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sambhavconsultants · 3 months ago
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Every graphic designer’s story, perfectly illustrated.✒
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zoofsoftware · 7 months ago
Client: Ye design toh me 1 ghante me bana deta
Le Designer….😅😅
Tag and Share With Your Designers, Friends, and Colleagues. 😂😂
🚀 Embark on a journey with us where laughter, challenges, and countless successes await!
Together, we'll conquer every obstacle and celebrate every victory. Don’t miss the excitement—let’s make this adventure unforgettable! 🌟 . . .
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cindylacolla · 2 years ago
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I did it. I did a design in a day. We'll call this finished! I didn't agonize over colors, I just painted on my ipad and tried to enjoy it as my kids were demanding my attention after they got bored with the 3 activities I had lined up in order to get this time. Well, I did the plate mockup the next day, but this is progress. I love designing, but I would like to spend more time outdoors this year, swimming and hiking and going on adventures with my kids, getting inspiration on what to draw... and I can spend a couple hours less on whether this plate background should be blue or green (you think green??). And before I agonize over what else to write, I'm going to hit post. . . . . . #colorchoices #designstruggles #artinaday #procreate #ipaddesign #cynlaartlicensing #cynlapatterns #artlicensing #patterndesign #surfacedesign #patternsallday #color #floral #flowerplate #homedecor (at New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBIhXQP8Nx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbgardenknitwear · 3 years ago
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Now that we have summer in this hemisphere a lot of beautiful Seaborn Tees pop up in my feed lately! #seabornTee Yay! 🙌 You might not know this, but Seaborn is a very special design to me as it is the only one of my designs that I sold enough copies of, to the cover the costs that I had making the pattern. I think most people would be surprised how much money designers like me need to spend to get a pattern released. Obviously we need to buy the yarn, but on top of that we need to pay for our own websites and pay fees on websites like Ravelry or Etsy. When we make a sale via Paypal then there is a fee too. Then of course we pay our talented tech editors who help us to make our patterns the best that they can be. Some of us sometimes work together with photographers to put our work into the best light. As you know how much yarn can cost, you can probably imagine that making a sweater pattern is not cheap at all. And that of course means that we only ever start to make a profit after we sold enough copies to cover our expenses - at least if we do not count our own working hours. From all my 28 self-published patterns that are available right now, the Seaborn Tee is the only one for which all expenses are covered! Of course that is super exciting for me! 🥳 So today I wanted to thank you for loving the Seaborn Tee as much as you do! It means everything to me! ❤ I think this is the perfect entry for this week's #favoriteFoFriday 🧶 Have a lovely weekend everyone! 🤗 #knitweardesignersofinstagram #myexperienceasaknitweardesigner #knitting #knitweardesigner #knitweardesigneratwork #troublesofknitweardesign #herbgardenknitwear #designing #designingtruth #designstruggles #designingknitwear #knitweardesignerlife #patternwriting #knitterforlife #knittersofınstagram #knitknitknit #knit #knitknit #knitstagram #summertop https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg4Qf4zI-9p/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tinybrownbird · 7 years ago
What was stressful for you today?
I feel this is a good place to ask, since you apparently chose to release that stress on tumblr.
Mine was trying to find a good place for a picture on a page where half of it are footnotes. #designstruggle
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isigzz · 8 years ago
When you're building a saddle stitch book and you're short 2 pages. 😫 I don't want to add anything elseeeee!!! #graphicdesign #designstruggle
via Facebook
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inkwingart · 8 years ago
#designstruggles is hunting for a typeface just to find numerals that look good.
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zoofsoftware · 7 months ago
Pov: Graphics designer after some time many changes 😁 Tag and Share With Your Graphic Designers, Friends, and Colleagues. 😂😂 🚀 Embark on a journey with us where laughter, challenges, and countless successes await! Together, we'll conquer every obstacle and celebrate every victory. Don’t miss out on the excitement—let’s make this adventure unforgettable! 🌟 . . .
