#Digital Investigations Buffalo
privacon · 6 months
Unveiling the Digital Detective: Essential OSINT Tools and Techniques
In today's digital age, uncovering crucial information is no longer confined to traditional investigative methods. As technology advances, so do the tools and techniques available to modern detectives. With the rise of online platforms and the vast amount of data circulating the internet, the role of the digital detective has become increasingly vital in various investigative endeavors. Whether it's uncovering fraud, locating missing persons, or gathering evidence for legal proceedings, digital investigations have become indispensable.
At PRIVACON INVESTIGATIONS Services, we understand the significance of embracing technology in our investigative practices. With our headquarters located in Buffalo, New York, our team of experienced Detective Investigators utilizes cutting-edge Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools and techniques to unravel complex cases.
What is OSINT?
Open Source Intelligence, commonly referred to as OSINT, is the process of collecting information from publicly available sources. These sources encompass a wide array of digital platforms, including social media networks, online forums, public records, news articles, and more. By leveraging OSINT tools and techniques, digital detectives can gather valuable insights to support their investigations.
Essential OSINT Tools
Social Media Scrapers: Social media platforms serve as virtual goldmines of information. Tools like Facebook Graph API, Twitter API, and LinkedIn API enable investigators to scrape publicly available data from these platforms. From location check-ins to relationship statuses, social media scrapers provide valuable leads for investigations.
Web Scraping Tools: Beyond social media, web scraping tools like Scrapy and BeautifulSoup allow detectives to extract data from websites and online forums. Whether it's mining data from public directories or gathering information from discussion boards, web scraping facilitates the collection of pertinent information.
Public Records Databases: Access to public records is crucial for conducting thorough investigations. Platforms like LexisNexis, TLO, and Clearview provide access to a vast repository of public records, including criminal records, property records, and court documents. By combing through these databases, detectives can uncover critical details relevant to their cases.
Reverse Image Search: Images can often reveal more than meets the eye. Reverse image search tools such as Google Images and TinEye enable investigators to trace the origins of photos posted online. This technique proves invaluable in identifying individuals, verifying identities, and uncovering fraudulent activities.
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Effective OSINT Techniques
Keyword Search: Crafting precise keyword searches is essential for navigating the vast expanse of digital data. By strategically selecting keywords relevant to the investigation, detectives can narrow down search results and pinpoint relevant information.
Link Analysis: Conducting link analysis allows investigators to visualize relationships between different entities mentioned in online content. By mapping connections between individuals, organizations, and events, detectives can uncover hidden patterns and associations.
Metadata Analysis: Metadata embedded within digital files often contains valuable information about their origins and creators. By analyzing metadata associated with photos, documents, and other digital assets, investigators can glean insights that may prove pivotal to their investigations.
In conclusion, embracing OSINT tools and techniques is paramount for modern Detective Investigators in navigating the complexities of digital investigations buffalo. At PRIVACON INVESTIGATIONS Services, we are committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements to deliver comprehensive and effective investigative solutions. Whether you're in Buffalo or beyond, trust our team to uncover the truth in the digital realm.
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myhauntedsalem · 6 months
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1858 Garnett House Hotel
Garnett, Kansas
Garnett House was built in 1858 by D.W. Houston and was opened as a hotel by Hiram Tefft in the fall of that year. The building sits at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Walnut in the town of Garnett, Kansas. The building was the first hotel in town and had several additions built onto the building. It was said that Mrs. Houston refused to move into the original building due to it’s swaying in the breeze. The hotel became known as The Garnett House and also the Lighthouse Hotel due to it’s bright lantern on the top floor which could be seen for miles at that time. It is the only surviving antebellum structure in the town of Garnett, Kansas.
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As a hotel, the building has been a witness and a participant to many events in it’s near 160-year history, including a participant in the Underground Railroad. During the time known as Bleeding Kansa. It is said that the famous Abolitionist John Brown hid escaped slaves in the attic of the home. This is said to have happened around 1859 just prior to the American Civil War.
During the 1870s, the town of Garnett became a crossroads of cowboys, settlers headed West and citizens. It literally became the scene out of the Old West with saloons, brothels, and gunfights in the streets. It was during this time that the hotel hosted some of it’s most famous guests.
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The guest list includes famous lawmen Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Wild Bill Hickock. It also includes famous scout Buffalo Bill Cody who was traveling with Hickock at the time. Belle Starr the famous female cowboy shooter was also a guest of the hotel. The famous outlaw Jesse James was also rumored to have stayed here under one of his many aliases.
After this time, the hotel eventually became a private residence once larger and more modern hotels began to appear in the town of Garnett. In the early 1950s, the building became the Doctor’s Office of Dr. Robert Stevens and his wife Dr. Julius-Stevens. They treated patients in the old hotel up until the 21st Century.  
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Every mystical place has its tales. There is a story of a woman poisoning her husband with rabbit poison, and how she was imprisoned in the Garnett house before being rescued.
Screams in the night have been heard on EVP recordings have been pulled from digital recordings at the Garnett House. One of the most disturbing elements of these screams is that they appear to come from a child.
