#Dehydrated Vegetables Egypt
bagoradehydrates · 9 months
Explore the rise of dehydrated vegetables in Egypt as manufacturers rise to meet the growing demand. Discover Novel Approaches, Economic Repercussions, Market Growth, and Practices of Sustainable Agriculture.
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Hello I am Ghada Musleh from Gaza (Palestine). I am a university graduate working with young children and women. My husband, Muhannad is a sales representative. My daughter, Gram is 10 months old.
My mother, Fayza suffers from an enlarged spleen and liver is also with us. My mother’s health is declining and she needs to travel for her medical treatment.
I was displaced from the beginning of the war. I remember my displacement from the 10th of October in the ugly schools of the agency, where the bombing intensified around me. I bled out of fear for my infant daughter, who is not experiencing her childhood, and for the tenderness of her father. The displaced were killed in front of my eyes in the schools. A woman in front of me was targeted by gunfire. My family and I were displaced more than ten times from school to school. I saw death with my own eyes. My little family and many civilians were targeted in front of us. I cannot lose sight of these nights when the occupation forces called my husband and threatened my house. Unfortunately, my house was bombed and our memories were bombed. We have nothing left.
I am desperate and urgently need to save my family by leaving Gaza. There is no safe place in Gaza due to death, hunger, dehydration, disease, displacement, and bombings.
The cost of evacuation is €5000 per person, amounting to €20,000 for the whole family.
€2000 for visa and passport applications and fees to expedite the evacuation process.
€5000 for two months of expenses in Egypt to pay for food, rent, necessities, and medical care until we can get back on our feet and rebuild our lives.
Unfortunately, evacuations have stopped while the Rafah border is closed. We do not know how long this will be. Daily expenses for necessities such as food and water are increasingly high.
Examples of daily essentials:
Flour €30
Diapers €40
Vegetables for a day €40
An amount will go to GoFundMe fees (2.9% + $0.30 per donation), bank transfers, and the high commissions (15-20%) to receive the money due to shortages of cash here in Gaza.
I ask you to support me. To help me and my family escape from Gaza to save them from the ongoing genocide. Every donation, no matter how small will help save my family. Please consider sharing my campaign widely with your friends and family. I will be forever grateful for your help.
Here is the link to https://www.instagram.com/gharam202336/?hl=eng
With eternal gratitude,
Ghada, Muhannad, Gram and Fayza
Funds raised will be transferred to Ghada to cover necessities while in Gaza and to evacuate the family.
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khartoumnews · 1 year
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Compositions for changing soap.
 Not for everybody a soap matches, that dry skin is bad to endures soap foam.
She is peel, red, degreased , and protection layer from faty acids is in her thin, , weak. And what is must to do?Last centuries peoples not used soap in this kind beech�� ash .And in excavations a Pompey has been found vases with this soap , his used  2.000 years ago. At   Egypt   Long time ago used wax diluted , and on Kleopatra time are informed in recipes for soap ,like pasta , close to Rome. Kleopatra not used his , that this has been a expensive pleasure , that soap on these time tru e expensive ,that she changed his on the benefit for sensitive skin a women s skin, and Kleopatra recipe am share later. And a soap, close by composition has been displayed in Celts, but for an industrial base a soap making are put French's.
And on 19th century happened , and first piece for hard soap manufactured on 1424 are Italian, that since this a composition for washing product are changes endured.Today a most of us using vegetable soaps as where containing in soap are fruits, or herbs, but a lots of soap in selling are having following short comings:
degreased skin, remoging from skin a benefit natural components  as vitamins, pores dryness. And cooked of a natural base pastas are best cleaning skin, giving a healthy kind and smooth. A soap today true ages skin, dehydrates her surface layers,worsening condition for collagen tissues.
 An old Sufi story having,that person asked to give him a meal by a lake flow, that a person using spiritual exercises and waste a time for sustenance, and his request has beeen done. Lake everyday given to him wrapped in fabrica piece for aroma halva , but later he deciced known,  where such meal got to him, and he visited by a lake flow top , and endured lots of hard ways, and knew,that aromatic halva  is a part for toilet pasta ,which on an everyday Royal s daughter cleaned an own body.We are offering for you a few recipes for cleaning pastas, as for everybody, not just for women's, as in problem skin, and for teenagers.
Pasta of peas flour.
Flour peas 5 tbl.sp, mustard oil 2 tea.sp.
Ready flour or fresh grinded mix in oil, add water till thick pasta getting, add one drop iodine or 0.5 tea.sp. dried herb chelidonius.
Aromatic pasta.
Flour peas 5 tbl.sp, oil of millets sprout one tea.sp, rose oil ten drops.
Cook also, and you can add one tea.sp. powder fenugreek.
Milk-mustard pasta.
Seeds of white or yellow mustard 0.5 glass, milk 2,5 glass.
Mix milk with mustard seeds, lead till boiling, boil till a full evaporating a milk, not burning. Dry seeds cooked, chop, add in glass of jar, or ceramic, before use mix with a whole or thick powder milk till thick fromage kind.
Millet pasta.
Millet flour a first or second kind 1/2 glass, oil of sprouts millet one tbl.sp. sp, lemon juice 2 tbl.sp.
Add in oil of sprouts a lemon juice, add flour, rub good till consistence thick fromage, keep in refrigerator for day since cooking.
Kleopatra s pasta.
Brans you can change on oats 1/3 glass , dry milk 1/3 glass, starch 1/3 glass, olive oil one tbl.sp.
Mix all, wrap in clean flax fabric and use for wash body ,like with soap and sponge, dry milk you can change on baby s meal as dry milk.
Almond pasta.
Fresh pasta of almond one tbl.sp., fresh cooked pasta of hazelnut 2 tea.sp, millet sprouts oil one tbl.sp, peas or millet flour 5 tbl.sp, foam of boiled milk one tbl.sp., lentil pasta 5 tbl.sp.
Almond and hazelnut wet separately for night in water, on a morning remove peel from nuts, chop, add peas flour.Lentil pasta change you can on half glass a kidney bean half glass or kidney beans wet for night in milk, after rub  good.
Pasta of aromatic clay.
Cleaned good cosmetic clay 6 tbl.sp, ash of seaweeds as laminaria, fucus, or chopped till powder seaweeds one tea.sp, rose oil 2 drops.
To clay powder add seaweeds, dilute water with rose oil, till consistence,like thick fromage, apply mass on a body with thin same layer, and almost dried clay remove with ends of fingers, energy rub all body with hands. Rest for 20 min, after grease skin with olive oil.
A rose oil for aromatization using is need to be an natural. Or use olive ol as infused of rose petals, changers and essences are giving harmful effects, better avoid from aromatization, than use non-natural components.These recipes are 100 years , theirs are using for today, and  not causing addiction, as of modern soaps , every component effect is by own. Vegetable oil clean and grease skin. Dry milk, flour , nuts, kidney beans are give  for skin shines health and smooth. A very benefit for body is peas flour, and on begin after apply a pasta cold, as she cooled body , as with rubbing moves in dryness her removing her  and here improving blood circulation, and improving by skin absorbing are nourishing substances as in pasta containing. Keeping pasta on body are 20 min .After removing her body washing a warm water, and face is cool. Preventing a tender body parts against strong affecting bath hot and increase forming a protection faty layer , on a face  after procedure apply special  wax cream, skin around eyes grease with oily cream, lips good massaging with vegetable oil. Regular doing last procedures will allow keep beauty and fresh for lips.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/eXuLq5T via https://ift.tt/KuAMFSJ
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suegreene · 2 years
(PDF Download) Complete Dehydrator Cookbook: How to Dehydrate Fruit, Vegetables, Meat & More - Carol Cancler
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 The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook: the definitive guide to deliciously easy mealsFrom sun-dried produce in ancient Egypt to salty air-dried fish aboard Viking ships, dehydration is one of the oldest, most versatile methods of preservation?creating foods that are compact, perfect for traveling, and great for a quick snack or backup meal. The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook is your all-in-one guide to easy, affordable home drying, pairing delicious dehydrated foods with easy-to-navigate guidance to get you drying in no time.Whether you?re preserving seasonal crops or making protein-packed camping snacks, this dehydrator cookbook takes you through the ins and outs of dehydrating, storing, and rehydrating a wide variety of foods. The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook is also brimming with 125 simple dehydrator recipes for everything from stews and curries to herbal teas and spice blends to ready-to-eat breads, crackers, and cookies.The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook includes:A to Z drying?Explore
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ghostflowerdreams · 5 years
How Did People Wash Themselves Before Modern Products & Conveniences?
