#Dewey jump!
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ryangravytrain · 8 days ago
Beauvi has been here for 2 days but he’s family
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dailykarnage · 25 days ago
It is such a delight to hear Ben Schwartz reprise his role as Dewey Duck and mess with Don Karnage again. :’)
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pandonse · 21 days ago
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just received my sticker from @kaptnkablooey !!! Had to get my favorite from the triplets, and the sticker’s so CUTE AAAAAAA the doodle had me squealing!!!!!!!
if you can’t tell, i love it. obsessed. love the shine.
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acmeoop · 1 year ago
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Staircase Race “Stuck on Christmas” (1999)
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titelverteidiger · 2 months ago
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unfortunately i love them
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riphimopen · 2 years ago
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You already know what the fuck goin on. Yo look to ur right. Look to the right
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eqan · 1 year ago
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amysterywrappedinanenigma · 2 years ago
For the Character Bingo Game, Dewey, Kate, and/or Cannonball, please!
I hope you are having a good day, and that you don't forget to eat and drink some water among all the Divorce/Marriage planning
For the cardio king himself:
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go self-actualized problematic king with no ability to read the room! Your parents DO love and support you!
Kate <3:
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I really think she and Madge could take over the world <3
Silly ship man:
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I like to think he and captain noland get tea on the weekends, and he definitely needs therapy for all of the personal drama noland throws at him on a daily basis
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aro-throughyourchest · 2 years ago
I actively think School of Rock should bring Jack Black back for a reprise role and there’s a running gag where he’s actively terrified of all the muppets around him
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persevereforahappyending · 1 month ago
A Legacies Regret |6|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You were living in New York with your girlfriend, trying to forget about last year and just enjoy life, but that was easier said than done. (Sequel to A Legacies Secret)
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.8k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | A Legacies Secret Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
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Tara laid with her head rested on your chest, just listening to your steady heartbeat. She knew she should be on edge, Ghostface was back, they didn’t have time to waste. As soon as the three of you got back to the apartment though, it seemed all three of you agreed to just take the rare moment and rest. Tara let you take a shower first and by the time she was done you were changed and sprawled out on the bed.
Tara only hesitated for a second to curl up next to you. The two of you were fine in a life-or-death situation but this was the first time either of you had a break since the attacks. As soon as you opened your eyes, you gave her that look, the despite being half sleepy you were still very aware of when she entered the room, that look. That’s all it took for Tara to lay down next to you. She would have jumped on the bed and tackled you with a hug, but you had a long night.
Tara glance up at you, you fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as your arm wrapped around Tara. She wasn’t sure how you did it, you endured so much, even before all the stuff with Ghostface. Tara’s life wasn’t great, at least in terms of family, but yours was just as bad. You actually had it worse in some ways. Tara had Chad, Mindy, their mom, then of course Wes and his mom, she even had Amber. You didn’t have anyone though, you sort of had Dewey, but it wasn’t in the same way, he wasn’t a parental figure to you at the time, he just saw a kid who needed help.
Then you learned the truth about your family, you practically found them and lost them in the same day. Gale was still around but Tara wasn’t sure how that relationship would evolve, if it ever did. Though her motives were selfish there was a part of Tara that saw what Gale did as protecting you. If people knew you were Gale and Dewey’s kid you would have been in danger, you probably would have been part of the attacks back in 2011, you were only in middle school then. And as if to prove her theory correctly as soon as the truth was discovered you were a target, it seemed that no matter what, you would have been dragged into this mess, whether it was because you were related to Dewey and Gale or because you were dating Tara, it seemed inevitable for you to become a target.
Despite everything though you still put Tara first. You didn’t care where the two of you moved as long as Tara was happy, that’s what you always told her. You said you wanted her to choose where she wanted to go to college, and you’d just happily follow along. Tara knew you didn’t particularly care about Woodsboro, besides her, you didn’t have anyone there, but you still didn’t seem to be bothered about having to uproot your life and start all over.
