#Cora Combs
ringthedamnbell · 8 months
Wrestling With Sin: 472
Wrestling With Sin: 472 featuring Uncle Elmer, Dick the Bruiser, Chris Adams and more...
Brian Damage This is the 472nd installment of the ‘Wrestling with Sin‘ series. A group of stories that delves into the darker, underbelly of pro wrestling. Many of the stories involve such subjects as sex, drugs, greed and in some cases even murder! As with every single story in the Sin series, I do not condone or condemn the alleged participants. We simply retell their stories by researching…
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clockwork-ashes · 3 months
All You Have Is Your Fire - Part XVIII
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Find all previous parts on Ao3 :)
Summary: 'I can hear your heart beating through the stone.' For the briefest of moments, Lucien wondered if his mate would know exactly when his heart’s steady rhythm came to a sudden stop.
Note: A huge thank you to the lovely @sad-scarred-sassy who deserves all the credit for the post that inspired me to start writing this :) Another huge thank you to everyone reading! ALSO please look at this post, I gasped it's so lovely. All of @teddyhoneybear's moodboards are stunning <3
Tag List: @anishake / @nocasdatsgay / @mybestfriendmademe / @talibunny30 / @halfbutneverwhole / @wishfulimaginings / @goldenmagnolias / @emmers-bens123 / @cauldronblssd / @xirose / @rarephloxes / @thehighlordishere / @the-darkestminds /
Lucien adjusted the cuff of his sleeve, wanting to look his absolute best during the dinner his father had decided to personally invite him to. 
The corridor was empty and quiet, Eris was his only company as they both waited for Elain to finish getting ready for the evening. Lucien could sense she was equally as nervous to be spending more time with his family. 
He bit the inside of his cheek as he straightened his jacket. 
“Stop worrying,” Eris snapped, voice cold and uncaring, as if he could not be bothered to reassure his youngest brother. Lucien thought It sounded more like an order than an attempt to settle him. 
He sighed as he faced the High Lord’s heir. “Are we late?” 
Eris rolled his eyes, the torches along the walls flashing momentarily. “Take a breath and stop fidgeting, this dinner is a peace offering.” 
While his brother had not actually answered his question, Lucien was almost sure Eris would have made an effort to rush them if they were at risk of upsetting their father. He had once believed wholeheartedly that Eris would not let any harm come to him. After Jesminda’s death, he had come to the conclusion that Eris only had his own best interests in mind. 
Lucien looked at Eris as they continued to wait for Elain, questioning if his eldest brother fell somewhere in the middle of his assumptions. Eris had gone out of his way to ensure Lucien had been released from the dungeons, and had proven himself an ally to Elain. 
Lucien’s golden eye clicked into place and Eris turned to face him. 
Eris frowned as their eyes met, almost as though he knew exactly what Lucien was thinking about. The torches flared once more as he opened his mouth to speak, but the doors to the chambers opened suddenly and they both turned to face Elain and Cora. 
All of Lucien’s thoughts about what Eris might have said had they not been interrupted quickly left his mind as Elain walked elegantly into the corridor.
Lucien straightened as she approached, her dress was lovely, the material fading from black to orange, her skirts looking like the forest floor as they dragged along the stone ground. Like most dresses in Autumn, it was modest, and very little of her skin showed. Elain had pinned her hair up with the comb of pearls Eris had gifted her, and Lucien’s eyes fell to the pale column of her throat. 
Elain Archeron was stunning, the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, and Lucien suddenly became very aware of the scars that marred his face.
Elain looked at him and blushed, she paused, skirts in her hands as she spoke. “Sorry to make you both wait, it took Cora ages to figure out the ties,” she laughed, the sound bouncing off the walls of the corridor, echoing loudly in Lucien’s mind. 
“Did it?” Eris raised a brow at Cora as she shut the doors to the suite and walked to Elain’s side. 
Wrinkling her nose in distaste, she said, “I hate Autumn Court gowns.” 
“Some lady’s maid you are,” Eris replied with a scoff, clearly intending to annoy her.
“Do all the clothes really need so many laces and buttons?” Cora clipped, gesturing to the back of Elain’s dress. “Hardly my fault the females here have to suffer in such a fashion.” 
Eris waved a hand lazily and Lucien watched with great interest as his brother’s lips tilted up at the corners, flames in his eyes. “You should have stayed in Night, where the nobles have much simpler tastes.” 
Cora looked prepared to bite back a response, but Lucien pitied the poor female for having to put up with Eris’s moods and spoke before the situation could escalate.
“You look beautiful, Elain.” 
His mate blushed an even darker shade of red. “Thank you,” she said softly, trailing her eyes from his booted feet to the high neckline of his jacket. “You look nice, too.” 
Lucien bowed his head, keeping their gazes locked. It felt as if just the two of them were in the dark space, that no one else existed beyond them. 
Elain was breathtakingly beautiful, and Lucien questioned the cauldron’s decision to make them mates. 
Eris cleared his throat, shattering the silence between them along with the illusion that only Lucien and Elain were present. 
“You also look very handsome, Eris.” Elain added as she reached for Lucien’s arm. He offered it to her without hesitation, and she grabbed onto him with no consideration. If it were not for the amusement ringing in her tone, Lucien might have been irrationally jealous at the statement. 
