#Deck Cleaning in Liberty Square
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Begrudgingly, I re-watched the date scene. Now that I was actually paying close attention...it was an alarm sound from an iPhone. Therefore, this means Eddie did set an alarm to remind himself of the promise to be home in time to put Christopher to bed. Yet, my brain still keeps questioning the entire thing. Okay, Eddie's having a tough time with the fourth grade math. It's math, personally, I don't blame him. Anyhow, Ana makes her cute joke about 2+2 still equals 4. Then I thought, if it were that easy then why are we making the equation so damn hard? So damn hard that it led to Christopher being mad enough to run away to Buck. Super hard to the point Ana even mentions "taking a break" because Christopher is at this breaking point already so should we even move forward? "I don't want you going anywhere..." juxtaposed to Buck saying to your son, “I’m not going anywhere.” Which adds another piece to this equation because Christopher felt that he’d lose Buck to his Dad dating...? *cracks knuckles* If the equation is so simple. If it's 2+2=4 (and yeah I know they're 3), but if it's 2+2=4 then it's easy. The outcome should eventually look like Future Tense (4x03), but maybe with kisses between out and proud boyfriends co-parenting Christopher. Really it's so easy to manipulate the 4x08 equation because it could've gone like this (if we weren't doing a slow burn, I suppose) and of course, I took many liberties as to imply one of them is already aware of the feelings they caught:
"Hey Buck, I need you to come over. We're going to help Christopher with his math homework." There was groan on the other end of the line. "Why me? I can't do math," Buck announces without hesitation. He really doesn't want to do math, but it's Eddie and it's Chris so of course he was going to end up dragging himself over to the house.
"Come on. I don't get understand it. I need your help more than him. Besides, we might end up goggling shit, when Christopher isn't looking because I don't want him getting into that habit to do his homework. So get over here. We'll order pizza and maybe by the end of the homework session, we could play video games or something."
"Sounds enticing, but it's still math," Buck said as he was getting his shoes on. "Who am I kidding? I'll be there." Eddie laughed and hung up. __
"Buck!" Christopher said from the couch as he entered. "Hey, little man, I hear you need help with some math homework." "Did my Dad really call you?" "Yes, he did so apparently it's that bad. Don't know how I'm going to help. I was terrible at math." "Well, if it's the three of us, I think we'll do just fine," Christopher said so nonchalantly, but it tortured Buck's heart a little bit. It was a heart wrenching pang of sweet sweet happiness at the sheer acceptance from Christopher.
Pizza plates surrounded a notebook and worksheets. The three of them sat back on the couch; Buck and Eddie next to each other, Chris on the other side of Eddie. They were about fed up with this one problem. "I don't get it, Dad." "Yeah, me too," added Buck. "Yeah, me three," Eddie sighed. "We're nearly there, I think. If not I'm looking up the answers and that'll have to do."
"Wouldn't that be cheating?" Christopher asked. "Sort of," Eddie loosely explained. "Think of it as calling on an expert, a math expert, or a teacher," Buck explained some more. "But we don't use it every time. Just as the last resort." Christopher thought on it and then just changed the subject, "Can we take a break? Let's play a game before I have to go to bed."
"Yeah, sure. Let's take a break. I don't think it's due for a couple days anyway." Eddie agreed. Buck leaned close, their shoulders now touching. "So what happened to not looking up answers in front of him?"
"This math problem pissed me off," Eddie said through gritted teeth. Then he softened. "Thanks for the save with that explanation." "It's all good. So Christopher are we playing the usual?" "Yeah, the pirate against the wolf that's the fighting game we always play." "Maybe the two of you should try different characters?" "No," they both said in unison and Eddie just laughed. He started to clean up their mess as Buck jumped up to help Christopher get the game turned on. Eddie came back and Buck was surprised when he sat directly next to him instead of putting Christopher in the middle. Buck wasn't going to complain. Then something shitty happened. Something really shitty. Eddie touches their shoulders again and then whispers, "You know how I told you I ran into Christopher's old teacher Ana Flores. I should call her? It's just you mentioned teacher earlier and I thought..." Eddie's voice trailed off and Buck tried not to press the controller buttons harder than needed. When Buck didn't immediately respond, Eddie seemed to forget what he said because he went on to loudly say, "Buck, you really should change your character. You never win as the pirate."
Buck chuckled. "I like the pirate. I'd be a pirate if I could." "Of course you would." "And I'd be a wolf," Christopher interjects. "Nice choice," Eddie tells his son. "What about you Dad? What would you be?" "Probably a ninja or something," Buck offers. "Maybe," Eddie muses. "But I was thinking a simple, clean, and efficient boxer." "Practical," Buck rolls his eyes. "Where's the imagination?" "Okay, pirate, I'll be your first mate then." Buck smirks, wondering if there were any implications beyond that statement. "No, you'd be part of the crew, swabbing the deck of my ship," he jokes. "I see how it is," Eddie bit his lip. "All right. Expect a mutiny led by me then."
"I win!" Christopher announces, pulling them out of their imaginary world. "Of course, you do." Buck smiles. Eddie looks at the time, not believing that much of it had passed. "How about a story before bed?" Eddie asks Chris. "Not from Buck." "Oh, yeah, I don't blame you," Eddie gently elbows Chris. "It's because of the kid in the rotisserie isn't it?" "Yup," said Chris. "Hey! That was a cautionary tale." "Yeah, okay," Eddie gave him a playful glare. "All right, let's get to bed." They were at Christopher's door when Buck stopped Eddie. Christopher shuffled inside towards his bed. "I got a story for tonight," Buck stated. "And what's that?" "Hansel and Gretel." Eddie's fist clenched and he contemplated playfully punching Buck's arm, but he didn't. He just looked him square in the face and crossed his arms. Buck lost it at the sort of scolding Dad face, "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. We'll read something light and fluffy. Like Little Red Riding Hood. It has a wolf."
"Buck!" "All right, all right, I'm done." Buck held up his hands. Christopher had sat on the edge of his bed, half-listening to them. "So pajamas. Then a story and bed." Eddie rattled off. "I'm kind of tired so maybe no story tonight," Christopher yawned. "Thanks for coming over to help with my homework." Buck smiles from the doorway. "I'll leave you two then. Goodnight, Christopher." "Goodnight, Buck," Eddie and Christopher say in unison, making each other laugh. Buck smiles at them and skips to the living room where he left his jacket. He trots to the door and then looks down the hallway. Part of him wanted to stay, but he didn't want to overstep so he takes his leave. As he climbed into his jeep and started it, Buck suddenly couldn't get one thought out of his mind, what if Eddie called that teacher, Ana Flores? What if tomorrow or the next day, he calls her instead? __
It's just Ana offers to come over and help Christopher with his homework. And I kept thinking we're really making this math equation truly difficult because NO MATTER how INCAPABLE they are at math, there's someone already AT HOME that could help Eddie with his son's homework. So they had one good date and then the second date was, "Oh wait I could use her "apparent" math skills to help my son with his homework. Don't forget to set the alarm to be back in time for bed. Oh shit there's construction, I'm going to be late. Wonder if Buck got him to bed? Christopher is probably being stubborn since I'm late." Then of course by bringing her over before Christopher gets to see Tia or Abuela or even Carla seems strange. What's going on? Especially when everything seems fine without forcing Ana into the equation. Can you force equations? Manipulate maybe, more like a chemical/science equation [exactly how Eddie is doing it by forcing himself into this role]? I don't know. Equations do take work. Like the fact that Buck has stayed over BEFORE either to watch Christopher and tell stories and/or stayed long enough after a game night to see Christopher off to sleep and that night he decided to tell a cautionary tale- in which Eddie was apprehensive, but it's Buck telling it and Eddie's there too, Chris would feel safe- until that night Christopher couldn't get to sleep for the next hour.
Equations are long, complicated work and one has already been laid out between Buck and Eddie.
The rest (as we've already agreed) is up to the universe.
#buddie#this is some crack shit again#but still#if it's as easy as 2+2=4#then what's the endgame?#future tense#evan buckley#eddie diaz#christopher diaz#the universe laid it out they just need to see the answer#they need more work if we're on that slow burn path
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The Heart of Admiration - Part 3
Charles Vane x Reader - slow burn
Part One -- Part Two
The activity never ceases on a ship, but it does get a bit quieter at night; there are less crewmen out and about, and their voices are softer on a calm night like this one. You’ve got the highest deck to yourself, and the heavens are clear and brilliant with stars. The measurements will be easy tonight, the ocean rolling in only gentle swells beneath the ship. You take a breath and feel your tension melt away under the crystal light of the Milky Way, and the sliver of the crescent moon.
With one hand to steady yourself against the railing, you let your head fall back, looking straight up at the expanse of the sky. You’ll start your measurements in a moment, but there is no rush. You’ve always loved looking at the stars; it’s the reason you wanted to learn them, the passion that carried you through all the charts and figures and drier things that come with navigation. Somehow your profession cements your relationship with the awesomeness of the heavens. The calculations connect your place on earth to the celestial bodies, and make any place that you might find yourself in feel like home.
You hear boots on the stairs, and some sizzling spark inside you has already made a guess who it is. You allow your eyes to flit in his direction without altering your posture, refusing to appear flustered by him. Captain Vane ascends the steps. He has washed the blood from his face, his hair smoothed and half pulled back in its proper place again. He’s got a clean shirt on, and so there’s no reason at all for you to be thinking about the bloody horror he made on the deck not too many hours ago.
His momentum hesitates when you do not react to his approach. He strides across the deck to lean his back against the railing by your side. “Evening.” The one word is said pleasantly enough, though the particular character of Vane’s voice makes even an empty pleasantry sound significant.
“Good evening to you, Captain.” You speak formally, and wait for him to say more.
He doesn’t. His nearness makes you vibrate with an unfamiliar tension, his silence making you notice the sensation all the more. It’s not fear, not exactly, and it is not even entirely unpleasant, but it makes you feel restless and your hands seek your instruments. Time to get to work, your captain is watching.
And he does; he watches. You busy yourself lining up sights and marking down measurements, and in the colorless light of the moon and stars you try to read his face in the briefest of glances.
He looks about as calm as the seas that surround you on all sides, but there are hints that something is simmering underneath. He opens his mouth like he’s about to say something, then draws a thick cigar from his pocket instead. He steps over to the hooded lantern you’d brought up to write your notes by, stealing a bit of the flame to get it lit. You hope he didn’t think you watched him too long as he brought his face close to the flames, furrowing his brows in concentration. Then he steps back to lean against the railing, the very picture of a man enjoying the night air. The captain puffs away contentedly as you track the movement of the stars.
“We on course?” he finally breaks the silence to ask.
“Appear to be,” you answer, running figures in your head. “Though we might want to adjust the heading a little more westerly.”
Smoke erupts from his mouth as he speaks. “You don’t need to consult the charts first? Some books full of tables, check your figures twice?”
Your hands come to rest on your hips. “That’s always better,” you agree, “but you are the one that asked what I thought at present.” You shrug. “I’ve basically got the tables memorized. I know what the numbers mean as I’m reading them.”
“Impressive.” Something about the way he says it makes you feel like a braggart, and you turn away from him awkwardly.
“I like the feeling of knowing exactly where I am,” you say, feeling some odd pressure to explain yourself now. You feel more than hear him coming closer behind you. The breeze shifts, carrying his warm tobacco smell over your shoulder. “Measuring the heavens… grounds me.”
“I can understand that.” He says it low, almost wistfully. You are struck all of a sudden by how very little you know about him. His reputation, yes, but the man himself… he seems to have layers deeper than what was spoken about in the streets and taverns of Nassau.
“It’s probably what brought me all the way to the West Indies,” you continue, “to see new stars, to see the same stars in different ways… what brought you here?” It’s a clumsy transition, but you’re curious. You turn to face your enigmatic leader.
He stiffens, a brief scowl darkening his features. “I have never not been here,” he says, frustratingly terse as ever, and takes another puff from his cigar. “How’s your head?” He reaches up while he says it, fingertips brushing just above the nape of your neck, to check the lump left by the attackers. You should say something sharp about him taking the liberty to touch you so boldly, but in this moment, alone under the stars, you’re too tantalized by the feel of his fingers in your hair. It doesn’t even hurt when he finds the knot that has risen at the back of your head. “It doesn’t seem too bad.”
“It’s not bothering me.”
His fingers trail away from your injury, his final touch along your scalp not feeling strictly diagnostic. Why is your heart suddenly racing? His hand falls back to his side, but he does not step away. There is a surprising uncertainty in his eyes, even as he continues to speak with confidence. “So now you find yourself under the West Indies stars. Have you found your place? Or do you miss your home?”
Is Vane curious about you too? You cross your arms as you contemplate your answer. “My home? My home is on the waves, now.” you look up at the glittering sky above, “my home is under these stars.” Vane smiles. “My home is… apparently, with your crew.” You say it slowly, trying on how it tastes on your tongue.
Vane’s smile drops. “You still feel that I forced you.”
“You feel that you didn’t?”
He actually looks pained, the fearsome Charles Vane who has never hesitated to reach out and take exactly what he wants. The one who has earned, through his easy comfort with violence, the right to do exactly that around the port of Nassau and anywhere else where lawlessness and reputation were the only rules. He looks away from you, across the open water. “I never want anyone to feel caged.”
“A bargain… is different from a cage.” You’re not going to deny your own responsibility, the mess of Captain Fisher’s plan that led to your service on this vessel. It could have ended so much worse. “I am not ungrateful for your mercy,” you say, finding it difficult to meet Vane’s eyes as they smolder down at you now, “it was a price that I am glad to pay.”
“Sailing with us is a price?” He’s choking on that, somehow, though you fail to understand why. He was the one who set the terms. “Pirates have killed for the privilege of joining my crew. I liberated you, from a mediocre life.”
“You have a fine ship, Captain Vane. And a decent crew, with a fearsome reputation. But you took me from my family.”
His scarred brow arches skeptically. “Your brother-in-law? A captain with no vision, always going after the lowest-hanging fruit, the most convenient prizes. I understand that you have to make your start with the connections that you have, but”—he leans in, putting his face fully in the way of your gaze—“you can’t look me in the eye and say that you were satisfied by that.”
Vane might have a bit of a point, but he’s missing yours. You meet his eyes levelly, leaning in even closer toward him. Then you all but bite off each word. “You didn’t give me a choice.”
The wound reappears behind his eyes. He rocks back, blinks once. His cigar has stopped burning, forgotten between his fingers, and he contemplates it for a long moment before answering. “The prize you led us to today is rich,” he says, slower, softer. “Consider the bargain fulfilled.” He’s thinking about every word, as if he’s deciding each one only as he utters it. “If, when we get back in port at Nassau, you’d like to take your share and seek out other employment, I will not hold you.” He tucks the remainder of the cigar into his pocket, stepping past you toward the stairway. Before leaving the deck, he looks up at you though, eyes ferocious even while he’s backing down. “But you won’t find any crew better than mine.”
The prize was rich indeed. Eleanor Guthrie was furious that the Ranger was the crew turning it in, of course; apparently she had already assigned the lead on this particular ship to another captain, one more squarely under her thumb, but she paid out all the same. And then everyone stayed to drink their first round in her tavern, just on account of the look on her face.
You don’t know this crew well enough to celebrate with them. They seemed amicable enough during the hunt, but with the reputation Vane’s men have for carousing, drunkenness, and petty violence once their purses are full, you’ve deemed it wise to keep a little distance, and just observe what plays out on this evening.
You don’t know if you’re relieved or disappointed when the first man to take a seat on the bench beside you isn’t Charles Vane, who appears to have taken up his own brooding, isolated little position at the other end of the hall. Instead it’s Jack Rakham, your new quartermaster, who settles in with a flourish of his coattails beside you. “Cheers.”
You clink your rim against his proffered mug and you both drink deep.
“Without your skill, we likely would not be celebrating this victory,” he adds. “You have my thanks.”
“We were only lucky that the storm pushed our prize off its course in the same direction as it did our own.”
“And without your competence, we would not have been able to compensate so well even for that.” Jack shakes his head with a conspiratorial smile. “What use is humility in a place such as this. Claim all the credit you are owed, I say. And then however much more you can get away with beyond that, too.”
You give a thin smile to the cheerful bravado of his advice, a smile that sours when you see the look that Miss Guthrie is shooting you as she crosses the room.
“Speaking of owed,” Jacks says, distracting you from wondering why she’d be singling you out for her ire so specifically, “the Captain asked me to write this out for you right away.” He produces a slip of paper and presses it into your hand.
There’s not much written on it, aside from an impressive sum of money and Rackham’s flourishing signature. “Is this—”
“Charles was quite insistent that I calculate your share without delay.”
You risk another look at the man in question, across the crowded room. Captain Vane is quite decidedly not looking at you, though his body is angled such that he could glance in your direction as often as he pleased. Right now, he seems pleased only by the barmaid, who is clearly attempting to make her excuses and move away from his table. Poor thing probably won’t have a job for long if Eleanor Guthrie thinks she’s flirting with her ex-lover. You look back down at the figure Jack had passed you. “It’s generous.”
Rakham shifts, making sure he’s caught your eye before speaking. “There will be more prizes, rich as this one, should you choose to stay on with us.”
You contemplate the man’s earnest face. So he knows why Vane asked him to rush your share, or at least he has surmised it.
“Don’t let Charles’ rough edges turn you off to this crew before you get to know us. I don’t know what he said to set you off, but I promise you, with time you will find his tendency to put his foot in his mouth quite endearing, really.” His wide smile beckons an answering warmth in your own face.
Perhaps the matter is settled now, between you and Captain Vane. But that’s not the only trouble you’re having with your current position. “It’s the crew I’m worried about, more than him,” you admit. Jack just seems so easy to talk to; you can see why he’s a good fit for Quartermaster. “It’s hard for a woman to get respect.”
Jack takes a long pull on his ale. “I know the reputation we’ve acquired. I can’t even say we don’t deserve it. But they’ve adjusted to Anne’s presence on the crew just fine. it won’t be as hard as you are thinking. All you need to do is find your niche. Which brings me back to my point about laying claim to all the credit that you can. Come.” He tugs on the sleeve of your jacket, standing up from the bench and looking toward the main throng of the Ranger’s crew, gathered around a group playing dice at one of the long tables. “It’s high time I made a toast.”
“That lead was not given to you.”
Charles stares across the desk at Eleanor, her eyes flashing bright with indignation, her cheeks coloring already although she had only just got started in on him. “And yet,” he squares his shoulders out of habit, “I took it first.”
He watches her fume, just as prettily as ever, in exactly the way that he knew his flat tone would incite her. “Yes, and how exactly did you do that, Charles?”
He sits down in the chair in front of her desk, not because he wants this conversation to take a long time (he still has plenty of celebrating left to do) but because he knows so well the show that he is about to have to sit through. He figures he might as well be sitting down. “I outmaneuvered you.”
Eleanor’s head tilts sharply, her knuckles going white as she thinks of a suitable retort to his simple statement of fact. He used to think she looked so glorious when he got her this riled up. But today, she just looks… petty. “You went behind my back. And here I thought we were finally getting comfortable with the new arrangement.”
“What, the one where you fuck my crew on leads and I don’t even get to fuck you back?” He feels just a simmer of the old rage, the one where she used to make his blood boil until he could think about nothing else, but it sputters and dies about as soon as the retort has left his lips. His fingers find the stump of a cigar in his pocket, the one he forgot he was smoking last night because he was so distracted by you.
Eleanor’s lips turn down into a scowl that’s truly ugly. “Or maybe, when I’m no longer playing favorites, coddling you, it’s just clear that you and your crew are an inferior operation.”
“Seems to me, the only thing that’s clear is that my crew got the prize.” He puts the cigar between his lips. Somehow, it’s easier tonight than it has ever been, to ignore her attempts at riling him. All she’s making him feel is…caged.
“Don’t smoke in here,” Eleanor snaps.
He lifts his brows, then sighs heavily and starts fiddling with it between his fingers instead.
“I don’t believe you can credit yourself or your crew for this one, anyway,” Eleanor says, sitting down primly with a smugness behind her eyes. “I know that you stole the Starling's navigator. Who you absolutely needed, in order to pull this one off. How long have you been planning to undercut my wishes? And who do you think you are, anyway, disbanding crews, stealing ships, banishing people like you’re some sort of king?” Her composure hadn’t lasted long. Her eyes wide, she’s leaning over the desk at him again.
And yet Vane still finds he feels only annoyance. “The strong eat the weak.”
She barely acknowledges he spoke, and only with a roll of her eyes, before she barrels on to her next point. “And you think the other captains will stand for you poaching their talent at the end of a sword?”
He flits his hand through the air. “It isn’t like that. She made a deal.”
“Yes, a deal during which her sister’s husband was about to have his head parted from his shoulders. I interviewed Captain Fisher before he complied with your…request…that he leave Nassau.”
That irks him. Who does she think she is, “interviewing” people. Why did she have to talk like that, like she’s a goddamn queen. And painting him like a monster in your life, to boot. “He betrayed our partnership,” he growls. “No one on this island would say that he deserved any better than what he got, when I caught him red-handed sneaking onto my ship.”
“Fisher said you were holding out on splitting up that cargo fairly between you, and he was only intending to secure his fair share.” That smug look is returning to her scheming eyes. “If you had only turned it over to my warehouse as soon as you got in, as is the usual way business is done around here, I would have made sure that you were both paid fairly.”
“Because you have been nothing but fair to me and my men, of late.”
“Charles.” Her eyelids lower, just a fraction, just enough to not make him think she’s doing it intentionally, giving him an echo of her bedroom eyes. She draws herself up with a fluid grace in her movements that wasn’t there before. He can barely believe that this actually used to work on him. “I know it’s hard to accept that things are changing between us.” And if you’re a good boy, the roll of her hips says as she steps around the desk, they might even change back for a night. “But you are still one of my top earners.” She sits on the edge of the desk on his side now, close enough for him to reach out and grab, deliberately calling to mind those times that he pushed her right over that desk, just in that spot, and—“Do not give me any more reasons to cut you out of Nassau’s business completely.”
And although perhaps her threat even has teeth, Charles finds that he barely cares to even pay proper attention to what she has been saying. Ever since the first mention of you in this conversation, he’s been distracted by that damnable nagging doubt that perhaps he has not treated you fairly from the start. Even Eleanor seems to think so, and he finds that bothers him more than anything else the woman has said. And watching her try to work her seduction on him… he’s much more interested in pondering how you might go about trying to ensnare a man that you desired. Would you act like you could barely hide a wicked grin too, or would you be softer, more artless but nevertheless endearing…
Eleanor is still glaring at him, waiting for a response.
“We done here?”
Her frown deepens, with a cast of what might even be confusion at his lack of reaction. “Excuse me?”
He climbs to his feet. “Have you said everything you wanted to say.”
“I’d like a promise.” She stands too, a little closer to him than she would have stepped to anyone else. She’d excluded him from her bed, but Charles can see now, clear as day, that she intends to keep controlling him by dangling the possibility he might one day get back in. “That you won’t go against me again. This doesn’t have to get ugly, Charles.”
“Go ahead and keep tightening your fist around this island, Eleanor,” he says, stepping decisively toward the door. He hopes you haven’t left the tavern yet. “See what bends, and what breaks. There’s only so much free men will tolerate.”
On to Part 4
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Feel free to send me interesting dialogue prompts that might advance this story. Taglist is open: @acebreathesfire @kind-wolf @the-roci @ladyhubris @summertimesadness1017
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NDA Saga...Frightful First Term

