#i really wanted to skate around in the dark and make a fool of myself
mrs-mikko-rantanen · 2 years
Given the lack of parking and the number of people with hockey gear here, I do not think tonight is "skate around in the dark and make a fool of yourself ice disco" night as it was advertised to be.
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souichioneshots · 3 years
Souichi x Reader 【Gloves】
Started the date one shot collection thingy
Here is the first addition to the collection
Thought of and wrote it in an hour, so I apologize if it feels OOC or boring or whatever
I especially apologize for any misspells
But other than that, please enjoy!!
The summer heat of Fukazawa could really be killer sometimes. People would line up for hours to buy shaved ice, and the public pools would be filled to the brim with people from all over town. It was days as hot as today that Souichi wished he could just make everything freeze over. But, then again, it was thanks to days like these that Souichi could experience a different kind of fun.
A small bell chimed as you opened the large heavy-looking door, allowing Souichi to walk into the building first. As you walked up to the ticket counter, an elderly lady greeted you.
“2 for public skating, please.” You said in a voice loud enough for her to hear. “That’ll be 4,000 yen.”
Just before Souichi could take out his wallet to pay for his half, you waved your hand at him and insisted that he didn’t need to pay. “You can pay for the hot chocolate instead.” You assured him with a smile.
After receiving your tickets, the door to the area buzzed loudly, finally allowing the two of you to enter the ice skating arena.
Souichi let out a small hum as cold air engulfed him. It was like you two had stepped into a completely different part of the world.
The inside area was separated into 3 sections. The food court, the private rink, and the public rink. The food court was empty, except for a couple of kids playing on some old-styled claw-machine games set up on the side. The private rink was extremely well lit and filled with a couple of pro-looking skaters twirling and jumping around in the air. As for the public rink…
“Looks like we got here at a good time!” You said in an excited voice. Even though it was the weekend, there were barely any people. What sounded like pop music played at a moderate volume, and the lights had been dimmed quite a bit. Souichi wasn’t exactly expecting to be alone with you on the ice, but he was sure there would be way more people than there were now. A feeling of nervousness arose within him as he realized that he couldn’t use the excuse of there being too many people to explain why he wouldn’t be able to skate so smoothly.
Turning the corner, you made your way to the skate-rental area. ]
“Shoe size?” The staff member asked looking at Souichi. “2✖cm.” “And you miss?” “2✖ and a half, please.”
After receiving your skates, you made your way to the benches that were set up nearby.
Souichi kicked off his shoes and placed his feet inside the hard-plastic skates. The shoes let out a loud clicking sound as he adjusted their tightness. When you both finished, you wobble-walked to the lockers nearby and put your stuff inside. Wrapping the key-band around his wrist, Souichi made his way to the ice with you.
“Gloves?” A large man standing near the only visible entrance put his foot out and blocked you both from walking any further.
After stating that you had none, he explained that it was arena policy to wear them while skating. Pointing you to the nearest gift shop, he asked you both to buy a pair and then come back.
You let out a sigh of annoyance as you walked back to the locker area. Unlocking the locker, Souichi got some money from his locker. “We should have just sliced his leg off.” Kicking your foot in the air, you spoke. “I bet we could have done it if we kick hard enough. Hehehe.” Souichi laughed through his nose. He loved when you made dark jokes like that.
Walking into the skate gift shop, his eyes scanned the area, ignoring the dozens of sparkly outfits that hung from the ceiling. When he found the glove section, he carefully walked towards it and searched for a color and design that he might like. However, there weren’t many options for him to choose from. It was either sparkly pink, neon green, or 2000 yen professional gloves. Shifting through the different gloves, he finally found a pair of his liking all the way in the back. Carefully taking it off the rack, he slipped one glove over his hand to make sure it was the right size.
“Oh~ Those are nice.” You said, admiring the grey glove on Souichi’s hand. “But how about these? They’d really make you stand out on the ice.” You said with a smile as you held out a pair of neon green gloves for Souichi to wear. “No way. Those are disgusting.” Souichi immediately responded. “Ah…Yeah. Haha. True…Mmm...” You said, trying to make what you had previously said seem like a joke.
It wasn’t until Souichi finished paying for the cheap gloves that he realized what you had been trying to do. Walking back towards the rink, he watched you put the neon gloves on your own hands. You rubbed your thumb over them, an expression of embarrassment plastered across your face.
Before Souichi could say anything, you looked up at him with a new smile. “Ready to skate?” Souichi nodded his head as he rushed to put his own gloves on. He’ll fix this little problem later…
The man who guarded the entrance to the rink gave you both a smile as you waved your hands in the air, showing off your new gloves.
Putting his foot on the ice, Souichi immediately held onto the barrier of the rink. This was nothing like roller-skating. The ice was way too slick, and the blades under his feet wouldn’t stop sliding to the slides. Souichi bit down on the nails in his mouth as he struggled to keep his balance.
“Everything okay?” You asked as you casually glided next to him. “Yeah. Just uhh… Familiarizing myself with the rink.” He said, leaning against the barrier. “Hmm~” You hummed as you stopped and stood close next to the raven-haired boy.
Feeling nervous by the sudden change in atmosphere, Souichi pushed off and tried to skate forward. He kept one hand on the barrier as you two skated side by side. He was slow. He could tell by the way you would skate slightly further than him and then slow down to be by his side again, that he was holding you back.
He wanted to tell you to go skate freely. That he wouldn’t mind just watching you skate from afar. God knows that would have been easier for him. But, you had other plans.
Suddenly, you stopped, forcing Souichi grip onto the barrier tightly to stop as well.
Turning to look at him, you put your neon gloved hand out for him to grab. Souichi looked up at you with nervous eyes, unsure what you were planning. Taking a deep breath, he let go of the barrier and took your hand.
Souichi let out a sound of surprise as you pulled him towards you, your other hand reaching to take his free one into yours. His eyes moved from the floor, to you, to the moving surroundings as you skated backward, tugging him along the entire time. He never knew you could skate backward.
When you finally stopped, he realized where you were.
“The middle of the rink…” He whispered to himself, getting a small laugh out of you. It was much more spacious than the sidelines, and the ice beneath his skates felt somewhat different. Smoother and untouched by other blades. Although it was cool, it was also quite terrifying at the same time. The middle of the rink was known to be territory only experienced skaters and staff members could use. Yet, there you two were.
“What would you do if I just left you here?” You said with a wicked laugh. “Eh?” Souichi looked up at you with shocked eyes. You wouldn’t. “I mean, it’s not like you can chase after me. Perhaps you can crawl after me though~” You teased, letting your grip on his hand go weak. “Don’t even think about it.” Souichi said in a stern voice, tightening his grip around your hands.
You smiled at the raven-haired boy’s panicked expression. “I’m just kidding. I won’t let you go.” You extended your arms and started to skate backward again, pulling Souichi towards you. You laughed as the pale boy took actual footsteps on the ice.
“Careful!” A staff member who had been skating exclaimed as he glided right behind you. Souichi let out a small yelp as you suddenly stopped.
“You okay?” You asked, helping Souichi regain his balance. Souichi shook his head yes, looking down at his wobbly feet once before looking back at you.
His cheeks burned red as he realized how close he was to you. The grip he had on your hands tightened.
“Can…” He whispered, making you lean a bit more forward to hear him better. “Can we trade gloves?…” Your cheeks burned red at his sudden utterance. “I thought you didn’t like these gloves?” You asked with a nervous laugh. Souichi didn’t respond. He did think it was an ugly color, but it was the color you had chosen for him.
Slightly pulling him closer, you guided Souichi’s hands to hold onto your shoulders. “How about we trade one glove?” You suggested, taking the glove off your dominant hand. When you finished, you put your hands on his shoulders, allowing him to do the same. Souichi smiled as he looked down at his now mismatched gloves.
Holding tightly onto each other’s hands again, you started to skate. Souichi listened with a smile as you gave him advice on how he could skate a bit better. But ultimately, he just wanted to keep holding onto you, even if it meant making a fool of himself.
Finally making it to the other end of the rink, you slowed your pace down and guided Souichi to take ahold of the barrier.
Souichi leaned on one arm as he tried to keep his balance.
“So…Do you want to get some hot chocolate now?” You asked.
Looking down at his free hand, Souichi saw that you two had yet to let go of one another completely.
Pushing himself off the barrier once more, he quickly moved to grab your other hand. “How about we skate in the middle one more time first?”
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kiwikyuu · 4 years
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now playing WONDER by SHAWN MENDES
word count 960
genre imagine ; fake dating au, fluff
warnings cursing, not edited
a/n i'm going to be real honest here. i love atsumu... but i do love osamu more sorry beb
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❝ i wonder what it's like to be loved by you ❞
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it was prom night, and miya osamu had just confessed to you — a hand at your waist, the other resting against your cheek as he gazed affectionately into your eyes like he hadn't just rocked your world.
and as you stared back at him, eyes blown wide with surprise and an urge to pinch yourself awake (not that it would work; you weren't dreaming), a smile spread across your face.
but how did you get here — in love with one half of inarizaki's star twin volleyball duo swaying under the starry lights on the dance floor?
it sounded so cliché to say, but you were average — average looks, average grades, average athletic ability. you didn't hate it so much; it let you cruise by high school without the weight of everyone's eyes on you constantly. of course, you had your group of friends, but by no means would you consider yourself popular.
so it was to your great surprise and absolute disbelief when miya osamu, inarizaki volleyball team wing spiker and notoriously handsome jock, approached you alone one afternoon with a proposition.
"go out with me."
osamu looked at you blankly before processing your reaction — curiosity coupled with caution. "sorry, what i meant was," he paused. there really was no other way to say it. "go out with me."
"i'm sorry, but — " you had planned on rejecting him. who would date someone they barely knew on a whim?
"no, i mean... let's fake date."
you arched an eyebrow at him, not completely understanding his sudden approach. "do you even know my name?"
he cocked his head at you. "is this a trick question? yes, of course, i know your name. ya sit behind me in english, y/n... do you know my name?"
"who doesn't know your name? you're one half of the miya twins, dude." you narrowed your eyes at him, taken aback by the banter.
"okay then bro, my offer still stands. let's fake date," osamu said. "i have a bet going with atsumu, and i plan to win."
you shook your head. "what's the bet, and what's in it for me?"
he smiled. "is that a yes?"
"it's not a no."
"okay, fine," osamu answered, standing with a lazy smirk that made your blood boil for all the reasons it shouldn't. "the bet's been going on a week, and if i win, i get to take my uncle's mercedes to prom night. but atsumu doesn't think i'll be able to find someone who'll date me before prom. we can come up with something for yer benefit if you'd like. i don't have much in mind. heh, didn't think i'd get this far honestly."
you nodded your head along as he spoke. it seemed like typical sibling rivalry, and you weren't someone to get involved. but the idea of experiencing a relationship without all the ties of a real relationship seemed appealling for some odd reason. plus, what real harm could this do?
"okay, but i have conditions."
one: "take me ice skating. i've always wanted to go ice skating."
"ice skating? that's so random." osamu scoffed at your words.
"okay find someone else to fake date then."
"y'know what, ice skating sounds wonderful."
two: "it's got to be believable, right? you can..." your words trailed off, no ideas coming to mind.
"i can walk ya to school in the morning," he interjected. "i don't mind waking up earlier."
"oh," you blushed. "that sounds nice. i'll message you my address later. we have to exchange numbers by the way."
and three: "teach me how to date. i've never dated anyone before, and i don't want to make a fool out of myself when the real deal comes along."
your request had come with unusual vulnerability, and suddenly you felt hot under his eyes. but osamu only nodded. he had dated a bit in the past — none of them ever sticking around for long because of his committments to volleyball, but he knew his way around the ropes and he didn't mind helping you out.
ever since that day, two months ago, things had become so different.
over time, you became accustomed to catching the glimpse of silver hair outside your house in the morning. osamu would greet you with a compliment and a smirk despite the dark circles that lined his eyes before handing you something he put together for breakfast. he liked to watch you get flustered when he called you pretty and liked to see the joy when you bit into his cooking. walks with osamu were precious, and the conversations you had were held close to your heart.
the ice skating rink morphed into a special spot between the two of you. osamu was a surprisingly good skater, and tugged you along behind him with a grin around the rink. when you squealed, he'd go even faster until you were practically screechinf for him to stop. memories of laughing so hard you couldn't breathe and the feeling of sore muscles the day after were engrained into your mind and body. but above all, the sight of osamu enjoying himself lit butterflies in your stomach.
and in the quiet of your room on days where the both of you were too tired to go out, osamu would point out things about the basics of dating. you studied his face under the light peeking through your window while he talked, and you couldn't help but compare what he said to what the two of you had experienced together.
now, as you swayed on the dance floor, unbelieving of all that had become of you two, you smiled at osamu's confession.
"i wonder what it's like to be loved by you."
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lifewithsyfe · 3 years
Not quite sure how to put this into words, but someone else needs to know what I know. This story can save so many people and I won’t feel right until it’s consumed by as many as possible. I can’t express how many times I’ve tried to get this out. I almost even gave up on it, but God wouldn’t let me. So, let me make another attempt at it - this is how I escaped the devil: 
It was a Friday night, April 5th, 2019. 
I’m at El Rey on U street, having a few cold ones by myself. Just got off work, taking it easy...
Then, I end up running into and old “friend” I used to hangout with. Known him for about 7 years at the time: (Dave) - tall, black, dreads, above average build.
After a couple of drinks, he asks if I want to hangout at one of his friends house. Said we can smoke there and that she has a lot of drugs. 
So I accepted cuz I was originally going to let the night unravel on it’s own and it didn’t sound like such a bad idea at the time.
It was a habitual routine I developed during my heartache…
I’d go out alone, run into a group of people I knew, bar hop ‘til we ended up at an after hours spot (or someone’s place) and shamelessly sleep my next day away.
So we get to the front of his friend’s building and it’s like a 60sumn-year-old lady: 
(Robin) - fat, white, short, blue hair, top row gold grill and “ride or die bitch” tattooed on the back of her neck (amongst a couple others, but that one stood out most cuz it was in my face, while she was unlocking her apartment door).
At first, I thought it was a descriptive-type of tattoo. Like, she was saying that that’s what she was.
But in retrospect, it was almost like it was something she was saying to me - you’ll see what I mean later, if you don’t get it now.
Oblivious to what was about to happen next, I continued to walk through that door...
Something felt off, but I just figured it would be something low-level weird. 
I’m always seeing signs that show somebody dabbles in magic or the dark arts, but I figured “if I’m not actively practicing divinity or doing weird rituals, it won’t personally affect me…if I don’t create a ceremonial invitation, then I’ll be okay.”
Now, I’ve already had a good amount of spiritual experiences at this point (good and bad), but for some reason I just didn’t think anything like this would happen…at least not to me. 
I thought I had it all figured out, cuz I thought I’d seen it all - or at least enough. 
I should’ve known though…I was just so emotionally numb at the time, I was doing anything to feel anything.
I mean aesthetically, she looked like she’d have a few good stories or something. Needless to say by now, but I ignored the red flags. 
So, moving forward...
We walk in, sit on the couch, watch skate videos and start breaking down.
After a few minutes of small talk, they offer me some acid from a vile. Emphasizing how it was very high grade stuff - but I didn’t need much convincing anyway. 
I was very into psychedelics and considered myself extremely experienced in that realm. 
But just because I did it a lot, didn’t mean I was. You couldn’t tell me I wasn’t though.
It was usually my go-to for when I needed that unrivaled escape from reality. 
So yeah, I took the witch’s brew thinking it was something I considered fun.
Once it starts to kick in, I can feel her beginning to stare at me from the end of the room - with a big grin on her face.
She then suggested that I take my jacket off cuz I’m going to end up getting really hot, and cackled like it was the funniest thing the world to say.
It was something she said a couple of times too. At first I didn’t know exactly what she meant, I just thought she was a basket case - but she was implying that I was going to end up in Hell…you’ll see what I mean.
A few moments go by and they suggest we move the party to the rooftop cuz her place was limiting and we could see more from up there. 
Plus, she wanted to blow bubbles…and I figured “tripping indoors is boring anyway, why not?”
Now because I took my jacket off and left it in her apartment, I began shivering after a while. 
I didn’t expect for it to be that windy, I wanted a nice little breeze.
So she says she’ll get me one, cuz she had to go in for more soap anyway - comes back and asks to put this fur coat on me. 
It was a nice coat, so I let her.
So I’m cozy now and she gives me a tour, showing me the cool visible parts of the city.
Telling me not to be afraid of my true potential and that I can obtain everything I want. 
I was feeling pretty good about those words, until I thought “that sounds familiar…what if she isn’t speaking in general?” - but I just chalked it up to her being an old hippy. 
She then grabs my arm and tells me to look at this red wall, as we walk to the other side of the building. I figured it’d be something visually enticing she was trying to share, but this was going to be her first attempt at hypnosis.
She asked if it felt like my soul was being massaged - encouraging me to ride it out. Essentially, trying to get me to put my guard down, saying “this is where dreams become reality.” 
