#Mango NH 33
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townpostin · 6 months ago
Unidentified Body Found Near Dimna Chowk
Police suspect road accident as cause of death for unidentified man near Dimna Chowk. An unidentified body was discovered near Dimna Chowk, just 100 meters from Chandraprabha Nagar road in Mango, Jamshedpur. JAMSHEDPUR – An unidentified man’s body was found near the Chandraprabha Nagar road, close to Dimna Chowk on NH 33 in Mango. The body, with a crushed head, was spotted by morning walkers…
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theroyalhillsjamshedpur · 2 years ago
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bestdjkit · 5 years ago
45-Track "CARE4LIFE" Compilation Features New Music from The Chemical Brothers, Maya Jane Coles, and More
Many major artists in the electronic music community have joined forces to support NHS Charities Together amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
London-based label Above Board Projects has releasedCARE4LIFE, an expansive charity compilation providing COVID-19 relief to NHS Charities Together, a collective supporting the National Health Service. According to a press released issued to announce the compilation, the project is "aimed at assisting and honouring our brave and skilled NHS frontline workforce in this most challenging of times."
Released on Bandcamp today, the album spans a whopping 45 tracks and features new music from many major underground electronic artists, including legendary production duo The Chemical Brothers. The tandem contributed a new remix of their single "Catch Me I'm Falling," which appeared on their Grammy Award-winning 2019 album No Geography. Other artists appearing on the compilation include Maya Jane Coles, Jamie Jones, Dusky, Pete Tong, Groove Armada, and Patrick Topping.
“Through the challenges of the Covid19 pandemic we have all developed a new understanding and awareness about the role our frontline health professionals undertake, and as a nation we are all united in our appreciation of the incredible work they have delivered in the face of much adversity and pressure in the last couple of months," said CARE4LIFE representatives in the press release. "In the continued spirit of people coming together in this time of need, the CARE4LIFE project hopes that this amazing collection of music can contribute to easing that pressure by giving some much needed support to these frontline workers from our fellow artists and friends in the music industry and its surrounding community.”
You can purchase the compilation via Bandcamp here and view the full tracklist below.
CARE4LIFE Tracklist: 01: B.Traits - Rest 02: Daniel Avery - In Your Sleep 03: The Chemical Brothers - Catch Me I’m Falling (Losing You Mix) 04: Apiento & Tepper - Blossoms 05: Luke Vibert - That’s ill folks 06: Locussolus (DJ Harvey) - NextToYou (Kiwi Remix) 07: FYI Chris - SWH (No Boundaries) 08: Matthew Herbert - Indigo 09: Luke Solomon - Wait 10: Groove Armada - He’s On My Heart 11: JD Twitch - Is It All Over The Place 12: Laima, Iggor Cavalera, Joe Goddard and Mutado Pintado - Play Doh 13: Playgroup - Ringpiece 14: K-LONE - Undercliffe 15: Nathan Fake - Arboretum 16: Big Miz - Merak 17: Hammer & James Shinra - Lunar Seven 18: Jas Shaw - Joy Multiplication 19: Crooked Man - This Time 20: Clark - Laptop Stand 21: Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - Levitate 22: Jamie Jones & Kate Simko - Mind Games ft. Laizer 23: Maya Jane Coles - Keep It Moving 24: Joe Goddard featuring Amy Douglas - Workin’ 25: Miguel Campbell & Benoit Ft. Beccs Lott - Blonde Bomb 26: Dusky - Justified 27: Dense & Pika - Pleasure Stacker 28: Mason Maynard - Black ‘N’ White 29: Solardo x SOSA Featuring Richard Judge - Chemical Edge 30: Eats Everything - It’ll Be Over Soon 31: Patrick Topping - Totality 32: Pete Tong and John Monkman - Aquarius 33: Nic Fanciulli - The Return Of Mango Flow 34: Jaden Thompson - Eve’s Drop 35: Waze & Odyssey - Plus & Minus 36: Radio Slave - Sabre 37: Nightwave - Sadhana 38: SCB - KTS3E 39: Lauren Lo Sung - Lucid Dream 40: Archie Hamilton - Waiting Game 41: Laura Jones & Karousel - No Borders 42: Jordan. - Quar 43: Thoma Bulwer x Anna Wall - Peace Of Mind 44: Nova Cheq - Dopamine Domain 45: 3Strange - Xylophone Funk
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/music-releases/care4life-compilation
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irishblood · 8 years ago
Sau persönlich
1: Wie alt? 16
2: Was machst du in deiner Freizeit? Spiele Klarinette und mache Thaiboxen 
3: Wie groß bist du? 1,60
4: Haarfarbe? Kastanien braun
5: Augenfarbe? Blau-grau
6: Instagram? 🙅🏻
7: Rauchst du? Manchmal
8: Hast du schon mal geraucht? Jap
9: Hast du schon mal Drogen genommen? Noop
10: Vor was hast du Angst? Wälder
11: Was macht dich glücklich? Liebe
12: Hast du ein Vorbild? Nicht wirklich 
13: Traumberuf? Chirurgin 
14: Treibst du Sport? Jap, Thaiboxen
15: Was interessiert dich? Medizin, Musik,….
