#December the 25th
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burningthrucelluloid · 4 months ago
Christmas Carol-cember, Day 7
“What the dickens have they done to Scrooge?”
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That was the tagline for this 1970 movie created to capitalize on the success of the 1968 Oscar-winning “Oliver!” Even going so far as to film at Shepperton Studios for the same sets. 
Fun fact, the 1984 Christmas Carol was also filmed at Shepperton.
By 1970, the movie musical genre seemed to be on death’s door. While there were the occasional box office hits like “West Side Story,” “My Fair Lady," “Mary Poppins,” or “The Sound of Music” most audiences in the late 60s were not hip to them anymore. For an audience disenchanted by the images of Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement and the Counterculture movement on their television sets, a new breed of filmmakers came along to provide more challenging films that appealed to this generation who wanted films that tackled with what they were experiencing in real life. Such films as “Bonnie & Clyde,” “In The Heat of the Night,” “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” and “Midnight Cowboy” are just a handful of the films at this time that found audiences who clamored for them and opened the doors for the filmmaking revolution for the 1970s.
In that same time frame while the aforementioned filmed garnered critical and financial acclaim, the traditional movie musical became some of the biggest movie bombs, notably 1967’s “Camelot” and 1969’s “Hello Dolly!” and “Paint Your Wagon” come specifically to mind, with prominent blame to 1967’s "Doctor Doolittle” for being a massive box office disaster for 20th Century Fox.
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Musicals still found an audience, but when they did, they were less extravagant than the Hollywood musicals of old. The Beatles’ “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Help!” radically served as an influential gateway to the birth of music videos that would find it’s way to MTV. Bob Fosse’s “Cabaret” broke the movie musical conventions intentionally by making the songs diagetic solely to be performed with the world of the story rather than being non-diagetic as most musicals did.
The genre would evolve, but for this awkward period between the late 60’s and the early 70s, there wasn’t that much demand for a movie musical and even when you had one, it didn’t try to break the bank for the studios.
But I’m getting sidetracked by film history.
Let’s shift gears back to this 1970 film with 5-time Oscar nominee Albert Finney donning heavy old man makeup and having to sing and dance in this very curious adaptation.
I can understand the idea to take this classic story and turn it into a musical. If a musical about America’s founding fathers can be a cultural touchstone of success, why not try that with Charles Dickens?
For the most part, the soundtrack is hit or miss, though I was surprised to see how many of the songs have found its way into the echelon of Christmas music. “December the 25th” has been used by the Disney Company for events, “Sing a Christmas Carol” was performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the song that garnered the movie an Oscar nomination, “Thank You Very Much."
Though even for a musical, its tone is weird. 
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Fans of this adaptation defend it by calling it a black comedy. I suppose that’s as accurate as one can get to describe the decisions made by the filmmakers that are pretty obvious upon reflection. Notably in the sequence for the song “Thank You Very Much” where Scrooge assumes everyone is praising him for being a great guy, totally oblivious that everyone is actually spitting insults on his coffin as it’s being wheeled through the streets to a large crowd dancing on a closed set.
And then there’s Albert Finney.
Finney was a fantastic actor in his lifetime, effortlessly able to slip into any role he was presented with. His performance as Scrooge is no different, but he plays him off as so cartoonishly over the top, he makes Tori Spelling and Scrooge McDuck look subtle. Yet to his credit, he’s not a bad singer and he is able to keep a tune and perform the music numbers with the energy required. I especially find the song “I Hate People” far more revealing of Scrooge’s personality than previous iterations I’ve spotlighted before as this song exposes his cynicism towards the world yet expositing that his beliefs are the right ones. Beliefs that are challenged over the course of his journey of self-reflection that he starts to face his own twisted worldview.
