#Dick the Bruiser
wrestlingisfake · 1 year
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Saw this on Twitter, from a 1983 issue of Gong magazine. I'm trying to use Google Translate (and a little common sense) to figure out who everybody is.
Hulk Hogan (roller skating in California)
Bruiser Brody (riding the space shuttle, piloted by a gorilla)
Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. (falling off a horse)
Fritz, Kevin, Kerry, and David Von Erich (standing together in Texas)
Ric Flair (literally jet-flying, wearing the NWA world title)
Harley Race (in Missouri, punching out the Funks' horse)
Ted DiBiase and the Junkyard Dog (dressed like jazz guys, to represent New Orleans and Mid-South)
Verne Gagne (in Minnesota, giving the thumbs up)
Nick Bockwinkel (holding the AWA world title)
Dick the Bruiser (dressed like a Chicago gangster)
Jerry Lawler (dressed like Elvis because he's in Memphis; a curious foreshadowing of his cousin becoming Honky Tonk Man in 1986)
Stan Hansen (wearing a cowboy hat, standing in Georgia)
Ricky Steamboat (in the Carolinas, pointing at Lawler)
Andre the Giant (standing between Canada and New York)
Dusty Rhodes (representing Florida, riding the surfboard)
Bob Backlund (swinging off the Statue of Liberty, wearing the WWF world title)
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johnschneiderblog · 1 year
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Sheik chic
Among the authors I met Saturday at the Library of Michigan’s notable-books celebration was Brian Solomon, author of “Blood Fire and the Unbelievable Real-Life Story of Wrestling’s Original Sheik.”
I could relate. As a youthful fan of Big Time Wrestling - a TV show my buds and I never missed - I had a love-hate relationship with The Sheik. In other words I loved to hate him. He was the ultimate villain and stomping grounds (literally) were my home town of Detroit and environs.
When I came to work for the newspaper in Lansing, I was amazed to learn that The Sheik’s real name was Edward Farhat and that he lived in Williamston - Williamston!, a bucolic little town 20 miles east of Lansing.
On Saturday Solomon and I had quite a chat about The Sheik and his cohorts -  Bobo Brazil, Wild Bill Curry, Haystack Calhoun, Crybaby Cannon, Gorgeous George and, or course, the gravel-voiced Dick the Bruiser ..
The Sheik’s ring persona was that of a wild man from Syria who stopped a nothing to defeat his opponents. He hurled fire balls and used hidden pencils to cut the faces of challengers. (That was part of the show, anyway).
The Sheik died of heart failure in 2003, at age 76, and was laid to rest in Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Williamston.
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Ed Wiskoski aka Colonel DeBeers in flight over Dick the Bruiser
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Dick The Bruiser vs King Kong Brody - 1980
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ringthedamnbell · 1 month
Two Double Tough Guys: Dick the Bruiser and The Crusher.
“Do the Crusher! Do the Crusher! Raid! Do the Crusher, you turkey necks! Yeah, do the Crusher! A-Do the Crusher! Everybody do it now! Raid!” The Novas.
Robert Segedy “Do the Crusher! Do the Crusher! Raid! Do the Crusher, you turkey necks! Yeah, do the Crusher! A-Do the Crusher! Everybody do it now! Raid!” The Novas. Continue reading Two Double Tough Guys: Dick the Bruiser and The Crusher.
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
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i LOVE thinking about the bats and their various kits and how each member has uses different tech as a part of their costumes + how that ties into their character and development
like jason and bruce are bruisers who go for intimidation first, but dick is more of a casual ability to be intimidating through misdirection and performance! he’s a drama queen!
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Unfortunately, I'm low on inspiration for our Girl's Night adventure. I shall leave off with what Bruce thinks is happening and what is actually happening. Feel free to take the story and do whatever you want with it, just tag me or something.
Bruce's Idea:
Conner ran afoul of some magic and is now up the duff with Tim's kid. Tim, being a paranoid gremlin, has called in a favor with Barbara and she is having a facility built for the purpose of caring for mother and child (Yes, Bruce does get a new gray hair everytime he thinks about what Tim and Conner have done).
Phantom is mostly likely hired muscle and a go-fer for the group. After the information about the pregnancy gets out, Tim receives a phone call, most likely about a health concern given his behavior and leaves. Probably to resolve whatever issues arose before returning and bold faced denying anything to do with the plot outside of threatening to explain in great detail how Conner's condition came to be
What is actually happening:
Someone was able to get a message to Oracle asking for help for 2 metas, one being very sick and the other injured. They said that they were being hunted by the government and that they needed to keep a low profile. (Ellie could also be heard shouting that if they were bringing a pity party, to not come at all) Oracle calls up her most trusted enforcers, Steph and Cass, who decide to disguise the mission as a Girl's Night that just took too long. Dick was invited because the "cruiser but secretly a bruiser" is a stick shift and only hipsters and old people know how to drive those.
After picking up Selina and the Fentons, they split into 2 teams with members coming and going to keep any one person from having a clear idea of what's going on.
One team is working on turning an abandoned building of some kind into a one room hospital. (Not important but they had to go out of their way to get old equipment because no one wants to risk any ectoplasm or magic mixing with new technology in unexpected ways. You wouldn't want the bed to start raising itself after all)
The other team is working on gathering intel on the GIW and sneaking any ghosts out that they can. The goal is to have everything ready to execute a raid within hours, if not minutes of the Anti-Ecto Acts being repealed.
Out of fear that the Justice League and its members might be traced back to the operation and jeopardize everyone's safety (if Vlad finds out what's happening, there's no telling if he'll possess a hero or not) Oracle tasks Tim with the civilian side of things. Some concerned reporters happen upon the Acts and write about them, and some equally concerned billionaires throw their opinions (and money) into the conversation, and public concern grows, and you know how this song and dance goes.
For better or worse, she also tasks Tim with ensuring that everyone, including the man himself, is too distracted to notice Bruce's finances. Since he's bank rolling the whole operation, even if he doesn't know yet. Tim decides to call Conner to unleash their greatest distraction plan. The old-fashioned "Teen Pregnancy Scare" tactic. The fact that they are both male barely slows them down or convinces anyone that they're lying.
Everyone looking at them is like, "I'm pretty sure you're lying, but with all the shit you all get into, I can't rule out honesty"
(Also maybe Ellie has to revert to a core and she needs someone to "carry" her. Before anyone else can process the information, Conner sees an opportunity for more chaos and volunteers. The absolute flabbergasted look on Clark's face when he sees a medical record detailing his progress was priceless)
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gabbynyssa · 3 months
Can both the comics and the fandom please stop insisting that Jason Todd is fridge-shaped?
