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worldbuildingwanderlust · 1 year ago
Gaze into your Shadow
And see
It is not some demon
But a wrathful divine
Trying to ensure
You survive
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 4 months ago
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 843×1080 -- Fudō Myōō, a Buddhist deity and guardian of the Buddhist law. His name translates to "The Undefeatable Enlightened King of Buddhism," or "the immovable or unshakable one."
DATE: 13th century (1199-1399)
DEPARTMENT: Arts of Asia
TITLE: Fudo Myo-o
ORIGIN: Japan (Artist's nationality)
MEDIUM: Wood with polychromy and gilt-bronze accessories
CREDIT LINE: Gift of the Joseph and Helen Regenstein Foundation
OVERVIEW: "The name Fudo Myo-o means “the immovable or unshakable one.” He is one of five myo-o, or lords of light, whose threatening appearance guards the Law of Buddhism. He is equipped to guide the spiritual traveler past temptation on the path to enlightenment. Fudo’s bulging eyes, piercing stare, and protruding fangs express the intensity of his wrath against evil. Seated on a stylized rock formation that symbolizes his steadfastness, he once held his attributes, a rope and sword (these have been removed for conservation), which were used to subdue evil forces and to cut through the ignorance that is the source of suffering. This finely modeled figure reflects the highly detailed, realistic direction taken by Japanese sculptors in the Kamakura period (1185–1333)."
Source: www.artic.edu/artworks/8085/fudo-myo-o.
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badarchitectrecords · 9 days ago
Listen to this beautiful piece by Jim Gelcer and David Vito Gregoli!
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powerfulmind611 · 2 years ago
Prince Dharmapala and the Water Demon - A Buddhist Tale of Redemption
Discover the captivating Buddhist tale of Prince Dharmapala and the Water Demon in this enchanting animated video. Join us on a journey of courage, wisdom, and redemption as Prince Dharmapala, accompanied by his brothers, faces the treacherous water demon lurking in a mystical lake.
Unbeknownst to the prince, his brothers fall victim to the demon's trap, but through his astute wit and understanding of the teaching of the gods, he navigates the perilous encounter. Learn the profound lesson that unwholesome actions bring shame and fear while embracing virtuous deeds leads to self-respect and inner peace.
Immerse yourself in this short, amazing story that highlights the transformative power of wise choices and the potential for redemption. Join us in embracing the wisdom of Prince Dharmapala as we navigate life's challenges and strive to create a better world.
Don't miss this beautifully illustrated and narrated tale, which offers timeless wisdom and a reminder of the profound impact our actions can have on ourselves and others. Watch now and be inspired by the enduring teachings of Buddhism.
BuddhistTale #RedemptionStory #WisdomandVirtue #BuddhismLessons #PrinceDharmapala #WaterDemon #BuddhistWisdom #EnlightenmentStory #SelfRespect #InnerPeace #TransformativePower #VirtuousDeeds #BuddhistTeachings #AnimatedVideo #InspiringStory #LifeLessons #BuddhismStory #CourageandWisdom #MoralsandValues #SpiritualJourney
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chinesehanfu · 1 year ago
[Hanfu · 漢服]Chinese immortal Hanfu Based On Ming Dynasty Zhengtong ear (1439AD)Fahai Temple Murals
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【Historical Artifacts Reference 】:
Ming Dynasty "鬼子母神" in the mural of Fahai Temple in Beijing,China.
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【About the "鬼子母神" 】
鬼子母神,also known as Hārītī (Sanskrit),is both a revered goddess and demon, depending on the Buddhist tradition. She is one of the Twenty-Four Protective Deities of Mahayana Buddhism.
In her positive aspects, she is regarded for the protection of children, easy delivery and happy child rearing, while her negative aspects include the belief of her terror towards irresponsible parents and unruly children.
In both Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, she is venerated as a protector deity, but in many folk traditions is often recognized as a female demon of misery and unhappiness towards children and parents.
In Chinese Buddhism, Hārītī is also known as Hēlìdì (訶利帝) or Hēlìdìmǔ (訶梨帝母). In Chinese tradition, she is one of the Twenty-Four Protective Devas (二十四諸天 Èrshísì zhūtiān), a group of Dharmapalas who are venerated as protectors of Buddhists and the Dharma.Statues of this group (and Hārītī) are often enshrined within the Mahavira Hall in Chinese temples and monasteries.