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Though, and I admit this is a me problem, but I can hardly understand a word he says with the voice he chose for this performance. I read that he went through training to perform with vocal inflections to do this character, but it only makes it harder to understand him. It’s not quite mumbling but it’s like trying to sing with sand in your mouth, it only leaves it off-putting. Though like I said, even when I can hear him, it’s clear he’s keeping with the tempo of the song, this is most notable with the song “I Like Life” that has plenty of lyrical traps to trip anyone up.
But that’s not what people best remember about this movie.
They remember it for the one scene that never makes it into any other adaptation.
Scrooge goes to Hell.
During the sequence of the Ghost of Christmas Future, upon seeing his grave, he’s pushed in and falls until he arrives in Hell. He is then escorted by Jacob Marley, played by a very raspy but also very cheeky Alec Guinness, who takes him to a frost-covered counting house (Lucifer turned off the heat so Scrooge wouldn’t get drowsy) to spend eternity working the Devil’s accounting clerk while covered in chains so massive he can’t even stand up. Marley warns him to “mind the rats” and when Scrooge begs for help, Marley just closes the door, gives a wave and retorts “Bah Humbug."
I did not make up any of that.
And it is just as hilarious as I made that out to be.
So for anyone wondering where Burney Mattinson and his animation team at Disney got the idea for Scrooge McDuck being pushed into an open grave that lead to the flames of Hell, here you go.
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I admit that first time I watched this, I didn’t really like it. 
It bears the problem that I have with a lot of movie musical from this time period: over-produced and too extravagant with large choreographed dancing crowds with long shots to get the crowds that only expose how limited the set is. Coupled with some songs that don’t exactly reveal anything about the characters and they just drag out the runtime.
Giving it another chance, I still found myself looking at my watch as the film dragged on. Some songs I did like more a second time around than I did a first time and Albert Finney’s Scrooge grew on me a bit more now that I recognized what the film was trying to do.
That said, I see this film as a relic. A relic of a genre of film that was in a much needed overhaul for a new audience but still desperately holding onto these conventions that were proven hit-makers decades before. It’s not a movie without merit, but I’ve seen musicals that are more focused and their songs do more to drive the plot than to grind it to a halt so you can watch people sing and dance for 5 minutes or more. The recent John M Chu film "Wicked" is proof of that. Take it or leave it, watch at your own expense.
“Scrooge 1970” is available for free on Pluto TV, Sling TV, and PLEX with streaming availability on MGM+ and Paramount+.
I’m also aware there is a 2022 animated remake on Netflix with Luke Evans in the role of Scrooge, but I’m not interested in covering it.
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Next week, we go into exploring the trend of A Christmas Carol as a musical and explore what the filmmakers achieve when you use music to tell the story.
Next time, we cover a Christmas Carol that involves more puppetry to tell it’s story.
Or perhaps…more “Muppetry?"
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crawfishcomic · 3 months ago
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year ago
They’ve made a lesbian adaptation of “Grease” where the greasers are butches and the pink ladies are femmes.
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epicthemusicalstuff · 3 months ago
Me on December 25th:
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thoselovelythings · 1 year ago
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rob-101753 · 3 months ago
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31st december megop jumpscare
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chalamet-chalamet · 3 months ago
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pendingnomdeplume · 3 months ago
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hold me hard and mellow pairing: hozier x female!reader rating: explicit (18+) tags: Miscommunications/Misunderstandings, Pining, Drunk Flirting, Drunk Sex words: 4.0k
[Read it on AO3]
title from Pillowtalk by Zayn divider by: sylusz
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Though your 30th birthday was months ago, it’s difficult to ignore some of the changes that aging has brought on. You’ve noticed a few new gray hairs sprouting where there were none before, and your cheeks have lost some of the cherubic plumpness that made you look like a high schooler attempting to swindle shops for alcohol every time you wanted a beer. These changes don’t bother you. In fact, you’re excited to look a little bit older, more like your actual age. 
What catches your attention is entirely different. Something embarrassing, really. Something that you’ve been mildly self-conscious of while living in a giant, moving tin can with several other people and absolutely no privacy.