Throughout history, bathing was simply done in any place where there was water (a river, lake, water hole, pool or the sea, or any other water receptacle), ranging from warm to cold. It was mostly done in the summer (or naturally warm locations) where a quick dip would be refreshing to do. People didn’t bathe much during those times, unless it was for personal preference, religious ritual or therapeutic purposes.
It also depended on their location and status, because water might not have been easy to come by. A hot bath (and soap) was an luxury that the wealthy had access to and could take it more often than peasants. But even then, the notion that bathing was hygienic didn’t really catch on for everyone until the late 18th and 19th centuries.
In Ancient Egypt, the Egyptians were fixated on cleanliness and regularly used cosmetics, deodorants, perfumes, toothpaste, and breath mints. Men and woman would shaved and plucked off all of their body hair using tweezers, knives and razors, made of flint or metal. Not only was this for the ideal of beauty at the time, but it also rid the Egyptians of body lice.
To clean themselves while bathing, the Egyptians used natron – a mixture of soda ash (sodium carbonate), a derivative of table salt and oils derived from vegetables and animals to make a soap-like substance. Soda ash is naturally occurring and could be found in the form of deposits on the crusted shoreline flats, or via seawater evaporation in certain locations (such as the four lakes in the Nile Delta).
The wealthy had bathing chambers (which was usually a small recessed room with a square slab of limestone in the corner) in their homes. They would stand or sit on the stone while their servants would cart in water to be poured over their master’s head. Sometimes the water was cold, but most palaces were equipped with stoves to heat it up. Everyone else would bathed in the Nile. However, there is evidence from excavating that there were large public bath houses with showers, stone basins and stoves to heat the water.
The Egyptians morning ritual, after one rose from bed, would be to bathe. Every household, no matter the class, had some form of a basin and jug used for washing the hands and showering. There were also foot baths, made of stone, faience, ceramic, or wood, for washing the feet. These were mass-produced during the First Intermediate Period of Egypt (2181-2040 BCE) as single-foot and double-foot baths.
One would wash their hands, face, and feet before and after meals, before bed, and upon rising in the morning. Priests were expected to bathe more regularly, but the average Egyptian took showers and baths on a daily basis. In the morning, after one had washed, came the application of a cream, the ancient equivalent of sunblock, to the body, and then one would apply make-up, derived from ochre and sometimes mixed with sandalwood, to the face. [1]
In Ancient India, they used elaborate practices for personal hygiene with three daily baths and washing. These are recorded in the works called grihya sutras and are in practice today in some communities. Instead of soap Indian women found it more beneficial to use gram flour or wheat husk, mixed with milk, to clean their skin. They realized that soap stripped away the natural oils in the skin, causing it to dehydrate and accelerate the aging process. The tradition of bathing in milk and fresh herbs (especially flower baths) was started by the royal queens and princesses during that time.
In the north of India, half a cup of ground-up mustard seeds was added to bath water in the winter months for a warm dip that balances kapha dosha, which can become aggravated in the late winter and early spring.
In Ancient Greece, the original form of bathing consisted of nothing more than a quick plunge into icy water until the people of Laconica came upon the idea of a hot-air bath. The hot-air bath later came to be known as a laconica bath. The water for the laconica baths was heated one of two different ways. The first being by direct coal burning fires and the other being the hot rock method, which consists of heating up rocks in another room and bringing them inside the bath.
They even invented a form of shower, when they realized that they got cleaner after using waterfalls to bathe under. The water was pumped into the bath houses through the aqueduct system and then pushed out through a series of pipes. Some of the pipes were installed higher up, and people would stand under the falling water as they bathed. Most Greeks also washed in a bowl on a pedestal called a louterion. Although wealthy people had their own baths at home (in which they would have their slaves heat and pour water over them), they still preferred to visit the public ones. Afterwards, they would also rubbed themselves with olive oil or perfumed oil (to soften the skin) then scrape it off with a tool called a strigil.
In Ancient Rome, they also knew that dirt encourages disease and they appreciated the importance of cleanliness. They took Greek plumbing one step further by building massive aqueducts to bring clean water into towns and set up extravagant public baths. The people went to the baths not just to get clean but to also socialize. However, there was a fee to get into the public baths. The fee was generally pretty small so even the poor could afford to go. It was one-quarter as for men, one full as for women, and children got in for free — an as (plural assēs) was worth one-tenth (after 200 CE 1/16th) of a denarius, the standard currency in Rome. Sometimes the baths would be free for all if a politician or emperor paid for the public to attend.
Wealthy people sometimes had their own private baths inside their homes. These could be quite expensive as they had to pay the government for the amount of water that they used. Even if a wealthy person had their own bath, they were still likely to visit the public baths in order to be social and meet with people. When they do they would bring their own slaves to attend to their bathing needs.
The Roman Baths were very large and consisted of four rooms: a Apodyterium or changing room (where visitors would take off their clothing before entering the main area of the baths), Tepidarium or warm room (which was often the main central hall in the bath where the bathers met and talked), Caldarium or hot and steamy room (the floors were heated by a Roman system called a hypocaust that circulated hot air under the floors), and lastly Frigidarium or cold room (in which bathers would go to cool down at the end of a hot day).
The layout of Roman baths contained other architectural features of note. Because wealthy Romans brought slaves with them, the bathhouse usually had three entrances: one for men, one for women, and one for slaves. The preference of symmetry in Roman architecture usually meant a symmetrical facade, even though the women's area was usually smaller than the men's because of fewer numbers of patrons. Usually solid walls or placement on opposite sides of the building separated the men's and women's sections. Which by the way, men and women bathed at different times or in different areas of the baths depending on the bathhouse.
Roman bathhouses often contained a courtyard, or Palaestra, which was an open-air garden or gymnasium used for exercise. In some cases the builders made the palaestra an interior courtyard, and in other cases the builders placed the palaestra in front of the bathhouse proper and incorporated it into the formal approach. Sometimes the palestra held a swimming pool. Most often a colonnade outlined the palaestra's edges.
When the Romans were done taking a bath, they would rub a scented oil on their skin to finish the job. Unlike soap, which forms a lather with water and can be rinsed off, the oil had to be scraped off with a metal tool called a strigil. Romans were also materially interested in being considered non-hairy and would used razors, pumice stone, tweezers and some type of depilatory creams to remove unwanted body hair.
While the baths were enjoyed by almost every Roman, there were those who criticized them. The water was not renewed often and the remains of oil, dirt or even excrement were kept warm, providing the perfect conditions for bacteria to thrive. And after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, upkeep of large communal baths ended.
During the Medieval period, many of these communal baths disappeared while others became social centers and, to the chagrin of the Catholic Church, even brothels. However, the bathing tradition persisted in Japan and elsewhere in the world.
To be more specific, in the early Middle Ages public bathhouses also were common, but they weren’t nearly as luxurious as the Roman baths. The people bathe for cleanliness and health, but Christian authorities condemned attendance to public bath houses for pleasure and condemned women going to bath houses that had mixed facilities.
In general, those who lived during this time were primarily focused on cleaning only their hands, face and neck daily in a small water basin with a rag (and soft soap if they could afford it, which was made of mutton fat, wood ash, and natural soda), rather than taking a full-on bath. After all, it was frown upon to wash anything but visible dirt from the face or hands. That’s because being dirty was associated with being poor.
They also ate with their fingers and would wash their hands before and after meals (or at least the wealthy would do so). Bathing was largely limited to the summer months, when a refreshing dip in a pond or stream would do the trick after a hot day in the fields. People who could afford to bathe their whole bodies did so once a week.
The wealthy (especially medieval royalty and nobles) bathed more than most and would bathe at home, most likely in their bedroom, as 'bath' rooms were not common. They had a wooden tub with a linen cloth laid in it to protect the bather from splinters and sometimes with a curtain around it, or a tent-like cloth over top. These tubs would take a while to fill because water had to be gathered, heated and then carried in pitchers by servants. They would also add in sweet scented flowers or petals and fresh herbs to it.
The prominence of the public bathhouse went into rapid decline when diseases struck Europe. People were convince that water, especially warm water wasn’t safe to bathe in. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, they believed that it weaken the skin by opening the pores to outside influences such as illnesses and diseases. It also didn’t help that they thought spreading dirt all over their skin would protect them from the Bubonic Plague. This, of course, wasn’t the case.