Then, I began seeing holographic outlines of people in the wall. The traces reminded me of a glowing snail trail.
Right after, I saw myself turn into a block of flesh and almost being slid into the wall if I stared any longer. 
But like I woke up in one of those falling dreams, I snapped out of it.
With a laugh attached, she says “damn, almost!” 
And that’s when I stopped letting myself be completely naive. The veil was clearly being lifted before me and I needed to be alert. It’s just, I had this slight muffle surrounding my common sense. 
Now I knew hallucinogens were considered sorcery in the Bible, but I figured - one more time won’t hurt. It’s not like I wasn’t still smoking and drinking. 
It’s just crazy, cuz it was after learning about what the fallen angels taught us, is when I decide trip again. 
I blatantly chose to play with fire and defy God that night.  
See, these hypnotic spells are telepathic contracts. Once the manipulator is installing a vision, it’s at the last second where it becomes your choice to see what happens next.  
It nudges at your curiosity, feeling like it’s a part of the trip you’re supposed to let ride out.
But every time I almost did, my heart wasn’t having it and I’d snap out of it again.
Every time she would cast a spell, I could feel my soul almost getting pulled out - with a malicious presence surrounding me. 
The goosebumps I got from this thing, felt like it was ready to defile me in every way possible.
In disbelief that what I thought might be happening, wasn’t - I tell myself “let me not cause a ruckus for no reason, I am trippin’ after all. Think of something positive.”
But now my eyes are shifting everywhere, cuz I keep getting a glimpse of whatever’s approaching. 
Even with that many peculiarities, something kept me in denial.
Still though, she tries another set-up and tells me to look at how high up we are, as she gestured for me to look down from the rail. As if I didn’t already know, but I go cuz I also didn’t want to be rude.
So I grab the rail and lean over…
(Dave) says “don’t let go,” giving me this wide-eyed look with a smile and said “you feel it, don’t you?”
Then just like that, my heart jumped and my mind began getting flashes of demonic symbols and images like subliminal messages. 
My vision was about to go black, like the circle closing at the end of a cartoon…until I snapped out of it and backed up with my head on a swivel, angrily questioning them. 
That’s when I caught (Dave) behind me, quickly hiding his hands. 
Now I’m on survival mode and it feels like I can’t even make a step without risking my soul. I can feel that I’m being made a fool out of, but of course they gaslight me and try to calm me down…
I still didn’t want to believe I was in this kind of mess, but I’d be naive to let all that slide so easily.
So with caution, I’m trying to plan my escape - playing it as cool as I can, but my body is getting heavier by the second.
She then lifts her speaker and says “listen to these different frequencies, it can change your mood.”
I really wasn’t trying to listen, because I needed to leave and I didn’t trust her at all now. Especially not with anything sound related.
But then out of nowhere, I hear a distorted garble come out of the speaker and hit my ear.
I said “huh!?”
Then (Dave) was like “oh, you heard that...?”
I looked away and acted oblivious, cuz I felt that if they knew I could hear that, they’d bring out the big guns.
(Dave) laughed, saying to Robin “wait, he still don’t know what this is yet?”
Unintentionally, or intentionally letting me know. 
So I tried to leave and they started laughing. Trying so hard to keep me there…
(Dave) said “you already ‘bouta do it, it’s better this way anyway.”
Then he was like “look at my hands, this shit trippy, right?”
Followed by him creating an infinity symbol with his waving hands. 
Now this infinity symbol was made of light and floating in mid-air in front of him after he did it. 
Right after that, he did the hermaphrodite/goat-headed deity’s pose, flipping his hands and head perfectly in a stiff dance.
Which then caused me to see it’s true form in my minds eye. I snap out of it once again, trying to get a hold of my reality.
Once I can see them again, it’s like time stood still and only I could move. 
I’d look around and they’d be frozen. 
At this time, I can hear them having two conversations, simultaneously. 
All I caught was (Dave) say “he can’t hear us in this plane.”
Then as he slowly got up - like I was tuning through a radio, I hear a screeching static clear up. The sound then becomes like an electronic bleating and bellowing from a goat, in-sync, surrounding him.
At this moment, I’m a part of their their collective conscious conversation - essentially telepathy.
Then they began letting me know who they were. 
Saying that they were angels, that they were around before us and that I can be like them.
The whole time they were talking to me, they were trying to weaken and hypnotize me with hand signs - trying to convince me. Thing is, when they did try to convince me, they’d always talk around the subject at hand - but once you know what the subject is, the situation becomes clear. 
A lot of people might think they’d get physical and get out of there. I just don’t think they’d understand how it is fighting sleep paralysis, awake. 
I also knew that one false move would take me to the ‘sunken place.’
I knew I couldn’t just stand there though, but right before I grab the door to get to the elevator, (Dave) says “okay, you gon’ be waiting on that elevator forever; this is a REAL trip…c’mon, I thought you liked this shit.” 
Mockingly he asked “yeah, I guess you gon’ think twice about taking LSD again huh?”
I was thinking in my head “fuck, did I really just lose my soul? Is this how it happens? Is this where it all ends?”
I thought that was it, so I was about to give in and accept the offer - see what benefits I could get, if any.
Then from there, every time we almost sealed the deal, I would feel a hungry fire approach me from behind.
The one time I decided to look for where it was coming from, I got a vision with an orange blur in it - slowly materializing, until I could make something out of it. With the bit that I saw, I knew it was me being swallowed by fire and not dying. 
Immediately after, almost as if I had touched the flames themselves, I yelled in confusion “wait, what? No! Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!”
To which (Dave) nonchalantly responds “okay, you do that...that [N-word] died a long time ago.” 
I look at him with disgust and continued to pray.
Telling God that He would never abandon His children if they encountered evil and that if there was a way for Him to save me to do it.
(Dave) says that I’m blowing his trip and leaves to the gas station.
At this time I could’ve left, but I still didn’t want to be alone in an elevator with him.
So as I’m praying, I begin to feel the dark grip they had on my heart loosen up. It was like my heart was pumping electricity throughout my body, then all around it. I could feel the forcefield - Christ had arrived and I could move my body freely. No more fear in taking the wrong step.
So on (Dave’s) way back, (Robin) announces it and says let’s go downstairs and get him. That’s when I hear (Dave) say - not yell, “open up” from all the way downstairs and I was amazed...I was like “wait, can he still hear me?” 
With him responding “DUH! Damn, you some shit!” and continued on his way.
So if I was to leave, this was going to be my chance.
In the elevator she tries enchanting me again, but I rebuked every attempt. 
I’m trying to maintain focus the best that I can, so I don’t slip - which made this elevator ride unnecessarily more intense than it needed to be.  
Once the elevator door finally opens, I see (Dave’s) silhouette behind a thick glass rail, carrying an ominous slouch. 
Walking towards me, he notices that I’ve calmed down. So when he sees my face, he smiles and asks “oh, you’re good now?”
I replied “I am and I’m not with the goofy shit y’all up to - I’m gettin’ the fuck outta here.” 
So as I’m walking towards the exit, he yells “that’s not the way out!”
To where I respond “fuck y’all!”
You would’ve thought I opened the door before touching it, the way I left out so fast. 
As that door closed, I did a little jog to get across the street. 
But a few seconds later, I feel this tingle in the back of my brain, as though it had neck hairs that stood up. 
I look over my shoulder and noticed he decided to follow me…of course. Shortly after I noticed him - with that bull-like slouch, he started running. 
Now I was a little ahead of him, so I didn’t start running yet. I had to make sure I knew where I was going before exerting my energy.
Every time I moved my head, I could feel the tingle coming from his direction. 
So there was no losing him - but I am fast.
I couldn’t call a ride because my phone was dead and I couldn’t go to anyone’s house at the time, cuz it was around 5am now.
As (Dave) got closer, I felt my vision going black and my body getting heavy again. A lot stronger this time…time to kick it into high gear.
Once it clicks into my head that the easiest place to catch a taxi in such a heated moment would be in Adams Morgan, an opportunity presented itself.
Ahead of me was a crosswalk and the orange hand was counting down it’s last seconds. Everything I ever learned told me I wasn’t going to make it, but I wasn’t going to stop running either.
So when my foot lands off the sidewalk, is when the cars to my left and right begin to move. 
That’s when everything moved in-slow-motion…and a burst of energy launched me across the street.
I’ll remember that moment as my own Air Jordan.
That moment bought me time, but he kept going too. This is when I start hearing echoed garbles crawl off buildings and jump into my ear “you acting like a bitch - come back!”
Perfectly as if he was next to me…I look behind me and it’s like he hasn’t broke a sweat. Completely focused.
From the gas station diagonal to the 9:30 Club, to the McDonald’s in Adam’s Morgan.
My body wanted to give out most of the way, but soul wouldn’t allow it.
I just had to keep running until I found a taxi - which I did.
That’s when (Dave) caught up, yelling “you look like an unk right now!” cuz 4 taxis stopped for me in that intersection.
To where I respond “I don’t give a fuck, I made it out alive!” 
I get in the car and tell the taxi driver to drive towards Maryland, that I’ll give him the address on the highway.
Finally, after surviving a living nightmare, I made it home. 
I went to my room, played some worship music, got on my knees and wrung myself out of tears to Christ.
Afraid to sleep because I knew they could contact me in my dreams.
So I didn’t until the drug wore off in the afternoon the next day…
I even felt that burn on my back as if it was sunburn for the next couple of weeks.
I’m so grateful to still be alive, because I’m 100% positive I’d be in Hell (with something else in my vessel) if I didn’t call on God that night.
It was like I was tiptoeing on a needlepoint to keep my soul.
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🎄Twelve Days of Promptmas🎄
It’s that time of year again, my friends! It’s nov. 1st!! 2020 Promptmas is here!!!
Under the cut there will be a list of concepts (caroling, baking, mistletoe) and a list of various pieces of dialogue! From these, you can make your very own prompts for each day! You could choose a concept, some dialogue, or maybe two concepts and a dialogue option, etc. Mix and match ‘em! You can write a small, three sentence fic, or something 10k and beyond! Whatever you want! We’ll start posting on December 14th, all the way up until Christmas Day!
Happy Writing!! 🎄
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Gift wrap
Gingerbread house
Lighting the Menorah
Mistletoe kisses
Fake dating at a family Holiday party
Baby’s first Holiday season
Watching Christmas movies together
Cold, sleepy cuddles
Making latkes together
Snowball fight
Ice skating
Picking out the perfect tree
Putting up lights
Fireplace cuddles
Secret Santa
Going to midnight mass
Ugly Christmas sweater party
Stuck at the airport on Christmas Eve
Holding hands while walking in the snow
Hot chocolate
First day of Hanukkah
Playing dreidel
First snow
Outsider POV
Cross-country road trip
Drunkenly singing Mariah Carey
White Elephant gifts
Building a snowman
Work rivals forced to plan a holiday party together
Snow angels
Paper snowflakes
Apple cider
Superhero shenanigans ruining plans
Naughty or Nice
Awkward family photo
Mall Santa
Opening presents
Meeting when last-minute gift shopping
Identity reveal
Canon nudged to the left (Holiday Edition)
Homemade ornaments
Going on a sleigh ride
Making a holiday dinner together
The true spirit of the holiday season
Driving around looking at Christmas Lights
Candy canes
Festive MATCHING PJs!!!
Only one bed
Fuzzy socks
Festive enemies to lovers
Home for the Holidays
Christmas morning
All bundled up
Christmas markets
Getting ready for Santa
Winter power outage
Holiday smut
winter proposal
Icy sidewalks
Getting a cold
Meeting the family
Kid fic
The only single people at the holiday party
‘Twas the night before Christmas
Apart for the Holidays
Late night shopping
board game shenanigans
“Do you mind?” “What? I’m cold.”
“Do not throw that snowball.”
“No peeking!”
“Hey! Those cookies were for Santa!”
“Will you help me light this?”
“All I want for Christmas is you!” “You’re Jewish.” “So?”
“Your hands are freezing!”
“That ornament doesn’t go there.”
“You look like Rudolph.”
“Oh come on, don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.”
“It’s hand holding season.”
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”
“You didn’t think I’d let you spend the holidays alone, did you?”
“It’s snowing!”
“Listen, Santa doesn’t have to know about this.”
"You’ve ruined my favorite sweater!”
“It’s Christmas Eve, so that means I get to open a gift!”
“If your hands get cold, you can put them in my pockets.”
“Do you like it?” “I love it.”
“Are the lights out?” “No, I love sitting in the dark by myself.”
“Oh, I know exactly what you’re trying to do. But you will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.”
“Is that a candy cane in your pocket or are you just--” “Yeah, do you want one?”
“Usually it’s just a kiss under the mistletoe...”
“It’s freezing out here! Let me in!”
“I want latkes.” “It’s eight in the morning.”
“I can think of one way to warm you up.”
“I love you, but your taste in Christmas music is horrible.”
“We’re stuck in here, aren’t we?” “Yep.”
"What’s Christmas really about?” “VENGEANCE!” 
“Hug me!” “Why?” “I’m cold and I love you!”
“Let’s make snow angels!” “How old are you?”
“No, no, no. You’re the reindeer this year. I get to be Santa.”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Nothing... You just look really cute right now.”
“The cookies! They’re burning!”
“There. All bundled up.” “I can’t move my arms!”
“Who wrapped this?”
“Stay in bed. It’s warmer.”
“Keep doing that if you wanna end up on the naughty list.”
“But it’s Christmas!” “...It’s November 19th.”
“You do know that Santa’s not real, right?”
“Is that... mistletoe?”
“Bah humbug!”
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Man, I need to slow down on the eggnog.” “It’s not even spiked?” “...Oh”
“You did all this for me?”
“You have frosting on your face.”
“I’m bringing the holiday cheer to you!”
“Where’s all your holiday spirit, Scrooge?”
“Why are you under the tree?” “Because I’m a gift.”
“Don’t let the fact that I’m freezing my ass off out here fool you; I’m having a great time.”
“You know... the older I get, the more and more I can relate to the Grinch.”
“I’m sorry, but you make a terrible Santa.”
“Where did you get that sweater?”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas!” “It’s 6 am, go away!”
“I can’t believe you dropped the turkey.”
“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
“Ha, this gingerbread man looks like you.”
“But baby, it’s cold outside--” “Absolutely not.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“National Lampoon wishes they had a Christmas this chaotic.”
“Why are the gifts wrapped in ______?”
“I thought this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year?”
“If you sing Jingle Bells one more time...”
“Next year we’re going to Florida.”
“No, you can’t change your name to Santaman.”
A note that while this is not just for Spideychelle, this is NOT for pedophiliac or incestous ships. 
Feel free to tag me in your creations! I’d love to see what y’all come up with! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 1468
music: i’m not worried at all by moby
warnings: suicide
Picture this: you were sitting on the asphalt, balancing on your zombie board, in your new grunge jean shorts which were your current obsession. The road was empty, only the high palm trees leaned down a little as if trying to see closely what Kai Parker is doing.
In front of him, on the ground as well, your red bike stood upside down, and he was very busy with the drive, fooling around with the screw. He was the best with the small pieces mechanisms, and the more the machine was, the less interest it sparked in him.
The street was almost magenta with the intense glow of the Maui volcano induced smoky sunset. There was this particular street in Ala Moana in Honolulu that you liked to hang out on, because it had the smoothest roads. And the view of the mountains was insane. Everything on Oahu was breathtaking, even the white and yellow rocks forming the Mermaid Whirlpool on the North Shore. Since there was no one here but you, there was no way to find out whether mermaids really lived on Oahu. Which was a big loss. Nobody else but you...
“Here’s the thing, I’ve trained myself, but you’ll learn it pretty quickly”, Kai nodded like he knew what he was saying. You were swinging yourself gently on the road. “That’s how I coped with it so many years. I just took one state of mind, and stretched it for months...”
You hummed and sipped on your A&W. Kai was going insane on Zima, but you were more of a root beer kind of girl.
“How’s that?”
“You keep telling me about the three foot world. Make it one foot”, he pulled the drive chain, and stained his shirt a little. You watched the muscles of his arm working as he tried to temper your bike.
“What do you feel right now?”
You lifted your face to the sky and looked at the colored clouds. Insane spectacular show. You felt fulfilled and at the root of it, was the understanding you were screwed, and it was Kai who screwed you. It was his fault you two clicked, and matched, and he made you complete. He made you feel like this inescapable situation was not bad at all.
“I don’t want to say”, you smiled. Kai grinned in return,
“What, embarrassed to say you like what you’re seeing?”
“I feel peaceful”, you tried to dismiss his suggestiveness. “Somehow”.
“I bet Moby is playing in your head”, he muttered. Parker knew you well. “It’s always ambient with you when the sun is setting. You feel pink?”
“I feel pink and peaceful”.
“I feel like mango cheesecake. I take this, and I pull it on myself, and I stay like this for as long as I can. That way, you don’t feel time, because you’re entertained. You think about cheesecake all the time”.
You looked through him, trying to imagine listening to ambient Moby in your head for months, and not thinking about anything else.