16: Die letzte Nachricht die du bekommen hast? “Ok schreib nix mehr haha"
17: Die letzte Nachricht die du verschickt hast? "Viel Spaß "
18: Hast du Haustiere? Jo, nh Kater
19: Wieso bist du bei Tumblr? Gedanken freien Lauf lassen 
20: Wenn du in der Zeit reisen könntest, wohin würdest du reisen? Zukunft
21: Welches Land willst du unbedingt mal sehen? America, Island
22: Kannst du ein Instrument spielen? Klarinette 
23: Bist du künstlerisch begabt? Ja, aber nicht übertrieben heftig 
24: Würdest du mit der Person, der du zuletzt geschrieben hast, schlafen? Jap
25: Wo würdest du gern Urlaub machen? America
26: Das wichtigste in einer Beziehung? Ehrlichkeit und vertrauen
27: Bist du lieber mit Jungs oder Mädchen befreundet? Mir absolut egal 
28: In welchen großen Städten warst du schon? Berlin, Frankfurt, Dublin
29: Trinkst du oft? Geht ab und zu mal
30: Interessiert dich Politik? Ja!
31: Crush? Zur Zeit nicht wirklich…
32: Welche Superkraft würdest du nie haben wollen? Elastisch zusein
33: Bist du nachtragend? Eigentlich nicht, müsste schon was krasses passieren
34: Hast du Angst im Dunkeln? Manchmal
35: Hast du Geschwister? Ein Bruder 🙄
36: Beschreibe dich in einem Wort: Crazy
37: Magst du deinen Namen? Ja, passt zu mir
38: Wie würdest du gern heißen? Hab kein Problem mit meinem Namen, finde aber "Luzy” Sau geil 
39: Glaubst du an ein Leben nach dem Tod? Mmh schon in gewisser weise
40: Wie lange hast du schon Tumblr? Ca. 1 Jahr
41: Gibt es Leben außerhalb der Erde? Unwahrscheinlich 
42: Kannst du deine Zunge rollen? Jap😛
43: Kannst du mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig tun? Definitiv 😂
44: Bist du verliebt? Leider nicht
45: Letztes Konzert? Kayef Chaos Tour in Frankfurt 
46: Was war das schlimmste was dir je passiert ist? Schwer zusagen 
47: Gibt es etwas, dass du gern vergessen würdest? Oh verdammt ja
48: Wurdest du schon mal gemobbt? Jaa…
49: Bist du stur? Anscheinend ja
50: Bist du schüchtern? Ne, nicht wirklich :D
51: Hast du schon mal etwas gestohlen? Ja😂 von ner Kinderzeitung
52: Erstes Konzert? Y-Titty Stricksockenswagger 
53: Schlechtestes Konzert? Hatte noch kein schlechtes
54: Bestes Konzert? Schwer Zusagen, waren alle irgendwie mega geil
55: Welche Superkraft hättest du gerne? Fliegen 
56: Warst du schon mal auf einem Festival? Leider nicht :/
57: Welche/n Band/Musiker möchtest du mal live sehen? Shawn Mendes 
58: Wie lange kannst du die Luft anhalten? Ca. 1 Minute vllt sogar länger 
59: Willst du mal heiraten? Ja☺️
60: Willst du mal Kinder haben? Jaaaaa🙈
61: Kannst du einen blöden Witz erzählen? Haha grad net😂
62: Was hast du zuletzt geträumt? 😏 tja
63: Was würdest du gerne mal jemanden ins Gesicht sagen? Oh, das passiert hier garnicht alles rein
64: Kannst du Ski fahren? Bisschen 
65: Isst du Oliven? Bah, nee!