The Garnett hotel has been investigated many times. The current owners are very interested in preserving the precious history that this old inn holds beneath its walls.
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is-this-just-fantasy · 8 months
ABC News: "What to know about how lawmakers are addressing deepfakes like the ones that victimized Taylor Swift"
⚠️ Please read the full article for all information! Here is some important text from the article:
"At least 10 states have enacted deepfake-related laws already. Scores of more measures are under consideration this year in legislatures across the country.
Georgia, Hawaii, Texas and Virginia have laws on the books that criminalize nonconsensual deepfake porn.
California and Illinois have given victims the right to sue those who create images using their likenesses.
Minnesota and New York do both. Minnesota’s law also targets using deepfakes in politics."
"University at Buffalo computer science professor Siwei Lyu said work is being done on several approaches, none of them perfect.
One is deepfake detection algorithms, which can be used to flag deepfakes on places like social media platforms.
Another — which Lyu said is in development but not yet being used widely — is to embed codes in content people upload that would signal if they’re reused in AI creation.
And a third mechanism would be to require companies offering AI tools to include digital watermarks to identify content generated with their applications."
"A bipartisan group of members of Congress in January introduced federal legislation that would give people a property right to their own likeness and voice — and the ability to sue those who use it in a misleading way through a deepfake for whatever reason.
Most states are considering some kind of deepfake legislation in their sessions this year. They're being introduced by Democrats, Republicans and bipartisan coalitions of lawmakers.
The bills getting traction include one that would make it a crime to distribute or create sexually explicit depictions of a person without their consent in GOP-dominated Indiana. It passed in the House unanimously in January.
A similar measure introduced this week in Missouri is named 'The Taylor Swift Act.' And another one cleared the Senate this week in South Dakota, where Attorney General Marty Jackley said some investigations have been handed over to federal officials because the state does not have the AI-related laws needed to file charges."
Other news sites: SpiceWorks, The Verge, FOX 2
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thewestern · 8 months
Chapter 23
Of note, all Ari found were the front bumper of Billy’s car, a positive pregnancy test in a hamburger bag and a one-eyed cat. Little devil nearly clawed His Eye out when he lifted the lid. Dumpster diving — that’s all counterintelligence work amounted to nowadays. Analog investigation, at least. No need anymore for gumshoes. Not in the era of Electronic Surveillance. He couldn’t have deduced anything about Billy, or any of these barfly meshuggenehs for that matter, that couldn’t have been much more easily ascertained from the comfort of a cubicle somewhere, with a few deft clicks and keystrokes. Like all modern currencies, information was now being traded programmatically on a digital exchange. Millions of micro-transactions processed per second. No non-institutional intelligence broker could ever hope to keep up with Big Brother and the Holding Company. Cell phone records, email transcripts, browser histories, unpaid parking tickets, voter registration, bank statements, dating profiles, grade point averages, blood types and sperm counts. It was all out there for the taking … Somewhere In The Cloud. (The rainbow is over. Or at least you can’t see it behind … The Cloud.) Hell, even Billy’s car was a computer. That wasn’t how Ari had found it though. It was Perlmutter Agency policy to keep tabs on clients and any relevant associates. Only as a contingency. Within reason, of course. Therefore, Ari had stashed a transponder under the chassis, of both this car and its backup. They had all types of cool shit like that down at the office, despite that most of it was in a broom closet collecting dust. Listening devices, hidden cameras, a primitive pair of night vision goggles. (This particular rig weighed no less than twenty pounds, like a toaster oven hanging off your damn face. These were your classic Tom Clancy-ass, Cold War-era specs … on some Buffalo Bill shit.) Really anything you could conceivably use in the spying on and/or blackmailing of somebody. They even had an audio processor … you know, for making the monster voice. (No guns or live rounds, however. Again, agents were expected to supply their own service weapons and munitions.) Secret agent gadgets were like office supplies at Perlmutter. They were back there with the fax machine and photocopier. Nobody hardly used them anymore either. 
Yes, sadly, tradecraft was a dying art. But, hey, that was no skin off Ari’s dick. He didn’t harbour any delusions about becoming an international man of mystery. Intelligence wasn’t his core competency anyway. He had been carving out his own, adjacent niche. You see, even if Ari wasn’t much for a risk analyst, as it were, you don’t need a Bloomberg Terminal to know which way the shit runs. (Downhill.) Whereas the market for information was going global, he could plainly see how good old-fashioned violence was once again being made right here in USA America. Wholesale bloodshed, manufactured in bulk. Government buildings, houses of worship, art museums, strip malls, supermarkets, sporting events and of course, schools (fucking especially schools) — potential combat zones, all. Home theaters of war. WE are soldiers. And, in addition to automatic weapons, soldiers require training. Ari would be personal trainer. Like he had been before, but not anymore at gymnasium. No longer to teach housewife fitness and nutrition. (At least, not exclusive … they are crucial part of any well-balanced threat-respond practicing.) Teaching the will to survive. The will to kill. They are same one. 
