#DiSC catalyst
disc-behavioral · 1 year
Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit
The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile provides participants with valuable insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. The Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit is designed to be used with the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile. It can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the quality of the workplace and helps build better relationships.
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hadestigers · 9 months
hm ok im a few days after completing the indigo disc and ive seen enough bad takes on kieran on the internet to say with complete confidence that any read on this character must cite karl marx’s theory of class consciousness for me to take it even remotely seriously
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cryptidsofwakemoor · 2 months
Chapter 11 - Gratuitous Waffle Violence
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Matchstick uses eating utensils to varying degrees of success, while Tikki draws up a roommate contract.
Morning comes again, as it always does.
And with it, the spicy smell of a hot drink, as the catalyst to his waking.
Sitting on the rug next to the couch is another mug of the hot 'cider' Tikki made the previous night- but he can smell something else, too. The scent of the only other hot drink he was familiar with, the one the scientists in the lab carried around sometimes. It was earthy and bitter, but not in an unpleasant way.
Clinking noises from the kitchen, and plap plaps. Tikki must be awake, and making something.
Slowly he unfolds himself, lanky legs stretching out from under the blankets followed by his upper torso and arms, his bones popping. He wasn't used to sleeping on something quite this soft... Sprawled out on the couch, he turns his head to try and see what Tikki's doing, but all he sees is her back as she prepares something just out of his view.
He was almost reluctant to get up, but the smell of the cider beckoned, and his mouth was feeling dry. He leaned down and scooped the mug up from the ground, holding it carefully in both hands and slurping noisily.
"Wow, your bones sound like glow sticks," Tikki comments, back still turned. "First time you're sleeping on something soft?"
She tried to hide how much the thought pissed her off. Who was responsible for taking care of this kid in the 'lab'? They were shit at their job. Probably on purpose, which made her more angry, which forced her to stuff that feeling away for another molotov cocktail that surely wouldn't detonate later.
"I made you more cider- sounds like it did the job last night," she continues, not waiting for a response. "You should start drinking more regular water after this, though. Can't have you dehydrated, and you'll get more energy back if you eat properly. Which probably means I shouldn't be giving you too much sugar, but ehh..."
Tikki eventually turns back around, this time carrying a platter over to a strange contraption on a rotating spit. She flips it open, and pulls a set of puffy, boxy discs from inside. Loading up a plate with four separate discs, she sets up a second platter with only two, and lathers them in a translucent golden-brown syrup. With a march in her step, still wearing her colorful fish pajamas, she goes back to the living room that seemed to their designated eating space for the moment.
Tikki holds out the plate to him, complete with the utensils he wasn't sure how to use, and sits with her own.
"You're going to want the cutlery for this one," she says, smirking as she sips from her hot drink. "It's very sticky without it. Then we can start talking plans for whatever you're doing."
He took the plate and was just about to pick up the food with his other hand, though he stopped dead in his tracks when she warned about it being sticky. Remembering the nectar tubes outside, he was reminded all too well that ‘sticky’ meant having to wash off.
Not really keen on taking another bath so soon, he considered the metal instruments that were given to him along with the disc- a long, flat one and another one with four prongs. Tikki had used the pronged one just yesterday to eat the, uh... theeeee omm... omelet! Yeah, she stabbed it and used it to pick it up. Didn't seem too hard.
He sat down and put the white disc in his lap, wrapping his fingers around the handle of the pronged utensil until he was holding it in his fist. He then lifted it and stabbed it more viciously than necessary into the food disc at top of the stack, attempting to pick the whole thing up with it. The puffy food was soft despite its crispier outside, though, and fell off the utensil, landing with a syrupy plap back on the stack and lightly splattering him in the stuff.
He slouched forward a bit in response, his brow knit together as his eyes regarded the stack with a rather grumpy look.
Tikki snorts into her mug, clearing her throat before setting it aside, and picking up her own utensils.
"You have to cut the waffle, first," she explains, taking the fork and poking it, then cutting into it with the knife in the other hand while the plate rests on her lap. "You can use the knife, or the edge of the fork if you're lazy, like me."
Tikki then does just that, using the side of the fork to cut another square of her food. It takes a bit more wiggling, but once it's free, she pops it into her mouth just as easily.
"I'll get you a wet napkin after we eat, don't worry about it."
He huffed out a breath and picked up the knife in his other hand, holding it just about as clumsily as he did with the fork. He stabbed the stack with the fork once more, then stabbed his knife into it as well, awkwardly sawing back and forth with it until it scraped noisily against the plate.
He stopped, grimacing at the sound but... there weren't any pieces free yet, so he wrenched the knife to the side and started sawing again.
Yeah, he was definitely going to need a napkin.
At last he managed to get it into smaller pieces... He stabbed those, carefully lifted them up to his mouth, and finally was able to take a bite. His eyes widened. While this whole utensils thing had been a bit more complicated of a way to eat something... It was so fucking worth it! The... bread? was nice and crisp, and the syrup was way better than the sugar water in those flower tubes. Prior annoyance forgotten, he licked his chops and went to stab another piece.
Tikki shakes her head in mild amusement, eating some more of her own waffles.
"You might have an easier time if you're a bit more gentle about it," she says, smiling tiredly as she lifts her mug and takes another drink. "Moving harshly is what splattered the syrup. One sec-"
Tikki goes to the kitchen, grabs a napkin from a rung, and soaks it with a bit of hot water. Returning to the couch area, she holds it out to him.
"Here- you can wipe off the syrup with this."
Sitting back down, she hums, finishing her own two waffles in short order.
She waits quietly while he eats, drinking more of her mystery drink.
"So..." she says, finally breaking the silence once he's had time to work through the stack of waffles. "What's your plan going forward, Sticks? Do you have an idea of what you want to do?"
He paused and looked up from his plate, his cheeks visibly stuffed with waffle and syrup dripping from his mouth. Then, still wide-eyed, he looked past her, not really at anything in particular.
Plan going forward? He'd been on the run for a while now, technically free even if he was being hunted, but up to this point it felt like his days had to be almost entirely devoted to his continued survival. If it wasn't hiding, it was food and water he was primarily focused on.
Now that those needs were met, though...
Now what...?
His eyes focused on her again, and he looked almost as if he was expecting her to continue on with what she wanted him to do, but no instructions were forthcoming.
Feeling lost, he gave a noncommittal shrug and went back to eating.
Tikki hums, frowning a little.
"Okay, maybe that was a bit too broad," she acquiesces, cleaning a bit of syrup off her plate with the fork and nibbling it off the tines, almost literally chewing over her thoughts. "Anywhere in particular you want to go? You don't have to stay in this town if you don't want to- from the sounds of it, you seem pretty scared. I can help, but... I don't know, I guess I just feel bad that you seem so afraid all the time. You shouldn't have to be."
She felt a little bad pointing it out, but it needed to be said. She was observant. She'd seen him running for cover in the trees, acting like exposure to the world for even a fraction of a second meant certain death. Granted, she had no idea which 'lab' was responsible for... this. Whatever they'd done to him. Who knows, they could be near town.
"...it- reminds me of how I used to feel, early on," Tikki explains, scratching at one arm. Her pointed fingers catch lightly on the silver scales that faintly dust over her regular teal ones.
