#Dimitris Doukas
nofatclips · 6 months
My First Tears by Big Beast No Head from the album The Name of This Album is The First Song - Shot and edited by Dimitris Stasinos
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mariacallous · 11 months
In the second round of local elections in Greece, the conservative New Democracy party, ND, suffered a major setback after it lost control of the country’s two biggest cities, Athens and Thessaloniki.
In Athens, Haris Doukas, candidate of the centre-left PASOK party beat the incumbent ND mayor, Kostas Bakoyannis, nephew of the ND Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
Doukas is a Mechanical Engineer and Professor of Energy Policy and Management at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.
“Today Athens won, the city is turning over a new leaf. I want to thank all the Athenians from the bottom of my heart for the huge honour they have done and I know very well the very big responsibility I am taking on,” said Doukas, also thanking the left-wing SYRIZA party’s candidate, Kostas Zachariadis, for his support.
“I must thank Kostas Zachariadis and the political scheme of the Open City, who supported us in the second round, and I must also thank all the citizens who came to vote in this second electoral process,” he added.
In the first round of local elections on October 10, Doukas won only 14.19 per cent of the votes, while Bakoyannis was leading with 41.35 per cent. However, in the second round, Doukas managed to triple his vote to 55.96 per cent, while his opponent collected only 44.54 per cent.
ND had hoped to win all 13 regions of the country in the local elections but prevailed only in seven.
It also lost in Thessaloniki, where Stelios Angeloudis, a PASOK supporter, ran as an independent candidate. He emerged as the new mayor after winning 67.33 per cent of the vote. The defeated ND candidate and incumbent, Konstantinos Zervas, won 32.67 per cent.
In Thessaly, an area affected by the catastrophic floods, Dimitris Kouretas, an independent who had the support of both PASOK and SYRIZA, won with 59.55 per cent, defeating ND candidate and outgoing Governor Kostas Agorastos.
ND lost four other regional contests to conservative dissidents, only one of whom was the incumbent. The ruling party’s sole victory on Sunday came in the Peloponnese.
It won the country’s two most populous regions, Attica and Central Macedonia, in the first round.
Kostas Peletidis, head of the “Popular Mobilization” political scheme, which the Greek Communist Party, KKE, supported, was re-elected mayor of Patras, Peloponnese, for the third time, garnering 56.70 per cent.
The abstention rate was high. In the regions it was 64.84 per cent, and in the municipalities, 59.29 per cent.
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losprimeros · 5 years
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restive plaggona - ego driven [several minor promises]
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Guilty†cross (Español)
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Intérprete: ECLIPSE Guiltia Brion (CV. Furukawa Makoto), Saga Latour (CV. Eguchi Takuya), Dimitri Romanee (CV. Masuda Toshiki), Hyde Jayer (CV. Aoi Shouta)
Digital single: Guilty†cross
Fecha de lanzamiento: 10 julio 2021
ギルティ†クロス Guilty†cross Cruz†culpable
冷たく哭いてる月を見ていた Tsumetaku naiteru tsuki o miteita Estaba mirando la luna mientras lloraba lágrimas frías
愚かなる星屑-じかん-の本を閉じて Oroka naru jikan no hon o tojite Y cerré el libro de esta época de estupidez
白と黒の鍵盤に荒む歌は Shiro to kuro no kenban no susamu uta wa Esta canción que corre por el blanco y negro del teclado
どのハートを漂って咲くのか? Dono haato o tadayotte saku no ka? ¿Qué clase de corazón traerá a flote y hará florecer?
It's dystopia 瑞々しい終焉の林檎を It’s dystopia mizumizushii shuuen no ringo o Es una distopía, al tomar la jugosa manzana del final
Eat greedily 牙を剥き出し貪るケモノ Eat greedily kiba o mukidashi musaboru kemono Y comerla con codicia, como una bestia que devora con sus colmillos desnudos
この狂った毒々しい世界でも Kono kurutta dokudokushii sekai demo Incluso en este mundo enloquecido y repugnante
美しさだけはたったひとつのイノセンス・・・ Utsukushisa dake wa tatta hitotsu no inosensu… La belleza es la única inocencia...
