#Divi rant
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dg-darkfantasy · 3 months ago
So I just saw a post from someone saying that Sonic movies 'don't need romance' and that they hope there isn't Sonamy in Sonic 4 because they, and I quote, 'don't want to see it'
I'm not even going into how saying something shouldn't be in media because they personally don't want it is a dumb take, I'm really sick of people acting like romance is something that automatically ruins things, or like romance is something that is being shoved down people's throats when actually romance is becoming more and more rare, especially in movies.
So let me just say this, and I say this as a hardcore Shadamy shipper
I hope Sonamy becomes canon in the Movie Universe, whether they go the classic route of Amy developing a crush on Sonic or if they flip things around and Sonic falls for her first, I really hope Sonamy is End Game. It's about time that after so much teasing and hints from SEGA and the stance of keeping it one-sided, and other Sonic media creating original characters to become Sonic's love interest while simultaneously pushing Amy to the background, Sonamy and Sonamy shippers deserve this, they deserve finally a version where they are properly canon, it's about time and the movies are perfect for that.
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diviedrawn · 3 years ago
Felix being a selfish little shit and making me wanna punch the living shit out of him this finale...that is good character writing right there. Now can we get some more of that sprinkled onto marinette and adrien bc lord knows they need they are in dire need of the development
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thebluxforxst · 4 years ago
making fun of people being stupid about casting😌
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BRO it’s called acting dude
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this is from a qfg interview thingy but like why? just-just why? AND IT HAS 77 LIKES
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the way the line in the book is something like “she’d been beautiful all along”-
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WHY DID THIS COMMENT AGGRIVATE ME SO MUCH? AND IT SO MANY LIKES AND REPLIES doesn’t this kinda just prove the fact that there aren’t enough poc in the books and there should be more-
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ok i wasn’t gonna lose brain cells reading the replies but then i felt like i needed to know so here’s one and uh dude soman’s books aren’t that diverse- also let tedros be poc that’d be so cool and like power couple😌
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some positive for her😌
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dude your telling me sophia anne caruso doesn’t look like sophie?
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i cant- also you haven’t seen them in costume and crap like wait your criticism till you see them in the whole thing and the characters are aged up dude no one wants to see 13 year olds fawning over tedros’ abs😌
ok this is all my brain could take anyways i hope you have a wonderful day😌
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will-falling-fell · 5 years ago
also also corporate: hey so we have enough people here, actually, you guys are working TOO efficiently. So some of you have to go somewhere else. Anyway suddenly the rest of you guys cant keep up anymore what's the holdup? Customers are getting mad and clearly its your fault so go fix it, also remember you arent allowed overtime
corporate: we wont pay you a cent above min wage
also corporate: why are all the good employees quitting? why are we understaffed? we gotta fix the high turnover rate that happens god knows why. everyone on the floor go and work harder to compensate while we figure out this mystery thanks
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iceman-maverick · 3 years ago
randomized west wing ficlets: donna + leo
leo mcgarry + donna moss, “i’m right here” preview: Josh says she’s pretty bright when you get past the college credits. Not that that matters anyways, Leo’s never been a stickler for a pedigree. 
word count: 1k and change pairings: leo & donna (platonic for the love of all that is holy), pre-josh/donna rating: gen, warnings: none
author’s note: literally fucking obsessed with this being the first pair the randomizer spit out at me 
It’s not that Leo hates schoolchildren, it’s just the unions that represent their teachers make his life a living nightmare. They’re 72 hours past the biggest victory this campaign’s ever seen, and all positive momentum has been absolutely steamrolled by the Arizona Teachers Union. The rep they typically coordinate with is angry about something with sex ed because of course she would be just as Bartlet for America gets its wings. Toby has been ranting for the better part of the past hour about it, reminding them all that it would be better optics to quite literally shoot a puppy on live cable than comment on condoms in schools to a crowd of moderates. Leo’s pretty sure Toby’s about to resort to throwing things when a knock comes at his door. 
“Um, Mr. McGarry?” 