It takes exactly one Google search to confirm what you already started to suspect. 
Why am I so aroused all the time??? 
The question marks aren’t necessary, but they feel right given how perplexed you are by this development. What’s returned is page after page of different threads and message boards, all filled with women over the age of 30 confirming that, yes, their libido also increased with age. In fact, it seems fairly commonplace for women to experience their sexual peak a little bit later in life. 
While you’re relieved that this phenomenon isn’t unusual, you’re still frustrated by the fact that you feel insatiable. There’s absolutely no time to take care of yourself as often as you’d like, no space with enough privacy to even try. Your bunk on the tour bus is your only sanctuary, but even then, the curtains are easily ripped from their velcro tabs, and someone is always awake when you’re at your most desperate. 
Hotel rooms aren’t any better. You always end up sharing the space, which you can’t begrudge anyone for, really. It’s a matter of pragmatism made up for by all of the other perks of touring with Hozier—or, Andrew, as he prefers from colleagues. 
Therein lies your other issue: Andrew is currently the bane of your entire fucking existence. Not for any malicious reason, it’s just…well, you have eyes, and he’s an attractive lad. A kind lad. Funny, sensitive, talented—the list goes on. But he’s Hozier, for Christ’s sake. If he’s not a household name by now, he’s very well on his way with the release of “Too Sweet,” perhaps to his chagrin. 
Honestly, it’s just a silly crush that you would handle a lot better were it not for the fact that you live within 20 feet of the man constantly. You’re either singing on stage behind him, or sitting a stone’s throw away from him on the bus. The only reprieve you get is on hotel nights, but even then, you’ve been dragged out for dinner and drinks on several occasions, somehow always ending up either seated directly across from him or squished into a booth next to him. 
Recently, you’ve been trying to maintain a reasonable distance. You’ve stepped out of rooms he’s entered, hidden around corners as he strides by, and recused yourself from group outings for your own peace. It’s not as though anything would ever come of your crush, and it’s better to maintain space than force yourself into proximity to him and suffer at the hands of your own libido.
Honestly, you never expected him to take notice. Sure, he’s kind to you, and he’ll strike up a conversation with you when he’s in the mood, but otherwise, you’ve always thought of yourself as inconsequential. Not like Alex or Rory who have been with him since the beginning. Not like Larissa who enmeshes themself into the fold with their radiating energy and charm, nor Kamilah who is the human embodiment of glee.  
Tonight is another night of planned avoidance. The group is getting ready to go out for dinner and enjoy their evening off before the show the next night. You’ve already declined the invitation in the group chat, already fended off Joy and Mel who follow you with exaggerated pouts and pleas. In the end, they respect your decision to stay behind and promise to bring something back for you. 
With the next few hours to yourself, you curl up in bed and crack open the same book you’ve been attempting to read for the past few days—some fantasy novel with a gratuitous amount of steamy, spicy scenes that are…a little silly, if you’re being honest. But it’s fun, nearly brainless entertainment. A dessert of a novel, or perhaps the after-dinner mint. 
A quiet, polite knock at the door startles you out of your reading not even 20 minutes later. You wonder if it’s Mel, if she forgot her damn room key again, and hop out of bed in your pajama shorts and tank top without another thought. 
When you open the door, you’re surprised to find that it’s Andrew on the other side, hands shoved into the pocket of his hoodie. 
“Oh, hey!” You greet, befuddlement obvious in your voice. “What’re you doing here? I thought you went out with everyone else.”
Andrew shakes his head. “Nah, I wasn’t feeling up for it tonight.”
“Ah.” There’s a few beats of silence as you stare at each other, until you finally ask, “Did…did you need something, or…?” Because, really, why the fuck is he here?
He’s quiet as he studies you, head tilting to one side. You’ve never been on the receiving end of his scrutiny before—at least, not that you’re aware of, anyway. It’s slightly intimidating, mostly because of his stature, but also because his attention is solely directed on you in a way you haven’t experienced previously. 
