#Digital Procurement Tools
arivivek · 4 hours
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Discover how digital procurement tools are transforming risk management in supply chains. From enhancing visibility to predictive analytics, learn how businesses are using these tools to tackle disruptions and boost resilience. Dive into our infographic for insights about leveraging digital solutions for a stronger supply chain.
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procurengine3 · 13 days
Digital Procurement: A Catalyst for Business Transformation | ProcurEngine
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Digital procurement is revolutionizing how businesses manage their supply chains, driving efficiency, cost savings, and strategic decision-making. By automating manual processes and integrating advanced analytics, digital procurement tools provide real-time insights and enhance supplier collaboration. Companies adopting these solutions experience improved procurement workflows, better risk management, and increased profitability.
At ProcurEngine, we offer innovative digital procurement solutions designed to transform businesses and optimize operations. Discover how digital procurement can be the key to unlocking your company's growth and success.
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tyasuite123 · 3 months
Transform Your Business with Cutting-Edge Procurement Software Solutions
Adopting digital transformation is essential to remaining competitive in the quickly changing business environment of today. One area where businesses can significantly enhance efficiency and cost savings is through the implementation of advanced procurement software. Procurement software is essential for streamlining purchasing processes, reducing errors, and improving overall procurement management.
Procurement management software enables businesses to automate their purchasing tasks, ensuring accuracy and compliance with company policies. This software not only simplifies procurement but also provides valuable insights into spending patterns, helping businesses make more informed decisions.
Digital transformation in procurement is no longer a luxury but a necessity. By leveraging procurement digital transformation, companies can integrate their procurement processes with other business systems, leading to improved data visibility and operational efficiency. Procurement tools designed for digital transformation can also help businesses adapt to changing market conditions more swiftly.
One of the significant advantages of cloud procurement software is its accessibility. Cloud-based solutions allow users to access procurement systems from anywhere, at any time, providing flexibility and scalability. Businesses with several locations or remote teams can especially benefit from this.
Effective procurement tools can help manage supplier relationships, track purchase orders, and ensure timely deliveries. The right procurement software can significantly reduce manual tasks, freeing up your team to focus on strategic activities. Furthermore, cloud-based procurement software offers robust security measures, ensuring that your sensitive data remains protected.
In conclusion, investing in procurement software like TYASuite, is a strategic move that can drive efficiency, cost savings, and business growth. Whether it's through cloud-based procurement solutions, the benefits are clear. Transform your procurement processes today and stay ahead of the competition.
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Why is this Canadian university scared of you seeing its Privacy Impact Assessment?
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I'm coming to DEFCON! On Aug 9, I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On Aug 10, I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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Barbra Streisand is famous for many things: her exciting performances on the big screen, the small screen, and the stage; her Grammy-winning career as a musician (she's a certified EGOT!); and for all the times she's had to correct people who've added an extra vowel to the spelling of her first name (I can relate!).
But a thousand years from now, her legacy is likely to be linguistic, rather than artistic. The "Streisand Effect" – coined by Mike Masnick – describes what happens when someone tries to suppress a piece of information, only to have that act of attempted suppression backfire by inciting vastly more interest in the subject:
The term dates to 2003, when Streisand sued the website Pictopia and its proprietors for $50m for reproducing an image from the publicly available California Coastal Records Project (which produces a timeseries of photos of the California coastline in order to track coastal erosion). The image ("Image 3850") incidentally captured the roofs of Streisand's rather amazing coastal compound, which upset Streisand.
But here's the thing: before Streisand's lawsuit, Image 3850 had only been viewed six times. After she filed the case, another 420,000 people downloaded that image. Not only did Streisand lose her suit (disastrously so – she was ordered to pay the defendants' lawyers $177,000 in fees), but she catastrophically failed in her goal of keeping this boring, obscure photo from being seen:
Streisand has since called the suit "a mistake." On the one hand, that is very obviously true, but on the other hand, it's still admirable, given how many other failed litigants went to their graves insisting that their foolish and expensive legal gambit was, in fact, very smart and we are all very stupid for failing to understand that.
Which brings me to Ian Linkletter and the Canadian Privacy Library. Linkletter is the librarian and founder of the nonprofit Canadian Privacy Library, a newish online library that collects and organizes privacy-related documents from Canadian public institutions. Linkletter kicked off the project with the goal of collecting the Privacy Impact Assessments from every public university in Canada, starting in his home province of BC.
These PIAs are a legal requirement whenever a public university procures a piece of software, and they're no joke. Ed-tech vendors are pretty goddamned cavalier when it comes to student privacy, as Linkletter knows well. Back in 2020, Linkletter was an ed-tech specialist for the University of British Columbia, where he was called upon to assess Proctorio, a "remote invigilation" tool that monitored remote students while they sat exams.
This is a nightmare category of software, a mix of high-tech phrenology (vendors claim that they can tell when students are cheating by using "AI" to analyze their faces); arrogant techno-sadism (vendors requires students – including those sharing one-room apartments with "essential worker" parents on night shifts who sleep during the day – to pan their cameras around to prove that they are alone); digital racism (products are so bad at recognizing Black faces that some students have had to sit exams with multiple task-lights shining directly onto their faces); and bullshit (vendors routinely lie about their tools' capabilities and efficacy).