Like... It's a very recent and unfortunate development to have him look like some butch bruiser and like... It really feels like it's purely because he grew up on the streets of Gotham, much like the recurring thing of treating him like the dumbest or most rage-fueled member of the group.
Jason has almost constantly stolen Dick's clothes and until recently actually looked at least slightly shorter a lot of the time. He's patient and calculating with his revenge, setting the stage and outsmarting Bruce on multiple counts.
I know why y'all want him to fit into your little Frankenstein's monster cookie cutter idea of what his angst should make him physically (and mentally), but it just... Isn't him.
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cloakedsparrow · 6 months
Thomas Lives! Bat-Family AU
Batfamily AU where Thomas Wayne moves to protect his son by shielding him rather than rushing the gunman after Martha is killed. Joe Chill was a mugger who didn’t expect to become a murderer that evening and he flees as soon as Thomas’ back is turned. Now both Thomas and Bruce survive and go home to Alfred.
Does Thomas become Batman and Bruce becomes the first Robin? Is Thomas (and later, Bruce) cool with lethal means when necessary but usually holds back because a) most street level crimes don’t require a lethal solution and b) he doesn’t want to traumatize his child any more than he already is?
Or does Thomas go all in with philanthropy to try to save Gotham and Bruce eventually becomes Batman because he sees there’s a missing piece? He figures between his father’s free clinic and all the money he puts into public transit, shelters, food banks, medical care, and education, Gordon fighting to clean up the dirty CGPD, and his efforts to take down organized crime as Batman, Gotham will be better off. Does he have to wait until he’s an adult to even start training for Batman because Thomas won’t let him go off to study the way of the blade until he’s graduated high school?
Do Thomas and Bruce trade off Batman for years once Bruce grows up and no one knows which one they’re gonna get? Most people don’t even know there are two so any theories on his identity is widely off? Neither one needs much of a cover since they’re both seen when the Batman is active plenty of times. Thomas continues on a surgeon. Bruce gets a business degree and works at Wayne Enterprises. Alfred continues to be the world’s most badass valet. They build the Martha Wayne Foundation together and are all active within it. Instead of Bruce and Leslie starting the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic, Thomas and Leslie build and run the Martha Wayne Memorial Clinic.
Does Bruce end up being less of a control freak because he never had full control in a world where his father was still around? With Thomas there to take care of things after Martha died, does Bruce even feel the need to control everything around him? Does he end up with more emotional intelligence and better communication skills in a world where he’s raised by both Alfred and Thomas? Is he just little quicker to trust people? Is he less likely to date criminals and tell them his secret? Is he a little quicker to smile?
In the OG timeline, 18/19 year old Dick wanted to adopt newly orphaned Jason Todd and Bruce stopped him and stated that he would adopt the kid while Dick went to school and started his life. Would the same thing happen between 22/23 year old Bruce and Thomas with newly orphaned Dick in this universe? With a healthier father figure and Bruce as a brother rather than father, would Dick and Bruce ever have the falling out they eventually did in canon? If they still fought when Dick outgrew Robin, would Thomas be able to be a better mediator than Alfred, since he doesn’t have any constraints in his relationship with them? If Bruce had been Robin himself, and eventually became Batman after his father stepped away from the role, would Bruce even blink at Dick moving on?
Jason’s adoption would probably go much the same, but afterwards, things would probably change.
Because if Dick and Bruce aren’t butting heads, and they’re both always welcome in their dad’s Manor (possibly even both reside there), does Dick -now the cool, young uncle- end up spending more time with Jason? Bruce can’t teach a lot of what Dick can do (no one but Dick probably can) once he melds his circus training with his fight training, so Jason had to become a brawler/bruiser in order to do the same job in canon. This meant his violence looked like violence, whereas Dick’s violence looked like cute acrobatic tricks pulling the criminals’ attention away from Batman. If Jason gets the chance to learn more from Dick, or if Dick is able to go to bat for him without triggering any bigger fights with Bruce (plus Thomas there for Bruce to turn to with dad questions/rants), does Bruce ever think Jason is crossing a line?
Even if he does, Jason isn’t in quite the same place in this universe. Even if Dick is still incommunicado when he overhears Bruce talking to Alfred and misunderstands, he now has someone else he can turn to: Grandpa Tom. Does Thomas tell Bruce that he’s not too big for a scolding and he needs to go apologize to his son? Does Bruce take that advice and explain everything to his kid so Jason never returns to his old neighborhood to learn that his mom wasn’t his biological mother?
Batman doesn’t take off in the Bat-Jet every time a Gothamite gets into trouble somewhere. It’s reasonable to assume that if Tim isn’t his emotional support child -and therefore standing right next to him when they learn his parents have been taken captive- Bruce wouldn’t leave Gotham to go save the Drakes. Obeah Man always planned to kill Jack and Janet, so they’d both die in that incident.
Does Bruce step in to adopt Tim when he realizes the orphaned boy has no family left and is worth millions of dollars (which will lead to all kinds of trouble in Gotham)? Under what circumstances does the rest of the family learn that Tim knows their secret? Does he just take pity on them when they’re trying to explain away an absence or injury one day and gently tells them that he’s known who they were for years already? Does he step in to help when they’re in trouble at some point, and is like ‘by the way, I’ve known since I was nine but that’s not important right now’ similar to canon? Does he stop Jason from running into trouble without backup one day and in the middle of arguing that he has to go, Jason realizes that the little shit knows? Do they decide to tell him one day and he overdoes his ‘shocked’ reaction? Or does he sell it perfectly and it’s years before they learn he already knew?
How does Jason take to being a big brother? Does he jump into the role with enthusiasm? Is he unsure about it? Is he determined that his little brother will know no further heartache and ends up bullying their dad (Bruce) into better self care as a result? Does he just kind of ignore Tim while he tries to figure out how he feels about all the changes until he sees some kid bullying his little brother at school and hears Kill Bill sirens going off in his head? Do they become an unstoppable team both at home and in the field? Do they geek out about books together even though they have different tastes in them? Do Bruce and Thomas just check the library any time they can’t find the boys?
Or does Jason die anyway? And Tim still steps in to help, but with another person watching with a different perspective from the others?