Finally, he lets out a little huff and asks, “Are you avoiding me?” 
Your eyes go wide and your mouth drops open. You quickly snap it shut, a flush already making your ears go hot.
“No! Of course not! What gave you that impression?” Lies, lies, lies, but what are you supposed to say to a question like that? 
Andrew looks rightfully unconvinced. “I just…haven’t seen you around lately.” 
He noticed?
“Right, yeah, uh…” You flounder for a response, rubbing your clammy palms against your shorts. “I’ve just—I’ve been busy, y’know? With stuff. And things.” 
“Stuff and things,” Andrew repeats back slowly with a half-smile. 
You nod, smile tightly. “Mhm. Stuff and things. Matters, even! And, um…affairs. States of affairs.” 
“Of course.” He nods sagely. “It just seems like one of those very important matters that you’re tending to might be avoiding me.” 
“Oh,” you reply lamely. “It’s—I’m not—” You’re beginning to panic, trying to think of anything to get out of this conversation that doesn’t involve slamming the door in his face. 
“Because you haven’t gone out with us in weeks,” he continues as you stammer. “And you’re fairly quick to leave any room that I enter. Or, is that just a coincidence?” 
Annoyance buzzes beneath your skin.
“There have been stranger occurrences, I’m sure,” you reply evenly.
“Right. I’m sure.” He pulls a grimace of a smile, lips pressed together tightly as he knocks once on the doorframe before taking a step back. He almost looks dejected, though that’s probably just wishful thinking on your part. 
You’re ready to close the door on him, ready to curl back up under the blankets and try to sleep off your embarrassment. Just as he begins to turn away, Andrew stops and turns back to you with a curious half-smile. 
“Would you like to go down to the hotel bar with me, then?” 
You blink. “What?” 
He shrugs easily, assuredly. “Since you’re not avoiding me, come down and get a drink with me.”
Anxiety grips your heart as your stomach flutters. It’s a bad idea. A terrible one, even. Being alone with Andrew under the influence of alcohol? You can only imagine that being a one-way ticket to a massive disaster that ends with you getting kicked off the tour entirely. God knows what dumb shite will spill out of your mouth the moment you start to feel loose.
His smile turns coy as he tilts his head. “Or I could always bring something up for you. They’ve a lovely wine list here.” 
You swallow, searching his face as he raises a questioning eyebrow at you. 
Finally, you sigh and let your head rest against the doorframe. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” 
Andrew laughs, shakes his head. “No. Unless you tell me to fuck off, of course.”
You can’t help but smile and shake your own head. “I would never. Can you give me a few minutes, though? I can’t go down looking like this.” 
He waits outside like a gentleman, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed. He smiles as you reappear in clothes more suitable for a public setting—merely a hoodie and a pair of jeans, but it’s good enough for a booth in the dimly lit, fairly empty hotel bar. 
You order a glass of blush wine, smirking when Andrew requests the bottle for the table instead. 
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” It’s light, airy, asked as a joke and nothing more. 
Andrew looks at you with a sly tilt of his head. “Trying to find reasons for you to stay a while.”
The answer stuns you, your face going pink as you avoid the waiter’s amused expression.
He orders a glass of Woodford Reserve, neat. When the waiter drops it off, he holds it out to you for a taste, and you hold out your wine glass in turn. The whiskey is bitter, spicy, and makes you cough into the crook of  your elbow as the amber liquid burns all the way down to your stomach. 
“Good lord,” you splutter as he grins at you. “That’ll put some hair on your chest.”
You study him as he sips from your wine glass, as he tilts his head in thought and nods to himself assuredly before commenting that it’s actually quite good despite blush wines not being his thing.
“So…” you start, hands folded on the table as you level his stare. 
“So…” he echoes as he rests his head in his hand, elbow planted firmly on the table. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
The question startles a laugh out of you. “Straight to it then, yeah?” 
He shrugs, takes another sip of his drink. “It’s not typically how I operate.” 