With his waffles now gone too, he stuck the end of the fork in his mouth for a minute as he tried to think. When he took it back out again, the tines were red hot.
"Where else...?" He mumbled, looking down at the syrup puddle on his plate. It wasn't very reflective, but he could see the vague circular shadow of his head in it, blocking out the light that would otherwise be making it shine.
He truly didn't know any other place in this world, and it had taken a while just to get used to this one. Maybe it would've been better to just have kept running until he was far away, but even on the outside it seemed like he couldn't really escape. How long would he have to run until he didn't see that logo anymore? Until he knew he was out of their reach?
"They're ehn... ev... everywhere," he added.
Tikki seems saddened by this, frowning as she looks down at her own empty plate.
"...I'm sorry," she says. "I know I didn't have anything to do with it, but- well, somebody has to say it."
"...who did it?"
Dangerous question to ask. But then, it was dangerous for her to simply have him in her home, and she seemed fine enough breaking that rule.
He slid his fork around in the syrup, though he made no move to lick it or anything- it was just movement for movement's sake.
He was clearly hesitant to answer... Not because he didn't trust Tikki by this point, but moreso that he was afraid. Perhaps irrationally so, since it wasn't like it would summon them to just utter the name of it... But knowing that didn't ease his paranoia any. Still... if he was going to stay, she deserved to know, if only so she knew who to avoid too...
After seeming like he wasn't going to say anything, he finally opened his mouth and spoke again, this time in a whisper.
Tikki says nothing for a moment as the gears turn. She sits up, removing a small tablet device from a pocket on her pajamas. She taps at it for a second, staring at the screen on the front as a light comes on, casting faint illumination on her cheeks.
"Aria, as in- the megacorporation? The company that does appliance and tech delivery, and is a giant monument to the follies of capitalism?" Despite almost none of these words making sense to him, Tikki seems to be getting incensed the deeper she goes, so it must have communicated something accurate to the true Aria conglomerate. "Ugh. Figures it would be a giant business with its fingers in so many pies that it could pay to get away with murder."
It was truly sad how little of an exaggeration that statement was. Tikki had no doubt in her mind that if this kid stayed where he'd been before, and proved not useful enough to whoever deemed the criteria, they could have simply erased him. Be done with him and act like he was never there- against his will or not.
"You can't leave, then," Tikki continues, thinking. "Otherwise, you'll get caught by the vainglorious manchildren with too much padding in their wallets. I'm certainly not going to turn you over to that. So... do you want to stay, then? Again, I don't have much, but... I have a roof and a couch, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at avoiding the public eye."
There were a lot of terms being used that were flying over his head, but as he leaned to try and get a look at her screen, his wide-eyed, anxious reaction upon seeing the logo was all it took to confirm it for her.
He stared down as she scrolled through the results, his shoulders tense.
While he had been developed in their labs, the fact remained that he didn't understand the full scope of what Aria was. How could he? He had seen computers before plenty of times, but he'd never been allowed to use one himself. He'd never had money before, to his knowledge. The smiling, corporate facade of this company was just baffling to him, it painted a friendly picture so alien from the place he was used to that it gave him a severe sense of tonal whiplash just to think about it.
Listening to her, though, was kind of cathartic even if he didn't know some of what she was saying. Her anger was a small comfort to him, and it made him feel less alone in the world to know he had at least one person who had his back in this case.
Even though he was worried about what they would do to her if they found her, let alone what they would do if they found out she'd been hiding him...
At this point, the question wasn't whether or not he wanted to stay- he did, very much so. The question was really more like 'am i willing to risk Tikki's safety?' Tikki was the first and only truly friendly face he'd encountered... that he... didn't struggle to recall from an old memory, anyway.
On one hand, it would be dangerous, but on the other... He was a weapon. If they did track him down, or did anything to hurt Tikki... He would make them hurt too.Or worse.
Looking back up at her with a more resolute expression, he nodded.
He wanted to stay.
Tikki smiles, pleased with this response- and kind of relieved.
“Oh good,” she exhales. “I wanted to give you the choice, but I won’t lie, I was probably going to worry about you a lot if you left.”
Tikki sets her plate aside and claps her hands together.
“Then, I guess we gotta draw up a roommate contract. Y’know- lay down some terms so we’re both comfortable.”
She leans over to rifle through a drawer of the cabinet set under the silent television, removing a yellow paper pad and pencil. Snapping the paper out flat, she places it on her knees and starts writing, talking while she does so.
“I’ve never had to share a space with someone that wasn’t a sibling before, much less on land, but I think I can handle that. Since this is my house, here are my terms: One, obviously you don’t have a job, so you can’t pay rent. That’s fine- but you’re going to have to help me around the house. Managing a space for two people is a challenge on my own, and in the process, I can teach you how to take care of yourself. Like laundry, cooking, etcetera... I’m not going to be your maid, but you’re not going to be mine, either. Could be helpful in an emergency, like if I get um- indisposed. Basically I’m just saying we help each other, okay? Two, you don’t sell out my uh-“
Tikki scratches behind her neck.
”-medical condition to any authorities. I’m not even normal by non-human standards, but hey, neither of us are very normal, are we? It’s like we’re made for each other,” she jokes.
Tikki finishes writing her notes, tapping the pencil on the paper before her gaze slides over to him.
“Does that sound fair? Anything you’d like to add, any rules you want to lay down?”
The corners of his mouth quirked up a little at her relieved response, though it quickly turned to a look of surprise when she grabbed a paper and started talking about a 'contract'. That was a word he'd heard before, he was pretty sure, but like most things he overheard in random conversation snippets from scientists, he didn't have enough context to really understand what it meant.
Listening to Tikki though, he was able to figure out that it seemed to be some form of agreement. Wasn't sure why it had to be written down though... Maybe so both people wouldn't forget it?
Idly licking the syrup from his plate as he watched her write, he did his best to follow what she was saying- he wasn't sure what a rent was or what 'indisposed' meant- but he was able to grasp the main idea of it. 'Help each other' seemed reasonable enough.
Second part seemed obvious enough to him that it didn't really need to be written. After all, he did already promise that he would keep the secret! But if she felt better writing it on the paper too, well, that would be alright.
It sounded fair enough, so he gave a nod to that question, though when asked if there was anything he wanted to add, any rules he wanted... He got that far-off look in his eyes again and set the plate back down in his lap, immediately paralyzed by choice. While in the lab there were a lot of decisions he wished he could make in regards to his living situation, like no more ‘resilience testing’ chambers or shackles, or no more jabbing metal shit into his back... It didn't seem like Tikki's house had anything of the sort, and he'd only been here for one night.
What could he want that would apply to this place? He glanced over at Slithers as if to see if he had any ideas, but as Slithers was an inanimate plushie, no suggestions were forthcoming.
He gave an awkward shrug to Tikki. There was only one thing he could think of that was super obvious, but if they were gonna write everything down, might as well.
"Hh... Hide me... from Aria," he said.
Tikki nods, not questioning the request in the slightest.
“Good, we’re on the same page.” She puts a line on the paper between her points and his, writing ‘Stick’s Rules’ above his section. “We can add more if you think about anything later.”
Tikki finished writing, and signed it with a looping scribble of some sort.