In modern day films, the Vikings are usually portrayed as filthy, wild animals. However, close examination of excavation of Viking burial mounds proves that to be incorrect. Though, it’s important to remember that most of our accounts of the Vikings come from Christian writers who didn’t view them in a positive light.
The Vikings made a very strong soap with a high lye content which was used not only for bathing, but also for bleaching their hair. In some regions, beards were lightened as well. It not only helped with head lice, but blond hair was highly valued in the Viking World. They also had razors, tweezers, combs and ear spoons made from bronze, silver, animal bones or antlers.
Everyday (usually in the morning upon rising) the Vikings would wash their hands, face and their hair in a large basin containing water. They would pass on the basin for the next person to use (with fresh water) while the previous person would groom their hair. The original meaning of Scandinavian words for Saturday (laurdag / lørdag / lördag) was ‘Washing Day’. That’s because on Saturday they would always bathe and for the rest of the time they would change their clothes frequently. This was at a time when an Anglo-Saxon might only bath once or twice a year. For this reason Vikings were considered ‘clean freaks’.
In the summer, bathing could be preformed in lakes or streams, or within the bathhouses found on every large farm (these would be much like the Finnish sauna, though tub bathing was also used), while in winter the heated bathhouse would be the primary location for bathing.
In Ancient China, the people practiced personal cleanliness to a remarkable degree. According to the Liji (book of rites), officials were expected to wash their hands five times a day, with a hot bath every fifth day and wash their hair every third day. Feudal lords had to bathe before presenting themselves to their emperor. In ancient Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China the locals bathe at home by filling up a kettle with clean water from wells, heating it up, and pouring it into a washbowl. In the Qin empire (221–206 B.C.), people reused water from washing rice to wash their faces and hair. With the coming of Buddhism, bathhouses arrived in China, not just for the upper classes but for common folks as well.
In Ancient Japan, the Japanese likely bathed in the many springs in the open. Even in the Nara and Heian periods (710-1192) the custom of bathing was not widespread among the people, especially the nobility of that time. In the summertime, the aristocrats might sprinkle water on themselves or wipe with wet towels. The commoners on the other hand would regularly take plunges in the ocean or in rivers to cool off and possibly wash up. In the winter, there was no custom of immersing one's self in water.
A steam bath was sometimes done as a treatment for an illness, but mostly their skin was dirty and smelly. This situation gave rise to nobility covering their body odor with mixed perfumes called takimono, but no matter which scents they used it didn’t do much to mask the smell. Moreover, whenever they caught colds, they would chew on raw garlic, increasing the odor level even more.
It wasn’t until Edo period (1603-1868) that bathing became widely popular amongst common people who relished the free baths at Buddhist temples, leading to the development of sentō (public bathhouse). Baths in this period were predominantly focused on steaming waters, with the bather often only soaking the lower part of their legs in water or enjoying other partial bathing. Only the most elite noblemen or warriors were able to enjoy the luxury of a bath in their own homes.
But this period also brought suefuro, the first bath in which bathers could submerge up to the shoulders. These baths were mainly pots heated by firewood, and include some memorable designs such as the goemon-buro (cauldron bath) and the teppo-buro (piped bath). Mixed bathing with men and women sharing the same bath was commonplace in Edo period bathhouses and considered completely natural at the time.
These early communal bathhouses were generally housed in dark, almost windowless rooms with low entrance ways to prevent steam from escaping. For this reason customers often cleared their throats to signal their position to others when they were in the bath area. However, before that customers would pay an entrance fee (which depend on the area and the person). They would remove their shoes and go to the changing room. Before they could jump into the actual bath, they would first cleanse their body with water and soap. They needed to get rid of the dirt and bacteria on themselves so that it wouldn’t contaminate the communal bathwater. Once they were cleaned, they could go into the baths to soak and relax or socialized.
During the Meiji era’s (1868-1912) push to industrialize and modernize, the prudishness of 19th century Westerners led the government to ban mixed bathing to make Japan seem more civilized. Many of the sentō after that were built with separate changing and bathing rooms for men and women. However, older bathhouses avoided this problem by having men and women bathe at different times of day, or by catering to one gender exclusively. After WWII, it was still relatively common for people to not have baths in their homes and attend sentō at the end of their day.
Prior to the Victorian era, a bath once or twice a year was thought to be adequate. More frequent bathing was considered somehow unmanly and even hazardous to health. In the early Victorian era, bathroom sinks were sometimes situated in a corner of the bedroom which served as a washing station. It wasn’t until late in the era that they relegated bathrooms to a separate room in the house. However, bathrooms were found mostly in the homes of the upper-class. This was because the plumbing and fixtures required for constructing an indoor bathroom were extremely expensive.
The main inconvenience in early Victorian baths was the need to get water from the pump piped in the kitchen (or if they were lower-class they needed to get it from the water pump outside), heat it on the stove (or fireplace) within a large cast-iron kettle and carry it to the bathtub. The wealthy would have their servants do this for them. But this was why people traditionally bathed in only an inch or two of water. Moreover, whole families typically used the same bathwater, as large quantities of water were not available at a time. Popular tubs during this time period were roll-top tubs, slipper baths and boat baths.
Poorer families, if they owned a bath at all, put the tub in front of the kitchen rang. This was the warmest place in the house and very close to hot water. The whole family would wash themselves one after the other, topping up with more water but, probably not emptying the bath until everyone had finished.
But typically, once or twice a month Victorians would indulge in a lukewarm soak. During the weeks between baths, they would regularly wash their arms, hands and faces with a sponge soaked in cool water and vinegar. Sitz baths, in which a person sat down in a shallow dish of water, were also common. They would also wash their hair once or twice a week. Victorian women were usually advised to dilute pure ammonia in warm water and then massage it through the scalp and hair, like modern shampoo.
If she didn’t want to use ammonia as it could be very unpleasant, onion juice was another option. It didn’t necessarily work to cleanse the hair of grease, but it was believed, at least by some, to make tresses long and shiny.
In London, England, in 1868, a painter named Benjamin Waddy Maughan patented the first residential water heater. It was named the geyser after an Icelandic gushing hot spring. It used natural gas as the heat source, but lacked proper ventilation, so it wasn’t exactly safe.
Twenty or so years later, though, a Norwegian mechanical engineer named Edwin Ruud tweaked the concept by adding some much-needed safety features—namely, a vent. Still, only 24 percent of American homes had running water by the 1890s, so if they wanted to take a warm shower and didn’t have plumbing, they still had to heat up the water on the stove. Once the tub was filled, the father would be the first to bathe, the mother followed, and then the children bathed according to the age; from the eldest to the youngest.
However, before that in North America, around 1600s the Indians in Virginia practiced personal hygiene that included daily baths in all seasons and all weather. They also engaged in occasional sweat baths in sweat lodges, which were presided over by a priest since those using it were likely to faint from the heat. Despite a lack of soap, the Powhatan Indians washed their hands before eating, according to Jamestown colonists and other European observers. They were far more sanitary than the Europeans who arrived in 1607.
In America's colonial days, the best places to settle in were areas near a water source, such as rivers, streams, or springs, but these desirable places were usually taken pretty quickly. After all, water is a primary need for both sustaining crops, animals and the lives of the people. When that wasn’t available they would dig wells, which was usually located in close proximity to the home.
If well-digging failed to reach water, families were forced to collect rainwater in barrels, cisterns, and pans. While this water was not exposed to the same contaminants (such as human and animal waste seeping into the earth) as the well, it was soon infested with flies and mosquitoes, or covered with a fine layer of wind-blown dust that had to be skimmed from its surface before drinking.
Because of the scarcity of water, they conserved it (and recycled it) in ways that would be unthinkable to most modern Americans. It was not uncommon for an entire family to take turns and bathe in a single tub of water. Bathing itself was usually limited to once a week, and following the family baths, the filthy bathwater was then used for light cleaning or heavy laundry. To conserve even more water, many families did not wash or rinse their dishes. In winter, melted snow supplemented the water supply.
The soap they used was made from two ingredients – tallow, or rendered animal fat and lye soap. Sometimes herbs like lavender and lemon balm would be added in for scent. Either way, the soap was used to wash themselves, their dishes, and their laundry.