Worst: remote invigilation is grounded in the pedagogically bankrupt idea that learning is best (or even plausibly) assessed through high-stakes testing. The kind of person who wants to use these tools generally has no idea how learning works and thinks of students as presumptively guilty cheats. They monitor test-taking students in realtime, and have been known to jiggle test-takers' cursors impatiently when students think too long about their answers. Remote invigilation also captures the eye-movements of test-takers, flagging people who look away from the screen while thinking for potential cheating. No wonder that many students who sit exams under these conditions find themselves so anxious that they vomit or experience diarrhea, carefully staring directly into the camera as they shit themselves or vomit down their shirts, lest they be penalized for looking away or visiting the toilet.
Linkletter quickly realized that Proctorio is a worst-in-class example of a dreadful category. The public-facing materials the company provided about its products were flatly contradicted by the materials they provided to educators, where all the really nasty stuff was buried. The company – whose business exploded during the covid lockdowns – is helmed by CEO Mike Olsen, a nasty piece of work who once doxed a child who criticized him in an online forum:
Proctorio's products are shrouded in secrecy. In 2020, for reasons never explained, all the (terrible, outraged) reviews of its browser plugin disappeared from the Chrome store:
Linkletter tweeted his alarming findings, publishing links to the unlisted, but publicly available Youtube videos where Proctorio explained how its products really worked. Proctorio then sued Linkletter, for copyright infringement.
Proctorio's argument is that by linking to materials that they published on Youtube with permissions that let anyone with the link see them, Linkletter infringed upon their copyright. When Linkletter discovered that these videos already had publicly available links, indexed by Google, in the documentation produced by other Proctorio customers for students and teachers, Proctorio doubled down and argued that by collecting these publicly available links to publicly available videos, Linkletter had still somehow infringed on their copyright.
Luckily for Linkletter, BC has an anti-SLAPP law that is supposed to protect whistleblowers facing legal retaliation for publishing protected speech related to matters of public interest (like whether BC's flagship university has bought a defective and harmful product that its students will be forced to use). Unluckily for Linkletter, the law is brand new, lacks jurisprudence, and the courts have decided that he can't use a SLAPP defense and his case must go to trial:
Linkletter could have let that experience frighten him away from the kind of principled advocacy that riles up deep-pocketed, thin-skinned bullies. Instead, he doubled down, founding the Canadian Privacy Library, with the goal of using Freedom of Information requests to catalog all of Canada's post-secondary institutions' privacy assessments. Given how many bodies he found buried in Proctorio's back yard, this feels like the kind of thing that should be made more visible to Canadians.
There are 25 public universities in BC, and Linkletter FOI'ed them all. Eleven provided their PIAs. Eight sent him an estimate of what it would cost them (and thus what they would charge) to assemble these docs for him. Six requested extensions.
One of them threatened to sue.
Langara College is a 19,000-student spinout of Vancouver Community College whose motto is Eruditio Libertas Est ("Knowledge is Freedom"). Linkletter got their 2019 PIA for Microsoft's Office 365 when he FOI'ed the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (universities often recycle one another's privacy impact assessments, which is fine).
That's where the trouble started. In June, Langara sent Linkletter a letter demanding that he remove their Office 365 PIA; the letter CC'ed two partners in a law firm, and accused Linkletter of copyright infringement. But that's not how copyright – or public records – work. As Linkletter writes, the PIA is "a public record lawfully obtained through an FOI request" – it is neither exempted from disclosure, nor is it confidential:
Langara claims that in making their mandatory Privacy Impact Assessment for Office 365 available, Linkletter has exposed them to "heightened risks of data breaches and privacy incidents," they provided no evidence to support this assertion.
I think they're full of shit, but you don't have to take my word for it. After initially removing the PIA, Linkletter restored it, and you can read it for yourself:
I read it. It is pretty goddamned anodyne – about as exciting as looking at the roof of Barbra Streisand's mansion.
Sometimes, where there's smoke, there's only Streisand – a person who has foolishly decided to use the law to bully a weaker stranger out of disclosing some innocuous and publicly available fact about themselves. But sometimes, where there's smoke, there's fire. A lot of people who read my work are much more familiar with ed-tech, privacy, and pedagogy than I am. If that's you, maybe you want to peruse the Langara PIA to see if they are hiding something because they're exposing their students to privacy risks and don't want that fact to get out.
There are plenty of potential privacy risks in Office 365! The cloud version of Microsoft Office contains a "bossware" mode that allows bosses to monitor their workers' keystrokes for spelling, content, and accuracy, and produce neat charts of which employees are least "productive." The joke's on the boss, though: Office 365 also has a tool that lets you compare your department's usage of Office 365 to your competitors, which is another way of saying that Microsoft is gathering your trade secrets and handing it out to your direct competitors:
So, yeah, there are lots of "features" in Office 365 that could give rise to privacy threats when it is used at a university. One hopes that Langara correctly assessed these risks and accounted for them in its PIA, which would mean that they are bullying Linkletter out of reflex, rather than to cover up wrongdoing. But there's only one way to find out: go through the doc that Linkletter has restored to public view.