It’s the young blonde that’s been running around Josh since New Hampshire, her name’s escaping him at the present moment. She’s a pretty little thing, and Josh says she’s pretty bright when you get past the college credits. Not that that matters anyways, Leo’s never been a stickler for a pedigree. 
Leo hasn’t said ten words to this girl but he’s finding himself fond of her. Josh can be a handful and she’s seems to be keeping pace with his neuroses quite well, which can prove to be all the difference in a high stakes campaign like the one Leo’s suddenly found himself running. 
“Uh, yeah?” Leo asks as he pulls up his email. The union rep has lit a fire under all their asses, and Leo finds himself, not for the first time, longing for Josh. 
Noah Lyman’s death is a tragedy on all accounts. He was a good attorney, an even better friend, and a great father, if the young man Josh has turned out to be is any judge. But Leo hasn’t spoken to Noah in many years, really hasn’t been a friend of his in more than a decade. In spite of the distance, Leo finds himself honestly shocked by how quickly Josh has become invaluable to him. 
Josh has been gone less than three nights and absence has made itself known. Fires seem to be popping up at every left corner without Josh to wrangle them down. Leo’s email is exploding, the volunteers have gone completely uncoordinated, and Josh’s little speechwriter has spent more time staring morosely out the window than he has, well, speechwriting. Even Jed himself seems out of sorts without Josh, which is pretty surprising because if Leo’s memory is correct, and it always is - blonde assistants aside, the Governor was still using the names Josh and Toby interchangeably just this Monday. 
“I don’t think I can do this,” The girl has her sleeves pulled down over her palms and has been swaying nervously on her feet. He gestures for her to come in and hand over whatever file is causing the confusion. His phone flashes red, and he picks up before the first ring even sounds. 
It’s the union rep, again. She’s wondering if he’s seen her email. The one she sent literally 25 seconds ago. Yes, that’s the one. She wanted to flag it as high priority, and also has four additional follow-up demands for the negotiation Leo’s not sure they ever agreed to have in the first place. 
He idly leafs through the manilla folder the girl had handed him as the rep drones on. It’s basic donor elbow rubbing, mostly letters and a couple of cold calls. Josh was supposed to divy it up between the volunteers before he... well, before Noah. It’s a simple enough task, clearly within this kid’s wheelhouse. 
Leo tells her so and gestures for a sheet of paper, all the while “uh-huh, okay, sounds good, sure thing”-ing the rep that’s somehow still on the phone. He scratches down the names of the gold-tier donors, and then the party line she should be telling them written out in shorthand. 
He slides it back to her, devastated to see another email coming in from the Teachers Union. The girl blanches when she reads the paper, biting anxiously at her lip. 
“Mr. McGarry, I-”
“It’s just Leo,” He finally is released from the call. He groans, swallowing his coffee that’s gone cold. 
“I don’t think I’m qualified to do this sort of thing. You see, Josh-”
“Sure you are! It’s cold-calling, even the Governor could manage it.” 
“No but I’m not sure if I can-” 
The phone lights up again, this time a leader of a large congregation from South Carolina. He’s furious with Jed for “showing him up on his own pulpit” last week. They’ve really got to get CJ to pin down Jed’s folksy-charm. If they lose the New York primary because of a poorly-timed verse from Leviticus, Leo’s going to walk straight into the Hudson. 
He sees his email light up once again - you guessed it! The union rep! And at that point he realizes that the secretary is still hovering over him. He waves her off, he doesn’t have the time to hand hold right now. 
She gathers the folders’ contents that have been scattered across his desk, and as she does, Leo notices the claddagh ring sitting nicely on her ring finger. It looks just like the one he’d given Mallory for her sixteenth birthday. He hadn’t realized the girl was Irish. 
She’s halfway out of the office, when he calls after her, “What’s your name again?”
“I’m Donna,” She doesn’t look offended, but she does look worried. Almost like she’s not even sure that’s her name.  