Cora hummed in agreement, and Lucien could have sworn a flicker of shock flashed across his brother’s features as he glanced at the Night Court female. “Are family dinners always so… formal?” She asked none of them in particular. 
Eris merely shrugged in response, “It’s not every night you welcome back an exiled son.” 
Lucien nodded, keeping his expression serious. “I’m so flattered.” 
Elain giggled at his side and Lucien caught himself genuinely smiling. 
“Wish your lady’s maid a goodnight,” Eris interrupted, “we should be going.” 
“I’ll find you in the morning,” Elain promised, waving at her friend as Eris began to walk away.
“Enjoy yourselves,” Cora called after them and Lucien almost snorted, knowing the evening would probably be torturous. 
Elain was comfortable as she loosely held onto his arm, her heartbeat steady, nothing negative making its way down the bond. Eris slowed his steps, letting them catch up, and he walked next to Elain. 
As soon as they walked up a flight of stairs, ensuring there was enough distance between them and Cora, Elain used the hand that was not holding onto Lucien to swat his older brother. 
“You could use her name,” she scolded, "it's not as if you don’t know it.” 
Lucien’s mouth fell open in silent shock. He wondered when his eldest brother might have last been chastised, who might have been brave enough to dare. 
“Whose?” Eris said, disdain dripping from the one word, although it was obvious he knew who Elain was referring to.  
Elain hit him again, this time with more force. “You could be nice,” she suggested, disappointment lining her lovely features.
“Being nice might actually kill him,” Lucien mumbled, but they both seemed content to ignore his presence. 
“Stop hitting me,” Eris said, sounding unbothered.
As Elain raised her gloved hand one more time, Eris did not miss a single step as he winnowed to Lucien’s side, maintaining their pace effortlessly. 
Elain attempted to get through to him one last time, leaning past Lucien so she could frown at him. “It’s rude, Eris,” she observed. “You ought to know as much.”  
Lucien could have told her that arguing with Eris was akin to arguing with a stone wall, but he watched as they interacted, surprised at how comfortable they seemed to be with each other.
“Remember yourself at dinner,” Eris warned, “I’m not too sure that the rest of my brothers will appreciate your more violent side.” 
While Lucien could tell Eris was not being serious, he felt as Elain tensed, clearly worried by the words. 
Lucien shot Eris a glare, but his brother had already begun to speak, paying attention only to his mate.  
“You’ve managed to charm even my father, Elain Archeron,” Eris added, having noticed her change in demeanour, and Lucien was grateful as she straightened her shoulders back. She already looked more confident as Eris gave her a final piece of advice. “So keep at it.” 
Eris’s praise was enough for Elain to maintain an attitude that made her seem entirely at ease among the most important family in the Autumn Court. While the High Lord sat at the head of the rectangular table, no one else faced him from across the other side. 
Lucien’s mother was at his father’s left side, and Eris was on his right. Elain had quickly found her place sitting between Lucien and the Lady of Autumn, who she spoke with softly, answering all of his mother’s pleasantly worded questions while everyone else ate their perfectly cooked meal. 
Lucien was surprised with how well-behaved his brothers were, considering how he had witnessed more than enough brawls during their family dinners before he had been exiled. Beron watched with observant eyes, paying attention to the conversation between Elain and his wife. 
Eris had said very little, just like Lucien remembered, choosing to eat slowly and avoid meaningless small talk. Callum was expectedly next to their eldest brother, looking at the very least like he was carefully listening to Elain as she spoke. Ronan had drunk so much wine Lucien was wondering if he would be able to walk out of the dining room on his own, which seemed a bit unusual. Felix had his elbows on the table, head resting on his fist, decidedly choosing to be disrespectful. Lucien was surprised that their father had yet to say anything, knowing how much the High Lord valued appearances. 
“I was thinking of sending invitations out in the next couple of days,” Lucien heard his mother say, a repressed excitement in her voice. She placed her napkin next to her full plate. “Of course, Night will be receiving theirs first.” 
“Thank you,” Elain added, “We’d been planning a smaller affair, very few knew about it outside our little circle of friends.” She glanced to Lucien shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear endearingly before turning her attention back to the Lady of Autumn. 
“We could send Spring an invitation,” Beron added, voice quiet but authoritative. He looked at Lucien with a raised brow, “We wouldn't want to offend Tamlin.” 
“How considerate,” Lucien said, feeling his teeth grit in annoyance. 
“And we must invite the human queen and her general,” his father continued.
“I don’t expect them to travel into our court.” Lucien responded, wanting his friends to stay far away from the Forest House. 
“Why not?” Felix asked. “We have such a lovely court,” he flashed Lucien a grin daring him to argue. 
Lucien set his cutlery down with a loud sound as it hit against the side of his plate. 
“I don’t care much for Queen Vassa,” Elain interrupted before Lucien could say anything. There was honesty in her words, he could tell, perhaps even a hint of jealousy, but he knew she was only saying it for his benefit, 
Elain had come to his defence in the hopes that Beron would leave his friends alone, and the respect he had for his mate only soared at the thought.
Ronan chuckled, raising his glass in a salute towards Elain, which she returned elegantly despite her clear discomfort at being addressed directly. “I like your mate’s honesty, little brother,” he confessed before drinking deeply.
Beron hummed in response, placing his hand, palm up, onto the table. Lucien watched as his mother laced their fingers together, the gesture coming to them naturally. His much larger hand engulfed her smaller one, and Lucien had to fight the urge to wince.   