Linkletter has excellent pro bono representation from Norton Rose Fulbright, a large and powerful law-firm that is handling his Proctorio case. Linkletter writes, "they have put this public college on notice that any proceeding is liable to be dismissed pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, BC’s anti-SLAPP legislation."
Langara has now found themselves at the bottom of a hole, and if they're smart, they'll stop digging.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Copyright (C) 2002 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project, www.californiacoastline.org (modified) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Streisand_Estate.jpgbr>
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Langara College (modified) https://langara.ca/
Fair use (parody) https://scholarship.law.ufl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1104
Fair dealing (parody) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1468015
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Have you seen these articles? I’ve always hated big tech and have wanted it to crumble/dismantle alongside the US considering big tech plays a role in what is going on in the Congo and the ecological disasters they pose but now it seems more important than ever that it ceases. I know obviously we can’t stop using phones and computers atm so we can keep sharing resources and fundraising for Palestine, but maybe encouraging people not to use AI is a first step? Or finding different search engines
Honestly with surveillance the way it is I personally already stopped using smart devices except for my phone and even that's a love/hate relationship.
Like honestly my convenience and streaming and whatever else, isn't worth genocide. It's not. I'll use a VCR/DVD player to watch shows I aquired. I'll use a timer instead of my phone and an old blu-ray for movies. I'll even use an honest to God cd player or a boom box for music.
I'm over the commodification of convenience at someone else's expense.
There are a lot of good places to start, I won't argue with AI.
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Have you seen these articles? I’ve always been keen on seeing big tech crumble but now it’s more important than ever that it does
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acceptccnow · 11 months
Decoding E-Commerce Gateway Solutions: Tips for 2023
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the ever-dominant world of e-commerce, staying ahead is non-negotiable. This blog deciphers the intricacies of E-Commerce Gateway Solutions and provides invaluable tips for 2023, aimed at propelling your online business to new heights. Whether you operate in high-risk merchant sectors, credit repair services, or the CBD industry, understanding these solutions is your passport to accepting credit cards, amplifying revenue, and ensuring your lasting presence in the digital marketplace through E-Commerce Gateway Solutions.
Unveiling the Potential of E-Commerce Gateway Solutions E-commerce Gateway Solutions represent the lifeblood of online enterprises. These solutions empower you to accept credit cards for e-commerce, seamlessly converting visitors into loyal customers. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, you can streamline payment processing and elevate the customer experience, ultimately leading to increased revenue and a competitive edge in the digital realm.
Mastering High-Risk Merchant Processing High-risk industries often grapple with unique challenges when seeking merchant accounts. However, the right E-Commerce Gateway Solutions can pave the way for high-risk businesses to navigate the intricate realm of high-risk payment processing. These solutions provide the stability and security required for thriving in industries like credit repair and CBD, making them indispensable.
Effortless Credit Card Processing The core of e-commerce prosperity lies in credit card processing. With reliable E-Commerce Gateway Solutions, you can seamlessly process credit card payments. This not only enhances customer trust but also expands your revenue streams. This article provides insights on how to harness this essential tool to its full potential.
Understanding the Role of E-Commerce Merchant Accounts Embarking on your e-commerce journey begins with securing an e-commerce merchant account, the bedrock of your online presence. This article offers guidance on navigating this process and ensures that you procure the right account for your specific needs.
Thriving in the Complex Credit Repair Landscape Credit repair businesses often face distinct challenges. Learn how E-Commerce Gateway Solutions can empower you to efficiently accept credit cards for credit repair. The tips provided here will help you carve out a niche in this demanding industry.
Conquering the CBD Industry with Secure Payment Processing The CBD industry is experiencing rapid growth, yet it comes with complexities. Discover how to safely accept credit cards for CBD with the assistance of robust E-Commerce Gateway Solutions. This article equips you with the tools needed to thrive in this lucrative market.
Selecting the Optimal Payment Gateway Payment gateways aren't one-size-fits-all; finding the perfect fit for your business is crucial. This article delves into the intricacies of payment gateway solutions to help you make an informed decision.
Enhancing Your Credit Card Payment System A robust credit card payment processing system is non-negotiable in the e-commerce realm. This article unravels the ways to elevate your system's efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.
E-Commerce Gateway Solutions are the bedrock of a thriving online business. Whether you operate in high-risk merchant processing, credit repair, or the CBD industry, these solutions are your ticket to advancement. By mastering the art of accepting credit cards for e-commerce, you're not just embracing the future; you're securing the longevity of your business. In an era where credit card payment gateways and online credit card processing are paramount, our tips for 2023 empower you to remain competitive and flourish in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. Ensure the future of your business with Accept-Credit-Cards-Now Merchant processing services.
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lissomelace · 7 hours
So I procured an embroidery machine several months ago (and then proceeded to not use it, because I absolutely could not lose momentum on another project I was working on).
Anyway, I finally got around to opening it up, figuring it out, and deciding on an embroidery digitization software. For my first project (beyond pre-made patterns to figure out my machine), I chose what I THOUGHT was a simple option.