“You do the opposite thing now, we hop from place to place, you switch between things so fast. I understand you’re curious about everything, but don’t hurry to explore this world. Hang around in one place until you know it inch by inch, then move on. There’s a chance we’re never getting out of here”.
You looked at how the light was changing, and his pale face was the canvas. He never got tanned, no matter how much time you were spending on the beach. Sometimes he’d get a bit darker by the night, but you barely caught that.
The hollow, heavy wail of the sky was growing louder in your head.
“You seem completely fine with it”, you mused. Kai froze for a second, like a rabbit, and then continued to work.
“Not gonna lie”, he shrugged.
“What you’re suggesting is”, you downed your soda can and threw it away down the street. This one was a bit tilted, and you both watched the can roll a little. Or, rather, listened.
“Becoming the human GIF picture in slow motion”.
“Exactly. Your mind is racing now, you’ve only been here, what, eight months? But we’ll synchronize”, he murmured as he pushed the drive, and it clicked. Kai held the ramp of the bike in between his knees. He then spun one wheel and looked at it.
“Life feels very long that way”.
He finished with the bicycle and ran into the house to wash his hands. He changed the shirt and hopped out with his own skateboard under his arm. The sun was almost down.
“Let’s go?”
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You have finally mastered the whole skating thing. The major issue was feeling stable and safe on these four little wheels constantly trying to tilt you off on the ground. Now you were in control of the balance, and had no difficulty riding for pleasure.
You went down the King Street, passing by the low broken down houses of the locals of Honolulu. All the rich houses were there on the North Shore, where you slept. Here was the feeling of that long life.
You held his hand as you slid down the street quietly, without a word, only the hissing of the boards on the asphalt. You looked at the clouds and the sky, the fluff of the palm tree tops, and thought about the one foot world.
The line of the ocean was glowing far on the left with dark gold. The gigantic disk of the sun was sinking in the Pacific.
You felt like you were painlessly dying on the inside, and held his hand as it guided you, as you were taking in all this beauty around. Until you know the place inch by inch
Something about his words didn’t make sense, but you couldn’t figure out what.
Al the knowledge meant nothing perhaps?
You looked at Kai and how perfectly he fit in here, a part of this world, a part of this air and this evening.
You let go of his hand, squeezing his fingers lightly, and pushed yourself forward and a little bit on the left, towards somebody’s parked truck with a stack of steel rods tied up in the open box. Kai didn’t have time to steer after you, you were like a bullet. The stillness of the street was broken by the sharp crach of your bones as you imapled yourself on the rods. The bloody pink sprayed into the sky, or so it felt, when the dozen of hard, stainless swords went right through your body. At the last moment you thought that maybe you shouldn’t have; but you didn’t slow down. The acceleration threw you on, and the zombie board rolled on under the truck safely and showed up on the other side, quietly continuing its journey.
You gasped, as all air got knocked out of you. So far, it was the most pain you’ve had here.
Shit, you should never do that, just for the record.
Kai threw the board away and ran to you, standing behind your back, as you started wiggling on the rods like a frog on a fork.
“Shit”, he muttered. You heard his quiet voice behind your ear as your eyes rolled down with pain, your own sounds completely vanquished by the blinding white agony in your chest.
Kai managed to peel you off them, and you finally groaned, which was more like a wheeze. Your body and brain were going numb.
He sat on the ground; you saw his confused and slightly irritated face above you, with the unmistakable background of the hawaiian sky. You saw the clouds, drifting hurriedly off the dome, for he night, and recalled how you believed they can be touched, when you were a child. How shameful it is that we can never get what we want, you thought, out of nowhere. As if it was too much to ask, to touch the clouds. They always look so wholesome and the perfect pastel color. You used to dream about jumping from cloud to cloud like they were boucing castles.
“This must hurt”, Kai said, “you should’ve asked me”.
Yes, you should have. Your neck twitched, feeling escaping from your limbs. You heard your own blood drip from your sides on the asphalt, and Kai’s hard knee under your back. The pain was slowly fading away, and so you tried to make him look up and somehow let him know what you’re thinking about: how cool it would be, to bounce from cloud to cloud? It wouldn’t be much better in the outside world; the clouds are absolutely off the limits there. The feeling of doom was now buried in your mind, six feet deep, as you thought,
I’m not worried at all.
You decided that as soon as you wake up, you will kiss him the way you’ve never kissed him before, so that it means something. Kai Parker has finally become the person you relied on the most in this world.
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sdv-mostly-shane · 4 years
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ID- photo of a christmas tree farm with colorful, twinkling lights, with text written on it 'the one where Shane is Charlie Brown'
The One Where Shane is Charlie Brown.
Summary - Shane’s past Christmas sux and isn’t expecting much, but the farmer has other ideas regarding a certain holiday tradition. (Slight NSFW).
“What do you *mean* you’ve never had a real Christmas tree?” The farmer, incredulous, darted at Shane as they sat with their legs dangling above the frozen lake.
“What, like you’re surprised? I don’t know, there’s just never been a need.”
“How could you not need-but Jas?”
“She has a little purple fake one in her room. And you know how much Marnie dislikes the holidays, decorating would just remind her that she is stuck being alone for all but three minutes at midnight. Why would she want a tree?”
“What about when you were little?” Shane saw the look in the farmers eye soften, but couldn’t quite catch them to make direct contact, as they turned away-they’ve had enough conversations of his childhood at this point for him to know what the farmer was feeling, and why they were intent on staring ahead at nothing instead of looking at him.
“C’mon, you know how it was... it’s not important. Hey, let’s get those skates on, alright? I want to see your butt on that ice and a smile on your face.” Shane gently grabbed the farmers chin, turning them to look at him. “Hey. Relax-I got you now, right? Weren’t you the one who said ‘forget your shitty childhood, I’m making you all new Christmas memories myself!’, right? Or was that just an empty threat?
“Threat! Ha, you just wait-and I’m gonna start by skating circles around you!” The farmer shot up, and made to put on their skates, run-hoping to the edge of the ice, nearly falling over themselves in the excitement. Shane was so busy enjoying the farmers joy that he almost didn’t hear them mumble-“and then we’re coming right back out here tomorrow morning to get you a *real* tree”.
He was fooling himself if he said he wasn’t a little curious by what they meant. Right now, however, it was enough for Shane to simply enjoy the fact that the snowy weather meant that the farmer had more reason to snuggle up against him to keep warm. He didn’t need any other Christmas memories. The farmer was enough.
“Loser has to clean the chicken coop!”
Apparently the farmer wasn’t kidding. Shane was woken by the clunking of heavy boots marching around the kitchen, and stumbled into the room to find the farmer clamoring around the stove, whisk in one hand, and axe in the other.
“That’s a new way of making scrambled eggs” Shane nodded toward the axe.
“OH. Hi. I didn’t mean to wake you-here, eat breakfast. We got a big day ahead.”
Shane, feigning ignorance, said “Is it something to do with the axe?”
“How’d you guess?” The farmer winked, handed the plate to Shane, who had groggily plonked himself at the table, and then continued their running about the kitchen, shuffling and shoveling things into their backpack. They smiled as they picked up two masses of deeply hued green wool, and stopped to admire the chunky knit work.
“What’re those for?”
The farmer turned toward Shane with round innocent eyes-“I thought we could match.”
Once the sweater was on, Shane couldn’t stand the thought of ever having the take it off. Further, the accompanying knit green beanie sealed the deal for him to really relax into the cozy vibe. He found himself zoning in on the bobble of the furry poof atop the farmers matching beanie, and fell behind a few paces. They had bounded out the door with Shane in hand immediately after he finished his last bite, and had begun chattering about the difference between a Douglass fir and a balsam nearly as soon as their boots hit the crunchy snow outside their door. Shane could see them periodically glancing over their shoulder, shooting him a bright smile, but he continued to get lost in his thoughts, happy for the comfortable rhythm they’ve developed.
Hand in hand, now at the edge of the forest, the farmer turned to Shane with a sudden serious gaze.
“I know this won’t erase what happened before, but I hope that, in the future, when you look back on your Christmas memories, that this will be one of them.” The farmer swung their backpack off their shoulder and pulled out their axe. Now, with a smile of childlike anticipation, they handed the axe to Shane and said, “pick one. Any one at all that you like. We’ll chop it down, call Marnie over with the truck, and we’ll put it up next to the fireplace.”
“Any one at all?” Shane gesticulated an eyebrow up, and peered at the farmer through his dark veil of lashes.
“Yes, any one.” The farmer swung their backpack from their shoulder, and pulled out the axe and a blindfold.
“Oh, Yoba, you didn’t tell me that we were chopping these down blind”
The farmer laughed “that would have been such a better idea than what I had. But no-I *will* be blind folded, but only because I don’t want to influence your choice. I want it to be a surprise.” The farmer placed the axe on the ground, and turned around, handing the blindfold to Shane to wrap it around them.
Leaning in to brush his lips against their ear, he gingerly placed the blindfold across the farmers eyes. They flinched at the warmth from his fingertips grazing their jawline. “You should have told me you had this thing a long time ago... we could have gotten a lot of use out of this by now” he whispered, salaciously.
He couldn’t help but giggle at the farmers gasp, and put some distance between them to cool the mood down.
“Well then-I’ll lead the way. Shall we?”
With that, Shane placed the farmers hand in the crook of his arm, and led them down towards the cliff. How different his circumstances now, he thought, that the farmer was in his life. Here he was, struggling still, for sure, but instead of a bottle in hand, he had the (literal) blind trust of the farmer, and, for the first time in awhile, hope for the future. No one had come this close to Shane’s heart in many years, but with that, a lot of pain of memories gone by were brought to the surface. He lost himself in thought about how the farmer had already washed over so many of these bleeding wounds like cool water; how could someone be so tender and patient to him to want to keep putting in this effort of helping him face these troubles? The thoughtfulness put forward some was more than he ever thought he was deserving of. If the farmer kept this up, he may actually start expecting to be treated with love and respect.. or even think he was deserving of it.
He wasn’t sure how long they had walked together in silence, but they had passed the bridge filled frozen ponds, the overhang above the sewer grate, and were now along the cliff edge where he was sure for a minute that he saw a tiny mouse with a little green cap scurry past him. He didn’t feel a need to break their quiet contentment, but resolved to focus more on the task at hand.
Now up to the wizards tower, Shane knew immediately when he saw.
“So do you want to start hacking away blindly, or do you want to take your blindfold off now?”
“Oh good you found one! I hope it’ll fit in the door, we may have to chop off a foot or tw- oh” Blindfold now removed, the farmer stood with brows furrowed. “But I thought-you know what? I’m not sure what else I would have expected from you. This is exactly the type of tree that you’d pick. It’s perfect.”
“All three feet of it, twiggy branch and all.” Shane was glowing as he gazed upon his prize. “It’s me. If I was a tree, this would be me.”
“Cant say I disagree with you there, considering it’s the sweetest and most endearing tree I’ve ever seen in my life. One single branch and all.”
It only took two swipes of the axe to dislodge their chosen tree, but it was more that enough the permanently lodge this moment into Shane’s mind. The perfect tree for a perfect Christmas-only made so by his perfect farmer.
Tree in tow, and arm in arm, they made their way back to the farm where, as promised, the farmer had red chili cocoa waiting for them.
“Okay, but how does a tree manage to only grow one branch.”
“You know honestly I have no f*cling clue.”
The farmer laughed in response, and Shane knew that this Christmas would be the start of many beautiful ones to come. He couldn’t wait to see the next new memory creation the farmer had planned.
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
Teach Me~
ꕥPosted: 9/1/20
ꕥGenre: Smut, Fluff
ꕥPairing: Yeosang x Fem!Reader
ꕥWord Count: ~1.7k
ꕥWarnings: Fingering, Praising (f receiving), Protected sex, Oral (f receiving)
ꕥA/N: The next post I’m making is Pt. 2 for Ice Cream! Hope you enjoy this one as well as the next :))
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“Damn skater boys and their skills. Why can’t I skateboard?” I whined, lazily flopping myself on the library table.
The university I attended allowed bikes and skateboards on campus, so it was common to see people riding either on their way to class. Skateboards were far more convenient, though, and if I knew how to skateboard I’d be riding along with them.
My friend Varsha rolled her eyes at me, “Ask one of them to teach you if you’re so eager, then.” She took a sip of her mocha frappuccino.
“Noooo they look so intimidating. I’d make a fool of myself anyways.”
“Then stop complaining, you big baby. Listen I’ve got class in 10 minutes so I’ll see you later, yeah?”
She walked away as I waved goodbye at her and I felt myself still pouting.
A deep voice startled me, “I don’t think I’m that intimidating, personally.”
Jumping, I faced the owner of the voice. A Greek god appeared before my eyes, his blond locks flowing slightly past his neck. If he didn’t just confirm that he was a skater, his clothes sure would have. His pink beanie looked like it was falling off his head, and his loose shirt and ripped jeans hid his frame, but I just knew he had abs.
The man saw me checking him out and raised a brow. “You’re cute. Meet me in parking lot A at five today. I’ll teach you how to skate.”
He walked away before I had the chance to refuse or even get his name. Well shit. What have I gotten myself into?
My final class of the day let out at noon, giving me plenty of time to mull over what I was going to do about the man’s proposal. On one hand, I have no clue who he is or why he would want to help me. He’s a stranger. I literally didn’t even know his name. Yet, on the other hand, he was a terribly handsome man who was willing to teach me how to skate, and I was dying to learn.
I drove back to the on-campus apartments, waiting for Varsha to arrive. I needed a second opinion and as my roommate and a good friend, she was always there to help me.
While I was waiting I decided to change into clothes that would be easy to skate in. You know, just in case. I realized I didn’t have too many exercise clothes to choose from, so I just slipped on a pair of jean shorts and a plain white tank top. It was hot outside so threw my hair in a ponytail.
As I was tying my hair up, I heard Varsha come barging in. “What’s up, fuckers?”
Varsha waltzed into our shared room and began to remove a few books from her backpack.
“Okay first of all, rude. Second, Sinoo and Trixie aren’t here, so it’s singular; fucker.”
Sinoo and Trixie were our dormmates and they shared a separate a room together. We were all about the same age, all sophomores, and shared similar interests so we bonded pretty quickly.
Sinoo was a transfer student from Korea and was just about the kindest soul you’d ever meet. Her English was so good that we swore it was her native language, which she vehemently denied. Sinoo was a music major and had the voice of a literal angel. She would sing almost 24/7 but no one minded because of her voice. Her positive energy was contagious, and she always made us smile.
Trixie was the embodiment of a stereotypical girly-girl. She had long, blonde hair and always wore fashionable clothes. It was strange to have a weekend where she wasn’t begging us to go shopping with her. Like Sinoo, she had a kind heart. She could come across as brash sometimes, but was an incredibly loyal person. Trixie changed her major about four different times, finally settling on majoring in fashion design, although I wouldn’t be surprised if she changed it again.
And Varsha was a true chaotic neutral if I’ve ever met one. Her antics could be slightly unpredictable, but she always knew how to make someone smile. A day wouldn’t go by without her mentioning her adorable white poodle at home and how much she missed him. She was a comfort to have around and the apartment always felt empty without her. Varsha was undecided on her major but knowing her, she’d be able to do anything well.
“So I need advice.”
Varsha gave me a curious look. “About what?”
I explained my situation to her and she laughed. “Go with him, duh.”
“What if he like kidnaps me or something?”
“Okay first of all, I know where you’re at and what time you’ll be there. If you’re not back in two hours I’ll call campus security, okay?”
I nodded, embarrassingly not needing anymore convincing.
I arrived three minutes early. The parking lot was surprisingly empty, but since it was a Friday, I wasn’t too surprised. Most students went home for the weekend anyway.
Not knowing what to to, I pulled out my phone to mindlessly scroll through social media. I glanced up when I heard footsteps approaching.
“Didn’t think you’d come, to be honest. Glad you did.” The man grinned, “You ready for your first lesson?”
“I suppose so.” I paused, “What’s your name?”
The question must’ve caught him off guard, given the confused expression on his face.
“Oh yeah.” He laughed, “I’m Yeosang.”
I reached out to shake his hand, introducing myself as well. Yeosang motioned to his skateboard, setting it down.
“Alright. What’s the first rule of skateboarding?”
“Uhh...don’t break your skull?”
Yeosang laughed, nodding. “Well, I suppose that’s a good objective, but no. Balance is key. How good is your balance?”
“Mediocre at best.”
Yeosang tried his best to suppress a smile but failed terribly. I wasn’t sure why he tried to hide it. Every bit of him was so alluring.
“Alright then. I’ll hold you so you don’t fall. Now step up on the board just like this.” He demonstrated the action as he spoke, maintaining perfect balance.
I whined as I watched him. “There’s no way in hell I can do that, Yeosang.”
“Not with that attitude, you can’t.”
He led me to the board and I hopped on, doing my best to stabilize myself. I didn’t notice how his hands were gripping my hips or how close his face was to mine...at first. But when I did, my face instantly flushed.
With a raised brow, the man leaned even closer, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were blushing. I wonder what for? Could it be me?” The growl in his voice sent a shock straight to my core.