Everyone else is focused on the fact that Tim is already a skilled detective who knows their secret, has been studying martial arts and acrobatics enough to have a solid foundation and some decent skill already, and can recognize that Bruce needs help and therefore, should totally be the new Robin. Thomas, however, stops to ponder why it is that Tim was able to recognize Bruce and Batman’s heavily hidden depression. Instead of questioning how Tim knew where Dick lived and worked and all that, he questions how the hell a kid that young just fucked off to another state without anyone noticing. Yeah, he’s worried about Bruce getting stabbed and just going back into a fight, but he’s already got Alfred and Dick on his ass about that, so he can take a moment to feel the horror at the fact that a child witnessed that and didn’t respond as though it were the worst thing they’d ever seen. While no one else questions that Tim just had his boarding school start forwarding his mail to Wayne Manor without issue, does Thomas stop to go ‘WTF? Why is no one questioning what the Drake boy is doing here?’
Does Thomas decide that while helping Bruce, they can also help this kid who is clearly in dire need of competent adult supervision?
Who, then, adopts Tim? Thomas or Bruce? Or does Alfred adopt him out from under them, so they each get a little boy wonder? Do most people who encounter the family have a period where they try to figure out which black-haired, blue-eyed kid is which black-haired, blue-eyed man’s child before giving up with a headache? Does Bruce sometimes refer to Alfred as his mom the way Dick has a few times in canon? Are outsiders utterly confused about the whole lot? Do they all just live in the Manor together as one happy and less-dysfunctional-then-they-could-have-been family?
When Cass enters the picture and Bruce is focused on the whole assassin-turned-vigilante bit, is Thomas in the background going ‘Yes, a granddaughter! Have you met your new little brothers, yet? Oh, you don’t know how to speak? You know they have teachers for that, right, Brucie? We can afford one that will keep their mouth shut if she lets anything slip during lessons. You go help Barbie research that while I introduce her to the alphabet. See? Wasn’t that easier than making the poor girl point at everything until we caught on to what she wanted?’
‘This is your Uncle Dick, he’s going to teach you how to use the trapeze! What’s that, you like ballet? I’ll build a studio in the Manor and get you private lessons! You like roses? Alfred, want to help us build Cassie a rose garden!? Of course she broke those men’s arms, Brucie, he was harming her little brothers! I seem to recall you breaking more than a few arms when someone hurt Dickie!’
Instead of coming to Gotham with his quiet, emotionally stunted father to meet an uncertain and grieving adopted brother and very professional Alfred, does Damian end up hearing all about his new family and asked after his interests by his more mature father? Does he exit the Batmobile to be gathered up in a big bear hug by the unit of a man that is Thomas Wayne? Is he then introduced to his uncle, sister, brother, and whatever Tim ended up being in this universe? Does that make the introduction go better? Either because there are just too many variables in play for his planned takeover or because he’s too stunned at everyone being genuinely happy to meet him that he forgets he could be cursing and trowing a tantrum when they talk about helping him unpack and get ready for bed after his long trip?
Does Damian still try to kill Tim (the current Robin) off? Does he try, but this much more cohesive and connected version of the family keeps stopping him? Do they talk him through his issues better? Does he learn what it means to be part of a family much sooner? Does he end up with an art studio and a pair of kittens by the end of the first week? Does Thomas call up Talia to arrange for Goliath to be sneaked into Gotham to live in the Bat Cave once he learns that his grandson is missing his dragon bat over hot chocolate one night?
Or does Batman/Previous-Batman/Sometimes-Batman, Thomas Wayne, just raze the League the first time Ra’s messes with his son? Does Bruce get to stay with Talia to raise Damian from the beginning in his family’s ancestral home with his father, honorary second parent, little brother, daughter, son, and whatever Tim is to him in universe? Does Talia go off to become CEO or COO of another company on her own after her father’s demise? Does she work for Wayne Enterprises? Do she and Bruce get together under different circumstances? Do they not get together at all and Damian is never born? Or are things much the same between them, except she realizes that Bruce can give Damian a real family in this universe and hands him over sooner?
If Jason died and came back, how would Thomas’ presence alter his actions afterwards?
Would Thomas have killed the Joker once the threat of starting an international incident was taken off the table? Would any member of the family give a shit if Jason used guns or killed the occasional murderer/pedophile/human trafficker in this universe? Even when Jason saw there was a new Robin, he wouldn't be able to say who brought Tim into the fold, so that wouldn’t make him feel as replaced. He’d have a moment to step back and question it in a way he never did in canon. Even if he was still hurt and pissed at Bruce, would knowing Thomas, Alfred, and Dick were all there be enough to bring Jason home anyway? Would his grandpa and new little siblings ever let him leave again once he did?
Would Bruce have reacted better to Clark confessing to killing some of his rogues in a world where he was raised by Thomas? Would they never have their falling out and end up even better friends without that interruption in their relationship? Between that and having less overall issues, would Bruce be willing to call his friend sooner when he needs help? Would that extend to more members of the Justice League? Is he laid up with a broken leg and calls in Barry when Mr Freeze breaks out of Arkham because he has experience with ice-themed villains? Does Killer Croc get bitch-slapped back into Arkham by Wonder Woman one day because Bruce and his kids all had the flu and he asked for her help?
Does Jean Paul Valley ever become Batman? Or does Thomas just step into the suit while Bruce is recovering so Jean Paul gets more training time? With another adult around, does Tim still have to babysit Jean Paul all by himself? Are they able to catch the fact that Jean Paul is losing it sooner?
Does Bane have any idea what hit him when Thomas-Batman comes for him after he hurt his son?
/|^;-;^/| ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ /|^;-;^/| ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ /|^;-;^/|
Just some questions that came to me while I was feeding my goats this morning…
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captainlondonman · 7 months
Car Repair Bear
There was something about the local car repair garage that made Danny look in every time he passed. Above the door was a dirty sign saying Bear Repairs. In fact it was not something but someone. There was only ever one guy there but almost every time Danny slowed up enough to look in, if the guy was in full view Danny could immediately start to feel his cock swell. Christ it was not as if the guy was some hunk, in fact he was quite the opposite. He was at least 185cms high thick set ,in fact more that that he had a good sized beer belly and he was hairy as hell. He was always in a dirty and oily blue overall which was invariably open almost down to his navel , probably because it was too tight on him but it made his hairy belly bulge out through the wide gap. He had a thick silver chain around his neck and tattoos around his neck. His hands were real mechanic hands thick fingered with dirty ingrained nails and such hairy hands. He wore thick toe capped boots up to his knees with the top part folded over. His neck was as  thick as his head and he had a real bruiser face as if he had been in several street fights. Hair closely shaved with a heavy 3 day growth. There was always a ciggie hanging out one side of his mouth.. An oily rag stuck out from his rear pocket.