神の温もる 慈悲に感じた Kami no nukumoru jihi ni kanjita Y la calidez de dios se sintió misericordiosa
Guilty cross 純潔なる愛しの星で Guilty cross junketsu naru itoshi no hoshi de Cruz culpable, en esta pura y amada estrella,
Guilty blood 血で血を洗い彷徨う Guilty blood chi de chi o arai samayou Sangre culpable, lavando la sangre con sangre para luego deambular
Guilty tears どうかひとつ叶うのならば Guilty tears douka hitotsu kanau no naraba Lágrimas culpables, si de alguna forma uno de mis deseos se hace realidad,
そう只・・・終わりを刺してくれないか? Sou tada… Owari o sashite kurenai ka? Así es… ¿Me darías el golpe final?
片翼の天使は歌った 翼をもう一度・・・と Katayoku no tenshi wa utatta tsubasa o mou ichido… To El ángel de una sola ala cantó que recuperaría su ala perdida...
だけど地獄は十字を課せて Dakedo jigoku wa juuji o kasete Pero el infierno le impuso una cruz
音楽に磔-はりつけ-た Ongaku ni haritsuketa Y lo crucificó con la música
Guilty cross Cruz culpable
鼓動の失くなった胸をなぞった Kodou no nakunatta mune o nazotta Tracé en mi corazón un latido perdido,
そこに生きる答えはあるのかと Soko ni ikiru kotae wa aru no ka to Preguntándome si allí hay una respuesta para vivir
音の消えた代わりに咲くメロディ Oto no kieta kawari ni saku merodi ¿Está bien usar como la chispa para el mañana
明日の種火にしてもいいのか? Ashita no tanebi ni shite mo ii no ka? Una floreciente melodía en lugar de un sonido que desapareció?
It's nightmare 生きるという残酷の中 It’s nightmare ikiru to iu zankoku no naka Es una pesadilla, estar en esta crueldad llamada “vivir”
St Birthday 罪を罰を忘れるほどの St Birthday tsumi o batsu o wasureru hodo no Santo cumpleaños, un sueño no debería ser suficiente
Glorias so そうあってはいけない夢 Glorias so sou atte wa ikenai yume Es glorioso, como para olvidar el pecado y el castigo
確かに感じたんだ Tashika ni kanjitanda Definitivamente lo sentí,
あるはずない翼に風を受けて Aru hazu nai tsubasa ni kaze o ukete El viento golpeando el ala que no debería estar ahí
飛び立つ空を Tobitatsu sora o Mientras volaba por el cielo
Guilty cross 慟哭すら歌の叫びに Guilty cross doukoku sura uta no sakebi ni Cruz culpable, al gritar incluso los lamentos de esta canción,
Guily cry 腕が千切れてもいい Guilty cry ude ga chigirete mo ii Llanto culpable, está bien si tus brazos se desgarran
Guilty dream せめて綺麗な嘘を纒って Guilty dream semete kireina uso o matotte Sueño culpable, al menos viste una hermosa mentira
そう只・・・人の淋しさ想う Sou tada… Hito no sabishisa omou Así es… Pensando en la soledad de la gente
嗚呼 愛はあると言うのならば この声に贖罪を Aa ai wa aru to iu no naraba kono koe ni shokuzai o Ah, si dices que me amas, expía esta voz
嗚呼 愛はあると言うのならば この声で安らぎを Aa ai wa aru to iu no naraba kono koe de yasuragi o Ah, si dices que me amas, dale paz a esta voz
どうか届いて・・・孤独さえも一人で背負い Douka todoite... Kodoku sae mo hitori de seoi Por favor, alcánzame… Cargo solo incluso con la soledad
存在すら・・・意味あるの?と涙をしても Sonzai sura… Imi aru no? To namida o shite mo Esta existencia… ¿Siquiera tiene sentido? Me lo pregunto incluso mientras lloro
変わらぬ歌・・・変わることのない姿で Kawaranu uta… Kawaru koto no nai sugata de Una canción que no cambia… Con una figura que nunca cambia
最後の時が吊るす日までを Saigo no toki ga tsurusu hi made o Vamos a prometer que viajaremos juntos
一緒に旅すること Issho ni tabi suru koto Cuando llegue el día en que esté colgado
約束しよう Yakusoku shiyou Por última vez
Guilty cross 純潔なる愛しの星で Guilty cross junketsu naru itoshi no hoshi de Cruz culpable, en esta pura y amada estrella,
Guilty blood 血で血を洗い彷徨う Guilty blood chi de chi o arai samayou Sangre culpable, lavando la sangre con sangre para luego deambular
Guilty tears どうかひとつ叶うのならば Guilty tears douka hitotsu kanau no naraba Lágrimas culpables, si de alguna forma uno de mis deseos se hace realidad,
そう只・・・終わりを刺してくれないか? Sou tada… Owari o sashite kurenai ka? Así es… ¿Me darías el golpe final?