I forced myself to stable my breathing, “No. Get over yourself.”
“Feisty. I like it.”
We practiced for about an hour and a half but all I was able to accomplish was standing upright on the board.
“We’ve been practicing for quite awhile. Would you want to get a drink? It’s really hot.” Yeosang looked at me with genuine concern.
“Honestly, that would be fantastic.”
“My apartment isn’t too far from here. I can take you there and I can get you whatever.”
Normally, I wouldn’t have agreed in such a situation, but somehow I felt pulled to him. Like I couldn’t say no. And so, I agreed.
Yeosang picked up his skateboard and began to walk, leading me in an unfamiliar direction.
“So which apartment do you live in, Yeosang?”
“I live in Stockdale. Kinda sucks that it’s so far away from campus but it’s close to the lake so at least it has a pretty view.”
I nodded, “Ah I live in Callahan.”
“Oh yeah I lived in that apartment last year.”
I followed Yeosang up to the second floor of Stockdale and watched as he unlocked the door. All apartments had the same basic layout so the room essentially looked the same as mine, except for the position of the furniture and electronics scattered about the floor.
I sat down on the couch in his living room as Yeosang disappeared into his kitchen. I looked at the ugly, blue patched cushions that were placed on his couch. If they were unique to his apartment I would have teased him about it, but unfortunately the entire university decided that the pattern was ideal for all couches across campus.
A deep voice grabbed my attention. “Red punch okay?”
“Yeah that’s fine. Honestly anything is okay at this point.” I laughed. He passed me a cup filled with the red liquid and I took a sip.
“Thanks, by the way. For both teaching me and the drink.”
Yeosang smiled. “Not a problem. If you wanna get good though, you’ve gotta practice more. We should meet again.”
I smiled. “I’d like that...Oh shit-“ I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket, remembering to text Varsha.
Noticing Yeosang’s confused look, I clarified. “I told my roommate if I didn’t call within two hours or so to call security.”
I felt embarrassed as I said it aloud but Yeosang let out a hearty laugh. “Did you think I was going to rob you or something?”
“Hey! I didn’t know!” I pouted, still slightly embarrassed.
“I mean fair enough. You didn’t even know my name...I guess someone was desperate to learn how to skate.”
“Shut up.” As I was trying to place my phone back into my pocket I spilled some punch on my shirt.
“Aww. I don’t wanna clean that up.” I whined.
Yeosang chuckled. “Lick it off, then.”
I felt a surge of confidence. “Why don’t you?”
The joking, carefree air around us had somehow shifted. The atmosphere felt tense. I was teasing at first but, I began to realize that I wanted him to do it.
He ran his tongue over his lips and my head clouded with thoughts of how his lips would feel running along the inside of my thighs, teasing me until I pleaded him to reach just slightly above.
The darkness in his gaze made me want to beg him to kiss me, to touch me, to give me anything. I tried to remember to keep my composure but it wasn’t working too well.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait too long before he pulled me close, locking his lips with mine. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
Biting my bottom lip, Yeosang slowly pulled back. “I think you need to changed out of this t-shirt, what do you say?”
I knew his words meant more than than what they appeared on the surface, especially given the look in his eyes.
I leaned in close to Yeosang’s ear, “I think I need you to help me.”
My words seemed to be the breaking point for him. His lips clashed back onto mine and before I knew it, he was setting me down on his bed.
Yeosang pinned my hands above my head and gently began kissing my neck. I closed my eyes, reveling in the feeling.
One of Yeosang’s hands grazed my clit through my shorts and I gasped. Yeosang smirked at me and slid down my shorts. When they were fully off he dipped a few of his fingers into my panties to tease me. I wiggled around, begging him to give me more.
“What a needy girl you are.” The man’s eyes were glazed over, lust controlling his every move.
I whimpered, “Please, Yeosang.”
“Only because you said please.”
He released my hands and slid his own down to my waist. Spreading my legs further apart, he bit the hem of my panties and slowly pulled them off of me with his teeth.
“Fuck, you look hot.” He told me as he threw my soaking panties across the room.
If I had the ability to form sentences, I would have told him the same, but I was so overwhelmed with the current situation that I simply couldn’t.
Yeosang lifted my legs over his shoulders and held my hips down in place. I felt his tongue gloss over my clit, making my back arch off the bed. He proceeded to kiss the inside of my thighs, slowly making his way up to where I wanted him. After what felt like forever, he began to slowly eat me out. I didn’t expect him to be as good as he was and all I could do was moan. I couldn’t be more thankful that none of his roommates where there.
“Shit. Yeosang I...I’m close. Please.”
I knew he heard me, but he didn’t acknowledge me outright. His steady pace continued, finally permitting my release. He reached up to kiss me, making me taste myself.
“Do you want to go further?”
His eyes were kind and showed concern, not trying to influence me in one way or the other.
“Yes.” I breathed out.
He once again tried to hide his smile, as if he was trying not to appear too eager. The man grabbed a condom out of his bedstand and quickly discarded the rest of his clothes. I, doing the same.
“Ready, darling?” Yeosang asked as he was slipping on the condom.
“Definitely,” I breathed out.
At a slow pace he entered me, stretching my walls and making me cry out at the pleasure.
“Such a good girl. Taking me so well. You’re so beautiful, you know that?” I felt tears prick at my eyes during his praises and I realized I didn’t want him to stop.
“Please don’t stop that.”
“Awe baby girl likes being praised? Well let me tell you, you’re doing a wonderful—fuck.” A deep growl left his throat as I unconsciously began to clench around him.
“You’re making me feel so good, sweetheart. What a good girl you are for me.”
His right hand wandered up to play with my nipples, gently fondling them. The euphoric feeling spurred on my rapidly approaching orgasm.
“Yeosang I’m gonna...c-cum again. Please.”
His thrusts gradually sped up as my hands grasped his biceps, nails digging into his skin.
Leaning towards my ear, he whispered, “Cum for me, darling.”
After a few more thrusts, I came hard, a mantra of his name falling from my lips.
“Just hold on a little longer, darling. I’m almost there.” The overstimulation wasn’t as bad as I thought it might’ve been, but it was entirely possible that Yeosang’s heavenly, fucked out expression compensated for it. Panting heavily, Yeosang soon reached his high and stilled. He gently pulled out and placed a kiss on my forehead.
“You’re really good at that, you know? Are you this sweet with all the girls?” I joked.
He gave me a slightly confused expression before his face returned to a more serious one.
“I haven’t done this in a long time. Like probably over a year at this point.” He scratched the back of his head, eyes darting anywhere but me. “Actually, I didn’t even mean for this to happen, believe it or not...You know I saw you on campus a few times and thought you were really cute. I’m glad I got the chance to approach you.” He watched me with calming eyes as I blushed.
“So...what now?” I asked, sheepishly.
His shy smile—which I think had become my favorite of his smiles—made an appearance.
“It’s probably silly, given what we just did, but I’d like to take you on a date. Or at least meet up to study or something...point is I’d like to see you again.” He held eye contact with me.
“I’d enjoy that. Plus, I could use a pro to teach me how to ride a skateboard.”
Yeosang rolled his eyes, a dazzling smile painting his face, “Oh whatever. I’m not that good.”
The butterflies I felt in my stomach were so unique to him. I didn’t want to admit how excited I was to see him again, but I was. And in that moment, all I could think about was how glad I was that he offered to teach me.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
break my face
college isaac x reader
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you just want to go ice skating with your boyfriend but for some reason he doesn’t want to
(warnings: cursing, some drinking, lightly edited)
“We have to go,” you announced yourself, shoving the brightly colored paper you’d picked up at the coffee shop into his face. 
Isaac blinked a few times, gently pulling your hand away from his face so he could read. You waited patiently, maybe bouncing on your toes a bit, as he read. Leaning back in his desk chair, he nodded, “I’ve never been, but could be fun.”
Your jaw dropped, “Never?”
Amused, Isaac responded, “Never,” and pulled the to-go cup out of your hand for a sip. There was no time to warn him that it was pretty much straight espresso and he gagged, “What the fuck?”
“I had a really big Materials exam today so I didn’t get much sleep last night. But that doesn’t matter, ice skating is what’s important right now.”
Isaac chuckled, “Well, ice skating can most definitely be discussed after a nap, no?”
“Well,” you didn’t really have any arguments and a nap sounded fantastic, so after a few seconds, you dropped your booksack, “I guess it can wait.”
What your sleep deprived brain hadn’t realized at the time was the clear deflection. He “accidentally” let you sleep through the night, his apology being his Venmo to cover the espresso shots you never got to drink.
The second time you brought it up, while the two of you were studying in your kitchen, he shrugged, looking over at his laptop. You knew the screen had gone dark ages before, so you weren’t entirely sure what he was looking at, so after a few seconds you nudged his arm, “Skating?”
“I don’t know. Was thinking of picking up extra shifts with winter break coming, Friday nights are pretty much always open, so.”
“One Friday,” you tried to bargain, “you could even work a Saturday morning to make up for it since you normally take weekends off.”
He shrugged noncommittally and answered, “We’ll have to see. I need to talk to my boss anyway.”
The third time you brought it up, Isaac was more firm about his no. Both of you were sitting on the couch, watching Narnia, when you sighed, “I know they’ve been living in constant fear of the White Witch, but I bet ice skating on the frozen river would’ve been so fun.”
He shrugged, hardly paying attention, “I guess. I mean I’ve never seen the appeal.”
“That’s because you’ve never been,” you responded, playfully nudging his leg with your foot.
Grabbing your foot, he shook it gently, “Yeah, and I don’t plan on going either.”
Your heart dropped and you could hear the hurt bleeding through your tone, “Why not?”
“I won’t be good at it, and I don’t really want to do something I’m not good at. Especially in public where I could make a fool of myself.”
Narrowing your eyes, you huffed, “Even if I told you I’m a very inexperienced skater?”
“Especially then.”
“Good thing I’m not. We go skating every winter at home, I know how to hold my own.”
Isaac shrugged again, clearly ready to drop the subject, “I’m sure your roommate would go if you really wanted to.”
Finally dropping the subject, you muttered, hurt, “I wanted to go with you, but whatever.”
If you held a tiny grudge about it, well that was no one’s business but your own. Sure you were pouting and barely responding to his texts, but Isaac picked up so many shifts that there wasn’t much opportunity to see him anyway. 
The weeks passed quickly and suddenly, winter break was upon the two of you. Your roommate packed her stuff and you drove her to the airport the first Monday, giving her a long hug goodbye. She squeezed your shoulders tight, “Ask him again.”
“Why? So he can say no again?”
She laughed, “You know that boy can’t say no to you.”
“Well that’s certainly not true, he’s done it three times.”
“Fourth time’s the charm,” she tried, smiling sheepishly.
You sighed, “Yeah that’s not how it works and we both know it.”
“Try.” She gave you one last hug and turned to get in line for security. You were absolutely going to miss her while she was gone, having opted to stay at school for the break since Isaac was too.
Hours later, when she landed back in Arizona, you got one last text from her on the subject.
Ask again
So, pouring yourself a hefty glass of wine to cope with being shut down a fourth time, you called him, half expecting him to not pick up. To your shock, he did, sounding absolutely exhausted.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he muttered, yawning at the end.
“Hey, bub. How’s it going?”
“Tired from work. We’ve been pretty busy.”
You could help but tease, “Well you have been picking up a ton of shifts, you only have yourself to blame.”
“That’s true. I took the weekend off.”
“Can we hang out?” your voice was more timid than you would’ve liked it to be, “I miss you. I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you.”
He paused, longer than you were comfortable with before answering, “I’d like that, yeah. Movie night?”
“Sure. Friday?”
And with that, you settled in to catch up. You really did miss his voice. It was nice, and eventually you found the bottom of the glass, tucking your phone between your ear and shoulder, you poured yourself another.
“Have you eaten?” he asked, a sudden rustling in the background as he shifted around.
You hummed, “Nope. Drank a lot of wine though.”
He laughed and your stomach warmed, maybe partially from the wine but mostly from his laugh, “Want me to bring over some food? I’ve had beef stew in the crockpot all day and I’d really love to eat it with you if I could.”
“You never have to ask to come over,” you reminded him, leaning your hip against the counter as you took another sip of wine.
Isaac made a pleased noise, “Give me 20 minutes to pack some up and I’ll be right over.”
“Stay on the phone?” you asked, not quite wanting to let him go.
“I’ll be there faster if you let me hang up.”
Pouting, you answered, slight whine in your voice, “Fine, see you in 20.”
“Bye sweetheart, I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too.”
You hung up, his laughter echoing through the phone at your put out tone.
True to his word, he was knocking at your apartment door exactly 20 minutes after hanging up. While waiting, you’d found the bottom of your second glass, and in your state of lowered self control, threw yourself into his arms, despite the very large tupperware of beef stew. Isaac’s noise of surprise was muffled by your hair, and took a giant step backward to keep his balance, almost slamming into the door across the hall. You beamed, backing away, and pulled him by his elbow into your apartment.
He set the stew down on the counter and pulled you into a better hug, kissing your forehead, lips quirked up into a smile. You swayed a little, his grip tightening to keep you in place, “Why don’t you go sit and I’ll serve it up, yeah?”
So you did as he said, collapsing onto your side of the couch without much poise and waited eagerly. Isaac was a great cook, something you’d learned early on in your relationship. He wasn’t very forthcoming about it, but you knew it had something to do with his childhood and not having much family around.
Before long, he was handing you a bowl, sitting on the other end of the couch, with far more care than you did. You turned the TV on and started the show the two of you had been watching together before he’d suddenly gone MIA on you. Isaac sighed, “Man it’s been a while, huh? Kinda need a recap.”
You hummed, “Should be one before the episode. Should’ve come around more and you wouldn’t have forgotten.”
He avoided the questioning look in your eyes, “Had some stuff I had to take care of.”
“For sure, it’s not really my business,” you tried to reassure, but you know your smile fell a little flat.
Isaac sighed again and dug his legs under yours, and you sank down a little further, accidentally digging your toes into his hip. He yelped, startling you, and a bit of stew sloshed over the side of your bowl.
Rubbing his side, Isaac accidentally lifted his shirt a little and you saw a giant, green bruise spread across his hip bone. Horrified, you sat up and discarded the bowl, leaning forward to see better. Before you could reach out, he jerked the shirt back down, cheeks flushed red.
“What the fuck was that?” you demanded, concern thick in your tone.
“Nothing,” he deflected, “work accident.”
“The fuck are you doing that’s so strenuous at the library?”
“Maybe it was at the gym.”
“Maybe? Do you not remember how you got a giant bruise?”
His face was pleading with you to drop it, and since you were already feeling off balanced around him because of the ice skating avoidance issue, you did. You weren’t happy about the sudden influx of secrets he was apparently keeping from you, but if he didn’t want you to know, you wouldn’t push.
Uneasily, you picked the bowl back up where you’d set it down and hit play on the TV. Isaac never fully relaxed for the rest of the night, and when you asked if he wanted to stay, he begged off, leaving you feeling even more like shit than you had before he came over.
Friday rolled around, and Isaac showed up not dressed for movie night. You furrowed your eyebrows at his scarf and nice coat and jeans, “Why aren’t you in sweats?”
He smiled a bit shyly, “I kinda thought we could do something else tonight.”
“Date night?” you asked, eagerly. It had been a while since the two of you had properly gone out between his work and all of your projects.
“Yep,” he popped the p, “so if you want to get dressed, wear something warm.”
You nodded eagerly and went to get dressed. While picking a sweater, you got a text from your roommate.
How are things with Isaac?
The timing was a bit strange, you hadn’t heard from her in a while, but you responded anyway.
Good I think. Some awkwardness the other night but date night tonight
You were brushing your hair out when her response came in.
Good, have fun!
Isaac was pacing when you walked into the living room and straightened up, coming to a stop when he saw you. Holding your hand out for him, you let him lead you to the door, grabbing your keys off the shelf by the door on the way out.
His truck was parked not far from your door and he held the door open for you before jogging around to get in himself and crank it up. You weren’t really paying attention to where he was going, more focused on queuing up songs, and when he parked and you finally looked around, you almost couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
“Are we,” you paused, “I thought.”
Isaac smiled gently, “I know how much you wanted to come, so.”
“You said no.”
“Well, I changed my mind, I am capable of it sometimes.”
Laughing, you said, “I mean, you avoided me for a while after I brought it up the third time.”
“Yeah, about that,” he rubbed his forehead sheepishly, “I was pretty busy getting your roommate and Scott to teach me how to skate. You said you were pretty good and I just wanted to be able to keep up. I mean, I know it probably won’t be as much fun as if it were with someone-”
You cut off his rambling, putting a finger over his lips, “It’ll be the best time because it’s with you.”
He smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to your fingertip, “Let’s go then.”
“Let’s go,” you cheered, “you have to show me what you’ve learned.”
You hadn’t noticed him grab your skates out of the backseat as well as another pair and he smiled, “Yeah, got yours a few days ago when I came over for stew.”
“You didn’t leave with them?” you asked, unsure.
