#Dimna Road
townpostin · 2 months
Former BJP Leader Devendra Singh Tours Mango, Addresses Public Issues
Singh highlights dangerous electrical wiring and blocked sluice gates. Former BJP Jamshedpur District President and Jamshedpur West Assembly candidate Devendra Singh toured various areas of Mango on Sunday, addressing local public issues. JAMSHEDPUR – On Sunday, Devendra Singh, the former BJP Jamshedpur District President and Jamshedpur West Assembly candidate, conducted a tour of various regions…
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Muirne / マナ, Deimne / ディムナ and Corrine / カレン
Muirne is an Isaachian cleric and a member of the imperial resistance in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. She is named after Muirne (also called Muireann Muncháem), the mother of Fionn mac Cumhaill in Irish mythology. Her father - a druid - foresaw her marriage leading to the loss of his home and thus prevented her from being with any of her countless suitors. Cumhall, however, stole her away from home. By the time he was found and killed in battle, Muirne was already with child. Her father, disgusted, ordered her to be burned to death. Only by the grace of the High King was she spared and went into hiding to give birth to her son. After leaving the child in the care of Cumhall's sister Bodhmall, she returns to society and married a king. Muireann's refuge with Bodhmall and Finn being born in hiding may relate to Muirne's part in the resistance movement, their base hidden in the town of Tirnanog. The mythological figure marrying into royalty may also relate to Murine's crush on Seliph.
In Japanese, Muirne's name is マナ (rōmaji: mana), romanized as Mana. Despite the romanization, the name is likely derived from マーナ, the common rendering of Muirne.
Deimne is an Isaachian bow knight in the imperial resistance and Muirne's brother. In Irish mythology, Deimne is the birthname of Finn mac Cumhaill, who came to lead the Fianna like his father once did. Under this name, Deimne came to serve anonymously under various lords and kings, but would be dismissed when his parentage was realized, as Cumhall's rival Goll mac Morna and his family were seeking to kill the boy. In most tales of his youth, Deimne found himself studying under the poet Finnegas, who was fishing for the Salmon of Knowledge, a fish that, when consumed, granted understanding of all things. When the salmon was finally hooked, Finnegas gave it to Deimne to cook; it was while the meat was searing that the boy burnt his thumb. He reactively put the finger to his mouth, and the salmon's wisdom was bestowed. Learning of what had happened, Finnegas gave the boy both the fish and the name Fionn.
In Japanese, Deimne's name is ディムナ(rōmaji: dimuna), romanized as Dimna. This uses one of the common renderings of Deimne in the language, the other being デムナ.
Corrine is a girl from the Isaachian capital and a suggested love interest of Deimne. This fan-localized name was likely to help differentiate her from Thracia 776's Karin, as their names are similar in Japanese. In the native language, her name is カレン (rōmaji: karen); while this is typically used for the name Karen, it can also be used for the Irish name Cullen. In The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn mac Cumhaill, the boy briefly stayed in a village called Cullen. Here he met Cruithne - daughter of the smith Lóchán - who quickly fell for the young hero. Despite not knowing each other long, Lóchán gave his daughter to Fionn and forged two spears at the youth’s request. After being told to avoid a certain road in Munster known for an aggressive boar was found, Fionn sought out and slayed the beast. He then returned to Cullen with the boar’s head gifted to the smith in exchange for taking Cruithne for a bride. This episode with Fionn and Cruithne serves as inspiration for the romantic nature of Deimne and Corrine's relationship.
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sharpbharat · 1 year
Jamshedpur dimna road demolition : मानगो नगर निगम द्वारा डिमना रोड डिवाइडर से दुकानें हटाने की घोषणा से दुकानदारों में हड़कंप, फुटपाथी दुकानदारों ने पहले बसाने के बाद ही दुकानें तोड़ने की मांग को लेकर किया प्रदर्शन
जमशेदपुर : मानगो नगर निगम द्वारा डिमना रोड डिवाइडर स्थित झोपड़ीनुमा दुकानों को तोड़े जाने का ऐलान किये जाने के बाद से दुकानदारों में हड़कंप है. मंगलवार को इन दुकानदारों ने नेशनल हॉकर फेडरेशन के तत्वावधान में डिमना रोड पर प्रदर्शन किया एवं उन्हें पहले दुकान लगाने की जगह देने के बाद ही वहां से हटाये जाने की मांग की.(नीचे भी पढ़ें) नेशनल हॉकर फेडरेशन के उत्तम चक्रवर्ती ने बताया कि मंगलवार को टाउन…
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( via prentiss riddle on fb / "Time stops at the intersection of A & D" west lima by miekal and on fb )
Sunset with Awakening Dragons.
pyramid of sand · is void to my sight labyrinth of cant · is void to my sight
i know too much swarf · a black rock out of sky falls and this taiga · is void to my sight
chatoyant my moon · as i walk slowly down furious hazard road · is void to my sight
They Awakening.