Everyone went back to eating in silence, and Lucien recalled the countless family dinners he had silently sat through. With Beron present, his brothers were achingly careful with their words and their actions, not wanting to upset him. It was like trying to walk in the woods without snapping a branch, nearly impossible without practice, but each of them had learned to read their father’s moods. 
As though Elain could sense the troublesome direction of Lucien’s thoughts, she placed a comforting hand on his knee. Covered by the table, no one else noticed the startlingly soft gesture. 
Lucien realised quickly that Elain’s action had not been for show, that it had not been a part of their roles, it was simply a moment shared between the two of them.
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ohtobealady · 4 months
Would you do "Anticipation" for the one word drabbles? Thank you! ♥️
My sweet friend! This is such a great word! Sorry this is a little short (and rushed). I owe you a better one soon :)
He meant it when he told her he’d imagined their reunion. For he had. He had imagined the way the soft angles of her upturned face would catch the summer sun. He had imagined the way her eyes would open in surprise and then warm over, crinkling at their sweet corners when he came closer to kiss her. And as she smiled up at him.
He had imagined other things as well, things that brought a quick heat to his face when his mind lingered on the images. He shook those away, but with a chuckle. It couldn’t be helped, could it? After all, he’d not been so far away from his wife in such a long time. And across an ocean from her? Oh. Distance did strange things to a man.
He felt a little like a young person again, his heart skipping about, his lips curling into a grin he couldn’t seem to untuck from his cheek. He did his best to keep as calm as possible, at least while Bates was still in the room with him, but he was sure the truth was plainly obvious to the man. He was married himself, was he not?
Grinning more, Robert didn’t bother to button the top button of his pajama shirt. Propriety be damned.
“Will that be all, my lord?”
Robert lifted his chin, picked up his dressing gown from his narrow bed, and he managed a very controlled, “Yes,” and, “Good night, Bates,” before at last turning the knob of the dividing door and pushing open the adjoining door to his wife’s bedroom.
His silly grin blossomed easily into a wider smile as he was met with the scent of her space: white jasmine, of course, and the lavender of her hand cream. But no sooner had he grinned had he frowned again.
Baxter was still here, with Cora, still combing through her hair.
He caught Cora’s eye when she turned her head to greet him, and he thought he could see a small apology in the way her gaze softened.
“Hello, darling. My, it must be later than I thought,” she said as he moved to the bed behind her. He tossed his dressing gown upon it.
“No, not very. I believe I’m early,” he answered, trying to seem nonchalant and uneager though his body ached sweetly to hold her. “The day of traveling has made me tired, is all.”
“I hope not too tired.”
He felt his face go scarlet, even through the tips of his ears. He barely resisted gasping. How could she say such a thing before Baxter?
“I want to hear how it all went, in the end. And about Mother and Harold.”
He almost stumbled into a nod, finally coming enough to his senses to respond, sure that his vulgar thoughts were beginning to color everything around him. But when he looked over again at her, Cora smirked at him in her mirror.
Oh, she knew what she’d said, his darling flirt.
“Ah. I see,” he pretended to straighten her bedding in his lap, and again catching her reflection. “And there is one other thing I’m eager to share with you.”
He thoroughly enjoyed the flash of embarrassment he saw warm Cora’s face.
“That’s all, Baxter,” she easily transitioned, if not a bit abruptly, and touched at the short length of her braid. “Thank you.”
He hardly heard her maid at all as she wished them both a good night, but instead did his best to continue to fold himself neatly into his wife’s lovely bed, a bed he’d dreamt of for days and days.
It was when the door clicked behind her, that Robert felt brave enough to look again at Cora.
“That was very naughty,” she mock-chided as she stood and began to untie her dressing gown.
He laughed. “I assume you are referring to both of us?”
She rolled her eyes, her lovely eyes, as she shrugged the garment from her shoulders. “No,” she said firmly, but the way she crawled into her bed towards him, her nightgown falling agape for just a moment at her chest, it made Robert flush with excitement.
“Darling,” he felt himself gasp, “I have missed you.”
She didn’t answer, at least not with any words. Instead, she let herself lean to him and press her lips against his cheek and then against the corner of his mouth.
That was enough.
He let his hand catch her wrist, and he worked to angle himself toward her too, eventually forcing her backwards, to have her lie down.
He opened his eyes to look at her when at last he rolled more upon her.
She was already looking at him. “I confess that I found the anticipation of tonight quite heady,” he heard her whisper before she lifted her chin to kiss him again. He felt her fingers thread through the hair at the nape of his neck, and he sighed against her mouth.
“Perhaps I should absent myself more often.”
Now they were kissing, truly, but he felt her pull away just enough to quietly plead, “Oh, don’t. I need you close to me. Always.”
He didn’t respond, but instead he wrapped an arm around her and held her ever closer still.
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Headcanons for my One Piece hotties - Something they always need to have on them and why
Kizaru ✨: chewing gum, he stopped smoking a while ago and gum helped him stop.
Akainu🌋: his reading glasses, he doesn’t have good eyesight so he always keeps his glasses on him in case he needs to read something.
Ryokugyu 🌱: spf lip balm, he hates chapped lips.
