#herb of the day
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margocooper · 1 month ago
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Якобея обыкновенная (лат. Jacobaea vulgaris) — растение в большей степени известно под названием — Senecio jacobaea L. (Крестовник Якова, Крестовник луговой). Ядовитое растение, представляющее опасность для домашних животных. Август 23.
Jacobaea vulgaris - the plant is mostly known under the name - Senecio jacobaea L. (Jacob's ragwort, meadow ragwort). A poisonous plant that poses a danger to domestic animals. August 23.
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stayatsam · 5 months ago
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time to plan out the border...
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galacticnikki · 6 months ago
100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days!
Day 3 - How to Turn Herbs into Loose Incense
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Turning your herbs into a blend of loose incense is a wonderful way to connect with the energies in your plants. It not only can be used to make your home or living space smell nice, but can also be used for a variety of practices. Whether it's for smoke divination, cleansing, or spells there's a blend for every intention.
Gathering Ingredients
There are 3 types of ingredients used for loose incense; herbs, resins, and wood shavings. Herbs are the most versatile of the bunch. There are a plethora of different herbs each with their own correspondences. Some notable basic herbs that every witch should have laying around somewhere include basil, bay leaves, chives, cilantro, dill, oregano, mint, parsley, rosemary, and thyme. Resins are your tree saps, these include frankincense, myrrh, pine sap, and dragon's blood. Wood shavings are self explanatory, they're pieces of bark and wood from trees. Make sure before proceeding that you know the herbs, resins, and wood shavings are safe to burn. Some herbs, resins, and wood shavings can be toxic to humans and pets.
Preparation & Blending
To prepare your herbs to be blended into your loose incense you want to make sure they're 100% dried to ensure they don't grow mold and they burn well. You can dry your fresh herbs by hanging them upside down in a well ventilated room. Once the herbs are dried, use a mortar and pestle to grind dried herbs and resins into either a fine powder or coarse blend, depending on your preference. As you grind these herbs focus on what they do and how they contribute to your intention and blend them together. You may need to adjust the ratios depending on the strength of each ingredient, but you'll figure that out as you learn more.
Binding & Burning
Binding is an optional step when making loose incense, however, adding a small amount of powdered charcoal or gum arabic can help make your blend burn more evenly. When you're not actively burning your loose incense make sure to store it in an airtight container so it doesn't loose it's potency. There are multiple methods to burn loose incense, however, I like to create sigil shaped incense trails. There are multiple ways to make incense trails. One of such ways is to spoon the powder into a mold placed on a bed of ash, this method originates from China. The method I use includes pouring it out in the general shape of the sigil, then I pat it down with my fingers and fix any errors I may have made when compacting it. Once you've made your trail you simply light one end and let it burn.
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Simple Blends by Intention
Protection Blend - Used for cleansing your space and creating a protective barrier against negativity
Rosemary (Protection, Purification) - Potent protector, often used to clear negative energy and set boundaries.
Bay Leaves (Protection, Strength) - Used in this blend to amplify the shielding energy.
Cedar (Grounding, Protection) - Provides grounding and strengthens the protection created by the rosemary and bay leaves.
Frankincense Resin (Spiritual Protection, Purification) - Used for protection and connection with your higher self.
Abundance and Prosperity Blend - Used to attract wealth and prosperity
Basil (Wealth, Abundance) - Used to draw wealth and secure success.
Cinnamon (Success, Prosperity) - Typically considered fast acting and bringing rapid results.
Mint (Financial Gain, Luck) - Commonly used to bring luck in financial matters.
Clove (Attraction, Manifestation) - Used to strengthen manifestation, helping to focus your intent on drawing in wealth and success.
Peace and Relaxation Blend - Used for meditation, relaxation, or healing after emotional stress
Chamomile (Calm, Relaxation, Healing) - Used to bring gentle healing, diffusing tension, and creating a peaceful atmosphere.
Lavender (Peace, Calming Energy) - Promotes peace, calm, and sleep.
Lemon Balm (Emotional Healing, Calm) - Aids in emotional healing and brings a gentle clarity to situations.
Mugwort (Dreamwork, Relaxation) - Used for enhancing intuition and calming the mind.