66: Was ist unter deinem Bett? Staub
67: Etwas unverzeihbares? Ich habe zwei Jungs gleichzeitig geliebt und dadurch was kaputt gemacht
68: Wirst du schnell eifersüchtig? Noop
69: Was siehst du gern für Serien? Alles von A-Z
70: Bist du tollpatschig? Ja, manchmal leider schon
71: Hast du eine blöde Angewohnheit? Knöchel knacken
72: Welche Hobbys hast du? Schon beantwortet 
73: Wann hast du zum letzten mal jemanden geküsst? Ehm… November 😩
74: Schenkst du gerne? Kommt drauf an. Grundsätzlich ja
75: Wirst du gerne beschenkt? Wer nicht?
76: Was findest du total eklig? Kein antworte parat
77: Hattest schon mal etwas übernatürliches erlebt? Ne, Gott sei dank 😂
78: Was ziehst du zum Schlafen an? Kurze Hose +T-Shirt
79: Gibt es jemanden der dich hasst? Locker😂
80: Hattest du schon mal einen Sextraum? Fck ja😂😏
81: Schläfst du mit offener Tür? Bah, nee
82: Hattest du schon mal einen Blackout? Ka
83: Wurdest du schon mal verhaftet? Noop
84: Hattest du schon mal einen One-Night-Stand? Noop
85: Auf was schaust du jemanden als erstes? Gesicht 
86: Was hast du zuletzt gegessen? Fischstäbchen
87: Magst du Glücksspiel? Ne, find das irgendwie unnötig 
88: Hast du einen Rat für uns? Gerade nicht
89: Hast du Sommersprossen? Noop
90: Glaubst du an Karma? Verdammt ja
91: Dein (kompletter) Vorname? Sarah Ellen Carmen
92: Spielst du gern Brettspiele? Och joah schon
93: Etwas das du täglich tust? Im Bett liegen 
94: Hast du schon mal zufällig einen Prominenten getroffen? Zufällig nein
95: Bist du zufrieden mit dir? 90% NEIN
96: Hast du einen Spitznamen? Net wirklich 
97: Was bedeutet deine Blog Name? Irishblood= einfach weil ich irisches Blut habe
98: Wohnst du noch bei deinen Eltern? Jap
99: Gehst du zur Schule? Noch
100: In welchen Ländern warst du schon? Deutschland, Irland, Frankreich, Polen, Italien, Belgien, Österreich 
101: Gibt es eine Person, für die du alles tun würdest? Ein paar 
102: Hast du Höhenangst? Nö
103: Hast du Piercings? Ohrringe 
104: Hast du Tattoos? Noch nicht 
105: Möchtest du Tattoos? Aber hallo!
106: Warst du schon einmal unglücklich verliebt? Zeitweilig jaa 
107: Würdest du gerne mal zum Mond fliegen? Neee, lieber nicht 
108: Würdest du gern auf einer einsamen Insel leben? Neee😬
109: Bester Pizzabelag? Margarita
110: Beschreibe dein Zimmer/deine Wohnung? Weiße Möbel, graue Wände, viel Bilder
111: Benutzt du oft “Herzchen”? Kommt drauf an, normal?
112: Gibst du Gegenständen manchmal Namen? Nein😂
113: Was würdest du dir gerne abgewöhnen? Knöchel knacken…usw
114: Was war die längste Zeit die du am Stück wach warst? 36
115: Was regt dich auf? Dummheit 
116: Bist du in diesem Moment alleine? Jap, was auch sonst
117: Hast du schon mal jemanden über Tumblr kennengelernt? Ne, bin gerne offen dafür😊
118: Hast du schon mal überlegt deinen Tumblr zu löschen? Ne, noch nicht 
119: Kennen deine Freunde deinen Tumblr? 2 wissen davon
120: Hörst du manchmal Radio? Jeden Morgen, beim fertig machen 
121: Siehst du viel Fernsehen? Überhaupt garnet, macht mich nur unnötig aggressiv 
122: Verschickst du manchmal Sprachnachrichten? Täglich 
123: Spielst du Computerspiele/ Konsole? Nop, und wenn nur ganz selten bei Freunden 
124: Machst du oft Selfies? Ja…
125: Spielst du Handyspiele? Jap
126: Wenn du ein Haustier hättest, wie würdest du es nennen? Hab einen Kater, Charly.
