#Denis O&039;Brien
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Best New and Returning TV Shows of 2024
Best New and Returning TV Shows of 2024
CREDIT (Clockwise from Top Left): FX/Screenshot; FOX/Screenshot; HBO/Screenshot; CBS/Screenshot Television offers both the thrill of the new and the comfort of the familiar. So with that in mind, Iâve decided to split my Best TV of 2024 roundup into two lists: one for the Debutantes, and another for the Returning Champions. Continue reading Best New and Returning TV Shows of 2024

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#@fter Midnight#American Dad!#Best of 2024#Bob&039;s Burgers#Conan O&039;Brien Must Go#Curb Your Enthusiasm#Elsbeth#Evil#Evil Superman#High Potential#John Mulaney Presents: Everybody&039;s in L.A.#Last Week Tonight#Mr. Bates vs the Post Office#Pop Culture Jeopardy!#Solar Opposites#St. Denis Medical#The Floor#What We Do in the Shadows#Whose Line is it Anyway?#X-Men &039;97#Young Sheldon
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#Denis O&039;Brien#Dublin Corporation&039;s Housing Architect#Ăamonn Ceannt#elegant early social housing scheme#Fotonique#heavy rain#Herbert George Simms#Infomatique#Joseph McGrath#late 1930s#Mary le Bone#Mary the Good#Marylebone#Pimlico#Spitalfields.wool-workers#St Mary at the Bourne#W. T. Cosgrave#William Murphy
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New Group Chief appointed at Digicel
Above: Alexander Matuschka Greiffenclau newly appointed Group Chief Executive for Digicel. Photo by Petra Hoogerbrug, courtesy Digicel.
Digicel, the total communications and entertainment provider, today announces the appointment of Mr Alexander Matuschka Greiffenclau as Group Chief Executive with effect from February 2018. He will succeed Mr Colm Delves who had signalled to the Board some timeâŠ
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#Appointment#Colm Delves#Denis O&039;Brien#Digicel#Group Chief Executive#Leadership#Telecommunications
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Digicel to cut 25% of global workforce Businessman Denis O'Brien's telecoms group Digicel will cut up to a quarter of its workforce over the next 18 months as part of a "transformation programme" announced by the company. Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.rte.ie
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High Court decision on INM probe due

The case follows a data breach within the firm in 2014 involving 19 people, some of whom were its own journalists The Republic of Irelandâs high court will decide on Monday whether or not to investigate the governance of the countryâs largest media group. The move applies to Independent News and Media, which owns newspapers across Ireland, including the Belfast Telegraph. The Office of theâŠ
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#&039;Robustly defending&039; himself Others include lawyers associated with the Moriarty Tribunal#a publicly quoted company#Among the 19 were INM journalists who were highly critical of Mr O&039;Brien before he took over INM#and paid for by a Denis O&039;Brien-controlled company#Both men have strongly denied any wrongdoing and no criminal charges were ever brought in relation to the findings#But his critics describe him as a tax exile#had significantly assisted Mr O&039;Brien in acquiring the republic&039;s first private mobile phone license in the mid 1990s#He also has a reputation for being litigious#He has said he would be "robustly defending" himself#High Court decision on INM probe due#In the run-up to the High Court action#including the award-winning Sam Smyth#including the Belfast Telegraph#INM has sent a letter to the 19 people whose data has been breached confirming the role of Mr Buckley in the affair#INM&039;s chairman and a close associate of Mr O&039;Brien#it has emerged that 19 people were targeted by IT consultants hired by Mr Buckley#It is understood he had serious concerns about the price that INM was being asked to pay for the Denis O&039;Brien-owned independent loss-m#Leslie Buckley#Many of them were seen as loyal to the old regime at INM and the family of Sir Anthony O&039;Reilly#Michael Lowry#Mr