“I do have a guest room,” Tikki explains, sheepish all of the sudden, “but it’s- not furnished. I never had a reason to buy a second bed, and I was… kinda using it as my indoor hiding place when I change? So unfortunately that room isn’t usable right now, cuz it’s just kinda an empty box. Maybe sometime soon, though, once I save up enough money, we can set you up in there? Apologies in advance for any damage to the room. It’ll take a while, so you can have this living room as your space until that day. I don’t use it much anyway, the fireplace dries out my scales.”
He blinked, perking up a little bit in intrigue. A room of his own?
His cell back at the lab had been very sparse save for restraints, and it was more part of a larger room with heavy duty viewing windows separating them. Needless to say it hardly felt like a space to call his own, not with so many eyes on him.
He would gladly take an empty cameraless box over that, at least it offered some privacy. In the meantime, though, the living room seemed nice.
...Why was it called a living room, though? Didn't seem like it was alive, any more so than the rest of the building at least. Weird...
Still, the thought of staying in it was kind of exciting- it was warm, had a lot of stuff to look at, there were good smells from the kitchen, and he liked the fireplace. It was probably a good thing he didn't have any scales to worry about drying out.
...That did remind him, though. Tikki was a fish lady. Weren't fish supposed to live in water? There was an aquarium at the lab. He'd only seen it a few times in passing, but it was a rare spot of colors and visual interest in an otherwise mostly monochrome environment, and he probably could have watched it for hours if they'd have let him. There were fish in Tikki's room too, though that tank wasn't nearly as big, nor populated.
The only water he'd ever seen Tikki in, though, had been the pond outside. Did she normally go in there when it wasn't iced over? Hm...
That in turn made him wonder about the place she said she was from before. Picking up Slithers and looking down at its beady lil' eyes, he thought for a moment before asking: "what's... Sea?"
Tikki blinks. Her eyebrows raise when she realizes what he was asking.
“Oh- the sea! It’s a large body of saltwater, just a few miles away, also called the ocean. You can’t drink it, but the water is home to a lot of colorful fish, animals, and plants. My people live there- in your tongue we’re called ‘mermaids’. There are some of us that can live in rivers, but most of us live deep in the ocean. It’s my-“
She pauses, the cheer dissipating for a brief moment. When she speaks again, it’s muted.
“-was my home.”
It didn't escape his notice how her expression seemed to light up when she started describing it, but faded so quickly at the mention of her leaving. It was... very clear she hadn't wanted to go. Something had forced her to leave. Whatever the reason was, it probably prevented her from going back, too...
Remembering Slithers's purpose, though, he lifted the plush up and nudged her shoulder with it, trying to hand it back to her.
"...don't like water..." he mumbled, sliding his hand over the nape of his neck. "liked... watchin' fish, though." His voice was still weak, but it was at least sounding a little better today, and not as much like he'd been gargling gravel.
Tikki glances over in confusion as she feels something squish against her. Then she smiles, seeing the plush. She takes it and gives it a small hug.
“Thanks,” she mumbles. “You’re a good kid.”
A sigh.
…after a few moments, she places the plush back on the couch next to him. She appreciated the gesture.
“Yeah? Fish like watching us, too,” Tikki says with a chuckle. “You gave the guppies a big spook when you woke us up. They’ve been babbling about you all morning. They think you’re some kind of giant walking eel.”
Tikki stretches her back, grunting as the vertebrae pop a little.
“Any other questions you got for me? Since we’re laying all cards on the table now, might as well, I guess. You already know my biggest secret.”
There it was again, that odd chuffing kind of laugh, the best he could manage currently. Eels were those noodly ones with all the teeth, right? He only really saw them poking their heads out from rocks in their tank for the most part, but they looked kind of goofy. The mental image of him poking his head out of a rock and opening and closing his mouth a lot just struck him as way too silly not to laugh, despite the state of his voice.
"Tell 'em sorry," he rasped, coughing a little from the laugh. He didn't mean to spook them, but at this point he was kind of used to that reaction.
That did remind him, though, of something else odd he noticed the night before. "...I couldn't h- hear 'em..." he whispered, trying to give his voice a break. He'd seen them swim towards Tikki, and they seemed to be the ones to wake her... but surely enough, he'd only heard the bubbling of the filter at most.
"Oh don't worry, I did," Tikki giggles, sipping from her mug. "Guppies aren't the brightest, and thought your glowing eyes meant you were a predator there to eat them or something."
Hearing him whisper and cough, she reaches over and pats him on the shoulder.
"It's okay, take it easy on your throat. You'll probably need several more days of resting your throat and drinking cider or tea with honey to heal whatever damage you may have."
Tikki takes his mug, which was now empty, and goes to refill it in the kitchen.
"I'd be surprised if you could hear them!" Tikki says idly. "It's a mermaid thing- we can talk to fish, and understand them. They're not always intelligent, it can depend on the individual, or even type of fish. Usually larger fish are smarter- bigger brains to absorb more information, n' all. Anything that's not a fish, like turtles or otters, are harder to communicate with; not quite the same language."
Huh... That sounded pretty nice, talking to animals... even if only a certain type of 'em. He'd seen a few animals at the lab, and plenty more of them while roughing it outside, but they didn't seem to like him. They usually ran away before he could even get close, which made sense for the wild ones, but even the domestic ones that were perfectly fine with being around humans seemed to freak out when they saw him. Which sucked, because they were cute, and it seemed like it would be nice to pet them...
His gaze drifted down to his hands, and his eyes fell half-lidded as he sighed. Yeah, right... Probably better that he didn't, he'd probably just crush or burn them by accident or something...
He didn't notice Tikki returning until a refilled mug entered his view, and it almost made him jump for a second.
"I don't blame you for being skittish," Tikki says, somber as she hands him the refilled mug. "I don't know your full story, but I can imagine you've been through some hell. It's okay if you need time, there's no shame in it."
Leaving him to his drink, she picks up the contract and folds it, tucking it into a pocket on her pajamas. Hands now mostly free, she grabs his abandoned plate and stacks it on top of her own to go clean.
"Which reminds me- you've been kinda running around in tatters for a while." Tikki looks over her shoulder from the sink. "You need clothes besides- y'know- a blanket. Are you fine with hand-me-downs? Just nod yes or shake your head for no, to save your voice."
He looked over his shoulder and tilted his head at the term 'hand-me-downs', having never heard it before, but... he did know what clothes were, and while the blanket had been doing okay at keeping him warm, it was a little annoying to have to hold it around him with his hand to keep it from falling down...
Also, a quick look at the shorts he'd been in since before he'd even escaped- now threadbare in places and torn in others- told him they were definitely not going to last much longer.
Not wanting to go completely without, he looked back up at her and nodded quickly, his face faintly glowing in embarrassment.
Tikki accepts that answer.
“Awesome. I’ll see what I have that fits- might be a little big for even you, since I’ll need to pick something not form-fitting, but you’ll grow into them.” She gives him a quick, wry smile. “As if you’re not already a beanpole, heh.”
True to her word, once Tikki finishes with kitchen cleanup, and walks back off toward her room and disappears again for a few minutes. He can hear the distant clatter of moving drawers and the creak of hinges on closet doors, along with a faint plastic clicking noise. Eventually, she emerges with a small armload of cloth.
