#Distance Education portal
shikshaconsulting · 1 year
Take your career to the next level with NMIMS Distance Education. Earn a degree without sacrificing your personal and professional commitments. With online classes and study materials, you can learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world. Choose from a wide range of programs designed to meet the needs of today's job market and tailored to your career aspirations
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evilminji · 6 months
You know what I would kill to see?
Nedzu, in the Zone.
He IS a registered Hero, after all. He probably gets calls for missions. Failing that, he's still legal allowed to intervene. Like, say, if some poor four year old were losing their shit? Got separated from their mommy, their headache, which has been getting Ochier ALL DAY has finally gotten Really REALLY bad... and they... they just CAN'T! So they melt down.
Whoops. Four year old with portals.
In a crowd.
Luckily he, Mr. Principle, is a "cute" looking sort of Hero. And as an educator, well trained in de-escala-*CRASH!* Some jackass glory chasing young thing, with no care for innocent lives around them, smashes onto the scene. Terrifying the poor child. Which obviously makes their non-existent control WORSE.
Starts throwing the word "villian" around.
Nedzu is going to EAT his license in front of him.
The poor thing is hyperventilating, crying, clinging desperately to Nedzus suit. Things are being flung from portals. Sucked into portals. He's seen no less then 53 SEPERATE dimensions on the other side of those rifts. At least two were to the open void of space.
He narrowly dodges a portal straight into the heart of a volcano. Can feel the blistering heat singe his fur. Alumni from HIS school, at least, have arrived to actually SAVE people. Get the crowd away from the danger zone.
And to think, all he wanted was some tea.
How this MORON doesn't recognize him, he has no idea. His graduates are actively SHOUTING his identity, for heavens sake. Yet the glory hound continues to chase his so called "villians" at the expense of everyone around him.
He's about to throw the boy to a near by police officer, to get to safety, when the worst occurs. The tract of land he was about to push off of disappears beneath them. The boy's mother screams. He activates High Specs, world slowing as his mind rushs. Twisting, he throws the boy high.
The portal closes before he can see if it is Eraserhead or Cementoss who will be the one to catch him. The odds were 68.3% in Eraserhead's favor. He hopes... Aizawa, does so take these things quite hard, he hope he will not blame himself.
There was no way to catch him in time.
He was already gone.
Gravity arrests, slowing to a drifting meander. The air thick with something the burns his sensitive nose. Green. Everything is a very peculiar green. This is not a planets or if it is, it is countless times larger then Earth. A gas giant of some sort? There does not appear to be a horizon.
In the distance, an almost stereotypical spaceship changes destinations. Now aiming right for him. It seems aid might be on the way. With nothing better to do, he waits. They slow to a stop, a hatch opens, and... oh? A young Hero student! Hello there young man! I am Mr. Principle of the illustrious UA!
And just? Danny? Trying to return this small furry alien guy back to his alien hero school? Getting the run around and "hmmmm, let me look that uuuup *takes forever* yeeeeah, soooorry. You're in the wrong department. You'll have to fly like three days to this OTHER department, fill out 260 forms, and dance for our amusement. Byeeeee~"
Like? He just wants to get this guy HOME! Why are you all LIKE THIS!?
All while Nedzu is " :) My, this is FASCINATING. I am learning new things, battling wits, learning new languages, AND guiding a promising young mind towards a future of Better Heroics? Delightful! This is practically a vacation!"
He even stops by the Fentons for dinner. Some fudge. A little light destruction of Goverment branches on the side. Just? A Grand ol adventure of Nedzu.
Danny suffers through bureaucratic hell. But Nedzu? The most mentally stimulated he's been in years. His crops are watered and his fur is groomed. Thriving! New toys!
Then?? He just... shows back up to work.
How did he return? Where has he been?? Who is this glowing green Hero Child groaning face down on his very expensive carpet? *sips tea* wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy! *maniacal Nedzu laughter*
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @lolottes @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @spidori
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xaphrin · 9 months
At Midnight, My Heart Drops
Raven stared into Damian's calm face, desperately trying to think of something to say - an excuse, a flippant comment - anything. But, no. She stood there, frozen on the spot watching the muscle in his jaw twitch as he waited for an answer for the most unnerving question he could have asked her. 
“I'm… sorry?” She feigned ignorance, trying to buy enough time to get her brain to process his request again. Her heart was pounding in her throat and he had to have heard it. “Can you ask me that one more time?”
“Be my date for the Wayne New Year's Eve party.” 
When he repeated it, it sounded less of a request and more of a demand. As though the inconvenience of repeating himself should have been repaid with a ‘yes’ answer regardless of what the question was. Cocky bastard. Raven fought the automatic urge to open a portal to anywhere and shove him in it. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her pounding heart and stared at him, keeping her face expressionless. Just because she was adept at controlling her emotions, it didn’t mean she didn’t have any.  
“What the fuck for? You’re the son of Bruce Wayne. You wake up and trip over people trying to get dates with you. You have a wellspring of viable candidates to choose from for a New Year’s Eve party.” She fought to keep her panic under control, and continued to stare at him, hoping she looked calmer than she felt. “Please don't ask the girl who doesn't know the difference between an oyster fork and an olive fork.”
“Or a dessert fork.” He smirked as he reminded her of the celebratory dinner party the Mayor had in their honor last year, and the horror of some societal elites as Raven ate her salad with a dessert fork. The scandal.
Raven's face fell and she gave him a deadpan stare, but Damian was unaffected. Finally, he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “The truth is that I need someone I trust to run interference.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and lifted an eyebrow, motioning for him to elaborate. 
“There are… girls. Women.” He shrugged. “Some men.”
“Yes. That's usually who make up populations of people. Your point?”
“I'm a rich, educated, eligible bachelor.” He groaned and stared up at the ceiling, as if he was ashamed to be direct. “Of marrying age.”
“You forgot good looking.”
Why in the fuck had she admitted that out loud? Raven bit the inside of her cheek to keep from looking embarrassed, but Damian stared at her, and she swore she saw his face flush at least a little. She shrugged, trying to be as objective as possible. “I'm not blind, Damian.” She managed to keep herself from blurting out the rest of that statement: you're drop dead gorgeous and totally stacked - of course people are going to try and at least bang you.
“So what… you want me to lurk in the shadows and scare off anyone you don't approve of? Is there someone specific you're trying to… date? Court?” She rubbed her thumb along her jaw, thinking. “What do rich people from the Hamptons call it? Woo?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. “Is there a reason you're being so blithe about this?”
“You just asked me to be your pretend girlfriend so that you can avoid talking to people who might want to date you.” She shoved at her hair and crossed her arms over her chest, needing to do something with her hands. “That’s a setup for a bad romance movie.”
He sighed again, obviously frustrated that Raven wasn’t taking his request seriously. Raven couldn’t take his request seriously. The minute she stopped trying to treat his request like a joke, her heart would break into a hundred pieces. She had been harboring feelings for Damian for years, practically since they had been pulled onto the Titans team together. She could keep her feelings under control as long as she kept a heavy barrier of friendship and distance between them. 