Danny got so turned on by this large bear bellied man, a real man that he often had to cover up his boner and then wank furiously when he got home. It reminded him of Mr Barton the school teacher. He was large with his shirt buttons always ready to split and his trousers belted tight so his belly poured out over his trousers. He obviously wore no underwear as when he walked down the classroom Danny could easily see the outline of his thick cock swinging in the baggy trousers. Every time Mr Barton passed by Danny’s hand went down to his cock under the table and stroked himself until he had a stonking hard on.
As Danny passed by the repair shop one day he saw a car driving in and a large guy in a suit, shirt and tie  get out. Christ it was Mr Barton. Jesus how could he and the repair guy be together it was almost too much. He decided he had to get closer and managed to get in whilst they were talking and hid behind a machine.
He heard Mr. Barton say ‘I’ve come for a service’.
‘Sure mate, I’ve been expecting you but it ain’t the car that’s needing serviced is it? I’d better close the door while we deal with your servicing.
The owner walked so close to Danny that he almost could have touched him. He closed the doors and as he turned to look at Mr. Barton he said
‘I knew you’d be hot. I can see that thick dick of your hard as anything from here. Don’t worry I’ll give you the full service.’
As the two men came together Mr. Barton put his hand out and grabbed the owners coverall pulling him in and then putting his hand down inside to grab hold of his cock.
‘Tell you what Les that cock of yours I dream off when I’m fucking the wife. Let me get it out and admire before I get my mouth down the shaft. I love sucking your dick and feeling all that hair on your belly rubbing against my mouth.’
Danny could now see Les’s fully erect dick. It had a thick vein on the underside and was clearly circumsized with a huge head. It must have been a full 9 inches and more like 10.
With his legs wide apart Les said
‘Well Barton as you like it that much get down on your fucking knees and get a whiff. Nice and oily and I know you like me to not have washed any piss off. You like it dirty eh?’
Mr Barton got down in front of Les to look at the boner in front  of him.
‘Shit that’s some cock. No wonder I keep coming back for a service.’
‘Look you faggot this is just the start’ and with that Les got hold of Mr Barton’s tine and yanked him up so his mouth was level with his cockhead.
‘No softly’ softly today mate, I need to feel that mouth of yours go the whole way down.’
With hand still pulling on the tie Les took his other arm and placed his beefy hand behind Barton’s head.
‘That’s it now open wide and start to get it down you. I want to feel you take my whole dick and have your lips in amongst my thick pubes so you can feel my belly pressed against you. That’s it mate let me help you and I’ll push it down yer throat.’
Barton started to gag slightly as he tried to fully open his mouth.
‘Quit the gagging you pussy and take it like a real man.’
With his hand still behind Barton’s head he pressured more and more guiding with force so his cock sunk more and more into his mouth
‘That’s it let me feel all your spit around my shaft.’
Letting one hand go from the tie Les then put both hands around Barton’s head and started to move it further in and then out.
‘That’s fucking better. You’ve got the hang of it. Jesus you so love cock. So you want the full service. So we’d better sort out that arse of yours. Get off the ground and lean over your car.’
Barton stood up the saliva from all his sucking was running down his chin.
‘Get your jacket off and I’ll do the rest’ Les snapped.
As Barton leant over the car Les took his hand and slapped hard three times causing Barton to jerk.
‘Christ careful man I can’t have the wife see me with weal marks on my arse.’
‘Well she might well be seeing all my cum running out of your arse anyway.’
Les put his muscle d arms around Barton and undid his belt. ‘You’ve been putting on a few pounds recently. Just how I like my men. Nice and beefy with a good hairy belly and bulging arse. No matter how much it bulges I love getting my cock up through the depths and into the hole.’
Les pulled down the trousers so they were set at the ankles.
‘I can feel that precum of yours on your trousers. You’ll have to something about that before you get home.’
‘You’ve a great big arse on you man. Just perfect and all that spit of yours has my cock ready to thrust right into you.’
From his position Danny could see Les’s  thick cock which he had his hand around ready to enter. Danny cock was oozing precum. He had never see two big bellied bear men have sex together but had dreamt it. Now here he was a voyeur watching one man about to fuck the living day lights out of another , his ex teacher and his own cock was straining to get out of his joggers, in fact it was tenting to such an extent that he looked as he had a pole down inside and there was a large precum stain just as his cock head rubbed against his nylon  joggers.
He watched Les take hold of each arse cheek and pull them wide apart so he could slip his cock int between to force his arse head open.
You’ve taken this dick a few times Barton so that hole of yours is ready for my prick. It’ll slide up a dream once I get past the opening and you can feel me force it right up to the hilt. Shit you have one great hairy arse. Your arse hairs and my pubes rubbing together eh?’
And with that Les sank his cock right in letting go of the cheeks as he did so the hairy arse sprang back over ’Les’s cock.
‘Bet you love being taken on your own car. Now let me grab that cock of yours while I fuck and well get that juice of yours over the bonnet nice and thick.’
With his hands firmly around Bartons belly and grasping his cock Les started to ram his own dick in and out faster and faster but each time making sure he forced it in the whole way. Barton’s arse started to react and he moved his fat arse back and forth so he could feel the full thrust
‘Fuck me man, go the whole way with your service and let me feel that spunk of yours shooting so far up I a can almost feel it in my mouth. I already have that salty taste of your precum in me.’
‘Shit Barton you’re a great fuck. Always has me coming big time so lets finish this off as my balls are ready to break and shoot my cum up you. I can feel that cock of yours pulsating and ready.’
Danny had his own cock out his hand firmly working the full length of his shaft. He knew he was going to cum, he was almost breathless with excitement watching these two guys humping. Les’s thrusting was even causing the car to move.
‘I’m fucking ready to spear you Barton so get ready to take my spunk. It’s coming. Fuuuuck.’ and with that he shot his cum forcing his body tight into Barton’s cheeks and with his final lunge Barton let out a long moan as his spunk shot through Les’s hands and over the bonnet of the car in thick creamy wads.
It was too much for Danny who had to put one hand over his mouth to stifle his orgasm and as he arched his body his spunk shot out across the machine leaving a thick white stream running down the shaft.
Les let his cock slide out and as he tucked his dick back intohis blue coverall he wiped his hand over his cock head to remove the final bit of cum and then smeared it over the coverall.
‘Now get those trousers belted. That was a hell of service. I needed that and by the way your body was wobbling around you needed to shoot your bolt.