“Got some sweatpants and leisure shirts that’ll probably be fine,” she says, rifling through them before lightly tossing them in his direction. They land on the couch cushion with a pff. “Mostly just comfort clothes. Go ahead and use the bathroom whenever you want to change.”
He made a face at the beanpole comment as she turned back around to finish up in the kitchen. Beanpole? What does that even mean??
When Tikki left to get the clothes, he looked himself over front and back, trying to figure out what she meant. The moment he heard her returning, however, he quickly stopped and pretended to just be chillin' out with his arms loosely crossed instead.
When she unceremoniously tossed the clothes on the couch next to him, he was quick to start checking them out. On top of the pile was a big shirt that, when held up, had a drawing of an orange animal sleeping in a red box, with a blue blanket draped over them, and the words 'I HATE MONDAYS' on it.
He blinked, before shrugging and tossing it back on the clothes pile. He then scooped the whole thing up in his arms and went off to the bathroom to get dressed.
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isa-ghost · 21 days
Something something sculk as a corrupting power. The ender king wants to take, wants to keep everything like a ship in a bottle but the deep dark? It wants to change. It wants to remake everything in its image.
There could probably be something cool having to do with sculk not being "native" to his world, but when rose "woke up" (phil updated the world and his bedrock lowered) so did the sculk. And now its lying in wait, slowly corrupting, slowly changing, slowly creeping.
And then... philza stopped avoiding it, and took some pieces to spread around. Is that gonna accelerate the corruption?
OKAY SO here's what I have so far (and restated stuff I said in chat yesterday during stream):
The Deep Dark Deity (I'm leaning female but also really fucking with them being genderless. Their gender is Corruption and their pronouns are they/it) has control over the Warden, sculk, etc. All things Deep Dark. The people who built and once lived in Ancient Cities were a cult that worshiped the Deity. Gods know when/how they died out, if they really died out or just went... elsewhere, and where they ended up if they aren't just dead. You can't tell me that's not a fucking portal. You know exactly what I'm talking about. They could've gone through there. But why?
Something something that portal being activated and the realm it would lead to being accessible is the only thing preventing the Deity from being able to escape DD biomes on their own. Currently they're bound to their own domain unless Phil takes a catalyst or other means of sculk spreading outside of the DD with him.
The Warden was created by the people who inhabited the cities (as we know from that one disc), meant to be a vessel for the Deity, if not straight up created in the Deity's image. Regardless, the Deity can indeed control/possess the Warden and command it whether they're inside of it or not.
Sculk contains XP, which is popularly headcanoned by most players as "life force" because living things drop it when they die (and it's earned though life experience, and life experience increases life force or whatever, blahblahblah, not explaining this in detail here, it's not my headcanon it's just the gist of what I've seen people cook with). This is what the Deity (EDIT: Deity name is Sculk Scourge!) survives off of. They consume it, and there is no such thing as "enough," it always wants MORE. If Ender King is greedy for the material, DD Deity is greedy for... whatever you'd call life force. When something dies in sculk, its life force is consumed by the Deity, and the sculk spreads because the Deity is being made stronger/more powerful and therefore their influence is spreading.
In addition to life force (killing mobs in DD biomes, bottles of enchanting, etc), some other "offerings" they enjoy include diamonds, lapis (gives lots of xp when mined), bones, god apples, infested stone, and beacons.
I'm cooking up a summary type thing like this for each of the Hardcore deities, but one of the things this Deity would represent is the concept of the apocalypse. It consumes to gain power, becomes so powerful nothing can stop it, and continues to consume until there is nothing left to consume.
Taking your idea of how the Deity only came to be after Phil updated Rose's power/influence over the world increased once more. Something something corruption something something Rose's evolution went Wrong somewhere and it turned into a whole ass new deity. Something along those lines idk. Whatever I go with, they have it out for Rose. It's her and her creations that they consume to grow stronger, that they want to remake.
They fucking HATE glow squids because they look like something THEY should've created, being all blue and glowy and ethereal like that. But no. Fucking ROSE did. 🙄 Their resentment of her knows no bounds.
Actually idk if it's resentment or just general ill will but again: They very much intend to do Rose harm. Including emotionally. Like by hurting her precious Child of the Sky. Or corrupting him to make him theirs instead. =)
This isn't a headcanon but like. The vibes of this deity? Scylla from EPIC: The Musical, both the song and the monster herself.
Given the nature of the Warden and the spirit of the Deep Dark in general, the Deity is blind. It navigates the world through hearing, smelling, feeling vibrations, and by sensing the amount of life force something contains. Phil should not enter the Deep Dark with more than 30 levels of XP. If he overstays his welcome in any DD biome, but especially in an Ancient City, the possession he'll undergo by this Deity will make Ender King's possession of him look like NOTHING.
Little does he know, his little recent escapade down there, and those souvenirs he took back with him, like his "doorbell," are, in a way, similar to the backpack Ender King gave him on Quesadilla Island. :)
Appearance-wise, the deity is feminine in body shape even if they're genderless, with long silky hair that looks like sculk. They have milky white eyes, sharp teeth, and everything about them is long and spindly. Their height, their limbs, their fingers. I'm not sure what they wear but it's long and flowy, also looking like sculk.
Idk if you've seen Owenjuice's New Life Series but when he's the Warden origin or whatever it is? This Deity can navigate through sculk like that, swimming in, out, and through it. Here's a timestamp of one of Owen's videos so you can see what I mean. They're always watching. So long as you can see sculk, the Deity can see you. :)
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theficpusher · 6 days
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Behind those Fire Eyes by YesIsAWorld | E | 2379 Liam’s messy xo scrawled on one of the discs called out to him. He carefully slid it out and put it in one of the three CD slots, and hit play with a smirk. Liam had been unbearably proud of this mix. Rightfully so, Zayn could admit with just a hint of jealousy. It was made with a very specific purpose in mind, and it was, Zayn realized, swallowing thickly as his cock kicked in interest, very effective.
I Made You A Mixtape by Idzzdi | G | 3062 “It’s a mixtape, love,” Nick says, smiling sweetly. “With all the songs you hate.”
Harry's Music by AlexNichole | nr | 3469 Louis finds Harry's iPod, giving us (and him) an inside look to the relationship.
take you with me every time I go away by starryhaze | nr | 3654 “What’re you doing pup?” Louis asks quietly, doesn't want to destroy the soft bubble they created. “‘m making a playlist.” He answered. “With like uhm songs that remind me of…us.” Harry squirms and Louis immediately releases calming pheromones to let the omega know it's okay. “Yeah, show me?” Louis asks and Harry slowly hands his phone to Louis. - or the one where they make a playlist and it works as a makeshift nest when Harry has to go away for a couple of days and is anxious to be without his alpha.
oh so many nights by snsk | G | 5552 Harry Styles is a strong independent woman who don't need no man. Louis Tomlinson is no man Harry Styles needs. So say Aretha Franklin and Alicia Keys and Beyonce, and god knows they basically run the world (girls). Except that, like, Aretha and Alicia and B haven't seen the way Louis wakes up in the morning, all soft tired eyes and creased skin and Harry-smile. But, you know. Harry will survive.