Leo suddenly finds himself laughing. He covers the phone and says “You’re gonna be fine, Donna. And even if you’re not, I’m right here.” 
That earns him one of those world class midwestern smiles Josh had been telling him about the other day. She holds her head up just a fraction higher, and when she walks out, Leo knows in his gut that she’ll secure double the donors Josh ever could. 
Yeah, she’s gonna be fine. 
the first of what surely will be many utterly bizarre one-shots. check out my tww prompt randomizer for context LOL or write your own! 
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omnipointmuses · 6 years ago
god the new overwatch character reminded me that overwatch exists and that in turn reminded me of how much I dislike D.va
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skittlesfairy · 4 years ago
So today was like, super fucked up on a lot of levels but I need to rant about how my aunt, who pulled all of my Granny's things out of their house -please note, he is still alive and living there- to divy up amongst the granddaughters, got viscerally angry that I suggested we include the grandsons? When she is going to donate anything that we didn't take to Goodwill.
I reiterate, she was going to THROW out things instead of well 1, leaving them with my fucking grandfather, and two, was going to actively avoid including the grandsons?? Like they loved their Gramma too and you just wanna say fuck you to everyone?!
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grifhinx · 5 years ago
Everyman with a story (Fighter collection)
Ok, down to the last one of the first batch of four classes. And the trickiest one by far... there’s gonna be a lot of write-up. 
There’s almost nothing to grasp concept or visuals-wise with the Fighter, at least from a first glance. Are they a more padded Barbarian? A stripped-down Paladin? Perhaps a more nicely armored Ranger? It’s always hard to with identifying Fighters (and sometimes with martial classes in general).
I was a little familiar with the fourth edition of the game, a Voldemort in a lot of tables and groups, specifically for the sole reason that D&D, at some point, wanted to go full MMORPG with the mechanics, especially with the combat (did not think of “computer-based” when I thought “cinematic”, but oh well; that’s what they were driving for). One memory I had tho was its interpretation of humans which had the post-fallen empire storyline for the better part of the edition.
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Image by WOTC
There was something interesting about the way they looked and even their followup art guide, “Wizards Presents: Classes and Races” felt like they needed to talk more of it.
“Carpe Diem” became their battle cry. This led me to the reckless, scavenged, and asymmetrical aesthetic first developed in 3rd Edition. Humans don’t care if their boots match their gloves—hell, they don’t care if their boots match each other. Piecemeal suits of armor, military haircuts, and unshaven faces became ubiquitous. Humans don’t have ten years to spend crafting a single sword, or fifty years to hone an art, so they become Jacks-of-All-Trades. I thought that humans, being so young, would be the only race that would use representational art: tattoos, heraldry, crests, standards, and so on. The other races were more sophisticated and had “matured” into abstract art.
-  William O’Connor
I liked this idea a lot in a sense that it somehow allowed me to visualize a kind of spectrum to the visuals of the Fighters and, perhaps, a bunch of other classes in the future, with the Fighter settling somewhere in the middle - moderately armored but fairly capable defense-wise.
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First pre-sketch
I tried sketching with this aesthetic reference as a jump-off of point to something modern, but felt like it wasn’t taking the design anywhere. I looked into other design references, again from the “Classes and Races” book.
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Image by WOTC
Guy on the far left took my attention. Obviously, he’s more at the newbie level which, I think, gives a kind of relatability. But the fact that he is obviously rocking an almost-awkward mix of leather, plate, and scale for armor is what really drew me in (the other two are a hot mess too, but they’re probably good for future references).
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Image by WOTC
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Third pre-sketch
At this rate, I was just clearly trying things out at random, still convinced there was something missing. I made a few attempts at going at the class by its archetypes (more on those once we go to each this week), and they seem to have a vibe of their own, which is great, but needed some kind of base design reference to tie them all down. 
I looked up a video from Web DM on how Fighters can roleplay and behave in the world of the game. There was a mention of how this central-like plotline for the Fighter can happen, which revolves around the fact that majority have a fairly humble if not mundane existence that they either willed (or someone else willed) into a life adventuring and action, making the Fighter a kind of everyman that wants to get noticed (and is noticeable at most times).