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herbgardenknitwear · 3 years ago
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This week I got to spend the most wonderful evening with three lovely and inspiring women, amongst them my talented tech editor Frauke @urbanyarning 🧶 Everyone in the group has a passion for knitting. I felt surrounded by friends immediatly, even though Frauke was the only one I had met before. We talked about how difficult it is to find a way to make a living - or even just a little money on the side - out of the one thing that you love and how one is still struggling even after several years. This platform enables us to see pictures from lovely knitters and designers from all over the world. And even though that is exacly what I love about it, I must also admit that there are times when I feel very intimidated and unable to keep up. I published my first pattern in December 2019 and since then released about one pattern per month. Even though I put A LOT of work into each and every pattern, I am still not selling enough copies to even cover the costs I had making them (my own working hours not included). In other words, I am actually spending money to be able to publish patterns. And to be honest, it is absolutely frustrating. Why am I telling you this? Because I noticed how much strength and hope the mentioned evening gave me. While everything seems bright and shiny on the internet, I sometimes forget that there are people out there who are in a similar situation, who understand my fears and who work and fight for their dreams just as much as I do. I am - and you are - not alone in this! Sometimes things can be tough, but we have this lovely community of knitters and fiber lovers to support us. If you ever like to chat, my inbox is open. Drop me a message. It is most likely that we made similar experiences and can help each other by sharing our hopes and worries. Thanks for the wonderful evening, Ladies! 💕 Warm regards Hanna ______ pattern: Vivyen Sweater #vivyenSweater #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinessowners #smallbusinessstruggles #designstruggles #knitweardesigner #knittingsupport #knittingcommunity #knittersarethebestpeople #knittersarethebest #herbgardenknitwear #knittingthoughts #dontknitalone #knitterfriends #knit https://www.instagram.com/p/CcV2cTIontQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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inspirationbrew · 11 years ago
My Fox Design Challenge Experience
Last week, our MiD program took part in the Fox Design Challenge. This year, the theme was "talking trash." This sounded like a great opportunity for me because I am bothered by the level of trash in Philly and I sometimes wonder why some people simply don't care about where they throw or leave their trash. At the challenge, we were put in groups that were made up of students from different disciplines so my group was pretty diverse.
Right off the bat, we started sharing what we had learned from our own personal research about trash and all of a sudden ideas started getting tossed back and forth all around the table. No one was recording any of their ideas though someone had passed out post-it notes and writing materials were right before us. After posting some ideas myself and suggesting several times that people record their ideas, others finally started to do so and post them on our board. My team had some interesting ideas and somehow, we started to lean towards incorporating all these ideas into one final product. It seemed like everyone wanted a tangible product, even the idea of an app was quickly eliminated.
I personally felt uneasy. After saying I was an industrial designer, there was already an expectation from me and the graphic designer to make an attractive product. Later on I felt inclined to re-explain what I do. I can imagine myself immediately jumping on the idea of designing a product if I still had a traditional industrial design mindset but since being in Uarts Mid program, that mindset has changed. There is nothing wrong with designing a product but I wanted us to start from the root of the problem and ask why people litter in the first place. In my opinion if we had started with taking a stab at understanding and seeing how to possibly change the way people think, we would probably not have needed a new product. I just felt like we jumped on the idea of a product being the solution too quickly.
Our final idea was a trash can. Not just any trash can but one that was "sexy." It was animated, solar powered, it gave rewards to people and no one had to touch it. On a more serious note, our driving points were that no one likes to touch something that contains trash so people don't always put away their trash in the Bigbelly trashcans that re all over Philadelphia, people do not know what to recycle or not, people do not realize how they personally affect the environment by littering and people like rewards. Our final product, iCan, was not only a trashcan, it was a movement (we did put a lot of emphasis on the trashcan though). The idea of iCan is a better version of the Bigbellys and the Unlitter Us movement because it focuses on making people more aware, educating them and using role models and celebrities to reach the community. The iCan trashcan was able to encourage people to not litter by giving them positive reinforcement such as thanking them for caring for their environment and by randomly giving rewards/vouchers to people who throw away their trash.
As for team effort, my team worked really well together especially in putting together a presentation. One of the guys on my team was really good at helping us emphasize our role in the project and why iCan is important. In the end, we got third place and I honestly did not expect us to go as far as we did in the challenge. I expected us to be out in the first round but apparently most of the judges liked our idea. Getting third place in the whole challenge was an accomplishment and I was pretty proud of my team.
Being in this design challenge made me remember how product oriented human beings can be. We have gotten used to creating things to solve problems that sometimes we go further and further away from the root of the issues. In our attempts to solve our challenges, we sometimes take a band-aid approach and tend to focus on finding a solution in material things instead of focusing on the people behind the issues. I hope we can all grow in the way we address problems.
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zoofsoftware · 9 months ago
When the Developer is trying to fix my Figma design
Tag and Share With Your Developer, Friends, and Colleagues.
On a journey filled with laughter, challenges, and countless such a journey filled with laughter, challenges, and countless successes! 🚀
Join us as we embark on a journey filled with laughter, challenges, and, ultimately, sweet success! Don't miss out on the fun. . . .
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