"Volcano Commando Tsuka"
halcyon mountain daring · on a suicidal path skulls in sand bright glaring · on a suicidal path
toys and candy swirling · all i want is truthful words lost among clowns blaring · on a suicidal path
soon will know a trying · much will crash and many fail halcyon furry faring · on a suicidal path
Vines on a Magical Moonlit Wall.
    fall stars across chill again changing goad tsar storm     as it madly adds
dimna furious smirk fang schismatic stomp bungalow
    rally all flaring ryotwar Ishtar shaping     royal sport apart
find any aground abort gulf slilu swarming fatwa
    crisply akimbo osmium skirl gumbo flalu     all us bright folk back
among oblong fragrant silk usurps skiff · fallow asthma
    spasmodic clasp · moist song lost in bringing it back     lost all that tumult
drug cupboard in which fluoric acid lay in a wax tomb
    pray for no pardon cyborg laughing thick damp grass     orphan octopus
calmly about to drown talk can play back now from victims
    filch tchukor stars silt amok tsantsa · affords nil blurb     scratch ghost stadium
actually shopping · bulwark skulls roam brisk as stilb fathoms
    crino is asking sidbo flimsy Atlantis     laughs smog cough skari
starry Osiris calx snag starts as a bag of offal
    sorrowing brumous addiction isthmus and rill     glamour abolish
blood lungfish frica abrupt Iscariot ichor wraith
    a lost acronym adorns cardboard and within     i would stow dark plans
am i misty for this flow piloting an iron rhino
    closing lids on stars unmindful of scorpions     in transit · ago
grinding sound and carbon tip toward its last point spiralling
    glimpsing from a coign prior to our gravity     our acts laid out plain
into a swamp of robots sifts mild algorithm
    frigid dusty world with rusty sands · winds stirring     around a solid
all this art about making a god of dissolution
    tcidu now manku only two hours · not from     bomb plot · from stupid
first of last bards shiny book about · not oft so bright such
    for an instant words bob up in a music flow     vacuous · twinkling
and dull gray noon is burning i pass my turn and go back
    salmon-apricot sky this morning as prior     and will blossom again
nilca and gnomic salmon kodak turncoat apricot
     a tiny lizard gold porchlight · lotophagoi     dog collar tinkling
in a dark livingroom mix two kinds of granola
    sunny and dark clouds and words fail · furious shift     sands · a body floating
crimson glow on a building turns cobalt as i slog back
    its windows as bright as that day of wild watching     folk running from dust
my own past has but scant sign of tracks · contrails gold against
Lojban words
nilca (Loglan)- contrary of on top of; tcidu- city; manku- dark; crino- viridian; sidbo- thought form; skari- color; frica- dissimilar; dimna- Wyrd; slilu- go back and forth; flalu- law
The River Styx.
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robinhoodrevisited · 8 years
Coaches & Carriages (pt.3)
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Nottingham Castle. Courtyard. (Two soldiers escort Marian by her arms to the coach. Isabella, watching from an alcove, makes eye contact with Marian who simply shakes her head. Isabella turns and heads towards the main doors to head them off. The Sheriff follows, putting on his gloves. Allan stops Gisborne at the top of the steps.) Allan: “Listen, Guy, Guy. (Gisborne stops.) Are we really killing the King?” Gisborne: “Part of the inner sanctum now, Allan. You should be honoured.” (Gisborne goes down the steps. Allan follows.) Allan: “No, no. I am. I am. It’s just…” (sighs) Gisborne: “This is the ultimate mission and carries with it the ultimate prize. (Turns around, reaching the coach.) Absolute power.” Allan: “Well, yeah, for you and the Sheriff.” Gisborne: “And you. Allan, your loyalty will be rewarded in land and title, I’ll see to that.” Allan: “Really?” Gisborne: “Really.” Allan: “What, you mean… you mean like a lordship or something?” (Gisborne raises his eyebrows and turns to the coach. Allan ponders the possibility. Gisborne nods his head towards the coach and Allan gets in. Isabella races towards the doors.) Isabella: “Guy! What’s going on?, Where are you taking-” Prince John: (Appearing casually from behind Isabella:) “Carry on Gisborne, make haste now.” (Gisborne nods then smirks at his sister and enters the coach. Soldiers close its iron doors. The Prince and Isabella watch as the coach rattles through the gate. The portcullis is lowered behind it and the sentries resume their post in front with crossed halberds.)