Roots for the creation of NDA can be traced back to 1932 when IMA was established at Dehradun. The concept of creating a Tri-Services training Academy took shape during the period 1947-48. On 11th January 1949, IMA Dehradun was split into two wings - Military wing and Joint services wing (JSW). On 6th October 1949, foundation stone of NDA at Khadakwasla was laid by then PM Pandit Nehru. Training at JSW continued till December 1954. On 16th January 1955, NDA was formally inaugurated by then CM Mr. Morarji Desai. Pandit Nehru reviewed the first passing out parade at Khadakwasla on 05th June 1955.
“Sudan Block” situated in the center of NDA campus of 8,000 Acres is symbolic of NDA itself. Height of the structure is 132 Feet including the Dome of 60 Feet. Total cost of construction in 1949 was Rs 28.75 Lacs. The NDA crests displayed on the front face have insignia of all the 3 Services fused into one emblem. The NDA logo ‘Service Before Self’ / ‘Seva Parmo Dharma’ are source of constant motivation. The NDA color ‘Maroon” symbolizes unity of the three Services. On top of the Dome are 5 Flags i.e The National Flag, The Flags of Army, Navy and Air Force and The NDA Flag. The magnificence of ‘Sudan Block’ is further enhanced by the imposing ‘Habbibulah Hall’ on one flank and ‘Vyas Library” on the other flank.
The Autumn term commenced on 5th July 1967. The daily routine was even more challenging than what we had in Sainik School. The day began at 6 am with the muster fall in during which we recited the NDA prayer, then there were two hours of Physical Training / Drill / Equitation. We returned to the Squadron and after bath, change and cleaning up the cabin, rushed for breakfast. The Academic sessions began at 9 am with break of 10 mins each between periods for moving from Sudan Block to Science Block and vice versa. We had a quick lunch which was followed by Squadron period, games period and the study period. Before dinner, we had to practice extempore public speaking in the Ante-room. We really looked forward to a sumptuous dinner at leisure to overcome physical and mental fatigue. The lights out was sounded by the siren at 10 pm.
The hectic schedule was even more frightful because of the traditional ragging. The basic occasions for ragging could be any lapse during our conduct at any place or while cycling / marching or any act of indiscipline. I must admit that i felt really angry while responding to various questions / tasks ordered at all odd timings. Some examples of on the spot ragging - Front rolls, push ups, sit ups, cycle lifting and the Seventh Heaven (more about it later). Even more interesting was the ‘Puttee parade’ which involved rapidly changing various uniforms. Incidentally we had 9 different uniforms for various activities. There was no other choice but to accept these challenges with the resolve that ‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’.
We had already been briefed about qualifying standards for each aspect of training. The most difficult standards in the first term were the Drill Square test and the Swimming test. Our “Ustaads” devoted all their efforts in coaching us specially for passing these tests. The incentive after passing these tests was for a permission to visit Pune on sundays, as part of liberty. We had to also practice for football and basketball competitions in order to be selected for Squadron teams. Cross country competition in the middle of the term was the most challenging event. 1500 cadets participated in this cross country race over a distance of 15 kms over undulating terrain. The “JOSH” was evident when the stragglers / injured were physically pulled along to complete the race symbolizing formation of team spirit.
Then ,we had a mid-term break of 4 days which was most awaited to relax and rejuvenate. After the break, the tempo of activities picked up for the Athletics competition, another event involving 100% participation. Then we had the end of term exam and preparations for the most important event the “Passing-out Parade” and related activities. Finally, 33rd Course passed out over the Quarter Deck of the magnificent Drill Square (Khetarpal Parade ground) to the nostalgic tune of “Auld Lang Syne”. It was the privilege of my course as first-termers to bid them formal and final farewell from the mast of the Quarter Deck while the Air Force carried out the flypast overhead wishing the course - “May you Touch the Sky with Glory”!!!
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On Earth-Two, at JSA HQ, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern, Huntress, Power Girl, and Starman of the Justice Society of America prepare to activate a Transmatter Cube that will teleport them to Earth-One, where they may visit their friends, the Justice League of America. On Earth-One, aboard the JLA satellite, Aquaman, Firestorm, Hawkman, Superman and Zatanna of the League prepare to receive their guests. Something goes awry however, and rather than the JSA arriving on the satellite, the League instead encounters Johnny Quick, Owlman, Power Ring, Super-Woman, and Ultraman, the Crime Syndicate of Earth-Three. Before the League can even get their bearings, the Crime Syndicate dives on top of them. Owlman blasts Hawkman with a palm laser, while Super-Woman punches Superman through the hull of the satellite, and Power Ring bashes Firestorm with a large green energy hammer. Ultraman does the snatch-the-rug-out trick on Zatanna, only the "rug" is a piece of the metal deck, which he then wraps around Zatanna before pitching her into outer space. Aquaman tries to stop Johnny Quick, but Johnny's super-speed is faster than Aquaman's enhanced reflexes, ending in another one-punch knockout. But Superman's abrupt exit has left a jagged gap in the satellite's hull, which Ultraman and Johnny Quick and Super-Woman team up to repair. The Crime Syndicate then steals an experimental space shuttlecraft from the JLA's hangar, and flies towards Earth, intent on establishing a foothold on the planet, from which to stage their revenge plot against Per Degaton.

The Justice Society meanwhile, does not appear on Earth-One, but rather in an emerald bubble in a misty borderland between dimensions. Dr. Fate recognizes this place as the dimensional prison in which the JSA and JLA had left the Crime Syndicate, several years earlier, at the end of their first encounter. Power Girl fails to punch her way through the bubble, and Green Lantern already knows that his ring won't work on this bubble, so Starman and Dr. Fate apply their cosmic and magical energies against it, with success. So now they're free, but still adrift in an other-dimensional limbo, but Green Lantern has a solution: he scans the surrounding continuum, probing the fabric of space and time, and finds what looks like the Syndicate's trail. He brings his four teammates with him through a rip between realities, and they arrive in a world known as Earth-Prime. They stare horrified at the tableau before them, as the city of New York is nothing but a sea of broken, shattered buildings and debris. Green Lantern's ring confirms that it's Earth-Prime. According to Dr. Fate, this city has been destroyed by a nuclear blast, but not recently. Lantern's ring also has identified a psychic vibration at this scene, a familiar one; according to Green Lantern, Per Degaton is responsible for the destruction of New York.

Back on Earth-One, Superman awakens when he hits the outer atmosphere, as he is plummeting towards the Earth. He spies Zatanna's steel-wrapped, spell-protected, unconscious body dropping from space, and zooms her back to the satellite, where Firestorm transforms the steel plating into several dozen roses. Hawkman detects the absence of the shuttlecraft, and wants to pursue this lead. But Chairman Zatanna decides that they need to find out what happened to the Justice Society before they can pursue the Crime Syndicate. They use the Transmatter Cube to teleport to Earth-Two. When they arrive however, they find the JSA Headquarters in terrible condition, with broken furniture and decades worth of cobwebs and dust. It looks as if it hadn't been occupied for a long, long time. A yellowing calendar on a peeling wall says "1942, July". And when the team walks outside, they discover a fascist city-state, with big black "D" flags flying from every flagpole, and statues of Per Degaton decorating the streets. (Superman is the only of of them to recognize P.D., having once studied the casefiles of the JSA.) The automobiles and the fashions, while newly made, are in the styles of the 1940s, but according to the news billboard at Times Square, it is October 2nd, 1982. The local people are all visibly cowed and paranoid, and avoid making eye contact, until one older lady recognizes them as "the forbidden ones," and yells for the police. Six fanatical fascist security cops race onto the scene, and in mid-crowd they open fire on the JLA with submachine guns, but Superman just catches all of the bullets, while Zatanna whips up a high-powered wind to blow away these punks. The Justice League withdraws into the empty JSA HQ.
Their problem now is: What happened in July of 1942, that made 1982 turn out like this? There's one way to find out, so Superman and Firestorm team up to create a protective transparent bubble, in which four of them ride, while Superman flies through the sound barrier, the light barrier, and the time barrier, backward, to January 1942. Now the Justice Society's HQ is clean and tidy, so they've back-timed themselves far enough to be in place for whatever it was that happened here, between January and July of 1942. Firestorm gets a headache from contemplating the time paradox being created here. Then the front door opens and, to the JLA's amazement, it's NOT the JSA arriving, but the All-Star Squadron (Commander Steel, Firebrand, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, and Robotman), none of whom are recognized by any of the JLA team.