Just as well the car doesn’t need much servicing.’
‘Better get back to school so open up and let me out .’
Still wiping his coverall and giving his hairy chest a rub, Les opened the doors just a meter away from him. Barton got into his car and drove out giving a wave.
‘It won’t be long until I’m back for more,’ he shouted out the window
As Les turned round to walk back to his workbench so Danny was quietly able to slip out
Like anything that gives you such a turn on once you have watched just one time you need to see more and your cock tells you that you need to cum again. He could not believe that he had seen his ex teacher being fucked and his cock erupting with spunk. In bed that night he started dreaming and he was back at school and Barton was walking up and down in the classroom almost brushing his pot belly against Danny’s shoulder. Every now and again the teacher would stop and slightly bend over Danny’s book so his belly rubbed against his head. At these times his eyes were staring right at Barton’s crotch. He could see the outline stretching down one inside leg and now that he had actually seen it he knew what was going on in his inside leg. As Barton bent over to ask a question so Danny’s hand came up and started to stroke his cock and balls through his thick trousers. As he did so Barton pushed himself closer into Danny and he could feel the softness of his chest. The more he cupped Barton’s cock the more Barton let his belly push in to the point that Danny could almost feel his body vanishing into the thick mass. Barton’s cock grew bigger and bigger and by now it was positively erect pushing against the fabric needing to be taken out. Danny unzipped and let his hand in to fondle the stiff prick and heavy balls. He had to force Barton’s cock out such was its length. It seemed even bigger and thicker than he had seen at the garage. Barton’s cock was now staring at Danny’s mouth the massive head gleaming with precum.. All Danny wanted was to take the full length and feel his head totally buried in Barton’s chest. Barton took hold of Danny’s head and directed his mouth to the tip forcing his mouth open pushing his heavily veined prick into his mouth so Danny could take the flow of spunk, Danny could feel every thrust but he could take it all and wanted every inch his saliva juicing around the shaft. He could feel the heat from Barton’s body and the smell as a couple of buttons popped open and his hairy chest deep into Danny’s face. Danny could feel the throbbing, he knew Barton was ready to shoot.
Suddenly the dream finished and as Danny woke up breathing hard his body arched upwards and without even having his hand over his cock, it spewed cum all the way up his chest. What a dream but sadly not real.
The next day Danny was immediately drawn back to the garage and he decided that he could still hide and at last watch the horny guy in his oiled stained overalls. As he worked on a car so the ciggie still hung out one side of the mouth and every now and again he would take his hand and shove it down the open front to give his balls a rub.. That alone made Danny’s trackies tent with his stiff prick.
Suddenly Danny heard a noise behind him and outside the door the local council workie was parking his cart. He was a big guy, his hair shaved at the sides but the top part gelled back into a ponytail. He had a thick droopy moustache and his whole body looked as if he had done very little exercise. Wide shoulders but with a thick protruding beer belly. His dirty white T shirt was too tight and had risen up to show an expansive hairy belly which hung over his yellow thick belted Hi Viz trousers. He has a yellow matching nylon sleeveless jacket and then a thick yellow dirty HIViz jacket and was kept open to show off his massive body.
As he walked in he said ‘Hey Les it’s Thursday you know I always drop by for a blow job. By the time I get here I am always stiff as a poker thinking of that mouth of yours around my cock.’
‘Christ man you should not be walking around the street looking like that. Your fucking cock is sticking out a mile in those Hi Viz. And don’t worry I know the day of the week and have just been giving myself a nice rub waiting for you. So close the door and lets get on with it.’
The binman walked up to Les and putting his arm around his neck pulled him in to tongue him.
‘Shit where have you been today mate you’re stinking.’
‘Thought you liked that.’
‘I fucking do and whatever that it is it’s sure making me even hornier. Hope you’ve not washed yourself in a couple of days as I always like that cock of your stinking of dried piss.’
‘Don’t worry I make sure its rank for you.’
Les rubbed his hands up and down the HiViz nylon crotch.
‘Christ you are really hard today.’
‘So what you waiting for,’ the binman replied undoing his wide leather belt and letting his HiViz trousers slide over his erect cock and balls.
‘Jesus I didn’t think you have washed your prick for a week. What a fucking great smell.’ As Les let himself sink to his knees so he opened the remaining couple of buttons of his overall and brought out his own cock letting his heavy set balls flip out.
‘Big man, big cock’, Les said as he took hold of the binman’s balls and squeezed them firmly yanking them down so he could feel them both. As he did. so did the binman’s cock sprang up so it was almost vertical. Bill let his tongue lick over the binman’s head allowing him to savour the dried up piss.
‘Christ you are fucking high. Love it man.’
Holding the binman’s cock Les let his tongue travel down the full shaft making sure he savoured every inch until his tongue had licked the thick bushy pubes. As his tongue worked around the shaft so the binman’s cock reacted waving around. It had a nice banana shape making it look even more erect. Les brought his tongue back to the glistening head having now covered the shaft with his spit. He was ready to suck. Still holding the full length of the prick Les opened wide and let his mouth take in the head pausing to fill his mouth with more spit and little by little he let it slide down the shaft and all the time breathing in the pungent smell of stale piss. Once his mouth was taking in the full length, Les let his hands reach up to rub over the nylon of the HiViz. He loved HiViz gear and would often lounge about it at home when he felt horny. He let his hands move over the binman’s belly and ruck up his T shirt more so he could feel the full expanse. And tangle his hands in the mass of chest hair.
He started moving his head in and out, the spit drooling down his chin and the quicker he did it so he took one hand away and brought it down on to his own shaft. The binman was clearly ready to explode and so Les wanked himself faster and faster while feeling the guys cock throbbing for his orgasm.
‘I’m ready Les so swallow that cum of mine all the way down. The binman gave a final lunge into Les’s mouth and reached his orgasm, the spunk coming out too fast for Les to swallow so it gurgled out of his mouth and rolled down his chin on and onto his coverall. Feeling so much cum in his mouth mixed with the smell of piss was too much and Les let rip with his own cum across the floor some shooting onto the binman’s dirty worn boots.
‘I love fucking Thursdays man working on that cock of yours’
‘If you fucking love them so do I, getting rid of my cum. I always like to save some up for you mate.’
The two guys sorted them selves out and the Binman opened the door to go out . Danny had been so excited and transfixed that he had not managed to get his dribbling cock out for a wank. He could feel his cock tight against the machine and as he moved so a small part fell to the floor. Before Danny had time to figure anything out Les was across and dragged him out.