📸Recreation Work:@粉墨长安古典妆造
🔗 Xiaohongshu:http://xhslink.com/cNP1Hz
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lands-beyond-hades · 2 months ago
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Legendary Figures from Asia in Hades Style.
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Lakapati is the Transgender Filipino Goddess of Agriculture, and oversees the nurture of her people. She is prayed to for a bountiful harvest and blesses the crops and livestock. Lakapati displays both masculine and feminine traits and is sometimes depicted as one or the other or fluidly. Her husband is Mapulon the God of Seasons as their union coincides with how seasons and agriculture are importantly tied.
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Vishnu is one of the most important deities in Hindu theology. As the God of Time, and the Preserver, he is one of three called the Trimurti along with Shiva the Destroyer, and Brahma the Creator. Like his fellow gods, Vishnu has many avatars including the legendary hero Vamana, and even the Buddha (in some sects of Hinduism).
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Mahakala is one of the great Dharmapala (Protector of the Dharma) in Tibetan Buddhist Cosmology. His domain is the void, and he maintains command of time and death. He is depicted blue or black as all colors absorbed represent the infinitude of absolute reality (as is all life is absorbed into him in time). As a fearsome deity, he reminds his believers of the wrath that would incur if they were to stray from the Dharma. The five skulls on his crown represent the five Kleshas (negative aspects such as ignorance, selfishness, pride, envy, and depression) that would be transformed into the five wisdoms (knowledge, discipline, observance, equanimity, self-reflection) by his power. His roots tie back to the Hindu god Bhairava (an Avatar of Shiva) and has since become an important figure in many Buddhist Sects. When the universe ends, there will be no Chaos, just the void at the end of time, and there, Mahakala remains.
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Amaterasu Ōmikami (天照大御神) is the Supreme Deity of the Sun and of Japan. The unbroken line of Imperial Japan was said to begin with the first Emperor, Jimmu said to be descended directly from her. As the Sun Goddess she is in charge of overseeing the heavens and wrangling her numerous siblings including, Tsukuyomi (月読命) the Moon God, Susanoo (スサノヲ) the God of Storms and lesser known Watasumi (海神), the Dragon Spirit of the Sea among many other gods and spirits.
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Kting Vor is a Cambodian/Vietnamese Mythological Beast. One distinct feature is its longer, twisting horns. It is called the Snake Eating Cow (or Water Buffalo) because of its unusual diet. Isn't he the cutest...
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Âu Cơ is the Goddess who lives upon a legendary snow mountain in Vietnam. She is said to create the first people who lived in what is now the Southern Region of China/Northern Vietnam. She was married to the Dragon Lord Lạc Long Quân. Their union was not everlasting for Âu Cơ longed to return to the mountain and Lord Lạc Long Quân desired to return to his home in the sea. They divided their children in their separation. The ones who followed Âu Cơ populated her mountains and the decedents of the ones who followed Lord Lạc became known as the Hùng Kings.
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aura-bug · 8 months ago
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(In order: blurry picture of Kali [there was a statue above her with a tag dangling above her head 😢], Durga, Sahasrabhuja Avalokitesvara, GARUDAAAAAAAA)
I didn’t want to take too many pictures and look like a weird freak inside the store but there was SO much more cool stuff + art and I had a lot of fun :)))) the guy who owned the place was really nice!! we had a great convo and he recommended a lot of good books ^_^ I bought like 3 AND got that brass garuda figure bc like. how could I not
I love books I love readig abt. inch rests AURGH this is enrichment for me …………………
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santoschristos · 4 months ago
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Dharmapala "Wrathfulness is a way of depicting the formidable energy of compassion that cannot bear the sufferings of beings. There is no trace of hatred or anger in it" Wrathful Appearance Dharmapalas are often depicted in wrathful forms, symbolizing their power to subdue negative forces and obstacles on the spiritual path. Their fierce countenances, adorned with wrathful attributes such as bulging eyes, bared teeth, and furrowed brows, convey their fearless determination in protecting practitioners.
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nichtschwertart · 7 months ago
Mechs of the Shunyatá Trinity
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Karmaphala Mk 1 (GMS Everest)
"Consequence made manifest."
An agile close quarters Assault design, focused on getting in close to deliver the Gnosis NHP's memetic attacks.
(I threw the basic design together on RetroGrade Minis)
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Dharmapala Mk 1 (SSC Viceroy)
"Wisdom to sort the knots in the cosmic weave, Knowledge to untangle them, Faith to never falter in the face of eternity."