Spiritual Growth and Intuition Incense - Used for rituals focusing on spiritual growth, meditation, or divination
Sage (Cleansing, Spiritual Clarity) - Powerful cleansing herb that helps clear the mind and create a space for spiritual work. Please use common sage and not white sage.
Mugwort (Intuition, Psychic Development) - Enhances psychic abilities and helps to deepen your intuition.
Frankincense Resin (Spiritual Connection, Purification) - Aids in connecting with your higher self.
Cedar (Grounding, Spiritual Protection) - Provides grounding energy, ensuring that you will stay rooted and protected during rituals.
If you want to find more of these entries use the hashtag #100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days! If you want to join a group of witches feel free to join our 18+ coven on Discord.
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milkbreadtoast · 11 months ago
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The Herb Cookie's Terrace fan pop-up event in Korea I contributed to was today!!! I can finally post the piece I did 😙🍁🍂🍃 It was my first time drawing a background like this so I worked really hard... I also hatched the lineart/shading for no reason (I love pain)
you can see pics from the event here~
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holyblanchett · 4 months ago
I'm just thinking about the poor residents of Westview. They survived Wandavision only to have Agatha and Rio tearing the neighborhood up again after breaking up for the millionth time three years later. They just can't catch a break.
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nightcigale · 1 year ago
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More gesture, more dance
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julianplum · 1 year ago
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Prompt 9: preserves + moon // gouache and neocolor crayon on hot press paper
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howlerbat · 1 month ago
Why is it always the cool funny best friend who has homoerotic tension with the main character that needs to die at the beginning of the show…
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RIP legends
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videoreligion · 7 months ago
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Graduation Day (1981)
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echoes-in-echoclan · 1 year ago
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Maybe that burrow with the sick stink is connected to whatever HeronClan and Kestrelstar have... who knows...
But the good thing is Raggedghost made a full recovery!
Moon 0 
Moon 13 - Moon 15
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margocooper · 25 days ago
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Царство прибрежных водорослей. Август 23. The kingdom of coastal algae. August 23.
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tofreezetime · 7 months ago
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chamaenerion angustifolium
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galacticnikki · 6 months ago
100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days!
Day 1 - Choosing the right herbs for your magical practice
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As chosen by my followers here's 100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days; starting off with herbal witchcraft! Herbal witchcraft is a very simple, easy way to start your practice after mastering the basics. It can also be a fun, exciting, and budget friendly way to practice magic in a discreet manner for those who can't practice openly.
1. Start with Common Kitchen Herbs
When starting to work with various herbs it's best to start with those easily accessible and familiar to you. You can start with common kitchen herbs like rosemary, basil, mint, thyme, bay leaf, or any other kinds you have in your kitchen cabinet.
2. Choose Herbs That Resonate with Your Intentions
Herbs are a potent tool in spells and recipes. When choosing herbs, it's important to consider what you want to achieve and select herbs that align with those intentions. If your looking for protection rosemary and bay leaf are known for their protective and purifying qualities. For abundance cinnamon, basil, and clover are used to attract wealth and success.
3. Research Herb Safety and Usage
Before you go incorporating herbs into your practice, its very important to understand if they're safe and their proper uses. Some herbs can be toxic if ingested in large amounts or may cause allergic reactions. It's important to consult reliable sources or books on herbs to learn more about the herb before using it. If you're using herbs on your skin do a patch test to ensure you don't have an adverse reaction. Also make sure you're not using toxic herbs such as belladonna or foxglove.
4. Start Small and Experiment
It can be rather easy to get overwhelmed by the wide variety of herbs available to you. Make sure you start with a small collection that seems manageable and start to experiment with them. It's best to start with a few versatile herbs to see how they work. Then gradually expand your collection as you become more comfortable with using them. Make sure to keep a journal and document your experiments and how each herb affects your spells or rituals.
5. Grow Your Own Herbs
If you have the space, growing your own herbs can be a fantastic way to grow closer to your craft. Growing your own herbs makes sure you always have fresh, high quality herbs and also deepens your connect with the plants. If you're gardening indoors or don't have enough space outside use window boxes or small pots to grow your herbs. If you have the space outdoors start a garden filled with plants like rosemary, thyme, and mint that grow well outside. Don't forget to harvest your herbs regularly to encourage healthy growth and ensure a steady supply for your practice.