(spoiler alert: it was not)
I'm a huge fan of Tolkien's heraldic devices, so I went for this one:
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This one is Earendil's. While I'm usually on the 'these look like quilt blocks' train, I decided to try my hand at digitizing it. So I blocked it out in Krita (I am no digital artist, but I very much enjoy the multi-brush tool, and it was very effective at this:
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(the colors aren't meant to be accurate, just distinct from each other)
Muddled around in Embrilliance for a while, got it on my machine (a Brother SE630 I have named Pityaháno), and this is what I came up with:
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(I apologize for the photo quality, the light is not good at this time of day)
I'm actually pretty happy with how it came out, for a first draft. I did some refining while it was going, stitch direction and such. And I need to work on aligning the sections better, and perhaps reducing the satin stitch borders where they overlap.
This was done with brothred cotton embroidery thread and YLI 60wt cotton bobbin thread on linen fabric. Digitized with embrilliance stitchartist level 1. Source for the heraldry is Tolkien, of course, via the tolkien wiki.
I do have to get on my other projects (Halloween is COMING and as usual I am behind), but I'll probably be playing around with this a little more when I have time. I'm very excited to do more of this!
If anyone has advice about machine embroidery/digitizing, in general or with regards to this piece specifically, I'd absolutely love to hear it!
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soon-palestine · 8 months
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Israel Buys Tech for Mass Influence Operations
Haaretz reports, “Israel has responded to its "clear loss" to Hamas on the digital battlefield by making its first-ever purchase of a technological system capable of conducting mass online influence campaigns, according to numerous sources with knowledge of the matter.
The system can, among other things, automatically create content tailored to specific audiences. The technology was purchased as part of a wider attempt by Israeli bodies, both civilian and military, to address what sources termed "Israel's public diplomacy failure" following the Hamas massacre on October 7 and subsequent war.”
“a few weeks into the war, Israel set up a "hasbara forum" comprising government agencies, offices and ministries, as well as military, defense and intelligence bodies – including the IDF, the Shin Bet security service and the National Security Council – alongside tech firms, civilians volunteer initiatives and even Jewish organizations, that meets weekly.
Officials from different bodies, including the Public Diplomacy Directorate and Diaspora Affairs Ministry, charged with countering antisemitism against world Jewry, held talks with different firms and tech providers active in various mass online campaigns. Assets are one thing, an intelligence source explains, but you also want a system for managing them.
“Mass influence systems can often get their operators in trouble, and their public exposure can severely damage their clients' credibility.”
“As a result, Israel decided to purchase an existing technology instead of risk developing one independently. A number of civilian tools and programs developed for business and political campaigns were procured: a system for mapping online audiences; a system capable of automatically creating websites, among other things, as well as content tailored to specific audiences; a system for monitoring social media and messaging platforms, and others. Thus, Israel hoped to launch campaigns that would advance Israel's core message and improve global perception.”
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mjpro · 4 days
mjPRO | The Ultimate Procurement System for Reducing Costs and Enhancing Efficiency
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are looking for tools that can streamline their processes, enhance efficiency, and minimize costs. Procurement, a critical function for every organization, is no exception. Choosing the right procurement software can make all the difference in managing supply chains effectively, improving governance, and cutting procurement costs. Among the numerous procurement software companies, mjPRO stands out as a robust, AI-powered solution that offers scalability, cost-efficiency, and enhanced profitability.
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In this blog, we’ll explore the best features of mjPRO, why it’s considered the best procurement software, and how it supports businesses in managing procurement processes seamlessly.
What Is Procurement Software?
Before we dive into mjPRO, let’s first define procurement software. In simple terms, procurement software is a digital tool that automates and manages the entire procurement process—from requisitioning to payment. It helps organizations track their purchases, manage suppliers, and ensure compliance, reducing manual intervention and boosting overall efficiency. Today, eProcurement software solutions are often cloud-based, providing businesses with flexibility, scalability, and advanced data-driven insights.
Why mjPRO Is the Best Procurement Software
mjPRO is not just another procurement software; it’s a comprehensive eProcurement software platform that digitizes the entire procurement process from planning to payment. Whether you’re managing simple purchases or complex projects, mjPRO provides a unified solution that reduces procurement costs, enhances supplier management, and ensures near 100% delivery compliance. Here's why mjPRO is considered one of the top procurement software solutions in the market:
1. Cloud-Based, Pay-Per-Use Model
One of the most attractive features of mjPRO is its pay-per-use, cloud-based model. Unlike traditional procurement systems that require significant upfront investment and infrastructure, mjPRO offers a flexible, cloud-based solution that allows for scalability based on your business needs. This ensures a faster ROI and eliminates the need for costly hardware or software upgrades.
2. Intelligent Platform with AI-Powered Automation
At its core, mjPRO is an intelligent procurement platform powered by AI. It leverages advanced technologies like AI and NLP-based analytics to offer real-time insights, such as category and supplier recommendations. By learning from your procurement patterns and suggesting suppliers based on past purchasing behavior, mjPRO takes the guesswork out of sourcing, making it the best procurement software for both small and large enterprises.
3. Strong Supplier Base and Smart Decision-Making Tools
With mjPRO, you’ll have access to an ever-growing supplier base. The platform continuously adds new suppliers to the ecosystem, giving businesses more options and competitive pricing. What’s more, mjPRO integrates AI-based decision-making tools to provide real-time supplier recommendations, enabling procurement teams to make informed decisions quickly.