片翼の天使は歌った 翼をもう一度・・・と Katayoku no tenshi wa utatta tsubasa o mou ichido… To El ángel de una sola ala cantó que recuperaría su ala perdida...
だけど地獄は十字を課せて Dakedo jigoku wa juuji o kasete Pero el infierno le impuso una cruz
音楽に磔-はりつけ-た Ongaku ni haritsuketa Y lo crucificó con la música
だから ��掻き続ける姿 君に魅せ続けよう Dakara agaki tsuzukeru sugata kimi ni mise tsuzukeyou Es por eso que una figura que sigue luchando va a seguir fascinándote
いつか 出会うはずの奇跡を 罪と共に待とう Itsuka deau hazu no kiseki o tsumi to tomo ni matou Vamos a esperar junto a este pecado por el milagro que definitivamente algún día encontraremos
Guilty cross Cruz culpable
冷たく哭いてる月を見ていた Tsumetaku naiteru tsuki o miteita Estaba mirando la luna mientras lloraba lágrimas frías
愚かなる星屑-じかん-の本を閉じて Oroka naru jikan no hon o tojite Y cerré el libro de esta época de estupidez
Si te gusta mi trabajo, considera apoyarme en ko-fi nwn
Apoya comprando el original
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Quotes by Saint Rachel Held Evans:
“As a Christian, my highest calling is not motherhood; my highest calling is to follow Christ.”
“God's ways are higher than our ways not because he is less compassionate than we are but because he is more compassionate than we can ever imagine.”
“What a comfort to know that God is a poet.”
“This is what God's kingdom is like: a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they are hungry, because they said yes. And there's always room for more.”
“I have come to regard with some suspicion those who claim that the Bible never troubles them. I can only assume this means they haven’t actually read it.”
“I explained that when our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender friends aren’t welcome at the table, then we don’t feel welcome either, and that not every young adult gets married or has children, so we need to stop building our churches around categories and start building them around people.”
+LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD/ALLAH, THROUGH THE POWERFUL PRAYERS OF Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle, Mother Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Mother Walatta Petros, Father Moses the Ethiopian, Holy Byzantine Emperor John III Doukas Vatatzes The Merciful, Pulcheria the Holy Byzantine Empress, Coretta Scott King, Maya Angelou, Mary of Egypt, Marsha P. Johnson, Rachel Held Evans, Bayard Rustin, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Father Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Gorazd Pavlik of Prague, Grigol Peradze, Gabriel Urgebadze, John Maisuradze, George-John Mkheidze, Joseph Kottis the Hesychast, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut Cungagnaq, Alexander Schmemann, Anthony Bloom of Sourozh, Archpriest Stefan Wu Zhiquan, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Olga Michael of Alaska, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel / Archangel Ariel, Archangel Selaphiel, Archangel Jehudiel, Archangel Barachiel, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Jeremiel, Archangel Anael, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, George Perry Floyd Jr., Theodora of Vasta, Seraphim Mouraviov of Vyritsa, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Barsanuphius Plikhankov of Optina, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, and Andrei Rublev, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS & ON THE WHOLE COSMOS! + Lord Jesus Yeshua the Messiah Christ, Pre-Eternal Patriarch, Pre-Eternal Bishop & Son of God, through the most powerful prayers of your most Holy Mother the Theotokos (and First Woman Priest), have mercy on us sinners!
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justforbooks · 4 years
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Demetrios ("Dimitris") Pikionis was born on 26 January 1887. He was a Greek architect, and also painter, of the 20th century who had a considerable influence on modern Greek architecture. He was a founding member of the Association of Greek Art Critics, AICA-Hellas, International Association of Art Critics. His oeuvre includes buildings and urban planning in Athens and the entirety of Greece—including several schools and a playground in Filothei, Athens.
He was born in Piraeus. He inherited his talent in painting from his father, who was had an aptitude in the arts. In 1906, he became the first student of Konstantinos Parthenis, a distinguished Greek painter, while he was studying at the National Technical University of Athens civil engineering, graduating in 1908.
He then continued his studies in Paris and Munich, in sculpture and drawing. In Paris, he attended architecture classes at Ecole des Beaux Arts (Paris). Pikionis was back then introduced to the work of Paul Cézanne and became friends with Giorgio de Chirico. Some Greek painters of the time, such as Georgios Bouzianis and Periklis Giannopoulos, were influential figures during these formative years.
