#Di Amara
zephyrartz-owo · 26 days
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S2E10 - Lie Detector
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theblueskyphoenix · 8 months
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"She offered me a miracle, like an angel... but instead, the devil took her pound of flesh."
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ghostpebble · 5 months
make characters like each other? no.
make one character hate the other with a burning intensity while the other thinks it's funny how hard they try?
yes. always yes.
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lotusmuses · 3 months
hiro hamada feels like a peter parker variant and i think that's why both their series are equally my favorite
both their parents died when they were young
both became heroes bc they originally wanted revenge on a family member's death
uncle ben = tadashi
aunt may = aunt cass
gwen stacy = karmi (who is also curt connors/the lizard because of the monster episode maybe?)
mary jane = megan cruz (but with a cop father like gwen)
tony stark = alistair krei
doc ock = yokai (professor callaghan)
norman osborne = liv amara/di amara
electro = hardlight
sandman = globby
not sure who obake would be though. mysterio? the chamelion? hammerhead?
and i think a lot of the other bh6 villains like momakase, sirque, etc. can be equated to other spider-man villains if i actually remembered them
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Trying to draw the beginning of Gogo's showdown against Di as a manga page. Also, it's so long since I've drawn in black and white and I have no idea how to do backgrounds like a professional mangaka.
What would happen next...?
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spyrkle4 · 1 year
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I did a villain hexagon for the villains and antagonists in Phase 3.
Since every season gets a villain hexagon, thought I'd do it for my own story since Phase 3 goes in a different direction than the canon Phase 3
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leosabi · 1 year
i'm so late but the barbie/oppenheimer thing with di amara and obake except obake is barbie and di is oppenheimer
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crossoverheaven · 1 year
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toastypockets · 2 years
I offer you all my humble sketches, but they are not works in progress for I refuse to make progress.
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Globby impersonating Momakase. He thought he was going to get away with it, but the ninja sees all.
(Despite the fact that she's a crazy knife lady, I don't recall Globby being too scared of her in the show. Bravery or idiocy?)
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Momakase with her mutated claws. Di is in the back taking a photo of her creation while Alistair right next to her is just "D-:<"!
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Putting the "CAT" is MomaCATse... This was infinitely smaller than the others, but anyone with a working pair of eyes should be able to adapt to the poor quality image. 👌
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Throwing in a little Obake for good measure. He's very angular, now that I think about it.
I guess you could say he's a... sharp man. 🥁🥁💥
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shan-bunbun · 2 years
Screenshot redraw :)
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Finally finish Di Amara!
She was...something
But anyways, I didn't do the background cuz I'm lazy lol :')
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justanie · 2 years
Definition on the origin of Hoshi's daily clothing set:
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I know the meme has gone out of style, but I had to do something to show more of my girl
After several months, Hoshi is back!
This time I wanted to tell something brief about her final design, because at first I thought that her school uniform would be her daily outfit, until a friend made me a drawing of Hoshi with the outfit in the image below and in the end I adapted it as Hoshi's daily clothes. But it is possible that I like them both equally, so I thought of creating a school for Hoshi (SFFI) and her original outfit will become her uniform-
I know it's not something that interesting to tell, but it's something stuff that came to me today after I found out that I haven't uploaded as much of her content since these months as I had planned to do ;-;
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liza-lilly · 2 years
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drama-glob · 6 months
Cutscenes #41: Relentless
Another unfortunate day for Orso Knox as he remains mutated and captive at Sycorax.
Now here he laid on the cold, hard floor of his cell, lifting his larger head to see who had come to see him, but they were still in the elevator. Orso then lifted himself onto all fours, slinking back some as he prepped his body into a pouncing position. The green and silver doors of the lift opened up a few seconds later to reveal a tall blonde woman in a red dress and high heels followed by a tall dark-blonde man in a mint-green shirt and jeans, who currently was carrying a coffee and a lemon blueberry muffin.
Liv and Chris were people he was very well acquainted with by now, which is why as soon as they got within 15ft of his cell, he leaped at them with such amazing strength; sadly, like every attempt, he wound up hitting against the orange security doors and falling to the floor in pain. He did this almost every time either of them came by, but they were smart enough to know what he was doing and never opened his cell without fully sedating him first. The mutated man huffed as he slowly got back on his feet, glaring at his captors as Liv and Chris both smirked in response.
“Aren’t you getting tired of that old trick Orso?” Liv snidely remarked as she logged into her giant computer.
Here is the link on AO3:
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skatoonyfan1234 · 4 months
Robert Callaghan's Cobra Transformation
set in an au version of the 'City of Monsters' arc of series 2, where Di Amara [under the guise of 'Liv'] turns Robert Callaghan into her latest pet. Has nudity.
