jenjen4280 · 8 months
Long weekend on the opposite coast with the Hot Wife. Bumming around beaches, meandering through redwoods, and enjoying being together.
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Death, easily a comfort character to me, and I love drawing/painting him.
This image I had done around.. a month ago, now, and it’s still easily my favourite despite some mistakes, and despite those mistakes, it’s near and dear to my heart, and I want to share it because I’m proud of it.
Cinder also turned out simply amazing UwU I love these two so very much qwq
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Frazzled Nerves
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader (College AU)
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Word Count: 1.5k (this one is short and sweet)
Warnings: Stressed Reader, Mentionings of anxiety attacks, forgetting to eat, massages
Summary: It’s the day before finals week and you’re stressed out about your Biology final. Your girlfriend Abby shows up at your dorm when she can’t get ahold of you and ends up helping you relax.
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If there was one thing you wish someone told you about college was that it’d ruin your life. Hours upon hours of work that you finished only to be given new work. Some of your professors didn’t care that you were literally drowning in homework, and others - while sympathetic - said that the work was necessary. You had a goal in life and it required going to college, but sometimes you wanted to drop out. Your social life was strained because you weren’t the type to go out and get wasted a night before exams. And speaking of exams, you were stressed out from the amount of material you needed to study for finals. You’re sitting at your desk, barely processing what you’re reading because you were exhausted. Your biology final is the first one tomorrow morning and it is worth half of your grade. So rightfully, you were freaking out. You were so focused that you hadn’t answered any of your texts or even knew where your phone was.
A knock sounds at your door, making you sigh and put your pen down. You get up from the chair, wincing when you realize that your legs had fallen asleep, and walk to the door. You open it and feel a small rush of energy when you lock your eyes with Abby’s blue ones. She must have texted one of your dormmates to let her in.
“Hey, baby.” You smile at her, moving aside so she can step into your room.
“Is everything alright, Y/n?” Abby asks in concern, “You haven’t responded to my texts and when I called you earlier it went to voicemail.”
“Shit, I’m sorry, Abby. I’ve been studying since I woke up this morning.” You sigh and run a hand through your hair, “I don’t know where my phone is so it’s probably dead by now.”
“You’ve been studying all day?” Abby sounds even more concerned now, “Have you eaten anything?” You bite your lip and look away from her. No, you haven't eaten anything. You didn’t have the time to with how much work you had to get done. Abby sighs and you watch with furrowed brows as she walks to your laptop and starts exiting out of your tabs.
“Abby!” You gasp, “What are you doing?” You rush over to her, but she gently pushes you away from the desk. You couldn’t hide the distressed look on your face and it makes Abby’s eyes soften. She sits down in your chair, closing your notebook and pulling you onto her lap.
“Baby, you need to relax. Stressing yourself out over this exam is going to make you sick.” Abby cuddles you against her, “I’m going to get us something to eat, and when I come back you’re going to relax with me, okay?” She was speaking in her dom voice. The soft, soothing voice that makes you feel all fuzzy when she uses it.
“Okay.” You whisper, nodding your head.
“Good girl.” Abby kisses your forehead and you get off of her so she can get up, “Do you want the usual order from Minty’s or something else?”
“You’re going to Minty’s?” Your eyes widen, “But, Minty’s is all the way across campus.”
“That’s okay. I know you like their shakes, so I don’t mind having to drive there. Now, do you want the same meal or not?”
“Yes, please.” You nod, shyly crossing your arms over your stomach when it makes a noise.
“Alright, I’ll be right back. And no going back to work. You’re relaxing for the rest of the night.” Abby points at you and you sigh but nod your head. She leaves your room and since she said no more studying you decide to clean up your desk. You take a deep breath to try and ease your nerves as you do, making sure to put everything where they go. Once that was done, you went searching for your phone and put it on the charger. You couldn’t sit down, too anxious to get back to studying so you ended up pacing the room until you hear Abby knock on your door.
You let her in, taking the drink coaster from her hands and watching as she hangs your dorm keys back up, “When did you take my keys?” You question her and the smell of the food makes your stomach rumble.
“I took it on my way out.” Abby chuckles, walking over to the beanbags you have in the corner. She takes your food out of the bag and hands it to you after you put the drink coaster on the floor. You smile happily, opening the container and immediately digging into it, “Thank you, babe.”
“You’re welcome.” Abby smiles at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Now, don’t eat too fast or you’ll choke. You’re supposed to be relaxing, so I don’t want you to mention school.”
“But-” You stop when she gives you a stern look, sighing and going back to your food. While you ate, the two of you talked about the meet-up your friends are having. There was a party at the end of the semester where they smoked weed and watched comedy movies until they passed out. It would be next weekend and everyone was required to bring their own snacks so there wouldn’t be any complaining. You didn’t know if you’d make it to the end of the week with how stressed you were.
“Okay, angel.” Abby hums, pulling you onto her lap, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“There’s just… too much work to do.” You tear up, Abby rubbing your back, “I’m stressed out about finals and my biology one is half of my grade. If I fail it, then I could end up failing the class! I can’t fail the class!”