To get clean the wealthy would mostly sponge off, usually just the face and hands with the chinaware washbasins and pitchers. Servants supplied the water, heated in the kitchen or laundry, and laid out clean shifts for the ladies and fresh dress shirts for the gentlemen. The wealthy also had larger wardrobe, so they appeared cleaner and didn’t smell as bad despite not bathing as much. But if they wanted a full bath, a wooden tub would be used. It had to be lugged from the laundry house, or wherever it was stored, and filled with water, usually hoisted from the well, and than heated over a stove.
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Dehydrated Green Beans MarketDemand, Expansions and Strategies Forecast to 2027
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Market Scope:
Maximize Market Research, report provide overall market insights for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and investors in the Dehydrated Green Beans Market. The information and data offered in the report may be used by all stakeholders in the Dehydrated Green Beans market, as well as industry professionals, researchers, journalists, and business researchers.
Maximize Market Research, report provides a unique research approach to conduct detailed research on the global Dehydrated Green Beans Market and make conclusions on the market's future growth factors. Primary and secondary research methodologies are combined in the research approach to assure the authenticity and validity of the conclusions in this report.
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Key Players:
• Freeze-Dry Foods GmbH • F R Benson & Partners Ltd • Mevive International Food Ingredients • Colin Ingrédients SAS • Minnesota Dehydrated Vegetables Inc. • HSDL Innovative Pvt. Ltd • Ruchi Foods LLP
Regional Analysis:
Geographically, Dehydrated Green Beans market report is segmented into several key regions are as follows,
Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.)
South America (Brazil etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt.)
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COVID-19's global influence on the Dehydrated Green Beans market was examined in this research. During this crisis, the report examines the Dehydrated Green Beans market's alternatives, demanding conditions, and difficult possibilities in detail. In terms of funding and market expansion, the paper briefly examines the COVID-19's merits and limitations. The study also contains a set of concepts that should aid readers in developing and planning company strategies.
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vrushabhgugale · 3 years
Dehydrated Garlic Market Analysis ,Applications Key Players and Forecasts by 2027
Dehydrated Garlic Market Overview: The Maximize Market research report gives you a complete report of the global Dehydrated Garlic Market. The study focuses on developing Market trends and important growth factors to assist Market participants in identifying opportunities in the Dehydrated Garlic Market. The research provides a comprehensive overview of the Market, as well as Market financials such as Market size from 2015 to 2020, with 2020 as the base year and forecast years 2021-2027. The breadth and segments of the global Dehydrated Garlic Market are covered in the Maximize Market Research report, which categorises it by product type, application areas, and geographies. The Market segmentation prioritises specific Markets and prospects over individual segments. North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and MEA are the major regions of the world included in the report. This provides a revenue forecast for each region from 2021 to 2027. COVID-19 Impact on Global Dehydrated Garlic Market: Different racial and ethnic groups reacted differently to the COVID-19 dislike. Inequities in the social determinants of health, such as income and wealth, access to and use of health care, education, occupation, discrimination, and housing, are all linked. Economic headwinds will come from a variety of directions for emerging Market and developing nations. Even this grim prognosis is fraught with uncertainty and huge dangers to the negative. The pace with which the crisis has engulfed the global economy may provide insight into the depth of the recession. Our highly skilled and informed team is always innovating and delivering innovative solutions to our clients, all while utilising the most cutting-edge technologies.
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The key manufacturers in the Dehydrated Garlic Market• AgReliant Genetics • Chiping ShengKang Foodstuff Co., Ltd • Royal (Jinxiang) Garlic Co., Ltd. • Xuzhou Liming Food Co., Ltd. • V.T. Foods Pvt. Ltd. • Krushi Food Industries • Oceanic Foods Limited • Handan Green & Healthy Dehydrated Vegetables Food Co., Ltd. • Daksh Foods Pvt. Ltd. • B.C. Foods (Shandong) Co., Ltd. • Garlico Industries Ltd. • Jinxiang Huihe • Henan Sunny Foodstuff Co., Ltd. • Hong Freezing and Storing Co., Ltd • Angsu Xinghua Hengsheng Food Co., Ltd. • Laiwu Yuan Yang Fruit and Vegetable Co., Ltd. • Jiangsu Dingneng Food Co., Ltd. • Shreeji • M.N. Dehydrated Foods • Indradhanushya Enterprises • Sunrise Export • Garlico Industries Ltd. • Viji Foods • Knoxx Foods • Prime Agro Food Products • others
This Maximize Market research report shows the possible economic benefits of investing in the Dehydrated Garlic Market to provide a greater understanding of the industry. Not only does the research provide a bright view for the Market, but it also analyses the drawbacks and risks that may arise for investment or competitiveness as a result of the emergence of some unfavourable aspects. The study's research analysts and industry speakers share their forecasts of the Dehydrated Garlic industry. The goal of this Maximize Market Research report is to compile the opinions and recommendations of the industry leaders who were contacted throughout the research. Global Dehydrated Garlic Market Regional Analysis Includes: • Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia) • Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) • North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.) • South America (Brazil etc.) • The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt.)
Read complete report along with TOC:https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-dehydrated-garlic-market/75776/
The overall purpose of the Maximize Market research report is to determine Market priorities and bottlenecks. The paper also offers advice on how to best handle the risks posed by new and disruptive technologies. Most importantly, referring to this report assists Market participants in staying informed of changing Market dangers and providing the best advice possible to Market participants, as well as the introduction or amendment of regulatory processes. This Maximize Market Research report study contains results and suggestions tailored to all Market players, investors, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Dehydrated Garlic Market. This Maximize Market research report will serve as a valuable resource for those looking to acquire a competitive advantage in the Market. Contact us: MAXIMIZE MARKET RESEARCH PVT. LTD. 3rd Floor, Navale IT park Phase 2, Pune Banglore Highway, Narhe,Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India. Email: [email protected] Phone No.: +91 20 6630 3320 Website: www.maximizeMarketresearch.com
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Early humans, probably by trial and error, also started to develop basic forms of food preservation, which possible also made safer, e.g. drying, salting, fermentation. The Chinese reportedly preserved vegetables by fermentation in prehistoric times and Plinius preserved white cabbage in earthenware pots in Italy in the first century AD. The earliest recorded instances of food preservation date back to ancient Egypt and the drying of grains and subsequent storage in seal silos. The stored grain could be kept for several years to insure against famine in case the Nile River flooded. Fermentation, oil packing, pickling, salting, and smoking are all ancient preservation technologies.
Refrigeration in caves or under cool water were also well known ancient techniques of food preservation. People in many parts of the world developed techniques for drying and smoking foods as far as 6000 BC. Microorganism need water to carry out their metabolic processes. Salting was so important in Roman life that Roman soldiers received “salarium,” or salt, as payment. This is the origin of today’s term, ‘salary.’
Ancient Mesoamericans used salt as a preservative for trade in fish and other food stuff over long distances, as well as for storing food for long periods of time. Since Phoenician times (from around 1250 BC) the standard practice for preserving fish was to gut it, dry it and pack it in layers with salt.
Salt is a common food preservative favored because it naturally inhibits most bacteria and fungal growth. Ham, bacon, duck, fish, eggs, cheese and vegetables can be salted through dry cures or wet brines for either short or extended periods to achieve desired results. Salted foods are sometimes dehydrated, as in the case of lutefisk, and then re-hydrated later prior to cooking. Salted hams like Prosciutto de Parma use only sea salt and time, a year or more, to dry and cure the hams. Salting can be done by either rubbing the surface or burying the item in a salt bed. A salt paste or dough can also be used to encase the product.
A cure dissolved in water is called a brine and works on the principle of diffusion. Because the salt solution is denser than the water in the food, equilibrium is sought thereby drawing salt and moisture into the product adding salt, flavor, and moisture to it. Brining can be done with any type of meat, fish or poultry. In most brine recipes a ratio of 3-5% salt is standard but could be as high as 9-10%.
Pickling is a tradition that dates back over 4000 years, to ancient Mesopotamia in the Middle East, where cucumbers were first cured. Although we tend to think of pickles when the term pickling is mentioned, it really applies to any foods that are preserved either through lacto-fermentation or through the use of a vinegar solution.  Pickled herring, popular in Europe, and ceviche a pickled fish preparation popular in South America, are examples of dishes that use this process.
Lacto-fermentation is the process used in German sauerkraut and Korean kimchi, in which vegetables are mixed with salt and spices and allowed to ferment at room temperature for weeks. Lacto-fermentation process enhances the nutritive value of vegetables and creates new flavor sensations. This is the same process used for curing dried salami.