[big hero 6 is 2 disney]
"Try to remain as still as possible." 'Liv' Amara said to someone on her operating table at Sycorax.
That someone, was former SFIT professor Robert Callaghan, who had once been locked up for his crimes, and, somehow or other, busted out of prison by Liv Amara.
She had got him roped into helping her with her special 'project' she was planning, with a promise of being released from prison.
'This,' Robert thought, 'is the most insane way of helping people.' He knew he deserved to be locked up, after what happened to Tadashi Hamada, his best student, because of him. He knew he didn't want to do it, but he, sadly, didn't have a choice in the matter; Liv insisted he did it, or she would come after his daughter, Abigail.
Somehow or other, being in solitary confinement in a maximum-security prison didn't seem that bad to him anymore.
Upon feeling what seemed to be straps wrapped around his body, he knew escaping was out of the question.
"I must be mad." Robert sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?"
"Oh, Robert, You're not mad." Liv said to him, leaning in close to his right ear. "You're just a poor, broken, former shell of a professor, and you're doing this for my own sake. You'll be better, stronger, more than you are right now. You're the perfect experiment."
"And by the way," she added, leaning away from him, "You look so handsome without that eye-sore of a prison uniform on."
Oh yeah, did we forget to mention?
Robert Callaghan was stark naked on that operating table.
He felt the coldness of the room raising gooseflesh on his bare body.
His thoughts swirled around in his head, and began to bleed into each other.
'What is she doing?! She must be truly psychotic. But what does she mean by 'experiment'? Is she doing this to mock me, and rub it in my misery? Oh, how the mighty Professor Robert Callaghan has fallen.'
He stared down at his restrained naked body, and sighed in defeat. 'Great.' Robert muttered to himself. 'So this is what it's like to be a lab rat.'
Liv grinned as she prepared something on a desk. "Perfect."
She walked back to Robert on the operating table, holding out a drill with a special bio-chip, ready to be implanted into his chest, just above his navel. "You might feel a slight pinch." she said.
"This is stupid." Robert muttered. "I must be mad."
"Don't worry about it." Liv said, aiming the drill to his chest, preparing to press the trigger. "Technically, you're doing me and my company a favour."
Then, she pressed the trigger.
Robert winced as the drill went into his chest, implanting the chip into his body. The chip glowed, exposing the outlines, then, circuit lines coming from it.
Then, to his surprise, he saw his navel seem to vanish, as if it had never existed; the chip taking the place where it had once been.
"What the-?!"
He stared at the spot where his navel used to be, jaw hanging.
Robert suddenly felt his heart start to beat a bit more rapidly. Something seemed to bubble in his blood, his stomach felt like it was aching, and he started breathing heavily.
Then his eyes popped wide. Hundreds of goose bumps bulged on his skin, flattened, and pressed together, forming rough ridges.
He felt his legs sticking together, and he could no longer separate them. He stared in horror as the separation between his legs continued to close like a zipper and merge into a single column. He saw his dick recede behind a flap of skin, like it never existed in the first place.
He felt his arms anchor themselves to his body. "Liv?" Callaghan asked, quite scared. "What are you doing to me?"
"Is it not obvious?" Liv said, as she haw his arms slowly fading into Robert's changing body. "You're turning into a snake."
"What?!" Callaghan gasped, showing his 2 front canine teeth had turned into fangs. "Why?! Why are you doing thisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss..."
His voice was soon replaced by a guttural hiss noise.
Liv stroked Robert's head with her hands, and as she did, the grey hairs on Robert's scalp seemed to lose their grip, and they fell right off.
Soon, Robert was now bald.
The skin that was Robert's ears seemed to be growing into a hood, with black tips. on the ends, with one black tip on his naked scalp. Red kabuki marks appeared all over his scaly bod, similar to the kabuki mask Robert had once wore as the supervillain Yokai.
Robert Callaghan watched as his new body began to shrink and thin. Now accepting his fate, he laid back, and let his tf finish off.
Liv watched as Robert's body thinned, his feet and toes melted away, and his scales got thicker.
Soon, the tf was over.
Liv was pleased with the results, as she stared with a sinister grin on her face.
Robert Callaghan, a former SFIT professor turned supervillain, had been transformed into a cobra.
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Realising she needs to finish what she started, Gogo returns to Big Hero 6 to help them fight off the monsters and save their loved ones as Di's plot comes to its dramatic climax.
TW: Mentions of suicidal impulses (near the beginning), blood, graphic violence.
Link to episode:
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boxdstars · 7 months
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raven and the snake but amara is there, and its also the office and i also drew it in gartic phone
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