“Oh?” You tilt your head, an exaggeration of his own mannerisms. “And what makes me the lucky one to be graced with your focus and attention?”
Andrew chuckles. “I think you’re trying to dodge my question.” 
“And I think you’re trying to dodge mine.” You smirk before taking a sip from your glass. 
There’s a brief pause as he studies your face. “Honestly? I think my ego is a little bruised.” You raise an eyebrow at him, and he continues, “You can’t deny that you’re avoiding me, yeah? It’s been fairly obvious. And I…well, you've been on my mind, is all.” 
Once again, you’re stunned into silence. He’d been thinking of you? Apparently so, and often enough that he’s not only noticed the distance you’ve maintained from him, he’s actually hurt by it. The thought of hurting him at all makes your chest feel tight.
“It’s not personal,” you say weakly. 
“Feels personal,” he retorts. “Have I done something or said something to…I don’t know, make you not want to be around me?”
“No! No. Of course not.”
Andrew frowns. “I haven’t made you uncomfortable, have I? I try not to be too forward, but I suppose it’s the Pisces in me. Or something. Alex told me that once, I don’t know.” 
You blink. “You haven’t made me uncomfortable.” Not in the way he would expect, anyway.
His cheeks turn rosy as he runs a hand through his curls. He seems almost frustrated, as though your answers perplex him further. Andrew takes another sip from his drink, and you decide to follow suit, gulping down the last of your wine. Before you can even reach for it, Andrew takes the bottle and begins to pour a generous refill into your glass. 
You meet his eyes as he sets the bottle back down with a thud before bringing the glass up to your lips again. He watches you carefully, unable to maintain your stare as his eyes flit to your mouth, your throat, your fingers carefully curled around the stem. 
“Good. Grand.” He sighs. “If I haven’t made you…I mean, is there something else, then?” Your puzzled expression makes him frown. “Or, someone else, rather?”
The gears slowly begin to turn in your mind.
It must be your tone, the obvious confusion in your voice that clues him in, a look of understanding softening his features. Embarrassment quickly overtakes him as he covers his reddening face with a nervous laugh. 
“You—you’ve no idea what I’m—? Oh, Jesus…” He avoids your eyes as he slams back the remainder of his drink in one go, then sets the glass down with a wince and a grimace. “I think we may have a misunderstanding here.” 
Your own embarrassment has you speechless, mouth opening and closing as you process what he’s just said. Surely, he didn’t mean…? No, he couldn’t mean that, because things like that don’t just happen, at least not to you. Not when it’s Andrew of all people. 
It’s the wine that grips your throat and controls your voice, and you laugh incredulously as you ask, “Oh my god, do you have a crush on me?”
He groans into his hands, then smooths them back over his hair before collapsing onto the table with a laugh. His face is tinged pink with drunken embarrassment, and he smiles at you before turning to hide his face in his arms. 
“In no uncertain terms,” comes his muffled reply.
You laugh again and cover your own face, unsure of what to say. Your heart feels like it might beat out of your chest, your pulse thumping as a familiar heat begins to pool in your stomach. 
After a moment, Andrew lifts his head again and pulls himself from the table until he’s upright once more. His eyes are tinged red now, bloodshot from booze. Your own head swims as you rest your head in your hand and smile at him warmly. 
“D’you want to know why I was avoiding you?” You avert your gaze to the table, then sigh before the words tumble from your mouth. “Because you’re too fucking attractive. How am I supposed to get anything done when you walk around looking like this?”
He splutters a laugh as you gesture vaguely towards him. “Oh?” 
The wine bottle is nearly empty now as you encourage him to pour some for himself in the empty glass on the table.
“It’s terribly inconsiderate of you,” you hum, and you catch his grin before he takes a drink.
Andrew grins. “My apologies for being such a distraction. I’d no idea I caused such distress.” 
You chuckle and eye him coyly. “I wouldn’t necessarily call it distress.”