Similar in design philosophy to the Karmaphala. Thanks to the increased sophistication of the Gnosis and Tharsesis NHPs and the addition of TLALOC, the Dharmapala can deliver an overwhelming onslaught of memetic reality disruption and missile bombardment which render cover largely useless. Notoriously difficult to hit, but vulnerable to heat buildup due to the strain of running three NHPs.
(Design based on the SSC Viceroy illustration by Cosmixian)
I don't recall ever having drawn mechs before. I think they turned out pretty well!
Karmaphala is of course the mech I threw together for LL0. Dharmapala is a projection of what I hope to achieve by LL3.
Really hope these don't completely suck in play lol
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avikats66 · 7 months ago
Japanese Buddhist Hand Seals
So have y’all seen this post?
I did some rough translations for the hand seals’ corresponding Japanese deities shown on the source website, featuring romanization of the Japanese kanji alongside the Sanskrit romanization for their Buddhist/Hindu counterparts and a brief descriptor based on what I found using the internet.
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印 / Shirushi / Mudra
1 釈迦如来 / Shaka Nyorai / Shakyamuni / Historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism
2 薬師如来 / Yakushi Nyorai / Bhaisajyaguru / Medicine Buddha
3 阿弥陀如来 / Amida Nyorai / Amitābha / Buddha of Limitless Light
4 弥勒如来(弥勒菩薩) / Miroku Nyorai (Miroku Bosatsu) / Maitreya / Future Buddha
5 大日如来 / Dainichi Nyorai / Mahāvairocana / Cosmic Buddha
6 仏眼仏母 / Butsu Genbutsu Mo / Buddhalocanā / Buddha Eye Buddha
7 観世音菩薩 / Kanzeon Bosatsu / Avalokiteśvara / Bodhisattva of Compassion
8 十一面観音 / Juuichimen Kannon / Ekādaśamukha / Eleven-Faced Kannon
9 千手観音 / Senju Kannon / Avalokiteshvara / Thousand-Armed Kannon
10 不空羂索観音 / Fukuukenjaku Kannon / Amoghapasa / Unfailing Lasso Kannon
11 如意輪観音 / Nyoirin Kannon / Cintāmaṇi Cakra / Wishing Gem Wheel Kannon
12 馬頭観音 / Batou Kannon / Hayagriva / Horse Head Kannon
13 准胝観音 / Jundei Kannon / Cundī / Female Buddhist Deity
14 文殊菩薩 / Monju Bosatsu / Manjushri / Bodhisattva of Transcendent Wisdom
15 普賢菩薩 / Fugen Bosatsu / Samantabhadra / Bodhisattva of Practice
16 勢至菩薩 / Seishi Bosatsu / Mahāsthāmaprāpta / Bodhisattva of Wisdom
17 日光菩薩 / Nikkou Bosatsu / Sūryaprabha / Bodhisattva of Sunshine and Good Health
18 月光菩薩 / Gakkoi Bosatsu / Candraprabha / Bodhisattva of Moonlight
19 虚空蔵菩薩 / Kokuuzou Bosatsu / Ākāśagarbha / Bodhisattva of Space
20 地蔵菩薩 / Jizou Bosatsu / Kṣitigarbha / Bodhisattva of Children, Travellers, and the Deceased
21 金剛サッタ/ Kongousatta / Vajrasattva / Vajra Bodhisattva
22 般若菩薩 / Hannya Bosatsu / Prajñāpāramitā Devī / Bodhisattva of Inconceivable Wisdom
23 薬王菩薩 / Yakuou Bosatsu / Bhaiṣajyarāja / Bodhisattva of Medicine
24 軍荼利明王 / Gundari Myouou / Kundali / Wisdom King and Dharmapala
25 大威徳明王 / Daiitoku Myouou / Yamāntaka / Wisdom King and Destroyer of Death
26 金剛夜叉明王 / Kongouyasha Myouou / Vajrayaksa / Wrathful Wisdom King and Manifestation of Kannon/Amoghasiddhi
27 烏枢沙摩明王 / Ususama Myouou / Ucchusma / Wrathful Wisdom King and Remover of Impurities
28 愛染明王 / Aizen Myouou / Rāgarāja / Wisdom King who Transforms Lust into Spiritual Awakening
29 不動明王 / Fudou Myouou / Acala / Vanquisher of Evil and Protector of the State
30 降三世明王 / Gouzanze Myouou / Trailokyavijaya / King of Knowledge and Conqueror of the Three Worlds
31 大元帥明王 / Daigensui Myouou / Āṭavaka / Yaksha Wisdom King
32 孔雀明王 / Kujaku Myouou / Mahamayuri / Protective Goddess and Wisdom King
33 六字明王 idk how best to read this one tbh, but the English translation is: Wisdom King of the Six Characters, referencing the Six-Words-Great-Enlightening-Dharani (chant), which is associated with Avalokiteśvara / Oṃ maṇi padme hūm̐ (praise to the jewel in the lotus)