4. End-to-End Procurement Chain Digitization
mjPRO digitizes the entire procurement chain, from planning to payment, making it one of the top procurement software platforms available today. Let’s break down how mjPRO handles each step of the procurement process:
a. Plan
The planning phase is critical to ensuring the procurement process runs smoothly. mjPRO helps streamline this process by allowing users to categorize items up to four levels, aggregate or split requirements, and manage budgets more effectively. With features like eBriefcase and category-specific insights, businesses can easily plan for both routine and complex procurements.
b. Source
Supplier management is one of the most challenging aspects of procurement. mjPRO excels in this area by offering a comprehensive supplier management module. The system helps businesses survey, rate, and profile suppliers before they are approved. mjPRO also automates RFQs (Request for Quotations) and integrates RPA-based bidding, which enhances supplier negotiations and ensures competitive pricing.
c. Procure
Once suppliers have been approved, mjPRO facilitates the creation and management of purchase orders (POs). The platform automates the post-PO process by handling tasks such as PO acceptance, ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) generation, PI (Proforma Invoice) approval, and eCatalogues management. This automation reduces the risk of human error and accelerates procurement times by as much as 40%.
d. Pay
Finally, mjPRO ensures that payment processing is seamless. The platform performs thorough three-point checks before invoice approval and integrates with payment gateways to automate payments. The result is a faster, more efficient payment process that ensures suppliers are paid on time, minimizing disruptions in the supply chain.
How mjPRO Benefits Your Business
Now that we’ve covered the key features of mjPRO, let’s take a look at how this procurement software can benefit your business:
1. Reduces Procurement Costs by 7%
Procurement costs can take up a significant portion of a company’s budget. By using mjPRO, businesses can reduce these costs by up to 7%. This is achieved through better supplier negotiations, automated procurement processes, and more efficient resource management.
2. Makes Procurement 40% Faster
One of the most compelling advantages of mjPRO is its ability to speed up the procurement process. The platform reduces manual tasks and automates the creation and management of POs, invoices, and supplier communications, making procurement up to 40% faster. This is a game-changer for businesses that operate in fast-paced environments and need to meet tight deadlines.
3. Limits Supply Risk with 100% Delivery Compliance
Supply chain disruptions can have serious consequences for businesses. mjPRO mitigates these risks by ensuring nearly 100% delivery compliance. With advanced supplier profiling, automated RFQs, and integrated payment gateways, mjPRO ensures that your supply chain operates smoothly and without delays.
4. Strengthens Governance and Ensures Zero Frauds
In the digital age, governance and compliance are more important than ever. mjPRO strengthens governance across the procurement process by offering real-time insights into supplier performance and ensuring that all procurement activities are auditable. This procurement software also helps prevent fraud by enforcing strict supplier approval and payment processes.
Unlock the Full Potential of eProcurement with mjPRO
If you're searching for a procurement software company that offers a comprehensive, scalable solution for your business, look no further than mjPRO. This eProcurement software not only digitizes the entire procurement process but also enhances it with AI-powered tools, robust supplier management, and seamless payment integration.
With mjPRO, businesses can gain full control over their procurement activities while reducing costs, accelerating procurement timelines, and ensuring compliance across the board.
Key Features of mjPRO:
Pay-Per-Use Cloud-Based Solution: Achieve faster ROI without heavy investment.
AI-Powered Automation: Make data-driven decisions with category and supplier recommendations.
Strong Supplier Base: Access to a continuously growing supplier network.
Comprehensive Digitization: Manage everything from planning to payment on one platform.
Faster Procurement: Reduce procurement times by 40% through automation.
Enhanced Governance: Ensure zero frauds and full compliance with real-time monitoring.
If you're ready to take your procurement processes to the next level, mjPRO is the best procurement software for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more and unlock the full potential of eProcurement software for your organization!
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tradekey-b2b · 5 days
The Rise of B2B Marketplaces
B2B marketplaces serve as digital meeting points for buyers and sellers. Over the last decade, they have gained traction due to the convenience, speed, and efficiency they offer to businesses looking to trade internationally. Traditional methods of sourcing and procurement, involving in-person meetings, trade shows, or middlemen, are increasingly being replaced by digital platforms like TradeKey.
TradeKey, launched in 2006, is one of the pioneers in the B2B online space, providing a platform where manufacturers, suppliers, importers, and exporters can interact seamlessly. The platform caters to various industries, including electronics, machinery, agriculture, textiles, chemicals, and more. With its headquarters in Saudi Arabia, TradeKey has a strong presence globally, particularly in emerging markets across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
TradeKey’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
What sets TradeKey apart from other B2B platforms is its focus on trust and verification. Given the rise of fraudulent activity and scams in international trade, buyers and sellers alike require a platform that ensures safety and reliability. TradeKey addresses this need through its Verified Buyers Database, a unique feature that guarantees that the buyers listed on the platform have undergone a rigorous verification process. This verification process helps in minimizing the risk of fraud and instills confidence in businesses using the platform.
This Verified Buyers Database is particularly valuable for suppliers and exporters looking to tap into global markets without the fear of encountering fake buyers or fraudulent transactions. TradeKey’s platform also allows businesses to verify potential buyers, ensuring that both parties involved in a transaction can trust each other, which is a significant advantage in today's interconnected global trade environment.
