#Diamond fusion
french-teapot · 1 year
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Just a super quick Diamond Authority fusion idea.
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been thinking about steven universe diamond fusion
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basically i featured each diamond and diamond fusion, along with their domain/power theme (body for yellow for example)
i took some liberties for some themes, with drive for pink/steven for example, as i think it fits both his protective and destructive powers
anyways, here's the list !
regular diamonds :
white diamond - soul
yellow diamond - body
blue diamond - mind
pink diamond (steven) - drive
2 diamonds fusions :
(white + pink) rose diamond - self
(blue + yellow) green diamond - heart
(white + blue) sky diamond - me (may change)
(white + yellow) cream diamond - core
(pink + blue) purple diamond - love (may change)
(pink + yellow) red diamond - growth
3 diamond fusions are weird, in my HC diamond fusions are dangerous as if all diamonds fuse together it creates a singularity which defies reality itself, but also diamond fusions tend to be addictive, and those fusions long for their "complete" form (all 4 diamonds together)
as such, 3 diamonds fusions are defined by their "missing" component and their domains are pretty grim
also the more diamonds are in a fusion, the weirder the fusion gets
3 diamonds fusions :
(white + blue + yellow) lime diamond - corpse
(pink + blue + yellow) clear diamond - husk
(white + pink + blue) mauve diamond - ghost
(white + pink + yellow) orange diamond - ghoul
and finally, the singularity itself
4 diamonds fusion :
(white + pink + blue + yellow) carbonado (black diamond) - all
basically that guy isn't even a gem, idk how i'll design it yet but it's more of an eldritch horror than anything, corrupting everything around it
talking about design, i might design those fusions later :33
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keicordelle · 2 months
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I was making the one gif for another post but good lord what even is the Diamond Fusion MV (๑/////๑ " )
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lophiidae · 1 year
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I’m gonna be dion some diamond fusionnnsssss
starting with pink and blue, meet violet (it sounded better then purple, I guess indigo could also work )
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jesteringbug · 4 months
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maybe the real idikei was the friends we made along the way
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pink-onyx-au · 8 months
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Episode 7: Stuck with You
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thediamond637 · 10 months
Paragon Diamond sketches
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tartppola · 1 year
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TWST Fusions (1/2)
i needed to exercise after not drawing for so long lmao
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spookberry · 1 year
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Been seeing a resurgence of fan content for SU recently? So obviously, I immediately became afflicted with "AU for my OCs" disease
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abbyaart · 1 year
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My take on Garnet from Steven Universe
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lucyjung · 11 months
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Grreeen doodle
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fyeahygocardart · 1 year
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Gem-Knight Lady Rose Diamond
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mommyscarcass · 3 months
fused blue diamond and Shego
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hammysamhah · 4 months
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made a bunch of trolls fusions for fun :] my friends chose all the fusion combos LOL
will prolly make more
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wkyarts51243 · 1 year
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Some Diamond fusions
(part 1)
Pink star diamond⭐️
Pink diamond + white diamond
Sky blue diamond💠
Blue diamond + white diamond
Light yellow diamond💫
Yellow diamond + white diamond
🙏🙏please share in stories i will appreciate it🙏🙏🙏
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jomadis · 4 months
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OBSESSED with my new pkmn OC, designed by the lovely @/Fenbound!! She's a Luxray/Dialga fusion, and Fen made the most gorgeous design!!! Super excited to make more art of them soon!!!
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