34 毘沙門天 / Bishamonten / Vaiśravaṇa / Heavenly King and God of Warriors
35 吉祥天 / Kisshouten / Śrī Mahādevī (Lakshmi) / Goddess of Beauty, Fertility, and Good Fortune
36 梵天 / Bonten / Brahma / God of Creation
37 帝釈天 / Taishakuten / Śakra / Ruler of the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven
38 弁才天 / Benzaiten / Saraswati / Goddess of the Arts
39 大黒天 / Daikokuten / Mahākāla / God of Household Wealth and Fortune
40 深沙大将 / Jinja Taishou / Shensha Shen / Protective Desert Entity originating from Chinese lore and associated with Bishamonten/Vaiśravaṇa
41 歓喜天 / Kangiten / Nandikeshvara / Sacred Bull Mount and Guardian God to Shiva
42 荼吉尼天 / Dakiniten / Dākinī / Dakini (flesh-eating spirit) Goddess associate with Inari
43 伎芸天 / Gigeiten / Celestial Maiden and Patron of the Arts said to be born from Daijizaiten/Mahesvara
44 摩利支天 / Marishiten / Mārīcī / Goddess of Light, Dawn, and Patron of Warriors
45 韋駄天 / Idaten / Skanda / Messenger and Protector of Buddhist Shrines/Teachings
46 鬼子母神 / Kishimojin / Hārītī / Wrathful and Protective Goddess of Children
47 閻魔天 / Enmaten / Yama / God of Death and Justice
48 大日如来法界定 / Dainichi Nyorai Houkai / Mahāvairocana/Vairocana Dharmadhatu / Cosmic Buddha Realm
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river-in-the-woods · 2 years ago
Friendly reminder that Buddhism is a religion.
It has a philosophy, which many choose to learn and follow without taking part in the religious aspects.
Nonetheless it has all the characteristics of a religion:
The veneration of powerful entities - Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharmapalas
A rich collection of symbols, folklore, and cosmology
Temples, shrines, holy places and holy statues
Sacred days (e.g. Buddha and Bodhisattva birthdays)
Prayers, ceremonies, ritual tools, devotional practices
Sacred texts and scriptures (sutra, dharani)
Spiritual cultivation (meditation, sadhana, mantra recitation)
A set of tenets and teachings (5 precepts, eightfold path, etc)
Several classes of spirit beings (devas, yakshas, gandharvas, dakinis, pretas and more)
Several schools/divisions (Mahayana, Theravada, Vajrayana, Zen, Chan... to name a few)
Both exoteric and esoteric practices
A clergy - individuals trained and ordained to serve the community
Spiritual authority - gurus/lamas authorised to teach and initiate
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year ago
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Dharma Protector Day is a time to reflect on the powerful energies of the Dharmapalas who safeguard the teachings of the Buddha. May their divine protection grant you the resilience to face challenges with grace and courage. May your actions and intentions align with the Dharma, leading you to a profound transformation and a life of deep inner peace.
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fetznerdeathrecords · 6 months ago
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Flint Knife Murder - Pretayug (EP)
Death Metal from Shillong, India
Flint Knife Murder comprises of a death metal duo from Shillong, India who conjure unholy tunes with a blend of traditional influences. It features influences from regional folk music as well as traditional Indian instruments like the Sitar and Tabla.
Themes: Indian Folklore, Murder, Death
1. Nartiang 04:56 2. Likai (Remastered) 05:18 3. Angulimala (Remastered) 05:29 4. Dharmapala 07:27 5. Pretayug 01:56
Release date: September 7th, 2024
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hi-jjo · 11 months ago
下马酒之歌 (dismount wine song) - english translation
Lyrics by Cuifu (崔富), composed by Zhao Jinbao (赵金宝), arrangement by Lü Xuedong (吕学东), sung by Qi Feng (齐峰). This song was first released in Qi Feng's 2012 solo album 《多情的蒙古人》 (the sentimental mongolian).