It wasn’t an excuse but one of the reason Tara missed the signs that you were hurting was because you simply didn’t let her see. You walked around the city with her, despite the obvious pain you had to have been in. You went to parties with her, even though you hated them. Tara was sure the main reason for the parties was to keep an eye on her, but you still tried to have fun, you let Tara drag you around, you danced with her, you did it all when Tara was sure you’d rather be back home, cuddled up watching a movie together.
“You’re thinking too loud,” your raspy voice came, breaking Tara out of her thoughts. Your eyes barely opened as you looked down at her. “What’s on your mind?”
“How amazing you are,” Tara whispered. You rolled your eyes as if you thought she was joking. “I’m serious,” she rolled over, so half her body was over you, but she was not able to look you in the eye. “You’re perfect.”
Your hand brushed the a few stray hair that fell into her eyes back behind her ear. “I’m hardly perfect.”
“Well, compared to me you are,” her eyes fell in shame.
When Tara found it in herself to look at you again you were frowning. “I’ve been a shitty girlfriend,” Tara whispered.
“You haven’t-”
“Yes,” she cut you off. “I have. I’ve been terrible to you.”
“You haven’t.” Tara rolled her eyes, you made it nearly impossible to argue with you, especially when it came to Tara trying to talk bad about herself. “We go on dates, we’ve seen the city,” you went from frowning to giving her a loving smile.
“I’ve been ignoring your problems.” Your frown was quick to return. It seemed as though the only thing Tara was good at lately was hurting you. “You’ve been hurting and all I’ve been is selfish.” Tara averted her gaze; she attempted to blink away her tears, but it was clear she failed when she felt your thumb brush against her cheek. “You deserve better.”
“It’s not your fault.” Tara closed her eyes; you still weren’t hearing her it seemed. She couldn’t help but lean into your touch. “A lot happened to you; you’ve been dealing with just as much shit.”
“No, I haven’t,” Tara shook her head.
As much as she said she was fine and refused to see someone, Tara wasn’t dealing with it. Tara hadn’t dealt with any of it since it happened. Her solution was just to pretend everything was fine, act as if her best friend didn’t try and kill her, act as if none of it happened as if everything were normal. Tara was sure she’d go to parties if the attack never happened, but she wouldn’t be doing it as much as she currently was. She saw parties as a way to escape and drink her problems away, if she drank enough then maybe she wouldn’t have nightmares. The only thing that seemed to stop the nightmares though, was you. Even if she still got woken up from one, nothing brought her more comfort then knowing you were right there holding her.
“You never talk about Dewey,” she said as soft as she could, though it still didn’t seem to be enough with the way your entire body went rigid at his name. “I never asked because I didn’t want to cause you anymore pain.”
She should have asked you about it. Maybe deep down the real reason she didn’t ask was because she knew it would involve talking about everything else that happened. She still should have asked, she shouldn’t have been selfish. You always put her first, the very least she could have done is ask how you were doing after everything that happened. Maybe you wanted to talk about it but because Tara didn’t ask and pretended everything was alright, you pushed everything down.
“You can talk about him,” she said, another tear rolling down her cheek. “I never want you to feel like you can’t, not with me. I know it hasn’t seemed like it, but I will be here for you.” She rested a hand on your chest, right over your heart. “You can even talk about Gale,” Tara added. “If you want.”
Her little joke seemed to work because you huffed out a laugh, but she could feel the vibrations through her body. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet,” you whispered but there was a soft smile on your face.
Your smile soon fell, and you furrowed your brow. Tara waited to see what it was you were thinking, you were clearly contemplating something important. “I’m,” you whispered, your voice much smaller than before. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about…” you swallowed and began blinking rapidly.
“It’s okay,” Tara assured. “Whenever you are. Just know, I’m here.”
“You never have to thank me.” She reached up to caress your cheek “But I’m going to do better, I promise. I’m going to be the kind of girlfriend you deserve.”