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Prince John: “Now my dear, what shall we do with you? (Isabella looks at him anxiously:) Did you know that Lady Marian was the Nightwatchman?” Isabella: (Composing herself, refusing to be intimidated by the Prince:) “Yes, Sire. I know the secrets of many people. (Defiantly:) Gathering information is what I do, it allows me to see everyone for who they truly are. To know their strengths and their weaknesses. It’s how I’ve survived for so long.” Prince John: (Smiling malevolently:) “Oh you adorable girl, don’t misunderstand me. We’re kindred spirits, you and I. I just want to show you something, come with me to Locksley.” (The Prince offers his arm and after a moment’s hesitation, Isabella takes it unsure of what he has planned.) Nettlestone. Barn. Interior. (Robin sits down where Will was sitting earlier working on arrows and puts his face in his hands. Djaq throws her head back as the drums start again. Robin stands and goes to the door.) Much: “Now what?” (Leans on the ladder. Bagpipes begin to play.) Exterior. (A drummer and piper cross in front of Ellingham, who is swishing his fingers back and forth to the rhythm. When he thinks Robin is watching, he moves a finger to motion across his throat.) Interior. Much: “This is driving me mad! Why don’t they just come in here and kill us?” Robin: “’Cause there’s no incentive, Much. (Turns around and walks towards Much. Little John is pacing.) Every hour that goes by we become more fearful… more tired… more likely to take foolish action.” Will: “The foolish action was bringing us here in the first place.” Much: “I’ve said I’m sorry!” Little John: “Well, that’s not good enough.” Much: “Oh, you’ve never made a mistake. I’m not saying anything.” Little John: “What?” Much: “I’m not saying anything. (Little John walks over to Much and raises his eyebrows. Much stands up, pointing at him.) You brought the Sheriff to our camp! You showed him where we live!” (Glances at Robin.) Little John: “I was trying to feed the poor! That’s what we used to do! What’s this all about? Feeding your fat face!” Much: “Fat face? Look who’s talking!” Robin: (Walking past them:) “Shut up! The pair of you! (Little John walks away.) This is exactly what they want us to do. (Turns around.) Fighting amongst ourselves and save them the trouble. Don’t give them the satisfaction! (Much is ashamed. Sighs.) In fact… I think we need to relax.” Will: “Relax?” Robin: “It’s my birthday. Let’s celebrate. (Pats Much’s hands at his sides.) Let’s eat. Djaq, what do we need for this..Kalila and Dimna thing?” Djaq: “Nothing, we just need to sit in a circle and…be honest with each other.” Robin: “Alright then, good.” (Little John follows Robin to the table.) Much: (Whispers to Little John as he passes:) “I haven’t got a fat face.” Little John: (Whispers:) “Fat face!” Much: (Whispers:) “Badger beard!”
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The road to Portsmouth. (The coach travels down the road. Allan and Marian ride with their backs to the front facing the Sheriff and Gisborne.) Marian: “Are you seriously going to the Holy Land?” Sheriff: “Yes, yes. I’ve never been before, have you? They say the weather’s wonderful. (Looks out the window.) Guy’s been before. (Marian looks sharply at Gisborne.) Haven’t you, Gizzy?” Marian: “You’ve been before? (Gisborne scowls at Marian. Scoffs.) Then it’s true. You tried to kill the King.” (Stares at Gisborne, mouth slightly open.) Gisborne: (Stares back a moment.) “What? Feel betrayed?” Marian: “Are you going to try and kill the King again?” Sheriff: “Yeeeeees. Mm. And you could say that it’s Robin Hood’s fault. You see, Robin did warn the King to be on his guard when he lands. So, first plan, mercenaries in the port… (scratches his neck)… dead in the water. The new plan, instead of waiting for him, we, er… we pay him a little visit.” (Grins evilly.) Marian: "Mohammed not coming to the mountain.” Sheriff: “Mm, indeed. (to Gisborne:) Shall I use that? (Elbows Gisborne.) Hm?” (Marian rolls her eyes.)
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Locksley. (The village is decorated with garlands and flowers. Two men bring a pig on a spit, ready to be roasted, past rows of long tables. The villagers stand and applaud as they pass by and set it over a fire between the manor and the church. Prince John’s carriage arrives from behind Locksley Manor. Isabella sits to the right of Prince John as they talk.) Prince John: “With Vaisey and your brother both gone for awhile, Nottingham will be needing a new Sheriff.” Isabella: “Yes, Sire.” Prince John: “And so, having discussed the matter with Vaisey, we both agreed that there could be no one better suited for the position than you my dear.” Isabella: (Surprised:) “Me? I..I... well I’m flattered my Lord.” Prince John: “Yes I thought you might be. Of course there will be one final assessment to be made, to make sure you’re ready for the job.” Isabella: “Anything, Sire. Put me to the task.” (The Prince smiles broadly and then turns his attention towards the villagers. After several moments of silence, Isabella also looks to the gathering of people.) Isabella: “Looks like a wedding.” Prince John: “I love weddings. (Smiles and stands.) I shall speak with them. You’ll join me? (Prince John gets out of the carriage. Isabella walks with the Prince towards the people.) I took what you said about getting the people to love me to heart, it truly inspired me. (A boy comes up with a flower for Prince John. A few men follow him.) Hello, young man. (Takes the flower.) Oh, thank you.” (Isabella walks forward.) Village Man: “Would His Highness give us his blessing?” (Stretches his arm out to welcome him forward.) Isabella: “They would be honoured if you would bless the bride and groom.” Prince John: “Of course. (Smiles and exaggeratedly swaggers forward.) Hah! Are you the bride and groom?” Bride/Groom: “Yes, sir, Your Highness.” Prince John: (Holds his hand over the couple.) “I wish you prosperity and happiness.” Bride/Groom: (Bow.) “Thank you, sir.” Prince John: “And I’m so glad that I could bring you sun today. (The villagers laugh. Prince John chuckles, turns and walks back to his carriage. The church bell rings and the villagers make their way to the church. Prince John steps into the carriage and Isabella mounts her horse. The Prince waves and smiles at the villagers, who wave back.) Wait until they’re all inside the church and then burn it to the ground. (Smells his flower. Isabella is shocked. The last villager waves at the Prince, and he waves back. Isabella is panicked for them.) Burn it.” (Two soldiers on horseback with cold torches gallop forward. The church doors close. They hold the torches to the flames under the pig to light them. One gallops by and throws the torch onto the roof. It lights the shingles, then drops to the ground and the wall is quickly engulfed in flames. Prince John smiles. A third soldier runs forward and puts a stick through the handles, barring it closed. The second torchbearer lights the walls on the other side. Isabella can’t help but watch. The flames rise and the people inside scream. The doors shake but don’t open.)    