However, death would have to wait, because today he was off running errands for Hildy. At least she gave him the car, for to pick up the China-man with. The airport was so fucking far, man. When he did finally get there, he had to hold a sign at baggage claim with two Chinese characters printed on Wolffenbeir Company letterhead.
Hildy had also offloaded on him the dogs. She said she needed some space. Obviously they rode up front with him, of where there was precious little. (They couldn’t well be back there drooling on this very important China-person, could they?) Needless to say, the boys were a wreck without their mummykins, and the Deep House he played in the driver’s compartment was exacerbating their separation anxiety, as well as it was wreaking havoc on their inner ear issues. (The passenger’s cabin was completely soundproof, even just beyond the thin partition. Billy could have been driving up there watching hardcore female orgasm cumpilations turned up to eleven and Mr. Wang wouldn’t have heard a damned thing.) 
Having dropped off Wang the dogs, now Ari was back on to chasing Billy. Such a silly boy. How had he gotten himself involved with these silly fools? He was following them in their station wagon. Normally it would have been a difficult tail, on account of there were so many similar station wagons on the roadway. Only the girl with the boy’s haircut had drawn a penis with her finger in the dirt on the rear windshield. Ari was disgusted by this. Women should act and look a certain way, his father taught him. All the same, he could not help but admire this presumed lesbian’s athletic physique. Broad shoulders and toned triceps. Women had vanity muscles like men but they were opposite. Legs and glutes rather than chest and arms. Not her. She would be good for soldier in IDF.  
(The Israeli army ranks among the global military leaders for LGBT inclusion practices, this according to a study conducted by a Dutch defence industry think tank. A far cry from a fighting force of homophobes, such as ours, here in the land of the Don’t Ask and the home of the Don’t Tell. Had Grace been so swept up in patriotic fervor following the hijacking attacks on the World Trade Center, that she marched down to her local recruiter to enlist in the forever war against global terrorism, they would have turned her away, soley on the basis that she had come out as an openly gay person three days prior. Not to mention, she was eleven.) 
The large kushi boy wouldn’t have fared so well, for him. (Not only because the Israeli rank and file were markedly less tolerant of racial minorities, generally speaking.) Physical size was no more a strategic advantage in modern, urban warfare. Even in increasingly rare hand-to-hand combat scenarios, with proper instruction, sheer technique could overcome brute strength. Ari was a studied practitioner of Krav Maga, a proprietary fighting style developed by the IDF special forces, which became fashionable as a group fitness craze among civilian American women, nominally as a means of self-defense training in suburbia. Cherry-picking components from multiple martial arts, KM explicitly aims to mitigate size disparities through efficiency of force displacement. This via the shameless exploitation of one’s opponent’s physical vulnerabilities. I make demonstrate: David headbutt Goliath in groin, in repeat. Bang, bang, bang. Work combination. Alternative stomping toes with uppercut haymaker to livers. You Do Not Do That, Goliath.
(Ari couldn’t have known this, but Zeke’s size had been similarly undervalued by violent-doing elements on the home front. Perhaps in part because they lacked the same opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities as their peers at SciTech, gang affiliation among the student body at West High had reached an all-time high during Zeke’s tenure. However, certain trends allowed for him to remain an unconscious objector in such a way that would have been previously impossible for a promising young man of his considerable build. Foremostly being the surging proliferation of affordable firearms on the secondary market. Doesn’t matter how big you are, not if you’re strapped. Why would I lift weights when all I’m finna lift this nine? Lift these stacks. If anything, Zeke’s broad stature only made him an easier target. The hoppers and the corner kids had no use for a true Heavy — an old-school enforcer-type. For a fact, they all laughed at him when he passed by. Called him names, like Suge Light and Ashy the Giant and Freak-A-Zeke. 
Now shout out the radio station that gave ya what ya wanted. W Boom Boom Beat, baby.