127: Würdest du gern ein Straßenschild stehlen, wenn ja was für eins? Stoppschild
128: Schaust du noch Zeichentrickfilme? Schon, wie gesagt gucke alles
129: Wann hast du das letzte mal einen echten Brief geschrieben? Ehm…. ewig her kp
130: Hast du schon mal eine Waffe abgefeuert? Nein, würde aber mal gerne
131: Bist du Vegetarier oder Veganer? Wenn ja, warum? Ne, Versuch aber wenig Fleisch zu essen
132: Hast du Flugangst? Ne, ich liebe fliegen
133: Würdest du gern deine Zukunft kennen? Jaa 
134: Wärst du lieber jünger oder älter als du jetzt bist? Älter, aber nicht viel
135: Kann man mehr als einen Menschen richtig lieben? Nach meiner Meinung nach, ja!
136: Bist du gern allein? Geht so, manchmal 
137: Bist du faul? Teilweise 
138: Bist du neugierig? Oh ja😂
139: Bist du religiös? Noop
140: Bist du gerade glücklich? Nein!
141: Bist du geduldig? Kommt drauf an
142: Bist du schon mal fremdgegangen? Nein
143: Das beste Frühstück? Buffet 
144: Schreibst du Tagebuch? Ne
145: Wenn du ein Haustier hast, für wie viel Geld würdest du es verkaufen? Kein Geld der Welt 
146: Spielst du noch mit Lego? Ne, haha
147: Lieber zu viel oder zu wenig schlafen? Zu viel! Weil man nicht zu viel schlafen haben kann
148: Lieblingsfarbe? Blau- Mint
149: Lieblingseis? Mango 
150: Lieblingsessen? Hab nicht wirklich eins
151: Lieblingsserie? Grey’s Anatomy 
152: Lieblingsbuch? Hab keins
153: Lieblingsband/Musiker? Shawn Mendes, zur Zeit 
154: Lieblingsmonat? September 
155: Lieblingsjahreszeit? Herbst
156: Lieblingsfilm? Hab nicht wirklich einen
157: Lieblingsküche? ( deutsch, italienisch, indisch, griechisch… ) Das was schmeckt
158: Lieblingspflanze/blume? Orchideen
159: Lieblingskleidungsstück? Meine eine schwarze Hose die ich habe…
160: Lieblingswebsite? Burning series
161: Lieblingswort? Oka
162: Drei Dinge die du magst Serien, Freunde, mein Bett 
163: Drei Dinge die du hasst Lippe, my body, Sommer 
164: Drei Dinge die gut riechen Ich, James Bond 007 Parfum, mein ex
165: Drei Lieder die du zuletzt gehört hast “Body in your face…” “Fight til the end” “I found"
166: Drei Blogs die du magst Fällt nur einen ein den ich Feier. "Eiskalterjunge"
167: Drei Gründe morgens aufzustehen Schule das Leben geht weiter es könnte was passieren
168: Drei Randomfacts Jesus wurde eigentlich im Frühjahr geboren Hab nh 60% Chance auf Krebs Ich habe exakt die selben Augen wie meine Oma
169: Drei Worte die dich beschreiben Crazy, manchmal nervig, liebenswürdig 
170: Drei Wünsche frei, was wünschst du dir? Geld, das ich meinen Traumberuf machen kann, Weltfrieden 
171: Hunde oder Katzen? Hunde!
172: Warme oder kalte Getränke? Kalte Getränke 
173: Brüste oder Arsch? Arsch
174: Wald oder Strand? Strand!!!!
175: Berge oder Meer? Meer
176: Party oder Filmabend? Party
177: Ahoi oder Hey? Hey
178: Blond, Brünett, Schwarz oder Rot? Brünett und blond 
179: Füller oder Bleistift? Füller
180: Weihnachten oder Geburtstag? Geburtstag 
181: Zufall oder Schicksal? Zufall 
182: Erdbeeren, Himbeeren oder Blaubeeren? Blaubeeren 
183: Onlineshopping oder Läden abklappern? Beides
184: Chips oder Schokolade? Mal so mal so
185: Unsichtbar sein oder Zeitreisen? Zeitreisen
186: Brüste oder Po? Po
187: Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang? Sonnenaufgang 
188: Samstag oder Sonntag? Samstag 
189: Sommer oder Winter? Winter
190: Chaos oder Ordnung? Ordnung 
191: Pudding oder Joghurt? Joghurt 
192: Eisbären oder Pinguine? Pinguine 
193: Kreuzfahrt oder Flugreise? Flugreise
194: Fahrrad oder Bahn/Bus? Bahn/Bus
195: Wein oder Bier? Bier 
196: Vodka oder Rum? Rum
197: Sex oder Pizza? Beides?