Longing like a Searchlight by Cyantific | E | 27175 Louis moves in with his friend Harry and soon thoughts of his new flatmate are anything but innocent, and Louis has no control when it comes to acting on those urges when he's alone. It doesn't take long for his simple, primal impulses to turn into deep, urgent longing the more time they spend together. Will an unexpected family event that takes Harry home for the weekend be the catalyst that finally brings them together or what tears them apart when Louis overhears what Harry reveals to his mother about his true feelings? Or... The Five times Louis almost gets caught during a salacious moment of self care and the one time he did...a roommates to lovers fic with lots of feels.
If This Is a Rom-Com (Kill the Director) by tippitytap | G | 27284 It wasn't like Harry Styles needed a housemate. It certainly wasn't like Harry Styles needed Louis Tomlinson as his housemate, the musical snob who only listened to a hand-picked selection of 14 artists and who had imposed a no-dating rule between the two upon moving in. They could manage to be housemates and friends, right? Right?
The Miseducation of Harry Styles by junkshopdisco | E | 30338 Nick makes Harry a mix tape, falls in love with him, and has a nervous breakdown (not necessarily in that order).
Heading for Limbo by kingsofeverything | E | 100864 Childhood best friends who’ve fallen in and out of touch with each other since Louis’ family moved away when they were thirteen, Harry and Louis find their paths crossing again and again. Each time, no matter how many miles apart or how many years it’s been, it’s as if no time has passed. They fall back into their easy friendship, until life intervenes and sends them on their separate ways once more. When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them. The pieces of their twice broken hearts are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
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"This is going great!" "At least it's not pouring rain!"
Chlodineweek Day 1: "First Impressions"
Although they've clearly heard rumors or tales about one another before the events of the game, Nadine and Chloe's first meeting is in an atmosphere of violence and chaos. Even if they weren't canonically setting fire to and then escaping from a tall building the theme of sudden shock and change that the Tower brings to a reading would fit so well. 
Nadine has already dealt with a life-upending change in losing Shoreline prior to the events of the game. Chloe's role is almost like a catalyst in doing the same to Asav by stealing the Hoysala disc and making his plan that much harder. 
Maybe Chloe, with her gift for thinking on her feet, wouldn't be fazed by recieving the Tower in a reading?
I won't say I'm inspired by the Rider-Waite card as much as I'm stealing its entire composition here. It has flaws but I'm glad I pushed through when I'm so intimidated by coloring and details.
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like uhhh make reader is a new villain in Gotham, but like they’re like also not a villain or something like that I don’t know. I just want him to be evil and I don’t want it like to romantical you know what I mean?!?!? !!!!!
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⋆★ word count : 544
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ summary : ^^
⋆★ extra : new and refreshed!! I wrote this awhile ago and sent it to my friend on disc but I might as well post it here<3
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In the shadowed streets of Gotham City, a mysterious newcomer emerged, captivating the attention of its residents, particularly the infamous criminal mastermind known as The Joker. (M/N), with his enigmatic charm and undeniable magnetism, quickly became a subject of interest for the madman.
Unbeknownst to The Joker, (M/N) had his own dark agenda brewing beneath the surface. His presence in Gotham was no coincidence; he had carefully calculated his moves, ready to play a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
As (M/N) and The Joker crossed paths, a spark of madness flew between them. The Joker's twisted mind was both fascinated and intrigued by the enigma that was (M/N). There was something about his calculated manner and hidden intentions that tickled The Joker's desire for chaos.
Unwittingly, (M/N) found himself captivated by The Joker's charm and unpredictability. There was an intoxicating allure about the criminal mastermind that drew him in, despite the danger that lurked within those twisted smiles.
The dance between (M/N) and The Joker took on a new level of thrill and danger. Their encounters became a constant game of push and pull, each one testing the other's limits and boundaries. With every passing moment, the line between obsession and attraction blurred, igniting an intense connection that neither of them could deny.
As Gotham City trembled under their shared presence, they embarked on a journey intertwined with violence, deception, and dark desires. The dangerous game they played only fueled the flames of their twisted passion, with each move threatening to either consume them or become their ultimate downfall.
As (M/N) and The Joker delved deeper into their entangled web, secrets started to unravel. Each revelation pulled them further into the depths of their own darkness. They discovered that they were two sides of the same coin, driven by their insatiable thirst for chaos and power.
Despite the treacherous path they walked, (M/N) found himself drawn to The Joker's madness, finding a strange solace in the chaos that surrounded them. Likewise, The Joker, unable to resist (M/N)'s hidden motives, admired the newcomer's twisted brilliance.
In the climactic showdown between (M/N) and The Joker, their dark desires reached their peak. The city of Gotham became their playground, a canvas upon which they painted their twisted art. In a twisted symphony of violence and madness, they realized that they were both enhancers and catalysts for each other's darkest selves.
Their bond, born from a shared addiction to chaos, threatened to consume them entirely. In the face of their destructive passion, they were forced to question their loyalties and decide whether to succumb to their dark desires or seek redemption in a world that seemed irredeemable.
(M/N) and The Joker's dangerous dance continued, each step becoming more perilous than the last. They remained locked in their co-dependent game, forever drawn to the darkness that enveloped them. In the twisted tapestry of Gotham City, they found an unlikely connection, forever entwined in a dance of chaos and desire.
Whether they would find salvation or meet their ultimate downfall remained uncertain. But one thing remained clear—wherever (M/N) and The Joker ventured, chaos followed, a testament to the power of their dark desires and the twisted bond they shared.
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coolskeleton59 · 5 months
Hey guys this bozo ran on a disc. Also he was probably the only thing keeping the Catalyst under control. So uh. Yeah. We should be careful and stick together.
[* CRUNCH groans.]
"tradin' in one maniac for another. that's good. great, even."
[* SKIPPER punches CRUNCH in the arm before turning to look at you.]
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rouge-fauna · 12 days
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Well more so, that from Dream’s pov Tommy was the main factor. I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again, yes Wilbur did a lot of damage, but Tommy created the foundation of it. Wilbur is just the catalyst of the reaction of Tommy villianizing Dream, speeding up a process that was happening anyways. Like yeah Wilbur causes a lot of issues for Dream, but I think it’s important to note that when Dream’s life really started to fall apart, Wilbur was not around. Like if we take Wilbur out of the narrative Dream still becomes the villain - we see this happen in the first disc war before Wilbur shows up and after when Wilbur dies. The spirit speech and dethronement one of the most notable breaking points for Dream, happens when Wilbur is dead. (Actually, if Wilbur were alive it probably wouldn’t have happened since Wilbur would discourage Tommy from using blackmail). Tommy broke Dream’s rules, Tommy turned his friends against him, Tommy takes his two canon lives, Tommy puts him in prison - Wilbur wasn’t even around. So while there is no argument that Wilbur did have massive impacts and certainly helped in destroying Dream, he was not the primary reason or blame. He is up there in the big factors but he is not the biggest in my personal opinion.