“Things have been…” you sucked in a breath as you seemed to search for the word you wanted. “Off with us lately.” Tara couldn’t help but scoff, that was certainly putting it nicely, she had been horrible. If the roles were reversed and she was treating herself this way she would have certainly broken up with herself. “But never think you’re not good enough.”
Tara laid her head back down on your chest, closing her eyes as she focused on your heartbeat again. She couldn’t help but lightly brush her fingers across the bandage on your arm, making sure to avoid the area the cut was.
“I don’t want to see you get hurt because of me,” she whispered.
“I don’t intend to leave you any time soon,” you whispered, your grip around her tightening, as if you could somehow pull her even closer. “But I won’t let you get hurt again. I-I can’t,” your voice cracked. “I can’t see you like that again.”
“Lets just…” Tara sighed, she wasn’t sure what she could say to that, how she could comfort you. “Rest right now.”
That seemed to work because within minutes Tara noticed how your breathing evened out and your heartbeat became steady again. Sam was home, no one would get past her and Tara was in your arms right now, the safest place she could possibly be. Tara took the moment and closed her eyes, there was no telling how long this moment would last, Ghostface could attack at any time, and anyone could be lost in a moment.
Tara knew things weren’t completely back to normal with the two of you. The two of you talked but she still had a lot of work to do. She couldn’t just promise you she’d be better, she had to actually do it, she had to show you that she could be better. The first step would be surviving this new psycho. Then, when the two of you made it out of this, she would work every day to be the best girlfriend possible.
Finally, several minutes after you fell asleep Tara found herself drifting off. She tightened her grip around you, holding onto as tight as she could as if she were afraid, you’d slip away. Tara didn’t realize how long it had been since the two of you just laid together like this. You always slept next to each other and cuddled, but it had been a long time since either of you had been at ease like you currently were. Tara fell back into a comfort she didn’t know she had been missing, despite the current circumstances, Tara was somehow the most at ease she had been since last year.
Taglist: @mamas-evil-hag @thatshyboy1998 @btay3115 @idontliketoread2137 @nwestra
@honorarysimp @canyonyodeler @chxrry-lov3 @aceofspades190 @worstendingever
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brotherly-lov3 · 7 months ago
A deep thorough look into Huey and Louie's sibling bond
It's to no one's surprise that these two share a sweet and close connection as they're one of DT 17 show's main duos, but there are some details that add more prespective to their bond that could go unnoticed and overlooked.
And as a fan of their bond I'd gladly point out some of those details, so bear with me...
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Let's start with the thing that defines their bond most. It's the comfort they get from one another. As we've seen when Louie got attacked, the first thing he did was to go to Huey for comfort, and When Louie was feeling bad, in Timephoon ep, and apologized for accidentally making them disappear, Huey's first thought was to comfort him and bring him in for a hug.
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Louie also provides an equally important emotional support for Huey. He cares about his brother's emotional state and uses careful words to lessen his anxiety; like when he comforted Huey and cheered him up when he was nervous about going to the contest without the JWG.
He also jumped in to protect him when he started to get anxious from Dewey's continous protests and reassured him, even though Louie himself wasn't a fan of his new legs either.
The one time when Louie triggered Huey intentionally because he was tired of adventuring, he immediately looked guilty, feeling bad for doing so.
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They feel safe around each other. Louie said it before, and it was obvious in the way they jump in each other's arms —literally— when they're scared. During the final credits, Huey and Louie looked terrified falling off the plane, but that look was wiped away once they found and held onto one another <3
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We can see that Huey does his best to prevent any harm near his brothers by taking safety measures. He's protective of them, which made him Louie's choice for shielding, knowing his brother will rescue him.
Accordingly, protecting Huey is also a priority to Louie. He'd just grab Huey's hand when he runs away from danger. When Huey was being tugged by the money shark, Louie rushed to save him, not letting him go, and both ended up inside the shark.
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Huey and Louie share a close connection, and the way they act like bffs is so precious. Putting a casual arm around the other's shoulder, vibing and going silly together, teasing and annoying each other all the time.