“You were pretty gone when I left, so yeah, I just walked right out.”
Cheeks heating, you shrugged, “Whoops. Whose are those?”
“Scott’s. He’s letting me borrow them for the night.”
“Nice of him,” you commented, lacing your fingers through his.
“Yeah, he’s a good guy sometimes. I think he just wants me to make a fool out of myself.”
“Maybe. Have you had a rough go?”
Isaac snorted, “You saw the giant bruise on my hip.”
“Oh my god,” you sat down on a bench to switch your shoes and tried not to laugh at him. 
He nodded, kicking his boots off, “Yeah, you can laugh. I’m sure it won’t go much better tonight.”
“Doubt it,” you answered confidently, and finished lacing them up, “you’ve got me with you this time, it’s going to be great.” Before he could respond, you knelt down in front of him to do his laces and continued, “Plus, you’re good at literally everything you do, so I highly doubt you’re as bad as you seem to think.”
Isaac stood when you finished tying his skates and helped you up, “You might be giving me too much credit.”
And you were. Isaac wasn’t the worst, but he wasn’t very good. After his third almost slip in just as many minutes, you stopped to take his hand, “You have to relax, bub.”
“I’m trying, sweetheart,” he responded through gritted teeth.
“You are the opposite of relaxed.”
Skating ahead, you turned to face him and grabbed both of his hands in yours. You slowed down, skating backwards at a pace slow enough that you weren’t dragging him, and he improved a little.
“See,” you told him, grinning proudly, “you’re doing so much better.”
You really wanted to watch him, but every few seconds, you had to glance over your shoulder to make sure you weren’t going to run into someone. The outdoor rink was crowded every Friday night, especially now that the semester was over.
“So,” Isaac started, seeming to get into a bit of a groove, “can you forgive me for being a dick?”
“I think I can. But could you just, I don’t know, keep me in the loop. I love surprises as much as anyone, but I don’t necessarily like getting the cold shoulder for the sake of one.”
He snorted, “Fair enough.”
“I am glad you changed your mind though, don’t get me wrong there.” “I bet.”
And with his words you paused, turning around to skate next to him, his hand still gripping yours tightly, but not needing you for balance as much as before.
It was cold, and after half an hour of lazy circles, Isaac motioned toward the little table selling hot chocolate, “Want some?”
“I’d love some,” you answered eagerly, already pulling him over. Isaac wasn’t expecting your sudden change of direction and almost wiped out, but you managed to keep him up.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, eyes wide.
“Sorry, sorry,” you giggled, “forgot.”
You could tell he was happy to finally put his shoes back on and be off the ice, but you were thrilled he’d actually done it with you. Isaac wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you to the hot chocolate table, and you couldn’t help but ask, “Same time next week.”
“Good try, sweetheart.”
“Hey,” you protested, “practice makes perfect.”
“Lucky for me, I’m perfect at a plenty reasonable number of things already, no need to add ice skating to the list.”
Rolling your eyes, you shoved him gently away, “Okay, pack it up Mr. Wickham.”
Isaac held a hand to his heart dramatically, “How dare you, we both know I’m Mr. Darcy.”
“Sure, on your best days, but on average you’re Mr. Bingley and there’s no arguing that.” Isaac didn’t say anything else, just bent down and kissed your forehead, smiling widely. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, “What?”
“Nothing,” he answered, “I just love you is all.”
You softened and let him put his arm back around you, “Well, I love you too.”
day one of @obxmermaid​‘s holiday challenge: ice skating
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fairytalelover33 · 3 years
Can I please ask for a Star Wars, and LOTR ship? I am 5’1, with an athletic build, tanned brown skin, dark brown eyes, and medium length wavy black hair always tied up. As for style I sorta dress like whatever fictional character I’m channeling that day. I’m talking like daily cosplays but not screen accurate more inspired. My pronouns are She/Her. I’d like to be shipped with a male. I am a very sarcastic person and have a witty sense of humor. I’m quite the cunning and clever person as well. I tend to thrive on my own and am very much a lone wolf. Im very content with living in my own world in my brain and forgetting the existence of reality. That however doesn’t mean I’m quiet. When it comes to a topic I’m interested (film editing/making, science fiction, theoretical physics, video games etc.) I sort of have a light bulb moment and take charge of the group, being loud, excited, humorous and elaborate I always speak my mind in such situations. However, to everyone I am quite blunt and won't sugarcoat my opinions. I do find it very hard to trust people and tend to shy away from deep feelings either being oblivious to them or pretending they don’t exist. I usually only open up those true feelings if I’ve been friends with you for ages and trust you. Saying that I have very few friends, I’m talking like four that I can talk too without feeling out of place or bored with small talk conversation. I am a little bit of a rebel. I’m not one for social norms and when everyone goes right I’ll find some way to make left work. I pride myself on uniqueness. I’m a digital artist, with a passion for video game design, filmmaking and cgi/visual effects. I adore anything to do with art and technology. I adore playing rpgs whether in real life (like dungeons and dragons or just larping) or in video games (like mass effect, dragon age, baldurs gate etc). I’m also a massive and I mean massive sci-fi geek. I can probably quote Doctor Who, Star Trek and Star Wars in my sleep. I love true crime, theoretical physics/astronomy, and conspiracy theories as well. I also adore working out, especially kickboxing, in-line skating and weight lifting. Thanks!!
For Star Wars, I ship you with: Han Solo!
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•To be honest, he didn’t look twice at you when he first met you. It’s not like you weren’t absolutely stunning, or eye catching, or really cool, he was just in the middle of fighting with a guy who looked at him funny. However, after he won (or so he says), his eyes wandered, trying to find the girl with the mesmerizing brown eyes.
•He always smiles to himself when you get all excited about something that interests you
•He adores that you don’t sugar coat your opinions. He is not one to pretend he likes people that he doesn’t, so he enjoys not having to pretend around you
•One of his favorite things to do with you is talk conspiracy theories. It’ll usually be when he’s fixing his ship. Metal clanks around, some sun finds your face as you lay on the ground near him. He continuously spills out random theories, some dumber than others.
• “wait but hear me out, Luke… could be a Sith Lord..” *smack* “OW! HEY ITS JUST A THEORY HAVE YOU EVER SEEN HIM AND VADER IN THE SAME ROOM” *smack* “OW!”
For LOTR, I ship you with: Faramir!
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•He loves how unique you are. He’s so used to a strict lifestyle, that you bring out the best in him
•He sees you as very powerful, and will never stop a sarcastic remark from flying out of your mouth and towards any fool who dares to underestimate you
•He will be happy to supply you with any aspects of your wardrobe you feel could help you to better represent your mood for the day
•Being cunning and clever will help you adjust to life in Minas Tirith. He is to be Gondor’s next Steward, so he doesn’t want you to get taken advantage of in the political field
•He loves to take you on walks in the city. Townspeople wave to you often, they are quite fond of you. The setting sun hovers over the hills, casting a stunning glow on the white city. Faramir sends you a smile as some young children run towards you, they have a gift. A flower crown is placed gently on your head, and the little girl who held it giggles quietly before running off to play. The whole city adores you, and Faramir couldn’t be happier. <3
I hope you liked this, sorry it took so long! Have an amazing day! ❤️
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yeojaa · 4 years
hi!! could i please request an 80s jk drabble where he takes reader roller skating or on a date? 🥺
pairing.  jjk x reader.  rating.  general.  tags.  good ol’ fashion fluff.  wc.  0.6k.  author note.  i’m actually working on a dynamite!au so this was really fun to write to remind myself why i started it lol.  thank you for the request!  💛
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You are not good at roller skating.  In fact, you’d go so far as to say you’re terrible at it, more likely to break your arm than the average person.  It has something to do with your complete lack of balance, your inability to walk more than five blocks without somehow hurting yourself.  (You’d counted once, in high school.  Or rather, your best friend had, chuckling to himself when you’d caught the rubber toe of your sneaker on the raised sidewalk, nearly face planting into concrete.) 
So it’s only right you’re a bundle of nerves, sweaty palms and fear shackled around your neck like a makeshift collar.  You know you’re going to make a fool of yourself. 
“Kook,”  you mumble, staring down at his powder puff of dark hair, a little unruly but altogether put together, curling prettily over his ears and the yellow shirt he wears.  (It’s one of your favourites - making him radiate sunlight more than he usually does.)  “I really, really don’t want to.”
Don’t want to was an understatement.  He doesn’t care.
“____.”  He says your name like your mother does, full of reprimand and love.  You wish you could see his expression but he’s too busy lacing your skates, bent down on one knee to thread the flat laces over and over.  When he finishes one foot, he looks up at you, meets your stare readily, the brown of his irises reflecting the overhead disco lights back at you.  “You trust me, right?”
Did you trust him?  Maybe not to be on time to Sunday dinner and maybe not to not eat all of the donuts you dropped off for his family, but in most situations?  Yes, probably.  He was your best friend - had been at your side since you were seven years old and had fallen off the monkey bars.  Had held your hand the entire time you’d sat in the gravel, tearlessly sobbing while your knee bled all through the new jeans you’d gotten for the first day of school.
This was different, though.  This was somewhere where even his reassurances wouldn’t mean anything, wouldn’t prevent you from falling face first and embarrassing yourself enough for the year.
“Yes.”  You mean it when you answer, even if it’s a little uncertain, paired with a furrow of your brow and matching curl of your mouth.  
“Then just relax.”  
He’s finished lacing the other skate, tapping affectionately on your knee as he rises from his own.  
Standing above you, framed beneath the multicoloured lights, he looks like some sort of disco Jesus - a beacon of hope in the otherwise dreadful situation.  When he reaches for you, offers his hand and a smile, you can’t deny that this is the best case scenario - a silver lining to his crappy plan.
“I won’t let you fall,”  he reassures you, pulling you to your feet.  “Just don’t let go of my hand and you’ll be fine.”
You doubt him still - can’t help it, because you know yourself - but true to his word - true to the Jeon Jungkook he is - he keeps you upright.  Twines your fingers with his own as he guides you to the floor, carefully skating backwards to have you moving along the edge of the floor.  (How he does it, you have no idea.)  He keeps this up, locks your eyes with his as you make it halfway around, knees bowed and hand-held.  
“See?”  Jungkook’s smile is brighter than the sun, full of pride.  You hardly even  notice when he releases one of your hands, slows his own roll to close the distance between you.  You’re standstill and it doesn’t even occur to you, so lost in how he beams at you, speaking all the words you need to hear.  “Eyes on me.  I’ve got you.”
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sevenstarsinning · 4 years
Day 13: Pegging Cucking
Night time was home to many things. The moon, the stars shining in all of their glory, and sleep if you’re lucky enough to get it. But there was also something sinister that crept around in the dark.
The first time Em saw him standing at the foot of her bed, she thought it was Goku from the silhouette. That hair was unmistakable. However, when Goku showed up the following morning with zero knowledge of having visited her, she knew something was off.
The next night he came back and again, Goku said he wasn’t there. She thought the solution was simple, ask Goku to move in with her. She’d wanted to ask him for a while anyway, what better time than when he apparently had a doppelganger lurking in her bedroom.
With Goku out cold and snoring softly next to her, she thought whatever the hallucination was would go away. There were two problems with that. One, Goku was a heavy ass sleeper. And two, she severely underestimated the being that eventually revealed himself as Goku Black.
“Goku…” Em shook him but he didn’t budge, “wake up…” she tried again but still no luck.
“It’s no use, poor saiyan’s exhausted.” Black grinned slyly, his face shadowed by the moonlight that streamed through the window.
“Why do you keep coming back?” She asked, scooting back towards Goku.
“I have several reasons for that but I’m not sure you deserve to know just yet. But don’t worry, little saiyan, they’ll all come out eventually.” He grinned and remained still, not the least bit worried about her waking Goku up.
“When he wakes up-”
“What? He’ll tear me in two? Rip my beating heart from my chest? Dear saiyan, we both know he’s far too docile to do anything.”
Em knew Goku wouldn’t immediately jump up to fight, but at least having him awake if Black tried anything would’ve been nice. She nudged Goku again but all he did was roll over and fall back asleep.
“If you manage to wake him up, I’m still going to do exactly what I came here to do. And I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he whispered, leaning across the bed towards Em, “you’ll want it and he’ll sit back and watch it happen.”
Her heart leapt into her throat and her breath hitched, “and what did you come here to do?" 
Black slid his hand up the bed between her legs over the blanket, "I came here to take what I want, little saiyan.”
“Goku, wake the fuck up,” she said through gritted teeth.
“You’re already accepting your inevitable submission to me. You haven’t told me no yet and I don’t think you can,” he teased, pressing his hand against the blanket to her soaked panties.
“Oh, feels like you really don’t want to fight this.” He pressed his fingers down harder, making her buck her hips and moan slightly.
“Em?” Goku stirred, saying her name still half asleep.
“Go ahead, tell me to stop,” Black smirked, keeping his attention solely on her.
Goku turned towards Em and slowly opened his eyes.
Black brought his hand up to Em’s face and moved his thumb over her bottom lip, tugging before releasing it. “It’s a very simple word, little saiyan.”
Her eyes met Goku’s in the brief moment before she spoke.
Em opened her mouth, “don’t stop." 
The words came out before she could fully comprehend what she was asking for and Black smiled with the most mischievous grin.
He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "tell Goku you want him to watch.”
Em’s eyes widened. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Goku in any way and she wasn’t sure how he would take that request.
“Em? What’s going on?” Goku asked, still disoriented from waking up.
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he yawned and shifted next to her.
“Goku, I-” she spoke, her voice was small.
“Say it. Tell him you want me and not him.” Black urged her on.
“Goku, I want him.” The words left her conflicted and as much as she wanted to take them back, she couldn’t. Not with Black so close and offering exactly what she had dreamt about for weeks.
“What do you mean?” Goku asked, finally shaking off the haze.
“Who is that- is… is that me?” His eyes adjusted to the dark as he looked at the strange man touching her.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m nothing like you, filthy saiyan.” Black sneered.
Goku sat up and stared back at the man that looked just like him.
“Then… who are you?”
“His name is Goku Black. He’s the one I mistook for you at first,” Em said, watching Black’s hand dip under the blanket
“But I’m right here? Why did you say you wanted him?” Goku stared blankly, noticing his hand.
“Because you can’t provide her with what I can.” Black answered before she could.
His hand skimmed over the waistband of her panties, slipping down into the front of them and letting his fingers skate along her slick cunt.
“Em? Is.. is that true?” Goku asked. He was so close to giving her that sad face she couldn’t handle.
“Not-yes but,” she paused, struggling to find the right words while Black’s fingers teased her pussy.
“Be honest, little saiyan,” he warned.
“You know how… fuck, you know how I’ve asked you to be rough with me and not worry about my safety because I can handle it?” Em said in a rush.
“Yeah,” Goku said, still confused by what was happening.
“That’s what he can give me so you don’t have to worry about losing control.” She explained quickly as his fingers continued to tease and toy with her.
“But I thought you only wanted that with me?” He cocked his head to the side, smelling her arousal in the air.
“Goku, he looks just like you, can you really blame me for wanting him?”
“I don’t know,” he said, scratching his head in confusion.
Black rubbed her clit just enough to elicit a breathy moan that caught Goku’s attention.
Goku moved closer and Black stopped everything, “any closer and I’ll stop completely." 
Em looked at Black and then to Goku, "please, Goku?" 
Goku was utterly confused as he sat back. Black returned to his task of rubbing her clit until she squeezed her thighs together around his hand and moaned loudly.
Each moan he drew out made Goku try to get closer and every time he was forced to move back.
Black slid two of his long fingers into her cunt.
Goku looked down at the bulge pressed against his pants.
He palmed over his bulge, just hearing her moans and smelling her arousal was making him hard. 
Black halted his movements again, "I didn’t give you permission for that." 
Em whined, "Goku, do what he says, please." 
She was struggling, clenching around his fingers and trying to get the release she desperately wanted.
Goku pouted but moved his hand away from his cock anyway.
Black thrust his fingers hard into Em and paused again.
"Don’t stop… please don’t stop,” she pleaded, bucking her hips against his hand.
“Look at you, already a pathetic little mess,” Black chided.
Em gripped his forearm, trying to get him to move his fingers, “please,?”
He eased his fingers out and slammed them back into her, leaving her breathless and gasping.
“Does your cunt get this wet for the fool?” He asked.
Em knew what he wanted her to say but she didn’t want to hurt Goku.
Black didn’t move his fingers while he waited for an answer and desperation got the better of her.
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Hey, that’s not fair, you get really wet for me.” Goku whined.
“Clearly not as much.” Black pulled his fingers from Em completely, holding them up into the stream of moonlight.
Her wetness glistened on his hand and fingers, dripping as he held them up.
He reached out and Goku didn’t hesitate to move closer, drawn in by her scent like a moth to a flame.
“Foolish saiyan,” he chided, pulling his hand away before Goku could taste, “if you can’t stay back, you don’t get to watch me give her everything you wish you could.”
“I just wanna taste.” Goku whined and leaned back.
