washington, to save on costs. This included Anastasia Baranova (Addy) and Michael Welch (Mack).
• The first season was recorded on a tight schedule, with an episode being fully recorded within six days, with most shoots only allowing three takes.
• Keith Allan (Murphy) was working for The Asylum production company as a stage hand when they were tasked with Z Nation (2014). They suggested he audition for the role of Murphy and he ended up getting the part
• In one of the episodes, survivors are seen eating "Twinkies" - a nod to Zombieland (2009).
• As the character of Murphy continued to evolve, it was decided that the blue skin aspect of the character would be removed. This was largely due to the fact that the makeup itself was extremely irritating to actor Keith Allan, causing some minor skin complications as he had no choice but to wear the make up sometimes over 12 hours a day during filming.
• As of the end of season 5, 10K's kill-count is 8,999.
• Season 3 was still filming while the first episodes of season 3 aired.
• Russell Hodgkinson, who played Steven "Doc" Beck, also appeared in Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017) in the same role.
• Kellita Smith currently plays Lt. Roberta Warren on Z-Nation. She then played Sergeant Roberta Warren in the movie Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015). Both are productions of The Asylum.
• On December 23, 2018, Syfy canceled the series after five seasons.
• Tom Everett Scott knew when agreeing to play Garnett that his character would be killed off in episode 6 Resurrection Z (2014). Before recording the episode some producers brought up keeping his character on longer but this idea was shot down.
• According to Karl Schaefer the apocalypse of Z Nation began on November 9th 2016.
• Russell Hodgkinson (Doc) and his wife came up with the idea for 'Z Weed' while gardening in their backyard. Simply grow marijuana using compost containing dead zombie parts.
• As of Season 4, although still listed in the credits as part of the main cast, Anastasia Baranova is no longer a regular member of the cast and has been reduced to "recurring" status. Anastasia's contract is non-restricted, leaving her open to pursue other projects. During filming for Season 4, Anastasia was already tied to 3 other projects, including 2 television series and a movie. The character of Addy has therefore been temporarily written out of the show until Anastasia could commit to working on it again.
• Katy O'Brian confirmed that her character, George, is gay.
• Four different actresses have played Lucy in the series as of the end of season 3
• In the episode "Welcome to Murphytown," The Man escaped hand cuffs by cutting off his own hand. This is a reference to the movie Deadpool (2016) where he does the same thing. It also occurred in The Walking Dead when the character Merle was handcuffed on the roof. He cut his hand off to get free.
• Anastasia Baranova wanted her character, Addy, to be bi-sexual to represent more of the real world.
(All trivia is from IMDb)
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