On Earth-Two, in 1947, Per Degaton rules the world, and stages gladiatorial arena death-matches among All-Stars, for the amusement of his throngs of loyal citizens ... but only in his dreams. He awakens, and his memory has returned. He remembers both of his previous attempts to take over the world by using Professor Zee's time machine, and vows that this time he will get the job done. He goes to Zee's lab and shoots the old man, and this time he checks his pulse to be sure he's dead. He steals the Time Machine, and goes shopping for futuristic weapons in 1982. In the process, accidentally, he is shunted from Earth-Two to Earth-Prime. He explores the New York City of 1982, resolving that this time he will much more carefully observe and research this future era's technology and information systems. In a typically rude and belligerent conversation with a news vendor, Degaton learns that he's been shifted to a world where his greatest enemies, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Superman, are nothing but comic book characters! This gives him a big and evil idea: he returns to the Time Machine and checks his equipment, confirming his suspicion: He's been pulled into a parallel Earth, and now he knows how to find his way back to it. But the next thing he knows, his Time Machine has been pulled along by a powerful chrono-magnetic attraction, into a time storm, very much like the conditions he'd encountered earlier. This time he and his machine get shifted into Hyperspace, where he quickly finds the Green Lantern power bubble that imprisons the Crime Syndicate. By using his machinery's chrono-vibrations, he penetrates the bubble, and some bargaining takes place, at the end of which, he and the Syndicate travel through time, space, and dimensions to Earth-Prime, October 1962, Castro's Cuba. There, and then, the super-powered criminals steal several dozen Soviet ICBMs, and Degaton time shifts them to Earth-Two, January 1942. Before they even get there, though, the Syndicate decides to turn against Degaton, but this treason had been anticipated, and a pre-set fail-safe device is triggered, hurling all five of them instantly into another time dimension. Specifically, they are shifted to the JLA's Transmatter Cube, whence they emerged into Earth-One, in October 1982, and immediately attacked the Justice League.

On Earth-Two, in January 1942, after returning to New York from San Francisco, the All-Star Squadron has their first encounter with the magnetic villain, Nuclear, the Magnetic Marauder. He was standing on a rooftop, in broad daylight, magnetically attracting construction materials from a nearby building site, to his position on the roof. Johnny Quick zings up there and engages him, causing him to drop his heavy metal loot, which Firebrand melts into slag before they hit the street below. This keeps it from bouncing around and crushing people. Meanwhile Nuclear is defeating Johnny, while Brandy and Belle, now joined by Robotman and Commander Steel, scramble up to the roof to join the fight. Quick, Robot, and Steel team up to use a steel cable, and their own metallic bodies, to ensnare Nuclear, but in the process they topple over the edge of the very tall building. The Marauder's equipment and powers enable him to escape, by crashing through a brick wall, while Robotman and Steel are lucky to catch a stout flagpole with their cable. The five All-Stars decide to hold an informal meeting, and since Hawkman has entrusted Liberty Belle with the key to their meeting rooms, they head for JSA HQ. But inside, they encounter Aquaman, Firestorm, Hawkman, Superman, and Zatanna, most of whom they don't recognize, and two of whom seem to be imposters.

On Earth-Two in January 1942, at the JSA's meeting rooms, five All-Stars (Commander Steel, Firebrand II, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, and Robotman) are rudely surprised to find five unknown interlopers in their borrowed HQ. These would be the Justice League (Aquaman, Firestorm, Hawkman, Superman, and Zatanna), visiting from a future decade of a parallel world. An unnecessary and regrettable fracas ensues, until Superman, quickly joined by Robotman, starts talking some sense to the assembled mystery-persons.
Then the telephone rings, and it's President Roosevelt, so they all hasten to Washington D.C. and all ten of them soon are ushered into the White House by Harry Hopkins. FDR has a mystery with which he'd like their help: a crated piece of electronic equipment was delivered to the White House that morning, and they'd unpacked it and set it up, and a note in the crate told them to use these electronic gizmos (a 1982-tech projection-screen TV, actually) to receive a special broadcast message, at this particular time of day. On schedule, there's Per Degaton, who claims to be simultaneously addressing FDR, Churchill, DeGaulle, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, and Chiang Kai-Shek, with built-in instant translation and world-wide satellite coverage. Also Degaton can hear and see the All-Stars, and therefore all of these world-war leaders. Also Degaton has got nuke-tipped ICBMs, and has some demonstrations scheduled for tomorrow, at dawn, of what these things can do.

Meanwhile, on Earth-Prime, in October 1982, in the horrible ruins of New York City, the Justice Society (Dr. Fate, Green Lantern, the Huntress, Power Girl, and Starman) enter a subway tunnel and encounter some very hostile mutated humanoids, reduced to primitive squalor, and spoiling for a fight. They get one, and Doctor Fate ends it, by activating the old lights in this tunnel, which shocks their darkness-adapted eyes and knocks them out. Green Lantern's ring, which has led them to this tunnel and now leads them farther down it, soon bring the team to the home of an old, blind, unnamed, human hermit, who has lived there, eccentrically surrounded by old-style and useless television sets, ever since the bombs fell. Dr. Fate absorbs the old man's memories, and projects them into one of the junk TV sets.
Back in October 1962, President Kennedy was broadcasting to the nation a description of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which now had a more sinister twist added to it: the Soviet-built, Cuban-based ICBMs had been stolen, by super-powered parties unknown. Chairman Krushchev and President Kennedy pointedly disbelieved each-other's versions of what had happened, and a civilization-destroying exchange of nukes had ensued, killing about one third of the world's three billion people, and reducing the rest to deformity and savagery.

On Earth-Prime, Oct 1982, Green Lantern and Doctor Fate compare notes. Each in his own way has been alerted to a “persona echo” of a man involved in this catastrophe: Per Degaton.
On Earth-Two, Jan 1942, at sea, aboard a Royal Navy warship, nine All-Stars and Justice Leaguers stand by to observe Degaton's demonstration, while Aquaman zooms through the area warning all sea life to flee. On schedule, an ICBM dives into the area from its parabolic orbit, and detonates. Zatanna shields the assembled surface vessels from the shockwave and other destructive effects. Then appearing out of the center of the blast zone, a transparent flying bubble appears, carrying five unconscious JSA members. They regroup on the flagship's deck, all fifteen of them, and get to work on making a plan.

On Earth-Two in January 1942, in Per Degaton's control room, he gets the news that the Justice Society has come after him, from forty years in the future. It doesn't faze him at all. On a huge video monitor, Degaton and at least five henchtroopers are observing a U.S. battleship steaming in the North Atlantic, via aerial TV camera. On the main deck are fifteen colorful figures from three super teams: Aquaman, Commander Steel, Doctor Fate, Firebrand, Firestorm, Green Lantern, Hawkman, the Huntress, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Power Girl, Robotman, Starman, Superman, and Zatanna. Degaton's sensors reveal that five of them are from a future decade of a parallel world, which still doesn't bother him. But he's able to eavesdrop on them, and the heroes don't seem to know they're being observed, so Degaton's mad overconfidence may not be completely unwarranted.
Degaton's demonstrator nuke had radioactively contaminated the area, until Doctor Fate and Zatanna had magically cleaned it up. Robotman and Commander Steel are curious about how this time travel business is working out, so Firestorm and Doctor Fate and Green Lantern (all from 1982) recap the adventures and travels that have brought them to this particular time and place. And once they have their story straight, they return to the White House and report it to President Roosevelt. Degaton has been eavesdropping this whole time, and now knows everything they know. Degaton now transmits a new warning, to FDR, and to Churchill and Hitler and Stalin and Tojo, with a five-hour deadline and an ultimatum for all of them: He's now the dictator of the world, or else. Roosevelt, who had just days earlier defied Anton Hastor's takeover demands, now decides that the risk of mass civilian fatalities is too high. The Justice teams have got five hours, but after that, he's determined to resign. They form five sub-teams and get to work.
Doctor Fate, Robotman, and Superman fly into Earth orbit, intercept Degaton's space satellite, and start ripping it apart, when they encounter a kryptonite boobytrap, which takes out Superman almost instantly, and then are attacked by Ultraman. Doctor Fate magically counterattacks; Ultraman shrugs it off and punches Fate out, then partially disassembles Robotman, and flings him toward Earth. Doctor Fate rallies and reattacks, then Superman does so also, and Ultraman is soon punched into outer space, and Robotman is quickly rescued and reassembled.
Aquaman, Liberty Belle, and Starman fly across the Pacific towards a spot, a few hundred miles south of Japan, where Starman's Cosmic Rod has detected radioactivity. Aquaman dives into the ocean while the other two land on a small island. They find a Japanese military post with all the troops unconscious, then the radiation trail leads them down a cave, to an underground missile base, manned by at least six Degaton troopers, plus Superwoman. The troopers are quickly dispensed with, but Superwoman knocks Starman unconscious (lariat snap to the back of the head), and punches Belle almost unconscious. She runs her mouth enough for Belle to figure out the amount of distrust existing between Per Degaton and the Crime Syndicate, which is considerable, then grabs Starman's Cosmic Rod and gets ready to kill the two heroes, except that just then Aquaman and some blue whales smash their way into the under-island base, bringing a big bunch of the Pacific Ocean with them. Seconds later, as the base is rocked with explosions, Starman flies his two colleagues plus trussed-up Superwoman, safely out of range. The whales also escape. The six or more troopers manning the launch station, and the unconscious Japanese garrison aboveground, not so much.
Hawkman, Huntress, and Johnny Quick, equipped with a hastily-rebuilt geiger counter, are criss-crossing the central USA in search of high levels of radiation, and eventually find some, concealed in grain silos, somewhere in the Midwest. Before they can do anything about it, they are attacked by Power Ring, who by the way has already treacherously mowed down all the Degaton henchmen who had been guarding and operating this site. He easily ensnares Quick and Hawk in some green coils of ring-energy, but the Huntress knocks him out with a batarang. Still, before he falls down, he manages, accidentally or not, to launch one of the ICBMs. Before it can reach full speed, Johnny Quick launches himself onto it from Hawkman, and very rapidly disassembles the missile, managing also not to detonate it in the process. One safe landing later, Quick spends the next few minutes dismantling the remaining unlaunched missiles.
Degaton has been observing these encounters, and is having a fit about it, but he's still got a final ace up his sleeve, and if anybody is insane enough to use it, he'd be the guy. So before today is over, either he will have conquered Earth or there will be no earths anywhere.
At the White House, in Washington, D.C., January 1942, on Earth-Two, nine mystery men and women (Aquaman, Doctor Fate, Hawkman, the Huntress, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Robotman, Starman, and Superman) arrive at the White House, and recap their encounters with the members of the Crime Syndicate, for FDR and Harry Hopkins. So far: 24 of the 27 Russian-made ICBMs, stolen from Cuba in 1962 on Earth-Prime by the Crime Syndicate, are now accounted for. Hawkman reattaches Robotman's severed arm, while describing the nightmarish version of New York in 1982 on Earth-Two, that his JLA team witnessed first-hand. Then Doctor Fate mystically displays the even-more-nightmarish version of 1982 on Earth-Prime that his JSA team had traversed.
In Geneva, Switzerland, Commander Steel, Firestorm, and Power Girl fly onto the scene, searching for the missiles, with Firestorm providing a large radiation detector along with Power Girl's super senses. No dice, the warheads must be well-shielded. They land, and the local Mayor flips out, there's suddenly machinegun fire bouncing off Steel, knocking him backwards through a shop window. A 1982-tech heat-seeking missile is fired at Power Girl, who disdainfully intercepts it with a flying punch. Firestorm demolishes the concealment from which (at least 5) Degaton commandos are shooting at the good guys, with futuristic weapons, then he evaporates their bullets right out of the air. Power Girl from Earth Two figures the main missiles to be in a nearby clock tower, goes there, and gets ambushed by Johnny Quick from Earth Three. They fight, and Quick wins, at least well enough to escape. Meanwhile Steel from Earth-Two trounces most of the troopers, while Firestorm from Earth-One flies into the clock tower, and into the launch control room, arriving just as Johnny Quick is turning against his erstwhile Degaton allies. Accidentally or on purpose, one Degaton trooper hits the launch switch,

Quick attempts to flee the continent, but Firestorm catches him in a big vise and squeezes him unconscious. That's when the missiles take off. Commander Steel has already grabbed one rocket before it even launched, and is already prying apart its outer skin. Power Girl is doing a faster and more extreme version of the same thing to her missile, and Firestorm destroys the third. They soon join all the others at the White House. From tracing the microwave signals controlling Degaton's satellite, Superman pinpoints P.D.'s HQ at the future site of the Pentagon building. Doctor Fate states his misgivings about creating time paradoxes.

Meanwhile and elsewhere, Professors Zee and Everson are meeting with Firebrand, Green Lantern, and Zatanna. Lantern tells Zee, in 1942, that in 1947 his assistant Per Degaton will “somehow” get his hands on Zee's Time Machine, and use it to kill millions. Zee plays along and shows them his very unfinished prototype Time Ray, which Green Lantern and Zatanna are able to get working with no trouble at all. With the push of a button, three time-displaced super heroes are sent from New York City-1942-Earth-Two to Cuba-1962-Earth-Prime. There and then, they observe that, so far, the ICBMs are being dismantled and shipped to the waiting freighters at Havana harbor, which is how it happened in the history that Alan and Zee remember. So whether or not it's a good idea to change history from one altered state to another, they're ready to take action when the Crime Syndicate arrives on the scene in a Time Vortex. Green Lantern stuns Ultraman and Super Woman; Zatanna crashes Johnny Quick into Owl Man, then Green Lantern out-power-rings Power Ring in willpower contest.
Not meanwhile but elsewhere, in northern Virginia in 1942 on Earth-Two, all twelve superheroes from the White House briefing are flying in to attack Degaton's secret headquarters. They completely rout all of Degaton's troops and capture Degaton himself. Off to one side, unseen, Owl Man from Earth Three observes this and quietly gloats, until he abruptly encounters the Huntress, who is a far better fighter than himself; down he goes. Degaton almost escapes, but Zatanna intercepts him at the Time Machine, and depletes his oxygen, for a knockout. Firebrand does and says almost nothing. Green Lantern and Zatanna then combine their powers to send these six villains back to their proper times and places. History reshapes itself into a more familiar pattern. Zatanna notices that her memory is fading, then forgets about that. In 1942 on Earth-Two, Degaton also disappears, along with his troopers. Then all of the good guys disappear also, and are already forgetting that they were even there, because as things stand “now,” they weren't there at all.

In New York City in 1942 on Earth-Two, Commander Steel, Firebrand, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, and Robotman are at the front door of the Justice Society's HQ. In New York in 1947 on Earth-Two, Per Degaton and Malachi Zee have a familiar conversation. In Limbo, outside of time and space, between dimensions, the Crime Syndicate sit very quietly in their green sphere. In the JLA Satellite in 1982 over Earth-One, the Transmatter Cube activates and brings in Dr. Fate, Green Lantern, the Huntress, Power Girl, and Starman from Earth-Two. None of them remembers any part of this multiversal crisis.