Fujitora 🐅: eye drops, his eyes get dry often.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: a hair comb, so he can brush his hair if it gets unruly.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: condoms, because he doesn’t want to get just anyone pregnant😉
Benn Beckman 🔫: handkerchief, he’s old school so he has it just for the sake of having it.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: AirPods, he loves listening to music all the time.
Killer🔪: cough drops, he tends to lose his voice often.
Kaido🐉: cologne to mask the alcohol smell on him.
King 👑: a mini fan, it gets hot under all those clothes and with his flame.
Queen👑: snacks, he loves his food.
Izou🔫🔫: a mini mirror, so he check his make up.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: a sweater, he tends to get cold often.
Oven Charlotte 🍞: a cooling pad, he tends to overheat after a while.
Buggy🤡: sinus medicine, he has allergies.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: a cloth to clean his glasses
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: sunscreen, he burns easily.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: his makeup so he can do a touch up when he has the time.
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹: a hair tie, just in case he wants to tie his hair up
Gecko Moria🦇: sunglasses, he’s not fond of sunlight.
Iceburg💜: bread crumbs, to feed birds when he’s bored.
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: cash, so that he needs to buy something he can do so immediately.
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metalupyourazzzz · 6 months
Siren // Orm Marius
Orm Marius & my OC, Cora
Description: Cora is a young girl living off the coast of Amnesty Bay, Maine. She's known Arthur for years after he saved her when she washed ashore. After years of being tangled with the League of Assassins, Arthur comes knocking on her door, Orm in tow. He comes with news: David Kane is intent on destroying the world, and he needs her help to stop him.
Set during Aquaman 2
Status: Ongoing
Rating: Mature(some blood and gore, maybe some smut)
Can also be found on Wattpad: metalupyourazzz
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Chapter 1: Take it Off
Years ago
A beach outside of Maine
Arthur stood on the white sand, panting.
“Again.” Vulko commanded, hands laced behind his back, “You’ll never claim the throne if you do not have proper training.”
“This is bullshit,” Arthur cried out, “I just want to meet my mother, my brother. I just want to see Atlantis!”
He shifted his weight, twirling his trident gently, scraping the end in the sand.
“Patience, my young prince, everything good happens with time,” Vulko stated, pacing around, sand kicking up behind him.
Arthur began to speak, when the waves crashed, and something washed ashore.
He ran over to the huddled lump and the first thing he saw was the bright green of her eyes. She wasn’t breathing, yet her gaze pierced through him like a knife.
“Vulko?” He whispered as the man stood grimly beside him.
She started coughing, salty water spewing from her mouth, and she rolled over. She had a large gash in her forehead, and she slowly stood to her feet.
“Where am I?” She asked hoarsely, blinking the salt from her eyelashes.
“Don’t worry,” Arthur cooed, “You’re safe.”
09:00 hours
Amnesty Bay, Maine
Cora wasn’t sure what woke her up first, the sunlight peeking through the thin, filtered curtains or the loud knocking on the door. Grumbling slightly, she peeled back the heavy blankets on her bed, and sat up, rubbing her temples. She hoped it helped rid last night’s tequila before she answered the door. A soft yawn escaped her lips as she picked up her phone, groggily scrolling through the 16 missed calls and various texts, all from the same number.
“Arthur Curry, you’re the reason I drink,” she mumbled to herself as she pulled her long blue locks up into a ponytail, quickly combing her fingers through her unruly bangs.
Stepping out of bed, she grabbed the nearest shirt and threw it on, padding across the cold wooden floors to the door. Slowly opening it, she stood somewhat dumbfounded on who stood on the other side.
“Hey squirt!” The tall Hawaiian yelled, picking her up in a tight hug, spinning her before setting her down.
“Arthur, always good to see your face,” she said through a forced smile, his loud voice cutting knives into her head.
“The place looks good,” he remarked, doing a 360 around her dinky studio. He looked a lot different than she remembered. He was more muscular, his hair was longer and more blonde, and he had a ridiculous spandex suit on. His eyes weren’t their normal brown, they glowed a dark gold color, and he had rings and bracelets adorning his arms and fingers.
“Arthur, what are you doing here?” She asked, walking over to her kitchen, pouring a steaming cup of coffee, “Last time I saw you, you had less clothes, and you were less…all of that.”
She finished her sentence with a small motion to his attire and big smile, “You still with the JL?”
He shrugged her questions off, “We are here, because we need your help.”
“We?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow.
Arthur motioned to the door, and that’s when she noticed the other man standing there. He was shorter than Arthur, and from what she could tell, a lot different. He had no shirt on, tweed pants that hung low off his hips, and sandy hair that covered his face, alongside a rugged beard.
“Arthur why is Rob Zombie in my apartment?” She asked.
Arthur snorted, and she could’ve sworn she saw the other man roll his eyes.
“That’s my brother, Orm.” He whispered to her.
“Oh, the righteous douchebag that tried to kill humanity, gotcha.” She whispered back, before she turned to him, “C’mon sunshine let’s get you cleaned up.”
“Arthur if you haven’t forgotten we have better things to do.” The man said, “We have to meet my supplier.”
Cora raised her eyebrow, looking between the two. She shook her head, grabbing a chair and kitchen scissors, “Sit.”
Orm looked at her skeptically, “You’re surely not using those on me.”
“It’s either that or I shave you bald take your pick,” she snapped. He immediately sat down, and she draped a blanket over his chest.