Pickling in vinegar is done by creating a brine solution that usually includes salt, spices, and sometimes sugar. Herbs and spices such as mustard seed, garlic, cinnamon, or cloves, are often added to either lacto-fermentation or the vinegar pickling process, because in addition to adding flavors, they are also considered antimicrobial helping reduce bacteria.
Marinades can be prepared with vinegar, wine, or citric acids and may include seasonings, salt, sugar, or oil. Whereas pickling commonly is used when no heat is applied, marinades are commonly used for foods to be cooked. In addition to adding flavor to foods, marinades often are used to tenderize tough cuts of meat. Acidity will break down the meat fibers and make them tender but care must be taken as marinating items like meats for too long can cause the texture to have a mushy mouth feel.
The French term “confire” meaning “to preserve” refers to foods that are cooked and preserved in jars or pots. Fruit comfitures are cooked with sugar and sometimes other ingredients to add flavor and shelf life.  Confit meats, traditional to the Gascony region in Southwest France, are typically salt cured duck or goose submerged, and gently poached in fat until tender. Before the advent of modern refrigeration confits were placed in crockery pots or jars filled with the cooking fat and stored in a cool cellar where they could be held up to six months at a time.
Smoking is divided into either cold-smoking or hot smoking. The temperature of cold smoking is below 80˚F/27˚C degrees and merely injects smoke into the product without denaturing the proteins, for example salmon, or other types of fish. In hot-smoking the foods are cooked between 160-225˚F/71-110˚C degrees and the proteins are denatured and thoroughly cooked. Native Americans in the northwest smoked fish by hanging them from racks above an open fire, and the American barbecue slow cooks meats including pork ribs, beef brisket, and sausages in a similar manner. Scandinavians are known for their wood plank smoking, while sausage makers use smoke houses.
A method of food processing done by simply allowing foods to dry out through exposure to sun and wind. Fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish are commonly preserved in this manner including sun-dried tomatoes, beef jerky, and herbs and spices. Other methods include oven-drying, or the use of food dehydrators.
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watsonh366 · 3 years
Spray Dried Food Market Research Report Overview: Global Demand Analysis and Opportunity Outlook by 2027
A research report on the Global Spray Dried Food Market 2021 Industry Research Report. This is a key record as far as the clients and industries are concerned to not only understand the competitive market status that exists at present yet also what future holds for it in the upcoming period, i.e., somewhere in the range of 2021 and 2027. It has taken the past market status of 2015 – 2020 to extend the future status. The report has categorized as far as region, type, key industries, and application.
The Global Spray Dried Food market exhibits thorough data that is a significant source of insightful information for business tacticians during the decade 2015-2027. Based on authentic information, Spray Dried Food market report gives key segments and their sub-segments, revenue and demand and flexibly information. Considering technological discoveries of the market Spray Dried Food industry is probably going to appear as a commendable platform for rising Spray Dried Food market specialists.
This Spray Dried Food Market Report covers the manufacturer’s information, including shipment, price, revenue, net benefit, interview record, business distribution, and so on., this information help the consumer think about the competitors better.
Detailed TOC along with also Charts & Tables of Spray Dried Food Market Research Report accessible at: https://www.futuristicresearch.com/request-sample/FR100099
Key Players Mentioned at the Spray Dried Food Market Report:
mevive international food ingredientsDrytech IndustriesSunspray Food Ingredients (Pty) Ltd.WATSON-INC.The Food Source International Inc.Green RootsGeneral Mills Inc.Mercer Processing Inc.RB Foods Inc.J. Van Drunen & Sons Inc.Nestle S.A
This Spray Dried Food report explores feasibility with an objective of educational new entrants in regard to the changes within the market. The depiction, thorough SWOT analysis & investment analysis is given which Spray Dried Food forecasts are impending opportunities for its players.
Bakery Products
Infant Formulas
Dairy Products
Fish, Meat & Sea Food
Spices and Seasonings
Other Types (Dehydrated Meat, Dry Fruit, Dry Vegetable, Dehydrated Dairy Products)
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Spray Dried Food Market: Regional analysis includes:
Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.)
South America (Brazil etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt.)
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leonfrancisblog · 3 years
Barrier Films Market Size, Market Trends, Global Growth, Opportunities, Forecast to 2028|Key Players Honeywell International Inc, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation, Amcor plc, TOPPAN PRINTING CO., LTD., Berry Global Inc.
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Barrier films market is expected to gain market growth in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the market is growing with a CAGR of 5.5% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028 and is expected to reach USD 32,590.16 million by 2028 from USD 21,405.02 million in 2020. Increasing applications of barrier films in food and beverage product packaging and growing demand for barrier films in the pharmaceutical industry are boosting the demand of the market in the forecast period. Barrier films are a type of packaging film which is widely used in the food and beverage to extend the shelf life of the food as well as protecting the food products from the numerous types of external influences which is providing oxygen as well as moisture barriers. Also, barrier films hold the main use in the product's packaging. Barrier films consist of two layers type which is multiple layers and single layers. Multiple layers based barrier films are specially designed to achieve high-performance levels as compared to single layers based barrier films. Barrier films help to prevent quality deterioration; therefore these films are used to put pharmaceutical products under specific environmental conditions for increased shelf life.
Advanced multi-layer barrier films avoid the exchange of gases across packaging and increase the life of pharmaceutical drugs. Barrier films are also used in the agriculture industry to protect the filling goods from oxidation, microbial infestation and vitamin loss. In agriculture, the barrier films also reduce the fumigants in crop production and emissions of volatile pesticides. Also, these films provide a moisture barrier where soil for the cultivation of vegetables and fruits undergoes fumigation or sterilization process. Increasing applications of barrier films in food and beverages product packaging, rising demand for minimally invasive surgeries, growing demand of barrier films in pharmaceutical and agriculture industry, rising demand of barrier films to safeguard electronic components are the main drivers of demand for barrier films. However, poor infrastructure facilities for recycling and fluctuation in prices of raw materials for barrier films are expected to hinder the growth of barrier films market during the forecast period.
Global Barrier Films Market, By Type (Metalized Barrier Films, Transparent Barrier Films and White Barrier Film), Material Type (Polyethylene Teraphthalate (PET), Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polyamides (PA), Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH), Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and Others), Layers (Multiple Layers and Single Layers), Application (Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Electronics, Agriculture and Others), Distribution Channel (Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores, E-Commerce and Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, U.K., Italy, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Russia, Netherlands, Turkey, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel and Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028 Barrier films market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, production sites and facilities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product trials pipelines, product approvals, patents, product width and breath, application dominance, technology lifeline curve. The above data points provided are only related to the company’s focus related to barrier films market. The barrier films market report provides details of market share, new developments, and product pipeline analysis, impact of domestic and localised market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, product approvals, strategic decisions, product launches, geographic expansions, and technological innovations in the market. To understand the analysis and the market scenario contact us for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you create a revenue impact solution to achieve your desired goal.
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Barrier Films Market Country Level Analysis:
The barrier films market is analyzed and market size information is provided by type, material type, layers, and application and distribution channel. The country section of the report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points such as new sales, replacement sales, country demographics, regulatory acts and import-export tariffs are some of the major pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of sales channels are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data. The countries covered in the barrier films market report are U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, U.K., Italy, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Russia, Netherlands, Turkey, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, India, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel and Rest of Middle East and Africa.
North America region is expected to dominate with the highest market share in the barrier films market because in the North America region there is a huge demand of barrier films in most of the applications, along with this most of the advance technology based barrier films are launched in the region. The U.S. is expected to dominate and lead the growth of the North American market, which is expected to increase due to increases usages of barrier films in wide applications, along with this huge R&D procedure is perform in the U.S. for introduce advance technology based barrier films in order to provide better services to the end user. In the Europe, Germany is dominating with the highest growing CAGR due to large end users are engaged in adoption of advance technology based barrier films for the suitable application. Asia-Pacific will grow with the highest CAGR in forecast period, because in Asia-Pacific countries have huge consumption of barrier films for wide application including food and beverage, pharmaceutical, electronics, agriculture and others. China is expected to dominate the Asia-Pacific market.
Barrier Films Market Scope and Market Size:
Global barrier films market is categorized into five notable segments which are type, material type, layers, and application and distribution channel. The growth amongst these segments will help you analyze meagre growth segments in the industries, and provide the users with valuable market overview and market insights to help them in making strategic decisions for identification of core market applications.