Huey even wanted to practice a secret handshake with Louie when he saw the three Caballeros perform theirs.
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They go to one another for help. Like when Huey made Louie dress as him and lie to Fenton's mum and Gyro, and when Louie kept persuading Huey to help him with Louie Inc. even though Webby was more than willing to do the checklists job for him.
Another thing is so important about their dynamic is that they cherish the bond they have. They like their closeness to one another, and they showed that off in 'the spear of Selene ep' when they literally built a statue of themselves high-fiving, looking proud. 
And as the oldest brother, Huey cares for Louie. In the video of Huey's 30 things, 'making sure Louie also was having fun' was one of them. You can see that clearly in 'Glomtales ep' when Huey left his iPad for Louie before leaving, aware that his brother gets bored easily. Not only that, but also he was the only one who called Louie later, trying to include him in their journey and excited to share the fun with him. Huey only hung up when he saw no point if his mum wouldn't let him show stuff to Louie.
It's also so cute that Huey always tries to win Louie over on his side whenever he argued with other characters.
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Louie cares about Huey as well that he gets sad when Huey's mad at him and happy when he receives praise from him. In the Halloween ep, Louie was so determined to gain the candy fortune, but upon seeing how upset Huey was about it, he gave it all up.
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Louie was probably the one who really understood what did the woodchuck mean for Huey more than anyone else; while everyone looked shocked when Huey lost the challenge against Violet, Louie was the only one who looked sad for him.
It's also telling how Louie would feign reading from a book when he pretends to know about something, imitating his oldest brother (Louie always uses the internet as a source of information) and would disguise as him a lot.
It proves that Louie looks up to Huey and that made it a good conclusion when Louie was the one to keep the JWG after Huey was kidnapped and use a book for the first time to find their brother.
That arc got closed when Huey's brothers finally acknowledged the book's importance, which led to one of the sweetest hugs in the show.
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Huey and Louie make such an integrated team as they have complementary types of intelligence. Huey was the one who usually knew what they should do, and Louie was the one who better knew how to do it.
When they team up they work in sync and fall into an easy rhythm. And I think they would be as good of a team as Scrooge and Donald in 'the most dangerous game night ep' if they actually had a chance to play with everyone else.
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Last thing I want to talk about is their opposite personalities. Huey's the responsible, honest and active oldest triplet. And Louie's the careless, tactful and lazy youngest triplet. This contrast was the main focus on throughout their arc as they showed in many episodes how Louie just acted irresponsibly all while Huey judged and reprimanded him for being lazy and getting them into so much trouble. It made Louie annoyed sometimes, thinking his brother was overreacting or trying to ruin his plans, until he discovered Huey was right later.
However, that arc ended with a sign of love. When Huey explained, in 'the fight for castle McDuck ep', that he learned to take the hard way to protect them from falling into trouble like Louie always got them to when he used the easy way. This time though, he didn't say it with an accusing tone, he said it affectionately as he hugged his brother close. Louie was even distracted for a bit before realizing what he said wasn't all flattery.
The message was that at the end of the day, Huey just appreciated his brother, trouble and all, lazy and all, 'pulling a Louie' and all. It was just beautiful.
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This took so long so I'm going to stop here. Thank you everyone who reached this far. If you have anything to add, feel free to do so. REALLY I'D LIKE TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS.
I wanted to write about them since I came here, and I finally got inspired to do so thanks to @writebackatya 's poll.
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crossbackpoke-check · 8 months ago
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amycvdh · 11 months ago
off to work
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Dewey Nicks
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lets-hue-this · 6 months ago
I know Gladstone is supposed to be Louie’s parallel, but I can see him in Dewey more, like, the boy is literally the luckiest of the triplet. He has so many lucky scenes throughout the show than I can count
He literally aced golfing with no prior training, with just random, closed-eyes hits and from the first tries,
He also jumped around as he blindly climbed a structure, like?!! That is Gladstone's level of luck idc!!