But knowingly putting herself into a situation where she had to be a girlfriend - even a pretend one - would force all of those feelings front and center. It would leave an opening for her to confess those feelings, and she would admit to him (and probably all of his family too) that she loved him. If Raven was being honest with herself, she didn’t want to be hurt when Damian ultimately rejected her confession.
She could see the whole scene play out over and over in her mind, and the risk felt far too great. 
“You’re the only one I want to be my date for the party.”
Raven felt like the floor underneath her had just disappeared. Her heart fell into her stomach before leaping back into her chest to pound frantically against her ribs. Damian’s face was unreadable, and he stared at her, his eyes searching her face for something he could read. 
Raven panicked again, trying to find something she could say that would keep her in control. “Is it because you trust me to not fall in love with you?” Because too late, she added within her own thoughts. 
“Because you’re my friend and I trust you. Full stop.” 
The excitement of his words mingled with the pain of the word friend, leaving Raven to feel both elated and disappointed at the same time. But, that was what she wanted, wasn’t it? She would rather be safe behind her barrier of friendship, then put herself at risk of a broken heart. But still… if he only considered her a friend, then there was nothing she needed to worry about. She could do this for him, as a friend.  
Rubbing her forehead, she turned and stepped back from him, knowing that her next words were going to be her downfall. 
“Just tell me when I have to meet you, and what the hell I should wear.”
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slickchickchocolatier · 2 months
guuuurl that bow tie fic was just too damn hawt. Love heelel he’s always so rough and gentle at the same time but takes time to educate and talk to reader like he’s so damn perfect! I love his moments of storytelling to reader. I have a question since heelel is so smart and just so perfect even though I know he used to be murderous af when he was angry at God but now that he has reader what would his reaction and lesson be for humans that try to summon demons or do rituals? Does he like that stuff? I had to ask since I watched some horror movies and it kind of popped up in my head in what he would do and say if someone tried to summon a demon from hell.
Warnings: mentions of rituals, summoning demons, hellish creatures, brutal deaths, hints of quid pro quo vibes, hints of smut near the end. think that’s it.
Niki’s voice catches both of your attention as you sat in your usual spot on Heeseung’s lap, while the latter played with your hair and gripped you by the hip. “What is it, Niki?”
“Belial is gone. He took advantage and escaped through a summoning portal. My guess is a bunch of dumb cult members again.”
Heeseung tilted his head to the side, shifting his face in hand as he rubbed his temples, slightly wincing as if he gained a headache from the news. “Again? I fucking hate mortals I swear—“
He cuts off his own sentence while keeping his eyes shut, yet no longer squinting in annoyance. His forehead continues to rest against his fingers as he slowly opens and shifts his gaze over to you, flaring a lazy side eye. His lips remained just slightly parted as he realized he just said something that he felt he shouldn’t, considering you were right there and previously, a mortal.
He loosens the grip on your hip and scoots up to your waist, where he pulls you in by tugging you back. Your back now meshes against his chest.
He shifts his face and leans into the side of yours, giving you a tender kiss to the tip of your nose. Despite you not having anything to say to his snappy statement upon hearing Niki’s news, he felt the need to show, in his own way, that he was sorry for saying it aloud. This was an act of submitting an apology without actually saying it, you knew him well enough to know it whenever he displayed it.
“Well, he’s there, wreaking havoc. Thought id let you know since the man upstairs is about to get an increase of admittance to the gates, as will we.”
Heeseung maintains eye contact with you as he gives a short nod to Niki. The youngest brother takes his leave and you are both left alone once again.
“What did he mean an ‘increase of admittance’?” You inquired, slightly worried by the tone that was used to relay the news. “The demons here were former mortals who have committed heinous crimes against the innocent. They roam Hell to find weaker ones to quench their bloodlust, but whenever an opportunity arises for them to leave here and go there…” he points over to Earth while giving another tug on your waistline. “They haunt, torture, and kill humans. Mortals are easy prey.”
“W-will you do something about it?”
He tilts his head with a somewhat amused look, one that was mixed with adoration as he lifts his hand and pets your hair. “Probably not. I don’t really care about that world nor its inhabitants, which is why I always leave it alone. If mortals are dumb enough to mess with the dead and night creatures for their own amusement, then let them pay for it.”
He pulls your face against his lips as he leaves a loving and sickening sweet kiss against your nose. “You’re all I care about. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“That’s not—!”
You lean away but the sudden grip on your arms and hips halts you from completely detaching yourself from him. He glares at you with angry brows as he makes it known that he didn’t appreciate the abrupt distance. You sigh out as you feel his clingy grip grow tighter, slowly pulling you back in against his chest as he begins to pet your hair again.
“Would you do it for me?” You inquired, not even bothering trying to give him a justified reason on why he should give mortals the benefit of the doubt. You knew that in order to get what you want, so long as it wasn’t concerning you getting away, you knew exactly what to ask, and how to propose it.
“You want me to get rid of the demon? Even though they were the ones who invited him?” His voice was calm and rather sexy, the way he growled out the last word as he pressed his lips against your forehead.
“Not all humans are like that. I know there are some that do reckless things…but there are many more that are kind and don’t ask for such troubles.”
“I understand what you’re saying, darling. Fact of the matter is I don’t care about any of them.”
You shut your eyes and spoke out in response. “I know…but I still have family there…please—“ you open your eyes and raise your head. You cup his cheek as the tears begin to formulate out of desperation. “Would you do it for me? It would make me very happy.”
He lifts one brow and strokes your cheek. “Fine. If it will put your mind at ease, I’ll do it just for you.”
You smile as he taps against your high. “You stay here, I’ll have Jake and Sunghoon watch over you—“
“Can I come with you?” You quickly interject as he stood up from his throne with you pressed against him, coming to stand simultaneously. “You want to see this?”
You nod. He holds you around the waist as he cups your cheek, gently stroking his thumb over it. “Alright.”
Without breaking his hold, or eye contact, everything around you transitioned to a new setting. It was as if your current environment shattered, like mirrored glass as the shards displaying the image of Hell, his throne, the castle, and the mountain, all surrounded your bodies as a dark and unsettling atmosphere replaces it. “Where are we?” You look around to see the vast openness of a driveway in a rather decent neighborhood, or would be if the street lights had worked and the darkness didn’t shrill of evil.
“We’re right at the very spot these idiots summoned him.” Heeseung states as he views the large house a few feet away. There was something terribly wrong with the air in this setting. It was frightening. Too frightening. You were glad that Heeseung was there as you tightened your grip on his forearms, leaning against his chest. He merely looks down at you while you stared at the house, smirking. Of course he would smirk.
“You sure you don’t want to go back?”
You shake your head as you continued to inhale the grueling aura of the air surrounding you. “No…I don’t want to be away from you. I’m too scared….”