Lowry received large sums from Mr O&039;Brien in complex financial transactions#Mr O&039;Brien is a noted philanthropist with an interest in human rights and was involved in bringing the Special Olympics to Ireland in 2#Mr Pitt is no longer with the Irish media company and Mr Buckley recently resigned as chairman#Mr Pitt&039;s opposition to the sale put him at odds with the INM chairman#newstalk#On Friday it was reported that INM are to appoint external experts to examine their governance of editorial data and to introduce an updated#Resigned as chairman Mr O&039;Brien effectively controls INM#Robert Pitt#So far there has been no comment from Mr O&039;Brien#some of whom were its own journalists
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(USA 2016)
âIf you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things?â
âLouise Banks
Denis Villeneuveâs Arrival isnât exactly what I expected. A sort of updated Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Eric Heissererâs adaptation of Ted Chiangâs Story of Your Lifeis a pretty straightforward observation about language. However, itâs a bit more academic than the average alienâŠ
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#21 Laps Entertainment#Abigail Pniowsky#amy adams#Arrival#Close Encounters of the Third Kind#Denis Villeneuve#Eric Heisserer#FilmNation Entertainment#Forest Whitaker#heptapods#Jadyn Malone#Jeremy Renner#Julia Scarlett Dan#Lava Bear Films#linguistic relativity#Mark O&039;Brien#Michael Stuhlbarg#Montana#Paramount Pictures#Sony Pictures Releasing#Story of Your Life#Ted Chiang#Tzi Ma#US Army
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 Synopsis : Lorsque de mystĂ©rieux vaisseaux venus du fond de lâespace surgissent un peu partout sur Terre, une Ă©quipe dâexperts est rassemblĂ©e sous la direction de la linguiste Louise Banks afin de tenter de comprendre leurs intentions. Face Ă lâĂ©nigme que constituent leur prĂ©sence et leurs messages mystĂ©rieux, les rĂ©actions dans le monde sont extrĂȘmes et lâhumanitĂ© se retrouve bientĂŽt au bord dâune guerre absolue. Louise Banks et son Ă©quipe nâont que trĂšs peu de temps pour trouver des rĂ©ponses. Pour les obtenir, la jeune femme va prendre un risque qui pourrait non seulement lui coĂ»ter la vie, mais dĂ©truire le genre humainâŠ
Origine du film : Ătats-Unis RĂ©alisateur : Denis Villeneuve ScĂ©nariste : Eric Heisserer Acteurs : Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg, Tzi Ma, Mark OâBrien Musique : JĂłhann JĂłhannsson Genre : Drame, MystĂšre, Science-fiction DurĂ©e : 1 heure et 56 minutes Date de sortie : 7 dĂ©cembre 2016 (France) AnnĂ©e de production : 2016 SociĂ©tĂ©s de production : Lava Bear Films, 21 Laps Entertainment, FilmNation Entertainment DistribuĂ© par : Paramount Pictures Titre original : Arrival Notre note : â
Notre commentaire : âArrivalâ ou âPremier Contactâ est un film de science-fiction amĂ©ricain datant de 2016, rĂ©alisĂ© par Denis Villeneuve, Ă qui lâon doit Ă©galement âPrisonersâ (2013). Le scĂ©nario est signĂ© Eric Heisserer, Ă qui lâon doit Ă©galement le script de âDans le Noirâ (2016). Le film est basĂ© sur le roman âStory of Your Lifeâ de Ted Chiang. Les acteurs principaux sont Amy Adams, quâon a pu voir dans âArrĂȘte-moi si tu peuxâ (2002), Jeremy Renner, quâon a pu voir dans âAvengers, lâEre dâUltronâ (2015), Forest Whitaker, quâon a pu voir dans âĂtats de Chocâ (2007), Michael Stuhlbarg, quâon a pu voir dans âDoctor Strangeâ (2016) et Tzi Ma, quâon a pu voir dans âMillion Dollar Armâ (2014).
Denis Villeneuve voulait rĂ©aliser un film de science-fiction depuis un certain temps, bien quâil nâait jamais trouvĂ© le bon scĂ©nario. Pendant ce temps, le scĂ©nariste Eric Heisserer avait Ă©crit sans succĂšs une adaptation de la nouvelle de Ted Chiang âStory of Your Lifeâ, et au moment oĂč les producteurs lâont approchĂ© avec un projet de film de science-fiction, il avait largement abandonnĂ© son projet. Les producteurs ont cependant prĂ©sentĂ© le script Ă Denis Villeneuve, que le rĂ©alisateur a immĂ©diatement retenu lâidĂ©e. Ce dernier a changĂ© le titre une multitude de fois, mais celui qui fut finalement retenu Ă©tait le premier que lâĂ©quipe avait suggĂ©rĂ©.