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kleine-joost · 7 months ago
Literally anything with whimpering joost pls, that man is one that whimpers idgaf what anyone else says, whimpering is hot with two t's
ask and you shall receive (I hope I did it justice for you!!! ❤️)
Joost Klein x Reader 18+ MDNI
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You continued to dance as the bass jumped through your bones. You always lived for nights like this. With your past week at work, you needed a night to unwind, and Joost knew it. One of the perks of having a well-connected boyfriend, you could get into practically any club in Amsterdam that you wanted, and you always used that to your benefit. You’d dragged Joost from one club to another all night, it was getting close to last call time and you were trying to make the most of it all.
Joost didn’t mind trailing after you. You were wearing the pair of jeans and the strappy top that you knew made him go crazy. That was part of the fun of the night as well, teasing him for hours upon hours until he couldn’t handle how worked up he was and would drag you home to fuck you until the sun was coming up. 
But that was getting harder and harder for Joost to hold off as you grinded into him on the dancefloor. He had hold of your hips, swaying you both to the music. You were facing away from him, and everytime to shook your head to the beat he got a whiff of your shampoo, it was bordering on torture.
“I’m going to get another drink,” he practically yelled in your ear just so you could hear him.
“I’ll come with you!” You swung around, your face flushed and slightly dewey, grabbing Joost’s hand as he led you both to the large circular bar closer to the entrance of the club.
It was a bit quieter, at least the glasses of half-finished drinks that sat on the bar were only slightly vibrating from the bass that emanated through the building. Joost ordered another beer, and you got a bottle of water. You both didn’t say much as you both just quietly watched the crowd jumping in unison.
You could tell your body would be sore later, and your lack of energy was quickly dawning on you. You rested your head on Joost’s shoulder as he took a sip. 
As if this wasn’t torturous enough already, now his senses were filled with the scent of your perfume and a light sheen of sweat that started at your hairline and slowly went down your neck. He wished he hadn’t worn such tight jeans tonight, he was painfully hard and the pressure wasn’t helping. He tried to slyly adjust himself, hoping for some kind of reprieve.
You noticed him wriggle. He couldn’t hide much from you, you saw how his eyes raked over your body as you were getting ready to leave, and you felt his grip on your hips and waist tighten with every club you went to.
Maybe it was time to give him what he’d been wanting so badly. You grabbed his hand tightly, looking up at him with lidded eyes and leaning close to his ear.
“Come with me,” you whispered, beginning to walk to the small hallway you knew led to the bathrooms.
It was surprisingly empty. Even better. You slid into the men’s bathroom, quickly dragging Joost into a stall with you.
As soon as you latched the lock shut his mouth was on yours, and he was pushing your bodies against the stall door.
You let his tongue explore over your lips, your teeth, and your own tongue. He tasted like the strawberry gum he always loved to chew. You let your hands wander over his back, and gripped his shoulders, nails digging in just the way he liked.
You parted your mouth from his to place wet kisses down his neck, biting just a little.
“I need you,” he gasped. “Please.”
“Impatient…” you tutted.
But you couldn’t see your boy so desperate, so you indulged him. You reached a hand down to palm him through his jeans while you lightly sucked that sweet spot near his collarbone. He let out a tiny whimper, but enough to spur you on.
You quickly unbuckled his belt, fumbling with the large, ornate buckle he’d worn that night, and reached into his boxers, just to give him enough skin-on-skin contact.
“What do you want, baby?” You asked him, slowly running your nails over his length.
“Uh, uh,” he stuttered for a moment. “Your mouth, I want your mouth.”
A grin spread across your lips. You would honestly do anything for this man when he got like this, seeing him so desperate made you want to make him happy in any way you possibly could.
You kneeled on the sticky floor without delay, pulling Joost’s jeans and boxers down just a bit to let his cock spring free. You were salivating at the sight of him. After only a few small licks to his glistening, pink tip, he was gasping for air. You jumped into gear, lightly sucking on him and running one hand over the rest of him.