Black brought his fingers up to his mouth and flicked his tongue over the digits, “mmm, I can see why you’re so eager to taste her.”
Goku whimpered next to Em but kept his distance while Black brought his fingers to her mouth.
Em sucked and licked them clean while Goku watched, fighting the urge to touch himself to relieve some of the frustration.
“Good, little saiyan.” Black praised Em.
She felt bad for Goku, but Black said and did the things that she’d been wanting for so long.
Goku squirmed, “please let me touch myself?” He asked permission.
“If you stay quiet for 5 minutes, you can touch yourself,” Black said with a heavy sigh.
“I can do that!” Goku exclaimed.
“Apparently you can’t. The 5 minutes started when I finished speaking.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Goku protested, annoying Black even more.
“Still struggling with the simplest instructions. No wonder you’re so unsatisfied.” Black sighed.
Goku looked as confused as ever but stayed silent.
Black grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of Em, “undress. Now.”
She quickly pulled off her shirt and panties and tossed them towards the floor but Black snatched them in midair.
He grabbed the panties and gave them back to Em. “Stuff those in his mouth.”
Em turned to Goku who already had his mouth opened. She stuffed her panties into his mouth and could tell he was trying to lick her wetness from them.
“Spread your legs for me.” Black ordered.
She did as she was told without hesitation, fully exposing herself to him.
“Tell me how deprived you’ve been,” he said, sliding his fingers up and down her cunt.
She glanced at Goku, seeing his wide eyes as he waited for her answer.
“Tell me.” Black lifted his hand and smacked her inner thigh.
“Really deprived.” She whined, bucking her hips.
“It must be frustrating having a mate that doesn’t know how to properly satisfy you,” Black mused, rubbing her thigh with the back of his hand. He was so close to touching her where she wanted it the most.
“Just so desperate for a decent fuck.” Black said with complete condescension.
Goku mumbled something but her panties muffled anything that came from his mouth.
“Does the little saiyan want what I can offer?” He asked, letting his fingers trail up and down her inner thigh.
“Yes, please?” She all but whined.
“Oh, I’ll need more than that. If you really, really, want what I can give you, then I think you can beg a little better than that.” He continued his torturous touch, but avoided her cunt.
“Please, I need what you can give me,” Em begged.
He moved his fingers a little closer but still didn’t touch. “Be more specific.”
“Fuck…I need what only you can give me,” she pleaded with him.
Black smirked and leaned down, his face hovering over her pussy, “good girl.” He let a single string of spit drip down onto her cunt, making her almost lose it at the slight contact she’d been deprived of.
Goku whined as he watched Em squirm for Black, having no way of touching her or himself.
“So perfectly wet for me, ready for my… fingers? Tongue? Or is it my cock you’re craving?” He glanced up at Em.
“Tongue and cock,” she answered quickly.
“Greedy little saiyan. I’m afraid you have to choose. I’m not promising both until I’m sure you’re worth it and he can stay quiet.”
“T-Tongue.” Em peered over to Goku who was just as hard as before if not more.
“I must admit I’ve been eager to taste you again and of course, show the imbecile how to actually devour such a perfect little cunt.” Black grinned.
He leaned close to her soaked pussy, his breath hot against her. It was taking everything she had not to beg and plead for him to fuck her, but she knew he’d only make her wait longer. 
Goku watched, his eyes flitting from Em to Black, his thighs squeezing together to get some kind of friction where he needed it desperately.
“Stop that or neither of you will get what your pathetic mortal bodies crave.” Black shot a warning glance at Goku.
His hands spread across her thighs, pushing her further open for him as he leaned down and flicked his tongue over her clit. She moaned immediately at the feeling, her need even more apparent now.
Black was torturous with his movements, keeping the pressure just light enough to have Em whimpering in no time along with her mate, who could only sit and watch.
Em looked over at Goku, seeing him struggling and needing some kind of relief. She glanced at Black who was focused solely on her clit, his tongue moving faster with each swipe. She reached towards Goku and slid her hand up his thigh to feel the head of his cock straining against his pants.
He let out the softest muffled whimper at the touch of her fingertips.
Black’s head shot up immediately, looking at the two of them. He grabbed Em’s arms and pinned them above her head harshly.
“Seems you’re both even more pathetic than I thought.” He sneered.
A sly grin spread across his face as he released Em’s arms and sat back, “if you want his cock so badly, then fuck him." 
Em hesitated, looking back and forth between Black and Goku. She scooted up in the bed with Black still sitting between her legs.
"But, if you touch him, even a fingertip, you won’t get that sweet release you’ve been dying for from me.” He warned.
Em knew Goku could fuck her, hell, with the way he was pent up right now he could probably fuck her through the mattress. But there was still something about Black, something she still craved and wanted more than anything.
When she didn’t immediately go to Goku, he sighed a little, her panties soaked by the mixture of her come and his saliva. He was helpless, only able to watch Black toy with his mate.
Black grabbed Em by the back of her hair and jerked her forward, his lips almost touching hers.
“Tell him you don’t want his cock, tell him how bad your pussy is aching for mine.” He said through gritted teeth, his hand pulling roughly on her hair.
“I- I…” she hesitated, glancing over at Goku.
Black yanked her hair harder to get her attention, “tell him and I’ll finally let you feel my cock sliding in and out of your messy little cunt.”
“I want-”
“Ah, look at him.” Black forced her to turn her head.
“I want his cock.” She muttered.
Black used his free hand to tap the side of her cheek, “better. More pathetic, like I know you can be.”
“G-Goku, I want his cock. I want to feel him stretching me out only the way he can and to show you how to use me.” Em felt her cheeks blush as she stared at Goku.
“Good little saiyan.” Black released her hair.
Before Em could mouth an apology to Goku, Black had her pulled off of the bed and bent over the edge, facing Goku.
His hand splayed across her lower back as he pulled his hard cock free, “you’re going to scream for me like a good pet and maybe, maybe, I’ll let the imbecile touch himself.”
Black pressed the tip of his cock to Em’s cunt and eased into her. Em gasped and let out a soft moan as he filled her, stretching her pussy just right.
He didn’t hold back once every inch of his cock was deep within her. He pulled back and slammed into her hard enough to make the mattress jerk forward.
“I want you to keep your eyes on him so he can see just how much you’re enjoying this,” Black growled as he drove into her harder and harder.
She tried to hide her face but Black grabbed the back of her hair and jerked her head back, forcing her to look up at Goku. Black continued to slam into her hard, each thrust making her breath hitch in her throat.
“Look at her, Goku, see how much she’s enjoying a decent fuck?” Black taunted him.
Goku shifted again, trying to keep still while Black fucked his mate the way she wanted. 
“Since you’ve managed to stay quiet for the most part, I’ll allow you to remove the panties and stroke your cock.” Black addressed Goku while stilling deep inside of Em.
Goku immediately pulled her panties from his mouth and shoved his hand down the front of his pants.
“Let her see.” Black ordered.
Goku complied quickly and pulled his thick cock free, his hand pumping up and down it as if he couldn’t get the relief fast enough.
Black kept a handful of her hair and forced her to watch Goku chase his release. 
“See how pathetic he is? Stroking his cock while his mate gets fucked properly by another.” Black continued to taunt Goku, and it was only making Em wetter by the second.
Seeing Em get fucked by what appeared to be an evil version of himself brought Goku to the edge of coming faster than ever before.  The look of complete ecstasy on her face was enough to drive him insane with need.
“Neither of you are allowed to come without my permission,” Black informed them.
“What? But that’s not fair.” Goku whined, his eyes going wide as he slowed his movements.
“Did I say I was going to be fair? What about this arrangement gives you that inclination?” Black laughed and slammed into Em harder.
She was all sensation and small squeaks between harsh thrusts. She was barely able to form a coherent thought as his cock drove deeper within her.
“But I wanna watch her come. It’ll help me come,” Goku whimpered and stroked his cock a little faster.
“Keep pestering me about it and neither of you will come. Would that make you happy, pesky saiyan?” Black shot back.
“No.” Goku looked almost too sad while stroking his cock.
“Please… let me… come.” She pleaded finally.
“Have words returned to your feeble little mind?” He teased as he jerked her head back towards him.
“Please?” Em begged again.
“Since Goku keeps interrupting, you have to wait,” he said, pulling her back far enough to arch her back, “and you won’t like what happens if you disobey me.”
Em knew not to push him any further, but she was quickly losing the grasp she had on controlling her orgasm. Goku looked just as desperate as he stroked his cock.
Black’s hips snapped against Em roughly as he moved his hand down to her throat, keeping her back arched while he choked her. She whimpered and panted for more with each torturous thrust.
Black was relentless and rough, harshly fucking Em just the way she wanted and forcing Goku to watch was a perk. She loved him but he just didn’t let go like she needed him to. 
“I can feel how close you are.” Black growled in her ear.
“Black… please… I can’t…” Em whined.
Goku’s hand moved faster as he watched Em mewl and whimper for Black.
A harsh smack landed on Em’s thigh, “you will or you’ll regret it." 
Goku reached for Em, softly caressing her cheek in an attempt to soothe her. She leaned into his touch and let out her moans and gasps into the palm of his hand.
Black squeezed Em’s throat, "tongue out." 
She complied and slipped her tongue out between her lips, still panting and writhing against him.
"Come on her tongue.” He ordered Goku as he continued to fuck Em relentlessly. 
Goku shuffled closer on his knees, still stroking his cock as he slid the tip of it over her tongue.
Em flicked her tongue over the tip of his cock and strained to try and slip the tip into her mouth.
Black popped the side of her cheek sharply, “did I say you could suck his cock?" 
"No.” Em whimpered and stared up at Goku.
“Follow directions or you won’t know what an orgasm feels like for the next week.” He growled.
Em opened her mouth and returned to just letting her tongue graze the tip of Goku’s cock while Black slammed into her.
Goku’s hand pumped up and down his thick length until he was muttering soft grunts and groans as he neared his release. As if by instinct, he glanced up at Black for permission, which was given in the form of a nod. 
Goku leaned closer as he finally let go, his cum coating Em’s tongue and the inside of her mouth.
“Don’t swallow it. Hold it.” Black commanded and stilled within Em.
“Have you bred her?” He asked Goku.
Goku barely registered his words as he was still panting, “not yet.” He admitted.
A devious grin spread across his face, “this really was the perfect opportunity for me to show up." 
He eased out of Em slowly and thrust back into her hard, making her gasp and some of Goku’s cum drip down her chin.
Black wasted no time in building his release again, making it harder for Em to keep her mouth closed between harsh thrusts. He finally let go, filling her with his cum with his hips snapping against hers harder than before. 
"Come for me.” He growled as he pushed his cum deeper inside of her.
Em whimpered and tried to hold her mouth closed, but it was too much. She was too sensitive and overwhelmed to hold back and let out a loud moan of Black’s name.
She collapsed on the bed with barely any of Goku’s cum remaining in her mouth as her legs trembled and shook from the intense waves of her orgasm still rolling through her body.
Black kept his cock buried inside of her as he released her neck, his hand trailing down her spine.
“Are you okay?” Goku asked, tilting her chin up towards him.
“Y-Yeah.” She managed to mutter, her body exhausted and worn out.
“I must say, for mortals, you kept up fairly well. I’ll have to really test your limits next time.” He finally pulled out of Em and stuffed his cock back into his pants.
“Next time?” Goku looked up at him.
“Oh, you didn’t think this was just a one time thing, did you?” Black said with a faint smirk.
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ickymichi · 3 years
hi I wanted to participate in the 1k event >:} (congrats on 1k btw !! <3)
info about myself:
- I'd like a haikyuu character :))
-I'm 5'7, I have shoulder long dark brown hair, blue eyes, a lean built (bad posture lmfao) and light freckles (I use she/they pronouns)
- I like skateboarding and I'm an artist so I like drawing and animating stuff and I also hang out with my friends a lot
-i really like cars especially sports and race/drift cars and I dislike any kind of birds???? Like bruh they disgust me HAHAHAB
- I definitely like my personality especially my humor about myself
- I'm just gonna use my recent emojis: 🍞💗✨🥛
note: hi my dear! tysm!! i hope this was okay <3
mills matches you with:.. suna rintarou!!
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other luvers: miya osamu, matsukawa issei
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🍞💗✨🥛: suna loves doing domestic things, so going on your first grocery shopping trip together was more than he could ask for. absently he wandered around the huge shop alone trying to find the bread you sent him off to find. he swore he seen it when he came in but it’s like it vanished. “rin! it’s okay i found it,” your voice was heard from a distance and he seen you holding up the bread with a wide smile, the one that made small sparks go off in this heart. “okay now go find that milk you like,” just as you walked away he walked up behind you placing his hands on both hips. “not wanderin’ around like a fool again m’ stayin with you,”
small facts <3:
personally i think suna is a great artist so when he found out you were one to he got really happy
i think he also picked up skateboarding when he was younger but then had to stop when he started volleyball. but when he saw you skating one day he feel back in love with it n’ you.
also in my head suna is one of the first boys to get a car and he loves it with all his being. he definitely picks you up at ungodly hours and drives around the town till the sunrise
brings you to drift races n races in general for dates cause it’s something you both enjoy.
sends you the weirdest tiktoks or videos at like 4am but scolds you when you reply and tells you to go to sleep.
likes to lay you in his lap n play with your hair, also makes you take turns so he’s in your lap and your playing with his.
could sit for hours watching you draw n animate he just finds it so amazing
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Loki teaches reader how to ice skate which helps develop their relationship from 'best friends' to something they tried to ignore at first + flufffff!!
Sorry this took so long to write! I’ve been sick with a chest cold almost all week, even on my birthday on Thursday! :(  Now that I’m feeling better I’m planning to get back to posting at least twice a week. I’m also planning on introducing a fic this week. Stay tuned. :)             
Winter Hearts
Word Count: 1, 955
Warnings: Fluff, some minor nudity.
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The other Avengers made it look easy; spinning around on the frozen pond outside the Avengers facility in up-state New York like they were ice dancers. Natasha and Bruce moved hand in around the pond; laughing and smiling at each as a gentle snow fell around them. Steve, Tony and Thor were racing; a masculine show of strength from the three of them as they shoved Wanda and Vision out of the way practically causing a pile up on the ice. But you sat on the sidelines, watching it all with an amused shake of the head from a bench near-by.
             “C’mon, Y/n!” Steve shouted, waving his arms to get you to join. You shook your head and cupped your cup of hot chocolate tighter in your gloved hands. The rest of the Avengers seemed to forget about you, except one. “Afraid of falling and making a fool of yourself?” A snide voice whispered in your ear. You nearly jumped out of your skin, and turned to glare at your tormentor. You weren’t sure why Loki seemed to have it out for you.
Sometimes Loki seemed like he was starting to like you; when the two of you were sitting side-by-side in the library at the compound reading and sharing a snack, or when the two of you (the only early risers at the compound) ate breakfast together. You had gotten Loki to try a few new Midgardian foods and expand his palette a little; a huge deal according to Thor. But then he would do something like pull a horrible prank on you in front of the other Avengers, seemingly just for the sake of try to embarrass you. He was hot, and then he was cold. Sometimes you felt like you could get whiplash from the changing of his emotions.
“I’m not afraid of falling, or ice skating. What a foolish thing to be afraid of considering I’m a damn Avenger.” You grumbled, pulling the scarf tighter around yourself with a huff and trying to ignore him. “Then why not join your friends? Clearly they want you too.” Loki moved to sit beside you, and this seemed to draw the attention of Steve who stopped mid-race with Thor and allowed the huge God to rush past him for the win. Tony shrieked ‘what are you doing?!’ at Steve in disbelief, like he’d had a bet on this race and just lost money. “I have—weak ankles.” You started, realizing how foolish that sounded. Loki actually laughed at that, out-loud. He was laughing so loudly that a few of the others stopped to look at the two of you. “You can’t lie to me, y/n. I’m a professional. I know a lie when I hear one.”
“Why don’t you go down there and race your brother or something?! You’re always trying to prove you’re better than him at things, if you’re such a whiz at ice skating go down there and prove it.” You turned to face him with fire in your eyes, your pale features turning pink and not from the cold. “I’m not going down there until you come with me.” You were trying to figure out what he was playing at, what his end game was. Sure, if you fell it would be embarrassing but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. “I didn’t bring skates.” With a snap of his fingers, your boots became ice skates. He stood, offering you a hand. When you looked up at him, clothed in Midgardian apparel which made him look even more God-like somehow, you hesitated a moment. Your eyes met his, and he lacked the harshness that was normally present. He had softened. Had you somehow missed something that had been there all along?
You took his hands, and he pulled you to your feet. The two of you carefully made your way to the pond. One of Loki’s hands wrapped around your waist, helping you onto the ice. It was clear that from the beginning that you had never done this before; but Loki seemed to be good at it and patient with you. “Don’t lift your feet. Just glide.” Loki whispered to you, moving to skate in front of you backwards, his hands clutching your gloved ones. “Aren’t you cold?” you asked, huffing and puffing and trying not to make yourself look like a fool. “Frost Giant.” He whispered so only you could hear him, an uncomfortable smile on his face. You nodded, continuing to look at your feet. You were so focused on your feet that you stumbled, Loki caught you tightly with a lightning speed. The two of you were pressed together, your hands clutching the lapels of his coat tightly and his hands gripping your hips.