Le script fait appel Ă un langage conçu par Martine Bertrand, basĂ© sur le concept original du scĂ©nariste. Stephen Wolfram et Christopher Wolfram lâont analysĂ© pour fournir la base du travail de Louise dans le film. Trois linguistes de lâUniversitĂ© McGill ont Ă©tĂ© consultĂ©s. Les fichiers sonores pour la langue Ă©trangĂšre ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©s aprĂšs avoir consultĂ© Morgan Sonderegger, un expert en phonĂ©tique. Le tournage principal a dĂ©butĂ© le 7 juin 2015 Ă Montreal au Canada tout juste aprĂšs que Jeremy Renner eut terminĂ© le tournage de âCaptain America; Civil Warâ (2016).
En date du 29 janvier 2017, âPremier Contactâ avait engrangĂ© 97,4 millions de dollars aux Ătats-Unis et au Canada et 88 millions de dollars dans les autres pays pour un total mondial de 185 millions de dollars, contre un budget de 47 millions de dollars. Dans lâensemble, le film a reçu des commentaires positifs de la part de la critique.Â
La premiĂšre chose qui interpelle, câest essentiellement la prestation dâAmy Adams qui Ă©clipse complĂštement ses partenaires de jeu, qui ne sont pourtant pas des faire-valoirs, Ă savoir Jeremy Renner et Forest Whitaker. La mise en scĂšne permet Ă lâactrice dâapporter la dose de mystĂšre, Ă travers ce qui sâapparente Ă des flashbacks, mais qui finalement nâen sont pas, ce qui prendra forme Ă la fin du film.Â
Le mĂ©trage offre une expĂ©rience intĂ©ressante pour les passionnĂ©s de science-fiction, nâĂ©chappant cependant pas au sempiternel clichĂ© qui consiste Ă voir lâarrivĂ©e dâextraterrestres comme une menace quâil faut absolument dĂ©truire, quitte Ă ĂȘtre les premiers Ă ouvrir les hostilitĂ©s. NĂ©anmoins, en dehors de cette allĂ©gorie rĂ©currente, le film offre une approche novatrice du mode de fonctionnement, de communication, et de raisonnement des aliens, ce qui donne au mĂ©trage une tentative rĂ©solument nouvelle dâaborder le sujet. En outre, le mode de dĂ©glacement du vaisseau spatial est Ă©galement innovant, utilisant une forme de transformation gazeuse, plutĂŽt que la traditionnelle propulsion Ă©nergĂ©tique.Â
Enfin le film invite Ă la rĂ©flexion concernant lâentraide entre nations afin de rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes mondiaux. Bien entendu, on peut se focaliser sur les nuances par rapport Ă des mĂ©trages du type âInterstellarâ (2014) dans lâapproche des fameuses rencontres du troisiĂšme type dont Steven Spielberg avait ouvert magnifiquement la brĂšche en 1977. âPremier Contactâ a obtenu 187 nominations pour diffĂ©rentes cĂ©rĂ©monies de remise de prix et reçu 32 rĂ©compenses.Â
En conclusion, âPremier Contactâ est un trĂšs bon film de science-fiction, disposant dâune histoire classique, mais bĂ©nĂ©ficiant dâun dĂ©veloppement innovant et dâune mise en scĂšne soignĂ©e. Le rythme nâest pas trĂšs soutenu, mais lâunivers et les rĂ©flexions proposĂ©es sont propices Ă un dĂ©roulement poussif. La distribution est dâun niveau supĂ©rieur, mais câest Amy Adams qui bĂ©nĂ©ficie du rĂŽle le plus marquant. La photographie est plaisante et les visuels extĂ©rieurs des vaisseaux spatiaux sont originaux. Un film divertissant et intelligent.Â
 Bande-annonce :
â Synopsis : Lorsque de mystĂ©rieux vaisseaux venus du fond de lâespace surgissent un peu partout sur Terre, une Ă©quipe dâexperts est rassemblĂ©e sous la direction de la linguiste Louise Banks afin de tenter de comprendre leurs intentions.