“You still have suits here?” Arthur asked, thumbing through her record collection. He picked one up, and blew the dust off of it, setting it into the record player. Soon the hard melodies of ‘take it off’ by KISS started drifting through the room. The slow snipping of the scissors mixed with it as she worked on Orm’s unruly hair.
“Yeah, I’ve got supplies as well. The League brings me some every so often. I think it’s just an excuse for Talia to keep an eye on me.” She replied, letting out a small laugh. She gently pushed a lock of Orm’s hair out of his face as she worked on the front of his hair. His piercing blue eyes met hers, and she flicked her gaze back to what she was doing.
Soon enough, his hair was at a reasonable length, no longer covering his eyes. He was watching her as she moved, with a grim expression.
Filthy surface dweller, he thought to himself, touching me like I’m a peasant. Treating me like a peasant.
She moved quickly, shaving off his beard, leaving no trace of the torture of being locked in the Fisherman Kingdom. As she worked, she heard a small crash, and something tinkered across the floor, and Arthur picked it up.
“Cora?” Arthur asked, quietly. She looked over to see him holding a crown. One that brought her almost to tears. She dropped the scissors she was holding, and they skittered across the floor.
“A-Arthur, I can explain.”
She barely got her sentence out when he was standing in front of her. His once happy expression was turned to a grim one. His face contorted into an angry frown, as he put the crown almost against her. She trembled as she looked up into his eyes. The fire in them terrified her, it reminded her of the one wearing the crown. The day she never wanted to remember. The one that brought chills down her spine every second she thought of it.
“Cora.” Arthur whispered, voice shaking in anger, “Why the hell do you have my father’s crown?”
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mainefemwresfan · 8 days
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heyheyatstarfield · 10 months
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Apart from that, just imagine Sam combing Cora’s hair — it’s such a heartwarming sight, isn’t it?
Yes, it is.
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asvterias · 2 years
𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ~ 𝖢𝗈𝗋𝖺 𝖧𝖺𝗅𝖾
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grumpy gf!c. hale x black!human girlfriend!reader ( sfw )
additional tags: @fxllfaiiry @fentibeauty @f4eism @tswiftlq @stqrfish @skimm0nzz @carolslittleslut @ciphertheclock @yurdreamgirlfriend @daylight--rings
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the sun peaked its way through your blinds, barely touching either of the pair’s faces. soundly asleep, snuggled up to each other, tranquillity dancing around the couple’s ears as their pulses regulates continently in sync.
that was until a loud alarm had mistakenly awoken a very grumpy werewolf, who lowly snarled at the stupid invention of alarm clocks. this also erupted a low groan from the girl above you as she turned her head opposite the sunlight and nuzzled her face deeper into your chest.
“five more minutes.” cora grumbled, pushing her head further into the soft plushness of your breasts. though her mouth was mildly agape, a smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she slightly shuffled against the thick sheets.
your slender cocoa brown fingers became tangled into your girlfriend’s rich brunette hair as you gently comb throughout her smooth hair. every moment, you would so often scratch her scalp, adoring how her nose would slightly twitch whenever you repeated that action.
“baby, c’mon…we can’t miss this flight.”
“there’ll be plenty more flights to beacon hills, just cancel this one.…” the hale girl complies, her voice still hoarse, although her mind was still sleepy. “i’d rather spend much more time with you anyway.”
comprehending your girlfriend’s words, as you let out a soft exhale, twirling imaginary shapes on her lower back.
“only this one time pretty baby.” you teased.
it was only then that her eyes snapped open, her supernatural speed and strength gave her a bonus as she held your arms above your head.
she growled out, eyes currently narrowed as her werewolf eyes came into play. “don’t call me a pretty baby. haven’t been one in awhile and i’m definitely not looking forward to being treated like one anytime soon.” suddenly, she straddled your body to make herself more intimidating to you.
you perceived her common dominance as adorable, whilst she would plainly disagree.
cora was still dealing with her trauma from which the pack of alphas had put her through, resulting in her locking her vulnerability away. she had a tendency to let certain people in, which, thankfully, included you; her loving girlfriend.
it was occasionally rare when you would melt away all the coldness to discover generosity beneath.
“fine…“ you pout, opting not to look in her direction for the sake of your mischievousness.
“call me your pretty girl.” she concluded, letting go of your wrists. “i find that more appealing.”
“who knew that cora hale would be such a softy.” you feigned shock, grabbing her by the wrists as you gently pulled her closer, creating a tiny gap between your lips. “especially for little ol’ me.”
her soft plump connects to your jaw then further downward to your neck, placing tiny wet open kisses there. “this stays between us..”
“anything for my pretty girl.”
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© asvterias, 2022. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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breakonthroough · 11 months
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Хехе, мне тут приехали козырные носки, а на них нарисован Доффи без очков. Совсем не умеют китайские мерчеделы интригу держать.
И я тут для себя решила, что это на самом деле не Доффи а Роси, без мейка и с зачесанной назад челкой. Улыбка ведь совсем не Дофламинговская. А Кору без челки мы никогда и не видели, кроме как на фанарте:)
Hehe, I just received some cool socks with a picture of Doffy without glasses on them. Chinese merchandise makers don't know how to keep things interesting.