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Second pre-sketch
I’ve gotten used to sketching in this stack of unlined notebooks I picked up from the markets in Divi. My ideal writing material, you see. No lines, just doodles, code, diagrams, rants, quotes, sketches. I flipped thru the stretch of designs I did and somehow came to wondering how, in modern terms, it’s as if the silhouettes, once tight enough, could be like stylized tracksuits of sorts. I’ve seen decided to consider it as the base for everything else to stand on, considering that (if you noticed the Cleric collection), slapping just about on a hoodie is not only possible, but it’s been a thing already of the 2010s.
I should really keep away from mostly dark motifs, personally. I’ll have to make sure.
This blog is part of the first batch of collections under my Current Ideas project, where I make modern D&D character class fashion design sketches for flexible use in cosplay and casual wear, of which you can see more collections at:
Current ideas (D&D Modern character fashion collections)
Current ideas (D&D Modern character fashion collections) - Recap
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dg-darkfantasy · 4 months ago
Another day, another Anti putting their stupid takes in the ship tags
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ladelicatessedesmaux · 6 years ago
Dans les rues de la ville il y a mon amour. Peu importe où il va dans le temps divisé. Il n'est plus mon amour, chacun peut lui parler. Il ne se souvient plus; qui au juste l'aima? Il cherche son pareil dans le vœu des regards. L'espace qu'il parcourt est ma fidélité. Il dessine l'espoir et léger l'éconduit. Il est prépondérant sans qu'il y prenne part. Je vis au fond de lui comme une épave heureuse. A son insu, ma solitude est son trésor. Dans le grand méridien où s'inscrit son essor, ma liberté le creuse. Dans les rues de la ville il y a mon amour. Peu importe où il va dans le temps divisé. Il n'est plus mon amour, chacun peut lui parler. Il ne se souvient plus; qui au juste l'aima et l'éclaire de loin pour qu'il ne tombe pas?
René Char
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diviedrawn · 3 years ago
I have had this one song stuck in my head for the past few days AND I HAVE THE BEST ANIMATION IDEA FOR IT FUCKK 
It will not leave my head so Im gonna have to suck it up and learn how tf to animate 
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angamingmgatots · 6 years ago
Clarapot Day 14
"...How much is your service fee for designing 2 mother gown, 4 bridesmaid gown, 1 maid of honor gown, and 2 flower girl?..."
So, may nagtanong sakin magkano magpadesign.
OMG. Magkano nga ba? Eto na naman ako sa feeling ko di ako marunong at di ko deserve and mataas na "service fee".
Pero siguro kung pagtatahiin ako, confident ako na maexecute ko ng maayos...hindi super perfect, pero almost there. :)
So ayun. Pano magpresyo?
May isa akong kaibigan na nagtanong sakin kung magkano more or less magpagawa sakin ng entourage gowns without beads, at binigay ko yung rate na tingin ko ay fair para sa serbisyo paggawa ng damit, sabi niya, "Hala you’re expensive! HahHaha". Na-crush ang heart ko. Siguro pwede nga magpatahi sa palengke ng 800 pesos lang, pero di alam ng iba na ang custom-made na damit ay maeffort:
- pagiisip ng appropriate na disenyo para sa okasyon
- pagpares ng disenyo sa body type at general "style" ng nagsusuot
- pagiisip kung anong tela ang babagay, at anu ano pang materyales ang gagamitin
- pagprocure ng tela, dapat tama ang type, weight, color, amount
- pagpattern, layout, trace, cut
- other preparations prior to assembly (kung kailangan ba may pellon, or edging
- sewing
- embellishments
Akala kasi ng iba, porket isang bagay na naeenjoy mo gawin, dapat libre na or mababa ang singil. Hindi nila alam gaano ka-mahal ang investment para sa mga kagamitan at sa pag-aaral para ma-hone ang skill.