Additionally, there were the corrosive, trickle-down effects of the so-called RICO statutes. You see, before the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, the street gang economy had been a cut-and-dry oligopoly. One wherein an elite ruling class of felonious actors wielded cartel power with near impunity. Which is to say in any given market, defined be it by geographic radii or ethnic grouping, there were usually only one, two or at the upper band three competing producers for robbery, extortion, running numbers, drug dealing, whatever, what have you. In just such an environment, Zeke would have been inevitably recruited to a life of crime, itself only to be inevitably cut short by untimely death or incarceration. What RICO did via grand jury indictments was force the CEOs of these underworld conglomerates — be they the Lucchese and the Gambinos, the Crips and the Bloods, the Hells Angels and the Oath Keepers and the Juggalos — into an early retirement to be served in a maximum security prison community. However, rather than the desired upon effect of stifling organized crime from the top down, the resulting power vacuum only served to metastasize petty malfeasances among middle management-level gang bangers and cultivate a more competitive illicit marketplace, thus begetting a halcyon age of thug entrepreneurship. A free agency of chaos, call it. [For a fact, one could quite plausibly make the argument that RICO was the lone effective piece of antitrust legislation passed in the latter half of the Twentieth Century. But that’s a panel discussion for another day.] In Zeke’s hood and others like it, a kaleidoscopic network of tribalist crews and sets arose from the ashes of their absent forefathers. Known by the Sheriff’s Department gang task force to be operating in the City Public School District alone, there were the Fifty-Ninth Street Mafia, Rolling Twenties, los Gatos Ojituertos, the Bullet Hole in the Drywall Gangstas, JD & the Straight Hittas, KFBR392, the Pussy Posse, TH YNG PUSHRS, Outlaw Aristocracy, the Barrio Bourgeoisie and several others. With sundry potential suitors for his services, somehow it became easier for Zeke to slip through the cracks altogether and maintain his independent status. And that was a-okay with him. Commanding in stature though he was, Zeke was as calmly dispositioned as they came, always content to mind after his own store, so to speak. You’re familiar with the beloved children’s story of Ferdinand the Bull? All the other young Spanish bulls wanted to roughouse with one other to prove their machismo, with hopes of someday being selected for the bullfights in Madrid. (Must have been they were an optimistic bunch. In terms of a win-loss ratio, the bulls are the Washington Generals to the matadors’ Harlem Globetrotters. Of course there are exceptions, because as Maggie Thatcher can attest, the bull only hast to get lucky once. The matador, meanwhile, has to get lucky every time. Case in point, Hank had once spectated a bullfight in Mexico City at the Plaza de Toros, the largest such venue in the world. [Bienvenidos a Estadio del Cartel de Sinaloa.] That day a matador proved the old adage: you mess with the bull, you get … well, you know what you get — a belly full of horn, in this instance. Subsequently Hank took some flack from his compadres, for standing in gleeful applause as the man in the blanco pantalones’ guts spilled out there on the dirt. Que pasa? You don’t cheer for the bull?) But Ferdinand, despite being the biggest bull of them all, only wanted to have a siesta beneath the shade of his favorite cork tree and smell the flowers. No spoilers, but suffice to say that Zeke was like Ferdinand.
The black and the lesbian were led by a sad-looking caucasian male in a hoodie. What did he have to be sad about? Ari could tell from his mopey demeanor that he was American Jew. How he pitied them. The diaspora had made his people weak, as his father had so often said. No longer a sense of pride in protecting something. Nothing worth fearing makes afraid of everything. Like fear for losing identity. This, always groaning on about … Identity, this. Culture, that. Ari knew there is no such thing. Place. Only this is real. Ground beneath your feet on which to stand. Surrounded by four walls and a tall fence. Armed to teeth. Proud culture of a warrior people, fighting for homeland. Here is your identity. 
Then last there was the woman who took his beer right out from his hand. Women shouldn’t drink. Especially beer. Father was adamant about this. It clots the bleeding. Old man had many opinions of the menstrations. Ari was only ordering it for cover anyway. He drank vodka. Someday, after his personal brand as self-defense influencer had scaled, he dreamt of having his own spirits brand, as side hustle. But the beer store give him idea. He had never been to a place where they made the alcohol to serve. Maybe he could make the vodka and sell it in same place, and this could combine with also dream of owning discotech? Im Tirzu, Ein Zo Agadah. (If you will it, it is no dream.) 
She was driving. Typical of sad American Jew boy to be chauffeured by his lead-footed gypsy wife. On a routine tail, maintain at least three car-lengths’ distance between you and the target vehicle. More difficult in non-urban driving scenarios. Ari could barely keep up on these winding backroads. They were all four off to the foothills. Headed in the direction of the Double W Ranch. Summoned by Billy for some or other silliness. Left the foul-mouthed couple to tend the bar. Mother would never speak to his father in such way before she left home for good.
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modernomy · 2 years
Crypto Currency News In One Minute
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marilynlennon · 2 years
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman was born in 1954 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. Sherman earned a BA from Buffalo State College, State University of New York (1976). In self-reflexive photographs and films, Cindy Sherman invents myriad guises, metamorphosing from Hollywood starlet to clown to society matron. Often with the simplest of means—a camera, a wig, makeup, an outfit—Sherman fashions ambiguous but memorable characters that suggest complex lives that exist outside of the frame. Leaving her works untitled, Sherman refuses to impose descriptive language on her images—relying instead on the viewer’s ability to develop narratives, as an essential component of appreciating the work.
While rarely revealing her private intentions, Sherman’s investigations have a compelling relationship to public images, from kitsch (film stills and centerfolds) to art history (Old Masters and Surrealism) to green-screen technology and the latest advances in digital photography. Sherman’s exhaustive study of portraiture and self-portraiture—often a playful mixture of camp and horror, heightened by gritty realism—provides a new lens through which to examine societal assumptions surrounding gender and the valuation of concept over style.