And then I decided for myself that this is actually not Doffy but Roci, without makeup and with bangs combed back. The smile is not Doflamingo's at all. And we have never seen Cora without bangs, except in fanart :)
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mystery-salad · 9 months
Each of your commanders and Anise
This is the penance I get for also sending my full commander list to @vigilbutts who valiantly humored me aldhgajdlghf
LAIGHE - She would choose mistlefoe, would politely decline a kiss but offer a spar knowing she could land Anise flat in a matter of seconds at this point. She doesn't hold any direct animosity but she'd still enjoy taking the queen's spymaster down a notch.
ROIEL - She has no idea who this woman is but...sure, she's pretty, she can have a mistletoe kiss on the cheek.
TRELLA - Mistletoe specifically because she's so short even for an asura, and would refuse to get on any sort of stool or surface. She would have a time trying not to laugh as Anise has to kneel all the way down on the floor to acquiest.
TAOMESIN - mistlefoe, they don't kiss. They also really don't want to fight her or be anywhere near her but if given a choice this option is less painful for them.
ROIBIRD - Mistletoe, and he'd spend the whole time beforehand telling her how she's indirectly getting a kiss from canach who he kissed earlier, how's that sit with her~?
CARA - Mistlefoe, a chance to kill another powerful person with an agenda? Wouldn't miss it for the world~ They can't have competition after all.
VUISCE - Mistlefoe mostly because Anise would outright refuse to kiss them lmaooooo
HASTIGI - Mistlefoe, would be curious to see how the renowned spymaster actually stacks up in a fight without her agents.
MATTHIAS - In public, mistletoe. He can play his part well as a dashing noble who's close to the royal court. In private, mistlefoe he fucking hates that woman.
RUAN - Mistletoe, would give her a little peck, mostly because they don't feel like fighting her and getting on her bad side. They tend to be non-combative when possible!
CALL - Mistletoe, just for the formality of it. Would give her a kiss on the hand politely and move on.
KAI - Mistlefoe. Let's see how strong this spymaster really is.
MAI TRIN - Could go either way, having Anise kiss an old enemy of the crown would be delightful for how many notches it'd hit on her. But also getting to beat up the royal spymaster one on one isn't a chance you get every day! Scarlet is having a whole gleeful time of it in her head too with both options~
CORA - Mistlefoe, she doesn't really...have a tangible mouth so...
JOEL - mistleKILL
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thecoramaria · 2 years
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Little twin star vibes? Little twin star vibes 💫
No video next Monday, sorry! I’m visiting my bestie in Melbourne, spending time with her and seeing the sights 🌇 Fear not, however! I’ll be back with a new video the following week 💖
[ID: Selfie of Cora in her friend’s apartment as she combs back her ginger hair. She wears a pastel yellow, star-shaped beret; yellow glasses; hoop earrings with pastel rainbow star beads; a gold heart pendant on a pastel pink cord; pastel beaded bracelets; and a pastel rainbow, long-sleeve top under a pink slip dress with white lace bra cups. They are surrounded by a digital frame of pastel rainbow stars.]
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portgas-d-rouge · 1 year
I've been following you on Twitter and you're really cool but I'm really concerned if you're normal or not. You have proship dni in bio, but you follow proshippers like lawlu and even acesabo and I know you used to follow a coralaw shipper. You keep interacting with lawlu and mipero shippers and are friends with proshippers' friends, too. Also your account is 16+ but you're following a 15yo kid. I'm worried if you're really okay to keep following or one of the weirdos that pretends to be normal.
hmm im really looking to stay out of any fights or drama buuuuuut ultimately i think its important for everyone to make informed decisions abt their own safety so ill just give a quick rundown of what im about 👍🏻
first of all... what 15 year old am i following?! i assure you its not on purpose.
second, ultimately i think "anti/proship" is kind of reductive discourse. i like psychosexual horror and toxic relationships and self shipping. and i dont think everyone who enjoys exploring dark topics is an abuse apologist. i do think sometimes people can be reactive and overcorrect with those things. there are plenty of grey areas!!
HOWEVER anyone who actively identifies as "proship", or believes strongly enough to start debating people about how "fiction doesnt affect reality" and has no bearing on rape/abuse culture is a fucking idiot. i especially cant stand anything shipping characters with their childhood caretakers or incest. which is what im trying to weed out w/ the DNI. ill always have more sympathy for "antis" even if i dont always agree with them.
that being said, theres certain things that personally ick me out that I don't find morally reprehensible/block worthy. i would never post or encourage la/wlu or mihawk/perona - the age gaps are gross to me - but i also don't think theyre really that bad. not nearly on the same level as something like coralaw or shanksluffy. like, peronas fully an adult and luffy only really gets to know law when hes 19 already. but i can promise id never retweet or reblog anything with those ships.
in general i try to give people the benefit of the doubt and don't hold people responsible for who they interact with (within reason). people are not necessarily friends with everyone they follow. people often use twitter much more casually.
im also like, a person, with a full time job, and i dont always extensively comb through someones twitter. sometimes i follow someone i think draws normal cora + law or asl brothers and i get jumpscared by nasty shit and it is! very unpleasent for me!