On the basis of application, the barrier films market is segmented into food and beverage, pharmaceutical, electronics, agriculture and others. In 2021, food and beverage segment is expected to dominate in the global barrier films market because most of the barriers films are used for food and beverage applications such as bakery and confectionery, dehydrated food and beverage, dry fruits, and fruits and nuts, frozen food, chips and snacks, animal food and others in order to extend their shelf life, which helps to boost its demand in the forecast year. On the basis of distribution channel, the barrier films market is segmented into supermarkets/hypermarkets, specialty stores, e-commerce and others. In 2021, supermarkets/hypermarkets segment is expected to dominate in the global barrier films market due to most of the end users are engaged to purchase barrier films from the supermarkets/hypermarkets because in the supermarkets/hypermarkets the end users found barrier films relatively at a low price as compared to other distribution channel, which helps to boost its demand in the forecast year. On the basis of type, the barrier films market is segmented into metalized barrier films, transparent barrier films and white barrier film. In 2021, metalized barrier films segment is expected to dominate in the global barrier films market because metalized barrier films are specially designed to preserve various types of products to provide a high barrier against oxygen as well as humidity in terms of ensuring extent shelf life for sensitive products, which helps to boost its demand in the forecast year. On the basis of material type, the barrier films market is segmented into polyethylene teraphthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyamides (PA), ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and others. In 2021, polyethylene teraphthalate (PET) segment is expected to dominate in the global barrier films market because polyethylene teraphthalate (PET) is a strong film with good oxygen barrier and heat resistant with a good durability. Along with this polyethylene teraphthalate (PET) is an excellent laminating substrate for stand-up pouches, which helps to boost its demand in the forecast year. On the basis of layers, the barrier films market is segmented into multiple layers and single layers. In 2021, the multiple layers segment is expected to dominate in the global barrier films market because multiple layers based barrier films can achieve high-performance levels as compared to single layers based barrier films. Along with these multiple layers, based barrier films have a high puncture and tear resistance, which helps to boost its demand in the forecast year.
The major companies in global barrier films market are Honeywell International Inc, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation, Amcor plc, TOPPAN PRINTING CO., LTD., Berry Global Inc., CLONDALKIN GROUP, Sonoco Products Company, Huhtamaki, Dupont Teijin Films U.S. Limited Partnership, Mondi, Fraunhofer -Gesellschaft, Klöckner Pentaplast, ProAmpac, Coveris, Glenroy, Inc., Constantia Flexibles, UFlex Limited, Jindal Poly Films Limited, WINPAK LTD., and Innovia Films (a subsidiary of CCL Industries), among others. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
Customization Available: Global Barrier Films Market:
Data Bridge Market Research is a leader in advanced formative research. We take pride in servicing our existing and new customers with data and analysis that match and suits their goal. The report can be customized to include price trend analysis of target brands understanding the market for additional countries (ask for the list of countries), clinical trial results data, literature review, refurbished market and product base analysis. Market analysis of target competitors can be analyzed from technology-based analysis to market portfolio strategies. We can add as many competitors that you require data about in the format and data style you are looking for. Our team of analysts can also provide you data in crude raw excel files pivot tables (Factbook) or can assist you in creating presentations from the data sets available in the report.
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Herb Of The Day     Hibiscus
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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, also known as rose mallow, is an attractive flower native to subtropic and tropical climates all over the world. Its petals are used to make hibiscus tea, a beverage which has been consumed in many different regions for centuries, including West Africa, Persia, Mexico, Ghana, Cambodia and Egypt. It is recognised in many cultures as a medicinal plant, and is used to treat colds and improve skin health, amongst many other applications.
Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and are commonly known simply as hibiscus. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees. The generic name is derived from the Greek word which was the name Pedanius Dioscorides gave to Althaea officinalis.
The leaves are alternate, ovate to lanceolate, often with a toothed or lobed margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five or more petals, color from white to pink, red, orange, peach,yellow or purple,and from 4–18 cm broad. Flower color in certain species, such as H. mutabilis and H. tiliaceus, changes with age.The fruit is a dry five-lobed capsule, containing several seedsin each lobe, which are released when the capsule dehisces(splits open) at maturity. It is of red and white colours. It is an example of complete flowers.
Symbolism and culture
The hibiscus is the national flower of Haiti and is used in their national tourism slogan of Haïti: Experience It! The hibiscus species also represents several other nations, such as the Solomon Islands. The Hibiscus syriacus is the national flower of South Korea, and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia. The red hibiscus is the flower of the Hindu goddess Kali, and appears frequently in depictions of her in the art of Bengal, India, often with the goddess and the flower merging in form. The hibiscus is used as an offering to goddess Kali and Lord Ganesha in Hindu worship.
In the Philippines, the gumamela (local name for hibiscus) is used by children as part of a bubble-making pastime. The flowers and leaves are crushed until the sticky juices come out. Hollow papaya stalks are then dipped into this and used as straws for blowing bubbles. Together with soap, hibiscus juices produce more bubbles.
The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn by Tahitian and Hawaiian girls. If the flower is worn behind the left ear, the woman is married or in a relationship. If the flower is worn on the right, she is single or openly available for a relationship.[citation needed] The hibiscus is Hawaii's state flower.
Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie named her first novel Purple Hibiscus after the delicate flower.
The bark of the hibiscus contains strong bast fibres that can be obtained by letting the stripped bark set in the sea to let the organic material rot away.
Precautions and contraindications Pregnancy and lactation
While the mechanism is not well understood, previous animal studies have demonstrated both an inhibitory effect of H. sabdariffa on muscle tone and the anti-fertility effects of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, respectively.The extract of H. sabdariffa has been shown to stimulate contraction of the rat bladder and uterus; the H.rosa-sinensis extract has exhibited contraceptive effects in the form of estrogen activity in rats. These findings have not been observed in humans. The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is also thought to have emmenagogue effects which can stimulate menstruation and, in some women, cause an abortion. Due to the documented adverse effects in animal studies and the reported pharmacological properties, the H. sabdariffa and H.rosa-sinensis are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Additionally, they are not recommended while breastfeeding due to the lack of reliable information on its safety and use.
Yellow Hibiscus Drug interactionsIt is postulated that H. sabdariffa interacts with diclofenac, chloroquine and acetaminophen by altering the pharmacokinetics. In healthy human volunteers, the H. sabdariffa extract was found to reduce the excretion of diclofenac upon co-administration. Additionally, co-administration of Karkade (H. sabdariffa), a common Sudanese beverage, was found to reduce chloroquine bioavailability.However, no statistically significant changes were observed in the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen when administered with the Zobo (H.sabdariffa) drink.Further studies are needed to demonstrate clinical significance.
Magickal Uses of Hibiscus
Planetary Association: Venus
Gender: Feminine
Folklore: One species of Hibiscus, known as Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), is extensively used in paper making. Another, roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is used as a vegetable and to make herbal teas and jams (especially in the Caribbean).
In Mexico, the drink is known as Jamaican water or agua de Jamaica and is quite popular for its colour, tanginess and mild flavour; once sugar is added, it tastes somewhat like cranberry juice. Dieters or persons with kidney problems often take it without adding sugar for its beneficial properties and as a natural diuretic. It is made by boiling the dehydrated flowers in water; once it is boiled, it is allowed to cool and drunk with ice.
In Egypt and Sudan, roselle petals are used to make a tea named after the plant karkade. The Hibiscus is used as an offering to Goddess Kali and Lord Ganesha in Hindu worship. The Gumamela or Hibiscus rosa sinensis linn flower has antifungal, emmenagogue, emollient and refrigerant effect.
Hibiscus, especially white hibiscus, is considered to have medicinal properties in the Indian traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda. Roots make various concoctions believed to cure various ailments.
The natives of southern India use the Red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) for hair care purposes. The red flower and leaves, extracts of which can be applied on hair to tackle hair-fall and dandruff on the scalp. It is used to make hair-protective oils. A simple application involves soaking the leaves and flowers in water and using a wet grinder to make a thick paste, and used as a natural shampoo.
Dried hibiscus is edible, and is often a delicacy in Mexico.
The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn by Hawaiian women. A single flower is tucked behind the ear. Which ear is used indicates the wearer’s availability for marriage.