First of all, I think this was a great achievement, and Roy Thomas may have been the reason it worked (as he had enough experience from editing Marvel books for years). Also having Jerry Ordway made the crossover a bit better to read.
But there is a very obvious problem with the story. I don’t think the All-Star Squadron needed to be involved. I don’t think that they even needed to stay in 1942 once the three teams met. They could have just skipped all that and gone to 1962 and fix the timeline. It doesn’t matter what happens in the 1942 of Earth-2 if the problem started in 1962 in Earth-Prime. They eventually do that, but they risked their lives for nothing. (Had this been a modern age story, a couple of heroes would have died in the past, and their deaths undone by fixing the timeline). This is a common misconception of time travel, that I cannot understand how these people didn’t realize at the time.
Nevertheless, I think, ignoring that plot hole, that it was a very good crossover. And I think this is the first one that crosses over to another title of all these “crisis” events (JLA/JSA).
I give this story a score of 7
#george perez#joe kubert#dc comics#1982#bronze age#comics#review#justice league of america#justice society of america#all-star squadron#all star squadron#justice league#jla#jsa#superman#per degaton#crisis#world war ii#commander steel#power girl#huntress#FDR#john kennedy jr#aquaman#Crime Syndicate of America
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Five Possible Sightseeing Spots in New York

New York City is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations, and for good reason. With its iconic skyline, vibrant culture, and endless attractions, it's a city that truly has something for everyone. If you're planning a trip to New York and looking for some great sightseeing spots to check out, here are five possibilities that are sure to impress.
The Empire State Building
Every trip to New York is complete with a visit to the Empire State Building. This iconic skyscraper, which stands over 1,400 feet tall, offers stunning views of the city from its observation deck. Whether you're looking to take in the sunset or see the city lit up at night, the Empire State Building is a must-see attraction.
The Statue of Liberty
Another iconic New York landmark is the Statue of Liberty. This famous statue is located on Liberty Island, and visitors can take a ferry over to see it up close. If you're feeling adventurous, you can climb up to the statue's crown for a breathtaking view of the harbor.
Central Park
New York may be known for its skyscrapers and bustling streets, but it also has plenty of green spaces to explore. Central Park is one of the most famous and beloved parks in the city, and for good reason. With over 800 acres of parkland, there are endless paths to stroll, gardens to admire, and landmarks to see, such as the Central Park Zoo and the Bethesda Fountain.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
If you're a fan of art and culture, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is a must-visit destination. This massive museum is home to over 2 million works of art, spanning over 5,000 years of human history. From ancient Egyptian artifacts to contemporary paintings, there's something for everyone at the Met.
Times Square
Finally, no trip to New York would be complete without a visit to Times Square. This bustling commercial and entertainment hub is home to billboards, theaters, and countless shops and restaurants. It's a true feast for the senses, with bright lights, loud music, and a constant flow of people.
New York City is a vast and exciting destination with endless sights and attractions to explore. Whether you're looking to take in the city's iconic landmarks or discover its hidden gems, these five spots are a great place to start. So book your trip, pack your bags, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the city that never sleeps.
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What are the best things to do for free in New York?
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/what-are-the-best-things-to-do-for-free-in-new-york/
What are the best things to do for free in New York?

Sure, you could–drop a bunch of coin to go to the top of the Empire State Building, eat at the fanciest restaurants or walk around on the grounds of the Statue of Liberty. But what if we told you that you could take a boat ride right past Lady Liberty without spending a dime? It’s a possibility and thousands of New Yorkers who ride the Staten Island Ferry do it every day.
New York is chock full of free gems like these ones, but to find them, the secret is connecting with a local who knows all the tricks. Luckily for you, we’re spilling our beans and dishing up the best free spots to enjoy in New York City.
From long, luxurious walks through the city’s parks, including the elevated High Line, to the weird, wacky and wonderful sights at Coney Island, this list curates the best of New York’s offerings into a tidy little package.–
So, no matter how small – or non-existent- your budget is, you’re still capable of having a great time in the Big Apple. Now, without further ado, allow us to present to you the 10Best list of New York City’s free things to do.–

Photo courtesy of Luna Park
Coney Island is home to New York’s alternative side. From the yearly mermaid parade to the nationally televised hot dog eating contest, this beachy outreach of the city feels a million miles away. If you can’t make it for an event (though you really should try!), you’ll still find plenty to do once you arrive. Take your chances on a ride at the amusement park, Luna Park, or if you’re able to drop a few bucks, gain admittance into the Coney Island Circus Sideshow. We won’t ruin the surprises but this freak show will have you scratching your head – or in some cases, hiding your eyes.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Coney Island is grimy, weird and unforgettable experience. For free.
Andrea’s expert tip: Check the schedule and try to go when an annual event, such as the summertime Mermaid Parade, is in full swing.
Read more about Coney Island →

Serving as New York’s seat of the archbishop, this gothic-style building has distinct American features while maintaining a European feel in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. New York architect James Renwick, also known for designing “The Castle” (the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC), completed work on the church in 1879. Renwick also designed the New York Public Library and the former facade of the New York Stock Exchange. The largest church in New York, St. Patrick’s seats over 2,000. New Yorkers consider the cathedral’s steps a good, scenic meeting spot. Download the Cathedral Tour App in advance for a self-guided audio tour narrated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan and rector Msgr. Robert Ritchie.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Arguably one of the most stunning cathedrals in the country, the free daily tours put this at the top of the list.
Courtney’s expert tip: Get there early to snag a spot in the free 10 AM tour group.
Read more about St. Patrick’s Cathedral →

Even if going to a library isn’t on your list of “must see” attractions back home, be sure to make an exception for the New York Public Library. This system holds one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive collections. Books, periodicals, maps, videos, musical scores and other electronically formatted items make up the more than 52 million items currently being held here. Special collections include art and architecture, print, photography, rare books, manuscripts and archives. The library also hosts special events, exhibits, instruction and classes (adult literacy, Internet workshops, etc.). In addition, free tours are offered Monday – Saturday at 11 AM and 2 PM, and at 2 PM Sundays.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: The New York Public Library is a stunning example of architecture and free for all to wander.
Courtney’s expert tip: The lions out front are named Patience and Fortitude.
Read more about New York Public Library →

Socrates Sculpture Park was founded in 1986 to provide artists with the opportunities and the space to exhibit large-scale sculptures and multi-media presentations. In this unique outdoor environment, trees are dwarfed by the results of creative expression. Prior to 1986, the location was an illegal dumpsite until artist Mark di Suvero transformed it into an open studio, allowing the space to be expanded from there. During the summer, crowds gather for everything from kite flying events to circus performances. Free yoga classes are designed for every level and there’s even an eight-week outdoor cinema program that celebrates the cultural diversity of Queens.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Free yoga classes, outdoor cinema and art exhibitions make Socrates Sculpture Park the place to go for summer entertainment.
Courtney’s expert tip: Sunswick Creek is next door and offers free science classes for kids and kayaking for all.
Read more about Socrates Sculpture Park →

Spanning from the South Street Seaport to Brooklyn Heights, the famous Brooklyn Bridge has ushered New Yorkers across the East River since 1883. A must-see for any visitor to the Big Apple, the best way to experience the bridge is to take the 30-plus minute, 3,455-foot expedition and walk it. The view of Manhattan is incredible, suddenly making it easy to understand why decades of poets and painters have been fascinated by it. The great Walt Whitman even described the view from the bridge as the “most effective medicine my soul has yet partaken.” For best results, we’d recommend going in the early morning during the summer months to miss the crowds.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: The Brooklyn Bridge is an iconic landmark seen in countless movies and shows.
Maria’s expert tip: It’s a must, but think twice before going on a cold and rainy day. The whipping winds can ruin a good time.
Read more about Brooklyn Bridge →

Said to be “Manhattan’s only remaining great gateway,” Grand Central Terminal (not “station” as it is often mistakenly called) is a magnificent example of art meeting functionality. The Beaux Arts facade that stretches along 42nd Street features a beautiful clock and crowning statues of Minerva, Mercury and Hercules. Inside the terminal, a vast blue ceiling twinkles with fiber optic lighting depicting the zodiac constellations, while one level below, sixty railroad tracks transport over 500,000 commuters a day. Since the building’s revitalization, Grand Central has enticed visitors and locals alike, with quick bites and delicacies located in the Grand Central Market, fine cuisine in the Dining Concourse and free arts events in Vanderbilt Hall.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s grandiose, but Grand Central Terminal is also filled with small wonders if you know where to look.
Courtney’s expert tip: Fun fact: check out the NW corner of the ceiling. See that patch of black? That’s the color the entire ceiling (due to smoking) before they cleaned it.
Read more about Grand Central Terminal →

For nearly a century, the brightest lights, the biggest music, the longest parties and all the star power you could ask for have stemmed off a street called Broadway. At one time not so long ago, this area was a haven for decadence. Seedy sex shops and peep shows infested the area until a successful revitalization effort and the arrival of tenants like David Letterman paved the way for a new Times Square. Now, it’s one of the most influential theater districts in the world. Times Square also hosts the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in the country. Half a million people flock to the square every year to bid the old year goodbye and to welcome in the New Year, New York party style.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s a must when you’re visiting New York. And unlike the person who pays the electric bill, it’s free for you.
Andrea’s expert tip: Go at night. There’s something much more magical about seeing it all lit up.
Read more about Times Square →

Leaving Manhattan, you gaze at the most enduring symbol of the city, the Statue of Liberty, ahead on the right and the sleek Verrazano-Narrows Bridge dominating the left. Then you realize that skyscrapers are assuming postcard dimensions of grandeur behind you. It is New York, even America, at its best, a truly thrilling experience. The magnificence of the Brooklyn Bridge soon completes the view behind you on the right. And best of all, it’s free! Once at the terminal on the Staten Island side, grab a departing boat (or stay for dinner), then enjoy the dramatic view in reverse. Hint: avoid the newer, faster craft with no outside deck.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s the best way to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island for free.
Andrea’s expert tip: On the other side, check out Enoteca Maria, a casual joint that features different nonnas from around the world cooking in the kitchen.
Read more about Staten Island Ferry →

Eight hundred acres of green space in the middle of Manhattan sounds like a fable. And yet, that’s exactly what Central Park is, which is why you’ll find joggers, nature lovers and bikers getting their fix of greenery every day. In the winter, visitors can lace up their skates for a twirl at Wollman Rink, while summer favorites include the Central Park Zoo and the Friedsam Memorial Carousel. For lazier days, catch some rays with the sunbathers in Sheep Meadow or on the Great Lawn and if you stay after the sun goes down, you may be serenaded by one of the many live performances that occur here, including some by The Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic. There’s no better place in the city to escape the city, making Central Park an oasis amongst the chaos right outside.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Central Park is as iconic as it gets. There’s perhaps no better way to spend a free afternoon.
Andrea’s expert tip: Don’t try to make your plans here hard and fast. You’ll likely get lost in the park – instead of stressing out, embrace it.
Read more about Central Park →

A true lesson in urban renewal, the High Line is built on an abandoned railroad line elevated above Manhattan’s west side. Running from Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District to Midtown’s W. 34th Street, the High Line has quickly claimed its place in the hearts of New Yorkers and visitors. Dotted along the grated overpass are food stalls, restaurant pop-ups and magnificent overlooks. To do it best, go on a Tuesday and amble along until you find Terroir, a wine bar near 15th Street. Grab a glass of vino at dusk, and then make your way a couple blocks south to hook up with the Amateur Astronomers Association stargazers who’ve set up telescopes and offer explanations of what’s going on in the sky.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s the perfect place to feel like you’re still in the action but away from the madness below.
Andrea’s expert tip: If you’re able to swing it, go during the week and avoid the weekend crowds.
Read more about The High Line →
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What Is The Best Battery Lawn Mower
What Voltage Does A Lawn Mower Battery Take
Table of ContentsHow To Hook Up A Battery Charger To A Lawn MowerHow To Change A Battery On A Riding Lawn MowerHow Long To Charge Lawn Mower BatteryHow To Repair A Lawn Mower Battery PostHow To Test A Lawn Mower Battery Without A MultimeterWhat Size Battery Does A Riding Lawn Mower TakeWhat Size Battery For My Riding Lawn MowerHow Long Does It Take For A Lawn Mower Battery To ExpireHow To Charge Riding Lawn Mower BatteryWhat Amp Is A Lawn Mower BatteryWhy Is Ego Lawn Mower Battery Turning Red
1. Raise the lawn mower deck up to reduce the amount of grass you remove with each cut, and aim to get rid of no greater than one third of the turf leaf with each trim. Besides, most cool-season grass yards are healthier and do a better job of blocking weeds when they are cut high, in the 2.5- to 4-inch variety.
Buy an extra blade; keep it sharpened and swap blades often. A sharp blade has less charge-robbing drag than a dull one and produces a healthier cut. 3. Trim more frequently to keep lawn height within a range that the lawn mower can comfortably deal with. 4. Keep the deck clean. This allows optimal air parts for battery lawn mower flow under the mower, which reduces blade drag by assisting the grass stand up more vertically for a clean cut.
Why Won't My Battery For My Riding Lawn Mower Hold A Charge
The scorching days of summertime are here, it agrees with time to trim your lawn. But it's hard to cut the swinging lawn without the best mower. If you are tired of the manual push mower or corded electrical models and thinking of acquiring the easiest one to suffice with, then you are at the best location.
Don't think two times to go for battery-powered yard mowers if you have a small or mid-sized yard. The lithium-ion batteries are terrific to supply you the first-class cutting experience up to 60 minutes. I believe the time is reasonable enough for the majority of you, isn't it? Cord just limits your space and you can't move over there.
How To Connect A Battery Charger To A Lawn Mower

How To Charge A Riding Lawn Mower Battery
Also, the batteries are quick to charge and being alive up to 60 min that is great enough for many https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=battery lawn mower of the lawns of America. That's all the factor you need to think about a battery-powered cordless lawnmower for the first cut of the spring. Our specialists have actually evaluated and investigated a lot to supply you the superior cordless lawn mower choices in 2020.
All of them are outstanding in quality. After, investigating and checking about 50 different battery-powered lawnmowers we got 14 best alternatives for you. Let's get one from listed below or you may. Scroll for the evaluations Let me present the most sophisticated rechargeable cordless Yard Mower in the market particularly the EGO POWER + Power Lawn Mower LM200100 Cordless Lawn Lawn Mower.
What Volt Is Lawn Mower Battery
The EGO Power++ 56-Volt battery features arc-lithium technology that is leading the industry to deliver the high quality battery back-up. Additionally,. And, there's no restriction of steering the lawn mower with a cord. This exceptionally quiet lawn mower is light-weight and extremely simple to operate. It is created as weather-resistant and a 20-inch Deck assists you to trim your lawn efficiently without any hassle.
The Battery Operated Lawnmower begins with a hassle-free push-button and folds quickly to store while not in usage. The Green Works 25302 cordless yard mower includes Li-Ion Battery. You will get 2 batteries and two chargers alone with the mower. The mower feature 20-Inch cutting deck that uses an excellent equalization of movement.
Craftsman Rotary Lawn Mower 725 Series Briggs & Stratton Engine How To Change Battery
Moreover, the battery-operated cordless mower features a very creative and wise cutting technique that alters or changes the force or run-time depending on the thickness of the yard. The double edges offer better cutting quality. The programmed battery switchover pulls power from the 2nd battery instantly when the very first one is exhausted.
The all-in-one BLACK+DECKER MTC220 20V 3-in-1 Trimmer/Edger is the most flexible mower available in the market with three kinds of landscaping performance. This is the, and footprint style is appropriate to use in tough to reach areas. The BLACK+DECKER Mower provides both cordless liberty and corded center so you can select according to your requirements.
What Is The Best Mulching Self Propelled Battery Lawn Mower
For that reason, it has four wheels, 12- inch cutting swath, a foot pedal, and height adjustment facilities. This easy to operate and light-weight 3 in 1 cordless electrical lawn mower can be the very best alternative for your small yard. Consider the GreenWorks Pro 80V Max walk-behind lawn mower with the most powerful battery platform for outside activities.
The battery-operated mower begins rapidly with a single push of a button and completes your jobs with little vibration, less mess, and little noise. A complete charge battery of 4 AH supplies approximately 60 minutes of working period, and Smart-Cut Innovation enhances performance and extends run-time. It includes DigiPro brushless motors that are more dependable and provides gas comparable efficiency. This mower includes the brushless motor that increases battery performance and takes full advantage of the efficiency with little noise and vibration. It features 6 position height adjustment levers to cut grass from 1.18 inch to 3.15-inch height. Sun Joe iON16LM cordless electrical mower includes rechargeable 40 V EcoSharp battery that provides a period of 40minutes and more.
Why Won't My Battery For My Riding Lawn Mower Hold A Charge
Need a battery-operated lawnmower that works like a beast? Well, here is Green Functions G-MAX 40V Li-Ion DigiPro 19-Inch that can work like a gas-powered design. The DigiPro brushless motor makes the lawn mower running at the greatest rate of effectiveness. Not only that, but this GreenWorks Cordless Yard Lawn mower likewise provides longer run time with G-MAX 40V Li-Ion Battery.
The best battery mower created with a 19-inch steel deck that supplies rear bagging, side discharge, and mulching https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=battery lawn mower ability. So, do not miss the opportunity to utilize this one! Clean your lawn like a professional, with this BLACK+DECKER CM2040 3-in-1 Cordless Mower. It is another best cordless mower that includes Autosense Technology which identifies the thickness of grass and makes power modification accordingly - battery lawn mower reviews 2016.
What Happens When Lawn Mower Battery Connected Wrong
With two effective 40 volt batteries, the mower provides double run time compared to other battery-operated models in the market. self propelled battery lawn mower. While not in usage, you can store the battery in the compartment inside the lawn mower. Likewise, the mower includes a 6-setting height change and 20-inch width cutting path. The BLACK+DECKER Cordless Mower created to lower your battle in does a battery lawn mower reviews every possible method.
It is the engine that makes this one way more effective than other alternatives offered in the market. You can mow your lawn without any inconvenience. Also, you will get a Li-Ion battery for solidness and longer run-time. The battery mower has a 7-position single lever stature that provides various varieties.
How Long To Trickle Charge A Lawn Mower Battery
Moreover, you will get a charger and a steel deck. It also has sufficient mulching capacity. The Black & Decker CM1640 16-Inch Cordless Mower developed to work extremely for smaller sized yards with approximately 1/8 of an acre. The lawn mower is lightweight, strong, and offers great cutting in less effort.
This wise, http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=battery lawn mower problem-free, and undoubtedly one of the finest choices begins rapidly with just a push of a single button. It features a cutting height variety of 1 to 3 inches. The handle is very comfortable with adjustable features and the folding capability for simple storage. The cutting deck is rust-resistant, and the lawn mower is easy to clean.
How Long Does It Take For A Lawn Mower Battery To Charge For Electric Mower
The number of rectangle-shaped feet of the lawn a lawn mower can trim in a single charge of battery? This cordless battery mower can slice to 5,500 square feet in a solitary charge. It includes two 20 Volt (40V combinedly) powerful and effective batteries to cut anything you want.
The weight is only 35.3 pounds that is not a huge offer to handle the machine. Likewise geared up with a power sign to show the capacity of the battery for early follows up. This is a perfect trimmer equipped with all the required alternatives that you best budget battery lawn mower sale can discover nowadays.
What Is The Best Cordless Electric Lawn Mower