Navigating TradeKey: Key Features and Benefits
Global Reach and Industry Focus: TradeKey’s platform is vast, covering more than 9 million registered users from 240 countries. Its global network spans a wide array of industries, allowing businesses to find partners from virtually any sector. The platform's design allows suppliers and buyers to search for products based on industry categories, making it easier to find the right match.
Verified Buyers and Suppliers: As mentioned earlier, TradeKey’s verification system is one of its most crucial aspects. By focusing on transparency, the platform enhances trust among users. Verified buyers and suppliers can negotiate with greater confidence, reducing the risk of scams or unreliable business deals. This feature is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which may lack the resources to conduct extensive background checks on potential partners.
Trade Shows and RFQs: TradeKey provides access to global virtual trade shows, allowing businesses to showcase their products to a global audience without the costs associated with physical participation. Additionally, businesses can post Request for Quotations (RFQs), making it easy to receive proposals from multiple suppliers or manufacturers. This feature streamlines the procurement process, especially for buyers looking to compare offers and select the best deal.
Digital Marketing and Branding Support: Beyond merely connecting buyers and suppliers, TradeKey also offers digital marketing and branding solutions. The platform provides tools to help businesses optimize their listings, making them more visible to potential buyers. Through effective SEO techniques, businesses can ensure their products appear at the top of search results, increasing visibility and lead generation.
Buyer and Seller Communication Tools: Communication is key in B2B transactions, and TradeKey has built-in communication tools that allow for direct messaging, inquiries, and real-time negotiations between buyers and sellers. This reduces the time typically involved in email exchanges or delayed responses, helping to speed up decision-making and order placement.
Market Insights and Analytics: TradeKey also offers access to valuable market data and analytics, which can guide businesses in making informed decisions. By understanding market trends, buyer preferences, and pricing strategies, businesses can fine-tune their offerings and enhance their competitiveness in the global market.
Security and Trust: Overcoming B2B Fraud
One of the biggest challenges in the B2B space is the prevalence of scams and fraud. Many businesses, especially smaller ones, are wary of international trade due to the risk of dealing with unknown or unverified parties. TradeKey addresses these concerns by offering TradeKey GoldKey Membership and TradeKey TrustPass Membership, which provide additional layers of security and credibility for businesses. These memberships allow companies to display their verified status, making them more attractive to potential buyers.
TradeKey also actively educates its users about B2B safety, offering guides on how to avoid scams, identify red flags, and ensure secure payment methods. The platform's dedication to transparency and security has made it a trusted name in the industry, particularly among SMEs looking to expand globally.
The Role of TradeKey in Global Business Growth
In the context of the global supply chain, TradeKey has become a significant facilitator of cross-border trade. Its role is particularly important for businesses in developing regions, where access to global markets might otherwise be limited. By providing a safe, efficient, and user-friendly platform, TradeKey is not only helping businesses find international buyers and suppliers but also contributing to global economic growth by fostering trade partnerships.
As the world becomes increasingly connected, platforms like TradeKey will continue to play a vital role in enabling international trade. With its focus on trust, verification, and ease of use, TradeKey has positioned itself as a go-to platform for businesses looking to expand their global footprint. Whether you are a buyer seeking reliable suppliers or a seller aiming to reach new markets, TradeKey offers the tools, resources, and support needed to succeed in today’s competitive B2B landscape.
By emphasizing security and fostering transparency, TradeKey ensures that businesses can engage in global trade with confidence, making it an invaluable resource in the modern business world
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bidzprofessional · 16 days
Understanding GEM Registration: Meaning, Uses, and Benefits
GEM registration refers to the Government e-Marketplace, a digital platform established by the Government of India to facilitate efficient and transparent procurement of goods and services by government departments. The process allows businesses to register and sell directly to government entities, enhancing market access and visibility. Key benefits of GEM registration include creating a level playing field for all sellers, ensuring transparency, reducing costs and administrative time, and providing prompt payment mechanisms. It is particularly useful for businesses aiming to tap into government procurement opportunities, thus fostering growth and sustainability.
Understanding GEM Registration
We all live in a competitive marketplace where businesses and government entities constantly seek streamlined processes to connect and conduct transactions efficiently. One initiative that has gained significant prominence is GEM registration. This article will delve into the meaning of GEM registration, its full form, and its importance in the procurement ecosystem.
What is GEM Registration?
GEM, which stands for Government e-Marketplace, is an online platform established by the Government of India to facilitate the procurement of goods and services by various government departments and organizations. GEM registration allows businesses to sell their products and services directly to government entities, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and a hassle-free procurement process.
GEM Registration Meaning and Full Form
The full form of GEM is "Government e-Marketplace". It represents a digital marketplace where government buyers and sellers meet to conduct business transactions. The meaning of GEM registration is essentially the process through which sellers enlist themselves on this platform to offer their goods and services to government buyers.
GEM Registration Kya Hai?
In simpler terms, "GEM registration kya hai" translates to "what is GEM registration?" It is a crucial step for businesses aiming to expand their market reach to government sectors. Through GEM registration, vendors can access a wide range of procurement opportunities, making it a vital tool for growth and visibility in the public domain.