‘I fucking knew someone had been in when I saw spunk marks on the floor around here. And now you’ve been getting off watching me do a blow job, you little cretin. Get off on all this do you? Of course you fucking do look at that prick of your’s tenting in your trackies. Didn’t manage to cum then, though you’ve got a bloody large patch of precum on you. So what am I going to do with you. I’m not into skinny lad like you so not much point in wasting a fuck.’
‘I’m not into skinny lads either. I love real men with lots of hair and bellies. The bigger the better. I so often wish I was a bear  as you always go for each other which leaves me out of it. I so wish I was a a hairy bear and had the life you guys have. Feeling a bears pot belly would be perfect for me.’
‘Christ you are a horny little runt and its clear you would prefer to be a nice stinking hairy bear instead of your miserable little self.’
Les took hold of Danny shoulder
‘Right come with me. Time to sort you out.’
Danny was dragged across the floor and Les opened a door into what looked like a car spray booth.
‘Get yourself in there,’ as he threw Danny inside and then locked the door.
Danny was terrified. He was locked in a windowless room with the garage owner furious and clearly wanting some form of revenge. How long was he going to be kept inside and he had no phone to get a message out. He was stuck and there seemed little point in shouting due to the thick walls. As he huddled himself in a corner he was suddenly aware of some steam coming into the room. Just at first a little stream of steam but it quickly started to build up until he could feel himself enfolded by it. It seemed only steam as he was not choking or felt as it he was being poisoned. In fact it felt warm and comfortable. However as the steam became thicker so he was aware that his clothes seemed to be almost melting and sliding off his body. The steam had removed them and as he put his hand over his body he realized that he was totally naked. The steam continued to build up around him and he then started to feel a change to his body which he could not understand. It was as though he was being pulled apart, being stretched. He felt bigger, wider and yes even much taller. Even his face was being pulled apart. He could feel the blood rushing around his body surging warmth. It felt good in fact it felt bloody great to the point he was almost getting aroused.  He wanted to understand what was going on to his body so in the thick fog started to let his hands move over himself.
‘Christ was this me. Is this really my body?’
The first thing was his whole body seemed covered in a thick mass of hair, from his belly all the way up to his neck and as he put his hands behind him the hair seemed all over his back. Not just a little covering but curly thick hair. But as he brought his hands back to his belly he realized that he no longer had a cute waist but he seemed to have a large extended belly also hairy. There was no waist.
In shock he put his hands up to his face. Where was that smooth face that rarely needed shaving. Instead his hands fondled a thick beard all the way round his mouth and even thick into his neck. It was as if his body hair had come up and spread all across his head but wait, his head was bald. Smooth, all his head hair had gone. He started to feel his hands where were the long slender fingers. It was as if he now had slabs as fingers, thick with hair. He didn’t know what to think but the feeling kept changing because slowly he was no longer feeling naked. He put his hand to his chest and was aware he was now wearing a rubber vest which was making him sweat, it was tight against his body showing every outline. But there was more, he was now in something that seemed like an coverall all open at the front with rolled up sleeves and his feet were clearly in heavy boots.
His head started to go blank and he felt dizzy. He knew there was a change but could not figure it out. But something was erasing all his thoughts, he could hardly remember his name and what his history was. He struggled to regain himself but it was too late. For a moment there was a blank and then he could feel himself rough, tough and wanting to get out, his throat felt different, harder, and he knew his voice had changed.
‘Get me out of here you fucking moron.’ He suddenly shouted his voice much deeper and with a strong local accent.
The steam stated to evaporate and leave the room. The door clicked open and Danny stormed out.
‘What has fucking gone on’
‘Jesus’ Les replied ‘I didn’t ever expect you to look this this. The way you look is only because it’s the person you have wanted to be and bloody hell man what a fucking great bear you make. Have a look at yourself.’
Danny stood legs apart staring at the dirty mirror.
‘Fuuuucking great man. Shit what a hairy bear I now am and look the part of your mate in my coverall. I’m no longer Danny, what a fucking boyish name. I’m Dan from now on and I ain’ going back.’
Dan could not take his eyes of his new look. His black rubber vest had inched up  his hairy chest which was pushing out from his half open coverall, the sleeves were rolled out to show off thick hairy and tattooed arms, both arms totally covered in tats. His neck was as thick as his head and looked more so with the black curly bushy beard. Dan rubbed his hands over his shaved head.
Again he shouted ‘Fuuuucking great.’
His hand then moved down to his crotch as seeing this image of himself had started to make feel so horny.
‘Just as well my dick is the right proportion . It feels thick and meaty and by Christ its inching down my leg needing release and you Les are gonna give me that. Get over here As Les approached so Dan picked up a knife and then quickly turned Bill round using the knife to make a hole in the rear of his coverall just at arse level.
‘I wanna fuck you in your coverall. I know you have a great cock and I can get that up me later but now its my turn to shag you good and proper.
Dan undid to last two buttons and thrust his hand down his coverall leg giving himself and good rub before yanking it out. Les could feel the massive head rubbing against his cheeks.
‘Think you need some lube man to take this big prick of mine.’
Dan got hold of the oil can from the bench and smeared a great dollop over his cock rubbing it in.
‘We’re both dirty bear mechanics so you might as well have some of your gear up you. Get your legs apart. I wanna fuck you upright. Jesus that’s some fucking great thick prick I have. Nice thick vein and love it way it gets thicker and thicker up to my pubes. Means I can get inside you not too badly and then you can feel it more and more as I drive up to the hilt.’
Spreading Les’s heavy hairy cheeks apart Dan started to ease his well oiled cock deep into Les’s arse. He could almost hear it pop as it got past the entry and as he pushed more and more so Les groaned more heavily.
‘Shit if you wanted a big dick then you certainly got one. If feels fucking great. What a fuck.’ Dan sank his cock in until his coverall was rubbing against Les’s arse. He stopped when fully in and brought his hands around to Les’s chest opening up his coverall more so he could start massaging Bill’s nipples. They were big brown and stuck out just like a real bear of a man. Les groaned even more.
‘Don’t just rub them mate give me a good going over and nip and pull, sends me crazy.’
Dan started tightening his grip on the nipples and feeling them stretched made Dan feel even hornier.
‘I fucking love working a mates tits.’ Dan started to slide his cock in and out at first slowly almost to the point of taking his dick fully out and then rather than gently sliding back in he rammed. Les was loving his tits being worked so he started letting his arse move in rythnm to Dan’s cock lunges. Dan could feel himself sweating with his rubber vest and his chest hair was glistening underneath and he could smell his manly odour form his armpits. Good strong and what a bear should smell like.