He returned to Greece and after the Balkan Wars, he started studying and working in architecture during which period, he began shifting his focus on the study of the modern Greek architecture. In 1921, he undertook a lecturer position at the 'Morphology' department at the National Technical University of Athens where he stayed until 1923. In 1925, he received a permanent position in the department of decoration as a professor.
Between 1930-1935, he co-published with his good friend, the painter Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas the magazine '3ο Μάτι' (translated as '3rd Eye') where he published many of his texts. The magazine collaborated with many artists and academics, such as Stratis Doukas, Takis Papatsonis, Sokratis Karantinos and others.
His first important work was Moraitis house in Tzitzifies (1921-1923). In 1932, upon the completion of the Elementary School in Pefkakia of Lykavittos, he came to the realisation that his works were not satisfactory and changed his aesthetic perceptions. All of his subsequent architectural works were based on the idea of bridging universalism with regionalism. In the 1940s and 1950s, his architectural creation was limited to designs for graves. However, in the following period, from 1951 to 1957, he was involved in many projects. Among them is the formation of the archaeological site around the Acropolis and Philopappou hill, perhaps his most important work, and the tourist pavilion of St. Demetrios Loubardiaris, seeking its ideal. In 1958, after 35 years of NTUA as a professor, he retired. In 1966 he was elected a full member of the Academy of Athens.
He has been often described as a critical regionalist and sometimes as a European modernist. In 1933, Pikionis with other Greek architects signed the Athens Charter, a manifesto of the modernist movement which published later by Le Corbusier. However he didn't embrace completely the new movement. The leitmotif in his work has been, according to architecture historians, the epiphany, the contrast between bleached marble and sodden soil.
Notable works
Lycabettus School
Moraitis House, Tzitzifies, 1921-1923
Kotopouli Theatre, 1932
Primary School of Pefkakia, 1932
Experimental School of Thessaloniki, 1933
Landscaping of the Acropolis of Athens surrounding area, 1954–57
Filothei playground, 1961–64
Hotel Xenia, Delphi
City Hall of Volos, Volos
Pourris House, Athens view
Although he actually built few buildings, Pikionis is revered for the landscaping work in pedestrian areas around the Acropolis of Athens, a work done in the 1950s. Utilizing rough-finished marble in various shapes that appear irregular, yet are strictly geometric, and incorporating expertly chosen local fora on his terraces and steps, Pikionis' work has astounded visitors to the area and remains highly thought of ever since. He utilized similar techniques in creating the children's playground of the municipality of Filothei, an affluent Athens suburban area.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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one-track-daily · 8 years
Restive Plaggona Laden With Past Happinesses (2017)
From the album: Committed To The Truth (Yerevan Tapes)
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trevorshimizu · 5 years
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4 u Part 1 & 2
Margarita Bofiliou, Anastasia Douka, Dimitris Foutris, Roxman Gatt, Maria Gorodeckaya, Margaret Haines, Andreas
Ragnar Kassapis, Vasilis Papageorgiou, Larissa Pham, Claudia Pages, Trevor Shimizu, Valinia Svoronou, Ersi Varveri
@ Haus N, Athens
10 May - 29 June 2019
Opening: Thurs 9 May 8-11pm
Buy 650mAaaah E-Liquid
MIST Vape Shop
41 Western Road
Hove, BN3 1JD
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automaticvr · 3 years
Screen Recording of DREAMGROVE.ORG, a Webpage & Interactive Garden: Athens Byzantine Museum: Hong Kong & Shenzhen Biennale: the WWW 2009 By Drifting City (Farzad More, Chrissoula Voulgari, Petros Babasikas) Original sound + Music: Lambros Pigounis Web Development: Dimitris Doukas Video: Sebastian Seixas COMMISSION, Unbuilt: Architecture Research Events: Athens Byzantine Museum 2008 Winner, Webby Award 2009 Winner, Ebge Award 2009 Invited Participant, Hong Kong & Shenzen Bi-City Biennale of Architecture & Urbanism: West Kwoloon 2009 Official Selection, Athens Video Art International Festival 2010 - - - - - Dreamgrove is an ongoing participatory projects that connects a webpage (and iPhone App) to an interactive garden. Participants write their dreams in a public, virtual field; the garden narrates them through an interactive soundscape. There, through an array of motion and proximity sensors, visitors triggered a soundscape: zones of white noise, whispers, augmented sounds, and narrated dreams - spoken through trees. The project is a hearing-aid to a collective unconscious: it generates a surreal, other-worldly break with reality, expanding the range of the possible within the public realm. Whereas dreamgrove’s virtual component is ongoing, the Interactive Garden has been realized as a temporary installation- last exhibited at the Athens Byzantine Museum in 2008. Dreamgrove.org is the recipient of the 2009 Webby Award in the NetArt category. The iPhone App was launched to mark the opening of the 2009 Hong Kong + Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Architecture/Urbanism, where the project was featured.