“What would you call it, then?”
“Hmm…” You scrunch your face as you pretend to think. “Intrigue, certainly...and the uncanny ability to make me—” 
“Anything else for you?” The waiter’s voice startles you both, and you whip your head up to look at him wondering how much of that he heard. If he’s heard anything, he doesn’t let on. Instead, he mostly looks bored, and you can see the black booklet in his hand that surely contains the check. 
Andrew is quick to take it and scribbles in his room number for the charge, nearly shoving the booklet back into the waiter’s hands with hasty thanks. 
You’re both drunk enough to make bad decisions that you know you’ll regret come morning, but it’s difficult to care about that when he’s pressing you back against the wall in the elevator and kissing you like you’re his only source of air. When his hands are all over you like you’re the only thing anchoring him to reality.
“C’mon,” he murmurs as the doors open to let you onto his floor. 
You stumble over yourself with a whispered, “Shit!” as he pulls you over the threshold of his room, and he laughs and apologizes before flipping a light on. 
Andrew is a messy creature, and his room looks as though his overnight bag spontaneously exploded while he was out. It’s weirdly charming, another reminder that he is, in fact, just a regular fucking guy with standard quirks. 
A thrill runs through you when he kisses you again, softer this time as he cradles your face in his hands. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” The question is sudden, his eyes wide as he searches for any hint of doubt. 
You’re quiet for a moment as you turn the question over in your mind. Even in an inebriated state, he’s still so concerned about your comfort, your consent. It’s unsurprising given how anxious he seems in general, but it’s sweet all the same. 
Finally, you rest a hand on his arm and look up at him with a smirk. “What I was saying earlier, about you and intrigue…well, you have a knack for making me weak in the knees, amongst other things. It’s typically based on your proximity, though.” 
You see his mouth turn up in a half-smile just before he crowds closer to you, pulling you flush against him as you wrap your arms around his neck and laugh into another kiss. 
“I don’t normally do this,” he breathes just before moving to kiss along your neck. 
“I feel like I should be the one saying that.” You gasp when he bites down, not hard enough to cause any truly lasting damage, but enough to know that you’ll still be wearing his marks come morning. A thrilling thought, though you’re sure you’ll be mobbed by the ladies and Larissa for details later on. 
Your hoodie is in the way, impeding his access, and he steps away to tug at the hem until you’re helping him peel it off. He stares at your chest, clearly surprised by your lack of bra and the way your nipples pebble beneath the thin fabric of your tank top. 
“In my defense,” you say with a smirk, “I didn’t expect all of this to happen.”
He laughs quietly as he walks you back towards the bed. “You’ll hear no complaints from me.” 
The sheets are rumpled and easily kicked away as you shuffle back on the mattress. Andrew drops kisses along chest, teeth grazing your skin and leaving little imprints. You squeak when he shoves your shirt up roughly, and he throws an apologetic look your way. 
“Sorry, just a bit enthusiastic,” he muses. 
You laugh, feeling breathless as his hands wander along your newly bared skin. 
“You’ll hear no complaints from me.” 
His responding laugh— a low, warm sound, sweet as honey—makes you blush. You gasp when he gently bites your nipple just before taking it into his mouth. It sends a shiver through you as he moves to the other, and you squirm beneath him, almost glad that you’re too drunk to really be embarrassed at the moment. 
Once your jeans are off and tossed away, Andrew freezes, his eyes greedily taking in your nearly nude body before snapping back up to meet your stare. He dips a hand beneath the waistband of your panties—a simple black pair without any details or flair, because you didn’t expect to have Andrew’s hand shoved into them like this.
He seems surprised to find you an already slick mess, his fingers dipping easily into you before pulling them back to rub your clit in slow circles. 
“I told you,” you huff a harsh laugh that breaks into a small moan. “Weak in the knees, amongst other things.” 
Andrew’s grin is obscured by his hair that curtains his face. He continues to touch you slowly, methodically, while capturing you in a kiss and swallowing down every little sound that escapes you. 