i care a lot about abuse/rape culture and how we as individuals are still complicit in it and can combat it, and I apply feminist analysis to all types of media - even fanworks. i was legit traumatized by 2010s fandom, and saw a lot of people get hurt and abused by fandom adults, so I know the effects of this "anything goes" mentality can have on people! i wish we could have these discussions without getting defensive and hostile and accusing nervous teenagers of being evangelical zealots (🙄) because theyre trying to protect themselves
if anything i said is something youre not comfortable with, then thats fair and block me if you need to. i encourage anyone, especially younger people, to enforce their own boundaries as they see fit. 👍🏻
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uncxntrxllable · 1 year
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses
Tagging: @wexarethewalkingxdead (sophia or daryl) @ayakoito @rubiesintherough (cora) @hunterfromthewoods @coveitous (yan)
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That she's a normal kid who needs saving and protection or else she'll perish. That she will just kick, scream and cry if someone grabs her and needs someone else to come rescue her or else she's doomed. That she needs an adult to be dependent on. She's the opposite; yes she's a kid, but she doesn't need protection and she will fuck you up if you grab her. She is not... A damsel in distress, best way to describe it lol. She is a horrible child, you have been warned. She will take an actual chunk out of your face with her teeth.
A lot of her shitty behavior revolves around her infection. If you write with her younger verse where she is 10 years old, she is easier to get on with than with her main verse at 14 years old. Yeah she's a bratty kid I won't deny that, she definitely is, but a lot of it also ties in with the fact that she's infected and a lot of her more aggressive and combative behaviors is something she literally cannot control, stop or change.
She likes to play pretend with Teddy, Teddy is many things. He's a doctor, a dinosaur, a real bear, a driver, an astronaut, a cashier, the boss. Teddy is everything.
Blood, violence, death, murder, apocalypse (infected crazed humans), guns and weapons, gun violence, harm to kids, harm to animals - hunting for food, survival, profanity LOTS of profanity this kid has a mouth on her, loss of loved ones.
I love writing the aggressive nature of Bailey. Being able to tap into the symptoms even the very minor ones of her infection, I've always really loved the cordyceps infection we are shown in The Last of Us. I love being able to explore my take on the infection on someone like Bailey; someone who's infected but still has a conscious mind.
When you write with Bailey, be well aware that she is, as I have mentioned before, a horrible child. She can be very mean, very abrasive and very aggressive. If you hate swear words especially in the aggressive nature, do not, and I repeat, do not, write with Bailey, because I will not tone her down.
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tciddaemina · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, what was the process of writing the thing that remains like? Idk, no pressure to answer or anything.
haha nah, i'm happy to answer. to be honest, the thing that remains was probably the hardest project that i've ever worked on, and one with that i struggle with a lot. don't get me wrong, i absolutely loved it and even now it is still my favorite out of every fic i have written, but like heck it gave me a time
(fuck this turned into a long response, so have a read more to spare all other poor passersby)
i spent the better part of three years working on it, essentially, and during that time i went through basically every scene in the manga which law shows up in with a fine tooth comb. not just trying to figure out what he said and did in any given moment, but looking at all the context around it to figure out what it was it was feeling, why he made any given decision he did. which is fun with law, because oda typically uses him for a sort of 'gotcha' type plot reveal in which he makes law look very ruthless and suspicious and often untrustworthy, doing stuff that seems to throw the straw hats under the bus, only to turn around a dozen chapters later and reveal the whole plot law had been building up, complete with flashback explanations
so like, there was a lot of reading back and forward looking at those reveals then heading back to piece together the clues that had been scattered in the lead up. which, yeah all this endless reading and fact-checking might sound like a chore, but honestly i really enjoyed it.
a lot of the time, i really thoroughly loved writing law. part of it is just because he's just honest to god so dramatic. he's cynical and he's jaded and he's so done with everything. he needs a cup of coffee and a nap at all times and shit keeps piling up in his lap anyway, and watching him crack under pressure and steadily give less and less fucks was just so fun. things like his fight scene with vergo, and the one with doflamingo, i had so much fun with the sheer emotion and intensity in those, you can't even imagine.
and yeah, working with luffy was also a very fun part to write. luffy's a character thats much easier to write from an outside POV rather than an internal one, but i still spent a lot of time in luffy's headspace trying to figure out how he'd react to any given thing - when we get the moments of silliness and shenanigans, when it is he turns intense and we see that sharper more insightful side of him. there's a lot of fun stuff to write there with luffy just catching law off guard, both by him being silly and him being serious, and having law have to process and deal with the fallout of any given emotional breakthrough luffy has forced on him was just also very fun
cuz like - half of why the fic is so long and so slow burn is because law just spends so much time thinking. their entire relationship rests on a foundation of law having to come to terms with survivors guilt, that he can and should continue to be happy and live despite the things that he has lost, and the very fraught decision about whether to open himself up to further vulnerability and let himself care about people. every step he concedes into his relationship with luffy is a philosophical debate that changes the way he is choosing to live his life. a lot of the fic is actually just how laws experiences and traumas growing up - the people he lost, both his family and cora - have shaped the man he is today and the lasting effects that has on his personality and character.
and again, you would think that would be the hard agonizing thing to write, but really it wasn't. i loved writing that stuff as well.
the thing is though, this fic took a lot of time. its 220k long, i spent weeks writing it, months, hours and hours and hours, and whenever i wasn't working on it, it was always on my mind. at any given time for the duration of three years, a part of my thoughts was always dedicated to it. it was such a dedication of effort and commitment and just sheer brain space that it honestly feels like i gave birth to and raised a child.
still, the length and duration of it alone meant that yeah, there were times where i got very bad writers block while working on it and times i didn't touch it for months at a time. i struggled with some chapters a lot, just never quite feeling they were right until i rewrote them again and again. i rewrote the opening scene in the first chapter three times after it was posted, for example, each time just changing it minor ways and making edits to the dialogue, because i wasn't satisfied.