How To Remove A Battery From A Lawn Mower
It is relatively light to weight and easy to maneuver and shop. Moreover, it has a double charging station for dual batteries. It will not take more than 4 hours to charge after drained pipes entirely. The mower is mainly assembled right out of package. The BLACK+DECKER Cordless Mower is another best alternative readily available on the marketplace now with 40V 2.0 Ah Max lithium-ion batteries that increase the runtime two times to finish any large task.
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Low Incline Roof Covering Installment Guide
In your home, you'll need to lay out all the roof covering on the ground, and use a razor to cut it into areas that will fit on your roof covering. Make use of a mop to clean up off the roofing's surface area when you're all set to lay it. You can use roof cement to the area and press down the rolled roofing when that's done. To protect the squares, you'll need to hammer nails along the side of each roof piece.
Does roll roofing need underlayment?
Rolled roofing material is often used on roofs that are low-sloped. If your roof pitch declines up to 1 inch vertically for every 12 inches horizontally (1:12 pitch), it is a good candidate for rolled roofing as http://cashdtkx349.image-perth.org/ideal-underlayment-for-steel-roofing-system-evaluation-in-2020 long as you use the concealed nail method of fastening.
Being light-weight, if you mount EPDM Go to this site flooring, you do not have to include any kind of extra reinforcement. In every EPDM floor covering there are adhesive joints, so you do not need to fret about any type of leaks.
Complete all 4 sides and after that go back to corners cut through rope on the top of thatch wallow half way down. You need to create an overhang of regarding 12" and also attach the tiki thatch with a staple gun or zip ties with 2 rows. The business quality hand thatch is firmly entwined on the back side and also fringed on the front side, to guarantee resilience when cutting.
Just How to Apply Rolled Roof