He breaks the kiss with a small gasp and asks, “What do you—how do you want to—?”
You’re far too impatient for anything that isn’t his cock inside of you right fucking now. You’re aching, feeling empty in a way that you have so many times over the past few weeks. Except this time, the object of your affections is stumbling over himself to rummage through his bag after you ask about protection. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you muse as he approaches you again with something square in hand. 
“So are you,” he shoots back, and he watches in awe as you slip your underwear off and cast them aside without batting an eye, emboldened.
He licks his lips before saying weakly, “Oh, you’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you?”
Andrew is far too impatient to remove everything, barely able to focus on even shoving his own jeans down and hastily rolling on a condom with shaky hands. 
The feeling as he presses into you is heavenly, so full, warm, and satisfying. You bury your face into the crook of his shoulder as he sets an even pace. The slick sound of your arousal makes you blush, but it’s obvious how much it spurs him on, delighting in your body’s reaction to him, his touch, his everything.
Weeks of wishing and wanting, and now you can’t hold back your moans as he fucks you the way you’ve imagined. You can feel the way he stretches you as he fills you, and he gasps when you clench around him. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, eyes screwing shut as he takes a deep breath. 
You reach up and brush a stray curl from his face. “Are you okay?”
When he opens his eyes, he gives you a little smile and a nod. “Yeah, yes, grand,” he huffs, then lets his head fall forward until his forehead rests against your shoulder. “You feel so fucking good.” 
He grips your thigh and squeezes gently, a silent bid to get your legs around him. 
At first, he’s slow, taking his time as he kisses you between breathy laughs and whispered swears. It isn’t until you murmur, “You don’t have to treat me so preciously,” in his ear that he hums and shifts to press your legs further, damn near folding you in half. But it’s good, so fucking good, and you can barely form a thought as your eyes roll back and flutter as he picks up his pace.
And, Jesus, how are you already so close to your peak? Another testament to your seemingly insatiable desire. You cry out when he rubs a thumb against your clit roughly, out of sync with his thrusts as you press back and grind against his palm.
The stimulation is enough to send you tumbling over the edge. Tears blur your vision as you let out small, sobbing moans against his neck. Each wave of pleasure has you clenching down around him.  and then he’s snapping his hips one, two, three more times before groaning in your ear while his cock twitches with his release.
Andrew is quick to collect you into his arms after collapsing next to you in bed. He reaches blindly for a blanket to tug over both of you, seemingly more of a courtesy than anything. You allow yourself to relax into him, nuzzling his shoulder before settling with your head on his chest. 
“Wow,” he says after his breathing has evened, and he laughs quietly as he squeezes you. 
“Yeah,” you hum.
There’s another stretch of silence, and your eyes begin to feel heavy as you follow the pattern of his breathing, feel the rise and fall of his chest. 
Another small laugh from him stirs you, and you look up at him questioningly. 
“We’re going to feel fucking awful tomorrow, aren’t we?” 
“Oh, yeah.”
“Is a hungover breakfast a proper first date, d’you think?” 
You grin at him and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Proper? No. But we haven’t done things by the book so far.”
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cla-oh · 3 months ago
✨Allen Walker✨
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Let just say Happy Birthday to Allen Walker, because he deserve all the love he can get, especially with all this things happening on the recent chapters 💀
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silliestcreature196 · 3 months ago
Its that time lads
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buwheal · 1 year ago
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Merry (Kris)mas
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months ago
Matt Smith seduced me into joining an evil vampire hivemind.
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epicthemusicalstuff · 4 months ago
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thoselovelythings · 1 year ago
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current-obsession-hoard · 1 year ago
Dec 20th and 25th you will not hear from me I will be ‘screaming sobbing perfect storms’
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phillips-sisters · 3 months ago
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Closeups of Savannah and Isla Phillips attending the annual Christmas Walk at Sandringham, December 25th 2024
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