How GEM Registration is Used
GEM registration is primarily used to enroll sellers on the Government e-Marketplace, allowing them to list their products and services. Once registered, sellers can participate in bids and tenders posted by different government departments. The platform simplifies the procurement process by eliminating intermediaries, reducing paperwork, and ensuring prompt payment processes. Sellers benefit from a vast network of government buyers, leading to increased sales opportunities and potential business expansion.
Why GEM Registration is Useful
The utility of GEM registration lies in its ability to create a level playing field for all sellers, regardless of size. Here are some reasons why GEM registration is particularly useful:
Enhanced Market Access: It opens doors to a large and diverse market comprising various government departments, ministries, and public sector units.
Transparency and Efficiency: The platform ensures a transparent procurement process with clear guidelines and standardized practices, reducing the chances of corruption and favoritism.
Reduced Costs and Time: By digitizing the procurement process, GEM reduces administrative costs and time associated with traditional procurement methods.
Prompt Payments: The platform facilitates timely payments to sellers, improving cash flow and financial stability for businesses.
Growth Opportunities: With the government being a significant buyer, GEM offers substantial growth opportunities for businesses across various sectors.
GEM registration is a strategic move for businesses aiming to tap into the extensive network of government buyers. Understanding the meaning and benefits of GEM registration can empower businesses to leverage this platform effectively, ensuring growth and sustainability in the competitive market landscape. Whether you're a small enterprise or a large corporation, GEM registration offers a pathway to broaden your market reach and engage efficiently with government procurement processes.
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procurengine3 · 1 month
The Crucial Role of Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) in Industries | ProcurEngine
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Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) play a critical role in driving the success of industrial companies, yet they often remain underappreciated. Despite managing procurement solutions that account for over 65-75% of company revenues, CPOs lack visibility in leadership teams. The adoption of digital technologies like SaaS platforms such as "procurEngine" can empower CPOs by automating processes and enhancing procurement tools. By leveraging advanced technologies, CPOs can achieve significant improvements in efficiency, transparency, and competitive outcomes. It's time to recognize and celebrate the contributions of CPOs, providing them with the resources and recognition they deserve. 
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kineticpenguin · 1 year
Beyond those emails, leaked audio from inside an industry event and a review of ShadowDragon’s public comments provide more insight into a government contractor that says its tools can be used to monitor protests, and which is also gathering data from video games like Fortnite and images from BabyCenter, a reference and pregnancy tracking site for new and expecting parents, as well as social media sites for Black people, bodybuilders, and the fetish community. The State Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration have also purchased ShadowDragon, according to public procurement records. In one video, Clemens says the company has also worked with the FBI. Clemens told 404 Media that the company’s clients also include corporations and nonprofits. “Companies like Shadow Dragon collect an extraordinary amount of information from social media and other websites about the activities of internet users. This type of mass surveillance, which is available to the government and other entities, creates a chilling effect on online activities,” Jeramie D. Scott, senior counsel & director of EPIC’s Project on Surveillance Oversight, told 404 Media in an email. “Our interactions, associations, words, habits, locations—in essence our entire digital lives—are being collected for scrutiny now and indefinitely into the future through expanding analytical tools of black box algorithms. The abuse of such tools is not an ‘if’ but a ‘when.’”
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shantitechnology · 1 year
The Evolution of ERP Software:  How it is Transforming Engineering and Manufacturing in 2023
In today’s dynamic world of engineering and manufacturing industry, maintaining competitiveness and operational efficiency is of paramount importance.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become a fundamental tool for optimising processes, improving efficiency, and facilitating smooth operations in the engineering and manufacturing industries.  As we progress into the year 2023, it becomes apparent that enterprise resource planning (ERP) software has experienced a substantial transformation, adapting to the unique requirements of the industry in question.  Unlock the full potential of your manufacturing company with ERP software designed and developed by STERP (Shanti Technology).  Contact today for a tailored ERP solution for manufacturing company in India that aligns perfectly with your business objectives.
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This blog article aims to examine the growth of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and its significant impact on the fields of engineering and manufacturing.
Historical Perspective: A Brief Overview of ERP Software
The evolution of ERP software since its establishment in the 1960s has been significant, with a notable shift from its initial emphasis on inventory management and order processing.  Over the course of several decades, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have seen significant growth and development, resulting in the integration of a wide range of corporate functions.  These functions include but are not limited to accounting, human resources, procurement, and other related operations.  The advancement of technology has led to the evolution of ERP software into a centralised platform that offers real-time data, enhances decision-making processes, and fosters communication across various departments within an organisation.
·        Integration of IoT and Industry 4.0:
The combination of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 technologies represents a notable revolution in ERP software during the year 2023.  The Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates the interconnection of various devices and sensors, enabling the collection and sharing of data.  This capability offers real-time insights into the industrial process.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have the capability to effectively integrate this data, so facilitating manufacturers in making informed decisions based on data analysis and enhancing their operational efficiency.
The principles of Industry 4.0 place significant emphasis on the integration of automation, digitization, and connectivity, which have now been easily included in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.  The integration described enables enterprises to establish a smart industrial setting, increase their control of the supply chain, and optimise operational efficiency. 