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Blog three: All Consumed
Digital entertainment media is all around us. When I'm driving to school, I always turn my radio on even if for just a minute. When I clean my room, I always have a show or podcast on. And when I'm bored on a Saturday night, I go looking for the newest indie or horror film (my favorite genres) to watch. Film, radio, and television play huge roles in the world of media. They can inform us, entertain us, and even connect us to the current cultural forum and make us a part of the conversation. On the morning of September 8th, I made my daily drive to campus. For whatever reason, the Bluetooth pairing to my phone which plays my music cuts out as soon as I turn onto Spring Street. So as my music faded to static, I turned on 97.9, my favorite radio station to listen to when I don't have access to an aux cord. To my bad luck, they were not playing music- they were on a commercial/news break. But to my favor, I was met with some of the earliest reports of the ill queen. Radio hosts Dave and Jimmy were communicating via phone call with someone in England and were getting live updates and information. I was shocked to hear how serious it was, and I went online to further investigate. Only a few publications had been made by this point, but I had been exposed to a very important broadcast. Only a few minutes later while waiting in line for Starbucks inside Union Cafe, I noticed the TV's inside showing coverage of the queen. With just a quick glance, I knew exactly what they were reporting on. Since I couldn't hear the coverage on the TV, I wouldn't have known what they were reporting on without having listened to the radio, and without having heard the radio, I would have never known about the story at all. So, despite me not using the radio often, its significance is still one that still impacts my life. It keeps us connected on the go, like on our drive to school or work, or even on our lunch breaks. Film has a different impact on me; they provide a sense of escapism and the stick hooks into me with their "advertising". When I feel stressed or I just want to be entertained, a movie is my go-to solution. As mentioned earlier, horror and indie films are my favorites. Horror films keep me entertained by fueling adrenaline rushes. Indie films almost always put me in the movie with the characters, something I have always admired about them and something that keeps me coming back when I feel alone. But despite them being different, they both influence me through their "advertising". I use quotes because half of the time, I don't think its intentional. For example, in the film Buffalo 66', lead actor Vincent Gallo wears bright red boots, a contrast to the musty off-gray filter washing over the entire movie. After watching the film, I knew I had to get a pair or bright red shoes. The way his character carried himself printed this idea in my mind that I tied to the red shoes that stuck out beautifully throughout the film, and I suddenly became a product to the movie, sold to the need for red boots similar to his. Television is guilty of doing the same thing, but because I don't watch it as much, I don't run into it as often. Still, film, radio, and television have been able to keep media running for decades, and as an aspiring broadcast journalist, I hope it never stops.
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dhaaruni · 3 years
Few quick points about this Rebecca Solnit piece and the Virginia gubernatorial race:
Women and POC getting elected at the local level is well and good, but when voters are electing Republican trifectas in states Joe Biden won by double digits just a year ago, that's a major alarm bell and a foreboding sign for the 2022 midterms.
Terry McAuliffe being a "corporate centrist" had nothing to do with why he lost last Tuesday. He lost because people voted for Glenn Youngkn, and leftists or even liberals are refusing discuss the reasons why he lot because that means discussing how the Loudoun County rape case and cover-up swung a lot of voters in NoVa at the last minute. McAuliffe didn't lose because of CRT, he lost because he really dropped the ball on education, which includes safety at schools, and that has to be addressed.
Solnit writes, "In Cleveland, Austin, Denver and Albany, citizens voted in police-reform measures, and while a more radical measure in Minneapolis lost, it got a good share of votes." But, Solnit flat out doesn't mention that the Democratic nominee for mayor of Buffalo who won the primary and identifies as a socialist and was endorsed by Schumer/Gillibrand/the entire NY state establishment lost by 30 to the write-in former mayor. She didn't mention that Seattle of all places elected a moderate mayor who wants to add to the police force and a literal Republican as city attorney, because that goes against her priors. Also, as per @andjusticeforall1979, Austin also voted to criminalize homelessness! Not exactly progressive!
Holistically speaking, I also think that Solnit and Democrats generally refusing to talk about how the Loudoun County rape case and cover-up impacted voters especially in the last two weeks of the race when more info came out is really stupid. Like, when a girl gets raped in a bathroom by a boy in a skirt and it can viably turn into an issue of trans bathroom policies that are intrinsically associated with Democrats, Republicans WILL jump on that and McAuliffe wasn't prepared for it. The case was a Republican's dream to message against and Youngkin immediately condemning the school district for covering it up and calling for further investigation reflected well on him. And, it doesn't surprise me at all that squishy moderate white parents in NoVa were like "Okay so under Democratic school board leadership with inclusive Democratic bathroom policies, our daughters are being raped by boys in dresses in girls' bathrooms and the school board is covering it up so we should vote GOP." Is Youngkin actually good on women's issues, cis or trans? Absolutely not, and he's definitely worse than McAuliffe by far, but my point stands.
Anyways, just thought I'd be a Debbie Downer and tell you guys that information.
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nitrosplicer · 3 years
tiktok needs to be destroyed probably. not a joke not a funny this is just so disgusting and disheartening.
"While the Couch Guy meme was lighthearted on its surface, it turned menacing as TikTok users obsessively invaded the lives of Lauren, our friends, and me—people with no previous desire for internet fame, let alone infamy. Would-be sleuths conducted what Trevor Noah jokingly called “the most intense forensic investigation since the Kennedy assassination.” During my tenure as Couch Guy, I was the subject of frame-by-frame body language analyses, armchair diagnoses of psychopathy, comparisons to convicted murderers, and general discussions about my “bad vibes.”