Who’d ever thought that you’d feel safer and yearn to be back in Hell. This place was too unholy and unlike the castle that had been your home for over a year, this place was not prepared nor decorated for your arrival. Despite his offer of taking you back, knowing you’d feel better sitting on his throne, waiting for him to return, and watching the beautiful views of the moon, sun, and earth, you found yourself not wanting to be away from him. He hugs you close as he begins to walk you to the front door of the house. “Heeseung…this place…”
“I know.” He quietly tells you as he taps the tip of your nose right his finger. You were scared out of your mind, you didn’t even release your embrace from his waist as he opened the door. “Beeeeelial. Come out, come out, wherever you are.” Heeseung playfully calls out as he tucks you behind and leads you by the hand. The view of his tall frame, clad in black Victorian styled attire relieved you of your fears just a bit as you felt comforted by his hands latching on to yours while he led the way.
The halls were long and too dark, it was hard for you to see, even being an immortal. For Heeseung, it was a cakewalk as he smoothly walked through, passing by unopened doors along the way. “Aren’t you going to check these rooms?”
“Don’t need to.” He calmly tells you as he eyeballs the master bedroom up ahead.
You both enter and from the corner of which you stood, the master bathroom across the room remained opened. A glaring red light eludes from it. Peeking in as you remained behind him, was a large pool of blood surrounded by candles. “So it was a cult…fucking idiots.” Heeseung quips under his breath.
A startling sound coming from behind causes you to yelp as you bury your face in his back. He comforts you by holding you close as he shushes you m. “Shhh. It’s okay y/n.” You raise your head and see a person, a mortal, crawling through the entrance. “H-help…please…”
He was covered in blood and terribly wounded. A chunk of his torso missing. “Where is he?” Heeseung hisses, not paying any mind to the pitiful moans the man let out. “D-don’t…don’t know…it…it killed the rest…of the group…..”
Heeseung scoffs in annoyance with an irritated smirk as he shakes his head, facing the side as he peered into the bathroom. “Why can’t you propel content yourselves with useful hobbies? Why must you always subject the world to your wreck-less perversions and stupidity?”
The man croaks out as he cries out of guilt. “We…we didn’t know that…that…it would actually happen….we..we thought—“
“What? Didn’t think it would really happen?” Heeseung places a hand on his hip. “Well now, don’t let your tone falter. Where’s that outspoken attitude you had earlier when you and your idiot posse spoke of worshipping demons and tainting the world of its purity? Where is all that big talk now?”
The man slowly bleeds out, yet continued to speak out and coherently. “D-did it…to please the Devil.”
“You did it to please…the devil, huh?” Heeseung smacks his teeth as he looks at the ground. “Funny…never expressed in wanting this. In fact, never wanted anything from you people at all. If it were left up to me, you’d all be demolished in a blink of an eye.”
He huffs out as he takes his steps closer to the dying man. “Some advice for you before you see Niki.”
Grabbing the man by the hair, Heeseung lifts the man’s face to view him directly. “DONT…FUCK…WITH…THE…DEVIL.”
The man sums up the last bit of his strength and spoke out once more. “Ho-how would….you fucking…know?!”
Heeseung chuckles. “You’ll see soon enough. See you later, Phillip.”
The man’s eyes widened, perturbed as Heeseung knew his name, though it was clearly left unmentioned. Inhaling his last breath, he blacks out and lays dead. Heeseung releases the thatch of his hair from his grip and lets his face fall against the floorboard. Suddenly a morbid figure appears at the center of the room, emerging from the ceiling. It screeched and made a terribly sound as its all white frame stands terrifyingly straight, with black hallow eyes and a bloodied mouth displaying jagged, sharp teeth and a black tongue.
“There you are.” Heeseung glares at the demon, amused by the raging roar coming from it. “You think you’re tough now that you’re here, don’t you?” Taking a step closer to the monster in the room, he continues to taunt him. “Think that just because you’re not in Hell, that you’re unrestrained and immune from me?”
The demon challenges him as he roars out, flaring off a split tongue and spewing out splatters of blood. “Don’t forget, Belial, I’m the one that created this world. And since my lovely wife loves the view of it, I’m gonna end your nonsense here and now.”
The demon continues to roar enraged. “I’m giving you the count of three. Go home or cease to exist. Your choice. 3…”
The demon becomes infuriated, feeling absolutely no need to heed his masters warning as he continues to flares his offensive tongue. “2…” Heeseung remains calm as he crosses his arms and counts down.
The demon takes a sudden turn and instead of facing Heeseung head on, charges in your direction. It knew that you were his weakness, the only thing that mattered to him. It also knew that he couldn’t win against its own creator, the devil. So why not go down with a bang and take what is most precious to him?
You froze and back against the wall as the demon charges and flashes unruly teeth, claws coming into view as he aims for you. Through incoherent screams, you weee able to understand the language of the monster as the queen of hell. It wanted to tear you apart.
The demon is yanked back, and held by its thin neck as heeeeung suspends him in the air. With an expression that was more terrifying than the demon itself, you shift your face to the side to avoid looking at the horrific look on your husbands face. For the first time ever since you’ve known him, you felt scared of Heeseung. A different type of fear from the usual sense that you were subjected to whenever you displayed a sinister look whenever he expressed his desire for you. No…this look he had now….it was different. There was no love or adoration, no sense of pleasure or mischief…it was a look of pure evil, all aimed at Belial.
“Ooooh…really now….thats the way you want to go?”
His voice…his voice was slightly different. It was still deep and dark, but conjuring at the same time.
You’re not sure how he disposed of Belial since you kept your face to the side, wincing your eyes shut trying to rid the image of your husbands current expression. From the sounds of the awful screams, and the tearing of flesh and pools of blood and bodily fluids splattering all over the room, you figured it was a terrible end, even for a demon. When all was said and done, you hear a calm and peaceful tone, one that was very familiar. “Darling? It’s time to go home.”
Your breathes hastened. You’re on the verge of hyperventilating as tears formed in your eyes, and your voice shakes hysterically as you open your eyes, and witness the current state of the room. Blood and flesh stain the walls all around, everything from the dead cult member to the ceiling was coated with it, yet you remained cleaned from it all.
You lose control and begin to scream and cry out hysterically out of fear and sickness. It was all too much. “Come here, I’ve got you.” He catches you as you stumbled and found it difficult to stand on your own, collapsing each time you tried. His warm embrace covers you, but you refrained from looking at him. “It’s okay darling.”
He grips your chin and forces you to face him. Fortunately, it was back to normal…that sound expression. “I know. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. I’ll never look at you like that.” He kisses you. “So long as you don’t leave.” The menacing look reappears, this time with a frightening smile. “Stay and keep me happy, and I won’t ever get angry with you.”
You scream and try to push away as he grips onto you tighter. “Stop!! What are you doing?! Get away from me! Who are you?!”
He chuckles as he holds you close. “Calm down baby. I know you’ll keep me happy, you have nothing to worry about.”
You tremble snd collapse to your knees once more, dragging him down as he kneels to continue on with his embrace. “Shhh…come on baby, look at me. LOOK AT ME!”