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(A soldier lights a wooden cross outside the church as Prince John laughs. Inside, people are crying and screaming.)   Prince John: “You’re being punished! For intolerable disloyalty to me! For harbouring and assisting Robin Hood, his outlaws and my traitorous niece for all I know! And may God forgive you!” Village Man 1: “To the river, quick!” Village Man 2: “More buckets!” Village Woman: “We need more water here!” Village Man 1: “Bring more water!” (The men race with buckets from the pond.) Prince John: (Whining:) “No, no, no, no, no! They’re trying to put the fire out. That’s not what I want! (The villagers dump water on the flames but the church is completely engulfed.) Stop them, all of you! Go on!” (The soldiers all rush towards the villagers, drawing their swords and holding the frantic villagers at bay. A soldier sets fire to the back wall. Prince John sits, watching.) Isabella: “Do you want them to love you?” Prince John: “Of course. And I think they do love me. But I will have respect as well as love.” Isabella: “Any landowner can subjugate his serf; only a king can liberate them. A benevolent king is loved.” Prince John: “But I am benevolent. (Looks at Isabella, amazed, and double takes.) Come with me. (The Prince rises from his carriage once again and walks over to the gathered villagers. The screams of the wedding party still trapped inside the burning church ring out vehemently.) If you won’t love me, then by God you’ll fear me!” Isabella: “Sire, please this is madness.” Prince John: (Affronted by the word, the Prince rounds on Isabella:) “Madness? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. These (with derision:) people are what’s wrong with this country. They lay around all day and thumb their noses at my authority and are rewarded by the likes of Robin Hood. Well I say no more. (Stepping closer to Isabella:) This is what it means to show strength. To have the courage of your convictions. Zero tolerance for all those who would dare challenge their monarch.” Isabella: “Sire, people are dying!” Prince John: “The disloyal are dying, nothing more! This is your test Isabella, turn your back on those unworthy of your compassion. As my Sheriff I am offering you power and position the likes of which few have ever known. (He walks past her back to his carriage and climbs inside. Raising a finger.) I will never offer you this opportunity again.” (The Prince leans back against the plush seat of the carriage awaiting Isabella’s decision. Isabella looks back at the inferno desperate to save the villagers. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and does what she must.) Isabella: “Sire, while those people may not love you, please know that I do. If you spare their lives I will show you just how much love I have to give you.” Prince John: (Raises an eyebrow:) “Is that so? (Isabella nods. He sighs:) Oh, very well. (Nods to a soldier to call off his men, allowing the other villagers to resume rescuing those trapped inside the church. Chuckling at Isabella:) Ah, I love the refusal before the surrender.” (He smiles and briey raises his eyebrows before taking Isabella’s hand and pulling her into the carriage beside him. Isabella’s expression is one of grim resignation.)
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Nettlestone Mill. (The air is thick with dust and flour as the mill is in full swing. A tall man climbs the ladder with one hand, carrying four sacks of grain over one shoulder. Placing the sacks where they are needed, the man stops briefly to remove his shirt and use it to wipe the sweat from his brow. As he turns we see that it is Lincoln. An older bearded man walks up to him.) Albert: "Good work, lad. Very good." Lincoln: (Humbly:) "Thanks, boss." Albert: "Yes... (Absent-mindedly:) Very good. (Glances over his shoulder at his other workers.) Listen, Lincoln, could I have a word?" Lincoln: "Yes Sir." (The older man motions for Lincoln to lean against the banister with him.) Albert: "Now, there's no easy way for me to say this, son, but I'm going to have to let you go." Lincoln: (Taken aback:) "Have I done something wrong? Tell me and I'll put it right." Albert: "No, no, it's nothing you've done. In fact you're the hardest worker I've got." Lincoln: "Then can I ask why?" Albert: (Looks over his shoulder again then back to Lincoln:) "Well it's the other workers you see. They just aren't comfortable with you being here." Lincoln: "With all due respect, Sir, I don't come here for the camaraderie." Albert: "I know that, I do." Lincoln: "I'm here hours before anyone else and I sweep up after them. You just said I'm your hardest worker." Albert: "I know that, I know. I... I just can't keep you on, I'm sorry. (Glancing back:) I just can't afford the hassle." Lincoln: "Sir, I need this job. I've earned the right to work here." Albert: "Yes you have, and I admit this isn't right at all-" Lincoln: "Then let me stay!" Albert: (sighs:) "I can't. I just can't. You'll be paid what you're owed I promise you that." (Lincoln looks at his boss a moment before picking up his shirt and starting back down the ladder. As he reaches the floor a group of workers begin heckling and jeering him as he leaves the mill.) Worker: "So long, savage!" Worker 2: "Good riddance!" Somewhere In The Woods. (Roan leads Clarke through the trees as he checks his map. Pocketing it, Roan pulls Clarke towards the entrance to a tunnel.) Roan: (Looking behind him checking they're not being followed:) "Scream again and we're both dead." (Roan shoves Clarke ahead of him inside the tunnel.)