·        Cloud-Based ERP Solutions:
Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions have significantly transformed the operational landscape of enterprises.  This paradigm shift can be attributed to the revolutionary impact of cloud technology on ERP software.  In the year 2023, an increasing number of engineering and manufacturing companies are using cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.  The aforementioned solutions possess several benefits, including the ability to scale, adaptability, reduced initial expenses, and convenient availability, rendering them exceedingly appealing to organisations of all sizes.  Moreover, the utilisation of cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems facilitates the instantaneous exchange of data and promotes collaboration among all parties involved, hence enhancing operational efficiency and cultivating a culture of innovation.  Invest in the future of manufacturing.  Choose advanced ERP software for engineering companies in India developed by STERP (Shanti Technology) to enhance agility and competitiveness.
·        Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence:
In the current business environment, data holds significant value.  Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has evolved to incorporate sophisticated analytics and business intelligence functionalities, enabling the generation of visually appealing data representations and the utilisation of predictive analytics techniques.  Manufacturers have the ability to utilise this data in order to anticipate market trends, enhance production schedules, effectively manage inventories, and rapidly make well-informed business decisions.  The utilisation of advanced analytics enables engineering and manufacturing enterprises to maintain flexibility and effectively respond to market fluctuations in a timely manner.
·        Enhanced User Experience and Mobility:
The optimisation of user experience and mobility is a crucial element in contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.  In the year 2023, the primary emphasis of ERP software lies in delivering an intuitive and user-friendly interface, with the aim of facilitating smooth adoption and utilisation throughout all hierarchical levels within the organisation.  Furthermore, the use of mobility enables stakeholders to conveniently access essential data and capabilities while on the move, hence enhancing productivity and facilitating informed decision-making.  Stay ahead in the competitive manufacturing landscape.  Reach out to an expert - STERP (Shanti Technology) - the most reliable Engineering ERP Software Company in India and elevate your business operations.
·        Cybersecurity and Compliance:
The increasing prevalence of cyber risks has prompted ERP software developers to prioritise the integration of robust cybersecurity capabilities.  In the year 2023, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems place significant emphasis on the paramount importance of data security, adherence to industry laws, and the implementation of effective authentication procedures.  This practice guarantees the preservation of confidential corporate information, hence cultivating a sense of trust and assurance among users.
Final Thoughts:
The evolutionary progression of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software in the year 2023 signifies a significant and transformational change within the realm of engineering and manufacturing.  The convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 technologies, cloud-based solutions, sophisticated analytics, improved user experience, and heightened cybersecurity measures enables organisations to effectively streamline operations, boost efficiency, and attain long-term, environmentally conscious expansion.  With the increasing use of these technological developments, the engineering and manufacturing sectors are poised to witness unparalleled levels of efficiency and creativity, hence setting a bright trajectory for the industry.
In order to remain competitive in today's ever-changing corporate landscape, it is imperative to be informed and capitalise on the capabilities of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.  Ready to streamline your manufacturing operations? Contact STERP (Shanti Technology) a renowned company offering manufacturing ERP software in India and see how it can simplify processes, boost efficiency, and drive profitability.
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unnatim-connect1 · 6 months
Introducing Unnatim Connect: Revolutionizing CRM Management Software
Unnatim Connect is proud to unveil its cutting-edge CRM management software, designed to redefine efficiency and productivity in today's fast-paced business landscape. With a focus on streamlining operations across diverse sectors, our software offers a comprehensive suite of features to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises.
Key Features:
Advanced Dashboard: Gain real-time insights and track key metrics at a glance, empowering informed decision-making.
Leads Management: Seamlessly capture, nurture, and convert leads into valuable customers with our intuitive lead management tools.
Client Management: Foster strong client relationships by centralizing client information, communication, and interactions in one unified platform.
HR Management: Simplify HR processes and optimize workforce management with our comprehensive HR tools, including employee data management and performance tracking.
Work Management: Efficiently organize tasks, projects, and deadlines to boost team collaboration and productivity.
Purchase and Orders: Streamline procurement processes and manage orders effortlessly, from purchase requisition to order fulfillment.
Support Tickets: Enhance customer service and support operations with automated ticketing systems and streamlined resolution workflows.
Events Management: Plan, coordinate, and manage events seamlessly, from scheduling to attendee management.
Knowledge Base: Centralize organizational knowledge and resources for easy access and sharing among team members.
Notice Board: Communicate important announcements, updates, and reminders effectively with a centralized notice board feature.
Assets Management: Track and manage organizational assets efficiently, from equipment to digital assets.
Payroll Management: Automate payroll processes and ensure accurate and timely salary disbursements with our integrated payroll module.
Recruitment: Streamline the recruitment process with tools for job posting, applicant tracking, and interview scheduling.
Zoom Meeting Integration: Seamlessly schedule, host, and manage Zoom meetings directly from our platform, enhancing remote collaboration capabilities.
Reports and Analytics: Generate comprehensive reports and analytics to gain actionable insights and drive data-driven decision-making.
Experience Unnatim Connect:
Experience the power of Unnatim Connect with our complimentary 30-day free trial. Our dedicated team offers personalized training sessions to ensure a smooth onboarding process and help you maximize the benefits of our software. Join us in revolutionizing your business operations and stay ahead of the curve with Unnatim Connect.
Stay tuned for further updates and innovations from Unnatim Connect as we continue to empower businesses with cutting-edge software solutions.
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