The last bit of his words spoke out in a demonic tone. “Stop! Why are you doing this?! Stop it!”
You wince away as he chuckles once more, taking pleasure in tormenting you a bit. “Please! I’ll be good! I won’t ever leave just please!”
“Please what?” A long, snake like tongue leaks out of his mouth as it coats your cheek with his saliva. “Heeseung please stop! Please! I want my husband back!”
His embrace tightens and he kisses you atop your head. “I’m here, darling. I just like having fun with you sometimes.”
You push his chest out of anger and fear, even went so far as to face him to slap his cheek. He liked that. Well…at least right now he did.
He growls a smirk as he stares at you wide eyed. “Stop looking at me like that! I don’t like it!” Tears stream down your cheeks as you grip the pads of his coat lining his shoulders. “Please…don’t scare me like that. I love you i just…you scare me so much.”
Chuckling once more, he kisses you. “Don’t worry. I had my fun to last me a while, let’s go home. We’re done here.”
He takes you and within a blink of an eye, you’re both back home.
You enclose yourself by wrapping your arms around your chest. Heeseung stands before you with a calm expression, admiring your hair. “You know baby…I kind of got the taste for a game.”
“A game?” You inquired with a semi-shaky breath.
“Yeah a game.”
“What…game, Heeseung?” Tired of his tormenting playfulness, you glare at him as you distance yourself away, step by step. “Feel like being chased?”
“Yeah, chased….and played with.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
He smiles deviously as he develops his bedroom eyes. His handsome face tells you of subjecting you to the highest sense of pleasure and pain, which you had normally welcomed, but right now you weren’t in the mood. He licks his lips as he eyes your hips. Either a calm and dark tone, he tells you….
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girlactionfigure · 2 hours
Following a situational assessment, the IDF has announced changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines, effective today at 20:30. These changes apply to the Lower Galilee, Upper Galilee, Haifa Bay, Central Galilee, and parts of the southern Golan Heights (Emek Hayarden), while communities along the confrontation line, the northern Golan Heights, and other areas in the southern Golan Heights will continue to follow existing guidelines.
The updated guidelines include restrictions on gatherings, limiting them to 30 people in open areas and 300 in enclosed spaces. Work is allowed if a protected space is available, and educational activities can proceed as long as there are secure spaces.
Residents are urged to follow the official instructions published on Home Front Command channels, which are updated on the National Emergency Portal and the Home Front Command app.
IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari warned of potential rocket launches and other threats in the coming hours, advising that additional changes to guidelines could occur depending on developments. Hagari emphasized the importance of adhering to Home Front Command guidelines and staying informed about any further updates.
⚠️ALERTS NOTICE - those watching Israeli TV on computer or phone app, Homefront has confirmed that Homefront alerts MAY NOT APPEAR (we’ve noticed this on Ch. 14 and Kaan 11, Homefront confirmed the issue).
⚠️EDUCATION.. From the Haifa line to the north, classes will continue as usual and provided that there are protected spaces nearby. In other places, distance learning will probably take place. All trips in the areas in question (Haifa to the north) will be cancelled.  Check with your city - dial 106 - or school.
⚠️ In a special emergency situation declaration, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant signed new measures for the home front. A high-level security meeting, chaired by the Prime Minister, key government ministers, top IDF officials, and other security agencies, is scheduled to take place soon at the IDF’s Kirya HQ. Senior officials have indicated that a dramatic escalation could be imminent.
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yudkowsky · 2 years
Don’t get me wrong, I liked Scholomance.
But I also want the story that I thought I was getting in the first half of A Deadly Education, the story of El Higgins, a witch with vast dark powers and prophesied to rise to a dread fate, who is kind of acerbic about the whole thing and never asked to be dark.
I want to watch the Disney movie of it.
I want to watch the story of Disney Princess El, who was born to a renowned Light sorceress and healer, who is growing up as a witch with vast dark powers, whose spells come out dark and evil-looking even if she tries to make them nice, and there's a prophecy that all in two kingdoms will fear El's name.
The movie opens with El singing about her dark powers and the prophecy and how annoying they are, and how she loses her magic if she doesn't dress in black, and she doesn't even want her name to be feared, wouldn't it be nice to be nice; as El goes around in a nearby town committing scary and evil-looking acts of helpfulness, like using an enormous fire-lance to blow up an chunk of roof that was about to fall on somebody, or summoning purple-glowing chains to drag a child's kitten out of a tree; and after El helps people, they run away.  Or they offer her a cupcake while saying 'please don't kill me', which El sighs and takes and eats, right after the part of her introductory song about how nobody's ever grateful when she tries to help.
Eventually, Disney Princess El goes back to the hut slash tiny dark castle she built in the woods after moving away from her mother, which of course is very scary-looking and has a tiny local permanent stormcloud over it.  El enters bearing some cheerful bright flowers that she plucked nearby, puts them into a dark spiky vase, and sits down at her table with a sigh.
The camera viewpoint then shifts to Disney Princess Chloe, who's dressed all in white, singing about how nice it is to be nice, her song summoning small woodland creatures to hold up her dress as she walks through the woods (with a tiny stormcloud visible in the distance, in the direction of her travel).  Chloe is followed by her Disney-Princess pet, an adorable talking rabbit-like creature with big floppy white ears.
Viewpoint shifts back to El, who tries to sing the same cheerful song about helpers, requesting that they clean her cottage, and then El lets her head drop in exhaustion to her desk, as she gets a portal to Hell with cheerful devils who go around cleaning her house and also carefully darkening any spots of white that turn up, and making sure that the flowers El placed in a vase get turned to evil flowers with auras of flame.
But when Chloe approaches and calls for the witch of these woods, "my kingdom needs your aid!", El makes a much more serious effort to get her cottage cleaned up - somebody's actually looking for her help, who doesn't know she's evil!  After some increasingly futile efforts to sing spells of niceness and prettiness, as Chloe gets closer and closer, El finally gives up and sings a much darker song about diabolical illusions meant to deceive heroes, so that her cottage looks friendly when Chloe finally arrives.  Though it still has the permanent stormcloud over it, which sends down a tiny lightning bolt.
The story's central plot is now introduced:  Chloe is seeking aid in her quest to prevent her kingdom from being invaded by a neighboring kingdom, and she'd heard that a powerful and nice sorceress had moved into the woods nearby (in a disputed territory claimed by both kingdoms, in fact) so Chloe went to beg aid of her.
Then for the movie's main plot, they go around trying to unravel and avert the two kingdoms from going to war over how each kingdom allegedly kidnapped the crown prince / crown princess of the other, because each kingdom lays claim to one queen who gave birth to both the prince and the princess, finding increasingly tangled and ridiculous further causes for the conflict.