The two of you stared at each other, you tilted your head up to meet his beautiful blue eyes. Snow had begun to fall again, catching in Loki’s long hair. You brushed the snow out of his hair, his eyes closed and he tilted his head into your hand. You noticed the gesture, but no one else seemed too. “Keep trying.” Loki demanded, now it was his turn for embarrassment. The two of you made another lap around the rink, and you started to become more confident. “Let me try this myself?” You asked, and Loki nodded. He watched you with pride on his features as your fear became amazement. You gained speed, you were no longer hunched over. But then you realized, you didn’t know how to stop. “Loki! I can’t stop!” you cried out, and his smile turned to look of panic as you realized you were going to crash right into him.
You expected him to be angry as you crashed him and both of you went sprawling onto the ice, you lay on top of him trying to catch your bearings. But then he laughed, he laughed heartily until tears were running down his face. For the first time, you weren’t embarrassed. You knew he hadn’t set you up to look like an ass, he had genuinely been trying to teach you something and you had learned. He had surprisingly been a good teacher. You laughed, lying on top of him. You the two of you kept laughing as you tried to get up, falling back on him but managing to catch yourself in the tangle of limbs you two had become before you shoved your cleavage right in his face. But you caught yourself hanging over his face; your long, curly hair tickling his features and providing the two of you some cover. You bent down, moving closer until your lips were almost touching his…
“Good God, y/n! Are you okay?!” Steve came rushing across the ice, helping you to your feet even though you didn’t want him too. The super solider lifted you like you weighed nothing, pulling you off the ice and checking you for bruises. Thor moved to Loki, helping him up. But the two of you kept your eyes on the other. You were more embarrassed by the fuss Steve was making over you, checking you for bruises like some sort of toddler. You were mad that he had ruined the moment, especially everyone started to retreat back inside for dinner. You suddenly realized that perhaps you had been too harsh on the God that had just taught you to ice skate, kind of. Maybe he wasn’t out to embarrass you, but maybe he was pulling you out of the bubble you trapped yourself in where you never tried to experience new things. Maybe you owed him a thank you.
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             The compound had fallen quiet. Couples disappeared for the evening after dinner, Thor and Steve were engaged in a game of Mario Kart in the main living area. But you had offered to do kitchen clean up, much to everyone’s surprise. That was because you wanted the kitchen to yourself after dinner, and you knew no one else would volunteer to help.
             You made cookies, and hot chocolate. While the cookies were in the oven you crept down the stairs to the library, which is where you were absolutely certain Loki would be. But he wasn’t. Had he gone to bed already?! You glanced at the clock, it was only eight. Surely he couldn’t be sleeping. You put the sugar cookies onto a plate, pouring two mugs of homemade hot chocolate and managed to sneak out of the kitchen before anyone was drawn to the smell of your baking. You rushed to Loki’s room as fast as you could with two mugs of hot chocolate on your tray. But as you approached Loki’s door you saw Steve going to his room. Knowing he would stop you from going in there, explaining to you that Loki was “bad news” and that you didn’t truly know him, you just pushed yourself inside without knocking or announcing your entrance. You hoped he wasn’t naked or something, but maybe that was a lie.
             You spun around, tray in hands, and found Loki lying in bed with a book in his hand. He cocked a dark eyebrow, not shouting at you to get out so you considered that a small victory. “Y/n. Are you breaking and entering? With baked goods?” he asked, a grin lighting up his features as he marked his spot in the book. “I just wanted to say thank you for today. For pulling me outside of my comfort zone, which I seem to be very bad at.” You took a few more steps into the room, placing the tray on his nightstand. “So I, uh- baked for you. I noticed you liked sweets.”
             You turned to go, your door on the handle. “Wait!” Loki called out quickly. “You brought two mugs of hot chocolate. I can’t drink both of these myself.” He stood from the bed, and for the first time you noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He was wearing pajama pants that hung low on his well-defined hips and gave you a view of his sculpted abs. You were silent, staring at him without discretion. “See something you like?” Loki asked, amusement in his features. You decided to live outside your comfort zone again, as it seemed to work this afternoon. “I did, I do. This afternoon I had a really good time with you. I’m sorry we got interrupted.”
             Loki was shocked by your honesty. “That’s why I came back, I thought maybe I was blind to something. Maybe I had missed something. Maybe I didn’t.” The look on his face made you uncomfortable, and you started to rethink this whole plan. “You did miss something, y/n. You missed the fact that I am unequivocally in love with you. I’ve been trying to get your attention for months. I’m glad you finally noticed.” He caught your chin, pressing his lips to yours. His hands moved to your waist, and his kiss felt like coming home, like slipping into warm bath water. When he pulled back, you stared at him in disbelief. This handsome God had feelings for you, he said he loved you. How? “Why didn’t you just tell me?” You asked with a laugh. He caught your hand, leading you to his bed. “Even those with winter hearts fear rejection, Sweetheart.”
             You cuddled up next to him on the comfortable silk sheets. He offered you a cup, and a cookie. He hummed in appreciation, picking the book back up and reading to you. You realized he was reading Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. You listened to his voice, lulling you in comfort as you leaned against your head against his shoulder. You should’ve stepped out of your comfort zone long before now.
Please consider supporting the starving artist/social worker if you’re able. :)
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cuddlepilefics · 4 years
6. Ice Skating
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Felix
Caregiver: Stray Kids
 Felix POV.:
Stray Kids were shooting some seasonal footage to add to our christmas album Package. Having lived in Australia for most of my life, I wasn't familiar with wintersports and was really excited for today. That is because today our group will go ice skating. Sure, I was a bit nervous too but it can't be too different from rollerblading. At least that’s what I hoped because I really didn’t want to make a fool out of myself. The company had rented an entire ice rink for our shooting today, so we’d have lots of space. When I had admitted last night that I have never stood on blades before, my members got really excited and wanted to teach me, so let’s see how this will go.
When we arrived at the rink, wrapped warmly in thick jackets, everyone was bouncing happily. There was a small locker-room, where we changed our shoes to ice skates and put on thick gloves to both keep us warm and to protect our hands. Minho and Jisung had finished lacing their skates first and were already on the ice racing each other. Hyunjin soon joining them, all of the yelling loudly while tagging each other. I wasn’t sure whether I had laced my skates either too tight or too loose, the feeling foreign around my ankles. I was the last to waddle up to the barrier, the others were all already on the ice. When they saw me, Chan and Jeongin skated over to me, stopping at the barrier. Both wore bright smiles, clearly enjoying themselves. Being a bit anxious, I grabbed the barrier with shaky hands before placing the first skate onto the ice. It was nothing like expected, the surface being more slippery than rollerblades on pavement. Chan laughed at my shocked expression and I stepped onto the ice fully. Clutching the barrier, I was fighting to keep my balance with Jeongin holding me by my arm. How could they all move around here seemingly so natural?
A few minutes later, I was skating between Chan and Jeongin, our arms linked, so they could keep me from falling. I felt like a young fawn, not in control of my own legs, while my friends steadied me. We slowly circled the others till Chan was confident I had found my ice-legs, so I tried taking a few wobbly strides myself with the others lingering around closely. Seeing me getting steadier with each stride I took the others relaxed Chan giving me some space to practice for myself while cheering me on. I looked over my shoulder grinning back at him proudly, yeah that was too early, as a second later I slipped, crashing to the ground ungracefully. “I’m fine, I’m fine”, I exclaimed loudly, laughing while struggling back to my feet only to fall again. By now everyone was laughing along with me and Changbin and Chan pulled me back up, steadying me till I had my balance back. While Chan went off to race Jisung for making a teasing comment, Changbin held onto my waist, pushing me in a wide circle around the rink. When I felt confident in my legs enough, I took one of his gloved hands off my waist, pulling him next to me so we could continue side by side.
The more time passed, the steadier I got and though I kept slipping and falling often, especially in the beginning, I always laughed it off. After a while, my jeans were pretty soaked but being physically active, I didn’t feel cold. None of us did and we soon took our jackets off to skate in the sweatshirts we wore underneath them. I didn’t expect there’d be a difference but it was much easier to skate without a jacket, simply because there was nothing constricting my movement anymore. Feeling confident, I tagged Changbin before skating away. He followed me, always keeping a small distance between us. I knew he could go faster because I had seen him chase Minho earlier but he made it seem like I had an honest chance of getting away. While we sped past Seungmin, Changbin tapped his shoulder instead and we were suddenly both fleeing from the younger. Soon the entire group was caught up in the game and I realized how much fun ice skating actually is. I could now fully understand why everyone else got so excited when it was announced yesterday.
My mistake may have been being overly confident because I was just skating at a very high speed when I slipped. All I could do to keep from kissing the ice was to bring my hands up in front of me. A sharp pain shooting through my right wrist upon impact. Hyunjin who was closest to me breaking into giggles since the last dozen times I fell I had laughed too. He stopped immediately though when he noticed the tears that had shot to my eyes. Cursing he sped over kneeling next to me. I was hugging my arm close to my chest, the pain not easing in the slightest. From my position he figured where I has hurt and with the help of Chan, they pulled me up by the armpits, supporting me so I wouldn’t fall again. “Hey, you’re ok. We’ll get you off the ice and then we’ll check your hand, ok?”, Chan tried to calm me down and I nodded, sobbing quietly in pain while they carefully pushed me to the opening in the barrier. Everyone else had stopped dead in their tracks, skating up to the barrier when I had exited and watched concerned as Chan sat me down on a bench nearby. Looking at my hand was easier said than done since every time he tugged at my glove, no matter how gently, I cried out in pain. I bit my lip so hard I almost drew blood till we finally had the glove off. It didn’t look too bad. My wrist was slightly swollen but looked fine otherwise. I slowly calmed down, despite my wrist still hurting badly. Hyunjin picked up my jacket, laying it across my shoulders so I wouldn’t catch a cold from sitting in the cold temperature with soaking wet clothes. I thanked him, drying my eyes with my left hand, allowing my right hand to just lay in my lap uselessly.
Chan decided to sit out with me for a while asking the others to just continue without us, so we’d have enough video footage. I couldn’t move my wristed at all and having stopped moving around, I had started to feel really cold, despite the jacket around my shoulders. One of the staff members came over, handing me a plastic cup filled with hot tea from a thermos they had taken along. I thanked them, holding onto the warm cup with my left hand, allowing it to warm my fingers before tanking a small sip to warm me from the inside too. Shaking I leaned into Chan’s side, looking down onto my hands, noticing how large blueish bruises were appearing on my right wrist. “Lix, I know you don’t really like hospitals but I think your wrist should get looked at”, he said calmly, wrapping one arm around my shoulders as I tensed. He was right, I hated hospitals. “It’s ok, relax. They’ll only look at it, probably take x-rays to see what’s wrong. Nothing bad”, he shushed me. “Hyung, please no. Please don’t make me go to hospital”, I whimpered, ignoring how Chan made eye-contact with one of our managers who stood close-by, watching but giving us some space for me to calm down. He came over, crouching in front of the bench: “Felix-ah, your hyung is right. A doctor should look at this. You want it to stop hurting, don’t you?” Yeah, I wanted it to stop hurting but I didn’t want to go to hospital. We were pretty close to our managers and I trusted him, I trusted Chan-hyung even more and I knew they were probably right but I really didn’t want to go. “Lixxie, listen, they aren’t going to keep you. You’ll be back home with us in a few hours and the pain will be a lot better, if not gone completely by then”, Chan encouraged me. After promising we’d all have hot chocolate when I came home I agreed to let our manager take me to the hospital, although I was upset that Chan couldn’t come with me. He had to continue shooting with the others so the footage could be edited to cover up that I was only there for half of the time.
~time skip~
My visit at the hospital had taken hours and it was already dark outside when our manager guided me to the car waiting for us in the parking lot. Yes, I had hated being there but no, I guess looking back now, there wasn’t really a reason to be afraid. The x-rays had shown a fracture in my wrist and my arm was put in a cast from my elbow to the start of my fingers. All the waiting had tired me out and I was hungry, as not to say starving, because I had missed lunch. I hoped the others would have dinner ready when I came back but I couldn’t text them because I had yet to practice how to use my phone with my dominant hand in a cast.
I was dropped off at the dorm and knocked on the door. It opened not soon after revealing a squealing Hyunjin who quickly pulled me into a tight hug. “Guys, we have our sunshine back. The doctors didn’t eat him”, he yelled happily closing the door behind he. I couldn’t help but giggle at the excited welcome I received. The others were to follow suit, hugging me and I looked up at Chan who was standing a bit back, smiling and waiting for the others to finally let go of me before wrapping me in a comforting hug himself. The manager had already texted and informed him about the x-ray results so he wasn’t too fazed by my cast. “No, the doctors didn’t eat me but talking of eating, I’m starving”, I chuckled. “What about dinner first, then hot chocolate and a movie? Who’s in?”, Chan asked, remembering the promise he made earlier. There were sounds of approval and Minho and Seungmin went to the kitchen first to start getting dinner ready. “Oh, Felix, can I draw something on your cast later?”, Jisung gave me puppy eyes and I laughed. “Could all of you draw something? Doesn’t have to be big”, I asked looking up hopefully at my group gathering around the table. “Sure thing, Lix”, Chan chuckled and the others agreed.
For dinner we had fried dumplings, basically leftover dumplings from yesterday fried. Sitting down at the table I noticed a problem that I hadn’t thought about till now. My dominant hand was in a cast. Sighing I tried to grab the chopsticks with my left hand but before I could even make a move to pick up a dumpling, they fell, clattering onto my plate. I blushed before picking them up and laying them next to my plate. There was no way I could use them. I just wanted to get up to retrieve a fork from the kitchen when a dumpling appeared right in front of my face. I stared at it stunned. “Lix, it’s not an ufo, open up!”, Changbin who sat next to me laughed. I blushed even harder, opening my mouth and allowing him to feed me. If I hadn’t been embarrassed before, the squeals from the other side of the table made me hide my face behind my arms. I only dared to look back up after I had swallowed and gave Changbin a grateful smile. He winked at me before putting a dumpling in to his own mouth and I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning away from Changbin, I looked to my other side and at the maknae’s cute face. He had picked up one of the dumplings from my plate holding it up to my lips with his chopsticks. I grinned at him happily before taking it.
That’s how we continued eating, Changbin and Jeongin taking turns feeding me and themselves. There were occasional coos from the other members and I was about 90 percent certain there were also some pictures taken but I didn’t really care. I was hungry and letting my friends feed me was certainly easier than struggling with whatever cutlery I chose. Besides, I found it cute too, how they cared for me.
When the table was cleared, it was Hyunjin’s and Jeongin’s turn to watch the dishes and they complied with Chan next to them, preparing some hot chocolate for everyone. Jisung had immediately run off to his room to grab some markers, while I tapped Changbin’s arm. “H-Hyung, this is embarrassing but I’m still wearing my dirty clothes from skating earlier and I-I don’t think I can change that easily”, I mumbled staring at the ground, my face heating up. He had the decency to not laugh at me, seeing that I was really uncomfortable, having to ask for help with this. Instead he just guided me back to my room where I found a small reindeer plushie sitting on my bed and let me pick out what I wanted to wear. I chose sweatpants and gave him puppy eyes to let me borrow one of his hoodies. It wasn’t even much help I needed, he just had to pull the hoodie over my cast and pull it into the right position because it was hanging a bit to one side. The plushie was a get-better-soon gift my members had picked up on their way home to cheer me up and I carried it around me for the rest of the evening.
Jisung was already waiting for us in the living room, colored markers laid out on the coffee table. I sat down next to him holding out my arm for him to start drawing. He drew a cute squirrel in a Christmas hat holding an acorn onto the back of my hand, signing next to it. Afterwards the others all took turns drawing something and writing their name next to it. Hyunjin had turned on a Christmas playlist letting the music play softly in the background till everyone was done and we could settle down for a movie. Minho drew a Christmas tree, Changbin a red ornament, Hyunjin a snowman, Seungmin drew some snowflakes and Jeongin drew a reindeer face with a bright red nose. When Chan called that the hot chocolate was ready, they set us up in the living room, turning off the music and starting the movie The Polar Express instead. Having seen the movie a dozen times, Chan didn’t pay it much attention but rather picked up a marker and gently took my arm into his hand. I didn’t pay attention to the movie either, studying his face as he focused on what he was drawing. Looking down when he was done, I found an adorable little penguin holding a heart, smiling at him before cuddling into my hyungs side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we went back to watching the movie, sipping our hot chocolate and enjoying some quiet time with all members.
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sabraeal · 4 years
The Daisy Chain, Chapter 8
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
At long last, the end of this series! AO3 informs me that the last update was in December 2017, so uh....enjoy. This was written for @puffdragongirl for her birthday, which is TODAY because I am an adult who can totally finish things on time. Just...ignore that this fic has only needed one more chapter for two and a half years.