If possible, install roll roof over a smooth plywood deck, either identical or vertical to the slope. The roof ought to overhang the eaves by 1/2 inch, other than where you set up drip-edge recalling top of the roof along the rake side.
Rolled roof covering: kiss roof shingles and also floor tiles farewell
A lot of makers make use of the exact same materials of asphalt tiles to make rolled roof that includes really felt, tar and asphalt. Ultimately, rolled roofing gives one of the most affordable choice for roofing empty structures.
The purpose of utilizing eaves flashing is moisture security versus roof penetration, around eaves as well as any kind of locations that are subject to ice dams or pooling. Saturated really felt is one more kind of rolled roofing which actually utilized as an underlying item to support other items as opposed to a completing product.
This specific type of roof material can likewise be used as base layers for other kinds of rolled roof covering.
For maximum toughness, mount blocking under the roofing in position where the nails will permeate the sheathing.
The conventional way of roof covering a residence is with individual composite (asphalt) roof shingles.
If an old roof covering just needs replaced it will certainly route the choice as will if the roofing system is going on new building.
An essential consideration in the application of rolled roofing is the slope of the roofing system. Roof coverings that have a pitch decline that is 2 inches or much less up and down per 12 feet horizontally, are suitable for roll roofing. One crucial distinction between rolled roofing as well as other types of roof covering product is that while tile type roof might utilize rolled material as an underlayment, rolled roof covering that is stand-alone is often referred to asmineral-surfaced roll roof. Rolled roof is made from the same product as asphalt roof shingles, as well as as opposed to being installed in floor tiles, similar to shingles, it is rolled directly onto the roof. The Hand Island Thatch Alternative - The Hand Island Thatch alternative is made from Mexican Hand leaves and is fantastic for both indoor and also outdoors settings.
Ceramic tile roof shingles
TPO is exceptionally long lasting and light-weight even in all sorts of climate situations. Low Slope Roof such as Liberty need to just be set up on roofing system slopes of 2 in 12" or greater. Never mount it on roof coverings with ponding water. It currently has an asphalt roof covering that has 1.5 ″ of foam insulation on top of the outdoor decking and afterwards the asphalt roofing (36 ″ wide) was rolled out over the leading with the seams welded as well as overlapped. Expensive to purchase and install, you can count on these being around two times as long as asphalt shingles. Use staples to stick the tarpaper to the roof if you install tarpaper underneath the roof covering. It's an excellent You can find out more suggestion to change the existing drip edge with new product if you're roof covering over an existing roof. Step 34 inches up from the leading side of the roof covering you simply installed and break one more chalk line.
Need a Roof Pro Near You?
The rolls are low-cost and also simple to set up. Nonetheless, asphalt shingles supply three to 4 times the lifespan and more style options contrasted to rolled roofing, making them the preferred option for roof covering your primary residence. Despite composition, all rolling roof covering products can be found in 100-foot-long rolls that determine from 6-feet to 20-feet wide.
Cut Back Excess Material
Nonetheless, previous knowledge on roof covering definitely is an added advantage. Some kinds of rolled roof required to secure or nailed in order to make the more durable installment. To make the installation treatment much easier, the rolled roofing is laid on the deck and then cut prior to using the adhesive on the roof covering. Some other rolled roofing requires some kind of sticky to be made use of very first on the roof covering deck and afterwards the roof is surrendered the deck. The greatest advantage of using rolled roof is the easy installment treatment.
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20 San Diego Event Venues Your Attendees Will Love
If San Diego is the destination for your next event, first of all, lucky you. Second of all, let us help you with this list of 20 San Diego event venues, from the tried-and-true to the hip-and-new.
San Diego is a popular destination for events, and no wonder. The moderate climate makes it a delightful destination year-round; the city is super-walkable; and did we mention the beach?
Of course, you’ll need an excellent venue to match your excellent event location, so we’ve rounded up this list of contenders in various sizes, locations and tastes for any possible event on your agenda — giant conferences and exclusive VIP soirees alike.
San Diego Event Venues
The Prado at Balboa Park
Fleet Science Center
Horton Plaza Park
USS Midway Museum
The Deck at Moonshine Flats
Miss B’s Coconut Club
Petco Park
Herb & Wood
Hilton Gaslamp
Mess Hall at Liberty Public Market
House of Blues
Kimpton Hotel Palomar
Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
Moniker General
The New Children’s Museum
San Diego Wine & Culinary Center
Parq Event Center
San Diego Convention Center
Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
1. The Prado at Balboa Park
Photo Source: The Prado Balboa Park
Location: Balboa Park
Capacity: 2,500
Architecture and history buffs will love an event at the The Prado at Balboa Park, which was originally built for the 1915-16 Panama-California Exposition to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal. A careful three-year renovation maintained the integrity of the Spanish, Moorish, and Mexican architectural design that includes two dozen original, hand-painted, wooden stencil designs. The various indoor and outdoor event spaces—22,000 square feet in all—offer all sorts of options for different sized groups.
2. Fleet Science Center
Photo Source: Fleet Science Center
Location: Balboa Park
Capacity: 10–1,000+
An event at the 30,000-square-foot Fleet Science Center could include anything from a sit-down dinner among interactive science exhibits (including a six-and-a-half-foot “tornado”), a lovely view of the Bea Evenson Fountain designed by noted local modernist architect Homer Delawie, or an IMAX movie in the 274-seat Giant Dome Theater. Plus, this location is minutes from downtown!
3. Horton Plaza Park
Photo Source: Horton Plaza Park
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 1,900+
This urban plaza includes three distinct rental spaces over its 53,000 square feet: a modern hardscape, a green historic park and a coliseum-style bowl.
The venue has historical clout. The first iteration of this National Historic Landmark was sold to the city of San Diego by its namesake Alonzo Horton in 1885; the recently restored adjacent Broadway Fountain was established in 1910; and John F. Kennedy spoke at the plaza during the 1960 election.
The plaza’s newer features include an interactive pop-jet fountain and light sculptures.
4. USS Midway Museum
Photo Source: USS Midway
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 150–4,000
If you prefer unique venues to the traditional meeting rooms and ballrooms, consider the USS Midway—the United States’ longest-serving aircraft carrier during the 20th century, in use from 1945-1992. It now serves as a museum and unique event venue with 50,000-square-feet of usable space on the flight deck alone, which doubles as an exhibit of 50 years of naval aviation.
Photo Source: BASSMNT
Location: Gaslamp Quarter
Capacity: 20–1,000+
Take your event underground at this glam, sophisticated nightclub in a historic property of exposed brick and wood. Event-goers will enjoy the state-of-the-art audiovisuals, hand-crafted cocktails and, hopefully, the dance floor. At just a 10-minute walk from the convention center, this is an especially good option for a conference evening shindig.
Protip: While the Gaslamp Quarter is the official name of the area where BASSMNT and many of our recommendations are located, you’ll sound like a local if you say “Gaslamp District” instead.
6. The Deck at Moonshine Flats
Photo Source: The Deck at Moonshine Flats
Location: East Village
Capacity: 150
For an event with a down-home vibe, consider the The Deck at Moonshine Flats, which features a stage, 16 LED screens and games like ping pong, corn hole and shuffleboard. Plus, you decide if your event is indoor or open-air thanks to a retractable roof. This event venue is three blocks from the San Diego Convention center and connects to its sister property Moonshine Flats, if you want to expand your event to include line dancing at a flashy honky-tonk.
7. Miss B’s Coconut Club
Photo Source: Miss B’s Coconut Club
Location: Mission Beach
Capacity: 138
If you want to give event-goers serious San Diego beach vibes, then Miss B’s Coconut Club situated on the Mission Beach boardwalk is a prime choice. The 2,329-square-foot space has fire pits and tiki-inspired decor and specializes in creative rum drinks to boot.
Fun fact: The fictitious “Miss B” hails from the early 20th century when a developer saw opportunity to further develop Mission Beach’s “tent city,” where residents literally lived in tents on the beach. “Miss B,” a riff on “Mission Beach,” was the face of that marketing campaign.
8. Petco Park
Photo Source: Petco Park
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 46,000
While Petco Park is best known as the home to the San Diego Padres, it doubles as an excellent event venue with a prime downtown location and a stunning view of the bay. You can rent pretty much any part of it—right field (capacity 1,640), rooftop (capacity 375) or the parking lots (capacity varies because, well, it’s a parking lot).
They even offer interactive games, such as Whac-A-Mole, giant bowling and, naturally, an inflatable batting cage. Plus, a dedicated event management team is on staff to help.
9. Herb & Wood
Photo Source: Herb & Wood
Location: North Little Italy
Capacity: 230+
This overhauled 9,500-square-foot warehouse is now a restaurant serving upscale Californian-Mediterranean cuisine. Guests can enjoy the industrial sophisticate space of the dining area and wraparound bar or opt for the open-air patio. Be on the lookout for original artwork by their artist-in-residence.
10. Hilton Gaslamp
Photo Source: Hilton Gaslamp
Location: Gaslamp Quarter
Capacity: 10–350
If the San Diego Convention Center is your hub for daytime events, the Hilton Gaslamp, located directly across from the convention center, is a prime spot for your evening ones. It has 13 event spaces within its 12,000-square-feet of event space, including an outdoor terrace in view of the convention center. Capacity varies according to space, with the Gaslamp Room and the outdoor terrace, at 3,500 and 5,000 square feet respectively, their most spacious offerings.
11. Mess Hall at Liberty Public Market
Photo Source: Mess Hall
Location: Point Loma
Capacity: 90+
The hip modern-day Mess Hall was once an actual mess hall in San Diego’s Naval Training Station built in the 1920s. Now this former training station is called Liberty Station and serves as a mixed-use development that includes Liberty Public Market, the foodie center of Liberty Station where Mess Hall resides.
First-rate cocktails are a focal point of Mess Hall, which prides itself in using local and small batch spirits and seasonal ingredients. Enjoy your cocktail in a clean, appealing space among quirky boat paintings by middle schoolers, which, due to their historic status, can’t be painted over.
12. House of Blues
Photo source: House of Blues
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 1,500
Just ten blocks from the palm trees of the San Diego Convention Center sits House of Blues, a self-described “old Southern Delta juke joint.” With its state-of-the-art lighting and sound, this venue can be a lively party or a not-so-staid corporate event.
The San Diego event space is part of the Live Nation special event family, so rest-assured, you’re in good hands here.
13. Kimpton Hotel Palomar
Photo Source: Kimpton Hotel Palomar
Location: Gaslamp Quarter
Capacity: 10–360
For a glam hotel event experience, take over this Kimpton Hotel’s 7,000 square-foot Level Four Pool Deck and Lounge and wow guests with views of the city. More traditional hotel event options are also available with an array of boardrooms, ballrooms and breakout rooms.
Expect a stellar sound system and art-filled rooms at this venue.
14. Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
Photo source: Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 21–3,000
You have your pick of event spaces at this waterfront location: bars, lounges, restaurants and one of the largest ballrooms in the city: the 30,000-square-foot Seaport Ballroom.
The Hyatt’s event space—totaling 316,000 square feet—is flexible too. Think ballrooms with column-free spaces, a multitude of breakout rooms, plus stunning views of the bay.
15. Moniker General
Photo Source: Moniker General
Location: Point Loma
Capacity: 40
For a more intimate event that exudes easy elegance, Moniker General—a bar, retail and coffee shop rolled into one—offers an enclosed patio with a custom-built wood and steel banquet table at its center. They supply the beverages, and you can tap any local restaurant you want to supply the food.
Bonus points for the complimentary parking around the corner at Liberty Station. For larger events, check out the flexible urban space of it its sister property, Moniker Warehouse.
16. The New Children’s Museum
Photo Source: The New Children's Museum
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 1,000
You can take over the entire New Children’s Museum, conveniently located near the San Diego Convention Center, or opt for designated spaces, such as their art studio, the garden or the Upper Level, which looks out on the San Diego skyline. The museum, designed by the well-known local architect Robert Quigley, is green and sustainable. Another reason to support this venue: It’s dedicated to stimulating creativity in children.
17. San Diego Wine & Culinary Center
Photo Source: San Diego Wine & Culinary Center
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 500
You have plenty of event space options here: wine cellars, a full-demonstration kitchen, and the 3,000-square-foot Sunset Patio—one of the largest patios around. Chef demonstrations and interactive tasting stations are specialities here which can offer a fun focal point to any corporate event.
18. Parq Event Center
Photo Source: Parq Event Center
Location: Gaslamp Quarter
Capacity: 50-1,800
The venue now known as Parq first opened its door in 1926 as a Bank of Italy and eventually became the clubbing hotspot On Broadway. Now, it’s a sophisticated 30,000-square-foot multi-room event venue with restaurant and nightclub spaces.
This historic building retains its original crown molding and vault doors to the bank, while the open-air restaurant has its own unique vibe inspired by New York’s Central Park. Just for funsies, you enter the nightclub through a grotto tunnel. Once there, you’ll find a stage and LED TVs aplenty.
19. San Diego Convention Center
Photo Source: San Diego Convention Center
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 130,000
This 2.6 million-square-foot behemoth of a facility includes a 90,000-square-foot column-free exhibit space and has an especially noteworthy space in the Sails Pavilion. The room’s structure has white sails (hence, its name), serving as a fabric roof that can be color customized thanks to LED lights
Plus, here you have panoramic views of downtown San Diego and San Diego Bay. And did we mention the facility is lined by palm trees? Not a bad way to “work.”
Protip: Managing an event in a space this large requires a locked-down event strategy. Our event management software can help with that.
20. Hard Rock Hotel San Diego
Photo Source: Hard Rock Hotel
Location: Downtown
Capacity: 1,000
If you like your event rooms, halls and outdoor terraces to have “buttoned-down business amenities with rock ‘n’ roll style,” as Hard Rock Hotel describes themselves, then look no further. The 8,700-square-foot Legends Ballroom is an especially versatile space that can be divided into six equal sections. Built-in colored lights, acoustic panels, and audio and visual capabilities galore add major pizzazz, while the location across from the conference center adds major convenience.
San Diego Event Venues and Beyond
If San Diego isn’t the only city where you host events, check out these venue roundups in other major cities:
Atlanta Event Venues
Washington Event Venues
Boston Event Venues
Seattle Event Venues
Chicago Event Venues
San Francisco Event Venues
Stay tuned to our blog for more event venues in California, Texas or wherever you might host your next event! In the meantime, check out our Event Technology Assessment to see how you can improve your event strategy!
from Cameron Jones Updates http://bizzabo-318095.hs-sites.com/san-diego-event-venues
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5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Into The roofing Industry.
One of those is contacting a roofing contractor to put in an environmentally pleasant, or cool, roof on your own home or workplace building. Utilizing roofing contractors to install an environmentally pleasant product can save the average homeowner 7-15% on their yearly electric bill. As an illustration, on a hot summer day, these merchandise can cut back the temperature in an attic by about 10 degrees, which means an air conditioner must work much less to keep up a cool temperature in the rest of the home. In climates which are warm yr round, the cost savings will be even more important. Some native utility corporations additionally offer rebates and other incentives to switch to reflective shingles over conventional ones.
Wondering about the different types of shingles? Wonder no more: http://ow.ly/byNs30h0Nzl
http://elpasoroofingco.com | (915) 245-0597pic.twitter.com/EmdU2bxk8a
— EPRoofingCo (@RoofingCoEP) December 4, 2017
A typical roof in Houston will final 10 to 15 years, and there are some indicators it’s essential to be careful for. Obviously, if it rains and it leaks, you want a brand new roof. But some of the refined signs, like shiny shingles, nails popping, properly, get it inspected. Watch as one homeowner goes via the process of selecting a brand new roof and study what you need to know. Does new technology cure the curse of sneaky leaks on flat roofs? I want a brand new roof. Does your own home have a roof leak within the making? Such indicators may embody water spots, a gentle or of sagging ceiling and damp areas anyplace on the ceiling or wall. A water spot on the ceiling would usually start out small, but grow bigger with a brown ring defining it’s form. The longer that is left untreated, the bigger the spot will turn out to be because the water provides weight to your ceiling. If a leak shouldn’t be immediately visible from the inside of your property, consider that the issue space may be more apparent from an outdoor inspection. Utilizing a ladder or binoculars, search for visible indicators of roof damage or different structural issues.
Your roof guarantee isn’t one thing you consider till you want it. It’s a good suggestion to learn about your roof guarantee and what it actually covers earlier than you need it. Consider it or not, your roof could also be covered by two different warranties relying on how previous it is and the way long the warranties last. First, the producer of the roofing shingles has a warranty that covers any defect in the shingles themselves.
The warm/yellow brick to the cool/blue roof
Does all roofing materials delivered to the job site bear the UL label
600mm x 1800mm (2)
Is your company insured, licensed and bonded
Take a look at credentials
Here are several issues you may want to look for. No web host can promise one hundred % uptime, as a result of even the better of servers will often go down for deliberate or unplanned maintenance, and no webpage is completely impenetrable to hacking attempts. An inexpensive internet hosting company should provide fast and stable internet hosting, as effectively as the assure of fast action and the usage of backups in the occasion of a web site or a server going down. If you’re not sure about a selected net host’s uptime guarantees, be at liberty to search for opinions of their services on hosting boards, and/or contact the corporate directly to get clarification.
Sq.: The frequent measurement for roof area. find out here
Rafters: The supporting framing to which a roof deck is attached. Rake: The inclined edge of a roof over a wall. Ridge: The top edge of two intersecting sloping roof surfaces. Sheathing: The boards or sheet supplies which might be fastened to rafters to cover a house or building. Slope: Measured by rise in inches for every 12 inches of horizontal run: A roof with a four-in-12 slope rises four inches for each foot of horizontal distance. Square: The widespread measurement for roof area. Organic shingles consist of a cellulose-fiber (i.e., wooden) base that is saturated with asphalt and coated with colored mineral granules. Fiberglass shingles encompass a fiberglass mat, top-and-bottom layers of asphalt, and mineral granules. Asphalt shingles’ fire resistances, like most different roofing materials (explanation), are categorized by Class A, B or C. Class A signifies probably the most fireplace-resistant; Lessons B and C denote less fireplace resistance. Generally, most fiberglass shingles have Class A fire rankings, and most natural shingles have Class C ratings. A shingle’s reinforcement has little effect on its appearance.
License: make sure that the roofing contractor complies with the licensing requirements. Ask with regard to business permit numbers as well as info on the group which provides the service provider. Then search advice from local authorities our bodies to see how the corporate compiles together with laws. Insurance Protection: A service provider ought to have worker’s compensation as well as normal legal duty insurance. Ask for the title and deal with of the insurance company, together with a duplicate of the company’s insurance coverage certification. If you are planning to get thatched roofing finished for your home or workplace, then the first thing you’ve to think about is its compatibility with the surroundings there. As an example, thatching doesn’t work so properly if it snows. In case of humid or moisture accumulation, common upkeep will be capable to strengthen the roof. High ranges of atmospheric humidity and robust wind may lead to faster decay of the roof. Normally thatched roofing once carried out would have lasted for around fifty years, with repairing or re-thatching.
In addition they come in sheets, shingles, and tiles. The industry continues to advance, that means homeowners have plenty of choices to choose from. It’s wind resistant. Panels are put together in an interwoven pattern that is right for high wind zones. This implies much less likelihood for harm and the much less probably probability homeowners would require a costly repair. It will not catch fire. As a result of they’re flammable, different roof supplies are responsible of aiding within the spread of residence and neighborhood fires. Asphalt and cedar may catch fire from stray sparks that come out of a chimney or from a flame that comes from a neighboring property. When will the job begin and end? Will the roofer clean up when finished? Is clean-up part of the total cost? If it’s not included, ask so as to add it in as a contingency of fee (not that you can pay additional for it). Don’t soar at the bottom bidder. If all bids are inside 20 p.c of each other, the low bid may be Ok. Compare what each roofer is offering to do. Make sure there aren’t any hidden costs or extras.
Sydney firm photographers are also able to set up a portable studio on the small business premises to photograph employee headshots and portraits for inside publications or intranet identification functions. In route of the cease of the yr, Sydney company photographers are hired for common occasion images uses to grab their Xmas functions. Company Xmas events can each be an ‘adults solely’ affair or possibly a family affair. Both approach, the Sydney corporate photographer is employed to grab pics to the workers to take pleasure in and keep in mind the celebration to enhance personnel morale within the workplace. If hiring somebody you need to shop round and find someone with expertise installing your type of roof. If doing it yourself then it’s best to make sure that you understand exactly the best way to do it. Your roof is a crucial a part of your property. It protects your house and when it goes bad you’ll be able to end up with major injury to your own home and to your belongings inside. You could have to decide on a new roof with care. You should consider everything talked about above so you may make your best option possible.
This method provides many numerous benefits including quality insulation and low maintenance. It has natural waterproofing properties, which when applied to the roof, are passed to the surface. In addition, this material is mostly lightweight and quite durable. The application typically lasts a very long time, however just like another material, it may well become broken over time. In this article we’ll define the ins and outs of repair as pertaining to this type of roofing. These kits are usually discovered at most house enchancment stores. So if you are anxious about your roof and also you haven’t had a roof analysis by a professional in the final a number of years, listed here are three indicators you need to have to make that call in the present day. Signs of water injury: If you’re seeing signs of water injury of any sort on the inside of your own home, it’s actually time to name in roofing contractors for a bit of help. Whether or not you’ve really seen water dripping or you just suddenly seen a spot on your ceiling you hadn’t previously seen, often this indicates a critical problem that must be addressed immediately. Shingle granules in your yard: Noticing what looks to be massive grains of sand in your yard, driveway, or anywhere else around your house also signifies a reasonably critical problem.
Source: https://railwaysleepersblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/06/5-things-you-should-know-before-getting-into-the-roofing-industry/
0 notes
5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Into The roofing Industry.
One of those is contacting a roofing contractor to put in an environmentally pleasant, or cool, roof on your own home or workplace building. Utilizing roofing contractors to install an environmentally pleasant product can save the average homeowner 7-15% on their yearly electric bill. As an illustration, on a hot summer day, these merchandise can cut back the temperature in an attic by about 10 degrees, which means an air conditioner must work much less to keep up a cool temperature in the rest of the home. In climates which are warm yr round, the cost savings will be even more important. Some native utility corporations additionally offer rebates and other incentives to switch to reflective shingles over conventional ones.
Wondering about the different types of shingles? Wonder no more: http://ow.ly/byNs30h0Nzl
http://elpasoroofingco.com | (915) 245-0597pic.twitter.com/EmdU2bxk8a
— EPRoofingCo (@RoofingCoEP) December 4, 2017
A typical roof in Houston will final 10 to 15 years, and there are some indicators it’s essential to be careful for. Obviously, if it rains and it leaks, you want a brand new roof. But some of the refined signs, like shiny shingles, nails popping, properly, get it inspected. Watch as one homeowner goes via the process of selecting a brand new roof and study what you need to know. Does new technology cure the curse of sneaky leaks on flat roofs? I want a brand new roof. Does your own home have a roof leak within the making? Such indicators may embody water spots, a gentle or of sagging ceiling and damp areas anyplace on the ceiling or wall. A water spot on the ceiling would usually start out small, but grow bigger with a brown ring defining it’s form. The longer that is left untreated, the bigger the spot will turn out to be because the water provides weight to your ceiling. If a leak shouldn’t be immediately visible from the inside of your property, consider that the issue space may be more apparent from an outdoor inspection. Utilizing a ladder or binoculars, search for visible indicators of roof damage or different structural issues.
Your roof guarantee isn’t one thing you consider till you want it. It’s a good suggestion to learn about your roof guarantee and what it actually covers earlier than you need it. Consider it or not, your roof could also be covered by two different warranties relying on how previous it is and the way long the warranties last. First, the producer of the roofing shingles has a warranty that covers any defect in the shingles themselves.
The warm/yellow brick to the cool/blue roof
Does all roofing materials delivered to the job site bear the UL label
600mm x 1800mm (2)
Is your company insured, licensed and bonded
Take a look at credentials
Here are several issues you may want to look for. No web host can promise one hundred % uptime, as a result of even the better of servers will often go down for deliberate or unplanned maintenance, and no webpage is completely impenetrable to hacking attempts. An inexpensive internet hosting company should provide fast and stable internet hosting, as effectively as the assure of fast action and the usage of backups in the occasion of a web site or a server going down. If you’re not sure about a selected net host’s uptime guarantees, be at liberty to search for opinions of their services on hosting boards, and/or contact the corporate directly to get clarification.
Sq.: The frequent measurement for roof area. find out here
Rafters: The supporting framing to which a roof deck is attached. Rake: The inclined edge of a roof over a wall. Ridge: The top edge of two intersecting sloping roof surfaces. Sheathing: The boards or sheet supplies which might be fastened to rafters to cover a house or building. Slope: Measured by rise in inches for every 12 inches of horizontal run: A roof with a four-in-12 slope rises four inches for each foot of horizontal distance. Square: The widespread measurement for roof area. Organic shingles consist of a cellulose-fiber (i.e., wooden) base that is saturated with asphalt and coated with colored mineral granules. Fiberglass shingles encompass a fiberglass mat, top-and-bottom layers of asphalt, and mineral granules. Asphalt shingles’ fire resistances, like most different roofing materials (explanation), are categorized by Class A, B or C. Class A signifies probably the most fireplace-resistant; Lessons B and C denote less fireplace resistance. Generally, most fiberglass shingles have Class A fire rankings, and most natural shingles have Class C ratings. A shingle’s reinforcement has little effect on its appearance.
License: make sure that the roofing contractor complies with the licensing requirements. Ask with regard to business permit numbers as well as info on the group which provides the service provider. Then search advice from local authorities our bodies to see how the corporate compiles together with laws. Insurance Protection: A service provider ought to have worker’s compensation as well as normal legal duty insurance. Ask for the title and deal with of the insurance company, together with a duplicate of the company’s insurance coverage certification. If you are planning to get thatched roofing finished for your home or workplace, then the first thing you’ve to think about is its compatibility with the surroundings there. As an example, thatching doesn’t work so properly if it snows. In case of humid or moisture accumulation, common upkeep will be capable to strengthen the roof. High ranges of atmospheric humidity and robust wind may lead to faster decay of the roof. Normally thatched roofing once carried out would have lasted for around fifty years, with repairing or re-thatching.
In addition they come in sheets, shingles, and tiles. The industry continues to advance, that means homeowners have plenty of choices to choose from. It’s wind resistant. Panels are put together in an interwoven pattern that is right for high wind zones. This implies much less likelihood for harm and the much less probably probability homeowners would require a costly repair. It will not catch fire. As a result of they’re flammable, different roof supplies are responsible of aiding within the spread of residence and neighborhood fires. Asphalt and cedar may catch fire from stray sparks that come out of a chimney or from a flame that comes from a neighboring property. When will the job begin and end? Will the roofer clean up when finished? Is clean-up part of the total cost? If it’s not included, ask so as to add it in as a contingency of fee (not that you can pay additional for it). Don’t soar at the bottom bidder. If all bids are inside 20 p.c of each other, the low bid may be Ok. Compare what each roofer is offering to do. Make sure there aren’t any hidden costs or extras.
Sydney firm photographers are also able to set up a portable studio on the small business premises to photograph employee headshots and portraits for inside publications or intranet identification functions. In route of the cease of the yr, Sydney company photographers are hired for common occasion images uses to grab their Xmas functions. Company Xmas events can each be an ‘adults solely’ affair or possibly a family affair. Both approach, the Sydney corporate photographer is employed to grab pics to the workers to take pleasure in and keep in mind the celebration to enhance personnel morale within the workplace. If hiring somebody you need to shop round and find someone with expertise installing your type of roof. If doing it yourself then it’s best to make sure that you understand exactly the best way to do it. Your roof is a crucial a part of your property. It protects your house and when it goes bad you’ll be able to end up with major injury to your own home and to your belongings inside. You could have to decide on a new roof with care. You should consider everything talked about above so you may make your best option possible.
This method provides many numerous benefits including quality insulation and low maintenance. It has natural waterproofing properties, which when applied to the roof, are passed to the surface. In addition, this material is mostly lightweight and quite durable. The application typically lasts a very long time, however just like another material, it may well become broken over time. In this article we’ll define the ins and outs of repair as pertaining to this type of roofing. These kits are usually discovered at most house enchancment stores. So if you are anxious about your roof and also you haven’t had a roof analysis by a professional in the final a number of years, listed here are three indicators you need to have to make that call in the present day. Signs of water injury: If you’re seeing signs of water injury of any sort on the inside of your own home, it’s actually time to name in roofing contractors for a bit of help. Whether or not you’ve really seen water dripping or you just suddenly seen a spot on your ceiling you hadn’t previously seen, often this indicates a critical problem that must be addressed immediately. Shingle granules in your yard: Noticing what looks to be massive grains of sand in your yard, driveway, or anywhere else around your house also signifies a reasonably critical problem.
Source: https://railwaysleepersblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/06/5-things-you-should-know-before-getting-into-the-roofing-industry/
0 notes
5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Into The roofing Industry.