If you want to find more of these entries use the hashtag #100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days! If you want to join a group of witches feel free to join our 18+ coven on Discord.
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pellinni-photo · 7 days ago
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countryside scenery with meadow. beautiful view. sunny day. carpathian mountain landscape in summer. herbs and flowers among the grass. organic rural field
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voguefashion · 2 years ago
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L’Uomo Vogue 70s & 80s Covers
Helmut Berger by Oliviero Toscani (October/November 1973)
Paul Newman by Marka (June/July 1975)
Jack Nicholson by Klaus Lukas (August 1975)
Ryan O’Neal by Oliviero Toscani (August 1977)
Rudolf Nureyev by Oliviero Toscani (December 1979)
Rupert Everett by John Bishop (September 1984)
Jeremy Irons by Tony McGee (January 1982)
Hugh Grant by Lord Snowdon (December 1987)
Gary Oldman by Lord Snowdon (February 1988)
Daniel Day-Lewis by Herb Ritts (May 1988)
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hanzajesthanza · 4 months ago
i feel like i just got so used to ciri and how natural ciri and geralt’s relationship left, via being introduced to the witcher via witcher 3, and then reading the middle of the saga before i finished the short stories…
that i never really innately picked up on the fact that ciri turning out to be geralt’s daughter and not his son was… uhm, part of the entire surprise, let’s put it that way :’)
geralt and ciri are just soooo natural as a father and daughter duo that i can’t imagine it any other way, if ciri had been a boy this would have been way less remarkable as a series, there would be no witcher series as we know it. so to me ciri being a girl was the normal and default, expected way things were supposed to go.
even when i read a question of price-sword of destiny-something more for the first times, i was like “ok” when ciri being a girl was a switch of expectations: geralt (and, supposedly, the reader) having expected pavetta to have a son. like… “alright, it’s a girl, so what.”
i had to be informed about how this was an intentional shock… not only because i’m not a parent, but i mean, well, ultrasounds get mixed up all the time, right… it’s not so uncommon to have a kid and be surprised by the gender…
and because of this, i was more inclined to eyeroll at blood of elves being preachy with going over ciri’s biological sex what seemed like ten million times in chapters two and three… what with the whole “daughter has her first period” subplot, ciri upset over her lack of potential strongmanship, and the witchers mostly relying on triss for guidance in raising a girl. the moral being both “just raise her like any other child” and “be sensitive to her needs that you’re blind to…”
although i still think these segments have visibly aged and date the series (not inherently a bad thing, just a quality of it)… they do make more sense when i try to empathize more with the perspective of a new father… who didn’t know he was receiving a girl… who thought she died… who only got her back through a miracle… and having to raise a girl… that’s not a young child anymore, not yet a teen, but is very shortly going to start going through puberty?! it’s like growing up in the desert, just learning what water is, and then getting thrown into the ocean.
because “having to raise a girl” still doesn’t seem that strange to me, but then i remember geralt didn’t see a woman and only had heard about them as a concept until he was an adult (because “warrior-monk” realness), he grew up with a hole in his heart that his absent mother bore, he lives in a highly gendered society, he experiences hostility from everybody of course but especially from women and girls, who take fright at him for… specific reasons explained by the old women in edge of the world…
no, geralt’s not helpless, but i forget, because he acts normal, but… (i mean, although he has issues, he could have really gone off his rocker with regards to women, a little sacrifice confirms this and vilgefortz embodies this) i forget that geralt’s inexperience with women… mostly manifesting in anxiety and both uncertain and impulsive behavior… like ghosting with a nosegay of flowers, the “dear friend” and all… would affect his view of the gender as a whole, including how he sees ciri. and it does.
in his situation, yes, having to raise a girl does intensify the element of “what the fuck am i doing”. especially as a single dad.
and although i do like it when the pov shifts from geralt in the saga but just to another person in the room, for how he becomes more of a distant and enigmatic figure, seeing him through others’ eyes always makes fills me with this uncertainty. buuuut, i would fucking adore blood of elves chapters two and three through geralt’s eyes just for how much of an emotional wreck he must have been… and trying not to show it to her :(
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