Or rather, the movie's main content is about El's frantic attempts to cover up her real powers so she can go on looking kindly and innocent in front of Chloe, and then the standard stalwart hero introduced shortly after, Orion.  The evil baron's guards capture El.  The guard captain recognizes her as the prophesied Dark Lady (since evil is all one big happy family).  El hisses at the guards they had damned well better keep her in the prison cells and act like they're imprisoning her so that her friends don't get suspicious when they storm in to rescue her; as Orion does, the guards assiduously falling over as soon as Orion whaps them.
El is also annoyed with the apparent romance developing between Chloe and Orion because she doesn't think Orion is good enough for Chloe and vice versa, but despite several temptations El avoids spiking their relationship through deception or trickery.  They're joined by further companion Aadhya.  El makes several attempts to get either Chloe or Orion together with Aadhya, all of which fail.
In the movie's finale, it's revealed that Chloe and Orion are the princess and prince of the two kingdoms, and that what El thought was their romance was actually just sibling affection, the two being icked out and asking why El even thought that.  "I said right when we met that I needed aid for my kingdom!" Chloe protests, and El replies "I thought you meant you lived there!"  Chloe has never been under the impression that El wasn't the dark witch from the prophecy, she just knows that dark isn't the same as evil and people don't always have good reasons to fear a name.  Orion is caught completely flatfooted.  Chloe's disney-princess pet is revealed to be the actual evil mastermind of the story, a demon king that El accidentally summoned when she was little.
Also El has gotten completely fed up with the two kingdoms insisting that they go to war with each other; and has, over the course of the whole story, become more accepting of her powers' dark style and realizing that you can use scary powers to do nice things.  El cows both armies with a show of supreme power and proclaims herself Dark Empress of both kingdoms.
In the denouement, the kingdoms try to marry Chloe and Orion to El, but El refuses and marries Aadhya instead.  They're both girls, but children won't be a problem: El accidentally accepted thirteen pacts from various people who now owe her their firstborns, back when El was too young to properly understand what she was doing.
- The End -
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renee-writer · 24 days
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Frank Chapter 63
“What is it?” Her grandfather frowns at her, “Is it the children?”
Her laugh is harsh. “You would know better than me.” This whole thing is overwhelming. Their birth, quickly followed by two others. The arrival of people she believed long dead and a man she had never imagined meeting.
He pats her hand. “My child, I know they survive, growing strong and healthy. Whether they suffer from issues in their newborn stage, I cannot tell you.”
She places her hand over his. “I am sorry. Should I call you Master Raymond or grandfather?”
He smiles. “Whatever you are comfortable with.”
“Grandfather,” he beams, “it isn’t my children I am worried about. Geillis reports that Frank is possessive of the baby, only allowing Laoghaire to hold him while nursing. She isn’t my favorite person, as you can well imagine but, a mother needs to bond with her child.”
“Quite true,” he frowns looking off into the distance, “The child will remain here. He will try to take it through the portal back to his time but, you are the one that allowed him through. He can’t travel without you. The young lad, who will be known as little Frank, will get what he needs from his granny, Mrs. Fitz and others from the castle.”
“Frank is stuck here,” at the look on his face she continues, “What? What aren’t you telling me?”
“Nothing you need to worry about. Truly. The child won’t be as loved as your own but will be alright.”
“Alright. Laoghaire will find happiness?”
He shrugs. “A type of contentment anyway.”
“All we can hope for, eh?”
“That it is my child.”
“Is there anything I and Jamie need to do to with or for the children to direct their path?”
“No. Just love them. Educate them. Raise them up strong and healthy. If you know to much about the future, you could change it.”
“Will you stick around?”
Again that look she can’t identify. “For a bit longer.”
“I promise you will know all you need too.”
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axewchao · 1 year
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I was right; I couldn't bring myself to draw anything other than a ref for Koopa!Dal after making the human one:'D
Part of me wanted to copy/paste some of the stuff from the human bio... but then I looked at the stuff I already typed for Koopa!Dal and thought "yeah no I'm not gonna build another goddamn wall of text." Because I don't really need to; if anything is different with a specific version of my purple boi, I'll say so. owo)b
Much like his human counterpart, Dalex is calm, non-confrontational, and observant. Being born as a Poison Koopa-Boom Boom hybrid didn't change that fact, nor did his eventual choice to side with King Bowser and his brood of eight. Hailing from a mountain range northwest of the Koopa Kingdom, Dalex made his way to the Dark Lands in hopes of learning more about his own kind, as there were very few Koopas to speak of in his hometown of Wyverra Village.
Apart from getting in touch with his Koopa heritage, Dalex had another goal in mind when he arrived: solving the mystery of his pendant, which had been with him since he was four years old. Both he and his parents had no idea what it was or where it could've come from, and no amount of poring through the books of public libraries helped. At most, he learned that the pendant resembled the Shine Sprites of Isle Delfino, but the pendant's color and lack of eyes made it clear that they were not one and the same.
The only remaining option was the Castle library, but he couldn't just... waltz right into the Koopa friggin' Castle to look at some books. And as much as Dalex wanted answers, he wasn't about to poke his snout where he wasn't welcome. Maybe... maybe if he got a job there, he'd be able to check a few things out? He wasn't gonna go out on the front lines to fight the likes of the Mario Bros.; more along the lines of cleaning, patrols, or heavy lifting. He didn't necessarily need the coins, but... well, he could put it towards a trip to Sarasaland. He'd been meaning to go there one day.
Dalex had begun his work as one of Bowser's many minions hidden in the background, and the background was where he'd meant to stay. Little did he know, he'd eventually catch the eye of not one, not two, but eight special Koopas, who were more than happy to pull him into the foreground whether he liked it or not. But that was fine; Dalex wasn't in a hurry, and to be honest, even if they could be a bit much at times, the Royal Family certainly knew how to make life a bit more interesting.
Poison Koopas are a somewhat uncommon subspecies, often confused for Dragon Koopas with purple scales. As far as most people know, Dalex is just a purple Boom Boom. Admittedly this little secret is not as tight-lipped as one would think; no one (except Iggy) ever asks, so Dalex never tells.
His status as half-Poison Koopa renders him immune to poisonous substances, but he is vulnerable to his own kind's venom. If he were purely a Poison Koopa, he'd be immune to the venom as well.
His own venom can knock someone out in about 30 minutes, while a purebred's venom takes a mere 10. 
Among the other Minions, Dalex's best friends are Boom Boom and Pom Pom. They befriended him shortly after he joined and were the first two people he openly spoke to before any of the Koopalings got involved.
After meeting each of the Koopalings, Dalex became the "student" of Ludwig Von Koopa. First educating Dalex on Koopa culture and later magic, Ludwig initially wanted to keep things "normal" between them, but fell for him as time went on. Being treated like an equal despite Ludwig's higher status and generally feeling accepted and comfortable in Dal's presence certainly played a part in that. He didn't even notice how "close" the two of them were getting until it was literally spelled out for him by his siblings.
Since he's only recently begun practicing magic, doing something like making multiple paint portals over a short period/ones that stretch across greater distances can tire Dalex out quickly. The more he trains, the more magic he'll be able to use before he gets tired. Same goes for the magic output of his Shade Sprite.