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The Portsmouth Road Inn. Exterior. Near sunset. (The coach arrives at the inn. A servant rushes to open the coach doors. The Sheriff gets out first as the innkeeper steps out to greet them.) Innkeeper: “How many beds are you after?” (Gisborne gets out and Allan behind him.) Sheriff: (Holds up three fingers.) “Three.” Innkeeper: (to Allan:) “And you? With the horses?” Sheriff: “No-no-no. (Pointing to Marian getting out:) No. This one.” (Chuckles. The innkeeper is appalled at the idea.) Inn’s barn. Interior. (Gisborne pulls a chain attached to a cuff on Marian’s wrist through a ring on the wall, pulling her back. The Sheriff stands in the doorway.) Marian: (to the Sheriff:) “You’d better not sleep tonight. (The Sheriff looks up, unperturbed, as Gisborne fastens the chain.) Robin Hood will find out what you’re doing and he will come and he will stop you.” Sheriff: “It’s, erm… it’s Robin Hood’s birthday today. Did you know that? He’s having a party… (Marian makes a "so what?” face.)… in Nettlestone village. (Chuckles. Allan enters quietly behind the Sheriff, listening intently.) And somebody’s invited one hundred of my fiercest mercenaries. (Gisborne smirks and leaves for the inn.) And they’ve, erm… (Marian looks down, picturing Robin’s predicament.) … they’ve got him surrounded. So… so Robin Hood is no more. (Marian looks at the Sheriff defiantly.) Hm? Well, sleep tight. Oh, and don’t let the horseflies bite.“ (Winks and leaves. Allan looks at Marian before turning to follow.) Marian: (Whispers:) "Allan! Allan! (Allan looks to see if the Sheriff heard, then turns and goes to Marian.) You can’t go through with this.” Allan: “I can. You heard him, Marian. Robin’s finished.” Marian: “Not if we get away!” Allan: “Shh.” Marian: “We’ll go back to Nottingham. We have to help him.” Gisborne: (From the inn:) “Allan?!” Allan: “Coming!” (Allan gives Marian a helpless look and goes to the door, where he glances back. Marian looks at him beseechingly. Allan goes inside.)
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Check Out Finest Travel Place To Must Go To Bhutan
This blog post is designed to generate an available exchange one of homeowners at Tiny Mountain range Estates. He negotiated with a good Italian restaurant and addressed all people in the company team. At that point you should get into the 124-meter lengthy tunnel by the end of which is actually an exclusive Nazi brass lift - it is going to take you around the best via a 124-meter shaft built in the hill rock. That did begin as a tired resort town along with a glamorous hotel, substantial log resorts at the base of the mountain range and on the peak. That is actually very vital to keep hydrated while on the Denver co mountain range biking trails! There are actually loads of attractive trees, lots of excellent rock formations, and to cover that off once you could try these out acquire deeper over the path Dome Rock surfaces which is actually a sight to look at. That's additionally apparent coming from the distribution map that the Cougar or Cougar will additionally possess numerous yet another label in other languages such as Spanish or Portuguese too. It's usually not as well tough to discover used mountain bikes either given that the majority of people are certainly not only visiting toss their outdated ALL-TERRAIN BICYCLE away, particularly if they are acquiring a new one. Green Mountain enhanced the three major monetary ratios I consider. The existing proportion simply marginally strengthened, yet working resources increased by nearly $32 thousand, as well as the debt proportion (obligations to possessions) improved well at the same time. Nestled in the foothills of the Cascades, Bend is actually neighbored by gorgeous animals as well as is actually the best location to go camping outdoors, hiking, hill bicycling, rafting, angling ... basically anything you can easily think up. Bend is likewise central Oregon's biggest metro, so if you expensive your own self a cosmopolitan there's plenty to view as well as do in town.
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You must probably begin at entry level bikes which happen completely specified up and also prepared to go if you are a newbie to hill cycling. You will certainly not be looking to spend 1000s if you are actually preparing to use this recreationally with the occasional off-road ride. I am actually not pertaining to bicycling along the meadows with your pals and having a wonderful time. Various other pleasant places in Jamshedpur are actually the Tata Steel Zoological Playground, Keenan Coliseum and Dimna Lake. On the Komodo Isle National Forest Flores is A Lot Of Lovely Scenery on the planet, the komodo monsters animals reside and also multiply effectively.
The snowfall, the glacial mass and the hill tops in the Everest region present on their own as a hyperborean paradise! Along with the tallest height in the Blue Ridge Hills, Gramps Mountain rests on the eastern multinational divide and also is host to the yearly gathering from Scottish clans, as well as the Highland Games.