198: Ketchup oder Mayo? Nichts davon
199: Anzahl von Beziehungen? Zwei ernste 200: Bett Größe? 1,40
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malmo777-blog · 8 years ago
About Me
Haven’t done one of these since I was fourteen. It’s time. 
1. What is your full name? Mallory Cook Fraser
2. What is your nickname? Malmo, but I try to get people to call me McFraser. No one does.
3. What is your zodiac sign?   Libra. Fun fact- I’m attracted to Tauruses, always have been, apparently always will be.
4. What is your favorite book series? Obviously Harry Potter is dope as fuck but I read these Stephanie Perkins books and fell in love.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? No aliens, although something is out there that moves, it just isn’t gonna follow our earth definition of “life”. Ghosts- not typically. I believe in energy, and energy can possess things.
6. Who is your favorite author? I love Hemingway, Stephanie Perkins, and Sarah Dessen can be great if you’re in the mood. John Green is running out of steam at this point although he used to be on the list.
7. What is your favorite radio station? I love so many! Either 95.7 or 92.5 (both NH radio)
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Cherry
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Wicked or dooooooope.
10. What is your current favorite song? Today it was Cinderblock Garden. Lately, Undone (the sweater song)
11. What is your favorite word? Fuck. 
12. What was the last song you listened to? Broadside- Coffee Talk
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Skins really is for everybody. Or HIMYM. Although Fairy Tail is my favorite, it’s not for everyone.
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Little Mermaid can always perk me up. 
15. Do you play video games? Not much anymore. Used to play super nintendo. Good at racing games.
16. What is your biggest fear? Being financially unstable as an adult.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’m 100000% honest all the time. I say things exactly how I see them and never leave people guessing. I don’t like to play games and waste time.
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? On the flipside of that, I can’t keep my mouth shut. If something is bothering me, I wanna talk about it, even if it’s venting to another person. Which sometimes causes unwanted conflict. Not a huge deal, but I’m also super type B and I hate conflict.
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats. Dogs are too in your face.
20. What is your favorite season? Springtime, spring-a-ling-a-ling time.
21. Are you in a relationship? I’m in lots of relationships, just none are romantic.
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? It was so inexpensive to be a kid.
23. Who is your best friend? Not sure if he knows it, but totally my bud Dillon. He is my mind. We don’t even have to talk to understand what’s going on.
24. What is your eye color? Blue
25. What is your hair color? Golden blonde.
26. Who is someone you love? My daddy.
27. Who is someone you trust? My best friend.
28. Who is someone you think about often? Alex Gaskarth
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? End of the semester! Woooo! And I just barely got sick the day after it closed, which is good. I get sick every year around this time, it just usually falls on midterms week, not right after. So I’m happy I missed it.
30. What is your biggest obsession? My book series.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Roccos Modern Life
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Obviously my best friend.
33. Are you superstitious? Only after one of my exes passed away. Since he did, things are freaky sometimes. But never scary. It’s always good energy.
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Elevators. Potatoes. Mold.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? In front.
36. What is your favorite hobby? Writing!
37. What was the last book you read? This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. Finished it two days ago.
38. What was the last movie you watched? Road Trip. I love raunchy comedies.
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Bass clarinet, clarinet, guitar, a lil piano, a lil sax, and vox.
40. What is your favorite animal? Loke ;)
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? Oooo haven’t been on here enough to decide.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Ability to call spirits and bond with them.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? Lying in bed right before sleep, listening to tunes.
44. What makes you smile? Going to work.
45. What sports do you play, if any? Marching band.
46. What is your favorite drink? There’s this orange mango peach shit from market basket that’s phenomenal. Oh, alcoholic? Ahh, umm, Smirnoff ice?
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Christmas. Cards, you know.
48. Are you afraid of heights? Used to not be but now? Abso-fuckin-lutley.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? Mixed silverware in the dishwasher.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Try 12.
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? I am vegan, but not super duper strict raw vegan or that shit. Just nothing where the ingredients state meat, eggs, or milk.