I’m going to ignore the comment about Tubbo because we weren’t talking about him so its more or less irrelevant and I probably will talk about him more soon… but “c!sapnap forced c!tommy into the first fight” almost had me choking on my food. Like uh what? Excuse me? Did we watch the same streams? Like heeeh? Uhh pretty sure if disc duo proves anything it's that a) no one can force Tommy to do anything and b) Tommy loves to target Dream specifically. Like I’ll just put this post covering the first war for your convenience [post] and this clip of Tommy attacking Dream after he fills a creeper hole in his yard no less [clip]… and I’m gonna ignore the statements about stealing and the server rules for now because… I’ll probably also talk about that in depth later too.
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warden-melli · 2 years
Questions/thoughts/theories I have after completing the main story of scarlet/violet: part 1
• How can the paradox pokemon have been brought to the current time period by the Professor, yet have been described in the Scarlet/Violet book by Heath almost a century before hand?
• Why was the second Koraidon/Miraidon out of its ball when you first visit area zero? The AI Professor returns it into a master ball during your conversation in the lab, meaning it had to have been released from its ball at some point. Why did it do this?
(Could it have been that the AI did this on purpose to instigate the territory dispute between “our” Miraidon/Koraidon, and the second, more aggressive one? If so what was the goal in doing so? (Regardless of why the AI let it out of its ball, the fact that it was out of its ball made the dispute possible)
Could it have been in the hopes that Koraidon/Miraidon would leave area zero after the fight, seek out Arven (who had the book containing the Original Professors ID), and using that a a catalyst to contact him, to then coach him to return to Area Zero, so that it could use the book to shut down the Time Machine?)
• Was the AI’s goal of shutting down the Time Machine strictly benevolent, or did it have more complicated motives, and did the AI actually lose that last battle, or was it all part of its plan? After all, it did calculate that it’s chances of success were assured, and despite seemingly losing the final battle, it’s goal of shutting down the Time Machine was achieved regardless, along with the bonus of escaping the limitations/lack of freedom that the current time period/technology placed on it by requiring it to stay within range of the crystals. Was this it’s true goal?
• If the Original Professor had access to Master Balls, why didn’t they just return the Pokémon that killed them?
We know the Professor had access to these because of the Koraidon/Miraidon that we see the AI returning into a master ball in the lab. It was able to be used against you after the paradise protection protocol was activated (locking all poke balls not registered to the original professors ID from being used), meaning that the original Professor had to have been the one to have caught it, as we know that the AI doesn’t have access to the original professors ID
• What is the hexagonal/disc pokemon described in the Scarlet/Violet book? Is it the Time Machine itself? The little crest with eyes on the crown when a pokemon terastallizes? Does it have anything to do with Zygarde? Something else entirely
• Observation - The Time Machine is made out of diamond-like triangles/hexagons. Diamonds are associated with Dialga. Dialga is the deity of time. Interesting, but probably a coincidence
• what exactly was the Pokémon that killed the Professor?
•Who was Arven’s other parent? They are alluded to in both versions, yet it’s not confirmed that they are alternate versions of either Sada/Turo (depending on version). If it is a version of those characters, what are they like? What happened to them, and why did they leave?
• Pretty much everything to do with the Scarlet/Violet book. What is that Gorilla-like pokemon? Why do the “Imagined” pokemon look so much like pokemon we know to already exist. What happened to Heath when he had his strange encounter?, and what does the plaque/strange sigil mean?
• Is the fact that Heath had a cyclizar as a partner, and that Miraidon/Koraidon are future/past versions of that pokemon a coincidence, or is there something more to it
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hearthem00n · 1 year
Enneagram: The reformer (type 1) | The helper (type 2) | The achiever (type 3) | The individualist (type 4) | The thinker (type 5) | The loyalist (type 6) | The enthusiast (type 7) | The leader (type 8) | The peacemaker (type 9)
Tritype: 125 | 126 | 127 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 845 | 846 | 847 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 935 | 936 | 937 | 945 | 946 | 947
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp I so/sx I sx/sp | sx/so
Zodiac sign: Aries | Gemini | Taurus | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life path number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Aura color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical tan | Environmental tan | Sensitive tan | Abstract tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo |
Alignment: Lawful good | Neutral good | Chaotic good | Lawful neutral | True neutral | Chaotic neutral | Lawful evil | Neutral evil | Chaotic evil
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin
Love languages: Acts of service | Quality time | Words of affiliation | Gift giving | Touch
The animal in you: Lion I Tiger | Dolphin | Bear | Wild | Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion I Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros I Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat |Warthog | Zebra Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin Crocodile | Snake l
DISC profile: D | I | S | C
Soul Type (one test): Hunter | Caregiver | Creator I Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer| Leader I Spiritualist
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King
Deadly Sin: Wrath I Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth I Lust | Pride
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel I Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate Intellectual
Brain lateralization: Left | Right | Both
Helen Fisher's Personality Test: Explorer | Builder I Director | Negotiator
MOTIV: Materialistic | Offbeat I Thinking | Interpersonal | Vital | Easygoing
Personality Disorder: Paranoid | Schizoid | Schizotypal | Antisocial | Borderline | Histrionic | Narcissictic | Avoidant | Dependent | Obsessive-Compulsive
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional
Artistic Preference Test: Realistic | Linear | Painterly I Abstract | Masculine | Feminine I
Attitudinal psych: LVFE (the conductor) | VLEF (the inquisitor) | ELFV (the chronicler) | LEVF (the visionary) | LVEF (the deviser) | ELVF (the dramatist) | LFVE (the consultant) | EFLV (the satirist) | FEVL (the impressionist) | FVEL (the flourisher) | FELV (the moodmaker) | FLEV (the alchemist) | LEFV (the daydreamer) | VELF (the harbinger) | VFLE (the firestarter) | EVFL (the enthusiast) | VEFL (the orchestrator) | VLFE (the pathfinder) | FVLE (the patron) | VFEL (the arbiter) | FLVE (the blacksmith) | EVLF (the catalyst) | EFVL (the adorner) | LFEV (the connoisseur)
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disc-behavioral · 1 year
Conflicts at work might happen frequently. Management, however, has the authority to decide whether the disagreement is positive or negative. DiSC Productive Conflict helps employees improve their self-awareness around conflict behaviors. Learning about successful communication techniques according to people's personalities is made easier with Everything DiSC Productive Conflict.
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ankitkhola112 · 5 months
Unlock Earnings! Promote Pineal XT! Supplements - Health
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Pineal XT: A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing and Limitless Earning Potential - My Personal Experience
For years, I struggled with a nagging feeling of stagnancy. My health wasn't terrible, but it wasn't optimal either. I felt sluggish, unfocused, and lacked the drive to truly push myself further in both my personal and professional life. Then, I discovered the life-changing combination of Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT.
Unlocking a Sharper Mind and a More Energized Body
I started with Unlock Earnings!. This comprehensive program provided invaluable guidance on health and wellness optimization. The easy-to-follow tips on nutrition, sleep hygiene, and stress management were a revelation. I learned how to make small but impactful changes to my daily routine, and within a few weeks, I noticed a significant difference. My mornings were brighter, my energy levels soared, and I felt a newfound mental clarity.
Introducing Pineal XT: A Supercharge for Cognitive Function
Fueled by the positive changes brought on by Unlock Earnings!, I decided to explore the Pineal XT supplement. This natural, scientifically formulated product specifically targets cognitive function. The results were nothing short of phenomenal. My brain fog vanished, replaced by a razor-sharp focus. I could concentrate for extended periods, recall information with ease, and felt a surge of creativity I hadn't experienced in years.