The smell , Les’s tits and the feel of his cock tight in Les’s arse was working Dan up to a frenzy. Les could feel the throbbing cock and put his hand over his own thick dick taking some oil from the same can so his hand slid up and down as the oil dripped onto the floor but his cock glowed with oil and precum.. He was forcing himself back onto Dan;s cock as though he wanted to be speared.
Dan shouted,
‘I’m about to let my load right up you. Just hope it shoots out your bloody mouth mate.’
‘Go for it Dan my own cock is ready to burst.’
With a final shove dan shot his load up Les’s arse and Les shot his spunk out over the floor, with creamy white stains all over the floor.
The two men took their greasy hands over their faces to wipe off the sweat.
‘Now I know what it’s like to be a bear and I never want to go back. Fucking great man.’
‘Well Dan you might as well stay on as a mechanic I could do with some help so I’m not shagging all the time but at least getting some car repairs done.
‘Suits me mate. Mind you after that fuck it will be difficult not to keep wanting some more sessions and having seen you own cock I fancy that up my bum.’
‘Don’t worry I’ll give you one soon enough. It might also make it a bit more fun for some of our customers if there are two of us.’
‘Make sure when Barton is back I get to fuck him. That’s a dream to come true.’
‘Forget the dreams Dan its now reality, you are bruiser of a bear.’
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alternianfantasy · 7 months
Gotham Knights Jason Todd Appreciation
I know we're all used to floppy haired angsty Jason, but Bruiser lemon-chicken eating, wallet chain wearing, goofy ahh military haircut Jason has! Potential! Put some respect on this man, for Christs sake! Maybe some of y'all are too young to truly understand what this specific brand of metrosexual East Coast white boy entails! Artist
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ABSOLUTELY lets you pluck and shape those brows when ur alone.
You help this poor man with his skincare. Moisturizing those scars will help them be less stiff!
Will pretend not to be into your reality TV show but ends up watching over your shoulder 9/10 times.
He's your lil fuckin' dress up doll. I'm so serious. Man has a New Jersey straight guy understanding of style but will happily wear the stuff you buy him.
CAN BE TALKED INTO GETTING A PEDICURE. Not all out with colored polish or anything, but getting your shit trimmed and scrubbed and clean feels nice, though he will never admit it. Not even to you.
This man goes to a barber. Not a stylist like Dick or Babs would, or a supercuts like Tim. Jason gets his hair cut in the East End by Someone's Uncle. That's hot.
OR maybe you do it, if you're good with a pair of clippers. Nothing is more intimate than doing ur man's hair.
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maxwell-grant · 1 month
Do you have any thoughts/opinions on Batman: Caped Crusader and its trailer? It's already giving me the vibe of "Batman wants to the The Shadow so badly".
(Spoiler for Batman: Caped Crusader, I guess)
Well now that the whole show is out I might as well talk about that instead, and I already wasn't very sold on the trailers. I'm mostly just gonna touch on the show here instead of certain particulars of it like Clayface or Two-Face and so on, which I do have more thoughts on it, but anyway. Regarding you bringing up The Shadow, I don't think this Batman wants to be The Shadow, I think this show is just what happens when you boil Batman back to the basics as much as possible, which inevitably means he's going to be doing what people might think of as Shadow material (and very boring Shadow material at that - again, I'm of the opinion that approaching The Shadow as a "noir" character is a lame idea, and I think that also holds true to a lesser extent for Batman). Problem upfront is, back-to-basics Batman is boring. Pre-Robin Golden Age Batman is just not a very interesting character, certainly not by Batman standards, he lacks charm and identity. It's not a coincidence that Batman started achieving success when he stopped ripping off The Shadow, when he started fighting Dick Tracy villains, when Robin joined in. Batman kinda sucks at being The Shadow, they've made a bunch of books about it even, and honestly, if Caped Crusader had been a Shadow cartoon, I would be incredibly depressed.
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See, I love 1940s Golden Age Batman, I love Bill Finger's wisecracking Sherlockian bruiser who solves impossible cases with his fists and peerless trivia knowledge, but people don't love that Batman, people love the 1939 Golden Age Batman they've heard about, they love the idea of a grim and gritty and murderous epic Golden Age Batman that simply did not exist and if it did, was painfully and mercifully short-lived. There are very good reasons why Hugo Strange had to die to make way for The Joker and The Penguin, there are very good reasons why Batman throwback projects are either short, short-lived, or only really start as a throwback before settling on a new identity. Problem is, there is functionally very little difference between Golden Age Batman and Silver Age Batman, so if you adapted that guy, people would call it an Adam West throwback, so yes I get why everyone who says Golden Age Batman just does the first or so year when he gunned down a vampire or cracked a goon's neck against a windowsill and, basically just that. That was the basis they were working off for Caped Crusader, so what did they do with it?
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Well, they were very faithful to 1939 Batman, in that the show is also just nothing but a basic skeleton of ideas that can and will be done better elsewhere, if not by other creators then hopefully at the next seasons for this thing. I was not very optimistic regarding Bruce Timm's involvement because I largely don't like Timm's work (although it's a good thing the show had other character designers, which you can tell because the women characters have different body types and facial features amongst themselves). The Greg Rucka episodes are decently written, and despite a truly horrendous start at the pilot, the show does get better and picks up as it heads to the finale.
But it only does so incrementally, never as good as it could be or should be, and the best it has to offer is too often just mediocre and unsatisfying. It's not visually interesting, it is so cheaply animated and presented that you would lose virtually nothing by experiencing this as a radio show on another tab (and at that point, you might as well listen to The Batman Audio Adventures), it's rushing past every plotline and emotional beat it grasps for and yet it moves at a glacial pace, and it doesn't seem to be a show made with any kind of clear intent in mind. I don't imagine any kids getting any enjoyment out of actionless, dull drama, but it's not committing nearly enough to being this dramatic and complex and nuanced show for adults that it keeps presenting itself as. It's terrible at threading the needle between what it wants to be and what it can afford to be. I don't think it's terrible, but I also don't think it's better than any other Batman cartoon other than Beware the Batman, the one nobody talks about. I wouldn't even say this is better than The Batman. At least The Batman took some weird new swings that it had to commit to and had great action and some genuinely really strong episodes, where as thislargely fails to deliver on the action and it's not doing nearly enough work on the writing and drama side of things.