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An actress or a pop star.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Fiore
54. What is something you worry about? Money, clearly.
55. Are you scared of the dark? No. I’ve been living in the woods long enough to be used to it.
56. Do you like to sing? FUCK YES
57. Have you ever skipped school? One time I said I was sick so I could stay home and write Harry Potter fan fiction.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Fells Point, Baltimore
59. Where would you like to live? Baltimore
60. Do you have any pets? Not anymore
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Early bird!
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunrises. The signal a new chance.
63. Do you know how to drive? Very well actually.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Headphones!
65. Have you ever had braces? Nope.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop punk, 2007-2008 era
67. Who is your hero? My daddy.
68. Do you read comic books? Only Deadpool
69. What makes you the most angry? When TOP fans come into my store aND FUCKING TEAR APART THE T SHIRT WALL AHH GO BACK TO HELL YOU ANGSTY LITTLE SHITS!
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real books. The creak of the pages, the smell. All part of the experience.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? History!
72. Do you have any siblings? Four older ones. Two and two, each gender.
73. What was the last thing you bought? A new air freshener for my car. Wait, no, groceries. Some of that juice I was talking about before.
74. How tall are you? Five foot nuthin’.
75. Can you cook? Apparently I can grill, I’ve been told. I think I make BOMB pasta.
76. What are three things that you love? 1. Blink 182 2. Chipotle 3. My dad
77. What are three things that you hate? 1. Pessimists 2. The word “hate” 3. Unneccessary negativity (kinda like this question)
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? A really good mix. My anime crew is all boys, my music friends are boys, my coworkers AKA besties are all girls, and my school friends are girls.
79. What is your sexual orientation? Straight.
80. Where do you currently live? Washington, NH
81. Who was the last person you texted? My girl Colby
82. When was the last time you cried? About twenty minutes ago, watching Fairy Tail
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? I don’t watch a lot of youtubers but the one I enjoy the most is Shane.
84. Do you like to take selfies? No. But on occassion I will, just so I can do better personal branding.
85. What is your favorite app? I use wattpad more than anything.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? With my mom? Deceptive, negative, she always needs something for nothing. With my dad, amazing. He’s my best friend, sole provider, everything. If he wasn’t my dad he’d still be my bestie because we just get each other.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? My phillipino friend Cam is phillipino, sounds mexican, and my mock accent is indian. Fuckin hilarious.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? San Diego, west coast pop punk capital.
89. What is your favorite number? 7, but 77 in sports.
90. Can you juggle? No
91. Are you religious? I love all religion and the concept but do not identify with any one.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space fucks me up. Ocean for sure.
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No. I may be a Gryffindor for the things I love but I am waaaaay too type b to take unneeded risk.
94. Are you allergic to anything? Nope. But caffine reacts really badly with my body.
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yup
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Nope
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Often
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach. I can go to the forest any time; I’m bored of it.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Just as a flower does not get to choose where it blooms, a child cannot choose their parents. It stuck with me, that my character doesn’t at all need to be attached to them. That I get to be my own person.
100. Are you a good liar? No fuckin way.
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Gryffindor!
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time, only in the car.
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert. Being surrounded by people makes me feel less lonely.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? I keep an everyday question journal.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Only after apologies. No sorry, no chance.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Depends on the money. Ten bucks? I’ll call that my payment for the hassle of turning it in. Lots? Nah. If I turn it in with that much, they’ll probs be grateful and gimmie some.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Absolutely. Everyone changes all the time. 
108. Are you ticklish? If I say yes you’ll know my weakness. If I say no I’m a liar.
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yup. Like three times? Not sure.
110. Do you have any piercings? Belly button!
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Wooderson
112. Do you have any tattoos? Not yet. A few more months.
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Moving out and quitting Shaws. I followed my dreams all the way to Hot Topic.
114. Do you believe in karma? Not really. Coincidences are funny, but good people hardly ever get good karma, it’s usually only ever bad for bad people. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? No.
116. Do you want children? Four!
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My best friend.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? Tripping while hiking with my crush. My only recent moment.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Twice!
120. What color are most of you clothes? Maroon or green. Can’t decide.
121. Do you like adventures? Love*
122. Have you ever been on TV? Nope
123. How old are you? Seventeen without a purpose or direction.
124. What is your favorite quote? “I just wanna fuck this burrito!” - Jack Barakat
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Totally depends on the mood.