The first embed is Qi Feng's performance. Of course, I've also included a cover by Jamyang Dolma (འཇམ་དབྱངས་སྒྲོལ་མ)
远方的朋友,一路辛苦 请你喝一杯下马酒 洗去一路风尘 来看看美丽的草原
远方的朋友,尊贵的客人 献上洁白的哈达 献上一片草原的深情 请你喝一杯下马酒
远方的朋友,一路辛苦 请你喝一杯下马酒 草原就是你的家 来尝尝香甜的美酒
远方的朋友,尊贵的客人 献上洁白的哈达 献上一片草原的深情 请你喝一杯下马酒
献上一片草原的深情 请你喝一杯下马酒
My friend from far away, you who've endured an arduous road Please come drink a cup of dismount wine Wash away your journey’s windblown troubles Come and see the beautiful grassland
My friend from far away, my most cherished, honored guest I offer to you this pure white khata I offer a piece of the prairie’s loving soul Please come drink a cup of dismount wine
My friend from far away, you who've endured an arduous road Please come drink a cup of dismount wine The grassland is your home and family Come have a sweet taste of this fine wine
My friend from far away, my most cherished, honored guest I offer to you this pure white khata I offer a piece of the prairie’s loving soul Please come drink a cup of dismount wine
I offer a piece of the prairie’s loving soul Please come drink a cup of dismount wine
下马酒 (dismount wine) is a Mongolian tradition of welcoming guests with a toast. Usually wine is served in silver cups, and before drinking, used to honor first heaven, then earth, then one's ancestors.
哈达, ཁ་བཏགས།, хадаг, or དར། (romanized as khata, khada, khadag, or hada) is a Mongolian and Tibetan ceremonial silk fabric used to express respect, congratulations, blessings, etc. The Tibetan word means "mouth" and "horse", as in the gift of this sash is equal in value to that of a horse. They are usually solid white, blue, or yellow, but there are also 5-color khata in blue/white/yellow/green/red, with blue representing the sky, white for clouds, green for rivers, red for dharmapala, and yellow for earth. The 5-color khata is considered the garment of bodhisattvas, and is only used in specific situations.
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The color white in this cultural context is associated with horses, clouds, sheep/goats, milk, cranes, and mountain snow. It symbolizes purity, beauty, good fortune, and kindness.
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lands-beyond-hades · 7 months ago
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Mahakala is one of the great Dharmapala (Protector of the Dharma) in Tibetan Buddhist Cosmology. His domain is the void, and he maintains command of time and death. He is depicted blue or black as all colors absorbed represent the infinitude of absolute reality as is all life is absorbed into him in time. As a fearsome deity, he reminds his believers of the wrath that would incur if they were to stray from the Dharma. The five skulls on his crown represent the five Kleshas (negative aspects such as ignorance, selfishness, pride, envy, and depression) that would be transformed into the five wisdoms (knowledge, discipline, observance, equanimity, self-reflection) by his power. His roots tie back to the Hindu god Bhairava (an Avatar of Shiva) and has since become an important figure in many Buddhist Sects. When the universe ends, there will be no Chaos, just the void at the end of time, and there, Mahakala remains.
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ruumirmir · 1 year ago
Gojo Satoru, the man that you are, had me researching Buddhism and shit
///Jjk chap 236 leaks and spoilers pls begone thankuverymuch
I have never been more deranged in my life of living. And when I say deranged,, I hope everyone involved will enjoy my copium induced girl dinner rant that I cooked up 💥🔥
going through five stages of grief,, about to invent the 6th and 7th one. over Lines on Paper this is my life
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Anyways,, so I came across a tweet which started my spiral after I read through these:
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jujutsu kaisen
has the potential to create THE arc of all Time ever if,, BY GOING OFF OF SYMBOLISM,,, the plot NAILS this
bc the buddha imagery and symbolism of gojo is already the coldest shit ever when gege cooked with the "throughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one"
if this actually happens to some degree
we could have the biggest "WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK" moment in all of manga history
《Gautama Buddha died at the age of 80 in 483 BCE at a place called Kushinagara a town in UP》
thank god we still have 8 more decades left until gojo is FEASIBLY ALLOWED TO DIE AT A SUITABLE AGE AND AFTER A LONG HAPPY LIFE.
