#Delicious in FFXIV Dungeon
toadeyes-miqote · 24 days
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A catgirl was here
Wolcred Week 2024 Day 5 : Laughter / Gift "What do you mean player thinks I look like Izutsumi?" "Something about her werecat / yokai /cat shapeshifter OC can't be bothered to be human on some days." "Huh?"
Another one gotten silly
Skipping day 6 if I can't make it.
I tend to use ARR Thancred gear as his downtime gear since its easier to draw. Like how Estinien has Falconer gear.
I would like to start watching Dungeon Meshi at some point because Izutsumi (Miqo'te? Miqo'te-Hrothgar hybrid?) is very much like cats I used to know. CAT!!!!!
Yes that hairstyle is what my OC wears too and there's no Cath Sith costume. CAT!!!! Yeah OC will get a big ribbon to wear too. CAT!!!!
I need to learn to draw Estinien and G'raha because Hullbreaker Isle and Saint Mocianne. Hylnyan did unlock Culinarian after all.
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athena-ishnuala · 1 month
Immediately think of Alisaie when I see Marcille's familiar XD
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decafdrawing · 4 months
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FFXIV x Dungeon Meshi crossover
ft. Gyohan and Mogria from the FFXIV Cookbook!
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itsmeishmi · 4 months
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Our Light Party but Dungeon Meshi from Episode 10
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thefancyfencerxiv · 5 months
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We'll never reach floor 200 if we don't stay well fed. Luckily, there are enough monsters walking around that will provide us with the right nutrition.
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sangrefae · 1 month
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theyre doing the emotionally closed off middle-aged man equivalent of parallel play with each other
(aka i think estinien final fantasy 14 and mithrun dungeon meshi would Get each other as mentally ill, white/silver haired elves with a fixation on revenge as a result of their traumas)
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45liza109 · 5 months
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Dungeon meshi x ffxiv
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zztibranul · 2 months
dunmeshi has my favorite kobold design EVER dude. as a final fantasy player, kobolds have always been little dudes. just creatures. small chihuahua-esque things. dunmeshi kobolds tho??? BIG DOGS??? GIANT FLUFFY BIPEDAL DOGS??? i’m sold. i’m there. this is peak kobold character design. like just LOOK AT KURO!!! LOOK AT HIMS!!!! perfect. no other comments.
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sheepskin · 9 months
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reopened my shop!! come take a look
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demongrocer · 12 days
make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite.
I was tagged by @sherlock-is-ace
Anyone who wants, please consider yourself tagged to play the game!
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jojowentbananas · 1 month
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Hi everyone!! Just wanted to let you know that I finally opened an online shop where you can buy my merch outside of local conventions! ♥ It took a lot of work for me to build it (taking product photos is tough...) but I'm so happy that I was finally able to launch it!
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dxhn · 1 month
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izutsumi entreats dark forces for aid in her schemes
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juinhi · 3 days
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JUINHI Anime Expo Catalog
I'll be in the Artist Alley Table i-53 !! Here are my updated wares, hope to see you there! 💖💖
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redbeersake · 2 months
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I will be at #doujima2024 !!!! Most of the new merch will be #dungeonmeshi ! Glass cups! Wavy acrylic ! Crepe charms (?) !
Just a few things!
- Crepe charms might not arrive. If they don't, I will open them for mail order with no additional mailing costs
- I will only be bringing a set number of cups since they're very bulky!
- Older items will not be brought over due to space constraints! Please refer to my past AFA catalogue (https://twitter.com/redbeersake/status/1726953945220944179) and DM/PM me if you want anything from there!
- I will be part of a #FFXIV stamp rally! More info is here: https://t.co/9Bs1wUKAgf !
- I will also have stickers and TT cards for exchange! Please either come with your own stickers/TT cards to trade for them! I will also give you one if you purchase smth from me!
See you guys there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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what if i drew a bunch of elves and also han sooyoung
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sangrefae · 12 days
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just two little guys burdened with the weight of an impossible task borne by their paternal figure's deepest fears, eventually leading to them being corrupted by the pressure of those expectations ❤️
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