The closest it gets to anything new are in it's new takes on Firefly, Gentleman Ghost, Harley Quinn and Two-Face, and while Firefly I thought a really solid, even great usage of a historically underwhelming half-baked character (and the strongest episode of the show, albeit one that barely features him), and Gentleman Ghost a decent twist on the character to make him more viable as a Batman villain (if still an abject downgrade from the regular character), Harley and Harvey I thought were incredibly unsatisfying and undercooked, the peak example of how much the show fails to deliver as compelling character drama in spite of having some legitimately fresh and strong new ideas at play here. As is, I'd say the best villain is Clayface, because his is the episode that convinced me to keep watching, and because while he is just Golden Age Clayface with not much of a twist on it, he was really fun, and delivered exactly on what was promised, where as the rest mostly range from mediocre and lackluster to outright terrible (again, I hate how dissappointed I am at this version of Penguin - I'm glad you are all having fun making fan art of her, I hope she has a better showing if she comes back, but goddamn man they really fumbled the ball on that episode).
I'd call Caped Crusader like a 6/10, and frankly that's me being generous, the more I talk about it after having watched it, the more I feel like it doesn't deserve past a 5 (but not anything below a 5 either, again it does get better, it isn't terrible, it's just not very good either). There is a good and exciting version of the show, and it is not the one they put on Amazon for me to watch, and frankly, I doubt there was ever going to be a great version of the show. I'm dead sure this is gonna get at least another season and because you guys ask me for Batman opinions, and because I gotta have my Batman, I will watch it, and I will hope it's more satisfying than this one.
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ringthedamnbell · 8 months
Wrestling With Sin: 472
Wrestling With Sin: 472 featuring Uncle Elmer, Dick the Bruiser, Chris Adams and more...
Brian Damage This is the 472nd installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker, underbelly of pro wrestling. Many of the stories involve such subjects as sex, drugs, greed and in some cases even murder! As with every single story in the Sin series, I do not condone or condemn the alleged participants. We simply retell their stories by researching…
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oldshowbiz · 3 months
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Dick the Bruiser
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dramatisperscnae · 1 year
@messeduphood [x]
"Seriously? At least wine me first, bitch," Jason Todd muttered under his breath as he found himself locked in a fierce battle with Dick Grayson. The tension crackled in the air, each blow exchanged fueling their rivalry. As the fight raged on, Jason's back pressed against the unforgiving ground, pinned beneath Dick's weight. The pain surged through his body, but Jason refused to let it break his focus. Summoning every ounce of his physical prowess and mental fortitude, Jason's muscles coiled like a tightly wound spring. The anticipation built as he prepared to strike, channeling the power of a cobra ready to strike its prey. Then, with an explosive burst of strength, Jason arched his body forcefully, mirroring the lethal grace of a cobra in motion. His goal was clear: to catch Dick off guard, pushing him against the wall with a force that would leave him reeling. The element of surprise was on Jason's side as he propelled himself off the ground, his muscles screaming with exertion. The maneuver was audacious, an audacious attempt to gain the upper hand and assert his dominance. In that moment, the clash of their bodies against the wall echoed the intensity of their rivalry. Jason's unyielding determination and calculated moves sent a clear message to Dick: he was not one to be underestimated.
Sparring with Jason was always a test. Big as he was, it was easy even for Dick to forget just how fast Jason was. Most bruisers on the streets weren't all that quick, either in thought or in body, but Jason? Jason was fast. Almost as fast as Dick himself. The one thing Dick had to his advantage was his agility, and even that wasn't always enough.
That was why he hadn't been able to help the grin when he'd finally pinned Jason down, astride the other's waist, mind already working on how to keep him down. If he couldn't think of something fast, Jason was going to break free. Dick might be strong in his own right, but Jason was a goddamn wall of muscle; in a test of pure strength, Jason was going to win.
Okay. So count on him breaking free and use that to some advantage. Dick shifted, unable to help the grin as he tried to get his feet under him enough to be ready without sacrificing any of his hold on Jason. A tricky order, that, and one he didn't quite manage; when Jason bucked, Dick went flying.
He had managed to get some traction, but not enough to actually steer himself; the wall knocked the breath out of him long enough for Jason to be on his feet and against him. Not that he planned on surrendering just yet; it would take more than this for Dick Grayson to throw in the towel. This was half of why he enjoyed sparring Jason, after all; it kept him on his toes. Underestimating Jason Todd wasn't something anyone did more than once.
Dick braced himself against the wall, considering which angle to try for in his own attempt at escape. Going straight forward was just stupid, given he currently had a 6'4" wall of muscle blocking his path, but trying for an angle? That he could do. Just as soon as he found a good opening for it.
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mynutpanda · 11 months
A common trope in an art around Jason makes me feel a bit weird (I mean you do you, fanart is for the artist and all that).
It's where Jason is noticeably scarred up or in group images more scarred up than the other members of the bat family/clan or the other Robins.
And it seems to me that it has more to do with him being the bit of rough rather than anything to do with anything in Canon or Fanon.
Like all of the Robins have injuries that should leave them visibly scarred – Dick got shot in the God damn head for fuck's sake. But Jason (excepting Arkham Knight Jason and White Knight Jason et cetera) got a complete reset on his scars when he came back to life and since then has worn or almost full face headgear (and yes I know the Joker managed to get fucking gas into it and god damn Joker war). But what I mean is he's kept himself pretty well covered and protected compared to other members of the group.
For example you never see Stephanie depicted like that despite the fact that she was cut up and tortured by Black Mask or Cassandra despite the fact that her training by David Cain should have left visible scars.
But you will the one character known for being working class (not the one character who is working class, but is known for it), known for growing up incredibly poor in fact, is now built like a tank, has a common Fanon theory of being a bit of a bruiser, he's frequently depicted with way more scars than his counterparts.
It's got to the point that it is now a trope, and one that seems pretty classist to me. Why would Jason and only Jason be the one with visible scars. Well sure you can go with arguments and say well he's got no legal identity (apart from he kind of does now) but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't care about his appearance, wouldn't need to go undercover, and so forth.
In terms of kinda shitty tropes in fanon I certainly don't think it's the worst, but I do think it's worth thinking about why so many fan artists default to making the poor kid covered in scars.
Just to say, I'm not saying I don't like one or two discrete scars. Personally I like to see a couple of small scars on all of the Bat clan. I think there should be evidence of their work, but I think they should all have evidence of their work. I also don't think one should be noticeably more scarred up than the other. But that's my personal taste there
edited because dragon dictation really did a number on what I was saying this time!
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