Part of him is afraid of what he could do once he gets better at magic, particularly if he gets angry... but having no clue what he's doing sounds even more dangerous, hence him eventually asking Ludwig to help him.
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divinityunleashed · 5 months
Character Profile - Tatsuya Kayo
Basic Information
Name: Tatsuya Kayo
Nicknames: Kayo, Tatsu
Birthday: N/A
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him | They/Them
Sexuality: Straight
Franchise/Series: Fandomless OC (Faceclaim & Appearance is Issei Hyoudou from High School DxD)
Species: Human
Occupation: Protagonist / Guild Agent
Height: 5'6
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Personality: A friendly and passionate guy, Tatsuya was just an ordinary individual with nothing too special about him. He is open about his perversions however, and is often flirting with other women and admiring the "finer things in life" as he puts it, often staring at chests and butts. He enjoys video games and watching cultured anime series.
He's similar to Neptune in terms of laziness, does not like doing physical paperwork despite willingly enlisting in the global Guild service and becoming an agent. IF is constantly trying to make him work hard on that side, but just gives up most of the time.
However when the time comes to be serious, he is as serious as possible, aiming to do his best for his friends and family, even if some of his methods of expressing this are reckless.
Motivations: To meet all the beautiful ladies of the multiverse and to potentially settle with one or two or several. Also to help the CPU's and CPU Candidates keep their home, Gamindustri, safe.
Advanced Information
Strengths: Jack of all Trades. Can fight at any distance without any specific proficiency in either forms of combat.
Weaknesses: Not very durable.
Fears: Letting those close to him down, death.
Backstory: He was just an ordinary male otaku gamer, nothing particularly special in any way and had average grades in education. On his way to the local shop to pick up some food, a portal formed underneath his feet and he fell in. When he came to, he found himself on a floating island full of crystals and lush, pure grassland. There, he wandered around for nearly an hour until he came across four armoured women talking.
Fast forward to now, and Tatsuya is now spending his time in Planeptune as his preferred location to live, but is regularly trained by all four CPUs. As such, he became well versed in all forms of physical combat. IF even pitched in to assist, teaching him the basics of handheld firearms as well for some ranged utility, yet does not own his own.
Powers: To be discovered later...
Type 1 Energy Sword:
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A futuristic energy blade, Tatsuya prefers to use this weapon in combat. Given to him by Green Heart, he regularly practices with this weapon but his form is still sloppy and unrefined. Still, he can deal decent damage with this blade.
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shikshaconsulting · 2 years
There is a huge popularity of distance learning and distance education these days. Still there are a few people who does not believe in distance education. Well, if you are one of those here is one solid reason for you to choose NMIMS Distance Learning over conventional education.
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alphabitchnkari · 2 years
N’kari is once again in tears. The battle had been more glorious than he could have hoped. The skill displayed, the strategies, the drama of it all! His hands itches to immortalize this scene. How many artists have seen such a sight and lived to make work of it? His siblings would be green with envy. 
Through it all, he felt a deep satisfaction curling around his being. Despite Skarbrand’s reluctance at every step, it had been N’kari’s assistance that helped him win the battle. Without the madness he inflicted, the Brassbound would be much more of a threat. Oh, what a sight it was to see a bloodthirster explode! So clever of his Skarbrand to use words to his advantage. 
And Kha’xanzyr! How did that little shit find out about their...fraternization? N’kari had been very careful to cover up his tracks. Perhaps the worm scented him on Skarbrand and made an educated guess? No matter. The oh-so-smart architect had to swallow his own words. It was N’kari that had freed the Exile from his curse. It was their ‘romps’ that had ultimately doomed Kha’xanzyr. The irony tasts so sweet.
The Slaaneshi is incandescent with happiness. He had been useful! Skarbrand can’t deny his worth now. How far had the exile come, from daddy’s boy to roaring his independence to the world! It had been a undoubtably foolish move to infuriate the Blood God further, but as a spirit of indulgence he cannot help but cheer his bloodthirster on. 
He follows the exhausted reaper at a distance as a crow, weary of the madness curse and the gaze of Kharneth. 
When the energy of the curse wears off, Skarbrand all but collapses into the dirt. N’kari checks for prying eyes. Finding none, he lands and shifts back into his true form. With a quick flick of his wrist a portal to the wyrm skull opens up, and he drags the reaper though as gently as he can. 
The keeper settles the bleeding form onto the fur duvet and promptly withdraws the healing potion from his cleavage. He holds the potion to the bloodthirster’s mouth. 
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Okay @bluebudgie here's a bunch of my thoughts about foci and stuff for my characters.
She has a large selection of very specialized foci that mostly see use for lab work. Her "everyday carry" foci are a scalpel for precision work (she mostly uses it for arc welding) and a scepter (it speaks to her of commanding authority which is a pretty versatile connection to make).
She also has a collection of staves, mostly so she can color coordinate with her outfit, as well of one for official ceremonies. One of her favourite uses is to slam the staff into the ground and from that sound create a deafening thunder, but it's also her preferred focus for throwing lightning.
Another neat trick of hers actually involves her jewelery, creating strobing flashes of light inspired by the sparcling stones.
Her toolkit includes things like a destroyer crab mandible for fire magic, a petrified branch from the pyrite peninsula in Orr for coating things with earth magic ans polished crystal lenses of various precious stones.
More characters for your dash's sake under the readmore:
He doesn't use much magic and only has two objects he uses as foci. First his gun as mentioned before. Knocking someone unconscious from a distance. And his mask (part of the ash legion uniform) for various things connected to sneaking around. Displacing and distorting his image, invisibility and sounds suppression, phantom noises, etc.
One of her teachers once said: "the sign of a good mage is not the number of foci they carry on their belt, but that their belt is also a focus. A great mage is capable of killing you with their underwear."
The ones she makes most use of are of course her greatsword and armor by virtue of having those with her most often, but also her tattoos are a focus for her, helping her enter the Necro shroud. Makeup like the demon mask and jewelery is more for ritual purposes. Daggers for images of drawing blood, sacrifice but also the teeth of an animal. A chak claw for drawing in life force (like the chak drainers she saw in rata novus) but also freezing through the memory of the shivers she gets when she drags the claw across rough stone.
Not much of a magic user, partially because he's not good at doing the associations quickly. He derails easily, which is why if he wants stuff to work he usually pulls up a story in his diary or his drafts and reads along and focuses through that (he is a firebrand ingame)
Didn't have a formal magic education and doesn't mechanically understand what she is doing. She just goes "I wish my sister where here to kick some icebrood ass" and bam.
Commander Posh:
Uses mirror shards to create portals because they represent a changed angle of view.
Commander Ruck:
Very good at adapting to things he's just picked up, but prefers guns he's used to. Only recently learned about the mechanics of magic so most of his associations are more instinctual.
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turtleboyz · 2 years
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So, what did I think of season 1?