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batexamin · 7 years
Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Jharkhand - List of Top 50 Best Engineering College in Jharkhand
Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Jharkhand - List of Top 50 Best Engineering College in Ranchi, Dhanbad & Jamshedpur
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  List of Engineering Colleges
Welcome to List of Top Engineering Colleges in Jharkhand 2018, Best Ranking Private, Government Engineering Colleges in Jharkhand section. There has been a lot of change happening in the rankings in the recent past. We have tried our best to bring you the latest rankings of Top Engineering Colleges in Jharkhand. In this category one can find list of top ten, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 and best government & private engineering colleges in Jharkhand ranking, science colleges and Institutes, careers in Science, Careers In Engineering, Biotechnology Courses, Colleges & Institutes In Jharkhand, Careers In Biotechnology, Bsc, Msc, B.E, B.Tech, M.Tech, Petroleum Engineering, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering, Statistics, Microbiology, Aircraft Maintenance Courses And Colleges In Jharkhand.   For the academic year 2018-19, we have listed, the list of top engineering colleges in JHARKHAND, which offer undergraduate & postgraduate courses in engineering, applied engineering and sciences. The list includes NITs, IITs, IIITs, governments and other public & private technical universities.   There are hundreds of Colleges for Engineering in JHARKHAND. But if you pursue your engineering course from one of the best engineering colleges in JHARKHAND, top 100 engineering schools to be precise, the chances of getting a job in one of the best companies in the engineering sector will be higher. The topmost engineering colleges in JHARKHAND have better infrastructure, faculty, and placement opportunities.   There are many reputed and prestigious private and government engineering colleges in JHARKHAND. In this article, we will list out the top 50 Engineering Colleges in JHARKHAND for 2018.    
Top 50 Engineering Colleges In JHARKHAND
The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is an MHRD approved framework/methodology that is used to rank educational institutes in the country. The ranking of the top 50 Engineering Colleges in JHARKHAND is based on five parameters which are tabulated below:     Top 50 Engineering Colleges In JHARKHAND | Parameters Considered To Rank Top 50 Engineering Colleges The top 50 Engineering Colleges in JHARKHAND are ranked based on the following five parameters: Parameters Used To Rank Top 50 Engineering Colleges In MADHYA PRADESH 1. Teaching Learning and Resources 2. Research and Professional Practice 3. Graduation Outcome 4. Outreach and Inclusivity 5. Perception  
List of Colleges in Ranchi - Jharkhand | Top Colleges in Ranchi
S.No. Colleges Contact 1 Birla Institute of Technology - Ranchi Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-275402, 275777, Fax: +91-651-275401 2 Cambridge Institute of Technology - Ranchi Tatisilwai, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2265608/2265450, Fax: +91-651-2265449 3 Gossner College - Ranchi Club Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2331635, 2331659, Fax: +91-651-2331635 4 Government Women College - Ranchi Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2562221, Fax: +91-651-2562221 5 ICFAI Business School - Ranchi Ranchi, Jharkhand 6 Indian Institute of Science and Management Department of Hotel Management - Ranchi IISM Campus, Institutional Area, Pundag, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2242060, Fax: +91-651-2240630 7 J. N. College - Ranchi Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2406218, Fax: +91-651-2406218 8 Marwari College - Ranchi Lake Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand Fax: +91-651-2213134 9 National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology - Ranchi Hatia, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2290859, Fax: +91-651-2290860 10 Nirmala College - Ranchi P.B. 15, Hinoo P.O, Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2411322, 2410250, Fax: +91-651-2411322 11 Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences - Ranchi PO Bariatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2541533, Fax: +91-651-2540629 12 Ranchi College - Ranchi Morabadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2233803, Fax: +91-651-2233803 13 Shri Krishna Institute of Public Administration - Ranchi Mears Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2283813, Fax: +91-651-2283806 14 Small Industries Services Institute - Ranchi Kokar Industrial Estate, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2544161, 2544392, Fax: +91-651-2544743 15 St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) - Ranchi Post Box-9, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2301301, Fax: +91-651-2207672    
List of Colleges in Dhanbad - Jharkhand | Top Colleges in Dhanbad
  S.No. Colleges Contact 1 B. S. K College - Dhanbad Maithon Dam, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-6540 274766 2 Birsa Institute of Technology - Dhanbad Sindri, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-326-2350495, 2350496, Fax: +91-326-2251445, 2350496 3 Bokaro Institute of Technology - Dhanbad Camp-1,Marahari,Bokaro Steel City, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-6542-48916, 48579, 87399, Fax: +91-6542-41205/48916 4 Indian School of Mines - Dhanbad Dhanbad , Jharkhand Telephone: +91-326-2210024/25/26/27, Fax: +91-326-2210028 5 Patliputra Medical College - Dhanbad BCCL Township, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-326-2264165, Fax: +91-326-224165 6 Raja Shiva Prasad College - Dhanbad Jharia, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-326-2291211, Fax: +91-326-2291211 7 Sindri College - Dhanbad P.O. Sindri, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-326-2253849, 2251923, Fax: +91-326-2253849 8 Marwari College - Ranchi Lake Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand Fax: +91-651-2213134 9 National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology - Ranchi Hatia, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2290859, Fax: +91-651-2290860 10 Nirmala College - Ranchi P.B. 15, Hinoo P.O, Doranda, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2411322, 2410250, Fax: +91-651-2411322 11 Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences - Ranchi PO Bariatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2541533, Fax: +91-651-2540629 12 Ranchi College - Ranchi Morabadi, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2233803, Fax: +91-651-2233803 13 Shri Krishna Institute of Public Administration - Ranchi Mears Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2283813, Fax: +91-651-2283806 14 Small Industries Services Institute - Ranchi Kokar Industrial Estate, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2544161, 2544392, Fax: +91-651-2544743 15 St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) - Ranchi Post Box-9, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2301301, Fax: +91-651-2207672    