The room was quickly filled with his moans. Not the normal, guttural moans like when he was fucking you, these were higher pitched, more of a whine. He was itching for a release.
You flattened your tongue and pushed him deeper in your mouth. You were just staving your gag reflex back, as he grabbed the back of your head to encourage you. Joost took hold of your hair once you’d gotten into a good rhythm as he was hurtling closer and closer to the finish line.
With one final swirl of your tongue, he was finishing in your mouth. You waited as he rode out the high, letting out some final strangled gasps as you looked up at him, taking him out of your mouth and swallowing.
He grabbed your hand to help you stand up as he tucked himself back into his jeans. You noticed his cheeks had the slightest tinge of pink washed over them, it made you smile. Just when you were about to unlock the stall to leave he pulled your arm back, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“Let’s go home,” you told him, sweetly.
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so-much-for-stardust6 · 8 months ago
Sauna- Damon Albarn
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summary: you and your boyfriend have sex in a sauna.
lowercase intened & not proof read
warnings: smut
a/n: this was requested by @hazelllllllllllllllll thank you so much and so sorry it took long to get it out! 🫶 i apologize if it’s feels rushed or short 😭
i thank damon everyday for convincing us to build a sauna in our backyard. every time i get stressed (which is nearly all the time), i always go in there to relax. and today was one of those days. i had a tough day at work and much needed sauna break was the way to relax. i wrapped a towel around my naked body and walked over to the building. damon wasn’t home, he was at the studio talking music with the rest of his band mates. he also had a surround system installed into the sauna so we could wind down with music as well. i set the temperature perfectly and turned on my music, a smile instantly on my face. i sat down and just stayed there with my eyes closed.
“there you are, darlin.” his voice startled me.
i jump in my seat and look at him. he was wearing a white towel around his waist. i gulp as certain thoughts enter my brain.
“hey baby. you’re home so early.”
“yeah, i wasn’t feeling the best so we called it a day.” he went to sit next to me.
“you’re sick?” i instantly worry.
“oh no, just not feeling the best music wise.”
“you need a message?”
i always give damon a massage when he’s stressed about music or in a music block, it always ends up easing him. he smiled brightly and shook his head. he turned around and my fingertips touched his dewey skin. already seeing him in only a towel already made me feeling a certain way, and now i’m giving his a massage in the sauna.
“i always love how your hands feel..” he practically moans out.
i bite my lip and kept my mouth shut. i watched as i dug my fingers into his skin.
“fuck…” i softly mutter to myself.
“what’s that, love?” he turns around to face me.
“nothing.” i quickly say.
“you feeling okay? you look a bit flustered.” he smirked.
as soon as i saw his smirk i knew i was done for. but i still lied.
“yeah, i’m feeling great. it’s just this sauna i’m not used to.”
he gave me a certain look, a look telling me he can see through my white lie.
“gimme a kiss.” he puckered up his lips.
i knew it was a trap to kickstart something. i hesitate but i eventually lean in. i went in for a quick peck but he quickly escalated everything by shoving his tongue in my mouth. i moan out from the feeling and move closer to him. he held onto my face and deepened the kiss.
“take it off..” he mumbled against my lips.
i slowly stood up and grabbed the hem of my towel where it’s wrapped up. i mentally thank myself for deciding to go naked as i open my towel and drop it. his blue eyes scanned my figure, his chest rising quickly as his dick gets hard. i notice the little bump from his erection in the towel, a slight smile appeared on my face.
“doesn’t take much, huh?” i motion to his problem.
“i mean you’re naked.” he shrugged.
he stood up and unwrapped his towel. his dick sprung out and was already leaking precum.
“come ride me, love..” his voice deep.
i go to sit on his lap, his dick resting perfectly on the one spot i want him. we go back to our previous makeout and i start to roll my hips. he grabbed onto my hips and gripped them hard.