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gateaux-macarons · 6 years ago
Cheesecake al mango senza cottura
Adoro la cheesecake e sto approffitando del moi soggiorno in Africa per cucinare i miei dolci con la frutta locale. Ho preparato una cheesecake al mango senza cottura molto leggera e  fresca. E’ vero che siamo lontano dalla versione americana originale con solo cream cheese ma è una ricetta molto semplice e comoda perché non avete bisogno di accendere il forno. Ho sempre preparato i miei cheesecake con una base di sablé breton ma questa volta ho preparato una base con dei biscotti burrosi.
Ritrovate altre ricette di cheesecake sulla nuova pagina!!!
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Ricetta per una cheesecake al mango da 20cm di diametro
  Topping al mango e lime
250g di mango
scorza + succo di 1 lime
25g di zucchero di canna
2,5g di pectina NH
Unite lo zucchero e la pectina NH.
Tagliate il mango a pezzetini. Aggiungete la scorza, il succo di lime e frullate.
Versate il composto in una pentola e portate a bollore. Quando arrivano le bollicine, abbassate il Fuoco, versate lo zucchero/pectina NH e amalgamate bene per 2 minuti.
Versate il coulis in uno stampo di silicone e depositatelo in freezer per almeno 4 ore.
  Crema cream cheese al mango senza cottura
9g di gelatina
150g di mango
50g di zucchero
scorza di 1 lime
150g di philadelphia
250g di panna da montare
Mettete la gelatina in ammollo in acqua fredda.
Montate la panna per ottenere una chantilly ben ferma.
Nel frattempo, frullate il mango insieme alla scorza di lime e allo zucchero. Aggiungete il Philadelphia e amalgamate.
Fatte sciogliere la gelatina strizzata 30 secondi al micro onde e aggiungetela alla miscela precedente.
Quindi, versate il composto sulla panna montata e amalgamate delicatamente con la marisa.
Versate la crema al mango sul topping e lasciate riposare in freezer almeno 4 ore.
Base cheesecake (22 cm)
135g bi biscotti burrosi
80g di burro fuso
Depositate i biscotti in un sachetto freezer e schiacciateli con il matarello da pasticcere.
Versate il burro fuso sui biscotti, girate e depositate l’impasto dentro un cerchio regolabile da 22cm. Schiacciate bene con il dorso di un chucchiaio per ottenere una superficie liscia.
Potete cuocere l’impasto per circa 10 minuti a 180 gradi in modalità statica. Quando l’impasto è pronto, lasciatelo raffreddare su una gratella prima di depositare la cheesecake.
Ho iniziato con il coulis al mango ma potete preparare la base, aggiungere la crema al mango e poi il topping al mango.
Ho decorato la mia cheesecake con fiori di papaya e cocco……
Cheesecake al mango senza cottura Cheesecake al mango senza cottura Adoro la cheesecake e sto approffitando del moi soggiorno in Africa per cucinare i miei dolci con la frutta locale.
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ashianahousingindia · 7 years ago
Buy Property in Ashiana Anantara, NH 33, Mango, Jamshedpur, Flats, Apartments
See on Scoop.it - Residential Property in Jaipur & Gurgaon
Ashiana Anantara is a property located on NH 33 Ranchi-Kolkata highway opp Big Bazaar, Mango, Jamshedpur with 2/3 BHK apartments. *Flats from 36.74 lacs *Club House. Book now!
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townpostin · 5 months ago
College Student Dies After Being Hit by Unidentified Vehicle on NH-33 in Jamshedpur
Haripad Singh Sardar Succumbs to Injuries in TMH After Accident Near Mukhiyadanga. A 25-year-old college student, Haripad Singh Sardar, lost his life on Sunday after being hit by an unidentified vehicle near Mukhiyadanga on NH-33. JAMSHEDPUR – Haripad Singh Sardar, a second-year student at Mango Workers College, tragically died on Sunday while receiving treatment at TMH after being involved in a…
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townpostin · 6 months ago
Mango Police Crack Down on Illegal Parking Along NH 33
Traffic Safety Campaign Targets Heavy Vehicles from Pardih to Dimna Chowk A new initiative by local law enforcement aims to reduce traffic congestion and accident risks on National Highway 33, focusing on unauthorized parking of large vehicles. JAMSHEDPUR – Mango police have initiated a rigorous campaign to address illegal parking issues along National Highway 33, prioritizing road safety and…
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