ok wait technically 5 more decades since hes close to pushing 30
Raggedy old man. Bros aging 💀
death of an anime man got me actually researching about Gautama Buddha with sincere interest now
《"Mara" is one of the earliest non-human beings to appear in Buddhist scriptures. He is a demon, sometimes called the Lord of Death, who plays a role in many stories of the Buddha and his monks.》
apparently this is the demon equivalent to reflect sukuna's character. hes mostly present in esoteric buddhism
the hand sign,, is same as sukuna's domain expansion here
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《In East Asian and Buddhist mythology, Yama,, also known as King Yan/Yan Wang is the King of Hell and a dharmapala (wrathful god) said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas and the cycle of afterlife saṃsāra.》
In Hinduism,, that's Lord Yama, god of the dead, similarly shown with a Bull as his familiar.
from chinese mythology:
《Yan is portrayed as a large man with a scowling red face, bulging eyes, and a long beard. He wears traditional robes and a judge's cap or a crown which bears the character for "king".》
This cant translate to sukuna's "true form"
Yknow,, the big fucking body with 4 arms and a wooden mask thing on the left side of his face. He definetely IS shown to wear traditional robes.
Now bear with me here, I'm derailing my sanity rn.
yes now THIS is interestinger:
《The spirits of the dead, on being judged by Yan, are supposed to either pass through a term of enjoyment in a region midway between the earth and the heaven of the gods.》
We LITERALLY. have a whole segment of gojo enjoying his time seeing suguru and his other friends who died in an afterlife-kinda setting. We also specifically get a panel of sukuna praising satoru,, passing his judgement,, that we've seen him do to other characters as well [jogo, although that's kinda debatable 💀 since Sukuna kind of. Trashed him]
《-or to undergo their measure of punishment in the nether world. Neither location is permanent and after a time, they return to Earth in new bodies.》
JUMPING UP AND FUCKING DOWN RN. Isnt Kusakabe on standby,, who cultivated an ability to act as a medium and swap/ conduct other people's souls with his own. As i said before,,, SURELYYYYYYY gege wouldnt do this shit without REASON
(it is the funniest shit in the world to type up "Indra god hand gesture" and for gojo fucking satoru's face to pop up in the image and ACTUALLY be linked to a legit discussion on his domain expansion hand sign being referenced from Indra)
ok so, in hinduism,, its "Indra", but in buddhism the same god is translated unto "Sakra"
yknow how it be. Different religions and practices share the same god and the beliefs overlap here and there.
so theres this
《When one Śakra dies, his place is taken by another deity who becomes the new Śakra.》
which is basically the jujutsu kaisen equivalent of people in the gojo clan being born. With the liberty taken of SixEyes + Limitless users taking hundreds of years to be born after deaths of the previous one.
Okay so
"then with his face to the north took seven strides while a white canopy was held over him" is the text referencing buddha's enlightening birth.
the white canopy held over his head is a symbol that he'll achieve nirvana.
《In Buddhism, "Nirvana" is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away. The origin of the word nirvana relates to religious enlightenment; it comes from the Sanskrit meaning "extinction, disappearance" of the individual to the universal.》
Since we've Already seen that gojo's achieved his state of enlightenment at his first death (by toji)
This can be the second stage where he achieves Nirvana at his second death,,
in the storyline,, gojo is Heavily only recognized and labeled by his powers and strength with the Limitless and the Six eyes that he possesses.
(Literally, it means “blowing out” or “becoming extinguished,” as when a flame is blown out or a fire burns out. nirvana.)
So if somehow,, we've all been theorizing,, if gojo erases that aspect of him. Destroys the aspect that defines him as Gojo Satoru, he'll technically be achieving Nirvana and being born (revived) anew.
which is also sweetening the conclusion of the age old question
"Are you the strongest because youre gojo satoru? Or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest", that geto had ask him years ago.
Which ig, Also raises the question:
IF, gojo were to sacrifice his SixEyes and Limitless in his pact of revival (details to be pondered upon later), would this count as a Legitmate "death" with relevance to the world's balance being re-altered, and Also resetting the cycle for another user to be born?
Or idk maybe I'm just tripping balls <3
Goodnight everynyan. Let's awaken to a day where Satoru Gojo comes to live amongst us once again. 🕊
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