At times, the investigation even transcended the digital world—for instance, when a resident in my apartment building posted a TikTok video, which accumulated 2.3 million views, of himself slipping a note under my door to request an interview. (I did not respond.) One viewer gleefully commented, “Even if this guy turned off his phone, he can’t escape the couch guy notifications,” a fact that the 37,600 users who liked it presumably celebrated too. Under another video, in which hall mates of mine promised to confront Couch Guy once they reached 1 million likes (they didn’t), a comment suggested that they “secretly see who’s coming and going from his place”—and received 17,800 approving likes. The New York Post reported on, and perhaps encouraged, such invasions of my privacy."
"The most recent target of the app’s emerging investigative spirit was Sabrina Prater, a 34-year-old contractor and trans woman, who went viral in November after posting a video of herself dancing in a basement midrenovation. The video’s virality began with parody videos, but quickly veered into the realm of conspiracy theory due to (you guessed it) the video’s apparent “bad vibes”—at which point I got a dreadful sense of déjà vu. As Prater’s video climbed to 22 million views and internet sleuths came together to form a r/WhosSabrinaPrater community on Reddit, Prater faced baseless murder accusations, transphobic comparisons to Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs, and overzealous vigilantes who threatened to go to her neighborhood to investigate further. This incident reveals the harmful potential of TikTok sleuthing. One expert aptly summed up the Prater saga to Rolling Stone: “It was like watching true crime, internet sleuthing, conspiracy theories, and transphobia collide in a car crash.”
this is just internet harassment at this point.
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privacon · 6 months
Buffalo’s Regulatory Landscape: Navigating Fraud Investigations
In the bustling city of Buffalo, navigating the intricate regulatory landscape can be a challenging task, particularly when it comes to dealing with fraud investigations. As businesses strive to maintain integrity and compliance within the realm of finance, insurance, and corporate affairs, the demand for reliable fraud investigation services has surged. In such a dynamic environment, having a trustworthy partner equipped to handle fraud investigations efficiently becomes paramount.
At PRIVACON INVESTIGATIONS Services, we understand the complexities of Buffalo's regulatory framework and offer tailored solutions to assist businesses in safeguarding their interests. Our comprehensive suite of fraud investigation services is designed to address various forms of fraudulent activities, ensuring that our clients are well-equipped to mitigate risks and protect their assets.
Fraud Investigation Services:
Fraudulent activities can manifest in various forms, ranging from embezzlement and financial fraud to identity theft and cybercrimes. Detecting and addressing these fraudulent schemes requires a meticulous approach and specialized expertise. This is where our fraud investigation services excel.
Our team of seasoned investigators possesses extensive experience in uncovering fraudulent activities across different industries. Leveraging advanced investigative techniques and cutting-edge technology, we delve deep into financial records, conduct interviews, and analyze digital evidence to identify fraudulent patterns and perpetrators. Whether it's internal fraud within a company or external scams targeting unsuspecting individuals, we have the expertise to unravel the complexities and provide actionable insights.
Fraud Investigation Buffalo:
In Buffalo, where businesses operate within a multifaceted regulatory environment, the need for reliable fraud investigation services cannot be overstated. From small enterprises to large corporations, no entity is immune to the risks posed by fraudulent activities. As such, having a trusted partner like PRIVACON INVESTIGATIONS Services can make all the difference.
Our localized approach to fraud investigation in Buffalo enables us to navigate the city's regulatory landscape with precision. We are well-versed in the specific laws, regulations, and industry standards governing different sectors, allowing us to conduct thorough investigations while ensuring compliance every step of the way. Whether collaborating with financial institutions, insurance companies, or legal firms, we tailor our services to meet the unique needs and challenges of our clients in Buffalo.
As Buffalo's regulatory landscape continues to evolve, businesses face increasing pressure to uphold integrity and transparency in their operations. Fraud investigations play a crucial role in maintaining trust and safeguarding assets, but navigating the complexities of such investigations requires specialized expertise and a deep understanding of the local regulatory framework.
At PRIVACON INVESTIGATIONS Services, we offer comprehensive fraud investigation services tailored to the unique needs of businesses in Buffalo. With our seasoned investigators, advanced techniques, and commitment to compliance, we help our clients detect and mitigate fraudulent activities effectively. When it comes to safeguarding your interests and navigating Buffalo's regulatory landscape, trust PRIVACON INVESTIGATIONS Services to be your partner in fraud prevention and detection.
Visit for more : https://privaconpi.com/
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myhauntedsalem · 2 years
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1858 Garnett House Hotel
Garnett, Kansas
Garnett House was built in 1858 by D.W. Houston and was opened as a hotel by Hiram Tefft in the fall of that year. The building sits at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Walnut in the town of Garnett, Kansas. The building was the first hotel in town and had several additions built onto the building. It was said that Mrs. Houston refused to move into the original building due to it’s swaying in the breeze. The hotel became known as The Garnett House and also the Lighthouse Hotel due to it’s bright lantern on the top floor which could be seen for miles at that time. It is the only surviving antebellum structure in the town of Garnett, Kansas.