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yoyo12x13 · 4 years
Vasilis Dimitriou, Keeper of a Fading Movie Art, Dies at 84
Vasilis Dimitriou, Keeper of a Fading Movie Art, Dies at 84
Vasilis Periklis Dimitriou was born on Feb. 18, 1936, in Pogoniani, a village in northern Greece, to Periklis and Konstantina (Douka) Dimitriou. His father was a hotel and restaurant manager; his mother, a homemaker. He grew up penniless during World War II in Kypseli, an Athens suburb.
His father, a fighter in the Greek resistance, was often away from home as the German Army advanced.…
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mariacallous · 1 year
Three months after winning the Greek parliamentary elections, the ruling conservative New Democracy party, ND, has maintained and even increased its support in Sunday’s local elections.
In the first round of the local elections, regional governors are elected in the regions of Attica, Western Greece, Epirus, Central Macedonia, Crete, South Aegean and Central Greece.
In six of these seven regions, the winners were backed by ND. On the island of Crete, the winning candidate was from the centre-left PASOK, but who ND also supported. No candidates from the left-wing SYRIZA party has made it to the second round of the local elections.
“Citizens have reaffirmed their trust in New Democracy and the choices it made,” said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, after the announcement of the results.
PASOK emerged as the second force in the local elections. Its main objective in these elections was to strengthen its vote, after registering an increase in the recent parliamentary elections.
“PASOK continues its steady upward trajectory. It is clearly the second power in local government by a large margin,” said PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis.
SYRIZA scored poorly in the local elections. It was the first time since 2014 that a SYRIZA candidate did not make it to the second round for the Athens Municipality.
The new president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, spoke about the need for renewal of the party and made an opening to PASOK, calling for support for PASOK’s candidate for the Athens mayorship, Haris Doukas, against the incumbent mayor, the PM’s nephew, Kostas Bakoyannis.
“The renewal of yesterday begins tomorrow! Tomorrow we are building a new, great progressive faction, and we will highlight new faces, new executives, with our values, who will want to contribute to the country,” said Kasselakis
“Our party is open to all citizens who want to contribute. Self-government should not be a matter of the last month or two months. It must be an ongoing issue. And indeed, SYRIZA, as I said in my pre-election campaign, did not have a large presence in the social fabric of the country,” he added.
The turnout was around 52.50 per cent. The abstention rate in the Municipality of Athens, one of the largest municipalities, was close to 70 per cent.
The Communist Party of Greece, KKE, saw its percentage of votes rise by 4 points. Political experts said that the increase likely came from voters who previously voted for SYRIZA.
“The prestige and trust in the KKE are rising… we can say that a current of questioning the dominant politics, its class character in favour of capitalist interests, is stabilizing and strengthening, slowly but surely,” KKE’s leader Dimitris Koutsoumpas said on Sunday night.
In the Municipality of Athens, elections will be repeated next Sunday, on October 22. Bakoyannis is ahead by 41.35 per cent against Doukas on 14.20 per cent. SYRIZA’s candidate, Kostas Zachariadis, is in third place with 13.36 per cent and KKE’s Nikos Sofianos is on 12.88 per cent. The candidate of the new far-right party Spartans, Ilias Kasidiaris, who is serving a 13-year prison sentence for his leading role in the now banned neo-Nazi Golden Dawn, has gathered 8.3 per cent support.
Meanwhile, supreme court prosecutor Georgia Adelini said the court will investigate a recent homophobic statement about Kasselakis, who is openly gay, made by the re-elected Mayor of Volos, in Thessaly, Achilleas Mpeos, supported by ND. Commenting on Kasselakis recent statement in which he expressed a wish to adopt two boys with his partner, Mpeos was cited as mocking Kasselaki’s wish and as uttering an offensive word used in Greek slang to describe gays.