Tingin ko, sa susunod na sabihan ako na "ganito lang presyuhan sa palengke/divi", aba'y dun na lang sila magpagawa. >_<
Haluh. Nag-rant siya oh.
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lorcanodonoghue · 8 years ago
Geordie Shore’s Marty McKenna Gets BANNED By Bank Over Foul-Mouthed Twitter Rant
If you want a masterclass about how NOT to complain about customer service, then dear reader, please continue scrolling.
Geordie Shore star Marty McKenna went off on one on Twitter yesterday, after he wasn't allowed to get cash out at his bank.
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Copyright: [Instagram]
No, but seriously, as annoying as it must have been, the reality star went a little OTT on their Twitter – to the extent where they actually disabled his account due to 'abusive' tweets. Yikes.
He tweeted: “@BarclaysUKHelp u are a f***ing divy and the little mug who works in the branch in number needs f***ing digged!
Before adding: “@BarclaysUKHelp not letting me access my own money that I work for the f***ing idiots send me out a new card ya wronguns.”
Enter stage left the hero of our tale, Nic from Barclays' online customer support team – who uttered the immortal line: “Hi Marty, this certainly isn’t how I want you to feel and I’d love to help. Could you please DM me with more information? Nic.”
Nic's calm and measured tones did little to quell Marty's mighty fury.
“F***k off,” Marty wrote, before claiming: “@Barclays just rang me saying they’re closing my account for the abusive tweets … Sorry not my fault ya f***ing useless.”
Such exquisite drama. So much poetic tension. A real masterpiece for our age.
Shakespeare who?
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Copyright: [Instagram]
Barclays then fired back at the star with perhaps the biggest mic drop of 2017 so far: “We don’t believe you should ever speak to anyone in an abusive way; whether it’s your bank, neighbour or your ex on the beach.”
OH NO, THEY DIDN'T. Nic, you sassy, sassy sausage.
It's pretty hard to recover from first degree burns like that, so naturally, Marty employed the tried-and-tested response of a 15-year-old boy with confidence issues, tweeting: “Oooo sly digs .. At least I can have an ex on the beach ya desk sitter #virgin.”
And there ends our sorry tale, ladies and gents. Maybe try NatWest next time, eh Mart?
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celebritiestemple · 8 years ago
Geordie Shore’s Marty McKenna has bank account closed for 'offensive tweets' after calling staff 'f***ing divy'
Geordie Shore’s Marty McKenna has bank account closed for 'offensive tweets' after calling staff 'f***ing divy'
MARTY McKenna is known for unleashing his hot temper on TV. Marty McKenna had another outburst on Twitter[Getty] But the Geordie Shore star may have taken his latest outburst a step too far. Chloe Ferry’s ex got himself embroiled in a Twitter feud with Barclays bank, after a mix-up with staff members. Taking to Twitter, the former Ex On The Beach hunk hit out at the company in an explicit rant.…
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gellandgalaxy · 8 years ago
March 8 The first jeep I rode made us alight in RPapa for some reasons and I had a hard time riding a jeep going to Lawton and I thought I'm going to be late and I'm so pissed cos it's my extemporaneous speech schedule on Filipino but I still arrived on time and I was even earlier than my prof! I prepared for a speech about Sen. Trillanes, but I got a child protection policy... And I heard my seagmate ranting about her pick, which happens to be Sen. Trillanes so I said we could exchange and she agreed immediately. I got 86/100! March 9 I'm excited for this day cos it's tusok day!! I'm writing this while I'm insinde the library, with a Paulo Coelho book beside me and I just got up from my 30-min nap. I'm waiting for my groupmates cos we're scheduled to buy stuff from Divi for a Photog class. Such a hassle!
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dg-darkfantasy · 3 months ago
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"I'm gonna spit out the most pretentious, ominous, stupid and generally shitty takes ever of some popular ships and put them in the ship tags, you know? where people who LIKE those ships find them? lol I'm so superior and edgy for it, those shippers are a red flag" you are the only red flag here, get lost!
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