The room is dark when she slips through, silent save for the sound of Obi’s breath, thick and heavy with sleep. Shirayuki sets her back to the door, guiding it shut softly, the latch engaging with a sharp click.
It’s just how she left it: his coat slung over the back of his chair, the spray of paperwork across his desk, the soft glow of the stone on the bedside table; how it looks every night she’s snuck in to steal his warmth.
Save for the clothes strewn by the beside, of course, shucked as quick as corn at a husking, and the bare body sprawled beneath the sheets.
A hand claps to her cheeks, burning. She hadn’t meant for this to happen, hadn’t even thought it could, but--
Her eyes adjust, enough so that she can trace the sharp lines of his face in the darkness. Her heart clenches, overwhelmed with fondness, and she cannot hold back her smile. Shirayuki may not have meant for it to happen, but she’s glad it did.
His robe slides from her shoulders, joining his jacket on the chair. Cold air stings her skin, and before she can give a single shiver, she slips beneath the covers, pressing her body tight against his. He’s warm under her hands, bare-chested beneath the cocoon of covers. She would never dare, not even in summer, but Obi is a furnace; only seconds beside him and she’s warm from head to toe. By morning she’ll be a sweaty mess, and--
And that could be from an entirely different reason than she’s used to.
Shirayuki raises herself onto her elbow, watching his chest rise and fall beneath her hand. She knows this rhythm well, the long lull of his sleep; it’s been her constant companion these past few years, the last thing she heard before her dreams pulled her under. To think, for so long she fooled herself, believing that she could sleep as easy with another’s.
He sighs, head tilting on his pillow. The lines of his face are slack, unwary, his breath steady and slow. Perfectly peaceful in this place.
Her mouth rounds into a faint smile. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
His breath stutters, and she smothers a smirk. As if she couldn’t tell he was faking after all these years.
His nose wrinkles, eyes screwing shut. “I see Master is telling my secrets now.”
Her hand cups him, his cheek stubbled against her palm. With no hesitation, he leans into it, nose nuzzling down its hatched lines, the heat of his breath skating down her wrist. “Obi.”
He sighs, eyes slitting open to reveal a sliver of gold behind the cage of his eyelashes. “You weren’t supposed to know.”
He rolls up onto his side, lips brushing the base of her palm, sending sparks down her skin. “Not ever.”
Her mouth slants wryly. “So much for that.”
A laugh rumbles up from his chest, muffled by her palm. “Well, I wasn’t the one who told you.”
Obi blinks, eyes wide and gleaming like coins. “I...” His fingers clench in the sheets between them. “I didn’t want you to act any differently. Or...or make you feel that you had to-- to--”
“Love you?”
“Pity me.” His fingers wrap around her wrist, slowly stroking down to her elbow. “I consider myself a pragmatist, after all.”
“Obi.” She rests her forehead against his. “No more secrets.”
His chest trembles beneath her palm. “But how will I maintain my reputation as a man of mystery?”
She shakes her head-- or rather, rolls it along his forehead, noses brushing at the tip. “Have your secrets, then. Just not from me.”
His breath leaves him on a sigh, body relaxing under her touch. “I could live with that.”
“Good.” Shirayuki tilts her head, their noses parting as she closes that last breath of space between them.
A sparks courses through her at the touch, catching the tinder in her belly. It smolders, each brush of his lips against hers fanning the flame, threatening a blaze. Her fingers clench at his shoulder, and his answering moan makes her wonder if they could close the gulf between their bodies and start again, picking up where they left off--
“Are you all right?” he breathes, putting a healthy, finger-width of space between them. “Are you sure that we--?”
“Yes,” she murmurs, chasing his mouth, feeling that sweet rush of victory before he pulls himself back again.
This time, it’s further, and when she opens her eyes, an incredulous arch of an eyebrow waiting for her.
“No,” she admits, bowing her head against his shoulder. “I mean, yes to-- to wanting. But I’m not...” She bites her lip. “It was never going to be an easy conversation.”
His mouth curves mischievously in the dark. “It could have been easier.”
“I...I don’t think so.” His gaze is dubious when she leans back to meet it. “I could have been better prepared, and I could have, ah...avoided this sort of confrontation, but--” her fingers tips idly on his skin as she gathers her thoughts-- “this was never going to be...clean.”
He hums, unconvinced. “If you needed this conversation at all.”
“I did. We did.” She lets out a huff; if only words came as easily as kisses did when she was with him. “I think...I think I knew-- I knew when you said I couldn’t-- that a princess couldn’t work beside a common boy.”
“Ah, Miss!” He jolts away from her, as if her touch scalds. “You shouldn’t have listened to me. I only--”
“No.” Her hand cradles his cheek, and she leans in, rubbing noses together once more. “You were right. I just wasn’t ready to hear it. And when he asked for my hair, and you told me to tell him to come get it himself, I--” her breath catches in her throat-- “I knew he wouldn’t come.”
“Well,” Obi drawls, mouth rucking up shadows. “Looks like you missed the mark on that one.”
“That only makes it worse. He only came to collect, not to-- to--” she sighs, shaking her head-- “not to see me. This isn’t the way I wanted to start the conversation but...”
She worries her lip, choosing her words carefully before saying, “If this hadn’t happened, I’m not sure I ever would have had the courage to walk away.”
“Well,” Obi laughs after a long moment, teeth flashing white in the dark. “If you’d wanted to leave so badly, all you had to do was as--”
Her hand pushes at his chest, playful. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I know, I know.”
“It’s only...” She curls in closer to him, her feet pressing against his shins. “It’s so much easier to do something when it isn’t just for yourself.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” He catches her hand, pressing it flat against his breast. “Before I met you, I did everything just for myself. Wasn’t too hard.”
Beneath her palm, his heart beats slow and steady, as faithful as Obi himself. “And now?”
His thumb strokes down the long bone of her hand. “And now I have so much more to lose.”
“No.” It’s little more than a breath, her fingers curling into his hair. “You have so much more to live for.”
His lips curve, entirely too inviting. “That’s splitting hairs, Miss.”
“You know,” she manages, eyes fixed on the full bow of his mouth, “I liked it better when you called me by my name.”
His breath stutters in his chest, his heart racing just beneath her palm. “Ah, but did you really like that, or just what I was doing while I used it?”
Heat pounds through her as she remembers the way his hands had gripped her thighs, how they had felt wrapped around him, how he had felt as he moved deep withing her--
“Can I say both?”
One of those hands grips her now, firm against the round of her seat, and drags her hip-to-hip. “You won’t hear any objection from me.”
Ah, yes, it certainly-- certainly doesn’t feel like he has any objection. Or, um, clothes.
Her cheeks flare unbearably hot, but she’s never been one to back away from a challenge-- or such a welcome invitation.
“We were interrupted before.” Her hand snakes from his chest to his shoulder, and oh, it would be so much easier if she was the sort of girl who was used to this, to asking for things, but-- “We shouldn’t leave things unfinished.”
She expects his mouth to tilt, for a wicked smile to spread across his lips as he slides her impossibly close, the heat of his breath skating across her skin, but--
But instead he only pulls back, concern furrowing his brow. “You didn’t--?”
“You didn’t,” she breathes, palm smoothing down his side. “Don’t you want to?”
“I--” The excuse dies on his lips, swept away by the slow brush of hers. He groans into her mouth, fingers digging hard into her thigh. “Ahh, Shirayuki, you--”
“Mm,” she hums, pressing closer, mouth tucked against his neck, his pulse thrumming against her lips. “I like the way you say it.”
“Haah?” he manages, hips canting towards her as her fingers trace over the curved bone of it. “What do you--?”
“My name.” He hisses as the words form against his skin, head tilting back. “I like the way it sounds when you say it.”
Her hand drops those last inches, wrapping around the hard length of his cock. He jumps under her touch.
She hadn’t touched it the last time; between the way his fingers had felt and the urgent need to have him inside her, she hadn’t even thought to try. But now its heavy weight is in her palm, both solid and soft. The skin is like nothing she’s ever felt-- well, at least not with her hands-- smooth and stretched tight over the firm flesh beneath. She knows it’s not bone, that it’s only vascularized tissue filled to the brim, but it’s hard enough that--
“Shirayuki,” he pants, forehead resting on hers. She blinks up at him, confused, until she realizes her hands have moved on their own, tracing along the bulging vessel on its underside, and--
And that’s working for him. Curious.
“Shirayuki,” he tries again, fingers gripping so hard they could bruise. “You don’t have to--”
His voice is lost, falling into a guttural groan as she finally moves, stroking her hand down the length of him. Heat pools between her legs at the sound of it, at the way his hips jerk between each stroke, chasing her touch.
She hooks a calf around his thigh, steadying herself. “I want to.”
His head tips back, exposing the tender skin of his neck, and Shirayuki knows an invitation when she sees one. Her mouth finds a ridge of bone, suckling at the flesh there, drawing out the most intriguing sounds from his throat.
“Shirayuki.” He’s panting, painfully hard in her hand, but still he manages, “I don’t want you feel like you have to-- that I have to--”
Her teeth nibble at the bone. He curves into her with a moan, hands clutching at her, dragging blunted nails down her back.
“I don’t,” she breathes, pulling away far enough to see how his pupils are blown, only that thin wire of gold remaining around the eclipse of his eyes. “I want to make you feel good. As good as you felt in me.”
He lets out a shaky laugh, hips bucking against hers as her hand slides along his cock, steady and sure. It’s-- it’s sticky now, some sort of liquid pearling at the slit on its head, but she isn’t disgusted, not in the slightest. Oh no, she smears her palm over it, rubbing it down his shaft, and is rewarded with another moaning laugh.
“If you keep talking like that, none of this is going to last very long,” he warns, words pulled taffy long as he thrusts into her hand.
Her pace stutters. “Do you need it to?”
Six years she’s worked in the clinic, solving every issue from bee stings to pleurisy, but none of them help her here, not when she is feeling as far from clinical as Wilant is from Wistal. She knows the mechanics, how to insert a round peg into a round hole, but these finer details can only be found in a library called experience, a place she has never been.
“Is that better for you?” she worries. “Should I go slower?”
His breath gasps against her shoulder, fingers bushing mindlessly down her back as she lingers on every stroke.
“Anything is good,” he croaks, “just as long as you don’t stop.”
The ache is voice is answered between her legs, pulsing at every hitched breath, at every lost word. But this isn’t about her; it’s about the guttural noises wrenched from his throat, about the way his hands can’t seem to pull her close enough, about the hot breath panting against her neck. It’s about how he took care of her before, laying her back and taking her so sweet, so gentle, and leaving nothing but pleasure behind. He took care of her, and now it’s time for her to take care of him too.
She wants this to last, to bring him to the same dizzying heights as he had brought her, to watch him shatter as he comes--
But oh, her arms are tired. They never mention this in any of Yuzuri’s novels.
“Something wrong?” he grunts, head lifting from the mattress. It’s only then that she realizes she’s slowed, her movement jerky, and-- and--
Well, she can’t imagine it feels good.
“My arm is tired,” she admits, heat flaring over cheeks. He lays a kiss there, muffling a laugh. “I’m not used to this sort of, ah...exercise.”
“Oh,” he croons, finger tracing along her burning triceps. “Your poor scholarly muscles aren’t used to this kind of abuse?”
“No, they aren’t.” She sighs, giving her hand a disappointed glare. “Is there anything else I can do?”
His mouth rounds into a wicked curve. “Oh, I could think of one or two things...”
“Oh!” She blinks. “What is it?”
He laughs, shaking his head, and waves her hands away. “You’re too easy, Miss. And it’s fine, I can finish this. After all, I’ve been doing this myself since--”
He stares at her, and she stares back, just as surprised. “I mean, I want to.” She lets out a shaky breath, tracing his vein with her finger. “I want it to be me.”
Obi groans, loud and long. “Alright,” he murmurs, reaching for her. “Alright.”
With no warning at all her word tilts, settling only when she’s on her back, Obi hovering above her. He parts her legs, and oh, the wetness between them floods out, coating the tops of her thighs. She hadn’t known-- hadn’t thought--
His hips settle against her, his cock pressing into her belly, and-- and she knows the moment he feels her, feels how wet he’s made her, because he rounds over, mouth open against the collar of her nightgown, and moans.
“Shirayuki,” he gasps. “Shirayuki, please-- aahh.”
Her hand finds him again, wrapping around his cock, and her other follows, until every inch of him is covered, and the sound he makes when she moves is--
Is short lived.
His mouth presses hard against hers, no longer those hesitant, gentle brushes, but instead tangled tongues and sharp teeth. Her heart pounds, but it’s not the rabbit tattoo fear, but the ravenous drumming of a larger beast, one hand raising not to push him away, but draw him closer.
Her nails drag down his scalp, urging him to take more, to nip at her lips and lick her teeth, and he does, he does, but-- but his hips rock into hers, the base of his cock hitting her just where she needs it, just where she’s been dying for attention, and she whimpers.
He stills against her, and when she opens her eyes-- ah, when did she even close those?-- he’s staring down, jaw slack and eyes dark, and--
And then his hands are on her, one buried in her hair, holding her to his mouth, and the other palming her ass, holding her steady as he grinds into her, keeping pace with how she works him, driving her ever faster, rougher, until she can hear the wet slap of him between her legs and--
And it isn’t fair. This is for him, just for him, and all she can think is how good he felt in her, how good he would feel in her if only he wanted it--
“Shirayuki,” he whimpers, pulling at her lips. “Please, please...”
“Obi.” His name is little more than a whine. “Obi, you have to-- you have to tell me what you want.”
His head shakes buried in her shoulder now, sweat dripping onto her skin. “I can’t, I can’t.”
“Please.” She tangles her fingers in the bristle of his hair, tugging him back until he meets her eyes, desperation plain. “I want to make you feel good.”
His eyes flutter shut, a blush spread across his cheeks, his chest, and all he manages is, “Yes.”
“I want to make you feel good,” she tries again, but oh, his hips are so distracting-- “But I need you to tell me how.”
He groans. “I want--” a hiss breaks through his teeth as she rubs her palm over his head-- “I want to be inside you.”
Her jaw drops. “Oh.”
“Ah, no.” He lets out a pained laugh. “We don’t-- you don’t--”
“No--” her hands drop from him to tangle in the hem of her nightgown-- “please--” she drags it over her head, thighs opening wide for him-- “please put your cock in me.”
He stills above her, jaw slack. “Oh,” he manages. “Alright. Yes.”
She’s still sore from the first time, but she’s so wet he hardly has to do more than push and he’s seated in her. It’s an odd sensation, different than the last, as if she’s tight and worn at the same time, raw and still wanting. He thrusts, breath hissing between his teeth, and oh, yes, that’s what she’s wanted since he pulled from her that first time, to feel him in her again, right where he belongs.
“Fuck,” he murmurs, and then he’s lifting her hips, tilting her just the way she needs for him to be deep inside her, hitting her in a way that’s so perfect, too perfect, he is perfect-- “Fuck, you can’t just-- you can’t tell me that if you want-- If I’m supposed to--”
Oh, she hadn’t...she hadn’t known she was saying that all out loud.
“I want you,” she tells him, little more than a whisper in his ear, rolling in to meet each of his thrusts, her body humming with that elusive static, building with each thrust of his cock in her. “Please, I want you.”
“Haah.” He nips at her collarbone. “You feel much too good for talk like that.”
She grunts, confused, and he presses a sweet kiss to her lips, at odds with the desperate way he’s rolling into her. “If you keep talking like that,” he tells her with a laugh, “I’ll come.”
Something deep within her clenches, and they both moan. “I want you to come,” she tells him. “I want it--”
“Ha-haah,” he puffs, fist clenching in the sheets. “Good, because I-- I can’t-- I’ll pull--”
“No.” Her thighs squeeze tight around his hips, keeping him buried in her, allowing him only the space to keep his rhythm. “Don’t you dare leave me.”
His eyes pulse wide. “But I could-- you might--?”
Words fail him, and he just lays a hand on her stomach, and she knows with a clench of her heart which ones they were, which future he didn’t dare bring into the space between them.
Her hand lays over his even as her hips goad him on. “That wouldn’t-- it wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
“Shirayuki,” he manages, bare moments before he crushes her to him, pumping into her with abandon, saying the most wonderful things in her ear--
And then it’s over, his large body dropping limply over hers, their sweat mingling with their skin.
“Ah.” He rolls to his side, freeing her from his weight. Strangely, she misses it. “You didn’t manage it that time, did you?”
The heat is almost unbearable now that he mentions it, and she squirms against him. “I’m fine. I don’t need to—to come again.”
He gets a wicked look on his face. “Oh, no. This is an easy fix, Miss.”
He kisses his way down her body, and by the time he puts his lips against her cunt she—
“Well,” he laughs when he ears have stopped ringing. “Clearly we have a lot of lost time to make up for.”
Her limbs are limp, languid. “Later,” she promises as he settles beside her. “In the morning.”
His eyes widen even as hers close. “Yeah,” he murmurs as sleep pulls her under. “In the morning.”
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