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techmaqofficial · 4 years
Vasilis Dimitriou, Keeper of a Fading Movie Art, Dies at 84
Vasilis Dimitriou, Keeper of a Fading Movie Art, Dies at 84
Vasilis Periklis Dimitriou was born on Feb. 18, 1936, in Pogoniani, a village in northern Greece, to Periklis and Konstantina (Douka) Dimitriou. His father was a hotel and restaurant manager; his mother, a homemaker. He grew up penniless during World War II in Kypseli, an Athens suburb.
His father, a fighter in the Greek resistance, was often away from home as the German Army advanced.…
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mindthem · 5 years
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Smyrlis Architects: Art Direction, Web design and Photography for Nikos Smyrlis Architects office, including an interactive photo space, navigator, ideograms and menus. Development: Dimitris Doukas 2009 www.smyrlis.gr
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The Parable of the Lost Coin in Luke 15:8-10
“Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” +LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, PRE-ETERNAL BISHOP, PRE-ETERNAL PATRIARCH & SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD/ALLAH, THROUGH THE POWERFUL PRAYERS OF Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle, Mother Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Mother Walatta Petros, Father Moses the Ethiopian, Holy Byzantine Emperor John III Doukas Vatatzes The Merciful, Pulcheria the Holy Byzantine Empress, Coretta Scott King, Maya Angelou, Mary of Egypt, Marsha P. Johnson, Bayard Rustin, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Father Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Gorazd Pavlik of Prague, Grigol Peradze, Gabriel Urgebadze, John Maisuradze, George-John Mkheidze, Joseph Kottis the Hesychast, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut Cungagnaq, Alexander Schmemann, Anthony Bloom of Sourozh, Archpriest Stefan Wu Zhiquan, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Olga Michael of Alaska, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel / Archangel Ariel, Archangel Selaphiel, Archangel Jehudiel, Archangel Barachiel, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Jeremiel, Archangel Anael, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, George Perry Floyd Jr., Theodora of Vasta, Seraphim Mouraviov of Vyritsa, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Barsanuphius Plikhankov of Optina, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, and Andrei Rublev, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS & ON THE WHOLE COSMOS!
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igazikutya · 7 years
Zajok a nappaliból - 2017 május
„A régi szemétkupac fölött, az üvegtörmelék és a különböző rongyok fölött végigkúszott valamilyen remegésféle, mint ahogy délben a forró levegő megremeg a vastető felett, átbukott a kupacon, és továbbment, tovább, tovább, pontosan az oszlop mellett, keresztezte utunkat, az út felett megtorpant, ott állt egy fél másodpercig - vagy csak nekem rémlett úgy? - aztán eltűnt a mezőn, a bokrok mögött, az agyagos kerítések mögött, ott, a régi autótemetőnél.” (Arkagyij és Borisz Sztrugackij: Piknik az árokparton) Kellett ide ez az idézet, mert az Ancestral Voices egy ideje kiemelkedő pszichedeliával töltött ambient alapú, de azon mindig túllépegető alkotásokkal érkezik, ez a mostani (Divination) sztalkeri mélységeket súrol. Jó ideje nem tudnak hibázni, és ez most egy teljes album! A megtört angol klubber, Oliver Ho (ex Raudive, azóta Broken English Club) a 2015-ös Suburbian Hunting óta koncertezéssel utazta el az időt, most két lemezzel is kirukkolt hirtelen. Karl O’Connor (Regis), Juan Mendez (Silent Servant) és James Ruskin közös kiadójánál (Jealous God) az Issue sorozat 16-os példánya egy EP, kétharmados csöppségig vidám és játékos, tempós és táncos, a végére pedig az a sötét, zajos throbbinggristleing, amit ismerünk. A tulajdonképpeni szerzői lemez a brooklyni L.I.E.S.-nál megjelent The English Beach album. Ezt az embert muszáj komolyan venni, mert a ritmusművészet nagy ismerőjeként építgeti műveit, és közben legmocskosabb külvárosok leglepusztultabb utcáiba kalauzol. Nagyon erős lemez, kivételes kvalitásokkal, lendületes, változatos tempók megszakítva néha zajballadákkal.