As a hotel, the building has been a witness and a participant to many events in it’s near 160-year history, including a participant in the Underground Railroad. During the time known as Bleeding Kansa. It is said that the famous Abolitionist John Brown hid escaped slaves in the attic of the home. This is said to have happened around 1859 just prior to the American Civil War.
During the 1870s, the town of Garnett became a crossroads of cowboys, settlers headed West and citizens. It literally became the scene out of the Old West with saloons, brothels, and gunfights in the streets. It was during this time that the hotel hosted some of it’s most famous guests.
The guest list includes famous lawmen Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Wild Bill Hickock. It also includes famous scout Buffalo Bill Cody who was traveling with Hickock at the time. Belle Starr the famous female cowboy shooter was also a guest of the hotel. The famous outlaw Jesse James was also rumored to have stayed here under one of his many aliases.
After this time, the hotel eventually became a private residence once larger and more modern hotels began to appear in the town of Garnett. In the early 1950s, the building became the Doctor’s Office of Dr. Robert Stevens and his wife Dr. Julius-Stevens. They treated patients in the old hotel up until the 21st Century.  
Every mystical place has its tales. There is a story of a woman poisoning her husband with rabbit poison, and how she was imprisoned in the Garnett house before being rescued.
Screams in the night have been heard on EVP recordings have been pulled from digital recordings at the Garnett House. One of the most disturbing elements of these screams is that they appear to come from a child.
The Garnett hotel has been investigated many times. The current owners are very interested in preserving the precious history that this old inn holds beneath its walls.
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sasharesearch · 3 years
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Term 3 Workshop Case Study - Cindy Sherman
“Two possibilities” - 2020
Cindy Morris Sherman (b. 1954) an American artist whose work consists primarily of photographic self-portraits, depicting herself in many different contexts and as various imagined characters. She studied visual arts at Buffalo State College in 1972, during her education she was working on her breakthrough work “Untitled Film Stills” that she was doing as a side project from 1971 to 1980. Throughout her career, Sherman continued to push boundaries of what it means to be not only a women, but as a person. Although she primarily works on the idea of the representation of femininity in media, in recent years she has expanded her  investigation to take back social representations of sex, gender expression, and personal identity.
Through out she career Sherman has used different methods in which to change her appearance. More recently she works with the technology of the time, posting digitally altered selfies of herself on her Instagram account. Photoshop has because something anyone can use to change themselves but normally it’s to make them more attractive, Sherman using Photoshop to play with her appearance to make herself look almost like cartoon characters. Enhancing her features to make her look more alien them human at times.
Cindy Sherman has said in previous interviews that she has always been interested in dressing up in make up and costume, she has an actors mind set when she creates a character. To me it seems like these Instagram posts are just her playing around, creating an interesting and kind of fucked up faces with the material that’s available at the time. Technology has become so much more advanced that we can make some really interesting art from your phone. Although these images are something she was most likely just doing for fun, it shows that Sherman continues to grow her practice and experiment those same ideas of identity and representation with modern technology. Especially on a platform like Instagram that is known for idealizing persons lives.
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rolandopujol · 4 years
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It’s official! Burger King is “doubling down on what made us great.” The chain is bringing back an homage to its beloved 1969 logo and redesigning all its stores with a fresh, throwback vibe. Back in September, I stumbled upon a royal mystery. @soujoe7 had posted a photo of what looked like a vintage Burger King sign in Danvers, Massachusetts. @saguarosally and @mquintal went to investigate and confirmed that it was actually a new sign. I then made the trip and snapped these photos. Was this a brand overhaul in the making, a move away from the 1999 swirl logo, which Fast Company calls “synthetic looking”? Or just an option for franchisees or certain concept stores? Well, I got reports of more restaurants switching to the vintage look and visited another one outside Buffalo. Burger King was mum. I reached out to them and heard nothing back. Today, they revealed they are indeed rebranding, restoring this retro logo, and retrofitting all of their restaurants to this look. The “minimalist logo seamlessly meets the brand evolution of the times,” they said in a news release, explaining they are also embracing their treasured brand heritage. The logo isn’t quite the old one -- as I reported earlier,  it’s more of a blend between the 1969 and the slight 1994 update, which featured a taller top bun. But this homage is a very effective one. Reports Fast Company: “The color palette is drawn directly from key Burger King ingredients—beef, lettuce, fries—and looks unabashedly old school.” Lisa Smith of Jones Knowles Ritchie, the firm behind the new look, told Fast Company: “We wanted to use design to close the gap between the negative perceptions people have of fast food and the positive reality of our food story by making the brand feel less synthetic, artificial, and cheap, and more real, crave-able, and tasty.” The goal, too, is to make the brand more “legible” on digital media, which has led other brands to simplify their look to the point of blandness. This overhaul feels organic, alive, and fun. It feels like Burger King used to feel -- just in a modern way.  What say you? #retrologist (at Burger King) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJw72TuFueG/?igshid=1q58v08fd3hka
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brod-anthropology · 4 years
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Hollis Frampton
Hollis Frampton's was an American avant-garde filmmaker, photographer, writer, theoretician, and pioneer of digital art. His most  known photography explored ideas of series and sets, and later began to make films that explored similar ideas and based a lot of his early films on concepts. All of his very early works were either discarded or lost, though were known to be reasonably simple in construction. His earliest surviving work was Information (1966) with other early works like Maxwell's Demon, Surface Tension, and Prince Rupert's Drops being based on concepts from science. As he progressed as a filmmaker his films gradually increased in scope and ambition. He was a ‘structural filmmaker’, a style that focused on the nature of film itself- Gardner stated his dislike of that term as it was too broad and didn't accurately reflect the nature of his work.