Magickal Uses: This lusty flower incites passion — use it to attract love or lust, or for prophetic dreams . Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams. Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love. These flowers have been used throughout centuries as an aphrodisiac. Egyptian women are banned from drinking tea made with this herb because it is said to induce lusty feelings. Use this herb for spells dealing with love or lust, or put the petals into a sachet to bring on passion and love.
Hibiscus is also used in incense mixtures for divination and clairvoyance. Hibiscus flowers aid divination when placed in a wooden bowl containing water, and the result is scryed. The blossoms are used in love incenses and sachets and in the tropics; the blossoms are placed in wreaths in marriage ceremonies.
The Dobu of the Western Pacific place the blossoms in wooden scrying bowls. It is also used as a Protection against Negativity and Evil. It facilitates Psychic Abilities, and attracts good Spirits.
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blogwiseguy123world · 4 years
Global Spices and Seasonings Market-Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast   2025
Summary – A new market study, titled " Global Spices and Seasonings Market-Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast   2025 " has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Because they tend to have strong flavors and are used in small quantities, spices tend to add few calories to food. Many spices, however, can contribute significant portions of micronutrients to the diet.
Also read – https://www.einpresswire.com/article/519023131/spices-and-seasonings-market-2020-covid-19-impact-on-global-demand-sales-consumption-and-forecasts-to-2026
The production of Spices and Seasonings increases from 743564 MT in 2012 to 1006435 MT in 2017, with CAGR of 6.24%. In the world wide, Europe is the largest revenue market, who account for about 21.89% market share in the Spices and Seasonings market in 2016. China ranked the second place, and with a market share of 21.04 in 2016. McCormick, Unilever, Ajinomoto are the global leading manufacturers of spices.
ASTA defines spices as “any dried plant product used primarily for seasoning purposes”. Included are tropical aromatics (pepper, cinnamon, cloves, etc.), leafy herbs (basil, oregano, marjoram, etc.), spice seeds (sesame, poppy, mustard, etc.) and dehydrated vegetables (onions, garlic, etc.). Blends such as curry, chili powders, poultry seasoning, etc. are part of the spice shelf, too.
The FDA defines spices similarly, except that they do not include the dehydrated vegetables in the label definition of “spices”. Any form of dehydrated vegetable product must be labeled separately. Such color contributing spices as paprika, turmeric and saffron must either be labeled separately or as “spice coloring”. The Department of Agriculture (meat and poultry products labeling) has nearly the same requirements as the FDA, except that colorant spices and mustard must always be listed separately while onion powder and garlic powder may be listed as “flavors”. All other forms of dehydrated vegetables must be listed separately by name.
The global Spices and Seasonings market is valued at 14800 million US$ in 2018 and will reach 21900 million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 5.0% during 2019-2025. The objectives of this study are to define, segment, and project the size of the Spices and Seasonings market based on company, product type, end user and key regions.
This report studies the global market size of Spices and Seasonings in key regions like North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Central & South America and Middle East & Africa, focuses on the consumption of Spices and Seasonings in these regions.
This research report categorizes the global Spices and Seasonings market by top players/brands, region, type and end user. This report also studies the global Spices and Seasonings market status, competition landscape, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities and challenges, sales channels and distributors.
The following manufacturers are covered in this report, with sales, revenue, market share for each company:
Kerry Group Plc. (Ireland)
Olam International
Everest Spices
Zhumadian Wang Shouyi
MDH Spices
Catch(DS Group)
Sensient Technologies (U.S.)
Ankee Food
Market size by Product
Salt & Salt Substitutes
Hot Spices
Aromatic Spices
Market size by End User
Food Processing Industry
Catering Industry
Market size by Region
North America
United States
South Korea
Central & South America
Rest of Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
The study objectives of this report are:
To study and analyze the global Spices and Seasonings market size (value & volume) by company, key regions, products and end user, breakdown data from 2014 to 2018, and forecast to 2025.
To understand the structure of Spices and Seasonings market by identifying its various subsegments.
To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).
Focuses on the key global Spices and Seasonings companies, to define, describe and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competition landscape and recent development.
To project the value and sales volume of Spices and Seasonings submarkets, with respect to key regions.
To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the market.
In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Spices and Seasonings are as follows:
History Year: 2014-2018
Base Year: 2018
Estimated Year: 2019
Forecast Year 2019 to 2025
This report includes the estimation of market size for value (million US$) and volume (K MT). Both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been used to estimate and validate the market size of Spices and Seasonings market, to estimate the size of various other dependent submarkets in the overall market. Key players in the market have been identified through secondary research, and their market shares have been determined through primary and secondary research. All percentage shares, splits, and breakdowns have been determined using secondary sources and verified primary sources.
For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2018 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered
For more details - https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/3741383-global-spices-and-seasonings-market-insights-forecast-to-2025
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blogsmithelenablr · 4 years
Freeze Dried Vegetables Market Booming Worldwide with leading Players Olam, Sensient, Jain Irrigation Systems, etc.
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The latest study on the Freeze Dried Vegetables market gives an extensive analysis of the business performance of the prominent vendors across different countries for the forecast period, 2020 to 2026. The report applies both qualitative and quantitative techniques to estimate the market share, size, trends, gross revenue and profit margin in the forecasted years. The research also highlights the major drivers, restraints, challenges and threats that will have a probable impact on the industry. The study also assesses the strategies employed by the key vendors to gain a competitive edge in the market. It segments the market based on product type, application and geography.
In market segmentation by manufacturers, the report covers the following companies-
Olam, Sensient, Jain Irrigation Systems, Eurocebollas, Silva International, Jaworski, Dingneng, Feida, Rosun Dehydration, Dingfang, Steinicke, Natural Dehydrated Vegetables, Mercer Foods, Kanghua, Zhongli, Fuqiang, Maharaja Dehydration, Garlico Industries, BCFoods, Richfield
The report includes the latest coverage of the impact of COVID-19 on the Freeze Dried Vegetables industry. The incidence has affected nearly every aspect of the business domain. This study evaluates the current scenario and predicts future outcomes of the pandemic on the global economy.
To get Free Sample Report Copy click here @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/554
In market segmentation by types of Freeze Dried Vegetables, the report covers-
In market segmentation by applications of the Freeze Dried Vegetables, the report covers the following uses-
In market segmentation by geographical regions, the report has analysed the following regions-
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
This investigative report on the Global Freeze Dried Vegetables‎ Market gives a comprehensive overview of the current market development, highlighting key market dynamics. The study also provides a meticulous evaluation of the key threats faced by the pioneers of the market, which allows the participants to comprehend the challenges they may encounter in the future as part of the global market in the forecast duration.
To Purchase this Report click here @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/checkout-form/554
The Market Report Contains The Following Chapters: Chapter 1: This report on the Global Freeze Dried Vegetables‎ Market brings in one place all the vital information pertaining to the sector.
Chapter 2: The report comprises of a detailed analysis of players that account for a significant portion of the global market share in the Freeze Dried Vegetables‎ industry, highlighting the company’s latest technological advancement in the market, and the product profile currently available in the market, as well as the regions where they predominantly operate.
Chapter 3: It helps understand the major product segments and the future of the Global Freeze Dried Vegetables‎ Market. It gives strategic measures in key business segments based on market estimations.
Chapter 4: The report also provides an eight-year forecast survey predicting the growth of the market in the forecast duration.
The Freeze Dried Vegetables‎ industry research report outlines aspects like production, demand and supply, sales, and the contemporary market scenario exhaustively. Additionally, the report sheds light on production shares and market product sales, as well as production capacity, sales, and revenue. Other market aspects such as import/export dynamics, demand, supply, gross margin, and industry chain structure have also been assessed in the Global Freeze Dried Vegetables‎ Market report.