Well, I like it! This being my 3rd time watch the first season. That being said, most of the jokes didn’t make me laugh. But rewatching the season you can definitely pick up the foreshadowing and hints. As for the show, I love the background and the neon lights!
So far season 1 is good! Personal I like that the first half was just the boys messing around and have fun. Then the second half was actually plot. I also really like that the touches on being yourself and that person and/or tradition doesn’t need to define you. This theme being taught more than once.
That being said, Game time!!!!
Mikey Abuse: in season 1 I counted 12 times Mikey was abuse. 6 being done by Donnie, 3 being done by Splinter, 1 time being Raphael , and the last 2 by Draxum.
Donnie- use Shelldon to fire lasers him. Called him (and the rest of the brothers) “dum-dum”, rewrites his brain and make him into a version of Donnie, darts him, and his gift made Mikey think “does Donnie really think I’m a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don’t hurt myself?”
Raph-hit him with a door
Splinter-the first half of season 1 splinter was a neglected/emotional distance father. Lies a couple of times (also to the others) Also hits him a couple of times (both in training and having to fight one on one)
Draxum- constantly fighting him and the others, called the boys losers and morons, try to kill him and the others.
Yes. I know most of these aren’t really abuse, but I’m playing it safe and writing down anything I see that could be abuse. I want to get accurate data! That being said, if I miss or did anything wrong let me know.
How many time does Raph call himself in the 3rd person. 12 times! More or less. I noticed that Raph does it more off when his scared or angry.
You’re a kid, not a parent: 6 times! I thought there would be more time with Raph or one of the others would have to parent the others? Though 6 still is a big number. 5 of time it’s Raph, the last being Donnie.
Donnie does this to Splinter, yelling at him and saying that he’s going to change the tv channel to education shows. This apparently happen before.
Raph; all most of these, he talk in a baby voice.
To Mikey; “hey Buddy, uh, just checking in, making sure you’re uh, okay. Everything okay? You’re okay right?”
To Mikey: “of course you are-in seven to ten years. Right now, it’s just to dangerous.”
To Donnie; “ooh, hey Buddy. Hey, um really loving the gifts you got us. We-we know how long it took you to make ‘‘em and it was so thoughtful”
About Donnie: “yeah I know but he’s got such a softshell.”
To Franken-Foot “someone needs Raphy’s help?”
Last game, it’s a long one. Why do they do that? It’s just me finding characters details and some ooc things.
Leo can portal water
Leo can moves his portals with or without his wepond
Raph talk in third person
Raph eats the wet salami
Donnie can write in cursive
Donnie dosnt like bees or beach balls
Donnie like “cute but mean” types
Raph ruined a woman’s 95th birthday
Mikey + Raph like to wear the hippo costume
Raph catchphrase “jumping Jack flash” and “like a boss”
Mikey catchphrase “cowabunga”
Mikey + Donnie can build
Mikey + Leo know how to cook
Leo can code
Leo + Mikey likes unicorns
Splinter can get rat flu
Splinter writes self insert fanfiction
Splinter wears fish shoes (shoes that are see through and has a alive fish in them)
Donnie keeps said fish in the tank
Splinter eats stuff off the bottom of his slippers
The gang have movie nights
Raph is allergic to peanuts
Mikey can DJ and can play the mandolin
The boys can sing and dance
Raph collets and names teddy bears
Mikey maybe has diabetes??
Donnie can read lips
Donnie does/sings to musical numbers
Mikey took rodeo classes
Mikey also used raph toothbrush
Raph is scars of puppets (or dolls or bunnies, it hard to say witch is it)
Raph crys when scared
Donnie has a titanium bust of himself
Donnie made a self cleaning toothpick
All the boys talk to themselves
Splinter can sing opera
Leo drinks tea
Mikey + Donnie believe in cryptic, Leo doesn’t
Donnie has pictures of their previous incarnations
Raphael has a social account
Donnie tech bo runs on batteries
April doesn’t have any human friends
April has a curse birthday
Donnie won “national library competition” 3 years in a row
Donnie can play guitar
Donnie is a fan of experiential learning
Things I found OOC (out of character)
Mikey and Leo fighting during the waiting episode
Leo and Raph fighting first meeting big mama
The boys think that Donnie doesn’t like them, that Leo think Donnie sees him as “broken”, and raph think the helmet is “condescending”
Next up! Character analysis!
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simplidistance1234 · 2 years
WhatDistance MBA Is In India
The definition of "Online MBA" is clear from the phrase's name. An MBA program is offered by a university or other institution, and students can participate in lectures, seminars, and other activities online. Live and recorded lectures, as well as tests that students can complete at their own speed, are often employed in classroom settings. The student can attend class from anywhere as there isn't a physical classroom present. Economics, business law, management, marketing, finance, and accounting are important disciplines. You can choose from a number of specializations, including those in management information systems, international commerce, business analytics, and entrepreneurship. Students normally need to have 2 to 5 years of work experience before enrolling in  distance learning MBA in India.
Graduates frequently land jobs in the operations, consulting, and finance industries.
First, distance education Outside of India, MBA programs are well-known and highly valued. They strive to develop the essential professional expertise and business skills. MBA students take courses on strategic decision-making, corporate management principles, and critical thinking.
A standard MBA takes a significant commitment in terms of time, money, and temporary life sacrifice. A practical method to get a top-notch education without having to change your usual schedule is through an online MBA. One of the main benefits of online education is flexibility since it enables you to work a full-time job while earning your degree.
The education section of SimplDistance covers more than 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and MBA courses, 500+ certificates, 50+ executive MBA programs, 100+ colleges and institutes, and the top Indian distance learning MBA schools.
The goal is to make it easier for newbies or seasoned professionals seeking career growth to find the Top Distance MBA Colleges in India and to use technology to recommend the best online/distance learning programs. The education portal also offers free guidance on the best distance learning courses, institutions, and universities.
Keep up to date with SimpliDistance if you're looking at non-traditional job options and monitoring trends in the distance/online learning sector. You can get all the most up-to-date, trustworthy information on courses, schools, and more on SimpliDistance.
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scdlnet · 2 years
6 Reasons why SCDL is at par with the Top Distance Education Universities in India
According to recent survey, around 55.53% of the students stated that they are ready to pay a premium on fees for online degrees if the courses are taught by qualified, skilled and reputed faculty. With this in the backdrop, we understand what it takes for SCDL to be counted as a best distance-learning university in India. 
The study not only goes to prove that quality education is the criteria for most students pursuing distance learning program, but also shows the importance of the virtues of a good education. This holds true for a few institutes like Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning (SCDL), which is at par with the top distance education universities in India. We list down several aspects about the institute that makes it the most preferred and best distance learning institute in India.
Skill-based Learning for Better Prospects
There is a growing number of employers who feel that critical skills are lacking in employees today. For this reason, there is a constant need for upskilling, reskilling from institutes known for distance education in Mumbai and Pune. SCDL offers hand-picked courses leading to Post Graduate Diploma, Diploma and Certificate programs across industry sectors including Business Management, Supply-chain Management, Data sciences, Banking and Finance. 