Hangulatilag az E-Saggila közel áll a BEC-hoz, viszont szövegtelen - „és nincs üzenet”- plusz valamivel egyenesebb, teknóbb és parányit trendibb is. (Tools Of My Purpose) Találtam ezt a Kondaktor nevű görög arcot, paraszt mint a Blawan, de több újrahasznosított hulladékból dolgozik és kevésbé finomra aprítja az alapanyagot, szóval kedves hallgató, lehet, tízperc elteltével elfáradsz a sok holmi kerülgetésében és szemeddel az exit feliratot keresed. Nehéz zene, néha úgy fáj, mint egy IMF hitelfelvétel. Van egy másik új görögöm is, bizonyos Dimitris Doukas Restive Plagonna néven, szigorúságában, harcosságában rokon, indusztriál és kevésbé tört, ettől egészében már-már idm, de annyira meg nem finom munka. Lucy lassan havilapként publikál. A Cannon Fodder ezúttal nem az ezo-megzenésítős hagyomány folytatása, csak egy olyan techno, amit ez az ember biztosan tud, megspékelve egy Luke Slater (P.A.S.) remix-szel. Anthony Child (Surgeon) Convenience Trap EP-je egy négyrészes szekvencia az angol nerd technoeleganciájával felépítve, IDM jegyekkel körberakva. Surgeon se szokott hibázni, ez is nagyon magas színvonalú négymenetes. Különleges lemezborítói jellemzik a Tomagát, akiket 2014-ben ismertem meg a Futura Grotesk album kapcsán. Valentina Magaletti és Tom Relleen a tavalyi The Shape Of The Dance-szel is szinten maradt, és ez mostani EP (Greetings From The Bitter End) is 100%-os. Élőben is performanszélményt jelentenek, a sok ütős miatt a törzsi hangzás dominál, de Relleen oldaláról torzított gitár, fúvósok, analóg szintetizátorok és hangminták is színesítik a nagy egészet. Az új EP-n egy korábbi sláger a Gonda’s Dream egy izgalmas újraértelmezése is helyet kapott.  
Dj Crimson ajánlásával hallható az ausztrál Power Cuts sorozat numero kettese. Négy előadó, négy szín, valami olyan bolondságok ezek, mint Eric Copeland vagy Powell, máskor meg mint valami korai elektro-break. Szerethető! Pár hónapja emlegettem a hatalmas csalódással véget ért 2015-ös Nagy Leftfield Várást. Most újra megkísértettek bennünket, de szerintem csak azért, hogy emlékeztessenek: rohadtul megöregedtetek ti is. Leftism 22 – ez a címe. Mert hogy 22 éve jött ki. És mert 11 szám, amit kapott egy remastert, és 11 új remixet is. Az öröm megint korai volt, de legjobb esetben is felemás. Bár ha jól meggondolom azt a peak-et lehetetlen megközelíteni, a Leftism ahogyan megérkezett 1995-ben, amilyen összetettségben volt képes ötvözni az elektronikus (és más) műfajok hangzásvilágát, amilyen patentul azt összerakták, és még sorolhatnánk napestig – ezt nem lehet újrázni. Az egy ideális zenei éra (tér és idő) afféle együttállásának lenyomata. (A house The Dark side of the Moonja) Mindent megtettek, de tényleg! Adrian Sherwood mixelte újra a nyitó Release the Pressure-t, és a maga nemében ez egy remek dub mix, és még érdekes is, ahogy Sherwood megfogta az eredeti rétegeket, kiemelt bizonyos részeket, DE – a végén mégiscsak az eredeti trekk nagy pillanatai elmerülnek a dub hullámai között. Vagy az Afro Left, aminél megőrizték a forrás jungle-breakjét, és megpuhították a szintimelódia kíséretével, de itt meg az MC vokálja veszített az energiájából. Ha belegondolunk, hogy ez az album nemcsak egységében volt egy teljes kerek egész, és 22 év se tudta elkoptatni, de a Release the Pressure-ből és az Afro Left-ből született EP-k is tökéletes újrarendezései voltak az eredetiknek, ez a remix 11 mission impossible. Majdnem írom, hogy ez volt Leftfield utolsó megkísértése, csak hát nem stimmel, mert én voltam megkísértve, tehát ha Leftfield a kísértő (Isten), akkor én meg Jézus, de attól még Pilátus a David Bowie? S mindeközben Goldie is úgy gondolta, felfrissíti Inner City Life című slágerét, és megremixelteti Burial-lel. Az eredmény még a Leftism 22-nél is lehangolóbb. Az a Burial verzió teljes káosz lett, érthetetlen mi volt a cél. Nyugger triónk harmadik arca (az Underworld szökevény) Darren Emerson és Deadlock EP-je. Nyakamat rá, hogy ezt játszani fogják Londontól-Wellingtonig szerteszét – mert Emerson – ilyen a didzsébiznisz, és talán el is férnek ezek a trekkek a partymixekben, de önmagukban összevethetetlenek a fent megemlített