One of those is contacting a roofing contractor to put in an environmentally pleasant, or cool, roof on your own home or workplace building. Utilizing roofing contractors to install an environmentally pleasant product can save the average homeowner 7-15% on their yearly electric bill. As an illustration, on a hot summer day, these merchandise can cut back the temperature in an attic by about 10 degrees, which means an air conditioner must work much less to keep up a cool temperature in the rest of the home. In climates which are warm yr round, the cost savings will be even more important. Some native utility corporations additionally offer rebates and other incentives to switch to reflective shingles over conventional ones.
Wondering about the different types of shingles? Wonder no more: http://ow.ly/byNs30h0Nzl
http://elpasoroofingco.com | (915) 245-0597pic.twitter.com/EmdU2bxk8a
— EPRoofingCo (@RoofingCoEP) December 4, 2017
A typical roof in Houston will final 10 to 15 years, and there are some indicators it’s essential to be careful for. Obviously, if it rains and it leaks, you want a brand new roof. But some of the refined signs, like shiny shingles, nails popping, properly, get it inspected. Watch as one homeowner goes via the process of selecting a brand new roof and study what you need to know. Does new technology cure the curse of sneaky leaks on flat roofs? I want a brand new roof. Does your own home have a roof leak within the making? Such indicators may embody water spots, a gentle or of sagging ceiling and damp areas anyplace on the ceiling or wall. A water spot on the ceiling would usually start out small, but grow bigger with a brown ring defining it’s form. The longer that is left untreated, the bigger the spot will turn out to be because the water provides weight to your ceiling. If a leak shouldn’t be immediately visible from the inside of your property, consider that the issue space may be more apparent from an outdoor inspection. Utilizing a ladder or binoculars, search for visible indicators of roof damage or different structural issues.
Your roof guarantee isn’t one thing you consider till you want it. It’s a good suggestion to learn about your roof guarantee and what it actually covers earlier than you need it. Consider it or not, your roof could also be covered by two different warranties relying on how previous it is and the way long the warranties last. First, the producer of the roofing shingles has a warranty that covers any defect in the shingles themselves.
The warm/yellow brick to the cool/blue roof
Does all roofing materials delivered to the job site bear the UL label
600mm x 1800mm (2)
Is your company insured, licensed and bonded
Take a look at credentials
Here are several issues you may want to look for. No web host can promise one hundred % uptime, as a result of even the better of servers will often go down for deliberate or unplanned maintenance, and no webpage is completely impenetrable to hacking attempts. An inexpensive internet hosting company should provide fast and stable internet hosting, as effectively as the assure of fast action and the usage of backups in the occasion of a web site or a server going down. If you’re not sure about a selected net host’s uptime guarantees, be at liberty to search for opinions of their services on hosting boards, and/or contact the corporate directly to get clarification.
Sq.: The frequent measurement for roof area. find out here
Rafters: The supporting framing to which a roof deck is attached. Rake: The inclined edge of a roof over a wall. Ridge: The top edge of two intersecting sloping roof surfaces. Sheathing: The boards or sheet supplies which might be fastened to rafters to cover a house or building. Slope: Measured by rise in inches for every 12 inches of horizontal run: A roof with a four-in-12 slope rises four inches for each foot of horizontal distance. Square: The widespread measurement for roof area. Organic shingles consist of a cellulose-fiber (i.e., wooden) base that is saturated with asphalt and coated with colored mineral granules. Fiberglass shingles encompass a fiberglass mat, top-and-bottom layers of asphalt, and mineral granules. Asphalt shingles’ fire resistances, like most different roofing materials (explanation), are categorized by Class A, B or C. Class A signifies probably the most fireplace-resistant; Lessons B and C denote less fireplace resistance. Generally, most fiberglass shingles have Class A fire rankings, and most natural shingles have Class C ratings. A shingle’s reinforcement has little effect on its appearance.