List of Top Colleges in Jamshedpur | All Colleges in Jamshedpur
  S.No. Colleges Contact 1 Abdul Bari Memorial College - Jamshedpur Purbi Singhbhum, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 2 Al - kabir poltechnik Collage - Jamshedpur Kopali Via Mango,Kabirnagar,Seraikella Kharsawan, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-6591-260092 260414, 260358, Fax: +91-6591-260414 3 Co - Operative College - Jamshedpur Near Shri College,Circuit House, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 4 Indo Danish Tool Room - Jamshedpur M-4,Phase VI,Tata Kandra Road, Gamharia, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2408061, 2408062, Fax: +91-657-2407723 5 Jamshedpur Womens College - Jamshedpur Bistupur, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2431805, Fax: +91-657-2431805 6 Karim City College - Jamshedpur Sakchi Post, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2423863, 2440206, 2431778, Fax: +91-657-2430495 7 Loyola College of Education - Jamshedpur River View Area, P O Telco Works, East Singhbhum, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2488245, Fax: +91-657-2488245 8 Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College - Jamshedpur Dimna Road, P.O. Mange, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2462108, Fax: +91-657-2462106 9 Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Society - Jamshedpur Bistupur, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2423795, 2430699 , 2430700, Fax: +91-657-2420816 10 Regional Institute of Technology - Jamshedpur P.O. RIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-407614, Fax: +91-657-407614 11 The Graduate School College for Women - Jamshedpur Jamshedpur , Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2431848, 2431848, Fax: +91-657-2438958 12 The NIS Academy - Jamshedpur Ist Floor, Landmark Tower (Opposite Hotel Kanchan), Thakurbari Road, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-657-2440166, 3290510 13 Xavier Institute of Mass Communication - Jamshedpur Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 14 Xavier Labour Relations Institute - Jamshedpur Circuit House Area (East), Jamshedpur, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-562-2852135, 2852045, 2852373, Fax: +91-657-2227814 15 St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) - Ranchi Post Box-9, Ranchi, Jharkhand Telephone: +91-651-2301301, Fax: +91-651-2207672     Candidates who have the desire to get Engineering Degree in any of the Top 50 Engineering Colleges in Jharkhand then you can acquire the Best BE/B.Tech/M.Tech colleges from here. To build a better career one must choose the best engineering college for their further studies as Degree of Engineering is one of the desirable degrees and candidates have to face competition for getting it. So candidates are suggested to don’t make any mistake and opt for the top 50 engineering colleges in Jharkhand. Aspirants you can have a look on the Top 50 BE/B.Tech Colleges in Jharkhand 2018 and also get the fee structure, address and official website from this single page. Top Engineering Colleges in Uttar Pradesh   Top Engineering Colleges in Kerla       Top Engineering Colleges in Delhi-NCR      Top Engineering Colleges in Pune       Top Engineering Colleges in Bengaluru   Top Engineering Colleges in Bengaluru       Top Engineering Colleges in Pune   Top Engineering Colleges in Delhi-NCR       Top Engineering College in Uttaranchal   Top Engineering Colleges in Hyderabad        Top Engineering College in Gujarat   Top Engineering Colleges in Chennai       Top Engineering College in Madhya Pradesh   Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Himachal Pradesh       Top Engineering College in WEST BENGAL   Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Pondicherry       Top Engineering College in Bihar   Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Goa       Top Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan   Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Chhattisgarh           Top Engineering Colleges in Haryana   Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Odisha       Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Assam   Top BE/B.Tech Colleges In Jharkhand   Read the full article
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darlaskillern-blog · 7 years
Edward J. Roche's Articles.
Specific difficulties of the jobsite suggested Bailes fit-style.info and also his crew must think creatively and also utilize a collection from tools and providers to carry the frameworks down and ready the component for recycling. I was actually informed at some of those expensive PD events, Margaret once really isn't adequate - you must climb up a hill of concern on a daily basis". This is actually an intrastate project that is going to most likely far faster compared to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion. Along with 6 acres in the city's Red Mountain Playground, Remy's possesses 3 locations: for large pet dogs, little bit of pet dogs, and bashful or special-needs dogs. Pertain to Melanya for mountain range vacations that make you believe at one with nature, and also at some with your own self. I am not referring to cycling along the fields along with your buddies as well as having a wonderful time. Various other good locations in Jamshedpur are the Tata Steel Zoological Playground, Keenan Stadium and Dimna Lake. On the Komodo Isle National Forest Flores is A Lot Of Gorgeous Landscapes in the World, the komodo monsters creatures reside and breed properly. Emerald green Lake is yet another attractive place to fish along this road and that lies near the camping areas. To me, the hike cost the wonderful sight, and also the emotion from the sturdy, amazing mountain doddle. For a more peaceful and also disorderly opportunity along with the loved ones, Bear Hill gives a bunch of leisure activities to enjoy in this New york city condition park. A mountain climber, whether amateur or specialist, needs to possess a certain level of sports potential and also physical fitness. Stocking lesser Himalayan range of mountains, the Kaghan Lowland is actually widely known for its own bewitching elegance as well as organic beauty.