His film Zorns Lemma (1970) drastically altered perceptions towards experimental film. Formed in three different sections, the first is a reading (by Joyce Wieland) of the Bay State Primer ( a puritan work for children to learn the alphabet) with the sentences used highlighting the foreboding themes of the text (like "In Adams fall, we sinned all."). The second section was based on work by Carl Andre which started out with an alphabetical list of words for each letter in the alphabet with each subsequent list being replaced with a letter until it is just letters- Zorns Lemma reversed the concept and starts with a twenty four letter alphabet (I/J and U/V are considered one letter) and each letter shown for one second then looping and the second cycle each letter being replaced with a word that starts with each letter until the words are replaced by an active film shot, such as washing hands or peeling a tangerine until there are only moving images. The third section contains a seemingly single shot of a couple walking across a snowy meadow with the sound of six women reading one word at a time from Theory of Light. One interpretation of Zorns Lemma was that it’s commentary on life's stages with the morality of the Bay State Primer being childhood, the sets of numbers representing maturing and interaction with the world, and the third part representing old age and death.
He later made the Hapax Legomena films, a series of seven films of which are the most well known and explore the relation between sound and cinema ( an area often disregarded in American avant-garde film) by using a disjointed relationship between the two. Poetic Justice explores the  "cinema of the mind" as the film takes place in the viewers' imagination(s) as they read title cards- an extremely rare book edition of Poetic Justice was printed by the Visual Studies Workshop. His final major film project was Magellan (named after the explorer who first circumnavigated the world)- it was intended to be shown as a calendrical cycle, one film for each day of the year. 
In the later years of his life Frampton taught at SUNY Buffalo, writing, working on Magellan and ongoing photographic projects with artist and wife Marion Faller, and continued to investigate the relationship between computers and art. 
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feelingbluepolitics · 4 years
"The Department of Homeland Security deployed helicopters, airplanes and drones over 15 cities where demonstrators gathered to protest the death of George Floyd, logging at least 270 hours of surveillance, far more than previously revealed, according to Customs and Border Protection data.
"The department’s dispatching of unmanned aircraft over protests in Minneapolis last month sparked a congressional inquiry and widespread accusations that the federal agency had infringed on the privacy rights of demonstrators.
"But that was just one piece of a nationwide operation that deployed resources usually used to patrol the U.S. border for smugglers and illegal crossings. Aircraft filmed demonstrations in Dayton, Ohio; New York City; Buffalo and Philadelphia, among other cities, sending video footage in real time to control centers managed by Air and Marine Operations, a branch of Customs and Border Protection.
"The footage was then fed into a digital network managed by the Homeland Security Department, called 'Big Pipe,' which can be accessed by other federal agencies and local police departments for use in future investigations, according to senior officials with Air and Marine Operations.
..."House Democrats and privacy advocates still worry over the potential dissemination of the footage and the chilling effect that militarized aircrafts could have on peaceful protests.
"Earlier this month, Democrats with the House Oversight Committee, including Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Jamie Raskin of Maryland, and Stephen F. Lynch and Ayanna Pressley, both of Massachusetts, protested to Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of homeland security.
..."'This administration has undermined the First Amendment freedoms of Americans of all races who are rightfully protesting George Floyd’s killing,' the Democrats said in a letter to Mr. Wolf. 'The deployment of drones and officers to surveil protests is a gross abuse of authority and is particularly chilling when used against Americans who are protesting law enforcement brutality.'
"But Democrats apparently were unaware of the breadth of the agency’s actions. Most of surveillance was done with planes and helicopters. Air and Marine Operations did dispatch drones to two demonstrations — in Minneapolis and in Del Rio, Texas."
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karissatammy-blog · 4 years
Increasing the odds you be able to catch a foul ball
Not bad for a guy who grew up playing on a backyard rink with his brothers and the old open air facility at Cazenovia Park.Gary, the oldest, has coached Erie Community College for years and led the Kats to a national junior college title in 2011. Tom "Bones" Rost followed Dave to West Point and was another terrific player who had 115 goals and 287 points in 118 career games. They played together for two years on the Buffalo Line, which included Western New Yorker Danny Murrett.In 2009, College Hockey News named Dave Rost to its all time team, which included Ken Dryden.
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