Enhanced Wellbeing: A Catalyst for Limitless Earning Potential
The newfound vitality I gained from Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT had a profound impact on my professional life. My improved focus and mental stamina allowed me to tackle complex tasks with greater efficiency. My ability to learn and adapt to new situations skyrocketed. This newfound confidence translated into tangible results, leading to increased productivity and a significant boost in my earning potential.
More Than Just Supplements: A Holistic Approach to Success
Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT are more than just supplements; they're an investment in your overall wellbeing. The program's holistic approach, coupled with the powerful cognitive boost provided by Pineal XT, has empowered me to reach new heights in all aspects of my life. I now wake up each day feeling excited and energized, ready to conquer whatever challenges come my way.
A Recommendation from a Satisfied User
If you're looking to unlock your full potential, both physically and mentally, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT a try. This dynamic duo has been a game-changer for me, and I'm confident it can be for you too.
Supercharge Your Income and Wellbeing with Unlock Earnings and Pineal XT!
Having recently embarked on a journey to improve both my financial security and overall health, I've been thrilled to disc... Draft 2
Supercharge Your Income and Wellbeing with Unlock Earnings and Pineal XT!
Having recently embarked on a journey to improve both my financial security and overall health, I've been thrilled to discover the incredible impact of Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT. Let me share my experience with these life-changing products!
Unlocking Earning Potential: A Dream Come True
For years, I felt stuck in a monotonous job that offered little room for growth or financial prosperity. Unlock Earnings! presented a welcome ray of hope. This program provided me with the tools and strategies I needed to explore new income avenues. The easy-to-follow guidance and insightful mentorship opened my eyes to a world of possibilities, empowering me to take control of my financial future.
Effortless Learning, Exponential Results
Unlock Earnings! wasn't just about throwing information at me. The program was meticulously designed for effortless learning. The step-by-step approach, coupled with clear and concise modules, made it incredibly easy to grasp even complex financial concepts. I particularly appreciated the emphasis on practical application – the program didn't just teach me, it equipped me with the skills to navigate the real world of business and income generation.
From Foggy to Focused: Pineal XT Takes the Edge Off
While working towards my financial goals, I also realised the importance of maintaining a healthy mind and body. That's when I discovered Pineal XT. This natural supplement has been a game-changer for my mental clarity and focus.
Sharpened Focus, Enhanced Productivity
Prior to using Pineal XT, I often struggled with brain fog and difficulty concentrating. This impacted my work and overall productivity. But since incorporating Pineal XT into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. My thoughts feel sharper, and I can tackle tasks with renewed energy and concentration.
Natural Ingredients, Powerful Effects
What truly impressed me about Pineal XT is its reliance on natural ingredients. The combination of herbs, vitamins, and minerals felt gentle yet effective. Unlike some synthetic supplements that leave me jittery or anxious, Pineal XT provided a natural boost without any unwanted side effects.
The Winning Combination: Unlock Earnings & Pineal XT
Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT have become a powerful duo in my journey towards personal and financial success. Unlock Earnings! equipped me with the knowledge and tools to unlock new income streams, while Pineal XT ensured I had the mental clarity and focus to give my all to my endeavours.
If you're looking to take charge of your finances and well-being, I highly recommend giving Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT a try. This winning combination has transformed my life for the better, and I'm confident it can do the same for yours!
Pineal XT: A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing and Financial Freedom - My Personal Experience
For years, I struggled with maintaining a healthy balance between my physical and financial well-being. I felt sluggish, lacked focus, and the constant financial pressure wasn't helping either. Then, I stumbled upon the life-changing combination of Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program.
Unlocking New Levels of Energy and Focus
Prior to using Pineal XT, my days were plagued by fatigue. Simple tasks felt like a chore, and maintaining concentration throughout the workday was a constant battle. However, within a couple of weeks of incorporating Pineal XT into my daily routine, I noticed a significant shift. The brain fog began to clear, replaced by a newfound sense of mental clarity. I could power through my work with renewed focus and felt a surge of energy that lasted well into the evening.
A Natural Approach to Cognitive Enhancement
What truly impressed me about Pineal XT was its natural formulation. Unlike other synthetic supplements I'd tried before, Pineal XT relied on a blend of herbs and vitamins known for their cognitive-boosting properties. Ashwagandha, a key ingredient, is renowned for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, which I believe significantly contributed to my improved focus. Additionally, the inclusion of Lion's Mane mushroom, known for its neuroprotective qualities, instilled confidence that I was not only enhancing my cognitive function but also supporting my long-term brain health.
Financial Freedom through the Unlock Earnings! Program
While Pineal XT was revolutionizing my physical and mental state, the Unlock Earnings! program simultaneously empowered me to take control of my financial future. The program provided a clear roadmap, equipping me with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the world of remote work opportunities. The guidance offered was invaluable, and the sense of community within the program fostered a supportive environment that kept me motivated throughout my journey.
A Winning Combination for Overall Well-being
The synergy between Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program was truly remarkable. The cognitive boost from Pineal XT allowed me to dedicate myself fully to learning and implementing the strategies outlined in the Unlock Earnings! program. My newfound focus and energy translated into increased productivity, which ultimately opened doors to new and exciting remote work opportunities. Financially, I found myself on a path towards achieving the freedom I had always craved.
More Than Just Supplements and a Program
Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program are more than just supplements and a program; they're an investment in your overall well-being. By addressing both the physical and financial aspects of a fulfilling life, this combination has empowered me to reach new heights. If you're looking to enhance your cognitive function, achieve financial independence, and unlock your true potential, I highly recommend giving Pineal XT and the Unlock Earnings! program a try. You won't regret it.refresh Regenerate drafts volume_up
Pineal XT: A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing and Limitless Earning Potential - My Personal Experience
For years, I struggled with a nagging feeling of stagnancy. My health wasn't terrible, but it wasn't optimal either. I felt sluggish, unfocused, and lacked the drive to truly push myself further in both my personal and professional life. Then, I discovered the life-changing combination of Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT.
Unlocking a Sharper Mind and a More Energized Body
I started with Unlock Earnings!. This comprehensive program provided invaluable guidance on health and wellness optimization. The easy-to-follow tips on nutrition, sleep hygiene, and stress management were a revelation. I learned how to make small but impactful changes to my daily routine, and within a few weeks, I noticed a significant difference. My mornings were brighter, my energy levels soared, and I felt a newfound mental clarity.
Introducing Pineal XT: A Supercharge for Cognitive Function
Fueled by the positive changes brought on by Unlock Earnings!, I decided to explore the Pineal XT supplement. This natural, scientifically formulated product specifically targets cognitive function. The results were nothing short of phenomenal. My brain fog vanished, replaced by a razor-sharp focus. I could concentrate for extended periods, recall information with ease, and felt a surge of creativity I hadn't experienced in years.
Enhanced Wellbeing: A Catalyst for Limitless Earning Potential
The newfound vitality I gained from Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT had a profound impact on my professional life. My improved focus and mental stamina allowed me to tackle complex tasks with greater efficiency. My ability to learn and adapt to new situations skyrocketed. This newfound confidence translated into tangible results, leading to increased productivity and a significant boost in my earning potential.