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The closest confirmed populace of cougar is in Missouri, half means across the country. In summer you can carry a coat as that is a bit chilly during the night in the hill highland. Maintain your cycle of 'enthusiasts' little and also thoroughly decided on in order that any sort of energy they contribute will join yours in a laser-beam of strong, effective focus on your hill height.
For the spaces that do not have a balcony, delight in the wonderful terrace that this Zermatt hotel has on the very beginning. If you can spend greater than around $500, there is actually a larger range of mtb to choose from, all with really good components and lighter structures. Mountain Trek's gourmet chef encouraged dishes is produced coming from nutrient wealthy, new, natural elements. Hopefully you have actually appreciated discovering all type of fun realities for youngsters regarding cougars, or even mountain lions, or even pumas, or even whatever you want to phone them.
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The Rocky Mountain Rumble in Pocatello, Idaho brings together soccer staffs that usually would never ever play one another. The idea responsible for Equinox is to blend two past producing gold mines - Newcastle's Castle Mountain and also Hike's Aurizona venture in South america. Iron Mountain range administration does see some nearby complementary procurements as feasible. If Trans Mountain building goes ahead, in resistance to further development thousands have actually taken to the streets swearing to block excavators. This stream submerges in a cave due to the bottom of the mountain range that restricts the north of the Lowland. The Mountain range tees possess the absolute most thrilling, initial, standout pictures, as well as eco-friendly water located inks, as well as are helped make in the United States. Although certainly not as famous or effectively journeyed as The Indian Path to the southeast you are going to discover Thumper Hill Path.
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townpostin · 3 months
Three Arrested for Illegal Lottery Gambling in Mango
Police crack down on illegal lottery gambling, arrest three in Mango. Three people were arrested by the police for illegally gambling and playing lottery in the open near Mannan Gali on Dimna Road, Mango. JAMSHEDPUR – Police arrested three individuals for illegal lottery gambling near Mannan Gali on Dimna Road in Mango. Three people were arrested by the police for illegally gambling and playing…
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townpostin · 23 days
New 100-Bed Spand Hospital Set to Open in Jamshedpur
Health Minister Banna Gupta to inaugurate advanced multispeciality facility on Sept 7 Spand Multispeciality Hospital, a new 100-bed facility with cutting-edge medical equipment, is set to open in Jamshedpur. JAMSHEDPUR – A state-of-the-art 100-bed hospital will be inaugurated on NH-33, Dimna Pardih Road on September 7. Jharkhand Health Minister Banna Gupta is scheduled to inaugurate the Spand…
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townpostin · 27 days
Construction of Mango Subarnarekha Flyover Accelerates
2.8 km elevated road to connect Mango Dimna Road and New Purulia Road The construction of a 2.8 km flyover over the Mango Subarnarekha River is being expedited to complete within 18 months. JAMSHEDPUR – Construction of the 2.8 km flyover over the Mango Subarnarekha River has been accelerated, with workers aiming to complete the project in the next 18 months. The elevated road will stretch from…
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townpostin · 30 days
Young Man Strangled to Death by Python in Jamshedpur
Victim known for roaming with snake around his neck; incident occurred near Heera Hotel on Dimna Road. A young man from Jamshedpur died after a python he frequently carried around his neck strangled him near Heera Hotel on Mango Dimna Road. JAMSHEDPUR – On Thursday, a young man was fatally strangled by a python that he frequently wore around his neck in the vicinity of the Heera Hotel. The…
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townpostin · 1 month
Krishna Janmashtami Celebrated at R.V.S. Academy Jamshedpur
Pre-Primary students portray Krishna’s life in vibrant dance-drama R.V.S. Academy on Dimna Road, Mango, transforms into Vrindavan for a spiritually enriching Krishna Janmashtami celebration. JAMSHEDPUR – R.V.S. Academy on Dimna Road, Mango, celebrated Krishna Janmashtami with a vibrant event featuring Pre-Primary students dressed as Krishna and Radha. The school premises were transformed into a…
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townpostin · 2 months
Mango Police Crack Down on Illegal Parking Along NH 33
Traffic Safety Campaign Targets Heavy Vehicles from Pardih to Dimna Chowk A new initiative by local law enforcement aims to reduce traffic congestion and accident risks on National Highway 33, focusing on unauthorized parking of large vehicles. JAMSHEDPUR – Mango police have initiated a rigorous campaign to address illegal parking issues along National Highway 33, prioritizing road safety and…
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townpostin · 3 months
Unidentified Body Found Near Dimna Chowk
Police suspect road accident as cause of death for unidentified man near Dimna Chowk. An unidentified body was discovered near Dimna Chowk, just 100 meters from Chandraprabha Nagar road in Mango, Jamshedpur. JAMSHEDPUR – An unidentified man’s body was found near the Chandraprabha Nagar road, close to Dimna Chowk on NH 33 in Mango. The body, with a crushed head, was spotted by morning walkers…
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townpostin · 3 months
R.V.S Academy Hosts Tree Plantation Drive To Promote Environmental Awareness
Students And Staff Plant Saplings, Pledge To Preserve Nature Event emphasizes importance of trees in maintaining ecological balance. JAMSHEDPUR – R.V.S Academy on Dimna Road, Mango, organized a tree plantation drive to educate students about environmental conservation. "Trees are our faithful and utilitarian friends. Preserving them is our supreme duty," stated Binda Singh, Chairman of the…
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