demistudies · 1 year
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19.09.2023 - I had a fruitful thesis session at the library today
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journalgen · 6 years
Advances in Translation and Demistudies
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demistudies · 1 year
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A moment of peace
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demistudies · 8 months
MA-Thesis update
12996 words in. At least 3004 words to go. Cleaning up my footnotes. Six days left. Handing it in.
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demistudies · 2 years
Does anyone have some tips for writing a PhD-proposal (Ancient History) ? I’m scared and keep pushing it forward, even though I really really want to pursue an academic career.. thanks in advance
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demistudies · 1 year
Am I going to write my second MA-thesis in less than five weeks ?
Yes, I am.
And no worries, I’ve already done some work but the bulk has to be done in the coming month. Am I crying ?
Yes, a little.
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demistudies · 3 years
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September 27, 2021
Some pictures I took over the weekend. It was a busy weekend with lots of articles and book chapters but that’s part of uni life, right! I read some interesting things about propaganda and how, applying it to the ancient Roman societies, it can be very problematic. On Saturday we had diner in a lovely Moroccan restaurant. Oh, and on Sunday I scheduled some free time and I (finally) went for a bike ride! The weather was so lovely and it was good to take some time of and de-stress. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful day or are having a wonderful day :)
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demistudies · 3 years
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September 19, 2021
Today will be a busy day. I still have to tackle 3 40+ pages articles by tomorrow about exemplary roles in antique Roman society (literature, myths, statues, inscriptions, triumphs, etc.). Very interesting, and very dense articles. Then I should be reading some pages of this book. A busy day today!
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demistudies · 4 years
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30.11.2020 // cold and misty mornings
Goodmorging dear people on tumblr. It’s Monday, so a new week has started with new opportunities. I set my alarm quite early but stayed way too long in bed. Oh well, I’ve made a outlay for the introduction to my thesis and been writing an alinea. So, I’ve already been somewhat productive :p Later today I’ll be going to uni. I’ve started a new habit of walking from the trainstation to the campus. It’s a half an hour walk, which is good for the mind and body and I avoid public transportation in these times of a pandemic. But first, lunch!
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demistudies · 3 years
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September 21st, 2021
Yesterday I had a good day studying. I’ve been at campus the whole day. I did some reading, had a lecture, did some more reading and some planning ánd I met up with someone lovely who I hadn’t seen in a while. The uni has such a lovely vibe and it really starts to feel like a second home, ahaha
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demistudies · 3 years
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12.10.21 - Chaos in the library
Studying in the library is lovely and most of the time I’m very productive, however the past days the lights are replaced so there’s a lot of noise and a lot of work going on. Oh well, it’s part of life
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demistudies · 3 years
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Sunday November 14, 2021
Oh how time flies. The exams are over and the second week of the second block is already about to start. I’ve spent a lot of time in the library these past weeks and because of the new lockdown in the Netherlands, that will sadly be less in the coming weeks. It will be better, I’m sure. Please, stay healthy everyone!
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demistudies · 3 years
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Januari 6, 2022 // A new year and many new resolutions
Hi everyone!! So, 2022 has begun and we’re halfway through our academic year. I (finally!!) got Mary Beard’s Women & Power. A Manifesto during the holidays. Yesterday I started reading, and I finished today. It is such an interesting book! It’s enlightening, it’s frustrating! I have so many thoughts and feelings, and I’m still struggling to put them all into words. All I want to say now is: please, read it! If you’re a woman, man, non-binary. If you’re human, please read it ✨ Thank you Mary Beard for writing this book, for exposing cultural patterns, for raising awareness. Thank you for opening up and sharing your story.
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demistudies · 3 years
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September 22, 2021
Another beautiful day. This morning I worked on my little presentation on Athens in the 2nd century and I will try to finish it in a bit. In the afternoon we visited the Maria Magdalena exhibit in Utrecht, which was part of my research seminar. It was such a beautiful exhibit and please go, if you’re able to!
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demistudies · 4 years
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September 22, 2020 // More thesis talk
I hope you’re all doing well. This past week I’d been reading a lot of articles for my thesis and I decided that I’m taking Apuleius’ Metamorphoses as the main subject. I have so many ideas and there are so many different and interesting things to do. Hopefully I can add some insight to the discours. Who knows! Oh and I got some book from the university library on the subject matter
Yesterday I was kind of anxious because I had my first quiz of the year. I was really stressed and afraid I’d fuck up but it turned out alright :)
Tomorrow I’ll have the second meeting with my thesis supervisor. I’m really excited, which is a good thing! I know that I’ll be under a lot of stress this semester but, it’s a part of (academic) life.
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demistudies · 3 years
14 September, 2021
I’m alive, studyblr-community!! The past few months were kinda weird, kinda hectic and kinda relaxt - do you see the paradox? I obtained my bachelors degree in April and last week I started my masters in Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean Worlds! I fucking love it! It’s so interesting and I’m learning so much.
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