“fuck..you’re killing me..” he moaned.
i grab onto his shoulders for a better angle and continue my teasing movements.
“no more teasing..please..” he breaths out.
i giggle to myself at how fast he folded. i pushed myself up and grabbed his dick, aligning it with my hole. i look at him once last time, taking in his beauty. i’m always so astonished by his absolute beauty, his perfection 100%. i slowly started to sink myself down onto him, the feeling of him stretching me out making me moan softly. he also moaned, closing his eyes and dropping his head back.
“fuck…you feel so good..” he groaned out.
his hands slowly started to guide my hips, rolling them to create fiction. the heat from the sauna was making it easier for me to sweat. he speeds up my movements, eventually lifting me up to bounce on him. he met me halfway and thrusted his hips up, the sauna filling with the sound of skin slapping. i moaned out at every thrust, my boobs bouncing up and down. i wrap my arms around damon to bring him closer to me. i connect our lips once again, red and plump from our previous makeout. our chests touched as i rode him, our sweat slick skin rubbing against one another. i pulled the hair on the back of his head, making him moan out. i furrow my eyebrows as i feel a rising feeling in my stomach, his tip hitting my g-spot enhancing it. one of his hands left my hip and started to make its way towards one of my boobs, squeezing it a bit. i moan into his mouth which allowed him to sneak his tongue in. he played with my nipple, pinching and pulling it. i clenched around him at the feeling.
“i’m close, love..” he mumbles against my lips.
i only breathe out and nod my head, bouncing faster. i continue moaning out loud, digging my fingernails into his skin. damon pulled away from my lips and pressed kisses down my neck all the way to my boob. he didn’t hesitate to take my nipple in his mouth, sucking on it and occasionally nipping it. the pleasure became all too much, the spring in my stomach tightened to the max.
“d-damon…i-“ i cut myself off with a moan.
damon just hummed around me, giving me permission to cum. i let out one last breath before i squeezed my eyes shut, arching my back as i came all over him. my nails continued to dig into his skin, probably drawing blood. damon stared up at my from my boob, his blue eyes watching me cum. i gasped and cried out as i continued to cum, clenching around him. watching and feeling me cum sent damon over the edge, his cum spewing inside me. he rested his forehead against my chest as he moaned, gripping tightly onto my hips to slowly guide them. i collapsed against him to try and catch my breath.
“you did so good, love. so so good..” he left kisses all over my body.
he kissed behind my ear, my shoulder, and behind my neck.
“i love you, dames.” i mumbled.
“i love you too, darlin.”
he pulled me away from him to look at my face. he wiped the stray hairs off my face and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips.
“you’re so beautiful, like always. i’m so lucky.” his eyes scan my face, lighting up brightly.
“oh shush.” i blush and try to turn away but he softly grabs my face.
he kisses my cheeks, my cheekbones, my forehead, my nose and my lips again.
“let’s get cleaned up, love.” he slowly lifted me up from him.
i groaned from the soreness as he sat my down. he stood up and grabbed a spare towel from near the door. he bent down and spread my legs apart, mouth slightly falling apart when he saw his cum leaking out of me. he looked back up at me before carefully cleaning me up. he cleverly pushed his cum back inside of me, making me chuckle and pet his head. he stood up and cleaned himself before discarding the dirty towel in the corner.
“thank you, baby.” i pucker my lips for another kiss.
he gladly accepts it but cheekily tried to deepen it into something more.
“nope, nice try.” i pull away and laugh.
“doesn’t hurt to try.”
he grabbed his towel and wiped my sweaty body off before wrapping it around his waist, he then grabbed mine. i wobbly stood up and leaned against him for support as he wrapped mine around.
“grab onto me.”
i did what he said before he picked me up bridal style. i yelped out from the action and giggle. he walks to the door and i open it for him.
“wait! we need to turn it off.”
“eh i’ll come back when i put you down.” he shrugs.
he makes his way back into the house and we might’ve had another round.
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