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 Una gigantesca noce brasiliana dellâaltezza di 450 metri si piazza in verticale, a pochi metri da terra, su una localitĂ del Montana. Altre undici fanno lo stesso in giro per il mondo. Sono astronavi delle quali non si sa nulla, abitate da creature maggiormente imperscrutabili. Per questo motivo lâesercito degli USA si porta appresso la linguista Louise Banks e il fisico Ian Donnelly, cheâŠ
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#Amy Adams#Arrival#Blade Runner 2049#Denis Villeneuve#fantascienza#Forest Whitaker#Jeremy Renner#JĂłhann JĂłhannsson#Mark O&039;Brien.#Michael Stuhlbarg#Oscar#Storia della mia vita#Ted Chiang#Tzi Ma
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Above: Stephen Scott, CEO of Deep Blue Cable, and Michael Rieger, VP of Sales & Business Development at TE SubCom sign the agreement to develop a new Caribbean subsea fiber-optic network. Photo via Marketwire.
On July 11, 2017, Marketwire carried the story of the partnering of Deep Blue Cable with TE Subcom to build and deploy a new subsea fibre-optic system to serve the Caribbean region.
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Denis O'Brien legal team force WWN satire article off web
Denis OâBrien legal team force WWN satire article off web
Waterford Whispers News last night released a letter from the lawyers of Denis OâBrien, allegedly requesting that an article about the businessman be removed. âDenis OâBrien Receives 20 Year Jail Sentence For Mobile Phone Licence Bribe In Parallel Universeâ is the written piece at the centre of this controversy. (moreâŠ)
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In brief: Total to lead Elk-Antelope gas development, and other business stories
In brief: Total to lead Elk-Antelope gas development, and other business stories #PNG
Joint venture elects Total as operator, PNG DataCo discusses Solomon Islands link, and WCB Resources lifts stake in gold project. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
French oil and gas major, Total SA, has been unanimously elected as the operator of the Elk-Antelope gas field by the participants of the PRL 15 joint venture, which includes InterOil Corp and Oil Search Ltd.
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#Bank of South Pacific#Click TV#denis o&039;brien#Digicel#ExxonMobil#Grand Papua Hotel#Highlands Hwy#Horizon Oil#Indochine Mining#InterOil Corporation#Lowy Institute#New Britain Palm Oil#Oil Search Limited#Parties to the Nauru Agreement#Peter O&039;Neill#PNG Data Co#PNG Forest Authority#Simberi gold mine#St Barbara Ltd#Stanley gas project#Steamships#Total SA#university of melbourne#village garden#WCB Resources
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Boycott Topaz Fuel Stations!
Boycott Topaz Fuel Stations!
Source: IRSP Ătha Cliath Facebook Page
A spokesperson for IRSP Ătha Cliath stated on the 19th of October that:
âThe Irish republican socialist party began its Boycott Topaz campaign which billionaire and capitalist Denis OâBrian added to his capitalist portfolio. The Topaz Group was purchased by Mr OâBrien using his Kendrick Investments Ltd, an Isle of Man company.  Denis OâBrien company GMC/SieâŠ
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#$5.1 billionaire#283&039;rd richest man in the world#Boycott Topaz#denis o&039;brien#Dublin#Forbes magazine#GMC/Sierra/#Gombeen#IRSP#IRSP Atha Cliatha#robber baron#Seanus costello#Water Meters
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Right to Water rally
Right to Water rally
Sharon Briggs representative of People Before Profit and supporter of the Right to Water campaign is calling for a local rally, to be held on July 26 at 12 noon. The meeting point is at the monument outside the old Town Hall building on Main Street, Bray.
Briggs said, âWe ask all who are opposed to this charge to please attend and we are also calling on all Wicklow TDs and Councillors to come outâŠ
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#Bray#Denis O&039;Brien#Fine Gael#Irish Water#labour#people before profit#protest Irish Water#Right to Water campaign#Sharon Briggs#UN#water charges#water tax#Wicklow
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Digicel Still in the Hunt for Myanmar Licence
A consortium consisting of Vodafone  and China Mobile have opted to remove themselves from consideration for two telecom licenses to be awarded in the country of Myanmar, Vodafone announced today.
Denis OâBrienâs Digicelstill remains in the hunt for aâŠ
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Haiti, Bill Clinton welcome first Marriott hotel | Miami Herald
Haiti, Bill Clinton welcome first Marriott hotel | Miami Herald
âI want to thank Marriott for more than the hotel, more than the jobs, more than the training, more than the income,â Clinton said. âI want to thank them for giving all of you the chance to show the real Haiti to the world that will come to this hotel.â
A $45 million investment, the 175-room hotel is owned by Digicel Group, Haitiâs largest mobile provider. Company founder and CEO Denis OâBrienâŠ
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