As an institute at par with the best distance learning university in India, the focus at SCDL has been to encourage skill-based learning among students. Careful planning of course content, interactive sessions, analyzing concepts, in-depth research gained through knowledge-based learning methods are some of the ways that pave way to hone skills.
Recognition and Credibility
SCDL is the name synonymous with good academics and sound legacy. As an ISO Certified institution since last 10 years, the institute has been awarded with the certificate for successful establishment of Quality Management System. Today, the institute is counted at par with the best distance learning university in India. Such recognitions and certifications are not only validation for the commitment to excellence in providing quality education through distance education, but also a symbol of excellence for decades of presence. 
Interactive Classroom Experience
SCDL comprises of academicians, trainers and industry experts who form a pool of dedicated resources. As one of the top distance education institutes in India, the focus has been to provide timely student support but also aim to bridge the gap of a physical classroom. 
Several features such as i-learn campus and student portals, bridge the digital divide. The e-mentoring, self-learning material, and e-counselling services that provide for active interaction among students make SCDL a sought-after institute for distance education in Mumbai and Pune. In addition, there is guidance provided to students by way of preparation for interviews and presentations, CV writing, honing interview skills and crack aptitude tests.
Mentorship and Student Assistance
Proper guidance and mentorship are critical for all-round development of students and SCDL recognizes the importance. While many feel that proper guidance during the early years of career can go a long way, a recent survey also reveals that 87.9% of participants willing to enroll in upskilling courses feel access to their mentors to shape their careers.
SCDL is known to be the pioneering institute and is counted as a best distance learning university in India where the focus of the study has been to achieve a two-fold objective-
• Ensure career advancement for students through proper guidance and mentorship. Mentorship sessions and support groups that lead to the holistic development 
• Conformation to the delivery mechanism of the courses/programs and aim to build a two-way communication between the participants and the relevant stakeholders
Personalized Career Guidance
In addition to strong academics and support, SCDL takes efforts to provide personalized career coaching to its students. This is done through preparation for interviews, assistance in CV drafting, and personal guidance. The intention is to work alongside with students to help them get back to workforce.
Dynamic Course Delivery 
The courses designed by SCDL represent the breadth and depth of Symbiosis Open Education Society and its faculty. The wide-ranging expertise and topics for the course content are a result of the different points of view gathered from its affiliated institutes and colleges. Naturally, the blended learning methodology which SCDL and all the three modes of learning, viz. learning-published/printed materials, faculty interaction, and digital e-learning are inspirations from the long-standing experience in academics and expertise in delivering content over years.
Commitment to Academics
Having made its foray into distance education by the mark of the century, SCDL has been making rapid strides in education. The blurring of boundaries between the physical and online world has led to a distinct identity of its own-Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning. 
With consistent efforts and commitment, the curriculum is comparable to that of a full-time management institute. 
In the past two decades, SCDL has been ranked among the top institutes for distance learning, while also been a recipient of several awards. Today, the institute offers a range of ODL programs with high industry acceptance and good credibility. 
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
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Nelen Fullmoon, Magus of Gilneas
(Artist's Rendition of Nelen by xHyperwolfx )
Important Stories:
Broken Wands: Nelen is present when the Scourge lays siege to Dalaran during the Third War, barely escaping the destruction of the city back to his homeland of Gilneas.
The Worgen Wizard and Witch: After years of being a feral worgen, Nelen regains his sanity with the aid of the Alchemist, Krennan, and meets a warlock who is not what she seems.
The Sha Within: Nelen's human and worgen sides are in constant conflict, causing him to lose control regularly and descend back into his feral state once more until Shalandrae can pull him back. Jaie has a suggestion however: seek help from her people in Pandaria.
Race: Worgen
Class: Mage, Arcane School
Eye Color: Purple in his human form, glowing violet in his worgen form
Birthplace: Gilneas
Residence: Stormwind City, Old Town District. Avalon House
Personal Rune: "Grand Library."
Skilled in Arcane Magic: Nelen specializes in the arcane. He is a capable mage, trained in old Dalaran as a child before it fell to the scourge and having honed his skills in the battlefield as an adult.
The Worgen Curse: Nelen was bitten during the worgen invasion of Gilneas and is now a worgen himself. His worgen form grants him increased agility and stamina and a greatly enhanced sense of smell, at the cost of difficulty with self control and anger management.
Scribe: Nelen is an educated man and able to write and read with much higher proficiency than the average citizen of the Alliance. He uses his skills for research for his allies in Avalon, as well as for the Kirin Tor. He is also talented at woodcarving and has made both his own wizard's staff as well as Shalandrae's stave. He also assisted in the creation of the communication stones that he and the other members of Avalon and Savage United use to talk over long distances.
Wizard's Sanctum: Due to his service to the Kirin Tor during the Legion's invasion he earned the right to a small wizard's sanctum. It is in a secure location accessible only by teleportation and is about the size of the average studio apartment. He maintains a library of various esoteric and arcane knowledge there, as well as several other tools for studying the magical nature of the world. For details on his sanctum, click here. For examples of his book collection, click here.
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Born in Gilneas around the time of the original opening of the Dark Portal, Nelen showed an aptitude for magic at a young age. While Genn Greymane was already leaning isolationist back in those days even he recognized that a young man who knew how to conjure flames but not how to STOP conjuring them was a dangerous thing, thus he was granted permission to travel to Dalaran for training in the arcane arts. This wasn't special, many Gilnean mages applied and recieved this royal permission. It meant a lot less housefires.
He spent his youth there, befrending a young man named Edwood Vargas, a native of the Drustvar region of Kul'Tiras… until the start of the Third War and the invasion by the Scourge. Nelen was there when the city fell, witnessing Edwood's death at the hands of Arthas Menethil (though he did not know WHO the dark rider was at the time) and fleeing the city as it fell to the undead, just barely escaping the Lich King's minions through a portal back to Gilneas City.
From there the Scourge came to batter at the Gilnean Wall and King Greymane called all those learned in the magical arts to a council to determine what could be done about this threat. Nelen, now a young man in his early 20s, saw his former teacher Archmage Arugal step forward with a radical plan. Arugal was a master in the art of summoning and had learned of a powerful living weapon dwelling in a realm close to Azeroth. A race of monstrous wolf-men who were immune to the Plague of Undeath.
However, the plan backfired and the worgen turned on the Gilneans, invading the country themselves! Nelen was bitten as Gilneas City fell to the feral monsters and wound up joining their ranks. He ran wild with the worgen for several years until he was captured by King Greymane and his agents and, thanks to the alchemical knowledge of Krenan, his sanity was restored.
From there he fought his way out of Gilneas with the rest of his countrymen, aided by the warlock Dissonantia and the druidess Shalandrae Deeproots, and eventually travelled to Stormwind City to join Shalandrae's newly founded adventurer's group: Avalon.
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