License: make sure that the roofing contractor complies with the licensing requirements. Ask with regard to business permit numbers as well as info on the group which provides the service provider. Then search advice from local authorities our bodies to see how the corporate compiles together with laws. Insurance Protection: A service provider ought to have worker’s compensation as well as normal legal duty insurance. Ask for the title and deal with of the insurance company, together with a duplicate of the company’s insurance coverage certification. If you are planning to get thatched roofing finished for your home or workplace, then the first thing you’ve to think about is its compatibility with the surroundings there. As an example, thatching doesn’t work so properly if it snows. In case of humid or moisture accumulation, common upkeep will be capable to strengthen the roof. High ranges of atmospheric humidity and robust wind may lead to faster decay of the roof. Normally thatched roofing once carried out would have lasted for around fifty years, with repairing or re-thatching.
In addition they come in sheets, shingles, and tiles. The industry continues to advance, that means homeowners have plenty of choices to choose from. It’s wind resistant. Panels are put together in an interwoven pattern that is right for high wind zones. This implies much less likelihood for harm and the much less probably probability homeowners would require a costly repair. It will not catch fire. As a result of they’re flammable, different roof supplies are responsible of aiding within the spread of residence and neighborhood fires. Asphalt and cedar may catch fire from stray sparks that come out of a chimney or from a flame that comes from a neighboring property. When will the job begin and end? Will the roofer clean up when finished? Is clean-up part of the total cost? If it’s not included, ask so as to add it in as a contingency of fee (not that you can pay additional for it). Don’t soar at the bottom bidder. If all bids are inside 20 p.c of each other, the low bid may be Ok. Compare what each roofer is offering to do. Make sure there aren’t any hidden costs or extras.
Sydney firm photographers are also able to set up a portable studio on the small business premises to photograph employee headshots and portraits for inside publications or intranet identification functions. In route of the cease of the yr, Sydney company photographers are hired for common occasion images uses to grab their Xmas functions. Company Xmas events can each be an ‘adults solely’ affair or possibly a family affair. Both approach, the Sydney corporate photographer is employed to grab pics to the workers to take pleasure in and keep in mind the celebration to enhance personnel morale within the workplace. If hiring somebody you need to shop round and find someone with expertise installing your type of roof. If doing it yourself then it’s best to make sure that you understand exactly the best way to do it. Your roof is a crucial a part of your property. It protects your house and when it goes bad you’ll be able to end up with major injury to your own home and to your belongings inside. You could have to decide on a new roof with care. You should consider everything talked about above so you may make your best option possible.
This method provides many numerous benefits including quality insulation and low maintenance. It has natural waterproofing properties, which when applied to the roof, are passed to the surface. In addition, this material is mostly lightweight and quite durable. The application typically lasts a very long time, however just like another material, it may well become broken over time. In this article we’ll define the ins and outs of repair as pertaining to this type of roofing. These kits are usually discovered at most house enchancment stores. So if you are anxious about your roof and also you haven’t had a roof analysis by a professional in the final a number of years, listed here are three indicators you need to have to make that call in the present day. Signs of water injury: If you’re seeing signs of water injury of any sort on the inside of your own home, it’s actually time to name in roofing contractors for a bit of help. Whether or not you’ve really seen water dripping or you just suddenly seen a spot on your ceiling you hadn’t previously seen, often this indicates a critical problem that must be addressed immediately. Shingle granules in your yard: Noticing what looks to be massive grains of sand in your yard, driveway, or anywhere else around your house also signifies a reasonably critical problem.
Source: https://railwaysleepersblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/06/5-things-you-should-know-before-getting-into-the-roofing-industry/
0 notes
As I sit on the train on the journey back from Heathrow I can’t actually believe our honeymoon is already over. We stayed for 5 days in New York, and with the time difference it worked out that we did a day in London beforehand too.
Getting to NYC was a bit of a nightmare, and the flight back wasn’t much better, but the rest has been totally and utterly fabulous. It’s been a whirlwind of travel and people and sightseeing and noise and VERY cold weather, and I’m absolutely exhausted, but it was a wonderful experience. My back aches, my feet and legs hurt, my gloves are shredded but my phone and The Bloke’s camera are now full of pictures and I have a million memories to cherish and write about.
Here were just some of the highlights…
Staying at a fabulous Premier Inn near Heathrow the night before our flight – it was huge, ridiculously cheap and far better than the ones in the centre of London.
Having my bag fully searched and swabbed for drug residue at Heathrow – it happens every single time that I fly. Not a highlight as such, but it did make me smile. I must have a dodgy face…
Getting a free train ride on the LIRR Train to Penn Station as we used the wrong tickets. The ticket inspector must have felt sorry for us as he didn’t charge us, he just simply told us we had the wrong tickets and walked off.
The location of the hotel – just one block away from Times Square.
Eating a sesame seed bagel with cream cheese every morning for breakfast at the hotel, and then to save some money, taking one each with us for our lunch too.
Watching a couple who had just got married pose for photographs in Grand Central Station with their wedding party.
Grand Central on the first night
Times Square at about 6.00am, just because…
Sunrise down West 46th Street
Being asked by a group of Americans from Ohio what the building we were looking at was. It was the Empire State Building… They weren’t joking.
Discovering that the McDonalds do ALL DAY BREAKFASTS. Honeymoon or not, I indulged in a sausage McMuffin more times than I should probably mention… Yes, a McDonalds sausage McMuffin, before the smutty comments start…
Going to Times Square at 5.30am when there was virtually nobody there and then watching the sun rise down East 46th Street.
Standing in front of the Monet at the MOMA.
Monet’s Waterlillies at the MOMA
Visiting Tiffany’s, having a nice chat with the lift operator and adopting my inner Audrey Hepburn, without the croissant.
Deceiving the squirrels in Central Park into thinking that I had food for them. I didn’t, but it took them all while to catch on, by which point they had come close enough for me to give them individual names and take pictures.
Seeing my first ever wild racoon. It looked like it was up to no good, but it was incredibly cute!
The Temple of Dendur at The Met
A friendly squirrel – I called him Arthur. He looked like an Arthur.
The view from inside the MOMA
Sitting by the Temple of Dendur and then embarrassing The Bloke around the Egyptian exhibits in The Met – museums are always a source of fun and amusement whenever we go to one…
Drinking a cocktail on the rooftop bar of our hotel and toasting to the memory of our friend, Jan.
Watching the sunset from The Top of the Rock. Incredibly romantic – I think this was my favourite bit.
The sunset just disappearing and the view of the city from the Top of the Rock
Discovering an abundance of Snapple and proper pink lemonade. It’s not as easy to find in the UK, and it’s much more expensive.
Standing outside The Nederlander Theatre (the original home of RENT) with the opening song in my head.
Having a lovely chat with Alexander, the Empire State guard on the viewing deck while I got over my initial fear of the height…
One of the smaller rooms in Tiffany’s
The Bloke at The Top of the Rock
The crowd gathering at sunset at The Top of the Rock
Making our way down to the FDNY 8 building that was used for the Ghostbusters film, only to discover that it is having a major revamp and completely covered in scaffolding to the point we could only see the bottom part. Nobody is going to be calling the Ghostbusters anytime soon.
Paying our respects at the 9/11 memorial. The last time I visited New York, Tower 1 had just started to be constructed and the pools were still an enormous building site, so it was lovely to see it finished and looking beautiful. I couldn’t quite understand the people standing around them while smiling and taking selfies though – that didn’t seem right to me.
Bricking myself as I was eagerly approached by a drugs dog at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, (despite the fact that I’ve never touched drugs in my life) only to discover that it wanted to play with the large woolly bobble of my hat that I was carrying in my hand. It’s handler just said ‘that’s not for you’ and pulled it away.
The Kreisler from the Empire State
FDNY 8 – The Ghostbusters Firehouse was undergoing a complete revamp. Gutted.
Alexander, the lovely guard at the top of the Empire State building
Seeing the skyline of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry.
Feeling like I was on a movie set when I saw the classic Brooklyn Bridge shot with Manhattan in the background.
Pano across Madison Square Park and the Flatiron Building
Witnessing the most ridiculous posturing and posing by teen wannabe Instagrammers at Brooklyn Park. The Bloke and I joined in…
Laughing at the further posturing and posing as we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, listening to the cyclists yell at the tourists to get out of the bike lane and seeing the sunset over the Statue of Liberty.
The classic Instagram shot of the Manhatten Bridge from near Brooklyn Park
The Bloke and I putting the Instagrammers to shame with our selfie skills
Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge
Figuring out the Subway system… sort of.
Sitting on a bench in the B & H technology store while The Bloke went and got his geek on amongst all the camera equipment he wants.
Watching The Bloke attempt to use the chocolate dispensers at the M&M store, and accidentally ending up with about 2 lbs of them in a bag.
Walking along part of the High Line and then along the side of the Hudson River to see the U.S.S. Intrepid on a gloriously sunny day, even though it was freezing.
The Highline
The Nederlander Theatre, original home of RENT
The Bloke getting far too many M&M’s at the store on Times Square
Watching a group of guys perform semi-acrobatic moves around the poles on the subway.
Seeing actor Paul Kaye at Euston while waiting for our train home
Special mentions to the people who helped us out when they didn’t have to or who were just very nice:
The awesome man with the strong Brooklyn accent who appeared out of nowhere and told us the best subway route to get to Brooklyn from the Staten Island Ferry.
The friendly man who told The Bloke that he should ‘marry me again’ when we gave money to his charity.
The really nice young couple who wanted us to take a picture for them as they posed at the Top of The Rock.
The lovely lady with a child in a pram who showed us how to find the start of the Brooklyn Bridge path.
The kind man who stopped to ask us if we needed help when we were clearly lost on the way back to JFK.
A lovely woman named Kelly from Virginia who was visiting with her sister and 82 year old mother. They had been to see Bette Midler perform in Hello Dolly and were completely overawed.
Central Park
We did have a couple of negative experiences with the locals, particularly with snobby people in Central Park, the staff at the New York Public Library who were INCREDIBLY rude and an idiot who waited until The Bloke and I got into a revolving door and then pushed it really hard and laughed as it slammed into us. I stumbled a bit but neither of us were hurt, thank goodness. However, in a city of over 8.5 million people, to say that there were only a few negative incidents, (and all but one were silly and minor) is an incredible thing. It was a lot more clean than I expected it to be and I felt safe (although it probably helped that I had a 6’3″ man walking next to me). I was warned in advance that New Yorkers are quite abrupt and rude in their interactions, but I found that most people just kept to themselves.
And now we’re home I’m already thinking about our next trip… I just need a month off for my feet to recover.
The Brooklyn Bridge and Manhatten skyline
All images in this post are my own and are not available for use
The Honeymoon: NYC 2017 As I sit on the train on the journey back from Heathrow I can't actually believe our honeymoon is already over.
#blog#bloggers#blogging#Experiences#fun#happiness#Honeymoon#inspiration#life#love#New York#NYC#Photography#travel
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Houses For Sale in Tomkins Cove, NY
465 N Liberty Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $300000
This Single-Family Home is located at 465 North Liberty Drive, Tomkins Cove, NY. 465 N Liberty Dr is in the 10986 ZIP code in Tomkins Cove, NY. The average listing price for ZIP code 10986 is $482,399. 465 N Liberty Dr has 1 bed, 2 baths, approximately 1,064 square feet, and was built in 1927
28 Soluri Ln, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $559900
This is it your opportunity to do a little updating and add the finishing touches to this amazing home in the private community of Rising Hills Estates, located in Tomkins Cove, NY. Offering 5 acres of privacy, this approximate 3500 sq ft home is awaiting you to make it an oasis. The home offers a gourmet eat in kitchen equipped with cherry cabs, granite, 48″ professional Wolf range, 48″ Kitchenaid refrigerator; 3 bedrooms plus a 17′ x 46′ master bedroom with 12″ ceiling, special sound proofing, built in marble makeup desk, 4 closets plus the master bath with radiant heated floors, jet soaking tub w/flat screen TV and multi spray shower with granite seat and steam unit. Multi zone heating, solid wood doors throughout, separate walk up stairs to unfinished extra space, walk up stairs to attic, security system, electrical run throughout backyard and so many more amenities. This home was built solid with preparations to make it so much more. Come make it home!
8 Skahen Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $850000
Colonial/Contemporary Home with Stunning Hudson River Views. Grand Foyer, Living Room with Fireplace and 30′ Vaulted ceilings, Formal Dining Room, 4 Bedrooms includes Master Bedroom Suite with Fireplace and Whirlpool Tub. Easy to maintain home with Hardwood floors throughout, 3 full baths and 1 half baths, Central Air, Eat-in Kitchen with gorgeous Granite counter-tops and Stainless Steel Appliance. 10 min to PIP. 20-25 minutes to Suffern train. And much, much more!
4 Skahen Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $569900
PRIVATE, SPACIOUS SCENIC & FABULOUS-This contemporary cedar & stone colonial is breathtaking,night & day From the huge Trex deck, soak in the natural setting of almost 5 pastoral acres. Dramatic night lighting offers a beautiful ethereal look.Inside large rooms show off the approximately 4323 sq.ft of living space.A 27x 15 kitchen has both a peninsula & island,18 vaulted ceilings, wood flrs, subzero &too many cabinets to fill.The master includes a spa bath w/whirlpool,walk-in closets, dressing area+study.Living & adjacent Family rooms share a double-sided stone fireplace & great open fl oor plan.Also on the main level is a 2nd Family room, additional office or bedroom & full bath–it’s ideal for extended family.Upstairs are 3 large bedrooms, full bath & library.Additional expansion is possible in the attic.The 3-car garage & full basement provide excellent storage.Located near Ferry minutes to NYC, Patriots Hill golf, Harriman Park, Bear Mountain, West Point & more. Come see.
101 Buckberg Mountain Rd, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $414900
prime colonial in a quiet and serene settinggreat floor plan with open kitchen to dining room and spilling over to living room, kitchen with center island and stainless steel appliances. master bedroom with huge walk in closet and beautiful new master-bath, newly finished lower level makes this home perfect for fun timestaxes with basic star discount are $14,991..
452 N Liberty Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $425000
AMAZINGLY MAINTANED LEGAL 4 FAMILIES, WITH GREAT TENANTS OCCUPYING THEM. 4 apts. 2 separate homes – 2 apt in each home. Great view of the Hudson!! Rent roll of $4,700 a month, fully rented. Spacious move in ready legal 4 family home, beautifully renovated in 2015 Great private yard, close to public transportation, and shopping, parking for approximately 5+cars, with many possibilities. This unique investment property will not last in the sought.
90 Mott Farm Rd, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $279000
REO Occupied – the seller does not represent or guarantee occupancy status. NO VIEWINGS of this property. Please DO NOT DISTURB the occupant. “As is” cash only sale with no contingencies or inspections. Buyer will be responsible for obtaining possession of the property upon closing. The property at 90 Mott Farm Rd, Tomkins Cove, New York is a Residential Single Family property with 3 bedroom(s) and 2.0 bathroom(s), built in 1970 and is 2970 square feet. Live bidding is ACTIVE for this property, sold in “as is” condition with no contingencies or warranties. Cash only. Make your bid now!
3 Hawk Nest Rd, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $449999
Move your family right into this fabulous colonial. Situated on almost an acre of land. This home features vaulted ceilings 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths updated kitchen with granite counters, stainless steel appliances updated baths. Open floor plan, gas fireplace located in family room with large windows throughout for natural light. Full finished basement with additional rooms for storage or work out area. Oversized 2 car attached garage. This is a House you don’t want to miss out on!!!!!!
8 Lighthouse Ct, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $274900
Ready To Move In . Spacious Home Features Open Floor Plan- Skylights In Kitchen, 3 Bedrooms -2 Baths, Hardwood Floors. Sliding Doors On Lower Level To Private Back Yard. Home Has Been Freshly Painted, New Carpet. Convenient Location To Shopping & Transportation. This Is A Fannie Mae Homepath Property
379 N Liberty Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $299000
Make This Splendid, Well Maintained Home Your Own For 2017!!! This Charming Home Has Impressively Beautiful Hudson River ViewsWith Cathedral Ceiling, Unique Stained Glasswork, Anderson Windows Throughout, French Doors And Hardwood Floors, This Home Is A Must See. Versatile Living Space For Den, Office And Bedroom On The First Floor. Great For Entertaining GuestsThis Home Has A Newly Renovated Eat-In Kitchen, Including Stainless Steel Appliances, Engineered Wood And Slate Flooring. Enjoy The Sun, Summer Breeze, Greenery, And All Of The Scenic Views The Hudson Valley Has To Offer With Your Very Own Gazebo. Home Completely Gutted And Renovated In 1990, Including Plumbing,Electric, Siding And Roofing. Kitchen And Living Room Recently Renovated In 2009. Come See The Best Deal In Tomkins Cove!!!!!
2 Katavolos Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $129500
Approved 1.02 acre lot for single family home with Hudson River views.
18 Dunderberg Rd, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $339900
ATTENTION Mother/Daughter Buyers! THE BEST value in North Rockland Schools with a legal accessory apartment is now on the market! Did we mention it is the lowest priced home in a neighborhood full of more expensive homes! Sited on a beautiful flat lot with an expansive backyard – this young Center Hall Colonial is well situated in Dunderberg Estates! A collection of luxury homes in a quiet sub-division! Spacious and clean – this home needs minimal cosmetics to make it a warm and cozy abode for you and your family! Fantastic 2-story in-law suite with 1-bedroom! 4 Beds/2.5 Baths in main h ome! Partially finished basement with walk-out to rear yard! Cathedral ceilings and catwalk over the family room attached to the EIK! Quiet beautiful location – hear the birds and nature while you sip your morning coffee on the deck! Sold As-Is. Purchaser to execute bank addendums and pay NYS Transfer Tax ($4/$1,000).
3 Thunder Mountain Rd, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $189000
Home located in rural Tomkins Cove. One bedroom Ranch addition added to original 3 bedroom colonial home. Plenty of room for homeowner. Babbling brook on property, nature lovers delight. With a little work this can be a nice home. This is an approved short sale.Can get approval to close quickly.
12 Hudsonview Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $24995
PRIME LOT in Tomkins Lake Community. TWO Variances (280A and front yard variance) required for building approval Survey available. Colonial plans submitted to town of Stony Point for a 2800 sq ft house with walk-out basement, 4 bdrms, 3 bths, 2 car garage. Priced for a quick sale!
453 N Liberty Dr, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $95000
BUILD TO SUIT!! 1.5 Acres flat and wooded property. Up on top of property you can see seasonal water views.
34 River Rd, Tomkins Cove, NY
Price: $179900
Spacious home -river views-Can make this your own with a little TLC. Near State park land, nature trails .Good investment
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-tomkins-cove-ny-2/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158183194545
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THE next morning we fell early to work, for the transportation of this great mass of gold near a mile by land to the beach, and thence three miles by boat to the HISPANIOLA, was a considerable task for so small a number of workmen. The three fellows still abroad upon the island did not greatly trouble us; a single sentry on the shoulder of the hill was sufficient to ensure us against any sudden onslaught, and we thought, besides, they had had more than enough of fighting. Therefore the work was pushed on briskly. Gray and Ben Gunn came and went with the boat, while the rest during their absences piled treasure on the beach. Two of the bars, slung in a rope's end, made a good load for a grown man - one that he was glad to walk slowly with. For my part, as I was not much use at carrying, I was kept busy all day in the cave packing the minted money into bread-bags. It was a strange collection, like Billy Bones's hoard for the diversity of coinage, but so much larger and so much more varied that I think I never had more pleasure than in sorting them. English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Georges, and Louises, doubloons and double guineas and moidores and sequins, the pictures of all the kings of Europe for the last hundred years, strange Oriental pieces stamped with what looked like wisps of string or bits of spider's web, round pieces and square pieces, and pieces bored through the middle, as if to wear them round your neck - nearly every variety of money in the world must, I think, have found a place in that collection; and for number, I am sure they were like autumn leaves, so that my back ached with stooping and my fingers with sorting them out. Day after day this work went on; by every evening a fortune had been stowed aboard, but there was another fortune waiting for the morrow; and all this time we heard nothing of the three surviving mutineers. At last - I think it was on the third night - the doctor and I were strolling on the shoulder of the hill where it overlooks the lowlands of the isle, when, from out the thick darkness below, the wind brought us a noise between shrieking and singing. It was only a snatch that reached our ears, followed by the former silence. "Heaven forgive them," said the doctor; "'tis the mutineers!" "All drunk, sir," struck in the voice of Silver from behind us. Silver, I should say, was allowed his entire liberty, and in spite of daily rebuffs, seemed to regard himself once more as quite a privileged and friendly dependent. Indeed, it was remarkable how well he bore these slights and with what unwearying politeness he kept on trying to ingratiate himself with all. Yet, I think, none treated him better than a dog, unless it was Ben Gunn, who was still terribly afraid of his old quartermaster, or myself, who had really something to thank him for; although for that matter, I suppose, I had reason to think even worse of him than anybody else, for I had seen him meditating a fresh treachery upon the plateau. Accordingly, it was pretty gruffly that the doctor answered him. "Drunk or raving," said he. "Right you were, sir," replied Silver; "and precious little odds which, to you and me." "I suppose you would hardly ask me to call you a humane man," returned the doctor with a sneer, "and so my feelings may surprise you, Master Silver. But if I were sure they were raving - as I am morally certain one, at least, of them is down with fever - I should leave this camp, and at whatever risk to my own carcass, take them the assistance of my skill." "Ask your pardon, sir, you would be very wrong," quoth Silver. "You would lose your precious life, and you may lay to that. I'm on your side now, hand and glove; and I shouldn't wish for to see the party weakened, let alone yourself, seeing as I know what I owes you. But these men down there, they couldn't keep their word-no, not supposing they wished to; and what's more, they couldn't believe as you could." "No," said the doctor. "You're the man to keep your word, we know that." Well, that was about the last news we had of the three pirates. Only once we heard a gunshot a great way off and supposed them to be hunting. A council was held, and it was decided that we must desert them on the island - to the huge glee, I must say, of Ben Gunn, and with the strong approval of Gray. We left a good stock of powder and shot, the bulk of the salt goat, a few medicines, and some other necessaries, tools, clothing, a spare sail, a fathom or two of rope, and by the particular desire of the doctor, a handsome present of tobacco. That was about our last doing on the island. Before that, we had got the treasure stowed and had shipped enough water and the remainder of the goat meat in case of any distress; and at last, one fine morning, we weighed anchor, which was about all that we could manage, and stood out of North Inlet, the same colours flying that the captain had flown and fought under at the palisade. The three fellows must have been watching us closer than we thought for, as we soon had proved. For coming through the narrows, we had to lie very near the southern point, and there we saw all three of them kneeling together on a spit of sand, with their arms raised in supplication. It went to all our hearts, I think, to leave them in that wretched state; but we could not risk another mutiny; and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness. The doctor hailed them and told them of the stores we had left, and where they were to find them. But they continued to call us by name and appeal to us, for God's sake, to be merciful and not leave them to die in such a place. At last, seeing the ship still bore on her course and was now swiftly drawing out of earshot, one of them - I know not which it was - leapt to his feet with a hoarse cry, whipped his musket to his shoulder, and sent a shot whistling over Silver's head and through the main-sail. After that, we kept under cover of the bulwarks, and when next I looked out they had disappeared from the spit, and the spit itself had almost melted out of sight in the growing distance. That was, at least, the end of that; and before noon, to my inexpressible joy, the highest rock of Treasure Island had sunk into the blue round of sea. We were so short of men that everyone on board had to bear a hand - only the captain lying on a mattress in the stern and giving his orders, for though greatly recovered he was still in want of quiet. We laid her head for the nearest port in Spanish America, for we could not risk the voyage home without fresh hands; and as it was, what with baffling winds and a couple of fresh gales, we were all worn out before we reached it. It was just at sundown when we cast anchor in a most beautiful land-locked gulf, and were immediately surrounded by shore boats full of Negroes and Mexican Indians and half-bloods selling fruits and vegetables and offering to dive for bits of money. The sight of so many good-humoured faces (especially the blacks), the taste of the tropical fruits, and above all the lights that began to shine in the town made a most charming contrast to our dark and bloody sojourn on the island; and the doctor and the squire, taking me along with them, went ashore to pass the early part of the night. Here they met the captain of an English man-ofwar, fell in talk with him, went on board his ship, and, in short, had so agreeable a time that day was breaking when we came alongside the HISPANIOLA. Ben Gunn was on deck alone, and as soon as we came on board he began, with wonderful contortions, to make us a confession. Silver was gone. The maroon had connived at his escape in a shore boat some hours ago, and he now assured us he had only done so to preserve our lives, which would certainly have been forfeit if "that man with the one leg had stayed aboard." But this was not all. The sea-cook had not gone emptyhanded. He had cut through a bulkhead unobserved and had removed one of the sacks of coin, worth perhaps three or four hundred guineas, to help him on his further wanderings. I think we were all pleased to be so cheaply quit of him. Well, to make a long story short, we got a few hands on board, made a good cruise home, and the HISPANIOLA reached Bristol just as Mr. Blandly was beginning to think of fitting out her consort. Five men only of those who had sailed returned with her. "Drink and the devil had done for the rest," with a vengeance, although, to be sure, we were not quite in so bad a case as that other ship they sang about: With one man of her crew alive, What put to sea with seventy-five. All of us had an ample share of the treasure and used it wisely or foolishly, according to our natures. Captain Smollett is now retired from the sea. Gray not only saved his money, but being suddenly smit with the desire to rise, also studied his profession, and he is now mate and part owner of a fine full-rigged ship, married besides, and the father of a family. As for Ben Gunn, he got a thousand pounds, which he spent or lost in three weeks, or to be more exact, in nineteen days, for he was back begging on the twentieth. Then he was given a lodge to keep, exactly as he had feared upon the island; and he still lives, a great favourite, though something of a butt, with the country boys, and a notable singer in church on Sundays and saints' days. Of Silver we have heard no more. That formidable seafaring man with one leg has at last gone clean out of my life; but I dare say he met his old Negress, and perhaps still lives in comfort with her and Captain Flint. It is to be hoped so, I suppose, for his chances of comfort in another world are very small. The bar silver and the arms still lie, for all that I know, where Flint buried them; and certainly they shall lie there for me. Oxen and wain-ropes would not bring me back again to that accursed island; and the worst dreams that ever I have are when I hear the surf booming about its coasts or start upright in bed with the sharp voice of Captain Flint still ringing in my ears: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!"
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