lemezekkel. Raster-Notonék Archiválós sorozatából a 4-es sorszámúval zárnék, már csak azért is, hogy ne depizzem szét ezt az eredetileg pozitív körképet. Igaz, ez egy teljesen más világ is, ez a kísérletezés, a kreatív útkeresés, formaszabadság tere. Ez az a kiadó, ahol Alva Noto, CoH, de akár a nemrég elhunyt Mika Vianio, Atom™(ismertebb pszeudója a Senor Coconut), Kanding Ray, Vladislav Delay lemezei kerültek napvilágra. Néhányuk fel is bukkan a válogatáson,  Atom™ chilei helikopterezésre invitál, Kanding Ray egy korai Pruitt Igoe verzióval emlékezik, az én kedvencem a cammogós medvealakot ölteni képes Lugosiról szóló Senking szerzemény. Arról már esett szó, hogy idén ünnepli Dave Clarke és Slam kiadója a Soma Records 25 éves fennállását, és jönnek ki sorban a Soma 25 kiadványok, most maga Slam villant – nekem ez kicsit egysíkú lett. Vannak még hátra nagy nevek: Gary Beck vagy a The Black Dog. Ugye anno a Daft Punk is innen indult – a Homework még itt jelent meg elsőre - kiváncsi leszek, visszaengedi-e őket a Virgin emlékezni egyet?
A következő hónapban kertészeti tippekből fog állni az egész havi körkép, remélem elég zöldséget sikerül addig összekomposztálnom.
  Ancestral Voices - Divination [Horo, 2017][LP] Broken English Club - Issue N° Sixteen [Jealous God, 2017][EP] Broken English Club - The English Beach [LIES, 2017][LP] Darren Emerson - Deadlock EP [Intec, 2017] E-Saggila - Tools Of My Purpose [Bank Records NYC, 2017][EP] Goldie - Inner City Life (2017 Rebuild, Burial Remix) [Metalheadz, 2017][S] Kondaktor - Afrikanochetos [Abstract Reality, 2017][LP] Leftfield -  Leftism 22 [Remastered and Remixed][Sony, 2017] Lucy - Cannon Fodder [Life and Death, 2017][S] Restive Plaggona - Committed To The Truth [Yerevan Tapes, 2017][LP] Slam - Soma 25 Remixes [Soma Records, 2017][S] Surgeon - Convenience Trap [Dynamic Tension, 2017][EP] Tomaga - Greetings From The Bitter End [Kaya Kaya, 2017][EP] VA - Power Cuts 002 EP [Power Cuts Australia, 2017] VA - Raster Noton - Archiv 4 [Raster Noton, 2017][Comp]
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Prayer to Saint Moses the Ethiopian: You abandoned the Egypt of the passions, O Father, / ascending the mount of the virtues with fervent faith, / taking the Cross of Christ upon your shoulders; / and being glorified in godly works, / you proved to be a model for monastics, O summit of the fathers. / Pray unceasingly with them that our souls may find mercy! Your mind was filled with a holy inspiration from God, / turning you from the lust and pleasures of the flesh, / bringing you to the height of the city of God! / O Holy Father Moses, intercede with Christ God that He may grant us great mercy! +Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. +Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle, Moses the Ethiopian (Moses the Black), Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Walatta Petros, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Sergius, Bacchus, Bayard Rustin, Coretta Scott King, Marsha P. Johnson, Maya Angelou, Mary of Egypt, Yuri Skobtsov the New Maryr, Ilya Fondaminsky the New Martyr, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Dorothy Day, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Menas the Martyr of Egypt, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Holy Righteous Prophet-King David, Jonathan, Gorazd Pavlik of Prague, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Queen Esther the Righteous, Mordecai the Righteous, Judith Conqueror of Holofernes, Holy Righteous Deborah the Judge, Jael, Holy Righteous Ruth, Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Gabriel Urgebadze, Grigol Peradze, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, John the Theologian, Ioan Iacob Hozevitul, Pulcheria the Byzantine Empress, Holy Byzantine Emperor John III Doukas Vatatzes, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always! +LORD JESUS YESHUA THE MESSIAH CHRIST, PRE-ETERNAL BISHOP, PRE-ETERNAL PATRIARCH & SON OF THE LIVING GOD/ALLAH/ELOHIM/BATHALA, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! +
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