“Ssshhh, angel. You’re not going to fail the class.” She comforts you but lets you cry. She knew that it was better to let you cry it out, so it would help you calm down. The feeling of her rubbing your back was soothing and you closed your eyes to enjoy it.
“I like when you do this.” You sigh happily. If there was one thing you love about your girlfriend is that she knew how to get you to relax. When you got stressed it tended to overwhelm you and could lead to anxiety attacks if you weren’t careful. Ever since you met Abby, she had a way of calming you down by just being with you.
“Yeah? You like my massages, too. Would you like one, angel?” You’re jumping up from her lap before she finishes her sentence. Abby laughs and you get into your pajamas while she cleans up the mess. With a little hop, you get into bed and lay down on your stomach. You watch as Abby changes into her pajamas and takes a seat next to you.
“Take a deep breath for me, baby.” Abby pets your head and you close your eyes, taking in a deep breath.
“Good girl.” Abby coos, making you blush, “I’m going to start at your neck, okay? I want you to count to a minute and then take a deep breath.”
“Okay.” You mumble as she starts to work her fingers into your neck. You loved her massages. You were shocked when she told you that she wanted to be a massage therapist at one point in her life. It was because she spent a decent amount of time volunteering at the hospital her dad worked and found physical therapy interesting. That was before she found out that she liked working with chemicals and chose to become a chemist instead.
You winced slightly when she started working on a tense spot in your shoulder, hearing her utter a soft apology. That was where you carried the most tension when you were stressed out so she was being extra attentive. You felt fuzzy as Abby praised you for being good for her and relaxing your body. All thoughts of your finals faded away and you focused on the feeling of her hands on your body. With every press of her fingers, you felt more and more sleepy but you kept counting and taking deep breaths as she told you to. You wanted to say something, but you were taking in all of the sweet words that Abby was saying to you. It went from praises to compliments and before you knew it, you were fighting to keep your eyes open.
“Baby…” The word comes out slightly slurred from how sleepy you are.
“Are you falling asleep on me, angel?” Abby chuckles lowly, kissing your shoulder.
“Nooo?” You try to deny it, but your statement comes out as a question.
“I think you are.” She hums. You feel her get off of the bed, followed by the sound of the lights being turned off. You feel the bed dip again, Abby sliding under the covers with you. You hum happily, snuggling up with her and she wraps her arms around you.
“How are you feeling?” She whispers, kissing your forehead. You were too sleepy to respond to her, choosing to snuggle closer instead before falling asleep in her arms. Completely forgetting that you had been so stressed out about your exam the next day.
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Watching saltburn
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amngtheflowers · 10 months
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whumpookies · 1 year
Gurbet kadını bölüm 15
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When Murat'a and sinans plane has to emergancy landing there unaware they've landed on a mine field.. disaster strikes..
Series whump started here , this is Part 1 part 2 part three part four.
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rangergirl3 · 2 years
Ways I (try to) Manage Stress:
1) Sleep. I am not even kidding, I took 2 naps in one day last week, and that made me SUPER happy. Or at least, happier. Because sleep is great.
2) Read a book (or fanfic) you’re really been wanting to read. It can be literally anything. But read it! <3 Enjoy it! <3 Have a tasty treat while you do so, or a cup of your favorite warm beverage (tea, hot cocoa, coffee, anything you like). Ideally, you can be all cozy under a soft blanket when you do this.
3) Listen to an episode of your favorite podcast, or one of your go-to-favorite audiobooks, or even just your favorite song(s), over and over and over. One of the best ultra-intervert times I had in early December was me, alone, in a room, with my headphones on, listening to “Vallalha Calling” from Miracle of Sound, on repeat, for about two hours. Non stop. IT. WAS. GREAT. I throughly enjoyed it.
4) Make, bake, or buy a favorite food or drink, and really savor it. <3 
5) Maybe, if you want to, try and create something just for you. It could be a story, a picture, or anything else you like. Just do it for your own fun, and enjoy the process. 
Psst, I will also be certain to not post any spoilers for the upcoming Owl House special (the second one). Thank you to my friend @imperfection-you-will-find​ for the heads up <3 <3 <3
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 2 years
Given the lack of parking and the number of people with hockey gear here, I do not think tonight is "skate around in the dark and make a fool of yourself ice disco" night as it was advertised to be.
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Weekend Coffee Share, Honoring Mother
Welcome to my Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie at Natalie the Explorer, Blog Home . It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and the birds are chirping. Here I sit with my cup of chai tea, enjoying the sounds of nature. If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that yesterday, the skies wanted to break loose. It was dark, cloudy, and blustery. As I walked my students to lunch, it felt as if we might…
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wanologic · 1 month
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always good to keep a screamhole handy
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saruvanthewhite · 9 months
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Pizza with ‘oregano’. Niiiice!
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funtergeist · 4 months
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are there still any shadowpeach fans
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pangur-and-grim · 3 months
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I feel so terrible whenever I have to tuck him in for bed. I'm sorry for leaving you!!
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underooc · 1 year
Destressing the holiday kitchen
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marshmellobunny64 · 2 months
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canisalbus · 6 months
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