More Than Just Supplements: A Holistic Approach to Success
Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT are more than just supplements; they're an investment in your overall wellbeing. The program's holistic approach, coupled with the powerful cognitive boost provided by Pineal XT, has empowered me to reach new heights in all aspects of my life. I now wake up each day feeling excited and energized, ready to conquer whatever challenges come my way.
A Recommendation from a Satisfied User
If you're looking to unlock your full potential, both physically and mentally, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Unlock Earnings! and Pineal XT a try. This dynamic duo has been a game-changer for me, and I'm confident it can be for you too.
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evecolourshock · 1 year
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Excerpt from the logs of System Monitor TRON-JA-307020, Cycle 746.89 on Grid Designate Tron:System :
I will preface this log by saying that I do not regret my actions.
Acting System Monitor Beck was grievously injured during a raid on Occupation facilities, suffering multiple deep wounds from disc strikes and the loss of his right arm from the shoulder. As the only compatible Program in close enough range, pieces of my code were copied over to facilitate recovery.
I was informed by Senior Mechanic Able that if I had not done so, Acting System Monitor Beck would have derezzed by the conclusion of the millicycle.
That would be suboptimal. Acting System Monitor Beck is an exemplary protector, and more than that he is my friend.
Beck is a good friend. I don't have many of those left.
Aside from some changes to circuit placement, quickly established as the result of mature code meeting his still-developing beta frame, there appeared to have been no immediate side effects or changes to personality - a relief, as I do not think I would survive another Cyrus.
My healing chamber was used to accelerate repairs.
This appeared to be a catalyst for more noticeable side effects - while not detrimental as such, they are... unusual.
The first visible change was to his hairstyle - it lengthened, and took on a wilder form, closer to what I believe Flynn would call shaggy in appearance. An uncommon occurence, but also a known possibility when using a healing chamber - I regret to admit I wrote it off as such, instead of undertaking further investigation.
Upon exiting the healing chamber, his teeth had altered from standard to a layout and structure more to similar to the User creature Canis Lupus Lupus, or European grey wolf.
Other noted changes include keener hearing and sense of smell, and a desire to identify and claim a territory. He is not opposed to sharing it with others, but merely wishes to find an area and call it his own. I have offered him the Spire and surrounding Outlands for this, and he seems to be amenable.
I suspect these changes were brought about by my donated code meeting lingering corruption from the Occupation disc-based strength enhancer, Object Ninety-Four, though I do not know for sure and cannot fathom why they would manifest in this manner. Perhaps there is an as-yet-unknown factor at play - Beck's code is unusually flexible for a Program originating on this Grid, although he is not an ISO.
There is the... I hesitate to say problem... of heightened aggression consistent with that caused by the strength enhancer, although it is now tempered by a desire to protect those he sees as friends and allies. He does not seem to be too concerned about it, stating that he can protect those in his trusted unit - he used the term pack - to a greater extent if needed. However-
...Alan One, if I was ever this bad, I apologise- BECK SPIT OUT THE VOXELS DAMNIT-
*end log*
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daggryet · 2 years
what are ur theories for the finale :O
my biggest one is that whatever happens, it's gonna end with the catalyst for season two. like, i'm pretty sure on that one, especially since the entire season two's been pushed back for so long
c!punz is definitely gonna be there, and i really hope c!sapnap will be there too; since the original plan was a showdown between c!punz and c!dream, and c!sapnap and c!tommy (maybe some more as well)
i think it'd be very cool if the apocalypse (or world-changing event) is somehow tied to the revival book, and the necessary destruction of it. i really like my theory of c!foolish and c!dream using too many lives, compared to what's been given, that something in dreamxd's world breaks - and for lack of better word, it leads to all hell breaking loose.
for c!clingy, i really don't see a world where they die, at least not permanently. c!dream i hope would die, but as i'm on the "new season doesn't mean Entirely New characters" team, it would mean dream would need to invent a new character and i don't know if he'd do that.
i hope we'll get some streams leading up to the finale because right now pretty much everything could happen, and i'd quite like some hints at what's to come; ala the streams leading up to the disc saga finale
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eggsbenedictinurmom · 10 months
Recently I had a thought.
I love the Minecraft Warden, my overhated baby. And I love Wally, my most likely traumatized baby. And so, by all known laws of my brain, they are now required to fuse like gems from Steven Universe.
Ok so hear me out rq. Welcome Home used to be a normal kid's show, right? Everything's probably the same as the start of the OG timeline, really. The puppets also interact with the Playfellow Workshop employees MFN-style, as in: nobody fucking cares about the fact their sentient there and it's treated like it's completely normal.
But then, an accident happened in 1974. Pretty vague about what actually happened, because nobody ever documented it (or rather, the documentation never left the workshop, so nobody knew about it), but the only apparent thing is that there was death involved. A LOT of death. Like, almost the entire team of the Playfellow Workshop died, probably.
The immense soul power of the murdered managed to crack into the puppet world thanks to Home, who in this case is sorta headcannoned(?) to be a gateway between the two worlds. They fused with the void (the thing many people call "So Below") under it, creating a hivemind of sorts, y'know, like sculk from Minecraft, and immediately grew all over Home. it also ripped the fabric of the universe causing the world of minecraft to merge with the neighborhood but pretend not to know that so that you can act surprised later-
The sculk only has one goal: protect Home so that nothing can pass through into the muppets x minecraft crossover world, because we all know that if the millionaires find out about a dimension that stretches into infinity and where you can literally duplicate resources, they're gonna colonize the everloving disc 5 fuck-ment out of it, and that's obviously bad.
But Home wasn't a good enough host. It needed a more mobile catalyst to ensure the world's safety. And since Wally was sticking to Home like slime to my mother's beloved silver blanket thanks to his empathy for it, the sculk "decided" to infect him, unintentionally breaking the structure of his eyes and permanently blinding him in the process.
Wally, however, was not worried about this. With his naive nature, he simply saw the sculk as a new neighbor, albeit a bit peculiar one. This made him very cooperative, which, I gotta agree, was a great "choice" for the sculk in the end, as he, too, wanted to protect Home after what happened.
Through time, the sculk managed to crack through Home into the human world workshop, setting up something in the sort of shriekers to alert it of oncoming danger to Home. But it had no interest in leaving the vicinity of the building, of course, so it still stays inside, the people outside being completely unaware of what's going on in the workshop and simply taking it as abandoned and occasionally making creepypastas about it on the internet. Some stupid teenagers sometimes go inside thanks to a dare and obviously end up dying, which kinds sucks, but hey, they sorta deserve it.
You see what I'm getting at? Insanely OP creature, protecting a maybe-portal with the help of the tortured souls of the dead??
Reference picture that I'll probably remake + some fun facties:
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(If a single person "exploits" the fact most of his clothes are torn off him on despite the fact he's a literal semi-corpse puppet that is only strung together by the power of the undead and gets constantly sunk in and out of a state of disassemblence I will gulp down a comically large canister of gasoline in one go on a tiktok stream while my friend makes dangitgrandpa cosplay poses in the background every time someone gives me a rose)
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I will 100% make the rest of the neighbors other Minecraft mobs btw if you couldn't tell
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