Find the extensive Report Description, TOC and Table of Figure @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/global-freeze-dried-vegetables-market-research-report-2017
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Onion imports making up just a small fraction of shortfall as prices surge - india news
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The government is scouring markets in West Asia and Europe for onions, but has been able to import just a fraction of what the country needs, prolonging the worst price spiral since the 2010 crisis.On November 22, the government contracted 6,090 tonnes of shipments from Egypt. These consignments are expected to begin arriving around December 10. On November 29, 11,000 tonne were contracted from Turkey and are expected to begin landing in January. Contracts for an additional 4,000 tonne from Turkey have been signed, a statement said on Wednesday. This shipment is expected to arrive by mid-January. Total shipments contracted for import so far stand at 21,090 tonne.The current shortfall, however, is far larger at 160,000 metric tonne, according to a comparison of arrival figures for the vegetable in wholesale markets during October-November from a year-ago period from the National Horticulture Development Board (NHDB) database.Retail prices spurted to their seasonal peak on Wednesday. The base ingredient of most Indian dishes was costliest, at Rs 200 a kg, in some markets of Vijayawada and Rs 140 a kg in Mumbai, according to price data from the NHDB. Onions retailed for Rs 130 a kg in Kolkata, Rs 120 in Chennai and Rs 130 in Bengaluru. In Delhi, onions sold for Rs 90 a kg on Wednesday, the data showed. A drought in 2009-10, the severest in three decades, crimped output, leading to a similar rise in prices. This year’s crisis is rooted in a supply crunch triggered first by a sluggish start to the monsoon and then delayed harvests due to heavy rains in August in central Indian states.India’s retail inflation rose to a 16-month high in October, at 4.62% against a 3.99% rise in September, mainly on account of a spike in vegetable prices due to unseasonal rains. “Our assessment is that rains have destroyed about 30% of the crop in Maharahstra,” said Shirish Jamdade, a horticulture official from India’s largest onion grower.According to an interministerial panel headed by the home ministry to monitor stocks, prices and imports, extreme weather has damaged 26% of the main onion summer crop nationally. Onion cultivation is concentrated in states such as Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, regions which witnessed several spells of flooding.The Union government has authorised the state-run Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation to import onions, but so far only about 1,600 metric tonnes have arrived at Jawaharlal Nehru Port. The imported onions, which are of a less pungent variety, have found few bulk buyers despite being offered at a third of the imported price of ₹45 a kg, an official said.Wild swings in onion prices have now become fairly entrenched. Every alternate year, there is at least one price spiral. Given their political significance, onion prices are emblematic of India’s larger food-inflation battle. Just between January and May this year, farmers faced huge losses when onions sold for a wholesale rate of ₹5-6 a kg at Lasalgoan, Asia’s largest onion market in Maharashtra, against an average cost of cultivation of ₹9.Rural food inflation rose to 6.42% in October against 3.22% in the previous month, while urban food inflation climbed 10.47% in October against 8.76% in September.The next harvest, known as late kharif, will begin to hit the markets from January onwards. Some experts fear a glut then. “Till then, of course, prices will remain under pressure,” said Ashish Gupta of Comtrade, a commodity trading firm.According to economist Ashok Gulati, alternating glut-shortage cycles in onions need a multi-dimensional fix. Investment in cold chains and adequate food-processing facilities can help tide over crises with dehydrated, stored onions. Price stabilisation requires a fine-tuned policy whereby the government can efficiently buy out excess stocks from the main winter crop, the largest harvest, and release them during summer shortages.The government took more administrative steps Wednesday, mainly to ease imports. “Fumigation condition relaxations that were earlier provided till 30th November, 2019 have now been extended till 31st December, 2019. This is expected to further increase participation, competition and reduce price,” a statement said. Source link Read the full article
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Culinary History (Part 36): Preserving
In medieval Europe, protein foods such as meat & dairy could only be eaten fresh during summer and autumn.  In the winter and spring, they would be smoky or salty, because this was the only way to stop food from going off.
Any meat that wasn't eaten straight away after killing the animal was salted – layered up with huge amounts of salt in a large wooden cask.  This expensive to do – in the late 1200's, 2d of salt was necessary to cure 5d of meat – so only good-quality meat was salted.
Pork took salt the best.  The Elizabethans had bacon, ham, salt pork, and gammon (the hind leg after being dry-salted or brined).  There was also souse – a pickled mixture of all the leftover bits except the squeak.
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Glazed gammon.
Beef was also salted to make salt beef.  One version of salt beef was Martinmas beef, prepared around the feast of Martinmas (November 11th).  The beef was well-salted, then hung in the roof of a smoky house until it was well-smoked.
There is an urban myth that medieval cooks used spices to disguise the taste of gone-off meat, but this is not true.  Spices were too expensive to waste on bad meat, but they were used to make the salt meat taste less harsh.
Milk was preserved as well as meat.  In the East, it was curdled & fermented into yoghurty foods and sour drinks, such as the Kazakh kumis (a fermented liquor made from mare's milk, used as a drink and medicine).
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In the West, it was turned into cheese and butter, both highly-salted for preservation.  In Aelfric's Colloquy (late 900's AD), the “salter” says that “you would lose all your butter and cheese were I not at hand to protect it for you.”
Their butter was extremely salty.  Butter today has about 1-2% salt, but they had 5-10x that amount.  According to a 1305 record, 1 pound of salt was needed for only 10 pounds of butter.  This would be disgusting to eat, and the cooks had to spend a lot of effort washing salt out of butter to make it edible.
Fish had to be salted, too.  The Scottish kipper (salted, pickled, or cold-smoked herring) was not invented until the 1800's.  But before that, there was a kind of cured haddock produced near Aberdeen, smoked over peat & decayed moss.  They were called Bervies (also Buckies & Smokies? or were they a different type of fish/process?)
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Salted cod.
Salted/pickled fish was a staple European protein food, especially on Fridays.  Even before the Classical era, there had been a good trade in salted fish – first from Egypt and Spain; then from Greece and Rome.  In the Middle Ages, salt herring came from the North and Baltic Seas, where it was a major industry.
Salt herring is not easy to produce, because it goes off so fast.  It should be preserved within a day (preferably less).  In the 1300's, the manufacturers developed techniques for salting herrings on board, and this made it a lot faster.  The fish were re-packed when they got back to shore.
The Dutch were exceptional at this, which may have been one of the reasons they dominated the European market.  Their herring-gutters could process two thousand fish an hour when at sea.  Because they did it so fast, they accidentally left behind a part of the stomach containing trypsin (a chemical which speeds up the curing process).
Only eating fish preserved and not fresh would have been very monotonous, and there are many jokes about this.  In A Pleasant Comedie, called Wily Beguilde (Anon, 1606), one character says to another, “You dried stockefish, you, out of my sight!”
A “red herring” was a rather smelly cured fish which had been double “hard-smoked” and salted.  It is now a literary term.
Sweet preserved foods were much nicer to eat.  In the Mediterranean, the most common way to preserve fruit & vegetables was to dry them.  In this way, grapes became “raisins of the sun”, plums turned into prunes, and dates & figs shrivelled up and became sweeter.  During Biblical times & earlier, juicy fruits & vegetables were either buried in hot sand, or laid out on trays or rooftops.  The hot sun easily dried them out.
In Eastern Europe, the sun was less hot, so they had to develop more complicated methods.  From the Middle Ages, special drying-houses were built in Moravia (CZE) and Slovakia.  A drying-house was a room heated by a stove below it, with many wicker handles inside to hang the fruit on.
The English nobility had “stillrooms”, cool rooms where servants bottled fruits, candied nuts & citrus peel, distilled spirits, and made jams, marmalades (originally from quinces) and sweetmeats.
Candying had many alchemical superstitions and “secrets”.  For example, walnuts should be preserved on St. John's Day (June 24th). Fruits for preserving were picked just before ripening, because they held their shape better that way.  Preserving was a kind of magic, like embalming the dead, of holding back decay.
Hannah Wolley's The Queen-Like Closet (1672) gives a recipe for “The best way to preserve gooseberries green and whole”.  They were soaked three times in warm water; then boiled three times in sugar syrup; and finally boiled once more in a fresh sugar syrup.
Even though people had no idea why these methods worked, they succeeded in preserving most of the time.  It wasn't until the 1860's, when Louis Pasteur discovered the micro-organisms that made food & drink go off, that we found out.  People believed that the reason was spontaneous generation, with mysterious invisible forces causing mould to grow.  In reality, it's microbes such as bacteria, yeast and fungi that cause good fermentation for wine & cheese, and toxic fermentation when food degrades.
Drying works as a method of preservation because bacteria need moisture to grow in, and so when the fruit dehydrated, they mostly die off.  Pickling in vinegar works because microbes prefer alkaline conditions, and the acid stops mold from growing.
There wasn't much innovation in preserving, because mistakes could be deadly.  From the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 1800's, the only innovation was conserving meat in a layer of fat/oil – used in potted meats and duck/goose confit (salt-curing a piece of meat, and cooking it in its own fat).
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Duck confit.
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