some chapters, when i was working on them, took upwards of three or four complete rewrites of the chapter, just because i kept getting stuck and not being satisfied with it. to be honest, this was much more a phenomenon of the later chapters of the fic, when it reaches the wano arc, because that's where i started having to put in a lot of my own concepts and events, since the manga was still in progress for that section. like, the kaido/big-mom/luffy and them on the dome fight was still in progress when i wrote the chapter with that fight - and so i incorporated a lot of the details that were coming out in the new chapters into it even as i wrote it, before ultimately finishing it my own way, since it hadn't reached its conclusion in the manga yet by that point.
ultimately though, the chapters that i had the most difficulty with were the post-kaidou defeat wano chapters. like, when everything's settled and its just playing out the aftermath and the culmination of luffy and law's relationship. those chapters killed me. i spent weeks rewriting each, creating a timeline of possible events again and again and then redoing it, modifying it, shuffling it round, trying to just make things feel right.
a lot of that struggle came down to just trying to get a characterization of law and luffy that felt right in those romantic scenes. law and luffy were each characters i knew well how to write by then, but oh my god getting them to actually be like romantic together is like herding cats. luffy's mode of being is so wholesome and, well, asexual (and yes that's a valid head-canon, though i didn't use it for this series) that making the scenes happen takes some very very specific maneuvering and tone management. like, not going to lie, that is what caused half the rewrites of those chapters, just me trying to make it all feel right and well-characterized.
(which is why i sometimes find it a little disheartening when people leave comments being like - oh i liked it, but i wish luffy had been ace. because i made a choice to have him not to be specifically. i get it, he's a beautiful ace character, and i enjoy him that way as well, i do. hell, i'm fucking ace, give me ace rep any day of the week, but him not being ace was a side i wanted to explore in this fic, and i did a lot of work to make it happen and make it feel right, so having people comment on that is just- okay, on a tangent now, moving on. see here for my more in depth thoughts on luffy's sexuality)
another part that added difficulty there was just the pressure. not from like the readers or anything, but i had spent 3 years and 200k words leading up to these big payoff scenes where they finally get together and their relationship becomes a thing that there was a lot of internal pressure from myself to get it right. like, i needed them to be good, i needed them to be perfect, i'd been working so long to get to the moment where these scenes could be written that writing even a single sentence was exhausting. i agonized over each sentence, i work-shopped each paragraph again and again. it took so much effort that even just writing a tiny bit felt like writing entire pages, just because i was thinking so much about it.
and like, yeah, that final stretch, dealing with that, was really what was the most difficult when writing the fic. its an odd feeling, sort of, because even as i was really struggling to write it, those were also scenes i was really enjoying. like there was a real sense of masochism to it - of writing these bits that were excruciating in the amount of effort and criticality that went into them - but also like, the joy of having law and luffy finally reach that point after all the stuggles they went through, and getting to the moment of payoff when law really and truly opens up and decides to risk his heart on luffy.
it was so fun to write, so fun, but also fuck me i was exhausted the whole time. putting up the final chapters actually sort of felt a little bit like dying - not just because i was really nervous about whether they would do justice and be the good payoff for this fucking huge work readers had been following, but also just because i didn't know what to do with myself afterwards. i spent so long thinking about or working on that fic, literally for years, that when it was done i just felt sort of hollow inside. i didn't know what to do with myself.
and yeah, i've moved on to other projects that i'm happily chewing away on now, lot least me being in a neck-deep spiral of gan/link LoZ fic, but the thing that remains is still that fic. its the longest fic ive ever completely, the one i've put the most effort and blood and sweat and tears into, and it holds a place in my heart that no other one of my stories does.
tl:dr the thing that remains is a fic that i had a lot of fun writing, like so much fun, it was absolutely fantastic and i loved ever moment, but also sometimes putting words to paper was like pulling teeth and by the time i was done it felt like the same amount of effort as if i'd torn off my own arm and fed it into an incinerator one atom at a time.
so yeah, hope that answers your question 😅
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kelyon · 2 years
OTH!Cora - Have you ever tried pushing one of your daughters into becoming a mistress or wife to Gold? Which of your daughters would best suit your former lover?
I tried last night and he didn't take the bait.
In truth, I think Regina would suit Mr. Gold better than Zelena. Of course, Regina reminds me more of myself, so it stands to reason that I can see them getting on together. Regina is combative enough to be a challenge, but smart enough to know when to obey. Mr. Gold likes to keep a girl on her toes. And Regina is better about getting along with people, playing nice when she has to. Naturally, Mr. Gold would easily see through her facades, but the attempt would amuse him.
Zelena isn't nearly so subtle. My eldest daughter would rather break a door to pieces than learn how to pick a lock. She's so... insistent that she's right about everything, and gets petulant every time she's proven wrong. I wonder if Mr. Gold would enjoy taming her. He's a patient man, but he doesn't suffer fools.
Unfortunately, Regina may soon be out of the running. Duke Leopold has requested her company on three different occasions in the past fortnight. If he puts in an offer to keep her permanently, then Mr. Gold will have to make do with second place.
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mainefemwresfan · 30 days
Lorraine Johnson vs Cora Combs Part 2 of 2
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